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Rizal'S LIFE Abroad - Ppt

General Shop Practice (Shop 7)

Rizal’s Life Abroad


 May 1, 1882 – Rizal began writing farewell letters to his friends and family.

 Paciano gave him money for allowance

 Saturnina gave him a diamond ring.

 May 3, 1882 – Rizal left for the Philippines to Spain boarded on the Spanish
steamer Salvadora for using a passport of Jose Mercado.

 May 8,1882 – Salvadora reached Singapore and stayed in Hotel dela Paz for
two days.

 May 11, 1882-Rizal transferred to another ship Djemnah, a French steamer,

which left Singapore going to Europe.

 June 11, 1882 - Djemnah reached City of Naples in Italy. He went around the
City one hour. This was the first European ground he set foot on.

 June 12, 1882 – At 10pm in the evening, the board anchored at Marseilles. He
slept in board.

 Rizal visited the famous Chateau d’If, where Dantes, hero of the Count of
Monte Cristo was imprisoned. Rizal stayed two and a half days in

 June 16, 1882 - At 12:00 noon, Rizal arrived at Barcelona, Spain and boarded
in the Fonda De España.

In this city, he wrote an essay entitled "Amor Patrio" (Love of Country).

 Amor Patrio (Love of Country)

- Nationalistic essay, Rizal's first article written on Spain's soil under his
pen-name Laong Laan.
- It was published in two texts — Spanish and Tagalog. The Spanish
text was the one originally written by Rizal in Barcelona, the Tagalog text was a
Tagalog translation made by Marcelo H. Del Pilar.

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 August 20, 1882 — His article "Amor Patrio" was published in the
DiariongTagalog, a Manila newspaper edited by BasilioTeodoro Moran.

 DiariongTagalog - first Manila newspaper that

published both Spanish and Tagalog.

 BasilioTeodoro Moran - publisher of DiariongTagalog.
In his essay Amor Patrio:
 He urged the Filipinos to love the Philippines
 He wanted them to be free, people with dignity and honor according to
God’s plan and not slaves.

His next article was entitled "Los Viajes" (Travels) and followed by "Revista
de Madrid” (Review of Madrid) but it was returned because the publication was
ceased due to lack of funds.


 September 2, 1882 - Rizal moved heading to Madrid in order to continue his medical

 November 3, 1882 - Rizal enrolled at Universidad Central de Madrid for two

courses, Medicine and Philosophy and Letters.


 Rizal studied painting and sculpture at Academy of Fine Arts of San


 He took lessons in French, German and English under private instructors at
the Madrid Ateneo.

 He practiced fencing and shooting at the Hall of Arms in Sanz y Carbonell.

 Rizal joined the Circulo-Hispano Filipino. It is an association formed by
Filipino students in Spain composed of both Filipinos and Spaniards.

 Mi Piden Versos (They Ask Me for Verses) — upon the request of the
members of this society, Rizal wrote this poem which he personally
declaimed during the New Year's Eve reception held in the evening of
December 31, 1882.

 Mi Piden Versos (They Ask Me for Verses)

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 – a poem which showed sadness of the son of art who lived on a
place away from his origin.

 March 1883 — He joined the Masonic Lodge called Acacia in Madrid with
the masonic name DIMASALANG. His reason for was to secure
Freemasonry's aid in his fight for the Philippines.

 November 1883 — He transferred to Lodge Solidaridad, where he become a
Master Mason.
 Mason is a member of a fraternity known as masonry.

 While in Madrid, the Filipinos including Rizal were having financial problems
however, they inspired by the victory of Juan Luna’s painting, “Spolarium”
and Resurrecion Hidalgo’s painting “Christian Virgins Exposed to the


 June 21,1884 - Rizal finished his medical education. He was conferred the
degree of Licentiate in Medicine.

 The next year, he passed all his subjects leading to Doctors of Medicine
but was only able to get his Doctor's Diploma in 1887 for he wasn't able to
pay corresponding fees.

 June 1885 - Rizal was awarded the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy
and Letters by the Universidad Central de Madrid with the rating of
Excellent (Sobresaliente).


 Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in Ophthalmology — Rizal

chose this branch of medicine because he wanted to cure his mother's eye

 He trained under DR. LOUIS DE WECKERT - a leading Frennch Ophthalmology

of Paris for whom he worked as assistant.

 During his free time, he visited his fellow countrymen — Pardo de Taveras
(Trinidad, Felix and Paz) and Juan Luna. Rizal posted in Luna's canvas like, "The
Blood Compact" in which he posed as Sikatuna and Trinidad as Legazpi.

 He also posed for a group picture called "The Death of Cleopatra" wherein he
dressed as an Egyptian.

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 February 1, 1886- He left Paris to Germany.

 February 3, 1886- Rizal arrived in Heidelberg — a historic city in Germany,

famous for its old university and romantic surroundings.

 He worked at the University Eye Hospital under the supervision of DR. OTTO
BECKER - distinguished renowned German Opthalmologist.

 During his stay in Heidelberg, he lived with a Protestant pastor Dr. Karl
Ullmen, who became his good friend.

 “A Las Flores de Heidelberg” (To the Flowers of Heidelberg)

 - this was written during his stay in the city of Heidelberg.


 Rizal wrote a German letter to Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt on July 31,
1886 because he knew that Blumentritt was interested in the Philippine

 Rizal sent book entitles Arithmetica to Blumentritt.
 Blumentritt became the best friend of Rizal.

 November 1886
 -Rizal arrived in Berlin. He was enchanted by the scientific atmosphere and
the absence of racial prejudice in Berlin.
Through his friend, Ferdinand Blumentritt Rizal met;

 Dr. Feodor Jagor, great scientist and author of "Travels in the

Philippines", one of the books Rizal admired during his student
 Dr. Rudolf Virchow known to be the Father of Modern Pathology.


1. To gain further knowledge in Ophthalmology;

2. To improve further his studies of sciences and languages;

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3. To observe the economic and political conditions of the German nation;

4. To associate with famous German scientists and scholars;

5.To publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere.


The bleak winter of 1886 in Berlin was Rizal's darkest winter because no money
arrived from Calamba..

The diamond ring which his sister, Saturnina, gave was pawned in the pawnshop. It
was memorable in the life of Rizal for two reasons:

1. it was a painful episode for he was hungry, sick and despondent in a strange city;

2. it brought him great joy after enduring so much sufferings, because his first
novel, Noli Me Tangere came off the press.

Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not)

 first novel which tackled the society and government in the Philippines
during the Spanish colonization.

 he discussed herein how the friars deceived the Filipinos and made them
blindly believe in the practices of religion.

 this novel was taken from the gospel of St. John from the New Testament.

 Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
 - this book inspired Dr. Rizal to prepare a novel that would depict
the miseries of his people under the lash of Spanish tyrants.

 February 21, 1887

 The Noli was finally finished and ready for printing.

 Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesellschaft — a printing shop
which charged the lowest rate, that is, 300 pesos for 2,000 copies of
the novel.

 March 21, 1887
 The Noli Me Tangere came off the press.
 The novel is not originally conceived by Rizal, for he admitted taking
it from the Bible.

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 The novel was published through the financial help of Rizal’s friend

Rizal's friend from Bulacan, arrived in Berlin at the height of Rizal
despondency and loaned him the needed funds to publish the novel. He regarded
as savior of Noli.

Rizal’s 1st Homecoming


As early as 1884, Rizal wanted to go back to the Philippines for the
following reasons:

 Financial difficulties in Calamba

 Dissatisfaction with his studies in Madrid
 Other Desire to prove that there is no reason to fear going home
 His belief that the Spanish regime will not punish the innocent


After 5 years of his memorable sojourn in Europe, Rizal returned to the Philippines.
However, because of the publication of the Noli Me Tangere and the uproar it
caused among the friars.

Rizal was warned by:

• Paciano Mercado (his brother),

• Silvestre Ubaldo (his brother-in-law),

• Chengoy (Jose Ma. Cecilio),

• and other friends to return home.

He was determined to return to the Philippines for the following reasons:

 to operates on his mother's eye's.

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 to serve his people who had long been oppressed by the Spanish tyrants.

 to find out for himself how the Noli and his other writings were affecting the
Filipinos and Spaniards in the Philippines.

 to inquire why Leonor Rivera remained silent.

Announcing his Homecoming

June 29, 1887- In Rome, Rizal wrote to his father announcing his homecoming.
“On the 15th of July, I shall embark for our country, so that from the 15th to the 30th
of August, we shall see each other.”

- Rizal

Delightful Trip to Manila

• Rizal left Rome by train for Marseilles, a French port, which he reached without
• July 3, 1887 - He boarded the streamer Djemnah, the same streamer which
brought him to Europe five years ago.

• There were more than 50 passengers including:

4 Englishmen
2 Germans
3 Chinese
2 Japanese
40 Frenchmen
1 Filipino (Rizal)
 Rizal was the only one among the passengers who could speak many languages, so
that he acted as interpreter for his companions.

 When the ship reached Aden Yemen, the weather became rough and some of Rizal's
book got wet.

 July 30, 1887- at Saigon (Ho Chi Minh), Vietnam, Rizal transferred to another
steamer, Haiphong, which was Manila-bounded.

 August 2, 1887- the steamer left Saigon for Manila.

Near midnight of August 5, 1887, the Haiphong arrived in Manila. He stayed in the
city for a short time. He found Manila the same as when he left 5 years ago.

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 On August 8, he returned to Calamba. His family welcomed him affectionally, with
plentiful tears of joys. His family became worried about his safety. Paciano did not
leave him to protect him from any enemy assault.
 In Calamba, Rizal established a medical clinic. His first patient was his mother, who
was almost blind. Rizal treated her eyes but could not perform any surgical
operation because her cataracts were not yet ripe.

 News of the arrival of a great doctor from Germany spread far and wide. Patients
from manila and other province flocked to Calamba.

• He was called "Doctor Ulliman" because he came from Germany.

• Within a few months he was able to earn P900 as a physician. By February, 1888,
he earned a total of P5000 as medical fees.

• Rizal did not selfishly devote all his time to enriching himself. He opened a
gymnasium for young folks and introduced European sports, fencing and shooting
to discourage them from cockfighting and gambling.

• He painted several beautiful landscapes in Calamba. He translated German poems

of Von Wildernath in Tagalog.

• Rizal suffered one failure during his six months of sojourn in Calamba. He failed to
see Leonor Rivera. Leonora's mother did not like him to be son in-law.

Storm Over Noli

• Few weeks after his arrival, Rizal received a letter from Governor General Emelio
Terrero requesting him to come to Malacañang Palace. When Governor General
Terrero informed him of the charge, he denied it, explaining that he merely
exposed the truth, but they did not advocate subversive ideas.

• Gov. Gen. Terrero was pleased by Rizal's explanation and curious about his book
and he asked the author to have a copy of the Noli so that he could read it.

• Rizal had no copy then because the only copy that he brought home was given to a
friend. But he promised to secure one for the General. Fortunately, Rizal found a
copy and gave it to General Terrero.

Attackers of Noli
 Father Font printed his report and distributed copies of it in order to discredit
the controversial novel.

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 Father Jose Rodriguez, Prior of Guadalupe, published a series of eight
pamphlets under the general heading Cuestiones de Sumo Interes
(Questions of Supreme Interest) to blast the Noli and other anti-Spanish

Defenders of Noli
• Marcelo H. Del Pilar
• Antonio Ma. Regidor
• Graciano Lopez Jaena
• Mariano Ponce
• Father Sanchez Rizal's favorite teacher in Ateneo, defended and praised it in

What marred Rizal's happy days in Calamba?

• The death of his older sister, Olimpia
• The groundless tales circulated by his enemies that he was "a German spy, a
protestant, a mason and a witch, a soul beyond salvation, etc.

Findings submitted by Rizal

• The hacienda of the Dominican Order comprised not only the lands around
Calamba, but the whole town of Calamba.

• The profits of the Dominican Order continually increased because of the

arbitrary increase of the rentals paid by the tenants.

• The hacienda owner never contributed a single centavo for the celebration of
the town fiesta, for the education of the children, and for the improvement of

• Tenants who spent much labor in clearing the lands were dispossessed of the
said lands for flimsy reasons.

• High rates of interest were arbitrarily charged the tenants for delayed
payment of rentals.

• When the rentals could not be paid, the hacienda management confiscated
the work animals, tools, and farm implements of the tenants.


• German spy

• An agent of Otto Von Bismarck - the liberator of Germany

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• A Protestant

• A Mason
• A soul halfway to damnation

Farewell Philippines
On February 3, 1888 Rizal left his country with a heavy heart. But this is for his
own good and the safety of his family and friends.

Rizal's reasons for leaving the Philippines

 His presence in Calamba was jeopardizing the safety and happiness of his family and

 He could not fight better his enemies and serve his country's cause with greater efficacy
by writing in foreign countries.

Himno Al Trabajo
• A poem for Lipa - shortly before Rizal left in 1888, he was asked by a friend
to write a poem in commemoration of the town's cityhood.

• Himno Al Trabajo (Hymn to Labor) - title of the poem dedicated to the

industrious people of Lipa.

Rizal’s 2nd Trip to Europe

In Hong Kong and Japan

 On February 3, 1888 Rizal sailed to Hongkong on board “Zafiro” and just stayed
inside the ship during the short stop at Amoy.

 He stayed at Victoria Hotel in HK and visited nearby city Macao for two days
along with Jose Maria Basa.

 Among other things, Rizal experienced in Hong Kong the noisy firecracker-laden
Chinese New Year and the Marathon Lauriat party characterized by numerous
dishes being served.

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 From Hong Kong, he reached Yokohama, Japan on February 28 and proceeded to
Tokyo the next day.

 He lived in Spanish legation in Tokyo upon the invitation of its secretary, Juan
Perez Caballero.

 March 1888, he heard a Tokyo band nicely playing a European music and was
astonished to find out after the gig that some of its members were Filipinos.

 But if there was a person who was truly entertained Rizal at that time, it was Rizal
himself who was amused by the Japanese girl who would pass by the legation

 A 23 year old Seiko Usui whom he fondly called “O-Sei-San” became his tour
guide and sweetheart.


 But because he loved his mission more than O-Sei-San. Rizal boarded the
“Belgic” on April 13, 1888.
 The ship arrived in San Francisco on April 28. For a week, the ship’s
passenger were, however, quarantined, allegedly because of the cholera
outbreak in the Far East.

• On May 6, Rizal went to Oakland. On board a train, he took his evening meal in
Sacramento and woke up in Reno, Nevada.
• He had visited also the states of Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Illinos, and finally
reached New York on May 13.
• On Bedloe Island, he had seen the Statue of Liberty symbolizing freedom and
• Ironically, Rizal observed that there was racial inequality in the land and thus
concluded that real freedom was only for the whites.


 On board the ship “City of Rome”, Rizal sailed for Liverpool on May 16, 1888
and arrived there on May 24.

 A day after. He reached London and stayed briefly at Dr. Antonio Ma.
Regidor’s house.

 He then boarded at the Buckett residence where he was lovingly served by

Gertrude, the daughter of his landlord.

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 In London, Rizal manually copied and annotated Morga’s Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas, a rare book available in the British Museum.

 He also became the honorary president of the patriotic society Association

La Solidaridad (Solidaridad Association) and wrote articles for the La

 In his 10 moths stay in London, he has short visit in Paris, Madrid, and

 In Spain, he met Marcelo H. del Pilar for the first time, del Pilar was one of
the renowned members of the Propaganda Movement, along with Graciana
Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce and Rizal.

• was a patriotic socio-political organization founded in 1872 by Filipinos to
settled in Europe. Its members were mainly the Filipinos who had settled in
Europe’s universities at the time.

• The propaganda primarily aimed to bring to Spain’s attention the real needs of
its colony, the Philippines.

Propaganda movement campaign for reforms such as:

1. For the Philippines to be made a province of Spain so that native Filipinos would
have equal rights accorded to Spaniards
2. Representation of the Philippines in the Spanish Cortes
3. Secularization of parishes.

 Leaving London for good, he went to Paris in March 1889, he shortly lived in
the house of a friend Valentine Ventura before transferring to a little room.

 Rizal witnessed the Universal Exposition of Paris, having as its greatest

attraction the Eiffel Tower.

 Rizal formed Kidlat Club, a temporary social club, which brought together
Filipinos witnessing the exposition.

 He also organized the Indios Bravos, an association which envisioned

Filipinos being recognized for their admirable skills in many fields.

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 In Belgium, Rizal Busied himself with writing the El Fili and contributing for La
Solidaridad using the pen names Dimas Alang and Laong Laan.

 When he heard the news that calamba agrarian trouble was getting worse, he
decided to go home.

 However, Paciano told him through a letter that they lost the court case
against the Dominicans in the Philippines, and they intended to bring the case
to Madrid.

 This prompted Rizal to go to Madrid instead to look for a lawyer and

influential people who would defend there the Calamba tenants.

 Rizal travelled to Madrid in August 1890. Along with his lawyer, Marcelo H.
del Pilar, he tried to seek justice for his family but could not find any
influential Spaniard who could help them.
 Rizal encountered many adversities in and tribulations in Madrid. He heard
that his family were forced to leave their land in Calamba, and some family
members were even deported to far places.


 Rizal proceeded to take a more than a month vacation in Biarritz, a tourist
town in south-western France noted for its mild climate and sand beaches.

 Arriving there in February 1891, Rizal was welcomed as a family guest in the
house of the Bousteds, especially by Nellie with whom he later had a
serious, but failed relationships.

 In Biarritz, he continued to work on his El Fili and completed the

manuscript on March 29, the eve of his departure to Paris.

 Valentine Ventura hosted his short stay in Paris, and the Jacobies,
especially Suzzane, cordially welcomed his arrival in Brussels in April 1891.

 Rizal revised the prepared for printing his second novel until the end of May.
By June 1891, he was already looking for a printing firm to print the El


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 Rizal went to Ghent in July 1891 because the cost of printing in the place was
 The publisher F. Meyer- Van Loo Press, No. 66 Viannderen Street agreed
to print the El Fili on installment basis.
 Despite pawning all his jewels and living tightfistedly, Rizal ran out of funds,
and printing had to be suspended on August 6.
 But through Valentine Ventura’s salvific act, the El Filibusterismo came off
the press on September 18,1891.
 Two weeks after, he visited Paris for the last time to bid goodbye to his
friends and compatriots.


1. Francisco, Virlyn and Francisco, Paul Micah (2018). Rizal, A modular Approach Based on the
New CHED Curriculum. Intramuros, Manila. Mindshapers Co. Inc.

2. Obias, Rhodalyn O, Mallari, Aaron A, and Estella, Janet R (2018). The Life and Works of Jose
Rizal. Quezon, City. C & E Publishing Inc.

3. De Viana, Augusto V. Cabrera, Helena Ma F., et al. (2018) Jose Rizal: Social Reformer and
Patriot, A Study of His Life and Times. Manila. Rex Book Store.



6. Manebog, J. D.G., et al (2018). Life and Works of Rizal, Biography, Writings and Legacies of
our Bayani. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House Inc.

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