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Savar, Dhaka-1342

Course Title: BUS 504: Managerial Economics (Section: I)

Course Instructor: Md. Badrul Alam
Assistant Professor
Contact Phone: 01845-928422 (From 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM)

About the Course Instructor

Md Badrul Alam is currently serving as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Business

Administration, Jahangirnagar University. He graduated top of his class in both BBA and MBA
programs at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA-JU). Apart from teaching, he is conducting
research in many contemporary areas of finance and economics including foreign direct investment
(FDI), economic growth, credit risk management, and insurance development. He has published
many articles in reputed internationally referred journals including the International Journal of
Emerging Markets (IJOEM), Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies (JCEFTS),
Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences (JEAS), South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM),
and the Journal of Economic, Finance and Administrative Science (JEFAS), recently. In addition, he is
serving as a reviewer of many high-impact journals namely Environmental Science Pollution Research
(ESPR), International Journal of Emerging Markets (IJOEM), and African Development Review. He is
very passionate about learning and researching the application of financial technology to help small
business owners and entrepreneurs in managing their seed fundings through peer-to-peer lending.

The suggested textbooks are i) Mankiw, G. N., Principles of Microeconomics (8th ed.):
Cengage Learning. And ii) Thomas, R. C., & Maurice, C. S., Managerial economics:
Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy (12th ed.): McGraw Hill Education. These
books will give you detailed understanding on various concepts of economics and their
implications in managerial decision making in business.

Chapter title Chapters Approximate
Ten principles of economics (Mankiw) Chapter 1 WEEK 1
Interdependence and the gains from trade (Mankiw) Chapter 3 WEEK 2
Class Test-01 (Chapter-01 & 03) Week-03
The market forces of supply and demand (Mankiw) Chapter 4 WEEK 3,4
Mid Term Exam-01 (Chapter-01, 03, & 04) WEEK 5
Elasticity and its application (Mankiw) Chapter 5 WEEK 5, 6
Class Test-02 (Chaper-03 & 04) WEEK 7
Supply, demand and government policies (Mankiw) Chapter 6 WEEK 7, 8
Consumer, producers, and the efficiency of markets (Mankiw) Chapter 7 WEEK 9, 10
Mid Term Exam-02 (Chapter-5, 6 & 7) WEEK 11
Production and cost in the short run (Thomas) Chapter 8 WEEK 11
Firms in competitive markets (Mankiw) Chapter 14 WEEK 12
Class Test-03 (Chapter-05 & 06) WEEK 12

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Purpose of the Course
This is a foundation course for the MBA level to give an understanding about the application of
economic concepts in the business environment. The main objective of this course is to learn how the
techniques and theories of microeconomics can be used to explain how firms and consumers behave.
The course will sharpen analytical skills of students through integrating knowledge of economic
theory with decision making techniques. The course will help students become more adept at
designing and developing business strategy at firm level. Students should gain a rigorous
understanding of competitive markets as well alternative market structures. The specific course
objectives are:

➢ Use demand and supply analysis to work out equilibrium price and quantity in market

➢ Use demand functions, cost functions, market structures, and game-theoretic concepts in the

analysis of a firm’s decisions

➢ Analyze how firms can use various pricing strategies to maximize profit

➢ Distinguish different types of market structures in terms of their key assumptions

➢ Use the consumer choice model to analyze consumer choices

Course Content
This course is organized around the concepts of microeconomics with a concentration on business
application. We will use a combination of lectures, assignments, readings and class exercises to learn
these concepts. Lectures will focus on real life applications of economic concepts in the real-life
business. The lecture will cover the real-life problems uses in the business and do class participation
for collective understanding.
Performance Evaluation
a. Class Attendance and Participation : 05%
b. Term Examination (Both the exams will be counted) : 30%
c. Class Test (Best 2 out of 3) : 20%
d. Individual Assignments : 5%
e. Final Examination : 40%
Total : 100%
** The faculty reserves the right to make necessary modification in the evaluation process

Class Attendance & Class Participation (5%)

Class attendance and participation is required for this course as every chapter is the foundation for
the next one. If a student misses more than two classes, he/she will not get any number in that

Individual Assignments and Cases Work (5%)

The students will be given assignments based on the assigned textbook chapters, class lectures and
real-life case of managerial economics. These assignments will consist of short answers and simple
applications of the concepts discussed in the class. The students are expected to work on them
individually and sometimes with group and submit them on the assigned date. No late submissions
are allowed. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that the students are updated on the concepts
discussed in class.

Class Test (20%)

Every class test would consist of 10 MCQ, each of which carries 1 mark. Students are suggested to go
through the text and understand the concepts discussed in each chapter.

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Term Examination (30%)
Term examination is usually intensive exam. The examination may contain the combination of short
questions/problems, some quantitative problems, and some real-life problems with graphical
illustrations. There will be no retake of any TERM EXAMINATION.

Final Examination (40%)

Final exam will be comprehensive one, which will cover major chapters of managerial economics. The
exam structure will be short questions/problems, real life cases or problems, MCQ or True/False with

▪ All assignments will be handwritten on offset paper (A4 size) with well presented format.
▪ Every student should submit the assignments before commencement of class and delayed submission
will not be accepted for any reason.
▪ Students will be panelized for any kind of unfair activities in the quizzes, assignments or exams. For
example, if anyone copy assignments, both parties will get ZERO in that assignment. Subsequent class
performance or bonus marks will be affected for that.


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