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Fian : come in (Where have you been?

suddenly Just come without news) darimana
kamu? Tiba2 datang tanpa kasih kabar.
Dedi : (oh sorry, I'm from home and i just
wanna ask you about the English assignment
last week. How to make it ?). saya minta maaf
sebelumnya, saya dari perumahan datang kemari
untuk menanyakan tugas Bahasa inggris minggu
lalu yang diberikan oleh dosen .
Fian : (oh okay. I am also doing an English
assignment given by the lecturer.) aku juga lagi
buat tugas bahasa inggris yang diberikan oleh
dosen tersebut.
Dedi : (Can I see the assignment that you are
working on?) Bisakah saya lihat tugas yang
sedang kamu kerjakan?
Fian : ( Yes Sure. ) Ya tentu
Dia menunjukan Tugas tersebut, Dan sementara
melihat tugasnya.
Dedi: (ohh, you took the article about
Sustainable Fisheries for the Future of the
World Ocean.) ohh, kamu mengambil artikel
tentang Perikanan Berkelanjutan untuk Masa
Depan Lautan Dunia.
Bingung dan berifikir.
Dedi : (why did you take the topic about it?)
Fian : I think is a good topic and the criteria of
the assignment must be about fisheries.
Fian :Btw. I have one interesting article about
fishing. Look at this.
Fian : ’A single piece of plastic’ can kill sea
turtles. this is an interesting topic.
Dedi : let me read it.
Dedi : A new study suggests that ingesting even
a single piece of plastic can be deadly for sea

Researchers found there was a one in five

chance of death for a turtle who consumed just
one item - rising to 50% for 14 pieces.

The team found that younger turtles are at a

higher risk of dying from exposure to plastic
than adults.

The authors say their research raises concerns

over the long term survival of some turtle

The never ending surge of plastic into the

world's oceans is taking an increasing toll on
iconic marine species.
Fian : I think this has become a habit of humans
who always litter.
Dedi : and consequently have an impact on the
marine biota, especially turtles. it's really sad to
see it.
Fian : yaaaaa indeed have a big impact.
therefore the researchers study about this
Dedi : and in the fact. The authors of this study
estimate that around half of all the sea turtles on
the planet have ingested plastic - this rises to
90% among juvenile green sea turtles off the
coast of Brazil.
Fian : oh it's terribel to imajin it. I mean do
hyumans not think about the impact of the
plastic waste boils don to sea? Hmm
Dedi : not all humans even there are also people
who care about how to campaign for it. maybe
the irresponsible person doesn't care about that.
Fian : hm yeah.
Fian : I've seen on Instagram one of the campus
in the yUKei campaigning in a yunik way
Dedi : Oh really ? How ?
Fian : making and displaying giant turtle statues
out of plastic waste.
Dedi : wow that is a great way to campaign.
interesting and I like it .
Fian : BTw. Do you have a topic for the
Dedi : I already have it. but I'm more interested
in that article anyway. can I …..?
Fian : Oh of course. it's really interesting
Dedi : thank you for helping me
Fian :
take it izii baddy.
Because u I have idea to make this new article
Relax myfriend senyum.
Anyway I have to go now.
I have sudden business at home. sorry I
can not take long
Okey nose yo

in the campus

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