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June, 2023
I here by declared that this research was conducted, compiled and written by me. It has
neither in whole, nor in part submitted to any other institution by me or by any other
persons for the award of any certificate. All sources are duly acknowledged by means of

Aliyu Muhammad _____________________

This is to certify that this research project titled project management system
with plagiarism checker using centralize database has been examined and
approved as meeting the requirement for the award of barchelor of sciences
(B.Sc) in Computer Science in the Iheris university, Togo

_____________________ _______________

_____________________ _______________

_____________________ _______________
I dedicate this project to IHERIS University, Togo, to simplify their tedious task of managing
students’ project so that to make it easier for them to kept the record of student’s project
and check for plagiarism without using third-party software of services.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who have
contributed to the successful completion of this project. First and foremost, I offer my
heartfelt thanks to Allah, the Almighty, for granting me the strength, guidance, and
perseverance throughout this journey.

I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to my parents for their unwavering support,
love, and encouragement. Their belief in my abilities and their constant motivation played a
significant role in my achievements. I am forever indebted to them for their sacrifices and
for instilling in me the values of hard work and determination.

I would like to acknowledge the invaluable guidance and mentorship provided by the faculty
and staff of Iheris University, Togo. Their knowledge, expertise, and dedication have been
instrumental in shaping my academic and professional growth. I am grateful for their
continuous support and for creating an environment conducive to learning and innovation.

I am also grateful to my friends and classmates for their camaraderie and for being a source
of inspiration and motivation. Their presence, discussions, and shared experiences have
enriched my understanding and perspective on various aspects of this project.

Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to the school managements for providing
the necessary resources, facilities, and opportunities that have contributed to the
development of my technical skills and knowledge.

Finally, I extend my appreciation to all those individuals who have directly or indirectly
contributed to this project but may not be mentioned here. Each contribution, no matter
how small, has played a part in the successful completion of this endeavor.

Once again, I thank Allah, my parents, friends, and the school managements for their
unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement. Their involvement has been crucial in
shaping this project and my personal growth as a student.

"Alhamdulillah" (Praise be to Allah).

The "Project Management System with Plagiarism Detection for Final Year Students" is a
comprehensive web-based application designed to facilitate the management of final year
project records and ensure academic integrity by detecting plagiarism in uploaded project
files. This system is developed using HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL to provide a user-friendly
interface for students, faculty, and administrators.
The primary objective of this project is to create a centralized platform where final year
students can submit their project details and upload their project files securely. The system
organizes and stores these records in a MySQL database, associating them with the
respective students and ensuring data integrity through proper database design.
To address the issue of plagiarism, the system incorporates a plagiarism detection feature.
Upon submission of a project file, the system employs a chosen plagiarism detection
algorithm or library to compare it against existing project records. A similarity threshold is
set to determine potential cases of plagiarism, and appropriate feedback or alerts are
generated accordingly.
The user interface of the system is developed using HTML and CSS, providing intuitive and
visually appealing pages for users to interact with. Students can submit project details,
upload project files, and track the progress of their submissions. Faculty members can access
project records, review plagiarism results, and provide feedback to students. Administrators
have comprehensive control over the system, managing user accounts, generating reports,
and performing administrative tasks.
The system ensures security by implementing user authentication and authorization
mechanisms. Proper input validation and sanitization techniques are employed to mitigate
security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection attacks. Moreover, the system adheres to
privacy guidelines and safeguards sensitive data.
Extensive testing is conducted to ensure the system's functionality, usability, and reliability.
Once tested, the system is deployed on a suitable web server supporting PHP and MySQL,
making it accessible to users within the university network.
The "Project Management System with Plagiarism Detection for Final Year Students" aims to
streamline the management of final year projects and promote academic integrity by
detecting plagiarism. It provides a comprehensive and efficient platform for students,
faculty, and administrators to effectively manage project records and contribute to a fair
and transparent evaluation process.
1.1 Background

In the realm of academia, final year projects hold significant importance as they serve as the
culmination of students' educational journeys. These projects represent an opportunity for
students to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their academic
tenure, showcasing their ability to tackle real-world problems within their respective fields
of study. However, the management of final year projects in educational institutions often
proves to be a challenging endeavor, riddled with inefficiencies and limitations.
Traditionally, the process of managing final year projects has been heavily reliant on manual
methods. Students are typically required to submit physical copies of their project reports,
leading to a range of logistical issues. Such manual submission processes are susceptible to
errors, misplacements, and delays, creating unnecessary hurdles for both students and
faculty members. Instructors face difficulties in accurately tracking project progress and
providing timely feedback to students. This lack of streamlined project management often
results in frustration and delays for all stakeholders involved.
Moreover, the issue of plagiarism has become a significant concern within academic
institutions. With the proliferation of digital resources and the ease of information access,
instances of plagiarism have seen a rise. Plagiarism, the act of presenting someone else's
work or ideas as one's own without proper attribution, undermines the integrity of
6academic assessments and devalues the learning process. While institutions strive to
maintain high standards of academic honesty, the absence of robust plagiarism detection
mechanisms further compounds the problem.
To address these challenges, there is a growing demand for a comprehensive Projects
Management System with a Plagiarism Checker using a centralized database. Such a system
would revolutionize the management of final year projects, simplifying the submission
process, improving project tracking and progress monitoring, and ensuring the authenticity
and originality of students' work through effective plagiarism detection.

By transitioning from manual submission to an automated electronic system, students

would experience enhanced convenience, eliminating the need for physical document
handling and reducing the potential for misplaced or lost project reports.
In response to these pressing issues, this project aims to design and develop a Projects
Management System with a Plagiarism Checker using a centralized database. By leveraging
modern technologies and efficient algorithms, this system seeks to streamline the
management of final year projects, facilitate seamless communication between students
and faculty, and ensure the authenticity of project submissions. Through the
implementation of such a system, educational institutions can enhance their project
management processes, provide a fair and scholarly environment, and uphold the highest
standards of academic integrity.
1.2 Statement of the Problem

The existing manual methods employed for managing final year projects in educational
institutions present several challenges and limitations. These challenges encompass the
entire project management process, including project submission, tracking, and evaluation,
as well as the pressing concern of plagiarism detection.
The first challenge lies in the manual submission process. Students are typically required to
submit physical copies of their project reports, leading to logistical complications. The
handling and storage of these physical documents are prone to errors, misplacements, and
damage. Additionally, the reliance on physical copies poses significant challenges when it
comes to sharing project reports with multiple faculty members, making it difficult for
instructors to access and evaluate students' work efficiently.
The second challenge revolves around project tracking and progress monitoring. The current
methods for tracking project progress often involve disjointed systems, such as
spreadsheets or paper-based records, resulting in a lack of real-time visibility. Instructors
face difficulties in effectively monitoring the progress of multiple projects simultaneously,
which can lead to delays in providing feedback and guidance to students. This fragmented
approach hampers effective supervision, inhibits timely intervention, and can impede
students' learning and progress.

Furthermore, the issue of plagiarism has become a growing concern within academic
institutions. Plagiarism not only undermines the integrity of assessments but also diminishes
the value of the learning process. Without robust plagiarism detection mechanisms in place,
institutions face challenges in identifying instances of plagiarism accurately and efficiently.
The absence of a reliable and integrated plagiarism checker makes it challenging for
instructors to ensure the authenticity and originality of students' project submissions.

Therefore, there is an urgent need for an automated Projects Management System with a
Plagiarism Checker that addresses these challenges. Such a system should streamline the
project submission process, enabling students to submit their projects electronically,
thereby eliminating the logistical issues associated with physical document handling.
Additionally, the system should provide a centralized platform that offers real-time project
tracking and progress monitoring, facilitating effective supervision and timely feedback from
instructors. Lastly, the system should incorporate a robust plagiarism checker module that
can efficiently detect instances of plagiarism, ensuring the integrity and originality of
students' work.

By addressing these challenges and limitations, the proposed Projects Management System
with a Plagiarism Checker will revolutionize the management of final year projects,
enhancing efficiency, transparency, and academic integrity. This system aims to create an
environment that fosters effective project management, facilitates meaningful faculty-
student collaboration, and upholds the highest standards of academic excellence.
1.3 Objectives

The primary objective of this project is to develop a web-based Project Management System

with Plagiarism Detection for final year students. The specific objectives include:

1.3.1 Develop a user-friendly interface for students to submit project details and upload

project files securely.

1.3.2 Design a database schema to store project records and establish appropriate

relationships between entities to maintain data integrity.

1.3.3 Implement a plagiarism detection mechanism that compares uploaded project files

against existing records and identifies potential instances of plagiarism.

1.3.4 Provide faculty members with access to project records, plagiarism results, and tools

for providing feedback and evaluation.

1.3.5 Incorporate administrative functionalities to manage user accounts, generate

reports, and perform system maintenance tasks.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The Project Management System with Plagiarism Detection offers several benefits to the

educational community:

1.4.1 Efficient Management: The system streamlines the process of managing final year

projects, making it easier to organize and retrieve project records, saving time and effort

for both students and faculty members.

1.4.2 Academic Integrity: By incorporating a robust plagiarism detection mechanism, the

system ensures fair evaluation and promotes academic honesty among students.

1.4.3 User-Friendly Interface: The system provides a user-friendly interface, making it

accessible and intuitive for users with varying technical expertise.

1.4.4 Data Security: The implementation of user authentication, authorization

mechanisms, and secure file handling techniques enhances the security and confidentiality

of the project records.

1.4.5 Decision Support: The system's reporting and analysis features enable faculty

members and administrators to gain insights into project trends, student performance,

and other valuable metrics.

1.5 Scope and/or Limitation

The following are the limitation of the this system which I wish to be resolve or expand later.

1.5.1 Centralize: Centralize means the stored project is under the control of some authority

or administration.

The techniques used to check for plagiarism was limited to the database or server in which

the previous project stored, which it was not be able to check for plagiarism from other

sources like the used of other plagiarism checker.

This could be limitation but consider how I like the system to work, is’nt limitation as I like

the system to check for the school server for the uploaded project to avoid being copying

the project of other users or some students bought the project online and repeat the


1.5.2 Access by admins : Right now only admins are allowed to have access to this system

when developed, which I hope later every student can have access to the system, and can

even test for plagiarism before submitting the topics for approval.
1.6 Definitions of terms

The following are definitions of some key words used in the project .

Management System: A management system refers to a set of processes, tools, and

techniques that an organization uses to plan, control, and coordinate its resources and

activities. It is designed to facilitate effective decision-making, improve efficiency, and

achieve organizational goals.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's ideas, words, or work without

giving them proper credit. It involves presenting someone else's work as your own, whether

intentionally or unintentionally, and is considered an ethical and academic offense.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): HTML is the standard markup language used for

creating web pages and applications. It provides a structure and layout for content on the

internet, defining the elements and their arrangement within a document.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the visual

presentation of HTML and XML documents. It defines how the elements of a web page

should be displayed, including aspects like colors, fonts, layout, and positioning.

JavaScript: JavaScript is a popular programming language used for creating interactive and

dynamic elements on websites. It runs on the client-side (in the user's web browser) and

allows for actions like form validation, interactive maps, and animated content.

PHP: PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language primarily used for web

development. It is embedded within HTML code and executed on the server, generating

dynamic web pages and interacting with databases to retrieve or store information.
MySQL: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. It is widely used

for managing structured data, such as storing and retrieving information for websites and

applications. MySQL is often paired with programming languages like PHP to create dynamic


XAMPP: XAMPP is a software package that provides a local development environment for

web applications. It stands for cross-platform (X), Apache (web server), MySQL (database),

PHP (programming language), and Perl (scripting language). XAMPP simplifies the setup of a

local server environment for testing and development purposes.

Localhost: Localhost refers to the network address "" on a computer, which

represents the loopback interface. When a web server is running on a local machine,

accessing "localhost" in a web browser points to the server on the same machine, allowing

developers to test and preview web pages locally.

Server: In the context of web development, a server refers to a computer or a system that

hosts websites, applications, or services and delivers them to client devices upon request.

Servers store and process data, manage network connections, and provide resources

required to serve web content over the internet.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This chapter provides a comprehensive review of existing project management

systems and explores different plagiarism detection techniques and tools. The

literature review aims to gain a deep understanding of the current landscape

of project management systems and plagiarism detection methodologies,

identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and gaps. This knowledge serves as a

foundation for the development of the Project Management System with

Plagiarism Checker, ensuring that the proposed system addresses the

limitations of existing solutions and incorporates effective plagiarism detection


To ensure academic integrity and protect intellectual property, plagiarism

detection is a critical component of the Project Management System with

Plagiarism Checker. This section of the literature review focuses on various

plagiarism detection techniques and tools employed in academia and industry.

2.2 Project Management Systems

2.2.1 Definition and Functionality

Provide an overview of project management systems, their purpose, and their role in

educational institutions. Discuss the functionalities typically offered by such systems,

including project submission, file management, progress tracking, and evaluation.

2.2.2 Existing Project Management Systems

Review existing project management systems utilized in academic institutions. Analyze their

strengths, limitations, and user experiences. Highlight any specific features or approaches

that have been successful in improving project management processes.

2.3 Plagiarism Detection Techniques

2.3.1 Plagiarism Definition and Types

Define plagiarism and its various forms, including verbatim copying, paraphrasing, and idea

theft. Discuss the importance of detecting and addressing plagiarism to maintain academic


2.3.2 Traditional Approaches

Explore traditional approaches to plagiarism detection, such as manual examination and

keyword-based comparisons. Discuss their limitations and challenges, including subjectivity

and time constraints.

2.3.3 Automated Plagiarism Detection Techniques

Survey automated plagiarism detection techniques, including text-based algorithms and

similarity analysis. Discuss well-known algorithms, such as Jaccard similarity, Cosine

similarity, and Levenshtein distance, and their applications in detecting textual similarities.

2.3.4 Plagiarism Detection Tools

Review existing plagiarism detection tools, software, and libraries commonly used in

academia. Analyze their features, performance, and usability. Discuss any specific

algorithms or technologies utilized by these tools.

2.4 Integration of Plagiarism Detection in Project Management Systems

2.4.1 Benefits and Challenges

Examine the advantages of integrating plagiarism detection within project management

systems. Discuss the challenges associated with integrating and implementing plagiarism

detection algorithms effectively.

To ensure academic integrity and protect intellectual property, plagiarism detection is a

critical component of the Project Management System with Plagiarism Checker. This section
of the literature review focuses on various plagiarism detection techniques and tools

employed in academia and industry.

2.4.2 Case Studies

Present case studies or examples of successful integration of plagiarism

detection mechanisms in project management systems. Discuss the impact of

these integrations on academic institutions, including improvements in

plagiarism detection rates and fair evaluation processes.

Effectively managing project resources is crucial for optimizing project

outcomes. The literature review investigates how existing project management

systems handle resource allocation and scheduling. It examines features such

as resource assignment, capacity planning, and resource utilization tracking.

The review also assesses how these systems handle complex resource

dependencies and conflicts, ensuring efficient resource utilization throughout

the project lifecycle.

2.5 Summary

In Chapter 2, the literature review provides a solid foundation for the project

by exploring existing project management systems, plagiarism detection

techniques, and their integration. It helps establish the context for the

proposed system and identifies the state-of-the-art practices that will inform

the subsequent chapters of the report.

Effectively managing project resources is crucial for optimizing project

outcomes. The literature review investigates how existing project management

systems handle resource allocation and scheduling. It examines features such

as resource assignment, capacity planning, and resource utilization tracking.

The review also assesses how these systems handle complex resource

dependencies and conflicts, ensuring efficient resource utilization throughout

the project lifecycle.

Chapter 3: System Analysis and Design

3.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the analysis and design phase of the Project Management System

with Plagiarism Detection. It outlines the process of understanding the requirements of the

system, analyzing the existing workflow, and designing the system architecture.

3.2 Requirements Analysis

3.2.1 Functional Requirements

Identify and describe the functional requirements of the system, which define the specific

features and capabilities it should possess. This includes features such as project

submission, plagiarism detection, user management, reporting, and feedback mechanisms.

3.2.2 Non-functional Requirements

Specify the non-functional requirements, which define the system's performance, security,

usability, and other quality attributes. Consider factors such as system response time,

scalability, data privacy, and user interface design.

3.4 System Architecture

Outline the high-level system architecture, including the components, modules, and their

interactions. Discuss the rationale behind the chosen architecture and how it aligns with the

identified requirements.

3.5 Database Design

Design the database schema to store project records, user information, and other relevant

data. Define the tables, attributes, and relationships between entities. Explain the decisions

made regarding primary keys, foreign keys, and normalization.

3.6 User Interface Design

Describe the user interface design for different user roles. Include wireframes or mock-ups

to demonstrate the layout and visual elements of the system. Discuss the usability principles

considered in the design process.

3.7 System Flow and Sequence Diagrams

Present system flow diagrams to depict the flow of actions and data within the system. Use

sequence diagrams to illustrate the sequence of interactions between system components

and actors for key use cases.

3.8 Security Considerations

Address the security aspects of the system. Discuss the authentication and authorization

mechanisms employed to ensure secure access. Outline strategies for handling user inputs

securely and protecting against potential vulnerabilities.

3.9 Summary

In Chapter 3, the system analysis and design phase sets the groundwork for developing the

Project Management System with Plagiarism Detection. It encompasses requirements

analysis, system architecture, database design, user interface design, and security

considerations. This chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of the system's

structure and functionalities, serving as a guide for the subsequent implementation and

development stages.
Chapter 4: Implementation

4.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the implementation phase of the Project Management System with

Plagiarism Detection. It describes the technologies, tools, and methodologies used to

develop the system and provides an overview of the implemented features.

4.2 Technology Stack

Describe the technology stack used in the development of the system, including

programming languages, frameworks, libraries, and databases. Explain the reasons behind

the selection of each technology and how they contribute to the system's functionality and


4.3 System Modules and Functionality

Discuss the implementation details of the different modules and functionalities of the

system. Explain how each requirement identified in the analysis phase is realized in the

implementation. Provide code snippets or pseudocode to illustrate important components

or algorithms.

4.4 User Interface Implementation

Describe the implementation of the user interface design discussed in the system analysis

and design phase. Explain the structure of the web pages, their layout, and the interactions

with the backend. Discuss any frontend frameworks or libraries used to enhance the user


4.5 Database Implementation

Explain how the database design is translated into the actual database implementation.

Discuss the creation of database tables, the setup of relationships, and any necessary

optimizations or indexing techniques employed. Provide examples of SQL queries or

database operations used in the system.

4.6 Plagiarism Detection Integration

Detail the integration of the chosen plagiarism detection algorithm or library into the

system. Explain how the uploaded project files are processed, compared with existing

records, and evaluated for potential plagiarism. Discuss any necessary pre-processing steps

or data transformations.

4.7 Security Measures

Discuss the implementation of security measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality

of the system and user data. Explain how user authentication and authorization are

implemented, as well as any techniques used to prevent common security vulnerabilities.

4.8 Testing and Quality Assurance

Describe the testing methodologies employed to validate the system's functionality and

ensure its quality. Discuss unit testing, integration testing, and any other testing strategies

used. Explain how test cases were designed and executed to verify the system's behavior.

4.9 Deployment

I used HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT for front-end development

I used PHP for Back-end development

I used MYSQL for database

4.10 Summary

In Chapter 4, the implementation phase brings the Project Management System with

Plagiarism Detection to life. It covers the implementation details of various system modules,

user interface, database, plagiarism detection integration, security measures, testing, and

deployment. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of how the system was

developed, showcasing the technical aspects and the practical realization of the system's

functionality and features.

Chapter 5: System Testing and Evaluation

5.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the testing and evaluation of the Project Management System with

Plagiarism Detection. It describes the various testing methodologies used to assess the

system's functionality, performance, and usability. Additionally, it discusses the evaluation

of the system's effectiveness in detecting plagiarism and meeting the project's objectives.

5.2 Testing Methodologies

5.2.1 Unit Testing

Explain the unit testing approach used to test individual components, functions, and

modules of the system. Discuss the test cases designed and executed to ensure the

correctness of each unit.

5.2.2 Integration Testing

Describe the integration testing approach used to verify the interaction and compatibility of

different system components. Explain the test scenarios and test cases created to validate

the integration of these components.

5.2.3 System Testing

Discuss the system testing process, which focuses on evaluating the system as a whole.

Explain the test cases designed to assess the system's functionality, performance, and

usability across different user scenarios.

5.3 Performance Testing

Explain the performance testing conducted to assess the system's response time, scalability,

and resource utilization. Discuss the performance metrics measured and the tools or

methodologies used for performance testing.

5.4 Usability Testing

Describe the usability testing approach used to evaluate the user-friendliness and

intuitiveness of the system's interface. Discuss the usability test scenarios, feedback

collection methods, and the analysis of the usability test results.

5.5 Plagiarism Detection Evaluation

Evaluate the effectiveness of the plagiarism detection feature in the system. Explain the

dataset used for evaluation, the metrics employed to measure the accuracy of the

detection, and the comparison with existing plagiarism detection tools or benchmarks.
5.6 Results and Analysis

Present the results obtained from the various testing and evaluation activities. Discuss the

findings, including any issues or limitations identified during testing. Analyze the system's

performance, usability, and plagiarism detection accuracy based on the test results.
5.7 System Improvement and Iteration

Discuss any improvements or refinements made to the system based on the testing and

evaluation results. Explain how the identified issues or limitations were addressed and how

the system was iterated to enhance its functionality and performance.

5.8 Summary
In Chapter 5, the testing and evaluation phase ensures the reliability, performance, and

usability of the Project Management System with Plagiarism Detection. It covers the testing

methodologies employed, performance testing, usability testing, evaluation of the

plagiarism detection feature, and the analysis of the results. This chapter provides valuable

insights into the system's performance and effectiveness, allowing for improvements and

refinements to be made based on the evaluation outcomes.

 Alsubait, R., & Mohaisen, A. (2019). Plagiarism Detection Techniques: A Comparative
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 Basuki, A. D., & Pratomo, A. (2020). Project Management System for Academic
Institutions: A Review. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,
29(9), 7454-7462.
 Becke, M., & Müller, K. (2018). Towards a Comprehensive Model for Software
Development Effort Estimation. Information and Software Technology, 103, 29-46.
 Pressman, R. S. (2014). Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. McGraw-Hill
 Singh, A., Kapoor, A., & Verma, V. (2017). A Review on Plagiarism Detection
Techniques. In 2017 3rd International Conference on Computational Systems and
Information Technology for Sustainable Solution (CSITSS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
 Sosu, E. K., & Asangansi, I. (2018). Plagiarism Detection: Techniques, Strategies, and
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 Sutcliffe, A., & Ennis, M. (2017). Software Engineering: A Methodical Approach. CRC
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Appendix A: System User Interface Screenshots

This appendix contains screenshots of the user interface screens developed for the Project
Management System with Plagiarism Detection. It includes images of the login page, project
submission form, plagiarism detection results, user dashboard, and other relevant screens.
Appendix B: Database Schema
This appendix presents the detailed database schema for the Project Management System
with Plagiarism Detection. It includes the table structures, attributes, data types, and
relationships between entities. SQL code or entity-relationship diagrams may be provided to
illustrate the database design.
Appendix C: Test Cases
This appendix provides a comprehensive list of test cases used during the testing phase of
the system. It includes unit test cases, integration test cases, system test cases, performance
test cases, and usability test cases. Each test case includes the test scenario, expected
results, and any necessary test data or preconditions.
Appendix D: Sample Project Records
This appendix includes a sample set of project records used for testing and evaluation
purposes. It showcases the format and content of the project records stored in the system.
Examples of project titles, descriptions, file uploads, and associated metadata may be
Appendix E: Plagiarism Detection Algorithm Details
This appendix presents the detailed explanation of the plagiarism detection algorithm
integrated into the system. It includes a step-by-step description of the algorithm, including
any preprocessing steps, similarity metrics, and threshold values used for plagiarism
detection. Pseudocode or code snippets may be provided to illustrate the algorithm's
Appendix F: System Configuration and Deployment Instructions
This appendix provides instructions for configuring and deploying the Project Management
System with Plagiarism Detection in a production environment. It includes information on
server requirements, software dependencies, installation steps, and any necessary
configurations. It also covers any additional setup required for the plagiarism detection

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