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Purok 3, Zamora, Cabarroguis, Quirino


Presented by:

Shangzi Shanghai








S.Y. 2022- 2023


In a world driven by diverse culinary experiences and a growing appreciation for global

flavors, we are excited to introduce our innovative and delectable creation, "Tuna Shanghai."

This project proposal aims to outline our vision, strategy, and action plan for bringing this

exquisite dish to a broader audience and establishing a thriving business around it.

"Tuna Shanghai" is a seafood masterpiece that traces its roots to the vibrant coastal city

of Shanghai, China. This culinary gem encapsulates the essence of the city's rich traditions,

marrying the flavors of the sea with the culinary finesse for which Shanghai is renowned.

Our Tuna Shanghai is characterized by its impeccable use of fresh, succulent tuna – a tribute to

the coastal abundance. The heart of this dish lies in the meticulous blending of flavors that define

Shanghai cuisine, including savory soy sauce, aromatic ginger, and the subtle kick of garlic. It

can be prepared through various cooking techniques, catering to the diverse palates and

preferences of our customers.

Beyond its impeccable taste, Tuna Shanghai carries cultural significance, celebrating the

maritime heritage and culinary artistry of Shanghai. Our proposal explores not only the culinary

aspects of this dish but also its potential in the market, the distinctive value it brings to the

seafood industry, and the exciting growth opportunities it presents.

In the following sections, we will delve into the details of our project, outlining our

business plan, marketing strategy, operational logistics, and financial projections. Tuna Shanghai

is more than just a dish; it's a culinary journey, and we invite you to join us on this exciting

venture to share this extraordinary experience with the world.



This represents the company's vision, mission, the organizational structure, and the


A. Vision

Our vision for our product is to create a unique and delicious snack that can be enjoyed at

anytime. Our goal is to make our tuna Shanghai a household name and must have for any

gathering or occasion.

B. Mission

Our mission is to create a delicious and high quality product that people will enjoy and

crave. And to create a product that makes a positive impact on people's lives and provide joy

and satisfaction to all who try it.

C. Organizational Structure

This represents the organizational chart that includes the different positions of the people

in the company

Janelle B. Banwagen

Business Owner

Finance Marketing Production

Karen C. Binlayan Airish P. Kimmayong JM B. Agustin

Bookkeeper Sales Manager Chef

Junilyn B. Bacena
Lei Ann L. Castaneto Ryzal B. Cabbab
Sales Manager
Bookkeeper Chef

John Allen Bondoc

Supply Officers
C. Proponents

This presents the proprietor of Tuna Shanghai namely: Janelle Banwagen, Karen

Binlayan, JM Agustin, Ryzal Cabbab, Lei Ann Castañeto, Junnilyn Bacena, Airish

Kimmayong, and their duties and responsibilities.


Business Owner

The business owner responsibility is to over see and monitor the daily operation of the

company. She is also responsible for the overall decisions regarding the business and to facilitate

the employees.



The duty of the bookkeeper is to record the daily financial transaction in the company.

This includes the recording of the sales and expenses in producing the products.


Sales Manager

The responsibility of the sales manager is to lead the advertising and product introduction

to the market. She will also lead the selling of the products.


The chef is responsible for the production of the product.


Supply Officer

The supply officers duty is the buying of materials to be used in the publication of the



This chapter discusses the proposed name of the business, the product description and

project location.

A. Proposed Name

Business Name: Shangzi Shanghai

This business name is derived from the word "shang" which means Shanghai and we took

"zi" From the Chinese names because more on Chinese are fond of business.

Product Name: Tuna Shanghai

The product name "Tuna Shanghai" is derived from the words "tuna" Which is the

alternative for our original shanghai and instead of using pork we use tuna to make it unique and

to taste the deliciousness of tuna in a simple way.


We made the logo with Shanghai in it represents our tuna Shanghai including the sauce of

it. We use circle to symbolized the packaging cup and the color yellow and pink also represent

the color of the shanghai and sauce.

B. Product Description

Tuna Shanghai is a product that has a tuna flavor in it. It is rectangular in shape and it is

brownish with it's crispy texture. The feel-in is the mixture of carrot and tuna. It have a balance

taste and texture of it.

C. Project Location

The product will be made in Zamora, Cabarroguis, Quirino as it is the location we will

cook our product and it will be marketed in Gundaway, Cabarroguis, Quirino.



This represents the SWOT Analysis of the company and the competitors which includes

their strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Shangzi Shanghai Mighty Tuna

Strength • Unique flavor profile • unique and bold

product in the
• Healthy food
snacks market
• Easy to prepare
• attracts



• Potential for

niche market


Weaknesses • Price Sensitivity • limited product

range, potentially
• Limited Shelf life
• Seasonal Availability
Opportunities • Health conscious • exploring

market opportunities for

health conscious
• Collaboration with
and adventurous
• Online sales and e -
• potential for
unique marketing


Threats • Competition • competition

from establish
• Consumer allergies
snack brands
• Changing consumer
• limited product

• niche market


• supply chain


• regulatory

A SWOT Analysis is a structured list of company’s key strengths, weaknesses,

Opportunities, and threats. The goal of SWOT Analysis is to assist the proprietors in developing

a strong business strategy by ensuring that they have considered all of their company’s strengths

and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats it faces in the market place(Berry, T.



The potential competitor of the business includes Mighty Tuna, the school canteen. These

businesses are the possible competitors of the company because they are also part of the food

industry. Furthermore, they are also near the target market location of our business, and more

well-known to the market.

The innovative , new, and unique product that Shangzi Shanghai offers is its advantage to

the market and in the introduction to the potential customers. On the other hand , there will be

disadvantages compared to the competitors mentioned since the product is still new to the

market. Various competitors are more known and have now established their businesses to the

market. One of the weaknesses of our product is the seasonal availability which can be

addressed by making other alternatives to the tuna.

Furthermore, it will be in the advantage of the business that Tuna Shanghai is being

introduced to the market is affordable and healthy, the opposite of the products the competitors

are selling. The business can level or exceed the competitors by having high customer

satisfaction and retention which will be possible by making sure that Tuna Shanghai will be

product they would love. Also, since the product being offered is innovative, it will be in great

advantage to the business.



In the market survey that is conducted, questionnaire were used to gather data from 15

respondents. The respondents were ask by their willingness to participate in the product tasting.

The respondents are the teachers and student of Quirino General High School, specifically in the

Senior High School buildings. In conducting the market survey, the respondents were given a

free taste of the product and the questionnaire.

A. Questionnaire

This questionnaire is mainly about the perception and opinion of the respondents about

the food product for what alternative and their preferred taste of the product.

1. What alternative do you want aside from tuna?

2. What is your preferred sauce?

3. What is your preferred price?

4. What is your preferred tub?

5. How was its taste? Is it good or bad?

B. Results

Based on these results, the following business planning considerations can be made:
- Chicken and pork appear to be popular alternatives to tuna, indicating that including these

options in the menu may attract more customers.

- Sweet sauce is slightly preferred over spicy sauce. Offering both options can cater to a broader

customer base.

- The pricing option of "3 PCs for 20 pesos" is more favorable among the respondents. It might

be a good idea to feature this pricing prominently.

- Paper cups are the preferred tub option, so it's advisable to stock up on paper cups for serving.

- The majority of respondents found the taste to be good, which is a positive sign. It's important

to maintain the quality of the product.

These survey findings can help in making informed decisions about menu offerings,

pricing, and serving options, ultimately catering to the preferences of the majority of customers

and potentially attracting more patrons to the business.

C.Interpretation of the Results

This part of the chapter shows and explains the meaning of the results in each question

that were answered by the respondents.

1. The chart below represents the percentage of people who like Pork, Chicken, Bangus, and

Galunggong base on the results in question 1.

The chart illustrates that of 15 respondents, appears that chicken is the most preferred

alternative , with 9% of the respondents choosing it. Pork and Galunggong each received 3% of

the votes as alternatives, while Bangus received no preference from the survey respondents. This

suggest that Chicken is the most popular alternative to our product among respondents.

2. The chart illustrates opinion of the respondents in their preferred sauce.

This chart shows that , it appears that a higher percentage of respondents, 9% prefer

sweet sauce, while a slightly lower percentage, 6% prefer spicy sauce. This suggest that sweet

sauce is more popular choice among the respondent. However, it’s important to note that

preferences may vary, and these percentages represent the preferences of the surveyed group.

3. This graph presents the opinion and perception of the participants in their preferred price.

This graph present that 5% of the respondents prefer a price of 7 pesos each, while a

larger percentage prefer the deal of 3 pcs for 20 pesos. The 3 pcs for 20 pesos options seem to

be the more popular choice among the surveyed respondents. This suggest that the majority of

respondents find the bundled deal more appealing than buying an individually at 7 pesos.

4. This presents the opinion and perception of respondents in their preferred tub.
This chapter illustrates that the results seems the majority of the respondents, 13% prefer

paper cups as container, followed by only 1% each preferring paper cups are the most popular

choice for the respondents when it comes to selecting a container.

5. This graph present the percentage of people who like tuna shanghai and who do not based on

the results in question 5.

This presents that out 15 respondents, 14% found the taste to be” good” while only 1%

found it to be Bad”. This suggest that the products taste is generally well-received among the

surveyed respondents, as the majority rated it positively.


The result of the said market survey show that tuna shanghai is acceptable to the market.

Hence, it can be launched after responding to the respondents suggestions and recommendations

about what to improve about the product.

D. Recommendations

This discusses the respondents recommendations regarding the product, and how will

business respond to them.

First is the sauce , some of the respondents suggested to add some sugar to make it

sweeter. Second is the taste of Shanghai some suggest to add some taste to improve and make it



This present the marketing plan of the business which include the product offering,

pricing strategies, sales and distribution, and advertising and promotion that the company will

use in its operations.

A. Product offering

Our tuna shanghai product line will include a variety of flavors and sizes to crater to

different costumer preferences. The core will offering will consist of the following:

a. Original Tune Shanghai - this will be the standard flavor and size of tuna shanghai.

b. Spicy Tuna Shanghai - for costumers who prefer a spicier taste, we will offer a variant with

added species and flavoring.

c. Mini Tuna Shanghai - smaller portion for tuna shanghai, suitable as snacks or appetizers.

d. Jumbo Tuna Shanghai - larger portion for costumers who want a more substantial meal.

B. Pricing Strategies

Our pricing strategy will take into consideration factors like production costs, market

competition, and costumer value. We aim to provide competitive prices while ensuring


a. Cost-plus Pricing
Initially, we will adopt a cost-plus pricing strategy, where we add a markup to our

production costs. This ensures that we cover our expenses while making a reasonable profit


b. Competitive Pricing- to attract and retain customers, we will monitor the prices of similar

products in the local market and adjust our prices to remain competitive. We may offer

occasional discounts or promotions to entice customers.

c. Value Based Pricing - as we establish a loyal customer based and gain insights into their

preferences, we may introduce premium variants, such as “family Pack” or “Party Pack”, which

could be priced slightly higher, offering grater value in terms of quantity and convenience.

d. Bulk Discounts- to encourage larger purchases, we will offer discounts for bulk orders. For

instance, costumers buying a dozen tuna shanghai units may receive a discount per unit, making

it more cost-effective for them.

e. Seasonal and Promotional Pricing- during special occasions or local events, we may introduce

limited-time promotions or special pricing to stimulates sales.This could include bundling deals

or “ Buy One, Get One, offers.

The key to our pricing strategy is flexibility, ensuring we can adapt to market dynamics,

customer demands, and changes in production costs while delivering value to our customers. We

will closely monitor sales and gather feedback to fine-tune pricing approach as needed.

C. Sales and Distributions

This par shows how to reach the target customers using the sales and distributions

strategies that the business strategies

a. Selective Distributions

The company will use selective distribution strategy , focusing on specific locations. Our

primary target location for selling tuna shanghai is in Cabarroguis, particularly in Zamora, as this

is where our target customers reside. Our market includes people of all ages within the

community. Sales will be conducted on a per-unit basis, and our proprietors will handle the


b. Packaging

Our Tuna Shanghai will be packaged in 9 by 14 cm stand-up zip lock pouches. These

pouches will be gray in color with a transparent front, allowing a customers to see the contents.

The pouches will bear a small logo of the product and its weight in grams, placed on the

transparent part for easy identification.

D. Advertising and Promotion

This explains how the business will promote and advertise the product using social media

and personal selling

a. Social Media Marketing

We will maintain an active presence on social media platforms, such as Facebook and

Instagram, to reach our target audience. Regular posts will showcase our product, its feature, and

any special promotions.

b. Personal Selling
Our proprietors will engage in personal selling, especially when interacting with

customers in the local community. They will provide product information, answer questions, and

offer samples or special deals to encourage sales.



This chapter discusses the machines, materials, methods, and manpower used in the

production of the product “Tuna Shanghai”.

A. Machines

This shows the machines that will be used in the production of the product.


B. Materials

This presents the materials and ingredients that will be used in the production

Ingredients: Materials

- 2 cans of tuna in water or oil, drained - knife

- 1 small carrot, finely grated - chopping board

- 1 small onion, finely chopped - frying fan

- 2 cloves garlic, minced - tong

- salt and pepper to tatse - mixing bowl

- lumpia wrappers (spring roll wrappers) - container

- cooking oil for frying - spoon

- 1 small cucumber (diced)

B. Methods

1. In a mixing bowl, combine the drained tuna, grated carrot, chopped onion, minced garlic,

bread crumbs, and egg. Mix well to ensure all ingredients are thoroughly combined.

2. Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste. You can also add other seasonings or herbs of

your choice for extra flavor.

3. Take a lumpia wrapper and lay it flat on a clean surface. Place a portion of the tuna mixture

near the edge of the wrapper, then fold the sides over the mixture and roll it up tightly like a

spring roll, sealing the edge with a little water. Repeat this process for the remaining wrappers

and filling.

4. Heat cooking oil in a deep pan or fryer to around 350-375°F (175-190°C).

5. Carefully place the Tuna Shanghai rolls into the hot oil, a few at a time, and fry until they turn

golden brown and crispy, usually around 3-5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove them from

the oil and place them on a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil.

6. In a bowl, combine the brown sugar and vinegar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved in

the vinegar.

7. Add the diced cucumber, diced onion, grated garlic, ground black pepper, and salt to the

vinegar mixture. Stir to combine all the ingredients, after that put 1/2 water to make the taste



This chapter display the financial statements for the 2-day implementation of tuna

shanghai and the support computation. Hence, this part seeks to explain the finance of the

company regarding the lunch of the product.

Income Statement

Start - up Cost

Less: Expenses
Tuna flakes( family size)
1/2 kilo carrots
1 big onion (chopped)
2 cloves (minced)
1 cucumber (diced)
1/2 tbs Salt and pepper
2 packs wrapper
2 bottle oil
Paper cup
Total expenses
Shangzi Shanghai

Income Statement

As of Oct.


Less: Expenses

Tuna Flakes (family)



In this chapter, we asses the socio - economic feasibility of Shangzi in producing and

selling tuna Shanghai, taking into consideration various stakeholders and factors that can impact

the business.

1. Government - In business, "government" refers to the various levels of governing bodies, such

as local, state, and national governments, that set regulations, laws, and policies that can impact

businesses. Government plays a significant role in areas like taxation, trade, labor laws, and

environmental regulations.

2. People in community - This term typically refers to the local population and potential

customers living in the vicinity of a business. Understanding and engaging with people in the

community is crucial for businesses as they form part of the customer base and can influence the

success of a company.

3. Economic - "Economic" in a business context pertains to the financial aspects and conditions

that impact businesses. It includes factors like supply and demand, inflation, interest rates,

economic growth, and market trends, all of which have a significant impact on business

operations and decision-making.

4. Future entrepreneurs - This refers to individuals who aspire to start their own

businesses or ventures. Future entrepreneurs are potential business owners who

may be in the process of planning, gaining knowledge, or seeking opportunities to

initiate and run their own enterprises.

5. Future resellers - In a business context, "future resellers" are individuals or entities who plan

to purchase products or services from a manufacturer or wholesaler with the intention of

reselling them to end customers. These resellers may include retailers, distributors, or other

intermediaries in the supply chain government: In business, "government" refers to the various

levels of governing bodies, such as local, state, and national governments, that set regulations,

laws, and policies that can impact businesses. Government plays a significant role in areas like

taxation, trade, labor laws, and environmental regulations.


This present the timeline of events and activities of the project implementation from

October to January.

Activities September October November December January No. Of


1. Planning



4. Market and

5. Business plan


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