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Situation- “You live in a village with a huge population.

There are highly

educated people living in the village and at the same time, very poor and
illiterate too. You can contribute in enhancing the educational level of children
of poor people by taking collective initiative in this direction. How shall you
First, we need to realize that those in the village, who are educated, are the
resource of the village. We have to take help of these erudite people to
improve the overall literacy rate. There are two major ways the literate and the
affluent can help- they can either teach or provide funds.
To organize this, there will be a need of a community to take care of all the
required activities. This community will consist of like-minded people who will
set out into the village and identify the people who have the capability to fulfill
the role of teachers or investors. It must be noted that education doesn’t
consist of bookish knowledge alone, but vocational training can also prove to
be very beneficial.
In the era of the internet, there is also no need to be completely dependent on
the people of the village to provide such help. Anyone outside the periphery of
the village can be contacted by the community too, if they can be
advantageous to this program.
This community will also be in charge of meeting up with the present school
authorities, the village panchayat and even some senior citizens of the village,
to open discourse regarding this issue. They will record and act upon all the
suitable suggestions given during these meetings. Such gatherings are also
important to make everyone aware of the community’s goals and needs.
Regular update sessions with the gram Sabah are vital for the success of this
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Once the plan is set in motion, and volunteer mentors are arranged, there will
be a need for arrangement of physical classrooms. A suitable public space will
be sought and rented out, which will require permissions from government
authorities. This can be tackled with support from the panchayat and local
school authorities.
NGOs, both local and from other parts of the country, should be made aware
of this initiative. If they are kept in the loop about this, their guidance and
resources will prove to be a helping hand to this project.
Make sure whatever plan and consensus you come up with is not entirely
dependent on the government. The government has its own limitations and
the group is being tested on how they can handle a situation without the
government’s help.
At last, be attentive, be courageous, and remember hard work will never fail

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