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you for downloading our 12 FREE Done-for-You Boot Camp Workouts

Since Chris is the Mac Daddy at exploding your fitness business through his ninja tactics and unconventional marketing strategies, we wanted to give you a few (and hopefully new) ideas on some cool workouts that you can use with your boot camp classes. These are THE SAME types of workouts we use in our own personal boot camps... theyre a lot of fun and we get AWESOME results with our campers! Note: Please keep in mind that these workouts are based from body-weight exercises, and because of that, they dont contain many posterior upper back exercises. It's very important if youre running an outdoor class or a class without weights, that you make sure to find a way in your regular program to ensure that these muscles are trained properly. We know you already know this, but just wanted to remind you J Weve included a manual with pictures and descriptions of all the exercises we have used in the following workouts to make it easy-to-follow. Modify any exercises and rest periods to fit your boot campers fitness levels as needed. Our workouts all begin with a 5-10 minute warm up. We focus on warming up the muscles that will be used in the workout for that particular class. For example, heres a quick example of one of our 5-10 minute warm-ups: 30 sec body weight squats 30 sec lunges (left leg) 30 sec lunges (right leg) 30 sec push-ups 30 sec bicycle crunches 30 sec plank 30 sec mountain climbers 60 seconds rest And Repeat Thanks again for choosing to download these workouts. We truly hope both you and your campers LOVE them. Theyre designed to save you time and energy so you can spend more time ON your business rather than IN your camp! Please feel free to email us (Alicia & Carrie) if you have any questions.

About Alicia & Carrie...

We are two fitness entrepreneurs who have been in the fitness industry for over 25 years combined. We have done everything from one-on-one training, group training, and boot camp style training for all different fitness levels of clients. Weve teamed up to offer other successful fitness professionals our journey to creating the life we want to live by teaching what we love. We have launched 3 different done-for-you products to help other fit pros simplify their fitness business and maximize their profits by giving them the freedom to work on their business instead of too much in it. Visit our blog to see what were all about: Join our Facebook Fan Page:

We have the best jobs in the world as fitness professionals, we help people change lives. How cool is that!

Committed to Your Success, Alicia Streger CSCS, RKC Carrie Kukuda NBCPT, RKC

This program is for information purposes only. The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. As an exercise program, these workouts are intended only to supplement, not replace, medical care or advice as part of a healthy lifestyle. As such, the information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. You must consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using these workouts, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By utilizing the exercise strategies contained herein, you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Alicia Streger, Carrie Kukuda, and KB Fitness Systems, LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur. You assume all risks and waive, relinquish, and release any claim to which you may have against Alicia Streger, Carrie Kukuda, and KB Fitness Systems, LLC, or its affiliates as in the event of any physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of this exercise program. This applies to both professional and personal use of this program. *Note: If youre a fitness professional, this program does not imply endorsement of your boot camps. It is an e-book of exercise ideas and done-for-you workouts that you can apply to your boot camps only. **IMPORTANT: This program is copyrighted. To copy, share, or reproduce is in violation of the law and prosecution will be enforced.

Copyright 2011 KB Fitness Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Body Weight Circuit & Game (Beginner) Warm up (5-10 minutes) As a Group: Complete 2-3 Sets. Allow 2 minutes rest between each set. 30-45 sec Alternating Reverse Lunges 30-45 sec Push-ups 30-45 sec Knees-to-elbow 30-45 sec Prisoner squats 30-45 sec V-jumps As a Group: Use 2 cones/markers to mark off a start and end point about 50 feet apart. Allow 2-5 minutes rest after the last sprints have been completed and then REPEAT ONE MORE TIME. Walking lunges to cone and sprint back Bear Crawl to cone and sprint back Grouchos - forward to the cone and Grouchos backwards back Side shuffle left side to cone and right side back Grapevine/Karaoke- face the left going to the cone, and face the opposite direction on the way back Sprint down and back As a Group: Create teams of 4 people. (If there is an odd number, then someone may have to go twice.) Use the 2 cones to mark a distance about 40 feet away. Each team member will perform ALL 4 exercises below starting at one cone, completing the exercise back to the second cone (down AND back). The first team who finishes all the exercises first, wins! Ex. 1st team member performs the bear crawl down and back, tags the 2nd team member and they perform the bear crawl down and back, they tag the 3rd team member and then perform the bear crawl down and back, and the 4th team member etc. They then move on to the Bounding (skip with high knees), and so on. Exercises in Order to Complete: Bear crawl Bounding (skip with high knees) Grapevine/Karaoke Back pedal Sprint 2-4 minutes rest As a Group: Complete 1-2 sets of the following exercises. Allow 1-2 minutes rest between sets if performing 2 sets. 30 sec Body Saw plank 30 sec Straight Arm Plank 30 sec Side Plank 30 sec Side Plank 30 sec Plank Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)

Tabata & Obstacle Course (Beginner) (youll need a medicine ball and a few cones) Warm up (5-10 minutes) As a Group: Obstacle Course! You need 6 cones set up in a straight line about 5-6 feet apart. Then, use either chalk to draw circles or 6 hoops to create hop scotch for feet. Create 2 obstacle courses. Split your campers into 2 teams (try to split with equal fitness levels.) Have the 1 person on each team start and run in & out of the cones, do hop scotch through the hoops, and then do 20 squat jumps, and return through the hoops and cones and tag their team mate. Everyone goes through 2 times. While the team is waiting have your campers either jog in place or do a variety of their choice of core exercises. Change squat jumps to mountain climbers for the second round. Have fun and use your creativity!

1/4 or 1/2 mile run As a Group: Tabata Each Tabata exercise needs to be completed for 8 sets (or 4 minutes total) For example in #2: 20 seconds of squats, 10 sec rest, 20 sec squats, 10 sec rest, 20 sec squats, 10 sec rest, 20 sec squats, and so on until you reach 4 minutes (8 sets squats total.) Allow 2-3 minutes rest BETWEEN each numbered Tabata (example between #1 and #2) Tabata #1: Floppy Burpees (or regular burpees as a modification) Tabata #2: Body Weight Squats Tabata #3: Full Sit-Ups (or crunches as a modification) 2-3 minutes rest As a Group: Med Ball Pass!! Have your ENTIRE group stand in a close circle. Everyone together goes into a squat and hold position. Pass the med ball around in a circle (you may have to go around a few times depending on the size of your group.) No one is allowed to come out of their squat until the ball has circled the group the designated amount of times. This is a very FUN boot camp exercise!! Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)

Functional Total Body (Beginner) Warm-Up (5-10 min) As a Group: Have campers perform 2 sets, allowing 2-4 minutes rest between sets. 15-20 walking lunges (each side) directly to... 30-60 sec wall sit or Squat & Hold (straight from the wall sit have them....) Sprint 50-75 feet to marker/cone, where they will.... perform 10 burpees at the cone, & sprint back Rest 2-4 minutes As a Group: Boxes: Set up 4 cones/markers in a square 20-30 feet apart. Depending on the size of your group, you can use multiple squares or have a group of people start at each cone. Have your group sprint between each cone in order, stopping to complete each exercise at the designated cone. Run exercise until everyone completes 4-5 rounds Cone 1: 20 Crunches Cone 2: 15 Push-ups Cone 3: 20 Supermans Cone 4: 20 Jumping jacks Rest 2-4 minutes As a Group: Have campers perform 2 sets, allowing 2-4 minutes rest between sets. 32 body weight squats: 8 fast-tempo, 8 slow-tempo (2x IN A ROW with no rest!) 45 sec mountain climbers 45 sec alternating front kicks 45 sec plank Rest 2-4 minutes As a Group: Only one set of 2 min Partner Sprints: Set up 2 cones (50-100 feet) Have each person partner up. 1 partner sprints to the cone and back, slaps their partners hand. Their partner then sprints to the cone and back. Great exercise at the END of camp! Allow 2-4 min rest or as needed before core! Core: 2-3 sets 30 sec Scissor Kicks 30 sec Flutter Kicks 30 sec Bicycle Crunches 30 sec Spiderman Plank 3 x 10 sec hold Hip Bridges 30-60 sec rest Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 min)

Killer Core (Beginner) Warm up (5-10 minutes) As a Group: Split campers into 6 stations. Each exercise is to be performed for 30-60 seconds. (depending on the group) Allow 30-60 seconds to move from station to station. Station #1: Alternating Lateral Lunges Station #2: Full Sit-Ups (or crunches) Station #3: Cross-Over Mountain Climbers Station #4: Inchworms Station #5: Sea Turtles (or superman hold) Station #6: Giant Flutter Kicks 2-4 minutes rest As a Group: Repeat the same format above with the following exercises: Station #1: Modified V-Ups (Alternating) Station #2: Bicycle Crunches Station #3: Regular Burpees Station #4: Alternating Bird-Dog Station #5: Reverse Crunches Station #6: Tuck jumps (standing) or High Knees or Alternating Front Kicks 2-4 minutes rest As a Group: Easy Group Jog and call out random exercises! For example, call out shuffle facing the right, grapevine to the left, or bear crawls! (These are always fun drills!) Rest when needed. 2-4 minutes rest As a Group: 30 sec Body Saw Plank 30 sec Side Plank left side 30 sec Body Saw Plank 30 sec Side Plank right side 30 sec Plank Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)

Deck of Cards Craze! (Intermediate) Warm up (5 minutes) *You need a deck of cards for this workout Group Set it will take the whole boot camp session to finish the deck. Below you will see the exercises attached to each card. Have the campers perform the exercise as you flip each card. 2-10 cards are categorized by their object (ex. Hearts) and they represent how many reps they will do of that exercise. The Face Cards and Jokers are based on the exercise chosen below and they are to perform each of these for :60 sec when flipped. Allow rest as needed. Hearts: Burpees Diamonds: Push-ups Spades: Hindu squats Clubs: Russian Twists Jacks: 60 sec Jump Squats Queens: 60 sec Mountain Climbers Kings: 60 sec Body Saw Plank Aces: 60 sec Floor Jacks (V-Jumps) Jokers: 60 sec Superman Hold Example: Flip an 8 of Hearts = 8 Burpees Flip a Jack of Spades = 60 sec Jump Squats Cool Down and Stretch (5 minutes)

Perfect 10! (Intermediate)

Warm up (5-10 minutes) Timed: (10 minutes) Have your clients perform as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the cycle is over. After the 10 minute round, have campers perform a recovery mile run. Follow with 3-4 minutes rest. 10 Squats (with optional lateral leg raise (5 per side)) 10 Walking lunges (5 per leg) 10 Alternating High Knees Mile Run (perform after 10 minute set) OR set up cones 50-100 feet from each other and have them run back and forth 4 times 2-4 minutes rest Timed: (10 minutes) Have your clients perform as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the cycle is over. After the 10 minute round, have campers perform a recovery mile run. Follow with 2-4 minutes rest. 10 Jump Squats 10 Push-ups 10 Mountain Climbers Mile Run (perform after 10 minute set) ) OR set up cones 50-100 feet from each other and have them run back and forth 4 times 3-4 minutes rest Timed: (10 minutes) Have your clients perform as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the cycle is over. After the 10 minute round, have campers perform a recovery mile run. Follow with 3-4 minutes rest. 10 Floppy Burpees (or regular burpees) 10 Bench Dips (or tricep push-ups if you dont have access to benches) 10 Bird Dogs (alternating 5 per side) Run (perform after 10 minute set) ) OR set up cones 50-100 feet from each other and have them run back and forth 4 times 2-4 minutes rest As a Group: (2 sets) Finish with 60 sec of each of the following exercises then REPEAT! 30 sec Jumping Jacks 30 sec Floor Jacks 30 sec Power Jacks 30 sec Recovery Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Beach Ready Belly! (Intermediate) Warm up (5-10 minutes) Timed: (5 minutes each) Have your clients perform as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the cycle is over. Rest 2-3 minutes and then move to next 5 minute timed circuit. Circuit #1 (5 minutes) 8 Frog Jumps 8 Snow Angels 8 Suicide Tap Downs 8 Butt Kicks Rest 2-3 minutes Circuit #2 (5 minutes) 8 Suicide Push-ups 8 Side Plank Tap Downs left side 8 Side Plank Tap Downs right side 8 Standing Tuck Jumps Rest 2-3 minutes and repeat the 2 circuits again. Partner Sprints: Set up two cones about 50 feet apart and have your campers choose a partner. Have one partner run from the one cone and back and tag partner and then run to cone and back and continue to repeat for 2-4 minutes. Partner Leg Throws: 50 reps each. Partners can alternate as many times as needed until they reach their 50 reps. Partner Sit ups: 50 reps total. Partners can alternate as many times as needed until they reach their 50 reps. Core Finisher: 2-4 sets 30 sec Plank 10 sec recovery 30 Bicycles Crunches 10 sec recovery Cool Down and Stretch (5 minutes)

Sprints & More Fun... (Intermediate) Warm up (5-10 minutes) Warm-up VERY WELL! You dont want any pulled muscles during the sprints! mile easy run to re-warm the legs Sprints: (10 minutes) Set up 2 cones about 50 meters apart. Have your campers sprint as fast as they can to each cone at EVERY 1 minute interval. Campers must complete one 50 meter sprint every minute. The faster they sprint, the more recovery time they have. Rest as needed, then complete as a group: Campers will perform 60 seconds of each of the following exercises (followed by 60 seconds rest), then complete 45 seconds of each exercise, followed by 45 seconds rest, and then 30 seconds per set (with 30 sec rest), and then 15 sec (with a 15 sec rest) Grouchos (4 forward and 4 backward- trying not to stand for the duration of the time) Mountain Climbers Spiderman Push-ups Bicycle crunches W/OUT upper body movement (just move the legs) (hands under hips) Rest Rest as needed and then have the group complete mile recovery run As a group: lead campers through 3 rounds of: 30 sec side plank (left) 30 sec lying tricep extension (stay in the side plank position, drop the right arm down) 30 sec side plank (right) 30 sec lying tricep extension (stay in the side plank position, drop the left arm down) Cool down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Total Body Metabolic Booster (Advanced) Warm up (5-10 minutes) Timed: (10 minutes) Have your campers complete as many rounds as possible of the following.HOWEVERyell out EVERY 1 minute interval, no matter where they are in their circuit, each camper must complete 2 floppy burpees! Campers will then resume where they left off when they are finished with their burpees. This one is FUN! 7 3 Lunges (7 per side) 7 Push-ups 7 Full Sit-Ups As a Group: (3 rounds) Have campers perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Add additional rest IF NEEDED after each completed round. Minimal rest between each exercise (except where designated). 1-legged pistol squats (over a bench for modification) Left leg 1-legged pistol squats (over a bench for modification) Right leg Dips (bench or chair) Jump Rope (or Jumping Jacks) 30 sec rest Rest 2-4 minutes Tabata Time: Tabata #1: Bicycle Crunches vs. Reverse Crunches. 8 sets (or 4 minutes total) 20 sec bicycle crunches (as many as possible), 10 sec rest, 20 reverse crunches, 10 sec rest, 20 sec bicycle crunches, & so on until you reach 4 minutes (8 sets total.) Rest when finished, then... Tabata #2: Flutter Kicks vs. Bench Crunches. 8 sets (or 4 minutes total) 20 sec flutter kicks (as many as possible), 10 sec rest, 20 bench crunches, 10 sec rest, 20 sec flutter kicks, and so on until you reach 4 minutes (8 sets total.) Rest as needed and then have the group complete or mile recovery run Partner Core Workout: 1-2 Rounds of the following. Ensure each partner has a chance to go. 45 sec Partner Leg Throws (45 sec each partner) 45 sec Partner Sit-ups & Push-Downs (45 sec each partner) 45 sec Partner Crunches (with leg pull) (45 sec each partner) Cool down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Total Body Challenge (Advanced) Warm up: 5-10 minutes 100s Workout! Rules: Campers must complete 100 reps for each of the 10 following exercises. Each exercise can be broken down into any set/rep count (as long as campers reach 100 reps of each exercise- or do their best to finish before class is over.) Example: 4 sets of 25 reps, 5 sets of 20 reps, or 10 sets of 10reps. Challenge for individuals to perform at their best pace and rest only as needed. Once your campers have chosen their individual set count, they MUST use count when completing each of the 10 different exercises (otherwise they will lose track.) Example: 25 squats, then 25 push-ups, then 25 Spidermans.etc. until theyve completed all 10 exercises. Then, they must repeat that circuit 4 times.) Campers cannot skip any exercises (provide modifications where appropriate.) (You can ALSO use this as a timed fitness test. Record their scores, repeat a later date, and compare their times.) 1- Prisoner Squats 2- One-Leg Reaches/One-Leg Touches (50 each side) 3- Push-Ups (can use any modification) 4- Spiderman Plank (each leg moves in 50 times) 5- Burpees (Regular or Floppy) 6- Russian Twists 7- Bench/Chair dips 8- Power Jacks 9- Bench Crunches or Modified V-Ups 10- V-jumps As a Group: 4 sets of the following exercises: Allow 30 sec rest between each completed set. 10 Jackknife Crunches - left leg straight 20 Bicycle Crunches 10 Jackknife Crunches - right leg straight Cool down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Mini-Challenge & Tabata Time! (Advanced) Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes Timed round: (10 minutes) Have your campers repeat as many rounds as possible of the following exercises. Rest only when necessary and have them keep track of their total rounds! (Use this workout again in the future to track progress.) 8 push-ups (modified or regular) 8 reverse lunges on each side 8 floppy burpees (use regular burpees as a modification.) 3-5 minutes rest (depending on group) Tabatas: Each Tabata needs to be completed for 8 sets (or 4 minutes total) For example in #1: 20 seconds of squats, 10 sec rest, 20 sec mountain climbers, 10 sec rest, 20 sec squats, 10 sec rest, 20 sec mountain climbers, and so on until you reach 4 minutes (8 sets.) ALLOW 2-4 min rest after each numbered Tabata (depending on group) Tabata #1: squats mountain climbers Tabata #2: bicycle crunches v-jumps Ladder: Perform 8 reps of each (8 inchworms & 8 tuck jumps,) then 7 reps each, then 6 reps and so on until they reach 1 rep of each exercise. As fast as possible with proper form. (1-3 min rest when done.) stationary inchworms standing tuck jumps Glutes: 1-2 sets depending on time (allow 45 sec rest between sets) (A camp favorite!) Abduction: 30 sec full range of motion & 30 sec in the top half of the range of motion (left leg) Abduction: 30 sec full range of motion & 30 sec in the top half of the range of motion (right leg) 45 sec Fire Hydrants (left side) 45 sec Fire Hydrants (left side) Core: 2-3 sets depending on time (4 min/set) 30 sec Jack-knife crunches left leg straight 30 sec Jack-knife crunches right leg straight 30 sec rest 30 sec reverse crunches 30 sec plank 30 sec rest 30 sec quadruped left 30 sec quadruped right 60 sec rest

Cool Down and Stretch 5-10 minutes

The BIG Sneak! (Advanced) Warm up (5-10 minutes) Have your campers perform each exercise for all the desired reps below. Dont move on to the next exercise until you finish the complete number of reps from the prior exercise. Have them rest as needed. Example: 25 Burpees, 25 Lunges, 25 Frog jumps and so on until you complete 25 Spiderman Planks. Then, start over at 20 reps for each exercise....and so on until they have completed 5 reps of each exercise. 25 reps 20 reps 15 reps 10 reps 5 reps 1. Burpees 2. Lunges (left leg) 3. Frog Jumps 4. Lunges (right leg) 5. Jack Knife (left leg straight in the air) 6. Cross over Mountain Climbers 7. Jack Knife (right leg straight in the air) 8. Tricep Push-ups 9. Snow Angels 10. Spiderman Planks If fast finishers (not likely) have them jog it out lightly. Cool Down and Stretch (5 minutes)

Exercise Technique Manual

Written By, Alicia Streger, CSCS, RKC Carrie Kukuda, NB-CPT, RKC

Quad Dominant Exercises:

Basic Squat: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and point your toes slightly out. Push your hips backward and squat down bringing your upper legs to parallel to the ground. Make sure to keep your back flat, chest out, and your spine neutral. Push through your heels back to the starting position. **Trainer Tip: Make sure not to let your knees cross your toes at the bottom of the squat. Add weight to increase intensity.

Grouchos: (one of our favorites from P90X!) From the bottom of the Sumo Squat position (see Sumo Squat description for more details,) take small steps (one leg at a time) forward while keeping your body lowered in the squat position. You can perform this by stepping forward or stepping backward. **Trainer Tip: Try not letting your group stand up when switching from forward Grouchos to backward Grouchos!

Hindu Squat: Place feet shoulder-width apart and keep your feet pointing forward. Extend your arms out from your chest parallel to the floor. Keep the back straight, flex at the knees, and push your hips behind you while you lift your heels off the floor and end on the balls of your feet until you are in a squat-like position. Extend your arms down behind you for balance. As you push through the balls of your feet, swing your arms forward to chest level again and end in standing position with heels back on the floor. (Keep back as straight as possible.)

Medicine Ball Pass: Stand Have your campers form a circle where they stand close to each other. Give them a medicine ball and have them pass it to each while in a squat hold position. Have them continue to hold the squat position for either a specific time period or for a designated number of times around the circle. You can also have them toss it around to each other. Be creative here, this is a fun activity they will enjoy. (Pictures below assume theres someone to the left and right of the participant.)

Pistol Squat: (advanced and modified version) Stand up straight with one leg extended out in front and parallel to the floor. Foot should be firmly planted. You can either have your arms in front of you or hold a weight out in front of you. Pull yourself down to the ground by flexing the hips. Lower down to a position, where your support foot is flat and your hamstring/glute is touching your calf. Push through your heel to stand back up to the starting position. Repeat for desired reps. ***This is a very advanced exercise. Make sure your clients are well stretched before attempting this. Beginners should complete this exercise over a bench/chair as demonstrated in the picture.

Pistol Squat (modified) continued

Prisoner Squat: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and point your toes slightly out. Interlace your fingers and place your hands on the back of your head. Keep your arms elevated in this position throughout the entire movement. Push your hips backward and squat down bringing your upper legs to parallel to the ground. Make sure to keep your back flat, chest out, and your spine neutral. Push through your heels back to the starting position. **Trainer Tip: Make sure not to let your knees cross over top your toes at the bottom of the squat.

Squat & Hold: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and point your toes slightly out. Push your hips backward and squat down bringing your upper legs to parallel to the ground. PAUSE and HOLD at the bottom of the squat for five seconds before pushing up through your heels to the starting position of each rep. Make sure to keep your back flat, chest out, and your spine neutral. Repeat as necessary. **Trainer Tip: Make sure not to let your knees cross over top your toes at the bottom of the squat. Add weight to increase the intensity.

Squat with Lateral Leg Raise: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and point your toes slightly out. Push your hips backward and squat down bringing your upper legs to parallel to the ground. Make sure to keep your back flat, chest out, and your spine neutral. As you push through your heels and extend your knees, lift and extend your left leg out laterally by contracting your (left side) abductors. Lower the extended leg back to the starting position and repeat on each side for the desired number of reps. **Trainer Tip: Make sure not to let your knees cross over top your toes at the bottom of the squat.

Wall Sit: Find a wall or stable flat surface to support your body weight. Sit with your back against the wall with your hips flexed and knees at 90. Keep your shoulder blades against the wall while putting all of your weight into your heels. Hold this position for the desired amount of time. **Trainer Tip: For added intensity, you can have your clients lift up their toes and put ALL their weight on their heels. You can also have them lift on leg up a few inches off the ground to make it more challenging.

Hamstring Dominant Exercises:

3 Lunges: Stand with both feet together and take a large step forward with one leg (Your feet will remain planted here for the remainder of this exercise.) Lower the body by flexing the knee and dropping the hips until the back knee is almost touching the floor. The starting position is with your front knee directly above, or slightly behind the front heel. Keeping your front upper leg parallel to the ground, shift your body forward about three inches (keeping your upper leg parallel) until your knee is lined up directly over your front toe. Shift back into the starting position and repeat for the desired number of reps on each side.

Lateral/ Side Lunge: Stand with both feet very far apart with your toes pointed out to 45. Lunge toward one side by flexing the hips and ONE knee while keeping the other knee straight. You may allow the toe of the straight leg to point upward. Repeat for the desired number of reps on each side. (Do not allow the knee to cross over the front of the toe.)

One-Leg Reaches/ One-Leg Touches: Stand with your legs shoulder width apart with your hands down by your sides. Raise your left heel back towards your glutes and do not let touch the ground until the rep is complete. Pretend you have something on the floor in front of you that you need to pick up. Flex your right knee and hips to bend over to touch the ground, balancing on your right leg. Extend your right knee and hips to return to the starting position. **Trainer Tip: Ensure that the knee does not cross over the toe line on the way down. Clients do not have to go all the way down to the ground for this exercise to be effective.

Reverse/ Backward Lunge: Stand with both feet together and take a step backward with one leg. Lower the body by flexing the knee and dropping the hips until the back knee is almost touching the floor. Return to the starting position by extending the hip and knee of the front leg. Repeat for the desired number of reps on each side. (Do not allow the knee to cross over the front of the toe.) **Picture taken looks like a forward lunge, but was taken from this angle so you can see the positioning of the body. Remember to step backwards from the standing position.

Walking Lunges: Stand with both feet together and take a step forward with one leg. Lower the body by flexing the knee and dropping the hips until the back knee is almost touching the floor. Transfer your weight to the front leg and extend the hip and knee of the front, stepping forward with the back leg. Lunge forward with the opposite leg and repeat for the desired number of reps. (Do not allow the knee to cross over the front of the toe.)

Smaller Lower Body Muscles:

Abduction: Lie on your left side with your legs extended. Place your left hand under your head for support (or you can rest your head on your left bicep.) Keep your right toe pointed toward the ground, and raise your right leg upwards as high as possible (keep the leg straight). Lower the leg back to the starting position and repeat on each side for the desired number of reps.

Fire Hydrants: Position yourself on the ground on your hands and knees (hands shoulder width on the ground in front of you and knees and hips should be at 90.) Keeping a flat back and neutral spine, raise one leg out laterally as far as possible at the hip joint by using your abductors. Lower your leg to the starting position and repeat on each side for desired number of reps/time.

Upper Body:
Push-Ups: From the top of a plank position and your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, lower your body to the ground until your chest hits the floor. Extend your arms to return to the starting position. Keep your upper and lower body straight throughout the movement. Repeat for the desired number of reps. (Can be modified by having the client doing knee push-ups or doing this movement against a railing or wall.)

Spiderman Push-Ups: Be sure your shoulders are packed and then perform a push-up. As you lower your body, bring your knee laterally to the outside of your body up to hip level (keeping the knee parallel with the body- bring knee toward elbow). Dont let your hips touch the floor, keep your head and neck in neutral position and keep the core tight. Perform a push-up while bringing your leg back to the starting position. Perform another Spiderman pushup and lift the opposite knee to outside hip. Repeat for desired number of reps or for time.

Suicide Push-Ups: From the top of a plank position (elbows extended), place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Keep your body straight and drop your left forearm on the ground (like you are going into a plank position) and follow by dropping your right forearm on the ground until you are in a strong plank position. Extend your elbows one at a time to return to the starting position. Make sure give each side equal work. Repeat for the desired number of reps. (Can be modified by having the client perform this on their knees.)

Tricep Push-Ups: From the top of a plank position, place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your elbows pointed directly behind you. Lower your body to the ground until your chest hits the floor, keeping your elbows next to the side of your body as you perform the exercise. Extend your elbows to return to the starting position. Keep your upper and lower body straight throughout the movement. Repeat for the desired number of reps. (Can be modified by having the client doing knee push-ups or doing this movement against a railing or wall.)

Bench/ Chair Dips: Sit on a bench with your feet on the ground with your legs either straight out (more challenging) or knees bent to 90 (less challenging). Place your hands on either side of your hips (right next to the side of your body.) Keeping your elbows pointed behind you, move your hips slightly off the bench and allow your body to lower directly to the ground by flexing your elbows to 90. Keep your chest out and back flat (not allowing your shoulders to collapse in.) Press firmly through your palms to extend your arms back up to the starting position with your hips off the bench. Repeat for desired rep count or time interval. **Trainer Tip: You can increase/decrease the intensity by placing more/less body weight in the feet. Variation: Lift up one leg up.

Lying Triceps Extension: (another great exercise from P90x!) Lie on left side with your body in a straight line. Place your right arm across your chest and position your right hand under the chest of the left side. Take your left arm and move it across your body (over the right arm), holding on to your right shoulder. Keeping your core tight and torso straight, extend the elbow on your right side until straight. Your torso will come off the ground. Lower your body in a controlled movement and repeat for the desired number of reps. Repeat on the opposite side for equal time.

Basic Crunch: Lie on your back (supine) with your knees and hips bent. Arms should be crossed over your chest. Flex your waist to raise your upper torso a few inches off the ground. Make sure to keep your lower back on the ground. Control the movement back down to the ground and repeat for the desired number of reps.

Back Extension/ Superman: Lie on your stomach in a prone position with your arms and legs extended out. Place a folded towel or mat underneath the pelvis to remove any pressure on the lower back during this exercise. Simultaneously, raise your legs and arms off the floor and squeeze your glutes. Lower arms and legs back to the ground. Variations: Opposite arm with opposite leg, arms only, legs only.

Bench Crunch: Sitting in a V with your knees bent to 90 and your hands placed behind your body to help support your weight, simultaneously extend your knees and lower your legs to the ground (keeping your heels off the ground,) while lowering your torso to the ground (keeping your shoulders off the ground.) Keeping your core tight, simultaneously crunch back up to bring your knees in to your torso (back to the starting position.) Make sure to keep your chest out, core tight, and back flat throughout the movement. Repeat.

Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back with your elbows bent and your hands on either side of your head. Simultaneously bring your right knee in towards your chest while crunching up and rotating your torso to the right attempting to touch your left elbow to the right knee. Keeping your core tight, extend your right leg while bringing in your left knee and crunching and rotating to touch it to your right elbow. Keep both feet off the ground for the duration of the exercise. Continue alternating sides for the desired number of reps or time.

Flutter Kicks: Lie on your back (legs extended out) with your hands underneath the top of your glutes to support your lower back. Tuck your tailbone, tighten your core, and raise both legs off the ground a couple of inches. Keeping your legs straight, scissor your legs up and down for the desired number of reps or time. Lower your legs to the ground when finished.

Hip Bridges: Lie on your back with your hips flexed, feet on the ground and knees bent to 90. Place your hands on either side of your hips. Feet should be just shy of shoulder width apart. Contract your glutes and drive your hips upward to the sky while simultaneously trying to squeeze your knees together. Keep your upper back on the ground. Lower your hips back to the starting position. You can perform this exercise for repetitions or hold for time at the top of the hip bridge.

Inchworm: From a standing position, bend at the hips and place your hands directly in front of you on the floor. Walk your hands out in front of you (keeping your feet planted) until you are in the top of a straight arm plank position. Once you are stable, you can either walk your hands back to your feet and stand up to the starting position OR walk your feet to your planted hands and then stand up. **Tip: Increase the intensity by adding a push-up at the bottom.

Jack-Knife: Lie on your back with one leg extended out and one knee in towards your chest. Raise your extended leg about 2 inches off the floor and hold in this position. Crunch repeatedly with your hands crossed over your chest keeping both legs off the ground. Switch legs and repeat on the other side. When it is time to switch legs, make sure not to drop your legs to the floor. This is a boot camp FAVORITE!

Knees-to-Elbows: Holding the top of a push-up position (straight arm plank), keep your back flat, core tight, and tailbone tucked. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Bring your right knee under your body and try to touch it to your left elbow. Do not let your foot drag on the ground. Bring your foot back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of reps, making sure to work each side of the body equally.

Partner Leg-Pulls: Partner #1 lies on their back with their hips flexed and their knees bent. Knees should be directly over their hips. Partner #2 safely kneels by Partner #1s feet, grabs the underside of Partner #1s ankles and pulls backwards (away from partner #1) to provide an EVEN resistance. Partner #1 should still be able to maintain their knees over their hips with the new resistance. Partner #1 crunches up to the sky (not a full sit-up) while trying to continuously pull their knees in over their hips, and then crunches slowly back to the ground. This is a great core exercise and is fun to do in camp! (Just make sure Partner #2 is not pulling too hard.) Complete for the desired number or reps or for time and then switch partners.

Partner Leg Throws: Partner #1 lies on their back (hands underneath their glutes or grabbing their partners ankles) and bring their legs straight up in the air (keeping their core tight). Partner #2 gently pushes Partner #1 legs down toward the ground. Partner # 1 let their heels briefly touch the ground (try not to let them rest on the bottom) and brings their legs (as straight as possible) back up to the starting position.

Partner Sit-Ups: Partners face each other lying on their backs (supine) with either their feet touching or their knees interlocked with the hips slightly flexed. Each partner will perform a full situp, lifting towards their partner. At the top, they clap each other hands and then control the movement back down to the ground. Repeat for reps or time.

Partner Sit-Ups & Push-Downs: Partner #1 lies on their back (hands straight behind their heads). Partner #2 kneels down on Partner #1s laces (holding their feet down and in place). Partner #1 performs a full sit up and brings their arms in front of them, keeping strong and slightly bent elbows. Partner #2 gently pushes Partner #1 hands back towards the ground while Partner #1 tries to slightly resist the push, moving down to the ground slowly. Partner #1 brings their arms back behind their head to the starting position and repeats for desired amount of reps. Partners switch. This exercise is GREAT for boot camp!

Quadruped / Bird-Dog: Hands and knees on the ground (both shoulder width apart) keeping your core tight and spine neutral throughout the position. Simultaneously raise your right arm and left leg so they are parallel to the ground. Lower both arm and leg in a controlled motion and repeat. Perform this exercise equally on both sides. **Trainer Tip: Have your clients push out strong through their shoulders to help stabilize the back.

Reverse Crunches: Lie on your back with your hands underneath the top of your glutes to support your lower back. Keep your neck relaxed and on the ground throughout the movement. Keep your legs slightly bent and flex the waist and hips to raise your legs up to the sky using your core to perform the movement. Control the movement back to the starting position and repeat.

Russian Twists: Sit in a V with your knees bent to 90, back flat, chest out, and heels on the ground. Rotate your torso slowly to the right, keeping your chest out and shoulders pulled back. Make sure to keep your neck neutral. Once all the way to the right, rotate in the opposite direction (to the left.) Repeat this rotation from side to side for the desired number of reps or for time. **Trainer Tip: To increase the intensity, have your clients add weight and/or life their heels off the ground.

Scissor Kicks: Lie on your back (legs extended out) with your hands underneath the top of your glutes to support your lower back. Tuck your tailbone, tighten your core, and raise both legs off the ground a couple of inches. Separate your legs (still keeping them straight) and scissor them from side to side for the desired number of reps or time. Lower your legs to the ground when finished.

Sea Turtles: Lie on your stomach in a prone position with your arms and legs extended out. Place a folded towel or mat underneath the pelvis to remove any pressure on the lower back during this exercise. Simultaneously, raise your legs and arms off the floor and squeeze your glutes. Keeping your arms and legs off the ground, move them both out laterally to about 45 and then return them to the starting position (dont allow arms or legs to hit the ground until the set is over.) Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Sit-Ups: Lie on your back (supine) with your knees and hips bent. Arms should be crossed over your chest. Flex your waist and hips to bring your chest up towards your knees. Control the movement back down to the ground and repeat for the desired number of reps. **Trainer Tip: This makes a great partner exercise if you have another camper kneel on the participants laces.

V-Ups: Lie on your back keeping your arms and legs extended out so your body is in a straight line. Raise your legs and torso (keeping your legs straight) simultaneously and reach your arms toward your feet. Lower your body in a controlled movement to the starting position and repeat. ***Modify this exercise by simply placing ONE foot on the floor, and raising up to perform the exercise to that single leg in the air. Make sure to work each side evenly.

Plank Exercises: (for the core & stabilization)

Body Saw Plank: Lie on your stomach in a prone position with your legs extended out. Place your hands (should be parallel) on the ground and move into a position similar to the top of a pushup so you are in a straight arm plank position. Keep your feet together push out strong through your heels and strong into the ground through your shoulders. Rock your body slowly from front to back in a controlled manner. Keep your core tight, back flat, and your tailbone tucked. Repeat for the desired number of reps or time.

Plank: Lie on your stomach in a prone position with your legs extended out. Place your forearms (should be parallel) on the ground and move into a position similar to the top of a push-up except you are on your forearms instead of hands. Keep your feet together push out strong through your heels and strong into the ground through your shoulders. Keep your core tight, back flat, and your tailbone tucked. Hold this position for the desired amount of time.

Side Plank: Lie on your left side with your legs together. Place your left forearm on the ground with your left elbow directly underneath your left shoulder. Press through your shoulder to elevate your entire body to a side plank and hold. Keep your core tight, back flat, and your tailbone tucked. Hold for the allotted time. Repeat on the right side for the desired amount of time. (Variations can include: 1. Placing your right foot in front to support some of your weight. 2. Raise your right leg straight up about 45 degrees to increase the intensity.)

Side Plank with a Dip: Lie on your left side with your legs together. Place your left forearm on the ground with your left elbow directly underneath your left shoulder. Press through your shoulder to elevate your entire body to a side plank keeping your feet stacked. From this position, lower your hips to the ground and raise them back up to the top of the side plank. Repeat this motion for the desired number of reps. Keep your core tight, back flat, and your tailbone tucked. Repeat on the right side for the desired amount of time.

Spiderman Plank: Holding the top of a push-up position (straight arm plank), keep your back flat, core tight, and tailbone tucked. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Step your right leg out, touching your foot to the ground next to your right hand, and then returning it to the starting position. Repeat on the left side. Perform for the desired number of reps or time interval.

Straight Arm Plank: Lie on your stomach in a prone position with your legs extended out. Place your hands (should be parallel) on the ground and move into a position of a push-up (shoulders placed directly over hands). Keep your feet together push out strong through your heels and strong into the ground through your shoulders. Keep your core tight, back flat, and your tailbone tucked. Hold this position for the desired amount of time.

Bear Crawl: Begin with your hands and feet on the ground. You can crawl forward or laterally for the desired distance or time interval. Keep your core tight throughout this exercise.

Burpee: From a standing position, squat down and bend over to place your hands in front of you on the floor (shoulder width apart.) Stabilize your body with your arms and kick your feet back behind you landing in a straight arm plank position. Then, tuck jump your feet back to their original placement and perform a squat jump to return to the starting position. *Beginners can step-back instead of jumping back for a lower intensity.

Floppy Burpee: (more advanced) From a standing position, squat down and bend over to place your hands in front of you on the floor (shoulder width apart.) Stabilize your body with your arms and kick your feet back behind you and drop your ENTIRE body to the floor in a controlled motion. Then, extend your elbows and tuck jump your feet back to their original placement and perform a squat jump to return to the starting position.

Butt Kicks: In a standing position, alternate bringing in your heels back and try to kick your glutes (very similar to jogging in place but knees do not come forward.)

Cross-Over Mountain Climbers: In a straight arm plank position, place your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder width apart. While stabilizing your body with your arms, push up your hips up while bringing one knee across your body to the opposite chest at a time. Alternate bringing each knee across as fast as possible while keeping the chest out and back flat. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Frog Jump: Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and point your toes slightly out. Push your hips backward and squat down bringing your upper legs to parallel to the ground. Touch the ground with both hands. Make sure to keep your back flat, chest out, and your spine neutral. From the bottom of this squat position, push through your feet and jump upward by extending your knees and hips so your feet lift a few inches off the ground and reach up to the sky with your hands. Softly land with knees bent and go directly back down into your next repetition.

Grapevine/ Karaoke: Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, take your left foot and step behind/cross your right foot. Next, step the right foot out to the right side. Take your left foot and step in-front/cross your right foot. Repeat this process by laterally moving your feet over, under, over, under for the desired distance or time interval. Repeat in both directions.

High Knees: Begin jogging and on each step, bring your knee towards your chest as high as possible. Keep your arms moving as if youre jogging. Perform this exercise for the desired amount of time or distance.

Jump Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and point your toes slightly out. Push your hips backward and squat down bringing your upper legs to parallel to the ground. Make sure to keep your back flat, chest out, and your spine neutral. From the bottom of this squat position, push through your feet and jump upward by extending your knees and hips so your feet lift a few inches off the ground. Softly land with knees bent and go directly into your next repetition.

Jumping Jacks: From a standing position with your arms down by your side, jump up while bring your arms up laterally over your head and your legs out to the side. Land with your arms up over your head and your feet out to the side. Jump again and return to the starting position.

Mountain Climbers: In a straight arm plank position, place your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder width apart. While stabilizing your body with your arms, push up your hips up while bringing one knee straight into your chest at a time. Alternate bringing each knee in as fast as possible, while keeping the chest out and back flat. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Power Jacks: Stand up straight and tighten your abs. Jump out into a squat position, moving your legs out laterally, and wider than shoulder width apart. Jump back up, bringing your legs together, while sweeping your arms up laterally over the top of your head (fingertips touch). Jump legs out and swing arms back down by your knees while in squat position. (Basically, a jumping jack with a squat at the bottom.) Repeat for desired number of reps or for a time.

Side Shuffle: Stand in ready position with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent. Take a large step out to the right with the right foot. Follow by shuffling your left foot next to your right foot. Step out again to the right with your right foot and again shuffle your left foot over towards your right. Continue this pattern, getting faster as you become more comfortable with the movement. Repeat in both direction for the desired amount of time or distance.

Snow Angels/ Plank Jacks From either a straight arm plank position or a forearm plank, place your elbows or hands shoulder width apart and your feet together. Jump your feet out laterally, keeping your core tight. Jump your feet back in together back to the starting position and repeat. **Trainer Tip: Keep your spine neutral and back flat throughout the movement.

Suicide Tap Down Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and tighten your core. Rotate your torso to the right while flexing the hips and tap your left hand on the instep of your right foot. Both feet are turned at a 45 degree angle (don't let the right knee extend past your toes). Be sure to keep your back flat, chest out, and your spine in neutral position. From the tap down push through your feet and jump upward extending your knees and hips so your feet lift a few inches off the ground while extending arms straight up and over the top of your head. Repeat this rotation tap down on your left side and then repeat from side to side for desired amount of time.

Tuck Jump (Standing): From a straight arm plank position, place your hands shoulder width apart and your feet together. Jump your feet in towards your chest while flexing the hips and knees while keeping your core tight. Jump both of your feet back to the starting position and repeat. **Trainer Tip: Keep your spine neutral and back flat throughout the movement.

Tuck Jump (On Ground): From a straight-arm plank position, place your hands shoulder width apart and your feet together. Jump both your feet in, bringing your knees to your chest and keep your core tight. Jump your feet back out together back to the starting position and repeat. **Trainer Tip: Keep your spine neutral and back flat throughout the movement.

V-Jump: From a straight-arm plank position, place your hands shoulder width apart and your feet together. Jump your feet out laterally, keeping your core tight. Jump your feet back in together back to the starting position and repeat. **Trainer Tip: Keep your spine neutral and back flat throughout the movement.

Wind Sprints: Run as fast as possible for the pre-determined distance or time interval.

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