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A game by Connor Hogg

Content warning. This game deals with themes of death, violence, and survival. Please
make sure you are in the right headspace to play the game and if you need to leave the game at
any time. Remember this is just a game you can always comeback to it later. Your Wellbeing is
more important.

You are the last alive. You watched as the killer scalped your best
friend, pinned your partner to the wall with arrows, sliced your brother’ s
throat with his broken bong, and made a jack-o-lantern with your ex’s head.
Now you have to find a way to survive before you get found.

For setup place 2 dice in the player space and 2 dice in the slasher space. Set up the
slasher page with the slasher’s health and the hunt tracker, and the player page with health and

The main goal of the game is to either escape or kill the slasher, while they are hunting
you down . You start with 2 dice and on your turn, you pick a column. Either search, fight, or
escape BEFORE you roll the dice. Then you roll between as many of the dice as you like and
consult the table. After your resolve any dice that were used get passed to the slasher.

After you take your turn, it is the slashers turn to hunt. Roll All the dice in the Slasher
pool and consult the hunt table. When this is resolved check to see if win/loss conditions are
met. If they are not, give the dice used in the slasher’s hunt roll to the player. This process
continues until either the player or slasher win.

Win/Loss conditions.

The player wins when the following occurs.

1. The slasher is brought to 0 health

2. You escape by collecting the Pliers, Screwdriver, Hammer, Lockpick, Drill, and Wire

The Slasher wins when the following occurs.

1. The player is brought to 0 Health

2. The Slasher is able to hunt you down and the hunt counter hits 6

Search Fight Escape

1. Nothing Nothing Nothing

2. Bandage +2 health Nothing Nothing

3. Nothing Hit 1 Damage Pliers

4. Nothing Nothing Nothing

5. Nothing Hit 1 Damage Nothing

6. Frying pan +1 attack Nothing Nothing

7. Nothing Nothing Nothing

8. Map +/- 1 to next roll Hit 1 Damage Screwdriver

9. Pain killers +3 health Nothing Nothing

10. Nothing Nothing Nothing

11. Knife + 2 Attack Hit 2 damage Nothing

12. Nothing Nothing Hammer

13. Nothing Hit 1 Damage Nothing

14. Baseball Bat +3 attack Hit 3 Damage Nothing

15. Nothing Nothing Lockpick

16. Compass +/- 2 to next roll Nothing Nothing

17. Nothing Hit 2 Damage Nothing

18. Splint +3 Health Nothing Nothing

19. Nothing Hit 2 Damage Drill

20. First aid kit + 4 Health Hit 3 Damage Nothing

21. Nothing Hit 4 Damage Nothing

22. GPS +/- 3 to next roll Hit 2 Damage Nothing

23. Nothing Hit 3 Damage Nothing

24. Chainsaw +5 attack Hit 10 Damage Wire cutters


Hunt Table

1. Hit 1 Damage
2. Nails +2 to next hit
3. +1 Health
4. Nothing
5. Hunt increase
6. Nothing
7. +2 Health
8. Nothing
9. Hit 2 Damage
10. Hunt increase
11. Nothing
12. Rage + 3 to next hit
13. Nothing
14. Hunt increase
15. Hit 3 Damage
16. +3 health
17. Nothing
18. + 4 Health
19. Hunt increase
20. Hit 4 Damage
21. Nothing
22. Hit 10 Damage
23. Hunt increase
24. Peek-a-boo Player death
Item Rules
Throughout the game you will gain item to help you survive. These come in the form of
health items, weapons, and escape tools.

Health items:
Health items instantly gain you that much health (note health cannot go over
starting health)
You add the weapons modifier to every hit. You cannot have more than 1 weapon
at a time and you must switch weapons when you find a new one (as it represents your
old one breaking)
Survival items:
On your next roll you may add or subtract the amount shown.

Dice Pool

Current Weapon

Escape tools

Pliers Screwdriver Hammer Lockpick Drill Wire cutter


20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Dice Pool

Hunt Tracker


40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31

30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Copyright © 2022 Stuart Lloyd Holmes (aka DogNutBoy) This work is based on Gamble
with Fate, published by StuartH_VA. The Gamble with Fate SRD is licensed for use
under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Creative Commons

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