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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Genuine love for Reading

I. Objectives
Given the Story to Listen, the pupils should be able to
 Identify the Moral Lesson of the story
 Read a story correctly and clearly with expressions.
 Appreciate reading stories

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Honey Bees and Trees
Author: Som Karmakar
Materials: Picture, flash card, Visual Aids, Chart

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Learning activities

“Good morning class” “Good morning ma’am”

“Before we start our class, let us

pray first. Can somebody please lead One student will lead the Prayer
the prayer”

(Checking of attendance) Pupil’s will raise their hand and “say

“Please say Present when your present”
name is called”

“For this morning, our discussion The Pupil’s will listen attentively
is all about the story that has a Moral

are you ready to listen class? Yes ma’am

Before I start let’s have a short

“Are you familiar with the song “it’s Yes ma’am
me who build community

Okay let’s start Pupils will perform the exercise

Pronunciation Drill

(Read the following words)

(The children read the words)
nectar arrogant
drove nectar
extracting drove
pigeon extracting

B. Lesson Proper
The honey bee taking the nectar of a


what do you see in a picture?

Yes ma’am

Do you think it is good to take the

nectar of a flower without permission
of the tree?

Why do you say so? Because that’s the way how bees live,
they can create honey by eating the
nectar of the tree.
Excellent answer! Thankyou

During Reading aloud

“Let us read the story about the

honey bees and the trees to find out
their life situation”

Honey Bees and Tress

By: Som Karmakar

One day the bees were (Students will listen and read the story
extracting nectar from the together)
flowers of the trees, when an
arrogant tree said to him,
“What’s the matter? You come
here all the time and steal the
nectar from our flowers. You
shouldn’t do that. You take out
our nectar like a thief.”

“Sorry my friend. This is our job

and it also gives us food. That’s
why we do it.” Honey Bee said
to the tree.

“You are not my friend. You are a thief

to me who steals our honey without
asking. From today you will never be
able to extract the nectar of flowers
from me.” Saying this, the tree drove
the bee away.

Hearing all this, the trees

decided among themselves that
they would call back the honey
bees and let them take the
nectar of their flowers. After
this, the trees said to a pigeon,
“My friend you have to take a
message and go to the honey
bees. You have to tell them that
all the trees in our forest are
inviting them to come back here
and they can take nectar from
our flowers as much they can.
We will not refuse them.”

Taking this news, the pigeon

went to the bees and told all
these things to the queen of
bees. Hearing all this, the queen
of bees agreed to return to that
forest. The queen ordered all
her people that they all go back
to the same forest from where
they had come. As they
returned to the forest, all the
trees apologized to them and
the Queen of Bees accepted
their apology.

Now all those bees could take honey

from the flowers of the trees, due to
which the trees started to bear fruit
and the seeds started coming back.
This caused new trees to rise again in
the forest.

“After Reading the story let us answer

these question”

“The tree says the bees a thief”

“what’s the arrogant says to the
bees when taking the nectar of a
The bee says sorry and said “this is our
job and it also gives us food. That’s why
we do it.
What bees say to the arrogant trees?

“Yes, but the trees call them a thief not

Do you think the bees want to be a friend”
friend by the trees?

So, what is the moral lesson of the Ma’am


“Yes eya” we should not have too much ego of

ourselves and help others. The way the
tree knew that honey is food for bees,
but they refuse to give them their
honey. Because of which they have to
face troubles.

Very well said eya please give five

claps to eya. “Pupils will give five claps”

Post Reading

In this picture are the bees and flowers

of tree are friend? Yes ma’am

Why? because even if they are animals or ant

they still have life.
Do you this the flower is happy to Yes ma’am because of bees the flower
get the nectar by the bees? makes bloom in a nice way.

Why do you say so? Through getting the nectar the flower
helps bee to create honey.

By sharing and caring to each we can

create a good relationship without
troubles. We should share what we
have so that they can also share
what they have.

Reading stories is an important thing

to make pupils enhance their reading
comprehension. In the story of the
bees and the trees can make us
realize how important to share what
we have to everyone so that no one,
will left behind in pity situation

I will group into four groups
“Pupils will group themselves into four

Are you in the group already? Yes ma’am

Instructions: each group are provided

of a piece of band paper with a
written story. All you have to do is
read aloud and act to the class with


Reading Comprehension: 20%

Expression: 30%
Total of: 50%

Group 1

One day the bees were extracting

nectar from the flowers of the trees,
when an arrogant tree said to him, Group 1 act out the first stanza
“What’s the matter? You come here
all the time and steal the nectar from
our flowers. You shouldn’t do that.
You take out our nectar like a thief.”

“Sorry my friend. This is our job and Group 2 act out the second stanza
it also gives us food. That’s why we
do it.” Honey Bee said to the tree.

Group 3

Hearing all this, the trees decided Group 3 act out the third stanza
among themselves that they would
call back the honey bees and let them
take the nectar of their flowers.

Group 4
Now all those bees could take honey
from the flowers of the trees, due to Group 4 act out the fourth stanza
which the trees started to bear fruit
and the seeds started coming back.
This caused new trees to rise again in
the forest.

IV. Evaluation

Answer the following


1. why are honey bees getting the

nectar of the trees.

a. To create honey
b. To live
c. To hurt the trees

2. what the arrogant trees said to the

bees in extracting the nectar from the
flowers of the trees.

a. A friend
b. A thief
c. A cute

3. why it is important to help those

who need.

a. because it is a way to have

good relationship
b. it is bad idea
c. to make them happy

V. Assignment

Read the story about the Ants and

the Grasshopper and find their (Pupils will read the stories and answer
differences and similarities. the given question)

Prepared By: Jeolina M. Curato BEED3-A

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