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Written Scenario

July 5, 2013, Friday, was the day that marked the start of the opening
program of the National Disaster Consciousness Month together with the Nutrition
Month Celebration. A program was conducted to formally open the month of July
for the said celebrations.
The program was held at exactly 8:00 a.m. in the Science Laboratory. All of
the students of Lawigan National High School from Grade 7, Grade 8, Third Year
and Fourth Year and also the faculty and staff of the school gathered at the venue
of the program. Lectures were given to inform the students about the rationale of
the said celebrations. Varied activities were given and video presentations were
presented that depict the informative concepts related to the said activity.
As the first part of the program ended at around 11:00 a.m., the school head,
Mrs. Rosalie B. Cabillas instructed everyone to leave the Science laboratory for the
Earthquake Drill. Days before the program, the students, faculty and staff were
already informed all about the Earthquake Drill which was also discussed in the
classes of the students. This includes all about the natural phenomenon known as
Earthquake and the things needed to be prepared for and done at home, school and
everywhere else whenever such thing happens. The students were then asked to
report back to their classrooms together with their advisers and to get ready for the
Earthquake drill.
It was then announced that an as if simulation of an earthquake will be done
and that the reaction of the students will be judge according to the set of standards
and then they will be rated based on their overall performance. The ringing of the
bell will signal that an earthquake is currently happening and that the students are
expected to exit calmly and orderly from their classrooms with their hands over
their head. And as the bell rung, the students went outside their classrooms
together with their adviser and all of them gathered in the open ground. The way
the students reacted and their performance were evaluated by the school head
herself and her verdict was that it was a “Very Good” demonstration of an
Earthquake drill.

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