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6975 as amended by Republic Act

No. 8551, The PNP in under the administrative control and operational supervision of the National Police
Commission. Meanwhile, the NAPOLCOM is an attached agency of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government for policy and program coordination. The Secretary of the Interior and Local
government is mandated to be the Ex- Officio Chairman of NAPOLCOM

In order to accomplish the mission, powers and functions of the PNP, its structure was provided for as
follows: 1. The PNP Command Group is headed by the Chief PNP who is vested with the power to
command and direct the PNP. He is also assisted by two Deputies assigned to the administration of the
PNP and one for operations side. 2. The Chief of the Directorial Staff serves as the Chief Operations
Officer of the PNP. He coordinates, supervises, and directs the Directorial Staff and the PNP units in the
performance of their respective functions. 3. The Internal Affairs Service (IAS) is headed by a Inspector
General who assists the Chief PNP in ensuring operational readiness and investigates infractions of the
regulations committed by the members of the PNP

The Human Rights Affairs Office (HRAO). is headed by a senior police commissioned officer who serves as
a manager of the facility that will supervise the implementation of the guidelines and policies on human
rights laws. 5. The Center for Police Strategy Management (CPSM). serves as the Central facility of the
PNP in coordinating and integrating all strategy management processes, sustaining its strategy execution
and management, and instilling in the organization a culture of strategy focus. 6. The Directorial Staff is
composed of 16 directorates. Every Director in each unit has also his defined function in line with his
specialization as follows: • The Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM). The director
optimizes the utilization of personnel resources both from the PNP- uniformed and non- uniformed

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