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1. when will rat stop supplying?

2. 2: CI=0
3. Pressure increase affect on a/c performance (t/o distance and units)
4. When to
5. Aft CG effects?
6. DU shows invalid data what has failed
7. T/o shift when to input
8. LVR RVSM at default when
9. VOR Range
10. Wing anti ice closes auto when
11. Fuel amber
12. Decision point procedure
13. Starboard drift
14. On over head panel what does it mean
15. Lower limit of V1
16. Max clear way length
17. What increase when V1 increase
18. Both FACC fail when does the RTC go away
19. FMGC during Autoland
20. Reason for APU auto shutdowns
21. Dual TR failure
22. When does the safety valve opens
23. Can you Control the Safety Valve
24. Position of Outflow valve on ground
25. How to get a/c when APU auo off on ground
26. What happen when Ram air is proved
27. Antiskid disconnection speed
28. GEN 1 Smoke light indicate what?
29. What happens when GEN 1 line smoke
30. ACSC commands which computer to increase bleed when apu bleed is being
31. What is variation?
32. Max Cabin Alt (RED)
33. How is the speed scale affected when IR2 Fails?
34. When is the Low accuracy Shows
35. A/C accelerates in norther hemisphere
36. Minimum speed when on app or -----?
37. IR Align Ecam memo Amber
38. EXT PWR on, Fault light on GEN1 and GEN2 Warning?
39. Where to Check the monitor of RAT when deployed?
40. Max altitude at which APU can supply Bleed to the engine for start

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