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Which FIGURE OF SPEECH (simile, metaphor, dead metaphor, personification, synecdoche,

metonymy, litotes, hyperbole, euphemism, onomatopoeia, irony...) does each of the following
sentences illustrate?

1. At the brow of the hill the wall is single storey.

→ Dead Metaphor
2. Whether a person is between jobs or wants to change career, volunteeting can be one way of
seeing what's available. → Synecdoche
3. My heart is like an open highway.
→ Simile
4. The logs crackled and popped in the fireplace.
→ Onomatopoiea
5. A thousand thanks are for your kindness.
→ Hyperbole
6. I'm afraid he has misrepresented the facts.
→ Euphemism
7. He's so hard-headed that he won't listen to anyone.
→ Dead Metaphor
8. The cup is quite tasty.
→ Metonymy
9. The moon smiles at the kids.
→ Personification
10. Always remember that he is no fool.
→ Litotes
11. The thief was as sly as a fox.
→ Simile
12. Upon explanation, the concept was as clear as crystal to Rahul.
→ Simile
13. The soldier jumped on the enemies like a hungry lion.
→ Simile
14. The camel is the ship of the desert.
→ Metaphor
15. The dentist had a severe toothache.
→ Irony
16. Mr.Sharma thought the sweets were calling him.
→ Personification
17. It seemed that the sky was going to cry the entire night.
→ Personification
18. I would forgive you when pigs fly.
→ Hyperbole
19. Death touched Miss David with its icy fingers.
→ Personification
20. Sheldon is a walking dictionary.
→ Metaphor
21. Sheena was as proud as a peacock.
→ Simile
22. It has been raining cats and dogs for hours.
→ Idiom
23. Watching the show was like watching grass grow.
→ Simile (compare the show and grass grow)
24. The world is not treating you well.

25. My new dress costs a billion dollars.

26. Excuse me, Miss Lewis, I need to go to the restroom.
→ Euphenism (restroom = toilet)
27. The marriage counselor gets a divorce.
→ Irony (a marriage counselor but get a divorce)
28. With a lot of anger, the lighting lashed out from the skies.
→ Personification (lighting have anger like human)
29. She dreamed she saw someone standing at the foot of her bed. → Dead Metaphor (foot of her
bed = the end of her bed)
30. The wind kissed her.

31. She has a heart of stone.
→ Metaphor
32. My dormitory room is like a cave.
→ Simile
33. What a lovely day it was! Everything I had went wrong.
→ Irony
34. I don't think I would agree with you.
→ Litotes
35. He was a wet blanket.
→ Metonymy
36. Who brought fire and sword into our country
→ Simile
37. We are all like swimmers on the sea of life.
→ Simile
38. I see a lily on thy brow.
→ Metaphor
39. He is the pillar of the state.
→ Metaphor
40. Let not ambition mock their useful toil.
→ Personification
41. She is as lovely as a rose.
→ Simile
42. Life is a dream.
→ Metaphor
43. He is now in the sunset of his days.
→ Metaphor
44. I heard the water lapping on the crag.
→ Onomatopoiea
45. She is as firm as a rock.
→ Simile
46. Life is but a walking shadow.
→ Metaphor
47. He is the pillar of the administration.
→ Metaphor
48. Love is blind.
→ Personification
49. Truth sits upon the lips of dying men.
→ Personification
50. My cheeks grow cold and hear the sea.
→ Hyperbole
51. I don't know much about the childhood of the world.
→ Dead metaphor (the early time of the world)
52. Going to the university is expensive these days and textbooks alone cost a fortune.
→ Hyperbole (only textbooks waste a lot of money)
53. I have never read Shakespeare in my life.
→ Metonymy (Shakespeare = novel of Shakespeare)
54. Her dance is a great poem.
→ gh (dance >< great poem)
55. In basketball, America took home gold.
→ Synecdoche
56. They don't exactly have an ordinary relationship.
→ Litotes (use negative form to state the positive meaning)
57. The name of Britain's biggest dog was Tiny.
→ Irony (biggest >< tiny)
58. Don't just sit there like a bump on a log.
→ Simile (compare 2 action)
59. The bees played hide and seek with the flowers.
→ Personification (the bees are taking honey)
60. She's terribly upset because her father passed away last week.
→ Euphemism (passed away = die)
61. The detective listened to her tales with a wooden face.
→ Metaphor
62. It won't be easy to find crocodiles in the dark.
→ Litotes (difficult to find crocodiles)
63. We are going to enter the body of the cathedral.
→ Dead metaphor (go inside the cathedral)
64. The picture in that magazine shouted for attention.
→ Personification (picture cannot shout)
65. The student who didn't study passed the test.
→ Irony (didn’t study passed the test)
66. He used to be very overweight.
→ Euphemism (overweight -> fat)
67. I've told you a hundred times.
→ Hyperbole (hundred = many times)
68. Vietnam won two gold medals in the Olympic Physics Competition.
→ Synecdoche (Vietnam = Vietamese Olympic team)
69. She rushed out of the room in floods of tears.
→ Metaphor (cry a lot)
70. She terminated her pregnancy.
→ Euphemism
71. The shop assistant is as busy as a bee.
→ Simile
72. He is too fond of the bottle.
→ Metonymy (he like S.T in the bottle)
73. She won't let him come under her roof.
→ Synecdoche (roof = house = window = door)
74. You are very slim; as a pig.
→ Irony (you are fat, like a pig)
75. The sea wind touched Lucifer's skin.
→ Personification (wind can’t touch skin)
76. My home is heaven.
→ Metaphor (comfortable)
77. I've told you a thousand times not to touch that again.
→ Hyperbole (told many times)
78. Language is a road map of a culture.
→ Metaphor (language tells about the culture)
79. We do not hire mentally challenged people.
→ Euphemism (->disabled people)
80. I move fast like a cheetah on the Serengeti.
→ Simile (I=cheetah -> fast)
81. The computer argued with me and refused to work.
→ Personification (computer -> cannot argue -> refuse)
82. That sword was not useless to the warrior now.
→ Litotes (quite useful sword)
83. Rain was dripping down from the trees.
→ Onomotopoeia (drip)
84. They built a house at the foot of a cliff.
→ Dead Metaphor (= bottom of cliff)
85. The president claims that his administration contains the best brains in the country.
→ Synecdoche (the best brains = people)
86. All of her cattle were affected. She lost over 50 head.
→ Synecdoche (head = animal)
87. Cancer finally caught up with her.
→ Personification (is described as able to catch up like human)
88. Our farm needs more hands.
→ Synecdoche (hands = workers)
89. If you ride your motorbike at midday, the streets are a furnace.
→ Metaphor (the streets are compared to a furnace)
90. There is still a ray of hope for her.
→ Metaphor (hope is compared to light)
91. This city is not an ordinary QM

92. This city no ordinary city.
→ Litotes (no ordinary is equivalent to excellent)
93. The majority of the press support the government's foreign policy. → Metonymy (the press =
the journalists)
94. Just ignore them, their ideas are rubbish.

95. She is like a fish out of water.

96. I was lost in a sea of nameless faces.

97. My class is a hotpot

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