Jennifer Pujos - Workbook Unit 9

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un Bi Relationships ja ealthy relationships o complete the sentences and the puzzle with the correct words. Use words about relationship behaviors. ross 13) Mr. Jenkins said I didn’t do a good job. He always finds things in my workto . | 6 Donand Greg. allthetime, They never listen to each other. 1 Ginaisreally sorry. She's goingto to Kate. 4 Kate knows Gina is sorry. She's goingto her. Down My mother likes to my friends. She always tells me if they are good or bad friends, 2 Pleasedon’t__. know you're not being honest. Josh and Dan usually by ‘email, but they sometimes talk on ‘the phone. | want to goto a restaurant, and ‘you want to go to the park, Let's and eat food in the park! Shannon talks about everyone! ‘hate when people Ask Lee Dear Lee, Sometimes it’s difficult to tell my parents the truth. I'm a pretty good son, but! make mistakes. | don’t want my parents to get upset. | know that it’s not good tolie , but sometimes it's hard to be honest. What's your advice? - Stressed-Out Son Dear Stressed-Out Son, It's not always easy tole honest, but you should try. It’s very important to comme! cale with your parents. Ifyou say you made a mistake, it might help them understand. They used to be young, and they made mistakes, too. Dear Lee, My friends and | are planning a vacation, and we’re arguing. Two people want to go to the beach, and one person wants to go hiking. What should we do? -Raloh Dear Ralph, It’s not a good idea __ to atape with your friends. It’s important fo compromise Why don’t youi go to a park with mountains near the ocean, like the Manuel Antonio National Park in Costa Rica? You can hike in the mountains and go to the beach! Dear Lee, | gossiped about my friend to some other people. | feel terrible, and now she won't talk to me. Please help! ~ Pamela G. Dear Pamela, When someone is upset with you, it’s useful Lo_agalogi 1é : 6 If she doesn’t want to talk to you, tell her you’re sorry in an email. If she knows how you feel, she may forgive you. A put the words in the correct order to make a sentence, 1 R'S/t0 help / your neighbors / good idea /. {R38 good idea to help your neighbors. 2 toapologize / It’s / nice / when you're wrong /. Ws. nice bo agolagi te wher youre wre 3 with your teacher / not good / t's /to argue /. Mw nal.goad bo aque with your beaher 4. X/to compromise / important / with your friends /. IRS frpoudaat te comportire witth your teacher ___ a 5 helpful /It's/in class /to listen carefully /. ibis healt by Widen care filly to class §§ never a go0d idea / about your friends / I's / to gossip /. WS tara good teat gqussip abool your MYends 6 complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use expressions from the box. mS (oot) a good idea, It’s (not) helpful It's (not) useful I's [not good It’s (not) important pompiecAt school It's important tobe on time. school » lbs foporkaad fo be freon time. 2 {U3 fnporlant to usc ___ (use) adietionary in class. with your friends ? 4s aal_a good tdea lo communicate — (communicate) dishonestly cor impatiently. ‘ lbs fopondant Jo plan (plan) activities that ‘everyone enjoys. malibeary s lbs tmporlunt fp Yul K talk quietly. + 1ts acl_a_gped thea hy uartle ____{wrte)in the books. ce really sorry. i Circle the correct phrase to complete each conversation, : A. Kelly Hi, oug That's ok (Gor realy sore) I missed your birthday. Doug | There's no need to apologize)/ I'm sorry. Kelly Well it'snot nice to miss a friend's birthday. Doug Please, Kelly. I'm sorry. (Gon worry about it. Kelly OK. But let's celebrate on Friday. Doug Great! 8 Kelly Hi, Doug, There's no need to. apologize {(isorg)our leant make iton Friday. vous (Tats08 My apologies. Kelly No, it's not. | feel terrible. (ivanoiges) Don't worry about it. Can you come over on Saturday? I'l ‘make dinner! Doug. OK. That sounds great Complete the conversations. Use some of the expressions from Exercise 1 and your own ideas. A You Imissedyourparty. __'n_really sorry —s Friend Oh, _ Shalis OH ee oy eee rpc — Friend That's too bad, B. Friend Jamverylate, ty - apologies vw Theres _no-nced bo agvlagtes — Friend Notreally. | have alot nya fast H wily You — Oh. Toobad! What happened? Iseverything al right? at can’t be the problem. p Complete each question with the correct word from the box. Voter — into together | mes nC by on up 1 Doyou take after anyone in your family? Who? 2 Mave you ever been picked on in school? By whom? 3 poyouget___arlong, well with your friends? 4 Haveyou ever broken __yp___with a boyfriend or girtriend? who? 5 Powottendoyouget__tngathor with friends each month? What do you do? and don't call first? Who does this? § Doyoulike it when friends drop _ f Spy when you were shopping? . Doyou know anyone who is immature and needs to grow op 3 Whois the person you count on. the most? 7 Whois the last person you ran 2Who? B answer the questions in Exercise 1 with your own information. Use phrasal verbs, snd add more information when possible. empl: Yes.|do.| take after my mother: We're friendly and outgoing. !look__ lke her too. oy No,Idon't. But Id like to take after my father. He's really intelligent. Eg a ae 2 Ho} waset a ee ee 3 Yes.) do Lagh slg 24 well utth oy & tend t teLbawt 3 aie up ustth ony boy Brad s Last Ingether uth ends every day. We shidy bage Shen 1 dent 6 00 ant Pr the lus) guscn_) 2 to.) dnl of Qoriela 5 : Ic io 3 | fon} 69 oo) Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. cant my mst | 1 Cindy mus get along well with her family. She's at her parents’ house every weekend, 2 mot sue, but think __euasp know where the restaura 3 Mark can! be breaking up with me! He loves me! could mightnot must not | 4 Bev __eniaht 0 __ come to work today. She felt sick yesterday. 5 Josh_trust not be coming to the party. Itstarted an hour ago, and he's not here, 6 You coul\__run into Dan atthe mall. think he's shopping today. Complete the conversation with must, can’, or might. ‘Sandra Good morning, Paul. Do you know where Dan is? I didn't see his car outside. Paul I'mnotsure. He might beata doctor's appointment. , Sandra No, ne__cant__havea doctors appointment today. | have all his appointments in my calendar. Paul You'reright. te _oight __ betaing the bus today. The buses are often late. Sandra Well, he wt have a good reason. He's never late. Paul Wait! My phone's ringing. t__etghf be Dan. Let mesee.... No, — be Dan. I's not his number. Sandra Well, you should answer it! Dan aight ___ be calling from a different phoneif there's a problem, Aminute ater... Paul YesttwasDan.He_Cus)___be feeling pretty stressed. He ran out 6 of gas and had to ask a stranger to drive him to a gas station, But he left his cell phone in his car, so he had to ask the stranger to use her phone, 6 Answer the questions with your own ideas, Use words from the box to speculate and to say how sure you are, cant could may (not) night (not) must (not) gromple: (don't know She might be looking for some money. or Ieee her car he must be looking for her keys 1 What isthe woman looking for? 2 What animalis it? se her wut. She. ous belook . SPORT LALLY), bie 4.0... ues | dont toows it could be a ulate. +5 whyis the boy crying? 4 Why are they arguing? thal qovare sad, Hast you have (tan cold beth She lee out ors / § Whyis the woman late? 6 Where are they going? toy th wierd o lok Vee erplane. It covld bo That they or: yotng on & hip. » Getting advice 1 “Fm sorry, but you need to get more organized, Your work is often tate.” “it must feel bad that James doesn’t want to play with you. Could you ask Kahl ‘don't think he’s good for you. Do you ever think about breaking up? How to Give Advice Everyone has an opinion, but sometimes it’s not easy to give advice, Thisis really true for important relationships. Here are some tips on how you can give advice in different relationships. Toachild If you aren't careful, children might get angry when you give them advice. They are often immature, and they don’t understand that you want to help. i's useful to tell them you understand what they are going through before you give them advice, Be considerate, think about how they might feel, and remember that their ‘opinions matter. I's not helpful to speak loudly Cor to criticize; this makes children feel worse, and they might not listen to you. Toaco-worker Itcan be difficult to give advice to people at work, soit's often good to apologize first. For example, say, “I'm sorry, but | think you could..." And remember that it's never a good idea tojudge people. Give advice about what you think should change about the person's work, not about the person! Also remember that in work Don't argue. a 4 Behonest. Youmayneedtocompromise. [) Yournight need to get angry. ] 6 Ask questions, 5 Don't give advice about work. Road the advice, Who Is the speaker giving the advice to? Write the correct heading, trom the magazine article, situations, you often have to compromise. You ‘may give advice, but the person might not take it! Toatriend Friends can be the hardest people to give advice to, It'simportant to be honest, but you should also be kind, When you glue advice to ‘friend, don't argue. Try to communicate with your friend, Ask questions and realy understand your friend's problem before you give advice, These tips are useful in other types of telationships, too. The important thing to remember is to be patient with others, and give them a chance to respond to your advice. It's also helpful to give advice when the person Is ready to listen, Don't give advice when the person is extremely upset or stressed, Try to finda time when he or she is more relaxed. Read the article again. Check (//) what the writer says about giving advice, a Qo x

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