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Cor. J.P. Rizal & R.F. Tabuena Sts.
Daraga. Albay, Philippines 4501
E-mail address:



In partial fulfillment of the requirement in Crime Detection and

Investigation in the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology



Rationale of the Research 3

Objectives of the Study 5
Assumption of the Study 5
Literature Review 6
Theoretical Framework 16
Theoretical Paradigm 18
Conceptual Framework 19
Conceptual Paradigm 20
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 21
Significance of the Study 21
Definition of Terms 23

Research Design 25
Research Instrument 26
Data Gathering Procedures 26
Respondents of the Study 27
Sampling Technique 27
Research Locale/ Study Site 27
Data Analysis Plan 27


The Status of Road Traffic Accident/
Vehicular Accident 29
The Contributing factors on the
occurrence of vehicular accident/road traffic accident. 30
Action Plan 32
Conclusion 41
Recommendation 42

References 44


Road traffic accidents are a growing global issue, causing widespread harm to

road users. Despite being aware of safety procedures, laxity on the part of road users

contributes to accidents and wrecks, highlighting the need for societal change.

Road traffic injuries cause significant economic costs for individuals, families,

and nations, costing 3% of GDP. The Safe System approach aims to ensure road safety

for all users, considering sensitivity to serious injuries and human error. This includes

designing safer infrastructure, incorporating safety features into land-use and

transportation planning, improving vehicle safety, providing post-crash care, enacting

and enforcing key risk laws, and raising public awareness. Effective interventions

include improving vehicle safety features, enacting and enforcing key risk laws, and

raising public awareness (WHO, 2021).

Confucius believed roads were created for journeys, not destinations. They

provide easy access to various destinations and are crucial for societal movement. Road

accidents have been documented, and safety precautions are implemented to ensure

roads are used responsibly (Goodreads, 2021).

In 2018, India experienced a 0.46% increase in road accidents compared to 2017,

with over speeding being the leading cause of fatalities. The Ministry of Road Transport

and Highways reported 4,67,044 accidents, claiming 1,51,417 lives and injuring

4,69,418 people. Overspeeding accounted for 64.4% of all accidents in the previous

year. India ranks first among 199 countries in road traffic accident mortality.

Metro Manila faces a vulnerability in road safety management due to high rates

of road traffic accidents, which are a leading cause of death among adolescents, young

adults, and adults. The Department of Health reports 394 fatalities due to road-related

incidents in the city, with 14,553 people dying or injured in accidents involving

passengers, drivers, and pedestrians, averaging 40 people per day (WHO, 2021).

The Land Transportation and Traffic Code, also known as Republic Act 4136,

was enacted to establish a Land Transportation Commission and control road traffic

accidents, ensuring road users understand traffic regulations and sanctions.

The penalties in RA 4136, Chapter V Penal and Provisions, Article I will classify

road traffic accidents and identify their status, numbers, and nature. Analyzing factors

contributing to accidents will help the community understand traffic rules, reduce

accidents, and improve road safety. An action plan to improve traffic management will

also enhance the community's understanding of traffic management.

Researchers at Daraga Police Station and LTO found that factors such as

increasing vehicle volume, driver behavior, police visibility, lack of road signs, and road

condition contribute to the risk of road traffic accidents. SUVs, trucks, and motorcycles

are the most common vehicles involved, with males being more likely to be involved in

young traffic accidents. The PNP and other sectors will devise a plan to manage the

unmanageable rate of accidents.

The study analyzed traffic accidents in Daraga, Albay from 2020 to present, focusing on

human error, lack of warning signage, and other factors. It aims to educate residents,

road users, communities, PNP, MDRRMO, and other sectors on traffic rules and

regulations to improve safety and reduce problems in the neighborhood. The research

aims to increase awareness and reduce accidents.

Objectives of the study

This study aims to examine prevalent crime occurrence and reported in Daraga,

Albay. Specifically, according to the data gathered, Reckless Imprudence resulting to

Damage to Property ranked first in the said locality, with this the researchers will delve

on its origin, causes, and possible solution to reduce the incidents and promote road


1. Identify the status of Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Damage to Property in terms


a. Number of Accident

b. Types of Accident; and

c. Causes of Accidents

2. Determine the causes of Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Damage to Property in

Daraga, Albay.

3. Develop an Action plan to improve road safety in Daraga, Albay.


It is vital that the researchers grasp their study's assumptions in order for it to be

more concise and clearer. The assumptions of the study will help the researchers achieve

their goal in their research report and explain why they are doing so.

1. The total number of cases, as well as the nature and type of crime committed

in road accidents, varies throughout the year.

2. In Daraga, Albay, human factors and the environment play a bigger influence

in the occurrence of road traffic accidents/vehicular accidents.

3. The action plan that will be established has the potential to improve traffic

road safety in Daraga, Albay.

Literature Review

An in-depth examination of the nature and cases of road accidents

Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are a growing public health concern in India,

causing injuries and deaths. The implementation of rules and regulations is often

ineffective, posing a major public health issue. To prevent these accidents, increased

awareness, strict adherence to traffic laws, and scientific engineering measures are

needed. This essay aims to raise awareness among health professionals about prevention

methods and instill responsibility for road safety (Gopa, 2020).

The World Health Organization reported that traffic accidents in the Philippines

killed 1.35 million people in 2018, with 12,000 deaths annually. Metro Manila's

numbers are particularly concerning, with car accidents increasing from 63,072 in 2007

to 116,906 in 2018. Government and non-governmental organizations are working to

reduce incidents.

Road accidents are a significant social issue in the European Union, causing over

135,000 injuries and 25,500 deaths in 2016. The total cost of a car accident is complex,

including treatment, material damage, and indirect damages like reduced job

opportunities and daily activities. The European Commission prioritizes road safety,

adopting a new European Road Safety Action Program every ten years to reduce

fatalities. Traffic accidents are considered failures of the entire traffic system interaction

between person, road, and vehicle, making road safety a critical priority (Isek, 2019).

A study using the China In-Depth Accident Study (CIDAS) database examined

the relationship between traffic accident risk and driver characteristics. Results showed

that drivers aged 18-30 years are more likely to cause accidents, with 6-10 years of

experience being the highest risk. Drivers with 4-5 years of experience were also at a

higher risk. The driving age range is 18-30 years (Lee, 2020).

Motorization has improved lives but has also led to increased societal and

economic costs. While high-income countries have seen a decline in road accident

fatalities, developing nations face a significant public health burden, accounting for over

85% of deaths and 90% of disability-adjusted life years lost (Kluwer, 2019).

Road safety is a critical public health priority, as over 3,000 people die daily

from road traffic injuries. These injuries cause global economic losses, estimated at $518

billion per year. These costs are a financial burden for developing countries, with costs

in developing nations expected to be $100 billion, twice the annual amount of

development aid. In South East Asia, Thailand's economic development rate is

exacerbated by worsening road traffic due to pollution. Road crashes cost around $2,500

million per year, or 3.4% of the Gross National Product (Mouyid et al, 2019).

Factors Contributing to Road Accidents Due to Poor Traffic Management and

Driver Behavior

Car accidents cause tens of thousands of deaths annually, with more Americans

dying in car accidents than in both World Wars combined. Teenagers are the most

affected, accounting for over one-third of all fatalities. Long-term disabilities are also a

significant issue. However, most accidents are avoidable, with human error accounting

for 94% to 96% of all accidents. Studies consistently show that human error causes at

least 90% of car accidents (Caroselli et al, 2021).

Every day, 29 people are killed in drunk driving accidents. Alcohol is involved

in one-third of all traffic-related deaths, and drunk driving is the leading cause of death

among minors. Alcohol and driving clearly pose a major and dangerous menace to

society. When compared to other types of alcohol-related injury, the risk of fatality is

substantially higher in drunk driving occurrences. Drinking and driving is dangerous not

only because of mental impairment, but also because of the risky behaviors that are

frequently associated with it. Many drunk driving victims do not wear seatbelts or

motorcycle helmets (25% of motorcyclists killed in crashes had a BAC of 0.08% or

higher). Furthermore, 54% of children in drunk-driving incidents were in the car with

the drunk driver (Bezrutezyk, 2022).

In Benghazi, road traffic accidents are the major cause of untimely death.

Unfortunately, vehicle traffic accidents are the major cause of death in Libya. Every day,

families, young men, women, and children are murdered in car accidents in Libya. It is

estimated that over one million people are killed in traffic accidents each year. A variety

of factors determine the severity of an accident, including human error, the vehicle,

safety measures, the environment, and the location of the accident. The link between

accident safety and liability is determined by the Benghazi Department of Transport and

License. This benefited in the understanding of environmental issues as well as safety

principles, both of which have a considerable impact on the driver's attitude. Practical

advice and enforcement of road and traffic regulations will be made to reduce the

number of road traffic accidents. Male drivers are at blame for the greatest number of

fatalities in major accidents worldwide (Al-Ghaweel et al, 2020).

Road traffic accidents are unplanned events or situations; no one chooses "today

is the day that I will be involved in a crash." However, crashes do not just happen; they

occur as a result of real contributing causes. These contributing factors are

circumstantial aspects existing at the time of the crash and are often categorized into

four major categories: human, vehicle, roadway, and environment. The first three

aspects represent human and authority behavior, attitudes, and performance, whereas the

fourth factor, the environment, may be considered as being outside the driver's or

authorities' control to some level. It is extremely rare for a crash to occur due to only one

contributing factor. In most circumstances, two, three, or even four or more elements

from any of the preceding categories are present at the same time. It is also widely

believed that 90% or more of road traffic accidents occur as a direct result of traffic

violations or noncompliance with established norms and regulations. The human factor

is crucial in this sense. For example, if a crash occurs as a result of a tire burst, which is

normally categorized as a vehicle factor, It is still the driver's or owner's obligation to

ensure that the worn or damaged tyre is replaced on time. While it is said that these

contributing elements are present at the time of the incident, in many circumstances, the

driver or owner of a vehicle is aware of all of them prior to the incidence of a crash. A

certain level of risk of being involved in a crash is therefore already present at the start

of the trip. This amount of danger can be eliminated or lowered by taking timely actions

(Beita, 2020).

Traffic accidents appear to be caused by two sorts of elements: (1) traffic

environment characteristics and (2) "human" aspects, which appear to be the most

important. Furthermore, developing a stronger bond with high-speed driving increases

the likelihood of traffic accidents, which can be aggravated by sensation seeking.

Alcoholism, substance abuse, and "binge drinking" have all been identified as risk

factors. Use of a cell phone while driving, as well as attention deficit disorder with or

without hyperactivity, appear to be important risk factors for car accidents. The familial

environment has a strong influence on a young person's driving habits (Gicquel et al,


Risk variables impacting road traffic crashes are classified as human, vehicle,

road, and environment factors. Negligence, excessive speed, unsafe overtaking,

pedestrians on the road, and careless driving were all human factors. The most common

vehicle factors were defective brakes and tyres. Rush-hour traffic and inadequate

pedestrian facilities were among the road and environmental issues. According to the

study, human factors were responsible for 75% of the accidents, followed by

environmental factors (15%) and vehicle factors (10%). Several studies have found that

environmental factors are highly connected to the likelihood of traffic deaths. The

effects of rainfall on the severity of single-vehicle accidents in southeastern Wisconsin

were studied, taking into account weather-related factors such as estimated rainfall

intensity for 15 minutes before the accident, water film depth, temperature, wind

speed/direction, stopping sight distance, and car-following distance at the time of the

crash. Rainfall intensity, wind speed, and horizontal or vertical curves were all

connected to an increased chance of accident severity in wet conditions, according to the

study. Accidents happened more frequently on two-way highways than on single-way

routes. Furthermore, the risk diminishes as the road width increases. Furthermore,

studies have discovered a link between the frequency of road accidents and risk factors

such as road segment length, breadth, number of ramps and bridges, horizontal and

vertical curves, and shoulder width (Bester, 2020).

Inattentive driving, distractions, and driving while intoxicated or drugged are all

major causes of traffic accidents. Drivers must exercise caution in order to avoid hurting

other drivers. Unfortunately, not all drivers are up to the challenge, which leads to

accidents around Tennessee. According to the National Highway highway Safety

Administration (NHTSA), driver error is at blame for 94 percent of highway accidents.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is still a major cause of road accidents. In 2015,

drunk driving accidents killed 10,265 people. Every year, one person is killed as a result

of driving while intoxicated. According to the most recent NHTSA data, one alcohol-

impaired driving fatality happens every 51 minutes. Distracted driving is still a major

cause of car accidents in the United States, including Tennessee. Drivers who divert

their focus away from the road and toward any other activity endanger motorists,

pedestrians, and bicyclists. Drivers become distracted when they text, talk on the phone,

groom themselves, or eat or drink. The number of crashes caused by distractions such as

eating, reading, talking, and other activities increased from 13,302 in 2015 to 14,835 in

2016 (EOD LAW, 2022).

Several research on the causes of traffic accidents have been conducted

worldwide. For example, in India, a study on the causes of road accidents was

undertaken, and a dynamics model for lowering the severity of road accidents was

established by taking human, road, vehicle, and environmental aspects into account. It

discovered that human variables were considerable and accounted for 95% of all road

traffic accidents. Another study used a multiple regression model to examine the factors

that contribute to motorbike accidents in the Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions. The

findings revealed that the number of motorcycle accidents in both the Arusha and

Kilimanjaro regions was strongly related to driver experience, tarmac road, and personal

status. Similarly, to determine the primary factors leading to road traffic accidents in

Turkey, a logarithmic-linear regression was used in the study on modeling road traffic

accidents. They discovered that the main factors contributing to road traffic accidents in

Turkey were road defects, vehicle defects, passenger errors, driver defects, and

pedestrian errors. Among general factors, driver defects had the greatest effect on road

traffic accidents, while road defects had the least effect (Vitalis et al, 2022).

According to many research, the primary causes of road traffic accidents are

human mistake, such as speeding, distractions, alcohol-related errors, violations of

traffic regulations, and exhaustion and drowsiness. Drivers, passengers, and vulnerable

road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists can all make mistakes that

lead to car accidents. Excessive speeding, weariness from long distance driving,

emotional driving, drinking alcohol, and unskilled driving are all significant causes of

driver errors. Passengers can potentially raise the likelihood of a traffic accident by

distracting drivers. Pedestrian mistake causes traffic accidents, such as cutting in front of

automobiles, walking on the road, and crossing the road away from crosswalks and

streets around facilities. Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, has reduced injuries near

elementary schools by creating defined locations for children to cross roadways, adding

crosswalk barriers to divide the walkway from automobiles, and upgrading the

pedestrian area. Furthermore, once an accident has occurred, other factors can raise the

chance of catastrophic injury as a result of the occurrence. For example, age and gender,

as well as not wearing safety gear and sitting in the cab and cargo area, all increase the

chance of catastrophic injury. Previous research has linked falls from pickup truck cargo

areas to severe injuries in youngsters. youngsters in the cabs and cargo pickup trucks

were more likely to be injured than youngsters in other vehicles. Pre-hospital care at the

incident proved critical for victim survival and disability reduction. Increased road

traffic mortality were linked to a shortage of pre-hospital emergency care and delays in

transfers at the scene (Klinjun, 2021).

Traffic safety and accident studies have been intensively researched over the last

two decades, as the global increase in accidents has been alarming. From the works done

by researchers, it can be said that road accidents are created owing to basically 3

elements i.e. Personal or human behavioral elements, road and environmental

conditions, and vehicle factors are all considered. Personal or human factors primarily

comprise the driver's or victim's age, gender, if he was inebriated while driving, and so

on. Similarly, environmental elements include general climatic and environmental

factors, road lighting conditions, time of collision, i.e. day or night, pavement

conditions, and so on. Road geometric considerations include the sort of junction or

intersection, then horizontal slope, curves, and so on, all of which can cause accidents.

Finally, there are traffic considerations. This primarily covers the elements of speed,

density, and traffic flow that might lead to accidents (Gupta, 2019).

Road Management: A Safer Way to Use the Road

The Safe System approach to road safety aims to ensure the safety of all road

users, considering their vulnerability to serious injuries in car accidents and the need for

a system that can tolerate human error. This approach focuses on safe roads, speeds,

cars, and road users, and requires a shift in focus from crash prevention to death and

serious injury prevention. Interventions to improve speed management, vehicle intrinsic

safety, road environment, and emergency medical system efficiency are crucial. An

effective road safety management system integrates institutional roles, actions, and

outcomes, and is evaluated against international practice. It presents a potentially

important tool for firms of all sizes in developing road safety management systems and

involving employers in workplace road safety (Safety Management System, 2020).

The United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety encourages countries to

implement programs to improve road user behavior, such as raising awareness of road

safety hazards and emphasizing the importance of wearing seatbelts and helmets, as well

as reducing drunk driving, speeding, and other risky behaviors. The United States'

contribution to this international effort is termed "Toward Zero Deaths." State and

federal agencies, private industry, and others are developing traffic safety regulations

based on a common strategic premise provided by US transportation leaders. Increased

adoption of seat belts and car seats, improved traffic safety legislation and enforcement,

technology, driving education, and public communication campaigns are among these

approaches (Chen, 2019).

The first Strategic Road Safety Plan, issued in 2007, aided in the implementation

of the Road Safety Framework. The current Framework has reached the midpoint of its

ten-year term and has been assessed independently. As a result, we took advantage of

the opportunity to revise our Strategic Road Safety Plan and focused our efforts on

reducing the number of accidents and casualties on the trunk road network. This updated

Plan reaffirms our adoption of a Safe System approach in the road transportation system.

This approach is based on the notion that death and injury are both undesirable and

avoidable. Many of the Safe System approach's aspects were included in the 2007

Strategic Road Safety Plan. This update expands on that strategy by emphasizing risk

minimization and directing special attention to the safety of vulnerable road users. It

includes an Action Plan that is connected with the five pillars of the Safe System

approach and shows how Transport Scotland's Strategic Road Safety Unit's work will

contribute to the Government's mortality reduction targets for 2020. The Action Plan

makes the most use of our knowledge of both the trunk road network and how to reduce

casualties as effectively as possible. It emphasizes the need to eliminate risk and

prioritizes actions aimed at preventing accidents and managing their consequences when

they do occur. The plan outlines how we are leveraging intelligent solutions, showcasing

innovation, and collaborating with partners, all while sharing best practices with road

authorities in Scotland and around the world. Scotland's Road Safety Framework to

2020, our national road safety policy, sets ambitious targets for casualty reductions and

defines a partnership approach to achieving them (Yousaf, 2020).


Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework is a logical and visual representation of connected

theories and studies that will serve as the primary structure of the investigation. The

following theory will be discussed individually so that it will prove how pertinent it is in

the study, these are; Theory of Planned Behavior, Adaptation Theory, and the

Researchers Theory.

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a popular psychology theory that

explains and predicts human behavior, especially risky actions like reckless driving.

TPB, developed by Icek Ajzen, proposes that three essential aspects influence individual

behavioral intentions: attitudes toward the conduct, subjective norms, and perceived

behavioral control. An individual's favorable or negative appraisal of completing a given

behavior is referred to as their attitude. Subjective norms indicate the perceived societal

pressure or influence to engage in a behavior. In the context of reckless driving, attitudes

may include views of the thrill or excitement connected with speeding or other risky

driving activities. In the case of reckless driving, this could imply evaluating the effect

of friends, family, or classmates who may regard such activities as socially acceptable or


This defines objective number 1, Individuals' willingness to engage in such acts

is influenced by their attitudes toward hazardous driving. If a person considers reckless

driving as thrilling, fun, or a method to exhibit expertise, they may be more likely to

engage in these behaviors. Subjective norms take into account the social impacts on

conduct. If a person believes that their friends, family, or peers find reckless driving

acceptable or even desirable, this can influence their own subjective norms and influence

their likelihood of engaging in such behaviors. In the context of reckless driving, this

refers to the driver's confidence in their abilities, control over the car, and perception that

they may participate in unsafe conduct without repercussions.

Adaptation Theory suggests that humans adjust their behavior to their

surroundings, leading to faster and reckless driving on highways without obvious

hazards. This risk compensation concept suggests that safer roads may offset more

dangerous driving. Innovative road planning strategies, such as traffic restraint, aim to

eliminate distinctions between walkways and traffic lanes, creating a common surface

for all traffic participants.

As a result, adaptive theory in relation to the researcher's study covers the second

objective, which is the contributing elements on the incidence of road traffic

accident/vehicular accident. It just shows that no matter how educated the drivers and

road users are of the huge increase in accidents, they are still putting themselves in

situations that could lead to an accident and adapting their behavior in the environment.

This allows us to determine the number, kind, and type of crime committed in road

traffic accidents/vehicular accidents. It also connects the final element of the objectives,

which is the action plan for simply minimizing such causes that lead to unexpectedly

appearing road traffic cases in the neighborhood.

Because of the two theories, the researchers are able to make their own, this

theory is called as the INTERSECTING THEORY in this theory it suggest that the

implementation of various road safety measures will lessen the number road accident,

particularly the Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Damage Property.


(Heinrich,2018) (Beyrle,2020)


Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm

Research Framework

It outlines the researcher's goals in dealing with road safety in Daraga, Albay. It

includes the main course of the study, the process that must be handled, and, most

crucially, the proposed strategy or action plan that must be addressed. Having this

overview would aid in determining the core idea of the study on this subject. The

following objectives on the status of traffic management on road safety are provided in

this interpretation of input. The status includes the number, nature, and factors

influencing the occurrence of traffic accidents in the area. This also accounts for the

distinction between road accidents.

Thematic Analysis, as defined in the process, is used to extract information from

interview guide questions. This will be covered under the following theme titles: (1)

Status of traffic management on road safety; (2) Factors Influencing the Incidence of

Road Accidents; and (3) Contributing Factors Influencing the Incidence of Road


An action plan has been prepared as a result of the researcher's research. The

researcher believes that there are various activities/plans that must be addressed. This

action plan interprets the areas of concern as well as the objectives, followed by the

name of the proposed activity/plan, the person involved or the leading agency of the

activity, the budget/source of fund of the said activity, the gross amount required, the

expected outcome or the end activity envisions, and finally the time frame or how

frequently the activity must be conducted.

1. Identify the status of

Reckless Imprudence
Resulting to Damage
to Property in terms
a. Number of Accident Thematic Analysis of
b. Types of Accident; the data gathered Action Plan
and through the interview
c. Causes of Accidents
2. Determine the
causes of Reckless
Imprudence Resulting
to Damage to Property
in Daraga, Albay.

Figure 2. Research Paradigm

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The research focused on road safety in Daraga, Albay. This research would be

carried out in Daraga. Determine the status of traffic management on road safety in

terms of the number and kind of road accidents. To investigate the elements that

contribute to the occurrence of road traffic accidents. To develop a plan of action to

improve traffic road safety. The number of road accidents increases from 2020 to 2023.

The study's respondents include five selected PNP personnel assigned to the Traffic

Management Unit and five selected MDRRMO officials.

Other barangays in other municipalities, as well as other traffic accidents, are

excluded from the study. PNP personnel who are not assigned to Traffic Management

Units or MDRRMOs in other municipalities are not eligible to participate in the study.

Significance of the study

The researchers hoped to contribute to the growing body of knowledge about

traffic accidents/vehicular accidents in Daraga, Albay. The following people will benefit

from this research:

Road users. This study will benefit road users since it will provide better

knowledge and insight into the issue of road traffic accidents and the overall usefulness

of road laws and regulations.


Commuters. This study will be beneficials to the commuters for it gives them a

better understanding regarding the road safety and management.

Community. This research would assist the community of Daraga, Albay, and

surrounding municipalities in conducting road accident seminars and developing a plan

for disseminating knowledge on the common causes of accidents.

Philippine National Police (PNP). The research would assist the organization in

promoting sustained compliance with traffic laws through deterrent, preventing

dangerous traffic circumstances from developing, and thereby reducing the number of


Local Government Unit (LGU). This research would assist the LGU in

improving or developing a new strategy to prevent road traffic accidents and vehicular


Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). This study would be

useful in this area because the study's focus was on the contributing variables that caused

the accident, allowing them to develop a remedy or strategy to prevent the incidence of


Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (MDRRMO).

Through training and information dissemination, the study would assist the organization

in promoting speedy and effective disaster risk reduction measures to raise public

awareness and improve readiness.


Barangay Officials. This study would assist Barangay Officials in learning

about further improvements and activities/plans for the welfare of the community as

well as the individuals who live there in terms of road management.

Criminology students. The study would benefit the students by giving them

with the knowledge and talents needed to be good examples and responsible citizens of

society; also, as future law enforcers, they must understand the relevance of the law in

all parts of life.

Researchers. This study produced useful information that has broadened the

researchers' understanding of the causes of road accidents. This will act as a resource for

additional information on this subject.

Future researchers. This study will aid future researchers because they will be

able to improve the study using the ideas or comments of the respondents and the data

obtained by the current study as a reference and basis.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following words are operationally

and conceptually defined.

Analysis. Is a type of expository writing in which the writer divides a subject

into its aspects or parts; analysis entails a comprehensive inspection and evaluation of

textual features, such as a critical essay (Shen, 2021). It aids the researchers in their

analysis of the extracted data from the study's participants.


Traffic Management. It is the organization, arrangement, guidance, and

regulation of both static and moving traffic, which includes pedestrians, bikers, and all

types of vehicles (Underwood R T,2019). It is the heart of the study, where it adjusts the

distinction between a road accident and a vehicular accident by incorporating the

influencing factors.

Control. It refers to the process of monitoring tasks to ensure that they are

carried out as planned and addressing any significant inconsistencies (Robbins S P,

2017). It is the major stream of the study that varies on what should be controlled and

avoided in order for the decrease to be possible.

Road Accident. An accident on a road or in a public place involving one or

more automobiles that causes damage or injury to a person, animal, property, or another

vehicle (Reyes, 2016). One of the study's subjects is the distinction between a vehicular

accident and its contributing elements.

Factors. is a circumstance that changes the effect by raising its possibility,

accelerating the effect in time, influencing the intensity of the repercussions, and so on

(De Guzman, 2018). It provides comprehensive information on the root causes of each

problem in this study.

Road Safety. .It refers to strategies and actions designed to reduce the likelihood

of a person being killed or seriously injured while using the road system (Educalingo,

2017). It is mostly used in the researcher's action plan to reduce road traffic accidents in

the area.

Nature. It refers to the circumstances that exist in an act or omission that must

be examined (Law Times Journal, 2018). It is a specific form of crime that defines the

specific situation based on the components in the study.

Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officer. .It is an

organization that facilitates and supports risk assessment and planning activities at the

local level, consolidates local disaster risk information that includes natural hazards,

vulnerabilities, and climate change risk, and maintains local risk maps (GovPh,2018). In

this study, it is the personnel who work in the Municipality to maintain a safer

community, especially when there are accidents, and they respond together with the PNP



This section outlines the research methods that will be used to administer this

study. It employs a systematic approach in which the research design, instrumentation,

data collection procedure, study participants, sample design, study site, and data analysis

strategy are all included or included to aid in identifying the best way to successfully

view the end or result.

Research Design

Thematic analysis was used to determine the state of traffic management in terms

of road safety in terms of the number of road accidents and the nature of the road

accidents. The Content Analysis examines the information acquired from the

researchers' written interviews, which are in text format. The researcher analyzed the

responses provided by the respondents in order to provide a simple data interpretation.


The researchers would be able to detect and assess the presence, meanings, and

relationships of such specific words and concepts in this research using content analysis.

This qualitative response research will concentrate on interpreting and comprehending

the data gathered.

Research Instrument

As the primary tool for this investigation, the researchers employed an interview

guide questionnaire. The interview guide questions were vetted by the police in Daraga

Police Station and approved by Bicol College's Vice President for Academic Affairs.

questions allowing respondents to share their opinions and ideas regarding "An Analysis

of Traffic Management on Road Safety in Daraga, Albay" Questionnaires were the

primary data collection tool in this study. Part I of the questionnaire would identify the

status of the road accident and its type, and would be asked only to PNP personnel. Part

II examined the elements that contribute to the occurrence of road accidents and was

addressed to PNP personnel and the MDRRMO.

Data Gathering Procedure

After obtaining all of the necessary permits to conduct the survey in the defined

area of the study, the data collection procedure has formally begun. The researcher's

primary activities would be research and interviewing in order to reach a more accurate

conclusion to the study. The data collection approach was employed by the researchers

in developing the research. The Research Adviser observed that the researchers

submitted a letter of request for data gathering on the number of traffic accidents and

their characteristics. The researchers developed interview guide questions that were

definitely important in leading them for the interview with the proponents, who were

five officers of the Philippine National Police in Daraga, Albay, and five officers of


Respondents of the Study

The researchers selected the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Municipal

Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (MDRRMO) to be the participants of the

study, preferably the five PNP personnel assigned in Traffic Management Unit for the

reason of they are the one who knows to enforce the law and encounter problematic

situation in a road traffic accident in the locality. And the five MDRRMO officer

because they are the one who respond and well trained in terms of preservation of life,

property and environment. The researchers provided a copy of the letter received by the

Police Officer in Charge and the MDRRMO Officer in Charge. The Daraga Police

Department verified and authorized the research instrument.

Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling would be used to determine the study's target respondent.

Judgment sampling is another name for purpose sampling. Is a non-random strategy that

does not necessitate predetermined participant quality or underlying concepts. It refers to

the methodical selection of responders based on personal characteristics. Simply put,

researchers identify what knowledge is needed and then seek out those who can and will

provide it through their skill or experience (Horwitz, 2019).

Study Site

According to the 2020 census, Daraga is one of the municipalities in Albay, with

54 barangays and a population of 209, 533 people. The researcher chose this place for

the study since it is one of the cities with a history of accidents. The study's scope was

the top three barangays with high accident records; these three barangays are located on

national highways with curve roads that lack traffic warning signage in accident-prone

areas, poor road conditions, and a lack of street lights. This locale is chosen because the

road management in this area needs to be fixed given its wide population and according

to the data given by the PNP, road accident is prone and rampant.

Data Analysis

Thematic Analysis was utilized by the researchers to evaluate the data collected

from the respondents. It is a technique used to analyze qualitative data. Thematic

analysis is an appropriate way of analysis for attempting to understand experiences,

thoughts, or actions across a data collection (Kiger&Varpio,2020). The researchers

would employ one of two Thematic Analysis methodologies, namely the Inductive

Approach and the Deductive Approach. As a result, an Inductive Approach entails

drawing meaning and developing themes from facts without prior assumptions.

The Deductive Approach, on the other hand, entails beginning your analysis

with a collection of themes that you already expect to find in your data. Furthermore, the

deductive research style is the one that most people connect with scientific investigation

(Jenna Crosley,2021). This procedure would ensure that the important elements of the

data were captured without leaving out any important facts. The researchers ensure that

the interpretations of the gathered data are well defined and analyzed as expected in

order to provide a meaningful and concise research study that is timely and relevant to

the study's theme, which is the Analysis of Traffic Management on Road Safety Daraga,

Albay. It would be beneficial to gain a better knowledge ofthe underwent process from

collecting the data to evaluation.


This section includes the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of all data collected

from respondents. To provide further meaning to the outcomes of the data collection, the

researchers presented the final extracted outcome via theme presentation. As a result, the

following thematic topics were selected: (1) Status of traffic management and control on

road safety; (2) Contributing factors to the occurrence of road traffic accidents; and (3)

Contributing factors to the occurrence of vehicular accidents. According to the PNP

personnel's testimony, there were many explanations for road traffic accidents/vehicular

accidents based on the data gathered:

The state of traffic management and control on the road in terms of the number of

road traffic accidents and vehicular accidents, as well as the form of crime.

According to the Police report, traffic incidents encompassed a number of crimes in

nature, with statistical data showing that 95 crimes were perpetrated on traffic incidents

in 2018, and 95 crimes were committed on traffic incidents in 2019. It reduces the

number of committed traffic incidents to 87 in 2020, with 34 committed road traffic

incidents due to pandemic where all people are not allowed to get outside, but it

increases again in 2021, with 45 committed road traffic incidents due to the variation of

pandemic cases where all people are allowed to get outside and the rapidly increasing

number of vehicles passing through in the locality.


According to (Gopalakrishnan,2017), everyone concerned at the moment was claimed to

have remarked, "this should never happen again." However, more than a century later,

1.2 million people are murdered on roads every year, with up to 50 million more injured.

For every person killed, maimed, or crippled in an RTA, there are many more who are

adversely affected by the high expense of long-term medical treatment, the loss of a

family breadwinner, or the additional funds required to care for people with disabilities.

RTA survivors, their families, friends, and other caregivers frequently experience

negative social, physical, and psychological consequences. If current trends continue,

the number of people killed or injured on the world's roadways will more than double by


Factors that contribute to the occurrence of a vehicle accident/road traffic accident.

Miscalculation by humans is the leading cause of automotive accidents/road

traffic accidents worldwide. Overspeeding, overtaking, a lack of streetlights/traffic

lights, and slick roads are all issues. This element may go unnoticed because bad road

building is a major reason why human error is on the rise. Human error is a simple

explanation to demonstrate how this plays an everlasting function in the varying quantity

of vehicular accident situations. When one car collides with another, the damage or

injuries might range from minor to serious.

This suggests that, as previously stated, the majority of road traffic accidents

were caused by human error. These elements will determine the amount of driver's

education and how knowledgeable they are. Adequate seminars and trainings should be

the first priority for those who violate the law, and appropriate penalties should be


According to (Caroselli,Beachler &Coleman,LLC,2021), one of the most

heartbreaking truths regarding car accidents is that the majority of them are avoidable.

According to a 2016 research conducted by the National Highway Transportation Safety

Administration (NHTSA), human error accounts for 94% to 96% of all automobile

accidents. Several other studies have shown comparable statistics, and every study that

we are aware of reveals that human error causes at least 90% of car accidents.

Lack of warning devices in areas where road construction occurs, such as school

zones and diversion roads, can lead to fatal accidents for drivers. These devices provide

warnings for potential dangers, but road construction often leads to foggy roads, lack of

streetlights, and lack of danger signs. Proper allocation of road signs, warning signages,

and streetlights can significantly impact road traffic management. Understanding these

factors can help determine the best course of action for road construction in the area and

areas with the most prone accidents.

According to (Caroselli et al, 2021), there are numerous contributing variables

causing the increasing number of road traffic accidents, one of which is preventable. As

a result, it generates cases every day.

The state of the roads has also become a factor in traffic management. This also

occurs during road construction without the assistance of manpower on the region or

boundary being built. Road construction is also affected by the previously mentioned

contributing factor of a lack of warning signs. Having road construction in the

neighborhood makes it difficult to come up with a solution that includes both people and

warning signs.

This simply means that poor road conditions increase the number of road

traffic/vehicular accidents in the area. Before beginning road development or repairing

dangerous roads, measures should be developed to reduce the number of reported

accidents in that area. Appropriate manpower distribution for warning signs/traffic

lights. Road projects to such boundaries, with the assistance of the DPWH, assist the

locality in reducing road traffic accidents.

According to (Gicquel et al, 2017), there are two main causes of accidents. One

of them was the traffic situation. Having this type of traffic environment where the

safety of road users is uncertain due to poor road conditions exacerbates the number of

road traffic accidents, whether it is caused by a lack of warning signs, manpower by

having road construction is essential. This necessitates efforts on the part of both LGUs

and DPWH to ensure the safety of road users.

Create an action plan to improve the traffic management and control on road

safety in Daraga, Albay.

Action Plan

This action plan contains the proposed solution to those contributing factor that come

out as the researcher collected the data by having the respondents interviewed. This has

been designed to help the locality and for the researcher to have a better understanding

and plans as this study ends. The action plan is composed of six (6) activities/ plans that

it predetermines the needs of the locality. With these activities, also based on the four (4)

main contributing factors affecting the safety of road traffic in Daraga Albay such as,

Human error, Road condition, Lack of warning signs/traffic lights and lastly, Influence

in liquor.

As for the human error, the proposed plan would be the Telematics System and Conduct

Seminars to new vehicular owners, road users and minors. Telematics system or vehicle

telematics is an interdisciplinary field that combines telecommunications, informatics,

computer science, electrical engineering, and vehicular technologies to create a vehicle

telematics system that functions to collect and derive insight from vehicle telematics

data and ultimately improve the efficiency and safety of the overall driver experience.

This encloses the use for tracking vehicle location through the use of cellular phones,

important safety information such as nearing traffic signals and routes. In this system,

also includes the emergency warning notification about the driver/ vehicle in the

vicinity. Insurance also applicable to this system, driver's behavior data will assess and

have the driver charge in high premium such as over-speeding, not obeying traffic

signals. Having this kind of system will not only solve human error itself but lowering

the reported incidents also. This system offers the drivers, road users a well- organized

road safety community.

Also, through the conducting seminars for vehicular owners, road users and minors will

help them knowledgeable enough regsrding the laws and regulations and some learnings

about traffic management.

Road conditions between boundaries become a wide range problem. In this factor,

requiring proper allocation of traffic signages would be efficient. Without this, it is an

accident-prone area for vehicular drivers as well as road users. Through this plan, will

have an access for the reduction of reported cases regarding road conditions. The

function of this plan is to have this road conditions be useful to the locality by having

traffic signages in every road construction that will surely help for the betterment of road

traffic management.

Lack of warning signs/traffic lights, in this factor the proposed solution would be

initiation of warning signs/traffic lights in every road construction or in an accident-

prone area. The same goes with the abovementioned factor about road condition, it

needs a proper allocation of warning signages, traffic lights on roads in the locality for

the reason of the driver must know the routes especially to those unfamiliar drivers in

the locality. It must be addressed quickly for having a numerous reported cases each


Influence in liquor as for the last factor that has been occurring. Alcoholism Prevention

Program, is the primary solution unto this matter. Treating those long term or short-term

drunkard drivers under the influence of alcohol. Imposing penalty to violators in regards

to RA no. 10586 otherwise known as the "Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of

2013". Through this, it would serve a way to reduced morbidity and mortality due to

harmful use of alcohol and their ensuing social consequences. Serving a well- organized

and diverse road traffic management for the community as well as to the people.

Having all these prepared action plan of the researchers will be helpful to flatten the

curve of road traffic accident and vehicular accident in the locality. It is a good way to

dealt with by knowing what transpires in every contributing factor through activities and

programs. All the foregoing expected outcome of each activity be sum up on having a

reduced of reported cases in the locality. Serving a well- organized and diverse road

traffic management for the community as well as to the people.


Action Plan for Traffic Management in Daraga, Albay

This action plan contains areas of concern, objectives, activities, person involved,

budget/source of fund, amount, expected outcome and time frame that is certainly

predetermine the best options of activities that will suit to be use as a solution to



of Objecti Activitie Perso Budget/ Amou Expecte Tim

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All throughout the analysis, interpretation from the data collected it answered the

objectives in this study.

1.In determining the number of road traffic accident and vehicular accident the status of

road traffic management and control on road safety follows. Police Visibility would be

efficient this also, by having mobile/foot patrol would be helpful to predetermine and

reduces various road traffic accident. Also, police community relation will follow and

reduction of number of road traffic/vehicular accident will occur.


2.Contributing factors on the occurrence of road traffic accident and vehicular accident.

Adaptive Theory also explains the correlation of the people's behavior to its environment

having this would practically be useful for the evaluation of different causes of accident.

3.The proposed action plan will help the PNP regarding on the implementation of

ordinances and laws regarding road safety.


1. Daraga MPS may fulfill the duty and responsibility of the PNP to maintain peace and

order in the vicinity they are attending to. Police visibility day and night would help to

respond quickly in an abrupt situation of road traffic accident and vehicular accident.

Foot and mobile patrol, conducting an often checkpoints are also a proactive plan to

lessen road traffic accident and vehicular accident. Together with the coordination of

MDRRMO in Risk Reduction in the locality. PNP are the one's responsible in this which

aligns to their work to protect lives and property.

2. In connection with the contributing factors such as road condition and lack of

warning signs, the PNP may coordinate with the barangay to request a project to

increase the streetlights and warning signs to the DPWH to deal with the problems that

causes an increase to the percentage of traffic accident in the locality. DPWH should

also disclose their projects without any deficiencies by the request from the Punong

Barangay. This coordination of the LGU's and other department will also give a bridge

to police community relation that will also be dealing with the good appearance to the


3. The proposed plan in adapting the new normal system. Using different platforms in

disseminating information such as social media, telecommunications would be

beneficial not only to the road users as well as to the community. Coordination with the

MDRRMO for the implementation and regarding the minimization of risks and traffic

accident in the locality.



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