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Break the law, commit a crime

 Violation
 To plead (not) quilty to...
 Trespass – entering forcefully and illegally
 Corporal or capital punishment

1. My
2. Where
3. Taken
4. Back
5. What
6. On
7. Down
8. Longer
9. Let
10. What
11. More
12. why


1. The robber threatened to shoot Wendy if she didn’t open the safe
2. As it was the first time he had committed a crime, Bill was let off with a caution
3. In court Cris pleaded quilty of stealing the jewellery.
4. The judge sent him to prison for three years.
5. Fay is believed to be responsible for hacking into the head office’s computer.

1. Break in
2. Forged money
3. Community service
4. On probation
5. Vandalised
6. Witness
7. Shoplifting
8. Fined
9. Plead quilty
10. Admit
11. Reach a verdict
12. Smuggling drugs
13. Prove
14. Arrest
15. Death penalty
16. terrorist

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