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MBA 6503 Organizational Studies


Length: Up to 8 pages (double-spaced APA style)

Due: Dec 18 (digital copy via D2L)

Near the end of the 2000s, Domino’s was simply a struggling pizza company. In the
wake of an all-time low share price of less than $3/share, Domino’s CEO announced a
turnaround strategy for the company resulting in a complete transformation of the
company and unprecedented growth and success.

This assignment is loosely structured around a SWOT analysis. Since the case is focused
on one of the most successful corporate turnarounds in history, this assignment will focus
on the strengths and continued success of Domino’s. The questions are for guidance, it
is up to you to determine the most effective framework to present your analysis. Focus
on quality over quantity (do not provide a laundry list of responses); be selective and
integrate your responses.

Internal Strengths:

Since 2008, Domino’s evolved from a broken company to one of the most admired.
There are several key success factors that led to Domino’s turnaround such as product
development, customer experience and service, focused execution of strategy (and
structure), digital/data analytics, information technology, work processes, and brand
management and marketing campaigns. Domino’s has also implement a number of
innovative systems/coordination mechanism (such as PULSE, etc.) use of other digital
tools to improve analytics (sociotechnical systems). How does this all fit together to
create Domino’s successful turnaround? You may want to use frameworks discussed in
the articles to help arrange your analysis.


Domino’s operates in a highly competitive environment, with high threats of new

entrants, substitutes (lots of QSRs), and consumers having plenty of buying power.
Despite the external environment being staked up against Domino’s, it has managed to
thrive over the past decade. Whether its success will endure for the next 10 years remains
to be seen.

Compared to its competitors, what is/are the most significant weaknesses (internal)
and/or possible threats (External) facing Domino’s? What should they do to address it?

The Future (Opportunities)

What else should Domino’s do to ensure future success/prepare for the future?
MBA 6503 Organizational Studies

Supplementary Readings:

Your responses will be assess based on:

Thorough and succinct analysis

Quality and relevancy of evidence/sources used to support analysis
Organization of thought
References (APA style)

A few tips:

Make sure to cite your sources

Use headings/subheadings where appropriate
Diagrams/illustrations should be allocated to an appendix (and is not counted towards the
page allotment)
If you are introducing a concept, you do not have to provide much detail, just explain
how it applies/supports to your analysis
Provide context (e.g compare Domino’s to other QSRs/competitors such as Pizza Hut)

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