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화공계산 시험문제 2018. 6.

19 기말

(1, 2 번 부분점수 없음)

1. The following simultaneous reactions occur
Reaction 1 : SiH4 + O2 → SiO2 + 2H2
Reaction 2: 4PH3 + 5O2 → 2P2O5 + 6H2
Determine the relative masses of SiH4 and PH3 required to deposit a film consisting of SiO2 (90%) and P2O5
(10%). Note that MW (SiO2)= 60, MW (P2O5)= 142, MW (SiH4)= 32, and MW (PH3)= 34. (15 points)

2. Dry coke composed of 4% inert solids (ash), 90% carbon, and 6% hydrogen is burned in a furnace with dry air.
The solid refuse left after combustion contains 10% carbon and 90% inert ash (and no hydrogen). The inert
ash content does not enter into the reaction. The Orsat analysis of the flue gas gives 13.9% CO 2, 0.8% CO,
4.3% O2, and 81% N2. Calculate the percent of excess air based on complete combustion of the coke. (15

3. In the following figure, NaCl and the feed solution react to form CaCl 2. In the reactor, the single pass
conversion of CaCO3 is 76% complete. Unreacted CaCO 3 is recycled. Basis: 1000kg of feed (CaCO3 90% +
Na2CO3 10%)
(a) Calculate the kg of Na2CO3 exiting the separator (10 points)
(b) Calculate the kg of NaCl feed needed and the extent of reaction (10 points)
(c) Calculate the kg of CaCO3 recycled. (10 points)
MW (Ca: 40, Na: 23, Cl: 35.5)


Reactor Separator CaCl2

Feed CaCO3 90% CaCO3

1000 kg/hr Na2CO3 10%
4. CH4 + 2H2O → CO2 + 4H2 (reformer reaction (main)) (reaction 1)
CH4 + H2O → CO + 3H2 (reformer reaction (side)) (reaction 2)
2CO + O2 → 2CO2 (CO converter reaction) (reaction 3)
CO2+ 3H2 → CH3OH + H2O (methanol synthesis reaction) (reaction 4)

Steam: the line 1 - 10% excess steam (H2O) is introduced (based on reaction (1))
Methane feed 2 - Basis: 100 mol feed (99% CH4+ 1% N2 impurity)
Reformer - Conversion of Methane is 100%
(Reaction 1 and 2) - CO2 yield: 90%
CO converter - Stoichiometric quantity of oxygen is fed to the CO converter
(Reaction 3) - CO is completely converted to CO2
CO2 makeup - Additional CO2 is introduced to keep 3-to-1 ratio of H 2 to CO2 in the line
Methanol reactor - Single pass conversion of CO2 to methanol : 55%
(Reaction 4)
Recycle line 8 - No methanol and water
- H2/CO2 ratio is 3-to-1
Purge (line 13) - Composition: 5% N2 gas + H2 + CO2 ( H2 : CO2 = 3: 1)
Methanol solution - Methanol + H2O only
(line 11)
(a) In the line 1, how many moles of excess steam (H2O) should be introduced? (10 points)
(b) Calculate the mole fraction of gases in the line 3 before the CO converter (10 points)
(c) Calculate the mol of CO2 makeup introduced to keep the ratio of 3:1 (H2:CO2) in the line 7 (10 points)
(d) Calculate the mol of H2 in the purge gas (line 13) (10 points)
(e) The CO2 ratio of recycle to purge in mol / mol ? (10 points)

<주의 사항>
1. 답안지는 깨끗하게 정리하여 쓸 것. (답 밑에 밑줄을 긋고 반드시 답이라고 표시할 것)
2. 학번, 이름 반드시 확인하고 답안지에 쓸 것. (답안지는 2 장까지 사용 가능)
3. 빨간색 펜은 절대 사용하지 말 것
4. 시험성적 및 학점은 반드시 찾아와서 물어볼 것 (e-mail 또는 전화로 물어 보지 말 것.)
5. 공시된 학점은 이의신청 검토 이후 점수가 다시 반영되므로 최종학점과 다를수 있음.
(본 과목은 김영란법에 따라 학점에 대한 어떠한 편의도 제공되지 않으며 오직 학칙에 따라 모든 학생에게 동일한 판단 준으로 성적이 부여됩니다. 따라서 학점 조정을
위한 어떠한 시도도 거부합니다.)
 한학기 동안 수고 많았습니다.

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