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EHPUMATIllN zyxwvutsrqpo
ELSEVIER Journal of Geochemical Exploration 58 ( I YY7) 8 l-9 I

200 years of mining activities at La Paz/San Luis Potosi/Mexico

- Consequences for environment and geochemical exploration
Javier Castro-Larragoitia ‘, Utz Kramar “, Harald Puchelt h


The Ag-Pb-Zn-G-Au mining district of Santa Maria de La Paz has been extensively exploited for approximately 200
years. Consequences of these activities are several deposits of tailings with high As and heavy metal concentrations, which
are completely unstable. The climate is semiarid and as the dumps have no protective cover, material from the dumps is
dispersed by strong winds. It is also washed out during seasonally heavy rainfalls. By these processes approximately 100
km’ of surrounding have been contaminated by dump material, The As and heavy metal content of the soils was determined
as well as their level in crops (Zea Maize) from agricultural lands in the vicinity of the dumps. In the direction of prevailing
winds concentrations up to 1000 ppm Zn, 400 ppm Pb, I6 ppm Cd, 550 ppm Cu and 300 As have been detected in top soils.
Using fuzzy cluster analysis the different contamination sources could be identified. Grains of corn from contaminated sites
showed no critical concentrations, but leaves which are also used for fodder. have As-concentrations up to 20 ppm.

Kt~~rds: environment: soil; heavy metals; arvznic: mine tailings: .Mexico

1. Introduction bonates. A N-S trending fault at the eastern fringe

of the Sierra de1 Fraile divides the deposit into two
The Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu.-Au mining district of Santa different bodies: the eastern part consists of hy-
Maria de La Paz is located approximately 500 km drothermal Ag-Pb-Zn veins and the western part of
NNW of Mexico City (Fig. 1) and 5 km west of the Cu-Au-skam mineralization.
small Town of Matehuala/San Luis Potosi (Fig. 2). The mine district of La Paz has been extensively
It occurs at the western margin of the Sierra Madre exploited for approximately 200 years. In 1992, work
Oriental on the eastern slopes of a small mountain on the eastern veins was ceased due to the low
range known as the Sierra de1 Fraile which is an market prices. The mines in the skam deposits (Cu-
overturned anticline. The deposits of La Paz are part Au) “Dolores” and “Cobriza” are still in produc-
of a 1600 km long NW-trending belt of carbonate- tion. For more than 60 years the ores have been
hosted high temperature (> 200°C) hydrothermal treated in the ore-dressing plant of La Paz. Until
mineralization (Megaw et al., 1988). The majority of approx. 1960, the ores were refined in a smelter at
these deposits, including the La Paz mineralization, the northern side of Matehuala (D4) (Fig. 2).
was emplaced in Jurassic-Cretaceous platform car- Consequences of all these activities are several

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m Sierra Cladre Ortental

0 Sierra Madre Occidental
m transmeucan I olcanic belt

Fig. I. Schematic map of Mexico with geographical IocA~n of the Ag-Pb-%n+Ctl- Au mining district of Santa Maria de Ln Pa/.

Sampling points 0
-”JVla‘tehL zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML Conglomerate
cretac. Limestones
0 juras. Limestones
0 2 km Granodiorite

Fig. 2. Sketch map of the La Pa7 mining district showing Iociltions 01‘ tailing. Location> DI-D3 xc refered in the text
Fig. 3. The “big dump” Sta. Maria de La Paz (DI).

deposits of tailings which are completely unstable. dispersed by strong winds (Fig. 4). It is also washed
The biggest of these dumps (Dl) (Fig. 2) has a out during seasonally heavy rainfalls. By these pro-
volume of 8 X IO6 t with As-concentrations of ap- cesses, dump material is dispersed in the environ-
proximately 4000 ppm and is completely uncovered ment resulting in a widespread contamination of the
(Fig. 3). surrounding soils. Most of the minewaters (4.5
Since the climate is semiarid and the dumps have m’/min; pH = 7-7.5) are used in the flotation plant
no protective cover, material from the dumps is but some is used for agricultural irrigation without

Fig. 4. Wind blow out from the “big dump” Ste. Maria de La Paz (Dl).
any treatment. The mine is therefore the main source Maria de La Paz (DI 1 and S of this dump. where
for environmental pollution, although some nearby mining waters are zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
use d for agricultural irrigation.
industrial sources can not be neglected. Additionally the area N of the old refining plant (D4)
As a result of the mining and industrial activity a and the drainage system starting at the big dump into
variety of anomalies of different origin (geologic and the Matehuala valley were sampled. This area was
anthropogenic) exists in the area of La Paz: flooded during heavy rainfalls in 1990. by waters
- geologic from subsurface mineralization containing tailings.
_ anthropogenic-geologic from the recent and Background samples have been taken from the
abandoned mining activities eastern slope of Matehuala valley in an area not
_ anthropogenic from ore dressing and the result- affected by wind- or water transport of material from
ing dumps dumps, mines or industrial activities. From agricul-
- anthropogenic from ore refining and other in- tural areas, samples of corn (Zru MU&J) and chili-
dustrial sources, e.g. recycling of Pb from batteries plants were also taken to estimate the transfer of
The aim of this study was to discriminate between toxic elements into the food chain, Sampling points
the different types of anomalies and contaminants are indicated in Fig. 2.
and to estimate the consequences for geochemical Soil samples were air dried and screened to < 2
soil exploration and for food production in this re- mm. an aliquot of this material then being used for
gion. It therefore represents a case study on the pH determination, and the remainder was finely
effects of extensive mining in semiarid environ- ground for chemical analysis. The plant material zyxwvutsrqp
ments. dried at 105°C and ground.

2. Sampling and sample preparation

All soil samples were analysed by energy disper-
More than 200 locations have been sampled in an sive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) for I3 elements
area of approximately 100 km’. The soil samples including Cu. Zn. As. Cd. Sn. Sb and Pb. Foi
were taken by an earth auger. At most of the loca- verification and to obtain information about addi-
tions, three horizons were sampled (A,, approx. O-20 tional elements including Au. 21 soil samples and 7
cm: B,,/B,, approx. 20-50 cm and C,/C,, > SO samples from the dump were analysed by instrumen-
cm to the top of the calcrete layer). To study the tal neutron activation (INAA). Plant samples were
vertical transport in the soil column, some soil pro- dissolved in HNO, by microwave digestion and
files were sampled in detail. The soils are in general analysed by ICP/MS. Exchangeable heavy metals in
calcic to gypsic xerosols (FAO-nomenclature) con- the O-20 cm horizon from 40 sample locations was
taining a “calcrete” horizon, which begins at a determined by I M NH,NO, extraction (E DIN
depth of approximately 50-100 cm. Sample loca- 19730, 1993) and ICP/MS. Details of the analytical
tions were selected with respect to prevailing wind procedures are given in Kramar, 1984; Kramar and
directions and drainage systems. The prevailing wind Puchelt, 1982 and Niiltner et al., 1990. The analyti-
direction in this area is SSE and the flow direction of cal data were then evaluated by fuzzy cluster analy-
drainage systems is from Sierra de1 Fraile in the W sis (Kramar, 199.5) to discriminate between back-
into the Matehuala valley. Groundwater flows from ground, geologic and the different anthropogenic
the NW to the SE at a depth of 5 m in the middle of anomalies.
the valley. In the La Paz area, the undisturbed
groundwater level occurs 120 m below surface. Due 2.2. Principles zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
of,fuzzy-cluster analysis
to the mining activities, the level has been lowered to
a depth of about 850 m below surface in the immedi- If the data structure present is not known a priori.
ate vicinity of the mine. Therefore contamination of cluster analysis can be used to evaluate the geochem-
the groundwater is not apparent. Consequently, sam- ical data. Iterative partitioning techniques intend to
pling focused on the area N of the big dump Sta. group the data into a number of discrete clusters. If
J Ctrstro-Lurrqoitiu et al. / Journal oj’Grochrmiccz1 Exploration 58 (IYY718lLYl 85

w A
the partitioning into a predetermined number of clus- 10
ters is appropriate, K-means clustering is the tech- 25 A w :
nique most widely used. Each sample is then as- 40 A IIC 1
signed to the clusters (groups) to which it is most -z 55
similar. In geological sense. each cluster will repre- 5 70
% A 0
sent one geological unit or a group of anomalous
u 85
samples. One sample can only be assigned to one 100 ; vo .
l /,
cluster. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
115 .
In stream sediment and soil surveys, the samples
will be a mixture of components derived from differ-
1 10 100 1000 10000
ent geological environments. Such mixed samples
will be misclassified when using conventional rcu Zn *As - Sr ACd Pb
“hard” cluster methods. Fuzzy-c-means (FCM) Fig. 5. Elemental concentrations in a soil profile with surface
clustering (Bezdek et al., 1984) avoids these prob- contamination taken from an area N of dump D4.
lems of misclassification. In FCM, each sample is
allowed to belong to several clusters. The amount of
an element explainable by cluster contributions and 1 (identical) (Fig. 5). The sum of membership values
its residual can then be calculated. of each sample is equal to 1. Outliers are distributed
The concept of fuzziness, introduced by Zadeh equally between all clusters. Details of the FCM
(1965), is a new approach to consider inaccuracies in method used in this paper are given in Kramar
cluster data analysis. Such inaccuracies are caused (1995).
by stochastic scattering and by samples composed of
several components. In fuzzy-c-means cluster analy-
sis, some fuzziness in cluster assignment is tolerated. 3. Results and discussion
Whereas the assignment probability of a sample to a
specific cluster is no longer of interest, the relative 3.1. Tailings
part of a sample that belongs to a specific cluster is
calculated (Bezdek, 198 1). Tailings of Sta. Maria de La Paz (Dl) can be
In FCM, overlapping of the different groups is regarded as the greatest potential contaminant in the
allowed (Fig. 5). This makes FCM-clustering more La Paz area. Samples taken from different locations
appropriate for the analysis of geochemical data sets at the dump show average concentrations of 400
than conventional hard cluster methods, in which one ppm Cu. 2000 ppm Zn, 4000 ppm As, 30 ppm Cd,
sample can only be assigned to one cluster. The 3000 ppm Pb and 0.7 ppm Au (Table I>. The
similarity of a sample to a cluster centroid (CZ) is mineral composition of tailings from the Ag-Pb-Zn
described by a continuous membership function with mines of La Paz is dominated by calcite and to a
values varying between 0 (completely different) and minor extend quartz. The most important sulfides of

Table I
Average concentrations of samples from the “big dump” Sta. Maria de La Paz (Dl)
Element Concentration hulk Concentration < 63 km Concentration 63-200 km Concentration 200-600 p_m
Img/kgl lmg/kgl 1%/&l [m&/kg1
CU 400 415 330 510
Zn 2,000 2,220 I.754 1,470
AS 4,000 41,000 2.500 890
Cd 30 21 33 21
Ph 3,000 710 420 332
AU 0.7 2,s 0.8 0.4
the La Paz mining district are pyrite, araenopyrite.
sphalerite. galena. chalcopyrite and bornite. Most
sulfides in this older parts of the dump are oxidized.
Arsenic released by the oxidation process can be
adsorbed by Fe-hyrdoxides produced by sulfide oxi-
dation (Pierce and Moore, 1980: Goldberg and
Glaubig. 1988: Davis et al.. 1989). Tailings of the
Cobriza mines (Cu-Au). which were deposited re-
cently. consist mainly of quartz and pyroxene (di- 1 .*. 1
opside-hedenbergitel with minor wollastonite and 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
calcite. From the sulfides contained in this material distance fromDl [m]
only a minor amount has been oxidised by chemical
Whereas Cu. Zn. Cd. and Pb are approximately
equally distributed within the different grain size
fractions (200-600 km, E-200 pm and < 63 pm).
As is greatly enriched in the finest fraction with
concentrations of up to 5%. Due to the high concen- calcrete layer is reflected in the Sr content of the
trations in the fine fraction and its greater mobility profile. The contamination by tailings material can
under oxidizing and neutral to slightly basic condi- be traced down to the top of this layer. Due to its
tions, As can be more easily released from the sandy high mobility under these environmental conditions
dump material as compared with the heavy metals. (Boyle and Jonasson, 1973: Brookins. 1988) As is
In water elution tests of the tailings material As was enriched at the top of the calcrete layer. which acts
released as arsenate (Riide and Puchelt. 1994). as an infiltration barrier.
Residual Fe-salts (Fe-sulfates/arsenates] at the base The soil samples of the surroundings of the big
of the dump showed As-concentrations in the order dump (D I ) show greatly increased values for heavy
of 10%. metals and A\ in the upper horizons. Along a N-S
traverse (Fig. 6) starting 200 m N of the big dump.
3.2. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Soils the concentrations for Zn. Pb and Cd decrease ap-
proximately exponentially with distance from the
3.2.1. Lu Pa,- distric,t dump. Zinc decreased from > 1000 ppm to 200 ppm
Mineralogically the calcic to gypsic xerosols in at a distance of 4 km downwind from the dump and
the vicinity of La Paz are dominated by calcite and to 100 ppm at 5 km distance. Lead decreases from
gypsum. The amount of quartz and clay minerals is 390 ppm to 30 ppm and Cd from I6 to - 1 ppm.
generally < 5%. Top soils from agricultural lands Copper and As show a completely different pattern.
contain up to 5% organic C and pH is neutral to Up to 2 km distance from the dump the behaviour 01
slightly basic pH (7.58). Adsorption of heavy met- Cu and As concentrations is equivalent to Zn, Pb and
als and As in soils is mainly controlled by soil-pH. Cd. Then Cu and As concentrations increase again to
clay minerals. Fe- and Mn-hydroxides. and organic 550 ppm and 300 ppm respectively. At this point, the
matter. Due to their low concentrations in the soils traverse crosses the slope of Sierra del Fraile drain-
from the vicinity of La Paz, clay minerals are less ing the area of the Cobriza Cu-Au mine. Water
important. transported material from this mine was assumed to
Fig. 5 shows the element concentrations of a soil be the origin of this anomaly. This was verified by
profile taken from surface contaminated soils north results of Fuzzy-cluster analysis. The investigated
of dump D4. The heavy metals decrease with depth area can be characterized by 3 of 9 Clusters: slightly
and the pattern of heavy metals and As i\ character- contaminated soils (CLO2). highly contaminated soils
istic for tailings from the La Paz mine. This can be from the surroundings of the dumps (CL081 and
used as indication for surface contamination. The zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
gypsum-rich soils (CLO7). The spatial distribution ot
contribution values for the three most characteristic bution values occur only in the very close vicinity of
clusters together with elemental residuals of Fe and these dumps.
the product (Cu Sn) are given in Fig. 7. The residual values (i.e. the difference between
Extremely highly contaminated samples are char- bulk and cluster concentrations) (Cu . Sn) and Fe
acterized by their own clusters, which are typical of show high values in the northern part of the N-S
the different dumps. With those clusters high contri- traverse. This elemental association is characteristic

Fig. 7. Maps of contribution values to clusters CLO2. CL07 and CL08 together with elemental residual of Fe and the residual product
cu Sn.
As and Pb in soil5 fluctuate between 200 and 2000
H=cHx Pb-C
ppm each.
x Pb-A
The area S of the big dump (DI) is used for
xw As-C
domestic purposes and agriculture. Contamination ot
X As-A this area can be expected by wind transported mate-
Zn-C rial from the dump and from mine waters which arc
-wx Zn-A used for irrigation. The mine waters carry approx.
cu-c 700 kg/l As. SO mg/l Cd. 30-200 kg/l Pb, 1500
PX CL-A kg/l Zn and 2000 mg/l SOS
Statistical parameters for Cu, Zn, As and Pb in
10 100 1000 10000 the three soil horizons O-20 cm (A) and the > 50
wk cm (C) horizon of the sampling grid from the area S
Fig. X. Variation of Cu. Zn. As and Pb in O-20 cm and > 50 cm of DI are summarized in Fig. 8 as notched box-plots,
horizons from agricultural fields S of dump DI minimum and maximum values.
Zinc, As and Pb are enriched in the top soils with
up to 5000 ppm Zn, 6600 ppm As and 2700 ppm Pb.
for the Cobriza Cu-Au mineralization, located uphill
These high values can not be explained by contami-
to the W from this point.
nation with dump material alone. Especially at greater
Approximately 100 m N of the small dump (D3) a distances from the dump the ratio As:Zn:Pb is shifted
Pb-recycling plant was running for several years. in favour of As and Zn. Since Pb is nearly immobile
Soils from the vicinity of this plant show clearly under oxidizing and neutral to slightly basic pH
elevated values for Cu. Zn, As and Pb. Compared conditions (Brookins, 1988), its transport in mine
with material from the dump the concentration of Pb waters is limited. and thus the ratio shift can be used
has increased relative to Zn, As and Cu. This pattern as an indication for contamination by mine waters.
can be interpreted as a mixture from these two
potential contaminants.
3.2.2. Agricultural areus
North of Matehuala two types of contamination
The major part of the Zn and Cd (Fig. 9) contami-
can be observed: run-off-water and material from the
nation in this area can be traced back to the big
dumps washed out during heavy rainfalls flooding
dump Sta. Maria de La Paz (Dl). Copper and As
the area N and E of Matehuala in 1988. The runoff
contamination originates equally at both dumps D I
waters had entered the central Matehuala valley E of
and D2. whereas the main source of Sn is from dump
the town Matehuala. Drainage sediments contain up
D2. Strontium shows a completely different be-
to 10% As. Soils of this area are contaminated with
haviour and can used as indication of the develop-
several hundred ppm As, Cu, Zn and Pb.
ment of calcrete horizons. For a part of the soil
The halo due to emanations from the smelter (D4)
profiles. Cu shows the same general trend as Pb. but
can be traced several kilometres to the N by concen-
at several locations Cu and Sn concentrations also
trations in soils at up to several hundred ppm Cu. Zn.
increase with the depth (Fig. 9). This increase can be
As and Pb (at approx. 3 km distance from the
regarded as an indicator for geologic anomalies.
smelter - IS0 ppm Cu, 250 ppm Zn. 200 ppm As
and 400 ppm Pb). At 6 km distance the concentra-
tions of these element have decreased to background
levels. The area directly N of the smelter was flooded
by runoff waters from the big dump and therefore up Plants sampled from agricultural lands in the
to 500 m distance to the N concentrations of Cu. Zn. vicinity of the dumps show increased levels of heavy

Fig. 9. Spatial distribution of As. Cd. Cu. Sn, Sr and Zn concentration\ in horiaxh O-70 cm. 10-50 cm and > 50 cm of agricultural fields
S of dumps DI and DZ.
............... ...................... ............... ..........................
~\~l~c;.x;;~~ p~~~~~ / \,,t)
............. 1 jj:~:~~:~:~:~:::~:~:.::~~~.~~:, .....:..,...........; ..................................
.... , .
. ... ... ....... ..: .~i.~i.~i..i.~:..i.~;..~..;..i..~.~~

I , I I
Tahlc 2 Since spraying is not used in the irrigation pro-
Concenrr;ltlon range of As, Cd. Pb and Zn in different parts 0lZea
cess, the most probable sources for toxic elements in
Maize in comparision with German gnidelines for allowable CW-
centrations for corn grains and fruits
the plants arc soil ~ plant transfer. dust particles
adherent on leaves and uptake of soluble dust com-
Part 211 As ’ Cd
01’ [mz/kgl lmg/kgl lmg/kgl Fig/kg] ponents through the leaves. To avoid contamination
plant by adherent dust particles, the plants had been thor
oughly cleaned. From several plants lower and uppct
stern 9.63-400 0.28-3.9 0.02-0.66 < 0. I I-2.8
h\C\ 2X.7-200 2.1-33.1 0.13-1.75 2.4-58.8
leaves and stems were sampled. In most of these
grain\ X0-82 0.050.55 0.008--0.0x7 < 0.02-0.37 plants concentrations of toxic elements (As. Ph)
decrease from bottom to top. In these case\ uptake
from the soil can be regarded to be the prevailing
process. Overall. there is a good correlation fog- the
As, Cd and Pb concentrations in soil and the differ-
” t%r As no valid guidelines exist. The older value of 0.5 mg/kg ent plant parts. This correlation is more significant
(BGA. 1977) has been withdrawn.
than that for the NH,NO, extraction (readily cs-
changeable cations).
metals and As compared with those from uncontami- For some plants the concentrations in leacej rc-
nated areas. Concentration ranges for As, Cd, Pb and main nearly constant from bottom to top. In these
Zn in different parts of Zea maize together with cases uptake through the leaves has to be considered
German guidelines for allowable concentrations are to be as important as uptake by soil.
compiled in Table 2. In the corn grains concentra-
tions up to 0.6 ppm As, 0.09 ppm Cd and 0.27 ppm 4. Conclusions
Pb were found. The maximum concentrations ob-
served in the grains are slightly below the guidelines In the vicinity of the La Paz mining district. an
for allowable concentrations, but the leaves from arca of approximately 100 km’ has been affected by
these plants showed concentrations up to 20 ppm As. tnining activities. The multielement data set pro-
I .7S ppm Cd, and 49 ppm Pb (Fig. IO) and these duced by multielement analytical techniques in con
leaves are also used for fodder. Chili pods showed junction with methods of fuzzy cluster analysis used
concentrations of up to 3 ppm each for As and Cd in this paper, are able to discriminate between differ-
and 1.5 ppm Pb (i.e. 60 times the allowable Cd ent contamination sources and geologic anomalies at
most of
concentrations for fruits). zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA the locations. By far the most important
contaminant source is the big tailings dump of Sta.
Maria de La Paz. Water transported material from
these tailings cause significant contamination of soils
in the central Matehuala valley up to IO km distance.
Windblown material can be traced for mom than 5
km to the N and to a lesser extent, to the S.
Contamination with material from mining activities
occurs in the top soils down to SO-100 cm below
surface. Therefore geologic anomalies in top soils
from the vicinity of the mines and dumps are masked.
predominantly by contamination with tailings materi-
als. The contamination effect decreases with the
100 1000
total sods [mg/kg]
depth, thus the concentration gradient can be used to
stem A leaves = grain
discriminate between geologic anomalies and anthro-
Pi<> IO. Al-\enic concentrations in leaves. stem ‘md gminr of Zea
pogenic anomalies.
M&s ;I\; 8 function of total soil content\ from agricultural fields S The most critical effects on the food chain OCCUI-
01 dump DI and D2. in those areas. irrigated by mine waters. Overall.
concentration of toxic elements in corn grains does Bezdek, C.J., Ehrlich, R. and Full, W.. 1983, FCM: the fuzzy
c-means clustering algorithm. Comput. Geosci.. IO: 191-203.
not exceed the allowable concentrations, but concen-
Boyle. R.W. and Jonasson. I.R.. 1973. The geochemistry of
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allowable concentrations. Thus a further increase of
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It is therefore highly recommended to avoid the E DIN IY730. 1903. Ammoniumnitratextraktionen ,ur Bestim-
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Acknowledgements determinations with AGV-I. BCR-I and GSP-I and new data
for 17 geochemical reference materials. Geostand. Newsl.. 6:
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The authors wish to thank the Negociaci6n Min- Megaw. P.K.M.. Rulr. J. and Titley. S., 198X. High-temperature,
era de Sta Man’s de La Paz especially Ing. L.H. carbonate-hosted Ag-Pb-Zn-(Cu) deposits of Northern
Cajero for supporting these investigations on site. Z. M&co. Econ. Geol.. 83: 1856-1855.
Bemer. D. Meyer and J. Stummeyer carried out the Niiltner, T.. Maisenhacher. P. and Puchelt. H.. IOYO. Microwave
acid digestion of geological and biological standard reference
ICP-MS investigations.
material\ for trace clement analysis with ICP-MS. Spectrosc.
We also wish to thank W. Salomons and G.F. Int.. S(q): 10%S3.
Taylor for helpful comments on the manuscript. Pierce. M.L and Moore. C.B.. 1980. Adsorption of Arhenite on
Amorpous Iron Hydroxide from dilute Aqueous Solution.
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