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화공계산 2019 년 1 학기 중간고사

1. The heat capacity Cp of A in J/[gmol R] can be calculated from the equation

Cp = 10 + 2.5 ×10 -1 T(R)

where T is in Rankine. Convert the equation so that T can be introduced into the equation in Kelvin instead
of Rankine. Keep the units of Cp the same. (10 points) (please find the equation expressed as the initially-
given equation. 최종답은 반드시 초기식처럼 전개하여 쓰시오!!!)

2. 500 kg of FeCl3 ㆍ 6H2O are added to a mixture of crystals of FeCl 3 ㆍ H2O to produce a mixture of FeCl3 ㆍ
2.5 H2O crystals. How much amount (kg) of FeCl 3 ㆍ H2O must be added to produce the most FeCl 3 ㆍ 2.5
H2O ? (M.W.: Fe=55.8, Cl=35.5) (10 points)

3. A liquefied mixture gas contains 0.27% H2S and 99.73% CO2. Calculate the concentration (ppm) of H2S in
CO2 when the gas is vaporized. (M.W.(H2S) = 34) (10 points)

4. If a stream is flowing at 0.3 m 3/s and has an initial BOD (biological oxygen demand) of 5 mg/L before
reaching the discharge point of a sewage treatment plant, and the plant discharge 3.785 ML/day of wastewater,
with a concentration of 0.15 g/L of BOD, what will be the BOD concentration (g/L) immediately below the
discharge point of the plant? (10 points)

5. A cylindrical water tank was 30.5m in diameter (inner) and 13.1 m deep (inner). The top, bottom, and sides of
the tank were made of 9.35-mm-thick welded steel sheets. The density of the steel is 7.86 g/cm 3. What would
the gauge pressure be in KPa beneath the tank if 10% tank is filled with water? (20 points)

6. To measure flow in a natural gas pipeline, pure ammonia gas is injected into the pipeline at a constant rate of
72.3 kg/min for 12 min. Five miles downstream from the injection point, the steady-state ammonia
concentration is found to be 0.382 weight percent. The gas upstream from the point of ammonia injection
contains no measurable ammonia. How many kilograms of natural gas are flowing the pipelines per hour
(kg/h)? (20 points)
7. A fluid of unknown density is used in two manometers-one closed-end (A), the other across an orifice in a
water pipeline (B). The reading shown here are obtained on a day when barometer pressure is 763 mmHg.
What is the pressure drop (mmHg) from point (a) to point (b) in Figure B ? (20 points)

Figure (A) (air + unknown fluid) Figure (B) orifice ( water + unknown fluid)

< 주의 사항 >

 20 점 이상 문제만 부분점수 인정 (10 점짜리 문제는 부분점수 없음. 답 틀리면 틀림)

 답안지에 반드시 <답: >으로 표시하고 답을 쓸 것 (밑줄 또는 박스를 쳐도 괜찮음)

 풀이과정을 정확히 쓰고, 글자도 알아볼수 있게 쓸 것

 답안지에 반드시 학번, 이름 쓸 것. (없으면 0 점처리함)

 검정색 볼펜 또는 샤프로 쓸 것 (빨간색 사용하지 말 것)

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