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Rudra 3.0 Day -17
The data given below gives the information about the marks
of three students in the SBI PO exam. All marks scales to 60
and the score in Prelims is the simple average of all
sectional scores, this statement is also true for Interview.
1. Overall score in SBI PO consist of score in Written exam
and interview
2. Score in Written Exam consist of score in Prelims and
score in mains
3. Score in prelims have two sub sections i.e. QA and LRDI
4. Score in interview has three sub sections i.e. Score in
Communications, Score in Banking awareness and Score
in Academics.
Arun: Score in QA is 40, which is 2.5 times as that in Mains.
While score in the written test is twice as that of mains.
Overall score in SBI PO is 30 and score in interview is 5 less
than that in Written test.
Minakshi: Score in LRDI is 48, and respective ratio of score
in QA and LRDI is 13:12. Score in mains is 35 which is 2 less
than her score in the interview.
Himanshi: Score in prelims and mains is 48 and 38
respectively, while score in written test is 46. Overall score in
SBI PO 41.5.
निम्िलिखित जािकारी को ध्यािपूर्क व पढ़ें और उस पर आधाररत प्रश्िों के उत्तर द़ें ।
िीचे ददया गया डेटा एसबीआई पीओ परीक्षा म़ें तीि छात्रों के अंकों की जािकारी दे ता है ।
सभी अंक 60 के पैमािे पर हैं और प्रीलिम्स परीक्षा म़ें प्रापतांक सभी अिुभागीय
(सेक्शिि) अंकों का साधारण औसत है , यह कथि साक्षात्कार के लिए भी सही है ।

1. एसबीआई पीओ म़ें समग्र स्कोर म़ें लिखित परीक्षा और साक्षात्कार म़ें प्रापतांक
शालमि हैं
2. लिखित परीक्षा म़ें प्रापतांकों म़ें प्रीलिम्स परीक्षा म़ें प्रापतांक और मेन्स परीक्षा म़ें
प्रापतांक शालमि हैं
3. प्रीलिम्स म़ें स्कोर के दो उप अिुभाग(सेक्शि) होते हैं अथावत क्यूए और एिआरडीआई
4. साक्षात्कार म़ें स्कोर के तीि उप अिुभाग(सेक्शि) होते हैं जैसे संचार म़ें स्कोर, बैंककंग
जागरूकता म़ें स्कोर और अकादलमक म़ें स्कोर।
अरुण: क्यूए म़ें स्कोर 40 है , जो कक मेन्स का 2.5 गुिा है । जबकक लिखित परीक्षा म़ें
प्रापतांक मुख्य परीक्षा से दोगुिा है । एसबीआई पीओ म़ें कुि स्कोर 30 है और साक्षात्कार
म़ें स्कोर लिखित परीक्षा से 5 कम है ।
मीिाक्षी: एिआरडीआई म़ें स्कोर 48 है , और क्यए ू और एिआरडीआई म़ें स्कोर का
संबंधधत अिुपात 13:12 है । मेन्स म़ें स्कोर 35 है जो साक्षात्कार म़ें उसके स्कोर से 2
कम है ।
दहमांशी: प्रीलिम्स और मेन्स म़ें स्कोर क्रमशः 48 और 38 है , जबकक लिखित परीक्षा म़ें
स्कोर 46 है । एसबीआई पीओ म़ें कुि स्कोर 41.5 है ।
1. Overall score in SBI PO consist of score in Written exam and
2. Score in Written Exam consist of score in Prelims and score
in mains
3. Score in prelims have two sub sections i.e. QA and LRDI
4. Score in interview has three sub sections i.e. Score in
Communications, Score in Banking awareness and Score in
Arun: Score in QA is 40, which is 2.5 times as that in Mains.
While score in the written test is twice as that of mains. Overall
score in SBI PO is 30 and score in interview is 5 less than that
in Written test.
Minakshi: Score in LRDI is 48, and respective ratio of score in
QA and LRDI is 13:12. Score in mains is 35 which is 2 less than
her score in the interview.
Himanshi: Score in prelims and mains is 48 and 38 respectively,
while score in written test is 46. Overall score in SBI PO 41.5.
एक अन्य व्यक्क्त कबीर का क्यूए और एिआरडीआई म़ें स्कोर क्रमशः 50
और 40 है और लिखित परीक्षा म़ें उसका स्कोर 42 है , मेन्स परीक्षा म़ें
उसका स्कोर ज्ञात कऱें ?
a) 56.25 b) 32 c) 36
d) 30 e) Can’t be determined
1. Overall score in SBI PO consist of score in Written exam and
2. Score in Written Exam consist of score in Prelims and score
in mains
3. Score in prelims have two sub sections i.e. QA and LRDI
4. Score in interview has three sub sections i.e. Score in
Communications, Score in Banking awareness and Score in
Arun: Score in QA is 40, which is 2.5 times as that in Mains.
While score in the written test is twice as that of mains. Overall
score in SBI PO is 30 and score in interview is 5 less than that
in Written test.
Minakshi: Score in LRDI is 48, and respective ratio of score in
QA and LRDI is 13:12. Score in mains is 35 which is 2 less than
her score in the interview.
Himanshi: Score in prelims and mains is 48 and 38 respectively,
while score in written test is 46. Overall score in SBI PO 41.5.
Another person Kabir score in QA and LRDI is 50 and 40
respectively and his score in the written test is 42, find his
score in mains exam?
a) 56.25 b) 32 c) 36
d) 30 e) Can’t be determined
1. Overall score in SBI PO consist of score in Written exam and
2. Score in Written Exam consist of score in Prelims and score
in mains
3. Score in prelims have two sub sections i.e. QA and LRDI
4. Score in interview has three sub sections i.e. Score in
Communications, Score in Banking awareness and Score in
Arun: Score in QA is 40, which is 2.5 times as that in Mains.
While score in the written test is twice as that of mains. Overall
score in SBI PO is 30 and score in interview is 5 less than that
in Written test.
Minakshi: Score in LRDI is 48, and respective ratio of score in
QA and LRDI is 13:12. Score in mains is 35 which is 2 less than
her score in the interview.
Himanshi: Score in prelims and mains is 48 and 38 respectively,
while score in written test is 46. Overall score in SBI PO 41.5.
Find the score of Arun in LRDI.
एिआरडीआई (LRDI) म़ें अरुण का स्कोर ज्ञात कीक्जए।
a) 36 b) 40 c) 32
d) 28 e) Can’t be determined
1. Overall score in SBI PO consist of score in Written exam and
2. Score in Written Exam consist of score in Prelims and score
in mains
3. Score in prelims have two sub sections i.e. QA and LRDI
4. Score in interview has three sub sections i.e. Score in
Communications, Score in Banking awareness and Score in
Arun: Score in QA is 40, which is 2.5 times as that in Mains.
While score in the written test is twice as that of mains. Overall
score in SBI PO is 30 and score in interview is 5 less than that
in Written test.
Minakshi: Score in LRDI is 48, and respective ratio of score in
QA and LRDI is 13:12. Score in mains is 35 which is 2 less than
her score in the interview.
Himanshi: Score in prelims and mains is 48 and 38 respectively,
while score in written test is 46. Overall score in SBI PO 41.5.
Find the overall score of Minakshi in SBI PO.
एसबीआई पीओ म़ें मीिाक्षी का समग्र स्कोर ज्ञात कीक्जए।
a) 43 b) 45 c) 37
d) 39 e) Can’t be determined
1. Overall score in SBI PO consist of score in Written exam and
2. Score in Written Exam consist of score in Prelims and score
in mains
3. Score in prelims have two sub sections i.e. QA and LRDI
4. Score in interview has three sub sections i.e. Score in
Communications, Score in Banking awareness and Score in
Arun: Score in QA is 40, which is 2.5 times as that in Mains.
While score in the written test is twice as that of mains. Overall
score in SBI PO is 30 and score in interview is 5 less than that
in Written test.
Minakshi: Score in LRDI is 48, and respective ratio of score in
QA and LRDI is 13:12. Score in mains is 35 which is 2 less than
her score in the interview.
Himanshi: Score in prelims and mains is 48 and 38 respectively,
while score in written test is 46. Overall score in SBI PO 41.5.
साक्षात्कार म़ें छवर् का स्कोर दहमांशी से 60% अधधक है , तो बैंककंग
जागरूकता म़ें छवर् का न्यूितम संभर् स्कोर ज्ञात कीक्जए।
a) 38.8 b) 56.8 c) 46.8
d) 42.8 e) None of these
1. Overall score in SBI PO consist of score in Written exam and
2. Score in Written Exam consist of score in Prelims and score
in mains
3. Score in prelims have two sub sections i.e. QA and LRDI
4. Score in interview has three sub sections i.e. Score in
Communications, Score in Banking awareness and Score in
Arun: Score in QA is 40, which is 2.5 times as that in Mains.
While score in the written test is twice as that of mains. Overall
score in SBI PO is 30 and score in interview is 5 less than that
in Written test.
Minakshi: Score in LRDI is 48, and respective ratio of score in
QA and LRDI is 13:12. Score in mains is 35 which is 2 less than
her score in the interview.
Himanshi: Score in prelims and mains is 48 and 38 respectively,
while score in written test is 46. Overall score in SBI PO 41.5.
Score of Chhavi in the interview is 60% more than
that of Himanshi, then find the minimum possible
score of Chhavi in Banking awareness.
a) 38.8 b) 56.8 c) 46.8
d) 42.8 e) None of these
A survey conducted in East Delhi among N people about their liking of songs from blockbuster hit movie
“DELHI BELLY”. Each person likes at least one song among three given songs:
“Nakkadwaley Disco Udhaarwaley Khisko” – S1
“Jaa Chudail” – S2
“Saigal Blues ft. Delhi Belly” – S3
Number of people who like oly S3 is 50% more than that of who like only S1. Number of people who like
both S2 and S3 but not S1 is 60% less than those who like S1 and S3 but not S2. People who like S1 are
five times of those who like all the three songs. People who like both S2 and S3 are 72, while people who
only like S3 are 162.5% more than that of those who like both S2 and S3 but not S1. At least one person
likes only S3. ब्िॉकबस्टर दहट किल्म "ददल्िी बेिी" के गािों को पसंद करिे के बारे म़ें N िोगों के बीच
पूर्ी ददल्िी म़ें एक सर्ेक्षण ककया गया। प्रत्येक व्यक्क्त ददए गए तीि गािों म़ें से कम से
कम एक गािा पसंद करता है :
"िक्कड़ र्ािे डडस्को उधार र्ािे खिस्को" - S1
"जा चड़ ु ि
ै " - S2
"सैगि ब्िज़ ू िीट डेल्ही बेिी" - S3
केर्ि S3 को पसंद करिे र्ािे व्यक्क्तयों की संख्या केर्ि S1 को पसंद करिे र्ािों की
संख्या से 50% अधधक है । S2 और S3 दोिों को पसंद करिे र्ािे िेककि S1 को पसंद िहीं
करिे र्ािे िोगों की संख्या, S1 और S3 को पसंद करिे र्ािे िेककि S2 को पसंद िहीं
करिे र्ािों की संख्या से 60% कम है । S1 को पसंद करिे र्ािे िोग, तीिों गािों को पसंद
करिे र्ािों का पांच गि ु ा है । S2 और S3 दोिों को पसंद करिे र्ािे िोगों की संख्या 72 है ,
जबकक केर्ि S3 को पसंद करिे र्ािे िोग, S2 और S3 दोिों को पसंद करिे र्ािे िेककि
S1 को पसंद िहीं करिे र्ािों की तुििा म़ें 162.5% अधधक हैं। कम से कम एक व्यक्क्त
केर्ि S3 को पसंद करता है ।
Read the following information carefully and
answer the questions based on it.
A survey conducted in East Delhi among N
people about their liking of songs from
blockbuster hit movie “DELHI BELLY”. Each
person likes at least one song among three given
“Nakkadwaley Disco Udhaarwaley Khisko” – S1
“Jaa Chudail” – S2
“Saigal Blues ft. Delhi Belly” – S3
Number of people who like oly S3 is 50% more
than that of who like only S1. Number of people
who like both S2 and S3 but not S1 is 60% less
than those who like S1 and S3 but not S2. People
who like S1 are five times of those who like all
the three songs. People who like both S2 and S3
are 72, while people who only like S3 are 162.5%
more than that of those who like both S2 and S3
but not S1. At least one person likes only S3.
A survey conducted in East Delhi among N people
about their liking of songs from blockbuster hit
movie “DELHI BELLY”. Each person likes at least
one song among three given songs:
“Nakkadwaley Disco Udhaarwaley Khisko” – S1
“Jaa Chudail” – S2
“Saigal Blues ft. Delhi Belly” – S3
Number of people who like only S3 is 50% more
than that of who like only S1. Number of people
who like both S2 and S3 but not S1 is 60% less than
those who like S1 and S3 but not S2. People who
like S1 are five times of those who like all the three
songs. People who like both S2 and S3 are 72,
while people who only like S3 are 162.5% more than
that of those who like both S2 and S3 but not S1. At
least one person likes only S3.
If N = 540, then find the maximum possible
value of people who like only S2.
यदद N = 540 है , तो उि िोगों का अधधकतम संभर् माि
ज्ञात कीक्जए जो केर्ि S2 को पसंद करते हैं।
a) 246 b) 235 c) 224
d) 257 e) None of these
A survey conducted in East Delhi among N people
about their liking of songs from blockbuster hit
movie “DELHI BELLY”. Each person likes at least
one song among three given songs:
“Nakkadwaley Disco Udhaarwaley Khisko” – S1
“Jaa Chudail” – S2
“Saigal Blues ft. Delhi Belly” – S3
Number of people who like only S3 is 50% more
than that of who like only S1. Number of people
who like both S2 and S3 but not S1 is 60% less than
those who like S1 and S3 but not S2. People who
like S1 are five times of those who like all the three
songs. People who like both S2 and S3 are 72,
while people who only like S3 are 162.5% more than
that of those who like both S2 and S3 but not S1. At
least one person likes only S3.
यदद केर्ि S2 को पसंद करिे र्ािों की संख्या केर्ि S3 को
पसंद करिे र्ािों की संख्या से कम िहीं है , तो N का
ू तम संभर् माि ज्ञात कीक्जए।a) 250 b) 380 c)
d) 370 e) None of these
A survey conducted in East Delhi among N people
about their liking of songs from blockbuster hit
movie “DELHI BELLY”. Each person likes at least
one song among three given songs:
“Nakkadwaley Disco Udhaarwaley Khisko” – S1
“Jaa Chudail” – S2
“Saigal Blues ft. Delhi Belly” – S3
Number of people who like only S3 is 50% more
than that of who like only S1. Number of people
who like both S2 and S3 but not S1 is 60% less than
those who like S1 and S3 but not S2. People who
like S1 are five times of those who like all the three
songs. People who like both S2 and S3 are 72,
while people who only like S3 are 162.5% more than
that of those who like both S2 and S3 but not S1. At
least one person likes only S3.
If the number of people who like S2 only is not
less than that of those who like S3 only, then
find the minimum possible value of N.
a) 250 b) 380 c) 360
d) 370 e) None of these
A survey conducted in East Delhi among N people
about their liking of songs from blockbuster hit movie
“DELHI BELLY”. Each person likes at least one song
among three given songs:
“Nakkadwaley Disco Udhaarwaley Khisko” – S1
“Jaa Chudail” – S2
“Saigal Blues ft. Delhi Belly” – S3
Number of people who like only S3 is 50% more than
that of who like only S1. Number of people who like
both S2 and S3 but not S1 is 60% less than those who
like S1 and S3 but not S2. People who like S1 are five
times of those who like all the three songs. People who
like both S2 and S3 are 72, while people who only like
S3 are 162.5% more than that of those who like both S2
and S3 but not S1. At least one person likes only S3.
If number of people those likes both S1 and S3 is less
than that of those likes both S1 and S2, and number
of people those likes only S1 is twice as that of those
likes only S2, then find the maximum number of
people those don’t like S1.
a) 108 b) 112 c) 72
d) 144 e) None of these
A survey conducted in East Delhi among N people
about their liking of songs from blockbuster hit movie
“DELHI BELLY”. Each person likes at least one song
among three given songs:
“Nakkadwaley Disco Udhaarwaley Khisko” – S1
“Jaa Chudail” – S2
“Saigal Blues ft. Delhi Belly” – S3
Number of people who like only S3 is 50% more than
that of who like only S1. Number of people who like
both S2 and S3 but not S1 is 60% less than those who
like S1 and S3 but not S2. People who like S1 are five
times of those who like all the three songs. People who
like both S2 and S3 are 72, while people who only like
S3 are 162.5% more than that of those who like both S2
and S3 but not S1. At least one person likes only S3.
यदद S1 और S3 दोिों को पसंद करिे र्ािों की संख्या S1 और S2
दोिों को पसंद करिे र्ािों की संख्या से कम है , और केर्ि S1 को
पसंद करिे र्ािों की संख्या केर्ि S2 को पसंद करिे र्ािों की
संख्या से दोगि
ु ी है , तो उि िोगों की अधधकतम संख्या ज्ञात कीक्जए
जो S1 को पसंद िहीं करते हैं।
a) 108 b) 112 c) 72
d) 144 e) None of these
A survey conducted in East Delhi among N people
about their liking of songs from blockbuster hit movie
“DELHI BELLY”. Each person likes at least one song
among three given songs:
“Nakkadwaley Disco Udhaarwaley Khisko” – S1
“Jaa Chudail” – S2
“Saigal Blues ft. Delhi Belly” – S3
Number of people who like only S3 is 50% more than
that of who like only S1. Number of people who like
both S2 and S3 but not S1 is 60% less than those who
like S1 and S3 but not S2. People who like S1 are five
times of those who like all the three songs. People who
like both S2 and S3 are 72, while people who only like
S3 are 162.5% more than that of those who like both S2
and S3 but not S1. At least one person likes only S3.
S1 को पसंद करिे र्ािे P% िोग S2 को भी पसंद करते हैं, और S2
को पसंद करिे र्ािे P% िोग S1 को भी पसंद करते हैं, तो उि िोगों
के अधधकतम और न्यूितम संभर् माि के बीच अंतर ज्ञात कीक्जए
जो केर्ि S2 को पसंद करते हैं।
a) 84 b) 78 c) 104
d) 136 e) None of these
A survey conducted in East Delhi among N people
about their liking of songs from blockbuster hit movie
“DELHI BELLY”. Each person likes at least one song
among three given songs:
“Nakkadwaley Disco Udhaarwaley Khisko” – S1
“Jaa Chudail” – S2
“Saigal Blues ft. Delhi Belly” – S3
Number of people who like only S3 is 50% more than
that of who like only S1. Number of people who like
both S2 and S3 but not S1 is 60% less than those who
like S1 and S3 but not S2. People who like S1 are five
times of those who like all the three songs. People who
like both S2 and S3 are 72, while people who only like
S3 are 162.5% more than that of those who like both S2
and S3 but not S1. At least one person likes only S3.
P% of people those likes S1 also likes S2, and P% of
people those likes S2 also likes S1, then find the
difference between maximum and minimum possible
value of people those likes S2 only.
a) 84 b) 78 c) 104
d) 136 e) None of these

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