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Showbox Packaging Incorporated was founded in 2022 by Joemar Nephi Canlapan

and colleagues. A year before, the group’s ingenuity inspired them to create

Showbox when the food they ordered during one of their meetings splattered on

the floor because of terrible packaging. Nephi and his colleagues initiated to

create a company which is not only providing quality boxes for food products but

also to others such as jewellery, apparel, and electronics to name a few. Together

working with Nephi in this brilliant effort are Oceana Jardiniano, Bernadette Diana,

Kobe Dela Cruz, Mariline Lee and Lance Villaram who each possess unique ideas

in creating boxes for product packaging.

To this date, Showbox Manufacturing has provided quality boxes that earned our

company the Award of Excellence for New Business 2022. This achievement

manifested the commitment and dedication of Showbox Manufacturing in

providing great products for our clients.

In our mission statement our goal is to address the growing needs of the

packaging industry by focusing not only on producing a wide range of boxes and

other packaging products for a variety of needs but also to produce them from

durable materials that meet the global needs for earth friendly products.

Our company is B2B, and we focus on three personas that will help us easily

recognize our potential client’s; needs, experiences, behaviour and goals.

Knowing our market will help us achieve our goal to be one of the biggest

packaging companies.

Brand identity is the visible elements of a brand such as colours, design, and logo

that defines a company and distinguishes its uniqueness from other companies.

Showbox Packaging Inc. tagline is “An Eco-Friendly glimmer to your product” which

made us decide to use green leaf and brown package box to depict that we are
eco-friendly. Black and gold colours elegantly show the glimmer of our packaging.

Our company’s objective is to address the growing needs of packaging industry

while striving to satisfy the needs and wants of our customers at a reasonable

price by producing excellent boxing/packaging solutions through the company’s

team collaboration bearing in mind that quality is achieving what our customers

require, and by continuously producing excellent products to become the world’s

leading flexible boxing/packaging manufacturer that is environment friendly.

The audience that our business would like to capture are those businesses who

lack the ability to make well-designed and eco-friendly packaging that can assist

their traditional marketing needs which their clients would love. We have also

determined the three personas that might be the type of person who would

benefit Showbox Packaging Incorporated’s services.

1. Jennifer Sapo, she is a purchasing manager from a seafood restaurant in

Davao City, Philippines. Her concern is that the overall concept of Blue Posts

Boiling tends to become pretty messy and casual. Our company is positive that

we will be able to propose, execute and provide a unique packaging that will

attract more customers.

2. Carl Tabuada is a purchasing agent from which is currently the

number one gift store in the Philippines. We can definitely provide a unique,

glamorous and eco-friendly type of packaging to his products that will ship out

to customers.

3. Maia Sonnon is the owner of Wake and Bake by Maia which creates custom

cakes and cupcakes. Our proposal to her would be a detailed designed

packaging that birthday celebrants, especially children would love.

Product, place, promotion and pricing are the 4P’s of marketing and it helps the
business determine their options based on the needs of their potential clients

generally. We have also determined the factors based on the four criterias.
1. Product

Packaging solutions, which can include a wide variety of options, such as custom

boxes, bags, containers, and materials like bubble wrap.

2. Price

We need to set prices that are competitive and reasonable for the quality of our

products. This may involve conducting market research to determine pricing

strategies that work best for our target market, while also factoring in manufacturing

and distribution costs to ensure that we still be profitable.

3. Place

Our company considers our target customers' location and makes sure our

products are easily accessible to them. This can involve having a strong online

presence, partnering with retailers, or setting up a brick-and-mortar store in high-

traffic areas.

4. Promotion

Use of various marketing strategies to promote our packaging products, including

advertising, social media, email marketing, and attending trade shows. We are also

considering providing samples, discounts, or referral incentives to encourage word-

of-mouth marketing and customer loyalty. Additionally, we may want to highlight our

sustainable and eco-friendly packaging options to attract customers who are

interested in reducing environmental impact.

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