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Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University (IBA-JU)

WMBA Program| BUS 501| Managerial Communication

Course Instructor
Saptarshi Dhar
Assistant Professor, IBA-JU
Contact Hours: By Appointment

Suggested Reading
Essentials of Managerial Communication, Mary Ellen Guffey and Dana Loewy, 12th ed.

Marks Distribution
Mid Term (Best of 2) 30
Presentation 15
Report Writing 15
Final Examination 40

Course Contents
● Thriving in a Digital, Social and Mobile Workplace Chapter 1

● The Writing Process in the Digital Era Chapter 2, 3, 4

● Digital Media Chapter 5

● Persuasive Messages Chapter 8

● Proposals and Formal Reports Chapter 10

● Business Presentations Chapter 12

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