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5:00pm of October 13 it is friday Iris and her friends had discuss about a Abandoned
House near at their school and they decided to go there at exact 10:30pm to explore
and experience the creep of the abandoned house since everyone in their school was
talking about it and they wanted to meet up at the park.So Iris went home immediately
to her house to prepare some things that are needed to their exploration at the
house,She prepare flashlight,snacks,medical kit and etc.After she prepare all those
things she check her phone and its already 10:00pm so she quickly eat something to
boosin up her strength and then decided to go to the park where they meet up but
when she got there no one was there, it seem like she was left out,she think that
everyone was already at the abandoned house so she quickly run toward the house and
enter it. As the time when she enter the house she called out her friends one by one
but no one answer, she tried and tried but still no answer.Few hours pass she still
exploring the house when suddenly she feel that someones watching her, she walk
slowly toward an empty room and she see a creepy looking thing.She can't see it
clearly so she pulled out her flashlight and ligthin up where the thing was but she
scream when she saw what was it,It was an intity,an intity that has been there for how
many years. Iris run as fast as she could until she saw a open door that leading outside
of the house.She felt relief when she got outside of the house and then she heard some
familiar voices coming from the bushes,its her friends she was so happy that her
friends was alright so Iris run towards them and ask them if they have seen an intity at
the house, but her friends shake there heads because they didn't enter the house yet,So
Iris got confuse because she think that her friends was already at the house.But when
one of his friends was a out to enter the house Iris suddenly pass out so her friends
quickly get up Iris and bring her to her house. Few days has pass and Iris was never
been awake so her mom called the doctor.When the doctor got there he examine Iris
and found nothing in her she told her mother that Iris is in coma for 3 months.


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