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Joint Conversations

"Polite conversation is rarely either" - Fran Lebowitz.


Table Of Contents

Joint Conversations
March 4th 2024 - Issue 29
Copyright - 2024
Editor: Casper Leitch

The Latest Buzz

Letter From The Editor - Page 02.

New Podcast Segments - Page 03.

It's Time 2 Stand Shoulder 2 Shoulder

In The War On Drugs - Page 09.

"A Phoenix is safe inside its shell,

resting in a bed of flame and ash;
but that is not what Firebirds are for.
Rise, child of Axura, and spread your wings."
-- Nicki Pau Preto --

Page 1
Letter From The Editor


Time 4 Hemp Is Lifting Spirits
Much to my surprise, I nd myself circling
the trenches of The War On Drugs. I ew
from this region in 2020 with the intention
of never soaring through here again.
It was THAT YEAR the global POWERS THAT
BE successfully splintered every group
and every family everywhere.
Everyone was having a pissing-contest with
everybody everyday causing everything to
quickly go to hell in a hand-basket.
My feathers got ru ed and I ew South.

A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush

I retired from everything in 2020. I've spent the past few years walking my dog, smoking
my pipe and watching comedy on television. It's been very nice to stay close to the nest,
party with my fellow feathered friends and perch in the sunshine.
In April of 2023, I realized that Time is molting away quickly and I needed to do
something with my website and large archive of interviews. It has always been my
intention to preserve all the programing so that every guest who took Time 4 Hemp
would always have their message available for anyone in the world who wanted to hear it.
I decided to start learning how to use all the new AI tools that are entering the internet
workplace and use what I learn to clean up the website and organize the archives. It
wasn't long thereafter that Life kicked me out of my nest and back into ight.
Since the beginning of the year, I've up-dated the website; launched a new 3-day a week
blog; begun a 2-day a week podcast; and am writing a monthly newsletter.
Please check out everything and visit often. If you happen to like what you see, it would
rock if you shared with your friends.

# 2
Seeds 2 Grow

Tell the world it's Time 4 Hemp

New segments will be released twice a
week (each Tuesday and Thrursday)
beginning March 5, 2024.
The intended use for the podcast is to
share information about cannabis and the
Global Hemp Legalization Movement.
Some segments will be educational, others
will be entertaining, and some will be both.
These segments will be a combination of
highlights from the archives and new
interviews. Each show is FREE to download.

Planting Seeds Of Truth To Harvest Buds Of Wisdom

Time 4 Hemp is back to producing the podcast series again, this time under the title of:
Time 4 Hemp Seeds 2 Grow.
The last show I did was on April 20th, 2020. It was a Global Zoom Broadcast that
brought together an amazing group of activists. Now that I am back to producing new
programming, I have many interesting shows planned. With the help of all the new AI
tools that have been released, editing new segments will be a lot of fun.
Currently, there are a couple of interviews on the site. The rst 10 shows released will be
HIGH-lights from the over 3,000 hours of archival material that is on the website. This
should help to establish the foundation for the type of broadcasting that will be featured
in the future as new segments are added.
Beginning April 2nd, the Tuesday programs will feature remastered HIGH-lights from
the archives. Starting on April 4th, the Thursday programs will feature NEW INTERVIEWS
along with Al Byrne as the Resident Joint-Host.

Hemp 4 Fuel!
Release Date: February 02, 2024. Gatewood Galbraith, an advocate for hemp
legalization since the 1970s, discusses frustration with the reluctance of America to
embrace hemp as a fuel source due to special interests.
Gatewood argues that hemp is a versatile crop with signi cant potential to replace
petroleum-based products, revitalize the agricultural economy, and reduce the world's
reliance on fossil fuels. He also criticizes the DEA for refusing to issue permits for growing
hemp as a fuel crop and accuses them of acting on behalf of the pharmaceutical and
petrochemical industries to maintain their monopolies. He also highlights the potential
of hemp as a sustainable and e cient energy source, capable of producing more energy
per acre than other crops and trapping and storing more sun's energy than any plant.

Page 3
Seeds 2 Grow

The Rich History Of Hemp

Release Date: 02/24/2024. Richard M Davis talks about the historical signi cance and
bene ts of the hemp plant, which has been used for various purposes for thousands of
years. He discuses how hemp has been unfairly overlooked due to prohibition, as it has
the potential to replace many products on the market and help address environmental
issues while creating new jobs. Richard also delves into the history of hemp prohibition,
which he attributes to strategic moves by wealthy businessmen to protect their interests
in the oil and timber industries.

The Evolution Of Hemp From Europe To America

Release Date: March 5, 2024. Todd McCormick and Paul Stanford discuss the historical
signi cance of cannabis and its cultural impact, as well as its economic importance
throughout history. They re ect on Jack Herer's book 'The Emperor Wears No Clothes',
which revealed that cannabis played a crucial role in European industrial development
before the invention of synthetic materials.
The speakers express frustration that that the prohibition of cannabis was not about the
plant itself but a manipulation of the capitalist system to eliminate competition for large
corporations. They also discuss the origins of the terms 'sativa' and 'indica' and the
historical misunderstanding of marijuana prohibition laws in the 1930s.
Tod McCormick shares his personal experience of serving ve years in federal prison for
growing medical marijuana after California changed its law, emphasizing the importance
of re-educating the public about the history and versatility of cannabis.

The Growing Global Hemp Market

Release Date: March 7, 2024. Joint Host: Anndrea Hermann chats with leaders of the
Global Hemp industry: Summer Star Haeske, Boris Banas, Greg Flavall, Chris Federowich,
and Teri Wallace about the emerging global hemp markets.

The speakers discuss the importance of proper use of various hemp varieties when
planting in di erent parts of the world; ongoing trials on di erent plant strains; and the
potential for new industries to emerge from hemp production. The group of speakers
also celebrate the collaborative nature of the hemp industry and the potential for growth
in various markets around the world.

Marijuana Is Safe To Use

Release Date: March 12, 2024. Dr. Lester Grinspoon shares his personal journey being
a Harvard Professor to a prominent gure in the medical cannabis eld. Grinspoon
discusses how his understanding of marijuana evolved from a belief that it was harmful
to recognizing it as one of the safest drugs known. He is the author of 'Marijuana
Reconsidered' and 'The Forbidden Medicine'.

Page 4
Seeds 2 Grow

The Medical Cannabis Round Table

Release Date: March 14, 2024.

Joint Host, Al Byrne, chats with various
speakers about the challenges of medical
cannabis research and use in America,
Canada and Europe.
Dr. Donald Abrams shares the di culties
of securing funding and cannabis for
medical research due to its Schedule I
classi cation.
Dr. Denis Petro recounts his early clinical
ndings with cannabis in the 1960s,
including improved cardiac output
measurements and remission from
leukemia and MS.

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, known as the "grandfather of medical cannabis," discusses the
bene ts of using cannabis in conjunction with opiates for pain relief and as a sleep aid.
Researchers have identi ed THC and CBD as the active constituents in cannabis, with
THC being psychoactive and CBD having promising therapeutic uses.
Dr. Ethan Russo emphasizes the safety and minimal withdrawal symptoms of cannabis
use and encourages patients to consider vaporization for a cleaner experience. The
speakers also touch on the use of cannabis for various conditions, such as cancer,
epilepsy, and autoimmune diseases.
Dr. Andrew Weil, a renowned author and founder of the University of Arizona Center for
Integrative Medicine, discusses the importance of integrative medicine and its potential
to reduce healthcare costs and shift the focus to health promotion and prevention. He
also touches on the integration of cannabis into the medical system, expressing the need
for more education and medical preparations.
Mary Lynn Mathre, a registered nurse and addiction specialist, discusses the
importance of the nursing community in patient care related to medical cannabis.
The speakers also discuss the importance of spreading reliable information about
cannabis and the endocannabinoid system, as well as the various properties and
bene ts of medical cannabis, including its neuroprotective and anti-in ammatory e ects.
This segment runs about 90-mins. Most Time 4 Hemp segments run between 30 and 50
minutes. This is a very special presentation and I didn't want to shorten it.

Page 5
Seeds 2 Grow

Cannabis Makes U-giggle, And So Do These 2 Guys

Release Date: March 19, 2024. - I've re-mastered the 1991 television interview I did with
Dt. Timothy Leary and the 2018 radio interview I did with Tommy Chong into one
segment. I thought they would make a great combination to enjoy listening to on the go.
Dr. Timothy Leary advocates for the practical and pro table aspects of hemp
production. He shares his personal experiences with the criminalization of hemp and
marijuana, expressing frustration with the government's focus on prohibition while
allowing other industries to thrive.
Leary highlights the ecological bene ts of hemp as a substitute for oil and wood pulp,
and discusses its potential medical uses, particularly for those su ering from cancer,
malnutrition, or emotional and mental problems. He compares hemp to other drugs,
emphasizing its lack of addictiveness and fewer side e ects.
Tommy Chong shares his personal experiences with health and healing. He discusses his
battle with prostate cancer and how he used marijuana oil and diet changes to help ght
the disease. He believes that cancer cells are kept alive by sugar and that applying
marijuana oil directly to the skin can help destroy them.
Tommy also re ects on his experience with using cannabis oil, which led him to a near-
coma state but allowed his body to heal naturally. He contrasts this natural approach
with traditional medical treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, which he believes
only prolong the agony and pain and are expensive.
Chong touches on the controversial topic of cannabis being kept illegal due to its
potential to replace expensive medications. He shares his frustration with the medical
industry's approach to cancer treatment and the potential pro ts doctors make from
sick patients. He mentions that few American doctors experiment with hemp as a cancer
treatment and criticizes the American Medical Association for pro ting from people's
sickness. He also re ects on his spiritual awakening during his incarceration.

Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do

Release Date: March 21, 2024. Todd McCormick, Paul Krassner, Paul Stanford, Chris
Conrad, Mikki Norris, and Peter Christ homage to the late author and activist Peter
McWilliams, who was a pioneer in the medical marijuana movement and a visionary in
predicting the reality of cyber war.
Peter McWilliams was known for his advocacy for personal liberties and the right to make
choices that don't harm others. His work in uenced many and he is the person who
coined the term 'consensual crime'.
McWilliams faced ve years in prison for his need of medical marijuana due to his AIDS
diagnosis, which ultimately led to his premature death. The speakers express outrage
over his unjust treatment and honor McWilliams' legacy as an inspiring gure who
advocated for improving the lives of others.

Page 6
Seeds 2 Grow

On The Road Again With Willie Nelson

Release Date: March 26, 2024. - I've re-mastered the 1991 television interview I did with
Willie Nelson and the 2018 radio interview I did with him into one segment.
Country music icon, Willie Nelson, advocates for hemp as a sustainable alternative crop
for farmers in this 1991 interview. He shares concerns about the loss of farmland and the
societal issues stemming from the displacement of the rst American farmer.
Nelson believes that hemp, which was once a leading agricultural crop, could save farms
and improve soil health. He also discusses the potential economic bene ts of hemp, as
well as its uses in food, clothing, and paper.
When he returned for a second interview in 2018, his focus was on the progress of the
hemp industry. He discussed the advancements made in making hemp a cash crop,
particularly in Kentucky. He also talks about his biodiesel fuel company, BioWillie, and its
potential use of hemp seeds and oil for production.
The interview concludes with Willie Nelson singing the 'Happy Birthday' song to me.

Top 10 Reasons To Consider Medical Cannabis

Release Date: March 28, 2024. Dr. Joseph Rosado expresses his passion for cannabis
and its medical bene ts, which began during his years in medical school. He shares his
appreciation for the research on the endocannabinoid system and the various methods
of administering cannabis based on individual preferences and needs.
Dr. Rosado emphasizes the importance of making cannabis information accessible and
understandable. He discusses the top 10 reasons for considering medical cannabis,
including autoimmune disorders, epilepsy, cancer, and chronic pain.
This was the LAST interview I did in 2020. I recorded it on The 19th and intended to
release it the following week but due to number of major events in the world that year, I
ended the podcast series and never released it.

"It is our stories that will recreate us,

when we are torn, hurt, and even destroyed.
It is the Storyteller, the Dream-Maker,
the Myth-Maker, that is our Phoenix,
that represents us at our best,
and at our most creative."
-- Doris Lessing --

Page 7
Bridging the Gap

Uniting the Cannabis

Industry for a
Brighter Future
By Casper Leitch
In the realm of cannabis,
terminology matters. The
divide between the hemp
and marijuana sectors has
long been perpetuated by
labels, hindering a uni ed
understanding of these
two distinct yet intertwined
industries. With recent
legislative milestones, the
landscape is shifting towards
a more cohesive approach.

The USDA Final Rule 4 Hemp.

The passage of the 2014 Farm Bill marked a monumental moment in U.S. cannabis
history. For the rst time, industrial hemp was o cially recognized and di erentiated
from marijuana under federal law. This pivotal legislation breathed new life into the
domestic hemp industry, setting the stage for innovation and growth.
In the wake of this legal clarity, awareness of hemp-derived products has surged across
various sectors of the global economy. Mainstream media outlets have highlighted the
emergence of compounds like Delta-8 THC, Delta-10 THC, and CBD, sparking widespread
interest in the therapeutic and recreational potential of these substances.
Despite initial resistance from some corners of the marijuana industry, savvy businesses
quickly realized the potential for dual participation in both the hemp and marijuana
markets. By leveraging common branding strategies, companies found success in
catering to diverse consumer preferences while expanding their product o erings.

Pockets of resistance within the marijuana sector have persisted, with some entities
lobbying against the sale of hemp derivatives in mainstream markets. This shortsighted
approach overlooks the opportunity to capitalize on the growing demand for hemp-
derived products, potentially sti ing revenue growth in an competitive landscape.
At its core, the issue boils down to consumer demand. The cannabis industry, regardless
of sector, must prioritize meeting the needs and desires of its customer base to thrive in
today's market. Ignoring the demand for hemp-derived products not only alienates
consumers but also undermines the industry's potential for sustainable growth.

# 8
Bridging the Gap

It's clear that both the hemp and marijuana sectors have a place in the cannabis
industry. Attempts to suppress one in favor of the other are not only counterproductive
but also re ect a fundamental misunderstanding of market dynamics. Embracing the
diversity of the cannabis plant and its myriad applications is essential for driving
innovation and meeting the evolving needs of consumers worldwide.
By bridging the gap between hemp and marijuana, industry stakeholders can unlock new
opportunities for growth and innovation. Together, we can build a more inclusive and
sustainable cannabis industry that serves the needs of consumers and investors alike.

Unveiling the Evolution of

Industrial Hemp
Throughout the annals of human
history, few plants have commanded
as much attention and reverence as
hemp. With over 50,000 documented
uses spanning millennia, its versatile
nature has left an indelible mark on
every civilization in recorded human
history. This plant is a gift from
Mother Nature to us all.

From Prohibition to Prosperity

From ancient burial rites to the founding fathers of nations, hemp's signi cance
resonates through time, woven into the fabric of our collective heritage. Kentucky, with
its deep-rooted history in hemp cultivation, stands as a testament to the plant's
enduring legacy. It was here, amidst the rolling hills of the Bluegrass State, that Senator
Mitch McConnell championed federal legalization in 2014, catalyzing the most sweeping
cannabis policy reform in United States history.
However, the road to hemp liberation has been fraught with obstacles. Legislative
measures such as the Harrison Act of 1914 and the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 cast a
shadow of prohibition over all forms of cannabis, sti ing its economic potential. The
enactment of the Controlled Substances Act in the 1970s further entrenched hemp's
status as a federally prohibited substance, hindering its cultivation and
Amid the legislative quagmire, a glimmer of hope emerged. Loopholes in federal law
allowed for the importation of hemp-derived products, laying the groundwork for a legal
strategy that would rede ne the industry. Enter cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating
compound heralded for its therapeutic properties.

# 9
Bridging the Gap

By leveraging the exemption for hemp derivatives, entrepreneurs seized upon the
opportunity to cultivate, extract, and market CBD within the USA. The passage of the
2014 and 2018 Farm Bills marked signi cant milestones towards hemp normalization.
These legislative acts not only facilitated research and cultivation but also provided a
framework for commercializing hemp-derived products. However, regulatory ambiguity
surrounding CBD prompted individual states to enact their own legislation, paving the
way for Colorado to emerge as a leader in hemp regulation and consumer protection.
Yet, the burgeoning hemp industry was not without its challenges. A schism emerged
between traditionalists advocating for grain and ber applications and proponents of
cannabinoid production. This ideological divide underscored the need for robust
infrastructure to support the diverse uses of hemp, from textiles to pharmaceuticals.
Amidst regulatory uncertainties, the entrepreneurial spirit thrived. Innovations in hemp-
derived products, such as cannabigerol (CBG) and hemp-based cigarettes, captured the
imagination of consumers. Investments in agricultural support systems, including
decortication, bolstered the industry's growth and sustainability.
The proliferation of hemp-derived intoxicants, coupled with evolving legal
interpretations, reshaped consumer markets and challenged existing paradigms. Despite
initial skepticism from regulatory bodies like the DEA, hemp-derived compounds gained
widespread acceptance, heralding a new era of economic opportunity.
As lawful hemp-derived products, including Delta 9 THC beverages, gained traction in
mainstream markets, the global reach of the hemp industry expanded exponentially. This
unprecedented growth underscored the deliberate language of legislative acts, a rming
the legality of hemp derivatives and heralding a paradigm shift in cannabis policy.
In essence, the journey of industrial hemp demonstrates that it's tough and adaptable in
the face of adversity. It's a symbol of bouncing back when things get tough, thanks to
changes in laws and smart business ideas. As the hemp industry keeps growing and
changing, it gives hope to people who want to change laws against it and discover all the
amazing things it can do.
The journey of industrial hemp, once obscured by prohibitionist policies, now stands at
the precipice of transformative change. With its myriad applications spanning from bers
and grains to cannabinoids, hemp represents a beacon of opportunity in a landscape
ripe for innovation and growth. Delving deeper into the world of hemp uncovers a rich
tapestry of possibilities along with many formidable regulatory hurdles that must be
navigated to realize its full potential.
The recent surge in interest surrounding cannabinoids, derived from hemp, has ignited a
revolution in the marketplace. With federal legalization laying the groundwork for these
compounds, businesses nd themselves at a crossroads, with two distinct pathways for
investment and growth. While cannabinoid products o er immediate and lucrative
opportunities, the non-cannabinoid sector presents a longer-term vision, requiring
infrastructure development and broader adoption.

# 10
Bridging the Gap

Unlocking the Potential of Hemp: A

Vision for Progress
The hemp industry spans a multitude of
sectors, each o ering unique
opportunities for innovation and
economic revitalization. From textiles and
construction materials to personal care
products and nutritional supplements,
hemp's versatility knows no bounds.
Pioneering companies are leading the
charge in hemp textiles, while others
explore the potential of hemp-based
construction materials to revolutionize the
building industry.

Despite these advancements, progress in non-cannabinoid uses is hindered by a lack of

infrastructure and regulatory uncertainty. Investments in decortication and processing
machinery are essential for realizing the full potential of hemp in industries like textiles,
construction, and agriculture. Furthermore, regulatory clarity is needed to provide
businesses with the con dence and stability required to make long-term investments in
hemp-based ventures.
The global demand for hemp-derived products continues to soar, with cannabinoids
emerging as a lucrative component of the cannabis supply chain. The sheer volume of
cannabinoids present in hemp biomass underscores its economic signi cance, with
opportunities for both therapeutic and recreational applications. However, regulatory
challenges, such as the prohibitive 280e tax problem and restrictive banking regulations,
hinder the industry's ability to reach its full potential.
The economic potential of the hemp industry is vast, with projections indicating
substantial revenue and employment opportunities. According to leading international
economists, the Total Addressable Market (TAM) for Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) alone
is estimated to be $28.4 billion, with signi cant potential for growth. Additionally, the
employment impact of the hemp industry in America could exceed $13.2 billion,
providing a much-needed boost to local economies across the country.
As consumer preferences evolve and demand for hemp-derived products grows,
businesses must adapt to remain competitive in this dynamic landscape. By embracing
change and investing in the full spectrum of hemp's capabilities, we can unlock its true
potential and drive sustainable economic growth. The future of the hemp industry hinges
on innovation, infrastructure development, and regulatory clarity. Those that do not
adapt and evolve will get smoked.
In the ever-evolving landscape of cannabis legislation, there's often a fog of confusion
surrounding hemp and its legal status. This uncertainty can cloud perceptions and
hinder progress. Let's delve deeper into the nuances of hemp laws and regulations to
gain a clearer understanding of this dynamic industry.

# 11
Bridging the Gap

Are Hemp Laws Unclear? While it may seem like hemp laws are shrouded in ambiguity,
recent legal developments have brought clarity to the situation. Court rulings across the
country have consistently sided with the hemp industry, a rming its legality under
federal law. The USDA's pivotal bulletin issued on May 28, 2019, provided a de nitive
stance, declaring hemp and its derivatives lawful entities, e ectively removing them from
the Controlled Substances Act. This landmark decision marked a signi cant turning point,
signaling federal recognition of hemp's legitimacy.
Are Hemp Products Unregulated and Unsafe? One common misconception is that
hemp products lack regulation and are therefore unsafe. However, this couldn't be
further from the truth. While the FDA has yet to establish comprehensive regulations for
hemp-derived products, many states have taken proactive steps to implement stringent
standards. Collaborating with industry stakeholders, states like Colorado have developed
robust regulatory frameworks that prioritize consumer safety. These regulations
encompass various aspects of production, including quality control, labeling
requirements, and safety standards. By adhering to these guidelines, responsible hemp
producers ensure that their products meet the highest standards of quality and safety.
Does Public Policy Disfavor Banning Hemp Derivatives? In the realm of public policy,
there's a growing recognition of the futility of banning hemp derivatives. Initially, some
states contemplated prohibitive measures, but many have since reconsidered their
stance. Recognizing the demand for hemp-derived products and the impracticality of
prohibition, these states have opted for regulation instead. This shift re ects a broader
understanding of the need to balance consumer access with public health concerns. The
Farm Bill, a cornerstone of agricultural policy, re ects this sentiment by encouraging the
growth and diversi cation of the hemp industry. Rather than sti ing innovation,
policymakers recognize the potential economic and social bene ts of a thriving market.
As we navigate the complexities of hemp laws and regulations, it's essential to recognize
the vast potential of this versatile plant. Beyond its traditional uses, hemp o ers a
gateway to the burgeoning world of cannabinoids, unlocking a myriad of possibilities.
By fostering a regulatory environment that promotes innovation while safeguarding
consumer interests, we can harness the full potential of hemp and pave the way for a
brighter future. As advocates for hemp legalization, it's incumbent upon us to dispel
misconceptions, educate policymakers, and champion policies that foster industry
growth and prosperity. Together, we can navigate the regulatory landscape and usher in
a new era of hemp innovation and accessibility.
In a groundbreaking move, the hemp provisions of the Farm Bill have reshaped the
cannabis industry by legalizing derivatives with less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. This pivotal
shift marks a signi cant step towards federal recognition and acceptance of hemp-
derived compounds, setting the stage for transformative change.
While legislators and regulators play a role in shaping cannabis policy, it's ultimately
consumers who wield the greatest in uence. Just as Prohibition gave rise to bootlegging
and speakeasies, consumer demand drives industry evolution. Today's cannabis
consumers seek diverse products and experiences, prompting entrepreneurs to
innovate and adapt to changing preferences.

# 12
Bridging the Gap

The Expanding Global Markets

Despite shared goals, the cannabis
industry remains divided between hemp
and marijuana sectors. By fostering
collaboration and embracing a
comprehensive cannabis industry,
stakeholders can create a uni ed vision for
the future. Rather than competing, these
sectors can complement each other,
leveraging their respective strengths to
drive growth and innovation.
As policymakers grapple with cannabis
legislation, it's essential to prioritize
consumer safety and industry growth.

Regulatory frameworks should encourage innovation while protecting public health,

fostering an environment where businesses can thrive. By working together,
stakeholders can advocate for policies that bene t the entire cannabis ecosystem.
One of the most exciting developments in the cannabis industry is the emergence of
cannabis-infused beverages. With the rise of health-conscious consumer trends,
cannabis beverages o er a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional
consumption methods. By tapping into mainstream markets, these products are
reshaping perceptions and driving demand in ways never expected.
As hemp-derived products gain traction, American companies have a unique opportunity
to supply global cannabis markets. Unlike marijuana, hemp's legal status enables exports
to countries with legalized cannabis, opening doors to new opportunities and revenue
streams. By leveraging existing distribution networks, hemp companies can play a pivotal
role in shaping the global cannabis landscape.
As we chart the course for cannabis legalization, it's crucial to embrace a holistic
approach that encompasses both hemp and marijuana sectors. By fostering
collaboration, advocating for sensible regulation, and prioritizing consumer needs, we
can unlock the full potential of the cannabis plant. Together, we can build a future where
cannabis is accessible, accepted, and integrated into mainstream society.
Central to the future of the cannabis industry is empowering consumers with knowledge
and awareness. By providing accurate information about cannabis products, bene ts,
and regulations, we can dispel misconceptions. Education campaigns help consumers
make informed choices, fostering a culture of responsible consumption and advocacy.
Innovation and entrepreneurship are driving forces behind the cannabis industry's
growth and evolution. From groundbreaking research to cutting-edge product
development, entrepreneurs are pushing the boundaries. Fostering a supportive
ecosystem for startups and small businesses can fuel innovation and drive progress.

# 13
Bridging the Gap

As we work towards a more inclusive and equitable cannabis industry, it's essential to
address historical injustices and disparities. Communities disproportionately impacted
by cannabis prohibition should have a seat at the table and access to opportunities in
the emerging industry. By prioritizing social equity and justice, we can build a more
sustainable and inclusive cannabis ecosystem.
Environmental sustainability is a cornerstone of responsible cannabis cultivation and
production. By adopting Eco-friendly practices and minimizing carbon footprint, we can
protect the planet for future generations. From organic farming to renewable energy
initiatives, this industry can lead by example in promoting environmental stewardship.
Community engagement is essential for building trust and fostering collaboration within
the cannabis industry. By actively engaging with local communities, businesses can
address concerns, build partnerships, and contribute to positive social impact. From
supporting local initiatives to investing in community development projects, cannabis
businesses can be catalysts for positive change.
As we look to the future, the cannabis industry holds immense promise and potential. By
embracing collaboration, innovation, and social responsibility, we can shape a future
where cannabis is celebrated for its medicinal, economic, and social bene ts. Together,
we can build a thriving and sustainable cannabis ecosystem that bene ts individuals,
communities, and society as a whole.

Hemp Is For The Birds!

The global industrial hemp seed oil market soared to a valuation of USD 88.2 million in
2022 and is projected to maintain a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
14.7% from 2023 to 2030. This remarkable surge is a testament to the burgeoning
recognition of hemp seed oil's therapeutic potential and its ability to address a myriad of
health issues, including anxiety, epilepsy, and beyond, thanks to its rich CBD content.
As awareness of the health bene ts from eating hemp seeds spreads, consumers are
increasingly turning to hemp seed oil-infused products, such as supplements, sauces,
and cooking oils. This burgeoning demand is not only fueling the growth of the industry
but also a shift towards natural, holistic wellness solutions.
The upward trajectory of the industrial hemp seed oil market heralds a transformative
era, where the healing power of nature takes center stage in our quest for well-being. As
we ride this wave of momentum, let us seize the opportunity to champion the
widespread adoption of industrial hemp products, enriching lives and fostering a
healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.

"But from the ashes of old humanity,

new humanity shall arise like the Phoenix."
-- Joe Dixon --

# 14
Joint Conversations - March 4th 2024

Thank you for taking

Time 4 Hemp.

"Like a Phoenix from the ashes, they may defeat you,

burn you, insult you, injure you, and abandon you;
But they will not, shall not, and cannot destroy you.
For you, like Rome, were built on ashes,
and you, like a Phoenix, know how to resurrect."
-- Nikita Gill --
Page 15

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