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BAUTISTA, Jasmine Angeline C.

March 19, 2023

2P4 Alternative Quiz

Hazing and its Effects on our Society

There is no doubt that people in our society would do anything, such as going through
physical pain, harassment, and humiliation, just to find a sense of belongingness. This is called
Hazing and is defined by Lehigh University as “any action taken or situation created, whether on
or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or
ridicule”. Fraternities, especially up to this day, are still a major problem that our country is
facing. In fact, there have been numerous cases brought to court with regards to students who
died under initiation. The most recent one is the case of the Adamson student, John Matthew
Salilig, who was a member of the Tau Gamma Phi’s fraternity. Based on the autopsy made, he
succumbed to severe blunt force trauma in his lower extremities, which can be linked to the
fraternity’s initiation ritual. With the videos provided about fraternities and their required
initiation such as hazing, this solidified the claim that this issue is something that shouldn’t be
taken lightly.

As I was viewing the videos presented, it made me realize that people are really capable
of doing such vile things to others just because they want to establish their power and dominance
to the group. It honestly angered me that they would result into this, at the expense of taking
other people’s lives. It’s as if they felt no guilt at all while doing it. Yes, they might want to
increase their members’ commitment, bond, and their overall cohesiveness but violence will
never be the answer to this. Not only is it ineffective, but it is also dangerous and illegal. It is
extremely harmful which can lead to death in some cases hence, the new RA 11053 or The
Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 was signed as amended by the RA 8049 or the Anti Hazing Act.
Despite this law being implemented for years now, various cases about hazing are still
happening. It has now become a cycle that is difficult to break as the harshness of hazing
depends on one’s social, economic, ethnic, or gender lines.
We can never deny that joining fraternities can provide their members with the strongest
foundation in their lives, giving them a network of peers that can be beneficial to them in
building their careers. As it is an integral part of their college experience to gain connections that
can help them when looking for internships, employment, and recommendations. Moreover, it
can help them find a sense of social identity which can also help cultivate their leadership skills.
However, its disadvantages still outweigh the benefits as many fraternities still submit to the
physical, emotional, and psychological manipulation of hazing. This then often entails excessive
alcohol and illegal drug consumption as the vast majority of hazing-related deaths have resulted
from forced binge drinking. Lastly, joining a fraternity can be a huge drawback from future
employers as it can cause challenges along the way due to the negative reputation and
stereotypes that are present.

To conclude, being a part of a fraternity can be a popular prospect for some but it can be a
way for an individual to commit crimes. If you’re concerned about joining one, make sure that
you’re willing to do what it takes to understand their history, traditions, and reputation of its
members before pledging.

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