OB-Individual Assignement

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Leadstar College, MBA-Online-Program

Organizational Behavior-Individual Assignment

Attempt the assignment as per the instruction embedded in the paper below;
Individual case based Activity

You will be required to observe and analyze the behavior of a group you are familiar with. This
group can beassociated with: your workplace; an organization you volunteer in; your school or
institution; or any other group that your instructor deems appropriate.
The group should have a specific project or major activity they are working on. Once you have selec
ted a group observe it for at least eight hours.
You may need to do this over several sessions if it is a group like a Boy Scout troop that only meets
occasionally. Consider the literature you have read and the ideas presented in this course. As you
observe the group explore and report on the following:
1. Does the group have established goals and objectives?
2. What type of group behaviors does the group exhibit?
3. How does the group communicate?
4. is there one or two people in the group that seem to be the unofficial leaders?
5. What type of decision making process do they employ?
6. How does the group handle conflict/disagreements?
7. How does the group behaviour differ from you own personal behaviour? The paper
should be between five and ten pages double spaced. Your observations should be supp orted by
references from the literature or the course readings. Once you have completed your rep ort you
should submit it online before the due date for feedback.

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