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Reflection: Human Resource Management Concepts

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Institutional Affiliation




Reflection: Human Resource Management Concepts

The lessons about Human Resource Management (HRM) in the context of healthcare has

been interesting and insightful. Throughout this course, I have learnt that HRM is a critical

component that determines the effective functioning of healthcare organizations. HRM

encompasses several aspects including the recruitment, development, and management of a

healthcare organization’s workforce. This department plays a crucial role in shaping the culture,

policies and practices within the healthcare industry. The concepts learnt during the course has

been practical in my life, as I have encountered several cases where Human Resource managers

in the healthcare execute roles that matches the ones learnt in class.

I have observed and experienced HRM practices in the health care setting and

acknowledged their impact both in enhancing the quality of patient care and optimal outcome of

the entire healthcare organization. For instance, the HRM at one of the healthcare institution I

worked used to develop training programs for the nurses regularly to ensure they are updated

with the medical trends particularly following the rapid advancement in technology. There were

also evaluation of the healthcare professionals that were conducted annually to determine their

competency and help foster a competitive culture in the workplace. These practices closely

related with the Human Resource Management roles learnt in the course such as recruitment,

training and performance evaluation. These practices are crucial in fostering skilled and engaged

workforce. HRM also helps to address issues relating to compliance with healthcare regulations

and standards to maintain patient safety.

HRM management can indeed improve employees’ satisfaction, reduce turnover and

enhance a positive working environment. In my professional, I have experienced healthcare

organizations investing in HRM to achieve higher levels of patient satisfaction and optimal

healthcare outcomes. As a potential healthcare leader, I have learnt that a comprehensive

understanding of HRM will be crucial for my success. These concept will enable me develop and

lead high performing health care teams. This course also empowers me with adequate knowledge

to navigate complex healthcare regulations and make evidence based strategic decisions

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