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ׁ‫הַקדֶש‬ ‫לָשׁוֹן‬ ‫אֶל‬ , ‫הַשְׁנִי‬ ‫שעַר‬

‫סֵפֶר הַשָּׁרָשִׁים עִם תּוֹלְדוֹתֵיהֶם‬

ׁ‫בְּעֶנְגְרִיש‬ ‫בְּלָשׁוֹן עִבְרִי לָא‬


Dictionary ;



THE DERIVATIVes referred to their respective roOTS,



With copious Mocabularies,







London :
Printed by A. M'INTOSH,

1815 .

8 2
‫יעשר‬ 761

‫יער‬ His wood.

ֹ‫ יַעֲרו‬Silva ejus
‫עור‬ Excitabuntur. They shall be stirred up.
‫יער‬ ‫ | יִעָרוֹת‬.Silve Woods.

‫ יערי אֹרְגִים‬.Jaare
- oreghimn Jaare-oregim, N. M.

‫יער‬ meusus
‫ יַעֲרִי‬.Fav My honey-comb.
‫ערך‬ ‫ יעריך‬.Estimab it He shall estimate.

ּ‫ יַעֲרִיכֶנּו‬Estimabit,
cum He shall value him.

‫ערם‬ Astutus erit, callide He will be crafty, will act cun-

‫ יְעָרִים‬.Jearim [aget. Jearim, N. P. [ningly.

‫ערס‬ They will act craftily.

ּ‫ יַעֲרִימו‬.Aslule
‫ערץ‬ ‫ יעריצו‬.Formdabunt They will fear, dread.

‫ערך‬ Ordinabil, instruet, He will set in order, put in

comparabitur. array, be compared. [ me.
Instruent contra me They will set in array against
Estimabil, equabit He will value, equal it.
Disponet eum. [ eam He will set it in order.
‫ערף‬ ‫ | יערף‬.Stillabit He will drop, distil.
Stillabunt, diruent. They will drop, break down.
‫ יערְשְׁיָה‬.Jaresias Jaresiah, N. M.
‫עשה‬ - Faciet. [exequetur. He will do. [execute.
Faciet, aget, parabit, He will make, do, prepare,
.Fiet It will be done.
Faciet, parabit eum . He will make, prepare it.
wy Facient, agent, pa- They shall make, do, prepare,
rabunt, exequen- perform.

ּ‫ יֵעָשׂו‬.Fient [ lur. They shall be done.

eann t
ָ‫ יַעֲשׂוּה‬.Facien They will do it.

‫ יַעֲשׂוּן‬Facient
, They shall do .
‫ יַעֲשִׂי‬.Jaasai Jaasai , N. M.
‫ יַעֲשִׂיאֵל‬.Jaasiel Jasiel, N. M. [riched .
‫עשר‬ Ditescet, dilabitur. He will become rich , be en-
‫עשן‬ ‫ יַעֲשַׁן‬Fumabi
, t He will smoke.
‫עשה‬ iet He will do it.
‫ יַעֲשֶׂנָּה‬.Fac
‫עשק‬ ‫ יַעֲשׂק‬.Opprimnet He will oppress.

me nt They will oppress me.

‫ יַעַשְׁקְנִי‬.Opprime
‫עשר‬ lur He will be made rich.
‫ יַעַשֶׁר יֶעשַׁר‬Dilai ,
He will take the tenth.
‫ יַעֲשׂר‬.Deci mam
TOL. 11.
762 ‫יפית‬

‫עשר‬ abit He will enrich him.

ּ‫ יַעְשְׁרֶנּו‬.Dileum
PAY Removebitur. He shall be removed.
He shall pray.
‫עתר‬ ‫ יֶעְתַּר‬.Orabit

‫פאר‬ Decorabit . He will beautify .
‫פגע‬ ַ‫ יַפְנִיע‬.Intercedet He will intercede. [ intercede.

ּ‫ יִפְגְעו‬Irruent, intercedent They will run upon , shall

‫ יִפְגְעוּן‬.Occurrent They will meet together.
ue t He will fall upon us.
ּ‫ יִפְבָּעֵנו‬.Irr in nos
‫פגש‬ He will meet thee.
ּ‫ יְפַגְּשׂו‬.Occurrent
ָ‫ יִפְנָּשְׁך‬.Occur ret They will meet with.
‫פרה‬ im et ur He shall be redeemed.
‫ יִפָּדֶה‬.Red
He shall redeem.
‫ יִפְדֶה‬.Redimet
Iphediah, N. M.
‫ יִפְדְּיָה‬.Iphdeias
‫יָפָה‬ Pulcherfuit, factus He was fair, was made fair ;
est ; pulchrum he rendered fair, adorned.
reddidit, ornavit.

‫פָה יְפַת‬.Pu ָ‫י‬ , Fair , beautiful ra

, formosalch
‫ֶה יְפָה‬.P ‫יָפ‬ ul
, jucundus ch
. | Fair , goodly , pleasant er
‫ָּה‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫פ‬ ‫פָה‬ ְ ‫י‬ .For mosi ssim a Most beautiful.

‫ יָפוֹ יָפוֹא‬.Japho Japho, Joppa.

‫יפה‬ ‫ יפו‬.Pulc fuerunt
hriThey have been beautiful.
‫נפל‬ ‫ יִפּוֹל יִפָּוּל‬.Cadet He will fall.

ּ‫ |יפוּצו‬Dispergenture They will be scattered .

He will scatter , shake to pieces
‫ יְפוֹצֵץ‬.Dissipabil
‫יפה‬ ‫ | יָפוֹת יְפוֹת‬.Pulchre Fair, beautiful .
‫פזר‬ ‫ | יְפַזֵר‬.Disperget He will scatter.
‫יָפַח‬ Spiravit, anhelavit, He breathed , breathed forth ,
flavil, elocutus est blew, uttered .
‫פחד‬ [bunt. He shall fear.
‫ יִפְחָד‬.Timebit
ּ‫ְחָדוּ יִפְחֲדו‬.T
‫יִפ‬ trepida- They eb
, im un
shall fear , tremble
‫פטר‬ Aperient, laxabunt. They will open, loosen.
‫יפה‬ ‫| יפִי יֹפִי‬.Pulchritudo Beauty , the beauty,
‫ יָפְיָה‬.Pulchri ejus Her beauty .
His beauty.
ֹ‫יָפִיו‬.Pulchritudo ejus
‫פוח‬ He will blow, speak.
ַ‫ יָפִיח‬Flabit , loquetu
, r
‫יפצחו‬ 763


‫פוח‬ ּ‫ יפיחו‬.Ill
| aqueabunt They will ensnare.
Thy beauty.
ְ‫ יָפִיך‬.Pulchritudo
Caderefaciet. [ cient He will cause to fall .
Dejicient, sortemja- They will cast down, cast lots.

He will cast them down.

‫ יַפִּילָם‬.Dejiciet
Japhia, Japhiah.

ַ‫ יָפִיע‬Japhi,
Thou hast been fairer.

ָ‫ יָפְיָפִית‬.Pulchri fuisti or

He will scatter.

‫ יָפִיץ‬.Disperget
P Depromet, obtinebit , He will draw forth, obtain,
vacillare faciet. cause to totter.

‫| יפית‬.Pulch fuisti ra Thou hast been fair,

Cadet, corruet. He will fall, fall down.
He will fall, befal .
‫ יִפַּל יִבֶּל יִפֹּל‬.cade , accidet t
‫ יַפְלא‬.Separaverit Shall separate.
Mirabilis, difficilis He will be wonderful , difficult:

erit ; separabit. he shall separate.

He shall distinguish.
‫ יַפְלֶה‬.Distinguet
Cadent,corruent [ det They shall fall. [asunder.
Transadiget, diffin- He shall strike through, cleave

tThey shall serve, worship.

‫יִפְלָחוּן‬.Ser, vi colenen
Japhlet , N. M.
‫ יִפְלט‬.Japhlet
He shall deliver him.
ּ‫ יְפַלְטֵהו‬.Liberab eum it
Japhleti , N. M.
‫ יָפְלֵטִי‬.Japhleli
He shall deliver them.
‫פלט‬ ‫ יְפַלְטֵם‬.Libercos abit
‫פלס‬ He will weigh.
‫ יְפַלֵּס‬Appendet
‫פנה‬ Vertet se, avertet, He will turn himself, turn
aspiciet, respiciel. away, look, behold.
Jephunneh , N. M.
‫|ְפַנֵּה‬‫ י‬.Jephunes
‫פנה‬ They will turn.
ּ‫ יִפְנו‬.rertent
Splenduit, effulsit , He shone, gave light, caused
splendere fecit. to shine.

‫פעל‬ by by Faciet, operabitur. He will make, will work.

Thy brightness.
‫יפע‬ ָ‫ יִפְעָתֶך‬Splendor, tuus
He will scatter.
‫פוץ‬ ‫ יָפֵץ‬.Disperget
‫פצה‬ Aperiet. He will open.
They will be scattered .
‫פוץ‬ ּ‫ יָפָצו‬.Dispergentur
They will resound , call aloud .
ּ‫| יִפְצְחו‬.Personabunt
764 ‫יפשע‬

Make ye a loud noise.

‫פצח‬ ּ‫ פְצְחו‬° | .Personate
‫פקר‬ TP Visitabitur, deside- He will be visited, missed ,
rabilur, deerit. wanting.

TP Visitabitur. [ puniet . He shall be visited.

Tipp: TP Visitabit, præficiet. He will visit, set over, punish
ּ‫ יִפָּקֵדו‬Visitabuntur
, dee- They shall be visited, shall be
Visitabunt. [ runt . They shall visit. {wanting.
He shall visit them.
‫ יִפְקְדֵם‬.Visitab eos it
Recensebit, deside- He will reckon, miss me, find
rabit me. [bit. me wanting.

TP Recensebit, numera- He will reckon, number.

‫פור‬ ‫ יָפֶר‬.Irrit faciet um He shall disannul, make void .
. ‫פרד‬ ‫ יִפָּרֵד‬.Dividetur He shall be divided, parted.

ּ‫ יִפָּרֵדו‬.Separabunlur They shall be separated .

‫פרה‬ ‫ יִפְרֶה יַפְרִיא‬.Crescet [ faciel . He shall grow. [rish.
‫פרח‬ Germinare, florere He will cause to bud, to flou-

ַ‫ יִפְרָה רָח יַפְרִיח‬.Florebit He shall flourish, blossom.

ּ‫ יִפְרָחוּ יַפְרִיחו‬.Florebunt They shall flourish.

‫פרד‬ ‫ יַפְרִיד‬.Dividel He will divide, part.
‫פרס‬ Findet, dividet. He will cleave, divide.
‫פרס‬ Discindet, dissuet. He will rend , rip.
‫פור‬ Irritum faciet eum. He will make it void .
‫פרס‬ 10 Findent, divident. They will cleave, divide.
‫פרע‬ ‫ יִפָּרַע‬.Rejicietur He will be rejected.

‫ | יפרע‬.Deteget [jiciet. He will uncover. [scatter.

‫פרץ‬ Diruet, crescet, dis- He will break down, increase,


13 Prorumpent, cres- They shall break forth, in-

Rumpet me. [ cent . He will break me. [ crease.
‫פרק‬ ‫יִפְרֶק‬ .La cerabit He will tear.
‫פרש‬ ׁ‫| יַפְרִש‬.Punget He will sting.
‫פרש‬ ׂ‫ יְפָרֵש‬.Extendet He will stretch out.
Expandet, aperiet . He will spread abroad, open.
ּ‫ יִפְרְשׂו‬.Dispergentur They shall be dispersed .
ּ‫ יִפְרְשׂו‬.Expandent They shall spread abroad.
‫פשה‬ Serpet, diffundet se. He will spread, diffuse himself
‫פשט‬ ‫ יִפְשְׁטוּ־־שׁי‬.Eruenl They shall put off.
‫פשע‬ He will transgress.
‫ יִפְשַׁע‬.Prevaricabitur
‫יצבר‬ 765

Japheth, N. M.
" ְ‫ יָפֶת י‬.Juphet
‫פתה‬ Persuadebit,dilatabit He shall persuade, enlarge.
‫יפה‬ ‫ | יפת‬.Pulchre Fair, beautiful.

‫פתה‬ Persuadebit, alliciet, He will persuade, entice , in-

Del pelliciet, decipiet. veigle, deceive.
Allicietur,decipietur He will be enticed , deceived.
Pellicietur, decipie- He will be inveigled, deceived

ְ‫ | יְפַתּוּך‬.Alliciete nt[ tur. They will entice thee.

‫פתח‬ Aperietur. He shall be opened.
‫יִפְתַּח יִפְתָּח‬.So , lve
aperiet t He will loose, open.
‫ יִפְתָּה‬.Iphtach Jephthah, Jiphtah, N. M. P.
‫אל‬ ‫ יפתח‬.Iphtach-el Jiphthah-el, N. P.
‫פתח‬ ‫ י‬.dperientur
ּ‫|פתְחו‬ They shall be opened.
‫ יִפְתָּחוּם‬.aperi ent
eos They will open them.
1-1 ‫יפה‬ Pulchra mea. My fair one.

‫יצָא‬ Egressus est, exül, He came out, went out, went
prodiit, eduxit, forth, brought out, carried)
Exeundo. [protulit . In going out. [forth .
Egredietur, prodibit He will come out, go forth.
‫|יצָא‬.Educet He will bring out.
She came out.
* ‫ יָצָאָה־־‬.Fgres est sa
ּ ‫ו‬ ‫א‬ ְ ‫צ‬ ָ ‫י‬ ּ ‫ו‬ ‫א‬ ָ ‫צ‬ ָ ‫י‬ .E gr es
sunl si They came out.

" ‫ יֵצֵאוּ־־‬.Egredientur They will go out.

NY Exile. Go ye out.
es si We came forth.
ּ‫ יָצָאנו‬.Egr samu s
Exiverunt a me. They have gone forth of me.
Thou camest out.
ָ‫ יָצָאת‬Egressus, es
‫|צאת‬ ‫ י‬.Egredientes They that come out.
Ny Egre ssus sum. I came out.

eatis si Ye came out.

‫ יְצָאתֶם‬.Egres
‫יצב‬ Statuil, constituit, He set, appointed, placed,
collocavit,stilit se, presented himself, stood.
‫צבא‬ [steti t . He will.
‫צבר‬ Colliget, cumulabit. He will gather, heap up.
766 ‫יצילם‬


Statuit, posuit. He set, put, placed.

‫צדק‬ ַ‫י‬ . [ tifi
‫צְדִּיק‬.Jus cabit
cabitur He shall justify
' ‫ְרַק־־‬.J
‫יִצ‬ us
erit , justifi- tu
He will be just , justified s

ּ‫ יִצְדְקו‬.Jus tifi cabu ntur They shall be justified.

‫צהר‬ ּ‫ְהִירו‬.O
‫יַצ‬ . They will press outum
erprimentle oil
‫צהל‬ ּ‫יִצְהָלו‬ .Hinn ient They will neigh.
‫| יצהר‬.Itshar Izhar, N. M.
‫| צהר‬ ‫ יִצְהָר‬.Oleum
‫ יִצְהָרִי‬.Itsharila Izharites, N. F.
‫צוה‬ ‫ו‬.Precipie
ַ‫יְצ‬ ,mandabit . He will charge , command
‫יצא‬ ‫ יצוא‬.Egrediendo In coming out.
‫צוד‬ ‫| יצוד‬Fenabitur
, He will hunt.

ּ‫ יָצוּדו‬.Fenabuntur They will hunt.

‫ יְצוּדֶנָּה‬.Fenab iturHe will hunt him.

‫צוה‬ ‫וה‬.Precipie
‫יצ‬ ,mandabit . He shall charge , command
He will be commanded.
‫ יְצַוָּה‬.Precipielur
‫צוח‬ ְ‫ יְצ‬.Clamabunt
ּ‫וָחו‬T: They shall cry aloud.
‫צוה‬ ‫ יְצַוּם‬.Precipiel
cis He will command them.

‫יצע‬ ַ‫|צְוּע‬‫ י‬.Stralum A bed .

‫ יְצוּעָי‬.Str meaata My beds.

‫י‬ ִ ‫ע‬ ּ ‫ו‬ ‫צ‬ ְ ‫י‬ .St rat a Beds.

meum um My bed.
‫ יְצוּעִי‬.Strat
‫צוק‬ ָ‫י‬
. her
. [ firmus ebi
. He will cleave
to t
[firm .
‫יצק‬ ‫ּק‬Liquefactus
‫יָצו‬ , fusus , Melted , molten , poured out
‫|ְצוּקִים‬‫ י‬.conflati Melted , fused , cast.

‫ צְחָק‬.Itshac
ִ ‫י‬ Isaac, N. M.

‫צחק‬ ‫ יִצְחַק‬.Tidebit He will laugh .

‫צבע‬ He shall be moistened.
‫ יִצְטַבַּע‬.Madefiet
‫יצא‬ ּ‫ | יציאו‬.Educent They willbring out.
‫יצב‬ ‫| יציב‬.Collocabil He will place .

‫ יַצִיבָא‬Verus ; ,
vere True ; truly , certainly .
‫נצל‬ ‫ יַצְיל‬.Eripiet He shall rescue, deliver.
ּ‫ לָנו‬-- ּ‫ יַצִילֵהו‬.Erieum
piet He shall deliver him.
ּ‫ יַצִילו‬.Eripient They will deliver.
He shall deliver thee.
ְ‫ לֶך‬-- ָ‫ יַצִילְך‬.Eripiet
ְ‫צִילְך‬ ַ ‫י‬ .Erip ient
te They shall deliver thee.
‫ | יצילם‬.Eripiet
eos He shall deliver them.
‫יצק‬ 767


n| | #a in 2 |.p E| g2 ࿏ 2|| |
‫נצל‬ He shall deliver her.
He set,put, placed. piet
‫ יַצִילֶנָּה‬.Erieam
He will deliver us.
He shalljustify. ּ‫ יצילֵנו‬.Er nos et
He will deliver me.
He willbejust,justified. me
‫ יַצִילֵנִי‬.Eripiet
‫יצע‬ Substernet. He will spread under.
They shall bejustified.
bil He shall flourish.
They will press out oil. ‫ יָצִיץ‬.Flore
Premet, vexabit. He will press, distress.
hey will neigh. ‫צוק‬ ‫יָצִיק‬
ּ‫ִיקו‬ ‫צ‬ ָ ‫י‬ Arc tabunt
, They will straiten.
har, N. M. He will roast.
‫צלח‬ He will prosper.
arites, N. F. "‫ל‬ ‫ יִצְלָח‬.Prosperabitur
ַ‫ יַצְלִיח‬Prosperabitu r se- He will prosper, will make
will charge, command. ,
‫צמא‬ Silient. [ cundabit. They shall thirst. [ prosperous.
ming out. They will fast.
‫צום‬ ּ‫ָצְמו‬ ‫י‬ .Je junabunt
ill hunt. Crescel. He will grow.
will bunt. He will spring up.
‫|ִצְמָח‬ ‫ י‬.0rietur
hunt him.
d Germinabit. He shall bud.
charge, comman .
de d ‫ י‬orebun,t They shall flourish.
be comman . ּ‫ִצְמָחו‬Efl
| P

‫ יצמיח‬.Germi narHe
faciet e shall cause to bud.
cry ‫צמת‬ He shall cut them off.
mmand them. ‫ יַצְמִיתֵם‬.Eascind eos et
He will attire himself.
‫צנף‬ ‫ יִצְנֹף‬.Amici se et

abit He will roll thee about.

ָ‫ יִצְנָפְך‬.Folutte
‫יְצַע‬ Stravit, substravil, He spread, strewed, spread
lectum paravit . under, made a bed.
P| gg | བྷྱཿ ཤྲྰི a | | | g

‫צעד‬ t He will go.

[firm ‫ יִצְעָד‬Incede
- to. d ut [ removed.
n, p o u r e o 1 Incedent. [feretur. They will go.
‫צען‬ WY Disrumpetur, trans- He will be broken asunder,
cast. t He will cry .
‫צעק‬ ‫ יִצְעַק‬.Clamabi
ּ‫ יִצְעֲקו‬.Clamabunt They will cry.
‫צער‬ ּ‫ יִצְעָרו‬.Minuent They will be diminished.
ened. Speculabitur. He will watch.
He will lay up.
‫צפן‬ ‫ יִצְפֿן‬.Recondet
Abscondent . They will hide.
y. They will lurk.
‫פינו‬ ‫ יצפנו‬.Latitabunt
Abscondet me. He will hide me.
Fudit, effudil, diffu- He poured, poured out,
dit, conflavit, con- spread abroad, melted, fu-
solidavit. sed, cast, consolidated.
PFunde. Pour thou.
768 ‫יעתי‬

‫יצק‬ ‫ יצק‬.Fundet He shall pour.

Molten , cast.
‫יְצָקִים‬ ‫ יָצָקוֹת‬.Confiale, conflati
DR Conflavit eos. He melted or cast them.

‫|יֵצֶר‬.Jelser Jezer, N. M.
‫יָצַר‬ Formavit,finxit, ex- He formed, fashioned, shaped ,
cogitavit,imagina- devised, imagined.
‫צור‬ ‫ יצר‬.rerabit [tus est. He will harass .
‫ | יצר‬.Arclabit He will straiten .
‫יצר‬ Imaginatio, cogitatio An imagination, device.
‫נצר‬ ‫ יצר‬.Servabil He will keep.
‫יצר‬ ‫ יצר‬.Formans He that formeth .
He formed her.
‫ יְצָרָה‬.Formav
eam it
He will form him.
ּ‫ יִצְרֵהו‬.Formab
cum it
ּ‫ יָצָרו‬.Formarunt They formed.
Arctabuntur. [ ejus. They will be straitened.
1 Figmentum,cogitatio His work, device, imagination
‫נצר‬ They willkeep.
ּ‫ יִצְרו‬.Servabunt
‫יצר‬ ֹ‫ יֹצְרו‬Formator,
cjus His former, maker.

ּ‫ יָצָרו‬.Formati
sunt They have been formed.
‫נצר‬ ‫יִצְרוּנִי‬Servabunt
, me They will keep me.
‫יצר‬ ‫| יצרי‬.Formanles They that make.
me. My former.
‫ יֹצְרִי‬Formans
‫ יִצְרִי‬.Itsrile Jezerites, N. F.
‫צרח‬ ‫ יַצְרִים‬.Clamabil He shall cry aloud.
ּ‫ יִצְרְנְהו‬.Custod eum iet He shall keep him.
| |

Figmentum nostrum Our frame.

ּ‫ יֹצְרֵנו‬Formator noster Our former, maker.
ָּ‫ יָצַרְת‬.Formasti Thou hast formed.
| |

‫ יָצַרְתִּי‬.Formavi I have formed.

173 Formavi eum. I have formed him.

ְ‫ יְצַרְתִּיך‬.Formavi
te I have formed thee.
‫ יְצַרְתָּם‬.Formav eos i I have formed them.
‫יָצַת‬ Arsit, combustus est; He burned, was burned he
accendit, incendit. kindled, set on fire.
Comburentur. They will be burned.
‫יצא‬ I came out.
‫ יָצָתִי‬Egressus,
‫יקו־־וה‬ 769

He shall pour.
Holten, cast.
e melted or cast them.
zer, N. M. ֶ‫ָקֶב י‬T‫ י‬.Torcular A wine press.
formed, fashioned, shaped,
ei ent
ּ‫ | יִקְבָהו‬.Maledic They will curse him.
devised, imagined. ‫ יִקְבֵי יְקָבִים‬.Torcularia Wine presses.
will harass. Torcularia tua. Thy wine presses.
will straiten. Nominabit, consti- He will name, appoint him.
magination, device. Yap Colliget. [ tuet eum. He will gather.
‫ יְקַבֵּץ‬.Congregabit He will assemble.
at formeth. ‫ יְקַבְצְאֵל‬Jecabtseel. Jekabzeel, N. P.

med her. 1 Congregabuntur. They shall be assembled.

I form him. te bit He will gather thee.
ָ‫ יְקַבֵּצְך‬.Congrega
" ְ‫ יְקַבְּצֵנוּ יִק‬.Congreg euna He will gather him.
I be straiten . ‫ יִקָּבֵר‬.Sepelietur He shall be buried.
device, imaginatio ּ‫ יִקָּבֵרו‬.Sepelientur They shall be buried.
17ap Sepelient census est. They shal! bury. [burned.
r Arsit, accendit, suc- He burned, kindled , was
, make .
d He shall kindle.
bee forme .
n TP Accendet.
‫ יְקֹד‬.Ardendo In burning.
ep me.
ׁ‫ יַקְדִּיש‬.Sanctificabit He shall sanctify.
ּ‫ יַקְדִּישׁו‬.Sanctificabunt They shall sanctify.
ּ‫ יְקַדְּמו‬.Prevenient They shall go before.

ּ‫ יְקַדְּמוּנו‬.PreveninosentThey will go before us. [ me.

‫מְנִי‬ mne ntThey shall prevent, go before
‫ יְקַדְּמוּנִי‬.Prevenie
im. nietHe shall come before her.
‫ יְקַדְּמֶנָּה‬.Preveeam
me et He shall go before me.
‫ יְקַדְּמֵנִי‬.Preveni
er. DYP Jocdeam. [ cabitur. Jokdeam , N. P.

‫קדש‬ Sanctus erit, sanctifi- He shall be holy, be sanctified

ּ‫ יְקַדְּשׁו‬.Sanctificabunt They shall sanctify.

They shall consecrate.
ּ‫ יְקַדְּשׁו‬.Consecrabunt

He that burneth.

‫ יֶקֶדֶת יָקְדְתָּא‬.Ardens
ned ; he

He will call together, assemble

‫ יַקְהִיל־־הֶל‬.Convocabit
‫| יקה‬ p Obedientia,conventus The obedience, gathering, as-
[labitur . sembly.
‫קוה‬ Expectabit , præsto- He shall expect, tarry, wait.
770 ‫יקים‬

‫קוה‬ 11p Congregabuntur. They shall be gathered toge-

They shall wait. [ther.
ּ‫ יְקַוּו‬.Expectabunt
‫קוט‬ ip Fastidiet,pertædebit . He shall loathe, be disgusted,
[lietur. tired of. [blished.

‫קים‬ Dip Surget, stabil, stabi- He shall rise, stand, be esta-

He shall arise.
‫ יְקוּם‬.Exsurget
Dip Vindicabil. He will avenge.

ּ‫ יָקוּמוּ־־קְמו‬.Sur ge
, slabu They shall rise, rise up, stand.
nt nt
"RP Surgent, stabunt . They shall arise, stand.
‫ | יְקוֹמֵם‬.Insurget He will rise up against.
10pip Erigent, statuent. They shall raise up, set up.
He will cut off.
‫קסם‬ ‫ | יקוֹסֵס‬.Erscindet
‫יקש‬ The fowler.
ׁ‫ יָקוֹשׁ־־קוּש‬.Auceps
‫ יְקוּשִׁים‬.Aucupes
‫ יְקוּתִיאֵל‬.Jecuthiel [feret. Jekuthiel, N. M. [away.
‫לקח‬ App Sumet, accipiet, au- He shall take, receive, take
MP Sumetur, auferetur. He shall be taken, taken away
TP Accersetur, affere- He shall be fetched, brought.
[tur. He shall take him. [away.
ּ‫ יִקָּחֵהו‬.Capiet
AP np n Sument, recipient, They shall take, receive, take
TAP Auferet te[ auferent He will carry thee away.
TOP Capiet te. He will take, fetch thee.
‫ | יִקָּחֶנָּה‬.Dueam He shall take, marry her.

ּ‫ יִקָּחֶנּו‬.Cap iet
eum He will take him.
Capiet, recipiet me. He shall take, receive me.

‫קטר‬ ‫ יַקְטִיר יְקַטֵר‬.Adolebit He will burn incense.

‫ יַקְטִירוּן טְרוּן‬.Adolebunt They shall burn incense.

Suffiet, adolebit eam. He shall perfume,burn incense
‫קטל‬ He will kill. [upon it.
‫ יִקְטָל‬.Interficiet
‫ יִקְטְלֵנִי‬.Occidet me He will slay me.

‫ יֶקְטָן‬.Joctan Joctan, N. M.
Succidetur. He shall be cut down.
They will burn incense.

‫קטר‬ ‫ יְקַטֵרוּ־־רוּן‬.Adolebunt

‫ יָקִידְתָּא‬.Ir atu
, ardens s Angry, in a rage.
D'P Eriget, confirmabit , He will raise up, confirm, per-
D'P Jachim. [præstabit. Jakim, N. M. [form.
‫קום‬ ‫ק‬
‫|ִים‬ ְ ‫י‬ .Co nst itu et He wil l set up.
‫יקע‬ 771

They will raise up.

They shall be gathered toge- ‫קום‬ ּ‫ | יקִימו‬.Erigent
[ther. t They will establish .
They shall wait. ‫| יְקִימוּן‬.Stabilien
e shall loathe, be disgusted, ‫י‬ .S ta bi
t li
e et He shall establish thee.
[blished. Præstabil cam [ eum. He will perform it.
tired of.
shall rise , stand , be esta- Excitabit, stabiliet He shall stir up, establish him

shall arise. ‫יקף‬ ּ‫ יַקִיפו‬.Circumdabunt They will compass about.

ּ‫ יָקִיצו‬.Evigilabunt They shall awake.
will avenge. ‫קיץ‬
shall rise, rise up, stand. ‫ | יַקִיר‬.Preliosus Precious, dear.
Precious, rare.
shall arise, stand. ‫ יַקִירָה‬.Preli , rarus
He will lighten.
Il rise up against. ‫ יָקֵל‬.Levabit
They shall be despised.
shall raise up, set up. ּ‫ יִקְלו‬.Spernentur
They shall be swift.
I cut off. ּ‫ יְקַלּו‬.Celeres
He will curse.
‫ יְקַלֵּל‬.Maledicet
wler. He shall be cursed.
‫ יִקְלָל‬.Maledicetur
They shall curse.
[away ּ‫ יְקַלְלו‬.Maledicent
J, Nk. M. e
ta e, receiv , take ָ‫ יְקַלֶּלְך‬Maledicet,
tibi He will curse thee.

= taken, taken away ‫קלע‬ ‫ יְקַלְעֶנָּה‬.Jacie eam t He will throw, sling her.
fetched, brough ‫קוס‬ DP Stabiliet, præstabit. He shall establish, perform.
Op Surget. He shall arise.
e him. eive He will avenge .
k , re c , take DP Vindicabit.
OPOP Vindicabitur. He shall be avenged ,punished
thee away.
‫ יְקַמְיָה‬Jecami, Jekamiah, N. M.
etch thee .
y ּ‫ יִקְמֵנו‬.Er cit abit
nos He will raise us up.
marr her. ‫קום‬
ָ‫ י‬.Jocme
‫קְמְעָם‬:T: am Jokmeam, N. P.
1. ‫ יְקַמְעָם‬.Jecameam Jekameam, N. M.
eceive me.
He will emulate , envy.
‫קנא‬ ‫ יְקַנֵּא‬.Emulabitur
ense. 4d zelotypiam pro- They will provoke him to
icen . nse vocabunt eum.
urn ince jealousy.
n t Emet, nanciscetur. He shall buy, gain, attain.
[upo i. ‫קנה‬
ּ‫ | יִקְנו‬.Ementur They shall be bought.

ּ‫ | יִקְנו‬.E me nt They shall buy.

ַ‫ יק‬.Nidulabuntur They will make their nests.
Jokneam, N. P.
‫ יָקְנְעָם‬.Jocmeam
op Divinabunt. They will devise.
Luxatus, divulsus, a- He was out of joint, separat-
- ‫יקע‬
per lienatus est; suspen- ed, alienated ; he hanged ,
dit, strangulavit. strangled.
772 ‫יקרה‬

Circuivil, circumde- He went round, encompassed,

dil,circumtotondit surrounded, cut round.

‫קפא‬ iNPP Obscuritas, tenebrae. Obscurity, darkness.

They shall shut up.
ּ‫ יִקְפְּצו‬.Occludent
Contrahentur. They will be contracted.
Evigilavit, experge- He awoke, was awaked.
73P 793-3p Metet. [factus est . He shall reap.
They shall reap.
‫ יִקְצִירוּ־צ״־רוּן‬.Metent
‫קצע‬ ַ‫ יַקְצַע‬.Abradet He shall scrape, shave off.
‫קצף‬ ‫קְצף‬ ִ ‫י‬ |.Ir asc etu r He will be angry.
‫קצר‬ ּ‫יִקְצְרָהו‬ .Metent They shall reap.
Pretiosus, clarus fu- He was precious, valuable,
it; æstimatus est; noble, bright; was esteemed;
pretiosum, rarum he made precious, scarce .
Pretiosus, clarus . Precious, noble, excellent.
Honor, res pretiosa Honour, a precious thing.
- Patient.
Alde ַ‫ יְקָר רוּח‬.Patienus
‫קרא‬ Vocabitur, prædica- He shall be called, shall be
bitur, occurret. renowned, shall meet.

Vocabit, invocabit, He shall call , call upon, cry,

clamabil, eveniet. proclaim, befal.
He will call him.
ּ‫ יִקְרָאֵהו‬.Vocabi eum t
4 /4 ּ‫יִקְרָאֶהו‬.Invoca They will call upon him.
ִ‫י‬ They shall be called.
ֹ‫ יִקְרְאו‬.Vocabi t He shall call him.
P Vocabunt,clamabuni They shall call , cry.
Obveniet ei. It shall befal him.

, ‫| יִקְרָאֵנִי‬.Invocabit
me He shall call upon me.

| ocab
me unt They shall call upon me.
77 Adducet, offeret. He shall bring, offer.
He shall come near.
| ‫ | יִקְרָב יִקְרַב‬.Aceedet
17 Appropinquabunt. They shall approach.
‫יקר‬ ‫| יָקְרָה‬Preliosa, fuil She was precious.
Pretiosa. Precious.
bato Pretiosa res ejus. Her precious thing.
‫קרה‬ ‫ יִפָּרֶה‬.Occurret He will meet.
‫ירא‬ 773


e went round, encompassed, It shall befal.
‫קרה‬ ‫ יִקְרָה יִקְרֶה‬.Accidet
surrounded, cut round . He shall read.
‫קרא‬ ‫ יִקְרֵה‬.Leget
scurity, darkness. ‫יקר‬ ּ‫ יָקְרו‬Pretiosa fuerunt.They were precious,

ey shall shut up. ‫נקר‬ ָ‫ יִקְרוּה‬.Effodieeam nt They shall dig it out.

They shall read.
ey will be contracted . ‫קרא‬ ‫ | יִקְרוֹן‬.LegenL
awoke, was awaked. ‫יקר‬ ‫ יִקְרוֹת־רֹת‬.Preti , clareosePrecious, costly, clear.
faciet m He shall make himself bald.
ַ‫ יִקָּרֵח‬.Caselou
shall reap.
They shall make bald.
shall reap. ‫| יִקְרְחה‬.Calo facientum

all scrape, shave off. 1 Adducent, offerent. They shall bring, offer.
t He shall offer him.
ll be angry. ּ‫ יַקְרִיבֶנּו‬.Ofere eum
‫קרה‬ ְ‫ יִקְרֵך‬Accidet ,
tibi It shall happen to thee.
shall reap. s
was preciou , valuable, ‫ יִקְרֵנִי‬Accidet mihi
It shall happen to me.
He shall be rent.
e, bright; was esteemed; ַ‫ יִפָּרֵע‬.Findetur
s Scindet eam. He shall cut her.
ade preciou , scarce.
They will wink.
‫קרץ‬ ּ‫ יִקְרְצו‬.Nictabunt
nt Thou hast been precious.
noble, excelle . ‫יקר‬ ָּ‫ יָקַרְת‬Pretiosus ,
us thing. ‫ יִקְרַת‬.Pretium Value, preciousness.
‫ יָקַרְתִּי‬.Estim atusI was esteemed, valued.
e called, shall be Laqueum tetendit, il- He laid snares, entangled, was
laqueavit, irreti- ensnared .
shall meet.
tus est.
call upon, cry,
‫קשה‬ Dura, dificilis erit. She will be hard, difficult.
fal. Tetenderunt . [runt. They have laid.
m. ‫קוש‬ p Laqueum tetende- They will lay a snare.
upon him.
He will hearken, attend.
‫קשב‬ ‫ יַקְשִׁיב‬.Attendet
alled. sa n Jokshan, N. M.
‫ יִקְשָׁן‬.Joc
1. ‫ יָקְשְׁתִּי‬.Laque tetendi I
um have laid a snare.
ery. Joktheel, N. P.
ָ‫ י‬.Jocteel

me. ‫יר‬
n me. Timuit,reveritus est, He feared, reverenced, terri-
terruit; timendus, fied; he was an object of
formidabilisfuit. fear or dread.

‫ | ירא‬.Timens Fearing , afraid .

‫ראה‬ ‫|ירא‬.Videbitur He shall be seen.

Fear thou.
‫ירא‬ ‫ יְרָא‬.Time
Videbit, aspiciet. He shall see, look upon.
774 ‫יראתך‬

‫ירא‬ ‫ |ירא‬.Timens Fearing , afraid.

‫ראה‬ ‫| ירא‬.Videbit
, aspiciet He shall see, look .

‫ירא‬ ‫| ירא‬.T im er e To fear .

She fcared .
‫ יָרְאָה יָרְאָה‬.Timuil
‫ראה‬ ‫ | יראה‬.Ostendet He will shew.

‫יר‬ ,id
apparebit He eb it
will be seen , will appear
‫ירא‬ ‫יִרְאָה‬.T im
. [madver or
tet . Fear
‫ראה‬ ‫אֶה‬.Videbi
ְ‫יִר‬ , aspiciel , ani- He will see , behold , observe
‫ירא‬ ּ‫רְאו‬.Timuerunt
ָT‫| י‬ . [ bunt . They feared
‫ראה‬ ‫ יידראו‬ridebuntur , appare- They will be seen , will appear
‫ירא‬ ּ‫| יְראו‬.Timete Fear ye.

ּ‫ | יראו‬.Timebunt They shall fear.

‫ראה‬ fee ‫ְאוּ אוּן‬ridebunt

‫יִר‬ , aspicient . They shall see , look
3 ָ‫ יִרְאוּה‬.Videbunt
eam They shall see her.
‫ירא‬ herine ּ‫ יִרְאוּהו‬.Timebunt
eum They will fear him.

ָ‫ יְרָאוּך‬.Timebunt
te They shall fear thee.

soison ְ‫ יְרֵאוּך‬Timuerunt te They feared thee.

Iron , N. P. 1
‫|יִרְאוֹן‬ .Iron
‫ירא‬ ‫| יִרְאוּנִי‬.Timuerunt
me They feared me.
‫ראה‬ ‫ יִרְאוּנִי‬.Fidebmeunt They will see me.
‫ירא‬ ‫ יִרְאֵי יְרֵאִים‬.Timentes Fearing, they that fear.
eum es They that fear him.
‫ יִרְאָיו‬.Timent
ial ‫ | יראייה‬.Irijas Irijah, N. M.
‫ירא‬ ָ‫ יִרְאֶיך‬.Timenteles They that fear thee.
te il
ְ‫ ייְזראַך‬.Timeb He shall fear thee.
‫ראה‬ ‫ּה‬Tָ‫רְאנ‬:ִ‫ י‬.Inspiciet
| eam He shall look on her.
‫ירא‬ ‫ י‬.Timuimus
ּ‫|ראנו‬ We feared.
‫ראה‬ ּ‫| יַרְאֵנו‬.Oslende
nobis t He will shew to us.
ְ‫יִר‬ , ostendetmihi He shall see me , shew to me
‫ירא‬ ‫יִרְאַנִי‬.Terruerunt
| me They made me afraid.
‫ראה‬ ִ ‫י‬ .Vid ebit
me He shall see me.
‫ירא‬ ָ‫ יָרֵאת‬.Timuisti Thou wast afraid.

‫ | יִרְאַת‬.Timor Fear.
His fear.
ֹ‫ יִרְאָתו‬.Timor
rd ‫ | יראתי‬.Timui I feared.

‫ יִרְאָתִי‬.Ti mor
meus My fear.

ָ‫ יִרְאָתְך‬Tinor tuus
, Thy fear.
‫ירדה ירדה‬ 775
‫ירא‬ ‫י דְרָאתֶם‬: .Timebitis Ye will fear.
Fearing, afraid.
tor Their fear.
He shall see, look. ‫ יִרְאָתָם‬.Tineorum
Ye have feared.
‫ יְרֵאתֶם‬.Timuistis
‫ יָרֵב יָרִיב‬.Jareb Jareb, N. M.
She feared.
‫רוב‬ 77 Contendet, litigabit. He will contend, strive, plead.
He will shew.
‫רבה‬ He shall be multiplied.
He will be seen, will appear. ‫ יִר‬.Multiplicabitur
Multiplicabit, auge He shall multiply, increase,
ear. bil, magnumfaciel enlarge, make great.
e will see, behold,observe.
Multiplicabitur, au- He shall be multiplied , in-
ey feared.
gebitur, magnus creased, become great.
ey will be seen, will appear
fiet. [crescent [up, increase.
ye. Multiplicabuntur, They shall be multiplied, grow
shall fear.
Recubare faciet me. He will make him to liedown.
shall see, look. ‫רבץ‬

" ַּ‫ יִרְבָּעַל־־ב‬.Jerubbaal Jerubbaal, N. M.

shall see her.
ָ‫ י‬.Jarobam Jeroboam, N. M.

illfear him. ‫רָבְעָם‬TT

Recubabit. He shall lie down.
all fear thee. ‫רבץ‬

They shall cause to lie down.


ּ‫ יַרְבְּצו‬Recubare facient
red thee.

ben t They shall lie down.

ּ‫ יִרְבָּצוּ בְּצו‬.Recum
2. ‫ יִרְבָּצוּן‬.Recubabunt They shall lie down.
ed me. ‫ ירבשת‬.Jerubeset Jerubbesheth, N. M.
ee me. He shall be wroth.
‫רגז‬ Irascetur.
- that fear.
ִ‫י‬ He shall be moved.
- him.
17 Turbabuntur, com- They shall be troubled,moved,
movebuntur. agitated.
‫ יִרְגְזוּן‬.Contremiscent They shall be afraid.
ee. ‫רנס‬ They shall stone him.
ּ‫ יִרְגְּמָהו‬.Lapida eumbunt
her. ּ‫ יְרגְּמו‬.Lapidabunt They shall stone.
‫ירד‬ Descendit, deduxit, He descended, came down,

detulit, dejecit, de- brought down, took down,

ew to me.
misit, depressus cast down, let down, was

d. ‫דד‬ Descendit. [est. He went down [ brought down

‫יירד ירד‬ Jared, N. M.
‫ ד‬.Jared

‫ יָרֹד‬.Descendendo In coming down.

ariHe shall make to rule.
ְ‫ יַרְך‬.Dominfaciet
‫| ירד‬.Descendet He shall go down.
‫| ירד‬.Dominabitur He shall have dominion.
She went down.
‫| ירד‬ ‫ יָרָדָה יָרְדָה‬.Descendit
776 ‫ירוממני‬

‫ירד‬ ‫ י‬.Descendens
‫|ִרְדָה‬ He that goeth down.
ּ‫| ירדו‬.Descenderunt They went down.
‫ | ירדו‬.Descendent They shall go down.

‫רדה‬ ‫ ירדו‬..Dominabuntur
| They shall have dominion.
177 Deducent, demittent. They shall bring down, cast

‫ דִים‬--‫| יֹרְדוֹת דִי‬.Descendentles They that go down. [down

‫ יַרְדֵּן‬.Jarden Jordan, N. R.
‫ י‬.Descendimus
ּ‫|רדנו‬ We came down.
177 Dominabitur in eum. He shall rule over him.
7777 Persequetur. [ quetur He shall pursue, chase.
7777 Persequetur, inse- He shall pursue, persecute.
ּ‫| יִרְפו‬.Persequentur They will pursue.
1277 Sequentur, perse- They shall follow, pursue.

me ur They shall follow me.

‫ יִרְדְּפוּנִי‬.Sequent
te lur He shall pursue thee.
ָ‫ יִרְדֶּפֶך‬.Perseque
‫ יִרְדְּפֵם‬.Persequ eos He shall pursue them.
‫ירד‬ ‫י‬
ָּ‫דְתָּ ָרַדְת‬ ָ ‫ר‬ ָ ‫י‬ .Des cend isti Thou wentest down.

‫ יָרַדְתִּי‬Descen, di I came down.

‫יָרָה‬ Jecit, jaculatus est, He cast, shot, devoted, cast

projecit, pluit, do- forth, rained, taught, di-
cuit, direxit. rected.

‫|רה‬ ‫ י‬Jaculando
, In shooting.
‫ה‬ ‫ר‬ ‫י‬
| .Jacul are Shoot thou.

‫רהב‬ They shall lift up themselves.


1277 Efferent se.


‫ירה‬ Jaculabuntur in eum They will shoot at him.


ּ‫|ו‬ ,r They will shoot.
‫ | ירוּאֵל‬.Jeruel Jeruel, N. P.
‫|ירוח‬.Jaroac Jaroah, N. M.
ִ‫ י‬Satiabunt
‫|רְוִין‬ , ur They will be fully satisfied .
t te
ְ‫ יְרַוּך‬Satiabun, They shall satisfy thee.
‫| יָרוּם‬.Eæallabilur He shall be exalted.

‫| יְרוּם‬.Etofferelur And he shall be offered.

, They shall be exalted.
ּ‫| ירוּמו‬Erallabuntur
‫רמס‬ ּ‫|ירומו‬.Eferent
se They will lift up themselves.
‫ יי‬Ezrallabit
‫|ְְררווֹֹממֵֵםם‬ Eraltabit He will exalt.
‫ | יְרוֹמְמֵנִי‬.Efferet He shall lift me up.
ּ‫ירחקו‬ 777

He will sing.
‫ י‬antabit

‫רנן‬ ‫ָרוּן‬.C

He shall be broken in pieces.


‫רוע‬ ‫|רוע‬ ‫י‬Confringetu,r

ּ‫ יְרוֹפָפו‬.Co ntr emi sce nt They will shake, tremble.
‫רצץ‬ Improbus erit, con- He shall be wicked, shall be
‫רוץ‬ ‫יָרוּץ יָרֶץ‬ .C urret [ teretur. He shall run. [crushed.
n ‫ יָרוּצוּ יְרוּצוּן‬.cur re nt They shall run.

ּ‫]רוֹצָצו‬‫ י‬.Current They shall run.

‫| ירוק‬.Viriditas Green, greenness.
‫ יְרוּשָׁא שָׁה‬Jerusa
, Jerusha, Jerushah, N. M.
Jerusalem, N. P.'
‫ יְרוּשָׁלָם לָם‬.Hierosolyma
Jerusalem, N. P.
‫ יְרוּשְׁלֵם לֶם‬.Hierosolyma
‫רזה‬ ‫י‬ .Macescet He shall wax lean.
‫רזם‬ Nictabunt, innuent. They will wink, nod, beckon.
Jarac. Jerah, N. M.

Odorabitur. He shall smell.


The moon.

Mensis. A month.

‫ | ירחו‬Jerecho
, Jericho, N. P.
est Months, moons.
‫ יַרְחֵי חִין יְרָחִים ירח‬Menses , tuna
Ji- ‫רחב‬ Dilatabil, ampliabit . He shall extend, enlarge.
‫רחק‬ Map Procul amovebit eam He shall remove her far away.
‫רתם‬ He will have mercy.
‫ | יְרַחֵם‬.Miserebilur
Misericordiam con- He shall obtain mercy.
Jerocham. [ sequetur Jeroham , N. M.

‫ יְרַחְמְאֵל‬.Jerachmeel Jerahmeel, N. M.

‫ יְרַחְמְאֵלִי‬.Jerachmeelita Jerahmeelite, N. F.

ּ‫ יְרַחֲמו‬.Miserebuntur They shall pity.


ejusiturHe will have mercy upon him.

ּ‫ יְרַחֲמֶנּו‬.Misereb
Miserebitur nostri. He will have mercy upon us.
Jarcha. [ incumbet . Jarha, N. M. [brood.
Molliter movebit se, He will move gently, flutter,
.La vail He shall wash.
‫רחץ‬ ‫יִרְחָץ יִרְחַץ‬
137 137 Lavabunt, abluent se They shall wash, bathe.
‫רחק‬ P Longeaberit, procul He shall be far off, far re-
amovebitur. moved.

abigent ul They shall put far away.

ּ‫| יְרַחֲקו‬.Proc
778 ‫ירכו‬

ּ‫ יִרְחֲקו‬.Pro unt lThey shall be far away.


‫ירט‬ Declinavit, inclina- He turned aside, turned over,

vit, pervertit. perverted.

ּ‫ יִרְטָבו‬.Madefient They shall be wet, moistened.

.lvii ‫ירט‬ He hath turned me over.

‫ יִרְטְנִי‬.Inclina
| mevit

Allidentur, confrin- They shall be dashed, broken

.guilt in ‫ יְרִיאֵל‬.Jeriel [gentur. Jeriel, N. M. [ in pieces.
Contendet, litigabit. He will contend, plead.
Contendentes litigan- They that contend, plead with
Jeribai. [ les mecum. Jeribai, N. M. [me.
He that contendeth with thee.
ְ‫יְרִיבֵך‬.Contendens tecum
‫ יְרִיבֶן‬.Litigabunt They shall strive.
ּ‫ יִרְיָּה־יְהו‬.Jerias Jeriah, N. M.
! ַ‫| יָרִיח‬0dorabitur He will smell.
ֹ‫ יְרִיחה־חו‬.Jericho Jericho, N. P.
Odorabuntur. [ tabit. They will smell. [alt.
Tollet, efferet, exal- He will take up, lift up, ex-
ּ‫ יָרִימו‬.offerent They shall offer.
ּ‫ יָרוּמו‬.Erallab seunt They shall exalt themselves.
‫ יְרִימוֹת‬.Jerimot [get. Jerimoth , N. M.
Vociferabitur, clan- He shall cry aloud, shout.
‫ י‬.Clangent They shall shout.
‫ יְרִיעוֹת‬.Jeriot Jerioth, N. M.
‫ יְרִיעוֹת־ עתירע‬.Cortine Curtains.
Mi Cortina mea. My curtains.
Their curtains.
‫ יְרִיעוֹתֵיהֶם‬.Corline
‫ יָרִיק‬.Evacuab it He will empty.
ּ‫ יָרִיקו‬Evacuabu nd
, They shall empty.
‫תִי‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫ר‬ ָ ‫י‬ .Je ci I have cast.

ְ‫ יָרֵךְ יֶרֶך‬.Femur A, the thigh.

Mollis erit. He shall be soft.

‫ יִרְכַּב‬.Insidebit [eum. He will ride.

Equitare facient He shall make him ride.
ּ‫ יִרְכָּבו‬.Insidebunt They shall ride.
F Femur, scapus ejus . Her thigh, shaft.
‫ י‬.Femur
ֹ‫|ְרֵכו‬ His thigh.
‫ירפא ירפא‬ 779

‫ירד‬ meum r My thigh.

‫ יְרֵכִי‬.Femu
ְ‫ יְרֵכַיִך‬.Femtua Thy thighs.
‫ יִרְנַיִם‬.Femora Thighs.
ְ‫ יִדְכֵך‬.Fe mur
tuum Thy thigh.
ְ ‫ר‬ ַ ‫י‬ .L at er a The sides.
‫תֵי‬ ּ ְ ‫כ‬
‫רום‬ ‫ יְרְמוּן‬.Eferentur They will be lifted up.

‫ יַרְמוּת‬.Jarmul Jarmuth, N. P.

‫ יִרָמוֹת‬.Jeramot Jeremoth, N. M.
‫ יְרֵמִי‬.Jeremai Jeremai, N. M.
Jeremiah, N. M.
ּ‫ יִרְמְיָה־־יָהו‬.Jeremias
He shall tread.
‫רמס‬ ‫ יִרְמָס‬.Caleabil
Conculcabil . [ tabunt. He shall tread down.
Acclamabunt, exul- They shall shout, exult.
‫ יִרְגָּן‬.Cantabil [bunt. He shall sing.
127 Cantabunt, exulta- They shall sing, rejoice.
‫ירע‬ Fractus, afflictus est He was broken, afflicted.
‫ ירע‬.Confringet He will break in pieces .
‫רוע‬ Malefaciet. [getur. He will do evil. [in pieces.
y Malus erit, confrin- He shall be evil, be broken
‫רעב‬ ‫ יִרְעָב־־עב‬.Esuriet He will hunger.
ּ‫ יִרְעָבו‬Esurie, They shall hunger.
‫ירע‬ :T Frangetur, affligetur He shall be broken, afflicted .
He shall feed.
‫ יִרְעֶה‬.Pascet
‫רוע‬ ּ‫ יָרְעו‬.Malefacient They will hurt, do evil.

ּ‫ | יֵדְעו‬.fligentur.4 They shall be afflicted .

‫רעה‬ ‫ יִרְעוּ יִרְעוּן‬.Pascent They shall feed.

ְ‫ יִרְעוּך‬.Confrinte gent They shall break thee.

‫רעב‬ Fame laborare sinet He will suffer to famish.
‫רעם‬ ‫ יַרְעֵם‬.Tonabit He will thunder.
‫ | ירעס‬.Perstrepet He will roar.
Dy Pascet, depascet eos. He shall feed , feed on them.
He will feed her.
‫ יִרְעֶנָּה‬.Pas eamcet
‫רוע‬ He shall shout. [distil .
‫ יְרעע‬.Clanget
‫רעף‬ Rorabunt, stillabunt They shall drop like dew, shall
‫רעש‬ He shall tremble.
ׁ‫ יִרְעַש‬.Tremet
They shall be shaken.
ּ‫ יִרְעֲשׁו‬.Commovebuntur
‫רפא‬ He will heal.
‫ יִרְפָּא יִרְפָּא‬.Sanabil
780 ‫ירשים‬

‫רפא‬ ‫י‬.Sanabuntur
ּ‫רָפְאו‬T.. They shall be healed.
‫| יְרפּאל‬.Irpeel Irpeel, N. P.
‫רפר‬ ‫| יִרְפַּד‬.Sternet He will spread.
‫רפה‬ Debilitabilur. He will be weakened .
127 Remisse se gerent. They will faint, be weak.
Desistet, deseret te. He will fail, forsake thee .
‫רצה‬ ‫ יֵרָצֶה‬.Mccipietur[tur. He shall be accepted. [with.
Accipiet, delectabi- He will accept, be delighted

‫רוץ‬ ‫ יָרְצוּ יְרָצוּן‬.Current They will run.

‫רצה‬ ּ‫ | ירצו‬.Accipienlur They shall be accepted.
137 Placebunt. [ buntur. They shall please. [ ed with.
13 Accipient, delecta- They shall accept, be delight-
‫רצח‬ ‫יִרְצַח‬ .Oc cidet He shall kill.

ּ‫ יְרַצֵחוּ־־צְחו‬.0ccident They shall kill.

‫רצה‬ Accipiet le. He shall accept thee.
‫ירק‬ Spuit, exspuit, fron- He spat, did spit, bore leaves,
duit. became green.

‫ יָרָק יֶרֶק‬.Firid itas The green, herbs.

, olus
PSpuet, spuendo. He will spit, in spitting.
‫רקב‬ ‫ יִרְקָב־־קב‬.Compulrescet He will rot.
‫רקד‬ ‫ יְרַקְדוּ קְדוּן‬.Erilienl They will leap, skip.
‫ירק‬ ‫ יֵרָקוֹן‬.Rubigo Mildew. [ ointments.
‫רקה‬ AP Unguenta conficiet . He will make perfumes or
‫ יָרְקְעָם‬.Jorcheam Jorkoam , N. M.
‫רקע‬ ּ‫ יְרַקְעֶנּו‬.Expandeeum t He will spread him abroad.
di s
‫ירק‬ ‫ יְרַקְרַק‬.Sabviri Greenish.
‫ יְרַקְרַקוֹת‬.Subvirides
ׁ‫ירש‬ Haresfuit, jure hæ- He was heir, possessed by he-
reditario possedit, reditary right, left for an
in hæreditatem inheritance, drove out.
‫ יְרָשָׁה‬.Posside Possess thou.

Possessio, hæreditas. A possession, an inheritance.

ּ‫ יָרְשׁו‬.Possederunt They have possessed.
They shall possess.
ּ‫ יִרְשׁו‬.Possidebunt
‫ ירְשָׁיו‬.Hered ejus es His heirs.
‫ יֹרְשִׁים‬.Possessores
‫ישאל ישאל‬ 781

‫רשע‬ yi- yu Impie aget, vexabit, He will do wickedly, vex,

condemnabit. condemn.

‫ יַרְשִׁיעוּ־־ען‬.Condemnabunl They shall, will condemn.

He will condemn thee.
ָ‫ יַרְשִׁיעֲך‬Condemnabil
He will condemn him.
ּ‫יַרְשִׁיעֶנּו‬.Condemn eumabit
He condemn me.
‫ יַרְשִׁיעֵנִי‬.Condemna me bit shall
We possess ed.
ּ‫ יָרַשְׁנו‬.Possedimus
ׁ‫ ירשֵׁש‬.Depauperabit He shall impo verish.

‫ יָר‬.Possedisti Thou hast possessed.

‫ יִרְשֶׁת‬.Hereditas An inheritance.

‫ ירשֶׁת‬.Possidens She that possesseth .

ֹ‫ יִרְשָׁתו‬.Heredi ejustasHis
Your possession.
uestra io
‫רתח‬ ַ‫ יַרְתִּיח‬.Ferve
faciet re He will cause to boil.

‫ישה‬ " Est, erit, erunt. He is, he will be, they will be.
‫נשא‬ ‫ | ישא‬Decipiet
, He shall deceive.

Tollet, levabit, por- He shall take up, lift up, ease,

tabit, adducet, ac- bear, carry, bring, receive,
cipiet honorabit. regard, honour.
‫שאב‬ ‫ יִשְׁאֲבוּן‬.Haurient They shall draw.
‫שאג‬ ‫ | ישאג־־אג‬.Rugiet He will roar.

ּ‫אֲנו‬ ּ‫ יִשְׁאָנו‬.Rugient They will roar. [ away.

‫נשא‬ Tollet, auferet eum. He shall take up, carry him
ּ‫| יִשָּׂאֵהו‬.Portab eum unt They shall bear him.
Ferent, adducent. They shall bear, bring.
Tollent, portabunt. They shall take up, carry.
DIN Feret, auferent eos. They shall bear them, carry
them away.
‫שאה‬ They shall make a great noise
‫ יִשָׁאוּן‬.Perstrepenl
‫נשא‬ Attollent te. They shall bear thee up.
‫שאר‬ Relinquet. He shall leave.
ּ‫ יַשְׁאִירו‬.Relinquent They shall leave .
‫נשא‬ He shall deceive thee.
ְ‫ יִשְׁאֲך‬.Decipiette
Deportabil le. He shall carry thee.
Petet, interrogabit. He will ask, inquire.
782 ‫ישבי בנוב‬

‫שאל‬ ‫ יְשָׁאַל‬.Etpetet [sulent. And he shall seek, ask.

Interrogabunt, con- They shall inquire , consult.
They shall ask, inquire.
‫ יִשְׁאָלוּ־־לון‬.Interrogabunt
Interrogabunt me . They shall inquire of me.
He will ask thee.
‫ישאלך‬.Interrogabit tc
He will require of you .
a vobis bit
‫ יִשְׁאֵלֶנְכוֹן‬.Postula
‫נשא‬ Portabil cam. He will carry her.

Auferent nos. Theywill take us away.

Tollet me. He shall take me up. [ desire.
‫שאף‬ Anhelabit, suspirabit He will pant after, earnestly
‫שאר‬ Relinquetur, super- He will be left, will remain.
Remanebunt. [ abit . They will remain.
‫יָשַׁב‬ Sedit, mansit, habi- He sat, remained, abode,

tavit, collocavit, dwelt, inhabited, placed,



‫ | ישב‬.Sedendo [duxit. In sitting. [married.

‫שוב‬ He will turn away.
‫ יָשֹׁב‬.Aversabilur
tur He shall return .
‫ יָשָׁב‬Reverte,
‫נשב‬ ‫ | יַשְׁב‬.Flabit [ tur. He will blow. [back.
‫שוב‬ Convertetur,reduce- He will be turned, brought
" Sedebit, manebit, ha- He will sit, remain, dwell.
[bitabit. Jeshebeab , N. M.
‫ יֶשֶׁבְאָב‬.Jesebab
‫ יָשְׁבָה‬.S habilarilid She sat , dwelt.
, cd
ּ‫ | יָשָׁבו‬.Habitarunt They inhabited .
Sederunt, manserunt They sat, abode, remained .
‫שוב‬ ‫| יָשָׁבוּ־־בון‬Revertentur
, con- They will return, be convert-
vertentur. ed.
‫ישב‬ Sedebunt, manebunt , They will sit, remain, abide,
‫שבר‬ 13--13 Franget [ habitabunt He shall break. [ dwell.
‫שבת‬ ‫ יִשְׁבּוֹת‬Cessabit , He will cease.
‫ישב‬ They that inhabit.
‫ יִשְׁבוֹת‬.Inhabilanles
‫שבח‬ ‫ יְשַׁבַּח‬.Laudabil He shall praise.
‫ָּח‬ ‫ב‬ ׁ ַ ‫ש‬ ‫י‬ .Isb ach Ishbah, N. M.
‫שבח‬ t They shall praise thee.
ָ‫ יְשַׁבְּחוּנְך‬.Laudabun le
Quiescere faciet eam He will cause it to rest.

‫ יָשְׁבִי‬.Jasubila Jashubites, N. F.
‫ישב‬ Sedentes, habitantes. They that sit, inhabit.

‫ יִשְׁבִּי בְנוֹב‬.Isbi
-benob Ishbi-benob, N. M.

‫שבע‬ ְ‫ יַשְׂבִּיעֵך‬.Saturabit
te He will fill thee.
‫ יַשְׂבִּיעֵם‬Satiabit,
eos He will satisfy them.
‫שבת‬ He will cause to cease.
‫ יַשְׁבִּית‬.Cessare
‫ישב‬ Sedemus, habitavi- We sat, have dwelt, will re-
mus,manebimus. main.
‫שוב‬ ‫ יִשְׁבֵנִי‬.Reducet
me He will bring me back.
‫שבע‬ ‫ יִשָּׁבַע‬.Jurabit He shall swear.

‫בָּע‬ ‫ יִשְׂבָּע‬.Saturabitur He shall be filled, satisfied.

ּ‫ יִשָּׁבֵעו‬.Jurabunt They shall swear.

waw Saturabunt. [ buntur They shall satisfy.
wwwsatiabuntur, satura- They shall be satisfied, filled.
weary of
le lur He shall be full or
ְ‫ יִשְׂבָּעֵך‬.Saturabi
e. ‫ יָשָׁבְעָם‬.Jasobam Jashobeam, N. M. [ thee.
‫שבע‬ me it
‫ יַשְׂבַּעֲנִי‬.Saturab He will fill me.

‫ יִשְׁבָּק‬.Isbac Ishbak, N. M.
Joshbekashah, N. M.
‫ יָשְׁבְּקָשָׁה‬.Josbecasas
‫שבר‬ Frangetur. He shall be broken.
ki ‫ יִשַׁבֵּר‬.Franget He shall break.

‫ יְשַׂבֵּרוּ־־וּן־־בְּי‬.Sperabunt They will hope.

ּ‫ יִשְׁבְּרו‬.Confringent They shall break.

ּ‫ יִשְׁבְּרוּהו‬.Confringend
eum They shall break, destroy him
‫ישב‬ . ְּ‫בְת‬ ָּ‫ יָשַׁבְת‬.Sedi sti
, mansisti Thou satest, abodest.

‫ | ישָׁבֶת‬.Habilans She that inhabiteth.

‫ י‬.Habitanles They that inhabit.

! ‫שבת‬ ‫ יִשְׁבְּתוּ־־בתו‬.Cessabunt They shall cease.

‫ישב‬ ‫ יָשַׁבְתִּי‬.Habilavi I dwelt.
He that dwelleth.
‫ יֹשַׁבְתִּי‬.Habilans
1.. Habitastis, mansistis Ye dwelt, abode, remained .
‫שנא‬ Crescet, multiplica- He will grow, be multiplied.
‫שגב‬ Liberabitur. [bitur. He shall be delivered.
Liberabil, efferet te. He shall deliver, exalt thee.
‫שנא‬ Crescet, augebitur. He shall grow, be increased .
‫שנה‬ He shall go astray.
‫ יִשְׁנֶה‬.Errabil
Errabunt, ignoran- They shall wander, sin thro
tia peccabunt. ignorance.
‫שנב‬ Exaltabit se. He will exalt himself.
773322 Intente prospicient. They shall look attentively.
784 ‫ישזבנך־־שיי‬


‫שגל‬ ‫ יִשְׁכָּלֶנָּה‬Concumbent cum ca. Heshall lie with her . E /

777 Occabit, effringet He shall harrow, break the
‫דֵד‬.rְׂ‫יִש‬ [glebas . He shallta
. as lay waste . [ bi
‫ד‬ ׁ ָ ‫ש‬ ְ ‫י‬ Dir uet eos
, He shall destroy them:
‫נשה‬ ‫ ישה‬Obliviscifaciet , com- He will cause to forget , will
modabil, exiget. lend, will exact .

‫שוב‬ ‫וּב‬Aversabitur
ׁ‫יָש‬ , rever- He will turn away , return
tetur ,convertetur , be converted , be restored.
‫י‬ as
. [ restituelur . Jashub , N.ub
‫שוב‬ ‫ יְשׁוֹבב‬.Reducet [ tur . He shall bring again. [ed.
R e en- d i
They shall return b un
, be convert
‫וּבוּ יְשׁוּבוּן‬-ׁ‫יָש‬ ,convert
‫ | שדר‬16 ‫ יָשׁוּד‬.Fastabil He shall lay waste.
‫ | ישוה‬.Isuas Isuah, N. M.
‫שוה‬ ‫יִשַׁיְה‬.Statuet
, disponel He will place , set in order.
‫| ישון‬.ComparabunlurThey will be compared.
it He shall declare.
‫שוח‬ ַ‫ יְשׁוֹחֵח‬Enarrab,
Jeshohaiah, N. M.
. ‫ יְשׁוֹחָיָה‬.Jesochaias
‫שוט‬ liron ‫ יְשׁוֹטטו‬.Discurrent They shall run to and fro.
avi in ‫ | ישוי‬.Isui Ishuai , N. M.

‫שום‬ signallin ‫ יָשׂוּם‬.Ponet He will place, put.

tode u Jesua. Jeshuah, N. M.
Safety , salvation .
‫( ישע‬ ‫עַת‬ ‫ יְשׁוּעָה‬.Salus
‫ שוע‬. ּ‫ יְשׁוּעוּ־־בְּעו‬.Clamabunt They will cry.
‫ישע‬ ‫שׁוּעוֹת־־עת‬.S ְ‫י‬ , liberationesal us
. | Salvation , deliverances

‫ יְשׁוּעָתָה‬.Salus Safety, salvation.

His salvation.
" ַ‫ יְשׁוּעָתוֹ יְשְׁע‬.Sal
" ַ‫ יְשׁוּעָתִי יִשְׁע‬.Samea My salvation.
Thy salvation.
- tuaus
ָ‫ יְשׁוּעָתֶךָ־־תְך‬.Sal
Our salvation .
ּ‫ יְשׁוּעָתֵנו‬.S nostraus
He shall bruise thee.
‫שוף‬ Bith ָ‫ יְשׁוּפְך‬.Conteret
ׁ‫יְש‬ on
, operietme te
. He shall crush , coverre
‫ ישׁוּר‬.Contemplabitur
| He shall behold, survey .
He shall see her.
inner- ‫יְשׁוּרֶנָה‬.Intuebitur
He will behold him.
soul ּ‫יְשׁוּרֶנּו‬.Intuebitur
laza—‫ יְשׁוֹרר‬.Canet He shall sing.
‫שוב‬ ,
" ‫ יְשִׁזְבִנָּךְ־־שִׁי‬Liberabit le He will deliver thee.
‫ישיבן‬ 785

He shall deliver you.

‫שוב‬ ‫ יְשֵׁזְבִנְכוֹן־־שֵׁי‬.Liberabvos it
‫ | ישזיב‬.Eripiet He will deliver.

‫שחה‬ iz Deprimetur. He will be humbled.

| se They will bow down.
‫שחט‬ ur He shall be slain.
‫ יִשָּׁחֵט‬.Jugulabit
" ָ‫ יִשְׁחַט־־ה‬.Jugulabit He shall kill.

- Jugulabunt, occident They shall kill, will slay.

‫שחת‬ ‫ית‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ש‬ ‫י‬ | .Perdet He shall destroy.

Corrumpent,perdent They will corrupt, destroy.

ָ‫ יַשְׁחִיתֶך‬.Perle He will destroy thee.
‫שחה‬ eam ict He shall cast her down.
‫ּה‬Tָ‫ׁהֵנ‬:ְ‫ יַש‬.Dejic
‫שחק‬ PP Ridebit, deridebit . He shall laugh, deride.
ּ‫ יִשְׂחֲקו‬.Ludent They will play.
PRidebunt. They will laugh.
‫שחר‬ Mane quærent me. They will seek me early.
‫שחת‬ t He will destroy.
‫ יַשְׁחִת‬.Perde
‫ישט‬ Extendit, porrexit. | He extended , stretched out.
‫שטה‬ Declinabil. He shall decline.

‫שטף‬ ‫ יִשְׁטוֹף־־שָׁטֵף‬.Immergetur He shall be plunged , rinsed.

ּ‫ יְשֹׁטְטו‬.Discurrenl They shall run to and fro.
‫שטם‬ me. They will hate me.
‫ יִשְׂטְמוּנִי‬oderint
Oderit nos. He will hate us.
Adversabuntur. They will be my adversaries.
‫שטף‬ ❤ Inundabuntur . They shall be overflown.


ּ‫ יִשְׁלֹפו‬.Inundabunt They shall overflow.

Immergent eam. They will overwhelm her.
Inundabunt te. They shall overflow thee.
Jesse, N. M.
‫ יִשָׁי־־שַׁי‬.Isai
‫ | ישיא‬.Decipiet He will deceive.

ּ‫ יַשִׁיאו‬.Decipient They shall deceive.

Revertetur. He shall return.
Avertet, reducet, He will turn away, bring a-
reddidit, restituet, gain, return, requite, re-
revocabit. store, recall.
‫ ישיב‬.Jasub Jashub , N. M.
‫שוב‬ Avertent, reducent, He shall turn away, bring a-
reddent,restituent gain, render, restore.
TOL. 11. D
786 ‫ישכון־־כן־־כן‬

‫שוב‬ Respondere facient They will cause me to answer.

me. [ eam. [her back.
Avertet, reducet He will turn her away, bring
Convertel, redirefa- He will turn him, cause him
‫נשג‬ Allinget. [ ciet eum. He shall reach. [ to return.
12--12 Assequentur, appre- They shall overtake, attain,
hendent. lay hold of.
Assequetur eos. He shall overtake them.

‫ יִשְׁיָּה‬.Isius Ishiah, N. M.
‫שוח‬ ַ‫ יָשִׂיח‬.Meditabilur He will meditate.
‫ ייחו‬.Loquenlur They will speak .
‫שמס‬ ,
‫ יַשִׁים‬Desolabit He shall make desolate.
‫שום‬ Ponet, statuet, collo- He will put, set, place, lay,
cabit, attendet. attend, regard.
‫ יִשִׂימָאל‬.Jesimiel Jesimiel , N. M.
‫שום‬ ּ‫ יָשִׂימו‬.Ponent
, dabunt They will put, lay, give.
‫ יְשִׁימוֹן‬.Jesi mon Jeshimon, N. P.
‫נשא‬ Decipiet mors. Death shall deceive.
‫שום‬ ‫ | ישימם‬.Ponet
cos He will put them.
‫נשק‬ Pi Accendet . He will kindle.
‫שור‬ ‫ | ישיר‬.Canet He will sing.

ּ‫ יָשִׁירו‬.Canent They will sing.

‫ישש‬ Decrepitus. Very old, decrepid.
‫שוש‬ ׂ‫ | ישִׂיש‬.Gaudebil He shall rejoice .
‫ יש‬Gaudebunl
ּ‫|ִׂישׂו‬ , They shall rejoice.
‫ יְשִׁישִׁי‬Jesis, Jeshishai, N. M.
22/227 ‫ |ישִׁישִׁים‬.Decrepili Very old, decrepid.
‫שות‬ Ponet, disponet. He will put, lay, set in order.
‫ | ישית‬.Et ponel And he will put, set.
ּ‫| ישִׁיתו‬.Staluent They will set.
They will appoint him.
‫ישה‬ ָ‫ יְשַׁך‬.T
esu Thou art.

‫נשך‬ Mordebit.fœnerabit . He will bite, lend upon usury.

‫שכב‬ He will lie down.
‫ יִשְׁכָּב־־כָב‬.Cubabit
11- Jacebunt, cubabunt. They will lie, lie down.

1 Cubabunt, concum- They will lie down, lie with.

‫שכן‬ ‫ יִשְׁכּוֹן־־בּן־־כָּן‬.Habitabit [bent. Heshall dwell.
‫ישלם־־לם‬ 787

‫שכה‬ Oblivioni tradetur. He shall be forgotten.

He will forget.
‫ יִשְׁכַּח‬.Obliviscetur
ּ‫ יִשְׁכָּחֵהו‬.Oblivis cetur
illius He shall forget him.
They will forget.
ּ‫ יִשְׁכְּחו‬.Obliviscentur
‫שכב‬ He will cause to lie down.
‫|יַשְׁכִּיב‬.Cubare faciet
‫שכל‬ Prudenteraget,pros- He will deal prudently, shall
perabitur. prosper.
ּ‫ ישְׂכִּילו‬.Intelligent They will understand.
‫ישה‬ Ye are.
‫ יֶשְׁכֶם‬ros esl
, is
‫שכן‬ Collocabit [ rabuntur He will place. [main, abide.
Habitabunt, commo- They shall inhabit , dwell , re-
He shall bite him.
‫נשך‬ ּ‫ יִשְׁכֶנּו‬.Mordebieum t
‫שכן‬ ‫ יִשְׁכֹּנוּ־־כְּנָן‬.Habitabunt They will inhabit.
‫שכר‬ Mercede conducent . They will hire. [drunk.
‫יִשְׁבָּרוּן‬.Inebriase bunt They shall make themselves
‫נשל‬ ‫ יִשָׁל‬.Evelletur He shall bepulled off,be pluck-
‫ | ישל‬.Ejiciet He shall cast off. [ ed out.
‫שלל‬ ְ‫ יְשָׁלוּך‬.Spoliabun te t They shall spoil thee.
‫שלח‬ Mittet, emittet, eji- He will send, send forth , cast
ciet, dimittet, por- out, send away, let go,j
‫ישלח‬ .Millelur [riget. He shall be sent. [ stretch forth
Multet, porriget. He shall send, stretch out.

ּ‫ יְשַׁלָּחוּ־־לְחו‬.Emittent They shall send forth.

ּ‫ יִשְׁלְחו‬.Porrigent They shall stretch forth.

ְ‫ יִשְׁלָחֵך‬.Mitt te el He shall send thee.
eos. He shall send, let them go.
‫ יְשַׁלְחֵם‬Dimillet
Mittet,dimittet eum . He shall send , let him go.
‫שלט‬ He shall bear rule.
‫ יִשְׁלַט‬.Dominabitur
Dominabuntur [ runt They shall rule. [ prosperous.
‫שלה‬ 7 Tranquilli, felices e- They shall be peaceful, happy,
‫שלט‬ Potestatem dabit ei. He shall give him power.
‫שלך‬ Abjiciel, projiciet. He shall cast off, cast forth.
‫ ישליכו‬.Projicient They shall cast.
‫שלם‬ He will perfect, perform.
‫ יַשְׁלִים‬.Perficiet
‫שלך‬ Abjicientur. [ ciet. They shall be cast off. [peace.
‫שלם‬ Perficiet, pacem fa- He will perform,perfect,make
He will repay, restore.
‫לֶם‬ ‫ יְשַׁלֵּם‬.Rependet
, reddet
788 ‫ישמרהו רנו‬

‫שלם‬ --Reddetur, repende- He shall be restored, recom-

Rependent mihi. [ tur They will reward me. [ pensed
ָ‫ יְשַׁלָּמְך‬Rependet, tibi He will reward thee.

‫ יְשַׁלְמֶנָּה‬.Reddet eam [ est. He will restore her.

Desolatus, vastatus, He was desolate, laid waste.
‫שום‬ Di Ponet, dabit, imputa- He shall put, give, impute.
Diy Allendet. [bit. He will regard.
‫שמם‬ Obtupescet, vastabi- He shall be astonished , shall
‫ יִשְׁמָא‬.Isma [tur. Ishma, N. M. [be laid waste.
‫שמד‬ To Disperdetur, dirue- He shall be destroyed, over-
tur. [buntur. thrown. [be desolate .
‫שמם‬ - Obstupescent, desola - They shall be astonished , shall
‫שמח‬ Exhilarabit, lætabi- He shall make glad , shall
‫ יִשְׂמָח־־מַח‬.Lelabitur [ tur. He shall rejoice. [rejoice.
ּ‫ יְשַׂמְחו‬.Letificabunk They shall make glad.

ּ‫ יִשְׂמָחוּ־־מְחו‬.Lelabuntur They shall rejoice, be glad.

‫ יְשַׂמְחֶנָּה‬Exhilarabit eam.
Men He shall cheer her.
‫שמד‬ Disperdet. He shall destroy.
ּ‫ | ישְׁמִידו‬.Disperdent They shall destroy.
‫| יַשְׁמִידָם‬.Disperdeos et He shall destroy them.
‫שמע‬ ‫ יַשְׁמיע‬.Aud iri
faciet He shall cause to be heard.

ּ‫ יַשְׁמִיעו‬.Predicabunt They shall publish.

Audire facient nos . They will make us hear.
‫שום‬ Constituet te. He will appoint, make thee.
‫ישם‬ ‫ יִשְׁמֹן‬.Desertum A, the wilderness.
‫שום‬ ‫מֵנִי‬ Constituet me. He will appoint, make me.
‫שמע‬ ַ‫מֵע‬ .Audietur
‫יִשְׁמַע‬. He shall be heard.
ypy Audiet, obtemperabit He will hear, hearken, obey.
‫ יִשְׁמָעֵאל‬Ismael
, Ishmael, N. M.
‫ יִשְׁמְעֵאלִים‬.Ismaelile [bunt. Ishmaelites , N. N.

‫שמע‬ wp- wp Audient, obtempera- They shall hear, obey.

-- Audient, obtempera- They will hear, obey.
ּ‫ ישמעיה־־הו‬.Ismaias
[bunt. Ismaiah, Ishmaiah , N. M.

‫ יִשְׁמְעֵלִי‬.Ismeelila Ishmeelite, N. F.
‫שמע‬ Audiet me. [ servabit He will hear me. [serve.
‫שמר‬ Custodiet, observabit He will keep , observe, pre-
‫טקש‬ eum et He will keep, preserve him.
ּ‫ יִשְׁמְרֵהוּ רֶנּו‬.Custodi
‫ישעיה־הו‬ 789

‫טקש‬ ּ‫ׁמְרוּ יִשְׁמֹרו‬.Custodient

ְ‫יִש‬ , observa- They shall keep , observe
‫ יִשְׁמְרֵי‬.Ismerai [bunt.[ Ishmerai, N. M.
‫שמר‬ ָ‫ יִשְׁמָרְך‬.Servalebit He shall preserve thee.

me t
‫ יִשְׁמְרֵנִי‬.Servabi He will preserve me .
. ‫שמש‬ ּ‫ יְשַׁמְשׁוּנֵה‬.MinistraeibuntThey will minister to him.
‫ישַׁן‬ Obdormivit , profun- He fell asleep, slept soundly.
de dormivit , longe continued long, grew old.
mansit, consenuit .
‫ יָשָׁן‬.retus Old.

‫ יָשֵׁן‬.Jasen Jashen, N. M.
‫ישן‬ ‫ יָשֵׁן יְשֵׁנָה‬.Dormiens Sleeping .
‫שנא‬ ‫ יִשָׂנֵא‬Odio habebitu r He will be hated.
‫ יִשְׂנָא‬.Ohabe bit o He will hate .
‫שנה‬ ‫ יִשְׁנֶּא‬.Differet He will differ, be different.
He shall be changed.
‫ יִשְׁנָא יִשְׁנֶּא‬.Mutabitur
‫שנא‬ ּ‫ יִשְׂנְאו‬.O di
habeb unt o They will hate.
o bit
ְ‫ יִשְׁנָאֶך‬Odi habe , te He will hate thee.

‫ יְשָׁנָה‬.Jesanas Jeshanah, N. M.

‫ישה‬ ֹ‫יִשְׁנו‬.I le
est , illud sit He is, it be.
‫שנה‬ ּ‫ יִשְׁנו‬.Ilerabunt They will do it a second time.

‫ישן‬ ּ‫ יִשְׁנו‬.Dormient They will sleep.

‫שנא‬ ‫ יְשַׁנּוֹן‬.Mulabuntur They shall be changed.

‫ישן‬ ‫ יְשָׁנִים‬.retera Old.

‫ | יִשְׁנִים‬.Dormientes They that sleep .

‫ ישַׁנְתִּי‬.Dormivi I slept.
‫שסה‬ abiHet shall spoil, rob.
‫יִשְׁסֶה‬.Spoli , diripiet
‫שסס‬ ּ‫ יִשָׁסו‬.Diripientur They shall be robbed, spoiled .

‫ישַׁע‬ Salvavit, servavit, He saved, preserved , deliver-

liberavit, servatus ed, was saved.

‫ ישַׁע יָשַׁע‬.Salus [ est. Safety, salvation .

‫שעה‬ He shall look.

‫ יִשְׁעֶה‬.Respiciet
‫ישע‬ ‫|ישע‬ .Salusejus His salvation .
‫שעה‬ ּ‫ יִשְׁעו‬.Respiciet They shall look , regard.
‫ישע‬ ‫ֶׁעוֹת‬Salus
‫יְש‬ , liberationes . |Salvation
, , deliverances
‫ יִשְׁעִי‬.Ishi Ishi , N. M.
‫ישע‬ ‫ יִשְׁעִי‬Salus mea
, My salvation. [ N. M.
Jesaiah, Jeshaia h , Isaiah ,
ּ‫הו‬ ‫ יְשַׁעְיָה‬..Isaias
790 ‫ישקיף‬

‫ישע‬ ְ‫ יִשְׁעֵךְ יִשְׁעֶך‬.satua lus Thy salvation .

‫עֵן‬ ׁ ּ ָ ‫ש‬ ִ ‫י‬ .Inn ilel ur He shall lean.
ּ‫ יִשָּׁעֵנו‬.Innilentur They shall lean.

‫ישע‬ ּ‫ יִשְׁעֵנו‬.Salu nostra s Our salvation.

Servabit nos [ rescent He will save us. [afraid.
‫שער‬ ּ‫ יִשְׂעֲרו‬Formidabunt , hor- They shall dread , be horribly
Turbine auferet eum He will carry him away with 1

‫שעשע‬ ּ‫ יְשַׁעֲשְׁעו‬.Oblectabunl They will delight. [ a whirlwind

ְ‫ יִשְׁעָתֵך‬.Satua Thy salvation .
‫ יִשְׁפָּה‬.Ispas Ispah, N. M.
‫שפט‬ ‫פָּט‬ ‫פֿט‬ ‫ יִשְׁפּוֹט‬.Judicabil He shall judge.

" ‫ יִשְׁפוּטוּ פְּטוּ־פ‬.Judicabunt They shall judge.

, They shall be judged.
ּ‫ יִשָׁפְטו‬Judicabunt
‫שפל‬ ‫ | יִשְׁפִּיל‬.Deprimet He will put down.

‫ לֶנָּה‬-- ּ‫ יַשְׁפִילָה‬.Deprimet eam He will lay her low.

‫שפק‬ ּ‫ְׁפִיקו‬-Ab
‫יַש‬ und
, plau- abu
They shall abound , shall ap
dent se. plaud themselves.

ְ‫ יִשָּׁפֵך‬.Effundetur He shall be poured out.

ְ‫ יִשְׁפֹּך‬.Effundet He shall pour out .
‫שפל‬ ּ‫ יִשְׁפָּלו‬.Deprimenlur They shall be brought low.
‫ יִשְׁפָּן‬.Ispan Ishpan, N. M.

‫שפק‬ p Sufficiet, complodet. He shall suffice, clap.

‫שפר‬ ‫ יִשְׁפַּר‬.Gra tus
erit He shall be acceptable.

‫שָׁק‬ ִ ‫י‬ .Os cul abi tur He shall kiss.

‫ יִשַׁק‬.Armabitur He shall be armed.

‫ יַשְׁקֶה‬.Biber faciet e He shall cause to drink.

‫ יִשְׁכֶּה‬.Irrigabitur He shall be moistened.

‫שקר‬ pi Discurrent. [ dabunt . They shall run to and fro.

‫שקה‬ p Adaquabunt, potum They will water, give drink.

‫שקר‬ Tipu Vigilabit, sedulus erit He shall watch, be diligent.

‫נשק‬ ‫ָׁקוּן‬.Osc
‫יִש‬ ulab untu
. [mihi. They shall kiss r
‫שקה‬ ‫ׁקוּנִי‬.Bibendu
ְ‫יַש‬ dabunt They will give me to drink
‫שקט‬ ‫ יַשְׁקֶט‬.Quiet He will give quietness.
concedet em
‫ יִשְׁקט‬.Quiescet He will rest.

‫ | יִשְׁקִיט‬.Pacabit He will appease.

‫שקף‬ ‫ יַשְׁקִיף‬.Aspiciet He will look.

‫ישרץ‬ 791

‫שקל‬ He shall be weighed.

‫| יִשָּׁקֵל‬.Appendetur
‫ | יִשְׁקל‬.Appendet He shall weigh, pay .

ּ‫| יִשְׁקְלו‬.Appendent They shall weigh.

He shall weigh me.
‫| יִשְׁקְלֵנִי‬.Append me et

‫שקה‬ ‫| יַשְׁקֵנִי‬.Pol um
dabit mihi He will give me drink.

Osculabitur me. He shall kiss me.

‫שקר‬ Pw Mentietur. [ agent . He will lie. [fully.
Mentientur, perfide They will lie, will act deceit-
‫ישר‬ Rectus fuit, recte He was straight , right, or up-

ivit, rectum cen- right ; he went rightly;

suit, approbavil , esteemed right, approved ;
direxit. guided right, directed .
‫ יָשָׁר יְשַׁר‬Rectu, [plabilur Right, straight, upright.
Intuebitur, contem- He will look, behold, survey.

‫| יֹשֶׁר‬.Rectitudo Uprightness.
‫|ישר‬.Jeser Jesher, Jazer, N. M. P.
‫ יִשְׂרָאֵל‬.Israel Israel, N. M.
Jeshareelah, N. M.
‫ יְשַׁרְאֵלָה‬.Jesareelas
Israelite, N. N.
‫ יִשְׂרְאֵלִיה‬.Israelila
‫שרן‬ ּ‫יִשְׂרָנו‬.Implicabuntur They will be folded together.
‫ישר‬ ‫ יָשְׁרָה‬.Recta
fuit She was right, upright.

‫ יְשָׁרָה‬.Recta Right, straight. [ charge him.

‫שרה‬ Solvet, emillet eum. He will loose, send forth, dis-
‫ישר‬ ּ‫ יָשְׁרו‬.Re cti They were right.
ֹ‫ יָשְׁרו‬.Integri ejus tasHis uprightness.
‫שור‬ Principatum gerent. They shall hold dominion.
‫ישר‬ ּ‫ |יִשְׁרו‬.Dirigile Make ye straight.

‫ יִשְׁרוּן‬.Jesurun Jeshurun, N. M.
‫ישר‬ ‫ | יִשָׁרוֹת‬.Recta Straight, right.
‫שרט‬ ּ‫ יִשְׂרְטו‬Inciden,tur They shall be cut.
Incident, lacerabunt They shall cut, tear.
‫ישר‬ , integri i
‫ יִשְׁרֵי יְשָׁרִים‬.Rect Right, upright, righteous.
‫שרף‬ ‫ יִשָׂרֵף‬.Comburelur He shall be burnt.
He shall burn.
‫ יִשְׂרֹף‬.Comburet
ּ‫ יִשָׂרְפו‬.Comburentur They shall be burnt.
12 They shall burn .
‫ יִשְׂרְפוּ־־רפו‬.Comburent
He will creep.
‫שרץ‬ ‫ יִשְׁרֹץ‬.Repet
792 ‫יתאמרו‬

‫שרץ‬ 13 Abunde progignent. They shall bring forth abun-

‫שרק‬ ‫ יִשְׁרק‬.Sibilabit He willhiss . [dantly.
‫שרש‬ ׁ‫| ישרש‬.Radic ariHe shall cause to take root.

ּ‫ יְשְׂרָשׁו‬.Eradicabuntur They shall be rooted out.

‫שרת‬ They shall minister to him.
ּ‫ יְשָׁרְתָהו‬Ministrabunt
, ei
, They shall minister.
ּ‫ יְשָׁרְתו‬Ministrabunt
ְ‫ יְשָׁרְתוּנֶך‬.Ministrtibi t shall minister to thee.
‫ישר‬ ‫ יִשָׁרְתִּי‬.Rec tu
censu i m I esteemed right .
‫שרת‬ ‫ִי‬ ‫נ‬ ֵ ‫ת‬ ְ ‫ר‬ ׁ ָ ‫ש‬ ְ ‫י‬ .Se rvi
mihi et He shall serve me.
‫שוש‬ ‫ יְשְׂשׂוּם‬.Gaudebunt They shall rejoice.
‫ יִשָׂשכָר‬Issacar
, Issachar , N. M.
‫שות‬ ‫ יַשֶׁת יָשֶׂת‬.Ponel He shall put, lay.
‫שתה‬ ‫ יִשָּׁתֶה‬.Bibelur It shall be drunk.
He shall drink.
‫ יִשְׁתֶּה‬.Bibet
Bibent eum . They shall drink it.
They shall drink.
‫ יִשְׁתּוּ־־תָּיוּן‬.Bibent
‫שרה‬ ‫|ישְׁתּוּה‬.Fiet [ bitur . She shall be made. [late.
‫שמם‬ Doing Obstupescet, desola- He shall be astonished, deso-
‫שחה‬ He shall bow himself down.
se bit
ּ‫יִשְׁתַּחֲוו‬.IncurvasebuntThey shall bow down . [ pleted.
‫שכלל‬ ‫ יִשְׁתַּכְלְלוּן‬.Perficientur They shall be finished, com-
‫שנא‬ ‫ יִשְׁתַּנֵּא‬.Mutabilur He shall be changed .

‫ יִש‬.Mutabuntur
‫ְׁתַּנּוֹ יִשְׁתַּנּוֹן‬. They shall be changed.
He will be silent.
‫שתק‬ ‫|ִשְׁתּק‬ ‫ י‬.SilebiL
ּ‫ יִשְׁתֹּקו‬.Silebunt They will be silent, quiet ,
‫שקק‬ ‫ יִשְׁתַּקְשְׁקוּן‬.Discurrent They shall run to and fro.
‫שרג‬ They will be folded together,
ּ‫| יִשְׂתָּרְנו‬Implicabuntur
wreathed .

‫אבל‬ ‫ יִתְאַבָּל‬.Lugebit He shall mourn .
‫אדם‬ ‫ יִתְאַדָּם‬.Rubescet He will be red .
‫אוה‬ He will desire.
‫ יִתְאַיֶה‬.Concupiscet
‫און‬ ‫אוֹנֵן‬.Quiritabit
ְ‫| יִת‬ [ rentse | He will complain. [theinselves
‫אמר‬ ּ‫ יִתְאַמְּרו‬Gloriabuntur , cfe- They shall boast , advance
‫יתהללו‬ 793

‫תאר‬ " ‫ יְתָאֲרֵהוּ־־א‬.Descr ibet He will mark out, describe

‫יִתָּב‬ Sedit, habitavit, col- He sat, dwelt, placed. [him.

‫ יִתָב יְתִיב‬.Sedit [ locavit . He sat.

‫ | יִתָּב‬.Sedebil He shall sit.
‫בלל‬ Commiscebit se. [ get . He will mix himself.

‫יִתְב‬ , intelli -l He will consider , understand
They shall consider.
ּ‫ יִתְבּוֹנָנו‬.Considerabunt
‫יתב‬ ‫ יָתְבִין‬.Habitante They that dwell.
‫בנה‬ ur He shall be built.
‫ יִתְבְּנֵא‬Edificabit ,
‫ק‬ ּ ַ ‫ב‬ ְ ‫ת‬ ִ ‫י‬ .F in de nt ur They shall be cleft.
ret ur He shall be sought.
‫ יִתְבַּקֵר‬Qua ,
icet He shall bless himself.
ְ‫ יִתְבָּרֵך‬.Benedsibi
ּ‫ יִתְבָּרְרו‬.Purgahun
se t They shall purify themselves.
‫כשר‬ ‫ יִתְבַּשָׂר‬.Nunciabil ur Tidings shall be brought.
‫בוש‬ ּ‫ יִתְבַּשָׁשׁו‬.Erubescent They will be ashamed.
Polluct se. [ valebit . He will defile himself[prevail.
‫גבר‬ ‫ַּבָּר‬Roborabit
‫יִתְג‬ se , pre- He shall strengthen himself
ּ‫ יִתְגַּבָּרו‬.Superabunt They shall exceed.
‫נדד‬ He will cut himself.
‫ יִתְכֹּדַד‬.Incidet
‫גדל‬ ‫תְגַּכָּל־־בֶּל‬.Magnificabit
. ִ‫י‬ se. [ ent He shallmagnify
‫גדד‬ 17 Turmatim conveni- They will assemble in troops.
‫גור‬ ּ‫ יִתְגוֹרָרו‬.Congregabunt se They will assemble.
‫גלע‬ yan Immiscebit se. . He will intermeddle.
‫גנב‬ Furtim abducet se. He will steal away .

‫ יִתְגָּעֲשׁוּ־־ני‬.Commovebuntur They will be moved, shaken.

Excitabil se [gerent. He shall stir himself up.
17 Contendent, bellum They will contend, wage war.

‫ יָתֵד יְחַד‬Clavus, paxillus. A, the nail, pin, pole, stake.

‫ יִתְרת‬Clavi
, The pins.
Clavi, paxilli ejus. His pins , nails, stakes .
‫הלל‬ They will rage , be mad .
ּ‫ יִתְהוֹלְלו‬.Insanient
Them , whom .
‫ יָתְהוֹן‬Eos , quos
He will go walk.
ְ‫יִתְהַלָּךְ־־לֶךְ לֶך‬.Ibid, ambulabit
Ambulabunt. They will walk.
‫הלל‬ ‫ יִתְהַלָּל לֵל‬.Gloriabitur He shall boast, glory.

ּ‫ יִתְהַלָּלו‬Gloriabuntur
, They shall boast , glory .
794 ‫יתלחשו‬


‫הלל‬ ּ‫ יִתְקְלָלו‬.InsanienL They will be mad .

They will act madly.
ּ‫ יִתְהִלְלו‬Insane agent
He returned .
‫תוב‬ ‫ יְתוּב‬.Rever estsus
‫יכח‬ ‫ יִתְוַכָּה‬.Disceptabil He will plead .
‫ | יתוס‬.Pupillus The fatherless.
‫ |יתומים‬.Pupilli Fatherless, orphans.
‫יתר‬ The abundance.
‫ יְתוּר‬.Abundanlia
‫ יִתְּזִין‬.res,ce He shall feed, be fed.
‫חבא‬ He will hide himself.
‫ יִתְחַבֵּא‬.Abscond se et
ּ‫ יִתְחַבָּאו‬.Abscond se ent They will hide themselves.
‫חבר‬ ּ‫ יִתְחַבָּרו‬.Associabunt Theywill associate themselves

ּ‫ יִתְחַזָקו‬.Confirmabun
se They shall strengthen them-
‫חטא‬ ‫ יִתְחַטָא‬.Purgasebit He shall purge himself [ selves
ּ‫ יִתְחַטָאו‬.Purgabuse nt They will purify themselves.
He will be warmed .
‫חמס‬ ‫ יִתְחַמָּם‬.Incalescet
He will be grieved.
‫חמץ‬ ‫ יִתְחַמֵץ‬.Contristabitur
‫חפש‬ ׂ‫ יִתְחַפֶּש‬.Mulasebit He will change himself.
‫חשב‬ He shall be reckoned.
‫ יִתְחַשָּׁב‬.Reputabilur
‫תוב‬ ‫ יְתִיבוּן‬.Respondebunt They will answer .
‫יהב‬ ‫ | יִתְיְהִב‬.Dabitur He shall be given.
‫יצב‬ ‫צֶב‬ ‫ִתְיַאָב‬ ‫י‬ .Si se ste
, slabit t He will set himself , will stand.
ּ‫צבו‬ ‫י‬ ‫ת‬ ‫י‬ .Sisten t They will set themselves, shall
‫ | יַתִּיר יַתָּר‬.Jalir Jattir, N. M. [stand .

‫יתר‬ ‫ יַתִּיר‬.Erimius Excellent.

‫ַתִּירָא‬.‫י‬ E r i m
.[ lens ; valde| Excel lentia[ceedingly .
st , surpassing ;an

ִ‫יַת‬ , reprecel- Exceeding ex
abi lie lur He shall be established.
‫כון‬ ‫ יִתְכּוֹנָן‬.St
‫כחש‬ They will lie .
ּ‫תְכַּחֲשׁו‬.ִ‫ י‬.Mentienlur
‫תכן‬ ‫ יִתָּכֵן‬.Equ eritus He will be equal .

ּ‫ יִתָּכֵנוּ יִתָּכְנו‬.Eq ui
erunt They will be equal .
‫כסה‬ se t They shall cover themselves.
ּ‫ יִתְכָּסו‬.Operien
‫כפר‬ ‫ יתכפר‬.Erpiabitur He shall be expiated.
‫ | יתלה‬.Itlas Jethlah, N. P.

‫תלה‬ ּ‫|תלו‬
‫י‬.Suspendent They shall hang .

‫לון‬ ‫ יִתְלוֹנָן‬Commorabitur , per- He shall remain , passthe night

‫לחש‬ ּ‫ יִתְלַחֲשׁו‬.Mussilabunt They will mutter.
‫יתניאל‬ 795

‫לכד‬ Apprehendent sese. They will hold or stick toge-

They will be congealed, frozen
ּ‫ יִתְלַכְּדו‬.Concrescent
‫תמם‬ Diy Consumetur. He will be consumed.
Itmas. [stupescent. Ithmah, N. M.
‫תמה‬ Admirabuntur, ob- They will wonder, be amazed.
‫מהמה‬ Cunctabitur. [ ventur It will tarry, delay.
‫תמס‬ Consumetur, absol- They will be consumed, ended
He shall be blotted out.
‫מחא‬ ‫ יִתְמְחֵא‬Delebitur
‫יתם‬ His fatherless.
‫ יְדֹמָיו‬.Pupil ejus li
tui li
ָ‫ | יְחֹמֶיך‬.Pupil Thy fatherless.
Fatherless, orphans.
‫ | יְתְמִים‬.Pupilli
He shall be holden.
ְ‫ יִתָּמֵך‬.Tenebitur

He shall take hold.
ְ‫| יִתְמָך‬.Apprehendet
He shall uphold.
ְ‫ יִתְמֹך‬.Sustentabit
Apprehendent. They shall take hold.
‫| יתמכו‬.Sustentabunt They shall uphold.
‫מלא‬ Implebunt se, con- They will fill themselves, be
gregabuntur. gathered together.
‫מלט‬ Evadent, elabentur. They will escape, slip out.

ּ‫ יִתְמֹלָלו‬.Ercidentur They shall be cut off.

Dabit,tradet, afferet, He will give, deliver, bring,
ponet, edet, emit- put, utter, yield, send forth,
let, constituet, pa- set, make, suffer.
tietur. [ponetur. [put.
Dabitur, tradetur, He shall be given, delivered,
‫נבא‬ prophesy.
‫ יִתְנַבֵּא‬.Vaticinabitur He will
‫ננת‬ He shall encounter.
‫ יִתְנַנֵּה‬.Conftiget
They shall stumble.
ּ‫ יִתְנַגְּפו‬.ofendent
ּ‫ יִתְּנָהו‬.Dabun t They will give her.


ּ‫ יְתַנּו‬.Warrabunt They will rehearse.

1 Mercede conducent. They will hire.
Dabunt, tradent, They will give, deliver, send
Aufugient . [ emittent They shall flee away. [ forth.
‫ יִתְנֶחָם‬Paenilebit
, ei He will repent.
Jathniel, N. M.
‫ יַתְנִיאֵל‬.Jatniel
796 ‫יתקבצן‬

‫נתן‬ ָ‫ֶּנְך‬.D
‫יִת‬ ab
te . divinatis it
| He will give thee
‫נכר‬ ‫תנכּר‬. ‫ י‬.4gnoscetur He will be known .

‫נתן‬ ‫ יִתְּנֵם‬.Traeos det He will deliver thee.

Ithnan, N. M.
‫ יִתְנָן‬.Iinan
‫נתן‬ Dabit eam . imita
‫ יִתְּנֶנָּה‬.Dabit He shall give her.
ּ‫יִתְּנִנָּה־־נָה‬Tradet eam (
. iun He shall deliver her.

ִ‫י‬ eum . rituenit | He shall give him [ ne.
‫ יִתְּנֵנִי‬Dabit mihi , sinetme He will give to me , will suffer
‫נסח‬ ‫ יתנסה‬.Evelletur _ He shall be rooted up.
‫נשא‬ ‫ יִתְנַשָּׂא‬.Efferet
se He shall lift up himself.
‫תעב‬ ‫ יתעב‬.Abominabitur He will abhor. [done.
‫עבד‬ ‫ יתעבד‬.Fiet He shall become, it shall be
‫תעב‬ ּ‫ יִתְעֵבו‬.AbominabunlurThey will abhor.
‫תעה‬ ּ‫ יִתְעו‬.Errabunt They will go astray.
‫עוף‬ He will fly away.
‫ יִתְעוֹפֵף‬.Avolabit
‫עלה‬ He will lift himself up.
‫ יִתְעַל‬.Attollel
‫עלם‬ ‫ יִתְעַלְם‬.Abscond se et He will hide himself.
‫ענג‬ se l
‫ יִתְעַנָּג‬.Oblectabi He will delight himself.
‫ענה‬ ‫ יתענו‬.Affligentur They shall be afflicted. [ meddle
‫ערב‬ ebit
‫ י‬.Misrse
‫ִתְעָרֵב‬. He will mingle hiunself , inter-
‫עור‬ se t
‫ יִתְערָר‬.Excitabi He shall stir up himself.
‫עשת‬ ‫)יִתְעַשֶׁת‬.ogitabit He will think .

‫פאר‬ ‫ יִתְפָּאָר יִתְפָּאֵר‬.Gloriabilur He will glory .

‫פלל‬ ‫ יִתְפַּלֵּל־־לָּל‬.Orabit He will pray.

ּ‫ יִתְפַּלָּלוּ יִתְפַּלְלו‬.Orabunt They shall pray , supplicate .

‫פלץ‬ ‫ יִתְפַּלָּצוּן‬.Contremnisc ent They shall tremble. [ wallow .
‫פלש‬ ּ‫ יִתְפַּלָּשׁו‬.Volulab se unt They shall roll themselves,
ּ‫ יִתְפָּרָדו‬.Separabuntur They shall be separated .
ּ‫ יִתְפָּרְדו‬.Dissipabuntur They shall be scattered.
‫תפש‬ ׁ‫ יִתְפָּש‬.Apprehendet He shall lay hold of.
ּ‫ יִתָּפְשׂו‬.Capientur They shall be taken.

‫נתץ‬ ‫ יִתֹּץ‬.Diruel He shall break down.

‫|ָּץ‬ He shall be beaten down .
ּ‫| יִתְּצו‬.Deslruent They shall destroy.
ָ‫ יִתָצְך‬.Destrleuet He shall destroy thee.
me t
‫ יִתְּצֵנִי‬.Destrue He will destroy me . [ together.
‫קבץ‬ They shall gather themselves
ּ‫ יִתְקַבְּצו‬.Congregabunt
‫ילת‬ 797


‫קדש‬ " ‫יִתְקַדָּשׁוּ־־‬.Sanctificse They shall sanctify themselves

Illudet, deridebit. He shall mock, scoff, deride.
t They shall mock.
ּ‫ יִתְקַלְסו‬Iluden,
Up Clangetur. He shall be blown.
UPA Feriet, plaudetur. He shall strike, be clapped.
He shall blow.
‫ יִתְקַע‬.Clanget
" ְ‫ יִתְקָעוּ־־ק‬.Clangent They shall blow. [him.
ֹ‫ יִתְקְפו‬.Preva eum bi
in le Hetshall prevail against, over
tu r He shall be called for.
‫קרא‬ ‫ יִתְקְרֵי‬.Accerse
Superfuit,abundavit, He exceeded, abounded, ex-
præcelluit,reman- celled, remained, left.
sit, reliquit.
More excellent.
‫ יָתֵר‬.Ercellentior
Excellens. [ mitas. Excellent .
‫ יַתֵּר‬Excellentia, subli- Excellency, sublimity,loftiness
Præcellentia ; resi- Excellency ; the residue ; the
duum ; nervus ; string; much, plentifully,
Jeter. [ valde; magis. Jether, N. M. [more.
[tia. Ithra, N. M.
‫ יִתְרָא‬.Itra
‫יתר‬ Residuum, abundan- The residue, abundance.

ֹ‫ יִתְרו‬.Itro Jethro , N. M.
‫יתר‬ Utilitas, præstantia. Usefulness, profit, excellence.
‫רוע‬ ּ‫ יִתְרוֹעַעו‬.Clangent They will shout.
‫יתר‬ ּ‫| יִתְרְו‬.Ner vus
meus My string, cord.
‫ | יתרי‬.Itr ile Ithrites, N. F.
‫יתר‬ Vimina, nervi, lora. Withs, strings, thongs.
DnPræstantia, residu- Their excellency , residue.
um eorum.
He shall be cast.
‫רמא‬ ‫ יִתְרְמֵא‬.Projicietur
Ithran , N. M.
‫ יִתְרָן‬.Itran
m Ithream, N. M.
‫ יִתְרְעָם‬.Itrea
He shall be accepted.
‫רצה‬ ‫ יִתְרַצָה‬.Accipiet-ur
Abundantia, divitiæ . The abundance, riches.
The caul. [enacted.
‫יתרת‬ | .Reticulum
‫שום‬ Di Ponetur, sancielur. He shall be put, fixed, given,
r They shall be put, made.
‫ יִתְּשָׂמוּן‬.Ponentu
Jethe th, N. M. P.
798 ‫כאורה‬


‫כא‬ [cit.

‫כָּאַב‬ Doluit , dolore affe- He was sorrowful, he made sad

‫ כְּאַב‬.Quasi As with a father .
‫אבה‬ cum palre
‫אוב‬ ‫ כְּאֹבוֹת‬.Sicut
ulres Like bottles ofleather or skin
‫ ב " | אבה‬- ‫ּאֲבוֹתֵיכֶם‬.S
ַ‫כ‬ ic
patres vestri ut
. Like your fathers
‫ּאֲבוֹתָם‬.ַ‫כ‬ S
patres i
eorum . Likectheir ut
‫כאב‬ ‫ כְּאֵבִי‬.Dolmeusor My grief, sorrow.
‫אבה‬ ic
‫ כְּאָבִיו‬.Spater utLike his father. '
‫כאב‬ ‫ כַּאֲבִים‬.Dolentes Being in pain.
‫אבר‬ fortis
‫ כאביר‬.Sicut Like a valiant.
‫אבל‬ ‫ כָּאבל‬.InstlugentisarLike one that mourneth.
‫ כְּאֵבֶל‬.Si As the mourning .
lapis As a stone.
‫ כָּאָבֶן כְּאֵי כָּ"אבן‬.Si
As stones .
‫ כְּאַבְנֵי ָּאֲבָנִים‬.Slapidesut
‫ב‬ ic
‫אבק‬ pulvisut
‫ כְּאָבָק כָּי‬.Sic As, like dust.
‫אבר‬ ‫ַבָּרִים‬.S
‫בָּא‬ ic
robusti tauri ut
As strong bulls or horses
vel equi.
‫אגם‬ star
‫בְּאַגְמֹן‬.Injunci Like. a bulrush .
‫אדם‬ homo
‫ָּזאזַדס‬:‫ כ‬.Sicut As a man, like man.

‫אדן‬ ‫ָּאדֹנָיו‬.S
‫כ‬ dominus ic ut
ejus . | As his master
‫אדר‬ sta
‫ כְּאַדֶּרֶת‬.In pallii r Like a robe.
Fregit, contrivit ; He broke, crushed ;was broken,
fractus est[ eorum dispirited .
‫אהב‬ ‫ָדהֲבָם‬: ‫א‬.Jurta
ּ‫כ;ְ ד‬ dilectionem | According to their love
‫אבה‬ ‫ּאַהבת‬.Juxtaָ‫כ‬ dilectionem . | According to the love
‫אהל‬ As a tent.
" ְּ‫ כָּאֹהֶל כ‬.Sic tentoriumut
tentoria t As the tents.
‫ָלִי‬T:‫ כְּאָה‬.Sicu
aloès Like aloes.
‫ כַּאֲהָלִים‬Instar ,
‫אוב‬ ‫ כָּאוֹב‬.Sicut pytho Like a false prophet.
‫אוד‬ ‫| כְּאוּד‬Instar torris
, Like a firebrand.
‫איב‬ ‫ כְּאוֹיב‬.Sicut
inimicus Like an enemy .
‫אלם‬ porticusarLike a porch .
‫ בָּאוּלָם‬.Inst
‫אול‬ in Juxta stultitiam ejus According to his folly.
‫אור‬ cut As the light .
‫ כָּאוֹר־־כִּי‬.Silur
‫ כָּאוֹרָה‬.S ie
lur So the light.
‫כאפיק‬ 799

‫אזר‬ ‫ כָּאֵזוֹר‬.Sicut
cingulum As a girdle.
‫זרח‬ " ִּ‫כ‬ ‫ כָּאֶזְרָח‬.Sicu
indigena t As a native of the country.
‫אחה‬ ‫ְּאָח‬.Sicut
‫כ‬ frater . [mul. As a brother
‫אחר‬ ‫אֶחָד‬ ‫אַחַד‬.S
ְּ‫כ‬ unus ; eque , ic ut
si- As one ; alike , together
‫אחה‬ ‫ כְּאָחִיו‬.Sic
frater ejusut As his brother .
‫ כְּאֶחָיו‬.Sic As his brethren .
fratres cjusut
‫אחד‬ ‫ כְּאַחַת‬.Ut
una As one .
‫איל‬ "? ‫ בָּאַיָּל‬Sicut cervus. As a, the hart.
‫ כָּאַיָּלוֹת‬.Ins ta
certaru m Like hinds.
‫ כאילִים‬.Ins ta
cervoru m Like harts.
‫ כְּאֵילִים‬.Sicu
arietes t Like rams .

‫אין‬ ,
‫ כְּאַיִן‬Quasi nihil As nothing .
‫איש‬ " ְּ‫כ‬ ׁ‫ כָּאִיש‬.Sicut
vir Like a man, as the man.

‫ כְּאִישׁוֹן‬.Utpupilla As the pupil of the eye.

‫אכל‬ Juxta comedendo. As it devoureth.
‫| כְּאָכְלָם‬.Comede eosndo As they were eating.
‫אלה‬ ‫| כָּאֵל‬.Sicut
Deus As God .
‫אל‬ hec , iataut Like these, those things.
‫ כָּאֵלֶּה כִּי‬.Sic
quercus t As an oak .
‫| כָּאֵלָה כִּי‬.Sicu
‫ הִים‬-- ‫ כאלהֵי‬.Ut
| Deus , sicut dii As God, like the gods .
‫ כאלהינו‬.SDeus ic nosterutLike our God.

quercusut As the oaks.

‫ כָּאַלּוֹנִים‬.Sic
‫אלס‬ ‫ כְּאַלְמָנָה‬.Sicut
vidua As a widow .

‫ כְּאַלְמָנוֹת‬.Sicut As widows.
‫אלף‬ 78 Sicut dux, princeps . As a leader, governor, prince.
mille er
‫ כְּאֶלֶף‬.Circil About a thousand .
About two thousand.
‫ כְּאֶלְפַּיִם‬.circiter
bis mille
‫אמס‬ ‫ כְּאִמָּה‬.Sic
mater ejusut Like her mother.
‫אמר‬ Sicut absumit [ tuum . As he consumeth .
ְּ‫כ‬ ec un
sermonem According to thy du
word m
‫אנה‬ ‫ כָּאָנִיוֹת‬.Sicut
naves Like the ships .
‫אנש‬ ,
ׁ‫ בֶּאֱנָש‬Sicut homo As a man.
‫ בְּאַנְשֵׁי כַּאֲנָשִׁים‬.Sicut viri Like men.
‫אסף‬ ‫ בֶּאֱסף‬.Colligendo In gathering .
‫ בְּאָסְפִי‬.Scollecti ic ut
ones Like gatherings.
‫אף‬ ‫ַפִּי‬.J ‫בְּא‬ iram meam ,ur la
According tomy anger
‫אפק‬ ‫פ‬ ֲ ‫א‬ ּ ַ ‫כ‬ flumen
.Sicu t As the stream.
‫ק‬ ‫י‬ ִ
800 " ‫כבגד כב‬


‫ כַּאֲפִיקִים‬.Sic fluminaut As the streams.

Juxta iram tuam. According to thy anger.
‫אף‬ ָ‫בְּאַפְּך‬
‫ כַּאַפְלָה‬.Ins tarAs darkness.
cis t
u Like ashes.
‫אפר‬ ‫ כָּאֵפֶר‬.Sicin
‫ כָּאר‬.Sic flumenut As the river .
‫רבה‬ Instar locuste. Like a locust.
quatuorter four.
‫רבע‬ ‫ כְּאַרְבַּע־־עַת‬.Circi
ְ‫כ‬ ir ci
quadraginta ter
About forty
i c u t Like a weaver.
‫ארג‬ ‫ כָּאֹרְג‬.S textor
ta rLike purple or scarlet.
‫ בָּאַרְגָּמָן‬.Ins
purpur e
‫ארז‬ ‫ ארז‬.Sic cedrusut Like a cedar.
ut As the cedars.
" ַּ‫כ‬ ‫ בָּאֲרָזִים‬.Sic cedri
" ַּ‫ כאָרִי כ‬Sicut leo
, As a lion.
‫כרה‬ ּ‫ כָּאֲרו‬Foderunt. They have digged.

‫ארה‬ Sicutic
‫ כְּאַרְיֵה‬.S leout [ earum . Like a lion.
‫ בְּאָרְכָּן‬Juxta longitudinem According to their length.
‫ארץ‬ " ֶ‫ כָּאָרֶץ כְּא‬.Si c
ter raut As the earth, land , ground.
‫ְּאַרְצְכֶם‬. ‫כ‬ S i
terra westra c
. | As ut
your land
‫אש‬ " ְּ‫ בָּאֵשׁ כ‬.Sic ignisut As the fire.

‫איש‬ icrut
‫ כַּאֲשָׁה‬.Smulie As a woman.

‫שכל‬ ‫ כאשְׁכְּלוֹת‬.Si cut [ to. Like clusters ofgrapes.

‫אשם‬ ‫ָשָׁם‬.
‫כָּא‬ S
oblatio pro i
delic- So the trespass offering c
‫ כְּאָשֵׁם‬.Qua reussi As one guilty.
‫אשר‬ Ut, cum, postquam, As, when, after that, because,
quia, quemadmo- according as.
‫תמל‬ ‫ כְּאֶתְמוֹל‬.Ut
heri [ dum . As yesterday.


‫בוא‬ ‫ כְּבֹא־־בוֹא‬Ingrediendo , veni- In entering , coming , going

endo, occumbendo. down , setting.
o As she came.
ּ‫ כְּבֹאָה‬.Veniend eam
As I come.
‫ כְּבֹאִי‬.Jvenire mela
‫כ‬ .J ux
verir e ta
le When thou comest.
‫ כְּבֹאֲכֶם‬.Jur venire vosla When ye are come.
Juxta venire eos. When they are come.
‫ כְּבֹאָנָה‬.Jrenire ta
eas When they came.
‫בגד‬ vestisut
‫ כַּבֶּגֶד כָּבִי‬.Sic As a garment.
‫כבודם‬ 801


Gravis, ponderosus, He was heavy, grievous,

iners, tardus , du weighty, dull, slow, hard,
rus, difficilis, in- difficult, great, abundant,
gens, copiosus,pre- valuable, honourable, glo-
tiosus,honorabilis, rious ; he burdened, ho-
gloriosus fuit ; noured, made heavy, glo-
aggravavit, one- rified.
ravit, honoravit.

‫כֶּבֶד‬ ‫ כָּבֵד כְּבַד‬.Gra vi

, ingen s s Heavy, grievous , great.
Tip Tap Gloria. [ gravis fuit. Glory. [he was heavy.
Honora, honorando; Honour thou, in honouring ;
13 Gravitas. [ vata est. The heaviness, grievousness .
Gravis fuit, aggra- She was heavy, was made heavy
172 Graves, inertes, he- They were heavy, dull.
betes fuerunt.
Honorate. Glorify ye .

‫ כבדו‬.Jecur
ejus His liver.

" ‫|כבדו־־בו‬.Gloria
ejus His glory.
They hardened .
ּ‫ כִּבְּדו‬.Induraverunt
Glorify ye him.
ּ‫ כַּבְּדוּהו‬.Honora eum te
Honoraverunt me. They have honoured me.
My liver.
meum r
‫ כְּבֵדִי‬.Jecu
ֹ‫ כְּבֹדִי־־בו‬.Gloria My glory.
‫ כְּבָדִים‬.Graves Heavy.
To honour thee.
ָ‫ כַּבְּדֶך‬.Honorleare
Thy glory.
ְ‫ כְּבֹדֶךְ־־בוֹדֶך‬.Gloria tua
ora Honour thou me.
‫ כַּבְּדֵנִי‬.Honme
Honorasti me. Thou hast honoured me.
Extinxit, extinctus He extinguished , was put out,
Ut bestia, pecus. [ est As a beast, cattle. [ quenched.
Like the beasts.
‫ כַּבְּהֵמוֹת‬.Si cut

tin cti They have been quenched .

ּ‫ כָּבו‬.Ex sunt
‫כבד‬ Tia Honor, gloria. Honour, glory.
Gloria ejus. Her glory.
‫ כְּבוּדָּה‬.Gloriosa
‫ כְּבוֹדְכֶם‬.Glvestra Yourglory .

ia eorum. Their glory.

‫ כְּבוֹדָם‬Glor
802 " ‫כברית כב‬

Cabul, N. P.
‫ כָּבוּל‬.Cabul
‫ כַּבּוֹן‬.Cabbon Cabbon, N. P.
‫בצר‬ ‫ כְּבוֹצֵר‬.Utvindemians As a grape-gatherer.
‫בחן‬ Juxta probare. As to try.
‫חצה‬ Quasi in medio. [ tus. As in the middle.
‫כבר‬ Validus.fortis, mul- Strong, mighty, much.
‫ כְּבִיר‬.Pulvinar A pillow ofgoat's hair.
Da Potentes. [domum. The mighty. [the house.
‫בית‬ Sicut domus, juxta Like the house, according to
‫בכר‬ Sicut præcor frue- Like the first ripe fruit.
tus. [ ram ejus.
in Juxta primogenitu- According to his birth-right.
‫בלע‬ Juxta absorbendo . When swallowed up .
‫בנה‬ ‫|ּבָנוֹת‬
ְ‫ כ‬.Sifilie
cut As daughters.
Sicut ululæ filiæ. As the daughters of the owl.
Sicut filii, puelli. Like the sons, as the young.
Sicut filii eorum. As their children.
‫כִּנֵּס‬ Lavavit, abluit. He washed, washed away.
Wash thou.
‫ כַּבְּסִי‬.Lava
Ablue me. Wash thou me.
‫בקר‬ ‫ כַּבָּקָר‬.Sic bosut As an ox, like the ox.
Sicut mane. [ nem . As the morning.
Secundum inquisitio- According to the seeking.
Abundavit, multipli- He abounded, multiplied.

‫ברר‬ In puritate. [ cavit. In purity, purely.

Chebar. Chebar, N. R.
‫כבר‬ ‫ כָּבַר־־בר‬.Wunc
, jam Now, already.
‫בר‬ .Qufilius
‫|כבר‬ asi As the son.
‫ברר‬ Secundum puritatem According to the purity.
‫ראש‬ Sicut prius, in prin- As the former, at the first.
‫ברש‬ Sicut abies. [cipio. Like a fir-tree.
‫ברזל‬ Sicutferrum. [meam As iron.
7 Secundum puritatem According to my purity.

lar Like the bar.

ַ‫ כִּבְרִיח‬.Ins vectis
‫ברת‬ " Secundum fœdus. According to the covenant.
‫כנדל‬ 803

‫ברך‬ Secundum benedicti- According to the blessing.

Sicut piscina. [ onem. Like a pool, pond.
Secundum benedicti- According to his blessing.
onem ejus.

‫ כַּבָּרָק‬.Sic As the lightning.
‫ כַּבְּרָקִים‬.Sic Like the lightnings.

‫ברה‬ ‫כִּבְרַת‬ Secundum sectio- According to the division ; a

nem; spatium ex- portion ; a little space of
iguu terræ. ground.
Subegit,subjecit, sub- He subdued, kept under, en-
Agnus. [jugavit. A, the lamb. [slaved.
Subegit. He subdued.
A, the ewe-lamb.
‫ כִּבְשָׂה־־שַׂת‬.Agna
‫ כְּבָשִׂי‬.O ve
, agni nei s My sheep, lambs.

‫ כְּבָשִׂים‬.Agni Lambs.

‫ כשִׁים‬.Subjicientes They that bring into bondage.

‫ כְּבַשֶׁל‬.In coquendo In seething.
: ‫בש‬ Sicut aroma. As spice.
‫כבש‬ Fornax. A furnace.

‫בשר‬ Sicut caro. As the flesh.

17 Ut caro ejus. As his flesh.

‫כבש‬ Ewe-lambs.
‫ כְּבָשׂת כְּבִי‬.Agne
‫כוש‬ Secundum pudorem. According to the shame.
‫בנה‬ ‫ כְּבָת‬.Sicut
filia As a daughter.
Like a virgin.
‫ כִּבְתוּלָה‬.Sicul virgo
‫חלל‬ Sicut in principio. As a, the first .

‫נאה‬ 11 Ut superbia, excel- As the pride, excellency .
‫נבה‬ Sicut altitudo. [ lentia Like the height.

‫ כִּנְבֹה‬.Pro fastu Through the pride.

‫נבר‬ " Sicut fortis, potens. As a strong, mighty man.

‫ כְּגִבּוֹרִים־־בּרִי‬.Sicu potentes t As mighty men.

‫ כְּנֶבֶר‬.Sicvirut As a man.
So her mistress .
domina ejus c
ּ‫ כַּגִּבְרְתָּה‬.Si
‫גדל‬ Sicut magnus [ dinem As the great.
Secundum magnitu- According to the greatness .
804 ‫כדברך־רד־רך‬

‫נוב‬ ‫ כְּגוֹב‬.Si cut

locusla As the locust.
‫גוי‬ As a nation .
‫ כְּגוֹי‬.Sicut
‫ כַּגּוֹיִם‬.Sicu
gentes t As the nations.
‫גור‬ ,
‫ כְּגוֹרֵי‬Sicut catuli As whelps.
‫נחל‬ ‫ כְּנַחלי‬Velut pru , ne As burning coals.
‫גול‬ ‫ִילְכֶם‬-J
‫כְּנ‬ conditionem ue
of your condition , sort ,l
similitudinem,ves- ness.
‫גלל‬ ‫גַּלְגָּל‬.S
ַּ‫כ‬ role . ic ut
[tram . Like a wheel
‫ כְּגָלִי‬.Sic
fluctusut As the waves.

‫ כְּגַלִּים‬.Sicut
acervi As heaps .
‫כגללו‬ .S ic
stercus ejus . ut
Like his dung
‫ כַּגְלָלִים‬.rel
a As the dung .
‫גמל‬ .J
‫כְּגְמוּל‬ ux t
retributionem According to the recompense
As a weaned_child .
" ָ‫ כַּגָּמָל כְּנ‬.Sic ablactatusut
‫גן‬ ,
‫ כַּבֵּן כְּגַן‬Velut hortus As a garden .
‫גנב‬ ‫ כַּגַּנָּב‬.Sicut
fur As a thief.

‫גן‬ ‫ כְּנַנּת‬Sicut horti

, As gardens.
‫נגע‬ ‫ כְּנַעַת‬.Tangendo In touching.
‫גפן‬ " ֶ‫ כַּנָּפֶן כַּנִּי כְּנ‬Sicut vilis
, As a, the vine.
‫גור‬ ַ‫ כ‬.Si
‫|ּנֵּר‬ c So the stranger .
‫גרן‬ ‫ כְּנֹרֶן‬.relut
area As a threshing -floor .
‫גשם‬ cul As the rain.
‫ כַּנֶּשֶׁם‬.Si

‫כדר‬ ‫כָּד‬ .Hydria A pitcher.
‫כְּדֵב‬ Mentitus est. He lied.
‫רבב‬ ‫ כְּדֹב‬.Si cut
ursus As a bear.
‫כדב‬ ‫כִּדְבָה‬ .Mendar Lying.
‫כ‬ ursi . [ic ut
datum . Like bears [mandment.

‫ָּבָר כִּדְבַר‬-Juxt
‫כַּד‬ verbum ,man- According to the word , com
‫ כְּדַבֵּר‬.Loquendo In speaking .
ּ‫ כְּדָבְּרָה‬.Jur loqui eamta As she spake.
‫ כְּדִבְרֵי‬.Sic As the words.

ְּ‫כ‬ verba vestrauc la
. According to your words
D'77 Juxta verba, res. According to the words, things
‫ כְּדְברִים‬.Sicutapes Like bees..

77777777 Juxta verbum tuum. According to thy word.

‫כררכיו־־כן‬ 805

‫דבר‬ Secundum loqui vos. As ye say.

Pro more eorum. After their manner.

‫דבש‬ melut
ׁ‫ כְּדְבָש‬.Sic As honey.
‫דוג‬ ‫ כְּדֵנִי כַּדָּנִים‬.Si cut
pisces As the fishes.

Quasifrumentum . As it were the corn ,

‫דוג‬ piscesut As the fishes.
‫ כִּדְנָת‬.Sic
ּ‫ כַּדָּה‬.Hydejus Her pitcher.
‫דבב‬ As a bear.
‫ כְּדוֹב‬Sicut ursus,
‫דוד‬ ic ut As a kettle,
‫ּד‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ד‬ ּ ְ ‫כ‬ .S lebes
‫דנה‬ languor t As faintness, sickness.
‫ כָּדְוִי‬.Sicu
‫דנג‬ ceraut As wax .
‫ כַּדּוֹנָנִי־נָג‬.Sic
‫כדר‬ 797 Siculpila [secundum Like a ball. [cording to.
‫די‬ Juxta sufficientiam; According to sufficiency ; ac-

, cum ut As, when.

‫ כְּדִי‬.Sic
‫כדר‬ ‫ כַּדִּים‬.Hydrie Pitchers.

ְ‫ כַּדֶּך‬.Hyd ria
tua Thy pitcher.
‫ כַּדְכֹּד‬.Pyropus A sparkling gem, carbuncle.
‫דם‬ sanguis t
‫ כַּנָּם‬.Sicu As blood.
‫דמה‬ ‫ כְּדְמָה‬.Si isaut
excc As one cut off, destroyed.
Juxta similitudinem After the similitude.
J u
similitudinem Afterx t
our likeness a

1 Sicut fimus, stercus . Like dung.

Sicuthic ; sic. [ tram. As this ; thus.
‫ידע‬ De Juxtascientiam ves- According to your knowledge
P Sicut pulvis, res mi- As dust, a very little thing.
nutissima. [pulvis

Put tenue velamen, As a thin covering, dust.


‫דרבן‬ stimuli t As goads.

‫ כַּדָרְבֹנוֹת‬.Sicu
‫דרר‬ 7177 Sicut turtur, colum- As the turtle, wild pigeon .
ba agrestis.
‫דרך‬ 177 Juxta morem, cir- After the manner, about a
citer iler. journey.
Like him that treadeth.
ְ‫ כְּדֹרֶך‬.Sicutcalcans
977 Juxta vias ejus. According to his ways.
806 ‫כהלין‬

‫דרך‬ ְ‫דְרָכָיִךְ־־כַיִך‬.S
ִּ‫כ‬ ec un
vias tuas . According to thy du
Juxta vias vestras. According to your ways.
‫ כדרכים‬.Sic utAs they that tread.

ִּ‫כ‬ vias nostras . According to our ways
According to their ways.
‫ כְּדַרְכָּם‬.Jvias eorumla
Chedorlaomer, N. M.
‫ כְּדָרְלָעֹמֶר‬.Chedortaomer
‫דשא‬ Sicut herba. [ tum. Like a herb.
‫ָּת כְּדַת כְּדָת דת‬.J
‫כַּד‬ legem , decre-ux t
According to the law , decree

Hic, illic, huc, illuc, Here, there, hither, thither,
hinc,illinc, sic, ita, hence, thence, so , thus,
‫גלה‬ . teg endo
[talis . In uncovering [ such .
‫דוש‬ u x t
ri a Even as is trodden down.
ׁ‫ כְּהִדּוּש‬.Jconculca
‫כָּהָה‬ Hebuit, caligavit, He became dull, was dim-
defecit, repressit, sighted, fainted, failed, re-
cohibuit. pressed, curbed .

‫ כָּחֹה‬.Caligando In darkening, being darkened.

‫כֵּחָה‬ Subobscura ; defec- Somewhat dark ; feebleness ,

tio ; fumans. fainting ; smoking . [ed.
Repressit, cohibuit. He repressed, curbed, restrain-
‫הלך‬ ut As one that travelleth . [ forth.
ְ‫ כַּהוֹלֵך‬.Sic
‫יצא‬ ‫ כְּהוֹצִיאָם‬Cum cdurissent illos When they had brought them
‫כהה‬ Subobscure ; cali- Darkish ; to become dim.
gare. [lum .
‫זכר‬ Juxta memorare il- As he made mention.
‫ כְּהַזְנוֹת‬.Jur la Like to the whoring.
‫תכם‬ As a wise man.
‫ כְּהֶחָכָם‬.Sic sapiensut
‫חלן‬ Instar fenestrarum . Like the windows.
‫יוס‬ ‫ כְּהַיּוֹם‬.Jdiem ur la
hunc About this day .
‫נכה‬ en do While they are slaying.
‫ כְּהַכּוֹתָם‬.occidcos
Cum stabilivisset. When he had established.
‫כון‬ ‫כְּהָכִין‬
‫כנע‬ ‫כְּהִכָּנַע‬.S ic
humil iarit se As he humbled himself.
Poluit, voluit . He could, was able.
He that is able.
‫ כָּהֵל‬.Potcns
‫ כָּהֲלִין‬.Valentes They that are able.
‫כהתכנס‬ 807


‫ כָּהֶם כָּהֶ־הֵמָּה‬.Sic As they , those.
‫המה‬ ‫ כַּהֲמוֹת‬.Ut fremere As a great noise.

‫מסס‬ , melteth.
‫ כהמס‬Juxta liquefieri As

‫מרר‬ Sicut amarum esse, As one that is in bitterness.

exacerbari. [ est [ office.

‫בְּהֵן‬ Sacerdotio functus He ministered in the priestly

‫ן‬ ֵ ‫ה‬ ּ ָ ‫כ‬ .Si cut
illa As those, they.

‫כהן‬ ‫ כֹּהֵן כַּהֲנָא‬.Sacer dos A, the priest.

‫נבא‬ ‫ כְּהִנָּבְאִי‬.raticina me ndoAs I prophesy .
impelli t As is driven away.
‫נדף‬ ‫ כְּהִנְדָּף‬.Sicu
, taliaes Such.
‫ כָּהֵנָּה‬.Tal
Priesthood .
‫כהן‬ ‫ כְּהִנָּה‬.Sacerdotium
‫ כֹּהֲנִי‬.Sacermei dot es My priests .

‫ כֹּהֲנֵי נַיָּא‬.Sacerdotes The priests.

ָ‫ כֹּהֲנֶיה‬.SacerdoejustesHer priests.
dotes Their priests.
‫כֹּהֲנֵיהֶם‬.Sacer eorum
cjus tesHis priests.
‫ כֹּהֲנָיו‬.Sacerdo
tui es Thy priests.
ָ‫ כֹּהֲנֶיך‬.Sacerdot
ֹּ‫כ‬ cer
, principes dot
Priests , princes , chiefs es
nostri tes
ּ‫ כֹּהֲנִינו‬.Sacerdo Our priests.
ic ut As to shake .
‫ כְּהָנִיף‬.S agitare
‫|ּת‬ ּ‫כ‬ erdo
. [ trum tium
. The priesthoo d
‫ כְּהִנַּתְכֶם‬Sacerdotium ves- Your priesthood.

ְ‫כ‬ ac er
eorum do
. Their priesthti
ood um
‫עלה‬ educere a About the bringin g up.
‫ כְּהַעֲלוֹת‬.Juxt
‫פנה‬ ֹ‫ כְּהַפְנֹתו‬.Convertendo
eum When he turneth.
S e faciti c
As he causeth to gushu
out t
‫קור‬ ‫ָקִיר‬.
‫כְּה‬ scaturir
‫הרר‬ Sicut mons. As a, the mountain .
‫הרנ‬ Juxta occisionem. According to the slaughter.
‫רוס‬ attoa
‫ כְּהָרִים‬.Qu e iAs if to lift up.
utAs I lift up.
attollere me
‫הרר‬ montesut As the mountains. ,
‫ בְּהַרְרֵי‬.Sic
‫כהה‬ He was dim-sighted.
‫ כָּהֲתָה‬.Caligavit
fusiout Like the melting . [ed thyself.
‫נתך‬ ְ‫ כְּהִתּוּך‬.Sic
‫חבר‬ ss oc ia
te nd o Thou having associated, join-
ְ‫ כְּהִתְחַבֶּרְך‬.A
le nd o When thou endest.
‫תמם‬ ְ‫ כַּהֲתִימְך‬.Absolve
‫כנס‬ ‫ּהִתְכַּנֵּס‬.
ְ‫כ‬ colligendum A d
se . To wrap himself
808 ‫כוס‬


‫התל‬ ‫ כֹּהָתֵל‬.Si cul

illudere . As mocketh.

‫תמס‬ De Juxta consummari. When are completed.

seducut As is led astray.
‫תעה‬ ‫ כְּהִתָּעוֹת‬.Sic i

‫ | כּוּב‬.Cub Chub, N. N.
‫כבס‬ ‫כובס‬ .Fullo A fuller.

‫כּוּה‬ Combustus est. He was burned.

ni Vis, potentia, robur Might, power, strength.
‫כן‬ A, the burning.
‫ כְּוִיָה‬.Adustio
‫ככב‬ ‫כָב‬ ‫ | כּוֹכָב‬.Stella A, the star.
‫| כּוֹכְבֵי כּוֹכָבִים‬.Stelle
‫כול‬ Cepit,continuit , com- He received , held, contained ,
plexus est, cohi- comprehended , held in, sus-
buit, sustinuit, tained , fed, nourished.

aluit, sustentavit.
‫כלל‬ All they.
‫ כּוּלָם‬.Omnes illi
‫ כּוּן‬.Cum Chun, N. P.
Paravit,aptavit, dis- He prepared , fitted, disposed,
posuit, direxit, directed, confirmed, ap-
confirmavit, sta- pointed, settled, established
tuit, stabilivit.

‫ כַּוָּנִים‬.Placente Cakes.
Paravit, stabilivit. He prepared, established.

‫ | כּוֹנְנָה‬.Stabililo Establish thou.

eam vil He established her.

ּ‫ כּוֹנְנָה‬.Stabili
Establish thou him or it.
illum ilo
ּ‫| כּוֹנְנֵהו‬.Stabil
121 Parati sunt. [ runt. They were prepared.
11 Pararunt, stabilie- They prepared, established.

ּ‫ כָּוּנַנְיָהו‬Conania
, s Cononiah, N. M.

Thou hast established.

‫כון‬ ָּ‫ כּוֹנַנְת‬.Stabilivisti
Thou hast appointed , ordained
‫ כּוֹנָנְתָּה‬.Statuisti
Thou hast confirmed her.
ּ‫ כּוֹנַנְתָּה‬.Confirm
A cup.
‫ כּוֹס‬.Poculum
‫כזית כזית‬ 809

‫כוס‬ Her cup.

‫ כ‬.Pocul
ּ‫|ּוֹסָה‬ um
‫ כּוֹסִי‬.Poculum meum My cup.
Their cup.
‫ כּוֹסָם‬.Poculum eorum
‫כּוּר‬ Sallavit. He danced ,

‫ | כּוּר‬.Fornax A, the furnace.

Cors, measures.
‫ כּוֹרִין‬.Cori
, mensure
Cyrus, N. M.
ׁ‫ כּוֹרֶש‬cyrus
ׁ‫ כוּש‬.Cus Cush, N. M. P.
‫כּוּשִׁי‬ .cusi Cushi, N. M.
‫ כּוּשִׁים‬.Cusile Ethiopians, N. N.
‫כשל‬ Impingens, infirmus Stumbling, feeble.
‫ כּוּשָׁן‬.Cushan Chushan, N. M.
‫ כּוּשָׁן רִשְׁעָתָיִם‬.Cus han
- rishataim Chushan- rishathaim, N. M.

d. ‫ | כות‬.Cut Cuth, N. P.

‫זאב‬ DON Sicut lupi. [modum. Like wolves. [ner.
‫זה‬ Juxta hoc, in hunc According to this, in this man-
‫זב‬ Mentitus est, men- He lied , was found a liar ; he
dax compertus convicted or proved guilty!
est ; mendacii ar- of falsehood.
ed Mentitus est. [guit. He lied.

‫כָּזָב‬ .Mendacium Lying, a lie.

‫כזב‬ .Mentiens Lying, a liar.
‫כֹּזָבָא‬ .Cozeba Cozeba, N. P.
Cozbi, N. W.
‫ כָּזְבִּי‬.Cozbi
‫כזב‬ Their lies.
‫ כִּזְבֵיהֶם‬.Mendacia eorum
‫ כְּזָבִים‬.Men daci a Lies.
‫זה‬ Sicut illa; talis. As he; such.
Sicut ille ; sic. As he; thus.
‫זהב‬ As gold.
aurum t
‫ כַּזָהָב‬.Sicu
‫זהר‬ splendor t As the brightness.
‫ כָּזֹהַר‬.Sicu
‫זוה‬ As the corners.
‫ כְּזָוִית‬.Sicut
‫| זנה‬ As a harlot.
‫ כַּיּוֹנָה‬.Sic
‫זחל‬ Like creeping things.
‫ כְּזְחֲלֵי‬.Instreptilium ar
‫| זית‬ cut
‫ כַּזַיִת כְּזַיִת‬.Si As the olive, olive-tree.
810 ‫כתכם‬


‫זכר‬ ‫ּזְכֹּר‬.R
ִ‫כ‬ ec or
. [ trum da
. In rememb ering ndo
‫זמם‬ ‫ כְּזְמַּתְכֶנָה‬Juxta scetus ves- According to your wickedness
‫זרח‬ ַ‫ כִּזְרֹח‬.circa
orire About the time of rising.
‫זרם‬ As a flood.
‫ כְּזֶרֶם‬.Sicut
‫זרע‬ semen t
‫ כִּזְרַע כְּזֶרַע‬.Sicu As seed.

‫כוח‬ Potentia, robur, fa- Power, strength, ability.
rosa.. [ cultas. As the rose.
sicut rosa
‫ כַּחֲבַצֶלֶת‬Sicut
‫הגג‬ .S
‫בֶּחָג‬ ec un
feslum . | According dum
to the feast
‫הגב‬ ‫ כַּחֲנָבִים‬.Siculocusle t As the locusts .
‫כחד‬ Exscidit, celavit, ab- He cut off, concealed, was
‫חד‬ ‫ַּחֲדָה‬.
‫כ‬ S i
. [ sconditu s estm u
Togethe r l [ hidden.
‫כתר‬ ּ‫ כַּחֲדוּ כְּחֵדו‬.Celaverunt They hid .
‫חזק‬ ‫ כְּחֵדֶק‬.sicut
spina Like a thorn .
‫כתר‬ ‫ כְּחַדְתִּי‬.Celavi [ ejus. I have concealed.
‫כוח‬ A Robur, proventus Her strength, produce.
ina Potentia, robur ejus. His power , strength,
‫חוט‬ Like a thread.
‫כְּחוּט‬ ‫| בַּחוּט‬.Sicut
‫חטא‬ ‫|ָּחוֹטא‬‫ כ‬.S peccat
iorc So the sinner.
‫הול‬ ‫ כַּחוֹל כְּחוֹל‬.si cut As the sand .
‫כְּחוֹלָה‬ parturientis . As of a woman in travail i
‫התם‬ ‫ כַּחוֹתָם‬.Si cut As a signet, seal.
‫חזה‬ ‫חזה‬ .Si cut
pectus As the breast .
‫ כְּחֶזְיוֹן‬.U [tra. As a vision.
ַ‫כ‬ peccataux ta
nos- After our sins
‫ּחַטָאת‬.Sַ‫כ‬ victima ic ut
pro As the sin - offering
peccato . [ tra .
ְ‫כ‬ J u
peccata ves- x
According ta
to your sins
‫ב‬ ic
cedentes ut
[mea . As hewers
‫כוח‬ .Fortitu
‫כֹּחִי כֹּחו‬ , potentia , My power , might , strength d
‫חיל‬ Sicut exercitus . Like the army.
‫| כחיל‬.P r
facull ate o According to the substance.
‫כוח‬ ‫ כֹּחֲךָ כֹּחֶכָה‬.Robu tuum r
Thy strength.
ָ‫ כֹּחֶך‬.Opes
tue Thy wealth .
Robur vestrum. Your strength.
‫כחש‬ 811

‫תכם‬ ‫ בְּחָכְמַת‬Juxta sapientiam . According to , like the wisdom

Juxta sapientiam According to thy wisdom.
‫כחל‬ Fucavit. [tuam. He painted.
‫הלב‬ ‫ כַּחֵלֶב כְּחֵלֶב‬.Sicut
adeps As the fat .
‫ כֶּחָלָב‬.Sic As milk.
‫חלס‬ Din Sicutsomnium [ cisus As a dream.
‫חלל‬ ‫חָלָל‬.S
ְּ‫ב‬ vulneratus , ic
oc- As one wounded , slain
‫ כחללים‬.Sfistu
cu s tAs the pipers.

‫ כַּחֲלָלִים‬.Sicut
tibia Like pipes.
‫הלם‬ Juxta somnium ejus According to his dream.

ְּ‫ב‬ sommiantium . Like them that dream
‫חלמש‬ silex
ׁ‫ כֹּחַלְמִיש‬.Sicut As a flint.

‫חלק‬ ‫ כְּחֵלֶק‬.Ut
pars As the part , portion ,

nippon Sicut loca lubrica. As slippery places.

‫כחל‬ ְּ‫ כָּחַלְת‬.Fucasti Thou paintedst.
‫חמם‬ As the heat.
‫ כְּחֹם‬.Sicut estus
‫כוח‬ Vires eorum . Their strength .
‫חמם‬ ‫ כְּחַמָּה‬.Sic solut As the sun.

‫חמץ‬ ‫ כַּחֹמֶץ‬.Sicu
acetum t As vinegar .
‫תמר‬ ludum t
" ְּ‫ כַּחֹמֶר כ‬.Sicu As the clay .
‫תמש‬ ler
‫ כַּחֲמֵשֶׁת‬.Circi About five.
‫חסד‬ Ton Juxta benignitatem. According to the kindness.
Secundum miseri- According to thy mercy.
cordium tuam.
a half.
‫חצה‬ dimidiumsiAs it were
‫ כַּחֲצִי‬.Qua
As arrow s.
‫חצץ‬ ‫ כְּחָצִים‬.Sicut
‫חצר‬ As the grass.
" ָ‫ כַּחֲצִיר בֶּח‬.Sicut
‫חצה‬ nyn Juxta mediam . Near , about the middle.
‫חקק‬ Juxta statutum. According to the ordinance.
opra Juxta statuta eorum After their statutes.
" ֵ‫כְּח‬ gladius t As a, the sword.
‫ כַּחֶרֶב‬.Sicu
ָּ‫כ‬ ic
siccitas , estus . As the drought, ut
‫חרש‬ Like an earthen vessel.
ׂ‫ כַּחֹרֶש‬.Si cut
As a deaf.
ׁ‫ כְּחֵרֵש‬.Sic surdusut
Defecit, macruit, He failed, wasted, pined, lied;
mentitus est ; men-| a lie.
Mendacium [dacium | A lie.
812 ‫כידן‬

wine Mentiri. To lie.

esttus He lied.
ׁ‫כְּחֵש‬ .Menti
They belied .
ּ‫ כְּחֲשׁו‬Mentili sunl
mea s My leanness .
‫ כַּחֲשִׁי־־הִי‬.Macie
‫ כַּחֲשִׁיכָה‬.Stene breut As the darkness.
‫כחש‬ ‫ כָּחָשִׁים‬.Mendaces Lying, liars .
‫כ‬ M e n t
sum ,defeci I belied i
, failed t
, revolte d u

sponsus t
" ִּ‫ בֶּחָתָן כ‬.Sicu As a bridegroom .
As a robber .
‫חתף‬ ‫ כָּהתף‬Sicut predo

[nem .
J purificatio-u According tox t
‫טהר‬ ‫טָהָרַת‬.ְּ‫כ‬ the purification
ַ‫כ‬ U t
bonum , sic bonus . As good , so the good
‫ כְּטוֹב כְּטוֹב‬Quando jucundus , When pleasant , according to
juxta bonitatem. the goodness .
‫טיט‬ lulumut
‫ כְּטִיט‬.Sic As clay.
‫טלל‬ As the dew.
‫ כַּטַל כְּטַל‬.Sicut
‫טמא‬ tar Like an unclean.
‫ כַּטָמֵא‬.Insimmundi
ְּ‫ כ‬xtaimmunditiem . According to the uncleanness
‫ כְּטְמְאָתָם‬Juxta immunditiem | Accordingto their uncleanness
‫טעס‬ ‫ְּטַעַם‬.
‫כ‬ eorum . c
gustus [ i
S ut
As the taste

‫כרה‬ ‫ | כִּי‬.Adustio Burning .
‫כִּי‬ d, quia, cum ,sed , That , because , when , but
ideo, quamvis, nisi. therefore, although, except
‫כה‬ Sic. [sed, quod.So.
‫כי‬ ‫ אִם‬.
‫כִּי‬ N
, tamen i
, etiam , Unless , yet , also , s
but , that

‫כִּי יאר‬ ‫ּיְאוֹר־־יְאֹר‬.S

ַ‫ב‬ ic
rivus , flamen ut
. | As a brook , river
According to the hand .
‫ בְּיַד‬.Secun
| dum
17 Exitium ejus. His destruction .

‫ כִּידוֹדִי‬.Scintille Sparks .
.Hasta A spear, lance.
manus As hands .
‫ כִּידִי‬.Si
‫ כִּידן‬.Chidon Chidon , N. M.

‫ככבוד ככי‬ 813


Sicut Jehova, Domi- As Jehovah, the Lord.

$ 99

‫יּוֹלֵדָה כִּילֵדָה‬.ַּ‫כ‬ S
parturie i
ns[ nus c
As a travaili ut
ng woman
♫ Diş Sicut dies, ut in die, As a day, as in a day, to-day.

‫ כִּיוּן‬.Chi [hodie. Chiun, N. I.

" ֹ‫בְּיו‬‫| כִּיוֹנָה‬.Sic columbaut As a, the dove.

iumbce ut As doves.
‫| כִּיוֹנֵי־נִים‬.Scol
‫ כַּיּוֹנֵק‬.Si cut As a suckling.
Concha, labrum. A laver.
Sicut descendentes . As those that go down.
‫רִים‬ ‫ כִּיּוֹרוֹת‬.Co,n rahe Lavers.
Velut vinum. As wine.

ichucsut As the canker-worm.

‫כִּי‬ ‫ כַּיָּלֶק כִּי‬.Sbru

‫ כַּיָּם‬.Inma tsar Like the sea.
ia de s The Pleiades, the seven stars.
‫ כִּימָה‬.Ple
‫ כימות‬.Secun dum According to the days.
‫ כִּימֵי בְּיָמִים כִּי‬.S i
,ju xtac utAs, according to the days.
The bag.
‫|כיס‬ .Sacculus
i uthc ut
iones Like the ostriches.
‫ כַּיְעֶנִים‬.Sstr

Tip Ut adustio, flamma. As a burning, flame.

As the valuable.
‫ כִּיקֵר‬. U
pretio sust

caut As the moon .

ַ‫ כְּיָרֵח‬.Si lun
As months.
‫ בְּיַרְחֵי‬.Smenic sesut
‫ כַּיְרִיעָה‬.re tinaut As a curta
‫ כִּירִיעוֹת‬.Sic cortineut As the curtains.

‫ כְּיֶרֶק‬.Si idis t
virc u As the green.
imie cns u t As one that sleepeth.
‫ כְּיָשֵׁן‬.Sdor
U ent t
ia As the excellence.
‫ כִּיתְרוֹן‬. excell


Micuit, radiavit in- He glittered, sparkled like a
star sideris. star.
As the glory.
‫כבד‬ ‫| כַּכָּבוֹד כִּכְי‬Sicut glori
, a
814 " ‫ככריס־־כר‬



lle Their stars.

‫ככב‬ ‫ כֹּכְבֵיהֶם‬.Ste
As a lamb.
‫כבש‬ ׂ‫ כְּכֶבֶש‬.re lul
.S ic So, thus.
-‫כך‬ ‫כָּכָה‬
‫ כַּכֹּהֵן‬.sac S i
erd os c So the priest .
As the stars.
‫ככב‬ " ְ‫ כְּכוֹכְבֵי כְּכֹכ‬.Sic stellaeut
As the stars .
‫ כַּכּוֹכָבִים‬.Sic stelleut
Sicut bubo, vel ono- Like the little owl, or the ono-
crotalus. crotalus .

‫כות‬ ‫ּכֹחִי‬.S
ְ‫כ‬ ic
robur meum . Asmy strength ut
rofacu lt ng to alabi
their ee o
| ‫כח‬.P‫כ‬ .| Accordi

‫|כיור‬ ‫ כ‬.Si cut

focus Like a hearth.
‫כלל‬ ‫ כַּכֹּל כְּכָל כְּכֹל‬Sicut omnessjuxta As all , like all; according to
omnem , omnes . all .

‫| כַּכָּלֵב כְּכֶי‬.Sic As a dog .
As a bride.
‫ כַּכַּלָּה‬.Sic
a As a cage.
‫ כִּכְּלוּב‬Ut cave
ta When he had finished.
" ‫ כְּכָלוֹת כְּכְלת‬.Jut absolvere
ֹ‫ לֹתו‬-- ֹ‫ָלוֹתו‬.
‫כְּכ‬ J
absolue re eumu had made ant
When he x end

ָ‫לֹתֶך‬. ְּ‫כ‬ bs ol
te . [ta. When ve en
thouhastmade an n d
Ut vasa, instrumen- As vessels, instruments.

‫ ככלי‬.Sicut vas | As a vessel.

‫ כְּכָלת‬.Absoleendo In finishing .
‫ כָּכֶם‬.Sivos As you .

‫כנר‬ ‫ כַּכָּנּוֹר‬.Ins are r Like a harp.

cut Like the wings.
‫כנף‬ ‫ כְּכַנְפֵי‬.Siale
S i c
ntum u tAs silver .
‫ַּכָּסֶף‬ ‫כ‬ . arge
c usut Like a band.
‫כפף‬ ‫ כְּכַף‬.Si man
‫כפר‬ ‫כִּכְי‬ ‫ כַּכְּפִיר‬Sicut leo juve
, nis Like a young lion.
‫פְרִי‬ ‫ כַּכְּפִירִים‬. Ut leonesjuvenes.
leones juvenes tAs young lions.
As the hoar-frost .
‫ כַּכְּפֿר‬.Sic pruinut
P ;l ; Then
frusluma morselt
plain , ai i
ִּ‫כ‬ , a talent
talentum .
sta Morsels , cakes .
‫ כִּכְּרוֹת‬.Fru , placenle
Talents .
‫ כָּכְּרֵי־־כָּרִים‬.Talenta
As lambs.
‫כר‬ ‫ כְּכָרִים‬.Uagnit
‫ככר‬ nta o Two talents .
" ַ‫ כִּבָּרָיִם־־בְּר‬.D taleu
‫כלבנה‬ 815

‫כבר‬ ‫כִּי‬ ‫ כְּכְּרִין‬.Talenta [lum . Talents .

‫כתב‬ ‫ְתָב‬.Secundum
‫כָּכ‬ prescrip- According as it is written
Mana Juxta scripturam According to her writing.
ejus. [ eorumn .

‫ כִּכְתָבָם‬Juxta scripturam According to their writing.

‫ כַּכָּתוּב‬. U
scrip tum esttAs it is written.


‫כלל‬ Omnis, totus, quis All, the whole, every one,

que,quisquis, quic- whosoever , whatsoever.
Min Colchozes. [ quid. Chol-hozeh, N. M.
Coercuit, cohibuit, He restricted, kept back, pro-
prohibuit,retinuit, hibited , restrained , shut up,
‫כ‬ [ conclusit
clus . Shut up us [confined .
‫|כלא‬ .Carcer A prison .
‫ לה‬-- ‫ ה‬-- ‫ כל‬.Tola
illa She, it all.
‫ כלאב‬.Chileab Chileab, N. M.
‫כלא‬ ‫לְאָה‬ Retinuit. She restrained .
1875 Cohibuerunt se. They stayed themselves.
He shut him up.
ֹ‫ כְּלָאו‬.Conclu
cum sit
187 Carcer ejus. His prison .

* ‫לְאָיִם־־א‬.
ְּ‫כ‬ D
diversi generis . Two things uof different kinds o
‫ כְּלָאֵם‬.Prohibcos e Forbid thou them.

‫ כָּלֵאתִי‬.Cohibui I have kept back.

‫ כָּלֵב‬.Caleb Caleb, N. M.
" ֶּ‫כ‬ ‫ כָּלֵב‬.canis A, the dog.
‫לבב‬ ‫ כְּלֵב כְּלְבָב‬.Sicut cor As the heart.
cor suum. His own heart.
ֹ‫ִּלְבָבו‬ ‫כ‬ Jus ta
ָ‫ כְּלְבָבֶך‬.Jut cor tuumtaAccording to thy heart.
ּ‫ כָּלִבּו‬.Calebila Of the house of Caleb.
‫לבש‬ Velut vestimentum. As a vesture, garment.

‫ כַּלְבֵי כְּלָבִים‬.canes Dogs.

cor meum . According to my heart.
‫ כְּלִבִּי‬Justa
Like a lioness.
" ָ‫ כַּלָבִיא כְּל‬.Inutleenear
ָ‫ כְּלָבִיך‬.Can Thy dogs.
‫לבן‬ As the moon.
‫ כַּלְבָנָה‬.Sicut
816 ‫כל‬

‫כָּלָה‬ Complevit, consum- He completed, accomplished,

mavit, decrevit,fi- determined, ended,finished,
nivil,absolvit, con- consumed, destroyed ; was प

sumpsit, delevit ; consumed, failed ; a full

absumptus est, de- end, a consumption .
fecit ; consumma-
tio, consumpsit.
12 51

‫כלל‬ ‫ כַּלָּה‬.Spo nsa Aspouse, daughter- in-law.

, nurus
‫כלה‬ Absumere, consume. To consume ; consume thou.

‫ כְּלָה‬.Instanihili r Like nothing.

Consummavit, absol- He accomplished, made an
vit, finivit, defecit. end, finished , failed.
‫כלל‬ ‫ כָּלְהֵוּן כְּלָהַם‬Omnes , illi All they.
‫כלא‬ 17 Concluserunt [ cerunt They shut up.
Absumpti sunt, defe- They were consumed, failed .

ּ‫ כָּלו‬.Absolul sunt i They were ended.

ּ‫ כָּלּו‬.Complete Complete, fulfil ye.
ּ‫ | כּלו‬Absolver,
unt They ended.
Omne id, totus ille. All it, all he.
‫כלא‬ ‫ כָּלוּא‬.Conclusus Shut up.
‫ כְּלוֹא‬.Qua
nonsi As though not.
‫ כְּלוּב‬.Chelub Chelub, N. M.
‫כלב‬ ‫|כלוב‬ .Canistrum A basket.

‫ כְּלוּבָי‬.Chelubai Chelubai, N. M.
‫ כָּלוֹה‬.Sicommodans c he that lendeth.
ּ‫ כְּלוּהו‬.Chelahu Chelluh, N. M.
tua ia Thy espousals.
ְ‫ כְּלוּלֹתָיִך‬.Sponsal
‫| כְּלוּם‬.Del ever
eos untThey destroyed them.
Consumpserunt me. They have consumed me.
‫כְּלוֹת‬ ‫| כַּלּוֹת‬.Absolvere To finish.
‫ כָּלּוֹתִי‬.Consume mere That I consume.
‫| כַּלּוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Spons vestre e Your spouses.
‫כלה‬ ָ‫ כָּלּוֹתְך‬.Absoluere That thou end.

ֹ‫כְּלו‬ eos re To consume them.

‫ כַּלּוֹתָם‬.Consume
‫ כָּלַח‬.Calach Calah , N. P.
Old age.
‫ כָּלַח‬.Senectus
‫כלכס‬ 817


Sicut lambendo, de- As in licking, licking up.
Sicutpanis [ supellex As bread . [furniture.
Vas, instrumentum, A vessel, instrument, weapon,
Vasa, arma, instru- Vessels, arms, instruments,
menta. [mea. furniture.
Arma, supellectilia My arms, furniture.
Vasa, supellex ejus. Her vessels, furniture.
De Vasa, instrumenta Their vessels, instruments.
eorum . [ejus.
Vasa, instrumenta His vessels, instruments .

‫ כְּלָיוֹן‬.Consumptio The consumption .


Chilion , N. M.
‫ כִּלְיוֹן‬.Chilion
The reins, kidneys.
‫כלה‬ " ‫ּל‬2
ָ‫ כְּלָיוֹת כ‬.Renes
nes My reins .
‫חַי־יְתִי‬ ‫ כִּלְיוֹתָי‬.Remei
.tuum [tua. Thy vessel.
ְ‫כָּלִיִך‬ .

T7 Arma, instrumenta Thy weapons, instruments.

Supellectilia vestra. Your furniture .
‫כלל‬ Totus, penitus, per- All, wholly, perfect.
‫ליל‬ Sicut nox. [fectus. As the night.
Sicut nocte. [ flamma. As in the night.
‫כלל‬ Totus ; incendium, All ; the fire, flame.
Perfecta ; perfectio . Perfect ; the perfection.
Absumpli sumus. We have been consumed .
ּ‫ כָּלִינו‬.Consumpsimus We have consumed, spent.
I have been consumed.
‫ּלִיתִי‬. ָ‫ כ‬.Absumptus sum
‫ כְּלִיתִי כְּלִי‬.Consumpsi I consumed, have spent.
I have consumed them.
‫ כְּלִיתִים‬.consumpsi eos
Thou hast consumed them.
Consumpsisti eos.
Ye have been consumed .
‫ כְּלִיתֶם‬.Consum estispti
Ye have fulfilled .
‫ כְּלִיתֶם‬.Complevistis
All of thee, thou whole .
ְ‫ כְּלָךְ כְּלֵך‬.Totus , tota tu
‫ כָּלכֹּל‬.Caleol [do. Chalcol , Calcol , N. M.

‫כול‬ Sustinendo, continen- In supporting, restraining.

Aluit, sustentavil. He fed , nourished .
Thou sustainedst them.
‫ בִּלְכַּלְתָּם‬Sustinuisti eos.
All ye, every one of you.
‫כלל‬ ‫ כָּלְכֶם‬.Omn
DI?2 voses
Chelal, N. M.
‫ כְּלַל‬.Chelal
Perfecit. He perfected.

They have perfected :

ּ‫ כָּלְלוּ כָּלֵלו‬.Perfecerunt
Rubore suffusus est, He blushed, was ashamed, was
erubuit, confusus confounded ; he made

est ; pudore affecit ashamed , put to shame.

He consumed them.
‫כלה‬ ‫ כִּלָּם‬.Consumpsuit cos
All they, those, these.
‫כלל‬ ‫ כָּלָם‬.omn illi , hies
Chilmad, N. P.
‫ כְּלְמַד‬.Chilmad
‫כלס‬ - Pudor, ignominia. Shame, confusion , dishonour.
As the learned.
‫ כַּלְמוּדִים‬.Sic doctiut
nip Pudores, ignominia . Shame, confusion , dishonour.

‫ כְּלִמָּתִי‬.Ignom iniaMy reproach , dishonour.

ְ‫ כְּלִמָּתֵך‬Ignominia
, tua Thy dishonour , disgrace .

‫ כְּלִמָּתָם‬.Ignom inia disgrace , confusion.

corum Their
in a ia Our confusion , dishonour .
ּ‫ כְּלִמָּתֵנו‬.Ignom nostr
[illa. Calneh , N. P.
‫ כָּלְנֶה‬.calne
‫כלל‬ Omnes hæ, omnia All these, them all.

.Calno Calno , N. P.
He hath consumed us.
ּ‫ כֻּלָּנו‬.Consumpsit
All we.
ּ‫ כֻּלָּנו‬.Omn noses
As wormwood.
‫ כַּלָּעֲנָה‬.Sabsyn thiumut
Sicut lampas, fax. As a lamp, torch.
TUt lampades , faces. As lamps , torches.
Secundum linguam . According to the language.
Juxta linguam ejus . After his language.
‫כלה‬ Decreta, completa She was determined , com-
est ; defecit. [est. pleted ; she failed.
Defecil, consumpta She failed , was consumed.

ejusus Her daughter in law.

‫כלל‬ ּ‫ כַּלָּתָה‬.Nur
in Nurus ejus . [ re eum His daughter in law. { sumeth.
‫כלה‬ in in Absolvere, consume- That he maketh an end, con-

rus Thy daughter in law.

‫כלל‬ ָ‫ כַּלָּתְךָ־תֵךְ־תֶך‬.Nutua
‫כלה‬ ‫ כלתס‬.Consume cos re To consum them.

‫כלא‬ Thou hast kept me back.

‫ כְּלִתְנִי‬.Cohibuisti
‫כמוני כמני‬ 819

‫אכל‬ ♫ Ut cibus, pabulum . As the food , fewel .
ְּ‫כ‬ decretum . According to the decree
‫בוא‬ ‫ כִּמְבוֹא‬.Jus adventumta According to the coming.

‫ כִּמְבוֹאִי‬.Juxta ingressus According to the entrances.

ic ut
ens As he that bringeth.
‫| כְּמֵבִיא‬.Sadduc
‫בכר‬ ‫ כְּמַבְכִּי‬Quasi primo parien- As of her that bringeth forth
‫בנה‬ ‫ כְּמִבְנֶה‬Velut edificium . [ tis As the building . [ her first child
‫בשר‬ ‫ כִּמְבַשָׂר‬.Sic annunciansut As he that bringeth good
‫גדל‬ ‫ כְּמִגְדָּל‬.Sicu turris t As the tower .
Like towers.
‫ כַּמִּגְדָּלוֹת‬.Sicut turres
‫ כַּמַּגֵּפָה‬.Sicut As a stroke, plague.
icut As a wilderness.
‫ כַּמִּדְבָּר‬.Sdesertum
Instar vestis ejus. Like his garment.

‫כְּמִי‬ ‫ כַּמָּדּוֹת‬.Juxta
mensuras According to the measures.
Sicut confessiones . Like the piercings.
‫מדד‬ Juxta mensuram. After the measure.

Desideravit, flagra- He desired, longed, burned

vit desiderio. with desire .
‫מה‬ Quot, quamdiu, quo- How many, how long, how
‫כְּמָה‬.Q ua
. [ tics , quare ? How m [often, wherefore ?
ille , illudut As he, it.
ּ‫ כָּמֹהוּ־־מהו‬.Sic
‫הלך‬ . ְ‫ כִּמְהַלֵּך‬.Sicut
incedens As he that goeth .

‫ כְּמְהָם‬.C hi mh am Chimham, N. M. P.
‫הפך‬ ‫ כְּמַהְפֵכָת‬Sicut subversio As the overthrow.
‫מהר‬ ‫ כמהר‬.Jux
| taAs hasteth.
dotem a
‫ כְּמֹהַר‬.Juxt According to the dowry.
ֹ‫ כְּמו‬Sicut , quasi
, As, as it were.

‫| כְּמוֹ כֵן‬.Similiter In like manner .

ָ‫ כָּמוֹה‬.Sic illaut As she, like her, it.

‫ם‬ ֶ ‫ה‬ ֹ ‫ו‬ ‫מ‬ ּ ְ ‫כ‬ .S ic ut

illi Like them.
As thou .
‫ כָּמוֹךְ כָּמֹכָה‬.Sic
‫ כְּמוֹכֶם‬.Sivos As you.
‫מכר‬ ic So he that selleth .
‫ כָּמוֹכֵר‬.S
As we.
ּ‫| כָּמוֹנוּ כָּמֹנו‬.Sicut
As I.
‫| כָּמוֹנִי כַּמָּנִי‬.Sicut
820 ‫כמלכי‬
‫יפת‬ ֹ‫מוֹפֶת כְּמו‬Sic
ָּ‫כ‬ , juxta porten- As , according to the wonder
‫ַּפּוֹץ כְּמוֹץ־מץ מוץ‬.S‫כ‬ gluma. ic
[tum . Like chaff
ut [prodigy.
‫מצא‬ inveniensut As he that findeth.
‫ כָּמוֹצָא‬.Sic
‫יצא‬ ‫ כְּמוֹצָאֵי‬.Sicu
crilus t As the goings forth .
‫מצא‬ ‫ כָּמוֹצְאת‬.Sinvenie
icns utAs she that findeth.
‫יקר‬ ‫וֹקֵד‬.T
‫כְּמ‬ an
adustio qu
, si- Asthe burning , likean hearth a
wi Chemos. [ cutfocus. Chemosh, N. I.
‫ כַּמָּוֶת‬.Ut
mors As death .
‫ כְּמוֹת‬.Juxta
mori As dieth.
‫זרק‬ ‫ כַּמִּזְרָק‬.Ut
cratcr As a bowl.
‫ כַּמִּזְרָקִים‬.Si cut
pelves As bowls, basons.
‫חבא‬ ‫ כְּמָחֲבָא‬.Sic lalibulum utAs a hiding- place.
‫חלק‬ ‫ַחְלְקוֹתֵיכֶם‬Secu
‫כְּמ‬ ndum classes According to your classes
vestras. [eorum. courses .
Daphne Secundum divisiones According to their divisions.
‫ כִּמְחֹלַת‬.Sic chorusut As the dance .
‫חנה‬ .Ut
‫בְּמַחֲנֵה‬ castra , exercitus As the camp, host , army
‫חרש‬ As a deaf man .
ׁ‫ כְּמַחֲרִיש‬.Si cut
‫טתה‬ [ throw.
‫ כִּמְטַחֲוִי‬.Sicjacientesut As they that shoot, cast ,
‫מטל‬ Sicut virga, vectis. As a rod, bar.
‫מטר‬ ‫כְּמָי‬ ‫ כַּמָּטָר‬.Sicutpluvia As rain.
‫נטר‬ ‫ בַּמַּטְרָא‬.Ve As a mark .
‫מים‬ ‫ כַּמָּיִם כַּמַּי כְּמַי‬.Sic
aquaut As water.
‫ כְּמַכְאֹבִי‬.Sdolor
ic ut
meus Like my sorrow.
‫נכה‬ According to the slaughter.
‫ כְּמַכַּת‬.Juxta
‫כתב‬ .Jut
‫כַּמִּכְתָּב‬ t
scripturam . According to the writi ng a
‫מלא‬ ‫ את‬-‫ כִּמְלאות‬.Jux implerita When full, fulfilled .
‫לאך‬ ְ‫ כְּמַלְאַך‬.Sic
angelusut As an angel.
‫ כְּמַלְאָכִי‬Sicut nuncius meus. As my messenger.
‫ כַּמַּלְוֶה‬.Sicommodans c So he that lendeth.
‫לון‬ . S i c ut
‫כַּמְּלוּנָה כְּמִי‬ hospitium ,tu- As a lodge , coltage
gurium . [lium .

‫לחם‬ ‫ כַּמִּלְחָמָה‬- S
Sicut i
bell , præ-
umm,c u
pre the war, battle.

‫מלך‬ ,
ְ‫ כְּמֶלֶך‬Sicut rer As a king.
ֹ‫ כְּמָלְכו‬Regnando, eum ) When he reigned .
‫ כְּמַלְכֵי‬Sicut reges As the kings.
" ‫כמראה כמ‬ 821

‫לקש‬ wiph Sicutpluvia serotina As the latter rain.

‫לקט‬ As he that gathereth.
‫ כִּמְלַקֵט‬.Sic colligens
The cummin.
‫ כַּמָּן‬.Cyminum
‫נהג‬ ‫ כְּמִנְהַג‬.Si cut
ductus Like the driving .
‫מנר‬ Instarjugi textoris. Like a weaver's beam. [ ing.
‫ִּנְחָה כְּמִנְחַת מנח‬-Sicut
‫כַּמ‬ oblatio, fertum Asa ,the oblation , meat ofer
‫כָּמַס‬ Recondidit. He laid up in store.

‫ כָּמָס‬.Recondilu s Laid up in store.

‫מסס‬ Dion Juxta colliquescere. As to melt away.
‫נסג‬ ‫ כְּמַסִינִי‬.Sic removentesut As they that remove.
‫ספר‬ ‫ כְּמִסְפַּד־־פָּד‬.Sicut
planctus As the mourning .

‫ בַּמִּסְפָּר כְּמִסְפַּר ספר‬.Juxta

numerum According to the number.

‫כְּמ‬ numerum According to their number
eorum. [ejus.
‫מעה‬ iy Sicut lapilli, scrupi Like his little stones, gravel.
‫מעט‬ ‫ כִּמְעָט־־עַט‬.Paru , fere m Little, almost.
‫מעל‬ ‫ כַּמְעִיל כִּי‬.Sicutpallium As a robe.
‫עלל‬ opera ejus. According to his works,doings
‫ כְּמַעֲלָלָיו‬Jurta
‫מער‬ ‫ער‬-S‫כמ‬ ec
spatium un
. According dum
to the space, propor
‫עשה‬ " ַ‫ כַּמַּעֲשֶׂה כְּמ‬.Secundumopus According to the work. [ tion .
ּ‫ כְּמַעֲשֵׂהו‬Juxta opus
, cjus According to his work .
ְּ‫כ‬ opera eorum . According to their works

ְּ‫כ‬ opera ejus . According to his works
ָ‫ כְּמַעֲשֶׂיך‬.Jux ta
opera tua According to thy works.
‫פנה‬ Quasi in conspectu. As in the presence.
The Ut solvens, abjiciens. As he that looseth, putteth off.
‫צוה‬ Niņu Juxta mandatum. According to the command.
‫צחק‬ ‫כִּמְצַחֵק‬ .S ic
lude ut
ns As he that mocketh.

PP Sicut tabes, putredo. As wasting, rottenness.

‫ כְּמְקוֹם‬.Sic As the place .

‫ כְּמִקְרֵה‬.Jusevenlumta Accordi ng to the event .

Estuavit, adustus He was very hot, scorched ,
est, rugatus est ; parched, shrivelled ; hel
amore incaluit. burned with affection.
‫מר‬ |
‫ר‬ ‫כמ‬.S
gutta. [ic
speciem As drop
a ut [form .
‫ראה‬ ‫ַּרְאֶה‬Secundum
" ַ‫כְּמ‬ ‫כַּמ‬ aspectum , According to the appearance
822 ‫כמתעתע‬


‫רגל‬ ‫ כִּמְרַגְּלִים‬.S ic
explo ranteuts As spies .

‫רוב‬ ‫ְרִיבֵי‬.S ‫כִּמ‬ contendentes . ic u

As they that contend , strive
‫י‬ ִ ‫ר‬ ְ ‫מ‬ ּ ִ ‫כ‬ . S i
atto c
llen utAs they that take up.
‫רוס‬ ‫י‬ ֵ ‫מ‬
‫מרר‬ ‫מְרִירִי‬.S
ִּ‫כ‬ ic
amaritudines ut
. As great bitterness
‫רעה‬ By Juxta pascuum eo- According to their pasture.
ְ‫כ‬ cursus . [ ic ut
rum . Like the running
‫רקח‬ ‫ כַּמֶּרְקָחָה‬Ut was unguenti , vel As a vessel of ointment or
‫נשא‬ ‫ּמַשָׂא‬.
ְ‫כ‬ S ic
onus .[ pigmenti ut
As a burden [ pigment.
‫שוב‬ ‫ | כְּמֵשִׁיב‬.Reducendo In bringing back.
As the bed.
‫שכב‬ ‫ כְּמִשְׁכַּב‬.Sic cubileut
As a hedge.
‫שיך‬ ‫ כִּמְשְׂכַת‬.Si cut
‫משל‬ ֹ‫מָשְׁלו‬.J
ְּ‫כ‬ dominium ejusur l
According to his dominion
‫שלם‬ perfectusut As he that is perfect.
‫ כִּמְשְׁלָּם‬.Sic
‫שלש‬ About three .
tres r
ׁ‫ כִּמְשְׁלש‬.Circite
‫שפת‬ icu
‫ בְּמִשְׁפְּחוֹת‬..Sfamilie t As the families.

‫שפט‬ ‫(כ‬
‫ַּמִּשְׁפָּט‬Jurlajudicium , le- According to the judgment
gem,ritum,modum, law, rite, order, manner,
morem . custom .
‫( כְּמִשְׁפָּט‬
J u
eremplar,cus- a
Accordi r
ng to his t
form , pat
todiam ejus . tern , charge.
uz la
ia tua According to thy judgments.
ָ‫ כְּמִשְׁפָּטֶיך‬.J judic
un du m
After the manners, customs.
‫ כַּמִּשְׁפָּטִים‬.Sec mores
‫כְּמ‬ ec
judicium un
According du
to thy judgment
luum. [mam eorumn [form .
Die Juxta morem, nor- According to their manner,
‫ כְּמַשַׁק‬Sicut disc, As the running to and fro.
‫שתה‬ cmut
iiviu Like the feast.
‫ כְּמִשְׁתֵּה‬.Sconv
‫מות‬ ic
‫ כַּמָּת כְּמֵת‬.Smort ut As one dead . -
As those that complain.
‫ כְּמִתְאֹנְנִים‬.Sic
‫| מות‬ cut
‫ כמתי כַּמָּתִים‬.Si As dead, the dead .

‫לחה‬ ‫ כְּמִתְלַהִלה‬.Sic ut As he that is mad, outrageous

simplice As simple , a
s , vul-u s
wounding , sooth
‫להם‬ ‫מִתְלַהֲמִים‬-
nerante s, lenien- ing, flatteri ng.
tes, blandientes .

‫נתן‬ ‫מַתְּנַת‬.
ְּ‫כ‬ Se domum .c u
Accordi ngn gift u
to the d
As he that deceive th .
‫תעתע‬ ‫ע‬ ic
ַּ‫ כִּמְתַעֲת‬.Sdeci s t
‫כניס‬ 823

ថី ៥៩

‫ כֵּן בֶּן‬.S ic
, itu So, thus.

‫| בנאד‬.Sicut
uler Like a bottle of skin or leather .

‫ כִּנְבֹל‬.Jur ta As falleth.
1 Tanquam coram eo. As before him.
splendor t As brightness.
ּ‫ כַּנְּנָה‬.Sicu
‫ כְּנַנֵּן‬.Pulsando In playing on an instrument.
‫ כְּנָגַע‬.Si cut
plaga As a stroke , wound , plague .
Quasi acervus. As a heap.

ut As with standards, banners.

‫ כַּנִּדְגָלוֹת‬.Sic cum vexillis
‫נדה‬ Juxta separationem According to her separation .
‫ כַּנֵּה‬.Cane [ ejus. Canneh, N. P.
Cognominavit, titulo He surnamed, distinguished
insignivit vel ho- by a title either of honour
noris veladulatio- or of flattery.
Sicutfremitus. [ nis. Like the roaring.
ឌ្លូ ≥

fluvius am Like a river.

" ָ‫כְּנ‬ ‫ כַּנָּהָר‬.Tanqu



flumina As rivers.
‫ כַּנְהָרוֹת‬.Si
ֹ‫ כַּנּו‬.Basis
ejus His base.

ַ‫ כְּנוֹח‬.Quiescendo In resting. [gether.

Dip Congrega, colligere. Assemble thou ; to gather to-
yi Juxta commoveri. As are moved.
‫|כִּנּוֹר‬ A harp.

ּ‫ כִּנּוֹרוֹתֵינו‬.Cithanostre reOur harps.

lue re
ְ‫ כִּנּוֹרַיִך‬.Citha Thy harps.
‫כנה‬ cii
‫ כְּנָוָתְהוֹן‬.So Their companions.
His companions.
An ‫| ܕܕܪ‬.Socej1usii
‫נהל‬ cut
‫ כְּנַחַל כְּנַי‬.Si As a stream .

vallesut As the valleys .

‫ כִּנְחָלִים‬.Sic
227773 " ָ‫ כַּנָּחָשׁ כְּנ‬.In sta
serpenti s r Like a serpent.
‫נטד‬ ip Extendendo. In stretching out.
When he declineth.
ֹ‫ כִּנְטוֹתו‬.Declina eum ndo
‫נטע‬ Dy Sicut planta .[meum As plants.

‫כון‬ Basis mea, munus My base, my office.

Coniab, N. M.
ּ‫ כָּנִיָהו‬.Conias
Recti, veraces. Right, true.
824 ‫כנפשך‬

‫כון‬ ‫ כְּנִים‬.Pediculi
n mus Thy place, office.
ְ‫ כַּנֵּך‬.Mutuu
ol ve nd o When thou makest an end.
‫נלה‬ ָ‫ כַּבְּלֹתְך‬.Abs te
Hujusmodi,hoc modo Of this sort, in this manner.

parc As a leopard.
‫נמר‬ ‫ כְּנָמֵר כִּנְמַר‬.Si

Chenani. [ congessit Chenani, N. M. [ heaped up.
Collegit,congregavit, He gathered, assembled,

‫ כֹּנֶס‬.Colligens He that gathereth.

Collegi. [ abjecit se . I gathered . [he abased himself
Depressit, demisit ; He brought low, humbled
Juxta adolescentiam According to her youth.
n [ ejus. Canaan, N, M. P.
‫ כְּנָעַן‬.Canaa
‫ כְּנַעֲנָה‬.Chena an as Chenaanah, N. M.

‫ כְּנַעֲנִי‬.Canaaneus Canaanite, N. N.
‫כ‬ .C an aa ne a A Canaanitish woman, N. N.
Mercator. A merchant.
Her merchants , traffickers .
ָ‫ כִּנְעָנֶיה‬.Mercato ejus res


Dy Mercatores. [ cens . The merchants .

‫ כַּנַּעַר‬Sicut puer
, adoles- As the boy, young man.
Merxtua. [ motus est Thy merchandise. [ a distance.
‫כנע‬ ְ‫בִּנְעָתֵך‬
Aufugit, procul a- He fled away, was removed to
Ala, ora ; alatus. A, the wing, skirt ; winged.
‫כָּנָף כְּנַף‬
[ora. In falling. [ders.
‫ כִּנְפוֹל־פֿל‬.Cadendo
de Ale, extremitates , The wings, extremities, bor-
Ora mea. My skirt.
Alæ eorum, earum . Their wings.
le His wings .
ּ‫ כְּנָפָיו־־פָו‬.Acjus
Alæ tuæ. Thy wings.
e e
dul Two wings.
‫ כְּנָפָיִם־־פַי‬.A
Thy skirt.
ָ‫ כְּנָפֶך‬.Otua a
‫נפל‬ ‫ כְּנֶפֶל‬.Si c
abor lusut As an untimely birth .
ma As the soul.
‫נפש‬ ׁ‫ כְּנֶפֶש‬Sicut ani
i mac ut As his soul.
ֹ‫ כְּנַפְשׁו‬.Sani ejus
Ut anima tua, juxta As thy soul, according to thy
voluntatem tuam . pleasure.
‫כסוסי‬ 825

‫נצר‬ Sicut sur culus. As a branch .

‫נקף‬ ‫ כְּנֹקֶף‬.Sic excistout As the cutting off.
Cinneroth , N, F.
" ָּ‫כִּנ‬ ‫ כַּעֲרוֹת‬.Chineroth
‫כנר‬ ‫ כְּנֹרִי‬.Citmea hara My harp.
‫כ‬ .C hi na re t [nit. Cinnereth, N. P.
Congregavit, conve- He gathered together, met.
lifting up .
‫נשא‬ ‫ כִּנְשׂא‬.Sic elevandout As in
‫נשה‬ ic
‫ כַּנָּשִׁים‬.Smulie resut As women .
‫ כַּנֶּשֶׁף‬. U
in crepu t
sculo As in the twilight.
‫נשר‬ ‫ כַּאֲשֶׁר כִּי‬.Si cut
aquila As the eagle .

-‫ כַּנְשָׁרִים כְּנִשְׁרִין‬.Si As eagles.

‫כסא‬ .Solium
‫|כֶּס‬ A, the throne.

‫ כִּסֵּא־־ה‬.Solium A, the throne .

ejus m
‫ כְּסָאו‬.Soliu His throne.

‫ כְּסאוֹת‬.Solia Thrones .

eorum a
‫ כְּסְאוֹתָם‬.Soli Their thrones.
'NDA Solium meum. My throne .
" ֶ‫א‬ ָ‫ כִּסְאֶך‬.Sol ium
tuumn Thy throne .
Texit, obduxit, vela- He covered, overspread ,
vit, occullavit, ce- veiled, hid, concealed.

‫ כְּסָה‬.Teril [ lavit . He covered .

‫כּסֶה‬.Teg en
, occultan s sthat covereth, concealeth ,

rit He covered him.

ּ‫ כִּלָּהו‬.Teeum
ּ‫ כָּסו‬.Tee They were covered.
‫סחה‬ ‫ כַּסוּחָה‬.Ve lut As dung.
‫כסח‬ Cut off.
‫ כְּסוּחָה‬.Ercisa
‫ כְּסוּחִים‬Concisi
, Cut up.

‫כסה‬ De Operimentum. A covering.

‫כסם‬ ‫ כָּסוֹס‬.Tondendo In polling, shearing

ּ‫ כָּסוּנו‬.Tegite
nos Cover ye us.
As a, the horse.
‫ סוּס‬.Sicut

‫ כְּסוּס‬.Vel ut Like a swallow.

equi meit As my horses .
‫ כְּס‬.Sicu
826 ‫כםם‬


‫סים‬ ָ‫ כְּסוּסֶיך‬Sicut equi

, tui As thy horses.

‫סוף‬ " ְּ‫ כַּסוּפָה־־ב‬.Ins nis r Like a whirlwind .

‫ כְּסוּפוֹת‬.Si cut As whirlwinds.
‫כסה‬ ‫ כּסוֹת‬.Tegere To cover.
‫ כְּסוּת‬.Operimentum A
Operimentum ejus. Her covering.
And Operimentum ejus. His covering.
Operimentum tuum. Thy covering.
Operimentum eorum Their covering.
Excidit, succidit. He cut off, cut down.
‫ | כסיל‬.Chcsil Chesil, N. P.

Foolish, a fool; Orion.

‫כסל‬ ‫ כְּסִיל‬Stultus ; ,
‫ | כּסילות‬.Stultilia Folly.
‫ כְּסִילִים‬.Stulli
‫ כַּפִּיר‬.Siolla As a pot.
‫כסה‬ ָ‫ כְּסִיה‬.Teristi Thou coveredst.

ֹ‫ כְּסִיתּו‬.Teristi cum Thou coveredst him.

‫ כְּסִיתִי‬.T ex
, occullav i iI have covered, hidden.
I have covered thee.
ָ‫ כַּסֵּתִיך‬Teri ,te
Instar tentorii. [ egit Like a tent, tabernacle. [ ishly

Stultus fuit, stulte He was foolish, he acted fool-

The loins.
‫ כָּסֶל‬.Lumbus
‫ כסל‬.Stullitia Folly.

‫ כְּסָלֵו‬.Chislev Chislev, N. Mth.

‫כסל‬ 170 Spes ejus. His hope.

‫ כְּסָלוֹן‬.Chesalon Chesalon, N. P.

‫ כְּסְלוֹן‬.Chislon Chislon, N. M.
Casluhim, N. M. N.
‫ כַּסְלחִים‬.Casluchim
‫כסל‬ ‫ כְּסָלַי‬.Lum bus My loins ,
‫ כְּסְלִי‬.Spesmea My hope.

Their hope.
‫ בִּסְלָם‬.Seoru pe m s
‫ כְּסְלת‬.Chislot Chis loth , N. P.
Chisloth -tabor, N. P.
‫ כְּסְלֹת תָּבֹר‬.Chisloth -tabor
‫כסל‬ Thy hope, confidence.
ָ‫| כְּסְלָתֶך‬Spes , fiduciatua
DOP Totondit. He polled, sheared .
‫כסה‬ xit [ tavit. He covered them. [counted.
ֹ‫ כְּסָמו‬.Tecos
‫כָּסַס‬ Numeravit , suppu- He numbered, reckoned,
‫כעול‬ 827

‫כָּסַף‬ Pallidus,luridusfuit; He was pale or wan ; he ear-

appetiit, desiderio nestly longed for, grew
impalluit. pale with desire.
" Argentum, argen- Silver, made of silver, money.
teus ; nummus.
‫ כְּסַף־־סָ " כַּסְפָא‬.Argentum
ֹ‫ כַּסְפּו‬.Argen tumHis silver, money .
Argentum meum. My silver, money.

‫ כַּסְפְיָא‬.Casiphia Casiphia, N. P.
De Argentum eorum. Their silver , money.

ְ‫פֶּך‬ ָ‫ כַּסְפְּךָ פֶּך‬.Argentumtuum Thy silver, money.

Argentum vestrum. Your silver, money.
De Argentum eorum. Their silver , money.
10 Argentum nostrum. Our silver, money.
Sicut volumen. Like a roll, scroll.
hop Texit. She covered .
‫בסת‬ nino? Pulvinaria, pulvilli. Pillows, cushions.
Your cushions.
‫ כִּפְתוֹתֵיכֶנָה‬.Pulvilli
‫כסה‬ ‫ כָּסֶתִי‬.Teri I covered.
o Texi, confugi. I covered , fled.
He hath covered me.
‫ כִּפָּתְנִי‬.Texit

‫עבה‬ ‫כִּי‬ ‫ כָּעָב‬.Sicutnubes As a cloud.
" Sicut servus. As a, the servant.
‫ כְּעַבְדִּי‬Sicut servus meus. As my servant.
As servants.

‫ כַּעֲבָדִים‬Sicut servi
Juxta ministerium. According to the service.
‫עבר‬ ‫ כַּעֲבוֹר־־בר‬.Pretereundo In passing by.
Transeundo ipsos. When they are gone over.
‫עגל‬ Typ Sicu vitulus. As a young bullock.
As the heifer.
‫ כְּעֶגְלָה‬.Sicu vitula t
vitulorum Like bullocks.
‫ערה‬ Sicut ornamentum . As an ornament.
" Sicut grez. As a, the flock .
‫עול‬ ‫ כְּעַגָּל‬.Usiniquus As the unrighteous.
828 ‫כעסן‬

‫ערה‬ Sicut poena iniquita- As the punishment ofiniquity.

tis. [ nostras .

ּ‫ כַּעֲוֹנוֹתֵינוּ נֹתֵנו‬Juxta iniquitates According to our iniquities.

‫ בָּעוֹף כִּי‬.Sic avisut As a bird .

As lead.
‫עפר‬ ‫ כַּעוֹפֶרֶת‬.Sic plumbumut
‫עור‬ Like the chaff.
‫ כְּעוּר‬.Inglume
‫ערב‬ As a raven.
‫ בָּעוֹרֶב‬.Sicucorvus t
ceciul Like the blind.
‫עור‬ ‫ כַּעֲוֹרִים‬.Sic
‫עזב‬ ‫ כַּעֲזוּבָת‬.Si cut As a forsaken .
‫עטה‬ ‫ בְּעטְיָה‬.Qdecl ua inanss iAs one that turneth aside.

‫עין‬ ‫ֵין‬.S
‫כְּע‬ color , speciesic u
. As the colour , appearance
" ‫ כְּעַיְנֵי־־עַעי‬.Si cut
oculi As the eyes.

‫עיר‬ Ty Sicut civitas. [juxta . As a city.

‫עלה‬ Sicut contra, pro, As against, according to.
Juxta holocaustum. According to the burntoffering
ns ta o rf ol[beii ing offered .
‫כ‬ [ eferend Like a leaf
ַּ‫כ‬ o ,oriendo . In going up , springing , rising
‫עלל‬ ‫ּעלְלִים‬.S
ְ‫ב‬ ic
parvuli , infan- ut
As children , infants
--by Sicut racemi. [ tes. As the grape-gleanings .
‫עמם‬ ‫ כָּעָם כְּעַי‬.Si cut As a, the people.
‫עמר‬ ‫ בְּעַמּוּדִי‬.Sic columneut As the pillars.
‫עמם‬ ‫ְּעַמִּי‬ ‫ב‬ .S ic
popul iut As peoples .

ְ‫ב‬ populus ic ut
meus . As my people
‫ עמיר‬.Sic manipulus ut As a sheaf.
‫עמם‬ ְ‫מֶך‬ ְ‫ּעַמְך‬.ְ‫ב‬ S i
populus tuus c
. Asthy ut
‫עמק‬ ‫ כְּעֵמֶק‬.Si cu
in vall e t As in the valley.
caut As wool.
‫עמר‬ ‫ כַּעֲמר‬.Silan
Now, therefore.
, itaque c
‫ כְּעַן‬.Wun
‫ענב‬ uvesi Like grapes .
‫ כַּעֲנָבִים‬.Qua
‫| כַּעֲנָן בֶּעָנָן‬.Ins ta
nubi s r Like a cloud .

ic esut As clouds .
‫ כַּעֲנָנִים‬.S nub
Iratus, indignatus He was angry, displeased ; he
est; ad iram pro-| provoked to wrath, irritated
vocavit, irritavit.

‫ּעַס־־י‬. ָ‫כ‬ , irritamI the provocation a

entum . Wrath , r
ejusor His wrath.
ּ‫ כַּעֲסו‬.Fur

‫כעס‬ me
‫ כַּעֲסוּנִי‬.Provoca They have provoked me.
ְ‫ כַּעַסְך‬Ira tua
, Thy anger .

‫עוף‬ ‫בְּעַפְעַפִּי‬ Ut palpebre , vel pri- As the eye lids , or dawning of

mi splendores. light.
‫כְּ " עפר‬ ‫ כַּעֲפַר בֶּעָפָר‬.Sicu pulvis t As the dust.

‫עוץ‬ " Velut arbor, lignum As a tree, wood.

‫עצם‬ ‫ כַּעֲצָמִים‬Sicut assa As the bones . "

‫יעץ‬ consiliumta
‫ כַּעֲצַת‬.Jux According to the counsel.
‫ערב‬ ‫עֲרָבָה‬.Sic
ָּ‫כ‬ utpl
, deser- As a plain,anit
a wilderness ies
‫כ‬ salices . [tum . As willows
‫ערן‬ .S
‫כַּעֲרוּנַת‬ area , areole . ic ut
As the bedsin a garden .[tute
‫ערער‬ ‫ֲרוֹעֵר‬-S
‫כַּע‬ denudata , des-ic
As the naked , stripped, ut
‫עיר‬ ‫ּעָרִים‬.Sicut
ֶ‫ב‬ civitates[ tituta As the cities
‫ערך‬ .J
ֹ‫כְּעֶרְכּו‬ estimationem ux ta
Accordingto his estimation
ejus. [meam. According to my estimation.

ֶ‫כְּע‬ estimationem ur la
According to thy estimation
ְ‫ כְּעֶרְכְּך‬Juxta estimationem
‫ערער‬ Ut denudata. [ tuam. As the naked, stripped.
‫ערף‬ ‫ֶרֶף‬ ‫ע‬ ּ ְ ‫כ‬ .J cervicemta'To the neck .
‫עשש‬ ns tar Like a, the moth.
ׁ‫ כָּעָש‬.I
| tinee
‫כעס‬ The wrath, indignation.
ׂ‫ כָּעַש‬.Furor
, indignatio
‫עשב‬ As the grass .
" ְּ‫כ‬ herbaut
‫ כָּעֵשֶׂב‬.Sic
‫כעס‬ ‫ כַּעֲשִׂי‬.I r
mea a My anger.

tur Thy anger .
ָ‫ כַּעֲשְׂך‬.I
‫עשן‬ ‫ כָּעָשָׁן כְּעֶשֶׁן‬.Si cut
fumus Like smoke .
About ten.
‫עשר‬ decem er
‫ בְּעֶשֶׂר כַּעֲשֶׂרֶת‬.Circit
‫ בְּעֶשְׂרִים‬.Circi i r About twenty.
‫עתת‬ ‫ כָּעֵת כִּי‬Juxta tempus, tem- According to the time, at this
‫עתר‬ ‫ּעַתּוּדִים‬.S
ְ‫ב‬ ic
hirci[ pore ut
hoc As the he - goats [ time.


‫כפף‬ ‫ף כַּף‬Manus
ָּ‫כ‬ , palma , ma- A , the hand , palin , handful
nipulus, planta, sole of the foot, hollow,
acetabulum , coch- cup, spoon.
‫פנר‬ Sicut cadaver[ leare. As a carcase.
‫פגש‬ [away .
‫כ‬ urre
[ avertit In meeting ndo
‫כָּפָה‬ Sedavit, placavit , He calmed, pacified, turned
830 ‫כפעלם‬


ejusus Her, his hand .

‫כפף‬ ֹ‫ כַּפָּהּ־־פּו‬.Man
‫ כִּפָּה‬.R am us A bough, branch.
Doubled .
‫כפל‬ ‫ כָּפוּל‬.Duplicatus
‫| כְּפו ים‬Curval
ִ ‫פ‬ ּ ,i Bent, bowed down.
‫ כְּפוֹר‬.Si cut
pruina As the hoar -frost.
res Bowls , basons.
‫ כְּפוֹרֵי‬.Cra,le pelves
|‫פות‬ .P‫כ‬ , plantae ,coch- |al
Palms , soles , spoons m
, e
learia, manubria.
My hands .
‫כַּפִּי כַּפִּי‬ .Man meeus
Manu, Hands.
‫ כַּפִּי‬.Man meaus My hand .

‫פה‬ Juxta os, manda- According to the mouth, com-

tum ; sicut ora ; mand ; as the edge, border ;
pro ratione ; adeo according as ; so that .
[ut. Her hands.
‫כפף‬ ָ‫ כַּפֶּיה‬.Man ejusus
Their hands.
‫ כַּפֵּיהֶם‬.Man eorum us
ejusus His hands.
‫ כַּפָּיו כַּפָּר‬.Man
.Man Thy hands.
ְ‫כַּפֶּיךָ כַּפַּיִך‬
‫פה‬ As thou .
ָ‫|ּפִיך‬ְ‫ כ‬Sicut ,
‫כפף‬ ‫ כַּפֵּיכֶם‬.Man vestreus Your hands.
Two hands.
‫ כַּפַּיִם כַּפַּיִם‬. .Manus
Their hands.
ֹ‫ כַּפִּימו‬.Manu eorum s
us Our hands.
ּ‫ כַּפִּינו‬.Man nostre
‫כפר‬ ‫ כְּפִיר‬.Leo
juvenis A, the young lion.

‫ כְּפִירָה‬.Chephira Chephirah , N. P.

‫כפר‬ ָ‫ּפִירֶיה‬.ְ‫כ‬ L e
juvenes ejus . o n
Her young lionses
‫| כפירים‬.Leon juvenesesThe young lions.
Thy hand.
‫כפף‬ ‫ כַּפְּךָ כַּפֶּךְ־־פָּכָה‬Manus , tua
Duplicavit . He doubled.
‫פלג‬ As the rivers.
‫ כְּפלגי‬Sicut fluvii,
‫פלח‬ ‫ְּפֶרַח‬.‫כ‬ I n
fragmen ti. s a piecear
‫כפל‬ ‫ כִּפְלַיִם‬.Duplices
Flexit. He bent, turned .
She bent.
‫פעל‬ ‫ כָּפְנָה‬.Flexit
‫פָעָלָה‬.ְּ‫כ‬ Se c
opus ejus u
. Accordi n
ng to du
her work
According to his work.
ֹ‫ כְּפָעֲלו‬Jurla opua
, cjus
ְּ‫כ‬ opus eorum .ux ta
| According to their work
‫כפתים‬ 831

‫פעם‬ by Juxta vicem. According to the time, as the

[vit. time before.

‫כָּפף‬ Curvavit, incurva- He bowed , bowed down.

‫כָּפַר‬ Texit, obduxit, oble- He covered , overspread, be-
vit, obliteravit, smeared, obliterated , an-
abolevit, expiavit , } nulled, expiated, atoned ,
placavit. appeared.
Propitius esto. Be thou merciful.
Expiatio, redemptio, Atonement, satisfaction, re-
pretium redemp- demption, ransom ; a vil-
tionis ; pagus. lage.
Expiatio facta est. Atonement was made.
‫פאר‬ ‫ּפרֹאתָיו‬.Ins
ְ‫| כ‬ tarr
ejus Like his amor
branches um
‫פרד‬ mulus t
‫| כְּפַרד‬.Sicu As the mule.
‫פר‬ ‫ כְּפָרָה‬.Sic ut As a heifer.
‫כפר‬ Expiare eam. To expiate it.
Pretium redemptio- A ransom for him.
nis ejus.
ferrumut As iron.
‫ כְּפַרְזְלָא‬.Sic
‫פרח‬ ‫ כְּפֿרַחַת‬.Qua si
germinans As though budding.
‫פרה‬ Juxtafructum. According to the fruit.
‫ כְּפָרִים‬.Cypri Cypruses or camphor shrubs.
Leones juvenes. Young lions.
D' Expiationes [nis tuæ Atonements.
Pretium redemptio- Thy ransom.
Sicut ruptura, erup- As a, the breach, breaking
tio, irruptio. forth, breaking in. [ seat.
‫ כַּפֹּרֶת‬.PropitiatoriumA, the propitiatory, or mercy
ׁ‫בְּפִש‬ Operuit, involvit. He covered, rolled.
‫פשע‬ y Tanquam passus, As it were a step.

‫ַּפִּשְׁתָּה־־תִּים | פשת‬.S
‫כ‬ linum .ic
[ gressus Asfax
‫כָּפַת‬ Vinxit, ligatus est. He bound, was bound.
‫כפף‬ ‫ | כַּפֹּת‬.Rami Branches.
‫כפת‬ They were bound.
ּ‫ כְּפָתו‬.Vincti
‫ כַּפְתּוֹר‬.Caphtor Caphtor, N. P.
‫כפף‬ ‫| כַּפֹּתָיו‬.Cochleariaejus His spoons.
‫פתת‬ Like morsels.
Sicut frusta.
832 ‫כצריך‬


A round or globular knob.
‫ כַּפְתּר‬.Globulus
‫פתר‬ J
interpre u
tatio- According r l
to the interpre ta
‫כפתר‬ ָ‫ַּפְתֹּרֶיה‬.G
‫כ‬ lo
ejus . [nem . bu
Her knobs li [tion .
Their knobs.
‫ כַּפתְּרֵיהֶם‬.Globu eorum li
Caphtorim , N. N.
‫ כַּפְתֹּרִים‬.Caphtorim


‫צאן‬ " Sicutgrex,velut oves Like a flock, as sheep.

‫יצא‬ ‫ כְּצֵאת‬.Ereundo In going out.
me do
‫ כְּצֵאתִי‬.Ereun When I go out.
‫צבא‬ As the roe .
" ְ‫ כַּצְבִי כִּצ‬.U
S i . As the c u us t
‫צדק‬ ‫צַדִּיק‬.justus . [ ejus just , righteo
ֹ‫ בְּצִדְקו‬Secundum justitiam According to his righteousness
Sjustitia mc Accordiu n
ng to my d
righteou s u
mncam . [ am . ness . [ness.
PTY Juxta justitiam tu- According to thy righteous-
inpy Juxtajustitiam ejus According to his righteousness
DRTY Juxta justitiam me- According to my righteous-
[ness .
‫צהר‬ ‫ּצְהָרָיִם‬.Sַ‫כ‬ [ am . As the noon- ut
meridies . ic day
‫צור‬ ּ‫ְּצוּרֵנו‬.‫ב‬ S i
rupes nostra . Asc ut
our rock
‫ כְּצִיץ‬.Ins ta
floris r Like a flower.
‫ציר‬ ‫ְּצִירִי‬ ‫כ‬ .S ic
dolo resut As the pangs.
As a shadow.
‫צלל‬ ‫ כַּצֵל כְּצֵל‬.Si cut
‫צמח‬ ‫ כְּצֶמַח‬.Si cut As the bud.
lanaut As wool .
‫צמר‬ ‫ כַּצְמֶר כַּצֶמֶר‬.Sic
ic ut As a shield .
‫צנן‬ ‫ כַּצְנָּה‬.S scutum
cut As the cold.
‫ כְּצָפַת‬.Si frigus
‫צער‬ ֹ‫ְעֲרָתו‬Jux
‫כִּצ‬ taminorem eta- According to his minority
‫צפר‬ " ִּ‫ַּצְפּוֹר כ‬.S ‫כ‬ ic
avis . [lem ut [youth.
ejus As a bird
As a thin cake.
‫צפת‬ ‫ כְּצַפִית‬.Qua placentasi
As birds .
‫צפר‬ ‫ רִין‬-- ‫ כְּצִפָּרִים‬.Si cut
‫צור‬ ‫| כַּעַר‬.Ins tar Like a flint.
Like an enemy.
‫ כְּצָר‬.Pel hostiut
As to bind.
‫צרר‬ ‫ כָּצְרוֹר‬.Si cut
hostes ejus[ bandoAs his enemi t
‫צור‬ ‫ּצָרָיו‬.
‫צרף‬ ‫כְּצָרִף־־לף‬ Sicut conflando , pro- As in melting , trying
‫כראשון‬ 833


‫קבר‬ ‫בְּקֶבֶר‬.Sic As a sepulchre.
icdo utAs in burning .
‫קדח‬ ַ‫ בִּקְדֹח‬.Saccenden
ְ‫ב‬ , antiquius As before , of old

ְּ‫ב‬ prisca tempo- According to your old times
‫קול‬ Sip Sicut vox. [ra vestra As the voice.
‫קנה‬ emensut
‫ כַּיּוֹנֶה‬.Sic As the buyer .

spinaut As a thorn.
‫ כְּקוֹץ‬.Sic
‫קטן‬ ‫ כַּמָּטָן כַּפָּרֹן‬Sicut parvus As the small.
‫ כְּקִימֹר‬Sicut fumus, As the smoke.
‫קיר‬ ‫ כְּקִיר‬.Sic pariesut As a wall.
Velut nidus. As a nest.
‫קנן‬ ‫כַּפֶּן‬
Dip Tanquam divinare. As to divine.
cut As the foam .
‫ כְּקֶצֶף‬.Si spuma
‫א‬ ‫ר‬ ְ ‫ק‬ ּ ְ ‫כ‬ .Le gen do In reading, being read.
‫קרב‬ Accedendo vos. [pula When ye come righ.
wipe wipe Velut stramen, sti- As straw, stubble.
‫קשת‬ arcusut Like a bow.
‫ כְּקֶשֶׁת‬.Sic


‫ כָּר‬.Agn A lamb, pasture.

, pascuumus
, Cor, a measure.
‫ כר‬Cor ,mensura
‫ראה‬ ‫ כִּרְאוֹת־־אֹת‬.Videndo In seeing .
As she saw.
videre rta
ּ‫ כִּרְאוֹתָה‬.Jua eam
eum o When he seeth.
ֹ‫ כִּרְאוֹתוֹ־־אֹתו‬.ridend
. ‫ כִּרְאוֹתָם‬.ridendo
eos When they see.
Ut res vilis, vel po- As a vile thing, or rather as a
tius ut speculum, mirror, spectacle, specimen ,
spectaculum, spe- example.
cimen, exemplum.
As a vision , mirror .
‫ כִּרְאִי‬.Sic
| speculum ut
‫ראם‬ Sicut unicornis, vel As an unicorn, or rhinoceros.
‫ראש‬ Instar cicuta, fellis. Like hemlock, gall.
ָ‫כ‬ ic
primus , prior ut
. Asthe first , former
834 ‫כרכב‬


ut As the first .
‫ראש‬ ‫ כָּרִאשֹׁנָה‬.Sic prima
Like the former .
‫ כָּרִאשֹׁנִים‬.Sic prioresut
‫ראה‬ ּ ִ ‫ב‬ .F id envos do When ye see.
‫רבב‬ ‫ֹב‬Juzla
‫כְּר‬ multitudinem , According to the multitude
magniludinem . greatness.
ic ut
es As showers .
‫ כִּרְבִיבִים‬.S imbr
n Cher ubim .
‫כרב‬ ּ‫ כְּרִבִים־־רו‬.Cherubii
‫רבב‬ Pro multitudine eo- In proportion to their multi-
ְ‫כ‬ momento I n
[ rum . In amomen t [tude.
Fodit,transfixit,con- He digged , pierced through ,
cidit, epulatus est, cut up, feasted, bought , was

‫כֹּרֶה‬.Fo , doluit Digging ns [grieved.

. [ emitdie
um A feast.
‫ כֵּרָה‬.Convivi
Foderunt. They have digged.
‫|כְּרוּב‬ .Chcrub Cherub, N. M.

‫כרב‬ ‫|כּרוּב‬ .Cherub A cherub.

‫ כְּרוּבִים‬.Cherubim
ָ‫ כָּרוּה‬Foderunt , cam They digged it.
ventusul Like the wind.
ַ‫ כָּרוּחַ כְּרוּח‬.Sic
| Proclamavit. He proclaimed..

‫ כְּרַחֵם‬. ererit
misU As to pity.
ְּ‫ב‬ misericordias According to his mercies
ejus. [ tuas .
miseric ordiasu Accordingr l
to thymercie s
ְ‫ַחֲמִיך‬. ‫בְּר‬
‫ּרְחֹק‬. ִ‫כ‬ J u
longe abesse r
. | As far l
as is from a
‫ריח‬ ִ ‫ר‬ ּ ְ ‫כ‬ . S iodcoru t | As the smell .
ַ ‫ח‬ ‫י‬
‫ כָּרִים‬.4 gni Lambs , pasture .
, pascua
‫ כֹּרִים‬.C or
, mensur e i Cors, measures.
‫כרה‬ ָ‫רִית‬.
ָּ‫כ‬ F o
, perforas d
ti . Thou hasti , bored t
‫ כְּרִית‬.Cherit Cherith , N. R.
‫כרת‬ Divorce.
‫ כְּרִיתוּת־תֶת‬.Repudium
‫כרה‬ ‫ | כְּרִיתִי‬.Fodi I have digged.
‫כרת‬ ָ‫ כְּרִיתְתֶיה‬.Repud ejus ia Her divorces.

‫רכב‬ Velut currus. As a chariot.
‫כרעות‬ 835

‫ כַּרְכֹּב‬.Ambitus
, limbus The compass, border, ledge.
jana Ambitus, limbus ejus His compass , border, ledge.

ׁ‫ כַּרְכְּמִיש‬.Carehemis Carchemish, N. P.

‫ כָּרֶם כֶּרֶם‬.rinea A, the vineyard.

Cum extollentur. When they are exalted.

1079 Vinca ejus. His vineyard.
‫כַּרְמִי כְּרָמִים‬ .ince Vineyards.
‫ְמִי‬ ‫ר‬ ּ ַ ‫כ‬ .C armi Carmi, N. M.
‫כרם‬ mea
‫ כַּרְמִי‬.Vinea My vineyard.
ָ‫ כְּרָמֶיה‬.Vineeejus Her vineyards .
Vinea eorum. Their vineyards.
‫ כַּרְמֵיכֶם‬.Vin vestreee Your vineyards .
‫ כֹּרְמִים‬.rinitores
ְ‫ כַּרְמֶךְ־־מְך‬.rin tuaea Thy vineyard .
‫ כַּרְמֶל‬.Carnel Carinel , N. M.
Spica tenera, arvum Green ears , the cultivated field
‫ כַּרְמְלִית‬.Carmelila Carmelitess, N. F. or P.
‫רמש‬ As a , the creeping thing.
ׁ‫ כְּרֶמֶש‬.Ut reptile
‫ כְּרָן‬.Cheran Cheran, N. M.
A throne.
‫ כָּרְסֵא‬.Solium
‫ כָּרְסָוָן‬.Solia
His thrones.
ejus m
‫ כָּרְסְיָה‬.Soliu

‫כָּרַע‬ Incurvavit se, genua He bowed himself, bent his

flexit, procubuit, knees,fell prostrate,brought
depressit, prostra- down, laid low.
‫רעה‬ Quasi amicus. [ vit. As though a friend.
‫כרע‬ ַ‫| כּרֵע‬.Incurvans se Bowing himself .
‫רעה‬ As a shepherd.
‫ כְּרֹעֶה‬.Pehut pastor
‫כרע‬ ּ‫ כָּרְעו‬Incurvarunt se , de- They bowed themselves , have
pressi sunt. been brought down.
‫רעה‬ ‫ּרְעוּת‬.J
ִ‫כ‬ ua
voluntatem . According rt
to the will a
836 ‫כרתנו‬

Incurvantes se, litu- Bowing themselves, tottering.

Crura ejus. [ bantes. His legs.
‫ כְּרָעַיִם‬.Crura [ ejus. Legs.
‫רוע‬ in Juxta iniquitatem According to his wickedness.
‫רפא‬ Cum sanarem. When I would heal.
‫ כַּרְפַּס‬.Carbasus Some fine linen, probably ca-

‫רצה‬ 13 Juxta voluntatem. According to the will. [ lico.

Juxta voluntatem According to his will.
ejus. [corum.
Juxta voluntatem According to their will.
cut As rottenness.
‫רקב‬ ‫ כְּרָקָב‬.Si pulredo
Sallavit. He danced.
vi Cyrus. Cyrus, N. M.
His belly.
ejus r
ֹ‫ כְּרֵשׁו‬.Vente
‫רשה‬ jių Juxtafacultatem, li- According to the grant, license
Carsena. [ centiam . Carshena, N. M.
‫רשע‬ cut
impius As the wicked.
" ָ‫ כָּרָשָׁע כְּר‬.Si
‫כָּרַת‬ Scidit, dissecuit, ex- He cut, cut asunder, cut off,
cidit, concidit ; fe- cut up; struck or made a
riit, pepigit fœdus covenant or agreement.
Feriendo, pangere. In striking, to make.
‫ כָּרַת‬.Excis est us He was cut off.
Ferito, pange. Strike, make thou.
‫כרה‬ Fovea, caveæ fossa Pits, caves digged .
‫כרת‬ Feriens, pangens. Striking, making.
[ runt. She was cut off.
‫ כֹּרָתָה‬Excisa, est
Sciderunt, pepige- They cut, made.
dit He cut him.
ֹ‫ כְּרָתו‬.Sci eumn
ּ‫ כִּרְתו‬Concidite, pangite. Cut up, hew, make ye.
nh-‍nin Abscissæ. Cut off.

‫ כָּרַתִּי‬.Ferii
, pepigi I struck, have made.

‫ כּרְתֵי‬Ferientes.pangentes Striking, making.

‫ כְּרֵתִי‬.Cheretei Cherethites, Cherethims, N.N.
‫כרת‬ Ferientes, pangentes Striking, making .
Ferimus,pepigimus. We struck, have made.
‫כשית‬ 837

‫שאה‬ ‫ כְּשֹׁאָוּה‬.Si cul
vastatio As desolation .
‫שאל‬ ‫ בִּשְׁאוֹל‬.Sic As a, the grave.
‫שאה‬ As the noise .
‫ כִּשְׁאוֹן‬.Ut
‫ כֶּשֶׁב‬.4annicul A lamb ofa year old.
‫בוא‬ ‫ כְּשֶׁבָּא‬.Sicvenietut As he came.
‫כשב‬ ‫ כַּשְׂבָּה‬.Agna An ewe-lamb.
‫שבה‬ ‫ בִּשְׁבִיוֹת‬.Sicu
captive t As captives.
‫כשב‬ ‫ בְּשָׂבִים‬.dgni Lambs.
‫שבר‬ As the breaking.
‫ כְּשֵׁבֶר‬.Sicut
‫ישב‬ ‫|ִּשַׁבת‬ ‫ כ‬.Sedendo In sitting .
When he sitteth.
ֹ‫ כְּשִׁבְתּו‬.Sedendoeum
‫שננ‬ cut
error As an error .
‫ כִּשְׁגָּנָה‬.Si
‫שדר‬ As the desolation.
‫ כְּשֹׁד‬Sicut vastitas
‫ כֶּטֶר‬.Chesed Chesed , N. M.

‫ כַּשְׂדָּאִין־־דָּיא‬Chaldei
, Chaldeans, N. N.
‫שרה‬ ‫ כַּשְׂדֵה‬.Sicutager As a field .

ָ‫ כַּשְׂדָּיא‬.Chaldeus Chaldean , N. N.
‫ כַּשְׂרִיים־־דִּים‬.Chal dea
, Chaldei Chaldea, Chaldeans, N. P. N.
‫בָּשָׂה‬ Opertus est adipe. He was covered with fat.
nu n -nya ny Sicut agnus, ovis, pe- As a lamb, sheep, cattle.
‫היה‬ [cus. As he was.
‫ כְּשֶׁהָיָה‬.Sicutfuit
‫ כְּשֶׁהסָכָל‬.Quan stultusdo When a, the fool.
‫ כַּשׁוֹאָה‬.Inst procellearLike a storm .
Quasi reverti. [endo. As if to return.
‫כשל‬ hivi Impingendo, corru- In stumbling, falling.
‫שפר‬ As a trumpet.
‫ כַּשׁוֹפָר‬.Sicut
‫שור‬ As an ox.
‫ כְּשׁוֹר‬.Sicut
‫ששן‬ ‫ כְּשׁוֹשַׁנָּה‬.Sicut
lilium As the lily .
‫שחק‬ Pin Sicut risus, lusus. As laughter, sport .
‫שחל‬ ‫ כַּשַׁחַל‬Sicut leo ,miger As a black lion.
" ַׁ‫ כְּשַׁחַר כַּש‬.Sicu aurora t As the morning .
‫ כַּשְׁיִים‬.Cusilei Ethiopians, N. N.
‫שור‬ As a, the song .
‫ כְּשִׁיר־־רַת‬.Sicut
canticum . [fat.
‫כשה‬ Thou hast been covered with
ָ‫ כָּשִׂית‬.Oper tus
es adipe
838 ‫כשמעם‬


‫ כְּשִׁית‬.Ethiopissa An Ethiopian woman.

ְ‫ כַּשַׁך‬.Sicu
ponere t As to place, set.
ְ‫ כְּשֹׁך‬.C um
sedatus est When he was appeased.
As he that lieth.
‫שכב‬ ‫ כְּשֹׁכֵב‬.Sicu jacens t
ִ‫כ‬ cen
, recumbendo In lying , resting do
‫שכר‬ ‫ כַּשְׁכּוֹר‬.Insta ebrii r Like a drunken man.

‫ָׂכִיר בְּשִׂי‬.S
‫בְּש‬ mercenarius . ic u
As a hireling , hired servant
‫כָּשַׁל‬ Impegil, corruit, la- He stumbled , fell, weakened ,
befecit, dejecit . cast down.

‫שלג‬ mirut As snow.

‫ כַּשָּׁלֶג כַּשֶׁי‬.Sic
‫כשל‬ [ runt. She is fallen .
‫ כָּשְׁלָה‬.Corruit
‫ׁלוּ כְּשִׁי‬.Im
ָ‫כָּש‬ peg
, corrue- They stumbled eru,fell down n
‫ כְּשָׁלוֹן‬.ofendiculum A stumbli block .
‫כִּש‬ , pin gen
debiles . They that stumble , the weak t
‫שלח‬ ֹ‫ כְּשַׁלְחו‬.Dimitt When he letteth go.
‫שלם‬ ‫ כַּשַׁלְמָה‬.relut vestis As a garment.
‫כשל‬ We stumbled.
ּ‫ כָּשַׁלְנו‬.Impegimus
‫שללש‬ ‫ בִּשְׁלֹשִׁים־־שָׁם‬.circiter triginta About thirty.
‫ כְּשְׁלֹשֶׁת‬.circite About three.
tres r
‫כשל‬ Thou hast fallen.
ָּ‫ כָּשַׁלְת‬.Corruisti
‫שם‬ According to his name.
‫ כְּשֵׁם כְּשֵׁם‬.Secu ndum
in Juxta nomen ejus. According to , after his name.
‫שמע‬ ַ‫ כִּשְׁמוֹעַ־־מֹע‬.dudiendo In hearing .
‫שמח‬ ַ‫ בִּשְׂמֹח‬.Lelando In rejoicing .

‫ בְּשִׂמְחַת‬.C lia m
leliu With joy.

ָ‫שִׂמְחָתְך‬.J rt
tuam According to
letitiamua thy joy a
‫שמר‬ ‫ כְּשָׁמִיר‬Sicut adamas, smiris, Asadamant , diamond, or some
vel lapis aliquis very hard stone.

praædurus .
‫שם‬ Juxta nomen tuum. According to thy name.

‫שמן‬ ‫ַּשְׁמֶן‬.S
‫כ‬ oleum .ic[rem . Like ut
‫שמע‬ you Juxtafamam, rumo- According to report, rumour.
he heareth.
ֹ‫ כְּשָׁמְעוֹ־־עָתו‬.Audiend eum o When
ndo When I heard .
‫ כְּשָׁמְעִי‬.Audie me
When thou hearest.
ְ‫ כְּשָׁמְעַך‬.Audietendo
‫ כְּשָׁמְעֲכֶם‬.Audiend vos o When ye hear.
eos o When they heard.
‫ כְּשָׁמְעם‬.Audiend
* ‫כתבו כתי כת‬ 839

‫שמר‬ ic
custodie ut
ntes As those that keep.
‫ כְּשֹׁמְרִי‬.S
‫שמש‬ ut As the sun .
ׁ‫ כַּשָּׁמֶש‬.Sic sol
‫שם‬ ‫ כַּשְׁמֹת‬.Ju rla
nomina Aft er the names.
‫שנה‬ annusut As a year.
‫ כְּשָׁנָה‬.Sic
* Instar duorum ; ut Like two ; as the years, ac-
anni,juxta annos. cording to the years.

‫ כַּשָּׁנִים‬Sicut coccus , instar As scarlet , like scarlet threads

filorum coccineo-
‫שסע‬ you
' Ut diffindere. [ rum. As to rend.
‫שער‬ ‫ בְּשָׂעִירִס‬.Sic imbresut As showers .
‫שעל‬ ‫ְׁעָלִים‬.I
‫בִּש‬ vulpium ,ns
vul- Like the foxesta
, or jackals r
pium aureorum.

‫כְּשֶׁף‬ Incantatione usus est He used witchcraft.

‫שפח‬ As the maid- servant.
‫ כַּשְׁפְחָה‬.Sic
‫כשף‬ ְ‫שָׁפַיִך‬.Incantationes
ְּ‫כ‬ tua . Thy witchcrafts
‫ כַּשְׁפִיכֶם‬Incantationes ves- Your witchcrafts.
ְּ‫כ‬ . [tre . Witchcrafts , sorceries
‫שקם‬ iciut As the sycamore-trees.
‫ כַּשְׁקְמִים‬.Ssycomor
‫בָּשַׁר‬ Recte egit, direxit. He acted rightly, guided a-

‫ כִּשְׁרוֹן‬.Rectitudo Uprightness . [right, directed .

‫שרה‬ As a coat of mail.
‫ כַּשְׁרְיָן‬.Sic
‫שרף‬ ‫ בִּשְׂרֵפַת‬.U combustiot As the burning .
‫שש‬ ׁ‫ כְּשֵׁש‬.Circi sexter About six.
‫שתל‬ As plants .
‫ כִּשְׁתִּלֵי‬.Si
‫נפל‬ When he shall fall.
‫ כְּשֶׁתִּפּוֹל‬.Quum


‫ כָּתְאֵנִי כַּתְּאֵנִים תאן‬.Sicut ficus Like the figs, as figs.

‫תאר‬ As the forin .
‫ בְּחֹאָר‬.Sicu forma t
‫כָּתַב‬ Scripsit, inscripsit, He wrote, inscribed, describ-
descripsit, con- ed, registered.

‫תָוּב־־תב‬ ‫ כְּתָב‬.Scribe [scripsit. Write thou.

‫תָב‬ ‫תָב‬.Scripsit
ְּ‫כ‬ ; scriptura . He wrote ; a , the writing
‫ כֹּתֵב כָּתְבָא‬.Scribens He that writeth.

‫ כְּתָבָא־־בָה‬.Scriptura The writing .

Write thou .
‫ כָּתְבָהּ כָּתוּב‬.Scribe
They wrote.
‫ כָּתְבוּ כְּתַי כִּתֵּי‬.Scripserunt
840 ‫כתם‬


ּ‫ כּתְבו‬.Scribile Write ye.

‫בוא‬ ic
‫ כָּתְבוּאַת‬.Sprove utAs the produce, increase.
" ‫ כתבים־־תו‬.Scrip ti Written , recorded .
ibe Write thou them.
‫ כָּתְבֵם‬.Screos
m ra
eorutu | Their writing .
‫ כְּתָבָס‬.Scrip
ְ‫כ‬ S
stramen i c
, palea . As straw ut
, stubble
‫ּתַבְנִית‬.ְ‫כ‬ formam , erem- A d
To the form , pattern
[plar. Thou hast written.
‫כתב‬ " ַ‫ כָּתָבְתָּ־־ת‬.Scripsisti
‫ כָּתַבְתִּי‬.Scripsi [ tas. I have written.
ּ‫כ‬ ic
vanilas , inani- ut
As vanity , emptiness
‫תהם‬ abyssi t
‫ כִּתְהֹמוֹת‬.relu As the depths , abysses.
‫כחת‬ ּ‫כ‬
| conterite Beat ,ndi
,ntu ye
crush te

‫תאה‬ in Sicut onyx. [ tum . As a buffalo .

S estc; scrip-rHe , it i p
was written tu
; a writing
‫כתב‬ ‫תוּבָה‬.ְּ‫כ‬
J ejusu r to their t a
‫ּתוֹלְדֹתָם‬. ְ‫כ‬ natales . According birth
As scarlet .
‫תלע‬ ‫ כַּתּוֹלָע‬.Sicut
‫תעב‬ ‫ כְּתוֹעֲבוֹת־־בת‬Jurta abominationes According to the abominations
viressi As it were the strength.
‫יעף‬ ‫ כְּתוֹעָפוֹת‬.Qua
According to the order, style,
‫חור‬ ‫ כְּתוֹר‬.Juzordinemla
Like oxen. [rank.
‫ כְּתוֹרִין‬.Sic
‫ירה‬ ‫ כָּתוֹרת‬.Juxt legem a According to the law.
ָ‫ּתוֹרָתֶך‬. J u
legem tuam x
. After ta
thy law
‫יבש‬ advenut
‫ כְּתוֹשָׁב‬.Sic a As a stranger .
‫כתת‬ ‫ כָּתוֹת‬.Confringendo In breaking to pieces.

‫כתב‬ .Scriplus
‫|כתיב‬ Written.
Chittim, Kittim, N. M. N.P.
‫ כָּתִּיים־יים‬.Chittim
Chittim , Kittim , N. M. N. P.
‫ כָּתַּיִם־תִּים‬.Cillim
‫תמר‬ ‫ כְּתִימְרוֹת‬.Scolumic naut Like pillars.
‫כת‬ ‫כָּתִית‬ Cont usus
, Beaten.

‫כתל‬ .Murus | The wall .
As snow.
‫הלג‬ nit
‫ כִּתְלָג־־לָג‬.Sicut
Kithlish, N. P.
ׁ‫ כְּתְלִיש‬.Chillis
Our wall.
‫כתל‬ ּ‫ כָּתְלֵנו‬.Mur noslerus
‫כָתַם‬ Signavit, impressit. He marked, impressed.
‫כִּי‬ ‫כָּתֶם‬Aurum . [summari, . Gold
‫תמם‬ Juxta perfici, con- When is perfected , complete.

‫תמם‬ Dhe Juxta integritatem. According to the integrity.

‫תמל‬ ‫ כִּתְמוֹל־־מל‬.Sicut
heri [ tuam. As yesterday.
‫תמס‬ Den Juxta integritatem According to thy integrity.
‫תמר‬ star
‫ כַּתָּמָר כְּחֹמֶר‬.Inpalme Like the palm-tree.

‫הנר‬ " " ַ‫ כַּתַּנּוּר כְּת‬.Si cut
fornax As a furnace.
‫ כָּתְנוֹת‬Tunice
‫ כַּתָּנוֹת כַּתָּנֹת‬.Tunice
‫הנה‬ Den Sicutdracones,ut cete Like dragons, as whales.
‫ כַּתַּנִין‬.Ins ta
dracon is rLike a dragon.
A coat.
‫ כְּרֹנֶת‬Tmica
His coat .
ejus a
ֹ‫ כְּתָּנְתּו‬.Tunic
mea a
‫ כְּתָּנְתִּי‬.Tunic My coat.
ָ‫ כְּתָּנְתֶּך‬.Tuntua Thy coat. [tions.
‫תעב‬ ‫ֹעֲבוֹת‬-Juxta
‫כּו‬ abominationes According to the abomina
ְּ‫כ‬ abominationesus ta
According to their abomina
‫תער‬ Ut novacula. [eorum. Like a razor. [tions.
‫ כָּתֵף כֶּתֶף‬.L, athumerus usA, the side, shoulder.
‫פאר‬ ‫|רת‬ ‫ כתפא‬Juxta gloriam ,decus According to the glory beauty
‫תפת‬ malusut
ַ‫ כּתַפּוּח‬.Sic As the apple-tree.
Like apples .
‫ כָּתַפּוּחִים‬.Instar
‫כתף‬ " ְ‫ כְּתֵפוֹת כִּת‬.La humeri aSides, shoulde
, ter
ְ‫כ‬ H u
meus m
,latus e
My side , shoulder us
‫כ‬ H . [meum m
ejusu e
Hershou ldersr
‫ כתפיו‬.Humer ejus i His shoulders .

‫תפש‬ ‫כְּתָפְשְׁכֶם‬.Jux ta
capere vos When ye take.

‫כתף‬ " ְ‫ כְּתַפֹּת כִּת‬.Hu mer ali a Shoulder -pieces.

‫כִּתֵּר‬ Cinxit, circumdedit, He inclosed, encompassed,

coronavit, susti- crowned, suffered , waited.
nuit, expectavit.
ָ‫כַּת‬ C , isustiner c
, Surroun u
d , suffer thou d
, wait m
‫ כֶּתֶר‬.Corona [expecta. A, the crown.
| | |

ּ‫ כָּתְרו‬.Circumdederunt They encompassed.

‫רום‬ ‫תְרוּמַת‬.ִּ‫ב‬ S
oblatio i
elevata . As the c ut
heave offering
‫כתר‬ . ‫ְרוּנִי‬.ci rcu mde der unt
‫כִּת‬ me. They have besetme round
‫ כֹּתָרוֹת‬.capitula
842 ‫לאבל‬


As a mast, beacon.
‫תרן‬ ‫ כָּרֶן‬. U
malus , speculat
‫רשש‬ ׁ‫ כְּתַּרְשִׁיש‬.Ins ta
beryl li r Like the beryl . [pieces .
Contudit, comminuit He bruised , pounded, beat to
Contudit, contrivit , He beat down, bruised, crush-
confregil. ed, broke to pieces.

‫ כִּתַּת‬.Con lu
, conl l He
rividi tbeat down, crushed.


Non, absque, neque, Not, without, nor, neither,

non. [nondum . And not.
‫ לא‬El [not yet ,

‫לו‬ ‫ לא‬.Si
, nisi !If, unless.
- ammio
‫ לא עַמִּי‬.L Lo-ammi, N. M.

‫ לֹא רְחָמָה‬. L
-ruc hamao Lo-ruhamah, N. W.
‫אבה‬ For a father .
" ‫ לאבא‬.In
‫אבר‬ TEN Adperdendum. To destroy .
To destruction.
" ַ‫ לָאֲבַדּוֹן ל‬.Perdilioni
a d
m eos To destroy them.
‫ לְאַבְּדָם‬. perdendu
d To destroy me.
‫ לְאַבְדֵנִי‬. a
perdend um me
‫אבה‬ ‫אָבוֹת‬.Pְ‫ל‬ at
,er familiis ru
. of the fathers , families
‫ לַאֲבוֹתֵיהֶם־־בי‬Patribus corum ,To, for their fathers.
To, for your fathers .
' ‫ ב‬-- ‫ לַאֲבוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Patri vestrisbus
To their fathers.
" ‫ לַאֲבוֹתָם־־ב‬.Patri eorumbus
To the father.
‫ לַאֲבִי‬Palri
Patri meo. To my father .
To her father.
ָ‫ לְאָבִיה‬.Paejus tri
ַ‫ל‬ at
corum . [cjus ri
. To their father
‫ביו‬. ‫לא‬ P
, propterp atrem a t
To his father r
, for his father

‫ לָאֶבְיוֹן‬.Paupe , egeno ri To the poor, needy.

To the poor.
" ִ‫ לָאֶבְיוֹנִים־־ינ‬.Pauperibus
‫לְא‬ tuo , patris tui To thy father , thy father's
To our father.
ּ‫בִינו‬ ָ ‫א‬ ְ ‫ל‬ .P nostrori
‫אבר‬ ‫ | לאַבִיר‬.Polenli To the mighty.
‫אבל‬ To, into mourning.
‫ לאֵבֶל‬.In
‫לאהלי‬ 843

‫אבל‬ ‫ לַאֲבָלִי‬.Lugentibus To them that mourn .

‫אבן‬ For stone, to the stone,

" ֶ‫ לְאָבֶן־־א‬.Pro
lapide , lapidi
‫ְאַבְנֵי לָאֲבָנִים‬.Er
‫ל‬ , super lapidibus . of , upon stones
‫אבק‬ Into dust.
‫ לְאָבָק‬.In
‫ לאבתיו‬.Patrib ejus us To his fathers .

ָ‫ לַאֲבֹתֶיך‬.Patribus
tuis To thy fathers .
ּ‫ לַאֲבֹתֵינו‬.Patri nostris To our fathers .
‫אנד‬ Into one troop.
‫ לַאֲנְדָּה‬.Inmagmen
‫גרו‬ For a small piece of money.
‫ לַאֲנוֹרַת‬.Pro nummulo
‫אנס‬ Into a pool of water.
‫ לַאֲנָס־־גַם‬.In slagnum
‫איד‬ ֹ‫ לְאֲדו‬.rapor cjus i To his vapour , mist.
‫אדן‬ ‫ לַאֲדוֹן לְאָי‬.Domino To the Lord .
‫אדר‬ ‫ לְאַדִּירִים‬.Magnificis To the noble.
‫אדם‬ To man , a man.
‫ לָאָדָם לִי‬.Homini , hominem
To the earth .
‫ לָאֲדָמָה‬.Terre
‫ לְאַדְמַת‬.Ad terram To the land .
To his earth .
ֹ‫ לְאַדְמָתו‬.I terram cjus
‫ לָאָדָן‬.I basin n For a socket .

‫ לַאֲדֹנֵי‬.Domino To the Lord .

‫ לַאדֹנָי־־נִי‬.Domino
meo To my Lord .

ָ‫ לַאדֹנֶיה‬.Domin To her Lord .

cjus o
‫ לַאֲדֹנֵיהֶם‬.Domi corum no To their Lord.
‫ לַאדֹנָיו‬Domino ,cjus To his master.
‫ ל‬.Domtuo
ino To thy Lord .
ּ‫ לַאדֹנִינו‬.Domi
nostrono To our Lord.

‫ לֵאָה‬.Lea Leah , N. W.
‫לָאָד‬ Egretulit ; lassatus, He was grieved, wearied,
defessus est ; fati- tired out ; he made weary .
‫אהב‬ " ‫ לֶאֱהֹביא‬. A
dilig endumd To love.

‫ ל‬.4damandum To love.
‫ לְאֹהֲבֵי־־בי‬.Diligent To them that love me.
‫| לאהב‬.Diligentibus To them that love.
eum . To them that love him.
‫ ל‬4mantibus
‫אהל‬ " ְ‫ לָאֹהֶל ל‬.Tentorio To, for the tent , tabernacle.
‫לו‬T:‫ה‬T‫לא‬ tentorium A d
cjus . To his tent
‫ָהָלִי‬T‫ לְא‬.Tentori
meo o To my tent.
844 ‫לאהי‬


To his tents.
‫אהל‬ ְ‫ לָך‬-- ‫לָאֹהָלָיו‬.Tentori ejus is
Ad tentoria tua . To thy tents.
ְ‫ לִיך‬T
‫אָהָלֵיכֶם‬. ְ‫ל‬ I
tentoria vestra n
. Into your tents
tentorium a d
tuum . Tothy tent
To him that is perishing.
‫אבר‬ ‫ לְאוֹבֵד‬.Pereunli
To an enemy.
‫אבי‬ ‫ לְאוֹיב־אי‬.In inimicum
For enemies.
" ‫ לָאוֹיְבִים־־א‬.In inimicos
‫אול‬ ‫ לאויל‬.Stulto To, for a fool.

‫אלם‬ ִ‫אוּלָם ל‬.P ָ‫ל‬ at the porch cu

porticum In , ti
, ador
‫אול‬ tiam
meam My folly .
People. [tions.
‫אמס‬ " ‫ לְאוֹם־־א‬.Popultus
populis According to the peoples, na-
" ָּ‫אָמ‬ ‫ לְאוּמִים‬.P
‫ לְאָוֶן‬.Inihilumn To nothing .
For the wheels.
‫אפן‬ ‫ לָאוֹפַנִּים‬.Rolis
To the treasure.
‫אצר‬ " ְ‫ לָאוֹצָר־־צַר ל‬.Thesauro
Of the treasures, treasuries.
‫ לָאוֹצָרוֹת‬.Thesaurorum
‫אור‬ " Ad lumen, in lucem. To, at the light, for a light.
To shine.
‫ לאור‬.Ad lucendum
ֹ‫ לאוֹרו‬.I luce ejusn In his light.
‫ארה‬ ‫ אורות‬.In For stalls .
‫אור‬ ְ‫ לְאוֹרֶך‬In lumine, tuo In thy light.
‫אות‬ For a sign, token.
‫ לָאוֹת־־אֹת‬.In signum
‫זכר‬ In, at the remembrance.
‫לְאַזְכָּרָה‬.I, ad memoriamn
‫זרח‬ To a native of the country.
‫ לָאֶזְרָח‬.Indigene
‫אחה‬ ‫אָח‬.I
ְ‫ל‬ nf ra
.[ quoque trem
. For brother
‫אחד‬ TX Ad unum, pro uno- To one, for every one.
For each.
‫ לָאֶחָד לְאַחַד‬.Pro
‫אחדים‬. ‫ל‬ I
alteros , singulos n
. To the other , each
‫אחז‬ inting Ad prehendendum. To seize, lay hold of.
‫אחר‬ ‫לְאָחוֹר‬ Retrorsum ; in pos- Backward ; for the time to
‫אתה‬ ְ‫אֲחוֹתֵך‬.S
ַ‫ל‬ tuae .or or
[ terum . To thy sister come.
For our sister .
ּ‫ לַאֲחוֹתֵנו‬.Sonostrerori
‫אחז‬ ‫אַחזה‬ ַ ‫ל‬ . I
possessi onemn For a possession.
For an inheritance .
‫ לַאֲחְצָת‬. I
heredita temn
ints Adpossessionemejus To his possession.
‫אחה‬ To brethren .
‫ לַאֲחֵי‬.Fratribus
To my brother .
‫ לְאָחִי‬.Fratri meo

‫אתה‬ meis us To my brethren.

‫ לְאֶחָי‬.Fratrib
ָ‫ לְאָחִיה‬Fratri ejus
, To her brother.
eorum. To their brethren .
‫ לַאֲחֵיהֶם‬Fratribus
‫ָחִיו לְאֶחָיו‬.Fratri
‫לְא‬ , fratribus To his brother , brethren
ְ‫ חִיך‬-- ָ‫ לְאָחִיך‬.Fr tuo i[ ejus. To thy brother.
ibus For, to thy brethren.
ָ‫ לְאַחֶיך‬.Fratrtuis
‫ לַאֲחֵיכֶם‬.Fratr ibuTo
vestris s your brethren.
ּ‫ לְאָחִינו‬.Fratr
nostro i To our brother.
‫אחר‬ ‫ לאחר‬..Alteri To another .
‫ לאחרים‬.Aliis To others.

ּ‫ לְאַחֲרִיתָה‬In extremo ejus In her latter end .

ֹ‫ לְאַחֲרִיתו‬.Posteri ejuslati To his posterity.
ְ‫ לְאַחֲרִיתֵך‬.Posteritatuae li To thy posterity.
‫ לְאַחֲרִיתָם‬.ad finem eorum At their end ,

‫ לְאָחָרָן לְאַחֶרֶת‬.Alleri [mum. To another,

ָ‫ל‬ ; ad postre- Afterwards ; at the last
That are to come.
‫ לָאַחֲרֹנִים‬.Er posteris
‫אחש‬ ‫ לַאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנֵי‬.Satrapis To the princes, Persian nobles.

‫ לַאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּא‬.Satrapis To the princes, Persian nobles.

‫אחד‬ ‫לְאֶחָת‬ ‫ַחַת‬Uni

‫לְא‬ ,alleri , umicuique To one , the one , the other
‫לאַט‬ Operuit, abscondit . | He covered , hid. [every one.
‫אטט‬ ‫ לאט‬.Leniter Gently .
‫ לאטי‬.Leniler
mihi Gently for me.
‫איב‬ ‫ לאיבי‬.Inimicis To the enemies.

ejus s
‫ לְאֹיְבָיו‬.Inimici For, to his enemies.

ָ‫ לְאֹיְבַיִךְ לְאֹיְבֶיך‬.Inimictuis is For, to thy enemies.

‫איד‬ ‫ לאיד‬.In calamitate In calamity .
‫אי‬ ‫ לאיים לְאִי‬.Ad insulas To the islands.
‫איל‬ ‫ לאיל לאיי‬.Arieti To, for a ram.
. .4r
‫ לָם‬-- ‫לָאֵילִים‬ iet ibu
, postibus. For the rams , s
‫אין‬ ‫יִן לְאֵין‬.tu
ָ‫לְא‬ nihilum ; absque . To nothings without
" ִ‫ לָאִישׁ לְא‬viro , marito , cuique To aman , husband , everyman
A Viro,, marito
ּ‫ לָאִישָׁה‬.Vi marito ejus.
ro To her husband .
‫ לְאִישִׁי‬.Vi , maritomeoro To my husband ..
ְ‫ לְאִישֵׁך‬.Viro
,marito tuo To thy husband .
‫אית‬ To his strength.
ֹ‫ לְאֵיתָנו‬.ad
robur ejus
846 ‫לאמה‬

‫אכל‬ ‫ֶאֱכוֹל כָוּל‬.ad

‫ל‬ comedendum , ve- To eat, devour
‫כזב‬ ‫ לְאָכְזָב‬.Men da
. [ randum cio
. To a lie
‫כזר‬ ‫ְאַכְזָר לְאַכְזָרִי‬.Crudeli
‫ל‬ .[ medendum . To the cruel
‫אֹכֵל לֶאֱכָל־כל אכל‬.ad
ָ‫ל‬ vescendum , co- To feed , eat , eat up
‫ לְאָכְלָה‬ad comedendum ,vo- To eat , eat up , devour ; for
randum ; in ci- food, meat, fuel.
bum, pabulum.

ֹ‫ לְאָכְלו‬ad vorandum eum ; To devour him ; for his meat

Lael. [ in cibum ejus. Lael , N. M.
For, to God .
‫ לָאֵל לְאֵל לֶאֱלָה אלה‬.Deo
‫אל‬ Ad non, ad nihilum . To not, to nothing.
‫איל‬ ‫|לאל‬. I
pot estaten In the power.

‫אֵלֶּה לִי‬.f
ָ‫ל‬ ui
. [esecrationem To them s
‫אלה‬ 287 In maledictionem, For a curse, an execration.
‫ לֵאלָהֲהוֹן‬.Deo To their God.
‫ לאלהו‬.Dcjuseo For, to his God .
Deo meo . For, to my God .
‫לֵאלָהִי־לֹהָי הִי‬
Deos. The gods.
‫ לֵאלֹהֵי־הִים‬.Deo
, diis To God , the gods.

‫לֵאלֹהֵיהֶם־־הֶן‬.Diiscorum ,earum . Their gods

‫ לאלהיו‬Deo , diis,
cjus To his God, gods.
ְ‫ לֵאלֹהָיך‬.Deo
tuo To thy God .
‫ לֵאלֹהֵיכֶם‬.Deo
vestro To your God .
‫ לאלהים‬.Diis To the gods.
‫| לאלהינו‬.D
eo To our God.
To God.
" ֱ‫לֶא‬ Deum
ַ‫ לֶאֱלוֹה‬.Ad
‫אלס‬ ‫ לאלס‬.Mulo For the dumb.

‫ לאלם‬.In
porticu In the porch .

‫ לָאֵלַמוֹת‬.In
vestibulis In the porches .
‫ לַאֲלְמָּתִי‬.Manipulo
meo To my sheaf.

‫אלף‬ " ְ‫ֶלֶף ל‬-E

‫לָא‬ , admille , ad mil- of, to athousand , to the thou
‫ל‬ a
mille . [lesimum d
. To a thousand [sandth .

‫ל‬ millia ,in millibus To, among the thousands
‫לְא‬ duces, princi- Among their dukes , princes

‫אֲלָפִים לַאי‬In
ָ‫ל‬ milia .[ pes eorum To
, thousands
‫אמס‬ ‫|לאם‬.Matri For the mother.
‫אמה‬ ‫ לאָמָה‬.Inancillam For a maid-servant.
‫לארבע־עה־עת‬ 847

‫אמס‬ To her mother .

ּ‫ לְאִמָּה‬.Matri
ֹ‫ לאָמו‬Matri ejus For his mother .
‫אמן‬ veritatemd
‫ לֶאֱמוּנָה‬.A To, for the truth.
‫| אמר‬ ‫ לאמור־מר‬.Dicendo Saying .
‫אמם‬ Of cubits.
‫ לאמוֹת‬.Cubilorum
‫ לאמים‬.Leumim Leummim, N. M.
‫אמן‬ For a nurse .
‫ לְאֹמֶנֶת‬.In
‫אמר‬ tis To my sayings.
‫ לַאֲמָרֵי‬.Dic meis
‫ לאָמְרֵי‬.A verbad To the words.

ָ‫ לְאִמְרָתְךָ רָתֶך‬.Prsermone tuo oFor, according to thy word.

‫אמן‬ Unto truth .
‫ לֶאֱמֶת‬.Adveritatem
‫אמה‬ ָ‫ לַאֲמָתְךָ תֶך‬.Ancilltue e
To thy handmaid.
‫אמם‬ ‫אמֹתָם‬. ֵ‫ ל‬.Matri eorum
busTo their mothers.

ֵ‫ל‬ P
nationes eorum . Accordinge
to their nations r
‫אנש‬ ‫ לאנוש‬.Homini To man.

‫ לְאַנְשִׁי לַאֲנָשִׁים‬.Hominibus To the men .

‫ לַאֲנָשָׁיו‬Hominibus, cjus To his men.

,To thy inen .

ָ‫ לַאֲנָשֶׁיך‬Hominibustuis
‫ לָאֲנָשִׁים‬.Fir , in maritosis To the men, for husbands.
‫אסף‬ ‫לֶאֱסוֹף לָאִי־סף‬. colligendum ,A d
re- To gather , recover
‫אסר‬ ‫ לֶאֱסוֹר־סר‬.a To bind.
‫ לַאֲסוּרִים‬.Vinctis To them that are bound.
Ad vinciendum te. To bind thee.
‫אפר‬ For an ephod.
" ‫ לָאֵפֿד ל‬.I
‫אף‬ ֹ‫ לאפּו‬.Iejus
re To his anger .
‫ לְאָפִי‬. I
consp ectun In the sight, presence.
‫ לְאַפִּי‬. I
iramean In my wrath .
‫ לאפיו‬. I
faci em ejusn To his face.
‫אפק‬ " ַ‫ל‬ ‫ לָאַפִיקִים‬.Fluminibus To the rivers .
‫אפס‬ ‫ לְאַפְסֵי‬.a To the ends .
‫אפר‬ To ashes.
‫ לאֵפֶר‬.In
cinerem [suries .
‫אצר‬ ‫ לאצְרוֹת‬. A
thesa urosd For the treasures, to the trea-
‫לאצְרוֹתָיו‬. E
thesauris ejus Of his treasures.
‫ לארב‬. I
insid iatoremnFor a lier in wait.
‫ לָאַרְבֶּה‬.Locusla [ tam. To the locust.
‫רבע‬ ‫עַת‬ ‫אַרְבַּע־עָה‬.ְ‫ל‬ a
,in quatuor,quar- d
To four ; the fourth
848 ‫לאתרה‬

‫אַרְבַּעְתָּם־־תָּן רבע‬. ְ‫ל‬ quatuori quartI a . To those fourn

For the ark, into the chest.
‫ארה‬ " ֲ‫ לְאָרוֹן לַא‬.A , inr arcaem a
I um n For a cedar . [faring man.
‫ארז‬ ‫ לְאֶרֶז‬. cedr
Versus viam, viatori Towards the way, for the way- wa
To the lion .
‫ארה‬ ‫ | לאריה‬.Leoni
[ditate. The lions. [ ness to punish.
‫ לַאֲרָיוֹת‬.Leones
7787 In longitudine , tar- In length, long suffering, slow-
‫ארך‬ **
ְ‫ לְאֹרֶך‬. A
longit udinemd To the length.
J u t t
ָ‫לְא‬ longi tudin em According to the length of it

‫ לְאַרְעִי‬.imu A m d [ejus. At the bottom .

‫ארץ‬ ‫ לָאָרֶץ לְאִי‬.Te , regr ionri eTo the earth , land, country.
‫ַרְצָה‬. ‫לא‬ T, patrie ejus e . To herr re
land , country
ֹ‫ַרְצו‬.‫לְא‬ T, in terram e r re
For , to ,into his hand
e r r
ָ‫ַרְצֶךָ צְך‬. ‫לְא‬ ,Tpatrie . [ cjus For , to thy land , country

To, for a fire .

ׁ‫ לָאֵשׁ לְאֵש‬.I , in gignenm i

Mulieri, in uxorem. To a, the woman , to wife .

In oblationem igni- For my offering made by fire.
tam meam.
For the foundations .
‫אשש‬ ‫ לאשישי‬.Ad fundamenla
‫שכל‬ ‫ לאשכלות‬.Bo trisTo clusters.
, racemis
‫אשם‬ ‫ָשָׁם‬.
‫לְא‬ victimam pro I de- For a trespass offering
‫ לְאֲשְׁמָה־מָת‬In , pro delicto . [ licto In, according to a , the trespass
For, to the astrologers,
‫אשף‬ ‫ לְאָשְׁפַיָּא‬.Astrologis
‫ֲשֶׁר‬ ‫א‬ ַ ‫ל‬ Ei qui , ad quem , To him who , to whom ,to such
Luco. quos , tales For the grove.
ֹ‫ לאשְׁרו‬. A
gressum d
cjus To his step, goings.
To a, the wife.
‫איש‬ ‫ לאשת‬.Urori
To his wife ,
ֹ‫ לָאִשְׁתּו‬.Urcjus
‫ לאִשְׁתִּי‬.Ur ori
mea To my wife .

Ad To the ass.
‫ לאתון‬.asinam
‫אתן‬ Into the furnace.
‫ לְאַתּוּן וּנָא‬. I
forna cem n
signan For signs.
‫אות‬ ‫ לאתות תת‬.I
‫ לאתִּים‬.I ligonesn Into coulters , plough-shares.
‫תנה‬ Ad mercedem ejus. To her hire , wages.

‫אתר‬ ‫ לְאַתְרֶה‬. A
locu m cjusd To his place.
‫לבדם לבדנה‬ 849

The heart , mind .
‫ לֵב לֶב לֵבָב לְבִי לבב‬.Cor
, animus

‫בוא‬ ‫ֹא לְבֹא בוא‬-Ad

‫לָב‬ veniendum , in- To come , enter ; at the en
grediendum ; ad trance .

in Lebaot. [ ingressum. Lebaoth, N. P.

‫בוא‬ ‫ לַבָּאִים‬.Euntibus To them that go.
‫לבא‬ ‫ לְבָאִם‬.Leones

‫באר‬ ‫ לַבְּאֵר לִבְאֵר‬.I

puleum n Into a pit, well.
Abstulit, rapuit cor; He took away, ravished the
cordatus fuit ; la- heart; was wise ; made
gana fecit . thin cakes , pan - cakes .

ּ‫ לְבָבָהּ לִבָּה‬.cor
ejus Her heart .
His heart.
ֹ‫ לִבְבֵהּ לְבָבו‬.Cor
ֹ‫ לִבְבֵהֶן־יהֶן לִבּו‬.Pecto Their breasts .
earum ra
‫ לְבָבוֹת לִבּוֹת‬.Corda Hearts ,
‫ לְבָבוֹת‬.Placente Cakes.

‫ לְבָבִי לִבִּי‬.C or
meum My heart .

ְ‫בָך‬ ָ‫בְך‬ tuum .

ָ‫ לְבָבֶך‬.cor Thy heart.
ְ‫ לִבְבָך‬.Cor
tuum Thy heart .
Your heart.
‫ לְבַבְכֶם לִבְּכֶם‬.cor
‫ לְבָבָם לִבָּם‬.Coreorum Their heart ,
ּ‫ לְבָבֵנוּ לִבֵּנו‬.Cor
nostrum Our heart.

ַ‫לִב‬ C
meum rapuisti o
. Thou hast ravished my heart r
‫בזז‬ ‫|לבג‬ .I
n For a prey .

‫ לְבֶגֶד‬.In
vestem For a garment.
‫בָגד‬.ָ‫| ל‬ A
perfide agendum . To deal treacherously
‫בַדְּהֶן‬ ‫דָד‬ ‫ד‬.Solus
ָ‫לְב‬ , preter , nisi, Alone , beside , except , apart
ּ‫ לבָדָה‬.Sola [seorsum. Alone, only.
ֹ‫ לְבַדּו‬.Solus Alone, only, by himself.
pina Ad restaurandum. To restore , repair .
: ‫ לְבַדָּי‬.Solus
eg0 I only, myself alone.
‫ לַבַּדִּים לְבֵי‬.rectibus For the staves .
‫בדד‬ ָ‫ לְבַדֶּךָ לְבַדְּך‬.Solus
tu Thou only, thyself alone.

. ‫ לְבַדְּכֶם‬.row
soli Ye only, yourselves alone.

‫ לְבַדָּם לְבַדָּנָה‬.Sol
, seoratum i Alone, only , apart.
850 ‫לבין‬

ְ‫ל‬ . To , forthe breach ,d
ruinam .[tionema ruin
‫כהל‬ ‫בֶּהָלָה‬.
ַ‫ל‬ A d
terrorem ,turba- For terror , trouble
‫ְבָהלְנִי‬.‫ל‬ festinandumA d
me. To hasten me
‫בהם‬ For the beast, cattle.
‫לַבְּהֵמָה לִבְי‬.Jume nto
, pecori
tuo i For thy cattle.
ָ‫ לִבְהֶמְתֶּך‬.Pecor
For their cattle.
‫ לִבְהֶמְתָּם‬.Pecorum
nostro i For our cattle.
ּ‫ לִבְהֶמְתָּנו‬.Pecor
‫בוא‬ ‫ לְבוֹאָס‬.Advenire eos When they come .
‫בזז‬ To spoil , take away .
‫ לָבוֹז לָבן‬.ad diripiendum
‫כוז‬ ‫|בוּז‬
‫ל‬ . I
contem nFor contempt .
‫יבל‬ Ad, ante truncum. To, before the trunk or stock .
1 Lebonah, N. P.
‫ לְבוֹנָה‬.Lebona
Frankincense .
‫ לְבוֹנָה לְבֹנָה‬.Thus
ׁ‫ לָבוֹש‬.Indu ere
, vestire To put on, clothe .

ׁ‫ לבוּש‬.Indutus Clothed .

ׁ‫ לְבוּש‬.Vestimentum Apparel , clothing .

‫ל‬ ejus. Her clothing
ּ‫בוּשׁוֹ לְבוּשָׁה‬.restimentu
ְ‫ל‬ cjus . His garment, apparel
ְ‫ל‬ meum . My garment , vesture
ves- Your apparel.
‫ לְבוּשְׁכֵן‬restimentum
‫ל‬ time
corum ntum
Their apparel
‫בזז‬ ‫ לָבַז לְבַז‬.In
predam For a prey , spoil .
‫בזה‬ For contempt.
‫ לְבָזָה‬.In contemptum
‫ לבזה‬.Contemnendo In despising.
To the robbers.
‫בזז‬ ‫ לְבזְזִים‬.Predanlibus
Of them that rob us.
ּ‫ לְבזְזִינו‬Diripientium,nos
‫בחר‬ ‫ לְבָחִירֵי‬.Ele ctis
meis To my chosen .

‫ לִבְחִירִי‬.Electmeo o To my chosen.
‫לבט‬ Impegit, cecidit. He stumbled , fell . [ visedly.
‫בטא‬ ‫ לבטא‬.Efutiendo In speaking rashly or unad-
‫בטח‬ ‫בטח‬In
‫ל‬ fiduciam . [ dum . For the confidence
‫בטל‬ ‫לְבַטְלָא‬-a cessare facien-
Ad cessare d
facien To cause to cease.
‫לבא‬ Leo. A lion .

.Leena A lioness .
Lubei, Libyans , N. N.
‫בין‬ Et inter And between, among.
‫לבנון‬ 851

understanding .
‫בון‬ ‫ לַבִּינָה‬.Intelligentie For [mily.
‫ּיִת לְבֵית לַבַּבית‬-ָ‫לַב‬ P
domo ,in domum For , to ,intor
, a , the house , fa o
ּ‫ לְבֵיתָה‬. I
domum n Into her house .
ֹ‫לְבֵיתו‬ ּ‫ לְבַיְתֵה‬14,in domum ejus . To , into his house , household
‫ לְבֵיתִי‬.Domui meae For my house.

ְ‫ לְבֵיתְךָ תָךְ תֵך‬.in 14, domum tuam To , intothy house

ְ‫ לִבְּךָ לִבֶּךָ לִבֵּך‬.Cotuum r Thy heart.
‫ לבכות‬.Ad flendum To weep .

‫ לְבָכִי לִבְכִי‬.adfetum To weeping.

1937 Ad primogenitum To make or constitute first
constituendum . born.

‫לַב‬ us
primogenitu- ta
After the birth -right
ְ‫לִב‬ nv . [ ram .et er
To her that is grown oldate
‫ל‬ A
constringendum d
. To hold in , restrain
‫לְב‬ vet era
,con- To grow ndum
old , consume
sumenudum .
‫ לִבְלִי‬.Abs qu
, prete r eWithout, beside, except.
‫בלע‬ To swallow up.
ַ‫ לִבְרֹע‬.A deglutiendum d
ֹ‫ לְבַלְעו‬Ad absorbendum To swallow up, destroy him.
eum To waste him.
ֹ‫ לְבַלָּתו‬Adconterendum
‫בלת‬ So that not.
‫ לְבִלְתִּי‬.Ut
ַ‫ל‬ earcelsum . To the high place
‫ לְבָמוֹת לַבָּי‬.Locis creetsis For the high places .
‫בָן‬ ָ ‫ל‬ .L ab an Laban, N.M.
Albuit, dealbavit, la- He became white, made white,
teres formavit. made bricks.
Albus, alba. White.
‫לָבָן לְבָנָה‬
‫בנה‬ To, for a, the son.
‫ לְבֵן לְבֶן‬.In
, ob filium
‫לבב‬ Their heart.
‫ לִבָּן‬.Cor
‫ לְבָנָא נָה‬.Lebanas Lebanah, N. M.

‫ לִבְּנֵא‬.Ad
edificandum To build .

‫ לְבֵנָה‬.La ter A brick, tile.

‫ לִבְנָה‬.Libna Libn ah , N. P.
‫לבן‬ ‫ לִבְנֶה‬.Populus The poplar.
ֹ‫ לִבְנו‬.Fil
cjusio To his son.

‫ לְבָנוֹן‬.Lebanon Lebanon , N. P.
852 ‫לבקר‬

[ filiabus .| White . [ ters.

‫לבן‬ ‫ לְבָנוֹת־נֹת‬.Albe
‫בנה‬ ‫בְנוֹת־־נת‬- ִ‫ל‬ a d
edificandum ; To build ; to , for the daugh
‫ לִבְנוֹת יַעֲנָה‬.Ulu filiabusle To the daughters of the owl .
‫ לְבָנַי‬.Fil iis
meis To my sons.
| | |

‫נֵי לְבָנִים‬.
ְ‫לִב‬ To , against, among , over,d
, contra ,inter fili-a with
os; super,cum,ex, of , concerning the sons,

‫לבני‬ .Libmi [ de filiis. Libni , N. M. [ children .

meo. To, for my son .
‫בנה‬ ‫ לִבְנִי‬Filio
‫ְנֵיהֶם יְהֶן‬.‫לִב‬ F i
eorum , earum To ltheir sonsi, children
To his sons , children .
‫ לְבָנָיו‬.Filiisejus
ָ‫ לְבָנֶיך‬.Fil ii
tuis s To thy sons, children .
is is
ltri To your sons, children .
‫ לִבְנֵיכֶם‬.Fives
‫לבן‬ ‫ לְבָנִים‬,.Albi
‫ לבנים‬.Laleres
‫בנה‬ ּ‫ לִבְנֵינו‬.Fil ii
nostri s s To our sons, children .
To thy son.
ָ‫ לְבִנְךָ לִבְנֶך‬.Filio
Libnath, N. P.

‫ לִבְנָת‬.Libnat
‫ לבנת‬.Lapis A stone.
Her frankincense.
ejus s
ּ‫ לְבֹנָתָה‬.Thu
ejusbus To his daughters.
‫בנה‬ ‫ לִבְנֹתָיו‬.Filia
.U That, so that.
‫עבר‬ ‫לבעבוּר‬
To the waster ,
‫ לְבַעַל מִשְׁחִית‬.Dissipatori
To her masters , owners .
ָ‫ לִבְעָלֶיה‬.Domin ejus is
Marilis earum. To their husbands.
To his master, owner.

‫ לִבְעָלָיו‬.Dom ino
Ad succendendum, To burn , consume, eat up ,
comburendum , de-
pascendum .
‫ְבַעֲרָס‬. ‫ל‬ comburendos A eos . To burn themd

A d For his gain .

‫בצע‬ ֹ‫ לִבְצְעו‬. lucrum ejus
‫בצר‬ ‫ לְבַצֵר‬. A
muniend umdTo fortify.
‫ לִבְצָרוֹן‬. munitionemdTo the fortress, strong hold.
planitiem .I n
‫בקע‬ ‫בִקְעָה‬. ְ‫ל‬ [ eos . Into the plain
DUP Ad perrumpendos To break through them.
adIn the morning, till the mnorn-|
‫בקר‬ ‫ לַבֹּקֶר‬Mane , usque
mane, quotidie ing , every morning .
Ad boves. [mane. To the oxen.
‫לבשר‬ 853

‫בקר‬ inquirendumd
‫ לְבַקֵר‬.A To inquire.

‫ לְבַקָרָה‬. A
inquire ndumd inquire.

cjus i
ֹ‫ לִבְקָרו‬.Bov To his ox, cattle.

" ‫בְּקָרִים לִב‬-Admatutina

ַ‫ל‬ singula Every morning
‫בקש‬ p Adquærendum, sup- To seek, make request, sup-
plicandum. plication.
jup ? Adquærendum eum To seek him.
d To seek thee.
ָ‫ לְבַקֶשְׁך‬.A querendum le
Ad quærendum me. To seek me.
‫ לבר‬.Filio To the son.

‫ לַבָּרָד‬.Grandini To the hail.

nin Ad ederefaciendum. To cause to eat.

Adferrum[giendum For iron.
Adfugiendum, aufu- To flee, flee away.
77 Mundis, puris. To the clean, pure.
‫ לִבְּרִיהֶם‬.rectibus For the bars.

Infædus. [ lutandum. For a covenant.

7777 Adbenedicendum, sa- To bless, salute.
na I
bened ictionemn For, into a blessing.
Ad benedicendum ei. To bless him.
773 Adpurgandos, explo- To purify, explore, declare,
randos, declaran- manifest them.
dós eos.
wa? Induit, vestivit. He put on, clothed, arrayed .
ׁ‫ לָבָש‬.Induit He put on, clothed.
ׁ‫ לָבְש‬.restitus
vi Indue, induere. Put thou on, to put on.
The raiment.
ׁ‫ לָבָש‬.restimentum
‫ לָבְשָׁה‬.In duit She put on, clothed.
, veslivit
sunt i
ּ‫ לָבְשׁו‬.restit They were clothed .
ֹ‫ לבְשׁו‬.Vestimejus His raiment, garments.
ּ‫ לִבְשׁו‬.Induite Put ye on.
‫ לבשי‬.restiti Clothed.

‫ לִבְשִׁי‬.Indue Put thou on .

‫בשם‬ ‫ לַבְּשָׂמִים‬.E r Of the spices.
‫בשר‬ For the flesh, one flesh.
‫ לִבָּשָׂר‬.In
‫ לְבַשָׂר‬. A
nuncian dumdTo carry tidings.
854 ‫לגד‬


‫ לִבְשָׂרִי‬Carnimee
, To my flesh.
cslus Thou hast been clothed.
‫לבש‬ ָּ‫ לָבָשְׁת‬.Festi
‫ לִבֹּשֶׁת‬.Pu dori
, pudendo To the shame, shameful thing
For shame.
‫ לבשת‬.In pudorem
I have put on .
‫לבש‬ ‫ לָבְשְׁתִּי‬.Indui
ָ‫לְבָשְׁתְּך‬. pudoIrem luam n To thy shame.
‫בנה‬ Ad, in, ob filiam . To , for a , daughter.
in Filia, etfilia ejus. To, and his daughter.
‫בתל‬ To the virgin.
‫ לִבְתוּלַת‬.Virgini
z osla According to the households .
‫בית‬ ‫ לִבָּתִים‬.Ju dom
In domos, sedes, re- For houses, seats, receptacles.

‫בנה‬ Filiae tuae. [ ceptacula To thy daughter.

ְ‫ לִבָּתֵך‬.C or
tuum Thy heart.
o m r Their heart.
‫ לִבֹּתָם‬.C

‫לג‬ [ dicundum .
‫גאל‬ Ad redimendum,ven- To redeem, claim.

- ‫ לגאול‬.Pindicare[ liam. To avenge.

‫נאה‬ " ְ‫ָאוֹן לִג‬. ‫לְג‬ I
gloriam excellen- n
For glory , excellency
‫א‬ ְ ‫נ‬ ִ ‫ל‬ .Su per bor um Of the proud .
‫גאל‬ Redemptori, vindici. To the redeemer, avenger.
ְ‫ך‬ ֵ ‫ל‬ ָ ‫א‬ ָ .
‫נ‬ ְ ‫ל‬ R ere
, vendica d i,claim
To redeem mthce er
[ te. Into the pit.
‫ לגב־גּוֹבינְבָּא | גבא‬. I
fovea mn
‫גבה‬ Extolli, superbire. To be lifted up, to be haughty
A termino ; ad, in From, to, upon, for a, the
terminum. border.
Adterminum eorum . To their border.
‫גבוּלֹתֶיהָ־־בי‬. ‫ל‬ terminoP s djus. By eher borders r
|||||| ;

‫ִבּוֹרֵי לַגִּבּוֹרִים גבר‬.R‫לְג‬ ob , poten-ua to

of the strong ,mightyru
Eminen tis. es
[ tium . To eminenc .
To, for a man.
‫גבר‬ "ֶ‫ לַגֶבֶר לְג‬.Piro
To men.
‫ לִנְבְרַיָא‬.Firis
To men, man, by man.
"ְ‫ לַגְּבָרִים לִג‬.i , perriviros s
To his roof.
ֹ‫ לְגַנּו‬.A tectum ejus d
To the roofs.
‫| לַעֲנוֹת‬.I tectan
For, to thy roof.
ְ‫ לְגַגֶך‬Tecto tuo
‫גדר‬ Turme. For the troop.

‫גדר‬ For the army .

‫ לִגְדוּד‬.Ezercitui
‫ לִגְדוּדָיו‬.Agminibus To his troops, armies.
‫ לְנְדּוּפִים‬.I convitian To reproaches .
‫ לגדל‬.Grand To make great.
facere em
‫ | לגן‬.Tergo For the back.
‫ לגוא‬.In
medium Into the midst.

" ‫ לַגּוֹי לְג‬.Gen , in genlemti For, to, as a nation.

‫ לַגְּוִיָּה‬.Corpori For a body .
. P
‫לְגוֹיֶהֶם‬ gentibus eorum . Accordingr to their nations o
‫לַגּוֹיִם לְגוֹיִם‬ en
, gentium . Tothe ti bus
nations, of nations
ַ‫ לִגְוֹע‬.Expirando In dying .
‫וּר‬.‫לָג‬ peregrinandum ,A
To sojourn , dwell for a n
commorandum .

‫ לָנוּ לִנְזוֹז‬.Ad tondendum To shear .


‫ לְנֹזְזָי‬.Tonsoribus
meis For my shearers.

‫ | לנזר‬Dividenti To him that divideth.
‫ְזָרִים‬. I

‫לִנ‬ partes , divisiones n

Into parts , divisions

‫ לְנֶחָלִים‬.Prunis To burning coals.

In vallem. Into the valley.

‫ לַגָּל‬. I
acer vumn Into a heap.

‫ לַגַּלְגָּל‬.rota
A md At a wheel.

‫ לגלגלת‬.P er
caput By the head.
‫ לְגַלְגְּלֹתָם‬Per capita eorum . By their heads.
‫ לגלה‬. captI
ivitalemnInto captivity.
‫ לְגַלּוּלֵיהֶם‬..Ideorum
olis To their idols.
‫ לְגָלוּת‬.Captivitatis Of the captivity.
‫ לְגַלּוֹת‬. A
revelan dumdTo reveal.
ְ‫ל‬ tivi
nostre tatis
. of our captivity
Fluctibus ejus. To his waves.
‫ לְגַלִּים‬In acervos. Into heaps.
‫גמל‬ For thy camels.
ָ‫ לִגְמַלֶיך‬.Camelis
‫ לַגְּמַלִּים‬.Camelis For the camels.

‫ לְגַן‬.Horti
, ad hortum Of, for, by a, the garden.
‫ לַגַּנָּב‬.Furt To a thief.
17 In hortum ejus. Into his garden.

‫לְגַנִּי‬. I
hortum meumnInto my garden .
‫נגע‬ ‫לָגַעַת‬ tangendumd To touch.
856 ‫לדחות‬


To the vine.
‫גפן‬ ‫לַנָּפֶן־־בֶּר לְנֶי‬. 4
.wit emd
Into brimstone.
‫גפר‬ ‫ית‬ ִ ‫ר‬ ְ ‫פ‬ ָ ‫ג‬ ְ ‫ל‬ . I
sulph urn
‫ לַבֶּר‬.Per egri no To, for the stranger .
To thy throat, neck .
‫גרר‬ ָ‫ לְגַרְגְּרֹתֶיך‬.Gut tu
, collo tuo ri
‫לִג‬ minuendum , ad- A d
To diminish , take away
imnendum .

‫גרל‬ In thy lot.

sorte tuan
ָ‫ לְגָרְלְך‬.I
To drive out .
‫גרש‬ ׁ‫ לְגָרֵש‬. A
erpelle ndumd
To cast us out.
ּ‫ לְגָרְשֵׁנו‬. a
ejiciend d
os nos
ach , draw near.
‫ננש‬ ‫ לָגֶשֶׁת‬. accAedendumdTo appro

Lod, N. P.
Against another.
‫דא‬ ‫|דא‬ ‫ ל‬.Inallerum
'To mourn.
‫דאב‬ ‫ה‬ ָ ‫ב‬ ֲ ‫א‬ ַ ‫ד‬ ְ ‫ל‬ . A
dol endum d
To a bear .
‫רבב‬ ‫ לדב‬.Urso
To , for, by the oracle .
‫דבר‬ oraculumd
‫ לַדְּבִיר לִדְבָר‬.a
PAdferrumen. [ re. For the solder. [matter.

‫לְדִי‬ ad verbum , rem ;in To the word , thing , in the

ָ‫ לִדָּבָר לְד‬Ad

‫|לדְּבָר‬.Pesti To the pestilence.

To speak.
‫ לְדַבֵּר־־בֶּר‬.A loquendumd
To his word.-
ֹ‫ לִדְבָרו‬.rer cjusbo
To the words.
‫ לְדִבְרֵי לַדְּבָרִים‬.rerbis
bis s To my words .
‫ לִדְבָרַי‬.Ver mei
To their words.
‫ לָדִבְרֵיהֶם‬.rer bis
4 d For your words.
‫דִבְרֵיכֶם‬. ְ‫ ל‬. verb a westra
In thy word .
ְ‫ לִדְבָרְךָ רְיך‬In verbo: tuo
To the fish .
‫דוג‬ ‫ לג‬.Pisci
Juxta vexilla eorum By their standards . a
‫ִגְלֵיהֶם‬. ‫לְד‬ Juxt
To bear, bring forth .
‫ לֵדָה‬.Parere
For fishers .
‫ לְדַבָּנִים‬.Piscatoribus
To my beloved .
‫| דוֹדִי‬.Dilect meo o
For a, the generation .
‫ לְדוֹר לָךְ לְדֹר‬.Generationi
‫|דור‬ ‫ל‬.I generationem n To generation.
‫דוש‬ ׁ‫דוּש‬.Aָ‫ל‬ dt ri thresh ,ra
,cal- Totu tread out
candum .
To cast down, overthrow.
‫רחה‬ ‫ לִדְחוֹת‬. A
detrude ndumd
||| ‫לדש‬ 857

Adjudicandum, liti- To judge, contend .



? Injudicem.[gandum For a judge.


And cause.

‫ לְדִין‬.E causam t
Altrito, oppresso. For the crushed, oppressed.
Ad conterendum. To crush.
Tenui, pauperi. To the poor.
Agai persecutors .
‫ לְדֹלְקִים‬.I n nst the
‫ לֶדֶלֶת‬.Port, ostio e For the gate, door.
For gates, doors.
‫ לַדְּלָתוֹת לְדַלִי‬.Port ,foribusis
‫ לְדַלְתֵי‬.Portis.Joribus For gates, doors.
077--7--075 In, ob sanguinem . To, for blood .
To, for blood.
‫ לְדָמִים‬.Sanguini
Sanguini eorum. For their blood .

silent ium n Into silence.
‫ לִדְמָמָה‬.
Fimo, stercori. For dung.
To know.
‫ לְדֵעָה לָדַעַת‬.ad sciendum
‫ לָדָעַת‬.Scientiam [ eam. Knowledge.
To know her.
‫ לְדַעְתָּה‬Ad cognoscendam
iny That he may know.
ֹ‫ לְדַעְתּו‬.Ad
scire eum
Ad scientiam meam. To my knowledge.
‫דרא‬ ‫ לְדַרְאוֹן‬.Ad To abhorrence.
‫םם‬ֹ‫ ללַדדָרּרוו‬.Vers austrum us Toward the south.

ׁ‫ לִדְרוֹשׁ רֹשׁ רָש‬.ad inquirendum To inquire.

ׁ‫ לְדַרְיוֹש‬.AdquerendumTo seck, search. [journey.
"7 " -- 7775 Ad viam , in via, pro For , by, in the way ; for the
Adviam ejus [ itinere To her way .
ֹ‫ לְדַרְכּו‬.In
viam ejus To, on his way.

ְ‫ לְדַרְכְּך‬.Per viam tuam By thy way.

Per viam vestram. Through your way.
Ad viam eorum. [ me To their way.
‫דרש‬ Ad interrogandum To inquire of me.
‫דור‬ Generationibus ejus For generations. [ tions.
In, pergenerationes To, throughout his genera
Per generationes Throughout your genera-
vestras. [ rum. tions. [tions.
Per generationes eo- Throughout their genera-
‫דוש‬ Ad triturandum . To thresh.
VOL. 11. N
858 ‫להבריאכם‬


Ad cinerem ejus tol- To take away his ashes.

‫ילד‬ ‫ לדת‬.Parere [ lendum. To bring forth.
Parturiendo eam. In her travail .
ere When they bring forth.
‫ לִדְתָּנָה‬.Parcas


Ei. To her.

‫לה‬ .Ei To him.

‫אבד‬ ‫ לְהַאֲבִיד‬. a
disperd endumd To destroy.

‫ל‬ A
perdendum eum . To destroy him d
ּ‫ְהַאֲבִידֵנו‬. perdendum a d
nos . | To destroy us
‫אור‬ a andumdTe enlighten.
‫ לְהָאִיר‬.illumin
‫אלה‬ ֹ‫ לְהַאֲלֹתו‬ad adjurandum eum To adjure, cause him to swear
flame, head, point.
‫ לַהַב‬.Flam , cuspismaThe
‫באש‬ a d
fatidum redden- To render me loathso me
dum me.

‫בדל‬ ‫לְהַבְדִּיל‬ ad dividendum , dis- To divide ,make a distinction

‫להב‬ ‫ֶהָבָה‬.‫ל‬ F l
[ cernend uma m
A , the famema
The flames.
‫ לַהֲבוֹת לִי‬.Flamme
‫בזה‬ To despise.
‫ לְהַבְזוֹת‬. A
spernen dumd
‫בוא‬ ‫לְהָבִיא‬. Ad a
adducendum d
.[te . To bring
‫ל‬ A
introducendum To bring theed
‫ַהֲבִיאָס‬.‫ל‬ adducendosa d
cos . To bring them
‫נבט‬ To look .
‫ לְהַבִּיט‬.arespiciendumd
‫ְהַבִּיטָם‬.‫ל‬ respiciendumA d
eos To regard them
‫להב‬ ‫ לְהָבִים‬.Flammae
Lehabim , N. M.
‫ לְהָבִים‬.Lchaim
Ad intelligendum. To understand.
ְ‫ לַהֲבִינְך‬. 4
doce ndum ledTo teach thee.

‫ לַהֶבֶל‬ranitati To vanity.
To build .
‫בנה‬ ‫ לְהִבָּנוֹת‬. A
edifican dumd
Ad perrumpendum . To break through .
To be cleft asunder.
ַ‫ לְהִבָּקֵע‬. A
difin dendumd
‫ברר‬ To cleanse .
‫ לְהָבָר‬.A purgandumd
‫ברה‬ ‫להברות‬. cibandum4 d
. [ uos . To feed
‫ברא‬ ‫ לְהַבְרִיאֲכֶם‬Ad impinguandum To make you fat.
‫להונתם‬ 859

A flame.
‫להב‬ ‫ לַהֶבֶת‬.Flamma

‫גדד‬ To the army .

‫ לְהַגְּדוּד‬.Exercitui
‫ל‬ magnificandum . Tomagnify
‫ננד‬ ‫ַגִּיד‬.
‫לְה‬ a
nunciandumn , in- d
To tell , declare , shew

‫גלה‬ revelandumdTo be revealed .

‫ לְהִגָּלוֹת‬.A

ְ‫ לְהַגְלוֹתֵך‬ad abducendum te in To carry thee away into car

‫להד‬ .L a
[ captivit h
atem Lahad , N.aM d
[ tivity .

‫דבר‬ ‫ לְהַדָּבְרוֹהִי‬.Consiliariis
ejus To his counsellors.
‫הדם‬ scabellum
‫ דם‬-- ‫ לַהַדוֹם‬.Ad At the footstool.

‫ידה‬ " ‫ להדוֹת־־הו‬.4d laudandum To praise.

‫נדח‬ To cast down .
ַ‫ לְהַדִּיח‬.A

ְ‫| ל‬ erpellendum te . To ,
drive out thee
§E |

‫ידע‬ " ‫הדִיעַ־־הו‬. ‫ל‬ A

notum faciendum d
To make known
To thrust out.
‫הדף‬ ‫ לַהֲדף‬.A expellendum d
‫הָדְפָה‬. ְ‫ל‬ eam To thrust her d
expellendam a out
£ Ƒ £ ç

‫דַק‬ ֵ ‫ה‬.ְ ‫ל‬ comminu A

endum . | To beat to d
In the beauty .
‫ לְהַדְרַת‬.I decoren
Insanivit,furebat. He was mad, outrageous.
‫הוא‬ Be it, let him be, that there
‫הוא־־וָה‬ .Sit
, ut esset
To destroy. [ might be.
‫אבד‬ ‫דָה‬ ‫ לְהוֹבָדָא‬.Ad
‫ידע‬ ְ‫ לְהוֹדִיעַך‬.a dTo teach thee.
docendum le
‫ | לְהוֹדִיעָם‬Ad ostendendum cis . Toshew ,make known to them
‫ל‬ stenmihi To shew dend
to me um
‫ְהוֹדָעָה‬. ‫ל‬ notum faciendA um Tomake known d

ְ‫הוֹדָעוּתָך‬.ְ‫ל‬ ostendendum A d
tibi . To shew to thee
‫עָתַי‬ ‫ לְהוֹדָעוּתַנִי‬Adoutendendum mihi To shewto
‫לְה‬ notum faciendum . A Tomake known to me . d [ be
‫הוא‬ Sint, ut essent. [ mihi. Let them be, that they might
‫וכח‬ To correct ,
ַ‫ לְהוֹכִיח‬.Ad corripiendum
‫הלל‬ To the mad.
‫ לַהוֹלְלִים‬.Insanis
Them .
‫ לְהוֹם לְדֹם‬.Eos
To wealth. [ be .
‫ לַהוֹן‬aa opes.
‫הוא‬ ‫ לֶהֶוֹן‬Sint , ut essent Let them be, that they might
To them.
‫ לְהוֹן לָהֶן‬.Eis
‫ינה‬ ‫ְהוֹנֹתָם‬.
‫ל‬ opprimendosa d
eos . To oppress them
860 ‫להחיתו‬


" ‫ְהוֹסִיף לְה‬.

‫ל‬ addendum ,a d
au- To add ,increa se
gendum .

‫ להוֹעִיל‬.Aproficiendumd To profit.
‫יצא‬ ּ‫ְהוֹצָאֵהו‬.
‫ל‬ deducendumA eum To carry d him
‫לְה‬ educendum , pro- To bring out , bring forth
ferendum. utter.
Ad a d
ndos cos To bring them out.
‫ לְהוֹצִיאָם‬. educe
ּ‫ לְהוֹצִיאָנו‬. A
educe d
ndos nos To bring us forth.

‫הרג‬ ‫ורנִים‬.P
‫לה‬ ro
interfecto- ofmurderers er
Becausept \
‫ְהוֹרִיד‬. ‫ל‬ deferendum A d
.[ res To carry down
ׁ‫ להוֹרִיש‬. A
expellen dumd To drive out.

‫רִישָׁם‬ ֹ ‫ו‬ ‫ה‬.ְ ‫ל‬ expellen dos aeos. To drive them d

‫ירה‬ A
doce ndumd To teach.
‫ | להורת‬.
To teach them.
‫ לְהוֹרֹתָם‬Ad docendum , eos
‫ישב‬ ‫ לְהוֹשִׁיב‬. a
collo candumd To place, set. 1
ֹ‫הוֹשִׁיבו‬. ‫ל‬ collocandumA eum To set himd
servand umd To save .
‫ישע‬ ַ‫ לְהוֹשִׁיע‬.
‫ְהוֹשִׁיעָה‬. ‫ל‬ serrandam A d
eam . To save her
A ndum led To save thee.
ְ‫ לְהוֹשִׁיעֶךְ־־עֶך‬. serra
A um d To save me.
‫ לְהוֹשִׁיעֵנִי‬. servand me
‫זןד‬ ‫ְדָה‬TT‫ַהַז‬.
‫ל‬ A
superbe agendum d
To act proudly
onendum d To warn.
‫זהר‬ ‫| לְהַזְהִיר‬. admA
Ad admonendum esse To be warned .

‫נזר‬ ‫ להזיר‬. A
separ andumdTo separate. [tion.
‫זכר‬ Adcommemorandum To call to mind, make men-
‫זנה‬ ּ‫הַזְנוֹתָה‬.
ְ‫ל‬ a
prostituendum To prostitute d
cam .
Ad convocandum . To call together.
‫זעק‬ ‫לְהַזְעִיק‬
‫חבה‬ Ad abdendum se. To hide themselves.
‫חוה‬ ‫וזדיה‬-‫ להח‬.A indicandumd To shew, declare.
At, by, upon the wall.
‫חמה‬ ‫ לְהַחוֹמָה‬. A
muru md
‫חזק‬ ‫ לְהַחֲזִיק‬. A
robo randumdTo strengthen .
‫חטא‬ ‫ְהַחֲטִיא‬. ‫ל‬ a
peccare facien- To cause todsin
‫היה‬ ‫ְהַחֲיוֹת־־ית‬. ‫ל‬ a
vitam servandam d
To preserve life
servan- To save him alive.
ֹ‫תו‬ ֹ ‫י‬ ֲ ‫ח‬ ַ ‫ה‬ ְ ‫ל‬ Ad vivu m
dum eum .
‫להכעיסר‬ 861

‫חלל‬ Ad profanandum se. To profane himself.

‫חרד‬ ‫ לְהַחֲרִיד‬.Adterrendum To make afraid.
‫חרס‬ Ad internecioni de- To devote to slaughter.
Ad disperdendum eos To destroy them utterly.
‫לָהַט‬ Adussil, incendit, in- He scorched , kindled , in-
flammavit ; exar flamed ; he burned.

‫ לַהַט‬.Flamma [sit. A flame.

‫להט‬ | .Flammans Burning, flaming.
Incendit [ vertendum She burnt.
‫נטה‬ Adinclinandum,per- To incline, pervert.
‫יטב‬ " Ad benefaciendum . To benefit, do good.
‫להט‬ Exardescentes, in- Burning, incendiaries.
‫ להט ח‬.A declinandumd To decline , turn aside.
‫היה‬ -
ni- Ad vertendam eam. To turn her.

‫ לִהְיוֹתְכֶם‬.Usitist [tibi. That ye may be.

‫יטב‬ Ad benefaciendum To do good to thee.
Ad benefaciendum To do good to me.
Templi, templo . [mihi Of, to the temple.
In palatium
ּ‫לְהֵיכְלָה‬.I palatium ejus.
cjus To, into his palace.
‫ לְהֵיכְלֵיכֶם‬.Intempla uestra Into your temples.
Ad lactandum. [ am. To suckle.
‫הוה‬ Ad calamitatem me- To my calamity.
Ad adducendum[ dam To bring.
‫כבר‬ Ad gloriam quæren- To seek glory.
‫נכה‬ Ad percutiendum. To smite.
ini Adpercutiendum il- To smite him.
lum. [ sustinendum.] [ bear.
‫כול‬ Ad continendum, To receive, contain, sustain,
‫אכל‬ To consume.
‫ לְהָבִיל‬.Ad
‫כון‬ 14d parandum, sta- To prepare, order, settle.
Ad stabiliendam eam To establish her.
‫נכר‬ Adagnoscendum me. To know, acknowledge me.
‫כעס‬ ‫ לְהַכְעִיס‬.Adirritandum To provoke.
o Ad irritandum eum. To provoke him.
862 ‫להמליכו‬


‫ לְהַכְעִיסֵנִי־־עָסֵי כעס‬. irria d

tandum me To provoke me.
‫כרת‬ ‫ִית‬ ‫ר‬ ְ ‫כ‬ ַ ‫ה‬ ְ ‫ל‬ . A
erci dend d
um To cut off, destroy.
‫להכריתו‬ rcid
.Ade eum . To cut him endu off m

‫כשל‬ ֹ‫ַכְשִׁילו‬.
‫לְה‬ A
ruere faciendum To cause him tod
eum. [ eam .
‫נכה‬ ּ‫ְהַכֹּתָה‬.
‫ל‬ a
percutiendam To smite d
ֹ‫ְהַכֹּתו‬.‫ל‬ a
percutiendum d
To smite him

ָ‫הַכֹּתְך‬.ְ‫ל‬ percutienduma d
te . To smite thee
‫ְהַכֹּתָם‬. ‫ל‬ percutiendosa d
cos . To smite them
vestie ndumd To clothe.
‫לבש‬ ׁ‫ לְהַלְבִּיש‬.
‫ה‬ ‫ל‬ .H uic To this man.
‫ן‬ ‫ל‬
‫ לְהִלָּחֶם־־חֵם‬. a
pugn andumdTo
Ad deducendum eum. To lead, carry him.
ֹ‫לְהִלִיכו‬ To go.
‫הלך‬ ְ‫ לַהֲלֹך‬.cundu4 md
ְ‫ לַחֹלֶך‬.Abeunli For him that goeth away.
To them that walk.
‫ להלכי להלְכִים‬.Ambulantibus
‫הלל‬ ‫ לְהַלֵּל‬.A laudandumd To praise.
‫הלם‬ Ad ad To the hammer.
‫ לְהַלְמוּת‬. malleum
Blanditus est. He flattered .
To them .
‫ לָהֶם לָהֵמָּה‬.Luis
‫מול‬ ‫מול מל‬. ‫|ל‬ A
circumcidendum d
. To be circumcised
lud ini To the multitude.
‫המן‬ ‫ַהֲמוֹן‬. ‫ ל‬.Multi
allared To, at the altar.
‫זבח‬ ַ‫ להַמִּזְבֵּח‬.A
‫מטר‬ ‫הַמְטִיר‬.ְ‫ל‬ um To cause it to d
pluere faciendA rain
ְ‫ל‬ a
proficiscendum d
To go to the right
versus dexteram .

‫מות‬ ‫לְהָמִית‬.Ad
interficiendum . To slay
‫להמיתו‬ . occidendumA eum . To slay dhim
‫ל‬ . A
occiden dum d
le To kill thee.
ְ‫תֵך‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫מ‬ ֲ ‫ה‬ ַ
A d
endos cos To slay them.
ָ‫לַהֲמִיתָם־־מָת‬. occid
nos. To slay us.
ּ‫ לַהֲמִיתֵנו‬Ad occidendos
‫ַהֲמִיתֵנִי‬. ‫ל‬ occidendumA d
me. To killfine
To esc ape .
‫מלט‬ ‫ לְהִמָּלֵט‬.A evadendumd
‫מלך‬ .ְ‫הַמְלִיך‬. ְ‫ל‬ regem constitu4 - To constitki ute d
endum[ endum cum|
ְ‫ל‬ a
regem constitu- d
To make him king
‫להעברו‬ 863

conterendos cos. To crush them .

‫המם‬ ‫ לְהִמָּם‬44.
‫מנה‬ ‫ ל‬Wumerari
‫ְהִמָּנוֹת‬. , To be numbered.

Præter, nisi, itaque, Beside, except, unless, there-
Illis. [quamobrem. To them. [ fore, wherefore.
‫נבא‬ ‫ִנָּבֵא‬. ‫ לְה‬. 4
vatici d
nandum To prophesy .
. ‫נזק‬ ‫ַת‬ ‫ק‬ ְ ‫ז‬ ְ ‫נ‬ ַ ‫ה‬ ְ ‫ל‬ .Ad nocendum To hurt.
‫לְה‬ transmittendum To transmit as aninheritance
in hereditatem .
‫נחם‬ Dan Ad pœnitendum, so- To repent, be comforted.
latium capiendum
‫נתה‬ ‫ לְהַנְחֹתָם‬.a To lead them.
ducendos eos
‫נןד‬ To move.
‫ לְהָנִיד‬.Amovendum d
‫נוח‬ ַ‫נִיח‬ Ad recumbere faci- To cause to rest.
endum . [lum .
in Ad relinquendum il- To leave him.
‫לְה‬ eos To suffer , permit them
‫נןס‬ ‫ לְהָנִיס‬.Ad To put to flight.
To wave .
‫נוף‬ ‫ לְהָנִיף לַהֲנָפָה‬.adagitandum
‫ לְהַנְסָקָה‬.a educendumd To bring , lead up.
‫ל‬ introducendum . To bring in
cripiendumd To be delivered.
‫ לְהִנָּצֵל‬.A
Open Ad ulciscendum. To be revenged.

ְ‫ל‬ fundendum , con- To pour , fuse , melt
‫ל‬ dandum [ fiandum To be given
‫סבב‬ A endumd To turn.
‫ לְהָסֵב‬. convert
‫סנר‬ A ndum d To deliver.
‫ לְהַסְעִיר‬. trade
‫סיר‬ ‫ להָסִיר‬. A
amovend umdTo remove, take away.
Ad amovendam eam. To remove her.
‫סכר‬ ְ‫ לְהָסֵך‬.Ad tegendum To cover .
‫סתם‬ ‫ לְהִפָּתֵם‬. A
obturan dumd To stop, shut up.
‫סתר‬ Ad latendum. [ dum. To hide.
ְ‫ל‬ operari facien- To cause to work
‫עבר‬ ‫ לְהַעֲבִיר‬ad transeundum , To pass through , • cause to
transire facien- pass over.
dum . [eum.

ְ‫ל‬ mittendum ultra To send beyond him
864 . ‫להקדישו‬
To be helped.
‫עזר‬ ‫ לְהֵעָזֵר‬.Adjuvari
‫עלה‬ ‫להעלה‬ Ad introducendum . ,To bring in
‫ לת‬-- ‫הַעֲלוֹת‬. ְ‫ל‬ a
educendum , ac- To bring up , burn , d
cendendum, offe-
rendum .[ dum cos.

‫הַעֲלוֹתָם‬. ְ‫ל‬ ascenderefacten- a To make them god up

‫עמם‬ ‫ְהָעָם‬. ‫ל‬ P o
[ stabilie ndumnp To theu peoplelo
‫הַעֲמִיד‬. ְ‫ל‬ constituenduma d
, To appoint , establis h
stabil iendum A
eum To establ ish d
ֹ‫העמידו‬. ‫ל‬
‫ע‬ ַ ‫ה‬ ְ ‫ל‬ . col A
end um can d
i To worship her.
‫עצב‬ ‫ֲצָבָה‬
That it may be done.
‫עשה‬ ‫ לְהֵעָשׂוֹת‬.U fiatt
‫עשר‬ ‫ לְהַעֲשִׁיר‬. dilAescendumd become rich .
Addejiciendum , pros- To cast down, overthrow ,
ternendum. present.
Ad dispergendum . To scatter.
‫פוץ‬ ‫לְהָפִיץ‬

‫ל‬ ergendum me To , scatter mé
‫פור‬ ‫ְהָפִיר לְהָפֵר‬.‫ל‬ a
irrituum facien- d
To make void
‫לְה‬ ncon . [dum Ontr arium
the contrary
‫פלא‬ ‫הַפְלִיא‬. ְ‫ל‬ A
mirifice agendum To do wondroud sly
deside randumd To be found wanting.
‫פקר‬ ‫ לְהִפָּקֵד‬.
‫פור‬ ‫פְרְכֶם‬. ַ‫לְה‬ I facerer r
vos . |That i
ye break , maketvoid u
‫ לְהַפְשִׁיט‬. A
excori andumd To flay.
solvat urt To be loosed.
‫פתח‬ ַ‫ לְהִפָּתֵח‬.
‫ְהַצְהִיל‬. ‫ל‬ niterefaciendA um To cause to shine d
‫ל‬ |
. A
stab ilie d
ndum To estab lish .
‫יצב‬ ‫הציב‬
‫נצל‬ ‫ להציל‬. a
liber andumd To deliver .
‫ְהַצִילו‬. ‫ל‬ liberandum a d
eum . To deliver him
To deliver thee.
‫ לְהַצִילְךָ לֶךְ־צְלֶי‬. libera andina ted
‫ְהַצִילָם‬. ‫ל‬ eripiendum a cos . To deliver them d

‫ְהַצִילֵנִי‬.‫ל‬ eripiendum a me. To deliver d me

To deliver .
‫ לְהַצְלָה‬. A
eripiend umd
eripiendum a d
eum . To deliver him

Adcongregandum se To gather themselves together
‫קדש‬ ׁ‫ְהַקְדִיש‬.
‫ל‬ sanctificandumA. To hallow , sanctify
sanctificandum d
To sanctify him
‫להרשיע‬ 865

‫קרש‬ ‫ְהַקְדִישֵׁנִי‬.
‫ל‬ a
sanctificandum To sanctify d
‫קהל‬ Adcongregandum se To gather themselves together
‫ל‬ imminuenduma d
. To make small
md To burn incense.
‫ לְהַקְטִיר‬.A
‫קום‬ Ad erigendum, sta- To raise up, set up , establish,
biliendum, præ- perform .

‫ל‬ erigendum eum . Toraise him up
‫קלל‬ Ad levandum. [ eum. To lighten.
‫קום‬ ּ‫הַקְמוּתֵה‬.Ad
ַ‫ל‬ constituendum To set up , appoint him
‫קרב‬ ‫ לְהַקְרִיב‬. a
oferend umd To offer .
‫קשב‬ Adauscultandum, at- To hearken, to cause to attend
‫קהל‬ ‫ לַהֲקַת‬.Cetus [montem The company.
‫הרך‬ Montis, monti, in Of, to, upon a, the mountain.
‫ראה‬ To appear.
‫ לְהֵרָאֹה‬.ad apparendum
" ָ‫ְהַרְאוֹת לְהֵר‬.ad
‫ל‬ outendendum se . To shew himself
‫רבה‬ Valde ; ad mullum . Very much; to much .
‫ לְהַרְבּוֹת‬.Ad augendum To increase.
‫הרנ‬ ‫ לַהֶרֶג‬. A
occis ionemd To the slaughter .
,To kill, slay.
‫ רון‬- ‫ להרג‬ad occidendum
‫ל‬ occidendum eum . To slay him
ְ‫ל‬ quiescere facien- To cause him to rest
dum cum .
‫הרג‬ ָ‫ לְהָרְנֶךָ לַהֲרָנְך‬.adoccidendum te To slay thee.

ּ‫נֵנו‬ Ad occidendum nos. To slay us.
‫ריח‬ ַ‫ לְהָרִיח‬. A
odorand umd To smell.
‫הרך‬ .Montibus To the mountains.
‫רוס‬ To lift up .
‫| לְהָרִים‬.A ertollendumd
‫רוע‬ Ad To shout.
ַ‫ לְהָרִיע‬.a clangendumd
‫ריק‬ ‫ לְהָרִיק‬. A
evacuan dumdTo empty•
‫רוע‬ Ad
ַ‫הָרַע רֵע‬.ad
ְ‫ל‬ malefaciendum . To do evil, bring evil
‫רפא‬ To be healed .
‫ לְהֵרָפֵא־־פָה‬.Sanari
‫הרו‬ ‫ להַרְרִי‬.Monti meo For my mountain .
‫רשע‬ ַ‫רְשִׁיע‬ad
ַ‫לְה‬ impie agendum ,To do wickedly , to condemn
866 ‫להשניא־ניא־יה‬


‫שאה‬ ‫ להַשְׁאוֹת‬. A
vast andumd To lay waste.
d To leave.
‫שאר‬ ‫ לְה‬.
‫ַשְׁאִיר‬. rel4inquendum
To swear.
‫ לְהַשְׁבִּיעַ לְהִשְׁבֵי שבע‬. A
jura ndumd
yaw Ad satiandum . [dum To satisfy .
‫שבת‬ Ad cessare facien- To cause to cease.
To break, be broken.
‫שבר‬ ‫ לְהִשָּׁבֵר‬. A
frang endumd
‫שאה‬ ‫ להשוֹת‬.A vastandumd To lay waste .
‫שחת‬ ‫הַשְׁחִית‬.ְ‫ל‬ a
corrumpendum d
, To corrupt , destroy
disperdendum .
‫ְהַשְׁחִיתָה‬.‫ל‬ perdendam aeam . To destroy d
ֹ‫הַשְׁחִיתו‬.ְ‫ל‬ perde ndum a
eum . To destr d
oy him

a d
ndum te To destroy thee.
ָ‫ לְהַשְׁחִיתֶך‬.perde
‫שוב‬ ‫ לְהָשִׁיב‬4d avertendum ,red- To turn away , bring
. r back , e
dendum, restitu- turn, restore, recompense,
endum , rependen- answer.

dum, responden-
‫ישב‬ ‫ | להשיב‬.Ducendo [dum. In marrying.
‫שוב‬ ‫הֲשִׁיבָה‬ad
ַ‫ל‬ reducendam cam To bring her back
A d
ַ‫ל‬ reducendum eum To bring him back

ַ‫ל‬ reducendum eum A d
To bring him back
Ad reducendos eos. To bring them back.
‫שכח‬ ‫הַשְׁכָחָה‬.ְ‫ ל‬. inv4 eniendd um To find.
Ad oblivisci facien- To cause to forget .
dum. [ docendum .

‫שכל‬ ‫ַשְׂכִּיל‬Ad
‫לְה‬ intelligendum , To understand , teach
ְ‫ לְהַשְׂכִּילֶך‬.
Ad a
docen d teach thee.
dum te
A dum eosd To teach, instruct them.
‫ לְהַשְׂכִּילָם‬. docen
‫שלח‬ ַ‫ להַשְׁלִיח‬. A
mill endumd To send .
To cast away.
‫שלך‬ ְ‫ַשְׁלִיך‬.‫ לְה‬.4 d
‫שמר‬ Ad delendum. To destroy, consume.
‫הִשְׁמְדָם‬. ְ‫ל‬ a
perdendum eos d
. To destroy them
| To destroy.
‫ לְהַשְׁמִיד‬.a perdendum d
ֹ‫ְהַשְׁמִידו‬. ‫ל‬ perdendum a d
eum . To destroy him
‫ְהַשְׁמִידָם‬. ‫ל‬ perdendum eosa . To destroy themd
ּ‫ְהַשְׁמִידֵנו‬.‫ל‬ perdendum A nos . | To destroyd
‫שמע‬ ‫הַשְׁמִיעַ מָעוּת‬Ad ְ‫ל‬ audiri faciendum To cause to be heard

‫נָיָא יָה שנא‬ mutandum

‫ לְהַשְׁנַיָא‬.Ad To change, be changed.
‫להתעולל‬ 867

‫שען‬ ‫ לְהִשָּׁעֵן‬. A
innit endumd To lean .
‫שפל‬ To cast down, abase.
‫ לְהַשְׁפָלָה‬. 4
dejicien dumd
‫שקה‬ nipu Ad adaquandum, To water, to give drink.
polum dandum .

‫שקט‬ ‫ לְהַשְׁקִיט‬Ad quietem conce- To give rest.

dendam . [eum.

‫שקה‬ inpuin Ad bibere faciendum To cause him to drink.

‫שבה‬ A
glorian dumd To triumph .
ַ‫ לְהִשְׁתַּבֵּח‬.
‫שגע‬ yan Ad insanum se fin- To feign himself mad.
‫לְה‬ incurvandum se , To bow down , worship
adorandum .

‫אפק‬ Pas Ad sese cogendum. To constrain or restrain him-

‫תוב‬ ‫ל‬
ְ‫ָך‬. 4
respondendum To answer d
thee [self.
tibi. [irruendum.
‫גלל‬ Ad volvendum se , To roll himself, fall upon.
ְ‫ לְהִתְבָּרֵיךד‬. A
scabe d
ndum se To scrape himself.

‫ל‬ perambulandum . To
, walk about
‫הלל‬ To glory.
‫ לְהִתְהַלֵּל‬.Ad
‫חזק‬ Pinnn Fortis esse, ad præ- To be strong, prevail.
‫חלה‬ ‫ להתחלות‬.a To be sick.
‫חנן‬ ‫ לְהִתְחַנֵּן‬.A
| deprecandumd make supplication.

‫חתן‬ Ad affinitatem con- To contract affinity.

‫יחש‬ Ad recensendum
ׁ‫ לְהִתְיַחֵש‬Ad recenuendum per To reckon, be reckoned by
genealogiam. the genealogy .
‫יצב‬ ‫ לְהִתְיַצֵב‬.Ad sistendum se To present himself.
‫מהמה‬ A dumdTo tarry ,
ּ‫ לְהִתְמַהְמֵה‬.cunctan
‫נדב‬ ‫רֶב‬ ‫הִתְנַדָּב‬.
ְ‫ל‬ A
sponte oferen- d
To offer willingly
dum .
‫נםם‬ To lift itself up.
‫ לְהִתְנוֹסֵס‬.Ad
attollendum ae
‫נתם‬ To take comfort , be d
solatium capien-A com
dum . forted .
‫ לְהִתְנַכֵּל‬Ad machinandum, To contrive, plot, act craftily,
dolose agendum . deceitfully.
. ‫עלל‬ ‫ לְהִתְעוֹלֵל‬.A
To mock, abuse.

‫עלם‬ To hide one's self.

‫ לְהִתְעַלם‬.aabscondendumd
‫ענה‬ ‫ לְהִתְעַנּוֹת‬.a
afligendum sedTo afflict himself.
‫פאר‬ ‫ לְהִתְפָּאֵר‬.AglorificandumdTo be glorified.
‫פלל‬ ‫ להִתְפַּלֵּל‬.A T o pray.
‫חפש‬ To be taken.
ׂ‫ לְהִתָּפֵש‬.Ad
‫קדש‬ ׁ‫ְהִתְקַדַּש‬.
‫ל‬ A
sanctificandum . To sanctify
‫ְהִתְקְטָלָה‬. ‫ל‬ a
interficiendum d
. To be slain
‫רעע‬ ַ‫ לְהִתְרוֹעֵע‬ad amicum se pre- To shew himself friendly, to
standum, ad con- be broken in pieces.
‫רפא‬ To heal himself .
‫ לְהִתְרַפֵא‬.a d
sanandum se

.S It, to him.
‫לו לוא‬ i
, utinam , fortause . If , 0 that , peradventu re
Non, ne, neque , non- Not, nor, neither, not yet,
dum, absque,nemo, without , none , nothing .
‫ לוּבִים‬.Lubdi [nihil. Libyans, N. N.

‫ לוֹ דָבָר‬.Lo-debar Lo -debar , N. P.

‫ לוד‬.Lud Lud, N. M. N.
‫ לוּדִים‬.Lud , Lydiim
i Ludim, Lydians, N. M. N.
‫לָוָה‬ Junxit, adjunxit,ad- He joined, adjoined, cleaved
hæsit, mutuatus to, borrowed , lent.
est, commodavit.
‫ | לוה‬.Mutuans He that borroweth.
‫ לוז‬.Luz Luz, N. P.
Declinavit, decessit. He turned aside, departed .

ַ‫ לוּח‬.Tabula A, the table.

‫ | לוחית‬.Luchil
Luhith, N. P.
‫לוח‬ ‫| לוחת‬.Tabule Tables.
‫ | לוֹט‬.Lot
Lot, N. M.
‫לוּט‬ Operuit , abscondit . He covered , hid .
‫|לוּטָה‬.Opertus Covered .

‫ לוֹטָן‬.Lolan Lotan, N. M.
‫לזנב‬ 869


‫ לוי‬.Levi Levi, N. M.

‫ לויס‬.Levile Levites, N. F.

‫לוה‬ Mutuati sumus . We have borrowed.

‫| לויַת‬.Additamenta
Leviathan, a large dragon, or
‫ לוְיָתָן‬.Leviathan
sea monster, crocodile, whale

Unless, except.
‫לו‬ ‫לוּלָא־־לי‬ Wisi
Pernoctavit, commo- He lodged, stayed all night,
ratus est, murmu- abode,remained, murmured

Absorbuit, deglutivit He swallowed down, devoured


Irridens, subsannans Mocking, laughing to scorn.

Illusit, derisit, inter- He mocked, derided , scorned ,
Depsuit[pretatusest He kneaded . [interpreted .
Knead thou .

With thee.
te d
ְ‫ לְוָתָך‬.4pu

‫זה‬ ‫זֹאת לִי‬. ָ‫ל‬ , propter eam a , To , at, for her , d
‫זבב‬ ‫ זבוב‬.M us
. [ hanc , hoc . For the ce
‫זבח‬ To sacrifice .
ִ‫ ל‬.4
ַ‫זְבּוֹחַ־־כֹּח‬. immolandum d
For a sacrifice.
‫ לַזְבַח לְזָי לְזֶבַס‬14.sacrificium
na ? Ad sacrificandum. To sacrifice .
To the sacrifices.
‫ לָזִבְחֵי‬.Adsacrificia
‫זה‬ Huic. To this .

‫זהב‬ Auri, pro auro. Of gold, for the gold.

‫זנה‬ meretrice. For a harlot .
‫ לְזוֹנָה‬Pro
I tionemnFor commotion.
‫זוע‬ ‫ לְזַוּעָה‬. commo
‫|לנית‬.Olive To the olive-tree.

tuo to
ָ‫ לְזֵיתֶך‬.Olive To thy olive-yard.
‫זכר‬ A male, in a male.
‫ לַזָכָר‬.M,in ar mare
In, at the remembrance.
‫לְזֵכֶר זִכָּרוֹן־לן‬. I
, ad memori amn
To remember.
‫ לִזְכֹּר‬. a
recorda ndumd
‫זכר‬ Of males.
‫ לִזְכָרִים‬Mauculorum ,
‫זנב‬ To the tail.
‫ לְזָנָב‬.Caude
870 ‫לחג‬


‫זנה‬ By whoredoms.
|||| scortationes r
‫| לִזְנוּנִים‬.Pe
To commit whoredom .
‫ לִזְנוֹת־־נת‬. A
scort andumd
‫ לְזַעֲוָה‬. I
agitatio nemn For an agitation.

To my cry.

‫ לְזַעֲקָתִי‬.Clamori

‫זעק‬ meo

‫זפת‬ ‫ לְזֶפֶת‬.I picem n Into pitch .

en i To the old.
‫ן‬ ֵ ‫ק‬ ָ ‫ז‬ ְ ‫ל‬ .S
To the elders.
‫ לְזִקְנֵי‬.Senioribus
‫ לִזְקֵנָיו‬.Senibus
ejus For his elders.
In his old age .
senectutecjus .
‫ לַזְקֵנִים‬.Asenesd To the elders.

‫ לַזָר לְזָר‬.Alieno
, extraneo For a stranger, foreigner.
In fastidium, nau- To loathsomeness , nauseous-
seam. ness.

ֹ‫ לְזָרו‬.Acoronam cjus d At his crown.

‫זרה‬ ‫| לִזְרוֹת‬.AventilandumdTo fan, sift.

| FS

To scatter her.
ּ‫ לְזָרוֹתָה‬ad dispergendam
‫ לַצְרִים לְזָי‬.Alienis [ eam. To strange, strangers.
‫ לזרע‬.Seminanli To him that soweth.
To , for seed .
" ֶ‫ז‬ ‫ לְזָרַע‬.Semini
,in semen
To sow.
‫ לזרע‬.Ad seminandum
‫ לזרעו‬.Semin ejus i To his seed .

‫ לזרעו‬.Brachi To his arm.

ejus o
ָ‫ לְזַרְעֶך‬.Sem tuoini To thy seed.
vestro . To your seed.
‫ לְזַרְעֲכֶם‬Semini

‫לוח‬ ‫ לח לח‬.Viridis Green.

‫חבק‬ Pianz .Ad Ad amplexandum . To embrace.

‫חבל‬ ‫ לְחַבֶּל־־בְּלָה‬. a
perdend umd To destroy .
To the cords.
‫ לַחֲבָלִים‬.Adfunes
‫ לְחַבֵּר‬.Adjungendum Tojoin, couple.
‫חבר‬ ‫ לְחֶבְרָה‬.Ad societatem To the company.

‫ לְחַבְּרָתִי‬.A livorem meumdTo my bruise, hurt, injury.

‫חבש‬ wan Ad ligandum. To bind.
To bind her.
ּ‫ לְחָבְשָׁה‬.adligandam eam
‫הגג‬ Ad celebrandum. To celebrate.
‫יא‬- ‫לחטיא‬ 871

‫חנא‬ ‫נָא‬.
ָ‫לְח‬ I
gyrationem , ter- n
For reeling round , terror
rorem .
‫חדש‬ nsis Of, for the month.
ִ‫ לַחֹדֶשׁ ל‬.Me , menui
ׁ‫ לְחַדְּש‬.A
instaurandumdTo repair.
In noviluniis ; de. In the new moons ; concern-
pro mensibus. ing, for the months.
‫לָחֲדָשָׁיו‬ mensibusPejus . Accordingr to hismonths o

‫לוח‬ Vigor ejus. [ tandum. His natural force.

‫חלל‬ .
‫לחול‬ fistulandum A d
, sal- To pipe , dance
‫חמה‬ ‫ לַחוֹמָה לְחוֹמַת‬.A , in murumd To, at, upon the wall.
‫חנן‬ jain Miser escenti. [ bus. To him that pitieth.
‫חסה‬ , ‫ חֹסִי‬-- ‫וֹסִים‬Spera
‫לַח‬ ntibus , fidentia To them that hope , trust
‫חפף‬ ‫ לְחוֹף‬.ad
illus At the shore.
‫חוץ‬ ‫ לַחוּץ‬.Foras Without.
judges .
‫חקק‬ judicesus Toward the
‫ לְחוֹקְקִי‬.Pers
‫לות‬ ‫ לחות־־חת‬.Tabule Tables.
‫ לַחֲזוֹת‬.Advidendum To see, behold.
‫ לַחֲזיז‬.Fulgetro For the lightning.
Pin Ad indurandum, ro- To harden, strengthen, repair,
borandum, confir- confirm, maintain.

pin Ad instaurandum. To repair .

pin Ad roborandum cam To strengthen, repair it.
‫ ל‬.
‫ַחַטא‬. A
pecc andu
d m To sin .
Ad purgandum[ cato To cleanse.
ַ‫ל‬ I
victimam propec- n
For a sin offering
no- nor in peccatum, victi- For a sin, sin offering .
mam pro peccato.
‫ לְחַטָאתָם‬.Peccaeorum to To, for their sin.
‫חטב‬ .
‫לחטב‬ A
ceden dumd To hew, cut down.
‫ לַחֹטְבִים‬.Cedentibus To the hewers.
‫חטף‬ in Ad rapiendum.[ dum To seize.
Ad peccare facien- To cause to sin.
Pro peccato, in vic- For a sin, for a sin offering .
timam pro peccato

‫ לחי ראי‬.Lachai
- roi Lahai-roi , N. P.
‫חיה‬ Of life, to life.
‫ לֶחָי‬.Vile
, ad vitam
‫ לחי‬.Lechi Lehi, N. P.
‫לחה‬ ‫ לחי‬.Marilla The cheek, jaw-bone.
‫לַח‬ ea ti
,in catervam . To the beast , into a troop t
‫לחה‬ ‫לחי זָה‬ .Marill ejus e Her cheeks.
eorum. Their cheeks.
‫ לְהֵיהֶם‬Marille
His cheeks.
‫ לְחָיָו‬.Marill cjus e
‫לחיו‬.Ma ejus . [ril
dum . His cheek la
‫חיה‬ ‫ לְחַיּוֹת‬Ad vivum servan- To keep alive.

‫ לִחְיוֹת‬.4d
vivendum To live .

‫ לְחֵיוְתָא‬.Bestia [eos. To, for the beast.

Ad vivos servandos To preserve them alive.
‫לחה‬ s
‫ לְחָיָי‬.Marmea ille My cheek .
Marille. The cheeks, jaw-bones.
‫חיה‬ Vite, advitam. Of life, to life .
‫לחה‬ ,
ְ‫ לְחָיַיִך‬Marilletue Thy cheeks.
‫חיה‬ To , for life .
" ְ‫ לַחַיִים ל‬.Ad
‫חיל‬ " ‫ חי‬-- ‫ לחיל‬.Exerc itui
, opibus To the army, riches.

ְ‫ל‬ propugnaculum To her bulwark
Exercitui ejus. [ejus To his army.
‫לוח‬ ‫ לחִים‬.Virides Green.

ֹ‫ לְחַיָּת לְחַיְתו‬.Beatit [vandam. To the beast.

in Ad vitam ejus ser- To save his life.
Ad vivos servandos To save us alive.
nos. [ xit.
Lambit, linxit, delin- He licked, licked up.
‫ לחֵכָה‬ She licked up.
‫חר‬ ‫ לְחִכִּי‬.Palato
meo To the roof of my mouth.
‫תכם‬ To, for the sages, wise men.
‫ לְחַכִּימֵי־־מִין‬.Sapientibus
‫ לַחֲכָם לְ " לֶי‬.Sapienti To, for a, the wise.
‫חד‬ Palato eorum . To the roof of their mouth .
‫ לְחִכָּם‬Pa
‫תכם‬ To , for wisdom.
" ְ‫ לַחָכְמָה ל‬Sapientia
‫ לַחֲכָמִים‬.Sapientibus To the wise.

meeiae To my wisdom .
‫ לְחָכְמָתִי‬.Sapient
‫חלל‬ ‫ |לל‬.E
profanumt And profane.
‫חלף‬ ‫חֲלוֹף‬.
ְ‫ל‬ a
pertranseundum d
. To pass through
‫לחמס‬ 873

‫חלה‬ To pray.
‫ לְחַלּוֹת‬.ad
‫ לחלח‬.Lachalach Lahalah, N. R.

‫חלה‬ With disease .

‫ לָחַלִי‬.Cum
Pauperi. [ luendum. To the poor.
‫ל‬ ofa
, ad nan
pol- By profaning , to defile do
‫לחללו‬ polluendum A
eum . To pollute d
‫חלק‬ Ph Ad dividendum se, To divide, separate himself.
elabendum . slip away.
To distribute .
‫ לחלק‬.a distribuendumd
To flattery.
‫ לְחֵלֶק‬.Ad
‫ לֶחֶם‬.Lechem Lehem , N. P.

‫לחַם‬ Comedit, devoravit , He ate, devoured , fought ,

pugnavit, bellum waged war .
‫ לחם‬.Pugna [gessit . Fight thou.
Panis ; pugnans. Bread; he that fighteth.
‫לָחֶם לֶי‬
‫לחם‬ | .Convivium A feast.
‫חמם‬ .Ad
‫לחם‬ eslum , calorem . To heat , warmth
‫לחם‬ ‫ | לחם‬.Pugnans He that fighteth .

ּ‫ לַחְמָה‬.Panis
, cibus ejus Her bread , food .
ּ‫ לחמו‬.Comederunt They ate.
ּ‫|חֲמו‬ ‫ ל‬.Comeditc Eat ye.

‫ לחמו‬.P , an His bread, food, meat.

cibus ejusis
‫תמר‬ ‫ לחמור‬.dsino For the ass.
For their asses.
ֶ‫מֹר‬ ַ‫ ל‬.4sinis
‫חֲמוֹרֵיהֶם‬. eorum
‫ לַחֲמוֹרִים‬.Asimis To the asses .
For our asses .
ּ‫ לַהֲמוֹרֵינו‬.Asini
nostris s
‫חמה‬ ‫ לחמות‬.Murorum Of the walls.

ּ‫ לַחֲמוֹתָה‬.Asocrum ejusdTo her mother -in -law.

‫ לַחְמִי‬.Lachmi Lahmi, N. M.
‫לחם‬ ‫ לַחְמִי‬Panis meus. My bread .
‫|ָי‬ They that fight against me.
‫ לְחֲמִים‬.Pugnantes They that fight.
Our bread .
ּ‫ לַַחחְְממֵֵייננווּּ־־ממֵֵננו‬Panis noster
" ְ‫ לַחְמֶךָ־־מ‬.Patuus nis Thy bread .
Your bread .
vester s
‫ לַחְמְכֶם‬.Pani
‫לְחָמְלָה‬.ad miserescendum . To pity
Lahmas, N. P.
.‫לזה‬ ‫ לַחְמָם‬.Lachmas
VOL. 11. P
874 ‫לחצר‬

‫לחם‬ Their bread.

‫ לַחְמָם‬.Panis corum
‫תמם‬ Ad calefaciendumse. To warm themselves.
‫המס‬ For violence.
‫ לְחָמָס‬.Advim
‫תמר‬ ‫ |לחמר‬.Pro lulo For clay.
ֹ‫ לַחֲמֹרו‬.Ascjusino To his ass.
‫תמש‬ ׁ‫ לַחֹמֶש‬.In
quinto In the fifth.
For the fifth part.
‫ לַחֲמִשָּׁה‬.Pro
quinta parte
quinquaginta In fifty.
For the five.
‫ לַחֲמֵשֶׁת‬.Pro
‫חנט‬ ‫ לחנט‬. A
pollinci endumdTo embalm.

‫חנך‬ ‫ לַחַנְכַּת‬.Ad
dedicationem For the dedication.

‫חנן‬ ּ‫חֶנְנָה‬.
ְ‫ל‬ a
gratiam facien- d
To favour her
dam ei. [ciendam.
ַ‫ל‬ gra
vobis tia
fa- To begracious
‫חנה‬ ‫לַחֲנֹתְכֶם‬-ad
Ad castravestra po To pitch your tents.
castra vestra po-
‫חסר‬ ‫ לחסד‬. A
miseric For mercy.
In misericordia ejus In his mercy .
Of mercies .
ְ‫ ל‬.Mericordiarum
‫חסה‬ ‫ לחסות‬.A confidendumd trust.
‫חסר‬ Of his saints .
‫לַחֲסִידָיו‬.Sancto ejusrum
ָ‫ לַחֲסִידֶך‬.Ad sanctum tuum To thy holy one.
‫חסל‬ To the locust or caterpillar.
‫ לֶחָסִיל‬.Brucho
‫חסר‬ ‫ לחֲסָר‬.Deficienti To him that is destitute.
‫תפר‬ Ad explorandum . To search out.
‫תפרפר‬ ‫פָּרוֹת‬ ‫ לַחְכֹּר‬.A
talpasd To the moles.
‫חפש‬ For free .
‫ לַחָפְשִׁי‬.Inliberum
‫לָחַץ‬ Pressit, compressit, He pressed , squeezed, op-
oppressit. pressed.
Oppressio, angustia . Oppression, affliction.
‫חצץ‬ ‫ לַחֵץ לִי‬.A sagittamd To the arrow .
‫חצב‬ ‫ לחצב צוב‬.Ad cedendum To hew.

‫ לחצבים‬.Cedentibus To the hewers.

‫לחץ‬ ּ‫ לחצו‬.Oppresserunt They oppressed.
‫חצה‬ ‫ ל‬.Dimidio To the half.
‫|צי‬‫ לח‬. I
duas parl
n es Into two parts.
‫לחש‬ 875

‫לחץ‬ They that oppress them.

‫ לַחֲצִיהֶם‬.Opprimentes
‫ לחציו‬.Opprimentes
eum They that oppress him.
They that oppress you .
‫ לְחֲצֵיכֶם‬.Opprimentes
‫ לחצים‬.Opprimentes They that oppress, oppressors
ּ‫ לַחֲצֵנו‬.Oppre o oppression .
nostra +

‫חצר‬ ‫לִי‬ ‫לַחֲצַר לְחָצֵר‬.I n

alrium , atrio In, toward, for, in the court.
Of the courts .
‫ לְחַצְרוֹת‬.De
Into his courts .
‫ לְחַצְרוֹתָיו‬.In
atria ejus
‫חקק‬ ‫ָק־־חק‬-In
‫לְח‬ , per decretum , For , by a decree, statute, ordi
statulum , inslilu-| nance.
lum .

‫חקר‬ pip Adpervestigandum . To search out .

‫ לַחְקִים‬.Et
statuta And statutes .
‫ לְחֵקֶר‬.A scrutationemd To the search. [ nance .
‫חקק‬ In decretum, institu- For a decree, statute, ordi-
‫חרב‬ ‫ לַחֶרֶב לֶחָי‬.Gladio [ tum . To, for, by the sword.
Ad æstum, in deso- To the heat, into desolation.

‫ לֶחָרָבָה‬In siccum .[lationem . Into dry land .

To, for desolation.
‫ לְחָרְבָּה‬.In
‫ לַחֲרָבוֹת‬.I Into swords.
‫ לְחָרְבוֹת‬.rastilatibus To the wastes .
‫הרד‬ ‫ לַחֲרָדָה‬.I pavorem n Into fear .

trepidatio As a trembling .
‫חרה‬ Ad exardescendum. To be kindled, inflamed .
‫חרר‬ To kindle.
‫ לְחַרְחַר‬.A accendendumd
‫חרטם‬ ‫ לַחַרְטָמִים‬.Super divimis Upon the diviners, magicians.
‫חרס‬ To the curse .
‫ לַחֵרֶם‬.Anathemati
For a curse, accursed .
‫ לְחֵרֶם‬.In
‫ | לחרמו‬.Reli ejus To his net.
‫ | לחרמים‬.Retiis For nets.

‫חרם‬ ‫חֶרֶס‬.S
ַ‫ל‬ ol
. [ conviciandum . To thesun i
‫חרף‬ ‫ָרֵף‬.
‫לְח‬ exprobrandum , A To upbraid, reproach, d
Probro, in probrum. To shame, for a reproach.
To , for reproaches .
‫לַחֲרָפוֹת‬.In , ad opprobria
‫ָרָשִׁי לֶחָרָשִׁים חרש‬.F
‫לְח‬ ab
, artificibus . To the workmenri , artificers s
ׁ‫לחֵש‬ Mussitavit, incanta- He muttered , charmed , en-
ment. [ chanted.
ׁ‫ לָחַש‬.Incantatio [ vit. An enchant
876 ‫לטמאה‬

‫לחש‬ ‫ לחש‬.Submissa oratio A low, whispering prayer.

‫חשב‬ To devise .
‫ לַחְשֹׁב‬.Ad ercogitandum
To the skilful workmanship.
‫ לְחֵשֶׁב‬.Ad polituram
‫חשה‬ To be silent.
‫ לַחֲשׁוֹת‬.Ad silendum
‫חשך‬ " Tenebris,in tenebras. For, to, into darkness .

‫חשף‬ ‫שׂף‬ Ad exhauriendum. To draw out.

‫חתה‬ ‫ לַחְתּוֹת‬.Ad To take .
‫לוח‬ To the tables, boards.
‫ לְחֹתָיִם‬.Tabulis
To his father -in -law.
ֹ‫ לְחֹתְנו‬.Socerejus o

‫טוב‬ " ‫ טו‬-- ‫עֹבָה‬. ְ‫ל‬ I
bonum . [tandum n
. For good , the good
‫טבח‬ ַ‫טְבּוֹח‬.Adj
ִ‫ל‬ ugul andum
,mac- To kill , slaughter
Ad For the slaughter.
‫ לְטָבַח לְטְבְחָה‬.a mactationemd
To, for the cook.
‫ לַטַבָּח‬.Coquo
For the slaughter.
‫ לַטֶבַח לְטָטִי‬.Ad cladem
And clear .
‫טהר‬ ‫ לְטָהוֹר לַטָהר‬.Et mundum
‫ לטהר‬.In nitore In clearness, brightness.
To cleanse.
‫ לְטַהֵר‬Admundandum ,
Ad mun dandameam To cleanse her.

‫לְט‬ a
mundum decla- d
To pronounce him clean
randum eum.
Ad mundandos eos . To cleanse them .
‫ לְטַהֲרָם‬Admundandos
| 1

ְ‫ל‬ ejus For his tion
urga cleansing em

‫בוט‬ ‫ לְטוֹב לְטוֹבָה‬In , propter bonum , To , for good , the good , kind
‫לטובים‬ .B on
. [benignum is
. To the good
‫טות‬ d To overlay .
‫ לָט‬.4
ַ‫וּח‬. obducendum
For frontlets .
‫טטף‬ |"-pb ‫ לְטוֹטָפת‬.Infrontatia
‫טור‬ Into a mountain .
‫ לְטוּר‬.In
Letushim , N. M.
‫ לְטוּשִׁים‬.Letusim
‫טור‬ ‫ לְטִירוֹתָם‬.Per arces eorum Through their castles.
‫טמא‬ For an unclean.
‫ לַטָּמֵא‬.Pro
To defile.
‫ לטמא‬. A
polluend umd
And unclean .
‫ לַטְמֵאָה‬.Eimmundamt
To be defiled, defile himself.
‫ לְטָמְאָה‬.a d
polluendum se
‫ליושב‬ 877

‫טמא‬ IN Ad polluendum, im- To defile him, to pronounce

mundum declaran- him unclean.
dum eum .

Ad abscondendum. To hide.
‫טמן‬ jip
To hide him.
ֹ‫ לְטָמְנו‬ad abscondendum
‫נטע‬ ny Adplantandum [ eum To plant.
‫טפף‬ Pro parvulis vestris. For your little ones.
Proparvulis nostris. For our little ones.
‫טרח‬ Labori, faligationi. For labour, fatigue.
For a prey.
‫טרף‬ ‫ לַטָרֶף‬.Adpredam
Ad rapiendum, dis- To seize, tear in pieces.
cerpendum. [divit. [structed.
woh Acuit, polivit, eru- He sharpened, polished, in-
wi Poliens, acuens, eru- He that polisheth , sharpeneth,
[diens. [instructeth.
Mihi, nobis.[dum . To, for me, us.
‫יאש‬ Addesperarefacien- To cause to despair.
‫יבש‬ ‫ לַיַּבָּשָׁה‬.I Into dry land.
aridam terramn
‫ לְיָד לְיַד‬. manumA dhand, at the side.
, latus At
ֹ‫לִיָדו‬ . I
manum ejus nInto his hand.
‫ לְיַדּוֹת‬. A
ejic iendumd To cast out.
‫ לְיָדִי‬Inmanumea. In my hand.

ֹ‫ לִידִידו‬.Dileccjus to To his beloved.

‫ לידידי‬Dilecto meo. To my beloved.
‫ידע‬ ‫לִידְעֶי‬ .Cog nosc enti To them that know me.
me bus
| .Scientibus To them that know.

ָ‫ לִידְעֵיך‬.Cognoscentibus te To them that know thee.

Dy Scientibus, peritis. To them that know, men of

‫ לַיהוָה‬.Jehove
, Domino To Jehovah, the Lord . [ skill.
ejus cis Of her that bare her.
ּ‫ לְיוֹלַדְתָּה‬.Genetri
ejus ci To her that bare him. [ daily.
ֹ‫ לְיוֹלַדְתּו‬.Genetri
Ad, in diem; quotidie For, against, into a, the day ;
‫צא‬ ‫ ליוצא‬.Ereunli To him that goeth out.
‫ירש‬ [la. To them that possess.
‫ לִיוֹרְשִׁים‬.Possidentibus
‫ישב‬ Habitanti, cum inco- To, with the inhabitant .
To him that sitteth.
‫|ְיוֹשֵׁב‬‫ ל‬.Sedenli
878 ‫ליראס‬


ium habi- Of, to , with them that dwell.

‫ישב‬ ‫ לְיוֹשְׁבֵי‬Habitant,

‫| ליות‬.Addilamenta Additions.
‫יחד‬ Together .
‫ לְיָחַד‬.Simul , pariter
To conceive.
‫ לְיַחְמֶנָּה‬. a
concipie ndumd
‫ לַיַּיִן‬.Vino In , by wine.

Night, by night.
‫ ל‬.M
‫ֵיל לִיָא לַיְלָה‬. or
, nocte
‫ לילד‬.Wato With the child.
* |||||||

Noctes, noctibus. Nights, in the night-seasons.

The screech- owl.
‫| לילית‬.Strix
To the sea.
‫ לַיָּם לְיַם‬..Mari
Upon the sea. [year.
‫ לְיַמָּא לַיָּמָּה‬.In
‫ לַי‬.‫ לִימֵי לְיָמִים‬4d dies ; quotannis . To , for days ,the days
ev ; er
At, to the right hand.
‫ לַיָּמִין לִימִין‬.A derteramd
. ‫ל‬ 4
dexteram ejus . At his right hand d

ִ‫ל‬ a
dexteram meam d
. At my right hand
ִ‫| ל‬ A d
dexteram tuam . At thy right hand
Lodge thou, stay all night.
ּ‫ לִינו‬.Pernoctate Lodge ye, tarry all night.
To lay the foundation .
‫ לְיַסֵּד ליסוד‬.a fundandumd
To chastise.
‫יסר‬ ‫ לְיַסְרָה‬. A
castigan dumd
To instruct thee.
ְ‫ לְיַפְרֶך‬. A
erudiend d
um te
For the wild goats.
‫יעל‬ ‫ לַיְעֵלִים‬.Rupicapris
To the weary, faint.
‫יעף‬ ‫ לַיָּעֵף‬.Defesso
Into, for a wood , forest.
‫יער‬ " ‫ לַיַּעַר לִי‬.Insylram
‫יצב‬ ‫יַצְבָא לְיַצִי‬. ְ‫ל‬ cognoscenduma d
To knowthe truth
verilatem .[ latione
‫יצר‬ In figmento, excogi- In the imagination.
To him that formed him.
| +

ֹ‫ לִיצְרו‬.Formanticum
To the burning.
‫יקר‬ ‫| לִיקְדַת‬. A
combusti onemd
To obedience.
‫יקה‬ ‫ ליקְהַת‬. A
obedie ntiamd
To fear.
& |

‫ירא‬ ‫ לַיִרְאָה‬.Ad timendum

To, for them that fear.
‫ לְיִרְאֵי‬.Timentibus
With , to them that fear him.

‫ לירֵאָיו‬.Timenti eum bus

For, to them that fear thee.
ְ‫ לִירְאֵיך‬.Timentib te us
To affright them.
‫ לְיָרְאָם‬Ad terrendum , eos
‫לכהן לכהן‬ 879

‫ירא‬ mie. To put me in fear.

ָ‫ לְי‬ad terrendum
ָ‫ִרְאָתֶך‬. ‫ לִי‬. 4
timor dTo thy fear, the fear ofthee.
em tui
‫ירה‬ ‫ לִירוֹא לִירוֹת‬.a jaculandumdTo shoot .
To the moon .
ַ‫ לַיָּרֵח‬.Lune
‫ | לירה‬.Mensis Of the month.

‫ל‬ latera . [lorem . Atthe sides
ip In rubiginem, pal- Into mildew, paleness.
‫ירש‬ ֹ‫ירְשָׁתו‬.
ִ‫ל‬ possessionem I n
ejus Unto his possession
‫ לַיִשׁ לַיְשָׁה‬.Lais Laish , N. M. P.
‫ליש‬ .Leo A, the lion. [ inhabitants .
To, for them that dwell, the
‫ישב‬ ‫ לִישְׁבֵי לִישְׁבִים‬.Habitantibus
‫ישן‬ ‫ לִישׁוֹן‬. A
dormien dumdTo sleep .
‫ישע‬ ‫ לישׁוּעָה‬.A salutem d To salvation.

ָ‫ לִישׁוּעָתְךָ תֶך‬. 4
salutem tuamdFor thy salvation.
‫ לִישַׁע לִישְׁעָתָה‬.I , ad salutemn For, to salvation.
To, for the upright.
‫ישר‬ ‫ לְיִשְׁרֵי לַיְשָׁרִים‬.Rectis
‫יתר‬ Ad
‫ לַיָּתֵד‬.clavum To the nail, pin.
‫יתם‬ For the fatherless.
‫ לַיָּתוֹם‬.Pupillo
To his fatherless children.
‫| לִיתוֹמָיו‬.Pupill
cjus is

To, for thee.
‫ לָךְ לְךְ לָכִי לְכָה‬.Tibi
‫ לְךָ לֵךְ לְכָה‬.It , veni o Go, come thou.
* |

, veni o
‫ לֵךְ לֵכִי לְכִי‬.It Go, come thou .
‫ לְכָבוֹד‬.Ad
gloriam To, for glory.
ׁ‫בש‬ ׁ‫ לִכְבּוֹש‬ad subjicie,
ndum To keep under.
‫כבה‬ ‫ לְכבּוֹת‬. A
extingu endumdTo quench .
‫כבש‬ To, for a lamb.
ׂ‫ לַכֶּבֶש‬.Ad agnum
Cepit, apprehendit, He took, laid hold of, seized ,
occupavit, irreli- caught, entangled, was con-
vit , concrevit. gealed , frozen .
‫|לכד‬.Capiens Taking .
ּ‫ לכָדְנו‬.Cepimus We took .

‫ לָכַדְתִּי‬.Cepi I have taken .

‫ לכָה‬.Lecas Lechah, N. M.
‫כהן‬ To, for a, the priest.
‫ לכֹּהֵן לְכֹהֵן‬.Sacerdoti
880 ‫לכלמה‬
‫כהן‬ Ad sacerdotio fun- To minister in the priest's
gendum. office.
Ad sacerdotio fun- That he may minister in the
gendum eum. priest's office.
♫♫ In sacerdotes ejus. Against her priests.
Sacerdotum , sacer- Of, for, to the priests.

‫ לכהנת‬.saceI
rdotiumn For a priesthood.
ּ‫|כוּ לְכו‬
ְ‫ ל‬.,l
l ile
e Go , come ye.
‫ לְכוֹכְבֵי‬.stell arum
,stellis Of, to the stars .
‫ לַכּוֹכָבִים‬.Stell arum
,stellis Of, to the stars.
‫ לְכוֹן‬.robis To you.

‫כוח‬ ‫ לכח‬.rob D oree Of strength.

‫כדר‬ ‫ לַכִּידור‬.pre
A lium d To the battle .
‫כיר‬ Ad conchum, labrum To the laver .
ׁ‫ לכיש‬.Lachis Lachish, N. P.

‫ככר‬ ‫ לְכַכָּרִים‬. To talents .

talem lad
55 omne omni um, Of, to , in, before all ; to every
‫כל‬ 5 Ad m;
omnibus, coram one, any one.
omnibus; cuique,
‫כלל‬ ‫ לְכֹלא‬.P r
omnibu For all.

Ad endum , ab- To restrain, finish .


‫ לַכֶּלֶב לְכֶלֶב‬.cant [ solvendum. To a dog.

Ad consumptionem. To consumption .
Ad absolvendum, de- To finish , destroy .
‫ לְכָלָהְנָה‬Omni bus
omnib illis[[lendu
us illis lendumm To them all.
‫ לכלוא‬. A
reti nendumd To retain.
Ad consumendum, To consume, fulfil accom-
complendum. plish.
niha Ad consummandum . To be accomplished .
‫לְכַלּוֹתָם־־לֹתָם‬ Ad delendum eos. To destroy them .
‫כול‬ ‫ לכלכל‬. sustA
inendumd To sustain, provide , nourish.
Ad alendum te. To feed thee.
ָ‫לְכַלְכְּלֶךָ כָּלְך‬
‫כלל‬ Omnibus vobis.
‫לְכָלְכֶם‬ To you all.
‫ לְכָלָם‬.Omnib ipsis us To them all.
‫לִכְלִמָּה‬. I
ignom iniamnInto shame, dishonour.
‫לכתב‬ 881

‫כלל‬ Omnibus nobis. To us all.

ּ‫ לְכַלָּתָה‬. a
nurum ejusd To her daughter in law.
‫ָכֶם לְכֹם לָכֶנָּה‬.robis
‫ל‬ . [ quamobrem . To , for you [ which cause .
‫ לָכֵן‬Propterea , itaque , Therefore , wherefore , for
Go ye.
‫ לֵכְן לִכְנָה‬.Ite
‫| לכניס‬.A colligendumdTo gather .
Das In pediculorum co- Into a swarm of lice.
. ‫ל‬ . [ piam . To amerchant
A md To the wing.
‫ לִכְנַף‬.ala
‫כסא‬ ‫ לַכִּסֵּא־־סֶה‬.Solio [solio . To , on the throne . [ throne .
Ad, in solium, super For, to, in, upon, above a, the
‫כסה‬ ‫ לכסוֹת־־סת‬.4d
legendum To cover .
‫כסל‬ ‫ לכסיל‬.Stullo To, for a fool.
‫ לְכָסְלָה‬.Astultitiamd To
‫כסף‬ " ֶ‫ לַכֶּסֶף לְכ‬.Ar,gen Of
argento ti silver, for silver.
For their silver .
‫ לכסְפָּם‬.Argento eorum
‫כסה‬ To cover him.
ֹ‫ וְכָתו‬.Ad tegendum eum
angry .
‫כעס‬ ‫ לכְעוֹס‬. A
irascen dumd To be
‫כפף‬ ‫ | לכף‬.Plante For the sole of the foot.
‫כפר‬ In craterem, pelvim. For the bowl, bason.
Ad expiandum, pla- To atone, appease.
candum .

‫לִכ‬ eo
juventum nu
. of the young lions m
‫כפת‬ To bind.
‫ לְכַפָּתָה‬.ad
‫כרב‬ " ‫ רוב‬-- ‫ְּרְבִים‬.Ad
‫לַכ‬ ,in , sub cherubim To ,in , under the cherubim
‫ לַכְּרוּב לִכְי‬Ad, sub cherub. | To, under the cherub.

‫כרת‬ ‫ִכְרוֹת־רֹת־רָת‬.Adscindendum
‫ל‬ , pan- To cut ,make
gendum .

‫ לַכָּרִי‬.Cum
ducibus With the captains.
ֹ‫ לְכַרְמו‬.Dvinea ejuse Concerning his vineyard.
‫ לכרמי‬.Vimee
nee To my vineyard.
For vine-dressers.
‫ לְכֹרְמִים‬.In winitores
‫ לַכְּרָמִים‬.Ad vineas To the vineyards.
Vinee tue . To thy vineyard.
‫כרת‬ ‫רתי‬.Succidentibus
‫לכ‬ . [dum . To them that cut down
‫ילך‬ : ֶ‫ָכֶת לֶכֶת לָל‬.ad‫ל‬ eundum , uaden- To go , walk
‫כתב‬ To write, describe.
‫ לכתב‬.Ad scribendum
VOL . 11.
882 ‫ללענה‬
‫ילך‬ When he walketh.
ֹ‫ לֶכְתּו‬.Ambula
eum ndo
‫|לכתִּי‬ .Eundo
me When I go.

ְ‫ לִכְתְּךָ לֶכְתֵּך‬.Eundo
te When thou goest.
eos. When they depart .
‫ לֶכְתָּם‬Abeundo

‫כתף‬ ‫ לַכָּתֵף לְכֶתֶף‬.A lalusd At the side.

‫| לכֹּתָרֹת‬.Capitulis For the chapiters.
‫ לַכֹּתֶרֶת‬.Capitulo For the chapiter.


Cui non, quasi non , To whom not, as though not,

.L aq ue
" ְ‫לָלָאֹת לֶך‬ . [ absqu oti [ without.
e . Loops
‫ לָלִבְאֹתָיו‬.Leani cjus s For his lionesses.

‫ לַלֵּבָב‬.ad To the heart.
‫לִלְבָבָם‬ I n
corde eorum .[ um In their heart
Ad vestimentum tu To thy clothing.
‫ ללביא‬.Leoni For the lion.
‫לְלָבָן‬ A d
, in album . [dum . To, into white
Ad lateres forman- To make bricks.
ׁ‫ לִלְבּש‬. A
indue ndumd To put on.
‫ לְלֵדָה‬. a
part um d To the birth , travail .
‫ לָלֶדֶת‬. A
pari endumd To bring forth.
‫ לִלְדְתִּי‬.Parien me do When I bear , am delivered .
‫ לְלֶהָבָה‬.Iflammamn For a flame.
‫ לָלוּן‬. A
pernoct andumdTo lodge, tarry the night,
‫| ללחום‬. A
comed endumd To eat.
‫ לַלָּחֶם לַךְ לְלָי לְלֶי‬pro
14, pter , super To , for , on bread , the bread
panem, cibum . food .
ָ‫ לְלַחְמְך‬. I
cibum tuumnFor thy food .
‫לטש‬ ׁ‫ לִלְטוֹש‬. A
acue ndumd To sharpen.
‫לְלַיְלָה‬ .Wocti To night .
‫לָלִין‬ . A
pernoct andumd To lodge , pass the night .
ּ‫ְלָכְדָה‬.‫ל‬ capiendum a eam . To take d
‫ לָלָכְדֵנִי‬. A
capie d
ndum me To take me.
‫ לָלֶכֶת‬.Ad
eundum To go .
‫| ללמד‬.Addocendum To teach.
‫ ללַמְדָם‬.a d
docendum eos To teach them.
‫לען‬ ‫ ללעֲנָה‬. I
absynthiumn To wormwood .
‫למגור‬ 883

‫לוץ‬ ‫צים‬.De
‫לל‬ rid
.[gendum ent
They that deride , scorners es
‫לקט‬ phophy Ad legendum, colli- To glean, gather.
‫ ללשְׁכַּת‬Super cubiculo Above the chamber.
‫לשך‬ ,
‫לשן‬ ֹ‫ְשֹׁנו‬.J
‫לל‬ linguam ur
ejus . After his tongue
ִ‫ל‬ nostramn By our tongue
Divi Juxta linguas eorum After their tongues .
‫ילד‬ ‫ לָלַת‬.Ad
pariendum To bear, bring forth.

‫מה‬ ‫ לְמָא‬.Quare Why, wherefore.
‫אדם‬ A neb From man .
‫ לִמְאָדָם‬.homi
‫מאה‬ ‫ לְמֵאָה לְמֵי‬. E Of, for the hundred.
, ad cenlum
‫אהב‬ ‫לַמְאַהֲבַי‬ .A ma nt ibus For them that love me.
‫מאס‬ ‫ לִמְאוּמָה‬.Quicquam Any thing.
‫אור‬ luminared For the light.
‫ לַמָּאוֹר־אֹר‬.A
‫ לִמְאוֹר‬. I
lumi nen In the light.
| luminaria . [lum . For lights
‫מאה‬ ‫ למאות‬Percendurias ,incen- By hundreds , for the hundred
‫אחר‬ ‫ לַמְאַחֲרִים‬.Prestigiatoribus To the jugglers, charmers,
‫איש‬ From man. [ conjurors.
ׁ‫ לְמֵאִיש‬4 .wiro
‫אכל‬ cibum n For food .
‫ לְמַאֲכָל‬.I
‫אמר‬ ‫ לְמַאמַר‬.Ad loquendum To speak .
The vessels .
‫מאן‬ ‫ לְמָאנִי‬.rasa
‫מאה‬ ‫ לִמְאַת‬. A
centu md For the hundred.
‫בוא‬ ingressum
‫ לְמְבוֹא‬.Ad To, at the entrance.
" ַ‫לְמ‬ ‫ּבּוּל‬.In
ַ‫לַמ‬ diluvium , diluvio. Into , upon a , the flood
‫ לְמַבּוּעֵי‬.Infonles Into fountains.
‫בטח‬ 1 amn For confidence .
‫ לְמִבְטָח‬. fiduci
‫ לַמֶּבִין‬.Intelligenti To him that understandeth.
‫כנה‬ From a son .
‫ לְמִבֶּן‬.A
‫בנא‬ ‫לְמִבְנָא־־נְיָה‬ .a edificandumdTo build .
‫בעה‬ ‫ לִמְרַעֲא‬.Ad
petendum To ask, request .
‫בצר‬ ‫ לְמִבְצְרֵי‬.In
munitionibus In the fortresses.
‫ראש‬ ‫רִאשׁוֹנָה‬.
ָּ‫לְמַב‬ principio . [ mnum . Froma
the beginning
‫לְמִגָּדו‬ magno , ad mag- From great , to great
To the tower.
ְ‫ למגג‬.4d
‫דדַלּל‬ turrim
‫נור‬ In terrorein . For a terror .
884 ‫למוסרית‬


‫נגר‬ ‫לְמַגִּידי‬.Interpretantibus To them that expound , inter-

Ad revelandum . To reveal . [ pret.
‫גלה‬ ‫לְמִגְלֵא‬
I amn For a stroke , plague .
‫נגף‬ ‫ לְמַגֵּפָה‬.plag
Didicit , docuit, assu- He learned , taught, was ac-
Ad metiendum . [ evit. To measure. [customed .
He taught.
‫ לְמָּד לְמַד‬.Docuit
lus Accustomed .
‫ לְמַד לְמָּד‬.Assue
um I n
‫דבר‬ ‫מִּדְבָּר־־בַּר‬. ַ‫ל‬ desert . [runt . Into the wilderness

‫למד‬ 1727 172 Didicerunt, docue They learned, taught.

Learn ye.
ּ‫ לִמְדו‬.Discile
Docuerunt cos. They taught them.
To precipices.
‫דחף‬ ‫ לְמַדְחֵפת‬.a precipitiad
‫די‬ ‫ לְמַדַי‬. A
suficien d
liam Sufficiently.
Accustomed .
‫למד‬ ‫ למָּדִי‬.Assueli
‫מדד‬ With his garments .
‫ לְמַדָּיו‬restibus , cjus
To the provinces.
‫ לַמְּדִינוֹת‬.Provinciis
Teach thou me.
‫ לַמְּדֵנִי‬.Doc me e
For tribute .
‫מדר‬ ‫ לְמְדַּת‬.I tribulum n
‫|למדתִּי‬ .Docuisti Thou hast taught.
I have taught.
‫ לִמַּדְתִּי‬.Docui
I have learned.
‫ לָמַדְתִּי‬.Didici
me. Thou hast taught me.
‫ לִמַּדְתַּנִי‬Docuisti
Why , wherefore ?
‫מה‬ ‫ לָמָּה לָמֶה‬Cur , quare ?
Why , lest .
‫ לְמָה‬.C , ur
‫הוד‬ ְ‫ לִמְהָך‬Ad eundum. [ bera. To go.
‫הלס‬ ‫מהלמות‬ .‫ל‬ contusiones , ver-A d
For strokes , bruises , stripes
To make haste .
‫מהר‬ ‫ לְמַהֵר‬. A
festi nandumd
‫מ‬ ‫ל‬ | .E
, eisi To them.
To him, to them.
‫|מו‬‫ ל‬.Ad eum , eos
‫מול‬ ‫ למואל‬. regione
E Over against.
Lemuel, N. M.
‫ לְמוּאֵל‬.Lemuel
‫מוג‬ ‫מוג‬.‫ל‬ A
colliquescendum d
. Tomelt , faint away
‫דִים‬ ‫ לְמוּדִי‬Docti ,eruditi[ tionem Taught , the learned. [ removal
‫מוט‬ ‫וט‬in
‫למ‬ lapsum , vacilla- For slipping , sliding , tottering
[ ones. To him that leadeth .
ְ‫ לְמוֹלִיך‬.Deducenti
‫ולת‬. ‫למ‬ P r
circumci o
si- Because of p
the circumct isions e
‫יסר‬ ‫ לְמוֹסְדוֹת‬.Infundamenta For foundations .
‫למחול‬ 885

‫יסר‬ ‫ לָמוּסָר‬.AeruditionemdTo instruction, discipline.

‫אסר‬ ‫ לְמוֹסֵרָי‬.vincula
mea My bonds.
‫יער‬ " ֹ‫וֹעֵד לָמו‬Pro
‫לְמ‬ tempore ; ad for a , the time , at the time
" tempus ; tempore at the set, appointed time.

ְ‫ל‬ statuto ejus In her appointed time
‫מעד‬ ‫ לְמוֹעֲדִי‬.racillantib | us To those that slip, totter.
‫יער‬ ‫למוֹעֲדִים לִי‬ Ad stata tempora , For seasons , for the solemn
solemnitates. [tum feasts.
‫יפת‬ nih In signum, porten- For a sign, wonder .
‫יצא‬ ‫לְמוֹצָאֵי‬.I nInto springs.
‫לְמוֹצָאֵיהֶם‬ Pro eritibus eorum . According to their goings out
‫צוק‬ In massam solidam. Iuto a solid mass .
For a snare .
‫יקש‬ ׁ‫ לְמוֹקֵש‬.Inlaqueum
‫ירא‬ ‫ לָמוֹרָא‬.Timendo To him that ought to be feared
‫מרג‬ ‫| למורג‬.In tribulam For a threshing instrument.

‫ירש‬ ‫ לְמוֹרָשׁ־ רָשָׁה‬.In

possessionem For a possession .
‫ישב‬ ‫ לְמוֹשָׁב‬. I
habitati onemn a habitation.
‫ישע‬ ַ‫ למוֹשִׁיע‬.In
servatorem For a saviour.

. salvation
‫ לְמוֹשָׁעוֹת‬4d liberationes , sa- For deliverances , of
‫מות‬ ‫ַמָּוֶת לְמָ־מוֹת‬.
‫ל‬ mortem .a d
[lutis . To death
‫ לָמוּת‬. A
morie ndumd To die.
inips Ad mortem suam. To his own death.

morte eorumn
‫ לְמוֹתָם‬.I In their death.
‫יתר‬ emolumentum , To profit, abundance, plenty.
‫ לְמוֹתָר‬Ad
abundantiam .
‫ל‬ interficiendum . To kill
‫אזא‬ Ad succendendum . To heat.
na maiph names Allari, allaris, ad To , for, of, at the altar .
‫ לְמִּזְבְּחוֹת‬.Allaria [ allare. The altars .
‫זור‬ ‫ לְמָזוֹר‬. A
constric tionemd To binding up.
‫אזא‬ ‫ְמִזְיָה‬.
‫ל‬ A
succendendam il- To heatdit
‫זמם‬ Is n [ lam. To wickedness .
‫ לְמִזְמָּה‬.scelu
‫זמר‬ ,
‫ למַזְמֵרוֹת‬In falces Into pruning hooks.
orientem d
‫ לְמִזְרַח לַמִּי־חָה‬.A Towards the east.
‫חבר‬ ‫ למחברות‬.A junclurasd To the joinings.
‫הלל‬ ‫ לְמָחוֹל‬.In
sallatum Into dancing.
886 ‫ ינו‬-- ‫למינהו‬


‫ למחות לי‬. A
delen dumd To blot out.
d To see.
‫חזא‬ ‫|למחזא‬.Avidendum
‫חזק‬ Pine In confirmantem, ad For him that confirmeth, to
confirmandum . confirm .
To them that lay hold.
‫ לַמַּחֲזִיקִים‬.4pprehendentibus
‫ לְמְחַכָּה‬.Prestolanli For him that waiteth.
es For the courses .
‫חלק‬ ‫ לְמַחְלְקוֹת‬Ad class ,
‫חנה‬ ‫ לַמַּחֲנֶה לְמִי־נָה‬.Cas tr
,in castri s The camp, in the camp.
‫ לְמַחֲנוֹת‬. I
castri n
s , turmis In the camps, companies.

‫חסר‬ ‫ לְמַחְסוֹר‬.A egeslalemd To poverty .

Tothem that blow, trumpeters
‫חצר‬ ‫ לַמְחַצְצְרִים‬.clangentibus
‫מחר‬ ‫ לְמָחָר‬. I
crast inumn Against to -morrow.
‫חור‬ ‫מחרָאוֹת‬ ‫ל‬ . I
latr inasn Into a draught house, privy.
‫חרש‬ ‫ למחרשׁוֹת‬.romeribus For the plough -shares .
" ָ‫ לַמָּחָרָת לְמ‬. I
crast inon On the morrow.
Postridie eorum . Of their next day.
em For a terror.
‫חתת‬ ‫ לִמְחִתָּה‬In terror,
‫ לַמַּטֶה לְמַטֶה טֶי נטה‬Tribui , de tribus ; in To , for , of a , the tribe; for a
virgam . [sum. staff, rod .

" ַ‫ָטָה לְמ‬.I

‫לְמ‬ nf
, salutus , deor- ra
Below , under , down
‫טהר‬ Pro mundando. [ bus. For him that is to be cleansed.

‫נטה‬ ip? Tribuum, juxta tri- Of, according to the tribes.

‫נטע‬ Felut planta, plan- As plants, plantings.

‫טעס‬ " ‫ מ‬- ‫ לְמַטְעַמוֹתָיו‬. a

cupedia d
s ejus To his savoury meat, dainties

‫מטר‬ ‫מָּטָר לִמְטַר‬.P

ַ‫ל‬ lu
, cum pluvia ri
. For , to , withthe rain e
‫נטר‬ ‫מַטְרָה‬.
ְ‫ל‬ I
signum , scopum . For , at amarkn

‫ֵי לְמֵימֵי־מָיִם מים‬Ad

‫לְמ‬ ,in aquam ,aquas , To , for , as , into , inthe water
‫מה‬ cui
‫ למי‬.Cujus [ aquis. Whose ; of, to whom. [ waters .

‫ידע‬ ‫ לְמִידְעָי‬.Wo lis

meis To my acquaintance.
‫יום‬ ‫ | למִיוֹם‬.A
die From the day.
‫ למיחלים‬.A sperantesd To them that hope.
‫לַמ‬ bs te
.[ aquas tr
To , for ic
, with themidwiv esib
ob As , to, for the waters
Velut aqua ; ad, el ut .
‫מִים לַמִּי־מִי‬.vְ‫ל‬
‫| לְמִימֵי‬. dicbA
us From the days.
ּ‫מִינָה‬.ְ‫ל‬ J speciem u x
ejus . After ta
her kind
‫ל‬ speciem ux ta
cjus . After his kind
‫למלכות‬ 887

‫מין‬ ‫ לְמִינֵהֶם‬.Pr After, according to their kind .

specie eorum o
‫ישר‬ ‫ִישׁוֹר‬.In
‫לְמ‬ rectum , planitiem For , to straight , a plain
‫ לְמֵישָׁרִים‬.Rectitudinibus In
‫ לָמֶךְ לֶי‬.Lamec Lamech, N. M.
‫כאב‬ ּ‫ לְמַכְאוֹבָה‬.Dol ori
ejus For her pain.
‫כבר‬ ‫יר‬ ּ ִ ‫ב‬ ְ ‫כ‬ ַ ‫מ‬ ְ ‫ל‬ .Abu ndan ler In abundance.

‫לְמַכְבַּר‬. 4
crib d
rum To a sieve.
‫נכה‬ To him that smiteth .
‫ לְמַכֵּה‬.Percutienti
ּ‫ לְמַכֵּהו‬.Percuti eumentiTo him that smiteth him.
To the base.
‫כון‬ ‫ לַמְּכוֹנָה‬.Basi
‫מכר‬ ‫מכור‬. ‫ ל‬.4d vendendum To sell.
‫נכה‬ To the smiters .
‫ לְמַכִּים‬.Percutientibus
‫כמר‬ rete suum
ֹ‫ למִכְמַרְתּו‬.Ad To his own drag .
‫כנש‬ ׁ‫מִכְנַש‬.Ad
ְ‫ל‬ congregandum . To gather together
‫מכר‬ Ad vendendam eam. To sell her.
‫כשל‬ ‫לְמִכְשׁוֹל‬.In
afendiculum For a stumbling block,
" 8-8-8 Ad implendum, com- To fill, fulfil, accomplish, con-
plendum , conse- secrate.

‫לאך‬ Angelo. [crandum. To the angel.

For, to the work .
" ְ‫ לַמְּלָאכָה לִמ‬.operi
To the messengers.
‫ לְמַלְאֲכֵי‬.Wanciis
‫ לַמַּלְאָכִים‬.a nunciosd To the messengers.

‫ | לְמְלֶאכֶת‬Ad opus To the work .

For his work.
ֹ‫ לִמְלַאכְתּו‬.Pro opere ejus
‫מלל‬ ‫ לְמִלָּה‬In dicterium
, For a by-word.
‫מלך‬ ‫ לִמְלוּכָה‬.Ad regnum To a kingdom .
‫מלח‬ Into salt.
‫ לְמֶלַח‬.In salem
In salsitudinem [ lium Into saltness, barrenness.

‫לחם‬ ‫מִּלְחָמָה לְמִי‬.Ad

ַ‫ל‬ , in bellum , pre- To , for war, battle
‫מלל‬ , [regem . To words.
‫ לְמָלִין‬rerbis [ king .

‫ מַלְכָּא מלך‬- ְ‫ לַמֶּלֶךְ־ל‬Regis , regis ad, in of, to , for, at, before , as the
ְ‫ לְמְלך‬Adregnandum, To reign .
ּ‫ לְמַלְכָּה‬Regi ejus
, To her king.

ֹ‫ לְמָלְכו‬Regni ,
ejus of his kingdom .

ֹ‫ לְמַלְכּו‬.Regi
ejus To his king .

‫ לַמַּלְכוּת‬.Ad To the kingdom .

of the reign .
‫ לְמַלְכוּת‬.Regni
888 ‫למסלה לי‬


‫מלך‬ ֹ‫ לְמַלְכוּתו‬Regni, regno , in of his reign ; for , to , into his

regnum ejus. kingdom . [ kings.
Of, to, for, against, than the
‫ לְמַלְכֵי לַמְּלָכִים‬.Reg , regibusum
‫ למלכינו‬.Regibus nostris To our kings.

ּ‫ לְמַלְכֵּנו‬.Regibusnostris To our kings .

To the queen .
‫ לְמַלְכָּת‬.Reginae
‫מְלֶכֶת‬. ִ‫ל‬ R , lune.[e g
nam To the queeni, the moonn
Wip Ad pluviam seroti- To the latter rain.
‫לקש‬ ׁ‫לְמַלְקוֹש‬
regnum d To the kingdom .
‫מלך‬ ‫ לְמַמְלָכָה‬.A
To the kingdoms.
‫ לְמַמְלְכת‬.Regnis
‫אמר‬ ‫ לממר‬.Ad loquendum To speak .
‫משל‬ To dominion.
‫ לְמֶמְשְׁלוֹת‬.Ad dominia
To dominion .
‫ לְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת‬. A
domi niumd
To the slayers .
‫מות‬ ‫ לַמְמָתִים‬.Occidentibus
From , and from .
‫מן‬ ‫ לְמִן־נִי‬.a, ab, et al
‫ לִמְנַאֲצִי‬.Spernenme tibus To them that despise me.
‫נאץ‬ .
‫מנה‬ parlem n For a part.
‫ לְמָנָה‬.I
requi em tuamn Into thy rest .
‫נוח‬ ָ‫לִמְנוּחָיְכִי־חָתֶך‬.
For the candlestick .
‫נור‬ ‫ למְנוֹרָה‬.Candelabro
‫מנה‬ ‫מְנוֹת‬.
ִ‫ל‬ recensendum a d
,mu- To reckon , number
Relicta. [merandum. To her that is left.
‫ּנְחָה לְמִי חַת מנח‬- ִ‫לַמ‬ , promuncre , ob- D e
of ,for the oblation , meat of
latione, ferto . fering .
To rest. [ heavens.
‫נות‬ ‫ לִמְנְחָה‬.Ad requiem
‫מנה‬ ‫ לַמְנִי‬Numero ,lune ,celis To the number ,themoon , the
numero. According to the number .
‫ לְמִנְיַן‬Pro
To the chief , superintendent .
‫נצח‬ ‫| למנצח‬.Prafecto
For the candlesticks .
‫נור‬ ‫ לִמְנֹרוֹת‬.P ro
candelab ria
To bestow .
‫נתן‬ ‫ לְמִנְתַּן‬. A
dona ndumd
To, under tribute. [ ing away.
‫מסס‬ ‫ לָמָס לִי‬.In tributum
To him that is melting, wast-
‫ לַמָּס‬.Colliquescenli
‫סנר‬ To the borders.
‫ לַמִּסְפְּרוֹת‬.Ad claustra
a d
ְ‫ל‬ claustrum ejus . To his border , limit
For a covering , the hanging .
‫סכר‬ ‫ לַמָּסָךְ לְמָי‬.P ro
operime nto
To mix.
‫מסר‬ ְ‫ לִמְלֹך‬.A miscendumd
‫נסר‬ ‫סכה‬. ‫למ‬ I
fusili d
. [ licam . To the molteno image . [l way
‫סלל‬ hop Adviam tritam, pub To the highway, at the cause-
‫למפלה‬ 889

‫סמר‬ Of the nails.

‫ לְמִסְמְרוֹת‬.Clavorum
I osn For the nails.
‫ לַמִּסְמְרִים‬.clav
‫נסע‬ yo ? Adprofectionem. To , for a journeying .

‫לְמ‬ profectionibus For , according to their jour
eorum. neys.

‫ל‬ fect ioni
ejus. In his journeys bus
‫ספר‬ Ad,juxta numerum To, according to the number.

‫לְמ‬ numero eorum . According to their number
‫מסר‬ ‫ לִמְסָר‬. a
committ endumd To commit .
‫נסה‬ op Ad tentationem. At the trial.
‫עבר‬ ‫ לְמַעְבֵּד‬.Ad faciendum To do. •
‫ לְמַעֲדַנִים‬Cum deliciis With delights, delicacies.
‫עזז‬ ‫ לְמָעוֹז‬.a robur , arcemd To the strength , strong hold .
fortresses .
‫ לְמָעוּזִי‬. A
munitio nesd To the [ously .
‫מעל‬ ‫על‬ -
-‫לִמְעָל־־עול‬ prevaricandum .a d
To transgress , act treacher
‫עון‬ Ad habitacu
‫| לִמְעוֹן‬ , lum To a, the dwelling place.
‫מע‬ ‫|לִמְעָט‬.Adparuum To little.
‫| למעינו‬.Ad
fontem To, by a, the fountain.

‫ לְמַעֲלָה‬.A excelsum d To a, the high .

" Sursum, supra, in Upward,above, onhigh , much,
sublime, valde. exceedingly.
‫ למעלה‬.A ascenaumd To the ascent .

‫ לַמַּעֲלוֹת‬.Graduum Of degrees.
‫ לְמַעַן‬. , ideoU
, propter
t That, therefore , because of.
ּ‫ לַמַּעֲנֵהו‬.Propter se For his own sake.
Their furrow.
‫ לְמַעֲנוּתָם‬.Suleeorum um
me r
‫ לְמַעֲנִי‬.Propte For my sake.
ָ‫ לְמַעַנְך‬.Propter
te For thy sake.
‫ לְמַעַנְכֶם‬.Propter vos For your sake.
‫עצב‬ ‫ לְמַעֲצֵבָה‬.I dolor n
e In sorrow.
‫ערב‬ ‫ לַמַּעֲרָב‬. A
occident emd Toward the west.
‫עשה‬ To the work.
‫ לְמַעֲשֵׂה‬.Ad opus
cjus For his work .
ּ‫ לְמַעֲשֵׂהו‬.Operi
To the works.
‫ לְמַעֲשֵׂי‬.Ad opera
‫פגע‬ ya In occursum, scopum For meeting , as a mark.
‫פלג‬ ‫וותֹת‬
ָ‫פְלל‬ classibus o
‫ ללְמ‬.Pr
‫מִפ‬ According to the classes, di-
‫נפל‬ Into ruin , [visions.
‫ לְמַפְלָה‬.In
VOL . 11. R
890 ‫למראה־־אי‬


‫פשר‬ ‫ְמִפְשַׁר‬.
‫ל‬ a
interpretandum d
. To interpre t
A ndumd To find.
‫מצא‬ ‫ למצא־־צוא‬. invenie
‫יצא‬ ‫ לְמֹצָאֵי‬. I
scaturig inesnInto springs.
‫מצא‬ ‫ְאֵי‬ ‫צ‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ל‬ .Inv enie ntib us To them that find.
To those that find them.
‫לְמַצְאֵיהֶם‬.Invenientib cos us
The pillar.
‫ לַמַּצֶבֶת‬.Columnam
‫מצד‬ nemA d
. To , into the fortresse s
‫מְצָד־־צַד‬. ַ‫ל‬ , inmunitio
. ‫ל‬ venation em , I
pre- To be hunted , for a n
‫מִצְוָה‬.ְ‫ל‬ E
preceptum .[ dam And commandment t

‫ְמָצוֹר‬.‫ל‬ I For a fortress.

munitionem [ ments.
To my prece pts , comm and-
‫ לְמָצְוֹתָי‬.Precept meis is
To his commandments .
‫ לִמְצוֹתָיו‬.Precep cjustis
ָ‫ לְמִצְוֹתֶיך‬.Prece ptis To , for thy commandments .
‫מִּצְעָר‬.ַ‫ל‬ P
brevitempore . Forr ashort time o
‫קדש‬ ‫קְדָּשׁ לְמִי‬.
ִּ‫לַמ‬ I n
sanctuarium , pro Asa , for the sanctuary

ֹ‫מִקְדָּשׁו‬. ְ‫ל‬ sanctuarium I n

ejus Into his sanctuary
To my sanctifi ed ones.
‫ לִמְקְדָּשָׁי‬.Sanctifmeis icalis
, inc

‫ם‬ ֹ ‫ו‬ ‫ק‬ ּ.ָ ‫מ‬ ַ ‫ל‬ , loco ,Lin locum . of , o

towards , to the place

To , into his place .


‫קמו‬ locum cjus

ֹ‫ לִמְקוֹמו‬.In
ְ‫ לִמְקוֹמֶך‬.A locum tuumdTo thy place .
a eorumdTo their place.
‫ לִמְקוֹמָם‬. locum
A From the least.
‫ לְמִפָּטן‬. minimo
From the least of them.
‫ לְמִקְטַנָּס‬4.micorum
refugium For a refuge .
‫ לְמִקְלָט‬.In
locum ejus
ּ‫| לִמְקֹמָה‬.In Into her place .

‫ למְקמֹתָם‬.Jloca ur eorumta After their places.

emptionem , pos- n
For a purchase , possessi on
For their cattle.
‫ לְמִקְנֵיהֶם‬.Pecudibuseorum
ְ‫ל‬ P e
nostro . [ fice .c o
For our cattleri
‫לַמ‬ am , pre- en ta
Themourn nte
ing womer
For the corners.
‫ למקצעת‬.Angulis
‫מִקְרָא‬. ְ‫ל‬ convocationem .A d
For the calling togethe r
To rea d.
‫ לְמִקְרָא‬.Adlegendum
r oo For bitter .
‫ לְמָר‬.P amar
‫ראה‬ ‫ לְמַרְאֶה־־‬.ad aspectum To, at the sight.
‫למשחר‬ 891

‫רבה‬ To increase, enlarge. [ down.

‫ למַרְבֶּה‬.Ad
‫רבץ‬ In recubitum, cubile . For lying down, a place to lie
them that provoke.
‫ַרְגִיזֵי‬ ‫מ‬ ְ ‫ל‬ .Pro vocantibus To
‫מרד‬ ‫ רוד‬-- ‫ לִמְאֹד‬.a rebellandumdTo rebel .
Ad rebellandum vos. That ye may rebel.
‫רוס‬ n
allium , excelso
" ָ‫ לַמָּרוֹם לְמ‬.I On high .
‫מרה‬ ning Ad exacerbandum . To provoke.
‫רחב‬ ‫ לַמֶּרְחָב‬.In
latitudinem Into a large place.
‫ לְמֶרְחֲבֵי‬.latitu dines r Through the breadth.
‫רחק‬ ‫חוֹק‬.E
ָ‫לְמֵר‬ longinquo , in lon- From , to afar off
ginquum .

‫מרט‬ ‫ לְמָרְטָה‬.a expoliendumd To furbish .

Pilos evellentibus. To them that pluck offthe hair
‫לְמָרִים‬ ‫ְמָרֵי‬.Amaris
‫ל‬ , in amaros . | To the bitter
ֹ‫ לְמֶרְכָּבו‬. a
currum ejus dTo his chariot.
For his chariots.
‫ לְמַרְכְּבֹתָיו‬.Currib ejus us
‫ל‬ projiciendum ,im- To cast , impose
‫ל‬ I
dolo . [ ponendum n
. In deceit
ְ‫ל‬ conculcationem . For treading down
‫רוע‬ ‫מֵרָע‬ad
ְ‫ל‬ malefaciendum , To do
, evil , to hurt
nocendum .
‫רעה‬ ּ‫ לְמֵרֵעֵהו‬Socio ejus
, To his companion.

ָ‫ לְמֵרֵעֶך‬.Sod ali
tuo To thy companion.
‫נשא‬ In onus. [ bustiones. For a burden.
‫לְמ‬ A
raptioncs , com- d
To taking away , burning
‫שאה‬ ' ּ‫ לְמַשְׁאוֹת־־שׁו‬.A dTo the desolations.
‫שבק‬ Pawp Ad relinquendum. To leave.
‫ישב‬ ‫ לְמִשְׁבֹתָם‬Justa habitationes According to their habitations
eorum. [ refugium. ]
‫שנב‬ In locum excelsum, For a high place, a refuge.
‫נשנ‬ Overtaking . [from me.
‫ לְמַשְׁנֶת‬.Assequens
‫ לִמְשׁוּבָתִי‬.Aversi ameoniBy turning away, backsliding
‫משן‬ To draw.
ְ‫ לִמְשׁוֹך‬.4d
‫ שָׁל‬-- ‫לְמשׁוֹל‬ad regendum .[ dum,
. To rule
‫ְשֹׁחַ לְמָשְׁחָה משה‬.Ungendo
‫לִמ‬ , ad ungen By anointing , to anoint
‫ל‬ corruptionem . For , to corruption
‫משח‬ To anoint thee.
ְ‫ לִמְשָׁתֵך‬.ad
ungendum te
892 ‫למתא‬

‫משח‬ ‫ למשיח‬.Uncto To the anointed .

ֹ‫ לִמְשִׁיחו‬.Uncto
ejus To his anointed.
‫ לִמְשִׁיחִי‬.Uncto
meo For my anointed.
‫שכב‬ Into the bed ,
‫ לְמִשְׁכָּב‬.I n
‫למִשְׁכַּב‬ , in lectum By lying with , into the bed t
‫שכל‬ ‫ לְמַשְׂכִּיל‬.Intelligenti To him that understandeth.
‫שכן‬ ‫לַמִּשְׁכָּן לְמִי‬.Tento rii
,tentorio Of, to the tabernacle.
‫לְמִשְׁכְּנוֹתָיו‬.Intent oriaInto his tabernacles.
‫ לְמָשָׁל לְמְשִׁי שָׁל משל‬. I
prove rbiumnFor a proverb.
‫ למִשְׁלַח‬.A emiasionemd For the sending forth.
‫ לִמְשָׁמוֹת‬.Indesolationes For desolations.
‫שמע‬ . P
‫לְמַשְׁמִיעִים‬ r
somum edentibus For those thatmake a noise o
‫ לְמִשְׁמַע‬.Juxta audilum According to the hearing.
‫ לְמִשְׁמָר‬.In For a guard .
‫ לְמִשְׁמָרוֹת‬Per custodias By wards, in watches.
, For the charge , keeping .
" ֶ‫ לְמִשְׁמָרֶת־־מ‬ad custodiam
‫ לְמִשְׁנֶה‬.In
duplum Double , twice as much.
‫שסס‬ " ְ ‫ס‬ ‫י‬ ׁ ִ ‫ש‬ ‫־‬ ‫־‬ ‫ה‬ ָּ‫ לִמְשְׁפ‬. I
direptio nemn For a spoil.
‫ לְמִשְׁפּוֹת‬.I
predasn For booties.
‫שעע‬ ‫ְמִשְׁעִי‬.
‫ל‬ A
aspectum meum d
. To my sight
‫שען‬ baculumn
‫ לְמִשְׁעָן‬.I For a staff.
‫שער‬ From the gate.
‫ | לִמְשַׁעַר‬.A
porta [lies.
‫שפח‬ " ִּ‫לַמ‬ ‫ִשְׁפָּחוֹת‬-
‫לְמ‬ P after the fami r
, juxta familias . According toe
‫לְמ‬ P
familiis eorum r
. According to their families o
' ‫לְמִשְׁפָּחוֹתָם־ח‬ familias co- According to their families
‫ לִמְשְׁפַּחַת‬.Familie [ rum . Of, to, for the family .
ּ‫שְׁפְּחֹתָיו תָו‬- ִ‫לְמ‬ P
, juxta familias e
By , throughout , after bis fia r
cjus. [ vestras. milies.
[ milies.
‫לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתֵיכֶם‬ , juxta familias Among , according to your fa r
‫ לַמִּשְׁפָּט לְמִשְׁפַּי שפט‬In, ad judic ium In, to , for judgment, the
‫לְמִשְׁפָּטִי‬ judicium meum . A To my judgment . [ judgmd ent
‫ לִמְשֹׁפְטִי‬.A
judicem meumd To my judge.
ָ‫טֶך‬ ָ‫ְׁפָּטֶיך‬.
‫לְמִש‬ Secund
judiciatua According to thy judgments
‫שקל‬ ‫מִשְׁקְלֶת‬.ְ‫ל‬ A
perpendiculum . To the plummed t
‫ לְמִשְׁרֵא‬.Ad
solvendum To loose, dissolve.
‫מות‬ . .Mortu
‫לָמֵת לְמֵת‬ ,ob mortuum For , on account of de
the a
‫ למתא‬.Ad veniendum To come.
‫לנדה‬ 893

‫מתק‬ pina In dulcem, præ dul- For sweet, for sweetness .

‫תחת‬ , pro b [ cedine. Under, in the place of.
‫ לְמִתַּחַת‬.Su
When .
‫מתי‬ ‫ למתי‬.Quando
‫תעב‬ ‫ לִמְתָעֵב‬. A
abom inalumd him that is abhorred.
s To them that sew together.
‫תפר‬ ‫ לִמְתַפְרוֹת‬.Consuentibu

Pernoctavit. He lodged, stayed the night.
To, for us.
ְ‫ לָנָא לָנוּ לָך‬.Nolis
To, for, from the trusty.
" ‫ לְנֶאֱמָנִים לְנָא‬.Fidelibus
‫נבא‬ ‫בָאִים לִנְי‬.P
ֲ‫לַע‬ ro
,in prophetas the , for prophets er
Because of pt
i To him that understandeth.
‫בוֹן‬ ָ ‫נ‬ ְ ‫ל‬ .Intel ligent
To them that understand.
‫ בני‬-- ‫ לַכְּבוֹנִים‬.Intelligentibus
‫נבח‬ ַ‫לִנְכֹּח‬Adlatrandum . [ lam, . To bark [phet.
‫נבא‬ ‫ּבִיא לְנָי‬-Propheta
ָ‫לַנ‬ , in prophc- For the prophet , to be a pro
‫ לִנְבִיאֵי‬. A
proph etasd To the prophets.
To the fool.
‫ לְנָבָל‬.Stullo
‫לְנ‬ I
utrem ,lagenam n
. As a bottle , pitcher
Ad austrum. [gione. Toward the south.
In conspectu, e re- In the sight, over against.
Coram co. Before him .
‫ לְנֶגְדִּי‬.C,or am
contrame Before, against me.
ְ‫ לִנְנְדָּך‬.Cor Before thee, in thy presence.

Coram vobis. [ eos. In your presence.

‫לְנ‬ or
eis , contra am
Before, against them [ing .

‫ננה‬ A remd To the brightness, at the shin-

ּ‫ לְנֹגָה‬.splendo
‫ לנגהות‬.In splendores For splendours, brightness.

‫ננע‬ ‫ לנוע לננע‬.Ad tangendum To touch .

‫נגד‬ " ְ‫ לְנָגִיד לִנ‬.duceI mn For, as a captain, ruler.
‫ לְנַכֵּן‬.A pulsand umd To strike, play music.
" Etplaga, sicut plaga And a stroke, like the stroke.
To strike.
‫ לִנְכֹּף‬.A percutiendumd
‫נדב‬ In oblationem spon- For a free will offering ; will-
laneam ; sponte. ingly.

‫נדר‬ Him that wandereth.

‫ לַכֹּדֵד‬.ragantem
‫נדה‬ Pro immunditie, in For uncleanness, to removal,
remotionem . putting away.
894 ‫לנים‬


‫נדח‬ ַ‫ לְנְדְּח‬.Impellendo By thrusting, driving.

‫| לנדיב‬.Liber ali
, ingenuo To the liberal, noble.
‫נדיר‬ Ad vovendum. To vOW.
mea. My vows.
‫ לִנְדָרָי‬rota
volis ejuse Concerning her vows.
ָ‫ לִנְדָרֶיה‬.
The river.
‫נהר‬ ‫ לַנָּהָר‬.Flumen
The rivers.
‫ לְנַהֲרֵי‬.Flumina
They passed the night.
ּ‫ לָנו‬.Pernoctarunt
‫נוד‬. ‫ל‬ V , ad a
condo- g
By a
wanderi bemoan d
ng , to n
lendum . [lam . [sheep-cote.

‫נןה‬ ‫לִנְוֶה‬ In habitaculum ,cau Against the dwelling , for a

'To rest.
ַ‫ לָנוּח‬.4 quiescendumd
ָ‫לָנוּחֶך‬. I
requie m tuamn Into thy rest.
To flee.
‫נןס‬ ‫ לָנוּס לָנָס‬.ad fugiendum
‫נוע‬ ַ‫נוּע‬.A
ָ‫ל‬ dv ag an
, vacil- To wander , totter dum
‫ּוֹתָרִים‬.‫לַנ‬ R . e[landuml . Fori q
them that uis
For Nazarites.
‫נזר‬ ‫ לִנְזְרִים‬.In
‫נחל‬ " ַ‫ּחַל לִבִּי לְנ‬.F
ָ‫לַנ‬ torren- of the mi
,inlu ni
river ,into the brook
tem. [dum .
‫לנחל‬ ‫ַחֵל‬.
‫לְנ‬ A
possidendum dan- d
To giveto be possessed
‫ לַת‬-- ‫ לְנַחֲלָה‬In , ob hereditatem . For an , because of the inhe
ֹ‫חֲלָתו‬. hereditatem ejus A d
To his inheritance. [ ritance
‫נתם‬ ‫ לנַחֵם‬. olandumd
consA To comfort.
Ad consolandum To comfort him.
ֹ‫ לְנַחֲמו‬44.

‫ְנַחֲמֵנִי‬.‫ל‬ consolanduma me. To comfort d me

‫נחש‬ serpentem n To a serpent.
ׁ‫ לְנָחָש‬.I
‫ לנחשֶׁת‬.Ad es [ ereas. To the brass.
ְ‫ לִנ‬n
‫חֹשְׁתַּיִם‬I catenas , compedes Into chains , fetters of brass
Of their brass.
‫ לִנְחֹשְׁתָּם‬.Er eorumis
To lead them.
‫נחה‬ : ‫ לַנְחֹתָם‬Ad ducendos, eos
To decline , turn aside.
‫נטה‬ ‫| לִנְטוֹת־־טת‬.A declinandumd
‫נטע‬ yo ? Ad plantandum. To plant.

‫נטר‬ ‫ לנטְרִים לְני‬.Custodientibus To those that keep.

‫נןד‬ ‫ידָה‬.
ִ‫לְנ‬ I
agitationem , ead n
To agitation , wanderi ng (
gationem .
They that lodge.
‫לון‬ ‫ לָנִים‬.Pernoctantes
‫לנצח‬ 895
£ 2PB

‫נצץ‬ starAs a spark.

‫נכח‬ Pro, coram, recta. For, before, right on.
‫נכר‬ ‫ לַנָּכְרִי לְנָי‬.Alienigene To an alien, foreigner.
To aliens, foreigners .
‫ לְנָכְרִים‬.Alienigenis
‫מהר‬ precipites To them that are hasty .
‫ לְנִמְהֲרֵי‬.Ad
‫נסס‬ In signum, vexillum. For a sign, standard, ensign.
‫נסה‬ ‫ לנסות‬.A
probandumd To prove, try.
| P│

inbinidas Ad tentandum eum. To try, prove him.

Ad tentandum eum . To
‫נסך‬ ְ‫ לַנֶּסֶך‬. I
libam enn For a drink- offering.

‫ לְנַפָּכָה‬.A libandumd To pour out a drink- offering.


Adprobandum te. To prove thee.


" " Puero, adolescenti. To the child, boy, youth.

‫ נַּעַר‬.Puellae
‫ל‬ For the damsel.
iya To his lad, servant.
ֹ‫ לְנַעֲרו‬Puero, servo ejus.
ָ‫ לְנַעֲרוֹתֶיך‬Puellis ,
tuis For thy maidens.

ָ‫ לִנְעָרֶיה‬.Pue ris[bus. To her youths, servants.

Pueris, adolescenti- To the children, youths.
As tow.
‫ לִנְחֹרֶת‬.relat stupa
cjus is To her damsels.
ָ‫ לְנַעֲרֹתֶיה‬.Puell
‫ לִנְפֹּל‬.Adcadendum To fall.
‫פלא‬ ‫ לְנִפְלְאֹתָיו‬Mirabilibus, ejus To his wonders.
‫נפש‬ In, propter animam A soul, for the soul.
ׁ‫ לַנֶּפֶשׁ לְנָפֶש‬.Anime To, for the soul..
cjusrio To her will, pleasure.
ּ‫ לְנַפְשָׁה‬.Arbit
Anima, pro vita ejus For his soul, for his life.
Anima meæ. To, for my soul.
T -TY -TWS Animæ tuæ. To thy soul.

‫ לְנַפְשְׁכֶם‬.Ani vestrme
e For your soul.
Dj Anime, pro anima, To, for their soul ; at their
in arbitrium eorum pleasure.

‫ לְנַפְשֹׁתֵיכֶם‬.Amima bus
vestris To your souls.
‫ לְנ‬.Anima
ּ‫ַפְשֹׁתֵינו‬. bus
nostri a For our souls.
Dr Periculo vitarum eo- At the peril of their lives.

In tractibus. [rum. In the coasts, borders.

‫נצח‬ ‫| לנצח‬.I perpetuum n For ever. [forward.

Ad superandum, ur- To overthrow, excel, press


Inæternum [gendum For ever and ever .

‫נצר‬ ‫| לנצר‬. A
serva ndumd To
To them that keep, observe.
‫ לנֹצְרֵי‬.Observantibus
[ eju s . A female . [ unto him.
‫קב‬ ‫ לַנְּקֵבָה‬.Feminum
‫לְנַקְבָּנָיו‬ Preter congregatos Beside those that are gathered
For the innocent.
‫ לִנְקִי‬.Innocenli
‫ לנקס‬. iscendum
ulcA d To revenge, take vengeance.
For the candlesticks.
‫נר‬ ‫|נֵּרוֹת‬ ‫ ל‬.Candelabris
en To him that beareth, carrieth.
nli ti
‫נשא‬ ‫ לנשא‬.Fer , porta
To them that are broken.
‫שבר‬ ‫ לנשְׁבְּרִי‬.Fractis
‫איש‬ ‫ לְנָשֵׁי‬.Urori meisbus For my wives.
To, for a, the prince.
‫נשא‬ ‫ לַנָּשִׂיא לְנָי‬.Principi
To his wives.
‫איש‬ ‫ לְנָשָׁיו‬.Urori cjusbus
In mulieres , uxores As women, for wives .
To kiss .
‫נשק‬ ‫לִנְשָׁק‬ ‫ לְנַבֵּק‬. ulandumd
D itise Concerning the paths.
‫נתב‬ ‫ לִנְתְבוֹת‬.sem
win Ad evellendum, ex- To pluck up, root out.
tirpandum. [ ejus.

‫נתח‬ In membra, frusta. Into her parts , pieces .

In membra, frusta Into his parts , pieces .
mea. [ ejus. To my path.
‫נתב‬ ‫ לִנְתִיבָתִי‬Semite
To leap.
‫נתר‬ ‫ לְנַתֵּר‬. A
sali endumd


‫סבב‬ ‫סבב‬. ‫ל‬ circumeundum .A d

To go round , encompass
. circui tus A
nostr os Roun d abou td us
ּ‫וֹתֵינו‬ ‫ב‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫ב‬ ְ ‫ס‬ ִ ‫ל‬
To bear, carry.
‫סבל‬ ‫ לסבל‬.A bajulandumd
To your burdens .
‫ לְס‬. omne4ra restrad
To shut, at the shutting.
‫סגר‬ ‫ לִסְגוֹר‬. A
claud endumd
To, for, as dross.
‫סיג‬ ‫ לִסְגִּים‬In scor, ias
For his peculiar treasure .
inha In peculium ejus.
To dross.
‫סיג‬ ‫ לסוג‬. I
scori amn
To the horse .
‫סים‬ ‫ לסוס‬Ad equu , m
To his horses .
‫ לְסוּסָיו‬.Equis ejus
For the horses.
‫ לָסוּסִים‬.Equis d
!!! ‫סוף‬ ‫ְסוֹף‬. ‫ל‬ A
finem .[ cedendum To the end
‫סור‬ . ‫ל‬ divertendum ,dis- A d
To turn aside , depart
: ‫סור‬
‫סתב‬ To drag .
‫ לִסְחֹב‬.Ad
‫לעבדתו‬ 897


Apud mercatorem. With the merchant.

‫ לסיר‬.I
ollam n For a pot .
To forgive, pardon.
‫סלח‬ ַ‫ לִסְלוֹחַ לִסְלֹח‬.Ad
‫סום‬ ‫ ? סָתִי‬Equabus, equæmeæ, To mares, to my mare, to a
equitatui. company of horses or mares
‫ספד־־פוֹד‬. ‫ ל‬. 4
plange To mourn , lament.
‫ספר‬ d
‫ספה‬ ‫ ל‬.A
‫ספות‬. d To add.
‫ל‬ perdendum Aeam . To destroy d her
'To declare.
‫ספר‬ ‫ לְסַפֶר‬.Adenarrandum
Ad numerandum. To number.

ִ‫ל‬ lapidanduma d
eum . To stone him
‫סרס‬ ‫ לְסָרִיסָיו‬Eunuchis , cubicula- To his eunuchs , chamberlains
ַ‫ל‬ un. [ris ejus . uc his
To the eunuchs
To the lords, chiefs , princes .
‫סרן‬ ‫ לְסַרְנֵי‬.Principibus
‫סתם‬ Din Ad obturandum. To stop, shut up.
‫סתר‬ To hide.
‫ לַסְתִּר‬. A
abscond endumd

Subsannavit. He mocked, sneered at.
‫עבה‬ To the cloud .
‫ לָעָב לָעַב‬.ad
‫עבר‬ ‫עֲבֹד־־בוד‬-ַ‫ל‬ To serve , cultivate , tilld
serviendum , co- A , exe
lendum , facien- cute, do.
dum . [vum.
Servo ; ad, in ser- To, toward, for a servant.

‫דַת‬ ֹ‫עֲבֹדָה־בו‬.Adַ‫ל‬ min for the service ,eri

,opus To , ist work um
eam . To dress, cultivate it.
‫ לְעָבְדָה‬Ad colendam
To serve him .
ֹ‫ לְעָבְדו‬.A serviendum eid
To his servants.
‫ לְעַבְדוֹהִי‬Servis , cjus
‫ לְעַבְדִּי‬.Semeorvo To iny servant.
To the servants.
‫ לעבְדֵי‬.Servis
To their servants.
‫ לְעַבְדֵיהֶם‬.Servi corum s
To his servants.
‫ לַעֲבָדָיו‬.Servis ejus
For, to thy servants.
ָ‫ לֶעבְדָיךְ לַעֲבָדֶיך‬.Servis tuis
For servants .
‫ לַעֲבָדִים‬.I servosn
For , to thy servant .
ָ‫ לְעַבְדְּךָ־־ך‬Servo , tuo
To serve them.
‫ לְעָבְדָם‬. A
colen dos cosd
ֹ‫ֲבֹדָתו‬ ‫ע‬.ַ ‫ל‬ ministe riumA d
ejus For his service
898 ‫לעולם לעלם‬

‫עבד‬ ‫ לַעֲבֹדָתָם־בו‬Pro ministerio eorum For , according to their service

tuti To their bondage .
‫ לְעַבְדְתָם‬.Servi corum
‫עבר‬ ‫עֲבוֹר־־בר‬ad
ַ‫ל‬ transeundum , To pass over , go beyond
transgrediendum . transgress.

‫עבט‬ To take a pledge.

‫ לעבט‬.Ad pignorandum
‫עבר‬ To the work .
‫ לַעֲבִידַת‬.Adopus
‫עבר‬ Ad transvehendum. To carry over.
‫בָוּר‬ ‫ לַעֲבָר‬. 4
trans eundumdTo pass over.
‫ לעבר‬.latu Asd At, on the side.
On his side.
ֹ‫ לְעָבְרו‬.Adlatus ejus
To them that pass over.
‫ לְעֹבְרֵי לַעבְרִים‬.Transeuntibus
ְ‫ לְעָבְרְך‬ad transeundum te . That thou shouldst pass over
Irrisit, subsannavit, He mocked, laughed to scorn,
balbutivil. stammered.

‫ לעג‬.Subsamnalio Scorning .
‫ לָעֲנָה‬.Subsannavil She hath laughed to scorn.
‫ לַעֲנִי‬.Subsannatores
‫עגל‬ ‫ לְעֶגְלוֹת‬.Propt vitulas erBecause ofthe heifers.
To the calves.
‫ לַעֲגָלִים‬.Ad vitulos
‫לעג‬ Day Subsannatio eorum. Their mocking, derision.
For ever.
‫ לָעַד‬.In perpetuum
‫עןר‬ Ad prædam. [um. To the prey.
In testem, testimoni- For a witness, testimony.

‫יעד‬ ‫ֵדָה לַעֲדַת‬-Cataui

‫לָע‬ , congregationi To , for the company , congre
‫עוד‬ ‫ לְעֲדָה‬. I
testi moniumnFor a testimony. [gation.

‫ לַעְלָּה‬Laada
, Laadah, N. M.
Laadan, N. M.
‫ לַעְדָּן‬.Laadan
‫עדר‬ To flocks.
‫ לַעֲדָרִים‬.Agregesd
‫עוד‬ ‫ לָעֵדֶת‬.Testimonii Of the testimony.

‫עד‬ lui To their company.

‫ לַעֲדָתָם‬.Ce
They have been swallowed up.
ּ‫ לָעו‬.Absorpti
‫עזז‬ riy Ad roborandum se. To strengthen themselves.
‫עול‬ ‫ לעול‬.Iniquo To the unrighteous, wicked.
‫עלה‬ ‫לְעוֹלָה לִי‬.I holocauslumnFor the burnt offering. ›
At the ascent.
‫ לָעוֹלֶה‬.Ad
‫עלל‬ To their little ones.
‫ לְעוֹלְלֵיהֶם‬.Paruu corumlis
For ever.
‫עלס‬ ‫ לְעוֹלָם לְעֹלָס‬.Ineternum
‫לעין‬ 899

‫עןה‬ ‫ לַעֲוֹן‬Iniquilati
, To the iniquity.

ָ‫לַעֲוֹנוֹתֶיך‬.Iniquita tuis To thy iniquities.


‫ לעוני‬.Iniquit mee ati To my iniquity.

eorum atiTo their iniquity.
‫ לַעֲוֹנָם‬.Iniquit
ּ‫ לַעֲוֹנֵנו‬.Iniqui tati
nostre To our iniquity.
luc ris of fowl.
‫עוף‬ ‫ לעוף‬.Vo
‫ לעוף‬Voland ,o By flying.

‫ לְעוֹף‬.rolatili To, for the fowl.

‫עור‬ ‫ לעור‬.Ceco [dum. To the blind.

‫עתת‬ Ad tempestive dicen- To speak in season ,

Ad evertendum . To overthrow.
Lingua aliena locu- He spoke a strange or foreign
tus est. [quens. language.
Lingua aliena lo- Speaking a strange language.
‫עז‬ Hircus emissarius, The emissary goat, goat sent
dimissus, abiens. away, scape-goat.
‫עזב‬ ‫ לעזב‬.A relinquendumd To leave.
To him that forsaketh.
‫ לעזב‬.Deserenti
Ad deserendum te. To forsake thee.
‫עזר‬ ‫ לַעֲזוֹר־־זר‬.Ad jurandum To help.
To succour .


‫ לַעֲזוֹר־זר‬.A auriliandumd
To assist.
‫ לַעֲזיר‬.Aadjuvandumd
For help.
‫ לְעֵזֶר לְעֶזְרָה רַת‬.In
‫ לַעֲזָרָה‬.atrium To, for the court.
Ad auxiliandum ei. To help him.
Ad adjuvandum te. To help thee.
Ad adjuvandum nos. To help us.
Ad adjuvandum me. To help me.
auxilium meum. For my help.
‫ לְעֶזְרָתִי‬In
‫לָעַט‬ Gustare vel deglu- He made to taste or swallow.
tire fecit.
‫עטר‬ In coronam. [vum. For a crown.
‫עי‬ In tumulum, acer- As a heap.
‫עוט‬ ‫ לעיט‬.Volucri To the fowl.
In acervos. On heaps.
‫עלם‬ ‫לְעֵילוֹם‬.I perpetuumn For
Of a fountain.
‫עין‬ ‫ לָעָיִן‬.Fontis
900 ‫לעמיתר‬

To the eye.
‫עין‬ oculum d
‫| לַעֵין‬.A
With, to my eyes .
‫ לְעֵינָי־־נַי‬.Ocu lis
In the eyes.
ִ‫ לְעֵינֵי לָעֵינַיִם ל‬.In
Before their eyes.
‫ לְעֵינֵיהֶם‬.anteoculos eorum
In his eyes .
‫ לְעֵינָיו‬.In
oculis cjus
Before thy eyes.
ָ‫ לעֵינֶיך‬.Ante
oculis vestrisnIn your eyes.
ְ‫ל‬ oculos nostros . Before our eyes
To the weary.
‫עיף‬ ‫ לָעָיף‬.Fesso
To her that is weary.
‫|ַעֵיפָה‬ ‫ ל‬.Defesse
‫עיר‬ ‫יר לְעִיר‬contra
ִ‫לָע‬ , ad ,in cirita- Against ,to , into ,in , of ,from
tem ; in, de, ex, for the city.
pro civilale .

‫ לעירו‬.Ad civitatem ejus To his city.

For a burnt -offering .
‫עלה‬ ‫ לת‬- ְ‫לֶעלֶה ל‬.I holocaustumn
‫עלז‬ ‫|לוז‬‫ לע‬.A crullandum dTo triumph, rejoice.
‫עלה‬ In holocausta. [gæ. For the burnt offerings .
‫עלק‬ by Hirudini, sanguisu- To the horse-leech .
by‫ע‬ by by Ad ascendendum , ori- To go or come up , arise, offer
endum , offerendum
For burnt offerings.
‫ לָעֹלוֹת לִי‬.4d holocausta
, To the Most High.
‫ לעֶלְיון‬Allissimo
‫עלם‬ ‫ לעלס‬.Adolescenti To the young man.
For ever .
‫מִין‬ Ian
‫ לְעָלְמַיָּא‬.secul
For ages .
‫ לעלְמִים‬.In secula
‫ לְעלֹתֵיכֶם‬In holocausta vestra For your burnt offerings . [tion
‫ם לְעָם לְעַם | עמם‬-Popul
ָ‫לָע‬ ,in populum . To , for , as a , the people , na
‫עמר‬ ‫ֲמֹד מוד‬Adstandum
‫לַע‬ ,manen- To stand , renain , stay , resist
dum , resistendum . withstand.
That it may stand.
‫ לְעָמְדָה‬.Adstandum eam
' ‫מו‬ ‫ לעמדים‬.Columnis For the pillars.
‫עמם‬ To his people.
ֹ‫ לְעַמו‬.Populo
‫עמד‬ To the pillar.
‫ לָעַמוּד‬.Columne
‫עמת‬ ‫ לְעָמוֹת־־מַת‬.E regione Over against.
‫עמם‬ [meo. For, to the peoples.
‫ לְעַמִּי‬.Populis
ְ‫ל‬ mei , populo of , to , for my people
‫עמת‬ ָ‫ לַעֲמִיתֶך‬.Proximo
tuo To thy neighbour.
‫לעצר‬ 901


‫עמם‬ populos
‫ לְעַמִּים‬.Ad To the peoples .

ְ‫עַמֶךְ־מְךְ מֵך‬.
ְ‫ל‬ a
,in populum tuum d
To , against thy people
‫עמל‬ ‫עָמָל‬.
ְ‫ל‬ a
laborem , moles- d
To labour, trouble
tiam. [ noso. [miserable.
,arum- To him that laboureth, the
‫ לְעַמֶל‬Laboranti
Into the valley.
‫עמק‬ ְ‫ לָעֵמֶק ל‬.I vallemn
For depth.
‫ לָעֹמֶק‬.Profundo
‫עמת‬ iny Ex adverso ejus. Over against him.

‫ל‬ E
regione illorum Over against them.

mwood .
‫ לַעֲנָה‬.Absinthium[bus. Wor
‫ענה‬ Pauperibus, humili- For the poor, humble
Ad respondendum, To answer, to afflict one's self.
affligendum se.
-- Adclamandum, affli- To shout , afflict.
gendum .
inigy Ad affligendum eum . To afflict him.
iy Ad affligendum te. To afflict thee.
To the poor, of the afflicted .
‫ לֶעָנִי לִי‬.Paupe , aflicti ri
To thy poor.
. ְ‫ לַעֲנִיִך‬Pauperibus, tuis
‫ענש‬ To fine, confiscation.
ׁ‫ לַעֲנָש‬Ad mulctam
To be humbled .
‫ענה‬ ‫ לֵעָנֹת‬.Humiliari
To my eye -lids.
‫ לְעַפְעַמִּי‬.Palpeb meisris
To thy eye-lids.
ְ‫ לְעַפְעַפִּיך‬.Palpe tui s is
. ‫עפר‬ ‫ לְעָפָר לֶי‬.I pulverem n Into dust, as powder.
‫ לְעפֶר‬.Hinnulo To a young hart.
To a tree, as wood.
‫עוץ‬ ‫ לָעֵץ לִי‬.Arb ori
, inlignum
‫עצב‬ ‫ לְעַצְבוֹתָם‬.Doleorum ores Their
To the idols .
‫ לעצבי‬.Ad simulchra
‫ לעצבים‬.Cu simulachris mWith idols.
By , to counsel .
‫ לְעֵצָה‬.Consilio
To, for, upon the wood .
‫עוץ‬ ‫ לָעֵצִים‬. , inA lignad
‫עצם‬ To the body .
‫ לָעָצֶם‬.Corpori
To the bones .
‫ לַעֲצָמוֹת‬.Ad ossa
To thy bones .
ָ‫ לְעַצְמוֹתֶיך‬.Osstuis ibus
With her bones.
ָ‫ לַעֲצָמֶיה‬.C ossibusum
‫עצר‬ To restrain.
‫ לַעֲצר‬. A
coeroen dumd
902 ‫לעשתות‬


His counsel.
‫יעץ‬ ejus um
ֹ‫ לַעֲצָתו‬.Consili
My counsel .
‫ לַעֲצָתִי‬.Consi meum
‫עקר‬ ‫ לַעֲקוֹר‬.Aevellendumd To pluck up.
[ram . To the stock.
‫ לְעֵקֶר‬.stirpi
‫ערב‬ ‫עָרֶב לָעֶלַעֲרוֹב‬.r
ָ‫ל‬ , ades in the evening re
vespe- To , at , pe
For the raven.
‫ לערב‬.Corvo
negotiandumd To trade.
‫ לערב‬.A
For his skin .
‫עור‬ ֹ‫ לערו‬.Cuti cjus
To the beds.
‫ערב‬ ‫ לַעֲרוּגוֹת־־גת‬.Areolis
‫עיר‬ ‫ לְעָרֵי־־רִים‬Civitatib
, us To , for , in the cities.

ְ‫ל‬ um
civitatibus ejus With her cities
late s eorum . Into their cities.
‫לְעָרֵיהֶם‬ In civi
‫עור‬ ְ‫ לְעָרָיך‬.Hosti tuisbus To thy enemies.
bi li To the terrible.
‫ערץ‬ ‫ לֶעָרִיץ‬.Terri
To set in array.
‫ערך‬ ‫ לערך‬.Ad instruendum
Into darkness.
‫ערף‬ ‫ לַעֲרָפֶל‬.In caliginem
Ad terrendum. To terrify.
‫ערץ‬ ‫לעֲרץ‬
To him that maketh, doeth.
‫עשה‬ ‫ לְעשֶׂה לָעֹשֶׂה‬.Facienti
Defactore ejus. Of his, its maker.

‫עשק‬ ‫ לַעֲשׁוּקִים‬.oppressis For the oppressed .

‫עשה‬ ‫ שת‬-- ‫ֲשׂוֹת‬4d
‫לַע‬ faciendum , agen- Tomake ,do, prepare , execute
dum, parandum, perform.
To do them.
‫ לַעֲשׂוֹתָם‬.Ad
faciendum ca
‫ לעשִׂי‬.Facienlibus To them that do.

‫עשר‬ To the rich.

‫ לְעָשִׁיר לִי‬.Divili
‫עשק‬ ‫ לַעֲשׂק‬.A opprimendumd To oppress.

‫ לְעשְׁקִי‬opprimentibu
, s me To them that oppress me.
Dpy Ad vim afferendum To use violence, do wrong to
‫עשר‬ ‫|לְעשֶׁר‬.Decem [eis. Ten. [them .

‫|ל‬ A
decimam dandum d
. To give tithe
For riches, in wealth .
‫| לַעֲשֵׂר‬.Divi tiis
,in opibus
‫| לעשרים‬.I In the twentieth.
ּ‫לַעֲשְׂתָה‬. eam . |To dod
faciendumA it
iny Adfaciendum eum. To do, perform it.
‫עשת‬ ‫ לְעַשְׁתּוֹת‬. A
cogitati onesdTo the thoughts.
To the thought.
‫ לְעַשְׁתּוּת‬.Cogilationi
‫לפליטה־־טת‬ 903

‫עשת‬ ‫ַשְׁתֵּי עָשָׂר‬.ad

‫לְע‬ undecin , in un To eleven ,in the eleventh
decimo. [ decimo.

‫שְׁתֵּי עֶשְׂרֵה‬.ad
ַ‫לְע‬ undecim , in un- To eleven ,in the eleventh
‫עשה‬ ‫ לַעֲשׂתְכֶם‬. A
faciend d
um vos That ye may do.
wy Adfaciendum eos. To do them.

‫עתת‬ --Tempore; in, ad, In, at, about, for, against a,

juxta tempus. the time.

Day? Niny? Ad tempora, tempo- At times, for the times.

‫ל‬ tempora .A d
[ribus . At times

‫פאאה‬ At the side.
‫פ‬ ‫ לָפָּאָה לִפְאַת‬.adlatus
Into a, the corner .
‫לְפָאָה‬.In angulum
‫פאר‬ ‫ לְפָאֵר‬.A ornandumd To adorn, beautify.
fall upon.
‫פנע‬ ַ‫ לִפְנֹע‬.Adirruendum To
‫פרה‬ ‫ לפדות‬.4 redimendumd To redeem.
‫לפר‬ ‫ לַפָּדִים לַפִּי‬Faces ,lampades
, Torches, firebrands. [mouth.
‫פה‬ ‫ לָפֶה לִי‬.a os , pro ored To the mouth; for a, the
‫פוק‬ ‫ לְפוּקָה‬.Inn
angorem For grief .
‫פות‬ For a snare .
‫ לְפָה לְפַח‬.In
‫פחד‬ ‫ לפחד‬.Ad pavorem At fear.
‫נפח‬ ‫ לפחת‬.Ad
flandum To blow.
‫פחה‬ ָ‫ לְפֶחָתֶך‬Duci tuo
, To thy leader, governor .
‫פה‬ Ori meo ; ore ; ad To my mouth ; with, at, by,
juxta os. according to the mouth.
‫לפר‬ ‫ לַפִּיד‬.F a
, lamp as z A torch, firebrand , lamp.
‫ לַפִּידוֹת‬.Lapidoth Lapidoth, N. M.
‫פה‬ ּ‫ לְפִיהו‬.Ad
os ejus To, for his mouth.

‫ הֶן‬-- ‫ְפִיהֶם‬ ‫ל‬ .A eorum s

do To their mouth.
Ori,foramini ejus. To the mouth, hole of it.
‫פלא‬ ‫ לפלא‬. A
separan dumdTo separate.

‫פלג‬ ‫ְלגּוֹת־־לָגּוֹת‬-Ad
‫לִפ‬ , secundum diuil For , to , according to the di
siones. visions.

‫פלח‬ For the service.

‫ לְפַלְחָן‬.Ad
‫פלט‬ ‫ טַת‬-- ‫לֵיטָה‬.ְ‫לִפ‬ efugium , libera-I n
For an escaping , deliverance
904 ‫לפקדון‬

In his district.
‫פלד‬ ֹ‫ לִפְלְכּו‬.I regione ejus
To a certain person.
‫פלס‬ ‫ לַפַּלְמוֹנִי‬.Cuidam
‫פנה‬ For a corner.
‫ לְפִנָּה‬.Angulo
ni Aspiciendo, vertendo At the looking forth, turning.
‫ לְפָנָי־־נָי‬Coram me, in con- Before me, in my sight.
spectu meo.
Situated before it.
‫ לִפְנָי‬.Anterior
In conspectu, con- In the sight, into the pre-
spectum ; coram. sence , before.
Before her.
ָ‫ לְפָנֶיה‬.Cor illaam
D ? Ante cos, coram eis. Before them, in their presence
Ante eum, coram eo Before him, in his presence.
Ante, coram te. [bis. Before thee .
Ante vos, coram vo- Before you.
To the face, faces.
‫ לַפָּנִים‬.Faciei
, faciebus
Before, forward.
‫ לְפָנִים‬.antea , prorsum
, intraus [bis. Within .
‫ לִפְנִימָה‬.Ind
nos, coram no- Before us.
ּ‫ לְפָנֵינו‬Ande n
‫פסת‬ ַ‫ לַפָּסֵח‬.Claudo [ lia . To the lame.
In sacrificia pascha- For passover offerings.
‫פסל‬ ‫ לַפְּסִילִים‬.Sculptilibus To carved, graven images.

‫ לפסלו‬. I
sculptil n
e ejus For his graven image.

‫פעל‬ To his work.

‫ לְפָע‬.Ad
ֹ‫ָלו‬T:T opus ejus
‫ לפעלות‬.A operad To the works.
To the workers.
‫ לפֿעֲלִי‬.Operantibus
Concerning their work.
‫ לְפָעֶלָם‬.D opere eorume
Of thy work.
ְ‫ לִפְעֶקְתֵך‬Operis ,tui
‫ לִפְעָלַתְכֶם‬.ope vestrrio To your work.
‫פעם‬ Ad excitandum eum. To move, rouse him.
‫ לִפְעָמִי‬.Gress ibus For my steps.
‫פצע‬ A smcumd To my wound .
‫ לִפְצְעִי‬.ad vulnu
‫פקר‬ TP Adrecensendum, vi- To number, reckon, visit, pu-
sitandum, punien- nish.

Innumeratione[ dum In a numbering, reckoning.

‫ לִפְקָדוֹן‬.Idepositumn For a deposit, trust.

" Ad
A numeratos eo- According to those that were
." ּ‫לִפְקְדִיהֶם־־קו‬
rum. numbered of them.
‫לצבא‬ 905

‫פקד‬ According to their mustering.

‫ לִפְקְדָּתָם‬.Pro
censu eorum
‫לְפ‬ precepta tua . After thy precepts
‫פקח‬ To open.
ַ‫ לִפְקֹח‬Ad aperiendum
‫פר‬ ‫ לַפָּר לְפַר‬.Juvenco For, to a , the bullock .
To break down.
‫פרץ‬ ‫ לִפְרוֹץ‬.A diruendumd
‫פרח‬ ‫ לְאֹרְחוֹת־־חת‬.i As flying.
‫פרה‬ Of his fruit.
ֹ‫ לְפַרְיו‬.Defru ejusctu
‫פר‬ ‫ לַפָּרִים‬.Juvencis For the bullocks.

‫פרד‬ " ָ‫ לִפָּרֹכֶת לְפ‬.avelum d To the veil.

‫פרש‬ ‫פרש‬. ‫ ל‬.4dexponendum To expose , shew, explain .
‫ לפֿרְשִׂים‬.Expandentibus To them that spread out.
‫פשט‬ Dj Ad detrahendum . To strip , spoil .
‫פשע‬ ‫ לפשע‬.Prevaricationi To the transgression.
ִ‫ל‬ . [ tre . In transgressing
Day Prævaricationi ves- To your transgression.
‫פשת‬ [est. To the linen.
‫ לַפִּשְׁתִּים‬Lini,
‫לָפַת‬ Inclinavit, amplexus He bowed , laid hold of.
‫פתה‬ To the simple.
‫ לִפְתָאִים‬.Simplicibus
‫פתח‬ nin Ad aperiendum. To open.
Ad, ostium. [ vendum At, to, for a, the door.

ַ‫ַתֵּחַ לִפְרֹח‬.Ad
‫לְפ‬ sculpendium , sol- To grave , engrave , loose
‫פתע‬ At an instant.
‫ לְפֶתַע‬.ad momentum
‫פתר‬ Ad interpretandum . To interpret.
‫פתה‬ Ad decipiendum te. To deceive thee.


‫ לֵץ‬.Derisor A, the scorner.


For the flock.

‫ לצאן‬.Gregi
‫ לצאנִי‬.Gregi
meo To my flock.

ָ‫ לְצֹאנֶך‬.Cum gregetuo With thy flock.

For their flock .
‫ לְצֹאנָם‬.Pro grege eorum
Ad exeundum. To come out , go forth .
‫ לצאת‬.Egrediendo At the going out.

‫ לְצֵאתָם‬.a eritu corumbFrom their going out.

‫ַצְבָא‬ ‫ל‬ Ad militiam , agmen , To ,forthe warfare, host, army
Agmini. [exercitum . To the host.

906 ‫לצמאם‬



‫צבא‬ Nay? Ad pugnandum, mi- To fight, serve, wait upon .

nistrandum .
78 Ad exercitum tuum. To thy army.
‫לְצִבְאֹתָם‬ Per , secundum erer- By ,through , according to their
citus eorum. armies.
Ad tumefaciendum. To make to swell .
To a roe.
‫צבא‬ ‫ לִצְבִי‬.Capreolo
‫צבה‬ ‫| לִצְבִי‬.Deco , glorieri To beauty , glory .
‫צדד‬ ‫ לצד‬.Adversus , contra Against.
D' Ad latera. [justum. At the sides. [ just, righteous .
‫ לַצַדִיק לְצִי‬Justo ; in, contra To , for , towards , against the
For , in righteousness .
‫ לְצֶדֶק לִצְדָקָה‬.Pr , in justilia o
‫צוה‬ ‫ לָאָו‬.Ad preceptum To, upon precept.
To, for the necks.
‫צור‬ ‫ לְצַוָּארֵי‬.Collis
To hunt.
‫צוד‬ ‫ לָצוּד לְצוֹדֵד‬.Ad venandum
‫צול‬ To the deep.
‫ לָצוּלָה‬.Profundo
‫ לָצוֹן‬.Derisio Scorning .
‫צור‬ To besiege.
‫ לָצוּר‬.Ad
‫| לצור‬In rup,
em For a, the rock. [ smith.
c,aurifab n f l a n
. Tothe founder , smith , gold
‫צרף‬ " ֵ‫וֹרֵף־־צֹר‬-‫לָצ‬
To command .
‫צוה‬ ‫ לצות‬.A mandandumd
‫צחת‬ ַ‫ לִצְחִיח‬.Erclocoelso To the high place.

‫צחק‬ ‫ לְצַחֶק‬. A
luden dumd To mock, play.
Phy? In risum, ludibrium. To laughter, scorn, mockery .
‫ציה‬ For the inhabitants of the
‫ לְצַיִים‬.Deserti
Scorners . [wilderness .
‫ליץ‬ ‫ לֵצִים‬.Derisores
‫ לציצת‬.In fimbriam For a fringe.
. ‫ציץ‬
‫צלל‬ ‫ לצל לצל‬.In umbram For a, the shadow.

‫ לצלות‬.Ad To roast.
To , for the image, statue.
‫צלם‬ ‫לְצֶלֶם־־צַלְמָא‬Imagini, statue
‫צלל‬ ‫לְמָוֶת‬.ַ‫לְצ‬ umbram mortis I . Into the shadow of deathn

le For the wing , side-chamb er .

‫צלע‬ ‫ לְצְלָע‬.A, lateri
‫לְצֶלַע‬. A
claudicationem . For haltingd
At his side. [ bers.
‫ לצלעו‬.Ad latus ejus
‫ לַצְלָעוֹת‬. A
alas dTo, for the wings, side-cham-
, latera
‫צמא‬ ‫ְמָּאוֹן‬.
‫לְצ‬ I
terram siticulo- n
Into dry ground
[sam. For their thirst.
‫ לִצְמָאָס‬.S ili
‫לקדמתכן‬ 907

‫צמח‬ Adgerminandum. To bud , grow .

‫ לַצְמִיתֵת לִצְמָתִי צמת‬4dcrcisionem , abso- To cutting off , absolutely , for

‫צמם‬ ְ‫צַמָּתֵך‬.C
ְ‫ל‬ tuam . [om am
lute . Thy hair ,locks [ever.
‫ לְצֹנַאֲכֶם‬.grege o For your flock, sheep.
um To cry.
‫צעק‬ ‫ לִצְעק‬.Adclamand
‫צפה‬ ‫ לעֹפֶה‬.Speculatori For a, the watchman.

‫צפן‬ ‫ לַצָפוֹן־־פוֹנָה‬. A
aquil onemd To, towards the north.
‫ לִצְפוּנָיו‬. I
latebris ejusnIn his secret places .
‫צפר‬ ‫ לאָפּוֹר‬.Avi To a, the bird .
Derisorum [flandum Of the scorners.
ָ‫ל‬ A
fundendum , con- d
Tomelt , fuse , cast
‫צור‬ To, for distress.
‫ לְצָרָה‬.Adangustiam
‫צרף‬ Ad conflandum , pro- To melt, refine, try.
bandum .

‫צור‬ ‫ רִי‬-- ‫ לְצָרָי‬.Hostibu

meis s To, for my enemies.
bu s To, on his enemies.
‫ לְצָרָיו‬.Hostiejus
ָ‫ לְצָרֶיך‬.Hosti bus
tuis To thy enemies.
os ti bu
nostris sFor our enemies.
ּ‫ לְצָרֵינו‬.H
‫צרר‬ Ad affligendum, op- To afflict, harass, oppress.
[ primendum .
‫קאה‬ To a pelican .
‫ לִקְאַת‬.Pelicano
curse .
‫קבב‬ m To
| ្ល្រ

‫ לָק‬.4
‫ֹב‬. maledicendu d

To bury. [ ing to .
‫קְבּוֹר־־בר‬.ִ‫ ל‬.4d sepeliendum
" -- Coram, e regione, se- Before , over against, accord-
Tap Coram te. [ cundum . Before thee .
Yap? Ad congregandum. To gather.
ְ‫ל‬ congregandumA d
| That I may assembl e
‫קבר‬ p? Ad sepulchrum [ me. To the sepulchre.
‫ לְקַבֵּר‬.Ad
sepeliendum To bury .
Ad sepeliendam eam To bury her.

‫לְקִבְרֵי‬ ‫ לִקְבָרוֹת‬.4d
sepulchra To the sepulchres.
‫קדש‬ ׁ‫ לִקְדוֹש‬.Sancto To the holy .
To the saints.
‫ לקְדוֹשִׁים‬.Sanctis
To the east.
‫קרס‬ ‫ָקָדִים‬. ‫ ל‬.4dorientem
‫קדש‬ [ tram . To the saints.
‫ לָקַדִּישֵׁי‬.Sanctis
‫קדם‬ ‫קַדְמַתְכֶן‬.ְ‫ל‬ A
antiquitatem ves- d
To your former state
908 ‫לקחי‬

‫קדם‬ Ad statum antiquum To their former state.

‫קדש‬ "‫ לַחֹדֶשׁ לְק‬.Sancto [ earum. For the holy.

wp Ad sanctificandum, To sanctify,hallow, consecrate
In sanctuario ejus. In his sanctuary.
To consecrate him.
ֹ‫ לְקַדְּשׁו‬Ad consecrandum

eum. [ cos.
Ad sanctificandum To sanctify them .
SAP PPP Cotui, in congrega- To, for, in the assembly, con-
‫קוה‬ Ad lineam. [lione. To, upon line. [gregation.
ip? Expectantibus eum . To them that wait for him.

‫לקח‬ ip Sume, accipe. [ ce. Take thou.

‫קול‬ Sp--hip Voci, in vocem, a vo- To, at, into, from the voice.
" To my voice.
‫ לְקוֹלִי‬.roci meae
To thy voice.
ְ‫ קֹלֶך‬-- ְ‫ לְקוֹלֵך‬.voci tuae
‫ לָקוּם‬.La cch um [dum. Lakum , N. P.
Op? Ad surgendum, stan- To rise, rise up , stand.
‫קצר‬ To the reapers.
‫ ל‬.Meatoribus
Cepit, sumpsit, acce- He caught, took, accepted, re-
pit, recepit, abs- ceived, took away, attract-
tulit,allexit, accer- ed, won, sent for, brought,
sivit, attulit, duxit married.

‫ לָקַח‬.Sume Take thou.

Sumendo, accipiendo. In taking, receiving.
‫ לֶקַח‬.Doctrina Doctrine, learning.
Sumens, auferens. Taking, taking away.
App Sumptus, ablatus est He was taken, taken away.
P? Sumpsit, accepit. She hath taken , received .
AP Accepit, duxit. He took, married her.
AP? Blanditia, lenocini- Her fair speech,enticing words
Sumpta est. [ um ejus She was taken.
? Ceperunt, recepe- They took, received, took
‫לָקָחוּ ל‬
runt, abstulerunt. away.
They were taken away.
ּ‫ לִקְחו‬.Ablati sunt
‫ | לקְחִי‬.Licchi Likhi, N. M.
doctrine .
‫לקח‬ Sume ; doctrina mea Take thou ; my
Capientes, ducentes. They that take, marry.
‫לקמצים‬ 909

‫לקח‬ ‫ לְקְחִים‬.Du cti

, ablati They that are led, taken away
He took them.
‫ לִקְחָם‬.Cepit eos
‫ח‬ ַ ‫ק‬ ָ ‫ל‬ .Su mps imus We took.
me it He took me.
‫ לְקָחָנִי‬.Sumps
Ad capiendum, reci To take, receive, fetch, take
piendum, accer- away.
sendum, auferen-
an Sumptus es. [ dum. Thou hast taken, received.
Ann Sumpsisti, recepisti. Thou wast taken.
MAP Ad capiendum eam. To take her.
inn ? Ad capiendum eum . To take him.
AP Sumpsi, accepi, rece- I have taken, accepted, re-
p? Cepiillum. [pi, altuli. I took it. [ceived, brought.
te i
ָ‫ לְקַחְתִּיך‬.Sumps I took thee.

ְ‫ לְקַחְתֵּך‬.Caper te e To take thee.

Dan Abstulistis. Ye have taken away.

nos ti Thou hast taken us away.

ּ‫ לְקַחְתָּנו‬.Abstulis
Legit, collegit. Hegleaned,gathered ,collected
‫ לִקְטָה‬.Collegit She gleaned.
ּ‫ לָקְטוּ לָקָטו‬.Collegerunt They gathered.

Gather ye.
ּ‫ לִקְטו‬.Colligile

Ad interficiendum . To slay.

‫קטר‬ ‫ לְקַטֵר‬.Ad
adolendum To burn, burn incense.

‫ לִקְאֹרֶת‬.Ad
sufimentum To, for the incense.
ְּ‫ לְקַטְת‬.Collegiati Thou hast gleaned.

Ad confirmandum. To confirm, establish.

‫ לְקִינָה‬.IlamentationemnInto, for a lamentation.

‫| לְקִיר‬.Ad
parietem To the wall.

‫לְקִירוֹת‬.Super parietibus Upon the walls.

p? Levibus, velocibus. To the light, swift.
‫ לְקַלֵּל‬.A
maledicendumd To curse.

‫ל‬ maledictionem For a curse.
Ad maledicendum ei. To curse him.

Admaledicendumtibi To curse thee.


To their voice.
‫ לִקְלָם‬.advocem eorum

Op Spernendo,deridendo In scorning, deriding,

By handfuls.
‫קמץ‬ ‫ לִקְמָצִים‬.Inpugillos
910 ‫לקש‬

To a reed.
‫קנה‬ ‫ לקְנֶה‬.Arundini
ַ‫| ל‬ E m
. [ ciscendu me n
. To the buyerli
ip? Ad emendum, nan- To buy, get.
‫ לִקְסָם‬. divAinandumdTo divine.
Till, at the end .
‫קצץ‬ Ad
‫ לַקֵץ לְקֵץ‬.finem
Ad excisiones, fissu- To the cuttings off, clefts,
ras, terminos, ra- bounds , roots, bottoms.
dices , ima.
A ndendumdTo cut off.
‫קצץ‬ ‫ לְקְצוֹת‬. absci
extrA d
emitates To the ends.
‫קצה‬ ‫ לִקְצוֹת‬.
‫ לְקָצִין‬.duc em n For a captain.
A em d To the harvest.
‫קצר‬ ‫ לַקָצִיר‬. mess
I mam n Into foam .
‫ לִקְצָפָה‬. spu
endum d To re ap.
‫קצר‬ ‫ לִקְצר‬. melA
At the end.
‫קצה‬ ‫ לִקְצָת לִקְצַת‬.4 finem d
Lin.rit, lambit. He licked , lapped .
They licked .
ּ‫ לָקְקו‬.Linrerund
‫קרא‬ ‫ְרֹא‬ad
‫לִק‬ vocandum , pre- To call , preach , proclaim
dicandum, legen- read.
dum .
Obviam, e regione. To meet, in the way, over
ci m To meet her.
ּ‫ לִקְרָאתָה‬.Obvia [against.
To meet him.
ֹ‫ לִקְרָאתו‬.Obv gi m
mihi. To meet me.
‫ לִקְרָאתִי‬Obviam
viam To meet thee .
ָ‫תְך‬ ָ‫ לִקְרָאתֶך‬.Ob tibi
‫ לִקְרַאתְכֶם‬.O b v is am
vobi To meet you .
iam To meet them.
‫ לִקְרָאתָם‬.Obv eis
ּ‫ לִקְרָאתֵנו‬.Obv ia
nobi s m To meet us.
Ad prælium, bellum. To battle, war.
To come near.
‫ לְקָרְבָה‬. A
acceden dumd
‫ לְקָרְבָּן‬. I
oblati onem n For an offering.
ַ‫ לִקְרוֹע‬. A
laceran dumdTo rend, tear.
‫ְקָרוֹת‬. ‫ל‬ contignanduma d
. To lay the beams
To the board.
ׁ‫ לַקֶרֶש‬.Tabule
For the boards .
‫ לְקַרְש י‬.Tabulis
ׁ ֵ
Vindemiavit. He gathered grapes.
For stubble.
‫קשש‬ ׁ‫ לְקַש‬.Instipulam
‫לרבץ‬ 911

‫לקש‬ ׁ‫ לֶקֶש‬.Fae nu
cordu m mGrass of the latter growth.
For the hard .
‫קשה‬ ‫ לִקְשֶׁה‬.Duro
ׁ‫ לקשֵׁש‬.Ad colligendum To gather .


‫ירא‬ ‫ לָרֹא‬Ad timendum

, To fear .
‫ראה‬ ‫ לְרַאֲוָה‬. A
vidend um d To see .

‫ לָרָאוֹת‬.Ad
apparendum To appear .
‫ לראות־־את‬.4d videndum To see.
To see him.
ֹ‫ לִרְאוֹתו‬.ad
videndum eum
ָ‫ לִרְאוֹתֶך‬. A
viden dum ledTo see thee.
‫ לְרֹאֵי לָרֹאִים‬.ridentibus To them that see.
‫ראש‬ In, ad, super caput ; As , to , for, upon a, the head ;
ad verticem ; into the top ; as chief; in the
principem ; in beginning ; into hemlock.
principio ; in ci-
‫ל‬ ejus . ap
[culam . To, for il
his head i
‫ לְרָאשֵׁי‬.Per
capita By the heads.
‫ לראשִׁי‬.Capiti To my head.
‫ לָרֵאשִׁית‬.Adprimitias To, for the first fruits.
tuo i
ָ‫ לְרֹאשֶׁךְ שְׁך‬.Capit To thy head.
‫לָר‬ , in principiori
. Before , in the beginning
ְ‫ל‬ caput nostrum Over our head
‫ לראשנים‬.Priorum Of former, the former.
videndam eam . To see her.
ּ‫ לִרְאֹתָה‬44
vo- To shew to you.
‫ לַרְאֹתְכֶם‬Ad ostendendum
Ad videndos cos. [ bis To see them.
‫רבב‬ ‫ לרב‬.Magno, multo To the great, much.
‫רוב‬ ‫ לָרֶב לָרִיב‬.Ad
contendendum To contend, strive.

‫רבב‬ ְ‫וֹב ל‬.

‫ לָרֹב לָר‬4d multiplicandum ; To multiply
a ; for , to , into
ad, in multitudi- multitude ; much, greatly.
nes; multum.
Out of ten thousand.
‫ לָרְבָבָה‬.E myriade
‫ לָרַבִּים לְרַי‬.Multis [ cum ea. To, for many.
‫רבע‬ ‫ְרִבְעָה‬.‫ל‬ a
concumbendum d
To lie with it
‫רִבְעָה‬.ְ‫ל‬ a
concumbendum d
. To lie down with
‫רבץ‬ ‫ לְרַבֶּץ‬. I
accu bitum n To lying down .
912 ‫לריק לריק‬

‫רבב‬ To his lords, princes.

‫ לְר‬.Magnati
‫ַבְרְבָנוֹהִי‬. ejus
‫רנס‬ Dia Ad lapidandum . To stone. "

‫רגל‬ To search, spy out.

‫ לְרַגָּל‬.Ad explorandum
pede. According to the foot.
‫ לְרֶגֶל‬Pro
To her foot.
ּ‫ לְרַגְלָה‬. A
pedem ejusd
‫| לרגלו‬.Ad pedem ejus At his foot.
Pedibus meis. For my feet .
‫לרגלי‬ 44 pedem mneum . At my foot.

Ad pedes ejus. At, to his feet.

‫ לְרַגְלָיו‬Pedibus
tuis. For thy feet.
Ad pedem tuum. At thy foot.

ngu lis

ִ‫ל‬ momentis . | Everymoment

‫ לרד‬.A subjiciendumd To subdue.

‫ לִרְדֹף‬.4 To pursue .
Adpersequendum te. To pursue thee.

‫ לָרֶדֶת‬. A
desce ndendamdTo go down.

‫וּחַ לְרוּח‬.
‫לָר‬ vento , spiritumI n
. In the wind , a spirit
‫לרוחו‬.In spirilum suum Over his own spirit.

respirationem a d
9 3333

‫לְר‬ | At my breathing , sighing
meam, suspirium.
irrigatam | Into a well- watered land.
‫ לָרְוָיָה‬In terram
Ad efferendum se ; To raise himself, mount up ;
altitudine. in height.

‫ לְרוֹמֵם‬. A
extol lendumdTo raise up.

A endumd To run.

‫ לָרוּץ‬. curr
To him that stretcheth out.
‫ לְרוֹקַע‬.Extendenti
‫רחב‬ ‫| לרחוב‬.In plateam Into the street.
o l
cu To him that is far removed.
‫ לָרָחוֹק‬.Pro amol
‫רחס‬ ‫לְרַחֲמִים‬. I
miseri cordiin
s In mercies , compassions.

‫לְר‬ mistrescendum . To have mercy upon you
‫רחץ‬ ‫ִרְחֹץ לְרָחְצָה‬.A
‫ל‬ dl[ev To washdum
restri an
‫רחק‬ ‫רְחֹק לְרָחָקָה‬.ִ‫ל‬ A
procul disceden- d
To go far away
dum . [versy .
causam, lilen . For the cause, strife, contro-
‫ לְרִיב‬00
To my cause. [ smell .
‫ לְרִיבִי‬.ad causam meam
In, propter odorem . For a , because of the scent,
In vain, to no purpose.
‫לְרִיק‬ ‫ לָרִיק‬.Fruitra
‫לרקחות‬ 913

‫רכב‬ To the driver of the chariot .

‫ לָרַכָּב‬.Aurige
To him that rideth.
‫ לָרֹכב‬.Equitanli
‫ לרכב‬.Pr , cum curru oFor, with a chariot , chariots.
To ride.
‫ לִרְכֹּב לְרִכְבָּה‬.4d equitandum
To his charioteer.
ֹ‫ לְרַכָּבו‬Aurige ,cjus
Of his chariot.
ֹ‫ לְרִכְבּו‬.Currd ejus s
‫רכש‬ To the mule.
ׁ‫ לָרֶכֶש‬.Mulo
‫רמס‬ To the worm .
‫ לָרִמָּה‬rermi
‫רמה‬ ‫רמוֹתַנִי‬.Ad
‫ל‬ decipiendum me . To deceiveme
Into spears.
‫מח‬ ‫ לִרְמָחִם‬.hastasn
‫רנן‬ Adclamorem meum. To my cry.
‫רסס‬ To moisten.
‫ לָרֹס‬.Admacerandum
Ad [tate. To evil, hurt.
‫רוע‬ ‫ לָרָע לָרָע־־עָה‬.ad malum
Pro malo, deformi- For badness, ugliness.
‫רע‬ ‫ לָרָעָב לִי‬.Esurienti To him that is hungry.

‫ לָרָעָב‬.F famem i the, for a famine.

, in am To
‫ לרעבים‬.Famelicis To the hungry .
For their hunger.
‫ לִרְעָבָם‬. famema eorumd
‫לְרָעָה‬ ‫רָעָה‬.A
ָ‫ל‬ dm
,calamita- al
To mischief, calamity um
In pastorem. [ tem. For a shepherd.

ְ‫ל‬ , proximo ejus To his friend , neighbour
‫ לרעות‬.Ad pascendum To feed.
ּ‫ לִרְעוּתָה‬.Prori cjus me To her
‫ל‬ meam . My thought
ָ‫ לְרֵעֶיך‬.Pr oxi mis
tuis To thy neighbours.

‫| לרעים‬.Ad pastores To the shepherds.

Proximo, amico tuo . To thy neighbour, friend .
‫רע‬ wydd commotionem. At the shaking .
‫רוע‬ malad
‫ לרעת‬.A To evils.

I n To his hurt.
ֹ‫ לְרָעָתו‬.malum ejus
‫רפא‬ ‫ לרפא־־פּוֹא‬.Ad sanandum To heal.
To accept, to be favourable.
‫ לְרָצוֹן‬.A accipiendumd
Into favour .
‫ לִרְצוֹת‬.In favorem
To them that run.
‫ לָרָצִים‬.Currentibus
Pro voluntate sua . of his own will.
your will.
‫ לִרְצֹנְכֶם‬Pro voluntate vestra At
‫רקח‬ n For apothecaries , perfumers .
‫ לְרַפָּחוֹת‬. I
unguent arias
914 ‫לשבטיכם‬


To the expanse, firmament.

‫רקע‬ ַ‫ לָרָקִיע‬.aderpansum
nipp s
In variis coloribu , In raiment ofvarious colours,
opere phrygionico . embroidered work.

‫רוש‬ To the poor.

ׁ‫ לָרָש‬.Pauperi

To the wicked.

‫רשע‬ " ָ‫ לְרָשָׁע לָר‬.Impio

Into wickedness.
‫לְרִשְׁעָה‬. I
impietat emn
[bus. To the wicked .
‫ לָרְשָׁעִים‬.Impiis
Fulgetris, fulmini To lightnings , thunder-bolts.
To possess , inherit.
‫ לָרְשֶׁת לָרֶי‬. A
posside ndumd
‫ל‬ ossi dend
eam To possess it am
Adpossidendum eum To possess, inherit it.
Ad possidendum te. That thou mayst possess.

‫שאב‬ To draw.
‫ לשְׁאב‬. A
haurien dumd
58-18- Ad petendum, inter- To ask, request, inquire, con-
rogandum, consu- sult.
In statu mortuorum, In the state of the dead , the
sepulchro, inferno. sepulchre, hell.

‫שאר‬ [ ejus. For the remainder, residue.

‫ לִשְׁאָר‬.Residuo
Ob consanguineum For his kinsman .

To, for a, the remainder.

‫ לִשְׁאֵרִית‬.In
Ad ferendum, por- To bear, carry, contain.
tandum, continen-
‫שבה‬ ‫ לִשְׁבוּיִם‬.Captivis [ dum. To the captives.
For curse.
‫שבע‬ ‫לִשְׁבוּעָה‬. I
execrati onemn a
The broken.
‫שבר‬ ‫ לִשְׁבוּרֵי‬.Fractos
‫שבט‬ Tribui,pertribum; ad To, for , by a, the tribe ; for a
virgam, correctio- rod, correction.

Tribui ejus. [ nem. To his tribe.

[rum. To the tribes .
‫ לְשִׁבְטֵי‬.Tribubus
Juxta, per tribus eo- According to, by their tribes.
Per,juxtatribus ejus By, according to his tribes .

ָ‫ לִשְׁבָטֶיך‬.P tribus er
tuas Throughout thy tribes.
Inter, juxta, ad, per Among, according to, for, by
tribus vestras. your tribes.
‫לשה לשה‬ 915

‫שבה‬ ‫שְׁבִי לִשְׁבִי‬.Ad

ַ‫ל‬ , in captivitatem . To , into captivity
‫שוב‬ To the elders.
‫ לְשָׂבִיָּא‬.Adseniores
‫ לְשֹׁבֵיהֶם‬Ad abducentes eosin To those that carry them into
captivitatem . captivity.

‫שבר‬ ‫ִשְׂבָכָה‬.Reticulo
‫ל‬ .[ turitatem . For the network [ ciency.
‫ׂבַעלְיִלְשָׂבְעָה שבע‬-Ad
‫לָש‬ abundantiam , sa . To abundance , fulness, sufi
‫שבע‬ .Pro
‫ל‬ , in, post septem . For, against, after the seven
yay Ad satiandum. To satisfy .

‫ִׁבְעָה עַת‬.Pro
‫לְש‬ , in , post septem . For , against , after the seven
‫שבר‬ ‫ לִשְׁבָּר בּר‬Adfrangendum ,con- To break , crush , break in
fringendum,emen- pieces, buy.
dum .

‫לִש‬ , clades tua . Thy breaking , destruction
‫שבת‬ To the sabbath ,
‫ לַשַׁבָּת‬.Ad
‫ישב‬ " ְ‫ל‬ ֶׁ‫שָׁבֶת לָש‬.4d
ָ‫ל‬ sedendum , ma- To sit, remain , dwell
nendum , habitan-|
dum. [eum.
inhabitandum To inhabit it.
ֹ‫ לְשִׁבְתּו‬44.
‫שבת‬ ‫ַׁבָּתוֹת‬.Sabbalis
‫לַש‬ , ad sabbala . In , on , forthe sabbaths
‫ישב‬ ‫ לִשְׁבְתִּי‬.Ad habitandum me For me to inhabit. .
For thee to inhabit.
ָ‫ לְשִׁבְתְּך‬Ad habitandum te
‫לְש‬ habitandum nos . For us to dwell in [ rance .
‫שגג‬ Through error , mistake, igno-
‫ לִשְׁנָנָה‬.Per
‫שנה‬ To err.
‫ לִשְׁנּוֹת‬.Ad
‫ לשד‬.Hum ; recenor
s Moisture ; fresh.
‫שרד‬ ‫לשד‬ vastilatemd At desolation, destruction.

‫ לְשֹׁדְדִים‬.Diripientium Of spoilers, robbers.

‫שדה‬ To the field .
‫ לְשָׂדֶה‬4gro ,
ּ‫ לִשָׂדֵהו‬.A agrum ejusdTo his field.
‫שדר‬ ‫ לִשְׁדוֹד‬.A vaslandumd To lay waste.
‫ לְשַׁדַּי‬.Omnipotenti . To the Almighty.
‫לשר‬ ‫ לְשַׁדִּי‬.Humo meus r My moisture ,
‫שרה‬ Ex agris. [toribus . Out of the fields.
‫שדר‬ ‫דִים‬.De
‫לש‬ mon
, vasta- ibus
To demons , destroyers
‫סדר‬ To the ranges, rows.
‫ ל‬.4d
‫שה‬ nih ni Ovi, agnæ, pecori. To, for a sheep, lamb, cattle .
916 ‫לשטן‬
Frustra, ad vanita- In vain, to vanity.
vastitalem .A d
[tem To desolation
‫שאה‬ ‫ְשׁוֹאָה‬.
Adredeundum , aver To return, turn away.
sandum .

‫ לשובב‬. A
reducen dumdTo bring again .
To meditate.
‫שות‬ ַ‫ לָשׂוּח‬. A
meditan dumd
‫שום‬ Ad ponendum, con- To put, set, lay, appoint.
stituendum .

gua A, the tongue ; a bay.

‫לשן‬ ‫ לָשׁוֹן לְשׁוֹן‬.Lin
; sinus
Her tongue .
ejus a
ּ‫ לְשׁוֹנָה‬.Lingu
His tongue .
cjus a
ׁ‫ לְשׁוֹנוֹ לְש‬.Lingu
‫ לְשׁוֹנִי‬.Linguamea My tongue.

gua Thy tongue.

ְ‫ לְשׁוֹנֶךְ־נְךָ נֵך‬.Lintua
Lingua vestra. Your tongue.
Their tongue.
‫ לְשׁוֹנָם‬.Lingeorum ua
‫שוע‬ ‫שַׁוְעָתִי‬.
‫ל‬ clamorem A d
meum . Atmy cry
‫שור‬ ‫ לשור‬.Cantando In singing.

‫ לשור‬.Bovi For a, the bullock .

‫שוש‬ ‫ לשוש‬. A
gaudend umd To rejoice.
‫לוש‬ ‫ | לשות‬.Depsentes They that knead .

‫ְשְׁזָבוּתָנָא לְשִׁי " שזב‬.

‫ל‬ liberandum Anos. To deliverd us
‫שחט‬ To slay.
‫לִשְׁחוֹט־חט‬ .a jugulandum d
‫שחק‬ Pin Ad ridendum; risui, To laugh; for laughter, in
in derisionem . derision .

A d
ndum To swim.
‫שחה‬ ִ‫ ל‬.
‫שְׁחוֹת‬. nala
A boil , ulcer .
‫שחן‬ ulcusn
‫ לִשְׁחִין‬.I
‫ לְשַׁחֶק‬.A To play.
‫ לִשְׂחֹק‬. I
ludib rion In mockery.
‫ְׁחָקִים‬.‫לש‬ A
carlos . [ rendum d
. Towards the heavens
‫שחר‬ ‫ לְשַׁחֵר‬ad studiose que- To seek diligently .
‫שחת‬ ‫ַׁחַת‬-
‫לַש‬ To ,into a , the pit , graved
, in foveam , se- A , cor
pulchrum, corrup ruption.
tionem .

‫ לְשַׁחַת‬. a
disperde ndumd To destroy .

‫ל‬ perdendum a eam . To destroy d her
Dan Ad perdendum vos. To destroy you.
‫שטן‬ For an adversary.
‫ לְשָׂטָן‬.Iadversariumn
‫לשלח־־לח‬ 917

‫שטן‬ Ad adversandum ei. To oppose, resist him.

‫שטף‬ " ֵׁ‫לַשֶׁטֶף לְש‬. I

inundat n In the inundation, flood.
‫שטר‬ For officers.
‫ לְשֹׁטְרִים‬.Iprefectosn
‫שוב‬ ‫שִׂיבָה‬.‫ ל‬. 4
canit d
iem To old age, grey hairs,
‫שוד‬ calcem
‫ לשיד‬.In Into mortar, plaister.
‫שזב‬ ּ‫ְשִׁיזָבוּתָה‬.
‫ל‬ liberandum Aeum . To deliver d
To deliver thee.
‫ לְש‬.4
ְ‫ִׁיזָבוּתָך‬. d
‫שות‬ ַ‫ לשִׂיח‬.Ameditandum dTo meditate.
‫שות‬ ‫ָשִׁית‬.ad
‫ל‬ ponendum ,statu- To put, set
‫לשר‬ [ endum .
‫שכב‬ ‫כָּב‬ ‫שְׁכָּב‬.
ִ‫ל‬ con- To lie , lie d
jacendum ,a with
cumbendum .

‫לשר‬ ‫כַּת‬ ‫שְׁכָּה‬.Cubiculum

ִ‫ל‬ . [tioni. A chamber [ tion .
‫שכה‬ ‫כְוִי‬-Imagination
ָׂ‫לַש‬ ,cogita- To the imagination , concep
‫שכן‬ ‫ִשְׁכּוֹן־־כן‬ad
‫ל‬ habilandum , ma- To,dwell , remain
‫לשך‬ ‫ְשָׁכוֹת־־כת‬.Cu‫ל‬ bic
, [ uendum ula
. Chambers
‫ לשְׁכּוֹת‬.Cubicula The chambers.

‫ לִשְׂכִּים‬.Ins tar
spinarum Like thorns.
‫שכל‬ ‫ לשְׂכָל‬.Intelligentiam Understanding .
‫שכלל‬ ‫ לשַׁכְלָלָה‬.4 perficiendumdTo finish, complete.
‫שכל‬ Ad To bereave them.
‫ לִשְׁכְּלָם‬.a orbandum eosd
‫ לשַׁכֵּן‬.A collocandumdTo place.
İɔɔi? Ad habitandum eum. To his dwelling.
me- That 1 may dwell.
‫ לְשָׁכְנִי‬Ad habitandum
‫לִש‬ cjus . [ um . To his neighbours
ּ‫ לִשְׁכֵנִינו‬.ricinis
nostris To our neighbours.
‫שכר‬ ‫ לְשָׁכְרָה‬.A saturandumdTo satisfy .
cbria i
‫ לִשְׁכֹּרָה‬.Quas As if she were drunk.
To drunkenness.
‫ לְשְׁכָּרוֹן‬.Ad
‫לשר‬ ‫ לִשְׁכָּתָה‬.Icubiculumn Into the chambe .
‫שלג‬ ‫ לשלג‬.Wivi To the snow.
‫שלט‬ ‫ לשלוט‬.A
dominandumdTo rule.
‫שלם‬ ‫ לשָׁלוֹם־־לם‬.Paci [ tate. To , for peace.
‫שלם‬ ‫ְׁלוֹם‬.
‫לִש‬ pace , incolumi- D e
ofthe peace , safety , welfare
For three.
‫שלש‬ ְׁ‫ לְשָׁלוֹשׁ לֹשׁ לִש‬.Tribus
‫שלה‬ S
‫לש‬ tue. of thy tranquillity
‫שלח‬ To send forth.
ַ‫ לְשַׁלַּח־־לָּח‬.Ad
918 ‫לשמור־־מר‬

‫שלח‬ Ad mittendum, emit- To send, send forth, put forth,

tendum, porrigen- stretch forth.
dum .

ְ‫ל‬ dimittendam a d
eam To put her away
‫ל‬ dimittendumA eum Tolet him d
‫ לְשֹׁלְחָיו‬.Millent eumibus To them that send him. [thee.
‫לשלחיך‬ Millentibus te , tibi . To them that send
tothee ,
Ad mittendum,dimit- To send them, let them go.
‫לְשָׁלְחָן‬.M . [tendumen se
eos . For a table
Ad dimittendum nos. To let us go.
‫ לשְׁלְחָנוֹת‬.Mensis For the tables.

‫ לְשַׁלְחֵנִי‬.Dimillendo
me In sending me away.
At, about thy table.
ָ‫ לְשָׁלְחָנֶך‬.admensam tuam
‫שלל‬ Ad, in prædam . To the spoil , for a spoil .
‫לשלל‬ . A
spoli andumdTo spoil .
‫שלם‬ ‫ לְשַׁלֵּם‬. A
repende ndumd To repay ·

‫לשלמו‬ . reddendum a eum . To restore , payd

‫ לשַׁלְמִי‬.A
reddendum me
d That I may pay.

‫לִש‬ sacrificia pacifica For peace offerings
‫שלש‬ ‫ לִשְׁלֹשָׁה־־שֶׁת‬ad , in , intra tres ; To , for , into , within three
in tertiam . against the third .
Of those three.
‫ לִשְׁלָשְׁתָּם‬.Tri
‫ לֶשֶׁם‬.Lesem Leshem , N. P.

Lyncurius. [men. A ligure. [name.
‫שם‬ ‫לְשֵׁם‬ ad ,in , propter no- To , for , as , because of a , the

‫שמל‬ Ad sinistram ejus. At his left hand.

‫שמר‬ disperdendumd
‫ לַשְׁמְד‬.A To destroy .
‫שמם‬ ‫ לְשַׁמָּה‬In stuporem ,desola- Into astonishment , desolation
‫שם‬ ֹ‫ִשְׁמו‬.Womini
‫ל‬ ejus[ tionem To his name
‫שמח‬ ַ ‫ח‬ ֹ ‫מ‬ ‫־‬ ‫־‬ ַ ‫ח‬ ֹ ‫ו‬ ‫מ‬ ׂ ְ ‫ש‬ ִ ‫ל‬ .Adlelan dum To rejoice.
‫שמן‬ ‫ לשְׁמוֹנָה‬.Ad octo To eight.
‫שמע‬ ‫שְׁמוֹעַ־־מע‬.ad
ִ‫ל‬ audiendum , ol- To hear , hearken , obey
For a rumour, report.
‫ לִשְׁמוּעָה‬.In
‫שמר‬ ‫שְׁמוֹר־־מר‬.4d
ִ‫ל‬ custodiendum ,ob- To keep , observe , regard
servandum .
‫לשנינה‬ 919

‫שם‬ ‫ לִשְׁמוֹת‬.Pro
nominibus According to the names.
‫שמח‬ ‫שִׂמְחָה‬.
ְ‫ל‬ gaudium , cuma d
To joy , with gladness
‫שם‬ Nomini meo [ lætitia For, to my name.

‫ לִשְׁמַיָא לַשָּׁמַיִם‬.A
caelum , celos
d To heaven, the heavens.
‫שמר‬ sentes
‫ לשְׁמִיר‬.Iw For thorns, briars. ·

‫שם‬ ְ‫ לְשִׁמְךְ לִשְׁמֶך‬.Womini tuo To , for thy name.

‫שמל‬ ֹ‫ לְשִׂמְלָתו‬.restib cjus us With his garments.
‫שמם‬ -
‫ לְשַׁמָּה‬.IdesolationemnInto desolation .
‫לְשְׁמָמָה לִשְׁמָי‬.I desolationemn Into desolation .
‫ לִשְׁמְמוֹת‬.In desolationes Into desolations.
‫שמן‬ ‫ לִשֶׁמֶן‬.Oleo For oil.
‫שמע‬ you Ad audiri facien- To cause to be heard, to
dum , predicandum publish.
‫ לִשְׁמַע‬.dudilu [ nostre . By the hearing.
‫לִש‬ F
, predicat ioni Toa m
our report , preachi ng e
‫שמץ‬ ‫ִׁמְעָה‬.‫לְש‬ I
ludibrium . [ eum n
. For amocking stock
ֹ‫שָׁמְרו‬.ְ‫ל‬ observandum a
To observe, watch d
, ֵ‫ לְשֹׁמְר‬.Custodientibus To them that keep.
ִ‫ ל‬ad custodiendum A d
te . To keep thee
Adservandos eos. To keep them .
‫שמש‬ " --win Solis, soli. [atus est . Of, to, for the sun.
‫לָשַׁן‬ Accusavit, calumni- He accused, calumniated.
‫שנא‬ ‫לשנא‬ . A d
odio haben dum . To hate
ֹ‫ לשנאו‬.O di
habenti eum o To him that hateth him.
‫ׂנְאָי‬.‫לְש‬ o
habentib d
us me . To them thati
hate me o
‫לְשֹׁנְאָיו‬ di
habentibus eum To them that hate him o
" ‫ ש‬-- ְ‫ לְשָׁנְאָיך‬.odio
habentibus te To them that hate thee.
‫ש‬ ‫ לַשָּׁנָה לִשְׁנַת‬In annum .[ randum . Fora
nia Ad mutandum , ite- To change, repeat.
. ‫לשן‬ ‫ | לשֹׁנוֹת‬.Lingue Tongues.
‫שנה‬ ‫ לִשְׁנֵי־־נַיִם־־נִים‬.I duo , duobusn Into, in , for, with two, the two
‫שנא‬ ‫ לַשְׂנִיאָה‬.Erose
Of, to her that was hated.
‫שן‬ eorum . To their teeth.
‫ לְשְׁנֵיהֶם‬Dentibus
‫שנה‬ illis.
‫ לִשְׁנֵיהֶם‬Ambobus For, to them both.
‫שן‬ ‫ ל‬.Dentibus
‫|שְׁנַיִם‬ To the teeth.
‫ לְשָׁנִים‬.Amnis [tum . For years.
‫שנן‬ ‫ינָה‬ In dicteri um acu- For a by-word .
920 ‫לשרתו‬



‫ לִשְׁנָתַיִם‬.P bieo st After two years.

Lashah, N. P. [ped in Egypt.
‫ לָשַׁע‬.Lasa
De m
hirsutis . To o n
the hairy i
deities b
‫שער‬ ‫ְׂעִירְם‬- ‫לִש‬
For handfuls .
‫שעל‬ ‫ לִשְׁעָלִים‬.P ro
To, for, toward, at the gate.
‫שער‬ " ַׁ‫ לָשַׁעַר לַשָׁ לְש‬.porta Amd
For the hair.
‫ לִשְׂעָר‬.Pilo
To the gates .
. ‫ לְשַׁעֲרֵי לַשְׁעָרִים‬.a portasd
To, for the porters.
‫ לְשֹׁעֲרִי־שֹׁעֲרִים‬.Janitoribus
‫שפט‬ ‫ לִשְׁפּוֹט־־פֿט‬.Adjudicandum To judge.
dfun , con- Tode ndum
pour , cast
‫שפך‬ " ‫שְׁפּוֹךְ פֿ"פ‬.A ִ‫ל‬
‫שפת‬ ‫ִׁפְחָה‬.‫לִש‬ ancillam [flanI dum For amaid serva nt
nc il la To thy handma id .
ָ‫ לְשִׁפְחָתְך‬.a tue
‫לשפטנו‬ . A
judicandum nos . To judge us d
For the conies .
‫ׁפנִּים‬ ְ ‫ש‬ ‫ל‬ .Cun iculis
‫ לשפת‬.A labium ,ripamd At the lip, bank.
ֹ‫ לִשְׂפָתו‬Labio ejus
, To his lip .
He was bound .
‫שקר‬ ‫ לִשְׁקד‬.Colligat est us
appende ndumd To weigh out, pay.
‫שקל‬ ‫ לִשְׁקוֹל‬.
Of shekels.
‫ לִשְׁקָלִים‬.Siclorum
n [ captain .
‫שקר‬ ֶׁ‫שָּׁקֶר־־ש‬. ַ‫ל‬ mendacium I ,falso . A lie , falsely
To, for a, the prince, chief,
‫שור‬ ‫ לְשָׂר־־שָׂר‬.Pri ducemipi
‫ָׂרֵי רִים‬. ‫ לְש‬. , in 4
principe d s To, for princes, the princes.
To her princes.
ָ‫ לְשָׂרֶיה‬.Principi cjus bus
To his princes.
‫ לְשָׂרָיו‬.Principi ejus bus
To, for the singers.
‫ לִשָׁרִים‬.Canenlibus
our princes.
ּ‫ לְשָׂרֵינו‬Principibus nostris. To
tuoic o To thy navel .
‫שרר‬ ָ‫ לִשָׁרֶך‬.Umbil
tuo i Tothy ox.
‫שור‬ ָ‫ לְשֹׁרְך‬.Bov
To burn.
‫ לשְׂרֹף‬. A
combur d
ִ‫ל‬ stioni. [ eum . To, , for burning
To burn it.
ֹ‫ לְשָׂרְפו‬Ad comburendu m
For an hissing.
‫ לִשְׁרֵקָה‬.sibilu mn
‫שרק‬ To my enemies .
‫שור‬ ‫ לִשְׂרְרָי‬.Inimici meis s
‫שרש‬ ּ‫ׁרִשְׁו‬.
ְ‫לִש‬ eradicationem , a To rooting out , banishment
e.rilium .
To minister .
‫שרת‬ ‫ לְשָׁרֵת־־רֶת‬. a
minia trandumd
ֹ‫שָׁרְתו‬.Aְ‫ל‬ dmin ter to an
To ministr
ei. is him
‫לתימן‬ 921

‫לְש‬ eis Tominister to them
‫ לְשָׁרְתֵנִי‬ad ministrandum | To minister to
‫שש‬ ‫ְשֵׁשׁ־־שְׁשָׁה‬.P‫ל‬ , in ser . [mihi. ro
For , in six
‫שוש‬ Into joy .
‫ לְשָׂשׂוֹן‬.In gaudium
‫שש‬ ‫ לְשֵׁשֶׁת‬.P , in ro
ser For, in six.
To drink .
‫שתה‬ ‫ לִשְׁתּוֹת־־תּת‬.Adbibendum
bibendam eamd To drink it.
ּ‫ לִשְׁתּוֹתָה‬.4
To drink them.
‫ לִשְׁתּוֹתָם‬. A
bibendum d
‫שנה‬ Duobus ; in, propter To, for, into, because of two.
Ambabus illis. [duo. To them both.
illis us
‫ לִשְׁתֵּיהֶן‬.Ambab
‫שתה‬ To them that, drink it.
‫ לְאֹתָיו‬.Bibenti eam bus

‫תאב‬ Because of the longing.
‫ לְתַאֲבָה‬.obdesiderium .
‫איה‬ ‫ לְתַאֲוָה‬.P ro
desideri o Through the desire.

‫תאן‬ ‫ לַתְּאֵנָה‬.Ad
ficum To the fig-tree.
‫תנה‬ ‫ לַתְּבָה‬.Arce To the ark .
‫בוא‬ ‫ לָתְבוּאַת‬.Ad provendum For the produce, increase.

‫בון‬ ‫ לַתְּבוּנָה‬.Intelligenlie To , for understanding.

To his understanding .
ֹ‫לִתְבוּנָתו‬.Intelligentie ejus
‫לִתְבוּנָתִי‬Intelligentia, mee Of my understanding.
‫תבן‬ " ֶ‫ֶּבֶן לְה‬.
‫לַת‬ P
stramine r
, ut pa- For straw , as stubble o
‫תהה‬ ּ‫ לתהו‬.In nihilum [lea. To, for nothing.
‫הלל‬ For praise.
‫ לִתְהִלָּה‬.In
‫ינה‬ To sorrow.
‫ לתוּגָה‬.Admerorem
‫ירה‬ ‫ לְתוֹדָה‬.Laudis [meam .[ Of praise.
‫יכח‬ ‫תוֹכַחְתִּי‬.ְ‫ל‬ A
increpationem d
atmy reproof
‫וֹלְדֹתָם־־דוֹ " ילד‬ -J
‫ת‬ ְ ‫ל‬ ua
generationes According rt
to , after their ge a
eorum . nerations.
‫תעב‬ ‫וֹעֵבָה‬. ‫לְת‬ abominationemI. For an abomination n
‫תור‬ ‫ לתוּר‬.A explorandumd To search out.
‫ירה‬ To, according to the law.
" ֹ‫ לַתּוֹרָה לְתו‬44, .juxt legem a
‫ישה‬ legem ; | According to law ; to sub-
‫ לְתוּשִׁיָּה‬Secundum
substanlie,rationi, stance , reason , wisdom.
‫לחה‬ sapientie.
‫תוך‬ By the midst.
‫ לַתִּיכוֹנָה‬.Per
To the south.
‫ימן‬ ‫ לְתֵימָן‬.Ad
VOL. 11. X
922 ‫לתשובת‬


Letech, N. Mth.
ְ‫ לְתֵך‬.Letec
To the store, provision.
‫כון‬ ‫ לַתְּכוּנָה‬.Apparatui
In acervum. [ ejus To, for a heap .

‫לִל‬ generationes According to his generations
$ 9

To hang.

‫תלה‬ ‫ לתלות‬.4 suspendendumd

For fortresses, armouries .
pinnas ,armamen
‫תמם‬ ‫ לתס‬.Inlegro [ laria. To the upright.
In integritate, juxta In his integrity, according to
perfectionem ejus. his perfection .

‫תִמָּם‬. ְ‫ל‬ I
integritate corumn n
In theirintegrity
‫תמר‬ ‫ר‬ ָ ‫מ‬ ָ ‫ת‬ ְ ‫ל‬ .P al ma To a palm-tree.

‫נוף‬ ‫נוּפָה‬-
ְ‫לִת‬ For waving , for a waven
agitationem , ob-I offer
lationem agilalam ing.

‫תנה‬ nin Ad lugendum ; dra- To lament ; for the dragons.

‫נִינְס‬ ‫ְתַנִּים‬.D
‫ל‬ ra co
[conibus dragonsbus
Into a dragon.
‫ לְתַנִין‬.I draconcmn
Commolitus, contri-l He was ground , broken , pull-
tus, evulsus est. ed out.

‫פאר‬ ‫תִפְאָרֶת‬. ְ‫ל‬ I

decorem ,gloriam n
For beauty , glory
ְ ‫פ‬ ִ ‫ת‬ ְ ‫ל‬ . I
gloria m tuamn For thy glory.
ְ‫ַרְתֵּך‬ ‫א‬
‫תפר‬ Ad suendum. [ cem. To sew.

‫פלל‬ ‫ּפִלָּה לִתְפִלַּת‬.

ְ‫לַת‬ I
oratione, ad pre- n
in prayer , to the prayer
‫חפש‬ To seize, hold.
‫ לחפש‬.Ad capiendum
ְ‫ל‬ A
capiendam eam . Totake herd , it
Dan Ad capiendos illos.
To take them,
‫תקע‬ ַ‫ לִתְקוֹע‬. A
clang endumdTo blow a
I utionn
e In the revolution.
‫יקף‬ ‫לתקוּפַת‬. revol
To make straight.
‫תקן‬ ‫ לְתַקֵן‬. A
dirigend um d
To be made straight.
‫ לִתְקן‬.Dirigi
revolutions .
‫יקף‬ ‫ לִתְקְפוֹת‬. A
revoluti dAt the
‫רום‬ ‫תְּרוּמוֹת‬.
ַ‫ל‬ P
oblationibus heave offerings o
ele- Forthe r
valis. [valam

‫ לִתְרוּמַת‬In oblationem cle- For the heave offering

‫רפא‬ ‫ לִתְרוּפָה‬.Sanation For healing .
‫תרע‬ portam
.4d To the gate.
‫שוב‬ reditumd
‫ לִתְשׁוּבַת‬.4 At the return.
‫מארס‬ 923

‫ישע‬ ‫לִתְשׁוּעָה־־עַת‬.I , ad saltalemn For safely, for the salvation .

ָ‫ּעָתְך‬ ‫ו‬ ׁ ‫ש‬ ְ ‫ת‬ ִ ‫ל‬ . em tuamd
salutA For thy salvation.
‫תשע‬ ‫ לתִּשִׁיעִי‬.No ni [vem Of the niuth .
My--mycin In nona, nonam , no- In , for the ninth, nine .
‫נתן‬ ‫תֶת־־תֵת‬4d
ָ‫ל‬ dandum , traden- To give , bestow , deliver
dum, afferendum, bring, fasten, lay, requite,
annectendum, po- recompense .
nendum, redden-

ּ‫ לְתִתָּה‬.A dandam eamd To give her, it.

14 dandum muihi
‫ לְתִתִּי‬.A To give, grant to me.
Ad tradendum, po- To deliver, set thee.
nendum le.
dandum eos. That they might give.
‫ לְתִתָּם‬14
To set.
ְ‫ ל‬.4d
‫תִתֵּן‬. ponendum

‫אבר‬ ‫ מאַבְּדִים‬.Perdentes [ rum. They that destroy.
‫ מֵאֲבוֹתָם‬4 , pre patribus co- From ,more thantheir fathers
‫אבד‬ ‫ מַאֲבִיד‬.Perdens He that destroyeth.
‫אבה‬ From their father.
‫ מֵאֲבִיהֶן‬4.patr earum e
ְ‫ ך‬-- ָ‫ מֵאָבִיך‬Pre patre, tuo Before thy father.

ּ‫ מֵאָבִינו‬4.patr nostro e From our father .

‫אבן‬ lapide From the stone.
‫ מֵא*ֶבֶן‬.E
‫ מאבני‬.Elapidibus From the stones.
‫אבס‬ ָ‫ מַאֲבְסֶיה‬Horrea ,
ejus Her barns, store-houses.
‫אבה‬ ‫ֵאֲבֹתָי‬.P
‫מ‬ patribus meis . Thanre
my fathers
patribustuis e
ָ‫ מֵאֲבֹתֶיך‬.Pr More than thy fathers.

ֵ‫מ‬ P
patribus your fathers e
vestris . Than r
Ingens ; valde, ad- Great ; greatly, very, much.
ITD Vires ejus. [ modum. His might.
‫אדר‬ ‫מֵאַדִּירִי‬ A magnificis, poten- From the nobles , mighty ones
‫מאר‬ [of man.
Vires tuæ.
[ libus. Thy might.
‫אדם‬ ‫ מֵאָדָם‬. d
, pre homineb From a, the man ; from, by,
924 ‫מאז‬



‫אדם‬ ָ‫ מְא‬.Rubefac
‫דָם‬TT esttus He was made red.
‫ | מאַדְּמִים‬.Rubefacl i Dyed red .
From my lord .
‫אדן‬ ‫מֵאֲדֹנִי‬. dominoA
dominoA From his lord .
‫מֵאֲדֹנָיו‬. cjus
a Meah, name of a tower.
‫ מֵאָה‬.Me
‫ מְאָה מִי־אַת‬.Cen tu
, cenli es mA hundred, a hundred times.
r re e Than love , the love.
‫אהב‬ ‫ מְאַהֲבָה‬.P amo
tores My lovers .
‫ מְאַהֲבָי־־בִי‬.Ama mei
Her lovers.
ָ‫ מְאַהֲבֶיה‬.Amato ejusres
They that love thee.
" ‫ מְאַהֲבָיִךְ־ ב‬.Diligentte es e
‫אַהֲבַת‬. ֵ‫מ‬ P
amore , propt er Morethan , rbecause ofthe love
Et e Fromn t o r
‫אהל‬ ‫ֹהֶל‬- ‫מֵא‬ .[ amorem ,out of the tent ,taberna
Out of his tabernacle. [ cle.
ֹ‫מֵאָהָלו‬.E tentorio ejus
E tentoriis . Out of the tabernacles.
From their tents.
‫ִיהֶם‬...‫ָל‬T:‫מֵאַה‬. tentoriisE eorum
tentoriiE s tuis From thy tabernaclés.

‫אזל‬ Going to and fro .

‫ מְאוּזָל‬.Circumforaneus
‫איב‬ ‫ מְאוֹיֵב‬Contra , propter ini- Against , because of the enemy
" ‫וֹיְבֵי־־אי‬. ‫מֵא‬ , ab , pre[micum E . of , from , thanmy enemies r

Ab inimic From their enemies.

ְ‫ ממֵֵאאווֹֹיְְבבֵֵייההֶֶםם־־אֹי‬. d is eorumb
The desires.
‫אוה‬ ֵ‫ מַאֲוַי‬.Desideria
‫מאס‬ ‫אוּם־ וּמָה‬. ְ‫מ‬ Q,u . Anyc
aliquodi thing ,q somethiung am

‫און‬ ‫ מֵאָוֶן‬. A
iniqui tateb From iniquity.
‫מאס‬ ‫אוֹס‬. ָ‫מ‬ R e
, renuend o. n u
To refuse ero
, in refusing
re Than the treasure.
‫אצר‬ ‫ מֵאוֹצָר‬.P thesauro
Out of his treasures.
"ְ‫מֵאוֹצְרוֹתָיו אֹצ‬. thesauriE s ejus
‫אור‬ ‫ מָאוֹר מִי מֵי‬.L ur
, eluce The light, out of the light,
The lights, luminaries.
‫ מְאוֹרֵי‬.Luminaria
A, the den.

‫ | מאוּרַת‬.Specus
‫מאה‬ " ‫אוֹת־־א‬. ְ‫מ‬ C, centesime n
us . A , the hundred t u
, hundredth
‫את‬ From him.
‫| מָאוֹתוֹ־־איי‬..4b
‫אוֹתִי מֵאִתִּי‬.ֵ‫מ‬ ,per , contrame With , u
C by , against me m
From thee.
ָ‫ מֵאוֹתָךְ־יִתְך‬.A
‫אות‬ From , by thy signs, tokens.
ָ‫ מֵאוֹרֹתֶיך‬4.signi tuis s
‫אז‬ Ex quo, ab eo tem- From which, from that time,
pore, postquam . afterwards , since.
‫מאיל‬ 925

The balances.
‫אזן‬ ‫ מאזני־־נַיִם‬.Bilances
‫אזר‬ ‫ מְאַזְרֵי‬.Accingentes They that compass about.
‫אתה‬ re Than a brother.
‫ מֵאָה‬.P
‫אחר‬ TOX Ex uno, a quodam. Of one, from any one.
‫אחר‬ Behind.
‫ מֵאָחוֹר‬.A tergo
‫אחז‬ Tenens, retinens. Holding, holding back.
‫ מֵאָחָזִיס‬.Adherentes Fastened to .

‫ מ‬.De
‫|אחזת‬ possessione Of the possession .
ini E possessione ejus. Out of, from his possession.
TTY E possessione eorum Out of their possession.
‫אחה‬ Ex,afratribus meis. Of, from my brethren.
| .Efratribus Of, from brethren.
Exfratribus eorum . From, of their brethren.

‫| מֵאָחִיו‬.Afratre [ejus. From a brother. [brethren.

1 Ex, præ fratribus Of, from, above, than his

ָ‫ מֵאָחִיך‬4 .fra tre

tuo From thy brother.
ָ‫ מֵאָחִיך‬.Ef rat rib
luis us
Of, from thy brethren.
DONEfratribus vestris. Of, from your brethren.
‫אחר‬ ‫ מאחר‬.Epost
, a From after, from.

‫ מֵאַחֲרָי־־רַי‬4.pos me , a me tFrom after me, from me.

" Post, a post, a tergo; After, from after, behind
tardantes, moran- they that delay, continue.
A tergo ejus. [ tes. Behind her.
A tergocorum, ab eis Behind them , from them.
Post, a post eum ; a After, from after him ; behind
tergo ejus. him.

post le t After, from after thee.

, a os
ְ‫ מֵאַחֲרֶיךָ רָיִך‬.P
, a post vos tAfter, from after you .
‫ מֵאַחֲרֵיכֶם‬.Pos
‫ מֵאַחֶרֶת‬Pre alia , Than another, the other.
‫אחר‬ In una, contra unam In, to, against one.-
‫איב‬ From my enemy.
‫ מֵאֹיְבִי‬.Abinimico meo
ָ‫ מֵאֹיְבֶיך‬. Er
inimicistuis Of thy enemies.
DR Ab inimicis vestris. Of your enemies.
inimic isb From enemies.
‫ מַאיְבִים‬.
‫אי‬ Exinsulis. Out of, from the islands.
‫איל‬ From the hart, deer.
‫ מֵאַיָּל‬.A
‫| מאיל‬.Er Of the ram.
926 ‫מאן‬

‫אלה‬ ‫ מֵאֵילִים‬.Propt On account of the oaks.

quercus er
‫אין‬ ‫ַיִן מֵאַן‬Unde
‫| מֵא‬ , ubi, e nihilo , Whence , where , of nothing
ut non . so that not.

‫ | מֵא‬non , absque , undeU

‫ֵין‬. t
That not , without , whence
‫אור‬ ‫ מ‬.Illuminans
‫|איר‬ He that enlighteneth.
ְ‫ מ‬.Incendentes They that set on fire.
‫| מְאִירַת‬.Illuminans She that enlighteneth . [ man.

‫איש‬ ׁ‫מֵאִיש‬ 4 ,.er, pre viro From , out of, than man , a

ּ‫מֵאִישָׁה‬.A marito ejus From her husband.

‫אכל‬ ‫ מַאֲכִיל‬.Cibans He that feedeth.
‫ מאכילם‬.Cibans
eos Feeding them.
Food, meat.
‫ מַאֲכָל־־כל‬.Cibus
From eating.
| comedendo
Her food .
ּ‫ מַאֲכָלָה‬.Cius cjus
Cibus vester. Your food .

‫מַאכְלֶת‬ .Cibus Food.

‫אלה‬ ‫|ֵאֵל‬
‫ מ‬.Pre Deo Than God.
Præ, ab, ex illis, istis Than, from, of them , those.
‫ הִי‬-‫ מֵאֱלֹהָי‬.A
| Deo meo From my God . [angels.
‫הים‬ ‫ | מאלהי‬.De ; pre diis oFrom God ; than the gods,
‫|מאלהיו‬.ADeo ejus From his God.

ָ‫ מֵאֱלֹהֶיך‬.Deo A
tuo From thy God .
ּ‫ | מאלהֵינו‬.Deo nostro From our God.

ַ‫ | מֵאֱלוֹה‬.Pre
Dco Than God.

‫אלף‬ milliatesBringing forth thousands.

‫ מַאלִיפוֹת‬.Parien
‫אלס‬ ‫ מאלְמִים‬.Ligantes Binding.
‫אלף‬ , pre mille
‫ מֵאָלֶף־־לֶף‬.E Of, than a thousand.
, pra millib
‫ מֵאַלְפִי‬. us Of, than the thousands.
‫אלה‬ From my oath .

‫אמן‬ ‫ מַאֲמִינָס‬.Credentes They that believe.

‫אמץ‬ ‫ מְאַמֶּץ‬.Confirmse ans Strengthening himself.

‫ מַאֲמַצֵי‬.Fortes The strong .
‫אמר‬ ‫ מַאֲמַר‬.Edictum The decree.

‫ מֵאִמְרֵי‬. verbA
is From the words.
‫מאֵן‬ Renuit. He refused.

‫ מָאֵן‬.Renuens Refusing.
‫מאפליה‬ 927

‫|מאנה‬.Renuit She refused .

ּ‫ מֵאֲנו‬.Renuerunt They refused.
‫אנש‬ ׁ‫| מֵאֱנוֹש‬.,P r
ab homin e eThan, from man .
The vessels .
‫מאן‬ ‫ מָאנֵי־־נַיָּא‬.rasa
‫אנה‬ ‫ מֵאָנִיּוֹתֵיהֶם‬.Enavi corumbus
From , out of their ships.
‫אנק‬ ‫ֶנְקַת‬Propter
‫מֵא‬ gemitum , For , because of the sighing
clamorem . groaning, roaring .
‫אנש‬ virisr Of the man .
‫ מֵאַנְשֵׁי‬.E
‫מאן‬ ְּ‫ מֵאַנְתָּנְת‬.Renuisti Thou refusedst.

‫ מֵאַנְתֶּם‬.Renuistis Ye refused .
‫מָאַס‬ Sprevit, contempsit, He despised , contemned, ab-
abhorruil,respuit,, horred , refused, rejected ,
rejecit , abjecit . cast away .

‫ מָאֹס‬.Respuere To refuse.
" ֹ‫מו‬ ‫ מאס‬.Spernens [runt. He that despiseth.

ָ‫מ‬ , rejece- They despised , rejected
vos re That ye despise .
‫ מָאָסְכֶם‬.Sperne
DONA Spernere eos. That they despise.
‫ מְאָסָם‬.Sprevit
eos He despised them.
‫אסף‬ ‫ מְאַסֵף‬Colligens
, He that gathereth.
‫ מְאָסָף‬.Collectus Gathered.

eumntesThey that gather him.

‫ מְאַסְפָיו‬.Collige
ַ‫מָא‬ , respuisti , Thou despisedst , hast refused
rejecisti. rejected .

‫ מֹאֶסֶת‬.Contemnens She that contemneth.

‫ מָאַסְתִּי‬.Spr ev
, abhorru i i
I despised, have abhorred.
‫ מְאַסְתִּיהוּ־־תִּיו‬.Rejeci
eum I have rejected him.
I have cast thee away.
ְ‫ מְאַסְתִּיך‬.Abjeteci
‫ מְאַסְתִּים‬.Abjeci
cos I have cast them away.
‫מֵא‬ rev
, rejecistis ist
. Ye have despised , rejected is
ּ‫ מְאַסְתָּנו‬Rejecisti nos. Thou hast rejected us.
‫אף‬ ‫ מֵאַף‬.A irab From anger.
‫אפה‬ ‫מַאֲפָה‬ Coclus Baked.
A coquo, pistore. From the baker.

‫אף‬ E o Out from your nose, nostrils.

‫ מֵאַפְּכֶם‬. nasa vcalr

‫אפל‬ Darkness.
‫ל‬ ֶ ‫פ‬ ֲ ‫א‬ ַ ‫מ‬ .Cal igo
‫ מאָפְּלִיָה‬.caligo
marima The deepest darkness.
928 ‫מאשרי־־רים‬


ilo o
nihr For nothing.
‫אפס‬ ‫| מֵאֶפֶס‬.P
‫מֵאַפְסֵי‬.4 f i
, termini n
s . From i
the ends b
, extremni ties u
‫ָפַע‬.‫מֵא‬ nihilo , minus E r
Of nought , less than nothing
quam nihil .

‫אצל‬ Prope, juxta, apud. Near, toward, by, at.

From him .
ֹ‫ | מֵאֶצְלו‬.A illob
From me
‫ מֵאֶצְלִי‬4 .me
From them.
‫ | מֵאֶצְלָם‬.A illisb
‫אצר‬ E
thesauri s Out of the treasures.
‫ מֵאֹצְרוֹת‬.
E Out of his treasures.
‫מֵאֹצְרֹתָיו‬. thesauris cjus
Pupugit, recrudesce- He pricked, made to rankle,
[to fret.
‫רכה‬ ‫ֵאַרְבֶּה‬. ‫מ‬ locustaP r
. [ refecit Than the locust e
‫ארב‬ ‫ָּה‬.‫מֵאַרְב‬ camino, fumario . | OutE of the chimney
ns id ia
, insidie . Liers in wait nl
, ambushments
‫ָרְבִים‬.I ‫מְא‬
Of four.
‫רבע‬ ‫ מֵאַרְבַּע‬Equatuor ,
‫ארר‬ ‫וֹת‬ ‫ר‬ ֵ ‫א‬ ְ ‫מ‬ .Mal edic tiones Curses .
‫ארה‬ re Than a lion .
‫ | מֵאֲרִי‬.P
‫ מֵאֲרָיוֹת‬.P re
leonibus Than lions.

‫ארד‬ ְ‫ מַאֲרִיך‬.Prolongans He that prolongeth.

ra From the earth. [ground .
‫ארע‬ ‫ מֵאַרְעָא‬De ter,
a Outof, from , in the land ,earth,
‫ארץ‬ ‫ מֵאָרֶץ מֵאֶי‬E, de , in terr,
ejus Out of his land .
ֹ‫רְצו‬ ַ ‫א‬ ֵ ‫מ‬ . terra
E Out of the lands.
‫ מֵאַרְצוֹת‬. terris .
E terra tua. Out of thy land.
E terra eorum. Out of their land.
‫ארש‬ ‫ מְאֹרָשָׂה‬.Desponsala
‫ארר‬ ‫ מְאֲרַת‬.Malcdict io The curse ,

‫אור‬ ‫ מארת‬.Luminaria Lights , luminaries .

‫אש‬ x
ׁ‫|מאש‬.E Out of the fire .

‫איש‬ ‫ּׁה‬.
ָ‫מֵאִש‬ A
muliere. [nitismeis From the woman
‫אש‬ Ex oblationibus ig- Of my offerings made by fire.
‫ִשִׁי‬.‫מא‬ E
oblationiibus ig- of sacrifices made byr

‫אשף‬ ‫ מֵאַשְׁפֹּת‬.Estercore[ nitis. From the dunghil.

‫אשר‬ Ubi, unde, prout, ex Where, whence, as since, from
quo, quam quod. which, them that.

‫ מְאִשָׁר‬.Bea tus Blessed , happy.

, feli.x
ְ‫מ‬ ea
predicantes They that tu
call happy m
‫מבחר‬ 929

‫| אשר‬ ְ‫שְׁרִיך‬Beatum
ַ‫מְא‬ predicantes They that call thee happy
te, dirigentes te. that lead, direct thee.
‫איש‬ ‫אֵשֶׁת‬.Pre
ֵ‫מ‬ , er uxore. [ est . Than , from a wife
‫תמם‬ DAD Ab igne consumptum It is consumed by fire.
‫את‬ ‫|מאת‬.Ez
,a Of, from .
Hence ; from him.
‫ | מֵאֵת זֶה‬.Hinc
, ab eo
‫ מֵאֵת פְּנֵי‬.db, e , ante From, out of, before.
ֹ‫מֵאִתּו‬ .db
eo From him.
Two hundred .
‫מאה‬ ‫ מָאתָיִם־תַיִם יִן‬.Ducenti
From thee .
‫את‬ ָ‫תְּך‬ ְ‫תֵּך‬ ְ‫מֵאִתָּך‬ 4 .te
‫מֵאִתְּכֶם‬ 4 ,.ervobis From, from amongst you .

eisb From them , [tofore.

‫ מֵאִתָּם‬.d
‫ מֵאֶתְמוּל־מול‬.ab From yesterday, before, here-
‫תמל‬ .heri , antea
‫תנה‬ ‫ מֵאֶתְנָן‬. E
merce det From, of the hire, wages .


‫בוא‬ " ֹ‫ֹא־־בּו‬-Ab

‫מְל‬ introitu , ab in- From the entrance , from en
grediendo . tering.
" ‫ מְבֹאוֹ־בו‬.a d
occasuma ejus At his going down , setting.
‫ ביאי‬- ‫ מְבָאִים‬.4ferentes Bringing, they that bring.
‫בור‬ ‫| מִבּאר מִבּוֹר‬.Efo , cisterna
vea Out of the pit, well , cistern .
‫בנד‬ ‫ מִבֹּנְדָה‬.Pre Than the perfidious, treacher-
ְ‫יך‬ ִ ‫ד‬ ָ ‫ג‬ ּ ְ ‫ב‬ ִ E
‫מ‬ ,
vestibus luis Of thy garments. [ous.
‫בדל‬ ‫ מַבְדִּיל‬.Diridens Dividing .
‫ מַבדְּלִים‬.Separantes Separating .
‫בהל‬ ‫ מְבֹהָלִים‬.Festinali Being hastened .
‫בהם‬ nipa Præ bestüs. [casus Than the beasts. [down.]
‫בוא‬ ‫מָבוֹא מְבוֹא‬ Aditus , introitus , oc- The approach , entrance , going
ְ‫ מבוּאֶך‬.Introit tuus us Thy entrance .
| .Introilus The entrance.
###### ||

‫מ‬ plex
eorum ilas
. Their perplexity
‫ מַבּוּל‬.Diluvium A flood.
The fountains .
‫ מַבּוּעֵי‬.Fontes
ְ‫מִבּוֹרֶך‬E cisterna tua Out of thy cistern .
Choice , select.
‫ | מִבְחוֹר‬.Delectus
‫בהל‬ Festinata, cito parta Hastened, quickly acquired .

‫מִבְחַר‬ .Mibchar Mibhar, N. P.

Electio ; selectus. Choice,election ; select, chosen
cti His chosen.
‫ מִבְּחָרָיו‬.Ele ejus
‫ מבחריו‬Ejuvenibus ejus
, Of his young men.
Temeraria pronun- A, the rash utterance .

‫נטב‬ Expectatio ejus. Her expectation.

Hope, confidence .
‫בטח‬ ‫ מִבְטַח־־טֶחָה‬Spes , fiducias
Than to put confidence.
_b? p Pre eonjidere .
ing Fiducia ejus. His confidence.
Fiducia mea. My confidence.

Confidences .
‫ מִבְטַחִים‬.Fiducie
tua ia Thy confidence .
ְ‫ מִבְטַחֵך‬.Fiduc
Fiducia eorum . Their confidence.

Sperare faciens me. Making me to hope.


Expectatio eorum . Their expectation .



Ab, ex utero, ventre Out of the womb, belly.

‫נבט‬ ּ‫ מַבָּטְנו‬.Erpec talio

nostra Our expectation.
in E ventre ejus . [cens. Out of his belly.
Adducens , introdu- Bringing , he that introduceth.

ְ‫ מְבִיאֲך‬.Adduc teens He that bringeth thee.

Intelligens, consider- He that understandeth , consi-
ans,peritus,erudi- dereth, is skilful , teacheth.
Inter, e medio. [ ens. Among, from the midst of.
interx From between.
‫ינוֹת‬ֵּ‫ | מִב‬.E
Intelligentes, intelli- They that understand, cause
gere facientes. to understand .
Ex intelligentia mea Of my understanding.
Ex intelligentia tua. From thy understanding.

‫ מִבֵּינֵיהֶם‬. E
ouis corumr From, of their eggs.
He that bringeth to shame.
‫בוש‬ ׁ‫ מֵבִיש‬.Pudo aficiensre

She that maketh ashamed .

‫ מֵבִישָׁה‬.Pud ens e
nanang Intrinsecus ; pra, Within ; than, out of the
ex domo ; extra. house ; without.
D'ONT MADE domo vinctorum. Out of the house of prisoners .
Out of the house of the prison
‫הַכּליא‬ ‫ִבֵּית‬.E
‫מ‬ domo carceris
E ris Out of the house of the prison
‫ִבֵּית כָּלֶא‬. ‫מ‬ domo carce
us Within.
‫ מִבַּיְתָה‬Intrinsec
‫מבצר‬ 931

‫בית‬ domo cjus

ֹ‫ מִבֵּיתו‬.E From, out of his house.
‫ מִבֵּיתִי‬. E
domomea Out of my house. [family.
ָ‫ מִבֵּיתְךָ מִבֵּיתֶך‬. E
domotua Out of thy house, household,
‫בכה‬ Flens, plorans. Weeping , lamenting.
From the first-born.
‫בכר‬ ‫מִבְּכֹר‬ ‫ מִבְּכוֹר‬4 .primogenito
‫בכה‬ hipa Flentes, plorantes. Weeping, they that lament.


fletu, ob fletum. Oa account of the weeping.



primogenitis Of the first born, firstlings.

‫ֹרוֹת‬ ‫כ‬ ְ ‫ב‬ ִ ‫מ‬.E
Eo quod non, ita ut Because not, so that none,
nemo,sine. [tio mea without.
Comfortatio, recrea- My comfort, refreshment.
y Ab absorbendo. From swallowing up.
Beside, except.
‫ מִבַּלְעָדִי‬.Preter
Beside me.
‫ מִבַּלְעָדִי‬.Preter me
ְ‫ מְבָלְעָיִך‬.Absorbete ntes They that swallow thee up.
Swallowed up, destroyed .
‫ מְבַלְעִים‬.Absor , perditt
‫בלת‬ Because not.
‫ מִבִּלְתִּי‬.Eoquod non
Afilio. [prò filiabus. From a son. [daughters.
Ab ædificando ; e, From building ; of, for the

‫ נֹתֵי‬-- ּ‫ִבְּנוֹתֵינו‬.E
‫מ‬ filiabus nostris Of our daughters.
‫ מִבְנִּי‬.Mebun ai Mebunnai, N. M. [sons.
‫בנה‬ ‫ מִבְּנֵי מִבָּנִים‬. 4 ,.e, prae filiis From, of, among, than the
Dan E filiis eorum. Of, from their sons.
Of his sons.
‫ מִבָּנָיו‬.Efiliis ejus
‫ מִב‬.
ָ‫|ָּנֶיך‬ E
filiistuis Of thy sons.

| filiis vestris Of your sons.
Of their daughters.
‫ְּנֹתֵיהֶם‬.E ‫ מִב‬filiabus eorum
‫מִבְּנֹתָיו‬.E filiabus ejus Of his daughters .

‫ מִבַּעַד‬.Extra

‫ מבעיר‬.Auferens Taking away.


yan E, a viris. Of, from the men.

A domino, hero ejus. From his , its owner, master .
‫ מְבַעֲרִים‬.Succendentes
‫ מִבעָרֶת‬.Succe , ardens Kindled, burning.
‫בעת‬ He that troubleth thee.
ָ‫ מְבַעְתֶּך‬.Perturba te ns
Præ vinde mia . Than the vintage.

.Miblsar Mibzar, N. M.
932 ‫מבתינו‬

‫בצר‬ Munitio ; munitus. A,the fortress; fenced, fortified

‫מִבְצָרוֹת־ צְרֵי‬ .Munitiones The fortresses, strong holds.

Munitiones eorum. Their strong holds.

‫ מִבְצָרָיו‬.Munitio ejus nesHis strong holds.

ָ‫ מִבְצָרַיִךְ רֶיך‬.Munitio tue nesThy fortresses.
‫ מָבְצָרִים‬.Munitiones Strong holds.
‫בקע‬ ‫ מִבְקָעָה‬Perrupt a Broken through.
nupan E valle, planitie. From the valley, plain.
‫בקר‬ In, from the morning.
‫ מִבֹּקֶר‬.Mane
, amane
ָ‫ מִבְּקָרְך‬. D
armento luoeOf thy herd.
‫בקש‬ Upupan Quærens. Seeking.

‫ שִׁים‬- ‫ מְבַקְשֵׁי‬.Querentes They that seek.

ָ‫ מְבַקְשִׁיה‬.Queren eam tesThey that seek her.

‫ מְבַקְשָׁיו‬.Queren eumtesThey that seek him.
TP Quærentes te, [ rens. They that seek thee.
‫ברח‬ Transiens, percur- Passing over, running across.
ּ‫| מברָחָו‬.Profugiejus His fugitives.
‫ברת‬ Of thy covenant.
ְ‫ מִבְּרִיתֵך‬.Efaedere
ns He that blesseth.
ְ‫ מְבָרֵך‬.Benedice
‫רֶכֶת‬ ְ‫ מְבֹרָך‬.Benedictus
‫ מְבֹרְכָיו‬.Bened icti Blessed of him.
ָ‫| מִבָרְכֶיך‬.Benedicetente They that bless thee.
‫בשל‬ ‫ מִבְשָׁל‬.Coctus Boiled, sodden.
‫מָבְשָׂם‬ .Mibsam Mibsam, N. M. [tidings.
‫בשר‬ Annuncians. He that bringeth tidings,good
‫ מִבְּשָׂר‬.D carnee Of the flesh.
ֹ‫ מִבְּשָׂרו‬E carne ejus. Of, out of his flesh.
E carne mea. Of my flesh.
ְ‫ מִבְּשָׂרֶך‬. carneEtua From thy flesh.
Dan E carne vestra. Out of your flesh.
DIWAD E carne eorum. Of, out of their flesh.

‫ מְבַשֶׂרֶת‬.Amnuncians She that bringeth good tidings

‫בנה‬ filia Of the daughter.
‫ מְבַּת‬.E
‫מִבְּתֵּיהֶם‬.Edomibus eorum From their houses.

E domibus vestris. Out of your houses.

‫מ‬ domibus nostris
, Of your houses.
‫ גד‬-- ‫מגדל‬ 933


‫נאה‬ Ji Ab elatione, propter From, 1 on account of the

‫נאל‬ ‫מְנֹאָל‬.Po llu
. [ elationem tus
. Polluted [ rising , swelling.
From the avenger.
‫ מנאל‬.A vindice
E fossa, puteo. Out of the ditch, pit, well.
‫גבא‬ E propinquis nostris Of our near relatives.
, ez allob
‫ מִכָּבה‬.A From , of the high.
ּ‫ מִגְּבַה‬.Pre Than the proud .
From the border,
‫ מִגְּבוּל־־בָל‬.E termino
‫ מִגְבּוֹר‬.Pr , a potenti e Than, from the mighty.
‫ מִגְּבוּרָה‬.P ra
robore Than strength.
Of their power.
‫ מִגְבוּרָתָם‬.Epote ntia
‫גבה‬ ּ‫ מַנְבִּיה‬.Ertollens He that exalteth.
‫נבר‬ ‫ מִגְבִירָה‬.A regina Fro m being queen .

ׁ‫מַנְבִּיש‬ .Magbis Magbish, N. M.

‫נבל‬ ‫ִנְבָלְכֶם‬.Pre
‫מ‬ termino restro . Then your border
‫ מִנְבְּלֹת‬.A At the borders, ends. [ thehills

‫גבע‬ ‫ מִגְבָעוֹת גְבָעת‬Tiare , galeri ; a Caps, bonnels , turbans ; from

‫ מִגִּבְעַת‬4 .colle [ collibus. From the hill.
‫נבר‬ ‫ | מגבר‬.A viro From a, the man .

‫גְבֹּרִי‬.E ִ‫ מ‬potentibus Of the mighty.

‫גג‬ ‫ | מִגַּג‬. A
tecto From the roof.

ֹ‫ מְגִדּו‬Meghidd
, o Megiddo , N. P.
‫ מִגָּדוֹל‬. A
magn o From great .
A From the greatest ofthem.
‫ מִגְּדוֹלָם‬4.marimo eorum
‫ מְנְדּוֹן‬.Meghiddon Megiddon , N. P.
‫ מַנְדִּיאֵל‬.Mugdiel Magdiel, N. M.
‫מנד‬ 1 Res pretiosæ ejus. His precious things.
He that magnifieth.
‫נדל‬ ‫מַנְדָּל‬ ‫ מִנְדִיל‬.Magnificans
‫מנד‬ , Precious things.
‫ מְגָדִים‬Res pretiose
‫גדש‬ From a, the shock of corn.
ׁ‫מַנְדִיש‬.A meta frumenti
‫נדל‬ ‫ מִגְדָּל־־דָּל‬.Turris A, the tower.
‫|מגדל‬.Migdol Migdol , N. P.
‫מִגְדַל־־אֵל‬ .Migda
-el l Migdal-el, N. P.

‫מִנְדַל־־גָּד‬ .Migdal
- gad Migdal-gad , N. P.
934 ‫מגלה‬


‫גדל‬ ‫ | מִגְדְּלוֹת‬.Flores
Her towers.
ָ‫ מִגְדָּלֶיה‬.Turre ejus s
They that bring up.
‫ מְנַדְּלִים‬.Educantes
Brought up.
‫ מגְדָּלִים‬.Educati
Towers .

‫ מִנְדָּלִים‬.Turres
He that reproacheth.
‫גדף‬ ‫ מְנַדַּף‬.Probraficiens is
She that sheweth.
‫נגד‬ ‫ מַבֶּדֶת‬.Indicans
‫ מָנוֹג‬.Magog Magog, N. M.
‫גרה‬ ‫מִצְוָה‬. E
corpore ejus Of the, his, its body.
‫גוי‬ ‫וֹי‬-
‫מָג‬ , e gente ; contra From , out Aof , against the
. na
ria Egentibus. [gentem. Out of the nations. [tion.
‫נרה‬ ‫ מנית‬. E
| cadaver e Out of the carcase.
‫גלל‬ ‫ מְנוֹלָלָה‬Volutat
, a
‫גור‬ Fear.
‫ מָנוֹר‬.Timor
‫ מָגוֹר מִסָבִיב‬.M-missa ag biborMagor-missabib, N. M.
‫גור‬ ‫ מְגוּרוֹתַי‬.Terro meires My terrors.
‫ מְנוּרָי־־רַי‬Peregrinationes My sojournings ; my terrors.
mea; terrores mei

ְ‫מ‬ egri nati
; ter- Sojournings ; terrors one
rores. [ rum .
eregeo- Theirna
ri ti
sojourn ings ones
‫ נגְְררֵֵיי‬-- ‫ְגגווּּררֵֵייההֶֶםם‬.P
‫| מְגוֹרַת‬.Ti mor Fear, dread, terror.
, terror
‫גזל‬ ֹ‫ִגִּזְלו‬.A ‫ | מ‬diripiente eum From him that spoileth him.
VIDE stirpe, trunco. From the stock , trunk , root.
‫נגד‬ ‫ּיד‬-Indica
ִ‫מַג‬ , annunci- Shewing , declaring ; a mes
ans ; nuncius . senger.
‫נוח‬ Exiens, erumpens. Coming forth, breaking forth

‫ מְנִיתָן‬.Erumpenles Breaking forth .

‫נגע‬ ַ‫ּיע‬-Pe
ִ‫מַג‬ rti
, adveni- nge
Reaching , coming to , happen
ens, conlingens. ing.
Appingentes . [ tes . They that join.
‫נגש‬ ‫ שִׁים‬-- ‫ִּישִׁי‬.Ad
‫מַג‬ duc
, efferen- They thatent
bring , offer e

The sickle.
‫מִכָּל‬ .Falr
‫ מְנַלֶּה‬.Revelans He that revealeth ,discovereth
The roll .
‫ מְגִלָּה־־לַּת‬.rolumen
‫ | מִגְלָּה‬.Aperta Opened .
‫מגררות‬ 935


‫גלח‬ Rasi, tonsi. Shaved, shaven.

‫גמל‬ A
camelo From a, the camel .
‫ מְגָּמָל‬.
‫ מִגְמַלִי‬.c
4 [am the camels is
oppositio ofel [ position.
‫גמה‬ Aspectus, aversatio, The aspect, turning away, op-
‫מְנ‬ ,
Dedidit, tradidit. He yielded up, delivered.
A shield, buckler.
‫גנן‬ ‫ מָגֵן‬.Clypeus
horlor From the garden.
‫ מִבֵּן מִנְגַת‬.E
‫גנב‬ ‫|גנְּבִי‬‫מ‬ .F ur an les They that steal.
‫ | מגני־־נִים‬..Clypci
Clypeus meus. My shield .
pe i Her shields.
ָ‫ מָנְבֵּיה‬.Cly ejus
‫|מָנְנָּיו‬ .Cly pe
eju si His shields.
pe us Our shield .
ּ‫ מָנַנֵּנו‬.Cly noster
‫ מ‬-Clyp
‫|גנת‬ eus
, legumen A shield, covering, impedi-
tum, impedimen- ment, obstinacy.
lumn , obstinatio.
‫נער‬ pationemb At the rebuke.
‫ מִנַּעֲרַת‬. increO
in ob increpationem e- At his reproof.
jus. [tuam .
ִ‫מ‬ O
increpationem b
| At thy rebuke

‫ננע‬ ‫מנעת‬ | .Perlingens Reaching to.

‫נגף‬ .Plaga A, the stroke, plague.

Magpiash , N. M.
ׁ‫ מַנְפִּיעָש‬.Magpias

‫ מִנֶּפֶן‬. E
, a vile Of, from the vine.
‫ מַגפֿתַי‬.Plmnee age My strokes , plagues.
Dejecit, detrusit, dis- He cast down, thrust down,
[perdidit. Migron, N. P. [ destroyed.
F│PP2 | 2

. ‫נור‬ catulisE
ָ‫מִגְרֶיה‬. ejus Of her whelps.

ִ‫מ‬ egri sojournings ones
tue . Thynati
‫נגר‬ se Poured out, down , abroad.
‫ מִכָּרִים‬Effuse , difu
ְ‫ מִבֵּרְך‬4.peregtuo rinoFrom thy stranger .
‫ מִגְּרֶן‬Ab area From the threshing floor.
ְ‫ מִגָּרְנְך‬Er area,tua Out ofthy floor.
‫גרע‬ ‫ְרָעוֹת‬Dimin
‫מִג‬ utiones , con- Diminutions , narrowed rests
tracture, striatu-| rebatements.

‫גרף‬ ‫גְרְבֹתֵיהֶם‬.
ֶ‫מ‬ eorum . [l
G re . Their e be
clods of earth
‫| גרר‬ ‫וֹרָרוֹת‬.S
ְ‫מ‬ er
, dissecale ra
. | Sawed , cut in two te
936 ‫מרהרות‬

‫גרש‬ ׁ‫רָש‬ ׁ‫ מִגְרָש‬.Suburbiam A suburb, suburbs.

ejus o
‫ מ‬.Expulsi
ּ‫|גְרָשָׁה‬ Her expulsion.
a Her suburbs.
ָ‫ מִגְרָשֶׁהָ־־שֶׁיה‬.Suburbi
Egrano contuso ejus Of her beaten corn.
[ rum. The suburbs.
‫ מִגְרָשׁוֹת רְשֵׁי‬.Suburbia
‫ הֶן‬-- ‫גְרְשֵׁיהֶם‬.Su
ִ‫מ‬ bur
eorum bia
, ea- Their suburbs
‫מגר‬ Thou hast cast down.
‫ | מִבַּרְתָּה‬.Dejecisti
‫נגש‬ Offered.
ׁ‫ מִגָּש‬.Oblatus
‫ מַנְשִׁים‬.Adducentes They that bring.
‫גשם‬ ‫ מַנְשְׁמִים‬.Pluefacientes reCausi ng rain.
‫נגש‬ ‫ מִבֶּשֶׁת‬. A
acced endob From coming near.


‫דאג‬ ‫ִדְאָגָה‬.‫|מ‬ E
antietate ,timore r
. From anxiety , fear
‫רבח‬ The altar.
‫ מַדְבְּחָה‬.Altare
‫ מְדְבָּק‬.Adherens Cleaving to.
‫דבר‬ ‫ מְדַבֵּר‬.Loquens | Speaking , saying .
re e
‫ מִדָּבָר‬.D of the thing .

‫מִדְבָּר‬.D . [ qui ;ic ti [speaking .

loquens spoken
‫ מִדַּבֵּר‬4 loquendo , pre lo- From speaking , than to speak ;
A, e, præ verbo. From , of , than the word .
‫| מִד‬
‫ְבַּר־בָּר־רָה‬-D es
, in desert , into thet
deser- A , the er wil
‫| מִדֶּבֶר‬. A
pest e [tum. From the pestilence. [ derness.
ser tum Her wilderness.
‫ מִדְבָרָה‬.De ejus
‫ מְדַבְּרוֹת־־רִים‬.Loquentes | Speaking , talking .
‫בְרֵי‬ ּ ִ ‫ד‬ ְ ‫מ‬ .P ro pt
verba er Because of the words.

‫מִדִּבְרֵיהֶם‬. AFrom their words..

| verbis eorum
‫ מדברת‬.Loquens She that speaketh .

ָ‫ מִדַּבְּרֹתֶיך‬.D e | Of thy words.

verbis tuis
‫דבש‬ Pra melle. [ tendit . Than honey. [self out.
Mensus est, sese ex- He measured , stretched him-
He measured it.
ֹ‫ מְדָדו‬.Mensusest eum
Mensura, dimensio. The measure, size.
ִ‫ מ‬Mensura ,
‫דָּה‬. Her measure,the measure ofit
‫רהב‬ aur ata Adorned with gold, golden.
‫ מִדְהֵבָה‬.In
‫מִד‬ calcitratus , Because of the prancings , gal
cursitationes. lopings.
‫מדינית‬ 937

‫מדד‬ ֹ‫ מַדּו‬.Vestis
ejus His garment.
‫דוד‬ ‫ מ‬.Pre
‫|ְדּוֹד‬ dilecto Than a beloved .

‫|ְדּוּד‬ d
canist ro From the basket.
Of mandrakes.
‫ מִדּוּדָאֵי‬.D e
‫דוה‬ ‫ מַדְוָה‬Languor
, Faintness, sickness.
Languores, morbi. Languors, diseases.
‫מדד‬ tes Their garments .
‫ מַדְרֵיהֶם‬.res
Madon, N. P.
‫מָדוֹן‬ .Maa don
‫דון‬ Lis, contentio . Strife, contention.

‫ מִדְוָנִים‬.Contentiones Contentions.

‫מדע‬ ַ‫ מַדּוּעַי דְּע‬Quare ?,

cur Wherefore ? why.
‫דור‬ ‫ דר‬-‫ מִדּוֹר‬4.generatione From generation.
‫| מְרוּר‬.P r
habil are e Than to dwell.

ejus io His dwelling.

‫ מְדוֹרֵה‬.Habitat
lua io Thy habitation.
‫ מְדוֹרָךְ־־דרי‬.Habitat
‫מדד‬ ‫ מָדּוֹת‬Mensure
, Measures.
Her dimensions.
ָ‫ מִדּוֹתֶיה‬.Dimensi ejus
‫ מִדּוֹתָיו‬.resejus His garments.
Driven out.
‫נרת‬ ‫ מִדָּה‬.Erpulsus
‫רחה‬ ‫ מִדְחָה‬.Imp,ul ruinasioPushing, ruin. [away, ruin.
A depulsione, ruina. From pushing, thrusting
‫די‬ Ultra sufficientiam ; Beyond a sufficiency : as often
quoties, postea, as, after, when, from, since.
quum, ex. [N. P.
Madai, Medi, Media Medai,the Medes, Media, N.M.
‫מרד‬ ejus
‫ מַדָּיו‬.Vestes His garments.
ְ‫ מְדַיִך‬.Mensure lue Thy measures.

‫ מָדין‬.Mens ure
magnam Large dimensions.

‫דְיָן‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .M id ia n Midian, N. M. N. P.

‫ מְדִין‬.Middi n Middin, N. P.
‫דון‬ judicio
‫ מְדִין‬.A From judgment.
‫ מְדִינָה־־נַת‬.Provincia A, the province.
‫ מ‬.Provinciae
‫|ְדִינוֹת‬ Provinces.

‫ מִדְיְנֵי‬.Contentiones Contentions.

‫ מְדְיָנִים‬.Midianile Midianites, N. N.
‫דון‬ DT Contentiones, rixa. Contentions, quarrels .
‫ מִדְיָנִית‬Midianit, Midianitess, N. N.
938 ‫מדרכך‬

ncie The provinces.

‫מדן‬ ‫ מְדִינָתָא‬.Provi
vi nc ia The province .
‫ מְדִינְתָּא‬.Pro itus
‫ַדְכָּא‬.‫מ‬ A ,confrac . r
t t lus Bruised , broken
ti Bruised , broken .
‫|ְדכַּאִים‬ ‫ מ‬.At , tri
‫דלג‬ ‫ מְדָּלֵג‬.Transiliens
With pining sickness.
‫דלה‬ ‫ מְדְּלָּה‬. A
Out of a basket.
‫ מִדְּלִי‬. situaE
Out of his baskets .
‫מִדְּלָיו‬.E situlis ejus
From chasing .
‫דלק‬ PAb insectando.
Out ofthe doors, gates.
‫ מִדַּלְתֵי‬.E ostiis , januisr
Of, with, from the blood.
" ‫ מִדָּם־־‬. , a sangu E ine
E Of her blood .
ּ‫מִדָּמָה‬. sanguine ejus
Of his blood .
ֹ‫מִדָּמו‬. sanguine E ejus
a er n g ui
‫ִדְּמֵי־־דָּמִים‬- ‫ מ‬4 s , propt From blood , because ofmur
cedes . ders.

D e
ine luo With thy blood .
ְ‫ מִדָּמְך‬. sangu
uine m ro
‫דָּמָם‬.ִ‫מ‬ sang eoru . For their blood
Madmenah , N. P.
‫ מַדְמֵן‬.Madmen
a Madmannah, N. P.
‫ מַדְמַנָּה‬Madman ,
Madmenah, N. P.
‫ מַדְמֵנָה‬.Madmena
um Dunghil.
‫דמן‬ ‫ | מַדְמֵנָה‬.Fimel
A From a, the tear.
‫דמע‬ ‫ מִדִּמְעָה‬.| lachryma
Medan, N. M.
‫ מְדָן‬.Medan
Contentions .
‫יון‬ ‫ מְדָנִים‬.Contentiones
‫ מַדָּע‬.Scienti Knowledge.

‫ מִדַּעַת‬. ,aIscientian In, by knowledge.

‫ מִדַּעְתִּי‬. E
scien tia mearFrom my knowledge.
Our kindred.
ּ‫ מדַעְתָּנו‬.cogna nostratio
‫ מַדְּקָה‬.Comminuens Beating to pieces.
Stabbed, stricken through.
‫דקר‬ ‫ מְדְקָרִים‬Transfiri
‫דור‬ ‫ מְדָרְהוֹן‬.H ab it at
eorum io Their dwelling.
From the south.
‫דרס‬ ‫ מַדָּרוֹם‬.aust A rob
s He that leadeth thee.
ְ‫| מַדְרִיכְך‬.Deducteen
" ָּ‫ֶךְ־־ד‬- e
‫ מִדָּר‬4 , via ; per , prop- From , outof ,through , by , be
ter viam. [ tigium. cause of a, the way.
‫דרך‬.C ‫מ‬ , al ca
pedis ves- A treading ti
, a footstep
From his way .
via ejus
. ֹ‫ מְדַּרְכּו‬.A
‫מההר‬ 939

From their ways.

‫דרך‬ ‫ מִדַּרְכֵיהֶם‬4.v ii
eoru m s
A s · Fr om his ways .
‫ מִדְּרָכָיו‬4 viis eju
A ii s s [ tris. From thy ways.
ָ‫ מִדְּרָכֶיך‬4 .rtui
‫ מִדִּרְכֵיכֶם‬. . 4, , pro wiisp , for your ways e
vest From , shan r
tua From thy way.
ְ‫ מַדַּרְכָּך‬Avia ,
A via eorum. From their way.
story, memorial, register .
‫דרש‬ ׁ‫ מִדְרַש‬.Commentarius A
‫דור‬ ּ‫ מִדְרָתָה‬.Pyr ejus a Her pyre, pile for fire.
edine From the fatness.
‫דשן‬ ‫ מְדְּשֵׁן‬. pingu
‫רוש‬ My threshing .
‫ מִדְשָׁתִי‬Triluramea
m Tribute .
‫מדד‬ ‫ מְדַּת‬.Tributu

quam , Who, whichu e
‫ מָה מֶה‬-
‫מָה‬ , quod , Q , than ,how , where
quomodo , quare . fore .

‫ארב‬ ‫ מֵהָאוֹרֵב‬db insidiis , insidia- From the ainbush, the lier in

‫אכל‬ ‫אכל‬. ָ‫מֵה‬ comedente . [tore. OutE of the eater [ wait.
‫אלה‬ A From God.
‫ מהָאֱלֹהִים‬.Deo
Of the men .
‫אנש‬ ‫ָאֲנָשִׁים‬ ‫ה‬ ֵ ‫מ‬ . E
homi nibusr
terEra From, out of the earth, land .
‫ארץ‬ ‫ מֵהָאָרֶץ‬.
‫אש‬ From the fire.
ׁ‫ מֵהָאֵש‬.E igner
‫באר‬ Out of the well.
‫ מֵהַבְּאֵר‬.Eputeo
‫בוא‬ ‫ מֵהָבִיא‬.d aferendob From bringing .
‫נבט‬ ‫|הַבִּיט‬ ‫ מ‬.M intuenb do From looking .
‫בית‬ " ַּ‫ב‬ ‫ַבָּיִת‬.‫מִה‬ E d
intrinse cus . Outo m
of the house , withino
‫הבל‬ Pre vanitate. Than , by vanity.
Vanum efficientes. Making vain.
‫במה‬ Ex excelso loco.From the high place.
, aan e In, from the morning .
‫ מֵהַבֹּקֶר‬.M mane
From the hills .
‫ מֵהַגְּבָעוֹת‬. A
collib us
‫|מגדוד‬ . E
turm a From the troop.
From the captivity.
‫ מהגיד‬. A
indic b
ando From shewing.
Comminuens . [ est. Beating to pieces .
‫דקק‬ ‫מְהַדַּק‬
Cunctatus , moratus He tarried , delayed , lingered .
From the mountain.
‫הרך‬ ‫ מִהָהָר‬De mont
, e
940 C ‫מהלך‬


‫ירה‬ ‫| מָהוֹדָא‬.Grati agens as Giving
‫הוד‬ * ָ‫ מֵהוֹדְך‬. D
glor ia tuae Of thy glory .
um They that make known.
‫ידע‬ ‫| מְהוֹדְעִין‬.Not facientes
‫מהל‬ ‫|מַהוּל‬.Mistus
He that is mad .
‫הלל‬ ‫ מְהוֹלָל‬.Insaniens
‫ מְהוֹלָלַי‬Insanientes in me . They that aremad againstme
‫המה‬ ‫הוּמָה־־מַת‬Commo
ְ‫מ‬ tio ,tumultus . The commotion ,tumult

‫ מ‬.M unan
eh [lus. Mehuman , N. M.
‫המה‬ ּ‫הו‬.Cְ‫מ‬ om ,tumul-mo The commot tiionstum
, on ult
‫ | מ‬substanti
ָ‫ֵהוֹנֶך‬E a tua Of, from thy substance.
‫הון‬ ,
‫ישע‬ ַ‫ מֵהוֹשִׁיע‬. servaA ndo From saving.
ns ec us Without .
. ‫חוץ‬ ‫ מֵהַחוּץ‬.Extri
‫חלל‬ ‫ מֵהָחֵל‬.A incipiendob From beginning .
‫חצף‬ ‫ֵהַחְצְפָה‬. ‫מ‬ U , accelern g
ans . He that urgethe, hastenetn
‫חצר‬ db From the court .
‫ מֵהֶחָצֵר‬.alrio
‫נחת‬ Laid up.
* ‫ מְהַחֲרִין‬.Rcposite
‫יוס‬ From , than , before the day .
* ‫ מֵהַיּוֹם‬4 ,.pre die
‫היה‬ Ab esse, ne sit,sint . That there be not, no more.

ָ‫ מִהְיוֹתְך‬. U
tu sis , essest That thou mayst, shouldst be
‫וֹתָם‬ ‫י‬ ְ .
‫ה‬ ִ ‫מ‬ | A ,n ex quo t e
Before , sinceq were a
they u
‫מהיטבאל‬ .Me het
[ essent illi Mehetabeelabe, N. M l
‫הכל‬ From , out of the temple ,
‫| מֵהֵיכָל־־כָל‬.Etemplo
ֹ‫ָלו‬. E
‫ | מֵהֵיכ‬templo ejus . [ um . Out of his temple
ֵ‫מ‬ ro
templum tu- Becauseptofthy temple e
‫ים‬ marE
i From the sea.
‫| מהַיָּם‬.
Faithful .
‫אמן‬ ‫|מהֵימָן‬.Fidelis
‫מהר‬ ‫ מָהִיר‬.Fes , ti nu
diligens s
Quick , diligent.
‫כהן‬ ‫הַכֹּהֲנִים‬. ֵ‫מ‬ E
, pre sacerdotibus . Of , than the priests
‫נכה‬ ‫ֹת‬ ‫ו‬ ּ ‫כ‬ ַ ‫ה‬ ‫מ‬.A
| percutiendo From smiting.
‫| מהַכּו‬ percutiendo eum . From smiting him
‫כול‬ ‫ מֵהָכִיל‬-A capiendo From receiving , containing .
‫מָהַל‬ Miscuit. He mixed, mingled .
‫הלא‬ , ab ullransBeyond, from beyond.
‫ מֵהָלְאָה‬.Tra
‫הלך‬ ְ‫ מֵהֲלָך‬.P re Than wandering.
ְ‫ מַהֲלַך‬.Ambulat , iter ioA walk , journey .
He that walketh.
ְ‫ מְהַלֵּך‬.Ambulans
ְ‫ מֵהֲלֹך‬. A
veniendo From coming.
‫מהקריס‬ 941


Places to walk.
‫הלך‬ ‫ מַהְלְכִים‬.Ambulat loca
‫ מַהְלְכִין‬.Ambulantes They that walk.
ְ‫ מַהֲלָכָך‬.Ituu Thy journey.
‫הלל‬ ‫הלל‬ .Glorians
‫מ‬ ,laudans se . Boasting , praising himself
Mahalaleel, N. M.
‫ מַהֲלַלְאֵל‬Mahalalel
‫הלל‬ His praise.
‫ מַהֲלָלו‬.Laus cjus
‫ מְהַלְלִים‬.Laudanles Praising .
‫מה‬ Die Ex, ab, præ illis. Of, from them; than they.
What they.
‫ מֵהֶם‬.Qui isti d
deseArto From the wilderness.
‫ מֵהַמִּדְבָּר‬.
‫ מֵהֵמָּה‬.A illisb [sunt. From them.
Ex eis qui ab ipsis Of those who are from them.

‫ֹן‬‫ | מִהֲמו‬.Precopia Than the abundance, wealth.

‫ֹנָם‬. ‫מֵהַמו‬ E
multitudine eorum oftheir multitude
‫ירה‬ ‫ים‬ ִ ‫ר‬ ֹ ‫ו‬ ‫מ‬ ַ ‫ה‬ ֵ ‫מ‬ 4 jaculantibus
, From the archers. [ not.
‫מטר‬ ‫מֵהַמְטִיר‬ 4 pluendo, ne pluant From aining , that they rain
‫מלך‬ From the king.
ְ‫ מֵהַמֶּלֶך‬4 .rege
Out of the cave.
‫מער‬ ‫ מֵהַמְעָרָה‬.Espelunca
aciez Out of the army.
‫ערך‬ ‫ מֵהַמַּעֲרָכָה‬.E
‫ | מֵהֵן מֵהֵנָּה‬.Pillis Than they, those.
‫נבא‬ ‫ מֵהַנְבִיאִים‬.E prophetis Of the prophets .
Of the pottage.
‫ מֵרָנָזִיד‬.Epulmento
‫ מהנחל‬. E
torrent e Of the brook.

‫נער‬ Of the youths, servants.

‫ מֵהַנְעָרִים‬.E
‫ מֵהַנֶּשֶׁף‬. A
crepusc ulo From the twilight.
‫סלע‬ ‫ מֵהַסֶלַע‬. From the rock.
‫ספת‬ ַ‫| מֵהִסְתַּפַּח‬Ab adheren, do From cleaving to.
‫עבר‬ From the side.
‫| מֵהָעֵבֶר‬.A latere
‫ערה‬ ‫ מְהַעְרֵה‬.Amovens Removing.
‫עדר‬ Out of the flock.
‫ מֵהָעֵדֶר‬.Egrege
‫עלם‬ From everlasting.
‫ מֵהָעוֹלָם‬.ab eterno
E Of fowl.
‫עוף‬ ‫ מֵהָעוֹף‬. volucri
‫עיר‬ ‫ מֵהָעִיר‬. A
, e civitate From , out of the city .
‫עלה‬ ‫ מִהַעֲלוֹת‬.4b
oferendo From offering .
‫עמם‬ Doe
‫ מֵהָעָם‬.popul of the people .

‫עיר‬ ‫מֵהֶעָרִים‬ 4. e From , out of the cities .

, civitatibus
A nleb From the east.
‫קרס‬ ‫ מְהַקָּדִים‬. orie
942 ‫מהשמאול‬


to Out of the holy .
‫קדש‬ ׁ‫ מֵהַקדֶש‬.
evigi landob From awaking.
‫קיץ‬ ‫ מֵהָקִיץ‬.
‫קצע‬ ‫הִקְצְעוֹת‬Augulate
ְ‫מ‬ , constitu- Cornered , placed in corners
te in angulis.
Offering .
‫קרב‬ ‫ מִהַקְרְבִין‬.Offerentes
A From the floor.
‫קרקע‬ ‫ מֵהַקַרְקַע‬. solo
‫מָהַר‬ Festinavit, accelera- He made haste, hastened , pre-
vil , pracipilavit , cipitated, endowed, gave a
‫ | מהר‬.Dos [ dolavit . A dowry. [ dowry.
Dotare, dolando. To endow, in giving a dowry.
Festina ; festinan- Hasten thou ; hastily , quickly
‫הרר‬ ‫מֵהַר‬.m4 . [ter , cito .on de
From the hill , mountain
‫מהר‬ ‫ מְהַר‬.Festinavit He hastened.
‫ראש‬ ׁ‫מֵהָרֹאש‬ 4 .vertice From the top.

‫רבה‬ of much .
‫ מֵהַרְבֵּה‬Emullo
‫מְהַרְבֵּית‬.Amultiplicando From multiplying.
She hastened .
‫מהר‬ ‫ מִהֲכָה‬.Festinavit
‫ מְהֵרָה‬.Celeri , ciloter Quickly, speedily, soon.
‫קַל‬ ‫ מְהֵרָה‬.Ciliasimc [ runt. Very quickly .
ּ‫ָרוּ מִהֲרו‬.Festinaru
‫מָה‬ , dota- They hastened , gave a dowry
Hasten ye .
ּ‫ מַהֲרו‬.Festina le
‫ מַהֲרֵי מַהְרֵי‬.Maharai Maharai, N. M.
‫מהר‬ ‫ מַהֲרִי‬.Accelera Hasten thou .
‫הרר‬ ‫מֵהָרֵי‬ 4.montibus From the mountains.
‫הרס‬ ְ‫ מְהָרְסַיִך‬.Destruent te es They that destroy thee.
‫רוע‬ ‫מהרע‬.A malefaciendo From doing evil , hurting.
‫הרר‬ ‫מֵהַרְרֵי‬ 4 , .p re
montibu s From , than the mountains.

‫הֵר שָׁלָל חָשׁבַּז‬.Mahe

ַ‫מ‬ -shalal-chas- Maher shalal- hash- baz , N. M
‫מהר‬ ְּ‫רְת‬ ָּ‫ מִהַרְת‬.Festinasli [baz. Thou hast hastened .
‫ מִהַרְתֶּן‬.Festinaslis Ye hastened .
‫שבה‬ ‫מהשבי‬.E captivitate Out of the captivity.
‫שחת‬ ‫ מֵהַשְׁחִית‬4 .perdendo From destroying.

‫ מֵהַשְׁחִיתָם‬4 .perdendo eos From destroying them.

‫שכל‬ ‫| מֵהַשְׂכִּיל‬.Ab
intelligendo From understanding.
‫שלל‬ ‫ מֵהַשָּׁלָל‬.Epreda of the spoil .
‫שלש‬ ‫ מֵהַשְׁלֹשִׁים‬.E
triginta Of the thirty.
‫שמל‬ ‫מֵהַשְׂמֹאול‬ 4.sinistra From the left.
‫מוכרח‬ 943

‫שם‬ celise From heaven, the heavens.

‫ מֵהַשָּׁמַיִם‬.D
‫שנא‬ ‫ מהשנא‬.Mutans Changing .
‫שפל‬ Than to bring thee down.
ְ‫ מֵהַשִׁיפִלְך‬.Pre
deprimere te
‫שרע‬ extendere se aThan to stretch himself out.
ַ‫ מֵהִשְׂתָּרֵע‬.Pr
‫תחת‬ ‫הַתַּחְתּנוֹת‬.Pre
ֵ‫מ‬ inferioribus ,in- Than the lower , lowest
‫יצב‬ ‫ מֵהִתְיַצֵב‬4 .stando [fimis. From standing.
‫התל‬ ‫ מַהֲתַיּוֹת‬.Delusiones Delusions , deceits.
‫נבא‬ ‫ מֵהִתְנַבּוֹת‬.Vaticinandi Of prophesying .
‫ענג‬ ‫הִתְעַנֵּג‬.
ֵ‫מ‬ delicateP r
vivere . For living delicately e


‫מוֹאָב‬ .Moab Moab, N. M. P.

‫מ‬ , Moabite . | Moabite , Moabites , N.
lides Moabitish women, N. N.
‫וֹאֲבִיּוֹת‬ ‫מ‬ .Moabi
‫|מוֹאָבִית‬.Moabitis Moabitess, N. N.

‫בוא‬ ‫ מוּבָאוֹת־־אִים‬.Addu cte

, adducti Brought.
‫בוס‬ ‫| מוּבָס‬.Conculcatus Trodden under foot.
‫מוג‬ Collicuit, diffluxit, de- He melted, melted away, dis-
fecit , consumpsit. solved , fainted , consumed.
‫ינה‬ ְ‫ מוֹנַיִך‬.Afligentes
te They that afflict thee.
‫ירה‬ ‫ מוֹדִים‬.Gratiasagentes Giving thanks . [ nosticate.
‫| מו‬ , porten- | They thatshew , portend , prog
TUTI Ostendens tibi dentes Shewing to thee.
‫| מוֹדִיעָם‬.Doceos ens Making known to them.
‫|מוּצָנִים‬.Cibati Fed.
‫זור‬ Become a stranger.
‫ מוּזָר‬.Alienus factus
‫מוּת‬ Medulla scatuit, ple- He abounded in or was full
nus fuit . of marrow .
‫מוּט‬ Lapsus est, nutavit, He slipped, bent, wavered ,
vacillavit,declina- tottered, declined, was re-
vit, dimotus est. moved.
‫| מוֹט‬.Dimovcri To be removed.

‫ מוֹטָה‬.Jugum A, the yoke.

‫|מוֹטת־־מטת‬.Juga Yokes.
ְ‫מוּך‬ Attenuatus, depau- He was impoverished, made
peratus, depressus poor , brought low.
‫יכה‬ ‫ | מוכיח‬.Arguens [ est. He that rebuketh.
944 ‫מוסר־־סר‬


‫כון‬ ‫|מוּכָן‬.Paratus Prepared.


Aptati,statuti, affixi. Fitted , settled, fastened.

‫מוּל‬ Circumcidit, excidit . He circumcised, cut off.

Sip Circumcisus. [ one. Circumcised.
Ante, coram, e regi- Before, toward , over against.
‫|מולדה‬.Molada Moladah, N. P.
Genita, nata. Begotten , born.
Her kindred.
‫ מוֹלַדְתָּה‬.Cognatiejus o
ejus as His nativity.
ֹ‫ | מוֹלַדְתּו‬.Nativit
‫|וֹלְדתִּי‬‫ מ‬.Cognatio
mea My kindred .

tua o
‫ מ‬.Cognati Thy kindred.
ְ‫| מוֹלַדְתִּך‬.Nativ ilas Thy nativity.
Their nativity.
‫ מוֹלַדְתָּם‬.Nativ itas
itas nativity.

ּ‫| מולדתֵּנו‬.Nativ nostra

‫ מוֹלִיד‬.Molid Molid, N. M.
He that leadeth.
ְ‫ | מוֹלִיך‬.Deducens

eos. Leading them.

‫ | מוֹלִיכָם‬Deducens
‫| מוֹלְכוֹת‬.Ducentes They that carry.
He that leadeth thee.
te s
‫ מ‬.Deducen
‫מלל‬ ‫|מוֹלָל‬ .Loquens Speaking.

‫מאום‬ ‫ מ‬.Mac
‫|ים‬ ul
, vili um a A spot, blot, blemish.
| .Macula
ejus His blot.

‫ מוּמָס‬.Mac ula Their spot.

‫מות‬ Slain.
‫מנה‬ ‫ | מונה‬.Numerans He that numbereth.

‫ינה‬ ְ‫ מוֹנַיִך‬.Opprimen te tes They that oppress thee.

20 Circumdu cti . Drawn round about.
‫ מוּסָכּוֹת‬.Conversi [ tæ. Turned.
nap Circumdate ; muta- Surrounded , inclosed ; changed
‫יסר‬ TO- 7012 Fundatus ; funda- Founded ; a foundation.
12 Fundata . [ mentum Founded .
The foundations.
‫| מוֹסְדוֹת מיידי‬.Fundamela
‫יסף‬ Din Addentes, augentes. Adding, increasing.
71 Castigatio, vinculum . Chastisement , bond, discipline ,
eruditio, doctrina instruction , doctrine .
‫מוצאיהם־־הן‬ 945

‫|מוֹסֵרָה‬.Mosera Mosera, N. P.
‫יסר‬ .rincula The bonds.
‫רֵי‬ ‫|מוֹסְרוֹת‬
Toirpin Vincula tua. Thy bonds.
Their bonds..
ֹ‫ מוֹסְרוֹתֵימו‬.vincula
mea o My instruction.
‫ מוּסָרִי‬.Eruditi
Your bonds.
‫ֹסְרֵיכֶם‬ ‫ו‬ ‫מ‬ vestra la
tua tio Thy chastening.
ְ‫| מוּסָרְך‬.Castiga
‫יער‬ Tempus statutum, A, the time appointed, assem-
catus, festum, so- bly, feast, festival, solem-
lemnitas ; consti- nity ; being appointed .
Festivitas ejus [ tutus Her festival.
17 Cœtus mei, solemni- My assemblies, my solemnities
tatesmeæ.[ mitates
Catus, festa, solem- Assemblies, feasts, solemnities
ָ‫ | מוֹעֲדֶיה‬Tempora statuta Her appointed times.
‫|וֹעַדְיָה‬ ‫ מ‬.Moadias [ ejus. Moadiah, N. M.
‫יעד‬ ‫ם‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫ד‬ ָ ‫ע‬ ּ ‫ו‬ ‫מ‬
| .Condicti Set, appointed.

Thy congregations.


ָ‫ מוֹעֲדֶך‬.Cetuitus

Solemnitates nostræ. Our solemnities.

‫מעד‬ ‫ | מוּעֶדֶת‬.Luratus Out of joint.

‫ מועיל‬.Utilis Useful, profitable.

‫ מוּעָף‬.Obscuratus
‫ מ‬.Obscuritas
‫|וּעָקָה‬ Obscurity, dimness, darkness.

.Purus Pure.
‫ מ‬.Portentum A, the wonder, prodigy.
My wonders.
‫ מוֹפְתַי‬.Portentamea
‫|מוֹפְתִים‬ .Portenla Wond ers, prodigies.
Portentum vestrum. Your wonders, signs.
[goeth forth ; a spring.
‫יצא‬ in Egressus ; scaturigo The going forth, that which
‫מוֹצָא‬ .Molsa Moza, N. M.
‫ | מוֹצָא‬.Educens He that bringeth out.
ֹ‫ מוֹצָאו‬.Egress cjus us His goin forth.
Brough forth.
‫|מוּצָאוֹת‬ .Educte
‫ מוֹצָאֵי‬.Egressus The out-goings, goings forth.
Educentes. [ rum. They that bring up.
17 Exitus eorum, ea- Their goings out , goings forth
VOL. II. 2 A
946 ‫מורשה‬


‫יצא‬ ‫צִי‬ ‫ מוֹצְאִים‬.Proferentes They that bring out.

ְ‫ מוֹצָאֵך‬.Egres tuussus Thy going out.

.Ed uct a Brought forth.
‫|מוֹצִיא‬ .Educens He that bringeth out.
‫ מ‬.Educe
ֹ‫|וֹצִיאו‬ He that bringeth him out.

eos ns
‫ מוֹצִיאָם‬.Educe He that bringeth them out.

‫יצק‬ ‫ּצָק‬.F
‫מו‬ , conflatus , us u
Fused ,molten , consolidated
Straitened .
‫ מוּצָק מוּצָק‬.Angustalus
‫|ָקוֹת‬ stu
, infusoria . Pipes ,tunnels le
Tabuit, contabuit . He pined , wasted away.
‫יקר‬ ‫ | מוֹקְדָה‬.Aduslio Burning .
‫ מ‬.Incendia
‫|וֹקְדֵי‬ Burnings , fires.
A snare.
‫יקש‬ ‫ מ‬.Laqueus
Snares .
‫ מוֹקְשֵׁי־־שִׁים‬.Laquei
‫מוּר‬ Mutavit,commutavit He changed, exchanged.
Myrrh .
‫מָר‬ ‫מֹר‬ ‫ | מוֹר‬.Myrrha
Terror , fear.
‫ירא‬ ‫ מוֹרָא‬.Timor
‫ראה‬ ‫|וֹרְאָה‬ ‫ מ‬.F pollulaa Filthy, pollute .
, ed
‫ירא‬ His fear.
ֹ‫|מוֹרָאו‬ .Timor ejus
‫ מוֹרָאִי‬.Ti mor
meus My fear .
Your fear .
‫ מוֹרַאֲכֶם‬.Tim vesteror
‫רדד‬ ‫|וֹרָר‬ ‫ מ‬.Expansnus Spread .
‫מרה‬ ula A rasor.
‫|וֹרָה‬‫ מ‬.Novac
‫ירא‬ ‫ מוֹרָה‬.Timor
Moreh , N. P.
‫ |מוֹרה‬.More
‫ירה‬ ‫רֶה מי‬-
ֹ‫מו‬ P l u
; pluvia au- The rain v
; the former or aui
tumnalis ; jacu- tumnal rain ; he that shoot-
lans ; docens . eth ; he that teacheth.
They that teach me.
me s
‫ | מוֹרָי‬.Docente
‫מיר‬ ‫ מ‬.Myrrh
‫|וֹרִי‬ meaa My myrrh.
‫ירד‬ ‫ | מוֹרִיד‬.Demialens | He that bringeth down .

‫מוֹרְיָה‬ .Moria Moriah , N. P.

‫ירה‬ ‫ מ‬.Docen
ְ‫|וֹרִיך‬ tetes Thy teachers.
‫ירש‬ He that driveth out.
ׁ‫|וֹרִיש‬‫ מ‬.Expellens
Driving them out.

‫| מוֹרִישָׁם‬.Expellens
‫|ׁה‬ ‫מו‬
ָ‫ֹרָש‬.H , possessio An ed
er ita
inheritance , possessi
‫מותתני‬ 947

‫ירש‬ Possessiones vel pos- Possessions or possessors ofthe

sessores cordis, heart, thoughts.
Possessiones eorum. Their possessions.
Morastila. [ amovit. Morasthite, N. P. [ moved.
ׁ‫מוּש‬ Recessit, discessit, He went back, departed, re-
‫ישב‬ Sedes. situs, habitatio A , the seat, situation, dwell-
Sedes, habitatio ejus. His seat, habitation, (ing.
-iwi Habitationes eorum. Their habitations.
' ‫ ב‬-‫ מוֹשְׁבוֹתֵיהֶם‬.Habitationes eorum
- Habitationes vestræ. Your habitations.

' ‫ ב‬- ‫וֹשְׁבוֹתָם‬.Hab

‫מ‬ itat
eorum iones
. Their habitations
‫ מוֹשָׁבִי‬.Sedes
mea My seat.
‫ מושבי‬.Habitationcs The habitations.

‫שוב‬ ‫מוּשָׁבִים‬ .Reducti Brought back.

‫ישב‬ Sedes, habitatio tua . Thy seat, habitation.
Their dwelling.
‫ מוֹשָׁבָם‬.Habilatio corum
‫ | מוּשִׁי‬.Musi [faciens. Mushi, N. M. [dwell.
awqwis aw Collocans, habitare Placing, setting, causing to
‫ישע‬ Servans, servator. Saving, delivering, a saviour.
ipin Servator ejus. [res. His saviour.
Din Servatores, liberato- Saviours, deliverers.
ְ‫ מוֹשִׁיעֶךְ עֶךְ עֵך‬.Servat tuus or Thy
Their saviour.
‫ מוֹשִׁיעָם‬.Servator eorum
‫משך‬ [ tor. They that draw.
‫ מוֹשְׁכוֹת‬.Trahentes
‫משל‬ hipi
‫משֶׁל‬ Dominans, domina- He that ruleth, a governor .
‫מות‬ Mortuus est, inter- He died, put to death, was
fecit, occisus est. slain.
Death .
‫מוּת‬ ‫ מָוֶת‬.Mors
‫ מות‬.Morie In dying ; death.
; morsndo
‫וּת לַבֶּן‬.
‫ מ‬.Mul
-labent Muth-labben, perhaps N. M.
‫מות‬ ּ‫ מוֹתָהּ מוּתָה‬.Mo eamri That she dieth.

‫מותו מי‬ .Mor

eum i That he dieth.
That I die.
‫מוֹתִי מוּתִי‬ .Mori
That we die.
ּ‫מוּתְנו‬ .Mori
‫ מ‬.Emolumentum Profit, advantage.
| །

He slew me. •


‫ מוֹתְתַנִי‬.Interfecit
948 ‫מזוזת‬

‫זאב‬ ‫|מזאבי‬ lupis
.Pre Than wolves .
‫זה‬ ‫מזאת‬.Q
| hoc , pre ua
hac. Than
this m
‫זבל‬ ‫| מִזְבוּל‬.E
habitationer From a, the dwelling .
‫זבח‬ ‫ מ‬.Sacrificans
ַ‫|זַבֵּח‬ Sacrificing, he that sacrificeth
‫זְבַח מִזֶּבַח‬. ִ‫ | מ‬, pre sacrificio . D e
| Of , from , than the sacrifice
ַ‫ מִזְבַּח מִזְבֵּח‬.A ra
, allare The, an altar.
His altar.
ֹ‫ מִזְבְּחו‬.Ara ejus
Of his sacrifice.
ֹ‫ מִזְבְחו‬.Desacrificio ejus
‫ מִזְבְּחוֹת חת‬.4r , altaria e Altars .
Their altars .
" ‫ ח‬- ‫ מִזְבְּחוֹתֵיהֶם‬.are
‫ מַזְבְּחוֹתֶיךָ־ח‬Auaria , tua Thy altars .

‫ מִזְבְּחוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Allar vestra ia Your altars .

Their altars.
‫ מִזְבְּחוֹתָם־ה‬.Are eorum
‫ | מִזְבְּחִי‬.Alt meum are My altar . [ fices.
E üs Of, from off, out of the sacri-
‫ מִזְבְחֵי‬. sacrifici
‫מִזְבְחִי‬. E
sacrificiomeo Of my sacrifice .
Sacrificing, they that sacrifice
‫ מְזַבְּחִים‬.Sacrificantes
ָ‫ מִזְבַּחֲךָ בְּחֶך‬.Altuum Thy altar .
His altars.
ּ‫ מַזְבְּחֹתָיו חָו‬.Are
‫מִז‬ sacrificiaeorum .o b
Because of their sacrifices
‫זבל‬ r From the habitation.
‫ מִזְבָל‬. E
habitati one
Miscuit. He mixed, mingled.
‫זןד‬ ‫| מִזְדִים‬.Asuperbis From the proud .
Exhaustus, emacia- He was exhausted, emaciated,
tus,consumptus est| consumed .
‫מה‬ Quid est hoc, illud ? What is this, that?
‫מִזֶּה‬ .Mizas Mizzah , N. M.
‫זה‬ ‫| מִזֶּה‬.U nd
, hinc Whence, hence, thence.
, illinc e

‫זהב‬ ‫זְהַב‬ , et auro

‫ מִזָהָב‬.Pra Than, above, from gold.

‫| מִזְהָבִי‬.Er of my gold .

‫זוב‬ From the issue.

‫| מְזוֹב‬.A
From her issue .
ּ‫ מִיּוֹבָה‬.A
| fluru ejus
ֹ‫ מָזוֹבו‬.A fluru ejus From his issue.
The posts .
‫זוז‬ ‫ מזוּזוֹת־זת זזות‬.Postes
‫|מְזוּזַת‬.Poslis A, the post.
‫מזקן‬ 949


a s
meti My post.
‫זוז‬ ‫ מְזוּזָתִי‬.Pos
‫זרה‬ Promptuaria, penu- Our storehouses, garners.
‫זלל‬ A vili. [aria nostra From the vile, worthless.
A meretrice. From a harlot.
‫זור‬ ‫ מָזוֹר‬.Vu,lnu ulcus s A wound, sore, ulcer. '

‫זרה‬ Scattered, dispersed.

‫|ְזוֹרָה‬‫ מ‬.Dispersa
Cinxit, accinxit. He bound, girded.

‫|מזח‬ A girdle.
‫מזה‬ Exhausti, emaciati. Exhausted, emaciated.

‫זיז‬ Introitus,copia,mag- The entrance, abundance,

nificentia, splen- magnificence, splendour.
dor. [dens.
Auscullans, atten- Hearkening, giving heed.

‫זכר‬ Adolens, recordans, Burning incense, remember-
memorans ; me- ing, calling to remem-
morator. brance; a recorder, re-

‫|מִזָכָר‬.A mare [cans. From the male. [ membrancer

In memoriam revo- Bringing to remembrance.

‫זמם‬ A thought, purpose.

‫ מְזִמָּה‬.Cogitatio

Canticum, psalmus . A song, psalm,



‫זמם‬ nipin Excogitationes, see- Thoughts, devices, mischiefs.

His thoughts.
‫| מִזְמוֹתָיו‬ iones
‫ מְזִמָּנוֹת‬.Constitute Appointed.

‫ מְזְמָּנִים‬Constituti
, Appointed.
Snuffers. [fruits.
‫זמר‬ ‫ מזַמְּרוֹת‬.Emunctoria
De ramis præcisis. A lopped branch of the best
‫זמם‬ His thought, device.
ֹ‫ מְזִמָּתו‬.Cogitatio ejus
‫ מִזַן‬.Dspeciee From a species , sort.
Pre scortationibus . Than whoredoms.
They that agitate, harass thee
ָ‫ מְזַעַזְעֶיך‬.Agilante te s
‫זעם‬ ‫ מְעַם‬.Propter furorem On account of the rage.
İyi Ab indignatione ejus From his indignation.
To cry.
‫ מִזְעק‬.Clamare
ney Pra, a, pro clamore Than, from, at the cry.

‫| מִזְעָר‬ Parum, paululum . Little, a little while.

For age.
‫| זקן‬ ‫| מִזְקָן‬.P r
senectut eo
950 ‫מחדרו‬


re s From, than the ancients.

‫| זקן‬ ‫מִזִקְנֵי־ זְקֵנִים‬, .p senibu
.Pu rga tus . Purified .
‫זקק‬ ‫| מִזְפָּק‬
‫מִזְקָקִים‬.Def . [tus ec ati
est . Refined
‫מָּזֵר‬ Computruit, corrup- He putrefied, was corrupted.
‫זרה‬ ‫| מזָרֵה־־ר‬.Dispergens Scattering away.
‫זור‬ 1 Vulnus, ulcus ejus. His wound, sore.
‫זרע‬ ַ‫זְרוֹע‬.P
ִ‫| מ‬ ro
brachium pt
. Because of the arm er
‫מזר‬ ‫ מַזָרוֹת‬Mazarot, omnia si- Mazzaroth , all the stars , the
dera, signa zodia- signs ofthe zodiac, or rather
ci, vel potius cer- some particular star or
tum sidus. constellation.
‫זרח‬ , ortus s
‫ מִזְרָח־־רָח‬.Orien The east , sun -rising .
" ְ‫ ר‬-- ‫ִזְרָחָה‬Adorientem
‫|מ‬ . [ edens . Toward
, the east
‫זרע‬ ַ‫ מַזְרִיע‬Sementans
, semen Yielding seed.
‫זרם‬ ‫| מִזְרֶם‬. A
inundat ione bFrom an inundation, flood.
‫|מִזֶּרַע זִי‬ . E
semi ne Of the seed .

ֹ‫מִזַרְעו‬.E semine ejus Of his seed .

ְ‫ מִזַרְעַך‬. tuo Of thyseed.
DUDE semine eorum. of their seed .

‫זרק‬ ‫ מִזְרָק‬.Cra te
, pelvis r A bowl, bason.
resBowls, basons.
‫רְקִי‬ ‫ מִזְרָקוֹת‬.Crate
, pelves


‫מְחַא‬ Complosit,percussit, Heclapped, smote, destroyed.

‫חיה‬ " ַ‫ מָהֵא מ‬.Viv umKeeping alive.
‫מחא‬ AND Complodere te. That thou clappest.
‫הבל‬ ‫ מֵחֶבֶל‬.ab
ora , regione From the coast , region .
‫מחבל‬ portionstro
portione . [ dentes . Out of theE . [
‫מח‬ , per- They that corrupt , spoil , de
‫חבק‬ Pann Ab amplectendo. From embracing .
‫חבר‬ ְ‫ מֵחַבְרֶך‬.P sociisre
tuis Above thy fellows.
ְ‫מז‬ P r
junctura ejus . Than his coupling , joining e
‫הבת‬ ‫מחבת‬ | .Sartago A pan.
‫חנר‬ Cingulum, cinctura. A girdle , girding.
‫חדל‬ ‫ מחדל‬.cessando In ceasing.
‫חדר‬ ֹ‫מֵחֶדְרו‬.E cubiculo ejus Ont of his chainber.

Tersit, exlersit, abs- He wiped, wiped off, swept

tersit, delevit, ab- away, blotted out , abolish-
olevit, percussit, ed, destroyed, smote, clap-
complosit manus. ped his hands.
‫ מָחֹה‬.Delendo In blotting out.
‫ מחָה‬.Dele Blot thou out.
He that blotteth out.
‫ מֹחֶה‬.Delens

‫חוז‬ in Portus, terminus, A haven, harbour, limit,

‫חוט‬ ‫ | מחוּט‬.A
filo From a thread. [ boundary.
‫מְחוּיָאֵל‬ .Mechujael Mehujael, N. M.
‫מַחֲוִים‬ .Machavim Mahavite, N. M.

‫ מָחוֹל‬.Machol Mahol, N. M.
‫חול‬ ‫ מָחוֹל‬.P re
arena Than, above the sand.
in Dolens, vulneratus. Being in pain, wounded ,

‫ | מחולל‬.Formans He that formeth.


‫ מְחוֹלֶלֶת‬.DoloaficiensrePutting to pain,
Our dance.

ּ‫ מחוֹלנו‬.Chorus
‫חמה‬ From the wall.

‫| מָחוֹמַת‬.A
‫חוץ‬ platea , E Out of the street, without.
‫מִחוּץ־־וּצָה‬. extra
‫חוה‬ ‫ מחות‬.db indicando From shewing.
‫חזה‬ ‫ מַחֲזֶה‬.Visio The vision.
Aspectus, fenestra. The sight, window.
‫ מֵחָזוֹן‬.Si ne
visione Without a vision.

‫ מַחֲזִיאֹת‬.Machaziot Mahazioth, N. M.
‫חזה‬ ‫מֵחֶזְיוֹנוֹת‬. visiona
ibus From the visions.

ejus From his vision.
ֹ‫ מֵחֶזְיֹנו‬.
‫חזק‬ Pin
‫ מַחֲזִיק‬Apprehendens, te- Laying hold, he that holdeth.
nens. [mantès.

Pin Roborantes, confir- They that strengthen,repairers

Laying hold of.
‫ מַחֲזִיקִים‬.Apprehendentes
‫ָזָק‬ ‫ח‬ ֵ ‫מ‬ 4 .for ti From the strong.

Pin Indurabo, roborabo. I will harden, strengthen.

‫ מחָזְקִים‬.Confirmantes Confirming, repairing.
‫ מַחֲזֶקֶת‬.Tenens She that holdeth.
‫חטא‬ From cleansing.
‫ מֵחַטָא‬.d
‫ מֵחֲלֹא־טו־טוֹא‬4 .peccanda From sinning.

‫מחטאות־־את‬ 4 ,.pro
peccatis From, for the sins.
952 ‫מחלהו‬


‫תטא‬ ‫ מֵחֲטָאָי‬4 .pecca meislisFrom my sins.

‫|ַטָאת‬ ‫מח‬.Pro . pe siat
[ ejus . cc
For n o
inson De, pro, a peccato Of,concerning,for,from his sin

‫ מֵחַטָאתִי‬.4, p
peccatomeo . From ,rfor my sin o
‫ מ‬.p
‫ֵחַטָאתָם‬, 4 ro pe cc at oe
From , for their
s ior

‫|מחטב‬. A
cedent e From him that cutteth, the
Being cut. [ hewer.
‫ מְחְטָבוֹת‬.Casa
‫חטא‬ ‫חֲטִיאֵי‬Pecca
ַ‫מ‬ re facientes . They that cause to sin
‫מ‬ .Me chida Mehida , N. M.
‫יה‬ Preserving alive.
‫ מְחַיֶה‬.i uum
‫ מִחְיָה‬.V il
, victu s a Life, sustenance .

‫ מֵחַיָּי‬.P re Than my life.

vila mea
vilae Than life .
‫חיל‬ ‫ מחיל‬4 .robore From strength.
‫מוח‬ .‫מחים‬ .M ed
scatentes ul
. Abounding inmarrowla
sin u Of the bosom .
Out of her bosom .
‫ מֵחֵיקָה‬.sinu E
Out of his bosom .
ֹ‫ מֵחֵיקו‬.E
sinu ejus
‫|מחיר‬.Mechir Mehir, N. M.

‫מחר‬ .Pretium
‫|מחיר‬ The price, worth, value .

‫| מְחִירָה‬.Preli ejus um Her price.

‫מחה‬ ָ‫|מָחִית‬Delevisti
, Thou hast blotted out. [ ness.
‫חיה‬ Vivacitas, sanitas. Quickness, liveliness, sound-
I have blotted out.
‫מחה‬ ‫|מָחִיתִי‬ .Delevi
‫חכם‬ ‫|ַת‬ ‫מ‬
‫ַחְכִּימ‬.Sa pie
faciens , ntem
‫|ֵחָכָם‬ sapiAente From the wise.
De Sapiens effectus. Being made wise.

‫ מֵחָכְמָה‬. , a sapien Etia Out of, from wisdom .

‫|ְכָּמִים‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .Sap ient issi mi Very wise.
Than wisdom .
‫ מֵחָכְמַת‬.P sapienrtia e
‫חלל‬ ‫|מחל‬ .Incipiens Beginning.
‫חלב‬ Than , from milk .
‫| מחלב‬.Pre , a lacle
" ‫חֵלֶב־־ח‬. ֵ‫| מ‬ , cr , cum P r
adipe . Than, from , with the fat e
‫חלד‬ .D mundo e Of the world .
‫|מחלה‬.Machla Mahlah, N. W.
‫חלה‬ ‫ מַחְלָה־־חַי‬.Morbus Sickness, disease.
His disease .
ּ‫ מַחֲלֵהו‬Morbus ,
‫מהמדינו‬ 953

‫ מַחְלוֹן‬.Machlon Mahlon, N. M.
‫ מחלי‬.Machali Mahali , N. M.
‫חלה‬ ‫ מֵחָלִי‬.A From disease.
ֹ‫מַחְלִיו‬.Amorbo cjus From his disease.
Leniens, blandiens. Smoothing, flattering.
‫חלל‬ Profanans, polluens. Profaning, defiling.
ֹ‫מֵחַלְלו‬ 4.pollu endo
eum From polluting it.
‫ מחללי‬.P re
occisi s Than the slain .
‫ מחללי‬.Vulne rali
, occisi Wounded, slain.
eam tesThey that defile it.
ָ‫ מְחַלְלֵיה‬.Polluen
Profanantes, fistu- They that profane, pipe,
lantes, saltantes. dance.

ְ‫ מחלְלֶך‬.Occidens
te He that slayeth thee.
‫חול‬ te s
ְ‫ מְחֹלְלֶך‬.Forman Thy former .
‫חלל‬ ‫ מְחַלֶּלֶת‬Profanans
, She that profaneth .
‫חלם‬ Somniantes , somni- Dreaming, causing to be
andumfacientes. dreamed.
‫חלמש‬ silice
ׁ‫ מֵחַלְמִיש‬.E Out of the flint.
‫חלף‬ ‫ מַחְלְפוֹת‬.Cincinni Locks ofhair.
D' Cultri. [ velfestiva. Knives. ,

‫חלץ‬ Vestes multatoriæ, Changeable suits, or festive
lumbis tuis Out of thy loins.
PA, præ dividendo. From dividing, than to divide
nip Divisiones, classes. The divisions, courses.
‫ מַחְלְקוֹתָם־־קי‬.Divisio eorum nes Their divisions. [ company.
p? Classis, divisio, tur- The class , course, division,
‫ מֵחֶלְקַת‬.A blandiliis [ ma. From the flatteries.
inp Classis ejus. His course.

‫מַחֲלַת‬ .Machalat Mahalath, N. W.

‫ מְחֹלָתִי‬.Mecholatila Meholathite, N. F. or P.
‫חמא‬ ‫ מַחֲמָאֹת‬.Prebulyro Than butter.
‫מר‬ Desiderium ; deside- Desire ; desirable.
rabilis. [ derabiles.
Desideria, res desi- Desires, desirable things.
Desiderabilia ejus . Her desirable things .
‫ מחמרים‬.Desideria Desires.
¶ Desiderabilia nostra Our desirable things.
2 B
954 ‫מחץ‬
Desiderabilia eorum Their desirable things.
‫חמד‬ ‫מַחֲמַוּדֵיהֶם‬
‫חמס‬ ‫חֲמָס‬ ‫מֵחָמָס‬ A violentia , propter From violence ; for , because
Yon Cumfermento. [ vim. With leaven. [ of the violence .
‫חמץ‬ That which is leavened.
‫ מַחְמֶצֶת‬.Fermenlala
luto Out of the clay .
‫תמר‬ ‫ מֵחֹמֶר‬.
of five .
‫תמש‬ won De quinque.
‫חמם‬ ֹ‫ָּתו‬. ‫מֵחַמ‬ calore ejus [ citus . AFrom his heat
C a a s tr
‫חנה‬ ‫חֲנֵה־־נֶה‬. ַ‫מ‬ ,turm , erer- , theA camp , host , army
ּ‫חֲנֵהו‬. ַ‫מ‬ C a
, turma ejus . s t
His camp , hostra
Cam ps , ban ds.
‫ מַחֲנוֹת‬.Cas me a
Blot tho me.
‫מנה‬ ‫ מְחֵנִי‬.Del me e
tra The ir camps.
‫תנה‬ ‫ מַחֲנֵיהֶם‬.Cas eorum
tra Thy camps.
ְ‫נֶך‬ ָ‫ מַחֲנֶיך‬.Cas tua
as tr
ra a Your camps.
‫ מַחֲנֵיכֶם‬.C vest
Mahanaim, N. M.
" ַ‫ מַחֲנָיִם־־נ‬.Machanaim
Pan Strangulat , suffo- Strangling , suffocation .
catio . [gium .
non no-'n --nony Spes, fiducia, refu- A , the hope , trust, refuge.
ַ‫מ‬ S
, refugium . His hope ,e
ejusp refuge s
Diona Frenum. [ poor .
‫הסם‬ .Frenum[ egenus. A bridle.
‫חסר‬ s inopia ; Deficiency , want, poverty ;
‫ | מַחְסוֹר‬Defectu
Thy want.
ְ‫ מַחְסוֹרְך‬Defectus , tuus
‫חסה‬ S
" ‫ מַחֲסִי־־ח‬. , fiduc meapia e s My hope , trust .
Machseias . [ asylum. Maaseiah , N. M.
‫חסה‬ ּ‫חְסֵנו‬.
ַ‫מ‬ S
nostr a,nostrum p Our hope ,e
Rotu ndus, minut is- d
Roun , crum bled or broken
sime confriatus. into small pieces.

‫חסר‬ His need.

ֹ‫ מַחֲמֹרו‬Defectus , ejus
A ate From the will, desire .
‫חפץ‬ ‫ מֵחֵפֶץ‬. volunt
Examined, searched .
‫חפש‬ ׁ‫ מְחִפָּש‬.Investigatus
Out of her chamber .
‫תפה‬ ּ‫ מַחְפָּתָה‬. thalE
Out of his chamber.
ֹ‫ מַחְפָּתו‬.Ethal amo
Infixit, transfodit, He pierced , thrust through ,
profundum inflix- gave a deep wound , im-
it vulnus, cruen- brued in blood.

ra ns thou fo
through d
ְ‫מ‬ . [tavit . Thrust
From the arrow.
‫חצץ‬ ‫| מֵחֵץ‬.sagiA
‫מחריב‬ 955

‫חצב‬ ‫ מַחְצֵב‬.Ercisio Cutting off , hewing.

‫חצה‬ ‫ מֵחֲצִי‬. E
dimidi o Out of the half.

ֵ‫מ‬ medio ejusI n
. [ dia . In his midst
im id
‫מַחֲצִית‬.D , pars dimi- | The half iu m
ejusium Half of her.
ּ‫ מַחֲצִיתָה‬.Dimid
ejusium Half of him.
ֹ‫ מַחֲצִיתו‬.Dimid
‫חצף‬ ‫ַחְצְפָה‬.U ‫מ‬ rg
, accelerans . Urging , en
hastening s
‫חצץ‬ ‫צִים‬ ְ ‫צ‬ ַ ‫ח‬.Ja
ְ ‫מ‬ , cul
sagitta- ant
Shooting , archers es
‫חצר‬ ‫ מַחְצְצְרִים‬.Clangenles [ rii. Blowingorsounding a trumpet
E ior From the court.
‫ מֵחֲצַר‬.atr
ַ‫מ‬ [ rastil Blowingent
. ang , sounding es
‫מחץ‬ Transfodisti, vulne- Thou piercedst, woundedst.
‫חצה‬ um The half.
‫ מֶחֱצָת‬Dimidi,
‫מחץ‬ Vulneravi. [ abscidit . I wounded. [ through, cut off.
‫מָחַק‬ Transfixil, pertusit, He thrust through, beat
Out of the bosom .
‫חיק‬ ‫ מֵחֵק‬E sinu
She cut off..
‫מחק‬ ‫ָה‬‫ מָחֲק‬.Abscidit
Sculptus, delineatus. Cut, carved, portrayed.
E lulisr Of customs, ordinances.
‫ מֵחֲקוֹת‬.insti
PA statutis meis. From my ordinances.
‫ מֵחֲקִי‬Pre demenso
, meo Than my allotted portion.

ְ‫ מַחֲקִיך‬. statutisAtuis From thy statutes.

tor A, the lawgiver.
‫ מְחֹקֵק‬Legisla,
PROP Constitutus, decretus Appointed, decreed.
‫ מְחֹקְקִי‬.Legisl meus My lawgiver .
‫ מֵחֹקְקִים‬.Legislatores Lawgivers.

ּ‫ מֵחֹקְקֵנו‬.Legislanoster tor lawgiver .


‫ מַחְקְרִי‬.L oc
profund a a The deep places.
‫ מָחָר‬Cras , in posterum . - orrow , for the time to
To m
‫חרב‬ From the sword. [ come.
‫ מֵחֶרֶב‬.A
From the heat.
‫ מֵחֹרֶב‬.Aastub
Laid waste. [places.
‫ מָחֲרָבוֹת‬.Vastate
‫ מֵחָרְבוֹתֵיהֶם‬Evastitatibus eorum Out of their wastes , desolate
‫חרה‬ a b
‫חֲרוֹן‬. ֵ‫מ‬ esta , iracundia . From the heat , wrath
re Tha n gold .
‫חרץ‬ ‫ מֵחָרוּץ‬.P auro
‫חרב‬ ‫ח‬ ַ ‫מ‬ .r as ta ns Laying waste, the destroyer .
956 ‫מחתתיה‬


Terrifying .
.‫חרד‬ ‫ מַחֲרִיד‬.Terrens
Being silent.
‫חרש‬ ׁ‫|מַחֲרִיש‬.Silens
He that reproacheth.
‫חרף‬ ‫ מְחָרֵף‬.Exprobran
Because of the winter.
‫| מחרף‬.Pro pt
hyeme m er
‫מ‬ P r
opprobri op
um Because t
of therepr e
‫נים‬ | ‫ מחרצ‬d nucleis acinorum . From the kernels , grape stone
Bei sil ent.
‫חרש‬ ‫|ַחֲרִשִׁים‬‫ מ‬.Silenles
ejuser His ploughshare.
ֹ‫ מַחֲרַשְׁתּו‬.rom
inn Ligo, rutrum ejus. His mattock , spade.
‫חשב‬.c ‫מ‬ , og it
ercogitans Thinkin ans
g , devising
og it
atio Though at
t , purpose ice i
ַ‫מ‬ ,ercogit dev,
winian Cogitationes , excogi Thoughts ; purposes , devices,
tationes. inventions .

‫|שְׁבוֹתַי‬ְ‫ מַח‬.Cogitat iones

mee My thoughts .
‫מ‬ it
ogvestre at
. Your io
thou nes
ּ‫|ֵינו‬ ‫מ‬ ogitnostre . at io
Our thou ghtsnes

‫ַחְשְׁבו‬.c‫מ‬ it
ogeorum at
. Their io
thoughts nes
A, the thought, device. [ship.
‫ מַחֲשֶׁבֶת‬.Cogitatio
rc The device ,it
, polituraog at
skilful workman
Skilful works.
‫|ַחֲשָׁבֹת‬‫ מ‬.Politure
His device .
ֹ‫ מַחֲשַׁבְתּו‬.Ercogit atio
ַ‫מ‬ ogit at
eorum . Their io
thou nes
‫|שְׁבֹתָיו‬ְ‫ מַח‬.Cogitat iones
ejus His thoughts .

ָ‫|שְׁבֹתֶיך‬ ְ‫ מַח‬Cogitationes ,tue Thy thoughts.

‫חשה‬ Being silent .
‫|מַחְשֶׁה‬ Silens
. ‫חשך‬ ְ‫|חְשִׁיך‬ ַ‫ מ‬.Obscurans Darkening.
‫חשה‬ ִ ‫ש‬ ְ ‫ח‬ ַ|‫מ‬ .Si len tes Being silent.
‫ים‬ ׁ
Darkness .
‫חשך‬ ְ‫|מַחְשָׁךְ מֵחֹשֶׁך‬ .caligo
‫ מַחֲשַׁכֵי‬.Tenebre Darkness, dark places.

‫|ַחְשׂף‬ ‫ מ‬.Denudatio A stripping , laying bare.

ne ri
Connected together.
‫חשק‬ ‫ מִחְשָׁקִים‬.Con inle r se
‫|מחת‬.Machat Mahath , N. M.
‫מחא‬ ‫מְחָת‬| .Percussit He smote .
‫חתת‬ ‫ מְחִתָּה־־תַּת‬.Terror Terror.
The censers, firepans.
‫חתה‬ ‫ מַחְתּוֹת־־תת‬.Acerre, trule
err a His censer.
ֹ‫ מַחְתָּתו‬.Ac ejus
ejus e
ָ‫ מַחְתֹּתֶיה‬.Trull Her firepans.
‫מטיף‬ 957

‫מוט‬ Labens, nmulans , va- Slipping , bendingtot
, tering

‫מְטָא‬ Advenit, pertigit. He came to, reached.

‫טבח‬ ַ‫מַטְבֵּח‬ .Mactatio The slaughter.
‫יטב‬ ‫ַטְבִּי‬.D
‫מ‬ ec
facientes. Doing gracefully
‫טבע‬ ּ‫ מַטְבְּעוֹתָו‬.A
annulis cjus bBy his rings.
‫מוט‬ ‫ָטָה‬.Lapsa
‫מ‬ est , vacillavit She slipped , tottered
‫נטה‬ ‫ מָטָה מַטָה‬.Inf , inferiusra Below, beneath.
| , tribusa
.Tirg A rod, staff, tribe.
Pervertens ; virga, He that perverteth ; a rod,
‫מטא‬ ‫טָת־טַת‬ ‫מְטָה‬ .Advenit [ tribus. He came. [staff , tribe.
‫נטה‬ ‫פַּת‬ ‫ מָטָה‬.Lectus A bed.
‫ה‬ ֶ ‫ט‬ ֶ ‫מ‬ .P er ve rs us Perverted .
ּ‫ מַטֵּהו‬.Viejus rga His rod.
‫מוט‬ ‫ מטהו‬.Jugum
ejus His yoke .
‫טהר‬ Cleansed :
‫מְאֹהָרָה‬ .Mundata
ֹ‫ מְטְהָרו‬Nitor ejus
, His splendour, glory .
‫ מְטַהֲרִים‬.Mundante se s Cleansing themselves.
‫מוט‬ ּ‫ מָטו‬Facillarunt They tottered.
‫מטא‬ ֹ‫ מְטו‬.Advenerunt They came.
‫טוב‬ ‫בָה‬ ‫ מְטוֹב‬4 ,.prebono From, than, by reason of good
‫ מְטוּב‬.C um
bonilate With goodness .
‫טוה‬ ‫ | מַטְוֶה‬.Neta Spun.
‫טור‬ monEte Out of the mountain.
‫ מְטוּרָא‬.
‫נטה‬ ‫| טוֹת‬‫מ‬ .Trib us Tribes .
‫|מְטוֹת‬.Lecti Beds.
‫מוט‬ .rectes Bars.
‫נטו‬ ‫ | מטות‬.Extenle Stretched out, extended.

‫ מַטוֹתָם אֹתָם‬.Pirg eorum e Their rods.

‫מָטַט‬ Movit, nutavit, va- He moved, bent, slipped, slid,
cillavit, lapsus est, declined.
‫| יטב‬ " ‫ְטִיבִי מֵי‬.Decore
‫מ‬ facientes . Doing gracefully .
‫טיט‬ E
luto Out of the clay.
‫ מְטִיט‬.
‫נטף‬ ‫ מָטִיף‬Stillans
, He that droppeth.
958 ‫מי יתן‬

‫נטה‬ TOP Virga tua. Thy rod .

Of, from the dew.
‫טלל‬ ‫מִכָּל מְטַל‬ 4 , .de
‫טול‬ He will cast thee forth.
ָ‫ מְטַלְטֶלְך‬.Projiciet
‫טמא‬ No Ex immundo. Out of an unclean.
‫ מִטְמָאָה‬.Pollula
‫| מִטְמְאַת‬. A
immun dilieb From uncleanness.
‫ מִטְמְאֹת‬4 .pollutionibus From the pollutions.
‫ִטְמְאָתָה‬. A
immunditie ejus b
. From her uncleanness
ֹ‫טְמְאָתו‬.ִ‫| מ‬ A
immunditie ejus b
. From his uncleanness
ִ‫| מ‬ A
immunditie tua b
. From thy filthiness
‫ָם‬TT ‫מ‬ 4
immunditie eo- From their uncleanb
‫מַטְמון‬.The sa ur
. [rum . Treasure us
‫ מַטְמֹנִים‬Thesauri
, Treasures .

‫נטע‬ ‫| מַטֶע מַטע‬.Pla , plantant

tio a
A plant , planting .

‫ מַטָעָה‬.Plant ejus a Her plant, plantation .

‫ מַטְעַר‬.Pl
| antati meeone
Mys plantations.

‫טעם‬ ‫ס‬
| ‫טע‬. ‫מ‬ E
sententia ,decreto By the sentence , x
decre e
The savou ry meat , dainti es .
‫|ַטְעַמִּים‬‫ מ‬.Cupedia
‫ מְטַעֲנִי‬.Confossi Thrust through .
te os rBeside little children.
‫טפף‬ ‫|ִטָף‬‫ מ‬.Pre parvul
Pluit, pluere fecit. He rained, caused to rain.
‫|מְטָר מָטָר‬.Pluvia Rain.

‫ מַטְרֵד‬.Matred Matred, N. W.
‫מטר‬ .Pluvice Rains.
‫ט‬ ַ ‫מ‬ .Matri Matri, N. M.
‫טרס‬ Before.
‫ מִטֶרֶם‬Antequam
. prAeda From the prey.
‫טרף‬ ‫|מְטֶרֶף‬
tu ss His bed.
‫נטה‬ ֹ‫|ְטָתו‬ ‫ מ‬.Leceju
s s
tu My bed.
‫ מִפָּתִי‬.Lec
ָ‫ מְטָתֶך‬.Lec s s
tuutu Thy bed.

‫מים‬ ‫מֵי מֵימֵי מָיִם‬.4 q
. [ quomodo ue
. Waters
‫מה‬ Qui, quis, aliquis, Who, which, some one, how.

‫מֵי זָהָב‬ . M
-za habe Mezahab, N. W.
‫מה‬ ‫ | מִי יִתֵּן‬.Ulinam I wish that.
‫מיכל־כל‬ 959

From me .
‫את‬ ‫מֵיאָתִּי‬ 4 .me
‫ינה‬ A mærore . From grief , sorrow.
A merore eorum . From their sorrow.

‫יד‬ TP TPE manu, potestate, Out of the hand, power, coast

‫ מֵידְבָא‬.Medeba [ ora. Medeba , N. P.

‫מֵידָד‬ .Medad Medad, N. M.


Out of her hand .

‫ מִיָּדָה‬. ejus
17 E manibus ejus. Out of his hands .
Out of his hand.
ֹ‫ מִיָּדו‬.Emanu ejus
E manu mea . Out of my hand.
‫| מִידִי‬. maniE
bus Out of the hands.

ָ‫דְך‬ manuE
ְ‫ מִיָּדֶךָ דֶך‬. tua Out of thy hand .
‫כֶן‬ ‫מִיֶדְכֶם‬. EOut of your hand ,
manu vestra
manu corum . Out of their hand.

ּ‫מִיָּדְנו‬. E
manu nostr a Out of our hand.

.4finis A kinsman.


oiti My acquaintance, friends .


‫ מִיְדָעֵי‬.Mme

‫|מידעת‬ .Cognita Known.

‫הן‬ ָ‫| מֵיהו‬
‫ה‬. Jehova , Domino . From A
Jehovah , the Lord
‫|מִיּוֹם‬.die From the day .
‫מִיָוּרְדִי‬ me ndo
4.descende From my going down.
‫ | מִיּוֹשֵׁב‬.A From the inhabitant.

" ‫| מִיוֹשְׁבֵי־יש‬Er incolis

, Of the inhabitants.
Medulla scatentes. Full of marrow.
Expectans, sperans. Expecting, hoping. [ed.
| discalce
‫ מִיָּחֵף‬. ato From being unshod, barefoot-
‫|מיטב‬ The best.

‫| מ‬ , perite faciens Doing well , skilfully
‫מי‬ hilares facientes Making themselves merry
, a re
‫| מִין מִיַּיִן‬.P vino Than, from wine.

ּ‫ מִינָה‬A
| vino ,
ejus of her wine.

ֹ‫ִינו‬.d ‫ מ‬vino ejus From his wine.

‫כָא‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .Mica Micha, N. M.

Michael, N. M.
‫מִיכָאֵל‬ .Micael
Micah, N. M.
ּ‫כָיְהו‬ ‫מִיכָה‬ .Micas
ּ‫ יָהו‬- ‫ מִיכָיָה‬.Mica ias
, Micaia Micaiah, Michaiah, N.M.

‫ מִיכָל־כָל‬.Mical Michal, N. W.
960 ‫מיץ‬

‫יכל‬ ‫ | מיכל‬.Rirus The brook

‫ילד‬ Of the beve

‫ מילדי‬Epueris
natis of the cl
‫ מִילִידֵי‬.E
‫מִיַם‬ ‫מִיָּם‬ 4.m ar
, occident From the
e i est.
dieb usAmei From my
‫ מִיָּמָי‬.
‫מים‬ ‫ | מימי‬.Aquamea My water.
A diebus. From the i . ‫די‬
‫מים‬ Her water .
ָ‫ מֵימֶיה‬Aque ,
Their wate
‫ֵימֵיהֶם‬.‫ מ‬4que corum
His waters.
‫ מֵימָיו‬.Aq ue
‫יום‬ ‫מִיָּמָיו‬ bus
4.die From his days.
‫מים‬ ָ‫ מֵימֶיך‬.Aqu tue e Thy waters .
‫יוס‬ tuis s
ָ‫ מִיָּמֶיך‬4.dicbu From thy days.
D'PA diebus, post dies. From, after the days.
From the seas.
‫| מִיַמִים‬.A maribus
‫יום‬ m .. After two days .
‫| מִימָיִם‬Post biduu-
‫ | מִיָּמִין מִן‬.Miamin Mijamin, Miamin , N. M.

‫ימן‬ derteram d |On the right hand.

"‫| מִיָּמִין מִי‬.A
‫מים‬ . ‫ | מימינו‬.Aqu nostre e Our waters.
‫| מ‬ A
dexteram ejus d
. At his right hand
‫ִימִינִי‬. dexteram meam A d
At my right hand
‫| מַיְמִינִים‬.D ex te
utente s raUsing the right hand .
ְ‫ימִינֶךָ נָך‬.
ִ‫| מ‬ A
dexteram tuam d
. | At thy right hand

D' Ad dexteram eorum At their right hand.

‫ינק‬ ‫ מִינִיקוֹת‬.Laclantes Suckling.

ְ‫ מֵינִיקוֹתָיך‬.Nutritueces Thy nurses .

A nurse.
‫ מֵינֶקֶת‬.Nutrix
rir His nurse .
ֹ‫ מֵינְקְתּו‬.Nutejus
‫יסר‬ ‫ מוּסְדוֹת‬Fundamen
, ta Foundations.
‫ מִיסָדִים‬Fundati
ְ‫|ך‬ ‫מ‬
ָ‫וּס‬.Teg . umen tum
[ te . A covering [ tising thee.

‫יסר‬ Erudiens, castigans Instructing, disciplining, chas-

‫יער‬ Out of the wood .
‫מִיי‬ sylva
‫ מִיָּעַר‬.E
Mephaath , N. P.
‫ פָעַת‬. phat
‫י‬ ֵ ‫מ‬ .Me

‫מכבד‬ 961

Pressura. Pressing, squeezing .

‫מוץ‬ ‫מִיץ‬
‫ מיצָקֶת‬.Effundens Pouring out.
torcul eFrom the winepresses.
‫ מִיְקָבִים‬.
‫מִיָּקוֹד‬. foco , exEigne From the hearth, fire.

‫ראים‬:‫י‬1 ‫ מ‬.Terrenles Terrifying, putting in fear.

u o Because he was afraid.
ֹ‫ מִירְאָתו‬. timer ille et
ָ‫ מִיַּרְאָתֶך‬4.timno luo re From thy fear .

bus From the sides,
‫ירך‬ ‫ מִיַּרְכְּוֹתֵי־־כְּתֵי‬.
‫ירש‬ ָ‫יָּרְשָׁתְך‬.
ִ‫מ‬ E
hereditate tua r
. of thy inheritance
‫ מֵישָׁא‬.Mes a Mesha, N. M.

‫מִישָׁאֵל‬ Misacl
, Mishael , N. M.
‫ישע‬ ‫מִישׁוּעָתִי‬ 4.sal ute
mea Of my salvation.


‫ישר‬ ‫מִישׁר‬ ‫ מִישׁוֹר‬.Rectitudo


ְ‫ מִישַׁך‬..Mesac Meshach, N. M.
D e Of the m that sleep.
‫ מִיְשֵׁנִי‬. dormient ibus
‫ מֵישָׁע‬.Mesa Mesha, N. M.
‫ישע‬ ‫ מִיִּשַׁע‬4 .salute From salvation .

‫מ‬ rec
, aptatus . tus
Made right , fitted
‫ מִישֶׁר‬.rec
4 titu
. [te dine
. From uprightness
ִ‫מ‬ ,resrec- Uprightness , right things
duo Of the remnant.
‫ מִי*ֶת*ֶר‬Eresi,
‫ מֵיתָרַי‬.Fun meies My cords.
eorum Their cords.
‫ מִיתְרֵיהֶם‬.Fu
His cords.
‫ מֵיתָרָיו‬Funes , cjus
ְ‫ מֵיתָרַיִך‬Funes ,tui Thy cords.


‫מוך‬ Attenuatus, paupe- Made poor, poorer.

‫כאב‬ ‫מַכְאב‬.Do lor
aficiens[ rior Grieving e
re e For sorrow.
‫ מִכְּאֵב‬.P dolor
‫| מִכְאֹבוֹת‬.Dolores Sorrows.

‫ מַכְאֹבִי‬.Do My sorrow.
His sorrows.
‫ מַכְאֹבָיו‬.Dolores
‫אוֹבָם‬ ‫ מַכְאֹבִים‬.Dolores
lor Thy sorrow ,
" ֹ‫או‬ ְ‫ מַכְאֹבֵך‬.Dotuus
[ bilis. Sorrow , the grief .
‫ מַכְאוב‬.Dolor
‫כבד‬ .H
‫כ‬ ִ ‫מ‬ | on, honora- or
Honour at
ed , honoura ble us
VOL. II. 2c
962 ‫מכירים‬


‫כבד‬ cjus a From his glory.

ֹ‫ מִכְּבֹדו‬4.glori
‫ מְכַבְּדֵי‬.Hon or me tesThey that honour me.

ָ‫ מְכַבְּדֶיה‬.Honorancam tes
They that honour her.

‫כבה‬ ‫ מְכַבֶּה‬.Extinguens Putting out, quenching.

‫כבר‬ Ti Ab honore, gloria. From honour, glory.

Macbena. Machbenah, N. P.
Machbanai, N. M.
‫ מַכְבַּנִּי‬.Macbanai
‫כנס‬ PER Lavante s, fullone s. Washin g, fullers.

‫כבר‬ - Cribrum, craticula A sieve, a grate like a sieve.

instar cribri.

‫כדד‬ ְ‫ מִכַּדֵך‬.E x Out of thy pitcher.

hydria lua
‫נכה‬ A stroke, plague.
‫ מַכָּה מַכַּת‬.Plaga
‫ מַכֵּה־־כָּה‬.Percutiens Smiting.
‫ | מִכֵּה‬.Per cuss us Smitten.
Percutiens eum. [ do. Smiting him.
Asacerdotiofungen- From executing the priest's
A sacerdote . From the priest. [ office.
‫ככב‬ r is e Above the stars.
‫ מִכּוֹכְבֵי‬.P
" ְ‫ מָכוֹן מ‬.Loc paratusus A prepared place.
‫ מ‬.Loejus His place.
Her foundations.
ָ‫ מְכוֹנֶיה‬.Baejus
His bases.
ּ‫ מְכוֹנֹתָו‬.Baejus
‫כור‬ E fornace. [ eorum. Out of the furnace.
‫מכר‬ Habitatio, negotiatio Their habitation, trading.
‫נכה‬ ni Percussi, excussi ; Beaten, beaten out ; stripes,
‫כרה‬ ‫ מִכְוַת‬.Adustio [plage. The burning. [plagues.
Her strokes, plagues.
‫| נכה‬ ָ‫ מַכּוֹתֶהָ־־תֶיה‬.Plage ejus
Their wounds.
‫ מַכּוֹתָם‬.Pl age
‫כוח‬ Because of the force.
ַ‫ מִכֹּח‬.Propter vim
‫ מָכִי‬.Mac hi [occis i. Mach i, N. M.

‫נכה‬ i,
Percuss vulnera li, Smitten, wounded, slain.

‫כון‬ ‫ מֵכִין‬.Stabiliens Establishing.

‫כיס‬ E
‫ | מִכִּיס‬. Out of the bag.
Machir, N. M.
‫ מָכִיר‬.Machir
‫נכר‬ ‫ | מַכִּיר‬.Agnoscens Knowing, acknowledging.
Machirila. [ nentes. Machirites, N. M.
Noscentes, discer- Knowing, discerning.
‫מכסה‬ 963


‫נכר‬ ְ‫ מַכִּירְך‬.Agnoscen te s Taking knowledge of thee.

Attenuatus, depau- He was impoverished, made
peratus, depressus poor, brought low.
Percutiens te. [ est . Smiting thee.

‫כלל‬ hip hop Ab ex, præ omni, From, of, than all.
Consumens, delens. Consuming, destroying.
The perfection.
‫ מִכְלוֹל‬.Perfectio
‫ מְכַלּוֹת‬.Consumentes They that consume.
.Perfection Perfections. [weapons.
‫מכְלוֹת‬ es
A vasis, præ armis. From the vessels , than the
From a vessel.
‫ מִכְּלִי‬.E vase
Putting to shame.
‫ מַכְלִים לְם‬.Pudore aficiens
ּ‫מִכָּלֵינו‬E , Out of our vessels.
casis nostris
From their reins.
‫מִבְּלִיתֵיהֶם‬.a renuibus eorum
He that beareth.
‫ | מְכַלְכֵּל‬.Sustinens
‫ מִכְלָל‬.Perfectio The perfection.
Of them all.
‫ מִכָּלָם‬.E omnibus illisr
‫מְכָּלְמוֹת‬.A conlumeliis From reproaches , shame.
of us all.
ּ‫ מִכָּלָנו‬. E
omnibus t
‫ מַכֹּלֶת‬.Cibus
Vobis, ex vobis. To, of, from you.
‫ מ‬.Micmas Michmash, N. P.
‫כמר‬ A net.
‫ | מִכְמָר־מֹרֶת‬.Rete
wip-wipe Micmas. Michmash, N.P.
Miemeta. Michmethah , N. P.
Macnadbaí. Machnadebai , N. M.

.Mecona Mekonah , N. P.
Breeches , drawers .
‫ מִכְנְסֵי‬.Femoralia
ទី g

Ab ala, extremitate . From the wing, extremity .



Her base.
ּ‫ מִכְנָתָה‬Basis ejus
‫כםם‬ Tribulum. The tribute.

‫כסא‬ re Than the throne .

‫ | מִכְּסָא‬.Psolio
From his throne .
ֹ‫ מִכִּסְאו‬.D solio cjuse
From their thrones .
‫מִכִּסְאוֹתָם‬. E
soliis eorum
e [ cealeth.
ָ‫ מִכִּסְאֶך‬.P tuo e Than thy thron .
‫כסה‬ Cover ing , he that hidet h , con-
Tegens , occultans .
964 ‫מכרתי‬

A covering.
‫כסה‬ ‫מִכְסֶה‬ ‫ מִכְסֶה‬.Operimentum
‫מ‬ rime ntum
ejus . His covering
‫ מְכַפּוֹת סִים‬.Tegentes They that cover.
‫ מִכְסוֹת סִים‬.Tecte
, tecti Covered .

ְ‫ מְכַסֵּך‬.Tegte Covering thee.
‫כסף‬ ‫ מִכָּסֶף מִכִּי‬Pre , ex argento
, Than , of, from silver.
De Ex argento eorum. Of their silver.
‫כסס‬ ‫ מִכְסַת‬.Numerus A, the number.
‫כעס‬ ‫עֲסִים‬ ‫ַכְעִיסִים‬.Adiram
‫מ‬ provocantes Provoking to anger
irritatione eBecause of the provoking.
‫ מִכַּעַס‬.Pr
‫כפף‬ Emanu, a planta. Out of the hand, from the sole
‫כפר‬ ‫רִים‬.A
‫ | מִכְּפִי‬leonibusjuvenibus From the young lions
Ab expiando, pla- From atoning, appeasing.
‫כפת‬ ‫מְכַפְּתִין‬ Ligati
, [cando. Being bound.
Vendidit, tradidit. He sold, delivered.
‫| מכר‬.Vendendo In selling.

‫ מֶכֶר‬.Res
venalis A thing for sale.
‫ | מכר‬.rendens Selling , a seller. '
‫כרבל‬ 1 Being clothed .
‫ מְכַרְבָּל‬.Amictus
‫מכר‬ She sold.
‫ מָכְרָה‬.rendidit
‫ מִכְרָה‬.rende Sell thou.

ejus m
ּ‫ מִכְרָה‬.Pretiu Her price.
ֹ‫ מַכָּרו‬.A From his acquaintance .
noto cjus
ּ‫ מָכְרו‬.rendiderunt They sold .
eum . He sold him.
ֹ‫ מְכָרו‬rendidit
‫מִכ‬ at
tua , nego- Thyiv dealings
nativity , thyit a
. [ tiationes tue Michri , N. M
‫מכר‬ ‫ | מכרי‬.Vende Sell thou.

‫מַכָּרֵיכֶם‬. A Of your acquaintance.

notis vestris
‫כור‬ ַ ‫כ‬ ְ ‫מ‬ .Sa lta ns Dancing.
‫כֵּר‬ ְ ‫ר‬
‫מכר‬ He sold them .
‫ מְכָרָם‬.rendidi eos t
Vendere eos ; pre- That they sell , sold ; their
tium eorum. price , value .
He hath sold us.
ּ‫ מְכָרָנו‬rendidit,
‫כרע‬ A genua flectendo. From kneeling.
‫ מְרָכָתִי‬.Mecheratiles Mecherathite, N. M.
‫מכר‬ I have sold.
‫ מָכַרְתִּי‬.rendidi
‫מלאו‬ 965


‫מכר‬ Habitationes, ma- Their habitations, plots.


Nativitas tua, ne- Thy birth, dealings .

gotiationes tuæ.
Ye sold, have sold.
‫ מְכַרְתֶּם‬.rendidistis
ip - Offendiculum. A stumbling block.
‫כשל‬ ‫ של‬-- ‫ מִכְשׁוֹל‬.ofendiculum
Made to stumble.
‫ מִכְשָׁלִים‬Impingere, facti
Stumbling blocks.
‫ מִכְשֹׁלִים‬.Ofendicula
‫כשף‬ Arcanorumfalsa re- A woman pretending to reveal
velatrix, saga. secret things, a sorceress.

‫כת‬ A, the writing.

‫ מִכְתָּב־־תּב‬.Scriptum
‫נכה‬ cjus e
ָ‫ מִכֹּתֶה‬.Pag Her wounds, plagues.
ejusga His wound.
ֹ‫ מַכָּתו‬.Pla
meaga My wound.
‫ מַכָּתִי‬.Pla
‫כתר‬ ‫יר‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ ְ ‫כ‬ ִ ‫מ‬ |.C ir cu mdans Encompassing.
Thy wound.
‫כֹּתְךָ נכה‬ ְ‫תֵך‬ ָ‫ מַכָּתֶך‬.Pla tuaga
‫מ‬ .M ic ta m Michtam, N. P.
‫כתם‬ auro e
r Than gold.
‫ מִכֶּתֶם‬.P
ere From the side.
‫כתף‬ ‫ מִכֶּתֶף‬.
tes Maktesh, N. P.
ׁ‫ מַכְתָּש‬Mac ,

‫מול‬ He circumcised.
‫ מל‬.Circumcidit
| Circumcidc. Circumcise thou.
was filled ; he
‫מָלֵא‬ Plenusfuil, impletus He was full,
est, implevit, com- filled full, consecrated ; be-
plevit, consecra- ing full.
Plenus. [ vit ; plenus. Full.
Imple ; plenus ; ple- Fill thou ; full ; fulness ; a
nitudo ; multitudo. multitude.
Imple ; comple. [ vit . Fill , fulfil thou.
- Implevit, consecra- He filled, fulfilled , consecrated
" Plenafuit; impleta, She, it was full, filled, accom-
completa est ; ple- plished ; being full.
[na. They were filled , fulfilled .
‫ מָלֵאוּ מָלִי‬.Impleti
Fill ye.
ּ‫| מַלְאו‬.Implete
He filled him.
ֹ‫ מְלָאו‬.Implev eum it
966 ‫מלאתם‬


‫מלא‬ Implete, consecrate. Fill, consecrate ye.

ּ‫| מלאו‬.Impleverunt They filled.

eamrunt They have filled it.

ָ‫ מִלְאוּה‬.Impleve
ְ‫ מִלְאוּך‬.Replevelerunt They have replenished thee.
‫|מלאות־־את‬.Pene [ træ. Full.
Consecrationes ves- Your consecrations.
Filling, being full.
‫מְלֵאִים‬Implentes ,,pleni
Impletiones, conse- Fillings, consecrations.
crationes. [ger.
7878 Angelus ; nuncius. The, an angel ; a, the messen-
His angel.
ֹ‫ מַלְאֲכֵהּ־־אָכו‬.Angelus
A, the work, workmanship.
‫לָאכֶת‬ ‫ מְלָאכָה‬.o pus
, opificium
‫ מַלְאֲכוֹת‬.Opera
ַ‫ מ‬.Opetura a Thy works.
Messengers , ambassadors .
‫ מַלְאֲכֵי־־אָכִים‬Nuncii , legal
, i
[meus. Malachi, N. M.
‫ מַלְאָכִי‬.Malachi
, nuncius My angel , messenger.
‫ מלאכי‬Angelus
Angeli, nuncii, lega- His angels, messengers, am-
Nuncii tui. [ ti ejus . Thy messengers. [ bassadors.
ejus His work.

pus Thy work.

ָ‫ מְלַאכְתֶּךָ־־תְּך‬.otuum

‫ מְלָאם‬.P re
natio ne Than a nation.
ּ‫ מִלֵּאנו‬.Implevimus We filled.
Implere, impleri. To fill, be filled .
Thou hast fulfilled.
ָ‫ מָלֵאת‬.Implevisli
Thou filledst.
ָ‫ מִלֵּאת‬Implevisti
‫ | מִלָּאת‬.Pienitudo
‫ מלאת‬.Imple tioA filling, setting, inclosing.
, insilio
‫ מָלֵאתִי‬.Implelu sun s I have been filled .
‫ | מלאתי‬.Piena
I have filled.
‫ מְלָּאתִי‬.Implevi
I have filled him.
‫| מלאתיו‬.Implevi cum
vi I have filled thee.
ָ‫|מְלֵּאתִיך‬.Imple te
Plenitu do tua ; fruc- Thy fulness ; full or ripe fruits
tus plene vel ma-
turæ. [crastis.
On Implevistis, conse- Ye have filled , consecrated.
‫מלח מי‬ 967

Thou hast filled me.

‫מלא‬ meati
‫ מִלֵּאתָנִי‬.Implevi
‫לבב‬ ‫|מלב‬ .Etcorde From the heart.

ָ‫ מִלְבָבְך‬. E
cord e tuor From thy heart.
‫|מְלְּבַד‬.Prete r Beside.

‫| מלבד‬.In
corde ejus In his heart,
ֹ‫ מִלְבַדּו‬.Prete Beside him .
eum r
Out of their heart.
‫ מִלְבְּהֶן‬.E corde earumr
ֹ‫ מִלְבּו‬.Ezcorde ejus Of, from his heart.
‫בוא‬ introilu
‫ | מִלְבוֹא‬.Ab From the entrance.

‫לבש‬ ׁ‫ מַלְבּוּש‬.realimentum Raiment.

‫ מַלְבּוּשִׁי‬.restes
mee My garments.
Ex corde meo. From my heart.
corde tuoz
ְ‫ מִלִּבְּךָ־־בֶּך‬.E Out of thy heart.
‫ מִלְבָּם‬.Er
corde eorum
Out of their heart .

‫מ‬ fornax . A , the brick kiln
ִ‫מ‬ lateribus vestris . From
, your bricks
‫ מְלְבָּשִׁים‬restiti
, Being clothed.
‫ | מִלִּדה‬.A
partu From the birth.
A pariendo. From bearing children.
‫מלל‬ ‫ מִלָּה‬.Verbum A word.

‫מלא‬ ,
ּ‫| מְלו‬Impleveruml They filled .
‫מול‬ ְ‫מ‬.Circumciderunt
ּ‫|לו‬ They circumcised.
‫מלא‬ Plenitudo ; plenus. A, the fulness ; full.
‫ |מלּוֹא‬.Milo Millo, N. P.

‫וֶה‬ Borrowing , the borrower .

‫ מַלְוֶה‬.Mutuans
‫ | מלוח‬.Halimus Sea purslain.
ְ‫מְלוּך‬ .Maluc Malluch , N.M.

‫מלך‬ A, the kingdom.

‫ מְלוּכָה‬.Regnum
‫מְלְוּכי‬ .Meticu Melicu, N. M.
‫מלך‬ ‫ מְלוּכָה־־כִּי‬.Regna Kingdoms.
" ְ‫ מָלוֹן מ‬.Hospitium The lodging , inn .
A From kneading.
ׁ‫ מְלוּש‬.adepsendo
‫לשן‬ ‫ מְלָוּשְׁנִי‬.Calumnians Slandering .
Mallothi, N. M.
‫מָלח‬ Salivit, salitus est, He salted , was salted, melted,
collicuit, evanuit. vanished away.
‫ מֶלַח מְי‬.Sal
968 ‫מליץ‬

‫מלח‬ ‫ מלחה‬.Salsitudo
ְ‫ מַלָּחַיִך‬.Wau Thy mariners.

‫|מלחים‬.Waute Mariners.
Rotten .
‫ מְלָחִים‬.Corrupti
Of bread.
‫לחם‬ ‫ מְלֶחֶם‬.De pane
lu War,
m battle .
‫ חֶמֶת‬-- ‫ מִלְחָמָה‬.Bel , prelium
of his bread .
ֹ‫ מְלַּחְמו‬.Epane ejus
Wars, battles.
‫ מִלְחָמוֹת־חֲמֹי‬Bella , preli
, a
Her war.
ּ‫ מִלְחַמְתָּה‬.Bellumejus
His war.
ֹ‫ מִלְחַמְתּו‬.Bellu ejus m
Bellum meum. My war.
His wars.
‫ מִלְחֲמֹתָיו‬.Beejus lla
ּ‫ מָלְחֲמֹתֵינוּ־תֵנו‬.Pre li
nostr a a Our battles.
ְ‫תֵּ"־ך‬ ָ‫ מִלְחַמְתֶּך‬.Pretuum lium Thy battle .
‫ מִלְחַמְתָּם‬.Bellu eorum m Their war.
sumus. We have been salted.
‫מלח‬ ‫ מְלַחְנָא‬Saliti
‫לחש‬ ‫ מְלַחֲשִׁים‬.Muuuitantes Whispering .

‫מָלַט‬ Evasit, elapsus est, He escaped , slipped away,

eripuit, liberavit, rescued, delivered , travail-
parturivit, peperit ed, brought forth.
Eripere, liberando. To rescue, in delivering.
He delivered.
‫ מִלט‬.Liberavit
Deliver thou .
‫ מַלְטָה‬.Libera
ּ‫|ַלְּטו‬‫מ‬ .Lib eral e Deliver ye .
Melatiah, N. M.
‫ מְלַטְיָה‬.Melatias
He delivered us.
ּ‫ מִלְטָנו‬.Liberav nos it
‫לטש‬ ׁ‫ מִלְטָש‬.Ac utu s Sharpened.
‫ מִלִּי‬.Ver meaba My words .
‫ מִלֵי לַיָּא‬.Verba
Their words .
‫ מְלֵיהֶם‬.rerba eorum
ְ‫ מְלִיך‬Verba , tua Thy words .

‫ לַיְלָה‬-- ‫מַלֵיל‬ ;.de

nocte From , of the night.
mature Ripe ears of corn.

‫|לילת‬ ‫מ‬ e
‫ ין‬-- ‫ מִלִּים‬.Ver ba
, sermones
Those who are circumcised.
‫ מְלִים‬.Circumcisi
‫ מלינים־־נָם‬.Murmurantes Murmuring.
‫ליץ‬ ‫מ‬.Interpres
‫|ַלִיץ‬ An interpreter.
‫מלכיה־־יהו‬ 969


‫לוץ‬ ‫| מליצי‬.Deriden metes They that deride me.

ְ‫מָלַך‬ Regnavit, regnare He reigned, caused to reign ,
fecit, regem con- made king, took counsel ,
stituit, consilium consulted .

‫מלך‬.Re . [gna ndo

inivit . In reigning
ְ‫ מְלֶך‬.Regna
, regnare Reign thou , to reign .
A king.
‫ מֶלֶךְ מַלְכָּא‬.Rer
ְ‫|מלך‬ .Regnare To reign .
‫ לֶכֶת‬-- ְ‫מֹלֶך‬ Regnans
Melec Melech, N. M.
ְ‫מֹלֶך‬ .Molec Molech , N. 1 .
‫לכד‬ captura
‫ מ‬.A
‫|ְלָּכֶד‬ From capture , being taken .
Than he that taketh.
‫| מלכד‬.Pre
‫מלך‬ ‫כִּ־כְּתָא‬ ‫ מַלְכָּה‬.Regina A queen.
ּ‫|מלכה‬.Rex ejus Her king.
Milcah , N. W.
‫ מִלְכָּה‬.Milca
‫מלך‬ ֹ‫| מלְכו‬.Regna illum re That he reigneth , reigned .
ּ‫| מַלְכו‬.Regnaverunt They reigned.
ֹ‫מַלְכּו‬ .Re
ejus x His king.
ּ‫ | מַלְכו‬.Regnum A , the kingdom .

‫מַלְכְוָת־־תָא‬ .Regna Kingdoms.

‫תָה‬ ‫תָא‬ ‫ מַלְכוּת‬.Regnum A , the kingdom .

Queens .
‫ מְלָכוֹת‬.Reginae
ּ‫מלכוּתה‬| .Regnuejus m His kingdom .
ֹ‫ | מלכוּתו‬.Regnuejus m His kingdom .
‫| מלכותי‬.Regnu
meum mMy kingdom.
‫תִי‬ ָ‫תֶך‬ ְ‫ מַלְכוּתָך‬.Regn tuum um Thy kingdom .
‫ מַלְכוּתָם‬.Regn eorum umTheir kingdom .
‫ מָלְכִי‬.Regna Kingdoms.
‫ מַלְכֵי־־כַיָּא‬.Reges Kings .
‫ מַלְכִּי‬.Rer
meus | My king.
‫צֶדֶק‬ ‫מַלְכִּי‬ - tsedec i Melchi-zedek , N. M.
chi Malchi -shua, N. M.
ַ‫מַלְכִּי שׁוּע‬ .Mal -sua
My counsel .
‫מלך‬ ‫מִלְכִּי‬ .Consiliummeum
‫מלכיאל‬ .Malchiel Malchiel, N. M.

‫מלכיאלי‬ .Malchielite Malchielites, N. F.

.Malchias Malchiah , N. M.
YOL . II. 2D
970 ‫מלפני‬


Her kings.
‫מלך‬ ges
ָ‫ מְלָכֶיה‬.Recjus
‫ מלכיהם‬.Re ges
eorum Their kings .
The kingdoms.
‫ מַלְכִיוֹת‬.Regna
ges Your kings .
‫ מַלְכֵיכֶם‬.Re vestri
The kings.
" ָ‫מְל‬ ‫מַלְכִים‬ .Reges
‫ מַלְכִין מְלָי‬.Reges Kings.
nostries Our kings.
ּ‫ מְלָכִינו‬.Reg
Malchiram, N. M.
‫ מַלְכִירָם‬.Malchiram
‫מלד‬ ְ‫ מַלְכָּךְ־־כָּך‬.R er
tuus Thy king .
‫ מלככס‬.Rex vesler . Your king.
‫מה‬ What to you ?
‫מַלָּכֶם‬ Quid vobis ?
Malcham, N. M.
‫מַלְכָּם‬ .Malcam
Rex eorum. Their king .
‫מלד‬ ‫מַלְכָּם‬
Milcom , N. I.
‫מִלְכֹּם‬ .Milcom
Our king .
‫מלך‬ ּ‫ מַלְכֵּנו‬.R er
ָּ‫ מָלַכְת‬.Regnasti [ do. Thou reignedst.

‫ילך‬ Ab cundo, ambulan- From going, walking.

His kingdom .
‫מלך‬ ֹ‫ מַלְכָתו‬.Regnu ejus m
Secuit , abscidit, dix- He cut, cut off, said, spoke.
it, locutus est.
He said, spoke.
‫ מַלְל‬.Locutus
He said .
‫ | מלל‬.Diail
ּ‫| מללו‬.Locuti
sunt They spoke.
.Milalai Milalai, N. M.
‫למד‬ ‫ | מלמד‬.Docens Teaching .
‫ מְלְמָּדָה‬.Edocta
me. They that teach me.
‫ מְלַמְּדַי‬Docentes

‫ מְלַמְּדִי‬.Edo ct
, perii i i Taught, skilful, expert.
le s He that teacheth thee.
ָ‫ מְלַמֶּדְך‬.Docen
Beneath, underneath.
‫ מִלְמָטָה־־מַטָה נטה‬.Inf ra
, inferne
Above .
‫ מִלְמָעְלָה‬.Supra
Before the rising.
‫ מָלְמַעֲלה‬.An ortumte
‫לעב‬ ‫ מַלְעָבִים‬.Subsannantes They that mock, sneer at.
| #@

‫עמת‬ ‫ מִלְעֶמָּת‬.E
regione Over against.
He that teacheth us.
‫אלף‬ ens
ּ‫ מַלְפָנו‬.Docnos
From my face.
‫פנה‬ ‫מִלְפָנָי־־נַי‬ 4.fa cie
From the face, on account of.
‫מִלְפְנֵי‬ propteric
4.f, ac
‫ממועצותיהם‬ 971

‫פנה‬ From his presence.

‫מ‬ conspectu cjus
ָ‫ מִלְפָנֶיך‬.| facieA
tua From thy face .

‫ מִלְפְנֵיכֶם‬A conspectu
conspectu vestro.
vestro . From
From your presence.
Within .
‫ מִלִּפְנִים‬.Intrinsecnus
Before us .
ּ‫ מִלְפָנֵינו‬.Anl nos e
Dulcis, suavis fuit. He was sweet, pleasant .
‫מֶלְצַר‬ .Metusar Melzar , N. M.
Contorsit, extorsit , He twisted , wrung off, pinch-

niph Præda ungue secuit The prey. [ ed off with the nail
mee s
‫ מַלְקוֹחָי‬.Fauce My jaws .
serotinaiaThe latter rain.
ׁ‫ מַלְקוֹש‬.Pluv
‫לקח‬ cjus es Her
ָ‫ מַלְקָחֶיה‬.Forcip
‫ מְלַקְטִים‬.Colligentes
‫ מִלָּשׁוֹן‬.Alingua From a tongue .
A From the bay.
‫ מִלְשׁוֹן‬4 .sinu
‫לשך‬ ‫ מִלִּשְׁכַּת‬.Ecubiculo [tum. Out ofthe chamber.

‫ַתּת־ללְְתתָָאא לְתָה מלל‬.Verbum

‫ממִל‬ ,res , manda- A word ,matter , command
‫מלא‬ ‫ מְלֵתִי‬.Plenus
fui I have been full.
‫מלל‬ ‫ מִלָּתִי‬.Sermo
meus My speech .
‫לתע‬ dentes esThe great teeth, grinders.
‫ מַלְתְּעוֹת‬.Molar

‫ממ‬ [cerefaciens.

‫מאר‬ ‫אֶרֶת‬ ‫ַמְאִיר‬.Pungens

‫מ‬ , recrudes- Pricking , fretting
‫מגד‬ TPA rebus prétiosis. From the precious things.
‫גדל‬ ‫ מִמִּגְדַל־־דל‬4 .turre From the tower.
‫נור‬ re
‫| מִמָּנוֹר‬.P e For fear .

‫ | מִמָּגְרוֹת‬.Horrea Barns.
‫דבר‬ ‫ מִמִּדְבָּר־־בַּר‬. A deserto
a From the wilderness , desert.
‫מדד‬ Mensure , Her measures .
ָ‫מְמַדֶיה‬ ejus
‫מדן‬ ‫ מִמְּדִינוֹת‬4.provinciis From the provinces.
‫מהר‬ ‫ ממהר‬.Festinans Hastening .
‫ ממהרות‬.Festinantes They that hasten.

‫מְמוּכָן‬ .Memucan Memucan, N. M.

‫מול‬ Versus, e regione. Towards, over against.
‫מום‬ Dip Absque macula, vi- Without spot, blemish.
‫יער‬ ‫|מְמוֹעֵד‬.P ro
caæt u [ tio. For the assembly .
Ob Because of their counsels.
‫יעץ‬ ‫ מִתּוֹעֲצוֹתֵיהֶם‬.0 b
consilia corum
972 ‫ממלאים‬
From the east.
‫יצא‬ ‫ מְמוֹצָא‬.orie A nteb
‫יקש‬ ‫ מִתּוֹקְשִׁי־־מֹקִי‬. 4 l . [a vestris . Fromu
q c
the snare s i
Out of your habitat ions .
‫ישב‬ ‫ מְמוֹשְׁבֹתֵיכֶם‬Er habitationibus
r e Than, from death.
‫מות‬ ‫ מִמָּוֶת‬.P , a morle
‫מוֹתֵי‬ ְ ‫מ‬ .Mo rtcs
Slaying, she that killeth.
‫ מְמוֹתֵת‬.Interficiens
A bastard .
‫זור‬ ‫ מַמְזֵר‬.Spurius
Ab orlua , oriente b From the rising, east.
‫ מִמִּזְרָח־־רַח‬.
e d u ll
‫מוח‬ ‫ְמַחָיִם‬ . ‫מ‬ M scale ntes . | They that are full of marrow

‫חלק‬ ‫ מִמַּחֲלִיק‬.P blandir enle eThan he that flattereth.

E s Out ofthe camp.
‫ מִמַּחֲנֶה‬. castri
Out ofthe camps.
‫ מִמַּחֲנוֹת‬. castEris
E Of, out of the half.
‫חצה‬ ‫ מִמַּחֲצִית־ צָת‬. dimidio
Of their half.
‫מִמַּחֲצִיתָם‬. dimidio E corum
‫מחר‬ ‫ִמָּחָרָת־־רַת‬. ‫מ‬ crastino. [ Ivestris . To -morro n w
‫חשב‬ ‫ׁבֹתֵיכֶם‬ ְ ‫ש‬ ְ ‫ח‬ ּ ַ ‫מ‬.ִ ‫מ‬ cogitati P onibus Than r
your thoughts e
vi rg u a Out of a rod , the tribe.
‫נטה‬ ‫טֶה‬ ‫ מִמַּטֶה‬.E , trib
E [ ens. Ofthe trib es .
‫ מְמַטוֹת‬. | tribubus
‫מטר‬ ‫מְטִיר‬. ַ‫מ‬ P , pluere l u
faci- Raining , causinge to rainn
Than for hidden treasures.
‫טמן‬ ‫ מְמַטְמוֹנִים‬.P r
thesauri se
‫מטר‬ ‫| מִמָּטָר‬.P o
pluv st After rain.
‫מים‬ ‫ מִמִּי מֵימֵי־מַיִם‬. E
aqua , aquis rFrom the water, waters.
‫מה‬ ‫ | מִמִּי‬.A quo From whom .
He that killeth.
‫מות‬ ‫ מֵמִית‬.Occidens
They that kill.
‫ מִמִיתִים‬.Occidentes
From thee.
ְ‫ מִמְךְ מֶּךְ מֵך‬4 .te
o From the place.
‫ מִמְּכוֹן‬.
From the folds.
‫ מִמִּכְלְאֹת‬Ecaul,
caulisE From thy folds.
ָ‫ מִמִּכְלָאֹתֶיך‬. tuis
E From the fold .
‫ מִמִּכְלָה‬. caul a
Selling, merchandise.
‫מכר‬ ‫ מִמְכָּר־־כֶּרֶת‬.ren,di merrtio
His sale, selling.
ֹ‫ מִמְכָּרו‬.renditi ejus o
His sellings , produce of sales.
‫ מִמְכָּרָיו‬.Venditio ejus nes
‫מלא‬ ‫ מְמַלֵּא‬.Implens

Than the fulness.

‫ ממלא‬.Pra plenitudine
‫ מִמְּלֵאָה‬.p le ni
cjus . From tu dine
her fulness
‫ מְמְלָּאִים‬.Impleti
‫ממעלליהם‬ 973


From his work.

‫לאך‬ ֹ‫ מַמְלַאכְתּו‬.A opere ejusb
‫מלח‬ ‫ מְמִלָּח‬.Salitus
A o From war.
‫לחם‬ ‫ מִמִּלְחָמָה‬. bell
‫מלט‬ ‫מַלֵט‬.Er
ְ‫מ‬ , liberansipi ens
. | Rescuing , delivering
‫מול‬ Over against me .
‫מִמַּלִי‬.Eregione mei
From the king.
‫מלך‬ rege
ְ‫ מִמֶּלֶך‬.A
From reigning .
ְ‫ מִמְּלך‬. A
regnand o
A kingdom.
‫ מַמְלָכָה‬.Regnum
" ‫ מַמְלָכוֹת־־ל‬.Regna
A, the kingdoms.
‫לֶכֶת‬ ‫ מִמְלְכוּת‬.Regnum
His kingdom .
ֹ‫ מַמְלַכְתּו‬.Regnu ejus m
‫ ממלכתי‬.Regn meum umMy kingdom .
ְ‫ מַמְלַכְתִּך‬.Regn tuum um Thy kingdom .
Speaking .
‫מלל‬ ‫ מְמַלֵל־לל־לְלָה‬.Loquens
From a, the kingdom .
‫מלך‬ ‫ מִמַּמְלָכָה‬.Aregno
Mapa Præ, ex, ab ea . [ bis . Than, of, from her.
Præ, ex, ab illo , no- Than, out of, from him, us.

‫נוח‬ ַ‫ מִמָּנוֹח‬. 4 q u
, post quie- i
From , afterethe restte

‫מן‬ ‫ מִמֶּנִּי‬.P re [ tem. Than, from me.

, ame
i Appointed .
‫מנה‬ ‫ מְמָנִים‬.Constilul
‫סנר‬ E
carcer e Out of the prison.
‫ מִמַּסְבֵּר‬.
carceribus eorum . Out of their
‫רוֹתֵיהֶם‬.ְ‫מִמִּסְג‬ prisons . [sures
Out of their borders, inclo-
‫ִמִּסְגְרוֹתָם‬E ‫מ‬ claustris ,
Out of their caves, holes.
‫מִמִּסְגְרֹתֵיהֶם‬. E
cavis eorum
‫שור‬ ‫ מִמְסוּכָה‬.P r
sepiment o e Than a hedge.

TODD Mixtura, libamen . A , the mixture , drink-offering

‫סלל‬ From their paths, ways.
‫מִמְסְלוֹתָם‬. semitis Eeorum
From, out of the habitation .
‫עון‬ ‫ מִמְעוֹן‬. E
habi tationer
‫מעה‬ WP E visceribus meis. Out of my bowels .
e us From , out of the bowels .
‫ מִמְעֵי‬4. , viscerib
ָ‫מִמַּעַיִךְ מִמֶּעֶיך‬. visceribEus tuis Out of thy bowels.
Out of the fountains , wells.
‫עין‬ ‫ מִמַּעַיְנִי‬.Efontibus
‫עלה‬ Above .
‫ מִמַּעַל מִמִּי‬.Supra
‫ַּעֲלֶה‬Er‫מִמ‬ ascendere faci- of them thatmake to ascend
entibus ; ab as- from the ascent.
censu .

‫עלל‬ ‫ִמַּעַלְלֵיהֶם‬.
‫מ‬ a
operibus corum b
. From their works
974 ‫ממררתו‬

‫עמק‬ ‫ מִמַּעֲמַקִים‬. E
profundi s Out of the depths.

‫עון‬ ‫ מִמְשֹׁנוֹת‬. E
cavernis From the dens.
ֹ‫נָתו‬ E caverna ejus. Out of his den.
‫יעץ‬ A From, by their counsels.
eorum iis
‫ מִמַּעֲצוֹתֵיהֶם‬4.consil
‫ערב‬ ‫ מִמַּעֲרָב‬. A
occide nteb From the west.

‫ערה‬ ‫ מִמַּעֲרָה‬. E
prato Out of the meadow.

‫ערך‬ ‫ מִמַּעַרְוֹת‬.E exercitibustOut of the armies.

‫עשה‬ ‫ מִמַּעֲשָׂיו‬ab operibus,ejus From his works.

ּ‫ מִמַּעֲשֵׂנו‬.a opere nostrob From our work.

‫עשר‬ ֹ‫מִמַּעֲשָׂרו‬.E
decima cjus Of his tithe.
‫יצב‬ ‫ ממצב‬. statiE
one Out of the station.

ָ‫מִמַּצְבְך‬. E
statione lua From thy station.
‫מצא‬ ‫ מִמְּצוֹא‬. 4
inven b
iendo From finding .
‫צוק‬ r
angustiis meis
‫ מִמְצוּקוֹתַי‬.E Out of my distresses.

‫מִמְצוּקוֹתֵיהֶם‬ Er angustiis eorum . Out of their distresses .[ments

‫צוה‬ ‫מִמִּצְוֹת‬ 4 ,.etpreceptis From, out of the command-

ָ‫ מִמִּצְוֹתֶיך‬4 preceptis, From thy commandments.
‫מצא‬ ‫| מַמְצִיא‬.Tra dens Delivering.
‫צול‬ From, out of the depths.
‫ מִמִּצְלוֹת‬.E
‫קדש‬ ָ‫מִמִּקְדָּשֶׁיך‬Esacrarii,
s luis Out of thy holy places.
‫קום‬ ‫ מִמָּקוֹם מִמִּי‬.E loco From a, the place.

ּ‫| מִמְקוֹמָה‬.E
loco cjus Out of her place .
ֹ‫ מִמְקוֹמוֹ לְמו‬.E loco cjus Out of his place .
loco E
ָ‫| מִמְּקוֹמְך‬. tuo From thy place.
loco vestro
‫ מִמְקוֹמְכֶם‬. From your place.

‫|מ‬ corum .[ rena . Out of their place [issue .
‫מִמְקוֹר־יקר‬fonte4 , scaturigine , From thefountain, well-spring

‫קנה‬ Of the cattle .

‫ מִמִּקְנֵה‬.Depecore
‫מַמְרֵא‬ .Mamre fpectu. Mamre, N. M. [ pearance.
‫ראה‬ Ob visionem, ab as- For the sight, from the ap-
‫רוס‬ " ְ‫מִמ‬ ‫ | מִמָּרוֹם‬.Ab allo From the high .
‫ מִמָּרוֹמִים‬De excelsis
, From on high .
‫מרר‬ ‫ מַמְּרוֹרִים‬.Re bus With bitter things.
‫רחק‬ E uo From afar .
‫ מִמֶּרְחָק‬.longinq
‫מרט‬ Polished.
‫ מְמֹרָט‬.Expolitus
ַ‫מ‬ bel
,rebelles lan
. Rebelling , rebellious tes
‫מרר‬ felle cjus
ֹ‫ מִמְּרֹרָתו‬.E Out of his gall .
‫מן‬ 975

‫נשא‬ ‫ מִמַּשָׂא‬.Propt omnus er For the burden .

r se Than gifts .
‫ מִמַּשְׁאוֹת‬.P doni [sockets.
‫שבץ‬ ‫ְׁבְּצוֹת‬ ‫ש‬ ּ ִ ‫מ‬ ִ E
‫מ‬ fundis , palis Of, from ouche s, beazils,
‫משח‬ tu s Anointe d.
‫ מִמְשַׁח‬.Unc
‫משך‬ ְ‫ מְמְשָׁך‬Protractu , s Drawn out, forth .
ְ ‫מ‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .Di lat a Deferred .
‫שכן‬ ‫מִּשְׁכַּן‬. ִ‫ מ‬. A
habit b
ation e From the habitation.
‫ מְמַשֶׁל‬.Prove rbia
dicens Speaking proverbs.
‫ מִמְשָׁל מֶמְשֶׁלֶת‬.Domintum
‫מ‬ ejus . [ ejus . His dominion
‫מְשַׁלְתּו‬.Do ֶ‫מ‬ , potestas min ium
His dominion , power
‫שפח‬ ‫חַת‬ ‫ה‬ ָ ‫ח‬ ּ ָ ‫ מִמִּשְׁפ‬.E
familia Of a fami ly .
‫ מִמִּשְׁפְּחוֹת חת‬.E familiis Of, out of the families.

ֹ‫ מִמִּשְׁפַּחְתּו‬.Efamiliaejus Of his family .

‫ מִמִּשְׁפַחְתִּי‬.Efami mealia of my family.

‫מִמִּשְׁפַּחְתָּם‬.Efamilia eorum Of their family .
tuis s From thy judgments.
4 .judicii
‫משק‬ ocus
‫ מִמְשַׁק‬.Lderelict us A deserted place.
‫שקה‬ pup Ex irriguis pascuis. From the moist pastures.
‫משש‬ Feeling , groping .
wwpp Palpans.
‫שתה‬ From the banquet.
‫ מִמִּשְׁתֶּה‬. A
‫מות‬ They that kill.

‫|מָתִים‬ ‫ מ‬.Occidentes
‫מתה‬ ‫מ‬ |. A
homin b
ibus From men.
‫ִים‬ ‫ת‬ ְ ‫מ‬ ִ [self.
‫כבר‬ Than he that honoureth him-
‫ מִמִּתְכַּבֵּד‬.Pr honorante se e
ּ‫ מִמָּתֵנו‬.Pr mori nos e Than that we should die.
‫מר‬ [me.
‫מ‬ , alumbis . [me . Than , from the loins
ppiphan Ab insurgentibus in From them that rise up against
D'ppiprap Ab insurgentibus. From them that rise up.

‫ מַמְתַּקִים‬.R es
dulces Sweet things .



‫ מָן מַן‬Quis , quae ,

, quid Who , what.

‫|מָן‬.Manna Manna, the name of the Is-

raelites' miraculous food.
‫מנה‬ ‫מן‬.P ar
. [ta, pre, ultra . Prepare thou a[ by, beyond.
‫מן‬ 14, ex, propter, jux- From, of, out of, because of,
976 ‫מנה‬


‫בהם‬ ‫ן בְּהֵמָה‬.ִ‫מ‬ E
jumento , pecore r
. From the beast , cattle
He hath numbered.
‫מנה‬ ‫ מְנָא‬.Numeravit
‫ מְנָאוֹת‬.Portiones
The adulterer.
‫נאף‬ ‫ מְנָאֵף‬.Aduller
‫נַי‬ ‫ מְנָאֲפִים‬Adulleri
‫ מְנָאָפֶת‬.Adultera [sus . Adulterous .
‫מִנ‬ S p
, conviciis Despisee
le-r t
d , blasphe med us
‫ מְנָאֲצִי‬.Irritantme es They that provoke me.
ְ‫ מְנַאֲצָיִך‬.Spernent te es They that despise thee.
gemitum eorum .O b
Because of their groanin g
‫נאק‬ ‫ַּאֲקָתָם‬. ‫מִנ‬
‫נבא‬ ‫ִנָּבִיא‬ ‫מ‬ 4 .pro phet a From the prophet.

4 .prophetis From the prophets.

Esteeming worthless.
‫נבל‬ ‫ מְנַבֶּל‬.Vil reputans em
Of her carcase .
‫מִנְבְלָתָה‬.E cadavere ejus
Of their carcase .
‫ִנִּבְלָתָם‬. ‫מ‬ cadavereE corum
[tu. Fro m the south . [sence.
‫נגב‬ ‫ מִנֶּגֶב‬.aust A rob
‫נגד‬ TE regione, a conspec- Over against, from the pre-
Out of his presence.
ֹ‫מִבֶּנְדּו‬. E
conspectu ejus
From me.
‫ מִנֶּגְדִּי‬4 .me
‫נגה‬ ּ‫ מְנֹגַה‬. A
splendor e From, at the brightness.
Pushing with the horn .
‫ננת‬ ַ‫ מְנַנֵּח‬.Cor pelennus
Their song.
‫נגן‬ ‫ מַנְגִינָתָם־מִנְנִי‬.Canti eorumcum
Pulsans. Playing, a minstrel.
‫נןד‬ Expulsus, fugatus. Driven out, chased away.
‫מדר‬ ‫ּה‬ ָ ‫ד‬ ְ ‫נ‬ ִ ‫מ‬ |.T ribulum Tribute.

,mp ul
compulsus Driven sued s
‫נדה‬ ‫נְדָּה‬.I ִ‫| מ‬ , compell
‫נדה‬ ‫ מְנַרֵיכֶם‬Removente, s vos They that remove you.

‫ידע‬ ‫מַנְדְּעִי‬ Scientia , intelligen- My knowledge , understanding

‫נדר‬ Volavestra . [ tia mea Your vows .
Numeravit, suppu- He numbered,computed, reck-
tavit, recensuit, oned, told, appointed, pre-
constituit, para- pared ; a part, portion.
vil ; pars.
He hath numbered .
‫ מְנָה‬.Numeravit
Number thou.
‫ מְנָה‬.Numera
‫ מ‬.Constiluit
‫|ְנָּה‬ He hath appointed.
‫מן‬ illor
ּ‫ | מְנֵּה‬.E Out of it, that.
‫מנחת‬ 977

‫מן‬ ּ‫הוּ מֶנְהו‬ ּ‫ | מִנֵּה‬.Ex

, ab eo Of, from him.
‫נהג‬ ‫ מְנַהֲנוֹת‬.Deducentes They that lead, guide .
‫הֵון מן‬ ‫ מִנְהוֹן־־הֶם‬.E , ab illisz Of, from them .
‫נהל‬ ‫ מ‬.Deducens
‫|ְנַהֵל‬ Leading, guiding. [groaning.
‫נהם‬ ‫|מַת‬
‫מִנ‬ u, fremitu By reason of thesighing
‫נהר‬ ‫ | מִנְהַר‬.flum ine From the river.
‫מנה‬ ‫ מ‬.Constituerunt
‫|נו‬ They appointed .
‫נןד‬ ‫|מְנוֹד‬.Agitatio A shaking.
ַ‫ מָנוֹח‬.Manoach Manoah, N. M.
‫נוח‬ ַ‫מָנוֹח‬ .Quies Rest.

‫ מְנוּחָה נְחָי‬.Quie ; quieta s Rest ; being quiet .

‫|מנוחת‬ .Quietes Quietnesses.

‫ מְנוּחָתִי‬.Requies
mea My rest.
A son.
‫נין‬ ‫|מָנוֹן‬.Filius
‫נןם‬ ‫ מָנוֹס‬.Fuga, refugium Flight, refuge.
‫נור‬ ‫ מְנוֹרָה־נֹרָ " רַת‬.Candelabrum A, the candlestick .
‫נשה‬ ‫ׁי‬.ִ‫מִבּוֹש‬ creditoribus meis . ofEmy creditors
‫מנה‬ .Portiones
‫|מָנוֹת‬ Portions .

ָ‫ מָנוֹתֶיה‬Portiones, ejus Her portions.

‫נזר‬ ְ‫רַיִך‬ ָ ‫ז‬ ְ ‫נ‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .Co ron ati
tui Thy crowned.
‫ינת‬ us
‫ מֶנָּה‬Relict, [ lum. Left. [ ing
‫מנת‬ ‫חַת‬ -M
‫מִנְחָה‬ un
, oblatio , fer- A present , oblation ,meat us
‫נחל‬ ‫ְחִיל‬.
‫| מַנ‬ I
hereditatem dans n
Giving for an inheritance
‫נתר‬ Out of his nostrils.
‫נְחִידָיו‬E ִ‫ מ‬naribus,ejus
‫מִנַּחַל‬ 4 .flumine From the river, brook..

‫לַת‬ ‫ּחֲלָה‬Deheredita
ַ‫מִנ‬ te ,in he- From the , for an inheritance
reditatem .

‫ מִנַּחֲלִי‬.E
wallibus From, out of the valleys.
ִ‫מ‬ hereditate ejus . of ,
his inheritance
ִ‫מ‬ hereditate tua . From thy inheritance
ִ‫מ‬ hereditate co- out of their inheritance
‫מְנַחֵם‬.Me nac
. [rum . Menahem , N.hemM
‫נתם‬ DJ Consolans, consola- Comforting, a comforter.

‫מ‬ . [ tor . Comforters
comforteth you.
vosans He that
‫ מְנַחֶמְכֶם‬.Consol
‫מָנָחַת‬ .Manachat Manahath, N. M. P.
VOL. II. 2 E
978 ‫מנע מנעי‬


‫מנה‬ ‫נְחַת‬-ִ‫מ‬ oblatio , fer- u

,M n
A present, oblation ,meat u
‫נח‬. ‫מ‬ F e r
ejus . [tum . Hermeatoff l u
erin g m
[ing .
His rest.
‫נות‬ ֹ‫ מְנְחָתו‬.Requi ejus es
ֹ‫ מִנְחָתו‬Fertum ,
ejus His meat offering.
‫|נחתי‬ ‫ מ‬.Oblmeaatio My offering.

ָ‫ מִנְחֹתֶיך‬.Oblattuae iones Thy offerings .

ָ‫ מִנְחָתְךָ תֶך‬.Fer tuumtu m Thy meat offering .

‫ מִנְחָתָם‬.Fer eorutu
m m Their meat offering.
‫מנה‬ ַ‫ מ‬.Constiluit
‫|נִּי‬ He hath appointed.
Constilue . Appoint thou .
A From me.
‫מן‬ ‫ | מַנִּי מִנִּי‬.me
‫מִנִּי‬ .4
.Mini Minni, N. M.
‫מנה‬ ‫ מְנָיוֹת‬.Portiones
‫ינח‬ |ַ‫ִּיח‬.P
‫מַג‬ er , sinens. mi
| Permittingll en
, sufferin g s

‫נוח‬ ַ‫ מֵנִיח‬.Quiet dans em Giving rest.

‫מנה‬ ‫ָנִים‬. ‫מ‬ P , portiaones . r Parts , t
‫יס‬. ‫| מנ‬ ,Vtemporis par-i c
Times , portions es
of time
n [tes. Miniamin , N. M.
‫ מִנְיָמִן‬.Miniami
Shaking .
‫נוף‬ ‫ מֵנִיף‬.Agitans
He that shaketh it. N
ֹ‫ מְנִיפו‬.Agila eum ns
‫מנה‬ ָ‫ מַבִּית‬.Gonstiluisl Thou hast appointed.

.Mi nit Minnith, N. P.

ְ‫מִכָּך‬ te e
, ar
.P By, from thee.
From a, the strange woman.
‫נכר‬ A
‫ מִנָּכְרִיָה‬.ali enab
‫נלה‬ Their
ctio perfection.
‫| מִנְלָם‬.Perfe eorum
‫נמר‬ ‫| מִנְמֵרִים‬.P re
pardi s Than the leopards.

‫נםם‬ Da A vexillo, signo. From the standard , banner,

‫נסה‬ ‫|מנסה‬ ,s
Proban Proving . [sign .

‫נים‬ ‫|מנסת‬.Fuga Flight .

‫סתר‬ A b From hidden , secret .
‫ מִנִּסְתָּרוֹת‬. occu ltis
‫מָנַע‬ Coercuit , cohibuit , He restrained , withheld , kept
retinuit, prohi- back, forbad, denied .

buit, negavit.
Withhold , restrain thou .
‫ מְנַע מִנְעִי‬.Coh ib
, coerc e e
‫מנת־נת‬ 979

‫מנע‬ y Cohibens, retinens. Withholding, keeping back .

ּ‫ מָנְעו‬.Cohibuerunt They have withholden.
‫נעל‬ ‫ מַנְעוּלָיו עָלָיו‬.Sere
ejus His locks, bolts.
‫נער‬ ‫ִנְעוּרָי רַי‬.Ab
‫מ‬ adolescentiamea . From my youth
‫בְּעוּרָיו עִי‬.ִ‫מ‬ adolescentiaa b
ejus . From his youth
" ַ‫נְעוּרָיִךְ ר‬.
ִ‫מ‬ adolescentia A b
tua . From thy youth
ּ‫ִנְעוּרֵינו‬.db ‫מ‬ adolescentia nos- From our youth
‫מגע‬ ָ‫ֲך‬ ‫ע‬ ָ ‫נ‬ ְ ‫מ‬ .Co hibteuit [ tra. He hath withholden thee.
ְ‫ מִנְעָלֶך‬Calceus tuus , Thy shoe.
‫מנע‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫נ‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ ָ ‫נ‬ ְ ‫מ‬ .Ret me t
inui He hath kept me back.
‫נער‬ A puero. [ lescentia. From a, the boy, child.
‫מנ‬ , a pueritia , ado- Than , from childhood , youth
‫ מִנַּעֲרֵי‬. is Of the boys, lads.
ִ‫ מ‬pueritiad
‫נְעָרָי רַי‬. mea From my childhood.
Ab adolescentia tua. From thy youth.
‫ִנְעֲרֹתֵיהֶם‬. ‫|מ‬ adolescentiaA b
eo- From their youth
‫מנע‬ ָּ‫נַעְת‬ ָ ‫מ‬ .C oh ib ui al i [rum. Thou hast withholden.
‫ מָנַעְתִּי‬.Cobib, negavi uiI have withholden, denied.
e Broken in pieces.
‫נפץ‬ ‫ מְנְפָּצוֹת‬Comminul,
‫נפש‬ A b
ma From the soul .
ׁ‫| מִנֶּפֶש‬.ani
‫נצח‬ ‫ מְנַצְחִים‬.Prefecti Overseers, superintendents.
‫נצר‬ E surculo . Out of a branch .
. ‫ מְנַקִיתָיו‬.Scopuleejus His bowls .
Her nurse.
‫ינק‬ ּ‫ מֶנְקְתָּה‬Nutriz ,
ut riz His nurse .
ֹ‫ מֵנִקְתּו‬.N ejus
‫נור‬ Candlesticks .
‫ מְנֹרוֹת‬.Candelabra
‫מִנְשׂא‬ Pre te condonare , Than thou canst forgive , than
pre me ferre . I can bear .

‫ מְנַשְׂאִים‬.Eferentes They that lift up.

‫ מְנַשֶׁה‬.Menasses Manasseh, N. M.

‫איש‬ ‫שֵׁי מִנָּשִׁים‬.Preְ‫מִנ‬ ,emulieribus . |Above women , of the women

‫נשק‬ With the kisses.
‫ מִבְּשִׁיקוֹת‬.Osculis
‫נשם‬ ‫ מִנִּשְׁמַת‬.A b
halilu , flatu By the breath, blast .
‫נשק‬ From the arms , weapons.
‫ מִנִּשְׁק מִנִּי‬.a armuisb
‫נשר‬ ‫ מִנִּשְׁרֵי בְּשָׁרִים‬.Pre aquilis Than the eagles.
‫מנה‬ ars A part, portion .
‫ מְנָת נַת‬.P
, portio
980 ‫מסך‬

m aFrom their path.
‫נתב‬ ‫מִנְתִיבָתָם‬

‫ מַס‬Tribul, Tribute.
‫מ‬ ir A circuit it
; circum . cu ; about us
Convertens. [ quaque Turning.

‫סִבּוֹת‬.Ci ְ‫מ‬ rcu

; circum- itu
Circuits ; on every side
‫ִּי‬ ‫ב‬ ִ ‫ס‬ ְ ‫מ‬ .C ir cu it
mei us They that compass me about.
‫בִיב‬ ּ .
ָ ‫פ‬ ִ ‫מ‬ circuitu s I
unde- In the circuit ; on all n
‫ָם‬ ‫ת‬ ֹ ‫ב‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫ב‬ ְ ‫ס‬ ִ ‫מ‬ A
4 ir cu
corum Roundil ibus
about them
From his thicket.
‫סבר‬ ֹ‫מִסְבְכו‬. dumetoE ejus
From the burden.
‫סבל‬ ‫ מִסֵּבֶל‬.ab onere
‫ מִסְבָּלִים‬Portare potentes, ro Able to carry , strong , very
busti, prepingues. fat.

‫ִסְבְלָתָם‬. ‫מ‬ oneribus corum4 . From their burdens b

‫סבב‬ e Surrounded , inclosed .
‫ מְסַבֹּת‬.Circumdal
‫סנר‬ ‫ מַסְבֵּר‬.Carcer The prison .
The borders.
‫ מִסְגְּרוֹת‬.Claustra
The border, inclosure.
‫ מִסְפֶּרֶת‬.Claustrum
Massah , N. M.
‫ מַסָה‬.Massa
Liquefecit, dissolvit. He melted , dissolved.
‫קבל‬ ‫מְסוֹבְלִים‬ Portantes , firmni ut Bearing , firm to be able to
portare possint. support .
‫סוד‬ Tip Ab arcano, consilio. From the secret, counsel.
‫סוה‬ A veil.
‫ מַסְוֶה‬.relamen
‫נסת‬ Top Evulsio, avulsio. A plucking up, tearing away.
‫סחר‬ ‫מִסְחַר‬ Pre merce, negotia- Than themerchandise ,traffick
‫נסג‬ Removens. [ tione. Removing.
‫סכר‬ ְ‫ מְסִיך‬.Tegens Covering.
‫מםם‬ ‫|מְסִים‬.Tributa Tributes.
‫נסע‬ ַ‫מַסִיע‬ .Amovens He that removeth.
‫סור‬ Divertens, auferens. Turning aside, taking away.
‫סות‬ Top Persuadens,incitans. Persuading, stirring up.
Miscuil, commiscuit. He mixed, mingled.
ְ‫ מָסָךְ־־סַך‬.Operimentum He mixed, mingled.
TDP Mistura. A veil , covering.
‫מספר־־פר‬ 981

.Miscuit She hath mingled.

‫מסך‬ ‫מָסְכָה‬
‫| נסך‬ ‫מַסֵּכָה מַסֵּכָת‬ Libamen ; conftatus ; A drink - offering ; molten ; a
idolum fusile. molten image.

fusilia a
Mol ten images.
‫ מַפָּכוֹת‬.Idol
‫סכן‬ ‫ מִסְכֵּן‬.Pauper
, thesare aStore-houses, treasuries.
‫| מִסְכְּנוֹת‬.Hor uri
cu i I have mingled.
‫מסך‬ ‫ מָסָכְתִּי‬.Mis
‫סבר‬ The Operimentum tuum. Thy covering .
Drop Idola fusilia eorum. Their molten images.
hop E canistro. [ lica. Out of the basket.

Sho baboy hop via trita vel pub- A highway.

ְ‫מ‬ trile vel public Highways, mounts
cæ, aggeres.
‫סלע‬ ‫סֶי‬ ‫מִסְלַע‬ Pre , 4 , e rupe [tens. Than ,from ,out of a , the rock
‫סלף‬ Subvertens, perver- Overthrowing, perverting.
‫סלל‬ Via trila velpublica A highway.
‫סלת‬ Of the fine flour.
nhop E simila.
E simila ejus. Ofits fine flour.
‫מָסַם‬ Dissolutus est, colli- He was dissolved, he wasted ,
cuit, contabuit. melted away .

‫נסע‬ ‫מַסָּע‬ .Missile A dart, or other missile weapon

‫סער‬ ‫ מִסְעָד‬.Fulcrum [ tes. A prop, support.

ְ‫מ‬ , adjuvan- Upholding , helping
‫נסע‬ ‫ מסעי‬.Profectiones The journeyings.

‫מ‬ fect iones
eorum . Theirjourneys
‫סעף‬ ‫סָעֵף‬.De
ְ‫מ‬ cut
, amputans ien
Shaking off , lopping of s
‫סער‬ A From the tempest.
‫| מִסָעַר‬.procella
‫ספר‬ ‫ מִסְפַּד־־פֶּר‬.Planctus Mourning , lamentation.
To Planctus meus . My mourning.
‫ספא‬ ‫ מִסְפּוֹא‬.Pabuluma Provender.
‫ספת‬ ַ‫ מְסַפֶּח‬Adjunge, ns He that joineth, putteth to.
‫מִסְפַּחַת‬ Scabies. [pla vestra. The scab.
Donne Rica, cervicalia,pe- Your kerchiefs , veils , mantles.
‫ספר‬ Telling, declaring.
‫ מְסַפֶר‬.Enarrans
, Than to declare.
‫ מְסַפֶר‬Pre enarrare
‫ מִסְפָּר‬.Mispar Mizpar, N. M.
‫ספר‬ ‫פַּר‬ ‫סְפָּר‬.N
ִ‫מ‬ um
; enarratio er
A number ; a declaring us
982 ‫מעבר‬

E o Out of the book.

‫ספר‬ ‫ מִסֵּפֶר‬. libr
The numbers.
‫ מִסְפְּרִי‬.Numeri
‫ מִסְפְרִי‬. libro E
meo , Out of my book.

‫ מְסַפְּרִים‬.Enarrantes Declaring.
ָ‫ מִסְפְרְך‬. tuo Out ofthy book.
Your number.
‫ מִסְפַּרְכֶם‬Numerus vealer
Numerus eorum. Their number.

.Misperet Mispereth, N. M.
‫מָסָר‬ Tradidit, commisit. He delivered up, committed.
‫סרס‬ Exeunuchis, cubicu- Of the eunuchs, chamberlains
‫מסס‬ ‫ מְפַת‬.Tribulum[lariis. Tribute.
‫סלל‬ Sinop Efferens se. Exalting himself.
‫סתר‬ ‫ מִסְתָּרָיו‬.Latib ejusula His secret places.
Secret places.
‫ מִסְתָּרִים‬Latibula
Hidden, secret.
‫ מְסֶתָּרֶת‬.Occulla
‫ מִסְתַּתֵּר‬.Abscond se ens Hiding himself.

‫עבר‬ His works.
‫ מַעֲבָדוֹהִי‬opera ejus
is Of the servants.
‫ מֵעַבְדֵי‬.
Their works.
‫ מַעֲבָדִיהֶם‬.Oper eorum a
, a servisE
‫| מֵעֲבָדָיו‬. ejus Of, from his servants .
TUDE, a servis tuis. Of, from thy servants.

‫ מַעַבְדִים‬.Serv ire
facientes Causing to serve.

ָ‫ מֵעַבְדֶּך‬. tuo From thy servant.
From serving us.
ּ‫מֵעָבְדֵנו‬ nobis do
From the service.
ֹ‫ מֵעֲבֹדַת־־בו‬.Aservilule
Ex opere vestro. Ofyour work.
Out of their bondage.
‫ מֵעֲבֹדָתָם‬.Eservitute
Tip A serviendo. From serving.
‫עבר‬ transeundo
‫מֵעֲבוֹר‬.A From going over.

‫ מֵעֲבוּר‬.E
proventu Of the produce .

‫ מַעֲבִיר‬.Trans ire
faciens Causing to pass over.
‫ מַעֲבָר‬.V,ad um
transilus A ford, passage.

‫מֵעֲבֹר‬. A
transeu ndo From going over.
, ultrans
‫| מֵעֵבֶר‬.Tra Over, beyond,on the other side

‫מֵעֹבֵר‬. le From him that passeth over.
‫מעול‬ 983

‫עבר‬ umA ford, passage.

‫ מַעְבָּרָה‬.V,ad tranusitus
Fords, passages .
' ְּ‫ב‬ ‫ מַעְבָּרוֹת‬.r ad
, transit us a
‫מַע‬ facientes They that cause to transgress
4 . From them that pass by
‫עגל‬ ‫ מַעְכָּל־־גָּל‬.Semita
, orbita A path, track.
Magalah, N. P.
‫ מַעְגָלָה‬.Magala
Her paths , ways .
‫ לי‬-- ָ‫ מַעְגְלוֹתֶיה‬.Semit ejus e
it e His paths.
‫ מַעְגְלוֹתָיו‬.Semejus
‫מָעַד‬ Nutavit, vacillavit, He wavered, tottered, slid ,
lapsus est,luxatus slipped, was put out ofjoint.

Auferens, amovens. Taking away, removing.

ּ‫ מָעֲדו‬.Lap suntui They slipped.
ֹ‫ מֵעֲדו‬.Cae tu
ejus s His assembly .

‫|ֵעָדוֹת‬ ‫ מ‬.Constitute Appointed.

‫עוד‬ A
ָ‫מֵעֲדוֹתֵיך‬.te4 sti
tuis . mon
From thy testimonies iis
Maadai. [ lemnitates. Maadai, N. M. [ lemn feasts.
‫יער‬ Stata tempora, so- Stated seasons, solemnities, so-
‫ מַעַדְיָה‬.Maadias Maadiah, N. M.

‫עדן‬ ‫עֲדַנוֹת־־נת‬.Delicias
ַ‫מ‬ , amanitates Pleasures , dainties , delicacies
‫מעדנֵי־־בִּים‬ .De lic ite Delights.

‫ מֵעֲדָנָי‬.Del ice
mee My delicacies.
d lu From the assembly.
‫ מֵעֲדַת‬. cae
ָ‫ | מֵעֵדֹתֶיך‬.testituis From thy testimonies.
‫עוג‬ Plap
centa A cake.
‫ מְעוֹדֵד‬Sublevans, erigens.
TTV Lifting, raising up.
quo ego From which I.
‫ מֶעוֹדִי‬.Er
From which thou.
ָ‫ מֵעוֹדְך‬Er quo ,
‫מעה‬ ‫ מעוהִי‬Venter , ejus His belly.
‫עזן‬ ‫עז‬ -‫ מָעוֹז‬.Robur
, potentia Strength , power .

ֹ‫ מָעוּזו‬.Robur
cjus His strength.
"‫ע‬ meum ur
‫ מָעוּזִי‬.Rob My strength.
‫ מָעוּתָם‬.Ro bur
eorum Their strength.

ְ‫ מָעוֹך‬.Ma oc Maoch, N. M.
‫מער‬ ‫ מעוכה‬.Depre Pressed down, stuck in.
, infia
‫עול‬ From iniquity.
‫ מֵעָול‬.Ab
984 ‫מעזריס‬

‫עול‬ ‫ מְעוּל‬.Iniqu
agens e Acting wickedly.

‫עלל‬ ‫ מעולל‬. A
parvulo From a child, infant .

‫עלם‬ From everlasting.

‫ מֵעוֹלָם‬.Ab
‫ מָעוֹן‬.Maon Maon , N. M. P.

" ְ‫ מָעוֹן מ‬.Habitatio A dwelling , habitation .

‫ערה‬ iniquitate From ihiquity .
‫ מֵעָוֹן‬.Ab
Her habitation.
‫עון‬ ‫ מְעוֹנָה‬.Habitat ejus io
‫ מעונו‬.Habitatio ejus His dwelling place.
‫ערה‬ ‫עֲוֹנוֹתֵיהֶם‬. ֵ‫מ‬ O
iniquitates eorum b
For our iniquities
ּ‫ֲוֹנוֹתֵינוּ יוֹנֵנו‬.
‫מֵע‬ iniquitates noso b
. Because of their iniquities
From my iniquity.
‫ מֵעֲוֹנִי‬.Abiniquitatemea
‫ענה‬ Præ,ab,ex afflictione Than,from, outof the affliction
‫ | מעוּנִים‬.Meunim [ tris. Mehunim, Mehunims, N.M.P.
ֵ‫מ‬ A
iniquitatibus nos b
. From our iniquiti es
ֵ‫מ‬ P
iniquitate tua . Thanr thy iniquity e
Thy habitat ion .
‫עון‬ ָ‫ מְעוֹנֶך‬.Habitat tua io
‫ מְעוֹנֵן‬.Divinus A soothsa yer , diviner .
‫ מְעוֹנְנִים‬.Meonenim Meonenem , N. P.

‫|ְעוֹנֹתַי‬ ‫ מ‬.Meonotai Meonothai, N. M.

Their dens.
‫עון‬ ‫ מְעוֹנֹתָם‬.Habit acula
Eliz Of fowl .
‫עוף‬ ‫ מֶעוֹף‬.volati
Darkness .
‫ מְעוּף‬.Tenebre
‫ מְעוֹפֵף‬.rolans Flying.
‫ מֵעוֹר‬.Pre cute Than the skin.
‫ערה‬ ‫ְעוֹרֵיהֶם‬.Nu
‫מ‬ dit
eorum .[sus Their nakedness as
‫עות‬ Incurvatus, perver- Bent, crooked, perverse.
‫עזב‬ A
‫ מֵעֲוֹב‬. From forsaking.
‫עזז‬ ‫עֲלֶה‬.R
ָ‫מ‬ ob
,munitio ,ejus ur
. Her strength , fortress
‫ מָעֲדִי‬.Robu meum r My strength.
ּ‫הו‬ ‫עַזְיָה‬ ַ ‫מ‬ .Maazi as Maaziah , N. M.
Mauzzim, N.I..
‫ מָעֲדִים‬.Mauzim
‫עזז‬ tuum ur
ְ‫ מָעֲצֵך‬.Rob Thy strength.
strength .
‫ מָעַזְכֶם־־כן‬.Rob DestrumurYour
ur Their strength.
‫ מָעָם‬.Rob eorum
ejus nesHer fortresses.
ָ‫ מָעַזְנֶיה‬.Munitio
‫עזר‬ ‫ מְעַזְרִים‬.Adjuvanles Helping, succouring .
‫מעירם‬ 985

Minuit, diminuit, He lessened, diminished , ga-

minimum collegit; thered very little ; was lit-
parvus , minutus tle, was diminished.
‫|מעט‬.Minui [fuit. To be diminished .
"y--by Exiguus; aliquantu- Small ; a very little ; some-
lum ; nonnihil. thing .
‫עטה‬ ‫ מַעֲטֶה‬.Amiclus The clothing .
Tectus, amictus. Covered , clothed .

‫מעט‬ ּ‫ מָעֲטו‬.Minuti
sunt They were diminished.
‫ | מעטים‬.Pauci Few.

‫מָעַי‬ .Maai Maai, N. M.

‫מעה‬ ‫מֵעָי־־עַי‬.riaceramea My bowels .
‫עי‬ ‫ מְעִי‬.Ace rvus A heap.
‫עוד‬ ‫מעיד‬ | .Contestans Testifying .
‫מעה‬ ‫ מֵעָיו‬.Pisce cjus ra His bowels.

tua ra
ָ‫| מֵעֵיך‬.Visce Thy bowels.
‫מעל‬ ‫ מְעִיל‬.Palium A robe.
His robe.
ֹ‫ עַלו‬--ֹ‫ מְעִילו‬.Palliu
ejus m

a Their robes.
‫ מְעִילֵיהֶם‬.Palli
‫ | מְעִילִים‬.Pallia Robes .

ְ‫ מְעִילְך‬.Pallium
tuumt Thy robe .
A fountain.
‫עין‬ ‫ מַעְיָן־־ין‬.Fons
ֹ‫ מַעְיָנו‬.Fo His fountain.
Fountains, springs.
‫ מַעְיָנוֹת־־יְנֹת‬.Fontes
‫ מַעְיָנִי‬.Fon tes
mei My springs.
.Fontes The fountains, springs.
‫ מֵעֵינָי‬. a
oculis meisb From my eyes .
‫ מֵעֵינֵי‬.oculi From the eyes.

‫ מֵעֵינָיו‬.Aoculis ejusb From his eyes.

ָ‫נֶיך‬ ְ‫ מֵעֵינַיִך‬. A
oculis tuisb From thy eyes .
ָ‫ מַעְיְנֹתֶיך‬Fontes,tui Thy fountains.

‫עוק‬ ‫ֵעִיק‬ ‫מ‬ .P re me ns [ tando Pressing .

‫עור‬ Excitans, a susci- Stirring up, from raising.
‫עיר‬ ‫ מֵעִיר‬.E
civitate Of, out of, from the city.

civitate ejus of his city.

ְ‫מֵעִירְך‬. tua From thy city.
‫עור‬ DWP Excilans eos. He that stirreth up them.
VOL. II. 2 F
986 ‫מעלליף‬

ְ‫מָעַך‬ Pressit, depressit,in- He pressed , pressed_down ,

‫מַעֲכָה‬ .Maaca [fixit. Maachah, N. W. P. [stuck in.
‫מעד‬ ּ‫ מֵעֲכו‬.Depres sunt si They were pressed down.
‫ָתִי‬ ‫כ‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ ַ ‫מ‬ .Ma aca li Maachathite, Maachathites,
N. M. F. P.
‫מָעַל‬ Deflexil, deliquit, He turned aside, failed in his
prævaricatus est. duty , acted treacherously ,
‫עלה‬ ‫ מֵעָל מַעְלָה‬.Suraum Upward. [transgressed.
‫מעל‬ ‫ מעל‬.Prevaricatio A trespass , treachery.
‫עלה‬ Super, a, ex, in, jux- Above, from, of, out of, in,
‫מעל‬ .Ab [ta, contra | From . [against.

ַ‫מ‬ faciens , He that causeth to ascend
educens, offerens ; bringeth up, offereth ; an
ascensus. ascent.

‫מַע‬ faciens . She that causeth to come up
‫מעל‬ Deliquerunt. [ ejus. They transgressed.
‫עלה‬ , gradus His ascent, steps.
ּ‫ מַעֲלָו‬Ascensus
‫מעל‬ ֹ‫ֲלו‬.Prevaricat
‫מַע‬ ejus . His transgression, treachery
‫עלה‬ ‫ מַעֲלוֹת‬.Gradus [endo . Steps, stairs, degrees.
nihy Ab ascendendo, ori- From going up, rising.
‫ מעלות‬.P re
holocaus tis More than burnt offerings.
ּ‫ מַעֲלוֹתָו‬.Carnacu cjus la His upper chambers.
‫ לי‬-- ‫ מֵעֲלִי‬. A
me From me.
‫ מְעָלֵי מֶי‬.Occasus The setting .
From her.
ָ‫ מֵעָלֶיה‬.db
‫ מֵעֲלֵיהֶם‬.Supe, ab eis r Above, from them.

‫ מֵעָלָיו‬. co
.db From him.
‫מ‬ cenaculis ejus From his upper chambers.

ָ‫ לֶיך‬-- ְ‫ָלָיִך‬.Super
‫מֵע‬ , a te . [ uobis. Above , from thee
‫מֵע‬ , a , contra vos , Above , from , against you

‫מַע‬ ,efferentes They that bring up , offer
‫עלם‬ Abscondens, celans. Hiding, concealing.
‫עלה‬ ּ‫ מֵעָלֵינו‬.Anobis From us.
‫עלל‬ ‫ מעללי‬.Ope raWorks , actions.
, actiones

eorum a Their works.

‫ מַעַלְלֵיהֶם‬.oper
‫ מַעֲלָלָיו‬.Actiones
cjus His doings.

ְ‫ מַעֲלָלִיך‬Actiones,
tue Thy doings.
‫מעסיס‬ 987

Your works.
‫עלל‬ ‫ מַעַלְלֵיכֶם־־הֶם‬.operawestra
‫ מַעֲלְלִים‬.Opera Works.
‫מעל‬ hyp Prævaricatio eorum. Their transgression.
‫מ‬ eua ric
summus . We have transgressed ati
‫עלף‬ ‫ מְעָלֶפֶת‬.opertus
Thou didst transgress.
‫מעל‬ ָּ‫ מָעַלְת‬.Prevaricatu
‫ מְעַלְתֶּם‬.Prevaric Ye have transgressed.
estis ati
‫עמם‬ ‫ מֵעָם־־עַם‬.E
, a populo Of, from a, the people.
‫עם‬ Dy Ex, a, apud, coram. Of, out of, from, with, before
‫עמד‬ ‫עֲמָד‬.Co
ָ‫מ‬ llo
, stabilitus . Placed , cat
established us
‫עם‬ From me.
‫ מֵעִמָּדִי־־מִּי‬Ame
‫עמד‬ atio Their station .
‫ מֵעֲמָדָם‬.Steorum
‫עם‬ , abre
ֹ‫| מֵעֲמו‬.P eo Than, from him.
‫עמם‬ E
, a populis
‫ מֵעַמִּי‬. Of, from the peoples.
‫עמד‬ ‫ מַעֲמִיד‬.S, ta constanns
s Standing , staying, abiding .
‫עמם‬ ָ‫ מֵעַמֶּיה‬Epopulis cjus Of her people .

‫ מֵעַמָּיו‬.Epopuli ejus s Of his people.

‫ מֵעַמִּים‬.Epopulis Of the peoples , nations.
ְ‫ מֵעַמְך‬.Epopu tuo lo Of thy people .
From thee.
ָ‫ מֵעִמָּךְ־־מְך‬A te,
is [ lestiam. From you.
‫ מֵעִמָּכֶם‬.
‫עמל‬ ‫מֵעֲמַל‬ Propter laborem ,mo- Because ofthe labour , trouble
‫עם‬ nobA
is From us.
ּ‫ מֵעִמָּנו‬.
‫עמם‬ ‫מסה‬ ‫ע‬ ‫מ‬ |.Onus A burden.

‫עמק‬ ‫ מֵעֵמֶק‬. E
vall e From , out of the valley.
The depths.
‫ מַעֲמַקֵי‬.Profunda
‫עמר‬ Manipulos faciens. He that gathereth into sheaves
A furrow.
‫ענה‬ ‫ מַעֲנָה‬.Sulcus
An answer.
‫נֶה‬ ‫ מַעֲנֶה‬.Responsum
A habitation.
‫עון‬ ‫ מְעֹנָה‬.Habialio
‫ענה‬ To answer .
‫ מֵעֲנוֹת‬.Respondere
A From the poor.
‫ מֵעָנִי‬.paupe re
Out of the affliction.
‫ מֵעֹנִי־עָנִי‬. E
aflict r
Afligentes te. They that afflict thee.

.‫עון‬ ‫ מְעֹנְנִים‬.Divini Soothsayers, sorcerers.

Of the new wine.
‫עסם‬ ‫ מֵעֲסִיס‬.Emiuslo
988 ‫מערלים‬

‫עוף‬ ‫ מֵעָף‬.Folans Flying.

‫עפר‬ . pulveEre Of the dust.
‫ | מֵעפר־־עֲפַר‬.
‫ מַעַץ‬.M aa z Maaz, N. M.

YUP Ex arbore, ligno. Of the tree, timber.

‫עצב‬ " ִ‫מ‬ ָ‫ מֵעָצְבְּך‬A| dolore, tuo From thy sorrow .
‫עצר‬ ‫עֲצָד‬ ַ ‫מ‬ .Se cur fs An ax, hatchet.
‫עצר‬ ‫מַעֲצוֹר‬.Cohibitio 1 Restraint, withholding .

‫עוץ‬ ‫עֲצִי‬.
ֵ‫מ‬ E
arboribus , lignis Of the trees , wood
‫עצם‬ ‫י‬ P r
ָ‫ מֵעַצְמוֹת‬.ossibus meis e Than my bones .
Ex ossibus meis. Of my bones.

‫עצר‬ ‫עֲצָר‬.Coerciti
ַ‫מ‬ , dominatio . Restraint , rule , authority
‫עצר‬. ‫|מ‬ P
vim , a carcere e
. | Through force , from prison r

‫יעץ‬ ‫ מֵעֲצַת‬.Pre
consilio Than, by reason of counsel.
consilio ejus Of his counsel. [ battlement.
‫עקה‬ PU Peribolus tecti,lorica The parapet wall of a house, a
‫עקל‬ Spy Tortuosus, perver Crooked, perverse.
‫עקש‬ wpy Præ perverso. [ sus. Than a perverse.
‫ערב‬ .Mistus Mixed.
From the evening.
‫ מֵעֶרֶב‬Avespera
Ad occidentem. [ tua. Toward the west.

,merx Thy trading, merchandise.

ְ‫ מַעֲרָבָך‬Negotiatio
‫ מֵעַרְבֹת‬.E campis From the plains.
‫ערג‬ Eisr
‫ מֵעֲרְגוֹת‬.areol From the beds.

‫ מַעֲרָה‬.Meara Mearah, N. P.
‫ערה‬ .Spelunca
‫|מְעָרָה־־רַת‬ A cave, den.

‫ מֵעָרוֹת‬.Spelunce Caves, dens.

‫עיר‬ ‫ מֵעָרִי‬. E
, acivi r
tatibus Of, from the cities.

‫מ‬ E
urbibus eorum r
. of their cities
A civitatibus ejus. From his cities.

‫מַע‬ vos , terror Terrifying you , your dread
‫ערו‬ Nuditas tua. [ vester. Thy nakedness.
‫ מַעֲרָכָה‬.O, rd acies o A rank , row, army.

,Rows, heaps.
‫ מַעֲרָכוֹת‬ordines , strues
Rows, armies .
‫כת‬ ‫ מַעַרְכוֹת‬.ordines, acies
‫ מַעַרְכֵי‬.Dispositiones The preparations.
Ex estimatione tua. From thy estimation.
‫ערל‬ ‫ מֵעֲרֵלִים‬. E
incircum t
cisis Of the uncircumcised.
‫מפז‬ 989

E visz Out of the heaps.

‫ערס‬ ‫ מֵעֲרֵמוֹת‬.acer
‫מ‬ |Nud i eoru m The naked of them.
‫ערה‬ ‫ַעֲרְמֵיהֶם‬ ,
‫ֲרָת‬ ‫ע‬ ַ ‫מ‬ .M aa ra t Maarath , N. P.
‫עשה‬ ‫שֶׂה‬ , opus m
‫ מַעֲשֵׂה‬.Factu A deed , work , business.
His work .
ּ‫ מַעֲשֵׂהו‬.opus
Than his maker.
ּ‫| מֵעֲשֶׂהו‬.Pr
factore ejus e
‫ מַעֲשׂוֹת שׂת‬4 .faciendo From doing .

‫ מַעֲשָׂי שִׂי‬.Opera
mea My works.

‫ מַעֲשֵׂי‬.Facta
, opera Deeds , works.
‫ מַעֲשִׂי‬.Maanai Maasai, N. M.

ּ‫ יָהו‬- ‫ מַעֲשֵׂיָה‬Maascias Maaseiah , N. M.

ejusra Her works.
‫עשה‬ ָ‫ מַעֲשֶׂיה‬.Ope
era Their works .
‫ מַעֲשֵׂיהֶם‬.Op eorum
‫ מַעֲשָׂיו‬.Ope His works.

ְ‫שָׂיִך‬ era
ָ‫ מַעֲשֶׂיך‬.Optua Thy works .
Your works.
‫ מַעֲשֵׂיכֶם‬.O vealrara
pe .
‫ מַעֲשִׂים‬Opera , facla Works, deeds.
ַ ‫מ‬ .O pe
a Our works .
ּ‫ֲשֵׂינו‬ ‫ע‬
ְ‫ מַעֲשֶׂך‬Opus tuum
, Thy work .
‫עשק‬ Puju Aboppressione. From the oppression.

‫ מַעֲשַׁיּוֹת‬.Oppressiones Oppressions .

‫עשר‬ ‫ עָי‬- ‫שַׂר‬ , decimemaTithe, tithes, tenth.

‫ מַעֲשֶׂר‬.Deci
s Than riches.
‫ מֶעשֶׁר‬Pre divili
r m e Than ten.
‫ מֵעֲשָׂרָה‬.P dece
‫ מַעֲשְׂרֹתֵיכֶם‬.Dec im
vestr e eYour tithes.
‫עשה‬ wy Pra facere me.[pus Than that I should do.
‫עתת‬ nup A tempore, ante tem- From, before the time.

" ַ‫מֵע‬‫עַתָּה‬.
ֵ‫מ‬ hoc tempore , ab-E s
From this time , henceforth

‫|מף‬.Moph Noph, N. P.
‫פאה‬ ‫ַת‬. A
‫ | מִפְּא‬latere , ad lulus . From , at the side
‫פגע‬ ַ‫ מַפְגִיע‬.Interce dens Interce ding, an intercessor.
4.redemptione From redemption.
‫פה‬ From, out of the mouth.
‫ מִפֶּה‬.d , er oreb
‫| מפה מפו‬.Hinc , inde Hence, thence.
‫פזז‬ ‫ מִפָּז‬.Pr auro e Than gold.
990 ‫מפנה‬

‫פזז‬ ‫ מְפַזֶּז‬.Eriliens Leaping.

‫פזר‬ fo less ‫ מפזר‬.Dispergens Scattering.
‫ מִפְזָר‬.Dispersus Scattered . [ piring .
‫נפח‬ Flatus, expiratio. A blast, breathing out, ex-
‫ מַפַּח‬Suflatorium , follis. An instrument for blowing , a
‫פות‬ .E
‫|מְפָּה‬ laqueo From ,out ofthe snare.[ bellows
‫פחד‬ ‫| מפחד‬.Timens Fearing .
‫ מִפָּחַד פִּי‬4 , .p ro From , for fear .
ָ‫מִפַּחְדְּך‬. A
timore tui For fear of thee . [mouth .
‫פה‬ Ab, ex ore, ore meo. From, out of the mouth, my
‫ מְפִיבֹשֶׁת‬.Mephiboset Mephibosheth, N. M.
‫פה‬ ore ejusz
ָ‫ מִפִּיה‬.E Out of her mouth.
‫ מִפִּיהוּ־־פּיו‬.Ex ore ejus Out of his mouth.
Ab ore_eorum . From their mouth .
ָ‫| מִפִּיך‬.oreE tuor Out of thy mouth.
‫ מִפִּיכֶם‬.E ore vestrox Out of your mouth.
‫נפל‬ .Pr
‫| מִפִּיל‬ osl
,fundens ern
Felling , pouring , presenting e
‫| מִפִּילים‬.Fundenles | They that pour out, present.
‫|מְפִּים‬.Mupim Muppim, N. M.
‫פה‬ t Out of our mouth .
ore nostro
ּ‫ מִפִּינו‬.E
‫פוץ‬ ‫ִיץ‬.Dispergen
‫מֵפ‬ ;malleus He that scattereth ; a maul
‫פוק‬ ‫| מָפִיקִים‬.Depromentes They that draw forth.
‫פכה‬ ‫ מְפַכִּים‬Scaturienl
, es Gushing out.
‫פלא‬ ‫ מפלאות‬.Mirabilia Wonderful things .

‫ מַפָּלָה‬.Ruina A ruin.
‫פלט‬ ‫ מִפְלָט‬.Effugium Escape.
‫ מְפַלְטִי‬.Liber
means He that delivereth me.
‫נפל‬ ‫ מַפְּלֵי‬.To ri
carnis Flakes of flesh .
‫פלס‬ ‫ מִפְלָּס‬.Librans Pondering.
‫פלץ‬ ‫ִפְלָאֶת־לֶצֶת‬.Simulacrum
‫מ‬ horren- A horrible idol
dum . [ dum ejus .

ִ‫מ‬ horren- Her horrible idol
‫פלס‬ ‫ מפלשִׂי‬.Libramenla The balancings .
‫נפל‬ ‫ מַפֶּלֶת‬.Cadaver A carcase .

ֹ‫ מַפַּלְתּו‬Ruina ,
cjus His fall, ruin.

ָ‫ מַפַּלְתֵּךְ־תֶּך‬.Rui tuana [ens. Thy fall, ruin .

‫פנה‬ Vertens se, respici- Turning back , looking at.
‫מפרק‬ 991


‫פנה‬ Adversus, aspiciens. Turned towards, looking to-

Coram, propter me. Before, because of me. [ wards.
Ante, a conspectu, Before, from the presence,
propter. because of.

Afacie ejus. [ ter eos. From his face. [ them.

Afacie eorum; prop- From their face ; because of
A facie ejus. From her face.
Than pearls.
‫פנן‬ ‫ מִפְּנַיִים נִינִים‬.Pr margaritis e
E s tuo From thy presence.
‫מ‬ conspect

E conspectu vestro. From your presence.



DEA facie, coram. From the face, before.

‫ מִפְּנִימָה‬.Intra
A conspectu nostro. From our presence.
Pa Delicate nutriens. He that delicately bringeth up

‫פסח‬ A claudo. From the lame.

Ob idolum sculptile. Because of the graven image.

‫ מִפְעָלוֹת‬.Opera The works.
Ab operariis. From the workers.
His works.
‫ מִפְעָלָיו‬.Opera
‫|מֵפָעַת‬.Mepaat Mephaath, N. M.

‫נפץ‬ ‫ מַפֶּץ‬Malleu
, s [ ejus. A mallet, hammer. [pieces.
13 Dispersio, collisio His dispersion, `dashing in
Ta Lustrans, recensens Reviewing, numbering, mus-
TPD Numerus, census. The number, muster. [ tering.

‫ מִפְקָדִים‬.Prefecti The superintendents .

‫ מִפְּקוּדִי‬. recensE
itis Of the persons numbered.

ָ‫ מִפְּקוּדֶיך‬4.manda tuistisFrom thy commands.

‫פור‬ ‫ מֵפֶר‬.Irrilum faciens Making void, frustrating.
‫פרה‬ De, pro fructu. Of, for the fruit.
He that separateth .
‫ מַפְרִיד‬.Separans
Of his fruit. "
ֹ‫ מִפִּרְיו‬.Efructu ejus
Findens, dividens. Cleaving , dividing.
s Making thee fruitful.
ָ‫ מַפְרְך‬.Fecundan te
She that divideth.
‫ מַפְרֶסֶת‬.Dividens

His breaches.
‫ מִפְרָצָיו‬.Ruptu ejus re
Broken down.
‫ מְפרָצֶת‬.Dirula
‫פרק‬ Prep Lacerans. Tearing, rending.
992 ‫מצאו‬


‫פרק‬ inp Collum,vertebræcer- His neck, the bones of his

‫פרש‬ Expositus [ vicis ejus Declared, explained . [ neck .
Expansiones. The spreadings. [forth.
tuumsum That which thou spreadest
ְ‫ מִפְרָשֶׂך‬.Expan
‫פשט‬ ‫פְשִׁיטִים‬ ַ ‫מ‬ .Exc oria ntes Flaying.
‫פשע‬ ywa 4, pro prævarica- From, for the transgression.
tione. [nostras.

Ob prævaricationes For our transgressions.

‫פשר‬ ‫ מְפַשַׁר‬.Interpretans Interpreting.
‫פתת‬ ‫מפת‬
|.E portione cibi Of a portion of the meat.
in E frusto ejus. Of his morsel.
‫פתח‬ ַ‫ מַפְתֵּח‬.Clavis A key.
ַ‫ מְפַתֵּח‬.Sculpens Engraving.
Ex, ab ostio. Out of, from the door.
‫ מְפַתָּחֹת‬.Sculpte
‫פתה‬ Pelliciens eam. Alluring her.
‫יפת‬ ‫ מֹפְתָיו‬.Portent ejus a His wonders , prodigies.
Li me n. A threshold.


‫מָצָא‬ Invenit, occurrit, as He found, met with, overtook,

secutus est, acci- befel, discovered, found
dit, deprehendit, out, received, obtained,
comperit , perce- perceived , sufficed, was
pil, naclus est, present, presented , deliver-
sensit, suffecit, ad- ed.
fuit, obtulit, tra-
, [didit. Find thou.`
‫ מְצָא‬Invenilo
‫מצא‬ To find.
‫ מְצָא‬.Invenire
‫יצא‬ ‫ מֹצָא‬.Egressus The going forth.
Invenit, nacta est. She found, got, obtained.
eam it He found her.
ּ‫ מְצָאָה‬.Inven
ּ‫מְצָאָהו‬.In ven eru They found him.
eum nt
18 Invenerunt, suffice- They found, were sufficient.
Invenit eum. [runt. He found him.
‫יצא‬ ֹ‫ מֹצָאו‬.Egressu
cjus s His going forth.
‫מצא‬ eum ns Finding him.
ֹ‫ מצָאו‬.Invenie
‫מצדו‬ 993

‫מצא‬ ‫ מְצָאוּנִי‬Invenerunt , depre- They have found , taken hold

henderunt me. of me.

iens He that findeth me.

‫ מֹצְאִי‬.Invenme
‫ מִצְאֵיהֶם‬.Invenie ntesThose that find them.
‫ מצאן‬.Egrege Of, from the flock.
‫מצא‬ We found him .
ּ‫ מְצָאנָהו‬.Invenimeum us
s We have found.
ּ‫ מָצָאנו‬.Invenimu
‫ מצאנו‬.Egreg ejus e Of his flock.
‫מצא‬ We found her, it.
eam us
ָ‫ מְצָאנוּה‬.Invenim
‫ מְצָאֲנִי‬.Invene runt They have found me.
‫צאן‬ ְ‫ מצאנְך‬.Egreg tuo e Out of thy flock.
‫מצא‬ ‫תָ־־צָאת‬ ‫א‬ ָ ‫צ‬ ָ ‫מ‬ .In ven ist i Thou hast found .

‫ | מצאת‬.Accidens Happening .
Invenisti cam. Thou hast found her.

‫ מָצָאתִי צָתִי‬.Inveni I have found .

eni I found her.
ָ‫ מְצָאתִיה‬.Inveam
I found him.
‫ מְצָאתִיהוּ אתִיו‬Inveni ,
‫ מְצָאתִים‬.Invenis eos ti Thou hast found them.
‫יצא‬ TAN Ab egrediendo te. From thy going out.
‫מצא‬ eis it [ tis. It hath befallen them.
‫ מְצזָאזָת‬.Accid
Invenistis, comperis- Ye have found, found out.
nobis t
ּ‫ מָצָאתְנו‬.Accidi It hath befallen us.
‫יצב‬ A station, garrison.
‫מְאָב‬ ‫ מֵעָב‬.Statio
, presidium [fare.
‫צבא‬ ‫ְבָא מִצְבָה‬-‫מִצ‬ E
, ab exercitu , mi- Out of , from the army ,r war
‫יצב‬ Statua, cippus. [ litia. A statue, image, monumental
‫ מַצְבוֹת‬.Statuae [rum . Statues. [pillar.
" ‫צְבוֹתָם־ב‬.Statue
ַ‫מ‬ , columnae eo- Their pillars , statues
Metsobæus. [ cientes. Mesobaite, N. P.
‫צבע‬ ‫בּעִין‬.Tingentes
ַ‫מְצ‬ , madefa- Dyeing , moistening . [ pillar
‫יצב‬ ‫ מִצְבַת־ צֶבֶת‬.Stat , cippus ua A statue, image, monumental
Statua, columna,ful- The statue, pillar, support.
‫מ‬ eorum .[ crum Their statues
‫צדד‬ At the side.
‫ מְצַד‬.A
‫צוד‬ Hunting.
‫ מְצֹדְדוֹת‬.renantes
‫צדד‬ At her side.
‫ מִצְרָה‬.4dlalus ejus
latus ejus At his side.
ֹ‫ מִצְדּו‬.Ad
VOL. II. 2 G
994 ‫מצותיך‬


c es
‫מצד‬ ‫צָדוֹת‬. ְ‫מ‬ ,Amunitiones .r
Strong holds , fortresses
E Out of its sides.
‫צדד‬ ָ‫מִצְדִּיה‬. lateribus ejus
He that justifieth .
‫צדק‬ ‫ מַצְדִּיק‬.Justificans
A o From the righteous.
‫ מְצַדִּיק‬. just
‫ מַצְדִּיקִי‬.Justificantes They that justify.
‫ מַצְדִּיקִי‬.Justific me ans He that justifieth me.
‫צדד‬ ְ‫ מַצְדָּך‬. A
latu s tuumd At thy side.
ia From righteousness.
‫צדק‬ ‫ מִצְדָקָה‬4 justit,
From his righteousness.
ֹ‫ מִצְדְקוֹ קָתו‬4.justi ejustia
‫מצד‬ A r
ili o t A fortress, strong hold.
‫ מְצְדַת‬. , mum
Expressit , exhausit , He pressed, squeezed , wrung,
Azymus. [exsuxit. Unleavened . [drew,sucked out.
Debate , strife, contention .
‫נצה‬ ‫ מָצָה‬.Jur rixa um
, gi
‫צהב‬ .Fulgens Shining.
‫צהל‬ Neighing.
‫ מִצְהֲלוֹת‬.Himnilus
‫צוד‬ A net.
‫ | מצוד‬.Rete
‫מצד‬ Strong holds .
‫ מָצוּדוֹת‬.Munitiones
‫צוד‬ ‫| מצודים‬.Reti , laquei a Nets, snares.
‫צוה‬ ‫מְצַוָּה־־יֶה‬ Precipiens,mmandans He thatchargeth,commandeth
A command .
‫צְוָה־־וַת‬,ִ‫ מ‬.Mandatum
anding thee.
ְ‫ מְצַוּךְ יֶך‬.Precipi tibi ens Comm

‫צול‬ ‫|צוּלָה‬‫ מ‬.Profundum The deep-

The deeps.
‫ | מְצוּלוֹת‬.Profunda
‫צום‬ re By fasting.
‫| מְצוֹם‬.P jejunio
Vexed, straitened , distressed.
‫צוק‬ pis Vexatus , arctatus.
Pressed , situated .
‫ מָצוּק‬Pressus , ,
‫צור‬ ‫ מָצוֹר מְצוּרָה‬.Mun it
, obsidi o ioA strong hold, siege.
Out of the rock .
‫ מְצוּר צר‬.E rupe
Strong holds .
‫ מְצוּרוֹת‬.Munitiones
ְ‫ מְצוּרֶך‬.Obsid tua io Thy siege.

ְ‫ מְצַוּרֹנָיִך‬. D
collo tuoe Of thy neck .

‫צרע‬ ' ָ‫ מְצוֹרָע צְר‬.Leprosus Leprous, a leper.

Unleavened cakes.
‫מצץ‬ ‫ מצות מצת‬.Azyma
‫יה‬ Commandments.
‫ | מִצְוֹת‬.Precepla
ֹ‫ מִצְוָתו‬.Preceejus ptumHis commandment.
My commandments .
‫ מִצְוֹתָוּ־תָי תִי‬.Precep mea ta
His commandments .
‫ מִצְוֹתָיו‬.Precept ejus a
‫מצער‬ 995

‫צוה‬ tua a
ָ‫ מָצְוֹתֶיך‬.Precept Thy commandments.

ָ‫ מִצְוָתְךָ וֹתֶך‬.Prece
tuum m commandment.
‫ מֵצַח‬.Frons A, the forehead.

ֹ‫ מִצְחו‬.Fro cjusns His forehead.

ont es Foreheads.
‫ מְצָחוֹת‬.Fr
ָ‫ מִצְחֲךָ חֶך‬.Fro tuans Thy forehead .
‫ מִצְחָם‬.Fro eorum ns Their forehea .
‫צחק‬ ‫ מְצַחֵק‬.Rid ,ludeenns . s Laughing , mocking .
‫יצב‬ ‫|ַצִיב‬ ‫ מ‬.Constituens Setting up, appointing .
‫יצג‬ Statuens, ponens. Setting, putting.
‫צוד‬ ‫ מְצִיד‬E venatione. Of venison.

‫מ‬ venatione ejus . From his venison
‫ִידִי‬. E
‫ מְצ‬venatione mea Of my venison .
OTY De viatico eorum. Of their provision.
‫נצל‬ ‫ | מציל‬.Eripiens He that rescueth. [ distance.

‫ציץ‬ Florens, promicans. Flourishing, appearing at a

‫מצה‬ ‫ מָצִית‬Exsuxisti, expres- Thou hast sucked , wrung out.
‫ | מצית‬Accendens. [sisti. Kindling, setting on fire.
‫צלל‬ ‫ מצל‬.Obumbrans Shadowing.
‫ מְצָל‬.Erut, ereplususRescued , plucked .
‫צלל‬ ֹ‫ מצלו‬.d umbra ejusb From his shadow.
‫ מצלוֹת‬.Cgymbala [ dans. Cymbals. [making prosperous.
‫צלח‬ ‫ליח‬Prosperan
‫מצ‬ s , secun- Prospering , being prosperous
costis ejus Of his ribs.
‫צלל‬ ‫|צלתַּיִם‬ ‫ מ‬Tinlinnabula
, Bells.
‫צמא‬ From thirst.
‫ | מִצְמְאָה‬.sili
‫צמד‬ Conjoined , fastened.
‫|צְמָּדֶת‬‫ מ‬.Conjunclus
‫צמח‬ ereCausing to grow.
ַ‫ מַצְמִיח‬.Cresc
‫צמת‬ They that destroy me.
‫ מַצְמִיתַי‬.Disperdme entes
‫צמר‬ De r
raamo summo. From the highest branch.
‫צנת‬ ‫ מִצְנִים‬.Erspinis Out of the thorns.

‫צנף‬ ‫ מִצְנֶפֶת‬.Diade A mitre, diadem, turban.

, cidaris ma
‫צעד‬ TUS Incessus, gressus. Goings, steps.
‫צער‬ Little.
‫ מִצְעִירָה‬.Parva
‫צעק‬ ‫ מְצַעֵק‬.Clamans Crying .
‫צער‬ ‫ מִצְעָר‬Parvus , exiguus Little, small.
996 ‫מקבצם‬

Watching .
‫צפה‬ ‫ מְצַפֶּה‬.Speculans
Overlaid .
‫ מְצַפֶּה‬.Obductus
Mizpeh, N. P.
‫פֶּה‬ ‫מִצְפָּה‬. .Milspe
ecula A watch tower .
‫צפה‬ ‫ֶּה‬ ‫פ‬ ְ ‫צ‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .Sp
From the north .
‫צפן‬ ‫ מְצָפוֹן מִצִי‬.A aquiloneb
From the north.
‫ מִצְפוֹנָה מִצִי‬. 4
aquil oneb
tore Thy watchmen.
‫צפה‬ ָ‫ מְצַפֶּיך‬.Speculatui
Overlaid .
‫ מִצְפִּים‬.Obducti
hidden things.
‫צפן‬ ‫ מַצְפָּנָיו‬.Abscondi ejus taHis
Mizpah , N. P.
‫ מִצְפָּתָה‬.Milspata
Expressit , exsuxit. He pressed, sucked out.
Co n mnef l aen tus
‫ְצַק‬.‫מ‬ . [ colu . Melted ,molt
‫צוק‬ ‫ְקִי‬.F
‫מְצ‬ un da
, bases , The foundationsme, bases, pillarsn
‫צור‬ ‫ מִצְר צַר־רָה‬4b , ex , pre angustia From , out of, by reason of

‫ מִצְרָה‬.4ficta Distressed, afflicted. [ distress.

From distresses.
‫ מִצָרוֹת‬.Abangustiis

Ab hostibus meis. From my adversaries.

Egyptian , N. N.
‫ מִצְרִי‬.Mitsri
ִ‫מ‬ 4
, pre hostibus ejus b
From ,than his enemies
Mizraim , N. M. P.
' ַ‫ מִצְרָיִם ר‬.Mitsraim
‫צור‬ ּ‫צָרֵינו‬.
ְ‫מ‬ A
hostibus nostris . From our enemiesb

.Mitsrita Egyptian , N. N.
‫צרע‬ ‫מִצְרָעִים‬ .Leprosi Leprous , lepers .
Leprous, a female leper.
" ַ‫ מְצֹרָעַת ר‬.Leprosd
From his leprosy.
ֹ‫מִצְרַעְתּו‬.Alepra cjus
‫צרף‬ ‫ מַצְרֵף‬.Conflatvas m refining pot.
‫ָרֵף‬. C on
, probans. Melting
f , trying i an
; a refiner
‫צור‬ ‫ מְצָרת‬.Munitiones Str ong hol ds .
in Ex angustia ejus. Out of his trouble .
Ob afflictionem nos- On account of our afflictions .
ntion .
‫נצה‬ tua a [ tram. Thy strife, conte
ָ‫ מַצְתֶך‬.Rir

P Tabes, putredo. Wasting, rottenness.
‫קבל‬ ‫ילת‬ Recipientes sese . Taking hold.
‫קבץ‬ ‫ מְקַבֵּץ‬.Colligens Gathering .
Dapp Congregans eos. Gathering them .
‫מקהלות‬ 997

‫צבק‬ ‫ מְקַבֶּצֶת‬.Congregata Being gathered .

‫ מְקַבֵּר‬.Sepeliens Burying, he that burieth.
| sepelien
‫מִקְבֹר‬. do From burying.
Di sepulchris vestris. From your sepulchres.
E sepulchris eorum . Out of their sepulchres.

‫ מְקַבְּרִים‬Sepelientes
, Burying, they that bury.
TPE sepulchro tuo. Out of thy sepulchre.

‫ מַכֶּבֶת‬.Foramen The hole.

‫מַקֵּדָה‬ .Macheda Makkedah, N. P.
‫קדש‬ From the holy.
ׁ‫ מִקְדוֹש‬.Asancto
‫קדם‬ DTP Ab oriente, antiquo, From the east, from of old,
PTPP Antequam. [ælerno. Before that. [from everlasting.
‫ | מְקַדְמַת‬.Ante
ׁ‫ מְקַדְּש‬.Sanctificans Sanctifying, he that sanctifies.

‫מ‬ .[sacra A sanctuary [holy thing.
A sanctuario ; e re From the sanctuary ; of the
Sanctuarium ejus.
Her sanctuary.
ֹ‫ מְקַדְּשׁו‬Sanctificans
, eum Sanctifying him.
iSanctuarium ejus. His sanctuary.
wp Res consecrata ejus. The consecrated part of it.
WE rebus sanctis . Of the holy things.

mea riaMy sanctuaries.

‫ מִקְדָּשִׁי‬.Sanctua
Wap Sanctuarium meum. My sanctuary.
ְ ‫ק‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .S anctuaria The sanctuaries.
eorumria Their holy places.
‫ מְקַדְּשֵׁיהֶם‬.Sacra
ָ‫ מִקְדָּשֶׁיך‬.Sanctuar tua iaThy sanctuaries.
De Sanctuaria vestra. Your sanctuaries.

DP Sanctificantes. They that sanctify.

‫ מִקְדָּשִׁים‬.Sacraria Holy places.

‫ מִקְדֹשִׁים‬.E
sanctis Of the saints.
Sanctuarium tuum. Thy sanctuary.
‫ מְקַדִּשְׁכֶם‬.Sanctificans vos Sanctifying you.
Sanctificans cos. Sanctifying them.
DP Sanctuarium eorum . Their sanctuary.
ּ‫ מִקְדָּשֵׁנו‬Sanctuarium nos- Our sanctuary. [tion.
‫קהל‬ [trum. From the assembly, congrega-
‫ מִקְהַל‬.E crtu

ָ‫מַקְהֵלוֹת‬ .Machetot Makheloth, N. P.

998 ‫מקל‬

Netum, expectatio , Linen yarn , expectation, hope

‫קוה‬ ‫מִקְרֵא וֶה‬
‫ מִקְוֵה‬.Netum [spes. Linen yarn .
From,at the voice,sound,noise)
‫קול‬ ‫מָקוֹל‬. A
voce , somilu
A voce eorum. From their voice.
‫קום‬ " ְ‫ מָקוֹם מ‬.Locus A place.
Her place .
‫ קי‬-- ּ‫ מְקוֹמָה‬.Loc ejusus
His place .
‫ מְקוֹמוֹ קי‬.Locus cjus
My place .
‫ מְקוֹמִי‬Locus meus ,
Thy place.
ְ‫ מְקוֹמְךְ מֶך‬Locus tuus ,
Their place.
‫ מְקוֹמָם‬.Loc corumus
oca Your places .
‫ מְקוֹמֹתֵיכֶם‬.Lvestra
oca Their places.
‫ מְקוֹמֹתָם‬.Leorum
‫קור‬ " ְ‫ מָקוֹר מ‬.F on
, scaturig o sA fountain, spring.
Her fountain.
ּ‫ מְקוֹרָה‬.Fon ejus s
His fountain .
ֹ‫ מְקוֹרו‬.Fon ejus s
F o ns
ָ‫ְקוֹרְך‬.‫מ‬ tuus . [ piendo . Thy fountain
hp 4 sumendo, acci- From taking, receiving.
From destruction.
‫קטב‬ ‫ מְקֶטֶב‬Ab.eritio
Burning incensc .
‫קטר‬ ‫ מַקְטִירוֹת־־רִים‬.Adolentes ,
‫קטל‬ er By slaughter .
‫ מִקְטֶל‬.P cedem
A parvo, minimo . From the small , the least .
minimnis Of the small.
‫ מִקְטַנִּי‬.
From the least of them.
‫ מִקְטַנָּם‬4.min eoruim
um A censer.
‫קטר‬ ‫ מִקְטֶר טֶרֶת‬.Thauribul

‫ מִקְטָר‬.Sufilus
Burning incense.
‫ מְקַטְרוֹת־ רִים‬.Adolemtes

‫ מִקְטֶרֶת‬.Sufila
His censer.
ֹ‫ מִקְטַרְתּו‬.Thuribul ejus um
‫קִים מְקִימִי‬. ֵ‫מ‬ E r
, confirm ans. iRaising g e
up , confirin ing n

‫ מְקִימָה‬Erigens ,
tam Raising her up.

‫ מַקִיפִים‬.Circumd ante s Encompassing.

Awaking .
‫ מֵקִיץ‬Evigilans
From the wall.
‫מְקִיר‬ . A
parie te
us A staff.
‫קלל‬ ‫ מַכָּל־־קֵי‬.Bacul
‫ מִכָּל‬. E
levi , veloci From the light, swift.

levita te Through the lightness.
‫ מִקל‬.P
‫מקצה‬ 999
** | *

‫קלה‬ ‫ מַקְלֶה‬.Vilipendens He that lightly esteemeth.

‫קלל‬ His staff.
ֹ‫ מַקְלו‬.Baculus
li Staves .
‫ מַקְלוֹת‬Bacu,
‫קול‬ nip Pra sonitu, strepitu Than the sound , noise.
‫ מִקְלוֹת‬.Miclot Mikloth, N. M.
A refuge.

‫קלט‬ ‫ מִקְלָט־־לט‬.Refugium
His refuge.
ֹ‫ מִקְלָטו‬.Refugium
‫קלל‬ My staff.
‫ מַקְלִי‬.Baculus
! ||

‫מְקַלֵּל‬ .Maledicens He that curseth.

Cursing me.
‫ מְקַלְלָוְנִי־־לַי‬.Maledicensmihi
Maledicentes, sper- They that curse, despise .

ְ‫ מְקַלְלֶך‬.Maledicens
tibi Cursing thee.
‫קלע‬ ִ‫ מִקְלָעוֹת־־ל‬.Sculpture Gravings, carved works.

‫ מִקְלַעַת‬.Sculptura A graving , carved work.

‫קום‬ ‫ מְקֹמוֹת‬.Loca [tab ulo. Places . [joint .
‫קנה‬ Map Ab ore humeri, ace- From the shoulder bone, the
‫ | מִקְנֵה־־נֶה‬Pecu, possessio, Cattle, possession, purchase.
PD Pecus ejus. [ emptio. His cattle.
‫ מִקְנֵהֶם‬Pecus eorum. Their cattle .

‫ מִקְנַי‬.Pecudmee es My cattle .

ּ‫ מִקְנֵיָהו‬.Micncias Mikneiah, N. M.
‫קנה‬ ‫ מִקְנֵיהֶם‬.Pecudcorum es Their cattle .
ְ‫ מִקְנִיך‬.Pectuae Thy cattle.
‫| מִקְנֵיכֶם‬.Pec ud
vestr e esYour cattle.

ְ‫ מִקְנְך‬.Pec tuum us Thy cattle.

ּ‫ מִקְנֵנו‬.Pec nostrumus Our cattle .

‫קנן‬ ns
‫ מִקְנַנְתִּי‬Nidula, Building a nest .
‫קנה‬ ‫מ‬ , acquisitiopti
‫ִקְנַת‬.Em . A purchase o
ֹ‫ מִקְנָתו‬Emptio , His purchase.
‫קסם‬ DOPO Non divinari. Not to divine.
‫יקף‬ ‫ מַקְפִים‬.Circumdantes They that encompass.
‫קפץ‬ ‫ מְקַפֶּץ‬.Transiliens Leaping, skipping .
.Macats [ dem. Makaz , N. M.
‫קצץ‬ YPD In fine ; post, tan- At the end ; after, at length.
‫קצה‬ ‫קְצֵי‬ ‫צֶה‬ ‫מִקְצָה‬ ad finem , ab ertre- At the end , from the extremity
‫מ‬ bs ci
. [ mitate nd
. Cutting of ens
1000 ‫מקשה‬
Ab extremo, ora ejus From his extremity, coast,
Corners. [border.
‫קצע‬ ‫ מִקְצוֹעִי־־צעת‬.Anguli
nisp Ab extremitatibus . From the extremities .
From their borders.
‫ מִקְצוֹתָם‬Definibus corum

DYP A posteris eorum . From thelast orlowestofthem

Because of the wrath.
YP Obiram,furorem.
‫קצף‬ his wrath.
‫ מִקְצף‬4.fur ore
1 Ab effervendo . [ tes. From being wroth.
DP Ad iram provocan- They that provoke to wrath.
DYR Abscissi, amputati. Being cut off, lopped off.
For anguish.
‫קצר‬ ‫ מִקְצֶר‬.Pre angore
Collicuit, contabuit, He dissolved, pined away, be-
corruptus est,com- came corrupt, putrefied.
Convocatio. [pulruit. A convocation, assembly.
P Catus,convocationes Assemblies, convocations .
Vocatus a me. My called, called by me.
[mo. Her assemblies.
ָ‫| מִקְרָאֶיה‬.Celus cjus
2177 Epropinquo, proxi- From near, nearest.
A bello, prælio. From war, battle.
Out ofthe midst.
‫ מִקֶרֶב‬. io
medio E From the midst of her, it.
‫ מִקְרְבָּה‬. cjus
medioEtui From the midst of him , it.
ֹ‫ מִקִרְבּו‬.
12- 12- 137 RQ E medio ejus. Out of the midst ofthee.

‫מִקְרְבְּכֶם‬. medio Evestri From the midst of you.

‫ מִקְרְבָּם‬. E From among them.

medio eorum

Her fountain.
ּ‫|מִקְרָה‬.Fo ns

ejusus Her chance, lot, hap.

ָ‫ מִקְרֶה‬.Cas
‫רֶה‬ ‫ מִקְרֵה‬.Eventus [ tus. An event,thatwhich happeneth
Abrasus, calvus fac- Shaven, made bald .
He that offereth.
‫קרב‬ ‫ מַקְרִיב‬.offerens
They that offer .
‫ מַקְרִיבֵי־־בם‬.offerentes
E, præ civitate. Out of, than a, the city.
ens a
emillnu Shooting forth horns.
‫קרן‬ ‫ מַקְרִן‬.Cor
A From the floor.
‫קרקע‬ ‫ מְקַרְקַע‬.solo
‫קיר‬ PP Diruens, destruens. Breaking down, destroying.
He that hardeneth.
‫קשה‬ ‫ מַקְשֶׁה‬.Indurans
Ductilis, induratus . Ductile, hardened .
‫מראשתי‬ 1001

‫קשה‬ ‫ מִקְשֶׁה‬.Calamistrum A crisping iron.

‫יקש‬ ‫ שִׁים‬- ‫ | מֹקְשֵׁי‬.Laquei [ dens.Snares.
‫קשב‬ Jp‫ מַקְשִׁיב‬Auscultans, atten- Hearkening, giving heed.
‫ מַקְשִׁיבִים‬.Attendentes They that attend , hearken .

‫קשש‬ ‫ שֶׁשֶׁת‬-- ׁ‫ מִקְשֵׁש‬.Colligens Gatheri ng .

ִ ‫מ‬ arcu
.A b From a bow.
‫קשת‬ ‫ׁת‬ ֶ ‫ש‬ ֶ ‫ק‬

‫מרר‬ Amarus, amaritudo, Bitter , bitterness, bitterly.
‫מָרָא‬ Elevavit se. [ amare. He lifted up, extolled himself
‫מרר‬ ‫ מָרָא‬.Amarus Bitter.
‫מרא‬ ‫ מָרֵא‬.Dominus The Lord .

dacMerodach-baladan, N. M.
‫בַּלְאֲדָן‬ ְ‫ מְרֹאדָך‬.Mero -baladan
‫ראה‬ ‫ מָרְאֶה‬.Vid er
factus e Being caused to see.

cjus s Her sight.

ָ‫ מַרְאֶה‬.Aspectu

Facies, vultus, as- A face, countenance, sight,

pectus, species, vi- appearance, form, vision ;
sio; ostendens. shewing. [face.
‫מַר‬ ,speciesfa- His sight , appearance , form
. [ cies ejus . Visions
From seeing .
‫ מֵרְאוֹת־־את‬4 .videndo
‫מרא‬ ‫ מָרְאי‬.Domin meus us My lord .
‫ראה‬ .E
videntibus Of them that see.
‫ מֵרֹאִי‬.A
wistone [ rum. From vision.

‫ הֶן‬-- ‫ַרְאֵיהֶם‬.Aspectas
‫מ‬ eorum , ea- Their appearance
ְ‫ מַרְאַיִך‬Vultus tuus
, Thy countenance.
ul tu
nost ri s Our countenances.
ּ‫ מַרְאֵינו‬.r
‫ראש‬ A capite, vertice, From the head, top, beginning
‫מָרִאשָׁה‬.M ar
. [ principio es
. Mareshah , N. P a
‫ראש‬ ֹ‫ מראשׁו‬Acapite,ejus From his head.

‫ מֵרִאשׁוֹן‬.a From the beginning.

‫מַר‬ principa- Yournc
,ri ip
chiefs , princes , princi es
tus vestri. [ pibus. palities.
ֵ‫מֵרָאש‬ capitibus , princi- From E
the heads , chiefs
‫רֵשִׁי‬ ‫מֵרֵאשִׁית‬ De primis ; ab initio . ofthe first ; from the beginning
ֹ‫ֵרֵאשִׁיתוֹ שְׁתו‬.Pre
‫מ‬ principio cjus . Than his beginning
cervicaliata Near the bolsters.
‫ מְרַאֲבֹתֵי‬.Jur
VOL. II. 2 H
1002 ‫מרדה‬


His bolsters.
‫ראש‬ ‫ מְרַאֲשֹׁתָיו תָו‬.Cervica ejus lia
‫מ‬ ri nc
vestri , Yourip atus
ַ‫מ‬ P
primordiis r
ves- Than your beginnings e
tris. [ ejus.
‫ראה‬ Ingluvies, œsophagus His craw, crop.
‫ מרב‬.Merab [ titudine. Merab, N. W.
‫רבב‬ ‫רוב‬ -‫ מרב‬In , e , pro , pre mul . In , of , for , than themultitude

‫ מֵרְבָבָה‬.E
, prae myriade Of, than ten thousand.[ sands.

‫רִבְבוֹת־־בת‬- ֵ‫מ‬ E
, cum myriadibus . of , with myriads , ten thou
ְ‫מ‬ A
myriades multi- d
Multiplied tomyriads
plicata . [vering of tapestry.
‫רבר‬ ulaAn ornamen ted carpet, co-
‫ מַרְבַדִּים‬.Strug
‫רבה‬ ‫ מַרְבָּה־־בֶּה‬.Augens
;magnus He that increas eth ; great.

Mullus ; augens. Mach ; increasing .

[ge ntes.Great.
‫ מִרְבָּה‬.AMagna
ַ‫מ‬ , au- Multiplyingican
tipl , increasing te
Than, above many .
‫ מרַבִּים‬.Pre mullis
ַ‫מ‬ ec
faciens . ub
Causing are
to lie down
‫רכה‬ A multitude.
‫ מַרְבִּית‬.Multitudo
The multitude of them.
‫ְבִּיתָם‬. ‫ מַר‬.Multitu eorumdo
Ob multitudinem ves- On account ofyour multitude
‫רבך‬ ‫ מִרְבֶּכֶת‬Frires
, [ tram . Fried .
‫רבע‬ Square.
‫ מְרְבָּע־־עַת‬.Quadralus
‫ מְרְבָּעוֹת‬Quadrate
, Square.
A place to lie down.
‫רבץ‬ ‫ מַרְבֵּץ‬Cubile
‫מ‬ cub
facientes are
. Causing to lie down [ted .
A stall in which cattle are fat-
‫רבק‬ ‫ מַרְבֵּק‬.Saginarium
‫רגע‬ Rest .
ַ‫ מַרְגּוֹע‬Requies
‫רגז‬ ere Causing to tremble .
‫ מַרְגִין‬.Trem
| facicns \
Explorantes, explo- Searching out, spies.

ּ‫מַרְגְּלֹתָיו־־לוֹתָו‬.P ed
cjus . [ratores es
. His feet
‫רגש‬ A lu From the tumult.
‫ַׁת‬ ‫ש‬ ְ ‫נ‬ ִ ‫ר‬ ְ ‫מ‬ . tumul
Descivit, rebellavit. He revolted , rebelled.

‫מָרֶד‬ .Mered Mered , N. M.

‫מרד‬ ‫דְתָּא‬ ‫ מָרָדָא‬.Rebellis
‫ירד‬ A
ndend lo From going down.
‫מַרְדָה‬. desce
‫מרוקיהן‬ 1003

‫מרד‬ " ְ‫ר‬ ּ‫ מָרָדו‬.Rebellarunt They rebelled.

‫רְדִים‬ .Rebellantes Rebelling.

ְ‫דַך‬ ְ‫מְרֹדָך‬ .Merodac Merodach, N. I.

.Mordecai Mordecai , N. M.
‫מָרְדְּכָי יְדָי‬
‫מרד‬ We have rebelled .
ּ‫ מָרַדְנו‬.Rebellavimus
‫רדף‬ Sequens, persequens. Following, pursuing.
Apersequendo. From pursuing.
s [me. Persecuted .
‫ מִרְדָף‬.Insectatu [me.
Ex, ab insectantibus Of, from them that persecute
Thou rebelledst.
‫מרד‬ ָּ‫ מָרַדְת‬.Rebellasti
‫ירד‬ Adescendendo. From going down.
‫מָרָה‬ Contumax, rebellis He was stubborn, rebellious ;
fuil ; rebellavit, he rebelled , exasperated ,
exacerbavit, irri- provoked.

.Mara [ tavit . Marah , N. P.

Rebellis, amara . Rebellious, bitter.

pp Amara, amaritudo, Bitter, bitterness, bitterly.

‫ומרה‬ Rebellando. [ amare. In rebelling.
ּ‫ מָרו‬.Rebellarunt They rebelled.
‫מרד‬ DT Depressos. Cast down, brought low.
Meroz, N. P.

‫ מָרוֹז‬.Meron
‫מרח‬ Crushed,
ַ‫ מְרוּח‬.Contritus
ַ‫|מְרוּח‬.d vento From the wind.

‫ מִרְנָּחִים‬.Spatiosi Large, airy.

A spiritu tuo. From thy spirit.
Depilata, expolita. Peeled, polished .
The height.

‫ מְרוֹם‬.Auitudo
Di Altitudo, excelsus, Height, high, most high.
Din Merom. [ altissimus. Merom, N. P.
elsa High places.
‫ מְרוֹמֵי־־רֹמֵי‬.Ercloca
‫ מְרוֹמִים‬.Excelsi High.
‫ מְרוֹמָם‬.Ertollens Lifting up.
He that lifteth me up.
‫ מְרוֹמְמִי‬.Extolle me ns
‫|מְרוּצַת‬ .Cursus The running.
Their course.
‫ מְרוּצָתָם‬.Cur sus
[rum . Furbished.
‫ מָרוּק‬.Erpolitus
ea- Their purifications.
‫ מְרוּקֵיהֶן‬Purificationes
1004 ‫מריטן‬

‫מרר‬ ‫מְרוֹרַת‬ .Fel [rale. The gall .

‫רזח‬ ‫ְזֶה מִרְזָה‬.L
‫מַר‬ , epulum uc tu
fe- Mourning , a funeral banquet
‫מָרַח‬ Contrivit, emplas- He crushed, laid on a plaister.
trum imposuit.
‫רחב‬ From the street.
‫ מֵרְחֹב‬.E
From the streets.
‫ מֵרְחֹבוֹת‬.E
From her street.
‫ מֵרְחוֹבָה‬.E platea ejus
‫רחק‬ ph--pin Procul, a longinquo. Afar off, from afar.
‫רחב‬ He that enlargeth.
‫ מַרְחִיב‬.Amplians
‫רחס‬ ‫רָחֶם־־רֶי‬.ֵ‫מ‬ E
, ab utero . [cors r
. Out of, from the womb
Da Miserescens, miseri- Pitying, merciful.
ְ‫מְרַחֲמֵך‬ tuicensHe that hath mercy on thee.
ְ‫מ‬ ser
eorum . He that hath mercy on them e
‫רחף‬ Molliter movens se, Gently moving, brooding.
‫רחק‬ Far, distant.
‫ מֶרְחָק‬Longinquus
‫רְחַקֵי מַרְחַקִים‬.Lo
ֶ‫מ‬ ngi
, remoti . Far , distant ,nqu
remote i
‫רחש‬ Cacabus, sartago. A stew pan or frying pan.
‫מָרַט‬ Vulsit, pilos evulsit, He plucked, plucked off the

depilavil, glabra- hair, made bald, peeled,

vit, expolivit. furbished, polished.
‫ | מֹרָטָה‬.Erpolila Furbished, polished.

‫מרר‬ Bitter.
‫מָרֵי מָרִים‬ .Amari
‫מרה‬ .Rebellio Rebellion.

Contumax, rebellis , Stubborn, rebellious, rebellion
rebellio. [ginati.
‫מרא‬ ‫ֵרִיאֵי־אִים‬.P
‫|מ‬ ec
pingues ud
, sa- Fat cattle , fatlings es
‫ מְרִיאִיכֶם‬.Saginativestri Your fatlings .
‫רוב‬ ‫ מְרִיב‬.Alite . From the strife.
‫ מְרִיב בָּעַל‬.Merib
-baal Merib-baal, N. M.
‫רוב‬ ‫ מְרִיבָה בַת‬.Lis, contentio Strife, contention.

ִ‫מְר‬ cum co They that contend with him
‫בֵי‬ Contentions.
‫ מְרִיבוֹת‬.contentiones
‫ מְרָיָה‬.Meraias Meraiah, N. M.
‫מְרָיוֹת‬ .Meraiol Meraioth, N. M.
‫ריח‬ From the smell, scent.
ַ‫ מְרִיח‬.A
‫מרט‬ Plucked out.
ּ‫ מְרִיטו‬.Evulsi

‫מרעה‬ 1005

‫מרה‬ tualio
ְ‫ מֶרְיִך‬.Rebel Thy rebellion.
‫רוס‬ " Extollens, exaltans, Lifting up, exalting, offering.
‫מִרְיָם‬ Miriam. [ offerens. Miriam, N. M. W.
‫רוס‬ They that lift it up.
eum tes
‫ מְרִימָיו‬.Ertollen
‫רון‬ ‫ מְרִיעִים‬.Clangentes Shouting .
cu an te s Emptying.
‫ מְרִיקִים‬.Eva
‫מר‬ ‫ מְרִירִי‬.Amn ar us Bitter.
Thou hast rebelled.
‫מרה‬ ָ‫ מָרִית‬.Rebellasti
‫ | מָרִיתִי‬Rebellavi
, I have rebelled.
Rebellastis. Ye rebelled.
‫רכך‬ ְ‫ מֹרֶך‬.Mollities | Softness, weakness, faintness,
s A chariot.
‫רכב‬ ‫ מֶרְכָּבָה‬.Curru
ֶ‫מ‬ ,Sstragala e l
cjus . His seat la
, coverlet
" ְּ‫ מַרְכָּבוֹת־־ב‬.Currus
His chariots.
‫ מַרְכְּבוֹתָיו־־בי‬Currus , ejus
rus Thy chariots.
ְ‫ מַרְכְּבוֹתָיִך‬.Curttui
rus His chariot.
ֹ‫ מֶרְכַּבְתּו‬.Curgjitus
ru s Their chariots.
‫ מַרְכְּבֹתֵיהֶם‬.Cur eorum
Thy chariots.
ָ‫ מַרְכְּבֹתֶיך‬Currus ,fui
‫רכש‬ E
‫ מ‬substantia Of the substance.
‫רכס‬ ‫ מַרְכְסִי‬. A
arrogan tiab From the arrogance, pride.
‫מִרְמָה‬ .Mirinas Mirma, N. M.
‫רמה‬ Dolus ; dolosus. Deceit, guile ; deceitful.

.Meremnot Meremoth, N. M.
‫רמה‬ Deceits .
‫רוס‬ pin Ab exaltatione tua. From thy exaltation.
‫רמס‬ ‫ מִרְמָס מַס‬.Conculcatio Atreading under foot.

‫ מָרנֹתִי‬.Mer onot iles Meronothite, N. F. or P.

.Meres Meres, N. F.
Marsena, N. M.
‫ מַרְסְנָא‬.Marsena
‫רוע‬ al
‫ מֵרָע רַע‬.M, a malo us Evil , from evil.

ַ‫|מרע‬. A
malo From evil.
From the famine .
‫ מֵרָעָב‬4 .fame
malo , malit ia From the evil, wickedness.
‫עַת‬ ‫מֵרָעָה‬.
A From her husband.
‫מֵרֵעָה‬. conjuge ejus
‫עֶה‬ ‫ | מִרְעֶה‬Pascutum
, A pasture.

‫|ֵרֹעֶה‬ A
past ore From a shepherd .
1006 ‫מרקחת‬

‫רעה‬ Pra, ab amico ejus. Than, from his friend.

ּ‫ מִרְעֵהו‬.Pascu ejus um His pasture.

ndo From feeding.
‫ מֶרְעוֹת‬.

‫ מַרְעִיד‬.Tremens Trembling.

‫ מַרְעִידִים‬.Trementes



‫ מִרְעֵיכֶם‬Pascua vest
, ra Your pastures.

‫ מְרֵעִים‬.Sodales Companions.
‫ | מרעים‬.Malefici Evil doers.

‫רעש‬ ׁ‫ מַרְעִיש‬.Commovens Shaking.

‫רעה‬ ejus um His pasture.

ֹ‫ מַרְעִיתו‬.Pascu
‫ מַרְעִיתִי‬.Pas cuumMy pasture.
cuum Thy pasture.
ָ‫ מַרְעִיתֶך‬.Paatuum
Pascuum, grex eo- Their pasture , flock.

‫מַרְעֲלָה‬ .Marala [ rum. Maralah, N. P.

Confringens . He that breaketh in pieces.
‫רעש‬ wy Ad commotionem. At the shaking.

malitiaA From his wickedness.

ֹ‫מֵרָעָתו‬. cjus
From their wickedness.
| malitia A
‫מֵרָעָתָם‬. corum
‫רפא‬ Medela, sanatio, sa- Cure, healing, health.
‫רפה‬ Debilitans. [ nilas . Weakening.

‫| מַרְפֵּא‬.Len it
, remis sio as
Lenity, relaxing, yielding.
117 Propter debilitatem. Because of weakness, feeble-
Weakening. [ness. 1
‫ מְרַפִּים‬.Debililantes
Vehemens, gravis, He was forcible, grievous,
acerbusfuit ; con- sore ; he emboldened.

‫רצח‬ Occidentes, occisores Killing, murderers.

‫רצף‬ ‫ מַרְצֶפֶת‬.Pavimentum
Fricuit, tersit, ab- He rubbed, scoured , cleansed,
stersil, purgavit, purified, furbished.

‫רקר‬ TP Sallans. [ expolivit. Dancing.

‫ | מרַקֵדָה‬.Exiliens Skipping, leaping.
P Tergite, expolite. Scour, furbish ye.
‫ מֶרְקָחִים‬.Pigmenta
Conditi, confecti. Spiced, seasoned .

hop Ars unguenta con- The art ofcompounding oint-

ficiendi. ments.
‫משאלות‬ 1007

‫רקע‬ VP Extensus, excusus. Spread, beaten out.

‫מְרֵר‬ Amarus fuit, acer- He was bitter, became bitter,
busfactus est, ama- rendered bitter, exasper-
rum reddidit, exu- ated , provoked . .
cerbavit, irritavit.
‫רֹרֹת‬ ‫ מְררוֹת‬.Amaritudines
‫ מְרָרִי‬.Mer ar i Merari , N. M.
‫מרר‬ ‫ מררים‬.Am are Bitter herbs .
‫ מְרֵרָתִי‬.Fmeuel
m My gall.

‫ מָרֵשָׁה‬.Mar a
es Mareshah, N. M. P.
‫ראש‬ ‫מָרְשִׁית‬ 4 .principio From the beginning.
‫רשע‬ Aab
‫ מֵרָשָׁע‬.inpi \ From the wicked .
‫| מרשע‬.A impietalbe From the wickedness.

4 b
e ejus From his wickedness.
ֹ‫ מֵרִשְׁעוֹ־־עָתו‬. impietat
A isb From the wicked.
‫ מַרְשָׁעִים‬.impi
‫רשת‬ retE
i Out of the net.
‫ | מֵרֶשֶׁת‬.
‫מרי‬ ‫ | מרת מָרַת‬.Amaror Bitterness .
She hath rebelled.
‫מרה‬ ‫מָרְתָה‬ ‫מָרָתָה‬ .Rebellavit
‫ִם‬ ‫י‬ ַ ‫ת‬ ָ ‫ר‬ ְ ‫מ‬ .Re bellantes Rebelling , rebellious .


ׁ‫מָש‬ .Mas Mash, N. M.

‫מַשָׂא‬ .Masa Massa, N. M.

‫מְשָׁא‬ .Mesa Mesha, N. P.

‫נשא‬ ‫אָה‬ ‫ מַשָׂא‬.O
| mn
, vatic A burden , prophecy.
‫שאב‬ ‫מִשְׁאַבִּים‬ Loca in quibus aqua Places in which water is drawn
‫נשא‬ iN Onus ejus. [ hauritur His burden.
‫שאל‬ ‫ֹל‬is
‫או‬ Præ, a statu mor- Than, from the state of the
tuorum sive invi- dead or invisible state, the
sibili, sepulchro, | grave , hell.
‫נשה‬ [dana. | Debts .
‫ מַשָּׁאוֹת‬.Debila
‫נשא‬ ‫שָׂאוֹת‬Proph
ַ‫מ‬ etiae , fercula , Prophecies , messes , gifts
Your oblations .
‫ מַשָׂאוֹתֵיכֶם‬Oblatio
| nes ,
‫שאה‬ vast at
co- From theirio nibus
[ rum. Mishal , N. P.
‫מִשְׁאָל‬ .Miaal
‫שאל‬ Petitions, requests.
‫ מָשְׁאֵלוֹת‬.Petitioncs
1008 ‫משגב‬


‫שאל‬ Petitiones tuæ. Thy petitions .

‫נשא‬ nu m s Their burden.
‫ מַשָׂאָס‬.Oeoru
‫שאר‬ propinquo Of a kinsman.
‫ מִשְׁאֵר‬.E
‫ מִשְׁאֲרֹתָם‬.Mact eorum reTheir kneading troughs.
‫נשה‬ Mutuum, fœnus. A loan, usury.

‫נשא‬ Donum, ferculum, A gift, mess , lifting up.

elatio. [ incendii.
Onus, munus, signum A burden, gift, sign of fire.
in Ex excellentia ejus. From his excellency.
‫שוב‬ nawin Aversus, rebellis. Backsliding, rebellious .
‫מ‬ vestre . Your backslidings
‫מ‬ eorum . Their backslidings
‫שבת‬ ‫ מְשַׁבַּח‬.Laudans Praising .
‫שבט‬ ‫ מִשָּׁבֶט‬. E
tribu Out of a tribe.

‫ מִשְׁבְטֵי‬. E
tribubus Out of the tribes.
‫שבה‬ ‫מִשְׁבִי‬.E
| captivitate Out of the captivity.
‫שבת‬ ַ‫ מַשְׁבִּיח‬.Compescens Stilling, suppressing.
‫שבע‬ ,
ָ‫ מַשְׁבִּיעֶך‬Adjurana le Adjuring thee.
‫שבר‬ ‫ מַשְׁבִּיר‬.Fendens He that selleth.

‫שבת‬ ‫| מִשְׁבִּית‬.Cessare
faciens Making to cease .
‫שבל‬ ‫מִשְׁבֹּלֶת‬ 4 .flumine From the stream.
Than seven.
‫שבע‬ ‫| מִשְׁבְעָה‬.Pre
saturitate ejus After she was satisfied.

‫מִשְׁבְעָתִי‬ 4.juramento
meo From my oath.

ְ‫מִשְׁבְעָתֵך‬ 4.juramento
tuo From thy oath.
‫שבץ‬ ‫ מִשְׁבְּצוֹת־צת‬.Funde
, pala Ouches, beazils , sockets .
Inclosed, set.

‫ מִשְׁבָּעִים‬.Inclusi
‫שבר‬ Os matricis, ruptura The mouth of the matrix,
uleri. the breaking or opening of
‫ מִשְׁבְּרֵי‬Fluctus
, Waves . [ the womb .

‫מִשְׂבְרִי‬ A.spe Fromn iny hope.

4 mea
ָ‫מִשְׁבָרֶיך‬ .Fl uctlui us Thy waves .
‫ מִשְׁבָרִים‬.Pre fracturis By reason of breakings.
‫שבת‬ ‫ מְשַׁבָּת‬. A
sabba lo From the sabbath.
‫ מִשֶׁבֶת‬.P r
habita re e Than to dwell .
‫שבת‬ Her sabbaths.
ָ‫ מִשְׁבַּתֶּה‬.Sabba cjus ta
‫שנב‬ ‫ מִשְׁכָּב‬.Propugnaculum A fortress.
‫משוכתר‬ 1009

‫שנב‬ Locus excelsus. A high place.

His fortress .
ֹ‫ מִשְׂגַּבּו‬.Presidium ejus
‫ מִשְׂגַּבִּי‬.A sublimisre
mea My high tower .
‫שנה‬ He that causeth to err.
‫ מַשְׁנֶה‬.Erra faciensre
rr or An error.
‫ֶּה‬ ‫נ‬ ׁ ְ ‫ש‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .E
He that increaseth.
‫ מַשְׂגִּיא‬.Augens
‫שנה‬ Intente prospiciens. Looking attentively.
‫שגע‬ ‫ מִשְׁגָּע‬.Insaniens Being mad.
‫|משנעים‬ .Insani Madmen.
‫נשג‬ ‫ מַשֶׂנֶּת‬.Attingens Reaching .
‫שר‬ ‫|מְשֹׁד‬ .A b
ubere From the breast.
‫שרד‬ He that wasteth.
‫ שור‬-- ‫ משד‬.Fastans
‫ מְשַׁדֶּד‬. O
vasta tionembBecause of the destruction.
‫שרה‬ Out of the field.
‫ מִשְׂדֵה‬.Ez agro
Out of the fields.
‫ מִשְׂדֵי‬.E agrisr
‫שרר‬ ‫ מְשַׁדַּי‬.Ab Omnipotenti From the Almighty.
‫שר‬ ‫מ‬. mammiA s From the breasts.
‫מָשָׁה‬ Extraxit. He drew out.

‫ משֶׁה‬..Moses Moses, N. M.
‫שה‬ ‫|מִשֶׂה‬.A From the lamb.
‫מוש‬ ‫ מ‬.Discesserunt
ּ‫|ָשׁו‬ They departed.
‫שוב‬ ‫ב‬.A
ּ‫מְשׁו‬ redeundo . [tens . From returning
‫שׁוֹב‬.Rָ‫| מ‬ , ed uc
conver- Bringing back , converting
‫ מְשׁוֹבָב‬.Mesobab Meshobab, N. M.
‫שוב‬ ‫שׁוֹבֶבֶת‬.R
ְ‫מ‬ ed
, restituta back , restored ta
. Broughtuc
‫מ‬ nostre . Our backslidings
‫ מְשׁוּבַת‬.Aversio The turning away.

‫מ‬ vestre . Your backslidings
‫ מְשׁוּבָתָם‬.Defectio
eorum Their backsliding.
‫שנג‬ meus r
‫ מְשׁוּנָתִי‬.Erro My error.
‫שות‬ Comparans, æquans . Comparing, equalling.
‫שוט‬ ‫ מָשׁוֹט‬.Remus An oar.
‫משוט‬.A discurrendo Fro m running to and fro.
The that run to and fro.
‫ מְשׁוֹטְטִים‬.Discurrentes
ְ‫|מְשׁוֹטְיִך‬.Retuimi Thy oars. [thou .
‫שור‬ ְ‫ מְשׁוֹךְ־־שֹׁך‬.Prot rahc
, extende Draw out, extend, continue
His hedge.
ֹ‫ מְשׂוּכָּתו‬.Sepes
VOL. II. 2 1
1010 ‫משחרי‬

‫משל‬ To rule.
‫ מָשׁוֹל‬.Dominari
‫שום‬ ‫ִי‬.A
‫מְשׂוּמ‬ constituendome . From my appointing
‫שמס‬ Din Desolatus, obstupes- Made desolate, astonished.
‫שוע‬ ַ‫ מְשַׁוּע‬.Clamans [ cens. Crying aloud.
‫שור‬ ‫ מְשׁוֹר‬.Pre , a bove Than, from an ox, bullock.

‫ מְשׂוּרָה‬.Mensura A measure.

‫ מְשׁוֹרֵר‬.Canens Singing .
‫שוש‬ " ְ‫מ‬ ׂ‫ מָשׂוֹש‬Gaudium
, Joy.

‫ מְשׂוֹשָׂה‬.Gaudium
ejus Her joy.

‫ מְשׂוֹשִׂי‬.Letiti
mea a My joy.
‫שזר‬ Twined, twisted.
‫ מָשְׁזָר‬.Contortus
‫מְשַׁח‬ He anointed .

‫ מְשַׁח‬.Oleum Oil.

‫חַת‬ ‫מִשְׁחָה‬ .Unctio An anointing .

Anoint thou him.
ּ‫ מְשָׁחֵהו‬.Unge
That he anointed.
ֹ‫ מָשְׁחו‬.Unger
eum e
ּ‫ מָשְׁחו‬.Unrerunt They anointed.
He anointed him.
ֹ‫ מְשָׁחו‬.Unrit
Anoint ye.
ּ‫ | מִשְׁחו‬.Ungite
‫שחק‬ risu
‫|מְשְׂחוֹק‬.Pre Than laughter.
‫שחר‬ ‫| מִשְׁחוֹר‬.Prnigredine a Than blackness.
‫משת‬ Being anointed .
‫| משְׁחִים‬.Ungentes Anointing .
‫שחק‬ .L
‫מַשְׂחִיקִים‬ ud
, deridentes Playingen te
, deriding , mocking
‫שחת‬ Vastans, perdens ; Spoiling, wasting, destroying ;
corrupta; perditio corrupted ; destruction.
‫| מִשְׁחִיתוֹתָם‬.No
perdere eos n Not to destroy them .
‫חָתִי‬ ‫ְׁחִיתִים‬.Co
‫מַש‬ rru mpe
, per- They that nt
corrupt , destroy
Dn Perdens eos. [dentes Destroying them.
‫משח‬ He hath anointed thee.
ָ‫ מִשָּׁחֲך‬.Unit
ּ‫ מָשַׁחְנו‬.Unrimus We anointed.

‫ מְשַׂחֵק מְשַׂחֶקֶת שחק‬.Lude , ridensnsSporting , laughing .

‫ מִשְׂחָק‬.Dorisio Derision, scorn .
Ludentes, saltantes, Playing, dancing, rejoicing,
gaudentes, deri mocking.
‫|מִשְׁחָר‬ mane [ dentes. From the morning .
‫ מְשַׁחֲרֵי‬.M an
surgent es eRising early .
‫משך‬ 1011

Thou anointedst.
‫משת‬ ָּ‫ מָשַׁחְת‬.Unristi
‫שחת‬ Corrupt.
‫חַת‬ ‫ מָשְׁחָת‬.Corrupta
‫ מְשַׁחַת‬.Efovea Out of the pit.
His destruction.
cjus o
ֹ‫ מַשְׁחֲתו‬.Perdili
‫משת‬ ‫ מְשַׁחְתִּיו‬.Unri
eum I have anointed him.

te i [ dentes. I have anointed thee.

ָ‫ מְשַׁחְתִּיך‬.Unr
‫שחת‬ ‫ַשְׁחִתִים‬.Depravantes
‫מ‬ , per- Marring , destroying
‫ מִשְׁחָתָם‬Corruptio eorum
, Their corruption.
‫משה‬ ‫ מָשְׁחָתָם‬.Unct corum io Their anointing .
‫שחת‬ eos do From destroying them.
‫ מִשַׁחֲתָם‬4.perden
‫שטח‬ ny--nivwp | Expansio, extensio. Spreading, extension.
‫שוט‬ ‫ מְשֹׁטְטוֹת‬.Discurrentes Running to and fro.
‫שטם‬ Hatred.
‫|מַשְׂטְמָה‬ .odium
ֹ‫ מִשְׁטָרו‬.Domin ejusiumHis dominion.
‫משה‬ ‫ מֶשִׁי‬.Sericum Silk, or rather muslin.
‫שוב‬ Reducens,restituens , Bringing again, restoring, re-
rependens,respon- warding, answering.
dens , [tes.
ְ‫מ‬ , redden- Bringing back , rendering
ֹ‫ מְשִׁיבו‬.Pre
canitie ejus By reason of his old age.
‫ מְשִׁיבַת‬Converte
, ns Converting.
‫נשג‬ ‫שיג‬.Attingere
‫מ‬ faciens . Causing to reach
Assequens eum. Overtaking him.
‫שוב‬ Delivering.
‫מְשִׁיזְב‬ Eripiens
‫מְשִׁיזַבְאֵל‬ .Mesezabel Meshezabeel, N. M. [ our.
ַ‫מָשִׁיח‬ as
Messi, Messiah, a name of the Savi-
‫משח‬ " ִ‫מ‬ s Anointed ,
ַ‫ מָשִׁיח‬Unctu,
ֹ‫ מְשִׁיחו‬Unctus ,
ejus His anointed.

‫ מְשִׁיתִי‬.Unctu meus s My anointed .

ָ‫ מְשִׁיחֶך‬Unctus tuus
, Thy anointed .
‫שום‬ ‫ מֵשִׂים‬Ponens, attendens . Putting , attending , regarding
‫נשק‬ nip Osculantes, arctius Kissing, closely uniting.
‫שור‬ ‫ מְשִׁיר‬. E
cantico Of the song.
‫משת‬ xi I drew him out.
ּ‫ | מִשִׁיתְהו‬.Extra eum
Mesec Meshech, N. M.
1012 ‫משכלת‬


Traxit, extraxit, He drew,drew out,drew along,

protraxil, exten- extended, prolonged, de-
dit, prolongavit, ferred, went towards, drew
distulit, petiit, al- towards, sounded a trum-
licuit, clanxit. pet.
Tractus, pugillum. A drawing, a handful .

ְ‫ מֹשֶׁך‬.Ertendens Extending .
‫שכב‬ ‫ מִשְׁכָּב כָּב‬Cubile ; concubitus . A bed ; lying with or together
‫ מִשְׁכָּב‬.Collocatus
His bed.
ֹ‫ מִשְׁכְּבֵהּ־־כָּבו‬.Cub ile
Her bed.
‫ מִשְׁכָּבָה‬.Cubil cjus e
Cubilia eorum . Their beds.
ile My bed .
‫ מִשְׁכָּבִי־כִּי‬.Cub meum
‫מִש‬ ub
; concubitus lying together ia
. Beds ; il
Thy bed .
ְ‫ מִשְׁכָּבְךָ בֵי בֵך‬.Cubil tuum e
ile Th y bed.
ְ‫ מִשְׁכְּבָך‬.Cub tuum
Cubile vestrum . Your bed .

‫ מִשְׁכָּבָם‬.Cueorum bile Their bed .

From her that lieth.
‫ מְשֹׁכֶבֶת‬Acuban, te
He hath drawn.
‫משך‬ ‫ מָשְׁכָה‬.Trarit
Draw ye out.
ּ‫ מָשְׁכוּ מִשְׁכו‬.Ezetrahile
They that draw.
‫ משְׁכִי‬.Trahenles
‫שכה‬ ‫ מַשְׂכִּיוֹת‬.Imaginationes Imaginations, thoughts.
‫שכל‬ ‫ מִשְׁכִּיל‬.Abort iens
, orbans Miscarrying, bereaving .
Intelligens, pruden- He that understandeth, acteth
ter agens, animad- prudently, considereth .
vertens. [ gens.
‫שכם‬ ‫מַשְׁכִּים‬ Mane; mane sur- Early ; rising early.
‫ משְׁכִים‬.Trahentes They that draw.
‫שכס‬ ‫ מַשְׁכִּימֵי‬.Mane surgentes Rising early .
‫שכה‬ An image, likeness.
‫ מַשְׂכִּית‬.Efigies
His image.
ֹ‫ מַשְׂכִּיתו‬.Efigie ejus s
Their images .
‫ מַשְׂכִּיתָם‬.Efigi eorum es
‫ מְשָׂכֶל‬.A bFrom understanding.
‫ משְׁכְּלָה‬.Abortiens Miscarrying .
Understanding .
| | |

‫ מַשְׂכָּלֶת‬Intelligens
‫ מְשַׁכָּלֶת‬.Orbans Bereaving .
‫משלו‬ 1013


A erob From the shoulder.

‫שכם‬ ‫ | מִשְׁכְמָה‬.humn
ֹ‫ מְשְׁכְמו‬. A
humero bFrom his shoulder.
, habitatio Ato
en ri
tabernacle , habitati on um
‫שכן‬ ‫ְׁכָּן־־כַּן‬.T
ּ‫ מִשְׁכְּנֵה‬.Habitejus atio His habitation.
His tabernacle.
ֹ‫ מִשְׁכָּנו‬Tentorium, ejus
Habitations, dwelling places.
" ְּ‫ מִשְׁכָּנוֹת־־כ‬.Habitacula
ְ‫ מִשְׁכְּנוֹתַיִך‬.Tento tuaria Thy tabernacles.
Thy tabernacles .
‫ מִשְׁכְּנוֹתֶיךָ־־ני‬.Tento tuaria
ּ‫ מִשְׁכְּנוֹתֵינו‬.Tento riaOur tabernacles.
Draw thou me.
‫משך‬ ‫ מָשְׁכֵנִי‬.Tra mehe
‫שכן‬ ‫| מִשְׁכָּנִי‬.Tento mearia
. My tabernacles.
Habitations .
‫ מִשְׁכְּנֵי‬.Habitacula
ab it
eorum at io
habitati ons ne s
‫מ‬ . Their
ina of her neighbo ur.
ּ‫ מִשְׁכַנְתָּה‬4 .vicejus
ָ‫| מִשְׁכְּנֹתֶיה‬.Habitati s dwelling places.
‫| מִשְׁכְּנֹתָם‬.TentocorumriaTheir tabernacles.
‫שכר‬ Making drunk .
‫ מְשַׁכֶּרֶת‬.Inebrians
mea s
‫ מַשְׂכַּרְתִּי‬.Merce My wages .
Thy wages .
ְ‫ | מַשְׂבְּרְתָּךְ־־תֵּך‬.Mercetua s
I have drawn thee.
‫משך‬ ְ‫ מְשַׁכְתִּיך‬Trazi,te
‫מָשָׁל‬ Dominatus est,potes- He ruled , had dominion, spoke
tatem habuit , pa- in parables, uttered a pro-
rabolicè locutus verb,compared, became like
est, proverbium
dixit, comparavit,
similis factus est.
hipp Parabola, proverbi- A parable, proverb.
[ um . Rule thou .
‫ מְשָׁל‬.Dominare
‫ משל‬Dominari ; parabo . To rule ; to speak in parables
Masal. lice loqui. Mashal , N. P.
‫שלב‬ ‫שְׁלָּבת‬.C
ִ‫מ‬ , on ne
disposite Connected cte
, set in order
‫שלג‬ * ‫ מִשְׁלֶג־־‬. E
, pre nive Of, than the snow.
‫משל‬ She ruled .
‫ מָשָׁלָה‬.Domina est ta
She that ruleth.
‫ מִשְׁלָה‬.Dominans
ּ‫ מָשְׁלו‬Dominali, sund They ruled.
To be made like him.
ֹ‫מָשָׁלו‬Similem ejus, fieri
ּ‫ משְׁלו‬.Domina eumntes They that rule him.
1014 ‫משמוע־־מע‬


‫משל‬ ‫ מ‬.Parabo
ֹ‫|ְשָׁלו‬ cjus la His parable .
‫שלח‬ ‫מִשְׁלוֹחַ־־לח‬ .Mi, ssi
emissio o A sending , sending forth.
‫שלם‬ From peace.
‫ מִשָׁלוֹם‬4 .pace
‫שלח‬ ַ‫מְשַׁלְח‬ Mittens , dimittens , Sending ,letting go , casting out
ejiciens. [jectus. Sent, let go, cast out.
Missus, dimissus, e-

ְ‫מ‬ ,dimitten- Sending forth , sending away
[ tes. Casting out thee.
ָ‫ מְשַׁלֵּחֲך‬.Ejiciens
‫ מִשְׁלַחַת‬.Miss, dimissio ioA sending, discharge.
‫| משל‬ ‫שְׁלֵי מִשְׁלִים‬.Parabolae
ִ‫מ‬ , prouerbia Parables , proverbs -
‫ משְׁלֵי‬.Dominatores
‫שלח‬ ‫ | משליח‬.Millens He that sendeth.

ְ‫ | מִשְׁלִיך‬.Projiciens He that casteth forth.

‫ | משליכי‬.Projicientes They that cast forth.
‫משל‬ ‫ְׁלִים‬.Dominant
‫מש‬ ; pro- Ruling ; speaking proverbs
verbia dicentes.
Cast forth.
‫שלך‬ ְ‫ מִשְׁלָך‬.Projectus
Cast out .
‫ |מִשְׁלָכִים‬.Ejecti
‫ | משלכת‬.Projecta Cast forth,

‫שלל‬ ‫| מִשְׁלַל‬. E
prada Of the spoil .
‫שלם‬ ‫ מְשַׁלֵּם‬.Rependens Repaying , rewarding.
‫מִשְׁלָּם‬ .Mesulam Meshullam , N. M.

‫מְשְׁלָּמוֹת‬ .Mesilemot Meshillemoth, N. M.

.Meselemias Meshelemiah, N. M.
‫שלם‬ ‫ מְשַׁלְמִים‬.Reddentes They that render .
‫ | משלמית‬.Mesilemnit Meshillemeth, N. M.
Meshullemeth, N. W.
‫ מִשְׁלֶּמֶת‬.Mesulemet
ּ‫ מִשְׁלָּנו‬.E Of us .
Of three years old.
‫שלש‬ ‫ לֹשֶׁת‬-- ׁ‫ מִשְׁלָּש‬.Triennis
‫ מִשְׁלָּשׁוֹת‬.Trislege In three stories.

‫ מִשְׁלֹשֹׁם‬.Nudi terliusus Three days ago .

‫משל‬ Thou hast ruled.
ָּ‫ מָשַׁלְת‬.Dominalus es
‫שם‬ ‫ מִשָּׁם‬.I , illinc ,bi
inde There, thence.
Towards , at the left hand.
‫שמל‬ ‫ מִשְׂמֹאול־־אל‬.Ad sinistram
On his left hand .
ֹ‫ מִשְׂמֹאלו‬4.sinist ejus ra
‫שום‬ eo do When he putteth.
ֹ‫ | מִשְׂמו‬.Ponen
‫שמע‬ ַ‫שְׁמוֹעַ־־מֹע‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .aaudiend ob From hearing .
‫משנה־־נה‬ 1015

‫שמע‬ rumoA
re From the report.
‫| מִשְׁמוּעָה‬.
‫שמס‬ ‫ מִשְׁמוֹת‬.Desolationes Desolations.

‫שמח‬ Making glad.

‫ מְשַׂמְחֵי‬.Letificantes
From heaven, the heavens .
‫שם‬ ‫ מִשְׁמֵי מִשָּׁמָיִם‬.E
caelo , caelis
Astonished .
‫שמם‬ ‫מְשֹׁמֵם‬ ‫ מַשְׁמִים‬.Obstupens
‫שמע‬ yup Audire faciens, so- Causing to be heard, publish-
num edens. ing, making a sound.
" ִ‫ מַשְׁמִיעִים־־מְע‬.Sonu edentes m Making a noise .
Of thy name.
‫שם‬ ְ‫ מִשְׁמֶךְ־־שְׁמְך‬.De nominetuo
‫שמן‬ , pre oleo
" ֶׁ‫ מִשָּׁמֶן מִש‬.E Of, than oil.
Mismanas. [guissimi Mishmannab, N. M.
‫שמן‬ ‫שְׁמַנִּי‬.Pin
ִ‫| מ‬ , gued ines
pin- The fats , fattest
‫ מַשְׁמַנִּים‬.Pingues The fat.

‫ מִשְׁמָע‬.Misma Mishma, N. M.
‫שמע‬ iny Custodia ejus. His guard.

ָ‫ מִשְׁמַעְתֶּך‬ad auditum,tui At hearing thee.

Their obedience.
‫ מִשְׁמַעְתָּם‬.Obedie
‫שמר‬ ‫ מִשְׁמָר־־מֶרֶת‬.Custodia The charge, watch, guard.

" ְ‫ְׁמָרוֹת־־מ‬.Custodia
‫מִש‬ , excubia . | Charges , watches , guards
eorumdiaTheir charge.
‫ מִשְׁמְרוֹתָם‬.Custo
‫מְשֹׁמְרִי‬. custodieE
ntibus Of those that keep.
‫ מְשַׁמָּרִים‬Observa , They that observe.

ְ‫מ‬ observantibus . More than they that watch
‫ מִשְׁמַרְכֶם‬.Custo diaYour prison .
ֹ‫ מִשְׁמַרְתּו‬.Custodejus ia His
mea ia My charge, watch ,
‫ מִשְׁמַרְתִּי‬.Custod
ָ‫ מִשְׁמַרְתְּך‬.Cu tuadia
sto Thy charge.
ְׁ‫מִש‬ nominibus corum of their names
‫שנא‬ ‫ מְשַׂנְאַי‬.o di
habentes me oThey that hate me.
‫ֶּאי‬ ‫נ‬ ׂ ְ ‫ש‬ ‫מ‬ .O di
habente s o They that hate.

ִ‫מ‬ . [ me He ,
that hatethme
‫מְש‬ odio habentibus From them that hate me
ְ‫מ‬ habentes eum . di
They that hate him o
ָ‫ מְשַׂנְאֶיך‬.O di
habentes te oThey that hate thee.
‫מִש‬ odium tuum Because
, of thy hatred
‫שנה‬ Mutans. [duplum . Changing. [ as much .

‫ | מִשְׁנֶה־נָה‬Secundus , duplex , Second , double ,twofold ,twice

1016 ‫משפטי‬



ּ‫ מִשְׁנֵהו‬.Secun dus The second from him.

ab eo
A From two.
‫ מִשְׁנֵי‬.duobus
‫ מְשַׁנְיָה‬.Mut , diveat
rsa aChanged, different.
r Than both they.
‫ מִשְׁנֵיהֶם‬.P ambobus illis
cun dar ii Of a secoud sort.
‫ מִשְׁנִים‬.Se
annob From the year .
‫ מִשְׁנַת‬.A
ֹ‫מִשְׁנָתו‬ mno
4.soejus From his sleep.
Out of thy sleep .
ָ‫ מִשְׁנָתֶך‬. tuo
somno eorum. Out of their sleep.
‫מסק‬ A spoil.
‫ מִשְׁפָּה‬.Spolium
‫ מִשְׁעִי‬.Serva meus tor My saviour .
[ tum. Mish am , N. M.
‫ מִשְׁעָם‬Misam,
‫שען‬ ‫שְׁעֶן מִשְׁעַן‬.ַ‫מ‬ B a
, fulcime n-cA staffu l
, stay ,suppor t us
B an- c u l u s
‫ִשְׁעָן־־עֶנֶת‬. ‫מ‬ , fulcimne A staf , prop , stay
iny Baculus ejus. [ tum. His staff.
Baculus meus. My staff.
From the gate.
‫שער‬ ‫מְשַׁעַר‬.A
porta , janua
The hair.
‫מִשְׂעַר‬ .Pilus
Than the hairs.
‫ מְשַׂעֲרוֹת‬.P re
capill is
. A s From the gates.
‫עֲרֵי‬ ׁ ַ ‫ש‬ ְ ‫מ‬ porti
Of the hair.
‫ מִשַׁעֲרֵת‬. capiE lla
E Of his hair.
ֹ‫תו‬ ָ ‫ר‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ ׂ ַ ‫ש‬ ְ ‫מ‬ . pilo cjus
‫שפת‬ Scabies, oppressio . A scab, oppression .
A family.
‫ מִשְׁפָּחָה־־פַּחַת‬.Familia
Families ; kinds.
" ְּ‫ מִשְׁפָּחוֹת־־פ‬.Famil ; genera ie
Her families .
ָ‫ מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֶיה‬.Familejus ia
" ְּ‫פ‬ ‫ מִשְׁפָּחֹת‬.Familia
ֹ‫ מִשְׁפַּחְתּו‬.Familia
ejus His family .

‫ מִשְׁפַּחְתִּי‬.Fammea ilia My family .

‫ מִשְׁפַּחְתָּם‬.Fam ilia Their family .

‫ מִשְׁפְּחֹתָם‬.Famcorum ilieTheir families.
‫שפט‬ ‫פָּט‬ ‫ׁפָּט‬Judic
ְ‫מִש‬ ium ,jus , causa , Judgment , right , cause , law
lex, ritus, consue- ceremony, custom .

.Mispal [tudo. Mishpat , N. P.

ic iu m Her judgment.
‫שפט‬ ּ‫ מִשְׁפָּטָה‬.Jud cjus
ֹ‫ מִשְׁפָּטו‬.Judicejus ia His judgments .
udmea ia
ic My judgments .
‫ מִשְׁפָּטִי‬.J
‫משרש‬ 1017

‫שפט‬ Judicium , jus meum My judgment, right , cause.

Ajudice meo. From my judge.
‫ מִשְׁפָּטִי־־פָּטִים‬.Judicia
‫ מְשֹׁפְטִי‬.A
judicibus From the judges.

‫ מִשְׁפְּטֵיהֶם‬.Jud icia Their judgments.

‫ְׁפָּטָיו־־טָו‬.J ‫מִש‬ , ritusud ic
ejus . His judgments , ceremonies ia
ְ‫ך‬ ִ ‫י‬ ַ ‫ט‬ ‫־‬ ‫־‬ ָ ‫ך‬ ‫י‬ ֶ ‫ט‬ ּ ָ ‫פ‬ ׁ ְ ‫ש‬ ִ ‫מ‬ Judicia tua
, Thy judgme nts.
ָ‫ מִשְׁפָּטֶך‬.Judic tuumiumThy judgment.
Judicium eorum. Their judgment.
Their cause.
‫ מִשְׁפָּטָן‬.Ca usa
‫שפל‬ ‫ְׁפִּיל‬.Dejiciens
‫מַש‬ , deprimens Casting down , bringing low
‫שפע‬ ‫ מִשְׁפְעַת‬.P re
abundan lia By reason ofthe abundance.
‫שפה‬ ‫ משְׂפַת‬. A
labio From the lip.
From his lip.
ֹ‫ מִשְׂפָתו‬. labio A
‫שקק‬ ‫ מֶשֶׁק‬.Discursio Running to and fro .
Like almonds .
‫שקר‬ ‫ מִשְׁקָדִים‬.Amygdalacei
‫שקה‬ App Irrigans ; potus ; po- Watering; drink; giving drink ,
tum dans ; pincer-| a cup) ,bearer ; a butler.

pui Pincerna ejus. [ na. His butler.

A weight .
‫שקל‬ ‫קְלֶת‬ ‫קַל‬ ‫ מִשְׁקָל‬.Pondus
ּ‫ מִשְׁקָלָה‬.Pondus
ejus Her weight.
His weight.
ֹ‫ מִשְׁקָלו‬.Pondus
Their weight .
‫ מִשְׁקָלָם‬.Ponduscorum
‫שור‬ ‫ מְשַׂר‬.A
principe From the prince .
‫שרק‬ ָ‫ מַשְׁרוֹקִית‬.Fistula A pipe, flute, flagelet.
‫שור‬ principibus From the princes .
‫שרש‬ ׁ‫ מַשְׁרִיש‬.Radicans Taking root.
‫שרך‬ ‫ מִשָׂרֶכֶת‬.Implicans Folding or twisting together.

‫מְשֵׁרָעִי‬ .Misraile Mishraites, N. F.

Eior Out of the fire.
‫ מִשְׂרֵפָה‬.incend
Mizrephoth -maim , N. P.
‫ מִשְׂרְפוֹת מַיִם‬.Mis-maim repot
‫שרף‬ ‫ מִשְׂרְפוֹת־־פת‬.Combustioncs Burnings.
Masrekah, N. P.
‫ מְשְׂרֵקָה‬.Masreca
A pipe, flute.
‫ מַשְׁרְקִיתָה‬.Fistula
‫שור‬ ‫שְׁרְרִים‬.Ca
‫מ‬ nen
, cantores tes
. Singing , singers
‫שרש‬ Out of the root .
ׁ‫ מִשְׁרֶש‬.E
VOL. II . 2 K.
1018 ‫מתאוה‬


‫שרש‬ ָ‫ מִשָׁרָשֶׁיה‬4.radicib ejus usFrom her roots.

radicibusE Out of his roots.
‫מִשָּׁרָשָׁיו‬. ejus

‫שרת‬ ‫מְשָׁרֵת־־שָׁרַת‬ Ministrans ;minister Ministering ; aminister ,servant

‫שרה‬ Expressus [ ministra Squeezed.
‫שרת‬ ejus r His minister, servant .
ְ‫ מ‬.Ministe
‫י‬. mei . nis tri
[tri . My ministers
‫מ‬ ; minis- Ministering ; ministers
. ‫מ‬ nis tri
. [ tri. His ministers eju
, t
Ministrantes; minis- Ministering ; ministers.
ׁ‫מָשַׁש‬ Palpavit, contrecta- He felt, groped , handled.

ָּ‫ מִשַׁשְׁת‬.Palpasti [ vit . Thou hast felt, groped.

‫שאה‬ ‫ מִשְׁתַּאה‬.Obstupens Wondering , astonished.
‫שבש‬ ‫ מִשְׁתַּבְּשִׁין‬.Obstupefacti Astonished.
‫שגע‬ yani Insanum se fingens. Feigning himself mad.
‫נדר‬ Præ vovere. Than to vow.
‫ מִשְׁתִּדּוֹר‬P
‫שדר‬ Labouring .
‫ מָשְׁתַּדַּר‬.Satagens
‫שתה‬ ‫תְּיָא‬ ‫ מִשְׁתֶּה‬.Conririum A feast.
‫נשא‬ ini Ab excellentia ejus. From his excellency .
‫שלל‬ ‫ מִשְׁתּוֹלֵל‬Spoliat,
us Being spoiled .
‫שחה‬ Prosternens se. Prostrating himself.
Incurvantes se. Bowing themselves down.
‫ משְׁתַּחֲוִיתֶם‬.Adorantes Worshipping .
‫שנה‬ [ rum . For two er
duos . opt
‫שתה‬ Di Convivia, potus eo- Their feasts, drinkings.
His drinks.
‫| מִשְׁתָּיו‬.Pol ejusus
‫ מִשְׁתֵּיכֶם‬.Pol us
restri Your drinks.

‫שתן‬ ‫ מַשְׁתִּין‬.Mingenus He that pisseth.

‫שכל‬ Animadvertens . [ se. Considering.
‫שכר‬ ‫מִשְׁתַּכֵּר‬.Mercede conducens Hiring himself
‫שרא‬ ִ ‫מ‬ .Sol uli Loosed , dissolved.

‫מות‬ Moriens, mortuus. Dying, dead .
‫תאב‬ ‫ מְתָאֵב‬.Abominans Abhorring.
‫אבל‬ ‫ מִתְאַבֵּל־־בֶּלֶת‬.Lugens Mourning.
‫ מִתְאַבְּלִים‬.Lugentes Mourning .
‫אוה‬ Desiring .
‫| מִתְאַוָה‬.Desiderans
‫מתושאל‬ 1019

‫אוה‬ ‫תָם‬
‫מ‬ eorum . From their lust
‫תאם‬ ‫אימות‬
| ‫מת‬
parientes . | Bearing

‫אמץ‬ se s
‫ מִתְאַמֶּצֶת‬.Roboran Strengthening herself.
‫אנה‬ ‫תְאַנֵּה‬.Ocִ‫מ‬ cas
querens Seeking ion
an occasion em
‫ּאֲנָה‬ ָ ‫ת‬ ְ ‫מ‬ .De
ficu Fro m the fig-tree.
Troubled .
‫בהל‬ ‫ מִתְבָּהַל‬.Turbatus
‫בוא‬ ‫בוּאַת‬.E
ְּ‫מִת‬ proventu . [ tris . Of the produce
E proventibus ves- Of your revenues.
Trodden under foot.
‫בים‬ ‫ מְתְבּוֹסֶסֶת‬.Conenulcata
‫ מַתְבֵּן‬Stramen , ,
palea Straw, chaff.

‫ מִתְבְּנֵא‬.Edificatus Built.

‫ֵתֶג הָאַמָּה‬.Meleg
‫מ‬ -amma. [rans . Metheg -ammah , N. P
‫נור‬ ‫ְגּוֹרֵר‬.Peregrinans
‫מִת‬ , commo- Sojourning, continuing
‫גלל‬ se s
‫ מִתְכֹּלֵל‬.rolutan Wallowing.
‫גרה‬ ‫ מִתִּגְרַת‬.O conflictum b By reason ofthe conflict.
‫רפק‬ ‫ מִתְדַּפְּקִים‬.Pulsantes Beating.
‫מות‬ Mortua est. [ cens. She died.
- Ambulans, proficis Walking, going, travelling.
‫הלל‬ ‫ מִתְהַלֵּל‬.Jactansse Boasting himself.

‫הפך‬ rle
ְ‫ מִתְהַפֶך‬.Pe se ns Turning himself.
‫מות‬ His dead.
ֹ‫ מֵתו‬.Mortuus ejus
Mortui sunt. They died .
‫|מתו‬.Mo rs
ejus His death.
‫ינה‬ ‫ מִתּוּנָה‬.P re
mestiti a For heaviness, sorrow.

‫ מִתְוַדִים‬.Confitentes Conferring.
ְ‫ מְתּוֹך‬.A
fraude From fraud .
ְ‫ מִתּוֹך‬.D From the midst.
‫ מִתּוֹכָה‬.E
medio ejus Out ofthe midst of her.
From the midst of thee.
ְ‫ מִתּוֹכְך‬.E
medio tui
medio vestrim
‫מִתּוֹכְכֶם‬.E From among you.

medio eorum From among them.
Sweet, sweetness .
‫מתק‬ ‫ מָתוֹק־־מְתוּקָה‬.Dulcis, dulcedo
‫תור‬ explorandob From searching.
‫| מִתּוּר‬.A
‫ירה‬ ָ‫ מִתּוֹרָתְךָ־־תֶך‬.A
lege tua From thy law.
Methusael, N. M.
‫ מְתוּשָׁאֵל‬.Metusael
1020 ‫מתלעים‬


" ֶׁ‫ מְתוּשָׁלַח־־ש‬.Melusatach
‫זנה‬ ְ‫ַּזְנוּתָיִך‬.E
‫מִת‬ scortati on
Of thy ib
whor edomus
Extendit, distulit. He extended, stretched out.
bs co nd se en s Hiding himself.
‫חבא‬ ‫| מִתְחַבֵּא‬.A
entes Hiding themselves.
‫ מִתְחַבְּאִים‬.Abscondse
‫חול‬ in Dolens, parturiens . Being in pain, travailing. [ ing.
Pinn Roborans se, tenens Making himself strong, hold-
From the beginning.
‫חלל‬ ‫ מִתְּחִלַּת‬4 .principio
‫חנן‬ ָ‫ | מִתְּחִנ‬deprecatione mea. Fron A
‫ּתִי‬. my supplication
‫תתר‬ Commiscens se, cer- Closing himself, striving .
‫תחת‬ ‫ מִתָּחַת־־תִּי‬.S u
, infr a b [tans. Under , benea .
E loco ejus. From his place.
re Than the lower.
‫ מִתַּחְתִּיוֹת‬.P inferioribus
E sub te. From under thee.
do When.
‫ מָתַי‬.Quan
i Dead, the dead .
‫מות‬ ‫|מתי־־תִים‬.Mortu
‫מתה‬ ‫תִם‬ ‫ מְתֵי מִתִים‬.Homines
Mortuus meus. My dead .
‫מות‬ ‫מתי‬
Given .
‫יהב‬ ‫יַהֲבָא‬ ‫ מִתְיְהֵב‬.Dat , dataus
[ tentes. They that were given.
‫ | מִתְיַהֲבִין‬.Data m
Ju amplee- Embracing i
d a s
‫יהר‬ ‫ְיַהֲדִים‬- ‫מִת‬ Judaism , becom
His men. [ ing Jews .
‫מתה‬ ‫ מְתָיו‬.Homi s es
Homines tui. Thy men.
Mortui tui. Thy dead .
‫מות‬ ָ‫מֵתֶיך‬
Ab austro. From the south.
‫ימן‬ ‫מִתֵּימָן‬
‫נתר‬ ‫ מַתִּיר‬.Solvens
s tuus Thy dead .
‫מות‬ ‫ מֵהֶךָ־־תִּי‬Mortuu ,
Assem bling themselves .
‫כנש‬ ‫ מִתְכַּנְשִׁין‬.Congrega sentes
us , A weigh t, number, proportion ,
‫ מַתְכֹּנֶת‬Pondus, numer
in Modus ejus. [modus. His measure. [measure.
Tectus . Covered.
‫כסה‬ ‫מִתְכַּפֶּה‬
‫ מתכסים‬Tecti.
rLabour , trouble .
‫לאה‬ bo
‫ מַתְּלָאָה‬.L,mol a
‫לחש‬ ‫ מִתְלַחשִׁים‬Mussitanles. Muttering .
‫לתע‬ ‫ מִתַלְעוֹת‬.Den
molar es sThe great teeth, grinders.
‫תלע‬ ‫לְעִים‬.C
‫מת‬ oc ci
veste indudi Clothed ne
in scarlet apparel
‫מתנשאה‬ 1021


‫לתע‬ ‫ מְתַלְעֹתָיו‬.Molares
ejus His grinders.
Catching itself.
‫לקח‬ ‫ מִתְלַקַחַת‬.S es
capie ns e
‫תמם‬ Perfection, completeness .
‫ מְחֹם‬.Integritas
‫מהה‬ Tarrying.
ּ‫ מִתְמַהְמֵה‬Morans
‫תמל‬ ‫מִתְּמוֹל־מל‬ heri
.Ab Since yesterday.

4 .tenendo From holding.

‫תמך‬ ְ‫מִתְּמֹך‬
.Matan Mattan , N. M. P.
A gift.
‫נתן‬ ‫ מַתָּן־נָה מַתַּת‬.Donum
‫מות‬ ors Their death.
‫ מָתָן‬.Meorum
He that prophesie th.
‫נבא‬ ‫ מִתְנַבֵּא‬.Vaticinans
‫ מִתְנַבְּאִים‬.Vaticinanles They that prophesy.
‫נדב‬ ‫תְנַדָּב־־ב‬. ִ‫מ‬ sponte oferens . S e
| Offering himself willingly
‫ מִתְנַדְּבִין‬.Spo nt
offerentes eWillingly offering.
We had died.
‫מות‬ ‫ מָתְנוּ מַתִי‬.M casemtu
or us i
‫נוב‬ ‫ְּנוּבוֹת‬Defectu
‫מִת‬ proventu- For want of the productions
‫ניד‬ ‫תְנוֹדֵד‬.Deָ‫מ‬ [ um . Bemoaningran
se. plo himself s

‫ מתנוססות‬.S es
extol lens e Lifting himself up.
‫נתן‬ ‫ מַתָּנוֹת־תְּנֹת‬.Dona
" ‫ מַתְנוֹתֵיכֶס נ‬.Don vestra a Your gifts .
Comfo rting himself.
‫נתם‬ ‫ מִתְנַחֵם‬.Consola se ns
‫מתן‬ ‫ מָתְנָרְנִי‬.Lum meibi My loins.
The loins.
‫ מָתְנֵי־־נָיִם־־נַי‬.Lumbi
‫ מַתְּנִי‬.Matenai Mattenai , N. M.

‫מִתְנִי‬ .Milniles Mithnite , N. F.

as Mattaniah , N. M.
ּ‫ מַתַּנְיָה־יָהו‬Matani,
Her loins.
‫מתן‬ ָ‫ מָתְנֶיה‬.L ejusbi
Their loins.
‫ מָתְנֵיהֶם‬.Lum eorum bi
ejusbi His loins .
‫ מָתְנָיו‬.Lum
tuibi Thy loins .
ָ‫ מָתְנֶיך‬.Lum
‫ מָתְנֵיכֶם‬.Lum bi Your loins.
‫נכר‬ Alia m lins.
se finge Feigning herself to be another
‫ מִתְנַכֵּרָה‬.ase

‫ מַתָּנָם־־תְּנָן‬.Don eorum um Their gift.

‫תְנַצַח‬. ִ‫מ‬ S ,uprevalep e
ns Excelli ng ,r a
prevaili ng ns
Ensnaring himself.
‫נקש‬ ׁ‫ מִתְנַקֵּש‬.Illaque se ans
‫נשא‬ Exalting himself.
‫ מִתְנַשָׂא‬.Eferens se
Lifting herself up.
‫ מִתְנַשְׂאָה‬.Ettollens se
1022 ‫ יהר‬- ‫מתתיה‬

‫נתן‬ ְ‫ מַתְּנָתָך‬Dona tua

, Thy gifts.
Made, done.
‫ מִתְעַבְד־־עַבְדָּא עבד‬.Factus
Being angry.
‫עבר‬ ‫ מִתְעַבֵּר‬.Irascens
ֹ‫ מִתְעַבּרו‬.Irascenei s Being angry to him.

‫תעה‬ ‫ מתעה‬.Errare faciens Causing to crr.

‫עור‬ se s
‫ מִתְעוֹרֵר‬.Ercitan Stirring up himself.
‫תעה‬ ‫ מַתְעִים‬.Seducentes Leading astray.

‫ענה‬ ‫ מְתַּעֲנִיתִי‬.Ab
afflictione mea From my affliction.
‫ערב‬ ‫ מִתְעָרַב‬.Misce se ns Mixing himself.

‫ מִתְעַרְבִין‬.Miscente se s Mingling themselves.

Out of its sheath.
‫תער‬ ּ‫מִתַּעֲרָה‬. vaginaE ejus
‫עשר‬ wyn Divitem se jactans. Boasting himself to be rich.
‫פלל‬ ‫ מתפלל‬.Orans Praying.

‫תפף‬ Tympano pulsantes . Playing on the tabret.

‫מָתַק‬ Dulcis fuit, dulcuit , He was sweet, became sweet,

dulcem reddidit. made sweet.

‫קדש‬ ‫ מִתְקַדֶּשֶׁת‬.Purificans
se Purifying herself.
‫ מִתְקָה‬.Mithca Mithcah, N. P.

‫מתק‬ P Dulces fuerunt. They were sweet.

SP Dulcis fuit ei. He was sweet to him .

‫קום‬ ‫ מִתְקוֹמְמָה‬.Erigens
se Raising herself up.
‫קטל‬ Slain.
‫ מִתְקַטְלִין‬.Interfecti
‫מתק‬ mea do
‫ מָתְקִי‬.Dulce My sweetness.
‫ מְתִרְדָת‬.Mitredat Mithredath, N. M.
‫רוס‬ oblationer
‫ מִתְּרוּמַת‬.E Of the oblation.

‫רנן‬ ‫ מִתְרוֹנֵן‬.Acclamans He that shouteth.

‫רוש‬ wwii Pauperem se fingens Feigning himself poor.
‫רפה‬ Remisse se gerens . He that is remiss, slothful.
Remisse se gerentes . They that are remiss , slack.
‫רפס‬ ‫ מִתְרַפֶּס‬.Prosternens
se Humbling , submitting himself

‫רפק‬ ‫ מִתְרַפֶּקֶת‬.Innita Leaning .

‫ישב‬ ‫ מִתּשָׁבֵי‬.Esincolis Of the inhabitants.
‫שום‬ ‫ מִתְּשָׂם‬.Posilus Put, laid.

‫ מַתַּתָּה‬Matatas Mattathath, N. M.

‫נתן‬ ‫| מִתִּתִּי‬.Pdarere
me Than for me to give.
! ‫מות‬ ‫| מתַתִּי‬.Interfeci I have slain .

ּ‫ יָהו‬- ‫מַתִּתְיָה‬ .Malitias Mattithiah , N. M.

‫נאמר‬ 1023

‫נוא‬ Crudus . Raw.

‫נא‬ Quæso, nunc, igitur. I pray, now, therefore.

No. No, N. P.
We shall perish.
‫אבד‬ ‫ נאבד־־בְדָה‬.Peribinaus
‫ | נאדות‬.Utres Bottles or bags of leather.
‫ נ‬.Magnificus Glorious.
‫אדר‬ ‫דר‬T‫א‬::
‫ נֶאֶדָּרִי‬.Magnificatus Magnified .

‫נָאָה‬ Pulcher, decens, de He was fair, decent, comely ;

corus fuit ; con- it was convenient , meet.
‫גאד‬ Uler. [ venit, decuit. A bottle or bag of leather.
‫ֶה‬ ֶ‫ו‬‫ו‬ ‫־‬ ‫־‬ ‫ה‬ ָ
‫ָה‬ ‫ו‬‫ו‬ ‫א‬ ָ ‫נ‬ .D ec rus aGraceful , comely.
, decoor
‫ נַאֲוָה‬.Dec ui t [ runt | It became .
118 Ornali, pulchri fue- They were beautiful, adorned

‫נאף‬ Adulterium commit- To commit adultery.

‫אור‬ ‫ נָאוֹר‬.Illustris [tere. Illustrious, glorious.
We will consent .
‫יאת‬ ‫נָאוֹת־תָה‬ .Acquiescemus
‫נן‬ nis Habitationes, pascua Habitations , pastures.
us Girded .
‫אזר‬ ‫ נֶאזָר‬.Accinct
‫אחז‬ ‫ | נאחז‬.Caplus Caught.
Possessores facti They became possessors.
‫אכל‬ ‫אכל־־כל‬.Co ‫נ‬ .med emu
[sunt . We will cat s
‫אלח‬ ‫ֶי‬ ‫א‬ ֶ ‫נ‬ ּ‫לָחו‬ ֶ ‫א‬ ָ ‫נ‬ .Fe lid
faeli sunt iThey became filthy, fetid.
‫אלם‬ ‫נ‬ .O bm ut ui t She became dumb.
Obmutui. I was dumb, became dumb.
Dixit. He said.
‫ נְאֻס‬.Dirit , He said, spake.

fidelisus Sure, faithful .

‫אמן‬ ‫ נֶאֱמָן־־מָנָה‬.F,id
‫נָא‬ ir
, fidelis fuit . |She ma
, it was steadfast , faithful

" ְ‫ֱמָנוּ נֶאֶמ‬-F

‫נֶא‬ They were steadfast, suremi
, fidi fuerunt . ir , con
‫ | נאמָנִים‬.Fideles Faithful. [slant.
‫ נאמנת‬.Stabi , firmalis Stable, steadfast .
‫אמר‬ lum
‫ נֶאֱמַר‬.Dicest It was told.
1024 ‫נאקתם‬

We will say.
‫אמר‬ " ‫נא‬ ‫ נאמר‬.Dicemus
‫אנח‬ " ֱ‫ נֶאֱנָה נָחָה נֶא‬.Suspirans Sighing.

ּ‫ נֶאֶנְחו‬.Suspirarunt They sighed.

‫ נֶאֱנָחִים‬.Suspirantes
App Congregatus est;con- He has been gathered ; being
gregandus. to be gathered.

‫ נאסף‬.Colligemus We shall gather.

" ְ‫ נֶאֱסָפוּ נֶאֶס‬.Congrsunt egatiThey were assembled.

‫ נָאֲסָפִים‬.Congregati Being gathered.

te us We will bind thee.
‫אסר‬ ְ‫ְך‬:‫ָר‬T‫ נֶאֱס‬.Ligabim

Machatus est, adul- He committed adultery .

terium commisil.
[sit. An adulterer .
‫ נֹאֵף‬Aduller
Adulterium commi- She committed adultery. [ ry .
‫ נאפו‬.Mecsunt hati They have committed adulte-
‫ נֹאַפוֹת‬.Adultere
Adulteria tua. Thy adulteries .
Adulteries .
‫ נָאֲפִים‬.Adalleria
Sprevit, contempsit, He despised, contemned, ab-
fastidivit, respuit, horred, rejected, provoked ,
irritavit, convici- blasphemed.
atus est.

Fastidivit, irritavit; He abhorred, provoked ; in

conviciari facien- causing to blaspheme.
ּ‫ נָאֲצו‬.Spreverunt [ do. They despised.
" Irritarunt, fastidi- They provoked, abhorred,
verunt, conviciati blasphem ed.

ּ‫ נָאֲצו‬.ContempseruntThey contemned, despised.

‫ נֶאָצוֹת‬.Contumelie Affronts, provocations.
Thy reproaches, blasphemies.
tua a
ָ‫ נָאָצוֹתֶיך‬.Convici
‫אצל‬ ‫ נאצל‬.Separat est us He was separated .

ָּ‫ נָאַצְת‬.Convici Thou hast caused to blaspheme

fecisti ari

Clamavil, gemuit. He cried out, groaned.
‫ נַאֲקוֹת‬.Gemilus
‫ נַאֲקַת‬.Gemilus Groaning.
corumtusTheir groaning.
‫ נַאֲקָתָם‬.Gemni
‫נבון‬ 1025

‫נאָר‬ Aspernatus est, irri- He despised, abhorred, reject-

tumfecit. ed , made void .
We will lie in wait.
‫ארב‬ ‫ נֶאֶרְבָה‬.Insidiabimur
‫ארך‬ Cursed .
‫ מֵאָרִים‬.Maledicti
‫נאר‬ Thou hast made void.
‫ נֵאַרְתָּה‬Irritum fecisti
‫אשם‬ ‫ נָאֲשָׁם‬.Delinquemus We shall transgress, offend.
ּ‫ נֶאִשָּׁמו‬.Desol suntati They have been made desolate

‫נב‬ .Wob [phetizavit. Nob, N. M.
‫נְבָּא‬ Vaticinatus est, pro- He prophesied .
‫אָה‬ ‫ בוֹא‬- ֹ‫בו‬.Feniemus
ָ‫נ‬ . [ ticinans . We will come, go
‫נבא‬ Vaticinatus est ; va- He prophesied ; prophesying.
ּ‫ נִבָּאוּ נִבְּאו‬.Vaticsunt inaliThey prophesied.
‫ נִבְּאֵי־אִים‬.Vaticinantes Prophesying .
‫ | נָבָאִים‬.Prophete Prophets.
‫באש‬ ׁ‫בְאַש‬.F
ִ‫נ‬ et
factus id
est . | He became loathsome us
ּ‫ נִבְאֲשׁו‬.Fet idi
faeli sunt They became loathsome.
Thou hast become loathsome.
ָּ‫ נִבְאַשְׁת‬.Felidusfactus es
‫נבא‬ Thou hast prophesied.
ָ‫ נִבֵּאת‬raticinatus
, es
‫בגד‬ We shall act treacherously.
‫ נִבְגַד‬.Perfide
ּ‫ נְבְדְּלו‬.Separatsunt i They have been separated.
‫בהל‬ ‫ נִבְהָל־הַל‬.Turbat est us He was troubled.
She was troubled.
‫ נִבְהֲלָה‬.Turbata
‫ נִבְהָלָה‬.Festinala Being hastened . [ed .

ּ‫הָלוּ הֲלו‬-Turbati
ְ‫נִב‬ ,territi sunt They were troubled , affright
We have been troubled.
ּ‫ נִבְהָלְנו‬.Turbati
fui s
‫ נִבְהַלְתִּי‬.Territu I was dismayed.
ֹ‫נְבוּ נְבו‬ .Nebo Nebo, N. M. P. I.
‫נבא‬ A prophecy.
‫ נְבוּאַת‬.Vaticinium
‫בוב‬ ‫בוּב גְבוּב‬.Cָ‫נ‬ av
, inanis , vanus . Hollow , empty , us
‫ נְבוּזַרְאֲדָן‬.Webuzaradan Nebuzar-adan, N. M.
ar Nebuchadnezzar , N. M.
‫ נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּר‬Nebuchadnets
‫ נְבוּכַדְנֶצַר‬.WebuchadrelsarNebuchadrezza N. M.
ar Nebuchadrezzar, N. M.
‫ נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַר‬Nebuchadrets ,
‫בוך‬ ‫ נָבוֹכָה‬.Turba est ta She was disturbed, perplexed.

‫בון‬ ‫ֹן‬.In
‫נָבו‬ tel
, prudens lig
. Understanding , prudent ens
VOL. II. 2 L
1026 ‫נבל‬



‫| נבונים‬.Intelligentes Wise, understanding.

bim us We shall tread down.
‫כוס‬ ‫ נָבוּס‬.Conculca
ban Nebushashban, N. M.
‫ נְבוּשַׁזְבָּן‬.Nebuaaz
bot h Naboth, N. M.
‫ נָבוֹת‬.Na

‫בזה‬ , mpt
‫ נִבְזֶה‬.Conte Contemned, despised , vile.
vilis us
‫ נִבְזִים‬.Contempti Despised, contemptible.
Latravit. He barked.
Nobach. Nobah, N. M.
Nibchaz. Nibhaz, N. I.

‫בחר‬ Electus, preferendus Chosen, rather to be chosen.

We will choose.
‫ נִבְחָרָה‬.Eligemus

Nebat, N. M.
‫ ܕܕܡ‬.Webat

Aspexit, vidit, intu- He looked, beheld, regarded,

itus est, respexit. saw.
We will bring.
‫בוא‬ ‫ נָבִיא‬.Adducemus
‫נבא‬ ‫ נָבִיא נְבִיָאה‬.Propheta A prophet.
‫ נָבִיאָה‬.Prophetissa A prophetess.
‫ | נביאי־אי‬.Prophete Prophets.
‫ נְבִיאיָּה יָּה‬.Prophete
ָ‫ נָבִיאֵיה‬.Proph et
cjus e Her prophets.

‫| נָבִיאָיו‬.Prophejusete His prophets.

Thy prophets.
ָ‫ נְבִיאַיִךְ־־אֶיך‬Prophete,
ro ph
vest et
ri e
Your prophets.
‫ נְבִיאֵיכֶם‬.P
‫|ביאך‬ ‫ נ‬.Proph et
lunus a Thy prophet.
vesleet aYour prophet.
‫ נְבִיאֲכֶם‬.Proph r
Nebaioth, N. M. P.
‫ נְבָיוֹת־ית‬.Nebaiot
at us Thou hast prophesied.
‫נבא‬ ָ‫ נִבֵּית‬.Paticines
.We buc had nel Nebuchadnezzar , N. M.
‫בוד‬ 13 Impliciti, confusi They were perplexed , confused

‫בכה‬ Scaturigines . [ sunt. Springs.

‫בוד‬ Impliciti, confusi. Being perplexed, confused.
‫נָבָל‬ Cecidit,decidit, emar- He fell, fell off, withered , de-

cuit, defluxit, stul- cayed, wasted away, was

tusfuit,stulle egit, foolish, acted foolishly, es-
vilem reputavit, teemed worthless, treated
contumeliose trac- disgracefully.
‫ נָבָל‬.Decidil [ tavit. He fell off, faded .
‫נבערן‬ 1027

‫נבל‬ Stultus, perditus. Foolish, abandoned.

Decidendo, emarces- In falling off, withering.
[ cendo. Nabal, N. M.
‫ נָבָל‬.Nabal
‫נבל‬ ‫נֶבֶל נָי‬ Nablium, psalteri- A lute, psaltery ; a bottle of
Decidens [ um ; uter Fading, falling off. [skin.
She wasted away.
‫ נָבְלָה‬.Defluxit
Stultitia, flagitium . Folly, villainy.
Cadaver; morticinus A carcase ; that which dieth
ָּ‫ נִבַל‬Neball,at Neballat, N. P. [of itself.

? re
Ut . s Bottles.
Nablia tua. Thy lutes .
Nablia, psalteria. Lutes, psalteries.
‫בלע‬ Absorptus est. He was swallowed up.

ּ‫ נִבְלָעו‬.Absorp sunt ti They were swallowed up.

Dy Deglutiamus eos. Let us swallow them up.
Thou hast acted foolishly.
ָּ‫ נָבַלְת‬Stulte egiati
‫ נבלתה‬.Stullilia cjus Her folly.
Her dead body.
ּ‫ נִבְלָתָה‬.Cadave ejus r
dead body.
ֹ‫ נִבְלָתו‬.Cadave ejus r His
Cadaver meum. My dead body.
ָ‫ נִבְלָתְך‬.Cadtuum
anhai av er Thy carcase.
Their carcase.
‫ נִבְלָתָם‬.Cadav eorum er
‫בנה‬ ‫ נִבְנָה‬.Edificat est us He was built.
We will build.
‫ נִבְנֶה‬.Edificabimus
Edificati sunt. They were built.

‫בון‬ ‫ נִבְנוֹתִי‬.Prudens fui I have been prudent.

‫ נָבָנָיו‬Prudentes, ejus His prudent men .

‫כנה‬ Edificata est. She was built.

‫נָבַע‬ Scaturivit, emana- He gushed, bubbled , flowed

vit, emisit, elocu- out, sent forth, uttered .
tus est.

y Scaturiens, emanans. Gushing, flowing out.

‫בעה‬ ‫ נִבְעֵה‬.Tumens Swelling.
ּ‫ נָבָעו‬.Perquis sunt iti They were diligently sought.
He became foolish.
Become foolish.

‫ נִבְעָרָה‬Stulta facta
They have become foolish .
ּ‫ נִבְעֲרו‬.Desipuerunt
1028 ‫נגהם‬


‫ נִבְעַת‬.Terri esttus He was terrified.

Territus sum. I was terrified.
VP Fissus est. He has been rent.
WPWP Erupti, disrupti sunt They have been broken up,
ׁ‫ נְבַקֵש‬.Requiremus Wewill require.[out,in pieces.
‫ברר‬ Purgatus, purus. Being purified, pure.
‫ברא‬ ‫ נִבְרָא‬.Creatus
att i They were created.
ּ‫ נִבְרְאו‬.Cre sun
es a Thou wast created.
‫ נִבְרֵאת‬.Creal
ned icemus We will bless.
‫ברד‬ ְ‫ נְבָרֵך‬.Be
We will kneel.
‫ נִבְרְכָה‬.Gen s
A candlestick.
‫ נֶבְרַשְׁתָּא‬.Candelabrum
Nibshan, N. P.
‫ נִבְשָׁן‬.Nibaan

‫גאל‬ They have been defiled.
ּ‫ נְנֹאֲלו‬Polluti sunt
Auster, austrum ver- The south, towards the south.
7 Prævalebimus. [ sus. We shall prevail.
‫נָגַד‬ Narravit, nunciavit, He told, declared, related,
indicavil; emana- shewed; flowed, issued forth

‫ נָגֵד‬.Emanans [ vit. Issuing.

‫ נֶגֶד נֶגְדָה‬.C,or am
e regione Before, over against .
A leader.
‫ נֶגֶד נָגִיד נְנִיד‬.Dur
‫רה‬ Coram illa. [eum. Before her.
17 Coram eo, contra Before, against him.
Coram, contra me. Before, against me.
Before thee.
ָ‫ נֶגְדָּךְ־־דְּך‬.Coram te
or am Before them.
‫ם‬ ּ ָ ‫ד‬ ְ ‫ג‬ ֶ ‫נ‬ .C illis
‫גדע‬ " Abscissus est. He has been cut off.
Abscissa est. She was cut off.
Thou hast been cut down.
ָּ‫ נִגְדַעְת‬Succisus, es
ּ‫ נֹנָה‬.Nogas [vit. Nogah, N. M.
Splenduit, illumina- He shined, enlightened.
Splendens; splendor. Shining ; brightness.
eorumdorTheir brightness.
‫ נָגְהָם‬.Splen
‫נגען‬ 1029

‫גזז‬ Hi Abscissi, tonsi sunt. They have been cut off, down.
‫נגע‬ Percussus, plagis af- Smitten, stricken, plagued.
‫נגף‬ Percutiendo . [fectus . In smiting.
‫גזר‬ Excisus,decretus est He was cut off, decreed.
ּ‫ נִגְזָרו‬.Erc isi
sunt They have been cut off.
isi We have been cut off.
ּ‫ נִגְזַרְנו‬.Erc sumus
I have been cut off.
‫ נִגְזָרְתִּי‬.Ercisus sum
Cornu petivit, ferüt; He pushed, butted with the
conflixit. horn, gored ; encountered.
, Pushing, wont to push with
‫| נַנָּה‬Cornu petens
‫נגד‬ ‫ נַגִּיד‬.Nunciabimus We will tell. [ the horn.
‫דִים‬ ‫ נְנִידֵי‬.Duces Captains, leaders.
‫גול‬ ‫ נָגִילָה‬.Letabimur We will rejoice.
‫גִינַת‬ Neghinat, music. in- Neginoth, the name of a mu
strument. nomen. sical instrument.

‫נגן‬ Pulsatio mea, vel in- My playing, music, or instru-

strumentum meum ment.
Pulsatio eorum . Theirplaying,music. [ revealed
Detexit se, revelatus He uncovered himself, was
Revelati sunt. [ est . They were discovered.
‫ נְגְלוֹת‬.Retegendo In disclosing.
Revelatus sum, ap- I was discovered , I appeared .
Revelata est. [parui. She was revealed .
Pulsavit musicum | He struck or played on some
aliquod instru- musical instrument.
Pulsare. [mentum. To play.

‫נגב‬ ‫ נִגְנֹב‬.Furabimur We shall steal.


ֹ‫ נ‬..Pulsantes
‫|גְנִים‬ Playing on instruments.
Appegit, tetigit, per- He adjoined, touched, reached
tigit, advenit, ac- to, came to, drew near,
cessit, contigit, happened, smote, plagued.
percussit, plagis
‫|נגע‬.Plaga [ affecit. A wound, plague.
‫ נֹגַע נו״‬.Tangens Touching.
Teligit, percussit. She touched, smote.
ּ‫ נָנָעו‬.Pertigerunt They reached.
Percussit eum. He smote him.
1030 ‫נגשו‬


ejusga His plague.

‫נגע‬ ֹ‫ נִגְעו‬.Pla
‫ נִגְעִי‬.Pla My wound, plague.

‫ נגעים‬.Plage Wounds, plagues.

To touch thee.
te re
ְ‫ נָגְעֵך‬.Tange
[ est. Thy stroke.
ָ‫ נִגְעֶך‬Plaga tua
Resputus, abjectus He was rejected, cast away.
us We have touched thee.
‫נגע‬ ְ‫ נְנַעֲנוּך‬.Tetigim
ny Appingens, tangens. Adjoining, touching.
‫ נֹגְעת‬.Tangentes Touching.
Ferüt, percussit, im- He struck, smote, struck a-
pegit, offendit. gainst, stumbled , offended .
In smiting.
‫ נָגֶף‬.Percutiendo
‫ נֶגֶף‬.Plaga A stroke, plague.
Percussus. Smitten.

‫ נִגַּף‬.Percuest ssus He was smitten.

‫ נֹגֵף‬.Percutiens
ֹ‫ נְנָפּו‬.Percu ssit He smote him.
They were smitten.
‫י‬2 ‫ נִנָּפוּ־־‬Percussi ,
i Smitten.
D‫ נִנָּפַיִם‬.Percuss
ּ‫נְגָפָנו‬ Percussi t nos. He hath smitten us.
Diffluxit, effudit. He flowed abroad, poured out
Diffluxit, effusa est. She ran abroad, was poured
‫ נִגָּרוֹת‬Difluent
, es Flowing away. [out.
isus I have been cut off.
‫גרז‬ ‫ נִגְרַזְתִּי‬.Ezcsum
imur We shall be withholden .
‫ נִגָּרַע‬.Cohibeb
.Minuetur He shall be diminished.
ctus I have been cast out.
‫גרש‬ ׁ‫ נִגְרָש‬.Ejesum
Driven out.
‫ נִגְרַשְׁתִּי‬.Erpulsus
Exegit, arctatus, op- He exacted, was straitened,
pressus est. [ est. was oppressed. [oppressed.
W Arctatus, oppressus He was straitened, distressed,
Appropinquavit, ac- He approached, came near,
cessit, adivit, ad- went to, brought, presented,
duxit, admovit, offered.
" Exactor,oppressor. An exactor, oppressor.
Accesserunt. They drew near.
‫נדרים‬ 1031

‫נגש‬ Exactores,oppresso- Exactors, oppressors.

Exactores ejus. [ res. His task masters.
‫גשש‬ " Palpabimus, expal- We will feel, grope for.
‫ננש‬ Day Accessistis [ pabimus Ye came nigh.

‫נור‬ ‫ | גָד‬.Acervus A heap.
Nadab. Nadab, N. M.

‫נָדָב‬ |Sponte obtulit,libera- He offered freely, gave libe-

liter largitus est, rally, made willing.
promptum reddidit
Promptum reddidit. She made willing.
Voluntaria ; oblatio Voluntary ; a free-will offer-
spontanea ; ultro. ing ; freely, voluntarily.
` --nia?? | Largitiones, res li- Liberalities , liberal things .
beræ. [nea.
‫ נִדְבוֹת‬Oblationes sponta- Free-will offerings.
Oblationes vel victi- Their free-will offerings or
mæ spontaneæ eo- victims.

‫ְדַבְיָה‬.‫ נ‬.Vedabias [rum. Nedabiah , N. M.

‫דבר‬ ‫ נִדְבָּכִין‬.Ordines
‫דבר‬ We will speak.
‫ נְדַבֵּר‬.Loquemur
ּ‫ נִדְבָּרוּ בְּרו‬.Locut sunt i They spake.

s i
ut We have spoken.
ּ‫ נִדְבַּרְנו‬.Loc sumu
‫נדב‬ Liberalitas, excel- My liberality, excellence, dig-
lentia, dignitas nity.
mea. [neæ vestræ.
Oblationes sponta- Your free-will offerings.
‫דגל‬ Vexillum attollemus We will set up our banner.
772 Vagatus est, migra- He wandered , departed, fled
vit, aufugit, expu- away, drove out, chased
Vagari. [lit, fugavit To wander . [away.
Vagans, aufugiens. Wandering, fleeing away.
Vagata est, aufugit . She wandered, fled away.
" 177 Aufugerunt . [ nes . They fled .
D'Agitationes ,jactatio- Agitations, tossings to and fro
‫ נֹדְדִים‬.Vagabundi
1032 ‫נדנה‬


Longe removit. He removed far away.

Præmium scorli. Wages of prostitution.
Separatio, immundi- Separation, uncleanness ; men-
ties ; menstruata. struous.

‫דהם‬ DT Territus, attonitus . Terrified , astonished.

‫נוד‬ ּ‫ נָדו‬.Migrarunt They have departed.
Migrate ; condolete. Depart, bemoan ye.
‫ גָדוֹן‬.Disceptans Contending.
Pepulit, impulit, in- He thrust, impelled, incited,
citavit, compulit, compelled , drove out.
Expulsus. [ expulit. Driven out, banished .

‫ נִדָּחָה‬.Erpulsa Driven out, outcast.

est sa She was driven out.
‫ נִדְּחָה‬.Erpul
Expulsus ejus. His expelled, banished .

sunk si
ּ‫ נִדְּחו‬.Expul They were driven out.

‫ נִדָּחִי‬.Erpulai
mei My expelled , outcasts .
‫ נִדְחֵי־־דָּחִים‬.Expulsi
Expulsus tuus. Thy expelled.
Expulsus vester. Your expelled.
Impulsus , ursus. Hastened, urged.
‫נןד‬ Vagalio mea. My wandering.
‫נדב‬ Spontaneus,liberalis, Willing, liberal , munificent,
munificus,princeps princely.
Voluntaria,prompta Willing, ready.
Munifici, ingenui ; Munificent, liberal ; nobles,

proceres,principes. princes.

ֹ‫ נְדִיבֵמו‬.Principes eorum Their princes.

The contrite.
‫דכא‬ ‫ נִדְכָּאִים‬.Contriti
‫דמה‬ ‫מ‬ -
‫ ֶה‬- ‫ִדְמָה‬ ‫נ‬ .E rc isest us He has been cut off, destroyed.

‫ נִדְמָה‬.Ersci nde ndo In cutting off.

isi They have been cut off.
ּ‫ נִדְמו‬.Erc sunt
Assimil atus , excisus Thou hast been made like,

‫מְתָה‬ ‫ נִדְמֵיתָה‬.Ercestita [es. She has been cut off. [ cut off.
I have been silent.
‫ נִדְמֵיתִי‬.Tacui
ina Its sheath, scabbard .
ּ‫ נְדָנָה‬.Pagejus
‫ נָדְנָה‬.Vagina A scabbard, sheath.
‫נהג‬ 1033

ְ‫ נְדָנַיִך‬.Pretua mia Thy gifts, rewards.


TUT T Sciemus, intelligemus We shall know, understand .


Extincti sunt. They have been extinguished .

Depulit, dispulit,dis- He thrust down , drove away,
Dispulsusest[sipavid He wasdriven away[ dispersed
Depulsus, dissipatus Thrown down, scattered.
Vovit. He vowed.
A vow.
‫ נֶדֶר נֵי‬.Protum
She vowed.
‫ נָדָרָה‬.rovit
Her vow.
ּ‫ נִדְרָה‬Volum , ejus
His vow.
ֹ‫ נִדְרו‬.Potu ejus m
1777 Vovete. V ow ye .

‫דרש‬ We will seek.

ׁ‫ נִדְרוֹש‬.Queremus
‫נדר‬ ‫ נְדָרָי־־רַי‬rota mea , My vows.
Votum meum. My vow.
ol a Her vows.
ָ‫ נְדָרֶיה‬.r ejus
Their vows.
‫ נִדְרֵיהֶם‬.Feorum ota
tua a Thy vows.
ָ‫רֶיך‬ ְ‫ נְדָרָיִך‬.rot
o t
ra a You r vows.
‫ נָדְרֵיכֶם‬.rvest
Vow s.
‫ נְדָרִים‬.rota
Our vows.
ּ‫ נְדָרִינו‬.rnost ot ra a
us We have vowed.
ּ‫ נָדַרְנו‬.Fovim
‫דרש‬ ׁ‫ נִדְרָש‬.Requisit est us He was required.
ּ‫ נִדְרָשׁו‬.Inqui siti
sunt They have been sought for.

‫ נִדְרַשְׁתִּי‬.Queritu sum s I was sought.

Thou vowedst.
ָּ‫ נָדַרְת‬.rowisti
I have vowed.
‫ נָדַרְתִּי‬.rovi
He fled,
‫ נַדָּת‬.Aufugit
‫נדה‬ ‫ נְדָּת‬.Separatio Separation.
st ru a Her flowers.
ּ‫ָּתָה‬.‫ נִד‬.Men ejus

‫נהה‬ Lamentum, planctus Lamentation , wailing.
Duxit, adduxit, de- He led , brought, guided, led
Duc. [ duxit, abduxit Lead thou. [ along, led away.

‫ | נָהֵן‬.Adduxit He brought.
Ducens. Leading.
VOL. II. 2 M.
1034 ‫נהרא־־רה‬


We shall mourn.
‫הנה‬ ֶ‫ נ‬.Gememus
They led, drove.
‫נהג‬ ּ‫ נָהֲגו‬.Durerunt
‫ | נהגים‬.Ducentes Leading.
Thou leddest.
ָּ‫ נִהַגְת‬.Duristi
‫הדר‬ 17 Honorati sunt. [ it . They were honoured.
Lamentatus est,lux- He lamented, mourned.
Lament thou.
‫ נְהֵה‬Lament,
‫נהג‬ Brought.
‫ נְהוּנִים‬.Adducti
‫חוה‬ We will shew.
‫ נְהַחֲוֶה‬.Indicabimus
‫נהה‬ Lamentum, planctus Lamentation, wailing.
‫היה‬ Fuit factus est; effec- He was,became; accomplished
‫נהה‬ ‫ נִהְיָה‬.Lamentatio[ tus. Lamentatio .
We shall be.
‫ נִהְיֶה‬.Erimus
es s Thou hast become.
ָ‫ נִהְיִית‬.Factu
gu i I fainted, was exhausted.
‫ִי‬‫ נָהְיִית‬.Lan , defeci
‫נהר‬ ּ‫ יָהִירו‬.Lur [ cit. Light.
‫היה‬ Fuit,facta est, defe- She was, became, failed.

‫נהל‬ Duxit leviter, leni- He led softly, walked ongently

ter incessit.
We will walk.
‫הלך‬ ְ‫ נְהַלֵך‬.Ambulabimus
‫ נהלכתִּי‬.4bii I departed, went away.
Nahallal, N. P.
‫ נַהֲלָל‬.Wahalat
Nahalol, N. P.
‫ נַהֲלל‬Wahalot ,
‫נהל‬ [muit. Thou leddest.
ָּ‫ נֶהַלְת‬.Duristi
Rugivil, fremuit,ge- He roared, groaned, sighed.
DRugitus, fremitus. A roaring, groaning.
| .Rugiens Roaring.
‫המה‬ emus We shall roar.
‫ נֶהמֶה‬.Frem
‫הפר‬ ְ‫ נֶהְפָּךְ־־פַּך‬.Conveestrsus He was turned.
Conver est. [ sunt. She was turned .
Conversi, perversi They were turned, turned aside

‫ נֶהְפָּכֶת‬.Everaa
Conversa es. Thou hast been turned.
Rudit. He brayed like an ass.
F ||

Confluxit, illumina- He flowed together, was en-

" ְ‫ נָהַר נ‬.Fluvius [ tus est. A river. [lightened .
‫נ‬ .Flu men A stream, the river.
‫נוהס־־והן‬ 1035

‫הרג‬ ‫ נַהֲרֹג‬.Oęcidemus We will slay, shall slay.

‫נהר‬ ‫ נְהָרָה‬.Lumen Light.
‫ נַהֲרוֹת נְהָי‬.Fluvit Rivers, streams.
Flumina. Streams, rivers.
ula She was broken down.
‫הרס‬ ‫| נַהֲרָסָה‬.Direst
Eversi, diruti sunt. They were overthrown, bro-
‫נהר‬ ָ‫ נַהֲרֹתֶיה‬.Flumi ejus na Her rivers. [ ken down.
na Their rivers .
‫ נַהֲרֹתָם‬.Flumi eorum
s We shall find.
‫שכה‬ ‫ נְהַשְׁכַּח‬.Inveniemu

‫נוֹא‬ Fregit,irritumfecit, He broke, made void, disal-
rescidit. lowed, disannulled.
‫יאל‬ ּ‫| נוֹאֵלו‬.Stul
factisunkuiThey have become fools.
ּ‫| נוֹאַלְנו‬.Stul We have done foolishly.
‫יאש‬ ‫| נואש‬.Desperavit He despaired .
‫נוּב‬ Crevit, germinavit, He grew, budded, produced ,
protulit, elocutus brought forth, spoke.
‫ נוב‬.Fructus [est. The fruit.
‫ינה‬ ‫נוּנִי‬ ‫גוֹת‬. , aflicti Afflicted.
‫ נו‬.4flicte
‫נוּד‬ Vagatus est, migra- He wandered , departed , wag-
vil, agitavit, mo- ged, moved, lamented, be-
vit, deploravit, moaned.
‫ | נוד‬.Nod [condoluit. Nod, N. P.

‫ נוֹדָב‬.Nodab Nodab, N. P.

‫ידה‬ We will celebrate.

‫ נוֹדֶה‬.Celebrabimus
‫נןד‬ ּ‫ נוּדו‬.Migra Depart thou.
‫ | נודע־־דע‬.Not estus He was known.

sunt i
ּ‫ נוֹדָעו‬.Cognil They were known .
I was known .
‫ נוֹדַעְתִּי‬.Cogni sumtus
Habitavit, constituit He dwelt, made him the cen-
eum centrum om- tre of all praise and glory.
nis laudis et glo-

[ rice. A habitation .
‫ נָוֶה נְוֵה־־וַת‬.Habilatio
His habitation.
ּ‫ נָוֵהו‬.Habilat ejus io
Habitatio, pascuum Their habitation, pasture.
eorum, earum.
1036 ‫נוען‬

‫נזל‬ Fluentes ; flumina . Flowing ; streams.

ַ‫נוּח‬ Recubuit, quievit, He lay down, rested , settled ,

consedit, recum- caused to lie down, gave

berefecit, quietem rest.

‫ נוֹחָה‬.Nochas [dedit. Nobah, N. M.

est ta She was expected, waited for.


‫| נוֹחָלָה‬.Expecta
Nutavit, vacillavit. He moved, staggered.

‫נטה‬ ‫ נוֹטֶה נֹטֶה‬Porrigens,exten- Stretching forth, extending.


Proponens. [ dens. Proposing, offering .

ְ‫ נָיִך‬.Habit atio Thy habitation .
‫ | נוֹכָח‬.Disceplans [ens. Arguing, reasoning.
Machinans, decipi- Plotting, deceiving.
Poterimus, prævale We shall be able, shall prevail
Polluit. [bimus He defiled.

‫ | נוֹלָד־־לד‬.Natus Born.

ּ‫ | נוּלְדו‬.Nati
sunt They were born.

‫ לִי‬-- ּ‫ נְוְלו‬.Sterquilinium A dunghill.

Dormitavit. He slumbered.

‫| נוּמָה‬.Dormilatio Slumber.

‫ | נוֹן נוּן‬.N on
, Num Non , Nun , N. M.
Propagatus est,sobo- He was propagated , continued
levit [git,fugavit. in his offspring [ put to flight
Fugit, effugit, aufu- He fled, escaped , fled away,
| .Fugiendo In fleeing.
ned .
ּ‫| נוֹסְדו‬.Constituerunt They determi
‫נםם‬ Mop Vexillum erigens. Setting up a standard.
‫ נוֹסְסָה‬.rexillum
‫ נוֹסֵף‬.Additus est He was added .

‫ נוֹסָפוֹת‬.R es
addile Additions.
Movit se, vagatus He moved , wandered , depart-
est, discessit, va- ed, staggered , shook , caused
cillavit, commovil, to wander.
,commo- In moving, shaking.
ַ‫ | נוֹע‬Movendo
‫יער‬ TV‫ יזי‬Conveniemus. [ vendo We will meet.

ּ‫ נוֹעֲדוּ עֲדו‬.Congre gatiThey were assembled .

‫ נוֹעַדְיָה‬.Noadias Noadiah, N. M.
‫יעז‬ Robustus, impudens. Strong, impudent.
‫נותרך‬ 1037

‫יעל‬ ‫| נועיל‬.Proficiemus We shall profit.

He took counsel .
‫יעץ‬ ‫ נוֹעַץ‬.Con
| cepit um
ּ‫| נוֹעֲצו‬.Consulu erun t They consulted .

‫| נו‬ on
, consulentes su
Consulted lti
, consulting
‫נוּף‬ Elevavit, agitavit, He lifted , waved , stretched
porrexil, obtulit, out, presented , offered , laid
injecit, suffivit. upon, perfumed.
Situation , country .
| ARASPA | S | F | E |||

‫ נוף‬.Situs
, regio
‫נפל‬ ‫ נוֹפֵל‬.Cadens Falling.
Germinavit, effloruit He budded , flourished.
‫נצה‬ ‫| נוֹצָה‬.Plum Feathers, a wing.
, penna a
‫יצא‬ ‫ | נוֹצִיא‬.Educemus We shall bring out.
‫יצר‬ ‫| נוֹצַר‬.Format est us He was formed .
‫נצר‬ Custodiens, servans. Keeping, preserving.

‫ | נוֹצְרִים נֹצְי‬.Custodes Keepers, guards .

Illaqueatus est. He hath been ensnared.
ָּ‫| נוֹקַשְׁת‬Irretilus es Thou hast been ensnared.
‫נוּרָא‬ ‫|נור‬.Ignis
‫ירא‬ ‫רָא‬.Te
ֹ‫| נו‬ rri
, timendus . Terrible , bil
to be feared is
ֹ‫ נו‬.Formidabilis Dreadful.
es les Terrible things.
‫|רָאוֹת‬ֹ‫ נו‬.R terribi
ָ‫| נוֹרְאוֹתֶיך‬.Terribi tua lia Thy terrible acts.
‫נשא‬ " ‫ | נושאי נש‬.Portantes Carrying, bearing.
It was inhabited .
‫| נוֹשָׁבָה אֶת־שֶׁ " ישב‬.Habitat est a
‫ נוֹשָׁבוּ־־בה‬.Habilal sunl e They were inhabited .
[rator. Inhab ited .
‫| נוֹשָׁבוֹת‬.Habitate
‫נשה‬ Commodans, fæne- Lending, an usurer.
‫ישן‬ ‫ֹשָׁן נוֹשֶׁנֶת‬.Inv
‫| נו‬ inve- Grown atus
, eter old
‫ישע‬ ‫ֹשָׁע־־שַׁע‬ .Se
‫ו‬ ‫נ‬ | est . rva
[terata He hath tus
been saved
We have been saved.
ּ‫| נוֹשָׁעֲנו‬.Serva sumus ti
‫נשק‬ ' ‫ | נוֹשְׁקִי־־נש‬.Armakk Armed .
‫נוה‬ Habitationes. [nens. Habitations. [ laying.

‫נתן‬ ֹ‫| נו‬

‫תֵן‬Dans , tradens, po- Giving , delivering , putting
‫יתר‬ ‫וֹתָר־־תר‬.R‫|נ‬ el
est , reman- He ic tus
was left , remained
‫| נוֹתְרָה‬.Relic
est ta [ sit. She was left.

sunt i
ּ‫| נוֹתְרו‬.Relict They were left .
1038 ‫נזרן‬


si I remained.
‫יתר‬ ‫ נוֹתַרְתִּי‬.Reman
ic ti Ye have been left.
‫ נוֹתַרְתֶּם‬.Releslis

abimus We will sacrifice.
‫זבח‬ ‫ נִזְבָּח־־בְּחָה‬.Sacrific
Coxit. He boiled.
Exiliit, emicuit, as He leaped out, gushed forth,
persit,exilirefecit sprinkled , caused to exult.
it us He was warned.
‫זהר‬ ‫ נִזְהָר‬.Admonest
‫נזר‬ ‫ נָזִיד‬Pulmentum. Pottage.
‫נְזִיר‬ ‫ נָזִיר‬.Wazareus A Nazarite.

" Nazaræi ejus, viles Her Nazarites, her separated

separatæ ejus. or consecrated vines.
Viles separate tuæ. Thy separated vines.
‫זכר‬ Recordabimur , me- We will remember , make
morabimus. [biles. mention.
Memorati, memora- Remembered , memorable.

‫נָזֶל‬ Stillavit, fluxit, de- He dropped, flowed, flowed

fluxit, fluere fecit down, caused to flow.
They flowed down.
ּ‫ נָזְלוּ נָזְלו‬.Diflurerunt
‫|נזס‬ An ear-ring.

ּ‫| נזְמָה‬Inauris ,
cjus Her ear-ring.
cs [ened.
‫ נִזְמֵי‬.Inaur Ear-rings.

‫זען‬ Excisi, breviati sunt They have been cut off, short-
‫זעם‬ D`by Irati, desævientes. Angry, raging.
Convocati sunt. They havebeen called together
‫זעק‬ ּ‫נִזְעֲקו‬
AP Convocatus es. Thou hast been called together
Nocuit, læsit. He hurted, impaired.
Pia Damno affectus. Damaged.
Seposuit, separavit He kept apart, separated him-
se, abstinuit, co- self, abstained, crowned.
Corona,diadema ; se- A crown, diadem ; separation,
paratio , Nazara- Nazariteship.
atus. [ejus.
‫נזר‬ Corona, separatio His crown, separation.
‫נחל אשכול‬ 1039

‫זור‬ ּ‫ נָזְרו‬.Separa
| sunt ti They have been separated.
Nazaræatus tuus, Thy Nazariteship, thy hair.
cæsaries tua.

‫זרע‬ Seminabimus. We shall sow.


ַ‫ נֹח‬.Noach Noah , N. M.
‫חבא‬ t
‫ נֶחְבָּא‬.Latri He lay hid.
ּ‫ נֶחְבָּאוּ בְּאו‬.Absconder se unt
They hid themselves.
Absconditi. Hidden.
ָ‫ נַחְבֵּאת‬.Abscondi te sti Thou hast hidden thy self.
, ‫נַחְבִּי‬ Wachbi Nahbi, N. M.
‫חדל‬ Desistemus. [ duxit. We shall forbear.
‫נָחָה‬ Duxit, adduxit, de- He led, brought, guided.
‫נות‬ He rested.
‫ נָחָה‬.Requievit
‫נה‬ it o Lead thou .
‫ נְחֵה‬.Duc
‫נות‬ Requieverunt. They rested.
‫חוה‬ ‫ נְחַנֵּא‬.Indicabimus We will shew .

‫חוּם נְחוּם‬.N
ָ‫נ‬ ac
, Nechum hu
. Nahum , Nehum , N. M m
‫נתם‬ ‫ נָחוּמָי‬.Pen iten
mee tie My repentance.

‫נחץ‬ ‫חוּץ‬.I
ָ‫נ‬ ns
, acceleratus ta
. Urging , hastened ns
‫ נָחוֹר‬.Nachor Nahor, N. M.
‫נחש‬ ׁ‫נָחוּש‬ .Kneus Brazen.

‫נְחוּשָׁה‬ .E, eneas Brass, brazen.

‫חזק‬ ‫ נֶחֱזַק‬.Prevalebimus We shall prevail.
‫חיה‬ We shall live.
‫ נִחְיֶה‬.Vivemus
‫נתה‬ ti Thou leddest.
ָ‫ נָחִית‬.Duris
‫נָחַל‬ In hæreditatem acce- He received or took for an
pil, jure hæredi- inheritance, inherited , pos-
tario possedil, pos- sessed by hereditary right,
sidendum dedit , gave to be possessed, left!
in hæreditatem for an inheritance.

, vallis ns A brook, river, valley..

‫ נחל נחל‬.Torre
‫ נחל‬.Possidendum
dedit He gave for a possession.

‫חלל‬ Pollutus, profanatus He was defiled, profaned.

Nachel-escol. [ est . The brook of Eschol.
Infirmitas, morbus. Weakness , disease.
‫חֲלָה־־לָת־־לַת נחל‬.P
ַ‫נ‬ , os se
haereditas. A possession ss
, an inheritance
Ad torrentem. To the brook, river.

‫ נַחְלָה‬.E ge
, gravi s r Grieved , grievous.. .

ּ‫נָחֲלו‬ Possederunt. They possessed, inherited.

‫חלה‬ Egrotarunt, dolue- They were sick, grieved.

runt. [ diderunt. [ritance .

ֲ‫נִח‬ They distributed for ann
haereditatem tra-I inhe
ditat es Inheritances.
‫ִחָלוֹת‬ ‫נ‬ .Here
ntes Brooks, valleys.
‫ נַחֲלֵי נְחָלִים‬.Torre , valles

Nachaliel. Nahaliel, N. P.
ָ‫ נְחָלֶיה‬.Torrecjus ntes Her streams.
‫ נַחֲלַיִם‬.D u
torrente s o Two brooks, rivers.
We will change .
‫ נַחֲלִיף‬.Mulabimus

‫ נֶחֱלָמִי‬Nechelamites. Nehelamite, N. F. or P.
Liberatus est. He was delivered .

erimuit We will be prepared.

‫ נֶחֱלָץ‬.Exped s
‫נחלתו‬ .He red
ejus itas
. [ pi. His inheritance

ַ‫נָח‬ I
hereditatem accc- n
I have taken as an heritage
‫ ננַח‬.Heredi
‫תִיי‬ meatasMy inheritanc .
ָ‫ נַחֲלָתֶךָ תְך‬.Heredtua itas Thy inheritance .

‫ נַחֲלַתְכֶם‬.Hered ra as
vestit Your inheritance.

itas Their inheritance.

‫ נַחֲלָתָם־־תָן‬.Hered eorum
‫ נחלתנו‬.Hered itaOur
nostra s inheritance.
Condoluit cum ali- He condoled with any one,
$ 55193

quo, consolatus comforted , took comfort,

est, solatium cepit, repented .
O Nacham. [ resipuit. Naham, N. M.
.‫ה‬ ‫ נָחָם‬.Dux eosit [ est. He led them.
‫ נָחָם נְחַם‬Resipuit , consolatus He repented , comforted , was

‫נ‬ nit
, solatium ent
Repentance , comfort i

‫חמד‬ ‫חְמָד‬.Des
ֶ‫נ‬ ider
,jucun- Desirableabil
, pleasant is
ol at iu
cepit. [ dus . She was comforted m
ָ‫| נ‬
Com for t ye
ּ‫ נַחֲמו‬.Consolamini .
Nehemiah, N. M.
‫ נְחֶמְיָה‬.Nechemias
‫מים‬ Solat
‫ח‬ ‫נ‬ | ia ; consolat orii Comforts ; comfortable

‫ נַחֲמָנִי‬Wachamani Nahamani , N. M.
‫נחשב‬ 1041

‫תמס‬ Abrepti sunt. They were taken away.

‫נתם‬ ‫ נֶחָמָתִי‬.Solmeum atiumMy comfort.
" ַ‫ נִחָמְתִּי נִח‬.Penilui me t I have repented.
Thou hast comforted me.
‫ נִחַמְתָּנִי‬.Consola esmetus
‫אני‬ ‫ נָחְנוּ נַחְי‬.Nos
He led me.
‫נחה‬ ‫ נָחַנִי‬.Dus meit
Lead thou me.
‫ נְחֵנִי‬.Duc me
Gratiosa eris. Thou shalt be gracious.
‫חפה‬ ‫ נֶחְפָּה‬.Ope rt
, abtect a aCovered, overlaid.
‫תפן‬ ‫ נַחְפָּז‬.Fe sti nus [sunt. Hastening. [away.
ּ‫ נֶחְפְּזו‬Commoti , festinati They were hurried , hastened
‫חפש‬ We will search ,
‫ נַחְפַּשָׂה‬.Investigabimus
ּ‫ נֶחְפְּשׂו‬.Inv
| esti gatiThey were examined .
Institit, acceleravit. He urged , hastened .
‫חקר‬ ‫| נחקר‬.Pervestigat
est It was carefully examined.
‫חרר‬ stus He was burned.
‫ נָחָר נָחַר‬.Combuest
‫ נְחַר‬.Eraruit He dried up.

‫חרב‬ ּ‫ נַחֵרְבו‬.Gla dio

occisi sunt They were slain with the sword
‫ נַחֲרָבוֹת‬.Desolatae
‫ נְחֹרֶבֶת‬.Desolata
‫נתר‬ His flouting.
‫ נַחְרו‬.Rhonch ejus us
‫חרר‬ ּ‫ נִחָרו‬.Combu suntsti They were burnt.
ּ‫ נִחֲרו‬.Succe suntnsi They were angry.
‫ נחרי‬.Nacharai [lata, Naharai , N. M.
‫חרף‬ Probro affecta, vio- Disgraced , deflowered .
Determined .
‫חרץ‬ ‫ נַחֲרָצָה נֶחֶרֶצֶת‬.Decreta
‫נתר‬ ‫ נַחֲרַת־ קְרַת‬.Rhonchus Snorting.
ac ha s Nahash , N. M. P.
ׁ‫ נָחָש‬.N
ׁ‫נְחַש‬ Attente observavit, He observed attentively ,learn-
experimento didi- ed by experience , used au-
cit, auguratus est, guries, divined .
winwind Serpens. [ divinavit. A serpent.
Divination, an enchantment.
ׁ‫| נַחֵש‬.Divinatio
ׁ‫| נַחֲש‬.Divinando ln divining .
‫ נְחָשׁ שָׁא נְחֹשֶׁת‬.Es
‫חשב‬ ep, habitus . |ut at ed us
ֶ‫| נ‬ Reputed , account
VOL. 11 . 2 ‫א‬
1042 ‫נטויה‬

‫חשב‬ They were counted.

sunt i
' ְׁ‫ נֶחְשָׁבוּ־ש‬.Habil
We have been accounted.
ּ‫ נֶחְשַׁבְנו‬.Reput sumusati
I have been accounted.
‫ נֶחְשַׁבְתִּי‬Habitus sume
‫ נַחְשׁוֹן‬.Nachs on [pentes. Naashon, N. M.
‫נחש‬ Divinationes ;; ser- Enchantments ; serpents.
‫ נְחֹשְׁתָּא‬Nechust, a Nehushta, N.W.
‫נחש‬ ejuss Her brass.
ּ‫ נְחֹשְׁתָּה‬.E
‫ נְחָשְׁתִּי‬.A rea
catenamea My brazen chain.
Experimento didici. I have learned by experience.
Es,virus tuum, æru- Thy brass, rust, poison.
Es suum. [go tua. Their brass.
frustum s A bit of brass.
‫ נַחְשְׁתָּן‬.Eri
‫ נָחַת נַחַת‬.Nachal Nahath, N. M.
‫נָחַת‬ Descendit, demisit, He descended , let down, was
dejectus est ; repo- cast down ; he laid up.
‫נוח‬ ‫ נָחַת נַחַת‬.Quies [suit . Rest, quietness.
‫נחת‬ ‫ נָחֵת נָחַת‬.Descendens Coming down.
‫ נַחֲת‬Demille
, Let thou down.
Dejectus est. He was cast down.

ּ‫ נַחַתו‬.Infire
sunl They have been stuck in.
‫נות‬ ‫ נָחְתִּי נַחְי‬.Quicvi I was quiet.
‫נחת‬ ‫ נָחִתִּים‬.Demissi [ est . Let down. [mined.
Decisus, constitutus He has been decided, deter-

‫טבל‬ ּ‫ נִטְבְּלו‬.Immer sunt si They were dipped.
‫נָטָה‬ Tetendit, porrexit , He spread, stretched forth,
extendit, inclina- extended, bowed, inclined,
vit,declinavit,ver- declined, bent, turned aside,'
sit, divertit, per- perverted , let down.
vertit, demisit.
Divertemus. We will turn aside.

Tetenderunt, exten- They spread, stretched out.

Extenta. [derunt . Stretched forth.
‫ נָטָנִי‬.Declinarunt They declined , turned.
Inclinatus, extentus. Inclined , bowed, stretched out
‫ נְטוּיָה‬Erten, ta Stretched out.
‫נטף‬ 1043

ַ‫ נָטוּע‬Plantatus
, Planted.
‫ | נָטוּעִים‬Planta, Planted , fastened .

Netopatei. Netophathites, N. F. or P.
‫נטש‬ ufto Desere . Leave off, forsake thou.

‫ נְטוּשָׁה‬.Deserta Forsaken .
‫נטה‬ To decline .
‫ נְטוֹת‬.Declinare
Extenti sunt. They were stretched out.
‫נטל‬ ‫ נְטִילִי‬.Portantes [ la. They that bear, carry.[warks .
‫נטש‬ Pinna, propugnacu- Battlements, bastions, bul-
ְ‫ נְטִישׁתַיִך‬Propagines, tue Thy branches, plants , shoots.
‫נטה‬ Extendisti declinavi Thou stretchedst out . [ clined .
Extendi, inclinavi, I stretched out , inclined, de-
‫נָטַל‬ Levavit, tulit, por- He lifted up, carried, bore,
tavit, proposuit , proposed, cast.

‫ נִטְלֶת‬.Levavi [projecit. I have lifted up.

‫טמא‬ Pollutus est. He was defiled.

‫ נִטְמָאָה־־מְאָה‬.Pollula
est She was defiled.

ּ‫ נִטְמְאו‬.Pollut sunt i They have been defiled.

Polluti. Defiled.
Polluta es. Thou hast been defiled.

‫ נִטְמֵאתִי‬.Pollutu sum s I am polluted.

Polluti estis . [ sumus. Ye have been defiled .
Immundi reputali We have been reputed unclean
‫נָטַע‬ Plantavit, pepigit ; He planted, fixed , settled ; a
‫ נָטַע נְטַע‬.Planta [planta. A plant. [plant.
ָ‫ ע‬-- ‫ נָטְעָה‬Plantav, She plan ted.
ּ‫ נָטְעו‬.Plantarunt They planted.
ּ‫ נִטְעו‬.Pla ntat
sunt i They have been planted.
‫ נִטְעֵי נְטָעִים‬.Planle Plants.
‫ טְע‬Plandantes
‫ִים‬.i Planting, planters.
Plantatio tua. Thy planting.
ָּ‫ נָטָעְת‬Plantast
, i Thou plantedst.
‫ נָטַעְתִּי‬.Plantavi I have planted .

ְ‫ נְטַעְתִּיך‬.Plantleavi I have planted thee.

‫ נְטַעְתָּם‬.Plantcos Thou hast planted them.
‫ נְטַעְתֶּם‬.Plantastis Ye planted.
‫נָטַף‬ Stillavit, distillavit. He dropped, distilled .
1044 ‫נינוה‬

Stacte, myrrha ultro Stacte, myrrh which distils

exstillans. from the tree of its own ac-
‫ נִשְׂפָה‬.Netopha Netophah, N. P. [cord.

‫נטף‬ ‫ נָטְפוּ נָטִי‬.Stillarunt They dropped.

Stillantes. Dropping.
Stillæ, gullæ. Drops.

‫ נְשְׂפָתִי‬Netopheus
, Netophathite, N. P.
‫נָטַר‬ Custodivit, servavit, He kept, preserved , reserved ,
reservavit, obser- observed.
Custodiens. [ vavit. Keeping, a keeper.
‫ נִטְרֵת‬.Servavi I kept.

‫ נָטָרְתִּי‬.Custodivi I have kept.

‫נָטַש‬ Solvit, laxavil, elax- He loosed, loosened , relaxed ,
avil, extendit se, stretched himself, suffered,
permisil, omisit, permitted, omitted, left,
reliquil, deseruit. forsook.
Desertus est. He was forsaken.
She was forsaken. [loosed.
‫ נִטְשָׁה‬.Deserta est
Extenti, soluti sunt. They were stretched out,
Dj Diffusi. Spread abroad.
He hath forsaken us.
ּ‫ נְטָשָׁנו‬.Desernosuit
Thou hast forsaken.
‫ נָטַשְׁתָּ־־תְּ־־תָּה‬.Deseruisti
I have left.
‫ נָטַשְׁתִּי‬Reliqui
Thou hast suffered me.
‫ נְטַשְׁתַּנִי‬Permiuisli
‫נטה‬ l She turned aside.
‫ נָטְחָה‬.Diverti


‫ניבי‬ Nebai Nebai , N. M.

‫ נָיוֹת‬.Naiot Naioth, N. P.
‫נוח‬ nning Quies ; gratus. Quiet, rest ; agreeable.
Din Placamenta eorum.
‫ נִיחוֹתֵיהֶם‬.Placamenta eorum Their appeasings.
‫ נִיחוֹחִין‬.Odoresgrati Agreeable odours .
‫ נִיחֹתִי‬.Qumeaies My rest.
De Odor gratus vester. Your agreeable odour.
‫ | נִין‬.Filius A son.

‫נִינְוֵה‬ .Wineves Nineveh, N. P.

‫נכן‬ 1045

‫ינה‬ Opprimemus eos. We will oppress them.

‫ נִיסָן‬.Nisan Nisan, N. Mth.
Lactavit. He, she nursed.
‫נִיר‬ Aravit, proscidit. He ploughed, cut, orbroke up.
‫ניר‬ .Aralio A ploughing.
‫נור‬ ‫ נִיר‬.Lucerna A lamp, candle.
We will fear.
‫ירא‬ ‫ נִירָא‬.Timebimus
‫ניר‬ ּ‫ | נִירו‬.Arale Plough ye.

‫נור‬ ‫ נִירִי‬.Lucer mea na My candle .

‫ירש‬ ‫רְשָׁה‬ ׁ‫ נִירָש‬.Possidebimus Wewill possess,take possession

‫כאה‬ ‫ נִכְאָה‬.Fractus Broken, dispirited .
‫נכה‬ sunt i
ּ‫ נִבְּאו‬.Percuss They were smitten.
si Smitten.
‫ נְכָאִים‬Percus,
‫נכת‬ Storax, gumma o- Storax , an odoriferousgum, or
doratum, vel sec . according to others, balm of
alios opobalsamum Gilead.
‫כבר‬ Honoratus, honora- Honoured, honourable.
bilis. [ riosusfuit. [was glorious .
Oneri erimus ; glo- We shall be burdensome ; he
Glorious things.
‫ נִכְבָּדוֹת‬.Res gloriose
" ַּ‫ נִכְבָּדִּי־־ב‬.Honorabiles The honourable.
Honorati ejus. Her honourable men.
Honoratus es. Thou hast been honoured, ho-
‫כבש‬ ??? Subacta est. She was subdued. [ nourable.

Niwa ? Subjugatæ. Brought into bondage.

‫ נֶכָד‬.Nepos A son's son.

‫נִכָּה‬ Percussit,feriit, la- He smote, struck, hurted,

sit,vulneravil, ex- wounded, conquered, rout-
pugnavit,profliga- ed , killed, slew, cast forth.
vil, occidit, emisit .
‫ | נַכָּה‬.Percutere To smite .
Necho, N. M.
ֹ‫ נְכֹה־־כו‬.Neco
‫נכה‬ Percussus, claudus. Smitten, lame.
Percussi sunt. They were smitten.
1046 ‫נכספה‬


Paratus, statutus, Prepared, ready, fixed , set-

stabilitus, certus, tled, established , certain,
[rectus. Nachon, N. M. [right.
‫ נָכוֹן‬.Wacon
li la She, it was establis hed.
‫ נָכוֹנָה‬.Stabiesl
‫ נְכוֹנָה‬.R,ec rectumta Right.
15--15 Parati, aptati sunt. They were prepared, fitted .
‫כזב‬ Mendax comperta She hath been found, false, de-
‫נכת‬ [est. [ceitful .
Coram, e regione. Before, over against.
[ est. We will conceal.
‫כחד‬ ‫ נְכַחֵד‬.Celabimus
Excisus,absconditus He hath been cut off, hidden.
st absconditi They were cut off, hidden.
ּ‫ נִכְחָדו‬Erci,
[sunt. Cut off.
‫ נִכְחָדוֹת‬.Ezcise
‫נכת‬ Rectum, æquitas. Right, equity .
in Coram eo, e regione Before him, over against it.

‫| נכחות‬.Resrecla [ ejus. Right things.

‫ |נכחים‬.Rec li [claudi. Right.

‫נכה‬ Percussi, vulnerati, Smitten, wounded , lame.

Machinatus est, in- He contrived, plotted, pre-


sidias struxit, do- pared stratagems , acted

lose egit, decepit. craftily, deceived .
They have deceived , beguiled
ּ‫ נִכְּלו‬.Deceperunt
‫כלם‬ Confounded.
‫ נִכְלָם‬.Confusus
Pudore affecti sunt. They were put to shame.
Made ashamed.
‫ נִכְלָמִים‬.Rub si e
Rubore suffusus sum I was confounded . [shrivelled.
‫כמר‬ Adusti, rugati sunt. They were scorched, parched,
Amore incaluerunt. They burned , yearned with
‫נכה‬ We will kill him. [ affection.
ּ‫ נַכֶּנּו‬.Occid emus
‫ נכנים‬.Parali [se. Prepared, ready.
y Abjecit, humiliavit He abased , humbled himself.
" Abjecerunt se. They have humbled them-

‫גכס‬ [ selves.
‫נִכְסִין‬ ‫ נְכָסִים‬.Opes
‫ נִכְסָף‬.Desideratus
‫ נְכָסף‬.Appelendo In longing for.
She longed.
‫ נִכְסְפָה‬.Appeliil
‫נלחם־־חם‬ 1047

‫כסף‬ Appetiisti. Thou longedst.

‫כסה‬ ‫ נִכְסָתָה‬.Tec estta She was covered.
‫נְכַּר‬ Novit, discrevit, dis- He knew, discerned, distin-
tinxit, animadver guished, regarded , acknow-
tit, agnovit, tradi- ledged, delivered, alienat-
dit, alienavit se, ed himself, feigned himself
alienum se finxit. a stranger.
Alienus, alienigena. Strange , a stranger, foreigner.
Alienatio ejus. His becoming a stranger.
17 Agniti sunt. They were known.
Aliena, alienigena.
Strange, a stranger.
D'i˜‍ni”??? Alienœ, alieni, alie- Strange, strangers.
‫כרת‬ Excidemus. [ nigena We will cut off.

‫ נִכְרָת־־רַת‬.Ercisus
est He was cut off.
We will cut.
‫ נִכְרֹת‬.Scindemus
‫ נִכְרָתָה‬.Ercest She was cut off.

‫ נִכְרְתָה‬.Pangemus We will make, agree upon.

ּ‫רְתו‬ isi
ּ‫ נִכְרָתו‬.Erc They were cut off.
‫כתב‬ Scriptus ; scriptum Written ; it was written.
‫ܵܒ‬ ‫| ܕ‬.Scribemus [ est. We will write.
‫נכת‬ -- Aroma, thesauri ejus His spice, treasures.
‫נכה‬ Percussa est. [ est. She was smitten.
‫כתם‬ Signatus, impressus He was marked , impressed.


Egre tulit, defessus He was grieved, wearied.

Defatigati sunt. [ est . They were wearied.
‫ לאית‬.Lassatu es s Thou hast been wearied.
‫אֶתִי‬ ‫ נִלְאֵיתִי‬.Defessussum I have been wearied.

‫נִל‬ formabimus We will make bricks
Vestiemur. We shall be clothed.
Perfecit, absolvit. He perfected, made an end.
‫ גלוה‬.Adjunct
est us He was joined.
11 Perversus. Perverse.
on Pugnavit, pugnans . He fought ; fighting.
‫חַם‬ ‫ נִלְחָם‬.Pugnabimus We will fight.
1048 ‫נמלה‬


‫לחם‬ Pugnando,bellumge- In fighting, making war.

ּ‫ִלְחָמוּ־־חֲמו‬.Pu‫נ‬ . gna runt

[ rendo . They fought
‫חמים‬ ‫ל‬ ‫נ‬ .Pug nanl es Fighting.
I have fought .
‫ נִלְחַמְתִּי‬.Pugnari
We will abide all night.
‫ נָלִין‬.Pernoctabimus
Commoremur . Let us lodge .
‫ילך‬ 7777 Ibimus, veniemus, in- We will go , come, walk.
Captus est. [cedemus He was taken.
‫ גְלִכְּדָה‬.Capta
est She was taken .
Thou hast been taken.
ִּ‫ נָלְכַּדְתָּ־־ת‬.Capesta
We will go, let us go.
‫ילר‬ " --‫ נֵלְכָה‬.Ibim , eamus us
‫לְעָג‬ ִ ‫נ‬ .R id ic ul us Ridiculous .
He was taken .
‫לקח‬ ‫ נִלְקָח־־קַח‬.Captu est s
She was taken.
‫ נִלְקָחָה‬.Cap estta

‫מאס‬ ‫ְאָס‬.Co
‫נִמ‬ nte
,rejectus mpt
Contemned ,rejected . [ temned
‫בזה‬ ‫בְזָה‬-S
ִ‫נְמ‬ pr
, contemptus et
Despised , contemptible , con u
‫מוג‬ ּ‫ֹגו‬.Co
‫נָמ‬ lli cue
, defece- Theymelted ru
away , fainted
O`aba Liquefacti. [ runt. Dissolved.
‫מהר‬ ‫ נמהרה‬.Precipitatus est He was precipitated.
‫ | נִמְהָרִים‬.Precipiles Precipitate , rash.

ּ‫ נָמו‬.Dormitarunt They slumbered .

‫ | נָמוּאֵל‬.Nemuel Nemuel , N. M.
‫ נמוּאֵלִי‬.Nemuelila Nemuelites.
‫מוג‬ Collicuit, diffluxit. He melted away , dissolved.
‫מוט‬ Lapsi, dimoti sunt. They slid, were removed.
‫נמל‬ .Circumcisus est He was circumcised .
‫מות‬ ‫ נָמוּת‬.Moriemur We shall die.
s We will kill thee.
ָ‫ נְמִיתֶך‬.Occidemu
‫מכר‬ ‫ נִמְכַּר‬.Vendi esttus He was sold .
Venditi sumus. We have been sold.
Ye have been sold.
‫ נִמְכַּרְתֶּם‬.rendi catis ti
‫נָמַל‬ Circumcidit, excidit, He circumcised, cut off, cast'
‫מלא‬ Implebimus succidit We shall fill. [down .
He was filled .
‫ נִמְלָא‬.Repletus
‫נמל‬ ‫ נְמָלָה‬.Formnica An ant.
‫נמתיק‬ 1049

‫נמל‬ ּ‫ נמלו‬.Circumcisi
sunt They were circumcised.
‫מלח‬ ,
ּ‫ נִמְלָחו‬Evanuerunt They vanished away.
We shall escape.
‫מלט‬ ‫ נִמָּלֵט‬.Evademus
Evasit, ereptus est . He escaped, was delivered .
She hath escaped .
‫ נָמְלְטָה‬.Evasit
They escaped .
ּ‫לְטו‬-- ּ‫ נִמְלָטו‬.Evaserunt
‫ נמלטנו‬.Evasimus We have escaped .
I have escaped .
‫ נִמְלָטְתִּי‬.Evasi
‫נמל‬ Circumcised .
‫ נמלים‬.Circumcisi
‫מלך‬ Regem constituemus We will make king.
137 Dulces, suaves fue- They have been sweet, pleasant
‫מנה‬ ‫ִמְנָה‬.N
‫נ‬ um est[ runter at
He was number ed us

‫מנע‬ y Cohibitus, prohibitus He was withholden, forbidden

‫מסס‬ ‫ָמֵס‬.L
‫נ‬ iq . [ est. Hefa
estue ctus
ּ‫ נָמַסּו‬.Liqucsunt factiThey were melted.
‫מצא‬ He was found .
‫ נִמְצָא־־אה‬.Inventu est s
enti They were found .
ּ‫ נִמְצָאוּ־־צְאו‬.Invsunt
lui ti
ְ‫ נִמְצָאַיִך‬.Inven They that are found in thee.
es la Thou hast been found.
‫ נִמְצֵאת‬.Inven
I have been found.
‫ נִמְצָאתִי‬.Inven sumtus
They have become corrupt.
‫מקק‬ ּ‫ נָמַקּו‬.Computruerunt
‫ נְמַקִים‬.Contabescentes Pining away .
He was changed.
‫מור‬ ‫ נָמָר‬.Mulat est us
‫נמר‬ ‫ נָמֵר‬.Pardu s A leopard .
Nimrod , N , M.
‫ נִמְרֹד־־רוֹד‬.Nimrod
Nimrah, N. P.
‫ נִמְרָה‬.Nimra
‫נמר‬ ‫ | נמָרִים‬.Pardi Leopards.
‫ נִמְרִים‬.Wimurim Nimrim , N. P.

‫ נִמְרָץ‬.Gra vi
, acerb us s Grievous, sore.
Veheme ntesfuerunt They were forcible,

‫ נִמְרֶצֶת‬.Gra ve
, acerb a sGrievous, sore.
He was anointed .
‫משח‬ ‫ נָמְשַׁח‬.Unctusest
Nimshi , N. M.
‫ נִמְשִׁי‬.Nimsi
‫משל‬ ‫ של‬-- ‫ נִמְשָׁל‬.Simi lis
factus est He became like.
Thou hast become like,
ָּ‫ נִמְשָׁלְת‬.Similis
factus es
‫מתק‬ ‫נַמְתִּיק‬.Sua reddeve
mus m will make sweet.
VOL. II 20
1050 ‫נסחף‬

‫ננח‬ Cornuferiemus. We will push with the horn.
‫| נְנַכֵּן‬.Pulsabimus We will play on instruments .
Fugiemus . [ piemus. We will flee.
In hæreditatem acci- We will take for an inheritance
‫נער‬ Excussus sum, I have been shaken.
We will break off.
‫נתק‬ ‫ נְנַתְּקָה‬.Disrumpemus


‫נןם‬ Fugiens ; fugit. He that fleeth ; he fled.

‫נסה‬ Proba, tenta. Prove, try thou.
‫נסם‬ Vexillum, signum. A standard, banner, sign.
‫סבב‬ Circumdabimus. We will surround.
She hath been turned.
‫ נָסֵבָּה‬.Convers est a
10 Circuierunt. [ movit. They encompassed.
‫נסג‬ Discessit,recessit,re- He departed , retired, removed
‫סגר‬ TO Procumbemus. We will fall down, worship.
‫סוג‬ They were turned away.
ּ‫ נָלָנו‬.Avers sunt i
‫סנר‬ Clausus, inclusus est He was shut, shut in.
‫נָסָה‬ Probavit, explora- He proved, examined, tried,
‫נסס‬ Attolle. [ vit, tentavit Lift thou up. [tempted.
‫נןם‬ She fled away.
‫ נָסָה‬.Aufugit
‫נסה‬ Probavil, tentavit. He proved, tried.
He tried him.
ּ‫ נִסָחו‬.Tentavit
‫נוס‬ ּ‫ נָסו‬.Fugerunt They fled.
Flee ye.
ּ‫ נְסו‬.Fugite
‫סוג‬ iD Recessit, recedemus. He went back , we will go back
Turned away .
‫ נסוֹנִים‬.Aversi
‫ נָסוּנֹתִי‬Recessi I turned back.
‫נסה‬ Tentarunt me . [mus. They tempted me.
‫סור‬ Discedemus, diverte- We will depart, turn aside.
‫נסה‬ To prove, try.
‫ נַסוֹת‬.Probare , tentare
no? Vulsit, avulsit, evul- He pulled ,tore away, plucked
sit, extirpavit. up, extirpated.
‫סחף‬ Eversus, abruptus Hewas swept off, hurried away
‫נסעה‬ 1051


‫נםם‬ ‫ נָסִי‬Te.rillum
, signum My standard, banner, ensign.

meum. [principes. [chiefs.


‫ | נסיכי‬Uncti
, constituti, Anointed, appointed, princes,

‫ נְסִיכָם‬.Lib amenTheir drink offering .

ֹ‫ נְסִיכְמו‬.Princip cjus es His
‫ נָסִים‬.Fugient es They that flee.

‫נסה‬ ‫ נָסִיתו‬.Probast eum i Thou provedst him.

‫ נָסִיתִי‬.P ro ba vi I have proved.
stis Ye tempted.
‫ נָסִיתֶם‬.Tenta
Fudit, libavit, obtu- He poured , poured out, pre-
lit liquida, con- sented a drink offering,
flavit,inunxit, con- melted, anointed , appoint-
Libamen. [ stituit. A drink offering. [ ed , set up.
Fugere te. [sile ejus. That thou fleest. [image.
ឌី g

Libamen, idolum fu- His drink offerings, his molten


" Libamína, idola fu- Their drink offerings , molten

silia eorum . images.
ina Drink offerings.
‫ נְסָכִים‬.Libam
Thou hast done foolishly.
" ַּ‫כ‬ ָּ‫ נִסְכָּלְת‬.Stu lte
lle I have done foolishly.
‫ נָסְכַּלְתִּי‬.Stuegi
Inunxi, constitui. I have anointed, set up.
Inunctus, constitu- I was anointed , set up.
Innixi sunt. [ tus sum They leaned. [up.
‫סמר‬ ּ‫נִסְמָכו‬
us te nt
sumat us I have been sustained , holden
‫ נִסְמַכְתִּי‬.S
ED Signatus,designatus . Marked appointed .
[rexit . We fled .
ּ‫ נַסְנו‬.Fugimus
Attollit, vexillum e- He lifted up , set up a standard
A standard bearer.
DD Signifer.
Пọọi Vexillum erigens. Lifting up a standard .

‫נָסַע‬ Evulsit, amovit, ad- He pulled up , removed ,

vexil, progressus brought , set forward, de-

est, discessit , pro- parted , journeyed .

fectus est.
He hath been removed.
‫ נסע‬.Amotus
Going, journeying.
‫ נסע‬.Proficiscens
We willjourney.
‫ נִסְעָה‬.Proficiscemur
1052 " ‫נעורי־־רי־־ע‬

‫נסע‬ " Discesserunt , pro- They departed , journeyed .


‫ נסעִים‬.Profiacicentes Journeying .
‫ספה‬ Absumptus, periens. Consumed, perishing.
us We will declare.
‫ספר‬ ‫ נְסַפֶּר‬Enarrabim
Ascendi eduxit. He ascended , went up,took up
‫סרח‬ Excurrit,luxuriavit She, it hath shot out, become

ְ‫נָסְרֹך‬ .Wiaroc Nisroch, N. I. [luxuriant.

‫נסה‬ ‫| נָפְתָה‬.Tentavil She tried .

‫נןם‬ I fled.
‫ נָסְתִּי‬.Fugi
‫נסה‬ To prove thee.
ָ‫ נַסֵּתֶך‬.Probare
eos e
‫ נַשָּׂתָם‬.Tentar That they tempted .
‫נים‬ ‫ַסְתֶּם‬.F
‫נ‬ ug is
. [ sconditu tis
s. Ye fed [self, hidden .
‫סתר‬ ‫תֵּר‬-L
ַ‫נָס‬ ab- He lay hidden ; ui
; latens, al hiding him
We shall hide ourselves.
‫ נָסָתֵר‬.Lalebimus
‫ נִסְתָּרָה־־תִּי‬.abscondi est ta She was hidden.
ului They were hidden .
ּ‫ נִסְתְּרו‬.Occsunt
We have hidden ourselves.
ּ‫| נִסְתָּרְנו‬.Abscondimus nos
ָּ‫ נִסְתַּרְת‬Abscondisti te. Thou hast hidden thyself.

‫נוע‬ y Vagans, vagus. Wandering, a fugitive.
‫עבד‬ ‫ נַעֲבֹד‬.Colemus We will serve, worship.
Made to serve.
‫ נֶעֶבֶד־־עִי‬.Servi faclus re
ּ‫ נַעַבְדֶנּו‬.Servicmei us We shall serve him.
‫עבר‬ ‫עעִִבבְְּּרָרהָה‬ ‫ נַעֲבֹר‬.Transibimus We will pass over.
‫עדר‬ He failed, was wanting.
, defuit it
‫ נֶעְבָּר־־דָּר‬.Defec
‫| נעדרה‬.Defec , defuit it
. She failed, was wanting.
‫ נעדרת‬.Deficiens Failing .

‫ נֹעָה‬.Woa Noah, Neah, N. W. P.

‫נוע‬ Vagati sunt, disces- They staggered , departed,
serunt, vacillarunt went away, wandered.
‫ערה‬ ‫ נַעֲוִיתִי‬.Perver sum sus I have been perverted .
‫ נעול‬.Clausus Shut up, inclosed .
cus sus Shaken off.
‫ נָעוּר‬.Er
‫ נעור‬.Expergefactus est He was roused.
‫ נְעוּרָי־־רַי־־עי‬.Adolesc
mea My youth.
‫נעמד נעמדה‬ 1053

‫נער‬ ָ‫ נְעוּרֶיה‬.Adolescejus a youth.

a youth.

ָ‫| נְעוּרָיִךְ־־רֶיך‬.Adolesce
‫ נְעוּרָיְכִי‬.Adolesce tuantiThy
a youth .
‫| נְעוּרִים‬.Adolescentes
SER |||||||

‫נוע‬ niy Moventes se. Moving .

rsa Perverse .
‫עוה‬ ‫ נַעֲוַת‬.Perve
‫עזב‬ ‫ נַעֲזב‬.Deseremus We will forsake.

‫ נֶעֶזָב‬.Derelictus Forsaken.
‫| נעזב‬.Deseruimus We have forsaken.

‫ נַעַזְבָה‬.Relinquemus We will leave off .

‫ | נֶעֶזְבָה‬Derelicta
, Forsaken .
‫ | נעיאל‬.Neiel Neiel, N. P.

‫נעם‬ O Suavis, amenus. Sweet, pleasant.

‫עכר‬ esttus
‫ נֶעְכָּר‬.Turba He was troubled.

‫ נֶעְכָּרֶת‬.Perturbaest la She was disturbed.

Clausit, obseravit, He shut, locked , bolted, shod.
Calceus. [calceavit. A shoe.
He was lifted up, exalted .
‫עלה‬ ‫ נַעֲלָה‬.Elatus eat
We will go up.
‫ נַעֲלֶה‬.Ascendemus
‫נעל‬ His shoe.
ֹ‫ נַעֲלו‬.Calceus ejus
‫|עלות‬ ‫ נ‬.Obserate Locked, bolted .
Calceus meus. My shoe.
His shoes.
‫ נְעָלָיו‬.Calcei ejus
Thy Calcei tui. Thy shoes.
cei Your shoes.
‫ נַעֲלֵיכֶם‬.Cal
‫ נעלים‬.Calcei
es s Thou hast been exalted.
‫עלה‬ ָ‫| נַעֲלִית‬.Elatu
77 Calceus tuus. [dita. Thy shoe.
‫עלם‬ ‫נֶעְלָם נַעֲלָמָה‬.absc ondit
,abscon- Hidden us
itus He was hidden.
‫ נֶעְלָם‬.Abs cond est
‫ נַעֲלָמִים‬.Dissimulatores
‫עלם‬ Gaudens, exultans . Rejoicing, exulting.
Suavis, amanus, ju- He was sweet, pleasant, de-
cundus, decorus fuit lightful, beautiful .
‫ נעם‬Suavitas , amenitas , Sweetness , pleasantness,beauty
‫ נָעַם‬.Naam [ decor. Naam , N. M. .
‫עמד‬ We will stand .
‫ נַעֲמֹד נַעַמְדָה‬.Stabimus
1054 ‫נעריה‬


‫ נַעֲמָה‬.Naama Naamah , N. W. P.

‫נעם‬ ‫ נָעֲמָה‬Amaæna ,
fuit She was pleasant.
‫ נעמי‬.Suaves fuerunt They were sweet .
‫ נְעָמוֹת‬.Amenitales Pleasantnesses, pleasures.
‫ נ‬.Naomi
‫עמי‬T:T Naomi, N.W.
‫ נַעֲמִי‬.Naamila Naamites, N. F.
‫ נַעֲמָן‬.Naaman Naaman, N. M.

‫נעם‬ Dy Amanitates. [fuisti. Pleasures, delights. [ beautiful.

Jucundus, decorus Thou hast been pleasant,

‫ נַעֲמָתִי‬.Naamatiles Naamathite, N. F. or P.
‫ נענה‬.Aficta Afflicted.
‫ נַעֲנֶה‬Aflictus ; respon- Afflicted ; answering.
dens. [sum. [flicted .
Respondebo, afflictus I will answer, have been af

‫ענש‬ " Muletati, puniti sunt They have been amerced, pu-

‫נעץ‬ [nished.
‫עצב‬ ‫נֶעֶצֶב‬ ‫ נעצב‬.Doluil He was grieved.
We shall retain.
‫עצר‬ ‫ נַעֲצר‬.Relinebimus
‫ נֶעֶצָר‬.Detentus
We will detain.
‫ נַעְצְרָה‬.Detinebimus
She, it was stayed.

‫ נֶעֶצָרָה‬.Cohib estita
‫נָעַר‬ Excussit, experge. He shook, shook off, was
factus est, rugivit roused, roared.

‫נַעַר‬ ‫ נָעַר‬.P ue
, adolesc ens rA boy, lad, youth.
‫ נער‬.Ercutiens He that shaketh.

ָ‫ נַעֲר‬.Puella A maid, damsel.

Puer, servus ejus. Her lad, servant.

‫נַעֲרָה‬ .Waara Naarah, N.W.

‫נער‬ ּ‫ נַעֲרו‬.Rugiverunt They roared.
Puer, servus ejus, His lad, servant.

" ָ‫ נַעֲרוֹת נְע‬.Puellae Maids, damsels.

Her maidens.
' ‫ ר‬-- ָ‫ נַעֲרוֹתֶיה‬.Pueejusllae
His maidens.
‫ נַעֲרוֹתָיו‬.Puell ejus ae
Naarai, N. M.
‫ נַעֲרִי‬Waarai
‫נער‬ juvenesri The boys, lads, young men.
‫ נַעֲרֵי נְעָרִים‬.P, ue
‫ נְעָרָי‬.Pume My lads, servants.
s Neariah, N. M.

‫ נְעַרְיָה‬Nearia
‫נפח נפח‬ 1055

‫נער‬ eorum ri Their lads, servants .

‫ נַעֲרֵיהֶם‬.Pue
His lads, servants.
‫ נְעָרָיו‬Pueri ejus
tuiri Thy lads , servants .
ְ‫ נְעָרִיך‬.Pue
‫ערך‬ ְ‫ נַעֲרֹך‬.Disponemus We will dispose, order.
‫נער‬ ְ‫ נַעַרְך‬.Pue tuus r Thy lad , servant.
‫ערם‬ Coacervati sunt. They were gathered together.

‫ נַעֲרָן‬.Naaran Naaran , N. P.
‫ נַעֲרָץ‬Fornidan, To be feared, dreaded.
ra la
‫ נַעֲרָתָה‬.Naa Naarath, N. P.
si I shook.
‫נער‬ ‫ נָעַרְתִּי‬.Ercus
‫ נַעֲרֹתָי‬.Pue lle
mea My maidens.
‫עשה‬ ‫ נַעֲשָׂה‬.Facest tum It was made, done.

MyFaciemus, parabi- We will make, do, prepare ;

mus ; parati. prepared. [pared .
Facti, parati sunt. They were made, done , pre-
‫ נַעֲשִׂים‬.Facli
" ָׂ‫ נעשְׂתָה נֶעֶש‬.Facla
est It was done, made, executed.
‫עתם‬ Day Obscuratus est. He was darkened.

Noph. Noph , N. M.

‫ נֶפֶג‬.Nepheg Nepheg, N. M.
‫כנע‬ ‫ נִפְגַע‬.Intercedemus We will intercede.
‫פנש‬ ּ‫ נִפְגָּשׁו‬.Occurrerunl They met .
‫פרה‬ estpla She was redeemned .
‫| נִפְדָּתָה‬.Redem
‫פוג‬ ‫ נָפוּגָתִי‬.Defeci I have fainted, failed.
‫נפח‬ Blown .
ַ‫ נָפוּח‬.Sufflatus
‫ נָפוֹל‬.Cadendo In falling .
Coinininutus. Broken in pieces.
‫ נָפוּץ‬Dispergem , ur We shall be scattered.

estrsa She hath been scattered.

‫ נָפוֹצָה‬.Dispe
Driving Dispersi estis. Ye have been scattered.

‫ | נָפוֹצים‬.Dissipali Dispersed, scattered. [ tered.

‫פזר‬ ּ‫ נָפַזְרו‬.Disper sunt si They were, have been scat-
‫נָפָח‬ Flavit, spiravit, in- He blew, breathed, breathed

‫ נֹפֶח‬.Nophach [flavit . Nophah, N. P. [into.

‫נפח‬ Sufflans ; sufflatus. Blowing ; blown.
1056 ‫נפלת נפלת‬

‫נפח‬ Eflavil, expiravit. She hath breathed out, expired

‫ נפיסים‬.Nephusim Nephusim, N. M.

ׁ‫ נָפִיש‬.Waphis Naphish, N. M.

Smaragdus. An emerald.

‫נָפַל‬ Cecidit, accidit, cor- He fell, happened, befel, fell


ruit, defecit, exci- to the ground, failed, fell

dit, irruit, decidit, off, fell upon, fell down , fell
succubuit, delap- under, decayed, lay down ,
sus est, decubuit, alighted, was in vain, pour-
desilïil,irritusfuit, ed,presented,cast down , cast
fudit, prostravit, forth, cast lots, divided by
dejecit, ejecit, sor- lot.
temprojecit, sorte

‫ | נפל‬.Cadens [divisit. Falling.

Corruit. He fell.

‫נֶפֶל נֶפֶל‬. An untimely birth.
‫פלא‬ 187 Mirabiles fuerunt. They were wonderful.
‫ נִפְלָאוֹת־־אֹת‬.Mirabilia Wonders, wonderful works.

" ‫ נַפְלְאוֹתָיו־א‬.Mirabil ejus ia His wonders.

Thy wonders.
" ‫ נִפְלָאוֹתֶיךָ־א‬.Mirabil tua ia
‫ נ‬.Mirabiles Wonderful, marvellous.

‫לְאַתָה‬-- ‫ נִפְלָאת‬.Mirabil She, it was wonderful.

fluit is
Mirabilis, difficilis. Wonderful, difficult.
meaia My wonders .
ִ‫ נ‬.Mirabil
‫פלג‬ ‫ נִפְלְנָה‬.Divisa
est She, it was divided./
‫נפל‬ ‫ נָפְלָה נָפְלָה‬.Corruit She fell, fell down.
‫ נִפְלָה‬.Cademus [ runt. We will fall .

ּ‫ נָפְלוּ נָפְלו‬Ceciderunt, corrue- They fell.

That he fell.
ֹ‫ נָפְלוֹ נִפְלו‬.cader eum e
They fell down.
ּ‫ נְפַלו‬.Corruerunt
ּ‫ נָפְלו‬.Cadile Fall ye.

Cadentes, delapsi [ tes Falling , fallen.


Excidentes, deciden- Falling off, falling down.

Mirificefactus sum. I have been wonderfully made.
‫נפל‬ ere That they fall.
‫ נִפְלָם‬.Cadeos

Cecidisti, corruisti. Thou fallest, art fallen.

‫ ישר‬- ‫נפשי‬ 1057

‫נפל‬ Falling.
‫ נֹפֶלֶת‬.cadens
1 I fell.
‫ נָפַלְתִּי‬Cecidi
Perturbatu sum . I have been troubled.
‫נָפֵץ‬ Sparsit,dispersit,col- He scattered, dispersed , dash-
lisit, comminuit. ed, broke in pieces .

Dispersio, collisio. A dispersion, dashing in pieces.


Dispergere, commi- To disperse, scatter, break in

MIYDI MYDI Sparsa est. [nuere. She was scattered. [pieces.
Dispersi sunt. They were dispersed , scattered

ּ‫ נָפֿצו‬.Dissip suntali They have been scattered.


Diy Dispersi estis. Ye have been scattered.


Dy Dispersi, dissipati. Dispersed, scattered.

Egressus est, eduxit, He went out, brought forth,
exportavit. [ est. carried out.

TP Defuit, desideratus He was wanting, missed .

P Egressa sunt. They came forth.

‫ נָפְקִין‬.Egredientes Coming forth.

She went forth.
‫ נֶפְקַת‬.Egressa
‫ נִפְקְתָּא‬.Sumptus [ratus. Expence. [being separated.
779 Separavit se; sepa- He hath separated himself;
isi They were divided .
ּ‫ נִפְרָדוּ־־רְדו‬.Div sunt
‫ נִפְרָדִים‬.Separati Separated.
Broken , open.
Ruptus, apertus.
We will break forth.
‫ נִפְרְצָה‬.Prorumpemus
‫ נִפְרָשׁוֹת‬.Disperse
Respiravit, requie- He breathed , rested , was re-
vit, recreatus est. freshed.
W W Halilus, vila, animal, Breath, spirit , life, living crea-
caro, corpus, ani- ture, flesh, body, soul , mind ,
ma, animus, cor, heart, will, appetite, desire.
voluntas, appeten-
Muja Anima ejus. [ tia. Her soul.
‫פוש‬ ּ‫ נַפְשׁו‬.Disper
sunt si They were dispersed.
‫נפש‬ His soul.

ֹ‫ נַפְשׁו‬.Anima
‫ נַפְשׁוֹת נְפָשִׁים‬.Anime
"iyj--¶niv ) Animæ nostræ. Our souls.

‫ שָׁף‬-- ‫ נַפְשִׁי‬.Anima
mea My soul.
VOL. II. 2 P
1058 ‫נצה‬
Thy soul.
‫ נַפְשֶׁךָ־שְׁךָ־־שַׁךְ נפש‬.Aniluama
vestrma Your soul .
‫ נַפְשְׁכֶס‬.Ani a
Their soul.
‫ נַפְשָׁם‬.An ima
nostrama Our soul.
ּ‫ נַפְשֵׁנו‬.Ani
ִ‫נ‬ vari of Ofended catiby treachery on
‫נפש‬ ‫ נַפְשֹׁתֵיכֶם‬.Ani me Your souls.
‫נפת‬ ‫ נָפַת‬.Tractus
, regio A country, region .
.S , ti
fauus .[ est . All at
dropping , honeyc omb i
e c t u
‫פתה‬ ‫ְתָּה‬.‫נִפ‬ P ,e l
deceptus He lwas inveigled , deceived
Nephtoah , N. P.
ַ‫ נֶפְתּוֹח‬.Wephtoach
‫פתל‬ ‫ נַפְתּוּלִי‬.Luctationes Wrestlings .
‫פתח‬ Opened.
‫ נַפְתָּח‬.Aperlus
est us He hath been loosed.
‫| נָפַתַּח‬.Solut
sunt i They were opened .
ּ‫ נִפְתָּחוּ־־תְּחו‬.apert
Naphtuhim , N. M.
‫ נַפְתָּחִים‬.Naphtuchim
I have anointed .
‫נוף‬ ‫|נפתִּי‬.Unzi
‫פתל‬ Perverse , froward .
‫ נָפְתָּל‬Perversus
Naphtali , N. M.
‫ נַפְתָּלִי‬.Naphtali
The perverse , froward .
‫פתל‬ ‫ נָפְתָּלִים‬.Perversi
sum . I have wrestled.
‫ נִפְתַּלְתִּי‬Luctata

A hawk . T
‫נצה‬ ‫| נֵץ‬.Accipiter
Avolare, aufugere. To fly away, flee away.
‫יצא‬ ‫ נצא‬.Egrediemur We will go forth .
‫יצב‬ Stans, statutus, con- Standing, set, appointed .
[stitutus. She stood.
‫ נְצָבָה נִצְבָה‬.Stetit
They stood .
ּ‫ נָצְבו‬Steterunt
‫נצב‬ ‫ בים‬-- ‫צִי‬ ‫צְבִי‬Prefe
ְ‫נ‬ cti , presidia , Officers , garrisons
prefecti es Standing, officers.
‫יצב‬ ‫ נָצְבִים‬.St, ant
Strength , firmness , stability .
‫נצב‬ ‫ נִצְבְּתָא‬.R,ob firmitasur
‫צרה‬ ּ‫ נִצְרו‬.Desol suntati They were destroyed .
‫נָצָה‬ Avolavit, aufugit, He flew away, fled away,
rixalus est, certa- quarrelled , strove , laid
vil, vastavit. waste.
‫נצרתי‬ 1059

A flower.
‫נוץ‬ ‫ נִצָה‬.Flos
ּ‫ נְצָה‬.Floejus s [runt. Her flower.
‫נצה‬ Avolarunt, aufuge. They flew away, fled away.
[mus. Keep thou .
‫נצר‬ ‫ נָצוֹר‬.Custodi
‫צור‬ Muniemus, obsidebi- We will fortify, besiege.
‫נצר‬ ְ ‫נ‬ .C ustodila Guarded, watched, besieged.
‫ָה‬ ‫ר‬ ּ ‫ו‬ ‫צ‬
‫נֶצַח‬ Superavit, præfuit, He overcame, presided, set
præfecit, ursil. over, urged.
MY MY MY Eternus, in æter- Eternal, perpetual, for ever.
Robur meum. [ num . My strength.
I ulan For ages, for ever.
‫ נְצָחִים‬. sec
Their strength .
‫ נִצְחָם‬.Robu eorum r
‫ נִצְטַדָּק‬.Justificabi nos musWe will justify ourselves.
‫נצב‬ Præsidium, statua, A garrison, statue, pillar,
‫יב‬ ‫צ‬ ‫נ‬ | .Nelsib [ columna. Nezib, N. P.
‫נציח‬ .Ne tsiach Neziah, N. M.
‫נצה‬ ‫| נְצִים‬.Contendentes They that strove.
‫נָצֵל‬ Eruit, eripuit,libera- He rescued , delivered , freed ,
vil, confugit, abs- escaped,took away,stripped,
tulit,detraxit,diri- spoiled.
Erepti sumus. [puit . We have been delivered .
‫צמת‬ rditi They have been destroyed.
ּ‫ נִצְמָתו‬.Dispesunt
Excisus sum. I was cut off.

‫צפן‬ Absconditus est. He was hidden.

Lalilabimus . We will lurk.
Absconditi sunt. They were hidden.

‫נָצֵץ‬ Nituit, scintillavit. He glittered, sparkled.

‫נָצַר‬ Servavit, custodivit, He kept, guarded , preserved,'
conservavit,obser- observed.
Surculus. [vavit. A branch.

‫נִצְרָה‬ ‫ נְצֹר‬.Custodi Keep thou.

‫ נצר‬.Custodiens He that keepeth.

ּ‫ נֹצְרָה‬.Custodi eam ens He that keepeth it.

Keep thou her.
ָ‫ נִצְרֶה‬.Cuseam todi
ּ‫ נָצְרו‬.Conservarunt They preserved.
They that keep, observe.
‫ נֹצְרֵי‬.Observantes
Custodivi, observavi. I have kept , observed .
1060 ‫בקורא‬

‫נצר‬ ‫ נְצָרָתָם‬.Custodi eos vit He hath kept them.

nsa She was kindled .
‫יצת‬ ‫ נִצְתָה‬.Acceest
om bu st
t i They were burnt.
ּ‫ נִצְתָה נִצְתו‬.C sun
ejus s His flower.
‫נוץ‬ ֹ‫ נִצָתו‬.Flo

Munda, pura. Clean , pure.
Necheb. Nekeb, N. P.

‫נָקַב‬ Perforavit, trans- He bored, pierced , thrust

fixit, distinxit, no- through, marked, named,
minavit,constituit, appointed,stigmatized, blas-
ignominia notavit, phemed , cursed .
maledixit, execra-

‫ נְקֵבָה‬.Femina [ tus est. A woman, female.

Nomina, constitue. Name, appoint thou.
Nominali. Named.
Nominati sunt. They were named, expressed.

‫קבל‬ Sapa Recipiemus. [sunt . We shall receive.

‫קבץ‬ ּ‫ נִקְבְּצו‬Collecti, congregati They weregathered, assembled

Perforasti, transfix- Thou hast pierced, thrust
isti. thro' . [speckled with points.

‫נָקַד‬ Punctis respersil. He interspersed with spots,

‫ נקד‬.Punc tis
respersi Speckled with points.
‫| קֵד‬‫נ‬ .P as to r A shepherd.
Studs, spots, points.
‫ נְקְדּוֹת־־דִּים‬.Puncta
us We will come before.
‫קדם‬ ‫ נְקַדְמָה‬.Preveniem
catus was sauctified .
‫קדש‬ ׁ‫ נִקְדַּש‬.Sanctifiest
Mundus, purus, in- He was clean, pure, innocent,
nocensfuit; mun- blameless ; he cleansed, held
davit, insontem guiltless , acquitted , left un-
habuit, absolvit, punished .
impunitum dimisit

| pun iluTo
dimitui sgo unpunished.
Innocens habitus est He was held guiltless .

‫קהל‬ Congregati sunt . [ us. They were assembled .

‫נקב‬ ap Perforatus, transfix- Pierced, thrust through.

Nekoda, N. M.
‫ נְקוֹדָא‬.Wecoda
‫נקרא‬ 1061


We will wait.
‫קוה‬ ‫ נְקַוֶה‬.Expectabimus
We will rise.
‫קום‬ ‫ נָקוּם‬.Surgemus
App Capiemus, sumemus. We will take.

‫קיט‬ est sa
‫ נָקְטָה‬.Perte She was weary of, tired of.

‫נקה‬ PPP Innocens, immunis, Innocent, exempted, clear,

Mundilies. [purus. Cleanness. [pure.
Innocent, guiltless, blameless.
‫ נְקִיים־־ים‬.Innocentes
‫| נָקָיוֹן‬.Innocentia Innocency.
I have been innocent.
‫ נָקֵיתִי‬Innocens,fui
‫קלל‬ He was light, worthless.
‫ נָקָלִ־־קֵל‬Lewis , wilis
, fuit
‫ נְקַלָּה‬.Levis Light.
‫קלה‬ Frictus, spretus. Parched, despised .

‫נָקָם‬ Ultus est, vindicavit. He revenged, avenged.

‫נָקָם נְקֵם‬ .indicta Vengeance.
Dp Vindicando. In avenging.

nopi opi Ulciscens . He, she that avengeth .

‫ נָקֹם‬.Ulciscere Avenge thou .

‫ נְקָמָה נִקְמַת‬.Uuio Vengeance.

‫ נְקָמוֹת־־מת‬.rindicie
I have avenged.
‫ נָקַמְתִּי‬Uuus sum
‫ נִקְמָתִי‬.Pindi meact a My vengeance.
icta Thy vengeance.
ָ‫ נִקְמָתֵךְ־־תְך‬.indtua
ic ta Thei r vengeance.
‫ נִקְמָתָם‬.ind eorum
ּ‫ נִקְמָתֵנו‬.vindi nostrct
a aOur vengeance.
‫נקה‬ ‫ נַקְנִי‬.Mun meada[est. Cleanse thou me.
Divulsus, alienatus He was separated, alienated .
She was alienated.
‫ נָקְעָה‬.Alien estata
Concidit, destrinxit, He cut up,lopped off, cut down
PP Excisio. [ succidit. A cutting off.
ּ‫ נָקְפו‬Concideru
, nt They cut up, destroyed.

Effodit,perforavit, e- Hedug out,pierced,was digged

P Perforavilrutus est He pierced.
‫קרא‬ Vocatus,prædicatus, He was called, proclaimed,
lectus est ; accidit; read; happened, befel ; we
vocabimus. will call.

‫קרה‬ ‫ נָקְרא‬.Accidendo Iu happening.

1062 ‫נרדפנו‬


‫קרא‬ ּ‫ נִקְרָאו‬.Foc ntti

sua They were called.
t [su . [ Read .
‫ נִקְרָאִים‬Lect,
, advocata I have been called , invited.
‫ נָקְרָאתִי‬Vocata
‫קרב‬ ‫ נִקְרַב‬.Accedemus We will approach .
Let us draw near.
‫ רִי‬-- ‫ נִקְרָבָה‬.4ppropinquemus
it He met.
‫קרה‬ ‫ נִקְרָה‬Occurr,
ur ri I met.
‫ נָקְרִיתִי‬.Occ
sus He was sent.
‫קרע‬ ‫ נִקְרָע‬.Fisest
‫ נְקַרְתֶּם‬.Ercat uisti Ye have been dug out.
ׁ‫נָקֵש‬ Laqueum tetendit,il- He laid snares, entangled, was
laqueavit, irreli- ensnared ; dashed together.
tus est ; collisit.
‫קשה‬ ‫ נִקְשֶׁה‬.Arctalus
‫קשב‬ ‫בָה‬ ‫ נַקְשִׁיב‬.Attendemus We will attend, hearken.

‫ נָקְשָׁן‬.Collisa [est. Dashed together.

‫קשר‬ ‫ְשְׁרָה‬.V
‫נִק‬ in
, conjuncta ct
She was bound, knit together


‫ גָר גְר‬.Lucerna A lamp, candle.

‫ | נר‬.Ner Ner, N. M.

‫ראה‬ Visus est, apparuit. He was seen, appeared.

‫ נִרְאֶה‬.Tidebimus We shall see.
ּ‫ נִרְאו‬.Vsunt They were seen .
sa She was seen.
‫ נִרְאֲתָה‬.Viest
Nergal, N. I.
‫ נֵרְגָל‬.Nergal
Nergal-sharezer, N. M.
‫שַׁרְאֵצֶר‬ ‫ נִרְגֶל‬Nergal -saretser
‫רגן‬ ‫ נִרְגָּן‬Susurro A tale-bearer, whisperer.

‫נִרְדָה‬ ‫ גְרֵד‬.Descendemus We will go down .

ְ‫ נֵרְך‬.Wardus Spikenard .

‫ נִרְדִי‬.Wardu mea s My spikenard.

‫ נְרָדִים‬.Wa rdi [rutus. Spikenard-plants. [sleep.
‫ נִרְדָּם‬Dormiens ,soporeob- Sleeping , overwhelmed with
‫נִר‬ obrutusop or
sum . I was in a deep sleep e
Præteritus ; perse- Past ; we will persecute.
ִ‫נ‬ . [ quemur .ue
eq mur
We will follow

ּ‫נִרְדָּפְנו‬.Insec tali
summus We have been persecuted.
‫נשא‬ 1063

‫נור‬ ּ‫ נְרָה‬.Lucerejus na Her candle.

‫ גרו‬.Lucer ejus na His lamp.
We will be satiated.
‫רוה‬ ‫ נִרְוֶה‬.Satiabimur
We will run .
‫רוץ‬ ‫ָה‬‫ נָרוּצ‬.Curremus
‫רחב‬ Dilatatus,ampliatus. Extended, enlarged .
‫נור‬ ‫ נֵרִי‬.Lucer mea na My candl
ּ‫ נֶרְיָּה־־הו‬.Nerias Neriah, N. M.
We will shout.
‫רוע‬ ‫ נָרִיעַ־־עָה‬.Clangemas
‫רכב‬ Equitabimus. [ bimus We will ride.

‫רנן‬ Cantabimus, exulta We will sing, rejoice.

‫רוע‬ ‫ נָרַע‬.Malefaciemus We will do evil.
We shall hunger .
‫רעב‬ ‫ נִרְעָב‬.Esuriemus
She was moved.
‫רעש‬ ‫ נִרְעֲשָׁה‬Commola, est
‫רפא‬ Sanatus est. He was healed.
‫רפה‬ Remissi, otiosi. [ tus. Remiss , idle.
‫רפס‬ Conculcatus, turba- Trodden, troubled .
‫רפא‬ ala
‫ נִרְפָּתָה‬.Curest She was healed.
‫רצה‬ ‫ נִרְצָה‬.Accep esttus He was accepted.
‫נור‬ ‫ נרת‬.Lucerne Lamps.
ejus ne Her
ָ‫ נֵרֹתֶיה‬.Lucer


‫נָשָׁא‬ Decepit, seduxit. He deceived, beguiled.

Cepit, rapuit, sustu- He took, took away, took up,
lit, levavit, attulit, lifted up, bare up, carried,
portavit, extulit, exalted, honoured , fetched ,
1 honoravit, dedux- brought, received, contain-
it, adduxit, acce- ed, numbered, married, for-
pit, continuit, re- gave, burned.
censuit, duxit,con-
donavit, exarsit.
‫נשה‬ In forgetting.
‫ נָשֹׁא‬.Obliviscendo
‫נשא‬ Recense ; portando, Reckon thou ; in bearing, tak-
wy Attolle. [auferendo. Take thou up. [ing away.
Condonatus. Forgiven.

‫ נְשׂא נשא‬.Fere , efferre

ndo In bearing, to lift up.
‫ נִשָׂא‬.Extulit He lifted up, exalted.
1064 ‫נשאתם‬


‫נשא‬ Sustulit, condonavit ; He took up, forgave ; we will

tollemus ; elatus. take up; lifted up.

‫נשה‬ Commodans, fœne- He that lendeth, lendeth on

‫נשא‬ ‫ נָשִׂאָה‬.Accepit [ rans. She received, obtained. [ usury
Elata, excelsa. Lifted up, high .
" - Ceperunt, levarunt, They took, took away, lifted
extulerunt, recen- up, exalted, reckoned, ho-
suerunt, honora- noured, regarded.
IN Sustulit eum. [ runt. He took him up.
Extulit eum. He exalted him.

ּ‫ נָשְׂאו‬.Decept
sunt i They were deceived .

‫ נֹשְׂאוֹת‬.Adducentes Bringing.
ּ‫ נָשָׂאו‬.Duxerunt They have taken, married.
Portantes, ferentes. Carrying, bearing.
‫ נִשְׂאִים‬.N,ub vaporesesClouds , vapours.
‫ נֹשְׂאִים‬.Portantes Carrying.

‫ נִשְׂאים‬.Imponentes Laying upon.

Tulit, portavi le. He bare, carried thee.
‫שאל‬ Petiit, impetravit. He asked, obtained.

‫ נִשְׁאֹל‬.Postulando In asking, requiring.

I obtained leave.
‫ נִשְׁאַלְתִּי‬.Impetravi
‫שאר‬ Relinquemus. [ sit We will leave.
Relictus est, reman- He was left, remained.
She was left.
‫נִשְׁאָרָה־־אֵי‬ .Relic est ta
ined .
ּ‫אֲרו‬ ּ‫נִשְׁאָרו‬ .Remanserunt They rema
We have been left.
ּ‫נִשְׁאַרְנו‬ .Relic summus ti
‫נִשְׁאַרְתִּי‬ .Relictu sum s I was left.
‫נשא‬ Extulisti, portasti, Thou hast lifted up, borne,
Afferens condonasti Bringing. [ forgiven.

‫ נֹשְׂאֹת‬.Portantes Carrying.
Elata ; donum. Lifted up ; a gift.

‫ |נשאת‬.Accipiens Receiving, obtaining.

Condonasti. [ navi. Thou hast forgiven. [ forgiven
Cepi, portavi, condo- I have taken, carried, borne,
Portata vestri, onera Carried by you, your burdens
Portasti eos. [ vestra. Thou hast borne them .
Ye have borne.
‫ נְשָׂאתֶם‬.Porlastis
‫נשוב‬ 1065

melit He took me up.

‫נשא‬ ‫ נְשָׂאַתְנִי‬.Sustu
ul isti Thou hast lifted me up. [ ing,
‫ נְשָׂאתָנִי‬.Erl me
Flavit, difflavit. He blew, drove away by blow-
‫ישב‬ ‫ נשב‬.Habilabimus We will dwell .
She blew.
‫נשב‬ ‫ נָשְׁבָה‬.Flavit
‫שבה‬ Captivus ductus est. He was led captive.
Captivi capti sunt. They were taken captive.
We will sell.
‫שבר‬ ‫ נַשְׁבִּיר‬.rendemus
‫שבע‬ r We shall be satisfied.
‫ נִשְׂבָּע־־בְּעָה‬Saturabimu ,
‫ש‬ ִ ‫נ‬ .J ur av it He sware.
ּ‫ נִשְׁבָּעוּ־־בְּעו‬.Juraverunt They sware.
We have sworn.
ּ‫ נִשְׁבַּעְנו‬.Juravimus
li Thou hast sworn.
ָּ‫ נִשְׁבַּעְת‬.Juraa
i I have sworn.
‫ נִשְׁבַּעְתִּי‬.Jurav
is Ye sware.
‫ נִשְׁבַּעְתֶּם‬Jurast,
‫שבר‬ Fractus ; fractus est Broken ; he was broken.

‫ נִשְׁבַּר‬.Confrac est tus He was broken in pieces .

acta Broken, contrite.
‫ נִשְׁבָּרָה־־בֶּרֶת‬.Fr , contrila
‫ נִשְׁבְּרָה‬.Co nfr acl
est a She was broken down.
ct i They were broken.
‫ נִשְׁבְּרוּ־־רָה‬.Fra sunt
‫ נִשְׁבָּרִים‬.Fracti
sum us I have been broken.
‫ נִשְׁבַּרְתִּי‬.Fract
‫נָשַׁן‬ Attigit,assecutus est, He reached , overtook, at-
‫שנב‬ Exaltatus[ prehendit Exalted. [ tained, laid hold of.
May Allus, sublimis. High.
???? | Eata est. [mus. She, it was exalted . [ spoiled .
‫שרד‬ qui Vastati, spoliati su- We have been laid waste,
‫נָשָׁה‬ Luxatus, remissus He was loosened , relaxed , re-
est ; oblitus est, miss ; he forgot, lent, lent
commodavit, fœe- on usury, exacted, laid
neravit, exegit, waste.
vastavit. [rans.
Commodans, fœne- Lending , lending on usury.
They have lent on usury .
ּ‫ נָשׁו‬.Fenerati
‫נשא‬ ‫ נָשׂוֹא‬.Porlando In carrying.

‫ נָשׂוּא‬.Ceperunt They have taken.

‫שוב‬ ‫ נָשׁוּב‬.Revertemur We will return.
1066 ‫נשכימה‬


He was turned back.

‫סוג‬ ‫ נָשׂוֹג‬.Avers est us
‫נשא‬ ‫ נְשׂוּי‬.Condonatus Forgiven.
‫שחת‬ We will destroy.
‫ נַשְׁחִיתָה‬.Perdemus
est us He was corrupted, marred.
‫ נָשַׁחַת‬.Corrupt

est She was corrupted .

‫איש‬ My wives.
mee s
‫ נָשֵׁי‬.Urore
‫ נְשִׁי‬.Uzores
‫נשא‬ A chief, prince .
‫ נָשִׂיא נִי‬.Princeps
" ‫אֵי‬ ‫נְשִׂיאֵהֶם‬.Princ ipes
corum Their princes.

mei es My princes.
‫ נְשִׂיאֵי‬.Princip
‫ נְשִׂיאֵי־אִים אִם‬.Principes
ְ‫נ‬ ri nc
ejus . [mus ipes
Her princes
‫שוב‬ ‫ׁיב‬.ִ‫נָש‬ Re d
, restitue - We d e
will returni mu
, restore
‫נשה‬ Forgetfulness.
‫ נִשִׁיָּה‬.Oblivio
‫איש‬ Uxores eorum. Their wives.
His wives.
‫ נָשָׁיו‬.Uzore ejus s
res Thy wives .
ְ‫ נָשִׁיך‬.Uro tue
‫נשה‬ A debt.
‫ נִשְׁיֵכִי‬.Debitum
‫איש‬ D` Uxores vestræ . Your wives .
Mulieres, uxores. Women , wives .

‫נשה‬ ‫נשים‬
|.Erigentes Exacting .
We will put .
‫שים‬ ‫ נָשִׂימָה‬.Ponemus
‫איש‬ Our wives.
ּ‫ נָשִׁינו‬.Uzo re
noslr e s
‫נשק‬ ‫ נשִׁיקוֹת‬.Oscula
‫שור‬ We will sing.
‫ נָשִׁיר־־רָה‬.Canemus
‫שוש‬ ׂ‫ִׂיש‬.L
‫נָש‬ et . We will im
. [sumab rejoice ur
‫נשה‬ ‫ׁיתִי‬.o
ִ‫נָש‬ bl
, feneratus , lent on usury us
I forgalit
Momordit fœneravit He bit, lent upon usury.
‫נ‬ su
, fenus ra
.[mus . Usury
‫שכב‬ Jacebimus, cubabi- We will lie, lie down.
A chamber.
‫נשך‬ ‫ נִשְׁכָּה‬.Cubiculum
‫שכה‬ bl iv
traditus est He io
hath been forgott en n
‫נִשְׁכָּחָה‬.obliv ta ni
tradiio Forgotten .
Oblivionitraditi sunt They have been forgotten.

ְ‫נִש‬ liv
traditus ion
I have been forgotten
‫נשך‬ ָ‫שְׁכֶיך‬.M
ִ‫נ‬ or de nt
te . [sum . They that bite es
‫שכם‬ We will rise early.
‫ נַשְׁכִּימָה‬.Mane
‫נשפן‬ 1067

‫שכר‬ ּ‫ נִשְׂכָּרו‬Mercede conducti They were hired.

‫נשר‬ ֹ‫שְׁכָּתו‬.Cu
ִ‫נ‬ bic
ejus ulum
[ sunt His chamber
‫נָשַׁל‬ Extraxit, evulsit, e- He drew off, pulled off, cast off.
‫שלח‬ ‫נשלחה‬ .Miatemus [jecit. We will send.
Dimittemus . We shall send him away.
‫נָשָׁם‬ Spiravit . He breathed.
‫שמד‬ eta
‫ נִשְׁמְדָה‬.Delest She, it was destroyed.
el et
ּ‫ נָשִׁמְדו‬.D sun t i They were destroyed.
We have been destroyed.
ּ‫ נִשְׁמַדְנו‬Perdili sumus
‫נשם‬ ‫ נְשָׁמָה‬.a,ni maThe breath , spirit.
‫שמם‬ ‫ נָשַׁמָּה‬.Desol ala
est She, it was desolate.
Vastata. [puerunt. Laid waste. [tonished .
Vastati sunt, obstu- They were laid waste, were as-
‫ נשְׁמוֹת‬.Desolate Desolate .
‫שמח‬ ‫ נִשְׂמְחָה‬.Letabimu r We will rejoice.
‫שמט‬ ecti They were cast down.
ּ‫ נִשְׁמְטו‬.Dejsunt
‫שמע‬ -- Auditus est ; audie- He was heard ; we will hear,
mus, obtemperabi- obey.

wp Audili sunt. [ mus. They were heard.

‫ נִשְׁמָעִים‬.Auditi Heard.
‫שמר‬ ‫ נִשְׁמָר־־מַר‬Servatus est , cavit . | He was preserved , hetookheed
ִ‫נ‬ erva bimu
. [runt We will observe s
[ heed.

ּ‫מְרו‬ ּ‫ נִשְׁמָרו‬Servati sunt , cave- They were preserved , took

‫נשם‬ ‫ נִשְׁמַת‬Halilus , spirilus
, The breath , spirit.
Halilus meus. My breath .
ְ‫ נִשְׁמָתָך‬.Haltuusitus Thy breath .
‫נשה‬ Obliviscifecit me. He hath made me forget.
‫שען‬ ‫ נִשְׁעָן־־עַן‬Imnirus,
est He leaned.

sumusti We have rested, relied upon.

ּ‫ נִשְׁעַנּו‬.Fre
ּ‫ נָשְׁעֲנו‬.Fresuntti They relied .
tus Thou hast relied.
ָּ‫ נִשְׁעַנְת‬.Frecs
‫שער‬ ‫ נִשְׂעֲרָה‬.Procello fuit susIt was tempestuous.
‫נָשַׁף‬ Flavit vehementer. He blew vehemently, scattered
flatu dispersit. with blowing.
" ֶ‫ֶׁךְ נ‬.Cr
‫נָש‬ epu scu
; cali- The twilight ; dark lum
‫שפה‬ Excelsus. [ginosus . High.
‫נשף‬ Crepusculum ejus. His twilight.
1068 ‫נתוץ‬

‫שפש‬ ‫ נִשְׁפָּט‬.Disceptans Pleading.

‫ נִשָׁפְטָה‬.Disceptabimus We will plead .

‫ נִשְׁפָּטַתִּי‬.Disceptavi I pleaded.

‫שפר‬ ְ‫ נִשְׁפַּך‬.Efusus
est He was poured out.

‫ נִשְׁפַּכְתִּי‬.Efusu sum s I have been poured out.

‫נ‬ .Fl avi sti Thou blewest.

‫נשף‬ ּ ָ ‫ת‬ ְ ‫פ‬ ׁ ַ ‫ש‬ ָ
‫נָשַׁק‬ Panxit, arctius com- He joined, closely compacted ,
pegit,osculatus est kissed .

‫נָשָׂק‬ Accendit, combussit. He kindled, burned .

‫ נָשֵׁק נֶי‬.Arma Arms.

‫שקר‬ s He was bound .

‫ נִשְׂקֵד‬.Colligatu
‫שקה‬ ‫ נַשְׁקֶה‬.Pot dabimusumWe will give drink.
sa She was kindled.
‫נשק‬ ‫ִשְׂקָה‬.‫ נ‬.Accenest
sunt ti They kissed.
ּ‫ נָשָׁקו‬.Oscula
Kiss ye.
ּ‫ נַשְׁקו‬.Osculamini
‫שקל‬ ‫ נִשְׁקֵל‬Appensus, est He was weighed .
‫שקה‬ ap Biberefaciemus eum We will make him drink.

‫שקף‬ Aspexit, prospexit. He looked, beheld.

‫שְׁקְפָה‬.Aִ‫| נ‬ sp
; apparuit er
. | Shelooked , appeared it
‫ׁקַפְתִּי‬ ְ ‫ש‬ ִ ‫נ‬ .Pros peri [ cuit. I looke d .
‫נָשַׁר‬ Serravit,serra disse- He sawed, cut with a saw.

‫ נָשֶׁר נָי נְשַׁר‬.Aquila An eagle.

‫ נְשָׁרִים‬.Aquile Eagles..
‫שרף‬ ‫ נִשְׂרֹף‬.Comburemnus We will burn.
‫נָשַׁת‬ Periit, defecit. He perished, failed.
She failed, hath failed.
‫ נָשָׁתָּה־־שְׁתָה‬.Defecit
‫שתה‬ We will drink.
‫ נִשְׁתֶּה‬.Bibemus
‫שרה‬ ‫ נִשְׁתָּוָה‬.Assimil est ata She was likened .
‫שתן‬ A letter .
‫ נִשְׁתְּוָנָה‬.Epistola
‫שחה‬ mus We will worship .
‫ נִשְׁתַּחֲוֶה‬.Adorabi

In giving, delivering.

‫נתן‬ ‫ נָתוֹן‬.D,an tradenddo


Datus, constitutus. Given, appointed.

‫ נְתוּנָס‬.D al
, consti tuti iGiven, appointed.
‫נתץ‬ Pina Dirue, demolire. Break down, demolish thou.
‫נתנאל‬ 1069


‫נתש‬ win Evellendo. [ dissecuit In plucking up.

‫נְתַּח‬ Concidit, in frusta He cut up, cut in pieces.
‫ נָתַח‬.Frustum A piece.
ָ‫ָחֶיה‬T‫ְת‬:‫ נ‬.Fruejus The pieces of it.
st .a His pieces.
‫ נְתָחָיו‬.Fru ejus
D Membra, frusta. Parts, pieces.
‫תכם‬ We will act wisely.
‫נִתְחַכְּמָה‬.Sapie nter
‫נתב‬ ‫ נָתִיב נְתִיבָה‬.Sem ila
, via A path, way.
Paths, ways.
‫ נְתִיבוֹת־־בת‬.Semil, vie e
mee e
" ‫ נְתִיבוֹתַי־־ב‬.Semil My paths.

‫ נְתִיבוֹתֵיהֶם‬.Sem ite Their paths.

‫ נְתִיבָתִי‬.Sem ila
mea My path.
Viæ ejus. [ministri. Her paths, ways. [ Leviles.
Netinei, Levitarum Nethinims, servants of the
Fudit, effudit, con- He poured,poured out,melted,
flavit, effusus est. was poured out.

‫ נִתְּכָה‬.Efusa
est She was poured out.
sunt si
ּ‫ נָתַכֵּנו‬.Erpen They were weighed.
‫ | נתכת‬.Effusa Poured out.
‫תלה‬ ּ‫ נִתְלו‬.Suspen sunt si They were hanged.
Nathan, Nathon, N. M. P.
‫ נָתָן נָתָן‬.Nat , Netoan
Dedit, donavit, tra- He gave, bestowed , delivered ,
didit, attulit, po- brought, put, committed ,
suit, deposuit, re- laid up, fastened , appointed ,
condidit, annexit, ascribed, charged , accused ,
constituit , tribuit, uttered, restored , sent forth,
incusavit, edidit, suffered.
reddidit, emisit,
conjecit,passus est
Dare, permittere. To give, allow.
Dans, tradens, po- Giving, delivering, laying,
nens, constituens . appointing.
Dando, tradendo. In giving, delivering.
Dare. [jectus est. To give, place, set.
Datus,depositus , con- He was given, committed , cast
Dabimus , trademus . We shall give, deliver .
Nethaneel , N. M.
‫ נתנאל‬.Netanel
1070 ‫נתפשת‬


ְ‫ נְתַן מֶלֶך‬.Net -melean

c Nathan-melech, N. M.

‫נתן‬ Dedit, tradidit, edi- She gave, delivered, uttered,

dit, passa est. suffered .

ּ‫ נְתָנָה‬.Ded eam it He gave her, it.

Dala, tradita est ; She was given, delivered ; we
constituemus. will appoint, set up, make.
ּ‫ | נָתַנּו‬.Ded im us We have given.
ּ‫ נָתְנו‬Dederu, posue- They gave, put, laid, fastened,
runt, annexerunt , appointed, ordained , made,
constituerunt, tri- ascribed,uttered, sent forth,
buerunt, edide- suffered.
runt, emiserunt,
passi sunt. [ eum.
Tradidit, passus est He delivered, suffered him.
Dati, traditi, positi They were given, delivered,
Traditi sumus. [ sunt. We were delivered . [ set, laid.
ֹ‫ נֹתְנו‬.Trade eum ns Delivering him.
ְ‫ נְתַנּוּך‬.Co nst itu teimusWe have appointed thee.
Ding Dati, datæ. [ponentes Given.
D Dantes, afferentes Giving, bringing, laying.

ּ‫ נְתַנְיָה־־יָהו‬.Netanias Nethaniah,N. M. [ livered thee

‫נתן‬ Constituit, tradidit te He hath appointed, made, de-
Reddens, tradens te . Rendering, delivering thee.
Dan Dedit, tradidit, pas- He gave, delivered , suffered
Dedit nos sus est eos He hath given us. [them .
22 Reddidit, tradidit me He hath rendered, delivered
‫נָתַס‬ Destruxit. He destroyed. [me.

ּ‫ נָתְסו‬.Destruxerunt They destroyed.

‫תעב‬ ‫ נָתְעָב‬.Abominandus Abominable.
yn Abominandusfuit. He was abominable.
‫תעה‬ ‫ נִתְעָה‬.Seduc esttus He was led astray.
‫תעע‬ Contriti, avulsi sunt. They were broken, pulled out
‫עלם‬ Gaudebimus , exulta- We will rejoice , exult.
‫תפש‬ Captus est. [bimus. He was taken.
She was taken.
‫ נִתְפְּשָׂה־־פְּשָׂה‬.Cap estta
ּ‫ נִתְפָּשׂו‬.Cap suntti They were taken.
Thou hast been taken.
ְּ‫ נִתְפַּשְׂת‬.Capcsta
‫נתתני‬ 1071

Contudit, diruit, de- He beat down, broke down,

molitus est, des- demolished , destroyed .

‫ | נָתַץ‬.Diruit [ truxit. He broke down.

Dirutus est. He was broken down.
ּ‫ נָתָצוּ נָתְצו‬.Diruerunt They broke down.

ּ‫ נִתְּצו‬.Dir ut
sun l i They were broken down.

‫נָתַק‬ Evulsit, avulsit, abs- He plucked up, pulled asun-

traxit, disrupit. der,drew asunder,broke off.

‫ נֶתֶק‬.Porrigo [ est. A scall, morbid baldness. [ off.

Pa Avulsus, disruptus He was pulled asunder, broken
PEvulsi, disrupti sunt Theywere pulled up,broken off
P Disruperunt ; evulsi They burst, broke off; were
[sunt. I have burst. [pulled up.
‫ ִתַּקְתִּי‬.Disrupi
‫נָתַר‬ Solvit, expedivit, sub- He loosed, set free, leaped,
siliit, exilirefecit, caused to leap, shook off.
Nitrum. [excussit. Nitre. [other.
‫ראה‬ ‫ נִתְרָאֶה‬.V id eb im
nos us We will see ourselves, each

ׁ‫נתַש‬ Evulsit, extirpavit, He plucked up, rooted out,

diruit, defecit. destroyed , failed .
‫ נחש‬.Evellens Plucking up.
♫ Extirpare me. That I root out.
Evulsi cos. I have plucked them up.
ָּ‫ נָתַשְׁת‬.Diruist [sus es. Thou hast destroyed . [ fered . ]
‫נתן‬ Dedisti, posuisti, pas- Thou hast given, put, set, suf-

Dedisti, constituisti. Thou hast given, appointed.

Dedi, tradidi, attuli, I have given, delivered,
posui, reddidi, pas- brought, put, laid, recom-
sus sum. pensed, suffered.
Dedi, tradidi cam. I have given, delivered her, it.
" Dedi, tradidi, con- I have given, delivered, ap-
stitui, posui eum. pointed, made, set him.

TT Dedi, constitui, po- I have given, ordained, ap-

sui, passus sum te pointed, suffered thee.
Dedi, tradidi eos. I have given, delivered them.
Ye have given, cast, put.
‫ נְתַתֶּם‬.Dediatis
iai ti Thou hast given to me.
‫ נְתַתָּנִי‬.Dedmih
1072 ‫ בתי‬-- ‫סביבותי‬


ND Sea, modius. Seah, a measure.

A conflict, battle.
‫סאן‬ ‫ סְאוֹן‬.Conflictus
ee Seahs, measures.
‫סָאתַיִם‬ ‫ סאִים‬.S , mod
‫ סאן‬.Confligens Contending, fighting.

Circuire, convertere To surround, turn .
Perpotavit, ingurgi- He drank to excess, swilled,
tavit, inebriavit se . guzzled , intoxicated himself.
.Seba Seba, N. M. P.
‫סבא‬ ‫ סבא‬.Ebriosus A drunkard.

i Sabeans, N. N.
‫ סְבָאִים‬Sebe,
‫סבא‬ ‫ס‬ .M tuum um
er Thy wine .
ְ ‫ך‬ ֵ ‫א‬ ְ ‫ב‬ ָ
Their wine.
‫ סָבְאָם‬Merum eorum
Circuivit. He went about.
Circumducere . To bring about.

‫סו‬ ‫ סבב‬.Circumdans Encompassing.

Circuierunt cum. They went about him.
120 Circumdederunt . They encompassed.
uier unt eos They have beset them about.
‫ סְבָבוּם‬Circ ,
Circumdederunt nos. They have compassed us.
Circumdederunt me. They encompassed me.
ֹ‫סו‬ ‫ סבְבִים‬.Circumdantes They that encompass.
About, round about us.
‫ סְבָבֹתֵינוּ־־ביבי‬.Circa nos
The cause.
‫ סַבָּה‬Causa
Circuite, vertite vos. Go ye round, turn ye.
ia i ti Drunk, drunkards .
‫סבא‬ ‫ סְבוּאִים‬.Inebr , cbrios
‫סבב‬ Circumd ederunt me. They compassed me about.

‫ סַבּוֹתִי‬Conver; i causam I turned, applied to ; gave

Circumito. [præbui. Go thou about. [ cause.
Circa, circumquaque About, round, on every side.
A circuit, about.
‫ סְבִיבוֹת־־בת‬Circuitus ,,
About me.
‫ סְבִיבוֹתֵי־־בֹתָי‬.Cir
‫ סגיד‬: 1073


‫סבב‬ " ‫ סְבִיבוֹתֶיהָ־ב‬.Circu itus Her circuits, around her.

Around them.
" ‫ סְבִיבוֹתֵיהֶם־ב‬.Circu eos m
‫ סְבִיבוֹתָיו־בֹתָיו‬.Circuejus itus His circuits, about him .
Round about thee.
ָ‫| סְבִיבוֹתָיִךְ תֶיך‬.Cir teca
Round about you .
‫ בי‬- ‫ סְבִיבוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Civos rca
About her.
ָ‫| סְבִיבִיה‬Circum , eam
cu m About him .
‫ סְבִיבָיו‬.Cir eum
tuiimi They that are about thee.
ְ‫ סְבִיבָיִך‬.Finil
‫ס‬ .C irteea Round about thee.
About them.
‫ סְבִיבֹתָם‬Circum , eos
Complicatus, per- He was folded together, en-
‫סַבְּכָא‬.Sam [ plexusfuitbu Sackbut ca [tangled .
.Sibec ai [meta. Sibbech ai, N. M.
R a
i , du- Entangl ed boughs m i
‫סבר‬ -‫ְּנֵי‬.
‫סִב‬ perpler , thickets
‫ ס‬.Complicati
‫|בכים‬ Folded together.
Portavit, bajulavit, He bare, carried like a porter,
‫ס‬ . [ oneratusnu
est . A burden s[ was burdened .
His burden.
ֹ‫ סִבָּלו‬.Onus ejus
‫לת‬- ‫ סבלות‬.Onera
eos. He carried them.
‫ סְבָלָם‬Portavit
We have borne.
ּ‫ סָבָלְנו‬.Bajulavimus
.Sibbolet Sibboleth.
‫סבר‬ Cogitavit, pulavit. He thought, supposed.
‫ סָבְרַיִם‬.Sibraim Sibraim , N. P.
Sabtah, N. M.
‫ סַבְתָּה‬.Sabtas
e e sioned .
‫סבב‬ ‫|תי‬‫ סב‬.Causa prebuim I gav caus , occa
Sabtecha , N. M.
‫ סַבְתְּכָא‬.Sabteca

‫סוג‬ Recessit , descivit . He went back, departed.
‫סנד‬ Procubuit, prostra- He bowed down, prostrated
vit se, adoravit. himself, worshipped.

‫ סְנְד‬.Adoravit He worshipped .
Adorantes. [purus. They that worship.
‫סגר‬ ‫סָגוּר‬ Clausu
, s occlusus ; Shut, shut up ; pure.
aurum An inclosure ; pure gold.
‫ סְגוֹר‬Claustrum ;
‫סיג‬ Scoriæ tuæ. [purum. Thy dross .
VOL. II. 2 R
1074 ‫סוד‬

48 | 2 |

‫סיג‬ ‫ סָנִים‬.Scorie
‫סגל‬ [ perty.
Peculium, proprium A peculiar treasure, or pro-

‫סִג‬ inc
, prefecti ipe
. | Princes , rulers , presidents
ipes Her princes, rulers.

ָ‫ סְגָנִיה‬.Princejus

‫סְגְנִין‬ ‫ָנִים‬.P
‫סְג‬ ,ri nc
prefecti. Princes ipe
, rulers , governors

Clausit, inclusil, tra- He shut, inclosed, delivered.

‫ סְנֵּר‬.Tradidit [didit. He delivered .

‫ סגר־־נֶרֶת‬.Claudens Shutting .
estsus He was shut in.
‫ סְגַר‬.Inclu
ּ‫ סְגָרוּ סָגְרו‬.Clauserunt They shut.

ּ‫ סִגְרו‬.Claudite Shut ye .

ּ‫ סַפְּרו‬Occlusi sun
, l They were shut up.
er A shower.
‫ סַגְרִיר‬.Imb
dit He hath delivered me.
‫ סִפְרַנִי‬.Tradi

Fine linen .
‫סדן‬ ‫ סָדִין‬.Sindon
‫ סדינים‬.Sindones Fine linen garments.
Sedom, Sodoma.
‫ סְדֹם‬Sedom , Sodo
, ma
‫ סְדָרִים‬.Ordines


‫ סוא‬.S
, Soao So, N. M.
‫ סוֹבְבִים‬.Circumdantes They that encompass.
‫סבא‬ Maio Ebriosus. [avertit se. A drunkard . [ himself away.
‫סוּג‬ Recessit, descivil, He went back,departed ,turned

‫ סוּנָה‬Recedens, ,
sepla Retiring, fenced, hedged.
Tio Arcanum. A secret .
‫סורה‬ 1075

‫סוד‬ iTi Arcanum ejus. His secret .

‫סודי‬ .Sodi Sodi , N. M.

‫סןד‬ Ti Arcanum meum. My secret.

ַ‫ סוּח‬.Suach Suah, N. M.

‫סחר‬ ‫סחר‬ ‫ | סוֹחֵר‬.Mercator A merchant.

Sotai, N. M.
‫ סוֹטָי‬.Sotai
Unxit, unxit se. He anointed, anointed himself
‫ סוכו‬.Tentor ejusiumHis tabernacle.
‫סלל‬ A bank, mount.
" ְ‫ סוֹלְלָה שֹׁל‬.Agger
‫סמו‬ ְ‫מֵך‬.Su
ֹ‫סו‬ ste
, fulciens nans
. Sustaining , upholding
‫סמף‬ ‫ּמְפַנְיָה‬.M
‫סו‬ us
aliquod ic
Somemusical instrument um
‫סון‬ [instrumentum .
‫ונה‬ ‫ס‬ .Se Syene e Syene , N. P.
, ven
‫ | סוּס‬.Equus A horse.
Susah, N. P.
‫ סוּסָה‬.Susa
‫|סוסי‬.Susi Susi , N.M.

qui Their horses .

‫ סוּסֵיהֶם‬.Eeorum
His horses.
ejus i
‫ סוּסָיו‬.Equ
q uii Thy horses .
ָ‫|סוּסֶיך‬.E tu
qui Your horses.
‫ סוּסִיכֶם‬.Evestri
Horses .
‫ | סוּסִים‬.Equi
Defecit, desiit, con- He failed, ceased , consumed,
sumpsit, impletus was fulfilled .

‫סוף‬ .Finis [ est. An end, conclusion .

‫ סוף‬.Junee tumFlags , sea-weed .

, alga
An end.
‫ סוֹפָא‬.Finis
A whirlwind .
‫ סוּפָה‬.Turbo
‫ספר‬ A scribe.
‫ סוֹפָר אֹפֶר‬.Scriba
‫סוֹפְרִים‬.S c
. [in r
templ i
o. Scrib esbe [temple.
‫ סור‬Sur , nomen portae Sur , the name of a gate in the
‫סור‬ Discessit, declinavit , He departed , declined , turned
divertit, abduxit, aside, led away, removed,
amovit , abstulit . took away .
110 Discede ; divertere. Depart thou ; to turn aside.
Turn thou aside.
‫ ס‬.Diverte
1076 ‫סינים‬


‫סור‬ ‫ורו‬.Di
‫| ס‬ sce
, divertile dit
. | Depart ye , turn aside e

‫| סוּרִי‬.Degeneres Degenerate.
He turned aside.
‫ סוֹרֵר‬.Divertit
‫סרר‬ Stubborn , rebellious.
‫ סוֹרֵר־־רֶרֶת‬.Contumax .
ace s Stubborn .
‫ סוֹרְרִים‬Conlum ,
‫סות‬ Persuavit, pellexit, He persuaded, enticed, stirred
incitavit, seducit.| up , seduced .
‫ סותה‬.Tegumentun
ejus His covering.


‫סָחַב‬ Traxit, raplavil. He drew, dragged .

‫סְחָה‬ Abrasil, everril. He scraped off, swept away.

‫סחב‬ ‫ סָחוֹב‬.Trahendo In drawing.
‫סחה‬ ‫ סְחִי‬.Abrasio The scraping off, off-scouring.
‫סחש‬ ׁ‫ סָחִיש‬Sponte germinatum . That which groweth of its
own accord.

‫סָחַף‬ Everrit, abripuit. He swept off, hurried away.

‫ סחף‬.Everrens Sweeping away.

‫סָחַר‬ Vagatus, negotiatus He wandered about, traded

est; palpitavit. panted .
| .Emporium A mart.

" ְ‫ סַחֲרָה סַח‬.Negotia ejus tioThe merchandise of it.

ּ‫סָחֲרו‬ Vagali, negotiati They wandered about , traded.
Palpitavit. [sunt . He panted.
res Merchants .
‫ רִים‬-- ‫ אֹחֲרֵי‬.Mercato
‫ה‬. ‫ חרי‬Mercatorb esejus Her merchants.
ַ‫ ל‬.Mercator
ְ‫חֲרָיִךְ־רַיִך‬. tuies Thy merchants .
The merchandise.
‫ סחרת‬.Negotiatio
. ְ‫חַרְתֵּך‬ tuusto
.Merca r Thy merchant .

‫שטה‬ ‫ | סטים‬Deflectent
, es They that turn aside.


‫ סינים‬.Scoria Dross .
‫סכתי‬ 1077

‫ סִיוָן‬.Sivan Sivan, N. Mth.

Sihon, N. M.
‫ סִיחוֹן־־חן‬.Sihon
‫ סִין‬.Sin Sin, N. P.
‫ סִינִי‬.S in
, Sinit es i Sinite, N. M.
Sinai, N. P.
‫ סִינָי־־נַי‬.Sinai
‫ סִיסְרָא‬.Sisera Sisera, N. M.
Siaha, N. M.
‫ סִיעֲהָא‬.Siaha

‫ | סיר‬.Oua A pot .
‫ | סירים‬.Spine Thorns .

‫ סִירֹתָיו‬.Ole
ejus His pots.

le e Your pots .
" ֶ‫ סִירוֹתֵיכֶם־תֵכ‬.o


‫סכך‬ ‫כַּת סִכּוּת‬ ‫ סֶכָּה‬.Tentorium A tent, tabernacle.

His tabernacle.
ֹ‫ סְכּוֹ־־כָּתו‬.Tentori ejus um
‫ סכּוֹת‬.Sucot Succoth , N. P.
‫סכר‬ Tabernacles.
‫ סְכּוֹת־־כֹּת‬.Tentoria
‫ סְכּוֹת בְּנוֹת‬.Su col
- benot Succoth-benoth , N. I.
Thou hast covered.
‫סכר‬ " ‫ סַכּוֹתָה־־כ‬.Teristi
‫ סַכְּיים‬.Suc hiit e Sukkiims, N. P.
Texit, occullavit, He covered, concealed, pro-
protexit, instiga- tected,stirred up,embroiled
vit, commiscuit.

‫ סְכָכָה‬.Secaca Secacah, N. P.
‫סכר‬ " ְ‫| שֹׁכְכִים אֹכ‬.Tegentes Covering.
‫סכל‬ Stultus fuit, stulte He wasfoolish, acted foolishly,
egit, infatuavit. made foolish.

‫ סָכָל‬.Stullus A fool, foolish .

‫ סַכָּל‬.Infatua Make thou foolish, turn into
‫ סָכְלוּת‬.Stultilia Folly. [ foolishness .
Stulti. [ riclitatus est . Foolish. [ self, was in danger.
‫סָכָן‬ Profuit, assuevit,pe- He profited , accustomed him-

‫ אֹכֶנֶת‬.Adjutriz A helper.
Occlusit, tradidit. He shut up, delivered over.
Auscultavit, attendit He hearkened , attended.
‫סוד‬ ‫ סכתי‬.Uni
me I anointed myself.
1078 ‫סלם‬


. ‫סל‬

‫ סל‬.Canistrum A basket.
Estimatus est. He was valued.

‫ סלא‬.Salu Sallu , N. M.

‫סִלָּא‬ .Sila Silla, N. P.

‫ סֶלֶד‬.Seled Seled, N. P.

‫סלד‬ Flagravit, roboravit He burned, hardened himself,

se, saltavit præ leaped for joy.

‫חָלָה‬ Prostravit,conculca- He beat down, trod upon, was

vil, æstimatus est. valued.
‫ סֶלָה‬.V e
, sem re
per Selah, truly, always.
He hath trodden under foot.
‫ סִלָּה‬.Conculcavit
ּ‫ סַלּו‬.Salu Sallu , N. M.
‫סלל‬ Aggerate, extollite. Cast ye up, extol.
‫ סָלוּא‬.Salu Sallu, N. M.
‫ סַלּוּא‬.Salu Salu , N. M.
eam teTread her
ָ‫ סָלוּה‬.Conculca

Cast up.

‫ סְלוּלָה‬.Aggeula
11 Spina. [ condonavit. A thorn, brier .
Pepercit, ignovit, He spared , pardoned, forgave .
‫ סְלַח‬.Par ceSpare, forgive thou.
, condona
‫ סלח‬.Parcere To spare.
‫ סְלָחָה‬.Ignosce Forgive thou .
ָּ‫ סָלַחְת‬.Condonaati Thou hast pardoned.
I have pardoned.
‫ סָלַחְתִּי‬.Ignovi
‫ סַלָּי‬.Salai Sallai, N. M.
‫סל‬ ‫ סלי סלסלות‬.Caniatre Baskets.
‫סלח‬ ‫ סליחות‬.Condonationes Pardons , forgiveness ,
‫סלק‬ ּ‫ סְלִיקו‬.Ascenderunt They went up.
Thou hast trodden down.
ָ‫ סָלִית‬.Conculcasti
‫ סַלְכָה‬.Salca
[extulit. Salcah, N. P. [extolled.
‫סָלֵל‬ Aggeravit, elevavit, He raised, heaped up, exalted,
Aggerata, expedita. Cast up, prepared , made plain
‫סמל‬ 1079


A ladder.
‫קלס‬ ‫ סְלָם‬.Scala
Cast her up.
‫סלל‬ ָ‫ סַלְסְלֶה‬.4gger
eam a
A rock.
" ֶ‫ סָלַע ס‬.Rupes
Sela -midbar , N. P.
‫ סֶלַע מִדְבָּר‬Sela -mid,
pes My rock .
‫סלע‬ ‫ סַלְעִי‬.Rumea
‫ סְלָעִים‬.Rupes , sara
Subvertit, pervertit. He overthrew, perverted.
Ascendit,exortus est He ascended, came up.

ּ‫ סלקו‬.Ascenderunt They came up.

Going up.
‫ סָלְקָן‬.Ascendentes
He came up.
est us
‫ סִלְקָת־־קַת‬.Ezort
nh o la Fine flour.
‫ סלֶת‬Simi .


ga u r Samgar-nebo , N. M.
ּ‫ סַמְגַּר נְבו‬.Sam
‫דָר‬ ‫ סְמָדָר‬.U va
prima The early or tender grape.

‫סמר‬ ְ‫ סָמוּך‬.Ful lu
, firmu s s Upheld, stayed , firm .
‫ סְמוּכָים‬.Fu lli Upheld , supported , steadfast .
, stabiles
‫ סַמִּים‬.Aromala Sweet aromatic spices.
Fulsit, sustentavit ; He upheld , sustained ; leaned ,

innixus fretus esi; stayed, relied upon ; laid

inposuit, incubuit . upon , lay upon ,
ui t She hath lain upon.
‫ סָמְכָה‬.Incub
me le Stay, support ye me.
‫ סַמְכוּנִי‬.Fulci
‫ סמְכֵי‬.Fu lci ent es They that uphold .
Shemai ah, N. M.
ּ‫ סְמַכְיָהו‬..Semachias
‫ סָמְכֵנִי‬.Suste menta Uphold thou me.
She sustained him.
ּ‫ סְמָכָתְהו‬.Sustenta eum vit
‫ סמכתִּיו‬.Su| steeumntaviI have sustained him .
.Fulme She upheld me.
The likeness, resemblance.
' ‫ זס‬.Similitudo
1080 ‫סעפי‬

‫סמל‬ ‫ סֶמֶל‬.Simulachrum An image.

‫סָמַן‬ Signavit, designavit. He marked , appointed.
‫סָמַר‬ Horruit ut pili eri- He trembled , was terrified so
gerentur et sta- that his hairs stood erect like
rent sicut clavi. nails. [erect.
‫ סָמָר‬.Horripilans Rough, with hair standing


‫ סְנָאָה‬.Senaas Senaah, N. M.

‫ סַנְבַלַט‬.Sanbalat Sanballat, N. M.
‫ סנה‬.Sene Seneh , N. P.

‫סנה‬ .Rubus A bush.

‫ סְנוּאָה‬.Senuas Senuah , N. M.

‫ סַנְחֵרִיב־־רב‬Sanche, Sennacherib.
‫ סַנְסַכָּה‬.Sansanna Sansannah , N. P.

‫ סְנַפִיר‬.Pin A fish's fin.

‫ סָס‬.Tinea A moth.

‫ סְסְמָי‬.Sisamai Sisamai, N. M.

‫סָעַד‬ Fulsit, sustentavit, He upheld, supported, re-
refecit, adjuvit. freshed, helped. [ fort thou.
‫ סעד‬.Fu,lci reficito toUphold, support,refresh, com-

‫ סְעָדֵנִי‬.Fulci
me Uphold thou me.
‫נסע‬ ‫עָה‬
o Procella , tempestas . A storm ,tempest
VD Proficiscimini. Go ye .
‫סעף‬ ‫ סְעִיף‬.Per ter
, cucumen A, the top.
‫סָעף‬ Decussit, amputavit He shook off, lopped off.
‫ סְעִפִי‬.Cacumina The tops .
‫ספיריס‬ 1081

‫סעף‬ ָ‫ סְעַפֶּיה‬.R a
summ mi
i ejus Her topmost branches.
‫ סעפים‬.Cogitationes Opinions, thoughts.

ami His topmost branches.

‫ סְעֲבֹתָיו‬.R summiejus
Conturbavit, agita- lle troubled, agitated, tossed ;
vit; turbine irru- came forth, scattered with

‫סער‬ .Turbo [ it, abegit. A whirlwind . [a whirlwind.

‫ סְעָרָה סַעֲרַת‬.T,u r
proc boA whirlwind, storm, tempest.
a Tossed with tempest.
‫ לַעֲרָה‬Procella agital
‫ סְעָרוֹת‬.Turbines


‫ סֶף‬.Saph Saph, N. M.
Limen. A threshold.
‫ספף‬ ‫סף‬
Planxit. He mourned, lamented.
Mourn ye.
ּ‫סְפְדו‬ .Plangite
They that lament.
‫ שֹׁפְדִים‬.Plangenles
Lament ye.
‫ סְמֹדְנָה‬.Plangile

Absumpsit, perdidit, He consumed, destroyed, pe-

periit, addidit. rished, added .
Addite. [ cerunt. Add ye. [sumed.
DD Consumptisunt,defe- They have failed, been con-
To mourn.
‫ספר‬ ‫ סְפוֹד‬.Plangere
‫ספן‬ ‫ סָפוּן‬.Tectus
Tecti, contabulali . Covered, ceiled.
‫ספה‬ ‫ | ספות‬.Addere To add, augment.

nip Crateres, pelves. Bowls, basons.

Adjunxit, congrega- He joined , gathered together,
vit, adhæsil,scabie clave to, smote with a scab.
Adjunge me. [affecil Join, put thou me.
‫ סַפָּחת‬Scabi, es A scab .

‫|סְפִּי‬.Sipai Sipp ai , N. M.
My threshold .
‫ספף‬ ‫ סָפִי‬.Lime meum n
Growing of its own accord .
‫ספת‬ ‫ סָפִיחַ סִי‬.Spnascensonte
Spontenascentia ejus Things that grow spontane-
‫ספר‬ ‫ ספיר‬.Sapphirus A sapphire. [ously in it.

‫ סַפִּירִים‬.Sapphiri Sapphires.
VOL. II. 2 s
1082 ‫ספתא‬

Dap Limen eorum. Their threshold.
Texit, contabulavit. He covered , floored, ceiled.
‫סָפַף‬ Ad limenfuit, sedit; He was at the threshold, sat
limen tenuit. at the door ; kept the door

PDP Percussit, complosit He struck, clapped his hands,

manus,plausit,vo- applauded, rolled himself.
Po Percute. [lutavil se . Smite thou.

ּ‫ סָפְקו‬.Comploserunt They clapped .

ejusntiaHis sufficiency.
ֹ‫ סִפְקו‬.Sufficie
ssit He struck them.
| | |

‫ סְפָקָם‬.Percueos
I smote.
‫ סָפַקְתִּי‬.Percussi
Numeravit, recen- He numbered, reckoned,
suit, exposuit, e- counted, shewed forth, de-
narravit, clared.
Narra; enarrare. Tell thou ; to declare.
Liber, epistola. A book, letter.
est m It was told.
‫ סְפַּר‬.Narratu
A scribe.
‫ סָפְרָא‬.Scriba
‫ סְפָרַד‬.Sepharad Sepharad , N. P.
‫ספר‬ Tell thou.
‫ סַפְּרָה‬.Narra
‫ סְפָרָה‬.Sephara Sephar, N. P.
‫ספר‬ ּ‫ סַפֵּרוּ־־פְּרו‬.Narrale Tell ye .

ּ‫ סִפְרו‬Wumerale
, Number ye.

ּ‫ סִפְּרו‬.Narraverunt They told, have told.

‫ סְפַרְוָיִם‬.Sepharvaim Sepharvaim, N. P. or N.
‫ספר‬ Numbers.
‫סְפָרוֹת‬ .Wumeri
.Scribe Scribes.
Books , letters.
‫ סִפְרַיָא־־רִים‬.Libri ,epistole
ָ‫ סִפְרְך‬Liber tuus
, Thy book.
De Numera vit eos. He numbered them.

‫ ספרת‬.Sopheret Sophereth , N. M.
Thou numberedst.
‫ספר‬ ‫ סָפַרְתָּה‬.Numerasli
‫ סְפַּרְתִּי‬.Enarravi I have declared.

‫ ספַרְתֶּם‬.Numerastis Ye have numbered.

‫סוף‬ ‫ סָפַת‬.Impletu
est m It was fulfilled.
‫ספה‬ ‫|ספתא‬.Defecit She failed.
‫סרעף‬ 1083

| ਿੱਲੋਂ

‫סקל‬ ‫ סָקוֹל‬.Lapidando [vit. In stoning.

Lapidavit, elapida- He stoned ,gathered out stones

‫ סְקַל‬.Lapidal est us He was stoned.

ּ‫ סַקְלו‬.Elapidate Gather ye out the stones.

‫סור‬ Discessit,declinavit. He departed, declined, turned
770 ‫|סר‬.Gravis [fuit. Heavy. [aside.
‫סרב‬ Contumax, rebellis He was stubborn, rebellious.

‫ סָרָבִים‬.Contumaces The stubborn, rebellious.


‫ סַרְגּוֹן‬.Sargon Sargon, N. M.
‫ | סרד‬.Sered Sered , N. M.

‫ סַרְדִי‬.Sardite Sardites, N. F.
‫סור‬ Discessit ; defectio. She departed ; revolt.
‫ סָרָה‬.Sira [ sunt. Sirah, N. P.
710 10 Discesserunt, amoti They departed, were removed
ּ‫ סְרו‬.Discedile Depart ye.
‫סרת‬ ַ‫ סָרוּח‬.Ercurrens Running over.
‫ סְרוּחִי‬.Redundantes Abounding, exceeding.
‫ סְרוּחִים‬.Extendentesse They that stretch themselves .
Excurrit, redunda- He shot out, ran over,abound-
vit,luxuriavit, ex- ed, was luxuriant, extended
Luxurians. [ tendit. Luxuriant, spreading.
‫סרר‬ Contumaces. [ rius. Stubborn, rebellious.
‫זרם‬ " Eunuchus, cubicula- A eunuch , chamberlain.
D " Eunuchi, cubicularii Eunuchs, chamberlains.
100 Eunuchi, cubicularü His eunuchs, chamberlains.

‫סקר‬ [ejus.
Principes, præsides . Princes , presidents.
‫סַרְנֵי‬ .Prefecti
1084 ‫עבר עבד‬


ejus i His boughs .

‫סרעף‬ ּ‫ סַרְעַפֹּתָו‬.Ram
Combussit, unxit. He burned, anointed.
Contumax, refracta- He was stubborn, disobedient,
Rebellis. [ riusfuit. Rebellious. [turning aside.
Stubborn .
‫ אֹרָרֶת‬.Contumar
i I have departed.
‫סור‬ ‫ סָרְתִּי‬.Discess
Discessistis. Ye have departed.

‫סתם‬ Din Obturatus, occullus. Shut up , concealed.
Sethur , N. M.
‫ סְתוּר‬.Setur
Obstruxit, obturavit He stopped, shut up .
Dip Obstrue, obtura. Stop thou , shut up.

‫ סְתְּמוּם‬.Obturaru eos ntThey stopped them.

‫ס‬ bt ur
. [ est , diruit . Closed at
up i
Abscondit, occultus He hid, was hidden , destroyed .
" ֶ‫ס‬ ‫ סֵפֶר‬.Latibulum A covert, hiding place.

ּ‫ סַתְרֵה‬.Dir uit
eam He destroyed it.
Protection .
‫ סָתְרָה‬.Protectio
ֹ‫ סָתְרו‬.Latibejus ulum His hiding place.
ri Zithri , N. M.
‫ סָתְרִי‬.Sit
e Hide thou.
‫סתר‬ ‫ סַתְּרִי‬.Abscond
Latibulum meum. My. hiding place.
co ns io ne s Hidings, concealments.
‫ סְתָרִים‬.dbu

A cloud .
‫עבה‬ ‫ | עָב‬.Wubes
Servivit, laboravit, He served, laboured, cultiva-
coluit, servire fe- ted , dressed, worshipped,
cit ; fecit, obser- caused to serve; did, made,
vavit, operatus est observed, kept, wrought.
‫עֶבֶד‬ ‫ | עבד‬.Ebed Ebed, Obed, N. M.
‫עברך‬ 1085

‫ עבד־־אדם‬.Ob -edomed Obed-edom, N. M.

ְ‫ עֶבֶד מֶלֶך‬.Eb ed
-melech Ebed-melech, N. M.

ֹ‫נְגו‬ ‫ עֲבֵד‬.Ab ed
- nego Abed-nego, N. M.
A servant.
‫עבד‬ ‫עָבֵי עֶבֶד‬ ‫ עָבָד‬Servus
‫ עָבֵד‬.Faciens Doing .

‫ עֲבָד־־בד‬.Servi ; cole re To serve ; serve thou .
Ty Fecit, operatus est. He made, hath wrought.
Ta Serviens, colens. Serving, tilling.
‫ עבד‬Servire
, laborare He hath been made to serve,
Faciens. [factus est. Making. [to labour .

‫ עַבְדָּא‬Abd, a Abda, N. M.
[servitus. Abdeel , N. M.
‫ עַבְדְּאֵל‬.Abdeel
‫עבר‬ Opus, ministerium, Work, service, bondage.
ּ‫ עָבְדו‬.Servierun They served .

ֹ‫ עֲבָדו‬Servivit ei He served him.

ּ‫ עֲבָדו‬.Fecerunt They made, did.
His servant.
ֹ‫ עַבְדּו‬Servus ,
172 172 Servile, operamini. Serve, work ye.
ּ‫ עֲבָדוּהו‬Servierunt
, ei They served him.
His servants.
‫| עַבְדוֹהִי‬.Seejus
ְ‫ עֲבָדוּך‬.Servierlibi unt They have served thee.
‫ עֲבָדוּם‬.Colueeosrunt They have served them.
‫ עַבְדּוֹן‬.Abdon Abdon, N. M. P.
‫עבר‬ ‫ עֲבָדַי‬.Ser meivi My servants.
‫ עַבְדֵי עֲבָדִים‬Servi
‫ עַבְדִּי‬.Servu meus s My servant.
Colentes, servientes, They that worship, serve, work
.Abdi [ operantes. Abdi, N. M.
Abdiel, N. M.
‫ עַבְדִּיאֵל‬.Abdiet
Obadiah, N. M.
ּ‫ עֹבַדְיָה־־יָהו‬.Obadias
‫עבר‬ corum vi Their servants.
‫ עַבְדֵיהֶם‬.Ser
ejusvi His servants.
‫ עֲבָדָיו‬.Ser
rvi Thy servants .
ְ‫עַבְדָּיך‬ ְ‫ עֲבָדֶיך‬.Setui
‫ עַבְדֵיכֶם‬.S vestrivi
er Your servants,

‫ עֹבְדִים‬.Servicnles Serving.

‫ עָבְדִין‬.Facientes Doing, making.

tibivit He served thee.
ָ‫ עֲבָדְך‬.Servi
1086 ‫עבר‬

‫עבר‬ Thy servant.

ָ‫ עַבְדֶךְ־־דְּך‬Servus tuus
tibi re To serve thee.
ְ‫| עָבְדֶך‬.Servi
vu s Your servant.
‫ עַבְדְּכֶם‬.Ser vester
Thou servedst.
ָּ‫ עָבַּדְת‬.Serviisti
Thou didst.
ִּ‫ עֲבַדְת‬.Fecisti
‫ עַבְדֶת‬.Fe ci [ ejus. I have made, done.
iny Opus, ministerium His work , service.
‫ עָבַדְתִּי‬.Servivi I served, have served.

ֹ‫ בו‬--‫ עֲבֹדָתִי‬.Servit mea us My service .

Servivi tibi. [ trum. I have served thee.

Ministerium ves- Your service.

- Ministerium eorum. Their service .

ּ‫ עֲבֹדָתֵנו‬.o pu
mostr um s Our work.

Pinguisfuit, crassus He was fat, became thick ,

Crassior. [factus est. Thicker. [heavy.
‫עבר‬ Opus, ministerium, Work, ministry, service, ser-
‫עבר‬ - Transire. [ servitus. To pass over. [vitude.
Tia Præterire. [ plexus. To pass by, over, beyond.
‫עבת‬ ‫ֲבוֹת־בת־תים‬.R
‫|ע‬ am
densus et im- us
A thick bushy branch
Funis contortus; ca- A twined rope ; wreathen
tena contorta. chain.
[ mi densi. Clouds. [branches .
‫עָבִי־בִים עבה‬ ‫ | עָבוֹת‬.Nubes
‫עבת‬ - Funes contorti ; ra- Twined ropes or cords ; thick
‫עָבָט‬ Pervertit; mutualus He turned aside ; perverted ;
est, vel commoda- borrowed or lent upon
vit pro pignore. pledge.
‫ עֲבֹטו‬.Pignus ejus His pledge.

‫ עַבְטִיט‬.Den sum Thick clay.

Opus, ministerium. Work, service.

‫עבה‬ His clouds.


‫ עָבָיו‬.Nub ejuses
Thou hast become thick.
ָ‫ עָבִית‬.Cras
| faclus sus
‫עָבַר‬ Transivit, præterüt; He went through, passed by,
transgressus est, over,beyond ; transgressed,
superavit, trans- overcame , surpassed ,caused

ire fecit, amovit , to pass , removed , was wroth

Trans. iratus est . Over, beyond.

‫ | עֵבֶר‬.Eber Eber, Heber, N. M.
‫עכשו‬ 1087

‫עבר‬ ay Transitus,latus,ora; A passage, side, coast, border

cis,ultra.[ vidavit. on this side, the other side.
ay Transire fecit, gra- Hecaused to pass,impregnated
‫עבר‬ - Transiens, præteri Passing through, by, over ;
ens ; transgredi- transgressing, surpassing.
Furor ens, superans Wrath.
‫ עָבְרָה‬.Transivil She went over.

ֹ‫ עָבְרו‬.Transirecum That he passeth by, over.

ֹ‫עֲבָרו‬ .Supera eum vit He overcame him.
ּ‫ עִבְרו‬.Transite Pass ye through, over.
- Transierunt ; trans- They passed by, over, trans-
Ebron. [gressi sunt . Hebron, N. P. [gressed.
‫עבר‬ ‫עֶבְרוֹת‬ ‫ עָבָרוֹת‬.Furores Rage , wrath .

me e
‫ עָבְרִי‬.Transir That I pass over.
‫ עֲבֹרִי עִבְרִי‬.Transi Go thou over, through .

‫ עִבְרִי‬.Ebreus Hebrew, N. N.
‫עבר‬ ‫ רִים‬-- ֹ‫ עברי עו‬.Transeuntes Passing over.
‫ עִבְרִיָה‬.Ebrea Hebrewess, N. N.
‫עבר‬ ‫ עֶבְרֵיהֶם‬.Latera
eorum Their sides.
‫ עֲבָרָיו‬.Later
ejus a His sides.

‫ עברים‬.Ebrei Hebrew s, N. N.
D' Abarim. [gredientes Abarim, N. M.
‫עבר‬ Transeuntes, trans- Passing over, transgressing.
vos re
‫ עָבְרְכֶם‬.Transi That ye pass over.
‫ ע‬.Ebroma
‫|ַבְרֹנָה‬ Ebronah, N. P.
‫עבר‬ ּ‫ עָבַרְנו‬.Transivimus We passed over.
ּ‫ עָבְרָנו‬.Transire
eos That they go over.
177 Transire nos. That we pass over.

ָּ‫ עָבַרְת‬.Transiviati Thou passedst over.

‫ עֶבְרַת‬Furor Wrath.
iny Furor ejus.[sus sum His wrath. [ ed.
Transivi, transgres- I passed over, have transgress-
‫ עֶבְרָתִי‬.Furo meus r My wrath.

ror Thy wrath .

ְ‫ עֶבְרָתָך‬.Fu tuus
Præteristis [putruit Ye passed by, over.
Way Mucidus factus est, He became mouldy, rotted.

ּ‫ עָבְשׁו‬.Putruerunt They rotted.

1088 ‫עד‬

‫עבֶּת‬ Involvit, complicavit He entwined, folded about.

‫ עֲבָתָה‬.D,en implera saThick , bushy.

ֹ‫תו‬ ֹ ‫ב‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ .Funis.ejus His rope, cord.
ֹ‫עֲבֹתֵימו‬ Funes corum . Their cords.

‫ עבתת‬.Ca tene
contorle Wreathen chains.

‫ענב‬ Adamavit, deperiit, He loved greatly, doated in
amavit lascive. love, loved lasciviously.

" ְ‫עָנָבָה עָג‬ Adamavit , deperiit . She loved greatly , doated with
‫ע‬ cantica , Amatory songs [love.
‫ֹנְבִים‬ ‫ע‬ .Mma tore s Lovers .

ejus r Her love.

ּ‫ עַנְבָּתָה‬.Amo !
‫ עִנָּה‬.Placenta A cake.

‫עגל‬ Round .
‫ עֲנוֹל־־גל‬.Rotundus

‫עגר‬ ‫ עָגוּר‬.Grus A crane.

‫ נּו‬Placente
‫עגל‬ ‫ עָנִיל‬.Inauris An ear- ring.

by A calf.
‫ עגֶל‬Vitulus.
‫ עֶגְלָה‬.Plaustrum A cart, waggon.
An heifer.
‫ לַות‬-- ‫ עֶגְלָה‬.Vitula
‫עֶגְלָה‬ .Egla Eglah, N. W.
Eglon, N. M. P.
‫ עֶגְלוֹן‬.Egton
‫עגל‬ ‫לת‬haya
‫ג‬ Plaustra, currus. Waggons , chariots .
Round .
‫ עֲנלּוֹת‬.Rotunde
Vituli. Calves.
‫עֶגְלִי עֲגָלִים‬
Vitulus tuus. Thy calf .

ֹ‫ עֶגְלָתו‬.Plausejus trum His waggon, cart.

Doluit, tristis fuit. He grieved, was sad .

‫ְמָה‬ ‫נ‬ ָ ‫ע‬ .Doluit She was grieved.


‫עןג‬ Placenla . A cake .

‫עוד‬ ‫ | עַד‬.Preda A prey.
‫ערה‬ 1089

‫ער‬ Ad, usque ad, donec. To , even to , until.

‫ערה‬ Eternitas, æternus, Eternity, eternal, everlasting,
‫עד‬ Absque. [perpetuus. Without . [ perpetual.
Dy Donec, antequam. Till, before that.
TAIN THIN TV Quamdiu, quousque. How long, how far.
‫ עַד אֲשֶׁר‬.Donec
‫ עַד אֲשֶׁר אִם‬.Usquedum So long as.
Before that.
‫ עַד אֲשֶׁר לֹא‬.Antequam
Hitherto .
‫ עַד אֲשֶׁר עַד כֹּה‬.Hucusque
‫ עַד דִּבְרַת דִּי‬.Ut That, so that.
Donec, antequam. Until, before that.

‫הֵנָּה‬ , hactenus, Yet, hitherto, hither, thus far.

‫ עַד‬Adhuc
huc, hucusque.
‫ עַד כֹּה‬.Hucusque
In the mean while.
‫כֹּה‬ ‫ עַד כֹּה וְעַד‬.Interea
Donec, antequam, Until, before that.
How many.
‫כַּמָּה‬ ‫עַד‬ .Quot
‫כֵּן לֹא‬ ‫עַד‬ .Nondum Not yet.
Antequam, nondum. Before that, not yet.
‫עַד לְמְאֹד‬ .Valde Very much.
‫ | עד לפני‬.Anle [nino. Before.

TNT Valde, prorsus, om- Very, greatly, utterly.

Quousque, quare, How long, how far, wherefore,
‫מֶה‬ ‫ עַד‬Quandi, u [cum. As long as. [when .

‫ עַד מָתַי‬.Quamd , quando iuHow long, when.

‫| עד נגד‬.E regione Over against.
Even to.
‫ עד נכח‬.Usque ad
‫ | עַד עַזֶּה‬.-az d Ad-azah, N. P.

‫ער‬ ‫ עַד עַתָּה‬Hucusq, ue Hitherto.

‫פה‬ ‫ עד‬.Hucusque Hitherto.
‫עור‬ Testis, testimonium. A witness, testimony.
Ti Adhuc, amplius. Yet, more.
‫עדר‬ Sublevavit, erexit. He lifted up,relieved,raised up'
Ornavit se, transivit, He adorned himself, passed
abstulit, amovit. away, took away, removed .

‫יעד‬ Cœtus, conventus . An assembly, congregation.

.Ada Adah, N. W.
1090 ‫עדן‬

Deck, adorn thyself.

‫ערה‬ ‫ עֲדֶה‬.Ortena
Iddo, N. M.
‫דּוֹא‬ ‫ עַדּוֹ־‬.Ido
‫עוד‬ ‫ עדות‬.Testimonium A testimony.
" ֹ‫ עֶדְוֹתָיו עֲדו‬Testimonia ejus His testimonies.
ֹ‫ עֵדְוֹתֶיךָ עֲדו‬.Testimon tua ia Thy testimonies.
To me.
‫ער‬ ‫ | עָדַי‬.Amed
‫ עֲדִי‬.Usq ad , inue Even to, into.
‫עוד‬ ‫ עֶדִי‬.Testis
meus My witness .
Ornamentum . An ornament.
‫עוד‬ mei s
‫ עֵדָי עֲדִי‬.Teste My witnesses .
‫ | עדי עדים‬.Testes Witnesses .
Adiel, N. M.
‫ עֲדִיאֵל‬.Adiel
Adaiah , N. M.
ּ‫ עֲדָיָה־־יָהו‬.Adaias
‫ער‬ ָ‫ עָדֶיה‬.Usq ad eamue Even to it.
‫ערה‬ Ornamentum ejus. Her ornament.
‫עוד‬ Testes eorum. Their witnesses .
‫עד‬ Ad eum. To him.
‫ערה‬ ֹ‫ְיו‬.O
‫עֶד‬ rn t , hismouthtu
His ornamenen
,os ejus am
a Ornaments.
‫ עֲדָיִים‬.Ornament
‫עד‬ ted To thee .
ָ‫ | עָדִיך‬.A
‫עוד‬ tes
ְ‫ עֵדִיך‬.Testui Thy witnesses.
‫ערה‬ Os Thy mouth .
ְ‫ עֶדְיִך‬.tuum
Ornamentum tuum. Thy ornament.

ֶ‫ע‬ eorum . Their ent
nam ornament um
‫עדר‬ Detrili, abjecti, in- Worn out, cast off, defiled.

‫ עָדִין‬.Adin [quinati. Adin, N. M.

‫ | עדינָא‬Adina
, [dita. Adina, N. M.
‫עדן‬ ‫ִינָה‬.D
‫עֲד‬ el
, deliciis ic
de- Delicate at
, given to pleasures
‫ | עֲדִיתַיִם‬.Adilaim Adithaim, N. P.
Yet thou.
‫| עוד‬ ְ‫ערְךְ עוֹדְךָ דָך‬.
‫ עַדְלָי‬.Adlai Adlai, N. M.
Adullam , N. P.
‫ עֶדְלָּם‬.Adulam
Adullamite, N. F.
‫ עֶדְלָּמִי‬.Adulamita
‫עָדן‬ Oblectavit se, delicüs He delighted himself, abound-

" ֶ‫ עֵדֶן ע‬.Eden { affluxit. Eden, N. P. [ ed in pleasure.

‫עדן‬ A time.
‫| עַבֶּן־נָא‬.Tempus
‫ער‬ ‫ | עֵדֶן‬.Adhuc Yet.
‫עןג‬ 1091

Adnah, N. M.
‫ עַדְנָא־־נָה‬.Adna

ue Hitherto.
‫עד‬ ‫ עֶדְנָה‬Hucusq,
Pleasure .
‫עדן‬ ‫ עֶדְנָה‬.Poluptas
‫ער‬ ּ‫ עדֶנּו‬.Adh illeuc Yet he.

‫ עֶדְנָה‬.Adnach Adnah, N. M.

‫עדן‬ ‫נִין‬ ‫ עִדָּנַיָא‬.Tempora
tue ia
ָ‫ עֲדָנֶיך‬.Delic Thy pleasures.

ֲ‫ע‬ , voluptates . | Delights , pleasures
Adadah, N. P.
‫ עַדְעָדָה‬.Adada
‫עדף‬ Superabundavit, su- He superabounded, had more
perfluusfuit . than enough, was over and

‫ עֵדֶר‬.Eder Eder, N. M. P. [above.


‫עדר‬ Defecit,defuit, deesse He failed, was wanting, suf-

sivit, disposuit, in- fered to be wanting, dis-
struxit, sarritus posed , arrayed, was har-
Grex. [ est. A flock . [ rowed or hoed.
Grex ejus. [entes. His flock.
ֶ‫ע‬ ,instru- Disposing , arraying
s Flocks.
‫ עֶדְרֵי עֲדָרִים‬.Gr ege
Adriel, M.
‫ עדְרִיאֵל‬Adriel
PIPER ||||

‫ עֲדָשִׁים‬.Lentes Lentiles. [gregation.
‫יעד‬ Catus, conventus . A company, assembly, con-
‫ עֲדָת‬.Transil He passed.

ֹ‫ עֲדָתו‬.Cetejusus His company.

‫ עֲדָתִי‬.Cet My company .
. ‫ עֵדֹתָיו‬.Testimo ejus niaHis testimonies.

ָ‫ עֵדֹתֶיך‬.Testimon tua ia Thy testimonies.

Cœtus tuus. Thy company.

‫עוּב‬ Obnubilavit. He covered with a cloud.

‫ | עובד‬.Obed Obed, N. M.

‫עוֹבָל‬ .Obal Obal, N. M.

‫עוּן‬ Depsuit, placentam He kneaded, made a cake,
formavit, panem baked bread.
‫ | ערב‬.og [ coxit.| Og , N. M.
1092 ‫עולה־־עלה‬


um [ est. An organ .
‫עגב‬ ‫ | עוּגָב‬.Organ
Spoliavit, prædatus He spoiled , robbed.
Asseveravit, contes- He affirmed , testified, pro-
tatus est, testes tested, brought witnesses .

‫ עודד‬.Oded [adhibuit.| Oded , N. M.

Even us.
2 |||||||

‫עוד‬ ‫ עוֹדִינָה‬.Eti nosam

‫ | עוֹדָם‬.Adh Yet they.

eauc She yet.

‫ עוֹדֶנָּה‬.Adh
illeuc Still he .
ּ‫ עוֹדֶנּו‬.Adh
‫ עִרְדְנִי‬.Spoliaru me nt They have robbed me.
Yet I.
‫ עוֹדֶבִּי‬.Adhuc ego
Inique , perverse | He did wickedly , acted per-
egil ; pervertit, versely; perverted, over-
t. urned . [ turned.
‫ | עַיָּה‬.Eversa [ everti Overt
He perve rted, made crook ed.
‫ | עִיָּה‬.Pervertit
.Ava Ava , N. P.
2 | 22 || FR ||

‫ערה‬ , panatasIniquity , punishment.

‫ עָווֹן עֲווֹן‬.Iniqui
‫ עֲווֹנוֹתָיו‬.Iniquit atesHis iniquities .
Congregavit. He gathered together.
‫עז‬ ‫ | עוז‬.Robur | Strength.
‫ | עוּצָה‬.Robora Strengthen thou .

ּ‫| עוּזְנו‬.Rob nostrumurOur strength .

‫עוֹזֵר עזר‬. | .Adjuvans He that helpeth.

‫ עֲוִיל‬.Iniquus Unrighteous, ungodly.

Their little ones .
‫ עֲלֵיהֶם‬.Parvu eorum li
‫ עֲוִילִים‬.Parvuli Young children.

‫ | עֲנִים‬.Avim Avim, N. P.
Avith, N. P.
‫ עֲנִית‬.Avit
He that troubleth.
‫עבר‬ ‫ עוֹכָר‬.Turbans
‫עוּל‬ Inique egit . He did wickedly.

Iniquity .
‫לָתָה‬ ‫ עָוֶל עַוְלָה‬.Iniquitas
‫| עול‬.Iniquus Unjust , wicked .
‫עלל‬ ‫ על‬- ‫ עוֹל־‬.Jugum A yoke.
‫עול‬ An infant.
‫ | עול‬.Parvulus
‫עלה‬ ‫עלה‬ ‫ עוֹלָה לַת‬.Holocaustum A burnt offering .

‫ עֹלֶה‬-- ‫עוֹלָה‬ Ascendens , crescens Going , coming up ;increasing

‫עונך־־נד־־נך‬ 1093


Her infant.
‫עול‬ cjus
ּ‫ עוּלָה‬Infans ,
‫עלה‬ ‫לת‬--ibiy
- ‫ | עולות‬Holocausta. [ do. Burnt offerings. [ the vintage.
‫עלל‬ ‫לל‬- ‫עוֹלָל‬ Parvulus ;raceman- A little child ;in gleaning after
‫ עולל‬.Factus est He was made, done.
She vexed .
‫ עוֹלְלָה‬.reravil
Grapes .
‫ עוֹלֵלוֹת עילי‬.Racemi
Little children.
‫ עוֹלָלִי‬.Parvuli
Her children, little ones.
‫ עוֹלָלֶיהָ עלי‬.Parvuli cjus .
Their infants .
‫ עוֹלְלֵיהֶם עעֹלְי‬.Parvu corum li
Thy little ones.
ְ‫ עוֹלָלַיִך‬.Parvulitui
" ‫ ל‬-- ‫ | עוֹלָלִים‬.Parvuli Children , little ones. [ ed .
ti Thou hast done,mocked,abus-
ָּ‫ עוֹלַלְת‬.Fe, cis
‫עלם‬ ' ‫ולם ע‬. ‫ע‬ E
, perpetuus , An uage , perpetualu, for ever m

‫וֹלְמֵי־־לָמִים‬.S ‫ע‬ ec
, in seculum . Ages ,ul
for ever a
‫עול‬ ‫| עולת‬.Iniquilales Iniquities .
‫עלה‬ ‫ עי‬-- ֹ‫וֹלָתו‬.H
‫ע‬ ol oc
cjus au
. His burnt stum
austa Their burnt offering s.
‫ עולתיהם‬.Holoc eorum
Your burnt offerings.
‫ עולתיכם על‬.Holocausta vestra
‫עמד‬ '' ‫ עוֹמֵד ע‬.Sta , manens ns Standing, abiding.
" ֶ‫ עוֹמֶדֶת עֹמ‬.Stans
[pæna. [quity .
‫ערה‬ " Iniquitas , iniquitatis Iniquity, punishment of ini-

‫עין‬ ‫| ערן‬.Tor veLooking with an evil eye.

‫עןה‬ ‫־נָה‬ itas Her iniquity.
‫ עֲוֹנָהּ־‬.Iniquejus
‫ענה‬ ‫ | עוֹנֶה עי‬.Respondens Answering.
‫עןה‬ ejus as His iniquity.
ֹ‫ עֲוֹנו‬.Iniquit
‫ עֲוֹנוֹת־־נת‬Iniquitates ; iniqui- Iniquities ; punishments of
tatis pæne. iniquity.
Their iniquities.
‫ עֲוֹנוֹתֵיהֶם נֹתֵי‬.Iniqui tates
‫ עֲוֹנוֹתָיו‬.Iniquit ates
ejus His iniquities.

‫ נֹתֵי‬-- ‫וֹנֹתֵיכֶם‬.Ini
ֲ‫ע‬ quit
vestre ates
. Your iniquities
" ֵ‫וֹנוֹתֵינוּ־־נֹת‬.Ini
ֲ‫| ע‬ quit
nostre ates
. Our iniquities
‫ נֹתָם‬-- ‫וֹנוֹתָם‬.Ini
ֲ‫ע‬ quit
eorum ates
. Their iniquities
‫ עֲוֹנִי‬.Iniquitas
mea My iniqu ity .

tuaeatesThy iniquities.
ָ‫ עֲוֹנֶיך‬.Iniquit
ֲ‫ע‬ ni qu
nostre it
. Our at
iniquiti es es

itas Thy iniquity.

ְ‫ עֲוֹנֶךָ־־נְךָ־־נֵך‬.Iniqutua
1094 ‫ערש‬

‫ענה‬ ָ‫ עוֹנֶך‬.Responde tibi nsAnswering thee.

‫עןה‬ ‫ עֲוֹנְכִי‬.In iqu ila
tua s Thy iniquity.
‫ עֲוֹנְכֶם‬.Iniqu itasYour iniquity.
‫ עֲוֹנָם‬.Ini
| quit Their iniquities.
ּ‫ עֲוֹנֵנו‬.Iniqu itas
nostra Our iniquity.
‫ עֲוֹנֹתַי‬.Iniquit
| meaates iniquities.

‫ עֶוְעִים‬.Perversitates Perversions, perversenesses .

Volavit, volitavit, a- He flew, fluttered , flew away,'

volavit, vibravit, brandished, shone forth.

‫עוּף‬ .Volare [ effulsit. To fly.
‫וף‬ ‫ע‬ .F ol, ucavis er A fowl, bird.
Consilium inivit, ce- He consulted, took counsel,
pit, dedit ; consu- gave advice ; deliberated .

‫ | עוּץ‬.Uz [luit. Uz, N. P.


‫עוּק‬ Pressit, oppressit. He pressed, oppressed.

‫עוּר‬ Excitavit,suscitavit, He stirred up,raised up,awoke,
evigilavit,nudavit , made bare, blinded.
Excæcavit ; cæcus. He blinded ; blind.

‫| עור‬.Pel lis
, culis A hide, skin.
‫ | עורב‬.Oreb Oreb, N. M.
P |||| FR ||

‫עיר‬ ‫ | עוּרָה‬.Evigila Awaken thou.

‫| עורו ערו‬.Pellis
, cutis ejus His hide, skin.
‫ עָוֵרוֹת‬.Cace
mea My skin,
‫ | עוּרִי‬.Erigila Awake thou.
‫עיר‬ ‫ עֲפָרִים‬.Pulli Foals.
‫עור‬ Blind.
‫ עָוְרִים‬.Caci
Their skin.
‫| עוֹרָם‬.Cutieorum s
ּ‫| עוֹרְנו‬.Cutis
nostra Our skin.
Excitavit, suscitavit He stirred up, raised up.
Awake thou.
‫ עוֹרְרָה‬.Evigila
ּ‫| עוֹרְרו‬.Excilarunt They stirred up.
‫ע‬ .E rc itleav i I have raised thee up.
‫ עַמֶּרֶת‬.Caecitas
‫ | עורת‬.Pelles Skins.
ׁ‫עוּש‬ Congregatus est. He was assembled .
‫עזבין‬ 1095

‫עשה‬ My Faciens, operans. Making, doing, working.

‫עןש‬ ww Congregamini. Be ye assembled.
‫עשה‬ iy Facientes, parantes. They that do, prepare.
‫עשק‬ ‫|וֹשֵׁק‬
‫ ע‬.Opprimens He that oppresseth.
‫עוּת‬ Incurvavit, perver- He bent, bowed, perverted,
til,evertit, tempes- overthrew, spoke or acted

tive dixit aut egit. seasonably.

Inique egit. [ til eum. She hath done wickedly. [ him

‫עות‬ iny Incurvavit, perver- He made crooked, perverted

‫ עֲתוּנִי‬.Pervertme They have perverted me.
‫ | עוּתַי‬Utai
, Uthai, N. M.
‫עות‬ me it He hath overthrown me.
‫ עִנְתָנִי‬.Evert
‫| עַמָּתָתִי‬.Injmea My injustice, injury, wrong.


‫עזז‬ Robur, validus. Strength, strong.

‫עז‬ ‫ | עז‬.Capra A she-goat.
.Uza Uzza, N. M. P.
‫עזב‬ Reliquit,deseruit, di- He left, forsook, let go , finish-
misit, absolvit, de- ed, intrusted .
Relictus est. [ posuit. He hath been left.
‫ | עָקֹב‬.Deserere To forsake.

‫ עָזְבָה‬.Reliquit [ re. She left.

Relinque; relinque- Leave thou ; to leave .
‫ עֶזְבָה‬.Relic est ta She hath been left.

" ! ‫ עָזָבוּ־־‬.Reliquerunt They left.

ֹ‫ עֲזָבו‬.Deseru He hath forsaken him.

eum it
ay Relinquite. Leave ye.

ָ‫ עָזְבוּה‬.Derelin
| eam Forsake ye her.
‫ עֲזָבוּנִי־־בְנִי‬.Deserueme They
runt have forsaken me.
Nundina tuæ ; merx Thy fairs ; thy wares, mer-
Play Azbuc. [ tua. Azbuk, N. M. [chandise.
‫ | עזבוֹת‬.Deserte Forsaken.

‫ עזבי‬.Deserentes They that forsake.

‫ עזְבִי‬.Deserens Forsaking.
Derelinquentes eum . They that forsake him .
1096 ‫עזים‬

le es They that forsake thee.

‫עזב‬ ָ‫ עזְבֶיך‬.Deserent
That thou forsakest .
ְ‫ עָזְבֵך‬.Deserle e

eosere That they forsake.

‫ עָזְבָם‬.Deser
mus have forsaken him.
ּ‫ עָזַבְנְהו‬.Deserui eum
nosuit He hath forsaken us.
ּ‫ עֲזָבָנו‬.Deser
ּ‫ עָזַבְנו‬.Deseruimus We have forsaken.
uit He hath forsaken me.
‫בָנִי‬ ‫ עֲזָבַנִי‬.Deser me
Thou hast forsaken.
ָּ‫ עֲזַבְת‬.Derelinquisti
‫ | עָזְבתִּי‬.Reliqui I have left.

ְ‫ עֲזַבְתִּיך‬.Deser te ui I have forsaken thee.

eos ui I have forsaken them.

‫ עֲזַבְתִּים‬.Deser
Thou forsookest them.
‫ עֲזַבְתָּם‬.Deseruieos sti
Ye left.
‫ עַזַבְתֶּם־־תֶּן‬.Reliquistis
me ti Thou hast forsaken me.
‫ עֲזַבְתָּנִי‬.Deseruis
Try Azgad. Azgad , N. M.

‫עַזָה‬ .Aza Gaza, N. P.

‫עזז‬ Robusta, potens. Strong, powerful .

Robur,potentta ejus. Her strength, power.
Robur,potentia ejus. His strength , power.

‫עזב‬ ‫עֲזוּבָה‬ ‫| עָזוּב‬.Relic

, relicta

‫ עֲזוּבָה‬.Az uba Azuba, Azubah, N. W.

‫עזז‬ Robustus, potens. Strong, powerful .

‫ | עזוּר‬.Azur Azur, N. M.

‫עזז‬ nity Dura. Hard.

Confirmavit, robora- He strengthened, hardened,
Azaz [ vit , prævaluit Azaz, N. M. [prevailed.

ּ‫ עֲזַזְיָהו‬Azania
, s Azaziah, N. M.

‫עזז‬ Robusti, feroces Strong , fierce .

" ֵ‫ עָזִי ע‬.Ro bur

meum My strength.
‫ | עָדִי‬.Uzi Uzzi , N. M.
‫ | עזיא‬.Uzia Uzziah , N. M.

‫עזיאל‬ .Uziel Uzziel, N. M.

Uzzielites, N. F.
‫ עֶזִיאֵלִי‬.Uzielite
Uzziah , N. M.
ּ‫ עָיָה־־יָהו‬.Uzias
‫ עֲזִיזָא‬.Aziza Azziza, N. M.
‫עזז‬ Dy Robusti, potentes. Strong, mighty.
‫עז‬ Capræ ; caprini pili. Goats ; goats' hair.
‫עזרת‬ 1097


‫עזז‬ ְ‫זֶךָ־־ך‬ ְ‫ עֶזְך‬.Rotuu b m ur Thy strength.

‫ עֶזְכֶם‬.Ro vestbrumurYour strength.

ֹ‫ עֶצְמו‬.Ro bur Their
Azmaveth, N. M.
‫ עַזְמָוֶת‬.Azmavet
Azan. Azza n, N. M.
Circumsepivit. He fenced round.
Azeca. [liatus est . Azekah, N. P.
Juvit, adjuvit, auxi- He helped,assisted, succoured.
‫ עזר‬.Adjutus Helped, assisted.

‫ עֵזֶר‬.duxilium A help.
‫ | עֶזֶר‬.Ezer Ezer, N. M.
Ezra, N. M.
‫ עֶזְרָא‬.Ezra
‫ עזרְאֵל‬.Azarcel Azareel , N. M.

s Ezra, N. M.
‫ עֶזְרָה‬Ezra,
‫עזר‬ ‫ עֶזְרָה‬.Auxil ium Her help.
‫ עֶזְרה‬.Auxiliu ejus m His help.
Auxiliatus est ei. He helped, succoured him.

ּ‫ עָזְרו‬.Adjuverunt They helped.

‫ עֶזְרִי‬.Ezri Ezri, N. M.

‫עזר‬ My help.
‫ עֶזְרִי‬.Auril meumium
‫ עזְרֵי‬.Au xil ian les Helping, helpers.
Azriel, N. M.
‫ עַזְרִיאֵל‬.Azriel
Azariah , N. M.
ּ‫ עֲזַרְיָה־־יָהו‬.Azarias
‫עזר‬ ָ‫| עזְרֶיה‬.Adjuvan eam tesThey that help her.

‫ עזְרָיו‬.Adjuvan They that help him.

eum tes
‫עַזְרִיקָם‬ .Azricam Azrikam , N. M.

‫עזר‬ ָ‫ עֲזָרְך‬.Adjuv te it He bath helped thee.

Auxilium tuum. Thy help.
Auxiliati sunt eis. They helped , succoured them
Auxilium meum. Their help.
nos it
ּ‫ עֶזְרָנו‬.Adjuv He hath helped us.
uva Help thou us.
ּ‫ עָזְרֵנו‬.Adjnos
Auxilium nostrum . Our help.
me a Help thou me.
‫ עָזְרֵנִי‬.Adjuv
‫ עֲזָרָנִי‬.Adj meuv it He hath helped me.
m Help, aid, succour.
‫ עֶזְרַת־־רָת‬.Auxiliu
ril es us
iat Thou hast helped, succoured .
ָּ‫ עָזַרְת‬.Au
VOL. II. 2 U
1098 ‫עיבל‬

. ‫עזר‬ .Aurilium Help, aid, succour.

‫ עֶזְרָתִי‬.Aurmeum My help.
i I have helped thee.
‫ עֲזַרְתִּיךְ־־יך‬.Adjuv
ּ‫עֶזְרָתֵנו‬.Au xil
nostrum ium
. Our help
‫ עֲזַרְתַּנִי‬.Adjuvme Thou hast helped me.

‫ עַזָתִי‬.dzatile Gazathites, N. P.

‫ | עט‬.Stylus A pen, style, or graver.
‫יעט‬ ‫ עֲטָא‬.Consilium Counsel.

‫עָטָה‬ Texil, induit, amici- He covered , put on, clothed,

vit , declinavit. turned aside.
by Tegendo, amiciendo. In covering, clothing.
‫ עֹטֶה‬.Te ctusCovered, clothed.
, amictus
‫עטן‬ ejus ra
‫ עֲטִינָיו‬.Visce His bowels.
‫עטש‬ ‫ֲטִישֹׁתָיו‬.Sternutationes
‫|ע‬ cjus . His sneezings
‫עָטַף‬ Operuit amiculo ; o- He covered with a garment;
pertus, obrutus was covered, overwhelmed ;

est ; defecil. [ vit. he failed , fainted.

‫עָטָר‬ Circumdedit,corona- He compassed about, crowned
‫עֲטְרָה‬ .Atara Atarah, N. W.
‫ עֲטָרוֹת‬.Corona Crowns.

‫ עֲטָרוֹת־־רֹת‬.Atarot Ataroth , N. P. .
‫אַדָּר‬ - addar t
‫| עַטְרוֹת‬.Ataro Ataroth-addar, N. P.
‫עטר‬ ‫| עטְרִים‬.Circumdanles Encompassing.
‫ עֲטֶרֶת‬.Corona A crown.

‫ עַטְרֹת שׁוֹפָן‬.Alro - sophan t Atroth-sophan, N. P.

‫עטר‬ ָּ‫ עֲטַרְת‬Coro nast i Thou hast crowned.

‫ | עֵי‬.di Ai, N. P.
‫ עֵיא‬.dia Aijab, N. P.
‫ | עיבל‬.Ebal Ebal, N. P.
‫עיניך־־ניר‬ 1099

‫עור‬ Witnesses.
‫ | עֵידִי‬.Testes
‫ עֵיוֹן‬.Jjon Ijon, N. P.

‫עָיִט‬ He flew upon, rushed in.

Involavit, irruit.
" ַ‫ עָיִט ע‬Volucris ,,
avis A bird.

‫ עֵיטָם‬.Etam Etam, N. P.

‫ עֵיי הָעֲבָרִים‬Ije- abarim

, Ije-abarim, N. P.
‫ים‬. y
‫ | י‬Iimn Iim, N. P.
‫עי‬ ‫ עִיִּים־־ין‬.Acerri Heaps.
‫ עילי‬.Ilai Ilai, N. M.
Elam , N. M. P.
‫עֵילָם‬ .Elam
Torve aspexit. He looked with an evil eye.
‫ עָיִן עַ " עֵין‬.Oculus ; fons An eye ; a well , fountain.
‫ | עַיִן‬.din Ain, N. P.

‫ | עֵין גֶדִי‬.E -gedin En- gedi, N. P.

‫ | עֵין בַּבִּים‬.En
-ganim En-gannim , N. P.
‫ | עֵין דר‬.En
-dor En-dor, N. P.

‫| עֵין הַקוֹרֵא‬En -haccor

, a En-hakkore, N. P.
‫| עֵין חָדָּה‬.-chad En-haddah, N. P.
‫| עֵין חָצוֹר‬En -chazor
, En-hazor, N. P.

‫ | עֵין מִשְׁפָּט‬.E En -mishpat, N. P.
‫ עֵין עֶגְלַיִם‬.En
-eglaim En - eglain , N. P.
‫עֵין רֹגל‬ .En
-roghcl En-rogel, N. P.
‫ עֵין רִמוֹן‬.E En-rimmon, N. P.

ׁ‫עֵין שֶׁמֶש‬ En -aemes

, En-shemesh, N. P.

ַ‫ עֵין תַּפּוּח‬.En -lapuach En-tappuah, N. P.

Her eye.
‫עין‬ ּ‫ עֵינָה‬.Oculuejus s
His eyes.
‫ עֵינָוּ־־נָיו‬.Ocejus
‫נו־־ניו‬.O ‫עי‬ , species cu appearance
cjus . His eye , form , lu s
‫ עינות־־נת‬.Fontes Fountains.

‫ עֵינַי עֵינָי־־נִי‬.Ocu meili My eyes.

‫ֵי‬ ‫נ‬ ‫י‬ ֵ ‫ע‬ .Oc uli Eyes .

‫| עֵינִי‬.Oculus
meus My eye.
Her eyes.
ָ‫| עֵינֶיה‬.Oculi
Their eyes.
eorum i
‫ עֵינֵיהֶם‬.Ocul
ָ‫ עֵינַיִךְ־־נֶיך‬.Oculi
tui Thy eyes..
1100 ‫עית‬

Oculus vester. Your eye .

vestrili Your eyes.
‫ עֵינֵיכֶם‬.Ocu
‫ | עֵינָיִם־־נַיִם עַיְנִין‬.Oculi Eyes.
ּ‫נֵנו‬ ּ‫| עֵינִינו‬.Oc uli
nostri Our eyes .

ְ‫נֶךָ־־נֵך‬ ְ‫| עֵינְך‬.Ocu lus

tuus Thy eye.

‫| עֵינָם‬.Ena , Enamim Enam , N. P.

Their eye.
‫עין‬ ֹ‫נָמו‬ ‫ עֵינָס‬.Ocul eorum us
Enan, N. M.
‫ עֵינָן‬.Eman
‫עון‬ ‫ עינֹתָם‬.Iniqui tates iniquities .
eorum Their
Defessus est. He was weary.
‫ עָיֵף‬.Defessus Weary .
est sa She was weary.
‫ עַיְפָה‬.Defes
Defessa, sitiens . Weary, thirsty.

‫ עֵיפָה‬.Eph , Ephaas Ephah, N. M. W.

‫ | עֵיפָה‬.Obscurilas Darkness .
‫ | עֵיפִי‬.Ephai Ephai , N. M.

‫עוף‬ ‫ עֵיפִים‬.Fessi Weary.

‫ | עיר‬.Pullus A foal, colt.

ׁ‫שֶׁמֶש‬ ‫| עיר‬.I ~semesr Ir -shemesh, N. P.

‫עיר‬ ‫| עִיר‬.Civitas A city .

‫עור‬ ‫ | עיר‬.Vigil Watchful, a watcher.
Ira, N. M.
‫ | עֵירָא‬.Ira
‫ עִירָד‬.Irad Irad , N. M.
‫עיר‬ ‫ עִירָה‬Civitas ,
ejus Her city .
‫| עירה‬.Pullus
ejus Her foal.

ּ‫ עִירו‬.Iru Iru , N. M.
‫עיר‬ ֹ‫ עִירו‬.Civitas
ejus His city.
mea s
‫ עִירִי‬.Civita My city.
Civitates ; pulli. Cities; foals.

‫עור‬ .Vigiles Watchful , watchers .


‫עיר‬ ְ‫ עִירְך‬.Civittua as Thy city .


‫ערם‬ ‫עירם‬ .Wudus Naked.


Iram , N. M.
‫ עִירָם‬.Iram
‫עיר‬ ‫| עֵירָם‬.Civ itas Their city.
‫ערס‬ Naked.
‫ | עֵירְמָּם‬.Nudi
‫ | עַיָּת‬.dia t Aiath, N. M.
‫על אחריה‬ 1101


Achbor, N. M.
‫ עַכְבּוֹר‬.Acbor
A spider.
‫עכבש‬ ׁ‫ עַכָּבִיש‬.Aranea
‫ עַכְבְּרֵי‬.Mures
ures Your mice.
‫ עַכְבְּרֵיכֶם‬.M veitri
Accho , N. P.
ֹ‫ עכּו‬.dcco
Achor, N. P.
‫ עָכוֹר‬.Acor
c a n Acha n , N. P.
‫ עָכָן‬.A
Tinnitum edidit,com- He made a tinkling, wore or-
pedes gessit. namental fetters on the feet
Achsa , N.W.
‫עַכְסָה‬ .dcsa
[ vit. Ach ar, N. M. [tated .
‫עָכָר‬ .Acar
Turbavit, perturba- He troubled, disturbed, agi-

Troubling , a troubler.
‫ עכר‬.Turbans
n Ocran , N. M.
‫ עָכְרָן‬Ocra,
vi I have troubled .
‫עכר‬ ‫ עָכַרְתִּי‬.Turba
bastis Ye have troubled .
‫ עֲכַרְתֶּם‬.Tur
basti Thou hast troubled us.
ּ‫ עֲכַרְתָּנו‬.Tur nos
An asp.
‫ עַכְשׁוּב‬.

‫עלה‬ Excelsus ; super, su- High ; above, upon, over ; by,
pra ; a, ab, ad, from ,to, before, near, about,
ante, prope, cir- against, in presence of, with,
cum, contra, co- of,concerning,toward, into ,
ram ,cum ,de, erga, among, lest, through , than ,

in, inter, ne per, beside, for, on account of,

præ, præler, pro, as to , because, according

propter , quoad, to, beyond .
quia, secundum , ul-
[ tra. Because of, concerning .
‫או‬ ‫ על אדות‬.Propte , de r
Concerning me.
‫ | על אדוֹתַי‬.D mee
After .
ָ‫ עַל אַחֲרֶיה‬Post,
1102 ‫עלהו‬

‫עלה‬ ‫אֲשֶׁר‬ ‫ עַל‬.Quia

,quo Because, whither.
‫בֵּין‬ ‫ עַל‬.Inter Among. [ of.
727 De, per, propter.
Concerning, through, because
‫ עַל דְּבַר אֲשֶׁר‬Eo quod , ,quia So that, because.
Therefore, for that cause.
‫ עַל דִבְרָת‬.Ideo , propterea
‫ עַל דְּנָה‬.Propterea
‫על ֶה‬ .Id eo Therefore.

Per, prope, apud. By, near to, at.

Juxta, per, sub, su- According to, by, under, over,
per, versus . towards.

‫ עַל כִּי‬.Eo
quod , quia For that, because.
‫ עַלְכָּלאֹדוֹתאֲשֶׁר‬.Quia
by Sic, in hunc modum. Thus, after this manner.
‫כֵּן‬ , ita , quia o Therefore, thus, because.
‫ עַל‬.Ide
‫ עַל מָה‬.Quare Wherefore.
‫על מה‬ .Quid What.
Quanto magis. How much more.
‫עֵקֶב‬ ‫ עַל‬.Cum With.
`Ab, in, secundum. By, from, into, according to."
Ante, coram, e regi- Before, in presence of, over
one, in, per, secun- against, into, by, according
dum, super, ver to, upon, towards, beyond.
hy Ula. [sus, ultra. Ulla, N. M.
‫עלֶג‬ Balbutivit. He stammered.

‫ עֶלְנִים‬.Balbutientes Stammering, stammerers.

Ascendit, ortus est, He ascended, went up, arose,
crevit, ascendere grew, made to go up,
fecit, eduxit, ob- brought up, offered ,lighted,
tulit, accendit, im- kindled, sacrificed , exalted
molavit ,extulit se. himself.
‫ עלה‬.Folium A leaf.

‫ עֲלֶה‬.Asce nde
; folium Go, come up thou ; a leaf.
ejus m
ָ‫ עָלֶה‬.Foliu Her leaf.
‫ עלה‬.Ascendendo In going up.
‫ עלה‬.Ascenderunt They went up.
Causa, occasio. A cause, occasion .
ejus m
ּ‫ עָלֵהו‬.Foliu His leaf.
‫ ליד־־יכי‬-- ‫עליך‬ 1103


‫ עֲלֹהִי‬.In
eo In him.
eoser Upon, over them.
‫ עֲלֵהֶם־־הֶן‬.Sup
|| F

ּ‫| עָלו‬.Ascenderunt They went, came up.

Go , come ye up.
ּ‫ עֲלו‬.Ascendile
‫עלל‬ ֹ‫ עלו‬.Jugu cjus m His yoke.

‫עַלְוָה‬ .Alvas Alvah, N. M.


‫עול‬ ‫ עַלְוָה‬.Iniquitas [eum. Iniquity.

‫עלה‬ Super, ad, contra Over, upon, to, against him.
‫עלם‬ ‫־מיו‬-
‫עֲלוּמָוּ־‬ Adolescentiæ,
Adolescentie , occul-
occul- His
His youth, secret sins.
ta peccata ejus.

Thy youth.
ְ‫ עֲלוּמַיִך‬.Adolescentiae
‫ עַלְוָן‬.Alvan Alvan, N. M.

‫עלה‬ Ascendere, oriri. To go up, arise.

‫עול‬ by Pragnantes ; lactan- Pregnant ; suckling.
‫עלה‬ Ascendere cam. [ tes . That she goeth up.
The ascent to it.
ּ‫ עלוֹתָו‬Ascensus,ejus
Holocausta vestra. Your burnt-offerings.
‫עלז‬ Lætatus est, exulla- He rejoiced , triumphed.
‫עלט‬ [vit.
‫עלה‬ by by by Super, contra, coram Upon, over, against, before,
Eli. [ad, in, a me. Eli, N. M. [ to, in, by me
‫ עֲלִי‬.Su per Upon the leaf.
Ascende. Go up thou.
High. [ of, to her.
ָ‫ עֲלִיא‬.Ercelsius
Super, per, in,ad eam Over, upon, by, into, because
Upon it.
ּ‫ לִיה‬-- ּ‫ עֲלִיה‬.Supe illud r
1- Super, contra, in, Over, upon, against, to, into,
juxta, propter cos by, because of them.
-- Super, juxta eum ; Upon, near to him; his leaves.
‫ לו‬-- ‫עָלָיו‬ justa
folia ejus.
Excelsus, altissimus. High, most high.

‫עֶלְיוֹנִין‬ Ercelsi High.

‫ עליות‬.Superiores Upper.
His upper chambers.
‫ עֲלִיּוֹתָיו‬.Cenacula
‫עלז‬ ‫ עֲלִיזָה‬.Erullabunda Joyous, rejoicing,
Lætantes, exultantes They that rejoice, triumph.
by Super, ad, juxta te. Upon, to, by thee.
1104 ‫עלמיא עלמים‬

‫עלה‬ ‫ עֲלֵיכֶם‬Super , propter , con- Upon , for , on account of

‫עלל‬ Opus, actio. [ tra vos. A work , action. [ against you.
‫ לְלת‬-- ‫ עֲלִילוֹת‬.opera , actiones Works , actions.
His works, doings .
‫ לי‬-- ‫ עֲלִילוֹתָיו‬.Opera cjus
Thy actions.
ְ‫ עֲלִילוֹתַיִך‬.Actiones tuae
Your actions .
‫ִילוֹתֵיכֶם‬. ‫ עֲל‬.Actio vestrenes
Their works, doings .
‫ עֲלִילוֹתָם‬.Oper eorum a
‫ עלים‬.Ascendentes Going up.
Over, upon them .

ֹ‫ עָלֵימו‬.Super
‫ עָלִין‬.Ingredientes Going in.
.Alian Alian, N. M.
‫עלה‬ Ad nos. To us.

‫עָל‬ , ad , contra nos Over , to , against us
We came up.
ּ‫ עָלִינו‬.Ascendimus
‫עלל‬ ּ‫ עָלֵינוּ־־לָנו‬.Jug nostramum Our yoke.

‫עלץ‬ ‫ִיצְתָם‬.G
‫עֲל‬ au
, exultatio di
Their rejoicing , triumphing u
- Ascendisti. [ eorum . Thou wentest up, hast ascend-
‫ עֲלִיָּת‬.Cenaculum An upper chamber,parlour [ ed
‫| עָלִית‬.Superior Upper .
I have come up.
‫ עָלִיתִי‬.Ascendi
Ye went up.
‫ עֲלִיתֶם‬.Ascendistis
‫עלל‬ ְ‫ עלֶך‬.Jug tuumum Thy yoke .

‫ עֶלְכֶם‬.Jug vestrumumYour yoke .

‫עָלֵל‬ Fecit, operatus est ; He did, wrought, vexed,
vexavit, illusil, ra- mocked, abused , gleaned
cematus est ; in- after the vintage, entered,
gressus est, intro- | brought in.
|| A

Ingressi sunt. [ duxit They entered .

‫ עללת‬.Ingres est sa She entered .

‫עלם‬ Abscondit, celavit, He hid, concealed, hid him-

latilavil perpetuus self .

‫ם עָלְמָא‬.Scculu
ָ‫עָל‬ , in seculum , An age, for ever , perpetual
‫עלל‬ Jugum eorum. Their yoke.
‫עלם‬ Eternitas, diuturni His eternity, long continuance
‫ עלמון‬.Almon [ tas ejus. Almon, N. M.
‫עלם‬ ‫ עֲלָמוֹת‬.Virgines
, puellae Virgins , damsels .

‫עָלָמִים‬ ‫ עָלְמַיָא‬.secula
, in secula Ages, for ever.
AAERA " ‫עמדו עמ‬ 1105

Occulta peccata nos- Our secret sins .

ִ‫ עָלֶמֶת עַל‬.Alemet [tra. Alemeth, N. M. P.
‫עלם‬ Gavisus est, exulla- He rejoiced, exulted.
vit. [lowed.
‫עלע‬ Lambit, absorbuit. He licked, sucked up, swal-

‫ עַלְעֵין‬Costa. fecit animo. Ribs. [fainted.

Involvit, operuit, de- He wrapped up, covered,
She fainted.
‫ עֶלְפֶה‬.Defec amtmo it
Animo defecerunt. They fainted.
Lætatus est, exulta- He rejoiced, exulted, triumph-
[vit. [ed .
Ascensus. An ascent, acclivity.
‫ עלת‬.Holocaustum A burnt offering.
rihi Ascendentes ; holo- Ascending ; burnt offerings.
Ascendit. [causta. She went up.
That she goeth up, went up.
‫ עֶלְתָה‬.Ascend eam ere
That he came up.
ֹ‫ עלתו‬.Ascend eum ere
‫ על ת‬.Holocausta tua Thy burnt offerings.
Holocaustum tuum. Thy burnt offering .
Holocaustum eorum Their burnt offering.


‫מָה עמם‬ ‫עַם־מָא‬ ‫ עֶס‬Populus

, A people.
Dy A, ad, apud, coram, By, to, at, before, against,
contra, cum, erga, with, toward, in, among,
in, inter, nempe, even, than, beside, for, as
præ, præter, pro, long as, when, as, even to.
quamdiu, quando,
sicut, usque ad.

‫עָמַד‬ Stetit, constitit, re- Hestood,stood still,withstood,

stilit, mansit, ex- abode, remained, waited ,
pectavit, stilit, col- set, presented, placed, ap-
locavit, constituit, pointed , established .

‫עִמָּדִי‬ ‫ עֲמָד‬.Sta [stabilivit. Stand thou . [stand.

Thy Sta, consiste ; stare. Stand thou, stand still ; to
‫ עָמְדָה‬.Ste ti
, mansi l t She stood, remained.
Dy Steterunt,manserunt They stood, remained.
VOL. II. 2 x
1106 4 ‫עמי‬

‫עמד‬ ֹ‫ְדו‬.Star
‫עָמ‬ eum , locus ejus That he standeth , his place
" ְ‫ עֲמֹדוּ עָמ‬.S , ta teStand ye , stand still .
‫|עמְדוֹת‬ .Stanles They that stand .
are That I stand .
‫ עָמְדִי‬.Stme
" ּ‫עַמָּדִי עַמו‬.Co lum
[ preter me Pillars ne [me.
‫עם‬ ‫ עִמָּדִי‬Cum , contra , erga ,
With , against , toward , beside
‫עמד‬ um
: ּ‫ עַמָּדִיהָ־־מו‬.Col cjus ne Her pillars.

corum na Thei r pillars.

‫ עַמָּדִיהֶם־־מוּי‬.Colum
" ּ‫ עַמָּדָיו־־מו‬.Colum ejus ne His pillars.
‫י‬ ּ ‫ו‬ ‫מ‬ ‫־‬ ‫־‬ ‫ם‬ ‫י‬ ‫ד‬ ‫מ‬|‫ע‬ .Colum nce Pillars.

ְ‫עמ‬ , manentes , Standing , remaining , waiting
ְ‫מָדְךָ עָמְדֶך‬.
ֲ‫ע‬ S t
[espect a
antes That r ete
thou standest

‫ עָמְדָם‬.Sta cosre That they stand , their place.

Thou stoodst.
ָּ‫ עָמַדְת‬.Stetisti
ֹ‫ עֶמְדָּתו‬.Statioejus His station , standing .
I stood .
‫ עָמַדְתִּי‬.Steti
Ye stood .
‫ עֲמַדְתֶּם‬.Stetistis
.Umma [ejus. Ummah, N. P.
‫עמם‬ ּ‫ָּה‬.P
‫עַמ‬ op
, populus ul
A people , her people us
ea m With her.
‫עם‬ ּ‫ עִמָּה‬.Cu
ּ‫| ה‬ָ ‫מ‬ ַ ‫ע‬ .C um
co With him .

cis m With them .

‫ עִמָּהֶם‬.Cu
‫עמם‬ 12y Populus ejus. His people .
‫עם‬ iny Cum eo, apud eum. With, by him.
‫עמד‬ ‫ עַמּוּד‬.Columna A pillar.
ֹ‫ עמוּדו‬.Columna
ejus His pillar.

‫ עַמוֹן‬.Ammon Ammon , N. M.
Haammonai, N. P.
‫ עַמָּוּנִיּוֹת‬.Ammoni
‫ עַמּוֹנִי‬.Ammonila Ammonite, N. N,
ֹ‫ מו‬Ammonile
‫נִים‬.y Ammonites, N. N.

‫ עַמוֹנִית‬.Ammonilis Ammonitess, N. M.
. Amos , N. M.
‫ עָמוֹס‬.Amos
‫עמם‬ ‫|מוּסוֹת‬‫ ע‬.Onerate Laden, burdened.

‫ | עָמוֹק‬.Ammoc Amok , N. M.
‫עמק‬ ‫עַמִּי‬ ‫ עֲמוּקָה‬.Profunda Deep.
‫עמם‬ ‫|ַמִּי עַמִּים‬
‫ ע‬.Populi Peoples , nations.
meus us
‫ עַמִּי‬.Popul My people .
‫עממוך‬ 1107

‫עם‬ Ad, cum, contra, co- To, with, against, before me.
‫ע‬ . [ ram me. Ammiel , N. M
‫עמם‬ ָ‫ עַמֶּיה‬.Pop uli
ejus Her people.

‫ | עַמִּיהוּד‬.Ammihud Ammihud, N. M.

‫ | עַמִּיהוּר‬.Ammihur Ammihur, N. M.
‫עמם‬ ‫ עַמָּיו‬.Pop uli
ejus His people .
‫ עַמִּיזָבָד‬Ammiza, Ammizabad, N. M.
‫עמס‬ uli
ָ‫ | עַמִּיך‬.Poptui Thy people .
‫ עַמִּינָדָב‬.Amminadab Amminadab, N. M.
‫עמק‬ ‫ | עַמִּיקָתָא‬.Profunda Deep things.
‫עמר‬ ‫ | עָמִיר‬.Manipulus A sheaf.

‫ עַמִּישַׁדָּי‬.Amm -sadai i Ammishaddai, N. M.

‫עמת‬ ֹ‫ עֲמִיתו‬.Prorim cjus us His neighbour .
‫ עֲמִיתִי‬.Proxi
meusmusMy neighbour.
mu s Thy neighbour.
ָ‫ עֲמִיתֶךָ־־תְך‬.Proxi

‫עמם‬ ְ‫ עַמָּךְ־־מְךְ־־מֶּך‬Populus tuus , Thy people.

With thee .
‫עם‬ ‫ְ־כָה‬ ‫ך‬ ּ ָ ‫מ‬ ‫־‬ ‫־‬ ְ ‫ך‬ ּ ָ ‫מ‬ ִ ‫ע‬ .Te cum
m With you .
‫ וְעַמָּכֶם‬.robiscu
Laboravit. He laboured .
Amal [ lestia, vexatio Amal, N. M.
‫עָמָל‬ Labor , erumna , mo- Labour , toil ,trouble , vexation
Laborans, ærumno- Labouring, toilsome.
‫ עמל‬.Molestia [sus .] Trouble .
She hath laboured .
‫ עָמְלָה‬.Laboravit
His labour.
ֹ‫ עֲמָלו‬.Labor cjus
ּ‫ עָמְלו‬.Laboraverunt They laboured .
My labour .
‫ עֲמָלִי‬Labor meus
‫ים‬ ‫ל‬ .La
‫מ‬ ‫ע‬ , bor
opifices . Labouringant, workmen es
Erumna nostra. Our toil .
Amalek, N. M.
‫ עֲמָלֵק‬.Amalec
ech ite Amaleki tes , N. N.
‫ עֲמָלֵקִי‬.Amnal
‫עמל‬ ti
Laboras . [ tus est . Thou hast laboured . [ ed .
Abscond it, obscura - He hid, covered , was darken-
Dpy Populus eorum. Their people.
Day Cum eis. With them.
‫עמם‬ ּ‫ֲמָמְהו‬.A
‫ע‬ bsco They hider
eum . nd him
TOP Absconderunt a te. They hid from thee.
1108 ‫ענב‬


Peoples, nations.
‫עמם‬ ‫ עַמְמִי־־מַיָּא‬.Populi
Populus noster. Our people .
ּ‫ שָׁמָּנו‬.Wob is
. [ vatoris . With cu
us m [viour.
ָ‫עֶמ‬ mm
, nom.Sal- an
Immanuel ue
, a name of the Sa
Women of the Ammonites.
‫| עַמָנִיּוֹת‬.Ammonitides
Oneravit. He laded, burdened.
‫ עֲמַסְיָה‬.Amasias Amasiah, N. M. [ with it.

‫עמם‬ ָ‫| עמְסֶיה‬.Oneraente eo s They that burden themselves

" Amad. [ fundumfecit Amad, N. P.
Profundusfuit, pro- He was deep, he made deep.
phy Profundus, profun- Deep, deeper.
PAY Vallis. [dior. A valley.

‫ע‬ ofu
fuerunt ndi
. They were deep
hippy Profunda. Deep things.

‫ עַמְקֵי עֲמָקִים‬.Profundi Deep.

ְ‫ עֲמָקִיִך‬Valles tue
, Thy valleys.

‫ָקִים‬ ‫מ‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ .r al le s Valleys.

TROY Vallis tua. Thy valley.
s Their valley.
‫ עַמְקָם‬.Pal eoruli
‫עָפָר‬ Arcte colligavit, ma- He bound hard, gathered into
nipulos fecit, op- sheaves, oppressed.
Manipulus. [pressit. A sheaf.
Omer, a measure.
ֶ‫ עֹמ‬.Ome
‫|ר‬ , mensurar
Gomorrha, N. P.
‫ עֲמֹרָה‬.4mora
ri Omri, N. M.
‫ עָמְרִי‬.om
Amram, N. M.
‫ עַמְרָם‬.Amram
il e Amramites, N. F.
‫| עָמְרָמִי‬.Amram
Amasa , N. M.
‫ עֲמָשָׂא‬.Amasa
Amasai , N. M.
‫ | עֲמָשָׂי־־שִׂי‬Amasai
‫ְׁסִי‬y ‫ מַש‬Ama, ssai Amashai, N. M.
‫עמס‬ ‫ עמְשִׂים‬.Oneranles Lading, burdening.

Anab, N. P.
‫ עֲנָב‬.Anab
‫ עֶנְב‬Uva, A grape.
‫עניה‬ 1109


Grapes .
‫ענב‬ ‫|עִנְבֵי עֲנָבִים‬.Uve
Their grapes.

ֹ‫ עֲנָבֵמו‬Uve eor,um

Delicatus fuit, deli- He was delicate, lived deli-

catevixit, oblecta- cately, delighted himself.

| .Voluptas [vit se. Pleasure, delight.
Alligavit, vinxil. He tied, bound.
nci Bind thou them.
‫ עָנְדֵם‬.Vicos
Locutus est, respon- He spoke, answered, shouted,
dit, clamavit, tes- testified, heard , afflicted,
tatus est, exaudi- oppressed, humbled.
vit, afflixit, op-|
pressit, humiliavit

‫ענה‬ " Responde, testare. Answer, testify thou.

Anas. [humiliavit. Anah, N. M. [bled.
‫ענה‬ My Afflixit, oppressit . He afflicted, oppressed, hum-
My Afligendo. [dit ei. In afflicting.
Locutus est, respon- He said to, answered him.
Respondens ei. Answering him.
Humilis, mansuetus . Humble, meek .
1 y Responderunt, testa- They answered , testified .
ti sunt. [ni.
Respondete, testami- Answer, witness ye.
ּ‫ | עָנוּ עֲנו‬.Clamate [ liarunt. Shout ye. [bled.
Oppresserunt, humi- Theyoppressed, forced , hum-

Anub [ tudo. Anub, N. M.

‫ענה‬ Humilitas, mansue- Humility , meekness .
Humiles, mansueti. Humble, meek, lowly.

‫ענש‬ wy Mulctando,puniendo In fining, punishing.

Dy Mulctati , puniti. Amerced, punished.
re To shout.
‫ענה‬ ‫ ענוות‬.Clama
niay Affligere; clamor. To afflict ; a shout.
' ‫ עֶנוּת עָנִי ע‬. 4flicti
, o
inia Afflictio ejus. His affliction.
i Unni , N. M.
‫ עָנִּי‬.Umn
Afflictus, pauper. Afflicted, poor.
‫עין‬ ‫ | עֲנִי‬.Oculi Eyes.
‫עניה‬ .Anaias Anaiah, N. M.
1110 ‫עננן‬


‫ענה‬ ּ‫ עָנְיָה‬.Afflictejus io Her affliction.

Paupercula, afflicta. Poor and mean, afflicted.
" Afflictio mea. My affliction .
Humiles, pauperes. Humble, poor.
O`]]-- 'q-- D" ]} |_Afflicti, pauperes. Afflicted , poor.
Afflictio tua. Thy affliction.
Afflictio eorum. Their affliction.

‫ | עָנִים‬.Anim Anim , N. P.
‫ענה‬ ‫| עָנַיִן‬.Responderunt They answered .
Afflicti, pauperes. Afflicted , poor.
" Occupatio, negotium Occupation, business.
Afflictio nostra. Our affliction.
Occupatio, negotium His occupation, business.
ּ‫ עָנִינו‬.4firimus We have afflicted.
Пay Afflixisti. Thou hast afflicted.
Thou hast humbled her.
ּ‫ עֲנִיתָה‬.Humilias eam ti
Exaudivi, afflictus I have heard , have been afflict-

‫ עניתי‬.4fliri [sum . I afflicted . [ed.

sum us I was afflicted .
‫ עָנִיתִי‬.4flict
ָ‫נִיתִיך‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ .E xa udteivi I have heard thee.

‫ עֲנִיתָם‬.Respond eisisti Thou answeredst them .

Ye have answered.
‫ עֲנִיתֶם‬.Respondistis
Afflixisti nos . [ time. Thou hast afflicted us.
ayy Exaudivisti, afflixis- Thou hast heard, afflicted me .
ndit He hath answered thee.
ְ‫ עָנַך‬.Respotibi
Dy Respondit eis. He answered them.
Day Anem. Anem , N. P.

‫ עָנְמִים‬.Anamim Anamim , N. M.
They Anammelec. Anammelech , N. I.

.Anan Anan , N. M.
‫עָנָן‬ Expandit nubem, ob- He spread a cloud, clouded
nubilavit, augura- over, used auguries , divin-
tusest, conjecit ex ed by the clouds .
[nubibus. A cloud.
‫ עָנָן עֲבֵן־־נָנָה‬.Nubes
A sorceress.
ֹ‫ עֲנָנו‬.Nuejus His cloud.
‫ענה‬ udi
ּ‫ | עֲנֵנו‬.Eranos Hear thou us.
‫ עף‬. 1111

‫עֲנָנִי‬ .Anani Anani, N. M.

‫ענה‬ ‫עָנָנִי‬ .Re spo ndi
mihi t He answered me.
Nubes. Clouds.
‫ענה‬ ‫ עֲנֵנִי‬.Exaud me i Hear thou me.

‫נַנְיָה‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ .A na ni as Ananiah, N. M.

‫ענן‬ ‫ם‬ֶ‫| ענְנֵיכ‬.D vestin
iv ri i Your soothsayers, diviners.
‫ עָנָף‬.Ramus A branch.
His branches .
‫ עַנְפוֹהִי‬.Rami
Day Ramus vester. Your branch.

Pay Anac [ torques cinxit Anak, N. M. [a chain.

‫ענק‬ Muneratus est, sicut He rewarded , encompassed as
A chain.
‫ עֲנָק‬.Torques
‫ם‬ ‫ עֲנָקִי‬.Anachile [ eos. Anakim, N. F. [ as a chain :

‫ענק‬ inpy Quasi torques cinxit He encompassed them about

Aner, N. M.
‫ | עָנֵר‬.Aner
Mulctavit, punivit. He amerced , fined, punished.
ׁ‫ | ענְש‬.Mulcl , pena a A fine, punishinent.
‫נָת‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ .A na t Anath , N. M.
‫ענה‬ ‫ עֲנָת‬.Locest uta She spoke. [ tified .
Respondit,lestala est She answered, witnessed, tes-
in Affligere eum ; op- To afflict him ; that he op-
ֲ‫ע‬ na
[ primereeum Anathoth , N. M. to
P. [pressed t
‫ענה‬ Thay Affligere te. To afflict thee.
tila Of Anathoth, N. P.
‫ עַנְּחֹתִי‬.Anato
nt ot ia s Antothijah, N. M.
‫ עַנְתִּתְיָה‬.A

‫עָסִיס‬ .Mustum Sweet, new wine.
Conculcavit. He trod under foot.

‫עָעַר‬ Clamorem suscitavit He raised up a cry.

‫עוף‬ , avis er A fowl, bird.
‫ עף‬.Voluc
1112 ‫עצבונך‬

‫עפה‬ ‫ עָפָאִים‬.R ami Branches, leaves.

, frondes
‫ עָפָה‬.rolans Flying.
‫ עָפוֹת‬.rolantes Flying.

‫עפה‬ Ramus, frons ejus. His branch, leaf.

Ophel. [ be se gessit. Ophel, N. P. [proudly.
a |||

Tumidusfuit, super- He was elated, behaved

‫ עפּלָה‬.Tem ida
fuit She was elated.
‫ לים‬-- ‫עֲבֹלֵי‬ .Mariace
‫ עֲלֵיכֶם‬.Mari aceYour emerods.
‫ עֶפְנִי‬.Ophni Ophni, N. P.
‫עוף‬ ‫ עַפְעַמִּי‬.Palpe mee bre My eyelids.
‫ עַפְעַפָּיו‬.Palpeb cjus re His eyelids.
Pulverem sparsit, He scattered dust, covered
Pulvis. [pulveravit. Dust. [with dust.

‫ ע‬.Epher
‫|ֶפֶר‬ Epher, N. M.
Ophrah, N. M. P.
‫ עָפְרָה‬.Ophra
‫עפר‬ vis Her dust.
ּ‫ עֲפָרָה‬.Pulcjus
His dust.
ֹ‫ עֲפָרו‬.Pulvis
‫ עֶפְרוֹן־־רן‬.Ephron Ephron, N. M.
‫עפר‬ niny Pulveres, cineres. Dust, ashes.

‫ ע‬Hinnuli
‫|ָפָרִים‬ , Young roes.
Ephrain, N. P.
‫ עֶפְרַיִן‬.Ephrain
‫עפר‬ Their dust.
‫ עֲפָרָם‬.Pueorum
[ ligo. Lead.
"" ֶཏཱཿ‫ פ‬ང་ ‫ | שׁפְרֶת‬.Plumbum
‫עוף‬ My Obscuritas,densa ca- Obscurity, thick darkness.

Arbor, lignum, A tree, wood.

‫עצב‬ Strinxit, torsit, do- He bound hard, wrestled, caus-

lore affecit,doluit, ed grief, was grieved , serv-
‫|עצב‬.Gravis [coluil. Grievous. [ed, worshipped.
Grief, sorrow, trouble.
‫ עֹצֶב עֵצֶב עֲצֶבֶת‬Dolor , molestia
jay Dolore effecit eum. He grieved him.
‫ עַצְבוּנִי‬.Str
| inae runtThey have bound me.
ְ‫ עַצְבוֹנֵך‬.Dolor
tuus Thy sorrow.
‫עצמו‬ 1113

‫עצב‬ Diy Simulachra eorum. Their idols.

Dolore afficere me; To grieve me ; my idol.
simulachrum meum)
‫ עֲצַבִּי־־בִּים‬.Simulachra
Her idols.
ָ‫ עֲצַבֶּיה‬.Simulach ejus ra

achr Their
a idols.
‫ עֲצַבִּיהֶם‬.Simuleorum

Your labours.
‫ | עַצְבִיכֶם‬Labores vestri
‫ עַצְבֹתָי‬Dolores , mei My sorrows.
Clausit. He shut.
‫ עֵצָה‬.Consilium

Her tree.
‫ עֵצָה‬.Arcjus bor
He that shutteth.
‫עצה‬ ‫ עצֶה‬.Claudens
.Consulile Consult ye.
‫עצו‬ |
Diy Validus, polens. Strong, mighty.
Dy Robusti, potentes. Strong, mighty.
us Shut up, restrained.
lus us
‫ עָצוּר־־צָר‬.Cla , cohibi
‫ עצות‬.Consilia Counsels.
Dy Arbores, ligna. Trees, wood, timber.
Dolens, tristis. Grieving, sad, lamentable.

gna Her timber.

ָ‫ עֲצֶיה‬.Liejus
ejusna His timber.
‫ עֲצָיו‬.Lig
‫ עֲצִיוֹן גָּבֶר‬.Ezi Ezion-gaber, Ezion-geber, N.P.
ָ‫ עֲצֶיך‬.Litua Thy timber.
y Ligna nostra. Our wood.

ָ‫ עֵצְך‬.drtu busor Thy tree.

Piger, ignavusfuit. He was slothful, idle.
Piger, ignavus. Slothful, idle.
‫ עַצְלָה־־לוּת‬.Pigritia
‫עצם‬ Validus fuit, auctus He was strong, increased, pre-
est, prævaluil, ro- vailed, strengthened, broke
boravit,exossavit, the bones, shut the eyes.
obstipavit oculos.
DY Etsem. [ tia, robur. Ezem, N. M. [strength.
‫עצם‬ " DY Os, corpus, substan- A bone, body, substance,

My Robur, robur ejus. Strength, her strength.

His bone.
ֹ‫ עַצְמו‬.Os
ipxy Exossavit eum. They broke his bones.
1114 · ‫עצתם‬

‫עצם‬ " Validifuerunt, auc- They were strong, increased,

ti sunt ; prævalue- prevailed.

‫ עַצְמוֹנָה‬.Alamon [ runt. Azmon, N. P.

.Ossa The bones.
‫עצם‬ ‫עֲצָמוֹת־־עַצִי‬
measa My bones.
‫ עַצְמוֹתָי־־מֹתָי‬.Os
Their bones.
" ‫ עַצְמוֹתֵיהֶם־־מ‬.Oaaa
His bones.
‫ מי‬-- ‫ | עַצְמוֹתָיו‬.Ossa
sa Your bones.
‫ עַצְמוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Os vestra
‫ עַצְמוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Robor restra a Your strong reasons.
nostra Our bones.
ּ‫| עַצְמוֹתֵינו‬.Ossa
corum Their bones.
" ‫| עַצְמוֹתָם־־מ‬.Ossa
‫ עֲצָמָי־־מַי‬.Ossa
mea My bones.
" Os, corpus meum. My bone, body.
ejus a Her bones.
ָ‫| עֲצָמֶיה‬.Oss
‫ָיו‬ ‫מ‬ ָ ‫צ‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ Ossa ejus
, His bones.

‫ עֲצָמִים‬.Ouz Bones.
Validi, potentes. Strong, mighty.
ּ‫ עֲצָמֵינו‬Ossa nostra
, Our bones.

tuum s
ְ‫ עַצְמְך‬.O Thy bone.

vestrums Your bone.

‫ עַצְמְכֶם‬.O
corum Their bones.
‫ עַצְמָם‬.Os
ָּ‫ עָצַמְת‬.Prevaluiati Thou hast prevailed.
‫עָצַר‬ Clausit, cohibuit, de- He shut up, kept back, de-
tinuit,coercuit,do- tained, restrained , ruled.
minatus est.

‫ עָצר‬Claudendo
, In shutting.
Cohibitio, dominium. Restraint, government.
Festum, solennitas. A festival, solemnity.
‫ עַצְרָה‬.Cohibila Restrained.

ּ‫ עָצְרו‬.Cohibuerunt They restrained , refrained.

me t
‫ עֲצָרַנִי‬.Cohibui He hath restrained me.

‫ עֲצַרְתִּי‬.Retinui I retained.
ingy Consilium ejus. His counsel.

ּ‫ תִו‬--‫ עֲצָתִי‬.Consilium meum My counsel .

ְ‫ עֲצָתָיִך‬Consilia,
tuu Thy counsels .

ָ‫ עֲצָתְך‬.Consil Thy
tuum ium counsel .
ony Consilium eorum. Their counsel.
‫עקרון‬ 1115

‫עקב‬ Supplantavil,defrau- He supplanted, deceived , stay-
davit,tardavit,dis- ed , delayed, deferred.
apy Calcaneum. [ tulit . The heel.

apy Finis, eventus, mer The end, event, consequence,

ces; quia, propter. reward; because,on account

aip--ap Fraudulentus,fallax Fraudulent, deceitful . * [of.

apy Conculcata, polluta. Trodden under foot, polluted
apy Extrema pars ejus. The extremity of it.
nipy Calcanea, vestigia . |Heels, steps .
PyCalcanea, vestigia My heels, steps.
‫ עַקְבִי‬.Calcanea [mea. Heels.
ְ‫ עַקְבָיִך‬Calcanea,
tua Thy heels.

Ligavit, constrixit. He tied , bound together.

Tpy Variegatus. Ring-streaked, speckled .
‫ עֵקֶד‬.Ligatio A binding .

‫ עֲקְרִים‬Variegati
, Ring-streaked, speckled.
‫עקב‬ ipy Supplantando. In supplanting .
‫ | עַקּוּב‬.Acu b [fuit. Akkub, N. M.
‫עָקָל‬ Tortuosus,perversus He was crooked, perverse.
Aibphpy Tortuose. [rum. Crooked .

eo- Their crooked ways.

‫ עֲקַלְקָלוֹתָם‬Tortuose vie
‫ עֲקַלָּתוֹן‬Tortuosus ,
IP Acan. [ subnervavil. Akan, N. M. [houghed.
Avulsit, extirpavit, He plucked up, rooted out,

‫ֶר‬ ‫ק‬ ָ ‫ע‬ .St erilis Barren.

Py Stirps,truncus,radix A stock, trunk, stump, root.
‫ עִקָּר‬.Enervavit He houghed.

‫ עֵקֶר‬.Echer Eker, N. M.
‫ עַקְרַבִּים‬.Acrabin Akrabbim, N. P.
‫עקרב‬ ‫ עַקְרַבִּים‬.Scorpiones Scorpions.
A barren woman.
‫עקר‬ ‫ עֲקָרָה־־קֶרֶת‬.Sterilis
ּ‫ עִקְרו‬.Avulserunt They pulled up.
.Ecron Ekron, N. P.
1116 ‫ערביים‬


Ekronites, N. P.
‫ עֶקְרוֹנִים‬.Ecronile
Pervertit, perver- He perverted, proved him
sum ostendit, per- perverse, was perverse.
wpy Iches. [ versusfuit. Ikkesh, N. M.
wp- wpy Perversus. Perverse.
ּ‫ עַקְשׁו‬Perverterunl They have perverted.
itas Perverseness.
‫ְשׁוּת‬ ‫ק‬ ָ ‫ע‬ | .Per vers
‫ עַקְשֵׁי־־שִׁים‬.Perversi
‫ עָקַת‬.Oppressio Oppression.

Ar, N. P.
‫ | עָר‬.Ar
‫עֶר‬ .Er Er, N. M.

‫עיר‬ Vigil, vigilans. Awake, watching.

Miscuit, negotiatus He mixed, was employed,
est,spospondit ,pig- traded , became surety,
neratus est; amœ- pawned, mortgaged ; was

nus, suavis fuit; sweet, pleasant ; was dark-

obtenebratus est. ened.
Arabia, N. P.
‫ עֲרָב עֲרַב‬.Arabia
‫ערב‬ Suavis, amænusfuit He was sweet, pleasant.

‫עֶי‬ ‫ עָרֶב‬.respera Evening.

‫ עָרֹב‬.Mu sca A dog-fly.

‫ | ערב‬.Sponde Engage, be thou surety.
ֶ ‫ע‬ .Co llu vie s A swarm , swarms.
Spondens , corvus. Becoming surety ; a raven.
Desertum, solitudo. A wilderness , desert.
Suavis, obtenebrata She was sweet, was darkened .
[fuit. An engagement, suretiship .
‫ עֶרְבָּה‬.Sponsio
Suaves, amani fue- They were sweet, pleasant.
[runt. A pledge.
‫ עֵרָבוֹן‬.Pignus
niy Solitudi nes, deserta. Solitudes , deserts.
The plains.
‫ עַרְבוֹת־־בֹת‬Campi ,
Arabian, N. N.
‫ עֲרָבִי‬.Arabs
‫ערב‬ ‫ עַרְבֵי עֲרָבִים‬.Salices
‫ ערְבֵי‬.Corvi
Arabians , N. N.
‫ עַרְבִיים‬.Arabes
‫עריה‬ 1117



‫ערב‬ ‫ ערְבִים‬.Oppignerantes They that pawn, mortgage.

Sponde pro me. Undertake thou, be surety for
sti Thou hast been surety. [me.
ָּ‫ עָרַבְת‬Spospondi,
ְּ‫ָרַבְת‬ ‫ע‬ | .M is cu is
le ti Thou hast mixed thyself.

‫ עַרְבָתִי‬.Arbatil a Arbathite, N. F. or P.

‫ערב‬ ‫ עֶרְבָּתָם‬.Pig nus Their pledge.

Vociferatus est, an- He cried out, panted.
‫ערנת‬ .dreola [helavil. Beds in. a garden.
.Arad Arad , N. M. P.

Wild asses.
‫עֲרָדַיָא‬ .Onagri
Nudavit, detexit, He made bare, discovered ,
evacuavit, effudit, emptied, poured out, rased,
‫ עֵרָה‬Nudavi , t [diruit. He uncovered . [ destroyed.
Her skin.
‫עור‬ ‫ ערה‬Cutis cjus ,
‫ערה‬ ּ‫ | עָרו‬.Diruile Destroy, rase ye.
A wild ass.
‫ עָרוֹד‬.Onager
‫ערה‬ ‫ עֶרְוָה־־וַת‬.Wuditas
‫ערך‬ ְ‫רוּךְ עֲרוּך‬.ָ‫| ע‬ P a
, instruct Preparea
us .r array us
d , set int
Set in order .
‫ עֲרוּכָה‬.Ordinala
‫ערס‬ ‫ עָרוֹם־־רס‬.Nudus
‫ עָרוּם‬.Cal li du
, astutus s
Cunning, crafty.

‫ עֲרוּמִים‬.Cal lidi
, nudi Cunning , naked .
‫ערה‬ Delegendo, effun- In discovering, pouring out ;
dendo ; diffusiones diffusions of green herbs,
herbarum virenti- meadows.
um, prata.
Her nakedness .
ּ‫ עֶרְוָתָה‬.Nuditas
His nakedness.
ֹ‫ עֶרְוָתו‬.Nuditas
tua as Thy nakedness .
ְ‫וָתְךָ־־תֵך‬Tְ‫ר‬:ֶ‫ ע‬.Wudit
Their nakedness .
‫ עֶרְוָתָן‬.Nud itas
‫עיר‬ mee es My cities.
‫| עָרַי‬.Civilat
‫ עָרֵי־־רים‬.Civitates
‫עןר‬ Enemies.
‫ עָרֵי־־רִים‬.Inimici
Eri, N. M.
‫ | ערי‬.Eri
‫עיר‬ ָ‫ עָרֵיה‬.Civit ates Her cities.
ejus [nakod .
‫ערה‬ o uncovering,
eciotiAn stripping
ְ‫ עֶר‬.Det
‫יָה‬T: , nudat

1118 ‫ערלתכם‬

‫עיר‬ Their cities.

eorum es
‫| עָרֵיהֶם‬.Civitat
‫ עָרָיו‬.Civit ates His cities.
ְ‫ָרַיִךְ ָרֵיך‬ ‫ע‬ .Ci vil ale
tue s Thy cities.
‫עור‬ lui ci
ָ‫ עָרֶיך‬.Inimi Thy enemies.
‫עיר‬ ‫יכֶם‬ ִ ‫ר‬ ָ ‫ע‬ Civitat es vestre Your cities.
‫ערס‬ ‫תֵיכֶם‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫ר‬ ֲ ‫ע‬ .Ma sse
vestre Your masses of dough.

ּ‫עֲרִיסְתֵינו‬ .Mass nostre e Our heaps of dough.

‫ערץ‬ Fortis, terribilis. Strong, mighty, terrible.
‫| עָרִיצִי־־צים‬.For tes
, terribiles Strong, mighty, terrible.
‫ערה‬ Orbus, absque prole. Childless.
Dy Solitari, sine prole. Childless .
ְ‫עָרַך‬ Disposuit, ordinavit, He disposed, set in order, put
instruxit , paravit, in array, prepared, com-
comparavit, æsti- pared, estimated, valued.

ְ‫ עָרֹך‬.Parando [ mavit. In preparing.

‫עור‬ tuus s
ְ‫ עָרֶך‬.Inimicu Thy enemy .
‫ערך‬ ‫ערך‬ .Estimare To estimate, reckon.
Dispositio,ordinatio . A disposition, setting in order
‫ עָרְכָה‬.Instruxit [ejus. She hath furnished.
Estimatio, pretium Her estimation, price.
‫כ‬ ְ ‫ר‬ ֶ ‫ע‬ .o rdina Set thou in order.
Instruxerunt. [ ejus. They have put in array.
Dispositio, estimatio His disposition, estimation.
Disponite, instruite. Dispose ye, put in array.
‫| ערכי‬.Disponentes Disposing, putting in array.
ְ‫כָּך‬ ali
ָ‫ עֶרְכְּך‬.Estimlua o Thy estimation. [pared.

‫| עָרַכְתִּי‬.Disposui
, paravi I have disposed, ordered, pre-
‫ערל‬ Præputiatum habuit, He counted uncircumcised, he
præputiatus appa-| appeared uncircumcised .
by Præputiatus . [ ruit. Uncircumcised .
‫ עָרְלָה־־לַת‬.Prepudiaum A prepuce, foreskin .

‫ עֲרֵלָה‬.Incircumcisa Uncircumcised.
‫ עָרְלוֹת‬.Preputia Foreskins.
‫עָרְלַי עֶרְלִים‬ Preputiali Uncircumcised.
His foreskin.
ֹ‫ עָרְלָתו‬.Prepulium
‫ עָרְלֹתֵיהֶם‬.Prepu Their foreskins.
Præputium vestrum . Your foreskin.
‫ערשי‬ 1119


Their foreskin.
‫ערל‬ ‫ עָרְלָתָם‬.Preputium eorum
‫עָרַם‬ Astutus fuit, callide He was crafty, acted cun-
egit, coacervatus ningly, was heaped or ga-
est. [do. thered together.

‫עָרֹם‬ Nudus ;; callide

‫| עָרֹם‬-Nudus callide agen-
agen Naked ; in acting cunningly.
Calliditas, astutia. Cunning, subtilty, craft.
‫| עָרְמָה‬
a Naked.
‫ עֲרְמָּה‬.Nud
‫ עֲרֵמוֹת־־מִים‬.Acervi Heaps.
‫ עֶרְמַת‬.Acervus A heap.

‫ עֶרָן‬.Eran Eran, N. M.

‫ עֲרָנִי‬.Eranila Eranites, N. F.

‫ערה‬ Diruere, nudare . To destroy, rase, lay bare.
‫ | ערער‬.Aroer Aroer, N. P.
Aroerite, N. P.
‫ ערערי‬Aroerila

‫עָרַף‬ Cervicem fregit, de- He broke the neck, beheaded,

collavit, diruit, broke down, dropped as dew
Decollans. [stillavit . Beheading.
A neck.
‫ ערֶף‬.Cervix
‫ עָרְפָּה‬.Orpa Orpah, N.W.
viz His neck.
‫ערף‬ ֹ‫ עָרְפּו‬.Cer ejus
7 Cer vix tua. Thy neck.
Cervix vestra. Your neck.

‫ עֲרָפֶל‬.caligo
Cervix corum. Their neck.
‫ערף‬ ‫עָרְפָּם‬
Formidavit, expavit, He feared, dreaded , terrified ,
terruit, formida- was to be feared.

Fugit. [bilisfuit. He fled .

.Archi Arkite, N. F. or P.

‫ ערר‬.Excitare To raise up.

Lectus, sponda, cul- A couch, bed, bedstead , mat-
cita, stragula. trass, counterpane.
His bed.
ֹ‫ עֶרְשׂו‬.Lectus
My bed.
meus s
‫ ערְשִׂי‬.Lectu
1120 ‫עשוקים‬

‫ערש‬ noster s
ּ‫ עֶרְשָׂנו‬.Lectu Our bed .

ַ‫ ע‬.Lect
‫|רְשׂתָם‬ eorum i Their beds.
‫עור‬ ‫| ערת‬Pelles , cutes
, Skins.
Their skins.
‫ ערֹתָם‬.Pelles

‫עשש‬ vy Tinea. A moth.
‫עןש‬ Arcturus .
ׁ‫ עָש‬.Arcturus
The herb , grass.
‫ עֵשֶׂב עָשְׂבָּא‬.Herba
‫עֶשְׂבוֹת‬ .Herbe Herbs.
Their herb , grass,
‫ עֶשְׂבָּם‬.Herba eorum
‫עָשָׂה‬ Fecit, egit, paravit, He made, did, prepared, exe-
executus est, com- cuted, pressed, bruised.

‫ עֲשָׂהאֵל‬.Asahel [ pressit. Asahel, N. M.

‫עשה‬ nwynwy Facere, faciendo. To do, in making, doing.
‫ עֹשֶׂה‬.Faciens Making , doing .
ּ‫ שָׂו‬--‫ י‬-- ‫ עֲשָׂה‬.Fac Make, do thou.
‫שֶׁה‬ ‫שֶׁה‬ ‫ עשָׂה‬Faciens, ,
agens Making , doing .
ּ‫ עשָׂה‬.Facien
eam s Its maker .

ּ‫ עָשָׂהו‬.Fecit
eum He made him, it.

ּ‫ עֲשֵׂהו‬.Facere
eum To perform it.
My Faciens eum. His maker.
‫שׂוֹת‬ ֹ‫ עָשׂוֹ עֲשׂו‬.Fa agendo eTo make, in doing.
, cer
wy Fecerunt, egerunt. They made, did.
ּ‫ עֲשׂו‬.Facil
, agite e Make, do ye.
‫ עֶשָׂו‬.Esau Esau, N. M.
‫עשה‬ ‫עש‬.Compresserunt
ּ‫|ׂו‬ They pressed, bruised.
ּ‫ עָשׂוּהו‬.Fecerunt
cum They made, did it.
‫ | עֲשׂוּוּת‬.Parate Prepared .
‫ עָשׂוּי‬.Factus Made.

‫ עֲשׂוּיָה‬.Facla Made.

‫ עֲשׂוּיִם‬.Facti Made, done.

ָ‫ע‬ cer
me . [sor . They havemadeunt
‫עשק‬ Piwig Opprimens, oppres- Oppressing, an oppressor.
‫ עָשׁוּק‬.oppressus Oppressed.
‫ עֲשׁוּקִים‬.oppreast Oppressed.
‫עשנה‬ 1121


‫עשר‬ ‫ עָשׂוֹר־־שָׂר‬Decem ; decachor-| Ten ; an instrument of ten

‫עשת‬ niwy Nitidus, purus[ dum Bright, clean, pure. [ strings.

‫ עַשְׂוָת‬.Asval Ashvath, N. M.
That she did.
‫עשה‬ ּ‫ עֲשׂוֹתָה‬.Fac ere
‫ עֲשׂוֹתְכֶם‬.Facere
vos That ye do.

mei s
‫ עשָׂי‬.Factore My makers .

‫שים‬ -‫ | עשִׂי‬.Facientes They that make.

‫עֲשִׂיאֵל‬ .Asiel Asiel, N. M.

‫ עֲשָׂיָה‬Asaias
, Asaiah, Asahiah , N. M.
Her makers.
‫עשה‬ ָ‫ עֲשֶׂיה‬.Factor ejus es
Their makers.
‫ עֲשֵׂיהֶם‬.Facto eorumres
tui s
ְ‫| עשָׂיִך‬.Factore Thy makers.

ּ‫ עָשִׂינו‬.Fecimus We have made, done.

‫עשר‬ ‫ עָשִׁיר‬.Dives
‫ עֲשִׁירֵי‬.Diviles
‫ | עֲשִׂירִי‬.Decimus Tenth.
Her rich men.
ejus s
ָ‫ עֲשִׁירֶיה‬.Divite
A tenth part.
‫ עֲשִׂירִיָה־־רָת‬.Decima
Thou hast made, done.
‫עשה‬ ‫ עָשִׂיתָ־ית־יתָה‬.Fecisti
‫עשת‬ ‫ | עֲשִׁית‬.Cogitavit He thought.
isti Thou hast done it.
‫עשה‬ ּ‫ עָשִׂיתָה‬.Feceam
I have made, done.
‫ עָשִׂיתִי‬.Feci
I was made.
sum s
‫ עָשִׂיתִי‬.Factu
I have made him.
‫ עֲשִׂיתִיו‬.Feci
eos ti
‫ עָשִׂיתָם‬.Fecis Thou hast made them.
Ye have made, done.
‫תֶן‬ ‫ עֲשִׂיתֶם‬.Fecistis
I have made them.
‫ עֲשִׂיתֶם‬.Feci
Thou hast made me.
‫ עֲשִׂיתָנִי‬.Feciati
‫ עָשִׂיתָנִי‬.Fmihi I have made for myself.
He hath made thee.
ָ‫ עָשְׂך‬.Fec
ְ‫ עֹשֶׂך‬.Fac tor
tuus Thy maker.
it He hath made them.
‫שָׂם‬ ָ ‫ע‬ .F ec
‫ עָשָׁן‬.Aaan Ashan , N. P.

‫עָשַׁן‬ Fumavit, iratus est. He smoked, was angry.

‫ עָשָׁן עֲשַׁן‬.Fumus
‫ עָשֵׁן‬Fumans
, Smoking .
Her smoke.
ּ‫ עֲשָׁנָה‬.Fumus ejus
VOL. 11.
1122 ‫עשש‬

His smoke.
‫עשן‬ mus
ֹ‫ עֲשָׁנו‬.Fuejus
He hath made us.
‫עשה‬ oit
ּ‫ עָשָׂנו‬.Fcnos
ּ‫ו‬ ‫ שׂנ‬Factor noster Our maker .

‫ עָשָׂנִי‬.Fecmeit [meus. He made me.

ָׂ‫עש‬ me , ac ie
factor He that mademe , mymaker n
Thou hast been angry .
‫עשן‬ ָּ‫ עָשַׁנְת‬.Iratu es s
‫עָשַׁק‬ Oppressit, vim attu- He oppressed, used violence,
lit, defraudavit. defrauded , deceived .
An oppressor.
‫ עָשֶׁק‬.Oppressor
Litigavit, rixatus est He contended, strove.
Pwy Lis, rixa. Contention , strife.

‫עֲשֶׂק‬ .Esec Eshek, N. M.

‫עשק‬ Puy Opprimens. Oppressing .

PW Oppressio, vis. Oppression , violence .
She hath oppressed .
‫ עָשְׁקָה‬.Oppressit
ipy Oppressit eum. He oppressed him.

ּ‫ עָשְׁקו‬.Oppresserunt They have oppressed.

ntes Their oppressors.
‫ עשְׁקֵיהֶם‬.Opprime cos
I have defrauded.
‫ עָשַׁקְתִּי‬.Defraudavi
Thou hast defrauded us.
ּ‫ עֲשַׁקְתָּנו‬.Defrauda nos sti
‫עָשַׁר‬ Dilavit, ditatus est, He enriched, became rich,
divitem se jactavit boasted himself to be rich.
‫עֶי‬ ‫עָשֶׂר‬ ‫ עֲשָׂר‬.Decem
‫ עֲשָׂר‬.Decim dare am To give the tenth.
‫עָשָׂר‬ Decimavit; decimam He tithed , received the tenth,
accepit, dedit. gave the tenth.

‫ | עשֵׁר‬.Divilia Wealth , riches.

‫עֶשְׂרֵה‬ ‫ עֲשָׂרָה‬.D,ec decimusemTen , tenth .

His wealth.
ֹ‫ עָשְׁרו‬.Diviliecjus
A tenth part.
‫ עֲשָׂרוֹן עֲשָׂרִית‬.Decim pars a
‫ עֶשְׂרִים‬.Viginti Twenty .
‫עָשְׁרָם‬ Divitiæ eorum. Their wealth .

‫ | עשׂרֹנִים‬.Decime Tithes, tenth.

‫ עֲשָׂרֹת‬.Decem
‫ עֲשֶׂרֶת‬Decem
sum us I have become rich .
‫ עָשַׁרְתִּי‬.Ditat
Conlabuit. Hewas consumed, wasted away

‫עתיקי‬ 1123

‫עשש‬ ‫ עָשְׁשָׁה‬.Conlabuit She was consumed .

ּ‫ עָשֵׁשׁו‬.Contabuerunt They have wasted away.

‫עָשַׁת‬ Nituit ; cogitavit. He shone brightly; he thought
‫עֶשֶׂת‬ .Nitor Brightness.
She did, made, prepared .
‫עשה‬ ‫ עָשָׂתָה עָשְׂתָה‬Fecit, paravit
e That she doth , did.
‫ עֲשְׂתָה‬.Facer eam
‫עשת‬ ּ‫ עָשְׁתו‬Wituerunt
, They shone brightly.
‫עשה‬ inivy Facere eum. That he doth, did.
‫עשת‬ ‫שְׁתֵּי עָשָׂר‬.Un
ֲ‫ע‬ dec
, undecimus . Eleven , eleventh im
‫ֲשְׁתֵּי עֶשְׂרֵה‬.Un
‫ע‬ , undecimus . Eleven , eleventh im
‫עשה‬ .F ec
meit She, it hath made me.
‫עשת‬ His thoughts .
‫ עֶשְׁתּוֹתָיו‬.Cogitat iones

‫ עַשְׁתָּרוֹת‬.Astarot Ashtaroth, N. I.
Ashtoreth, N. I. .
‫ עַשְׁתּרֶת‬.Astoret
Ashterathite, N. F. or P.
‫ עַשְׁתְּרָתִי‬.Asteratila

‫עתת‬ nyny Tempus : nunc. [fuit Time ; a, the time : now.
‫עתֵּר‬ Paravit, promptus He prepared , was ready.
‫תִי" דִין‬ ‫ עֶתְדִים‬.Parati Prepared.

‫ | עַתָּדִים‬.Hirci He-goats.
‫ עתדת‬.Parala Things prepared ..
‫עתת‬ ָּ‫תָּה עַתָּה־־ת‬.Usque
ָ‫ע‬ , adhuc , nunc . Till , yet , still , now
ּ‫ עִתָּה‬.Tempucjus s Her time.

‫קָצִין‬ ‫ עַתָּה‬.I tta

- casin Ittah-kazin, N. P.
‫עתת‬ iny Tempus ejus. [ mores. His time.
‫עתר‬ Ty Hirci,principes, pri- He-goats , princes, chief ones .
‫ עַתּוּדִים‬.Parati, prompti Prepared, ready.
‫ עַתָּי עַתִּי‬.Atai Attai, N. M.
‫עתת‬ ‫ָתִּי‬.Paratus
‫ע‬ , promptus . Prepared , ready
‫עתר‬ ‫ד‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫ת‬ ָ ‫ע‬ .Pa rat us Prepared.
Athaiah, N. M.
‫ עֲתָיָה‬.Ataias
‫עתת‬ es
Thy tim .
ָ‫ עִתִּיך‬Tempora, tua
Time s.
‫| עִתִּים‬.Tempora
‫עתק‬ Ancient.
‫ עַתִּיק‬.Antiquus
Removed .
‫ עַתִּיקִי‬.Remoti
1124 ‫פארי‬


‫עתק‬ ‫ עַתִּיקִים‬Antiqui
ְ‫ עַתָך‬.Atac Athach, N. P.
‫עתת‬ Ty Ty Tempus tuum. Thy time.
‫ עַתְלָי‬. Athlai , N. M.
Athaliah, N. W.
ּ‫עֲתַלְיָה־־יָהו‬ .Atalia
Obscuratus est. He was darkened.
‫עתת‬ ‫ עִתָּם‬.Tempu eorum s Their time.
Othni, N.M.
‫ עָתְנִי‬Otmi
Otniel. [ transtulit. Othniel , N. M. [cribed.
Senuit , removit, He grew old, removed, trans-
‫ עָתָק‬.Du rus Hard, rough, disagreeable.
, asper
Phy Durabilis, perennis. Durable, continual, perpetual .
‫ עָתְקָה‬.Senuit She grew old.
ּ‫ עָתְקו‬.Senuerunt They have grown old.
Eter, Ether, N. P.
‫עָתֵר‬ Oravit, deprecatus He prayed,earnestlyintreated,
est, multiplicavit. multiplied.

‫ עֲתָרִי‬.Suppl ices My suppliants.

Densitas, abundantia Thickness , abundance.

nny Tempestive dixit aut He said or did any thing sea-

egit aliquid, sonably.
My times.
mea ra
‫ עִתֹּתָי‬.Tempo


‫פֶּאָה‬ Disjecit in angulos , He scattered into corners, ex-

exterminavit. terminated.

‫ | פֶּאָה‬.Angulus A corner.
‫פָּאֵר‬ Ornavit, decoravit, He adorned, beautified, glo-
glorificavit, glori- rified, vaunted, went over
atus ost, ramos the boughs .
scrutatus est.

Ornamentum, tiara An ornament, bonnet, turban.

‫פָּארָה‬ .Ramus A bough.
, nitor r
‫| פָּארוּר‬.Deco Beauty, shining.
‫ פַּאֲרֵי‬.Tiara Bonnets, turbans.
‫פרויי‬ 1125


Decoravil , glorifica- He hath beautified , glorified

77 Tiara tua. [ vit te. Thy bonnet, turban. [ thee.
Paran, N. P.
‫ פָּארָן‬.Paran
‫ פארת‬.Rami Boughs.
His boughs.
‫ פארֹתָיו־־תָו‬.Ra mi
‫פאה‬ Angulus, latus, ex- A corner, side, extremity.
Anguli. [tremitas . The corners.


‫פנג‬ [ ominabilis.

‫פנל‬ Fœtidus, pollutus,ab- Filthy, polluted, abominable.

‫פגש‬ wi Occurrere .[ ræ ejus. To meet. [to maturity.

‫פנג‬ Grossi,ficusimmatu- Her early figs that never come

Abominable things.
‫ פַּגְלִים‬Res abominandae
Occurrit, pervenit, He met, reached, came to , fell
irruit, oravit, in- upon, prayed , intreated.
Occursus. [ tercessit . A meeting, occurrence.
V Casus, occasio. Chance, occasion.
Pagiel, N. M.
‫ פַּנְעִיאֵל‬Pagiel,
Thou hast met.
‫פגע‬ ָּ‫ פָּגַעְת‬.Occurristi
Lassusfuit, defecit. He was weary, fainted.
‫פֶּי‬ ְ‫ פָּנֶך‬.Cadaver A dead body, carcase .
They fainted.
ּ‫ פַּגְרו‬.Defecerunt
Dead bodies , corpses , carcases
‫ִים‬ ‫ר‬ ָ ‫ג‬ ּ ְ ‫פ‬ ‫ פִּגְרֵי‬.cadavera
a carcases .
‫ פִּגְרֵיכֶם‬.cadav westrer
Obvenit, occurrit. He met as one person meets
I met. [ another on the road.
‫ פָּנַשְׁתִּי‬occurri

Eripuit,liberavit,re- He rescued, delivered ,redeem-
Redimendo. [ demit . In redeeming. [ ed , ransomed .
Redeem thou.
‫ פְּדֵה‬.Redime
ֹ‫פּו‬ ‫ רֹדֶה‬.Redimens Redeeming.
Pedahel, N. M.
‫פְּדַהְאֵל‬ .Pedael
Pedahzur, N. M.
‫ | פְּדָהצור‬.Pedatsur
‫פרה‬ ‫ | פדויי‬.Redempti Redeemed.
1126 ‫פוטיפר‬

.Padon Padon, N. M.
‫כרה‬ ‫דְת‬ ‫דוּת‬.Re
ְּ‫פ‬ dem
, liberatio pti
Redemption , deliverance
ּ‫|פדיה־־הו‬ .Pedaias Pedaiah, N. M.
‫פרה‬ ‫ּדְיוֹן־־ין‬.Redempti
ִ‫פ‬ , pretium Redemption , ransom

‫ פָּדִיתָ־־תָה‬Redemiali , Thou hast redeemed.

ָ‫יתִיך‬ ִ ‫ד‬ ּ ְ ‫פ‬ .Re te i

dem I redeemed thee.

‫ פְּדִיתִים‬.Redcos emi I have redeemed them.

ָ‫ פָּדְך‬.Redem te it He redeemed thee.

‫ פָּדָם‬Liberavit, cos He delivered them.

-aram an
‫ פַּדַּן אֲרָם‬.Pad Padan-aram , N. P.

‫פרה‬ ed im
‫פְד‬ , liberame . | Redeem , deliver thou me
Liberavit . He delivered.
ּ‫ פְּדָעֵהו‬Libera eum . Deliver thou me. '
His fat. .
ֹ‫ פַּדְרו‬Adeps cjus


‫ פֶּה‬. 0
, extre s A mouth, extremity.

‫ | פה‬.Hic
, huc Here, hither.


.Puas Puah, N. M.
‫פוּג‬ Singultavil, remis- He gasped , intermitted, faint-
sus est, defecit, ed, ceased.
ּ‫| פ‬
‫וּנָת‬.In ter mis
, requies . Intermission , rest sio
‫ פְּנָה‬.Puvas Phuvas, N. M.
ַ‫פּוּח‬ Aspiravit, perflavit, He breathed, blew, spoke, ut-
locutus est, illa- tered, ensnared .
‫פתז‬ ‫ פּוֹחֲזִים‬.Leves [ queavit. Light, inconstant .
‫ | פּוּט‬.Pul Phut, N. M.
Potipherah, N. M.
‫ פּוֹטִיפֶרַע‬.Potiphera
‫ | פּוּטִיאַל‬.Putiel Putiel , N. M.
‫ | פוטיפר‬.Potiphar Potiphar , N. M.
‫פותר‬ 1127

‫פטר‬ Laxans, dimittens. Loosing, letting out.

Fucus ; stibium ; la- Pigment for the face ; a black
pis pretiosus ni- mineral , supposed to be
gricans. black lead ; a precious
stone of the same colour .
‫ פּוּל‬.Pul Pul, N. M. P.

‫פוּן‬ Hæsitavit,dubitavit . He hesitated, was in suspence
‫ | פּוּנִי‬.Punile Punites, N. F.

.Punon Punon, N. P.
.Pua Puah, N. W.

Dispersit, dissipavit. He dispersed ,scattered abroad

‫| פוּצִי‬.Dispe meirsi My dispersed.

‫פּוּק‬ Vacillavit, impegit, He tottered, stumbled, drew

deprompsit, obti- forth, obtained.

‫פקר‬ TP Tpi Visitans . [nuit. Visiting.

Go ye forth.
ּ‫ | פּוּקוּ פָּקו‬.Egredimini
Fregit, disrupit,irri- He broke, broke down, disan-

‫פוּר‬ .Sors [tumfecit. A lot. [nulled, made void .

‫| פור‬.Disrumpendo In breaking down.
‫ פּוּרָה‬.Torcular A wine press.

‫ | פּוּרִים‬.Purim Purim, N. S.
‫פרע‬ ַ‫ | פּוֹרֵע‬.Rejiciens Rejecting.
‫פור‬ ּ‫ פ‬.Disrupisti
ָּ‫|וֹרַרְת‬ Thou hast broken asunder.
‫פרש‬ ׂ‫| פּוֹרְש‬.Expandens Spreading abroad.

‫ פּוֹרָתָא‬.Porata Poratha, N. M.
ׁ‫פוּש‬ Crevit, sese diffudit, He grew up, spread himself,
obesus factus est, grew fat, was scattered .
dispersus est.
‫פשע‬ ‫ פוֹשְׁעִים פָּשִׁי‬.Prevaricantes Transgressors.
‫פתה‬ Simple, silly.
‫ פּוֹתָה‬Simplex , ,
‫פתח‬ Opening.
ַ‫ פּוֹתֵח‬.Aperiens
‫ | פּוּתִי‬.Puli Puthites, N. M. or F.
‫פתר‬ Interpretans. He that interpretethi.
1128 ‫פחי־־חים‬

‫פזז‬ Aurum purum. Fine gold.

‫פזר‬ Scattered.
‫ פְּזוּרָה‬.Dispersa
TIP Exilüt,roboratus est He leaped, was strengthened.
Sparsit, dispersit. He scattered, dispersed .
‫ | פָּוּר‬.Dispersit He hath dispersed.
1 Disperserunt. They have scattered.

ָּ‫ פַּזַרְת‬.Sparsisti Thou hast scattered.

‫פוח‬ A snare.
‫ פָּה פַּח‬.Laqueus
‫פָּחַד‬ Pavit, timuit, trepi- He feared , dreaded, terrified .
davit, terruit.
‫ פַּחַד‬.Pavor
, timor
‫הֵי‬ ּ‫ פָּחָדו‬.Timuerunt They feared .
17 Femora ejus. His thighs.
The fear of him.
ֹ‫ פַּחְדּו‬.Pavor
‫ פְּחָדִים‬Pavores. Fears.
Pavor tui. The fear ofthee.
Your fear.
‫ פַּחְדְּכֶם‬Pavor tester
‫ פַּחְדָּס‬.Pa vor
eorum The fear of them.
‫ פָּחַדְתִּי‬.Timui I feared.

meus r
‫ פַּחְדָתִי‬.Timo My fear.
‫פַּחַת‬ , A captain, governor.
‫ פֶּחָה‬Dux , princeps
nin- nine Duces, principes. Captains, chiefs.

ָ‫ פַּחוֹתֶיה‬.Duces ejus Her leaders, captains.

Levis,inconstans, tu- He was light, unstable, swol-

midus, superbus, len, proud, presumptuous,


temerarius, disso- dissolute, licentious.

Levis, inconstans, Light, unstable, swollen,proud
‫פָּתַח‬ Irretitus, illaquea- He was entangled , ensnared.
tus est.
‫פות‬ Laquei ; laminæ. Snares ; thin plates of metal.
‫פילגשי‬ 1129

Coal .
‫ פֶּחָם‬.Carbo
Their captain, governor.
‫פחה‬ ‫ פֶּחָם‬.D u
coru m r
. ‫פֶּחָר‬ .Figulus A potter.
‫ פַּחַת‬.D ceps r A captain, chief, governor.
, prinu
‫מוֹאָב‬ ‫ פַּחַת‬.Pac-mwoab t Pahath-moab, N. M.

‫פחת‬ ‫ֶרֶת‬-C
‫בְּח‬ in or ro
cute per- The corrosion or inwardsi
fret o
spicua . ting ofthe leprosy.
‫דַת‬ ‫ פָּטְדָה‬.Topazius A topaz. '
‫פטר‬ ‫פְּטוּרִים‬.D im
, immune is
s . | Dismiss ed , free si
ׁ‫ | פטיש‬Malleu
, s A hammer.
‫פַּטְיֹשֵׁיהוֹן‬ Femoralia ,sec . alios Their drawers , according to
tiare eorum , others, their turbans.
Aperuit, laxavit, di- He opened, loosed , let go,
misit, subduxit se. withdrew himself.

4 p e
ni- The r
opening t io
‫טֶר פָּטְרַת‬.
ֶּ‫פ‬ , primoge , the first - born
‫בט‬ [ tus.

‫פי‬ [mandalum . [commandment.

‫פה‬ Os meum;os,verbum, My mouth ; a mouth, word,

‫| פִּי בָסֶת‬.PFbeset Phi-beseth, N.JP.

‫ | כִּי הַחִירֹת‬.Pi
- hachirot Pi-hahiroth, N. P.
‫פה‬ Os ejus. [ tum, ejus. Her mouth. [ment,
‫הו־־יו‬-‫פי‬ , verbum ,manda- O s
His mouth , word , command
O eorums Their mouth , word .
‫ פִיהֶם‬.
| , verbum
‫פִים‬ ּ‫פְו‬ ‫| פִי‬
‫וֹת‬. O
, acies ; ancipites r
. Mouths , edges ; two - edged a
‫פות‬ Favilla,fuligo ab ig- Ashes, or soot from a furnace
‫פה‬ TOs tuum. [ ne afflata. Thy mouth.
‫|פיכל‬.Phicol Phichol, N. M.
‫פלגש‬ ‫ פִּילֶגֶשׁ פְּלֶי‬.concubina A concubine.
His concubine.
ֹ‫ פִּילַגְשׁו‬.Concubina
‫ פִילַגְשִׁי‬.Concubina
mea My concubine .
VOL. II. 3 A

‫פלגש‬ Concubinès .
‫ פִּילַנְשִׁים‬.Concubinae

‫פִּימָה‬ .Arvina Fat, suet.


‫פה‬ Their inouth .

ֹ‫ פִּימו‬0s corum ,
ּ‫ פִפּייננוו‬Os nostrum Our mouth.
‫פְּנִי‬ ‫ פִּינְחָס‬.Phinechas Phinehas , N. M.

‫ פינן‬.Pinon Pinon , N. M.
‫ פִּיפִיּוֹת‬.Or ; ancipiles a Mouths ; two-edged .
‫ֹן‬ ‫ו‬ ׁ ‫ש‬ ‫י‬ ּ ִ ‫פ‬ .Pi son Pison , N. R.

‫פִּיתוֹן־־תן‬ .Pilon Pithon , N. M.

‫פכה‬ Lenticula .
ְ‫פַּך‬ A little pot or vial.
‫פְּכָּה‬ Scaturivit, diffluxit. He gushed out, flowed abroad

‫כֶרֶת הַצְבָיִם‬.P
ֹּ‫ב‬ ho
- hatsebaim ce
. Pochereth of Zebaim , re
N. M

‫פְּלָא‬ Abscidit, separavit ; He cut off, separated ; was
mirabilis, difficilis wonderful, difficult ; did
fuit ; mirifice egit , wonderfully , made wonder-
mirum fecit. ful.
‫ פֶּלֶא‬.Mirabilis Wonderful .
‫ פְּלָאוֹת־־לאיה‬.Mirabilia Wonderful things .
‫פלאי‬.Dif fi
, occultus . ci
Difficult , secretlis

‫ פַּלָּאִי‬.Paluite Palluites , N. P.

‫ פְּלָאיָה‬..Pelaias Pelaiah, N. M.

‫פלא‬ Mirabiles. Wonderful .

ְ‫אֶך‬ ַ‫ פ‬.Mirabi
ְ‫ּלְאֲך‬. tuumle Thy wonderful work.
Divisit, partilus est. He parted , divided.
‫ פָּלֶג‬.Divide Divide thou .

‫ פָּלֶג פֶּלֶג‬.Pal , Pelegeg Peleg, N. M.

A ||

‫ | פֶּלֶג‬.Rivus A river.
‫ | פַּלַּג‬.Divisit He hath divided .
‫ פַּלְנֵי פְּלָנִים‬.Riri
‫ פְּלָנָיו‬.Ri vi
cjus His rivers.

‫ שִׁים‬--‫| פְּלַנְשִׁי‬.concubina Concubines.

‫פלילה‬ 1131

‫פלגש‬ Their concubines.

‫ פְּלַנְשֵׁיהֶם‬.Concu bine
lue neThy concubines.
ָ‫ פְּלַגְשֶׁיך‬.Concubi
Pildash, N. M.
ׁ‫ פִּלְדָּש‬.Pillas
‫ פְּלָדת‬.Fac , lampadeses
‫פָּלָה‬ Separavit, distinxit. He separated, distinguished.
‫כַּלּוּא‬ .Palu Pallu , N. M.
Pelonite, N. F. or P.
‫ פְּלוֹנִי־־לני‬.Pelonaeus
‫פָּלָה‬ Scidit, diffidit, He cut , clave asunder.
Servivit, coluit. He served, worshipped.
‫ פָּלָה‬.Colens Serving, worshipping.
‫ פָּלָח‬.Fragmenlun A piece, fragment.
ַ‫ כֹּלֵח‬.Scindens Cutting.
‫פַּלְחָא‬ Pilcha
, Pilcha, N. M.

‫פלח‬ ‫ פָּלְחִין‬.Colentes Serving .

‫פָּלֶט‬ .Pelet Pelet, N. M.

‫פָּלַט‬ Profugit, evasit, li- He fied away, escaped , deli-

beravit ; peperil. vered ; she brought forth.
Liberare, liberatio. To deliver, deliverance.

" ‫ לִי‬-- ‫ פָּלֶט פְּלֵטָה‬.Efugium Escape .

Deliver thou.
‫ פַּלְטָה‬.Libera
Save ye.
ּ‫ פַּלְּטו‬.Servate
‫פַּלְטִי‬ .Palti Palti, Phalti, N. M.

‫ פְּלְטִי‬.Pillai Piltai, N. M.

‫ פַּלְטִיאֵל‬.Palliel Paltiel, Phaltiel, N. M.

ּ‫ פְּלַטְיָה הו‬.Pelatias Pelatiah, N. M.

‫פלט‬ ‫ טָם‬-- ‫ פַּלְטִים‬.Evadentes Escaping.
Deliver thou me.
‫ פַּלְטְנִי‬Libera me.
‫פלג‬ Divided .
‫ פְּלִינָה‬.Divisa
‫ פְּלָיָה‬.Pelaias Pelaiah, N. M.
‫פלט‬ ְ‫| פ‬
‫ּלִיט‬.E va
, profugus de
. Escaping , a fugitive ns
‫לֵיטִים‬ ‫ּלִיטִי‬.Ev
ְ‫פ‬ ade
, profugi ntes
. Escaping , fugitives
ְ‫פ‬ fug
eorum . They thatienescape of them tes
Those of his that escape.
‫| פְּלִיטָיו‬.Evaden ejustes
ְ‫| פ‬ ade
vestrium . Theythat escapenteofyou s
duum The remainder.
‫ְּלֵיטַת‬ ‫פ‬ | .Resi
‫פלל‬ ‫ פְּלִילָה‬.Judicium Judgment.
1132 ‫פנה‬


‫פלל‬ les
‫ פְּלִילִי‬Judicia,
judicion In judgment.
‫ פְּלִילִיָּה‬.I
‫ פְּלִילִים‬.Judices
The Colus. A distaff.

ְ‫ פֶּלֶך‬.Tra ctus A tract, region.

, regio
$ 311315

Arbitratus est, diju- He arbitrated ,judged between,

dicavit, decidit, in- decided, interceded, prayed
tercessit, oravil.
Palal, N. M.
‫פָּלָל‬ .Palal
Pelaliah, N. M.
‫ פְּלַלְיָה‬.Pelalias
77 Dijudicasti. Thou hast judged.

sum tusI thought.


‫ פַּלָּלְתִּי‬.Arbitra
Some one. [dered.
‫פלא‬ ‫ פְּלנִי‬.Quidam
Appendit, libravit. He weighed, pondered, consi-
Libra, appende. Weigh, ponder thou.
‫ פֶלֶס‬.Statera
Contremuil. He trembled with fear.
Trembling, horror .
‫ פַּלָצוּת‬.Trem , horroror
Conspersit se, volu- He sprinkled himself, rolled
Palestina. [ tavit se . Palestina, N. P. [himself.

‫ פְּלִשְׁתִּי‬.Philisteus Philistine, N. N.

i Philistines, N. N.
‫ פְּלִשְׁתִּים‬Philiste,
‫ פֶּלֶת‬.Pelet Peleth, N. M.
‫ | פְּלֵתִי‬Pelete, Pelethites, N. N.

A, the mouth.
‫פוס‬ DP Os.

Ne,neforte,quodnon Lest, lest peradventure, that
‫פָּנַג‬ .Panag Pannag, N. P. [not.
Vertit se, avertit, He turned himself, turned
versavit, aspexit, away, turned hither and

respexit, paravit, thither, looked towards,

purgavit. regarded, prepared , cleared
‫פס פסא‬ 1133


‫פנה‬ Purgavit, paravit ; He hath cleared away, pre-

Aspicere. [angulus . To look. [pared ; a corner.
Angulus ejus. Her corner.

Aspice , respice. Look, regard thou.

Avertens, aspiciens. Turning away, looking.
Averterunt, respex- They turned away, looked.
ּ‫ | פָּנו‬.Parate [ erunt. Prepare ye.
Vertite vos, respicite Turn ye, look.
Penuel, N. M. P.
‫ פְּנוּאֵל‬.Penuel
ni Aspicere. To look.
ni Anguli, principes. Corners , chiefs.

Di Anguli,turres eorum Their corners, towers .

ies My face.
‫ פָּנָי פְּנַי‬.Fac mea
‫| פְּנֵי פָּנִים‬Facies , vull us The face, countenance, faces.
‫ פְּנֵי הַחִירֹת‬.P eni Before Pi-hahiroth, N. P.
- hachirot
Peniel, N. P.
ie s Her face.
‫פנה‬ ָ‫ פָּנֶיה‬.Facejus
ie s Their face, faces.
‫ פְּנֵיהֶם‬.Fac corum
ies His face.
‫ פָּנָיו‬.Fac ejus
Thy face.
ְ‫נִיך‬ ְ‫ פָּנָיִךְ־־נַיִך‬.Fac ies
vestie s Your faces.
‫ פְּנֵיכֶם‬.Fac re
Aspicientes. Looking.
sec us Within.
‫ פְּנִימָה‬Intrin ,
ies His face.
ֹ‫ פָּנֵימו‬.Fac cjus
ּ‫ פָּנֵינו‬.Fac ies Our face.
Vertimus nos. We have turned.
‫פנן‬ ‫פְּנִינִים‬ .Margarita
‫פנה‬ Thou lookedst .
ָ‫ פָּנִית‬.Resperisti
ָ‫ פָּנִית‬.Parauti Thou preparedst.
‫ פָּנִיתִי‬.Paravi I have prepared.
Peninnah , N.W.
‫ פְּנַנָּה‬.Penina
Delicate nutrivit. He brought up delicately.
‫פנה‬ Her corner.
ejus us
ּ‫| פְּנָתָה‬.Angul
His corners.
‫ פְּנֹתָיו‬.Angulcjus i

‫פסס‬ .Pars Part.
‫פָּסָא‬ ‫פֶּס‬
1134 ‫פעל‬

‫| פֶּס דָמִים‬.-P a
dami m s Pas -dammim , N. P.
‫פָּסֶג‬ Distribuit, distinxit, He distributed , distinguished ,

‫פָּס‬ [ distincte viditisPisgah , N. P. [ distinctlyg
‫פסג‬ ּ‫ פַּסְגו‬.Di sti nct
videre eTo obser ve disti nctly .
‫פסס‬ ‫סו‬ |.Defecerunt They failed .
‫פסה‬ ַ‫ פָּסוֹח‬.Transeundo In passing over.
‫פסח‬ Transivit, transiliit, He passed over, leaped over,
‫פ‬ as
.[ claudicavit . A , the ch
passover [a
ַ‫ פָּסֵח‬.Paseach Paseah, N. M.
‫פסת‬ ַ‫ פָּסַח‬.Claudus Lame.
‫ פסחים‬.Claudi Lame.
| ‫ פ‬.Claudicantes Halting .
‫פסל‬ ‫ לִים‬--‫ פְּסִילֵי‬.Sculptilia Graven images.
ejus lia Her graven images.
ָ‫ פְּסִילֶיה‬.Sculpti
‫ פְּסִילֵיהֶם‬.SculpteorumiliaTheir graven images .

ְ‫| פְּסִילֵיך‬.Sculptilia
tua Thy graven images.
‫פקס‬ ‫| פָּסִים‬.Polymiti Embroidered,ofdivers colours
ְ‫ פָּסַך‬.Pasac Pasach, N. M.
‫פָּסַל‬ Dolavit , sculpsit . He hewed, carved, engraved.
‫פְּסָל‬ .Dola Hew thou.

‫ פֶּסֶל‬sculptile A graven image.

ֹ‫ פסלו‬.Sculp cum sit He hath graven it.
‫ פַּסְלָם‬.Sculp Their graven image.

‫ פְּסַנְטְרִין תֵּ"־תִּי‬.Psalleria [est. Psalteries .

‫פָּסַם‬ Defecil, diminutus He failed , was diminished .
‫ פַּסְפָּה‬.Pispa Pispah, N. M.
‫פסס‬ ‫ | פָּסֶת‬.Pugillus A handful.

Clamavit . He cried out.
ּ‫פָּעו‬ .Pau Pau, N. P.
‫פעיר‬ .Peor Peor , N. P. I.
‫פָּעִי‬ .Pai [paravit. Pai, N. P. [pared.
‫פָּעַל‬ Fecit, operatus est, He made, did , wrought, pre-
‫ פעל‬.Opus Work .
‫|פעל‬.Operans Working.
‫פצו‬ 1135

‫פעל‬ Operati sunt, fece- They wrought, did .

‫פ‬ ejus . . His work
‫ פְּע‬.Opus
meum My work .
‫ פעלי‬.Operantes They that work.
‫ פְּעָלִים־־עלת‬.Opera
Thy work .
ְ‫ פָּעָלְךָ עָלֵךְ לֶך‬.op
Their work .
‫ פָּעָלָם‬.Oeoru m s
ָּ‫ פָּעַלְת‬Operatus es, fecisti. Thou hast wrought, made.
‫ פְּעלַּת‬Opus, merces. Work, wages, reward .
His work .
ֹ‫ פְּעִלָּתו‬.Opu cjus s
I have done.
‫ פּעלתִּי‬.Feci
Peulthai, N. M.
‫ פְּעָלְתַי‬.Peullai
‫פעל‬ pumus Their work .
‫ פַּעֲלָּתָם‬.Ocor
‫פָּעַם‬ Tutudit per vices,ex- He beat with alternate strokes,
citavit, perturba- moved, roused, troubled,
vit, consternavit. terrified.

‫ פַּעַם‬.Ic t
, inc usus A stroke, an anvil.
‫ פַּעַם‬.Se mel
, nunc Ouce , now.

‫פ‬ re
, pedes mei . Mysssteps , feet us
Gressus, incessus. Steps , goings.
Ty Gressus, pedes ejus. His steps, feet.
ְ‫פְּעָמִיך‬ tuies
ְ‫ פְּעָמַיִך‬.Ped Thy feet.
‫ פַּעֲמָיִם־־מַיִם‬Bis,
‫ פָּעָמִים‬.Fices
um A bell.
‫ן‬ֹ‫ פַּעֲמ‬.Tinlinnabul
‫ פַּעֲמֹנִי‬.Tinlinnabula Bells.
His corners.
‫ פַּעֲמֹתָיו‬.Angul cjus i
‫פָּעַר‬ Aperuit, distendit. He opened his mouth, gaped.
ּ‫ פָּעֲרו‬.Aperuerunt They opened .
‫ פַּעֲרֵי‬Paarai
, Paarai, N. M.
‫פער‬ ‫ פָּעַרְתִּי‬.4perui I opened .


‫פְּצָה‬ Aperuit, liberavit. He opened, delivered .

‫ פְּצֶה‬.Aperi Open thou .

13 Aperuerunt . They opened.
ּ‫ פָּצו‬.Dispergimini Be ye dispersed.

‫פצע‬ ַ‫ פְּצוּע‬.Vulneratus He that is wounded.

‫פָּצַח‬ Personavit, confre- He resounded, called aloud,

3 Personarunt. [git. They broke. [ broke in pieces.
13 Confregerunt. They resounded , shouted.
ּ‫ פָּצְחו‬.Personale Make ye a loud noise.
‫ פָּצחי‬.Personato Break forth, shout thou.
‫פצה‬ ‫ פָּצִיתָה‬.Aperuisti Thou hast opened.

‫פְּצִיתִי‬ .Aperui I have opened.

‫פְּצֵל‬ Decorticavit. [ ones. He peeled.
Cortices, decorticati- Rinds, streaks, peelings .
DYP Diffidit, diffregit. He cut asunder, broke inpieces
A Diffregisti eam. Thou hast broken it in pieces.
‫פצה‬ ‫ פְּצֵנִי‬.Liberme a [vit. Deliver thou me.
‫פּצָע‬ Vulneravit, saucia- He wounded, hurted.
‫פֶּצַע‬ ‫ פְּצַע‬.rulnus A wound.
me uml
‫ פְּצָעוּנִי‬.Vulnerar They wounded me.
nera My wounds.
‫ פְּצָעִי‬.Vulmea
‫ פַּצְעֵי פְּצָעִים‬.rulnera
‫פָּצַר‬ Institil, ursil. He pressed, urged.
‫פצה‬ ‫ פָּצְתָה‬.4peruit She hath opened.

‫פָּקַד‬ Visitavit, inspexit, He visited, inspected, punish-
punivit, lustravit, ed, reviewed, reckoned,
recensuit, nume- numbered, found wanting,
ravil, desideravit, was missed, charged, com-
defuit, mandavit, mitted , deposited, appoint-
commisit, depo- ed, set over.
suit, præfecit. [do.
TP Visitando, desideran- In visiting, missing.
‫ פְּקֹד‬.Nume , punilora Number, punish thou.
‫ פֶּקד‬.Pecod Pekod, N. P.
‫פקר‬ ‫ פֶּקַד‬.Recensi est tumIt was counted.
Visitatio. [præficile. A visitation.
17 Visitate, numerate, Visit, number, appoint ye.
ּ‫| פָּקְדו‬.Desiderarunt They missed.

ּ‫ פָּקְדו‬Numerarunt
, They numbered.
‫פקחת‬ 1137


arun t
‫פקר‬ ְ‫ פְּקָדוּך‬.Visit te They have visited thee.

‫פְּקְדת‬ ure
‫ פְּקְדּוֹת‬Prefect, Wards, charges, offices.
That I visit.
TP Visitare me.
PR Præfecti ; numerati. Officers ; numbered. [ them.
Those that were numbered of
‫פְּקְדֵיהֶם‬.Numer eorumati
‫ פְקְדָיו‬.Numer ejusati They that are numbered ofhim
His precepts .
" ּ‫ פַּקְדָיו־־קו‬.Preceejuspta
" ּ‫ פָּקְדֶיךָ־־קו‬.Precetuapla Thy [you .
DOT Numerali vestrum. They that were numbered of
Officers , superintendents .
" ‫ קִי‬-- ‫ פְּקְדִים‬.Prefecti
Desideravimus. We missed.
ila Visit thou me.
‫ פָּקְדֵנִי‬.Visme
ATP Visitasti. Thou hast visited.
Visitatio, custodia, A visitation , custody, ward,
præfectura. charge.
His charge, office.
ֹ‫ פְּקְדָּתו‬.Prefect ejus ura
, it iI have visited , punished.
‫ פָּקַדְתִּי‬.Vis i
Desiderare factus I have been deprived .
Visitavi cum. [ sum. I visited him .
avi I visited thee.
ָ‫ פְּקַדְתִּיך‬.Visitte
I visited them.
‫ פְּקַדְתִּים‬.Visil eosavi
tua raThy charge, superintendence.
ְ‫ פְּקְדָּתֵך‬.Prefectu
ָ‫ פְּקְדָּתְך‬.Visit atio Thy visitation.
De Recensio, visitatio Their account, muster, visi-
Visilastis . [corum. Ye have visited. [tation.

‫פוק‬ ּ‫ פָּקו‬.Impegerunt They stumbled .

‫ פְּקוּדִי‬Precep, Precepts.
Aperuit, apertus est. He opened, was opened.

To open.
ַ‫ פָּקַח‬.Aperire
‫ פְּקַח־־חה‬.p eri Open thou; an opening.
; apertio
| |

‫ פֶּקַח‬.Pec ac h Pekah, N. M.

‫פקח‬ Пp Videns, perspicax. Seeing, quick sighted.

Op Aperiens. Opening.


ti Open.
‫ פְּקְחוֹת‬Aper,
ּ ְ ‫פ‬ .Pe cac hia s [simi. Pekahiah, N. M.
‫ַחְיָה‬ ‫ק‬
‫פקח‬ DP Perspicaces, acutis Quick sighted, very acnte.
ָּ‫ פָּקַחְת‬.4peruisti Thou hast opened .
VOL. II. 3 в
1138 ‫פרוצים‬

‫פקר‬ ‫ פָּקִיד‬.Prefectus Set over , a governor .

ֹ‫ פְּקִידו‬.Prefectejus us His officer.

‫פקע‬ ‫פַּקְעת‬ ‫ פְּקְעִים‬.Cucurbite Knops, gourds.



‫פַּר‬ ‫ פָּר‬.Juvencus A bullock .


Onager; ferus. A wild ass ; wild , savage.


Wild asses.
‫ פְּרָאִים‬.0nagri
‫ פַּרְאָם‬.Piram Piram , N. M.
‫פרא‬ ‫| פראתָיו‬.Rami cjus His branches.
Separavit, disjunxit , He separated , disjoined , divi-
divisit, dissipavit . ded , dispersed.
ֹ‫פַּרְדּו‬ .Mulus
ejus His mule.

‫פְּרְדוֹת‬ .Grana
‫פַּרְדֵיהֶם‬ .Muli
eorum Their mules .

‫פְּרָדִים‬ .Muli Mules.


, sylva s The forest.

‫ פַּרְדֵּס‬.Sallu
‫פרד‬ ‫ פַּרְדַּת‬.Mula A mule.

‫רָה‬ Fecundus fuit , cre- He was fruitful , grew, brought

vit,fructum edidit, forth fruit, made fruitful.
‫פרא‬ ‫ֶּרֶה‬.Onager
‫פ‬ . [ fecundavit A wild ass
‫פרה‬ estodus| Be thou fruitful .
‫ פְּרֵה‬.Fecun
‫פר‬ ‫ פָּרָה‬.racca A cow.

‫פרה‬ ‫ פֿרֶה‬.Fruct edens um Bringing forth fruit.

‫ פָּרָה‬.Phu ra s Phura, N. M.
‫פרה‬ They were fruitful .
ּ‫ פָּרו‬.Farcu ndi
ּ‫ְּרו‬ ‫פ‬ .Cre scit e Incre ase ye.
‫ | פָּרוּדָא‬.Peruda [cendo. Peruda, N. M. [rishing .
‫פרח‬ ַ‫וֹחַ פָּרֹח‬-Ge
‫פָּר‬ rmi nan
, flores- In budding , blossoming , fou
ַ‫ פָּרוּח‬.Paruach Paruah, N. M.
‫ פַּרְוָיִם‬.Parvaim Parvaim, N. P.
‫פרע‬ Made bare, naked.
ַ‫ פָּרוּעַ־־רְע‬.Wudatus
‫פרץ‬ ‫ פָּרוּצָה‬.Rupt, dirula a Broken, broken down.
‫ פְּרוּצִים‬.Dirupti Broken down.
‫פרס‬ 1139

‫פרש‬ Spread abroad.

‫ פְּרוּשָׂה‬.Expansa
‫פרר‬ 717 Fuligo, nigredo. Soot, blackness .
‫פר‬ Cows.
‫פָּרֹת‬ e
‫ פָּרוֹת‬Facc,
‫פרז‬ [ejus.
Pagi, non murati, His villages, unwalled towns.
Pagus, non muratus A village, unwalled town.
gus His village.
ֹ‫ פִּרְזוֹנו‬.Paejus
‫ פְּרָזוֹת‬.Pugi Villages .
Perizi, Perizæi. Perizzites, N. N.
‫ פַּרְזֶל־־זְלָא‬.Ferrum
‫פָּרַח‬ Germinavit, floruit, He budded , flourished, made
florerefecit, vola- to flourish, flew.
‫ | פרח‬.Flos [vit. A flower.
Germinans, florens. Budding, blossoming.
‫ּרָחָה פָּרְחָה‬.Ge
ָ‫פ‬ rmi
, floruit She buddednav , flourished it
ּ‫ פַּרְחָה‬.Fl Her flower .

‫ פִּרְחָה־־חַה‬.Pubes
, pubertas Youth, puberty.
Germinans, flores- Budding, flourishing.
‫פרט‬ [ cens.
‫פרה‬ ‫ֶרִי פְּרִי‬.Fr
‫פ‬ uct
; fecundus . Fruit ; fruitful us
‫פר‬ ejus ci Her bullocks.
ָ‫ פָּרֶיה‬.Juven
‫פרה‬ ‫ פָּרִיָה‬.Fructu
ejus s Her fruit .

‫ | פֿרִיָה‬.Faæcunda [rum . Fruitful .

‫ הֶן‬-- ‫פְּרִיהֶם‬.Fr , ca- Their fruit us
corum uct
His fruit.
ֹ‫ פַּרְיו‬.Fructus
My fruit .
meus us
‫ פִּרְיי‬.Fruct
ctus Thy fruit .
ְ‫ פַּרְיְךְ יֵך‬.Frutuus
‫פר‬ ‫ פָּרִים‬.Juvenci Bullocks.
‫פרה‬ ‫ פַּרְיָם יָמוֹ יָן‬.Fruct eorum us Their fruit.
‫יס‬ isa She, it has been divided .
‫ פְּרִיסַת‬.Divest
‫פרץ‬ Grassator, vastator. A robber, destroyer.

‫רְצִי‬ ‫ּרִיצֵי צִים‬.Gr

ָ‫פ‬ ass
, pasta- Robbers , destroyers res
‫פרד‬ [ tores.
um A veil.
‫ פָּרֹכֶת‬.r et
‫פָּרָם‬ Discidit, dissuit. He rent, ripped.
1140 ‫פרצתנו‬


DE Discissi, dissuti. Rent, ripped.

‫פרס‬ ‫פְּרָמִים‬
la Parmashta, N. M.
‫ פַּרְמַשְׁתָּא‬Parmas,
ְ‫ פַּרְנָך‬.Parnac Parnach, N. M.
Persia, N. P.
‫ פָּרָס רַס‬.Persia
Fidil, divisit. He cleft, divided.
‫ פָּרֹס‬.Dividendo In dividing.

‫ פְּרֵס‬.Divisil He divided.
A hoof.
‫פַּרְסָה‬ .Ungula
‫ פַּרְסוֹת פְּרָמֹת‬.Ungule
Nudavit, detexit, He made bare, uncovered, call-
avocavit, perver- ed off, perverted , rejected,
lit, rejecit, ullus revenged.
Coma, cæsaries . [ est. Hair, the locks.
Pharaoh, N. M.

‫פַּרְעה‬ .Pharao
He made him naked.
‫פרע‬ ‫פְּרָעה‬ .Nudavit eum

Reject thou him, it.


ּ‫פְּרָעֵהו‬ .Rejiceeum
.Uuiones Revenges.
‫פְּרָעוֹת פַּרְעוֹת‬
Parosh, N. M.
ׁ‫פַּרְעֹש‬ .Paros
A flea.
‫פרע‬ ׁ‫פַּרְעֹש‬ .Puler
Pirathon , N. P.
‫פַּרְעָתוֹן‬ .Piralon
Pirathonite, N. P.
‫ פַּרְעָתְנִי‬.Piratomila
Pharpar, N. R.
‫פַּרְפַּר‬ .Parpar
Rupit, prorupit , di- He broke, broke forth, broke
ruit, irruit, cre- down, broke in, grew, in-
vil, disjecit,coegit. creased , scattered, compell-
In breaking down. [ ed .
‫ פָּרֹץ‬.Diruendo
Vastator, grassator A destroyer, robber.
Ruptura, eruptio,ir- A breach, breaking out, break-

s [ruptio. Pharez , N. M. [ing in.

‫פִּי‬ ‫פָּרֶץ‬Pharct
creve- They broke up, increased .
‫פרץ‬ ּ‫ פָּרָצו‬Ruperu, nt
13 Prorupe runt . [ runt. They broke forth.

‫ פַּרְצִי‬.Pharetsila Pharzites, N. F.

‫פרץ‬ ‫ פַּרְצִיהֶן‬.Rupeorum tureTheir breaches.

‫ פֶּרֶץ עֲזָה‬Perels- ,
uzas Perez -uzzah, N. M. [forth.

‫פרץ‬ Rupisti, prorupi sti. Thou hast broken, broken

Disjecisti nos. Thou hast scattered us.
‫פרתו‬ 1141

‫פְּרַק‬ Fregit, abrupit, lace- He broke, broke off, tore, rent ,

ravit, liberavit. delivered.
Rapina , violentia . Rapine, violence.
‫ פַּרְק‬.Abrumpe
\ Break thou off.

PLacerans ; liberans. Tearing, rending ; delivering.

ּ‫ פָּרְקו‬.Abrumpile Break ye off.
ׁ‫פרש‬ Exposuit, declara- He expounded , exposed, de-
vit, dispersit, pu- clared , scattered , stung, di-
pugit, divisit. vided.
Extendit, expandit, He stretched out, spread
ׁ‫ פֶּרֶש‬.Fimus [discidit. Dung. [abroad, cut asunder.

ׂ‫ פָּרְש‬.Expansus Spread abroad.

ׁ‫ פָּרָש‬.Eques A horseman.

ׁ‫ | פֶּרֶש‬.Peres Peresh, N. M.
‫פרש‬ Declaratus est. He, it hath been declared.
Expandens, discin- Spreading abroad, cutting
‫פרשנן‬ [ dens. [asunder.
‫ פַּרְשֶׁבֶן‬Erempl, A, the copy.
‫פר שר‬
‫פרש‬ Extendit, expandil. She stretched, spread abroad.
Her dung.
ּ‫ פַּרְשָׁה‬.Fimus cjus
ּ‫ פָּרְשׂו‬.Expanderunt They spread abroad.
ֹ‫ פַּרְשׁו‬Fimus ejus
, His dung.

‫ פְּרָשׂוֹת‬.Expanse Spread abroad.


‫ פַּרְשֵׁז‬.Expandit He spread.
‫פרש‬ ‫ פרשי שִׂים‬.Expandentes Spreading forth.
‫ פָּרָשָׁיו‬.Equites
ejus . His horsemen.

‫פָּרָשִׁים‬ .Equites Horsemen.

corum Their dung.
‫ פַּרְשָׁם‬.Fi
sand ata Parshandatha, N. M.
‫ פַּרְשַׁנְדָּתָא‬.Par
‫פרש‬ ‫ פְּרָשַׁת‬.Summa A sum .
Extendi, expandi. Istretched forth, spread out.
‫ פְּרָת‬.Euphrates Euphrates, N. R.
‫פרה‬ ‫ פֹּרָת‬.Fecunda Fruitful.
‫פר‬ ejusce
ֹ‫ פָּרָתו‬.Vac His kine.
1142 ‫פשענו‬


Serpsit, diffudil se. He spread, diffused himself.
‫| פֶּשׂה‬.Serpendo In spreading.

ַ‫פְּשַׁח‬ Concidit, discerpsit. He cut up, tore in pieces.

Pashur, N. M.
‫ פַּשְׁחוּר‬.Paschur
Exuit, detraxit, ex- He put off, stripped, flayed ,
coriavit, irruit. rushed upon, invaded.
Detrahile. Strip ye.

ּ‫ פָּשְׁטו‬.Irruerunt They ran upon, invaded.

‫|ּשְׁטים‬ ‫ פ‬.Eruehles Putting off.
We have invaded.
ּ‫ פָּשַׁטְנו‬.Irruimus
i I have put off.
‫ פָּשַׁטְתִּי‬.Eru
ui st is Ye have invaded.
‫ פְּשַׁטְתֶּם‬.Irr
Prævaricatus est,re- He transgressed , rebelled, re-
bellavit, defecit. volted.

Incessit, gressus est. He went, walked , stepped.

yi Prævaricando. [ tio. In transgressing.
yu Prævaricatio, defec- Transgression, revolt.
‫ פִּשְׁעָה‬.Pre variejus.
cati Her
o transgression.
yu Prævaricatio ejus. His transgression.
" -- Prævaricati sunt, re- They transgressed , rebelled .
bellarunt. [ meæ.

‫בְּשָׁעָי־־עַי‬ Prevaricationes My transgressions.

‫ פִּשְׁעֵי פְּשָׁעִים‬.Prevaricationes Transgressions.

io mea. My transgression.
‫ּשְׁעִי‬ ִ ‫פ‬ Preva ricat
ָ‫פְּשָׁעֶיה‬ Prevaricationes Her transgressions .
ejus. [rum.
Dy Prævaricationes eo- Their transgressions.
‫פְּשָׁעָיו‬ Prevaricationes His transgressions.
Prævaricationes tuæ Thy transgressions.
‫פִּשְׁעֵיכֶם‬ Prevaricationes Your transgressions.
vestræ. [ nostræ.

ּ‫פָּשָׁעֵינו‬ Prevaricationes Our transgressions.

corum Their transgression.
‫ פִּשְׁעָם‬Prevaricatio
Prævaricati sumus . We have transgressed.
‫פתות‬ 1143


‫פשע‬ " ַׁ‫ פָּשָׁעַתְּ־־ש‬.PrevariescataThou hast
Ye have
cati transgr essed .
‫ פְּשַׁעְתֶּם‬.Prevari
Divaricavit. He spread , opened wide.
Pii Divaricans. He that openeth wide.
Interpretatus est. He interpreted.
‫ פְּשַׁר אֲשֶׁר‬.Interpretatio Interpretation.

‫ פִּשְׁרָא‬Interpretatio Interpretation .
ִּ‫פ‬ ter interpretationtat
ejus . | Thepre ofit io

‫ פִּשְׁרִין‬.Interpretationes Interpretations.
‫בשה‬ " ְׁ‫ פָּשָׂתָה־־ש‬.Serpsit She spread.
‫פשת‬ .Lina Flax, linen.

‫פת‬ [ cella. [mouthful .

‫פוזה‬ Frustum panis, buc- A piece of bread, a morsel ,
DX- DIN Repentinus ; subito. Sudden ; suddenly .
‫פתה‬ ‫ פְּתָאִים‬.Simplic, falui esSimple, foolish .
‫פתת‬ tio
‫ פַּתְבַּג‬.Porcibi A portion of meat.
cibi ejusio The portion of his
ֹ‫ פַּתְבָּנו‬.Port
‫ פַּתְבָּנָם‬.Por tio
cibi eorum The portion of their meat.
‫פ‬ . An edict , decree um
, decretumict
: ‫ פ‬.Rescriptum
‫גמא‬1‫ת‬ A rescript, royal answer.
Persuasit, allexit , He persuaded , allured, sooth-
blanditus est, pel- ed, flattered, inveigled , de-
lexit, decepit, dila- ceived, enlarged.
‫פות‬ ‫ פָּתְהֵן‬Nales earum . [tavit . Their buttocks.
‫ פְּתוּאֵל‬.Petuel Pethuel, N , M.
‫פתח‬ ַ‫רֹח‬ ‫ פָּתוֹחַי‬.Aperiendo In opening .
,Opened, open.
ַ‫ פָּתוּח‬Aperlus , palens
ַ‫ פָּתּוּח‬.Sculptura Engraving .

‫ פְּתוּחָה‬.4perla Opened;
‫ פְּתוּחוֹת־־תחת‬aperte , [ re. Opened.
‫פ‬ , ulp ture
celulu- Engravings
ָ‫ פְּתּוּחֶיה‬.Scu lptu
ejus re Her engravings.
‫פתת‬ , seca e Break , cut thou .
‫ פָּתוֹת‬.Frang
1144 ‫פתילס‬


Aperuit,solvit,strin- He opened , loosed , drew, cast

xit, abjecit, sculp- off, engraved .
‫פ‬ . ol To loose re
[ sil ,celavit .ve
The opening .
‫ פֶּתַח פִּתְחוֹן‬.4pertio
A door, gate.
‫ פֶּתַח‬.Os,tiu porta m
Oepn thou.
‫ פֶּתַח פִּתְחִי‬.4peri
He loosed.
ַ‫תֵּח‬ ‫ פְּתַּח‬.Solvit
ַ‫ פֹּתֵח‬.Aperiens Opening .
She opened .
‫ פָתְחָה‬.Aperuit
She loosed herself, was open.
‫ פַּתְּחָה‬.Solu se , paluitit
ּ‫ פַּתְּחָה‬.Ce lat ejusura Her carved work.
" ‫פָּתָחוּ־־ת‬.per ue
, strinr- They ru
opened , drew out n

in Porta ejus. [ erunt. His gate.

ּ‫ פַּתְחו‬.Apcrile Open ye.
ninne Stricti gladii. Drawn swords.

‫ פָּתָחָי‬.Ost meaia My doors .

lia Doors , gates.

‫ פִּתְחֵי פְּרָחִים‬.Os , porte
Her gates .
ָ‫ פְּתָחֶיה‬.Por cjuste
Pethahiah, N. M.
‫ פְּתַחְיָה‬.Petachias
‫פתח‬ ּ‫ פְּתָחֵינו‬.Por nostrete Our gates .
ann Solvisti, abjecisti. Thou hast loosed, cast off.

‫פָּתַחְתִּי‬ .perui I have opened .

vi I have loosed thee.
ָ‫ פְּתַּחְתִּיך‬.Sol te
‫פתה‬ ‫ פַּתִּי‬.Al ice Allure, entice, inveigle thou.
, pellice
ָּ‫פ‬ mpl
; simplicitas e.r
Simple ; simplicity
‫פתת‬ meum umMy morsel . .
‫ פַּתִּי‬.Frusl
lætitiæ, A cincture ofjoy, a swathe for
‫פְּתִינִיל‬ Cingulum
fascia pectoralis. the breast, a stomacher.
‫פתה‬ The breadth of it.
ּ‫ פְּתָיֵה‬.Latit ejusudo
‫ פַּתָיוּת‬.Simplicitas Simplicity.
‫פתח‬ ּ‫ | פתיחו‬.Ape rti
sunt They were opened.

‫ פְּתִיחָן‬.Aperte Being opened .

‫פתה‬ ‫ פְּתָיִם־־תָיִם‬.Simplices Simple.
‫פתל‬ A covering.
‫ פָּתִיל‬.Operimentumi
A thread.
‫ פָּתִיל‬.Filum
Threads, filaments.
‫ פְּתִילם‬.Fil , filamenta a
‫צאנך־־נך‬ 1145


Frusta. Pieces, morsels.
‫פתת‬ ‫פַּתִּים‬
‫ פַּתִּיתִי‬.Pel le
, dece pi ri I have inveigled, deceived.
Persuasisti me. Thou hast persuaded me.
Frustum tuum. Thy morsel.
‫פתת‬ ְ‫פַּתְּךָ־־תֵּך‬
Perversusfuit, per- He was perverse, shewed him-
versum se exhi- self froward, wrestled.
buit, luctatus est.
Pithom, N. P.
‫פָּרֹם‬ .Pitom

An asp.
‫פָּתָן פֶּי‬ .Aspis
‫פְּתָנִים‬ .Aspides
yn Subito, repente . Suddenly .
Interpretatus est. He interpreted.
Pathros, N. P.
‫ פַּתְרוֹס־ירס‬.Patros io
ָּ‫פ‬ nter ejus . pr pretationat
His interet
‫ פָּתְרֹנִים‬.Interpretation
rusim Pathrus im , N. M.
‫ פַּתְרְסִים‬.Pat
r A, the copy.
‫ פַּתְשֶׁבֶן‬.Exempla
Fregit, secavit. He broke, cut.

Go forth, get thee hence.
‫יצא‬ ‫ צֵא צְאִי‬.Egredere
‫ צאָה־־אַת‬.Sordes
ּ‫ צָאו‬.Erile Go ye out.

Go ye forth .
‫ צְאוּ צְאֵינָה‬.Egredimini
Pecudes nostræ. Our flocks, sheep.
. ‫צאן‬ 1
‫צאלים‬.aumbrose Shady trees es
. or

A flock, sheep.
‫ צאן‬Grer, ovis
Ny Grex, oves ejus. His flock, sheep.

Grex meus. My flock.

ges Thy flocks.

ְ‫נֶך‬ ָ‫ צאנְך‬.Gretui
70L 11 3
1146 ‫צבו‬


‫צאן‬ ‫ צֵאנְכֶם‬.Gre ges Your flocks.

DIY Greges, oves eorum. Their flocks , sheep.
‫יצא‬ ָ ntus Her produce.
‫ צֶאֱצָאֶיה‬.Provecjus
ְ‫ צֶאֱצָאֵיך‬.Prognal tui i Thy offspring.
‫ָאַת‬ ‫צ‬ .Sor des Filth, filthiness.
‫ | צאת‬.Egredi To go forth.
ֹ‫ צֵאתו‬.Egredeum i That he goeth forth.
Excrementum tuum That which cometh from thee

ָ‫צֵאתְך‬ .Erire
le That thou goest out.

‫ צֵאתָם‬Egredi ,
eos That they went forth.
Exire nos. That we come forth.

‫צב‬ [currus. [waggon.

‫צבב‬ ,tectus A covered vehicle, a tilted
‫ צב‬Cameratus
‫צָבָא‬ Convenit, ministra- He assembled , served , warred,
vit, militavit, pug- fought ; enlisted, mustered,
navit ; milites col- trained soldiers.
legil, conscripsit,

‫צְבָא‬ Voluit, cupit. He wished, desired .

"YNY Militia, exercitus. A warfare, host, army.
Volens. [ tempus ejus Willing.
Exercitus, militia, Her host, army, warfare, time.
Convenerunt ,pugna- They assembled, fought.
18 Agmen ejus. [ runt . His host, army.
Agmina, exercitus . Hosts, armies.
Diy Exercitus vestri. Your armies.

‫ צְבָאִי‬.Temp meum us My appointed time.

His hosts.
‫ צְבָאָיו‬.Agmin ejus a
Exercitus tuus [ rum Thy army.
DNEY Agmen,exercitus eo- Their host, army.
‫ צִבְאֹתַי‬.Exerci mcitus My armies .
Exercitus eorum. Their armies.
‫ עֹבֵבָה‬.Tsobebas Zobebah, N. M.
‫צָבָה‬ Intumuit, tumefecit. He swelled , made to swell.
‫ צָבָה‬.Tumens, tumidus Swelling, swollen.
ּ‫ צְבו‬.Folunlas Will, pleasure, purpose.
‫צרנית‬ 1147


‫צבע‬ ַ‫ צָבוּע‬.Pi c
, col tusus
orat Painted , coloured .
Porreait. He reached, stretched out.
‫צבה‬ ‫ צְבִי‬.Dec , gloriaus Beauty, glory .
‫ | צביא‬Tsibia
, [pha. Zibia, N. W.

‫צבא‬ Caprea, vel antela- A roe, or antelope.

Zibiah, N. M.
‫ צְבְיָה‬.Tsibias
‫צבא‬ ָ‫ רֹבֶיה‬.Oppugnan eam tesThey that fight against her.
Zeboim , N. P.
‫ צביים‬.Tseboim
I wished , would.
‫צבה‬ ‫ צְבִית‬.Poluit
Pin.rit, coloravit , tin- He painted, coloured ; dyed ,
o l o n[moistened.
‫צֶבַע‬.C . [ zrit ,madef ecit Colou r
n Zibeon, N. P.
‫ צְבָעוֹן‬Tsibeo,
‫צבע‬ ‫ צְבָעִים‬.Colores
ֹ‫ ב‬Tscby oim Zeboim, N. P.
‫צְבַר‬ Collegit, congessit. He gathered, heaped up.
i Heaps.
‫ צְבָּרִים‬.Acerv


‫צדד‬ ‫ | צד‬.Latus A side.

TYTsedad. [ latus est. Zedad , N. P.

Insidiatus est, deso- He lay inwait, was destroyed

Provision .
‫ צְדָה‬.riaticum
At her side.
‫צדד‬ ‫ צְדָּה‬. A
latus ejusd
‫צדה‬ ianSnares,
s lying in wait, hunting
‫ צדה‬.Insid , venans
17 Venati sunt. They hunted .

‫ צָדוּנִי‬.ren me iThey hunted me.

sunt at
Zadok, N. M.
‫ צָדוֹק‬.Tsadoc

‫צדד‬ ‫ צַדִּי‬Latera Sides.

‫צרה‬ ‫ צִדְיָּה‬.Insidie Snares , lying in wait.

‫צדר‬ His sides.
‫ צְדָּיו‬.Latera ejus
‫ְרִים‬ ‫צ‬ .Ts idi m Ziddim , N. P.

, innoctu
us ens sJust , righteous , innocent .
‫צדק‬ ‫ צַדִּיק‬.J
Just , righteous .
‫קָם‬ ‫ | צַדִּיקִים‬.Justi
‫צדד‬ Latus tuumn . Thy side.
ia A Zidonian woman.
‫ צִדְנִית‬Tsidon,
1148 ‫צהריס‬


Justusfuit , justifica- He was just, righteous ; he

vit, absolvit ; jus- justified, acquitted ; he ac-
tum habuit, decla- counted, declared righteous
‫ צֶדֶק‬.Justilia [ ravil. Justice, righteousness .
‫צִדְקַת‬ ‫ צְדָקָה‬Justitia ; ,
justus Justice, righteousness ; just.
sta She was righteous.
‫ צָדְקָה‬.Jufuit
‫ צָדְקָה‬.Justificavit She hath justified.
ARTY Justitia ejus. Her righteousness.

ּ‫ צָדְקו‬.Ju sti
fuerunt They were righteous.
ֹ‫ צַדְקו‬Justifi , se To justify himself.

ֹ‫ צִדְקו‬.Justi ejustia His righteousness.

" ְ‫ צְדָקוֹת־צִד‬Justit, Righteousnesses .

‫ צִדְקִי־־קָתִי‬.Justi mealia My righteousness.

chi as Zedekiah, N. M.
ּ‫ צִדְקִיָּה־־יָהו‬.Tzede
‫צדק‬ ‫ צַדְקִים‬.Justi Just, righteous.
ְ‫ צַדְקָך‬.Justificte are To justify thee.

ָ‫ צִדְקֵךְ־־קֶך‬.Justi tua a
ti Thy righteousness .

ּ‫ צִדְקֵנו‬Justitia nostr
, a Our righteousness.
PTY Justusfuisti. Thou hastbeen just, righteous.

ּ‫ חֹתָו‬--ֹ‫ צִדְקָתו‬.Justili ejus a His righteousness.

‫ צְדַקְתִּי‬.Justu fui s I was, have been righteous.
ָ‫ צִדְקָתֶיך‬.Justi tie
lue Thy righteousnesses.
ּ‫ צִדְקתֵינו‬.Justi tia
nostr e eOur righteousnesses.

‫תֶךָ־תִּי‬ tuatia
ְ‫ צִדְקָתֵך‬.Justi Thy righteousness.


‫צָהַב‬ Fulsit. He shone.

‫צָהֹב‬ .Flavus Yellow.

7773 Hinnivil, exullavit, He neighed, exulted, shouted,
vociferati sunt, caused to shine.

‫ צָהֲלָה‬.Erullavit She exulted, rejoiced.

rati They shouted .
ּ‫ צָהֲלו‬.Vocife
Exult thou, lift up.
‫ צַהֲלִי‬.Erul , attolle la
‫צָהַר‬ Oleum expressit." He pressed out oil.
‫ | צהר‬.Fenestra A window.
‫ | צהר‬.Meridies
‫ים‬TT: Noonday.
‫צויתני‬ 1149



‫צוה‬ Præcipe; preceptum Command thou ; a precept.

13 Præceptum, manda- A precept, command.
‫יצא‬ ‫ צו אִים‬.Sordidi
ֹ [tum . Filthy .
A neck.
‫צור‬ ‫ צַוָּאר צַוָּאי‬.Collum
lu m Her neck .
‫ צַוָּארָה‬.Colejus
His neck.
ֹ‫ צַוְארֵהּ צַוָּארו‬.Colejus lum
Collum meum. My neck .
Nec ks..
‫ צַוָּארֵי‬.Colla
um la
eorl Their necks.
‫ צַוָּארֵיהֶם‬.Co
lsl a His necks.
‫ צַוָּארָיו‬.Coeju
l tral a Your necks.
‫ צַוְארֵיכֶם‬.Co ves
ְ‫ צַוָּארֵךְ רֶך‬.Col tuulu
m m Thy neck.
C o l lm u m Thy neck .
ְ‫ צַוָּארָך‬. tuu
Colla nostra. Our necks.
trala Your necks.
‫ צַוְאוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Co vesl
Zobah, N. P.
‫ צוֹבָה‬.Tsoba
‫צוּר‬ Venatus est, in He hunted, took in hunting ,
vialicum sumpsit. took for his provision.
‫| צוד‬.renando [jussit. In hunting.
Precepit ,mandavit, He charged, commanded.
‫ צָיְה‬.Precipe Command thou .
He was commanded .
est s
‫ צְיָה‬.Jussu
He commanded him.
ּ‫ צִוָּהו‬.Precepit ei
Clamavit. He cried aloud.
A cry.
‫ צְוָחָה‬.Clamor
Thou hast commanded.
‫צוה‬ ‫ צְרִיתָ־־תָה‬.Precepisti
es s Thou hast been commanded.
‫ צַדִּיתָה‬.Jussu
I commanded .
" ּ‫ צְו‬-- ‫צְוִיתִי‬ .Precepti
Jussus sum. I was commanded .
I commanded her .
ei pi
ָ‫ צְוִיתִיה‬.Prece
I commanded him.
‫צְוִיתִיו‬ Precepi ei
I commanded thee.
ְ‫תִך‬ tibi pi
ָ‫ צְוִיתִיך‬.Prece
I commanded them.
‫תָם‬ ‫ צְוִיתִים‬.Precepi illis
ּ‫| צַדִּיתָנו‬.Precepi nobis sliThou commandedst us.
‫י‬ ִ ‫נ‬ ָ ‫ת‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫ו‬ ַ ‫צ‬ .Pr ece pis
mihi tiThou hast commanded me.
1150 ‫צורם‬


‫צוה‬ ָ‫צִיְך‬ ָ‫ צִו‬.Prece

ְ‫|ּך‬ pit
tibi He commanded thee.
‫צוּם‬ Jejunavit. He fasted.
‫צוה‬ eis t
ָ‫ צְי‬.Precepi
‫|ּם‬ He commanded them.
‫צום‬ ‫צום‬ | .Jejunium Fasting, a fast.
‫צמח‬ nis Germinans . He that buddeth, sprouteth.
‫צוה‬ cepi
ָּ‫ צִו‬.Pre nobis
ּ‫|נו‬ t He commanded us.

mihi t
‫ צִנָּנִי צְוּנִי‬.Precepi He comm anded me.

‫ | צוער‬.Tsoar Zoar, N. P.
‫ | צוּעָר‬.Tsuar Zuar, N. M.
Tsuph. [ undarefecit. Zuph, N. M. P. [overflow.
‫צוּף‬ Fluxit, natavit, ex- He flowed, swam, made to
13 Favus. [ speculator. A honeycomb . [man.
‫צפה‬ Aspiciens, speculans; Looking, watching ; a watch-
‫ופות‬ ‫ צ‬.Speculatores Watchmen.

‫| צוֹפָח־־פַח‬Tsophas
, Zophah, N. M.
‫| צוֹפִי‬.Tsophai Zophai, N. M.
‫צפה‬ ‫ צוֹפִיָּה‬.Aspiciens She that looketh to , observeth
‫| צוֹפִים‬.Tsophim Zophim, N. P.
‫צוף‬ ‫ | צוּפִים‬.Favi Honeycombs [ ous at a distance
‫צוּץ‬ Floruit, promicuit. He flourished, was conspicu-

‫צוּק‬ Pressit, ursit, arcta- He pressed, urged, straitened ,

vit, vexavil, op- vexed, oppressed, clave to.
pressit, adhæsit.

‫| צוּקָה‬.Angustia Distress, anguish.

‫צוּר‬ Ligavit, anxit, mu- He bound, straitened, fortified,
nivit, obsedit, vex- besieged, harassed, distress-
avit, afflixit, lega-
ed, feigned himself an am-
73 Tsur. [ tum sefinxit Zur, N. M. [ bassador.
‫ | צור‬.Tyrus Tyre, N. P.
‫צור‬ ‫ | צוּר‬.Rupes A rock.
‫ | צוֹר‬.Liga Bind thou .
‫ | צוּרִי‬.Rupes Rocks.
1713 Obside ; rupes mea. Besiege thou ; my rock.
‫ צוּרִיאֵל‬.Tsuriel Zuriel, N. M.
‫ צוּרִישַׁדָּי‬.Tsurisaddai Zurishaddai, N. M.
‫צור‬ Their neck.
‫| צַוָּרָם‬.Coll um
‫ציבא‬ 1151


Their rock .
‫צור‬ ‫ צוּרָם‬.Rup corumes [goldsmith .

‫צרף‬ Conflans, aurifaber. Melting, casting ; a founder,


‫ צוֹרְפִים‬Aurifabri , [them.
Conflans, probans eos Melting, proving, refining
‫צור‬ ‫ר‬ ֹ ‫ו‬ ‫צ‬ .Hos tes
mei My enemies .
‫רַי‬ ‫־‬ ‫־‬ ‫י‬ ָ ‫ר‬ ְ
‫ צוֹרְרִי‬.Hos tis
meus My enemy.
His enemies.
‫ צוֹרְרָיו‬.Hoste cjus a
ָ‫ צוֹרְרֶיך‬Hostes , tui Thy enemies.

‫צוּרַת‬ .Forma Form , beauty .

His form .
ּ‫צוּרֹתָו‬ ֹ‫ צוּרָתו‬.Formaejus
‫צוה‬ ‫ צְוַתָּה‬.Preceeipit She commanded, bade her.
it She commanded .
‫ צִוְתָה‬Precep,

That he commanded.
iny Præcipere illum.


‫צחח‬ ‫|ח‬ ,serenus, White, clear, dry.

‫ צ‬Candidus
‫ | צְחָא‬.Tsicha [aridus. Ziha, N. M.
Dried up.
‫צחת‬ ‫|צחה‬.Arens
‫|חו‬‫ צ‬.Canduerunt They were white.
" ַ‫צ‬ ‫ צָחוֹת‬Candida , ,
nilida White, neat.
Canduit. He was white.
ַ‫| צְחִיח‬.Excellocussus A high place.
terrada A dry land.
‫ צְחִיחָה‬.Ari
inny Putredo, fætor ejus. His corruption, stench, stink .
Risit, lusit . He laughed, sported, mocked .
‫ | צחק‬.Risus Laughter.
She laughed.
‫ צָחֲקָה‬.Riuit
ti Thou didst laugh .
ִּ‫ צָחָקְת‬.Risis
I laughed .
‫ צָחַקְתִּי‬.Risi
‫ צָחַר‬.Can,di albudu
s sWhite .
‫צהר‬ | .T so ch ar Zohar, N, M.
‫צחר‬ ‫ צְחֹרוֹת‬.Can, di albe de

Ziba, N. M.
‫ | צִיבָא‬.Thiba
1152 ‫צלא‬


on, food.
• ‫צוד‬ ‫ צָיִד צִידָה‬.Fiati , escacum Provisi
‫ ידה‬-- ‫ צַיִד‬.Fenalio A hunting.
ATY Viaticu ejus. Her provision.
| |

ejus o
‫ צידו‬.Venati His hunting, venison.
Zidon, N. P.
‫ צִידוֹן־־דן‬.Tsidon
|42 |

‫צוד‬ DTY Venanles, venatores. Hunting, hunters.

DTY Viaticum eorum. Their provision.
‫ צידן‬.Tsidon Sidon, Zidon, N. M. P.

‫ צִידֹנִי־־נִים‬.Tsidonii Sidonians, N. N.
‫ | צִיָּה‬.Siccum A dry place.

‫צין‬ ‫ציון‬ .Monumentum A monument.

‫צִיּוֹן‬.Tsion Zion, N. P.

‫ציה‬ ‫ | צִיחָא‬.Tsicha Ziha, N. M. P.

‫ ציים‬.Waves Ships.
DEthiopes, sec. alios Ethiopians, accordingto others,
incolæ solitudinis. they that dwell in the wil-
[derness .

.Tsin Zin, N. P.
‫צין‬ ‫צִינָה‬
Monumenta, signa. Monuments, marks.

‫ציער‬ .Tsior Zior, N. P.


‫ צִיץ‬.Lam
| , flos, ina
ala A thin plate, flower, wing.
‫| צִיץ‬.Tsils Ziz, N. P.

‫ | צִיצַת‬.Flos A flower.
‫ | ציצת‬.Fimbria A fringe. [ sador.

‫ציר‬ Legatum se finxit. He feigned himself an ambas-

Legatus, nuncius. An ambassador, messenger.
Her hinge.
‫| צִירָה‬.Cardo
mei s
‫| צִירִי‬.Dolore My sorrows.

ְ‫ צִירַיִך‬.Legtui ali Thy messengers.

Dolores ; legati. Pangs ; ambassadors .

‫צית‬ Succendit. He set on fire, burned.

‫צלל‬ A shadow.
‫צל‬ .Umbra
‫צְלָא‬ Oravil. He prayed.
‫צלעות‬ 1153

‫ צְלָה‬.Tuila Zilhah, N.W.

Assavit. He roasted.
‫צלל‬ ּ‫ צִלָּה‬.Umbra
ejus [ ta. Her shadow.
‫צלה‬ ‫ צְלִוּל‬Placenta cinere coc- A cake baked under the ashes.
‫צָלַח‬ Prosperatus est, He prospered, prosperously
prospere effecit, effected, made prosperous,
secundavit, trans- passed over.
Prosperare. [ ivit. Prosper thou.
‫ צָלָחָה‬.Prosper est ata She prospered.

‫|חית‬ ‫ צל‬.Scute llaA dish, phial, cruse.

, phiala
‫צלה‬ Roasted .
‫ צָלִי צְלִי‬Asus
‫צלל‬ ְ‫ צֶלֶךְ צִלְך‬.Umb tuara Thy shadow.

‫צְלֵל‬ Tinnivil, palpitavit, He tingled , palpitated , quiver-

tremuit, obumbra- ed, shadowed, darkened ,
vit,fundum petiit. sank to the bottom.
Umbra ejus[ brarunt His shadow.
Tremuerunt, obum- They quivered, darkened .

Fundum petierunt . They sank to the bottom .

Shadows .
‫צַלְלֵי‬ .Umbre
‫ צְלִם צַלְמָא‬.Imago An image .
‫צלל‬ Their shadow .
‫| צִלָּם‬.Umbr
eorum a
‫ צַלְמוֹן‬.Tsalmon Zalmon , N. M. P.
‫ צַלְמוֹ ָה‬Tsalmo,
‫נ‬ Zalmonah , N. P.
‫צלל‬ ‫ צַלְמָוֶת‬.Umbmortisra The shadow of death.
‫צלם‬ ‫ צלמי‬.Imagines Images.

‫ צְלָמָיו‬.Imagine
cjus s His images.
‫ צַלְמֵיכֶם‬.Imagi vestrne
e Your images.

‫ צַלְמָם‬.Im ago Their image.

‫ צַלְמְבָּע‬.Tsalmun Zalmuna , N. M.
Claudicavit. He balted .
| ||

.Ala A wing.


‫ צֶלַע‬.Latus A side.

‫ צלע‬Claudicans Halting .
Zelah, N. P.
‫ צֶלַע‬.Tvela
‫צלע‬ His side .
ֹ‫ צַלְעו‬.Latus
a Wings, side-chambers.
‫ צְלָעוֹת‬Ale , later
1154 ‫עמקים‬

‫צלע‬ ‫ צַלְעִי‬.Claudicatio
mea . My halting .
‫ם‬ ‫י‬ ‫ע‬ ‫ל‬ ‫צ‬ .ra lve The leaves of a door.
‫ צַלְעת‬.Lalera Sides.
His sides.
‫ צַלְעֹתָיו‬.Later
ejus a
‫ צָלָף‬Taala, Zalaph , N. M.
‫| צלפחד‬.Tselophehad Zelophehad, N. M.
‫צלל‬ ‫ צַלְצַל‬.Obumbrant Overshadowing .

‫ צֶלֶק‬.Tselec Zelek, N. M.
Zilthai, N. M.
‫ צַלְתַי‬.Tsilelai


‫צום‬ ‫ צָם‬.Jejunans Fasting .

Silivil . He thirsted.
‫ צָמָא‬.Sitis Thirst.

‫|צָמָא‬.Sitiens Thirsting, thirsty .

She thirsted.
‫ צָמְאָה‬Sitivit
‫ צ‬.Sitierunt
ּ‫|ָמְאו‬ They thirsted .

‫צַמִּים‬ ‫ צְמָאִים‬.Silientes Thirsting, thirsty.

Sitis eorum . [se. Their thirst.
Conjunxit , copulavit He joined , coupled himself.
‫| צֶמֶד‬.Par A couple .

‫ צ‬.Jugera Acres.

‫ | צְמָדִים‬Paria Pairs.

‫צמק‬ ‫ צָפּוּקִים‬.U ve Bunches of grapes.

‫צָמַח‬ Germinavit, effloru- He budded, flourished, sprang
il, ortus est, cres- up, made to grow.
Germen. [ cere fecit. A bud, branch.
Germinavit. He, it budded, sprang forth.

‫ צְמְחָה‬.Germe
ejus n Her, its bud, branch.
‫ צֹמְחוֹת‬Orientes. [gatum. Springing up.
‫צמד‬ TOperculum vasi alli- A cover tied to a vessel,
‫ צְמִידִים‬.Armille Bracelets.
‫צום‬ Dy Jejunium vestrum. Your fast.
Jejunavimus. We have fasted .
‫צְמַק‬ Aruit. He was dry.

passE Bunches of grapes .

‫| צִמָּקִים‬.Uve
‫צנע‬ 1155

‫עמק‬ ‫ צמְקִים‬.Arentes
Lan, Wool .
‫צֶמֶר‬ ‫צָמֶר‬
‫ צְמְרִי‬.La mea na My wool.
i Zemarite, N. M.
‫ צְמָרִי‬Themar
‫ צְמָרַיִם‬.Tsemaraim Zemaraim , N. P.
‫צמר‬ ‫ צַמֶּרֶת‬.Ram summus usThe highest branch.
y His top.
ֹ‫תּו‬.ְ‫ מַּר‬Cacumen ejus
Cacumen eorum. Their top.
Exscidit,succidit,dis- He cut off, cut down, de-
‫צום‬ ♫py Jejunasti. (perdidit. Thou fastedst. [ stroyed
‫צמת‬ ּ‫ צָמְתו‬.Ersciderunt They have cut off.
I thirsted.
‫צמא‬ ‫ צָמֵתִי‬.Sitivi
‫צום‬ ‫ מתי‬.Jejunavi I fasted.

‫צמם‬ The Velum tuum. Thy veil .

‫צום‬ ‫ֶּם‬.‫ מְת‬Jejunay stis Ye fasted .

‫נִי‬. y
ָּ‫ מְת‬Jejunastis mihi Ye fasted to me.
‫צמת‬ ‫ צִמְתְתוּנִי‬.Erscide runtThey have cut me off.
‫ צִמְתַתְנִי‬.Disperdi me dit He hath destroyed me.


‫ | צִין‬.Tsin Zin, N. P.
A shield.
‫צנן‬ ‫ צִנָּה‬.Scutum
‫צאן‬ Grex, oves. A flock, sheep.
‫צנע‬ ‫ | צָנוּעים‬.Humiles The humble, lowly .

‫צנף‬ ‫ צָנוֹף‬.Folutando [tui. In rollingabout.

‫צנר‬ Fistulæ tuæ, canales Thy pipes, canals, water spouts
[deficit . Shields . [down , fastened .
‫ צנּוֹת‬.Scula
Descendit, desiliit, He went down, alighted, fixed
‫|צנים‬.Spine Thorns.
ar A turban , mitre, diadem.
ma is
‫צנף‬ ‫ צָנִיף‬.Cid
, diade
‫ת‬ ֹ‫נָמו‬ y
Marcide , graciles . Withered , thin
, y
na n Zen an , N. P.
‫ צְנָן‬.Tse
Abjecit se, humiliter He abased himself, walked
se gessil. humbly.
1156 ‫צעננים‬

Amicivit se, voluta- He attired himself, rolledabout

‫ צְנָפָה‬Polutatio
, [ vit . A rolling about.

‫צנן‬ ‫ | צנצנת‬Urna , theca

, An urn , pot.

‫ צַנְתְּרוֹת‬.Fundibula Pipes for pouring.

Incessit, progressus He walked, went, marched.
‫ צָעֲדָה‬.Incessil [est. She walked .

‫ צְעָדָה‬.Incessus A walking, marching..

ֹ‫ צַעֲדו‬.Incessus
cjus His going .
‫ו‬ .y
‫ עד‬Progressi sunt They went.

‫צְעָדִים‬ ‫ צַעֲדִי‬.Incessus
, gressus Goings, steps.
‫ צַעֲדִי‬.Incess
meus us My going.
‫ צְעָדִי‬.Gremei My steps .
Her steps.
ָ‫ צְעָדִיה‬Gressus ,
‫ צְעָדָיו‬.Gressus
ejus His steps .
noslri us Our steps.
ּ‫ צְעָדִינו‬.Gress
ָ‫ צַעֲדֶך‬.Incessu tuus s Thy going.
Peregrinatus, vaga- He travelled, sojourned, wan-
tus est. [gans. dered.

, va- Travelling , wandering.

‫ רֹעֶה‬Peregrinans
‫ צעָה‬.ragans She that wandereth.
‫צער‬ ָ‫ צַעֲוּרֵיה‬.Parvuli
ejus Her little ones.

eorum li Their little ones.

‫ צעוּרֵיהֶם‬.Parvu
‫צעה‬ ‫ צעים‬.Vagantes [ ejus. Wandering, wanderers .
‫צעף‬ ‫עִיפָה‬relamen
ְ‫צ‬ vel peplum Her veil ormantle
‫צער‬ ‫ צָעִיר‬Natu minimus , mi- Youngest , younger ; a little
‫ָעִירָה‬.T ‫צ‬ sa
[ nor ;parvulus Zair ,
‫צער‬ ֹ‫צָעִירו‬.W minimus ejus at. His youngest u
‫ירִי‬ ִ ‫ע‬ ָ ‫צ‬ .Par vuli Little ones .

‫ צְעִירִים‬.N atu Younger, juniors .

‫צְעַן‬ Diruptus, transla- He was broken asunder, re-
[tus est. Zoan, N. P. [moved .
‫ צעַן‬.T % oan
‫ צַעֲנַנִּים‬.Tsaananim Zaanannim, N. P.
‫צפור‬ 1157

‫צעה‬ Dy Opus sculptile. [ vit . Carved work.
Clamavit, convoca- He cried, called together.
‫ צָעק‬Claman, In crying .
She cried.
‫ צָעֲקָה‬.Cla vit
A cry.
‫ צְעָקָה צַעֲקַת‬.Clamor
marunt They cried.
ַַ‫ צצָָעעֲקָוּקוּעע‬Cla ,
‫ צַעֲקִים‬Cla man les
, They that cry.

‫ צְעַקְנָה‬.Clamate Cry ye.

‫ רֹעֶקֶת‬.Clamans She that crieth.

mor His cry.
ֹ‫ צַעֲקָתו‬.Claejus
‫ צָעַקְתִּי‬.Clamavi I have cried .
Clamor eorum . Their cry.
‫צַעֲקָתָם‬ [low.
Minutus est. He was diminished, brought

Adhesit . He cleaved to.
‫צָפָה‬ Speculatus est, as- He watched, looked , observed,
pexit, texit, ob- covered, overlaid.
by Speculando. [ duxit In watching.
ָ‫ צ‬.Speculare
‫|פָה‬ Watch thou.
Texit, obduxit. [ tor. He covered, overlaid .
Speculans, specula- Watching, a watchman.
ּ‫ צָפו‬Erundarun, t They overflowed.
ֹ‫| צָפו‬.Tse pho Zepho, N. M.
‫צפה‬ ְ‫ צָפָך‬.Speculaejus toreHis s watchmen .

Obductio,operculum . An overlaying, a cover.

‫ צָפוֹן‬.Aquilo The north .

‫ צָפוֹן‬.Tsaphon Zaphon, N. P.

‫ צָפוֹן‬.Tsephon Zephon, N. M.

‫צפן‬ aquilonemd Towards the north.

‫ צָפוֹנָה‬.A
‫|צ‬ locus | My secret place
‫| צ‬ . [meus . Zephonites , N. F
‫צפן‬ ְ‫| צ‬
ָ‫פוּנֶיך‬.Ab sco
tui. ndi
[ta. Thy hidden ones ti

‫צפע‬ ‫ִוּעֵי‬.St
‫| צְפ‬ erc
, excremen- ora
Dung , excrements
‫ | צְפּוֹר‬.Tsipor Zippor, N. M.
‫צפר‬ ‫ | צִפּוֹר‬.dvis A fowl, bird.
1158 ‫צק‬

Zipporah , N. W.
‫ צְפּוֹרָה‬.Tsipora
nny Lecythus, ampulla. A cruse, vial, jug.
‫ צָפִי‬.Tsephi Zephi , N. M.
Ziphion , N. M.
‫ צִפְיוֹן‬.Tsiphion
‫צפה‬ ְ‫ צְפַיִך‬.Speculatore
tui sThy watchmen .
‫| צפים‬.Speculatores Watchmen.
We have watched.

ּ‫ צְפִינו‬.Specu sumus
‫צפר‬ ‫ | צפיר‬.Hircus A he-goat.
Hirci. [ dit, latitavit. He-goats. [ himself.
Abscondit, recondi- He hid, laid up , lurked, hid
Toward the north.
‫ צָפְנָה‬.A aquilonemd
Abscondentes eam. They that hide her.
ּ‫יָהו‬- ‫פַנְיָה‬.T
ְ‫צ‬ se ph
. [ didisti an
. Zephani ah , N. Mias
Abscondisti, recon- Thou hast hidden , laid up.
ַ‫ְנַת פָּעֲנֵח‬.T
‫צָפ‬ sa
-paneach ph
. | Zaphnath na
-paaneah , N. M
Abscondi, recondidi. I have hidden, laid up .
‫צְפַע צְפְעוֹנִי‬ .Regulus A basilisk, poisonous serpent.
i Basilisks . [ tered.
‫ צִפְעֹנִים‬.Regul
Garrivit,susurravit. He chattered , whispered, mut-
A willow.
‫צפה‬ ‫ צַפְצָפָה‬.Saliz
‫ צפר‬.Tsophar Zophar, N. M.
Mane discessit. He departed early.
‫ צְפַרְדְּעִים‬.Rane
Birds, fowls .
‫צפר‬ ‫ צְפָּרִי צִפָּרִים‬.Aves
Her nails.
ָ‫ צִפָּרְנֶיה‬Ungues ,
‫ | צְפַת‬.Tsephat Zephath , N. P. [swimmest .

ָ‫| צָפָתְך‬.Natluaalio Thy swimming, where thou


He flourished, blossomed.
‫ציץ‬ ‫ | צָץ‬.Florit
Flowers .
‫ | צְצ ים‬.Flores

‫ | צַק‬.Funde Pour thou .
‫צרי‬ 1159

. ‫יצק‬ ָ‫ צ‬.Effuderunt
‫|קוּן‬ They poured out.

‫ צִקְלָג־־לָג‬-Tsiclag Ziklag, N. P.

‫צור‬ 773 Angustus; angustia, Narrow, strait ; distress, tri-
tribulatio ; hostis. bulation, affliction ; an ene-
‫ | צר‬.Tser Zer, N. P. [ my.
‫צור‬ ‫ צר‬.Rupes A rock.
‫צָרַב‬ Combustus est. [ tio. He was burned.
Adustio, inflamma- A burning, an inflammation .
‫ צָרֶבֶת‬.Ardens Burning.
Tsereda. Zereda, N. P.
‫צור‬ ‫ צָרָה‬.Anguslia Trouble.
‫ צְרוּיָה‬.Taeruias Zeruiah, N. M.
‫צרע‬ ַ‫ צָרוּע‬.Leprosus Leprous, a leper.
‫ צְרוּעָה‬.Tserua Zeruah, N. W.

‫צרף‬ ‫ צָרוֹף‬.Conflando In melting.

Conflatus, probatus . Melted, tried.
proha a Melt, try thou.
, nfl
‫ צָרְוּפָה‬.Co
Conflata , probala, Melted, refined, tried, purified
‫צרר‬ ‫ צָרוֹר‬.Liga [purgata. Bind thou.
‫ צָרוּר‬.Ligatus
‫ צְרוֹר‬Tsero, Zeror, N. M.
‫צרר‬ 7173 Fasciculus, sacculus. A bundle, bag.
‫צְרוּרָה‬ .Ligala Bound.
‫צור‬ ‫ צָרוֹת‬.Angustie Troubles.

‫ צָרוֹתָיו‬.Angustie ejus His troubles.

Their troubles.
‫ צָרוֹתָם‬.Angustie corum
Clamavit. He cried aloud.
‫ צרח‬.Clamans Crying aloud.
‫צור‬ ‫ צָרָי־־רַי‬.Hos tes
mei My enemies .
Hostes, angustiæ. Enemies , troubles .

‫ צָרִי‬.Hostis
meus My enemy.
‫ צָרִי‬.Balsamum Balm.

‫ צרי‬.Tyrius Tyrian, a man of Tyre, N. N.

1160 ‫צרת‬


‫צְרִי‬ .Tseri Zeri, N. M.

‫צור‬ ָ‫צָ"רֵיה‬T .Hos les

cjus Her enemies .
‫ציר‬ ָ‫| צְרִיה‬.Dolores
ejus Her pains, sorrows.
‫צור‬ ‫| צָרֵיהֶם‬.Hos tes Their enemies.
ejus s
‫ צָרָיו‬.Hoste His enemies.
‫צרח‬ ַ‫ צְרִיח‬.A r
, turr is s A hold , fortress, tower.

tes Thy enemies .

‫צור‬ ָ‫רֶיך‬ ‫ צָרָיִךְ־־רַי‬.Hostui
‫ | צרים‬.Tyrii Tyrians, men of Tyre, N. N.
‫צור‬ ‫ | צָרִים‬.Rupes Rocks.
Their enemies.
ֹ‫ צָרִימו‬.Hostescorum
ּ‫| צָרִינו‬.Hos ri s Our enemies .
Necessitas tua. Thy need, necessity.
Leprosus fuit . He was leprous .
‫| צָרְעָה‬.Tsorah Zorah , Zoreah , N. P.
‫ צָרְעִי‬.Tsorile Zorites, N. F. or P.
‫צרע‬ ‫צָרָעַת־־רַי‬ .Lepra Leprosy.

‫ צָרְעָתִי‬Tso rat ile

, Zorathites, N. F. or P.

‫צָרַף‬ Conflavit, expurga- He melted, purified, refined,

vit, probavit. proved , tried.
‫צֹר‬ on
, aurifaber ft
. A founder an
, smith , goldsmith
‫ צָרְפַת‬.Tsarephat Zarephath , N. P.
bavi t She tried him.
‫צרף‬ ּ‫ צְרָפָתְהו‬.Pro eum
‫צְר‬ on
, purgavite refined , purifiedav
. I have fl thee
nossti Thou hast tried us.
ּ‫| צְרַפְתָּנו‬.Proba
mesti Thou hast tried me.
‫ צְרַפְתַּנִי‬.Proba
‫צָרֵר‬ Ligavit , arctavit, He bound ,straitened , opposed ,
oppugnavit, afflix- afflicted, oppressed .
it, oppressit.
Oppugnans, hostis.
Opposing, an enemy.
‫ צְרָרוּנִי‬.Aflixer me unt They have afflicted me.
‫ צררות‬.Fasciculi Bundles .

‫ צַרְרָי‬Höslesmei My enemies .

‫| צָרְרֵי־־רִים‬.afligentes They that afflict.

tui s
ָ‫ אֹרְרֶיך‬.Hoste Thy enemies.
Bound , straitened .
‫ צְרְרֹת‬.Ligate
, arctate
‫צור‬ ‫ צָרַת‬.Angustia' Trouble.
‫קבעים‬ 1161

‫ צרֶת‬.Tserel Zereth, N. M.

‫ צֶרֶת הַשַׁחַר‬.Tser- hasacharetZareth-shahar, N. P.

‫צור‬ ּ‫ צָרָתָה‬.Inimiejus ca Her emy.
|| |

‫ צָרָתִי‬.Angustia
mea My distress.
Your trouble.
‫ צָרַתְכֶם‬.Angus restra
Their trouble.
‫ צָרָתָם‬.Angus eorumtia
‫ צָרְתָן‬.Tsarelan Zaretan,Zartan,Zartanah,N. P.
‫צור‬ ist i Thou hast beset, besieged me.
‫ צַרְתָּנִי‬.Obaed

‫קרא‬ ‫ קָאָה‬.Evomens Vomiting out.
ֹ‫ קָאו‬.Vomit
ejus us His vomit.
‫קום‬ ‫ | קָאֵם‬.Stans Standing.

‫ קָאֲמַיָּא‬.Astantes Standing by.

‫קאה‬ ‫ קָאַת‬.Pelicanus A pelican.

‫קב‬ !
‫קבב‬ Execrando. [est. In cursing.
‫קָבַב‬ Maledixit,execratus He execrated , cursed .
Maledic, execrare. Curse thou.
1 He hath cursed him.
‫ קבה‬.Maledixi ei t
‫קבץ‬ tuius
ְ‫ קִבּוּצַיִך‬.Cet Thy assemblies, companies.
Gathered .
‫ קְבוּצִים‬.Congregati
‫קבר‬ In burying.
‫ קָבוֹר‬.Sepeliendo
Sepultus. [ chrum. Buried .

ra sepul- Burial, a sepulchre.

‫ קְבוּרָה רַת־בי‬Sepullu,
‫קִבֵּל‬ Suscepit,recepit,con- He took, undertook,received,
Coram. [secutus est. Before. [obtained .
He took.
‫ קַבֵּל‬.Suscepit
‫ קַבֵּל‬.Suscipe [quod. Take thou.
PpPropter, propterea For this cause .
Because , whereas .
' ָ‫ קְבֵל דְּנָה ק‬.Quandoquidem
Spoliavit, diripuit. He spoiled , robbed.
They that spoil them.
‫ קבְעֵיהֶם‬.Spolian eos tes
‫ קבְעִים‬.Dir ipie ntes Robbing.
1162 ‫קברתה‬

mus We have robbed thee.

‫קבע‬ ְ‫ קְבַעֲנוּך‬.Diripui
Dregs. [ther.
‫ קְבַּעַת‬.Far
Collegit,congregavit He gathered, assembled toge-
‫ קַבֵּץ‬.Congregando In gathering.
Gather thou.
‫ קְבץ‬.Congrega
‫ קֹבֵץ‬.Congregans Gathering.
Kabzeel, N. P.
‫ קַבְצְאֵל‬.CablueL
‫ קִבָּצָה‬.Collegit She gathered .
ּ‫ קִבְּצו‬.Collegerunt They gathered.
ּ‫ קִבְצו‬.Congregate Gather, assemble ye.

‫ קַבְּצִי‬.Congregmeare That I gather.

‫ קִבְצַיִם‬.Chiblsaim Kibzaim, N. P.
JD Collegit eos, eas. [ tio. He gathered them.
Collectio, congrega- A collection , gathering.
‫קבר‬ Sepelivil, sepultus est He buried , was buried.

" ֶ‫ק‬ ‫ קָבֶר‬.Sepulchrum A sepulchre, grave.

‫ קְבר‬.Sepelilo Bury thou.

• Burying.
‫קוֹי‬ ‫ קֹבֵר‬.Sepeliens
est s
‫| קְבַּר‬.Sepullu He was buried..
They buried him.
ּ‫ קְבָרְהו‬.Sepelie eumrunt
That he buried.
ֹ‫ קָבְרו‬.Sepeli eum re
They buried.
ּ‫ קָבְרו‬.Sepelierunt
His sepulchre.
ֹ‫ קִבְרו‬.Sepulc
ּ‫ | קִבְרו‬.Sepeile Bury ye.

ִ‫ ק‬Sepulchra
‫|בְרוֹת‬ , Sepulchres.

‫ קִבְרוֹת הַתַּאֲוָה‬.Chibr - halava ot Kibroth-hattaavah, N. P.

Her graves .
‫ קִבְרוֹתֶיהָ־־ר ' | קבר‬.Sepulchra ejus
tua ra Thy graves.
" ‫ ר‬-- ָ‫ קִבְרוֹתֶיך‬.Sepulch
chra Your graves .
‫ קִבְרוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Sepul vestra
‫ קִבְרֵי קְבָרִים‬.Sepulchra Sepulchres, graves.
Sepulchrum meum. My grave.
‫ קְבָרִים‬.Sepuli
‫ קבְרִים‬.Sepelienles Burying.

ּ‫ קְבָרֵינו‬.Sepul nostra a graves.

1 Sepulchrum tuum.
Thy grave.
He gr
ּ‫קִבְרָתָה‬.Sepulchejus rum r ave.
ejushra Her graves .
ָ‫ קִבְרֹתֶה‬.Sepulc
‫קרמיהון‬ 1163

ֹ‫ קִבְרָתו‬.Sepulch His sepulchre.

ejus rum
I buried.
‫ קָבַרְתִּי‬.Sepelivi
His graves.
‫ קִבְרֹתָיו‬.Sepulc cjushra

us Her bride-chamber.
‫קבב‬ ּ‫ קָבָתָה‬Thalam , cjus

‫קדר‬ Incurvavit se, verti- He stooped, bowed down his
cem inclinavit. head.
‫ קִדָּה‬.Casia
‫ קְדוּמִים‬.Chedumim Kedumim, N. R.

‫קדש‬ ‫קִי‬ ׁ‫ קָדוֹשׁ־ דש‬.Sanctus Holy.

ejus us
ֹ‫ קְדוֹשׁו‬.Sanct His holy, holy one.

" ‫ דש‬-‫ קְדוֹשִׁים‬.Sancti Holy, saints.

‫ קְדוֹשְׁכֶם‬.Sanveste ct r us Your holy one.

Accendit, exarsit. He kindled , burned.
‫ קָדְחָה‬.Erarsit She burned.

‫ קדְחֵי‬.Accendentes They that kindle .

is Ye have kindled .
‫ קְדַחְתֶּם‬Accendist
Eurus ; orientalis. The east wind ; eastern.
‫קדש‬ ‫ שִׁין‬-- ‫ קַדִישִׁי‬.San ct
, sanct e i Holy.
Prævenit, præivil, He preceded , went before, pre-
antevertit. vented.

"PDTP Coram, in conspectu Before, in the presence.

DTP Oriens, antiquus, The east, ancient, old ; before,
priscus ; ante, an- forward.
Chedemas . [ trorsum. Kedemah, N. M.

‫ קָדְמָה קֵדְמָה‬.Ori , orienten The east, eastern.

alis s
tev erl e Prevent thou.
‫ קַדְמָה‬.An
Præierunt,prævene- They went before, prevented.
[ runt. Before him.
‫ קָדָמוֹהִי‬.Coram co
Anteverterunt me. They prevented me.
‫ קִדְמוּנִי־־מָנִי‬Anteverterunt
‫ קָדְמוֹנִים‬.Pris, antiqui ci Old , ancient.
meam Before me.
‫ קָדָמִי קָדָמַי‬.Cor
The former, first.
, primi es
‫ קַדְמָיָא־־יָתָא‬.Prior
Kadmiel , N. M.
‫ קַדְמִיאֵל‬.Cadmiel
‫קדם‬ Ante cam , coram ea Before her, it.
Before them .

‫ קָדָמֵיהוֹן‬.Cor
1164 ‫קדשו‬

Before thee.
‫קדם‬ ְ‫ קָדָמָךְ־מָך‬.cor team.
S P Pri , prima.
or Former, first.
nai Kadmonites, N. N.
‫ קַדְמֹנִי‬.Cadmo
‫קדם‬ ‫ קַדְמֹנִיּוֹת‬.Antique
Kedemoth, N. P.
‫ | קדמת‬.Chedemot
‫קרס‬ ‫ | קֵדְמַת‬.Ante
Ad orientem. [ rum. Toward the east.
Status antiquus ea- Their ancient state.
‫ ק‬.Preveni I prevented , was beforehand .
The crown of the head.
‫קרר‬ ‫ קָדְקֹד‬.rerter
The crown of his head.
ֹ‫ קָדְקְדוֹ־ קָדו‬.rercjus ter
tut r The crown of thy head.
ְ‫ קָדְקְדֶך‬.rer
‫קדר‬ Obscuratus est,atra- He was darkened , he made
tum reddidit, mæ- dark, mourned .
Kedar, N. M. P.
‫ קֵדָר‬.Chedar [ stus est.
‫קדר‬ Ater, mærens. Black, mourning.

ּ‫ קָדָרו‬.Obscu ra
sun l li They were darkened .
Atrati, redditi sunt. They were made black.
Kidron, N. R.
‫ קִדְרוֹן‬.Chidron
‫קדר‬ ‫ קַדְרוּת‬.Alror
.Masle Mournfully.
I have been black.
‫ קָדַרְתִּי‬.Atrat fui us
WIP Separavit, delegit, He separated, selected, pre-
paravit; sanctifi- pared ; sanctified , ballowed,
cavit,consecravil ; consecrated ; was holy ; ac-
sanctusfuit; sanc- counted, declared holy.
tum habuit, præ-

ׁ‫ קְדְש‬.Cinedus[dicavit. A sodomite .
ׁ‫קֶדֶש‬ ׁ‫ קְדֶש‬.Ca des Kadesh, Kedesh, N. P.
, Chedes
ַ‫בַּרְנַע‬ ׁ‫ קָדֵש‬.C-ad barneaes Kadesh-barnea , N. P.
‫קדש‬ ׁ‫ֵש‬ ‫ד‬ ָ ‫ק‬ .Pa ra Prepare thou.

ׁ‫ קַדָּש‬.Sanctifica Sanctify thou.

ׁ‫ קְדַּש‬.Consecravit He consecrated, hallowed .

‫ קֹדֶשׁ קוֹי‬Sanctus sanctum; A holy person, holy thing ;

sanctitas, sanctua- holiness, the sanctuary.
‫ קְדֶשָׁה‬.Meretrix [rium. A whor .
ּ‫ קָדְשׁו‬Sanctificate suml The y wer e hallowed.
‫קוא‬ 1165


‫קדש‬ Sanctus, sanctitas e- His holy, holiness.

ּ‫ קַדְּשׁו‬.Sanctificate[jus. Sanctify ye.

Consecrate, parate.Hallow, prepare ye .
ּ‫ קִדְּשׁו‬.San ctif icar unt They sanctified.
Sanctificarunt cum. They sanctified it.
‫שִׁי‬ Re
‫ קָדָשִׁי‬.sacre mee sMy holy things.
‫ קָדְשֵׁי קָדָשִׁים‬Res cons , te Holy, consecrated things.
Sanctus meus, sanc- My holy, my holiness.
titas mea.

‫ קְדֹשִׁי‬.Sanmeus ctus My holy one.

Res sacræ eorum. Their holy things.
" Res sacræ ejus. His holy things.
His saints .
‫ קְדֹשָׁיו‬.San ct
eju s i
Res sacræ tuæ. Thy holy things.
R e e re s Your holy things.
‫ קָדְשִׁיכֶם‬.sacr vest
Sanctus tuus, sancti- Thy holy, thy holiness .
tas tua. [trum.

ּ‫קָדְשֵׁנו‬ Sanctuarium nos- Our sanctuary.

ְ‫ קְדַשְׁתִּיך‬.Sanct fui teior I have been holier than thou.

Ye sanctified.
‫ קִדַּשְׁתֶּם‬.Sanctificastis

Hebuit, obstupuit. He was dull, blunted,stupefied
‫ קֵהָה‬.Hebuit [gavit. He, it was blunt.

‫קָהָל‬ Convocavit, congre- He called together, assembled .

- Cœtus, congregatio. An assembly, congregation .
tus Her company.
ּ‫ קְהָלָה‬.Ceejus
ְ‫ קְהָלֶךְ־־לֵך‬.Cetuus tus Thy company.
Cœtus vester. [ astes. Your company.
Concionator, ecclesi- A preacher.

‫ קְהִלַּת‬.Celus The assembly.

Kehelathah, N. P.
‫ קְהֵלָתָה‬.Chehelala
Kohath, N. M.
‫ קָהָת קִי‬.Cohat
ile Kohathites, N. F.
‫ קְהָתִי‬.Cohat

Vomuit, evomuit. He spued, vomited out.
1166 ‫קומו‬

‫קוה‬ ‫ קו קו קוה‬.Lin , filum ea A line, thread.

‫קבע‬ ‫ קוֹבַע‬.Galea A helmet.

‫קְוָה‬ Expectavit, spera- He waited , hoped, gathered

vit, congregavit. together.
‫ קַנֵּה‬.Expecta Wait thou.

‫ קוה‬.E.rpectando In waiting.
11 Expectarunt. They waited .

‫לקח‬ Tip Carcer. [ est, litigavit A prison. [tended.

‫קוּט‬ Fastidivit, pertasus He loathed , was tired of, con-

‫ קוי‬.Expectantes
me They that wait for me.
TP Expectantes te. They that wait for thee.

ּ‫ קִרִינו‬.Expectav imus We have waited.

TP Expectavimus te. We have waited for thee.

"ּ‫ קִבֵּיתִי קִו‬.Erpectavi I have waited.

te vi I have waited for thee.

ְ‫ קִרִיתִיך‬.Expecta
‫קול‬ [pitus, mugitus.

Pip Fox, sonitus, stre- A voice, sound , noise, lowing.

"Pip Fox ejus. Her voice.

Phip Vox ejus. His voice.


‫קי‬ ‫ | קולות‬.Tonitrua Thunders.

‫ קולי‬.Vor
mea My voice .

‫ קוֹלָיָה‬.Colaias Kolaiah, N. M.
Thy voice.
‫ קוֹלֵךְ לֶךְ לְךָ קלי קול‬.or
D Your voice.
ְ‫ קוֹל‬Vox vestra.
12-- ‫ קוֹל‬Vox eorum, earum. Their voice .
‫קלע‬ yp Jaciens, funda mit- Throwing , slinging.

‫קוּם‬ Surrexit, insurrexit, He rose, rose up against,stood ,

stelit, excitavit, stirred up, raised up, set,
erexit, statuit, sta- established, confirmed, ap-
bilivit, confirma- pointed, performed.
vil, constituit,

‫קוס‬ Dip Surgendo. [ præstavit In rising.

‫קיה‬ DP Linea corum. Their line.

‫קוּמָה‬ ‫| קוּם קָס‬.Surge; surgere Rise thou ; to rise.


‫קוֹמָה לְמִימַת‬.Statura
| , aliitudo Stature, height.
ּ‫| קוּמו‬.Surgi te Ri se ye .
‫קחנו‬ 1167


‫קים‬ ‫ּמִי‬.
‫| קו‬ S That I g
surge . r
me ;u e
rise ; rise thon r
pip Status erecti ; erecte An upright posture ; erectly.
‫ ק‬.Altit
ּ‫וֹמָתָה‬. cjuuds o Her height .
inpip Altitudo,statura ejus His height , stature .
pip Statura tua [ ploravit Thy stature. [ed.

‫קוּן‬ Lamentatus est, de- He lamented ,deplored ,mourn-

‫קנה‬ ip Emens, acquirens. Buying, purchasing, getting.
Exscidit. He cut off.
Coz, N. M.
‫ קוֹץ‬.Cots
Fastidivit, abomina- He loathed , abhorred , passed
tus est, æstitavit, the summer, vexed , awoke.
vexavit, evigilavil
A thorn.

‫ קוץ‬.Spina
‫ קְוְצוֹתַי‬.Cincimeinni My locks .

ejusnni His locks.

‫ קְוְצוֹתָיו‬.Cinci
"‫ק‬ ‫ קוֹצֵי צִים‬.Spine
‫קצר‬ ‫ קוֹצֵר‬.Messor A mower, reaper.
Fodit, scaturirefecit He digged , caused to gush out
[gens . Kore, Core, N. M.
‫ קוֹרֵא‬.Cora

‫קרא‬ " ‫רֵא ק‬.V ֹ‫קו‬ oc

, clannans an
, le- Calling , crying , reading s
A beam.
‫קרה‬ ‫ קוֹרָה‬.Tignum
Their webs.
‫קור‬ ‫ קוּרֵיהֶם‬.Teorumele
‫ֹרֵץ קי"י‬.‫ קו‬Niclans , moven
, s Winking, moving.

Kushaiah , N. M.
ּ‫ קוּשָׁיָהו‬Chusaias
ctav it She hath waited.
‫ קִוּתָה‬Expe ,

‫ קַח קְחָה‬Cep
‫קָה‬ it
; cape , accipe . He took ; take, receive thou
; ‫לקח‬
rte Bring ye him.
ּ‫ קָחֵהו‬.4fe eum
te Take ye .
ּ‫ו‬ ‫ח‬ ְ ‫ק‬ ּ‫ו‬ ‫ח‬ ָ ‫ק‬ .Su mni
Take thou .
‫ קְחִי‬.Smume
‫ קָחָם‬.Ceeos He caught them,
Bring thou them .
eos r
‫ קָחֶם‬.Afe
Take thou her or it.
eam e
‫ קָחֶנָּה‬.Sum
Take thou him.
eum e
ּ‫ קָחֶנּו‬.Sum
1168 ‫קטת‬

e To receive.
‫לקח‬ ‫ קַחַת קְחַת‬Reciper
ere That I take.
‫ קַחְתִּי‬.Summe
te e That thou takest.
ְ‫ קַחְתֵּך‬.Sumer

‫קט‬ [thing.
‫קוט‬ Fastidium, tædium . A loathing, disgust, disgusting

ues Destruction.
‫ קָטֶב‬.L
, erilium



tuum um Thy destruction.

ָ‫ קָטָבְך‬.Eriti
‫קטר‬ ‫ קְטוֹרָה־רֶת‬.Sufilus Incense, perfume.

‫| קְטוּרָה‬.Chetura Keturah, N. M.
‫ קְטִיל‬.Interfectus Slain.

‫ קְטִילַת‬.Interfecta Slain.
Interfecil, occidit. He slew, killed.

‫ קָטֵל‬.Occidens Slaying.
Interfecit [ imminuit He slew. [made small.
Parvus, impar fuit : He was small, less than ; he
1P 1OP 19P Parvus, minor; natu Little, less ; younger, youngest.
minor, minimus.
P Parva, minor. Small , less.
‫ קְטַנּוֹת‬.R es
parve Small things.
Minimus meus. My least.
D'Parvi, minimi. Small, very little.

DP Minimus eorum. The least of them .

I have been less than.
‫ קָשֹׁנְתִּי‬.Impar fui
‫קְטַף‬ Avulsit, decerpsit, He plucked asunder, crop-
succidit. ped off, cut down.
‫קטָר‬ Suffivit, adolevit. He perfumed, burned incense.
‫קְטַר‬ Ligavit, alligavit. He bound, bound together.
Adolendo. In burning incense.
They offered incense.

ּ‫ קִטְרו‬.Adoleverunt
‫ קִטְרוֹן‬.Chitron Kitron, N. P.
‫קטר‬ Caminate, suffitus. Made with chimneys, incense.
‫ | קְטְרִין‬.Nodi Knots, difficulties.

‫ קְטַרְתֶּם‬.Adolevistis Ye have burned incense.

‫ קָטָת‬.Calat Kattath, N. P.
‫קישון‬ 1169

‫קוא‬ ‫| קִיא‬.romitus A vomit.

.Estas Summer.
‫קטר‬ Smoke , vapour.
‫קיטר‬ .Fumus
‫ קְיָם‬Statutum
, [vit. A statute, decree.
OP Stabilivit, confirma- He established, confirmed.
‫ קִיָּמָא‬Stans
, Standing . [decreed .
ּ‫ קִימו‬.Constituerunt They appointed, ordained,
‫קמש‬ ‫ | קִימוש‬.Urtica [nos. A nettle.
‫קים‬ ּ‫ | קִימָנו‬Insurgens contra He that riseth up against us.
me a
‫ קַיְמֵנִי‬.Confirm Strengthen thou me.

‫ קָיִן קִי‬.C Chen n
, ai Cain, Ken, N. M.

‫| קִינָה‬.China Kinah, N. P.

‫ קִינָה‬.Lamenlatio A lamentation .
His spear.
ֹ‫ קִינו‬.Hasta
‫ קֵינִי־קָנִי‬.Cheneus Kenite , N. N.
‫| קִינִים‬.Chenei Kenites, N. N.

‫קון‬ ‫| קִינִים‬.Lamentationes Lamentations.

‫ קִינָן‬.Chenan [tus. Cainan, N. M.

‫קיץ‬ PPP Estas, estivusfruc- Summer, summer-fruit.

ִ‫ק‬ ru
estivi ct
tui. Thy summer -fruits us
Fructus aestivus tu- Thy summer-fruit.

‫קיק‬ [ us.
‫ קִיקָיוֹן‬.Cucurbita A gourd.

‫קִיר‬ Diruit, destruxit. He broke down , destroyed .

Kir, N. P.
‫ | קִיר‬.Chir
A wall.
‫קיר‬ ‫ | קִיר‬.Paries
ׁ‫חֶרֶש‬ ‫ קִיר‬Chir - chare s Kir-haresh, N. P.
ֶ ‫ח‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫ק‬ . C
- h
char ir
eset Kir-hareseth, N. P.
‫רֶשֶׁת‬ ‫ד‬
‫| קִיר מוֹאָב‬.C hir
-moab Kir-moab, N. P.
‫קיר‬ ‫ | קִירוֹת‬.Parietes
His walls.
ejus s
‫| קִירֹתָיו‬.Pariete
Kish , N. M.
ׁ‫ קִיש‬.Chis
Kishon , N. R.
‫ קִישׁוֹן‬.Chison
VOL. II. 3 F
1170 ‫קלם‬
Kishi, N. M.
‫קִישִׁי‬ .Chisi

A harp. Gr
‫קִיתְרוֹס־־רס‬ Cithara . un

Light, swift.
‫קלל‬ ‫ קַלִ־־קַלָּה‬.Le vis
, velor
Very swiftly, speedily.
‫ קַל מְהֵרָה‬.Citissime
Torruit, frixit, vili- He roasted, parched, lightly
pendit, vilis fac- esteemed , became vile, was
tus est, spretus est contemned.
Minuti sunt, celeri- They were diminished , were
ores fuerunt. swifter.
Roasted, parched.
‫קלה‬ ‫ קָלוּי‬.Tostus
, frirus
Ignominy, dishonour.
" ְ‫ק‬ ‫ קָלוֹן‬.Ignominia
Thy dishonour, disgrace.
ְ‫ קְלוֹנֵך‬.Ignomi tuania
Spretus es, vilisfuisti Thou hast been despised , hast
[been vile.
A caldron.
‫ קַלָּחַת‬.Cacabus

Parched barley.
‫ קָלִי‬.Hord tostumeum
Kallai, N. M.
‫ קָלִי‬.Calai
Kelaiah, N. M.
‫ קַלָּיָה‬.Chelaias

Kelita, N. M.
‫ קְלִיטָא־־טָה‬.Chelitas
‫קלל‬ Swift.
‫ קַלִים‬.Celeres
‫קלל‬ Levis, celer, vilis He was light, swift, vile ; he
fuit ; levavit, vili- lightened, lightly esteemed,
pendit, sprevit, despised, cursed, sharpened,
maledixit, acuit, burnished, polished, inade
Maledic. [ expolivit . Curse thou . [bright.

‫ קָלָל‬.Expolitus Burnished, polished.

He cursed.
‫ קִלֵּל‬.Maledixit
A curse.
‫ קְלָלָה־־קִלְלַת‬.Maledictio
‫ קללַנִי‬.Maled icit He cursed me.
Thou hast cursed.
ָּ‫ קְלַּלְת‬.Malediristi
His curse.
ֹ‫ קִלְלָתו‬.Maledic ejus tio
ָ‫ קִלְלָתְך‬.Ma led tua io Thy curse.
He roasted them.
‫קלה‬ ‫ קָלָם‬.Tor cos it
‫קמת‬ 1171


‫קול‬ Vox nostra. [ risit. Our voice.

Sprevit, illusit, de- He scorned, mocked , derided .
Jecit, fundâ misit, He threw, slang, carved, figur
yp Funda. [ insculpsit. A sling. [ ed .

ַ‫ קֹלֵע‬.Fu ndá Slinging.

Curtains. [made bright.
‫ קַלְעֵי־קְלָעִים‬.rela
He sharpened , burnished,
‫קלל‬ PP Acuit, expolivit.
‫ קִלְשׁוֹן‬.Furce
I have been vile.
‫קלל‬ fuiis
‫ קַלָּתִי‬.Vil

He arose, rose up, stood.

Surrexit, stetit.
Surrexit, stetit ; sur- She arose, stood ; rising ;

1 Surgile. [gens; seges Rise ye. [ standing corn.

Surrexerunt, insur They rose, rose up against.
Chemuel. [ rexerunt . Kemuel , N. M.
n Camon, N. P.
‫ קָמוֹן‬.Camo
A nettle. !
‫קמש‬ ׁ‫ קָמוֹש‬.Urtica
Farina. Meal.
‫קֶמַח קָמַח‬
He made full of wrinkles.
‫קָמַט‬ Corrugavit.
They were wrinkled.
ּ‫ קִפְטו‬.Corru
sun t ti
DROP Insurgentes in me. They that rise up against me.
TAP Insurgentes in eum. They that rise up against him.
TOP Insurgentes in te. They that rise up against thee.

DAP Insurgentes . They that rise up against.

Insurgentes in nos. They that rise up against us.
SAR Marcuit,succisus est He withered away, was hewn
They withered. [down.
ּ‫קָמְלו‬ .Marcuerunt
Rise ye.
‫קום‬ ‫קִמְנָה‬ .Surgite
us We have risen .
ּ‫קַמְנו‬ Surrerim ,
Collegit, cepit. He gathered, took.
‫קָמַץ‬ His handful .
ֹ‫קְמְצו‬ Pugillus , ejus
Thorns, nettles.
, urticena
‫ קִמְשׁוֹנִים‬.Spi
Standing corn.
‫קום‬ ‫ קָמַת‬.Seges
1172 ‫קנז‬


i Thou hast risen.

‫קים‬ ָּ‫ קַמְת‬Surrexist
ֹ‫ קֹמָתו‬.Allit ejusudo His height.
I rose.
" ְ‫ּי קַמ‬ ִ‫ קָמְת‬.Surre.rf
is Ye rose.
‫ קַמְתֶּם‬Surrexial

A nest.
‫קנן‬ ‫ | קֵן קֵן‬.Nidus
Zelotypusfuit; amu- He was zealous, jealous ; he
latus est, invidit ; emulated, envied; moved,
ad zelotypiam provoked to jealousy ;
commovit, provo- bought.
cavit ; emit.
Nipp Zelotypus .[movendo Jealous.
Ad zelotypiam com- In moving to jealousy.
Zelotypusfuit. [ vidia He was zealous, jealous.
Zelus, zelotypia, in- Zeal, jealousy , envy.
Ad zelotypiam mo- They have moved me to jea-
Zelotypia . [ vêre me. Jealousies. [lousy.
His jealousy.
ֹ‫ קִנְאָתו‬.zelotypia ejus
‫ קנאתי‬.zeloty meapia My jealousy. [vied.
Zelotypusfui,invidi. I have been jealous, have en-

ָ‫תְך‬ ָ‫ קִנְאָתֶך‬.Zelolyp tua ia Thy jealousy.

Their envy .
‫ קִנְאָתָם‬.Invid eorum ia
‫קנה‬ Emit, acquisivit, re- He bought , purchased, re-
demit, nactus est, deemed, gained, possessed.

‫ קָנָה‬.Cana [possedit. Kanah, N. P.

‫קנה‬ - Emere, emendo . [do . Buy, get thou ; a reed.
Eme, acquire ; arun- To buy, in buying.
P Canna, arundo, cala- A cane, reed , calamus.
MAP Nidus ejus. [ mus. Her nest.
Possidens, possessor. Possessing, a possessor.
Map Emens, emptor. Buying, a buyer.
eum t
ּ‫ קָנָהו‬.Emi He brought him or it.
His buyer.
ּ‫ קְנֵהו‬Emptor ,
‫קנן‬ His nest.
ֹ‫ קִנּו‬Widus ,
‫קנה‬ That thou buyest.
ָ‫ קְנוֹתְך‬.Emere te
‫ קְנַז‬.C he na z Kenaz, N. M.
‫ עלה‬-‫קעילה‬ 1173


‫ קְנַזִי‬.Chenizei 1 Kenizzites, N. N.
‫ קְנֵי קָנִים‬.Aru , ramind in es
Reeds, branches.
‫ קִנִי‬.Wid meusus My nest.
Possessores earum. Their possessors.
‫ קִנִּים‬.Nidi
‫ק‬ , acquisitiopti
. A purchase o

ּ‫קָנִינו‬ Emimus,redemimus. We have bought, redeemed.

ֹ‫ קִנְיָנו‬.Posse ssio His possession.
ְ‫ קִנְיָנֶךָ נְך‬Possessio,
tua Thy possession .
‫ קָנִיתָ־־תָי‬Emi , anc tus es, Thou hast bought, purchased,
possedisti. possessed.
‫ קָנִיתִי‬.E , nactm mi
us sum I have bought, obtained.
Emit, redemit te. He hath bought,redeemed thee
Nidus tuus. Thy nest.
Nidulatus est. He built a nest.
Nidulata est. She made her nest.
Nidulati sunt. They made their nests.
Possedit me. He possessed me.
‫קב‬ ‫קְנָנִי‬
Fines, extremitates. Ends, extremities. *
Kenath, N. P.
‫ קְנַת קְנָת‬.Chenat
t She hath purchased.
‫קנה‬ ‫ קָנְתָה‬Acquisivi

a Divine thou.
‫קסם‬ ‫ קָסָוּמִי‬.Divin
Divinavit. He divined or used divination.
‫קֶסֶם‬ ‫ קֶסֶם‬Divinatio
‫|קסֶם‬ .Divinus A soothsayer , diviner .
Drop Divini vestri. Your diviners.

‫| קְסָמִים‬.Divinationes Divinations .
‫ קְסְמִים‬.Diwint
Exscidit. He cut off.
An inkhorn.
‫ קֶסֶת‬.diramentarium

Keilah, N. M. P.
‫ עֲלָה‬-- ‫ קְעִילָה‬.Cheila
1174 ‫קצח‬

A mark with a hot iron.
‫ קַעֲקַע‬.Stigma
‫ קַעֲרַת‬.Scutella A dish, charger.
Dishes .
‫ קַעֲרֹת‬.Scutelle
His dishes.
cjus le
‫ קְעָרֹתָיו‬.Scute

‫קפ‬ [ condensed .

‫קָפָא‬ Coagulavit, concre- He curdled, was congealed,

NDP Concreverunt. [ vil . They were congealed.
Precidit . He cut off.

‫ קִפֹּד‬.Ericius A hedge-hog.
Destruction .
‫ קְפָדָה‬.Excidium
‫ קִפַּדְתִּי‬.Precidi I have cut off.

‫ קִפּוֹז‬.Jaculus A darting serpent.

Occlusit, compescuit, He shut up, restrained, con-

contraxit, transi- strained, leaped , skipped .

‫ קָפְצָה‬.Compescuit[liit. She stopped, restrained.

‫קיץ‬ ‫ קָץ‬.Abominans Abhorring .
An end.
‫| קצץ‬ ‫ קֵץ קֶצֶה קֶצֶה‬.Finis
‫קצב‬ Succidit, tolondit. He cut off, sheared.

‫ קֶצֶב‬.Cesura [ abrasit. A cutting off. [ of .

‫קָצָה‬ Abscidit, concidit, He cut off, cut short, scraped
She loathed .
‫קיץ‬ ‫ קָצָה‬.Fastidivil
‫קצה‬ Extremus; extremi- Uttermost ; an extremity.

iPAP Extremitas ejus [ tas Her extremity.

‫קצה‬ ּ‫ קְצֵהו‬.Extrem itas
cjus His extremity.
‫וֹוּתָוּ קְצוֹתָיו‬.Ex
‫קְצ‬ treejus . His mit ate
ends , extremities
‫צְרֵי קְצָוֹת‬.F
ַ‫ק‬ in
extremitates es
. | Ends , extremities
‫קצץ‬ ‫ קְצוּצֵי‬.Amputati [ ma. Being cut off. [ parts.
ip Abscindendo ; extre- By cutting off; ends, uttermost
corumn . The ends of them.
‫קצה‬ ‫ קְצוֹתָם‬Fines
‫קֶצַח‬ .Nigella
‫קצרתם‬ 1175


Finis meus . My end .

A leader.
‫קצן‬ ‫ קָצִין‬.Dur
‫ קְצִינֵי‬.Duces
‫ ק‬.Dutu
ְ‫|ְצִינַיִך‬ is Thy leaders.
ia Kezia, N. W.
‫ קְצִיעָה‬.Chets
Cassia .
‫קצע‬ ‫ קציעות‬.Casta
its Keziz , N. P.
‫ קְצִיץ‬.Chcts
‫קצר‬ " ְ‫ק‬ ‫קָצִיר‬ .Mesuis
ejus i
ּ‫ קְצִירָה‬.Ram Her boughs , branches.
ָ‫ קְצִירֶה‬.Mea si
cju s s Her harvest.

ejus s
.Messi His harvest.
Thy harvest.
ְ‫ קְצִירְךָ־־רֵך‬Messia tua
‫ִירְכֶם‬ ‫צ‬ ְ ‫ק‬ . M e s
ve rais
sts Your harvest.

ְ‫ קְצֵך‬Finis tu,
us Thy end .
ּ‫ קְצֵנו‬Finis noster. Our end.
Abscidit, abrasit. He cut, scraped, shaved off.
‫קצף‬ Iratus est, efferbuit, He was angry, was wroth,
spumavit, adiram foamed, fretted, provoked
[ provocavit. Wrath, anger . [to wrath .
‫ קָצֶף קֶצֶף קְצַף‬.Ira
r a t u s
‫ קצף‬.I Angry.
ַ ‫צ‬ ָ ‫ק‬ . I r a tesus Thou hast been wroth.
ָּ‫ת‬ ְ ‫פ‬
tus I have been wroth.
‫ קָצַפְתִּי‬.Ira sum
Abscidit, amputavit. He cut off, lopped off.
He cut off.
‫ קְצֵץ קְצֵץ‬.Abscidit
‫קְצַר‬ Curtavit, contraxit, He shortened, contracted ,
messuit ; brevis reaped; was short, short-
fuit ; abbreviatus, ened, straitened .
Brevis. [ arctus est. Short.
Curtavit, contraxit. He shortened , contracted.

est ta She was shortened .

‫ קָצְרָה‬.Curta
ּ‫ קָצָרו‬.Messuer un t They reaped.

ּ‫ קִצְרו‬.Melile Reap ye.

Shorten ed .
‫ קְצָרוֹת‬.Curtate
‫ קִצְרֵי‬.Breves
‫ קצְרִים‬.Metentes Reaping.
DAY Messuistis. Ye have reaped.
1176 ‫קראתי‬

Pars, ex parte. Part, partly.

‫ קַצְתִּי‬.Fastidivi I loathed, have been weary of.

‫ קר‬.Paries A wall.
‫קָרָא‬ Vocavit, convocavit, He called, invited, called to-
invocavit, clama- gether, invoked,called upon,
vit, prædicavil,le- cried, proclaimed, preached,
git,occurrit, acci- read, met, befel.
‫ קָרֵא‬Claman
, s [dil. Crying.
Voca, prædica, lege. Call thou , proclaim, read.
Vocare, convocare. To call , call together.
Vocans, clamans, le- Calling, crying, reading; a
gens ; perdix. [est. partridge.
Vocatus, clamatum He was called, it was cried.

‫ קָרְאָה‬.rocaviL She called.

Invocate eum. Call ye upon him.

" Vocarunt, invoca- They called, invoked, pro-

runt,prædicarunt. claimed.
Vocate, clamate. Call, cry, proclaim ye.
DTP Vocati, advocati. Called, called for.

ָ‫ קְרְאֶיה‬.Vocati
ejus Her guests.
‫ קְרְאָיו‬.rocati
ejus His guests.

‫ קרְאָיו‬.Invocantes
| eum They that call upon him.
tetes They that call upon thee.
ָ‫ קִרְאֶיך‬.Invocan
‫ קרְאִים‬.Vocati Called.
Vocavit te. He hath called thee.
DP Clamare eos. That they cry.
Call ye.
‫ קְרֶאן קִרְאֶן‬.Vocate
Vocare nos. That we call.

‫ קְרָאָנִי‬.rocavi me t He hath called me.

‫קרה‬ Accidit mihi.
It befel, came upon me.
eru They befel me.
‫ קְרָאנִי‬.Accidmihi
‫קרא‬ Vocasti, clamasti, le- Thou hast called, cried, read.
‫קרה‬ ‫ קָרָאת‬.Accidit [gisti. It happened , befel.
‫קרא‬ Vocavi, clamavi. I have called ; invited, cried.
I have called him.
‫ קְרָאתִיו‬.Vocavi
‫קררמות‬ 1170


‫קרא‬ ָ‫ָאתִיך‬.l‫קְר‬ , invocavioc av

te . I have called , invoked thee i
en te s Befalling thee.
ְ‫ קִרְאֹתַיִך‬.Accid tibi
tis Ye have called .
‫ קְרָאתֶם‬.rocas
‫קרב‬ 'Appropinquavit, ac- He drew near, approached ,
cessit, accederefe- caused to approach,brought,
cit,abduxit, obtulit presented, offered.
‫ קְרָב קָרְבָה‬.Bel , prellu
ium mWar, battle.
Approach thou, draw near.
‫ קְרַב קָרְבָה‬.Accede
‫ קְרֶב קָרֵבָה‬.Accea ui t [quus. She drew near.

" ֹ‫ רו‬-- ‫רֹבָה‬.Pr

ְ‫ק‬ opi
, propin- She , he thatnqu
is nigh a
Appropinquarunt. They approached, drew near.
Accesserunt. They came near.
ֹ‫ קְרֹבו‬.Propinq - His neighbour.
ejus uus
His inwards.
ֹ‫ קִרְבּו‬Intestina, ejus
il e Come ye near.
ּ‫ קִרְבו‬.Acced
‫ קְרָבוֹת‬.B,el preliala Wars, battles.
‫ קְרָבַי‬.Inter iora My inward parts .
‫ק‬ propin . qua
Approac hing ntes
" ‫ רו‬-- ‫רֹבִים‬.Pr ְ‫ק‬ opi
, proximi nqu
. They that are nigh , next i
Intimum eorum . , Their inward part.
" ְ‫ קָרְבָּן־־בֶּן קְר‬.oblatio An offering .
‫נ‬ ּ ָ ‫ב‬ ְ ‫ר‬ ָ ‫ק‬ .O bl at
cju s io Her offering.
Intestina carum. Their inward parts.

ֹ‫ קָרְבָּנו‬.Oblatejus io His offering .

‫ קָרְבָּנִי‬.O blmea io
at My offering .

‫ קָרְבָּנֵיהֶם‬.Obl at
coru m io Their offering .
ְ‫נְך‬ tua io
ְ‫ קָרְבָּנֶך‬.Oblat Thy offering .

‫ קָרְבַּנְכֶם‬.Obl at
vest ra io Your offering .
Oblatio eorum . Their offering .
i Thou drewest near.
" ַ‫ר‬ ָּ‫ קָרָבְת‬Accessiat,
‫בַת‬ ְ ‫ר‬ ִ ‫ק‬ .A cc es su s An approach.
i I came near.
‫ קִרְבַת‬Access
I have brought near.
‫ קָרַבְתִּי‬Adduxi
His axe.
ֹ‫ קַרְדְּמו‬.Secejus
es Axes.
‫ קַרְדְּמוֹת‬.Se eur

VOL. II. 3 G
1178 ‫קרר‬

‫קְרָה‬ Occurrit, accidit , He met, befel , happened , laid

contignavil, con- the beams, appointed .
‫קרר‬ ‫ קָרָה‬.Frigus [stituit . Cold.
‫קרה‬ ּ‫ קָרָהו‬.Accidei it It happened to him .
‫קרא‬ ּ‫ קְרוּאֵי־־רו‬.Focali [ prope . Called.
‫קָר‬ , vicinus ; Near , related , at hand , near to
‫ קְרוֹב‬.AppropinquareTo approach.
mei ui My relatives.
‫ קְרוֹבָי‬.Propinq
‫קֵר‬ eum . | They laid the beams of it
‫קרע‬ ַ‫ קָרוּע‬.Laceratus Torn .
‫ קְרוּעִי‬.Fissi
‫קרה‬ ‫קרות‬.Tr abe
. [ vum sefecil Beams s [self bald.
‫קרן‬ Caput abrasit , cal- He shaved his head ,made him-
ַ‫ קָרֵח‬.Carcach Careah, N. M.
‫קרה‬ ‫ קָרַח‬.Gelu
, glacies Frost, ice , crystal .
‫ קרח‬.Calrus Bald.

‫ קרח‬.Corach Korah, N. M.
‫קרח‬ ‫ קָרְחָא־־חָה‬.Calvilium Baldness.
His ice.
‫ קָרְחוֹ קִי‬.Glacies ejus
‫ קרחי‬.Calv te facum Make thyself bald.
‫חִים‬ ְ ‫ר‬ ָ ‫ק‬ .Corch ite Korahites, Korhites, N. F.
‫קרח‬ ְ‫ קָרְחָתֵך‬.Calvit tuum iumThy baldnes .
‫קרא‬ ‫ קְרִי‬.Lectus Being read. [trary
‫ קְרִי‬.Occursus
; contra A meeting in opposition; con-

‫יְתזָא‬: ‫ קִרְיָא־־וָה־־‬Civilas
, A city .
‫ קְרִיוֹת‬.Cheriot Kerioth, N. P.
‫קרר‬ Cold.
‫ קָרִים‬.Frigidi
‫קרה‬ ‫קְרָת‬ ,
‫ קִרְיַת‬Civitas A city.

‫ קִרְיַת‬.Chiriat Kirjath, N. P.
Chiriat-arba. Kirjath -arba , N. P.
‫קִרְיַת אַרְבָּע‬
-bual t
‫ קְרִית בַּעַל‬.Chiria Kirjath- baal , N , P.

-jearim al Kirjath-jearim , N. P.
‫ קִרְיַת יְעָרִים‬.Chiri
-sana al
‫ קִרְיַת סַנָּה‬.Chiri Kirjath-sannah, N. P.

, Kirjath-sepher , N. P.
‫ קָרְיָת סֵפֶר‬Chiriat -sepher
‫עָרִים‬‫ קִרְיַת‬.Chi rial
- arim Kirjath - arim , N. M.

‫ קְרְיָתָיִם־־תַי‬.Chiriataim Kirjathaim , N. P.
‫קרה‬ He met thee.
ָ‫ קָרְך‬Occurrit,
‫קרצהון‬ 1179


Texit, obduxit. [ duit He covered , spread over.

Cornua emisit,splen- He shot forth horns, he shone
A horn.
‫קָרֶן קֵי קַרְנָא‬ .cornia
His horn.
ֹ‫קַרְנו‬ Cornu ,cjus
" ָ‫קְר‬ ‫קַרְנוֹת־־נֹת‬ .cornua
His horns.
" ָ‫קַרְנוֹתָיו נֹת‬ .Cornu ejus a
Cornua Horns.
‫קַרְנֵי־־נַיָּא‬ ,
‫קַרְנִי‬ .Co rnu My horn.
" ָ‫קַרְנָיו קְר‬ .Corcjus nua His horns.
" ָ‫קְר‬ ‫ קַרְנָיִם‬Cornua
‫ קַרְנַיִם‬.Carnaim Karnaim, N. P.
‫קרן‬ ְ‫נֵך‬ ָ‫ קַרְנְך‬.Cor tuum nu Thy horn.
Cornu vestrum . Your horn.

ּ‫ קַרְנֵנו‬.Cor nostrumnuOur horn.

‫ קרס‬.Cheres Keres, N. M.

‫קרס‬ Flexit, inclinavit se. He bent, bowed, stooped.

‫ קרס‬.Inclinans
se Stooping.
nt They stooped.
ּ‫ קָרְסו‬.Inclinaseru
Ansula, uncini. Taches, hooks, or clasps.

‫ קְרָסָיו‬.Mns ule
eius His taches.

mce e The soles of my feet.
‫| קַרְסָלָּי‬.Plant
‫קָרַע‬ Scidit,fidit, laceravit, He cut, rent, tore, was rent.
Findendo. [fissus est. In rending.
ַ‫ קרע‬.Findens Rending.
‫ קָרָעָה‬.Laceravit She tore, rent.

ּ‫ קָרְעו‬.Lacerarunt They tore, rent.

Rend ye.
ּ‫ קִרְעו‬.Findile
‫ קְרְעֵי־־עִים‬.Lacerali
DP Lacerati; frusta. Torn; pieces.
Thou hast rent.
ָּ‫ קָרַעְת‬.Fidisti
‫ קָרַעְתִּי‬.Laceravi I tore.'
Nictavit, movit ; de- He winked, moved ; was ta-
sumplus.formatus ken from, formed.
[est. Destruction .
‫ קֶרֶץ‬.Ercidium
Accusationes ejus. His accusations.
Accusationes eorum. Their accusations.
1180 ‫קשיון‬

Desumptus, forma- I was taken from, formed.

‫קרקע‬ [tus sum.
A floor.
‫ קַרְקַע‬.Solum
Karkaa, N. P.
‫ קַרְקָעָה‬Careaa
‫ קָרֶשׁ קֵי‬.Tabula A board .
‫ קַרְשֵׁי קְרָשִׁים‬.Tabule
His boards .
ejus e
‫ קְרָשָׁיו‬.Tabul
tue e
ְ‫ קַרְשֶׁך‬.Tabul Thy boards .
Kartah , N. P. 1

‫ קַרְתָּה‬.Carta
His cold.
ֹ‫ קָרָתו‬.Frigus

‫ קַרְתִּי‬.Fodi I have digged.

‫קרה‬ ‫ קְרָתִי‬Trabs mea My beam, rafter.
‫ קַרְתָּן‬.Cartan Kartan , N. P.

‫קשש‬ WP WP Stramen, stipula. Straw , stubble .
‫קָשָׁב‬ Auscultavit, attendit He hearkened, attended, gave
Attention. [ heed.
" ֶ‫ קָשֶׁב ק‬.Altentio
‫ קַשְׁבוֹת‬.Auenta Attentive.

‫ קַשֶׁבֶת‬Auenta
, Attentive.

‫קָשָׁה‬ Durus, difficilis,arc- He was hard, difficult, strait-

tatusfuit; indura- ened ; he hardened, made
vit, gravavit. heavy.
‫שֶׁה קְשֵׁה‬‫ קָשָׁה‬.Dur , arduusus Hard, stubborn , rough.
‫שְׁטְ קשט‬ ‫ׁוֹט קקֶט‬ ‫ש‬ ְ ‫ק‬ .Veritas Truth.

‫קשר‬ ‫ׁוּרָה‬.L
‫קְש‬ ig
, conjuncta at
, Bound , joined together a
‫קשה‬ , ardua a Hard, stubborn , rough.
‫ קָשׁוֹת‬.Dur
nip Opercula. [ habuit . Covers.
‫קשָׁה‬ Obduravit, duriler He hardened, treated hardly.
‫קשה‬ Hard.
‫ קְשֵׁי‬.Duri
‫ קְשִׁי‬.Durities Hardness , stubbornness .

‫ קשִׁיוֹן‬.Chishion Kishion , N. P.
‫ראה־־אה־־אה‬ 1181

‫קשט‬ Agna, vel potius A lamb, or rather a piece of

nummus sicdictus money so called.

‫קשה‬ ‫ קָשִׁים‬.Duriorcs Harder, too hard.

Scales of a fish .
‫ קַשְׂקַשִׂים‬.Squame
‫קְשַׁר‬ Ligavit, colligavit , He bound, bound together ,
conjuncil , conspi- joined together , conspired.
‫ָשֶׁר קֵי‬.Con
‫ק‬ spir
. [ravit atio
. A conspiracy
ejus ula
ָ‫ קִשְׁרִיה‬.Redimic Her head-bands, or fillets.

eos a Bind thou them .

‫ קָשְׁרֵם‬.Lig
‫ קָשַׁרְתִּי‬.Conspiravi I conspired.
Ye have conspired.
‫ קְשַׁרְתֶּם‬.Conspirastis
ׁ‫קָשַׁש‬ Collegit, congregavit , He gathered, assembled, met.
‫קשת‬ [ convenit.
A bow.
" ֶ‫ קָשֶׁת ק‬.Arcus
‫ קָשֶׁת‬.Sagittarius An archer.

‫ |קְשַׁת‬.Mesta Sorrowful .
‫ שִׁי‬-- ‫שָׁתָה‬.D ָ‫ק‬ ur
, dificiliafuit . She was hard , difficult a
.A rcejusus His bow.
‫קשת‬ ֹ‫ו‬ ּ ‫ת‬ ׁ ְ ‫ש‬ ַ ‫ק‬
Their bows.
‫ קַשְׁתּוֹתָם‬.Ar cus
‫ קַשְׁתִּי‬.Arc meusus My bow.

tuusus Thy bow.

ָ‫ קַשְׁתְּךָ־־תֶּך‬.Arc
rc us Their bow .
‫ קַשְׁתָּם‬.A corum
Their bows.
‫ קַשְׁתֹּתָם‬.Arc eorumus


Vidit, aspexit, anim- He saw, beheld, observed,
advertit, apparuit, considered,appeared,shewed .[
‫ר‬ V i
eam . [ ostendit He saw i
. d her t

ֹ‫ רָאֹה רָאֹה רָאו‬ridere , videndo To see, in seeing .

Vide; en, ecce. See thou ; lo, behold .

‫ ראה־־אֶה־־אֶה‬.ridens Seeing .
1182 ‫ראמים‬


‫ראה‬ eum it He saw him.

ּ‫ רָאָהו‬.Fid
ּ‫ רָאו‬.Viderunt They saw.
ּ‫ רְאו‬.ridete See ye.
ּ‫ ראו‬.Vi They were seen.
‫ רְאוּבֵן‬.Reuben Reuben, N.M.

‫ רְאוּבֵנִי‬.Reubenile Reubenites, N. F.
‫ראה‬ ָ‫ רָאוּה‬.Viderueam nt They saw her.
ְ‫ רָאוּך‬.Viderteunt They saw thee .

‫רְאוּמָה‬ .Reuma Reumah, N. W.

‫ראה‬ me t
‫ רָאוּנִי‬.Viderun They saw me.
To see.
‫רָאל ' ראי‬ ‫ רִאוֹת‬.Videre
‫| ראות‬Videntes
, They that sec.
That I see.
‫ רְאוֹתִי‬.Videre
‫ רְאִי‬.Fide See thou .
‫ ראי‬.Videnteme s They that see me.
‫ רֹאֵי‬.Videntes They that see.

‫י‬ ‫א‬ ‫ל‬ ‫י‬ ִ‫ רָא‬Videns me. He that seeth me.

‫ רְאָיָה‬.Reaias Reaiah, N. M.
‫ראה‬ They that see her.
ָ‫ רֹאֶיה‬.Videntes
‫| ראיהם‬.Tidenteos es They that see them.
‫ ראיו‬.rident
eum es They that see him.
te s
ָ‫ רֹאַיִךְ רֹאֶיך‬.Vidente They that see thee.
‫ ראים‬.Videntes Seeing.
ּ‫| ראינו‬.Vidimus We have seen .
‫ראש‬ , prima r
‫ רְאיֹשֹׁנָה‬.Prio Former, first.
‫ראה‬ ‫ רָאִית־תָ־תָה‬.ridisti [ adverti, Thou hast seen. [ considered.
Vidi, aspexi, anim- I have seen, looked, observed,
‫ רְאִיתִיו‬.Vidi
eum I have seen him.
te i
ָ‫ ראיתִיך‬.Vid I have seen thee.

‫ רְאִיתֶם‬.Vidisti Thou hast seen.

‫ר אם‬
DT Vidil eos. [ noceros. He sawthem.
Unicornis, vel rhi- An unicorn, or rhinoceros.
‫ ראמות־־מת‬.Ramot Ramoth, N. P
‫רוס‬ .Ex
‫ראמות‬ cel
,sublimiores . High , too high si
. [ nocerotes Coral
D'Unicornes, vel rhi- Unicorns, or rhinoceroses.
‫ראתך‬ 1183

‫ראה‬ ‫ ראנו‬.Videns
nos He that seeth us.
‫ ראָנִי‬.Vidme He that seeth me.
‫רוש‬ ׁ‫ ראש‬.Pauper [mina. Poor. [ panies.
‫ראש‬ ‫ שִׁי‬- ‫שֵׁי‬-C
‫רָא‬ , duces , ap
ag- Heads , leaders , it
bands , com a
‫רוש‬ ׁ‫ ראש‬.Paupertas Poverty.
‫ראש‬ .Ros Rosh , N. M.

‫ראש‬ ‫רֵ ' רֵאשָׁה‬ ׁ‫ש‬Caput

‫רֹא‬ , verter , dua , A head, top , leader , chief
princeps, agmen ;| company ; first, principal ,
primus, summus ;| highest ; poison.
-- Caput ejus. [ virus. His head.
.Cap ejusut Her head.
‫ רֵאשְׁהוֹן רֹאשָׁן‬.Ca put Their head.
‫ רִאשׁוֹן וֹנָה‬.Pri mus First, former .
, prior
, My head .
‫ רָאשִׁי רָאשִׁי‬Caput meum
Her heads.
ָ‫ רָאשֶׁיה‬Capita ,
‫אשֵׁיהֶם־־הֶן‬.C ָ‫ר‬ ap
eorum , earum Their heads it
, chapiters a
‫יו‬ ׁ ָ ‫ש‬ ‫א‬ ֹ ‫ר‬ .Cap ita
ejus His heads.

‫ רָאשֵׁיכֶם‬.Cavestra pita Your heads.

‫רוש‬ ‫ ראשִׁים‬.Pauperes Poor.

‫ראש‬ ‫ רָאשִׁים רֵאשִׁין‬.Capi , agminataHeads, companies.

‫| רא‬ ,primitie A beginning , principal thing
ָ‫ רֵאשִׁיתְך‬.Princip tuum ium Thy beginning . [ first fruits .
‫תָם‬ ‫י‬ ׁ ִ ‫ש‬ ‫א‬ ֵ ‫ר‬ .Pr imi
eorumlie Their first fruits.
ְ‫ רֹאשְׁךְ רֵאשָׁך‬.Ca Thy head .

ָ‫שְׁך‬ ְ‫ רֹאשֶׁך‬.Captuum ut Thy head .

‫רוש‬ ְ‫ רֵאשֶׁך‬.Pa upe rta
tua s Thy poverty .
‫ראש‬ ‫ רֹאשְׁכֶם‬.Ca put Your head.
‫ רֹאשָׁם‬.Capu eorum t Their head.
‫ר‬ .P ri ma First.
‫ ראשנו‬.Caput
nostrum Our head .
‫ רִאשֹׁנוֹת‬.Pri meFirst, former.
, priores
, priores i First, former .
‫ רִאשׁנִים‬.Prim
She saw.
‫ראה‬ ‫ָה רָאֲתָה‬TTT
‫ רָאָת‬.vidit
Thou hast seen.
‫ רָאִתָה‬ridiati
teit She saw thee.
ָ‫ רָאָתְך‬.rid
le e
ָ‫ רְאֹתְך‬.Vider That thou seest.
1184 ‫רבן‬


AALI ‫רב‬
‫רוב‬ ‫ | רב‬.Litigans Striving, pleading
Jaculatus est. He shot out.
‫רבב‬ ‫רָב‬
Much , great.
‫ רָב רב‬.Mull ,magnusus
Mullus,magnus,ma- Much, great, greater, numer-
jor, numerosus, ous, enough.

‫ רַב מָג‬.R ab [satis. Rab-mag, N. M.

‫ רַב סָרִיס‬Rab-sa,ris Rab-saris, N. M.
‫רוב‬ Lis, causa. A cause, strife, controversy.

‫ רְבָּאות רְבּוֹת‬.Myriades Myriads, ten thousands.

‫רבב‬ Multus fuit, multi- He was much, was multiplied;

plicatus est; jacu- he shot out.
latus est. [ta.
Myrias; multiplica- Ten thousand ; multiplied.
Tens ofthousands.
‫רְבָבוֹת רְבִי־יִבְי‬. .Myriades
" ִ‫ רְבָבִים רְבִיב‬.Imbres
727 Instruxit, ornavit. He decked, adorned.
A chain, or ornamental collar.
‫ רְבָד‬.Torques
tr uz i
I have decked, adorned.
‫רָבַדְתִּי‬.Ins, ornavi
‫רָבָה‬ Multiplicavit, auxit, He multiplied, increased, grew
crevit, aluit, edu- up, nourished, brought up;
cavit; auctus,mul- was increased, multiplied ;
tiplicatus est ; ja- shot, darted : made great.
culatus est : mag-
num fecit. [ ta est.
‫רבב‬ na na Magna ; multiplica- Great ; she was multiplied.

‫רַבָּה‬ .Raba Rabbah, N. P.

‫רבה‬ Increase thou.
‫ רַבֶּה‬.Auge
‫ רְבָה‬.Crevil He grew .
Jaculans, jaculator. Shooting, an archer.
‫רוב‬ ּ‫ רָבו‬.Contenderunl They strove.
‫רבה‬ Creverunt, multipli- They grew, were multiplied.
cati sunt. [ sunt. [plied.
‫רבב‬ Aucti,
multiplicati They were increased, multi-
Ten thousand.
‫ רִבּוֹ רְבּוֹא‬.Myrias
127 Res magnæ. Great things.
‫רבצם‬ 1185

‫רבב‬ 17 Myriades. Tens of thousands.

‫רבע‬ ַ‫ רָבוּע‬.Quadralus Square, four-square.

‫רבב‬ ‫רַבּוֹת‬ .Mulle Many.
‫רבה‬ To be multiplied.
‫ רְבוֹת‬.Multiplicari
Magnitudo, majestas Greatness, majesty.
‫רבב‬ " ַ‫ רִבּוֹתַיִם־־בֹּת‬.Due
myriades Two myriads ,twenty thousand
‫ רבִּי‬.Magnates Lords, princes.

‫רבה‬ fecit m He made him great.

‫ רַבִּי‬.Magnu
‫רבב‬ ‫ רְבִיבִים‬.Imbres
‫ רַבָּיו‬.Jaculat ejus His archers.
Mulli, magni ; jacu- Many, great ; archers.
Quartus. [latores. Fourth.
‫עָיָא‬ ‫רְבִיעִי‬
" Quarlani, quartige Of the fourth generation.
-- Quarta . [ nerationis. Fourth .
‫ רְבִיעָיְתָא‬Quarta
‫ רַבִּית‬Rabit
, Rabbith, N. P.
‫רבה‬ Crevit. She grew.
Thou hast increased.
ָ‫ רִבִּית‬.Autisti
727 Torruit, frixit. He baked, fried.
Riblah, N. P.
‫ רִבְלָה‬.Ribla
Reba, N. M.
‫ רֶבַע‬.Reba
‫רָבַע‬ Quadratus est, con- He was squared ,lay down with,
cubuit, coire fecit caused to come together in
Quarta. [ animalia. A fourth. [bestial coition.
Quadrata. Squared.
dre Her squares.
ָ‫ רְבָעֶיה‬.Quaejus
The squares.
‫ הֶן‬-- ‫ רִבְעֵיהֶם‬.Qua dre ir
dre His squares.
‫ רְבָעָיו‬.Quaejus
‫ רבעים‬.Quadrati Squared.
Quarlee generationis Those of the fourth generation
Cubuit, recubuit, re- He couched, lay down, caused
Cubans .[ cubarefecit Couching, lying . [ to lie down.
t [ejus. She lay down.
‫ רָבָצָה‬.Recubui
recumbendi Her resting place.
ּ‫ רִבְצָה‬Locus
13 Locus cubandi ejus. The place where he lieth.
Recubantes . [ eorum. Lying down .
Locus recumbendi Their resting place.
1186 ‫רגליה‬

‫רבץ‬ ‫בֶצֶת‬.C
ֹ‫ר‬ ub
, recumbens an
. Couching , lying s
.Ribca Rebekah , N. W.
‫רבב‬ Great.
‫בְרְבִין־־בָן‬. grandni
ַ‫ ר‬.M, ag es
‫ רַבְרְבָנוֹהִי‬.Magnate
ejus s His lords, princes .
‫ רַבְרְבָתָא‬.Grandes
‫בְשָׁקֵה‬.ַ‫ר‬ -sachesR a
. [ egisti . Rab -shakeh , N. M b
‫רוב‬ ָּ‫ רַבְת‬Litigasl
, i causam Thou hast contended, pleaded
‫רבב‬ ‫ רַבַּת‬.M abundanla
, ul s Much, abundant.
She grew.
‫רבה‬ ‫ רְבָת‬.Crevit
‫רבב‬ ‫רַבָּתָא‬ .Magna Great.
‫רבה‬ estla She was increased .
‫ רָבְתָה‬.Auc
Aluit, educavit.
She nourished , brought up.
‫רבב‬ Much , full.
‫ רַבָּתִי‬.Mulla
, frequens

‫ רגְבִי‬.Glebae Clods.
‫רנס‬ ‫ רָגוֹם‬.Lapidando In stoning .
‫רָגַז‬ Tremuit, timuit,com- He trembled, feared , dreaded,
movit,provocavit; moved, shook, provoked;
turbatus, motus, was troubled, agitated,
Trepidus. [iratus est. Trembling. [angry .
‫רֹגֶז‬ Furor Rage.

‫ רָגְזָה‬.Commo est ta She was moved, shaken. [awe.

. ּ‫ רְגְזָה רַגְזו‬.Treme , timete teTremble ye, be afraid, stand in
‫רָגַל‬ Exploravit ; calum- He searched, spied out ; slan-
niatus est; ire do- dered ; taught to go .

‫ רָגֶל רֶגֶל‬Pes [cuit. A foot,

‫ רֹגֶל‬.Roghel Rogel, N. P.

‫רגל‬ Her foot.

ּ‫ רַגְלָה‬.Pes
ֹ‫ רַגְלוֹ־־ליּו‬.Pes
ejus His foot .
His fect.
‫ רַגְלוֹהִי‬.Pedes
‫ ליו‬--‫ לִי‬-- ‫ רַגְלִי‬.Pemei
des My feet.

‫רַגְלֵי־־לַיָּא‬ Feet.
Feet ; my foot.
‫ רַגְלִי‬Pedes ; pes meus .
des Her fcet .
ָ‫ רַגְלֶיה‬.Peejus
‫רדד‬ 1187


‫רגל‬ Their feet.

eorum s
‫ רַגְלֵיהֶם‬.Pede
des His feet.
ְ‫ רַגְלָיו־־לָך‬.Peejus
Thy feet.
ָ‫לֶיך‬ ְ‫ רַגְלַיִך‬.Petui des
Your feet.
‫כֶם‬ ‫י‬ ֵ ‫ל‬ ְ ‫ג‬ ַ ‫ר‬ . P e d
vca lries
Rogelim, N. P.
‫ רֹגְלִים‬.Rogheim
‫רגל‬ ‫ רַגְלַיִם לַיִם לַיִן‬.Pedes
‫ רַגְלִים‬.Pedites
Times, turns.
‫ רְגָלִים‬.Fices
Pedes nostri. Our feet.
Thy foot.
ְ‫ רַגְלֶךְ־לְךָ לֵך‬.P tuuses
‫ רַגְלְכֶם‬.P ter s
vese Your foot.
Their foot.
‫ רַגְלָם‬.P coruem a
Pes noster. [ obruit. Our foot. [stones.
Lapidavit, lapidibus He stoned, overwhelmed with

Di Lapidando. In stoning.
Regem , N. M.
‫ רֶנֶס‬.Reghem
Regem-melech, N. M.
ְ‫מֶלֶך‬ ‫ רֶכֶם‬.Reg he
-mele c m
‫רנס‬ Lapis fulcrum , præ- Their stone, support, bulwark;
sidium eorum; sec. according to others, their
al.purpura, purple, or assembly.
tus eorum. [ avit.
Mussitavit,murmur- He muttered , murmured .
55 11151

Quievit, quiescerefe- He rested, caused to rest, cut
cit, succidit, fidit, down, divided, was broken
disrupit se, erum- asunder, caused to break

perefecit. forth .
Momentum ; subilo. A moment , instant ; suddenly.
Quiescens ; ruptus. Resting ; broken.
i [venit Quiet.
‫ רִגְעֵי‬.Quiet
Tumultuatus est,con- He raged , met, assembled .

ּ‫ רָגְשׁו‬.Tumultu They raged.

Dominans. Ruling.
‫ רד‬.Declinavit He declined.
Go thou down.
‫ רֵד רְדָה‬.Descende
‫רדד‬ Extendit, subjecit. He extended, spread, subdued
1188 ‫רדתו‬

Dominatus, domini- He ruled, had dominion, held

um exercuit, sube- in subjection, took.

Sumpsit . [ git, sumpsit He took.

Dominare. Rule thou.

‫ רֹדֶה‬.Dominans Ruling.
ּ‫ רְדו‬.Descendile Go ye down.
meui That I follow.
‫ רָדְוּפִי‬.Seq
‫רדה‬ To rule.
‫ רְדוֹת‬.Dominari
Descende. Go thou down.
‫רַדַּי‬ .Radai Raddai, N. M.
‫ רְדִידִי‬.re lum
meum My veil.
‫רדה‬ ‫ רְדִיתֶם‬.Dominat calis i Ye have ruled.
Dormivit, sopore He slept, was overwhelmed
obrutus est. with sleep.
‫ רדם‬.Domin ator
corum Their ruler.

ati We have ruled.

ּ‫ רַדְנו‬.Domin summus
Secutus, persecutus He followed, pursued, perse-
est, insectatusfuit cuted, was pursued.
Sequere, persequere. Follow, pursue thou.
17--7 Sequens, persequens. Following, pursuing.
sunt ti They pursued, persecuted.
ּ‫ רָדָפוּ רָדְפו‬.Persecu
177 Persequi eum. [ mini. That he pursued.
DT Sequimini, persequi- Follow, pursue , persecute ye.
ְ‫ רְדָפוּך‬.Insec sunttati
te They persecuted thee.
Persecuti sunt eos. They pursued them.

me They have persecuted me.

sunt tati
‫ רֹדְפִי־־פי‬.Insectantes
me They that persecute me.
‫ רדפי‬.Sequentes They that follow.
ָ‫ רֹדְפֶיה‬.Persequ Her persecutors.
Insectantes eos. Their persecutors.
‫ רֹדְפִיכֶם‬.Persequvos enteThey
s that pursue you.
ּ‫ רֹדְפִינו‬.Insectantes nos Our persecutors.

ְ‫ רֹדְפֶך‬.Persequens te Pursuing thee.

Da Persequens eos. Pursuing them.
Descendere, [ eum. To come down. [down.
Descendere, deprimi That he goeth down, is brought
ֹ‫ רִדְתּו‬.Descend That he goeth down.
eum ere
‫רוס‬ 1189

Extulit, corrobora- He lifted up, strengthened,

vit,separavit,præ- overcame, prevailed.

‫ רָהַב‬.Rahab [valuit. Rahab, N. P.
‫רהב‬ Superbia, superbus. Pride, proud.
‫ רָהָבִים‬.Superbi
s Rogah, N. M.
‫ רָהְנָּה‬Rohaga
Timuit. He feared, was afraid.

‫רוּב‬ Contendit, litigavit, He contended, strove, pleaded
causam egit. [ xit .

‫רוּד‬ Dominatus est; plan- He ruled ; lamented, mourned

77 Irrigavit, satiavit, He watered , satiated, made
Irriguus. [ inebriavit Watered . [drunk.
Irriga, satia. Water thou, satiate.
Respiravit, relax- He breathed , was refreshed,
atus est, spatiosus was large, airy.
fuit. [tus, spiritus.
Halilus, ventus, fla- A breath, wind, blast, spirit.
Spatium, dilatatio. Space, enlargement.
Ventus quisque, sin- Every wind, each side , an
gulum latus, spa- open space.
tium. [mus ejus.
in Halitus,spiritus, ani- His breath, spirit, mind.

‫ רוּחוֹת רוּחִי‬.rent spiritusia Winds ; spirits.

‫| רוּחִי‬.Spiritumeus s My spirit.
tuustus Thy spirit.
ְ‫ רוּחֲךָ־־חֶך‬.Spiri
Your spirit.
‫ רוּחֲכֶם‬.Spi vestertus
‫ רוּחָם‬.Spiri eorumtus Their spirit.
‫רוה‬ Exuberans. [ rius. Running over.
‫רכל‬ Mercator, aromata- A merchant ; dealer in spices.
‫רוּם‬ Altus fuit ; elatus ; He was high, lofty ; lifted up,
sustulit, extulit, haughty; he took up, lifted
exaltavit, obtulit . up, exalted , offered.
1190 ‫רזה‬


‫רוס‬ Dİ1 017 Efferri; altitudo, e- To be lifted up ; height,

latio, arrogantia. haughtiness, arrogance.
‫ רוֹמָה‬.Elalio
a Rumah , N. P.
‫ רוּמָה‬.Rum
‫רוס‬ ‫ רוּמָה‬.E xa lt are Be thou exalted.

ּ‫ רוּמָה‬.Altit ejusudo His height.

suntti [ tes. They were lifted up.
ּ‫ רומו‬.Ela
‫רמס‬ ‫מי‬.Jaciente
‫רו‬ , projicien- Casting , throwing , shooting
‫רוס‬ all ala Exalted .
‫וֹמֵמָה‬ ‫ר‬ .Er
ּ‫ רוֹמְמו‬.Erallate Exalt ye.
Exaltations, high praises.
‫ רוֹמְמוֹת‬.Erallationes
I hav e bro ught up.
‫ רוֹמַמְתִּי‬Extuli
‫רמש‬ ׂ‫רֹמֵש‬ ׂ‫ רוֹמֵש‬.Repens Creeping .
ַ‫רוּע‬ Malefecit; displicu- He did evil, mischief; dis-
it ; vociferatus est, pleased ; cried aloud, shout-
clanxit, confregil. ed; broke to pieces..
‫רעה‬ ‫ רוֹעִי רֹעֵי‬.Pastores Shepherds, herdmen.
Contremuit. He shook, trembled .
Cucurrit,currerefe- He ran, caused to run, chased
Curre. [ cil,fugavit . Run thou. [ away .
‫רצה‬ ‫ֹצֶה‬.Ac
‫רו‬ cip
, delectatus iens
Accepting , delighted
‫רצח‬ " ‫ֹצֵחַ ר‬.Oc
‫רו‬ cid
, homicida ens
. Killing , amurderer
‫רקח‬ , An apothecary, perfumer.
" ‫ רוֹקֵחַ ר‬Unguentarius
ׁ‫רוּש‬ Eguit,depauperavit, He wanted, impoverished,
pauperem sefinxit feigned himself poor.
‫ראש‬ ‫רוש‬ .C ic ut_a
, fel Hemlock , gall .
‫ | רות‬.Ruth [ est. Ruth, N. W.
‫רוה‬ rr igwas soaked ,at u
‫רִו‬ , satiatus | He satiated

‫ רַז רָזָא‬.Arcanum A secret. [mished .

‫רָזָה‬ Macuit, emaciavit . He grew lean, made lean, fa-

‫רָזוֹן‬ Macies , tabes
, Leanness, wasting , consump-
‫רזן‬ ‫ רָזוֹן‬.Dominator A ruler, prince. [tion .

‫רָזוֹן‬ .Rezon Rezon , N. M.

‫רחל‬ 1191

‫רזה‬ Macies mea. My leanness.

‫ רָזַיָּא־־זִין‬.Arcana
Nictavit, innuit. He winked, beckoned.

Rulers, princes.
‫ רֹזְנִים‬Dominatores

b Rahab, N. W.
‫ רָחָב‬.Racha
‫רָחַב‬ Dilatavit, ampliavit. He extended, enlarged.
‫ ָחָב‬.Latus
‫חב‬ ‫ר‬ |.Su per bus Proud.

‫ | רחב‬.Rechob Rehob, N. M. P.
‫רחב‬ "‫ר‬ ‫ רחב‬.Latitudo Breadth.

ּ‫ רָחְבָּה‬.Latit Her breadth .

‫ רְחָבָה רַחֲבַת‬.L ala

, ampla Wide, broad, large.
Her street.
ּ‫ רְחֹבָה‬.Palea
jan Latitudo ejus. His breadth.

| .Rechobot Rehoboth , N. P.
Streets .
‫רחב‬ ‫| רחבות‬.Platee
Broad .
‫ רַחֲבֵי‬.Lati
Rehabiah, N. M.
ּ‫הו‬ ‫ רְחַבְיָה‬.Rechabias
earumudoTheir breadth.
‫רחב‬ ‫ רָחְבָּן‬.Latit
‫ רְחַבְעָם‬.Rechaba m Rehoboam, N. M.
‫רחב‬ ‫ | רחוב‬.Plalea A street.
‫רחס‬ ‫רחום‬ .Misericors Merciful.
Rehum , N. M.
‫ רְחוּם‬.Rechum
‫רחק‬ Pin Remotus, longin- Remote, far off; a space, in-
quus; intervallum terval.
Distant, far off.
‫ רְחוֹקָה‬.Longinqua
‫ רְחוֹקוֹת‬.Longinque They that are far off.
They that are far off.
"‫ח‬ -‫ רְחוֹקִים‬.Longinqui
ּ‫ רַחִיטְנו‬.Laque nostra a cielings, the internal part
‫ריח‬ ‫ | רחים‬.Mole Mills, milstones. [ of the roof.
‫רחק‬ ' ַ‫ רְחִיקִין ר‬.Longinqui They that are far off.

‫ רחל‬.Rache l Rachel , N. W.
1192 ‫רחק‬
Thy sheep.
7777 ָ‫ רְחֵלֶיך‬Ores tue
‫ רחלים‬.Oves Sheep.
Dilexil,misertus est, He loved, pitied, was merci-
propitiusfuit,gra- ful, shewed favour, obtain-
tiam fecit, miseri- ed mercy.
cordiam consecu
[ tus est. The womb.
‫ רָחַם רֶחֶם‬.Uterus
‫ | רחס‬.Racham Raham , N. M.

‫ | רחם‬.Puell a A damsel.
‫ רַחֵם‬.Miserendo In having mercy.
DO Misertus est. He pitied.

Uterus ejus. Her womb.

Her bowels.
ejus ra
ָ‫ רַחֲמֶיה‬.Visce
12-17 Misericordiæ ejus . His mercies, compassions.
TO Misericordiæ tuæ. Thy mercies, compassions.
Don Misericordia, Mercies, compassions.

ַ‫ ר‬.Misericordes Merciful .
‫ רִח‬.Missum
ְ‫ַמְתִּיך‬. er luIs
tui have had mercy on thee.
ue e Two damsels.
‫ רַחֲמָתָיִם‬.D puell
D'Misertus sum eorum I have had mercy on them.
Contremuit, molliter He trembled , moved gently,
movit se, incubuit. brooded.
They shook, trembled.
ּ‫ רָחֲפו‬.Contremuerunl
Lavit,abluit; confidit He washed, bathed ; he trust-
Wash thou. [ed.
‫ רְחַץ‬.Lava
est us He was washed .
‫ רָחָץ‬.Ablut
ּ‫צו‬ ֲ ‫ח‬ ָ ‫ר‬ .L av er unt They washed.
Wash ye.
ּ‫ רַחֲצו‬.Lavate
‫ רֹחֲצוֹת‬Lavantes Washing.
‫ רַחְצִי‬.Lotio
mea My 'washing.
Thou hast washed.
ְּ‫ רָחַצְת‬Lavasti
‫ רֹחֶצֶת‬.Lavans Washing.
Thou hast been washed.
ְּ‫ רְחַצְת‬.Lot es a
‫ רחצְתִּי‬.Lavi I have washed.
Longe abfuit, longe He was far off, went to a

discessit; procul great distance ; put, re
abegit, amovit. moved far away.
‫רימון‬ 1193

‫רחק‬ PO Procul amovit . He removed far off.

abfuitge She was far off.

‫ רַחֲקָה‬.Lon
a Far off.
‫ רְחֹקָה‬Longinqu
Longe discesserunt. They went far away.
ּ‫ רַחֲקו‬.Pro cu
discedil e lGet ye far off.
Be thou far off.
‫ רַחֲקִי‬.Pro cu
abest o l
TRO Longingua te. They that are far from thee.

ָּ‫ רִחַקְת‬.Pro cu Thou hast removed far.

amoviali l

ׁ‫רָחַש‬ Ebullivit, effudit. He boiled, bubbled up, pour-

[ed forth.
Madefactus est. He was moistened.
‫רָעֹב‬ ‫רָטוֹב‬ .Madidus
‫רטפ‬ [fuit. [ of juice.
Tener, succulentus He was tender, plump, full
257 Allisit, confregit. He dashed, broke in pieces.

a confracta She was dashed, broken in

‫רְפָּשָׁה‬ Allis,
est. [ pieces.


‫רוב‬ Causa, lis ; contende. A cause, strife, controversy ;

‫ רִיבָה‬.Litiga Contend thou. [contend thou,

Plead ye.
17 Causam agitė.
Thou hast pleaded.
ָ‫ רִיבוֹת‬.Litigasti
‫ ריבי‬.Ribai Ribai, N. M.
‫רוב‬ ‫ ריבי‬.Cause Causes.
Causa, lis mea. My cause, strife.

72-‍720-72'7 Causa, lis tua. Thy cause, strife.

Your cause.
‫ רִיבְכֶם‬.Cau a
Their cause .
‫ רִיבָם‬.Ca usa
‫ | ריבת‬.Lites Controversies.
Odoratus est. He smelled.

‫ ריח‬.Odor A smell.

ֹ‫| רֵיחו‬.Odor
ejus His scent.
Our savour.
ּ‫| רִיחֲנו‬.Od or
‫ראס‬ Unicornis, vel rhi- An unicorn, or rhinoceros.
[noceros Rimmon , N. P.
‫ | רִימוֹן‬.Rimmon
VOL. II. 3 1
1194 ‫רכוש רכש‬

‫רעה‬ ‫ רֵיעֲכֶם‬.Ami cus Your friend.
‫ | ריפת‬.Riphat Riphath, N. M.

‫ריק‬ Evacuavit, effudit, He emptied, poured forth,

exeruil, armavit. drew out, armed.
PVacuus, inanis ; va- Empty, vain ; vanity; in vain.
nitas ; frustra.

‫ רֵיקִים רֵיקָם‬.Fac , vaniui Empty , vain.

‫ריר‬ Salivavit, fluxit. He spat, flowed.
ֹ‫ רירו‬.Saliv
ejus a His spittle.

‫רוש‬ ׁ‫רִיש‬ ׁ‫ רֵיש‬.Paupertas Poverty.

ֹ‫| רִישׁו‬ cjus as His poverty.
‫ראש‬ ji Primus, prior. First, former.

‫רוש‬ Paupertas tua. Thy poverty.

‫ רֵישָׁם‬.Paupe Their poverty.


Mollisfuit. He was soft, tender.

. ‫רכך‬
‫רָכָב‬ Equitavit, conscen- He rode, gat up, sat upon,
dit, insedit, vexit , carried, set or placed upon.
‫ רַכָּב‬.Eques [imposuit. A horsem .

Currus ; mela. A chariot ; an upper milstone.

Recab. Rechab, N. M.
‫רכב‬ Equita. Ride thou.
| .Equitans Riding.
Currus ejus. Her chariot.

ּ‫ רָכְבו‬.Equilarunt They rode.

Currus ejus. His chariot.

ֹ‫ רֹכְבו‬.Sesso cjus r His rider.

Currus meus. My chariot.

‫כֶבֶת‬ ‫ רֹכְבֵי בִים‬.Equitantes Riding, riders.

‫ רֵכָבים‬.Recabile Rechabites, N. F.
‫רכב‬ ָּ‫ רָכַבְת‬.Equitasti Thou hast ridden.
‫רכר‬ ‫ רַכָּה‬.Mollis Soft, tender.
‫ רֵכָה‬.Recas Rechah, N. M.
‫רכך‬ Mollioresfuerunt.They were softer.
‫רכש‬ 7 Substantia, facultas. Substance, goods, property.
‫רמון־מן‬ 1195

‫רכש‬ ֹ‫|כוּשׁו‬‫ ר‬.Substan ejustia His substance, goods.

a tua
ְ‫ רְכוּשֶׁך‬Substanti, Thy substance, goods.
Substantia eorum. Their substance, goods.
an ti a substance, goods .
ּ‫רְכוּשֵׁנו‬.Subst nosl ra
Di Molles, tenera, te- Soft, tender.
Obtrectator. [ neri. A slanderer, tale-bearer .
្មី |

Mollis, emollitus fu- He was soft, softened ; he


Emollita. [ it, mollivit Mollified, softened . [ softened.

‫ רָכָל‬.Racal Rachal, N. R.
‫ לים‬-- ‫רכלי‬ .Mercatores
ְ‫ לַיִך‬-- ְ‫ רֹכְלָיִך‬.Negotiatui tores Thy merchants.
‫|כלת‬ ‫ ר‬.Mercatrix A merchant.
Thy merchandise.
ְ‫ְכָלָתְךָ־־לָתֵך‬. ‫ ר‬.Mertua ces
‫ רֹכ‬.Merca
ְ‫ַלְתֵּך‬. tr
tua ix Thy merchant.
Strinxit, ligavit. He bound, tied.
Acquisivit, compa- He acquired , earned, gained .
Acquisierunt. [ ravil They acquired, gathered.

ֹ‫ רְכָשׁו‬Facullas ,
cjus His substance, goods.

‫רוס‬ Allus. High.

est s
‫ | רם‬.Elatu He was lifted up.

‫רָם‬ .Ram Ram , N. M.

.Rama Ramah, N. P.
‫רָמָה‬ Jecit, fefellit, dece- He threw, deceived, beguiled ;
pit ; projecit, de- cast, cast forth, cast down,
jecit, imposuit, imposed, was set up.
erectus est. [up.
‫רוס‬ Exaltata est ; elata. She was exalted ; being lifted
‫רמס‬ ‫ רִמָּה‬.Fermis A worm .
‫רמה‬ ‫ ר‬.Decepit
‫|ִמָּה‬ She deceived .
‫רוס‬ suntti
ּ‫ רָמו‬.Ela They were lifted up.
‫רמה‬ ‫ רמו‬.Dejecti
sunt They were cast down.
‫רמס‬ ‫| רמו‬.El ati
sunt They have been lifted up.

‫רמן‬ ‫ רִמוֹן‬.Malum
punicum A pomegranate.
Remmon , N. I. P.
‫ רְמוֹן־מן‬.Remon
1196 ‫רמת לחי‬


ֹ‫ רְמוֹנו‬.Rimono Rimmon , N. P.
‫רמן‬ ‫ רִמוֹנִי־נִים‬.Mala
punica Pomegranates.
‫רמה‬ .Fefeller
‫מוּנִי‬ me unt They deceived me.
‫רוס‬ ‫ רמות‬.Ela teLifted up, proud.
, superbe
tuumsumThy high place.
ָ‫ רָמוּתֶך‬.Excel

‫ | רֹמַח‬.Hasta A spear.
Their spears.
‫ רָמְחֵיהֶם‬Hasle eorum
‫ רַמְיָה‬.Ramias [tia. Ramiah, N. M.
‫רמה‬ u
‫רְמ‬ , dolus , pigri-ra
Deceit , guile , slothfulness
‫ רְמִיו‬.Er sunt i They were set up.
‫רוס‬ ‫ רָמָים‬.Elati
, superbi Lifted up, haughty.
‫ראס‬ D'Unicorn es, vel rhi- Unicorns, or rhinoceroses.
‫רמה‬ We have cast.
‫ רְמֵינָא‬.Projecimus
‫ | רִמִּיתֶם‬.Decepistis Ye have beguiled , deceived.
me ti Thou hast deceived me.
‫ רְמִיתְנִי רְמִיתָנִי‬.Decepis
ּ‫ רְמַלְיָהו‬.Remalias Remaliah, N. M.
‫רָמַם‬ Attollit, extulit; ver- He raised,lifted up,bred worms
miculatus est.
‫רוס‬ He lifted him up.
ּ‫ רֹמְמָתְהו‬.Extuli
eum t
-ezer ti Romamti-ezer, N. M.
ֶ‫ רֹמַמְתִּי עֶזֶר‬.Romam

‫ רִכֹּן פֶּרֶץ‬.Ri mon

-parels Rimmon-perez, N. P.
‫רמה‬ He deceived me.
‫ | רִמָּנִי‬.Decme
‫רמן‬ ‫רְמֹנִי־־נִים‬.M
punica . [ umal
. Pomegranates a
Malum punicum me- My pomegranate.
‫רמס‬ Calcavit, conculcavit He trod , trampled upon.

‫ רְמֹס‬.Conculcare To trample upon.

‫|רמס‬.Calcans He that treadeth down.

ׂ‫רָמָש‬ Repsit. He crept.

ׂ‫ | רֶמֶש‬.Reptile A creeping thing.
‫ רָמֶת‬.Remet Remeth, N. P.
‫|רמת‬.Ramat Ramath , N. P.
‫הַמִּצְפָּה‬ ‫ רָמַת‬.Rama-milspe l Ramath-mizpeh, N. P.
‫ רָמַת לֶחִי‬Ramat -lechi
, Ramath- lehi, N. P.
‫רע‬ 1197


‫ רָמָתָה‬.Ramata Ramah, N. P.

‫ רָמָתִי‬.Ramalila Ramathite, N. F. or P.
Diy Ramataim-tsophim. Ramathaim-zophim, N. P.
‫רוס‬ ְ‫ רָמֹתַיִך‬.Ercel tua sa Thy high places.

Excelsum tuum. Thy high place.

Rinnah, N. M.
‫ רִנָּה‬.Rinas

Sonuit, stridit. He sounded, rattled.


Clamor, cantus, exul- A cry,shout, singing, rejoicing


ּ‫ רָנּו‬.Cantate [ tatio. Sing ye.

‫ רָנֵי‬.Cantus Songs.
Shout thou.
' ‫ רָנִּי ר‬.Acclama
Cantavit, acclama- He sang, shouted, exulted , re-
vit, exultavit. joiced.

‫ רַנֵּן‬.Cantando In singing .

‫רִנְנַת‬ ‫ רְנָנָה‬.Erullatio A rejoicing.

Cantate, exultate. Sing, rejoice ye.

‫ רְנָנוֹת‬.Erullationes Rejoicings.
‫ רְנָנִים‬.Struthiones
mor My cry.
‫ רִנָּתִי‬.Cla meus
Clamor eorum. Their cry.

Rissah, N. P.
‫ רְסָה‬.Rissa
‫רסם‬ D'Conspersiones , gutta Sprinklings , drops .
i Resen. Resen , N. P.

107 Frænum ejus. [ vit . His bridle. [pered.
Conspersil, macera- He sprinkled , moistened , tem-

Ay Malus ; malum, ma- Evil, wicked ; wickedness , mis-
litia, calamitas ; chief, calamity ; it displeas-
displicuit. ed.
Socius, amicus. A companion , friend .
1198 ‫רעי‬

‫רוע‬ ‫| רע‬.Vociferatio A crying aloud .

Wickedness , sorrow ,
ַ‫ רֹע‬.Mali lia
, tristilia sadness.-
‫רעב‬ Esurivit , fame labo- | He hungered, suffered to fa-
ָ‫ר‬ . [rare sivit . Farmine , hunger [mish.
‫ רָעֵב‬.Famelicus Famished , hungry .
‫ רעבָה‬.Famelica Hungry.
‫ רַעֲבוֹן רְעָי‬.Fames Famine.
‫ רעבים‬.Famelici Hungry .
‫רעד‬ Tremuit. He trembled .

‫רְעָדָה‬ ‫ רָעַד‬.Tremor A trembling.

‫רָעָה‬ Pavit, depavil, as- Hefed, eat up, associated him-
sociavit se, amici- self , formed a friendship .
liam connexit .
‫רוע‬ ‫רָעָה‬ , displicens+| Evil , displeasing ; mischief.
malum. [ amicus .| [friend.
‫רעה‬ Amicitiam connexit; He formed a friendship; a
‫ עָה‬-- ‫ רֵעֶה‬.Amicus A friend .
‫ | רעה‬.Pasce Feed thou.

‫רֹעֶה רֹעֶה‬ ‫ רֹעֶה‬.Pascens, pastor Feeding , a shepherd.

‫רעע‬ Confractus ; confri- Brokento pieces ; in breaking
gendo. [ imus ejus. to pieces, [bour .
‫רעה‬ -A
ֹ‫רֵעֵהוּ רָעו‬ mi cu
,socius ,pror- His friend , companion , neigh
ּ‫ רָעו‬.Paverunt They fed .
ּ‫ | רעו‬.Reu Reu, N. M.
‫רעה‬ ּ‫רעו‬.Pa
| sci
. [ fringimini . Feed ye te [ ken in pieces .
‫רעע‬ -A
ּ‫רעו‬ ss oc
vos, con- Associate yourselvesia
, beyebro
‫|רעוּאֵל‬.Reuel | Reuel , N. M.
‫רוע‬ ‫|רעות־־עת‬Male
, Evil , wicked .
‫רעה‬ ‫| רעות‬.Pascentes Feeding .
, amica ejus
ּ‫ רְעוּתָה‬.Soc Her companion, friend...
ָ‫ רֵעוֹתֶיה‬.Amice
ejus Her friends.
‫רוע‬ ‫ָעוֹתֵיכֶם‬.‫ ר‬.Ma la
vestra Your evils, crimes, adversities
‫ | רעי‬.Rei Rei , N. M.
‫רוע‬ ‫ רֵעֵי‬.Mali Evil, wicked .
‫רעה‬ ‫ רֵעָי‬.Amimeici My friends.
‫ | רעי־־עים‬.Amici Friends.
meus My friend.
‫רעשה רעשה‬ 1199

‫רעה‬ Pascuum. A pasture.

Pastores mei. My shepherds.
‫ רֹעִי‬.Pasto
meus r My shepherd.
Her friends.
ָ‫ רֵעֶיה‬Amici ejus,
‫יהֶם‬ ֵ ‫ע‬ ֵ ‫ר‬ .P ro ximi Their neighbours.
Pastores eorum. Their shepherds.
‫ רֵעיו‬.Amejus ici His friends.

Solicitudo, vexatio. Anxiety, vexation.

‫ רַעְיוֹנַי‬.Cogitationes
mea My thoughts.
ְ‫ רַעְיוֹנָך‬.Cogitat
tuae Thy thoughts.
Amici, proximi tui. Thy friends, neighbours.
ָ‫עֶיך‬ ְ‫ רֹעַיִך‬.Pastore tui s Thy shepherds.
Mali, tristes. Wicked , sad.
|ུ Š9

‫רעה‬ Pascentes, pastores. Feeding, shepherds.

Amica mea. [ tuus. My friend.



Amicus, proximus Thy friend, neighbour.

Conquassatus est. He was terribly shaken.
by Tremor, agitatio. Trembling, agitation.
‫ רַעֲלָיָה‬Reclains
, Reelaiah, N. M.
‫רעם‬ Tonuit, perstrepuit, He thundered, roared, was
turbatus est, fre- troubled, made to fret.
Dy Tonitru. [merefecit. Thunder.
‫ רַעֲמָה‬.Raama Raamah, N. M. P.
‫רעם‬ ‫ רַעְמָה‬.Strepitus Noise, bustle.
ּ‫ רָעֲמו‬Turbati ,
sunt They were troubled.
‫ רַעַמְיָה‬.Raamias Raamiah, N. M.
‫רעם‬ Tonitru tuum. Thy thunder.
‫ רַעַמְסֵס רַעְי‬.Rameses Rameses, N. P.
‫רָעַן‬ Viruit. He was green.

‫ רַעֲנָן‬.Firens
1727 Green, fresh .
t She was green.
‫ רַעֲנָנָה‬.Virui [pieces.

‫רְעַע‬ Contrivit, confregit. He bruised , crushed , broke in

727 Roravit, stillavit. He dropped like dew, distilled
‫רָעֵץ‬ Contrivit, confregit . He crushed, dashed in pieces.
Tremuit, commovit. He trembled, shook.
wy Motus, concussio, A shaking, earthquake, com-
nwyn Tremuit. [ commotio. She trembled. [ motion.
1200 ‫רפו‬


They trembled.
‫רעש‬ ּ‫ רָעֲשׁו‬.Tremucrunt
‫ רֹעֲשִׁים‬.Trementes They that tremble.
Malitia, malum. Wickedness, evil, mischief.
Any Malitia ejus. Her wickedness.

ejus His wickedness.
mea as My calamity.
‫ רָעָתִי‬.Calamit [versities.
‫ רָעֹתֵיכֶם‬.Mvestr a a Your crimes, affiictions, ad-

ְ‫תֶךָ־תֵך‬ ָ‫ רָעָתְך‬Malia , tua Thy wickedness . ¡

‫ רָעָתֵכִי‬Malitia ,
tua Thy wickedness .

‫ רָעַתְכֶם‬.Mal il
vesl ra ia Your wickedness. [affliction.

lum Their wickedness, hurt, evil ,

‫ רָעָתָם‬.Maeorum

Rapha, N. M.
‫ רָפָא‬.Rapha
Sanavit,curavil, me- He healed , cured , remedied,"
detus est,instaura- repaired.

‫ רְפָא‬.Sana [vit. Heal thou.

‫אָה‬ ‫ רֹפֵא רְפָה‬.Sa nans

, medicus Healing, a physician.
nis Medicamenta. Medicines.
‫ רִפְאוּת‬.Sanilas
i Physicians.
‫ לִפְנֵי רְפָאִים‬Medic,
Rephaims, Rephaim, N. N. P.
‫ רְפָאִים‬.Rephaim
‫רפא‬ He that healeth thee.
ְ‫ | רֹפְאֶך‬.Sanans te
‫ רְפָאֵל‬.Rephael Repha el , N. M.

‫ר‬ We have cured, healed.
Heal thou me.
‫ רְפָאֵנִי‬.Saname
Sanavi. I have healed.
D' Sanavi eos. I healed them.

DON Sanastis. [ stipavit. Ye have healed. [ rounded.

‫רפד‬ Stravit, substravit, He spread , strewed under, sur-

Surround me.
Stipate me.
‫ רִפַּדְתִּי‬.Stravi I have spread, made.
Rapha, N. M.
‫ רָפָה‬.Raphas
‫רָפָה‬ Remisit, destitit, de- He let alone, desisted, ceased,
süt, remisse seges- failed, fainted, weakened.
‫ ר‬.Debilitavit
‫|ִפָּה‬ [sit. He weakened .
Remisse segesserunt They fainted, failed.
‫רצוף‬ 1201

‫ | רפוּא‬.Raphu Raphu, N. M.
‫רפה‬ ‫ | רפות‬Debiles Weak .

‫ | רפח‬.Rephach Rephah, N. M.

‫ רְפִידִים‬.Rephidim Rephidim , N. P.
‫רפר‬ mIts mattrass , carpet.
ֹ‫ רְפִידָתו‬.Stragejus
‫ רְפָיָה‬.Rephaias Rephaiah, N. M.
‫רָפֶס‬ Conculcavit, turba He trod under foot, troubled
vil, prostravit se. or made foul, humbled him-
‫רפפר‬ [self.
‫ רַפְבֹדוֹת‬.Rates
‫רפס‬ Conculcavit. She trampled upon.
Innixus est. He leaned upon.
Conculcavit, turba- He trod under foot, troubled
vil, prostravit se. or made foul, humbled him-
Cenum . Mire.
ׁ‫רֶפֶש‬ [self.
Debilitata est. She was enfeebled.
‫רפה‬ ‫רפתה‬

Currens ; cursor. Running ; a courier, post .
Curre. Run thou.
Exiliit. He leaped.
Voluit,acquievit, ac- He willed , consented,accepted,
cepit, delectatus was delighted with, was
est, propitiusfuit. propitious, favourable.
‫ רצה‬.rel Be thou pleased , willing.
Delectati sunt. They were delighted with .

‫רוץ‬ ‫| רצו‬.Cucurrerunt They ran.

‫רצא‬ ‫ | רצוא‬.Currere To run .

‫רצה‬ ‫ רצוי‬.Acceptus Accepted .

‫וֹן דִי‬Poluntas
‫רָצ‬ , benevolen Desire , pleasure , good will
tia,favor,delectatio favour , delight,
Voluntas,favor ejus His will, favour.

ְ‫ רְצוֹנֶךָ־־נְך‬roluntas, tua Thy will, pleasure.

Voluntas eorum. Their will, desire.
‫רצף‬ ‫ רָצוּף‬.Stratus Strewed, spread.
VOL. II. 3 K
1202 ‫רקד‬

Contritus,confractus Bruised, broken.

‫רצץ‬ ‫רָצוּץ רְצוּץ‬
Oppressi, confracti. Oppressed, broken.

ּ‫ רָצוֹתָנו‬.oppressi nos sti Thou hast oppressed us.

Occidit, interfecit. He killed , slew, murdered.
ַ‫ רכֹּח‬.Occidere To kill, murder.
Rezia, N. M.
‫ רִצְיָא‬.Rctsia
‫ רָצִים‬.Currentes They that run.
Rezin, N. M.
‫ רְצִין‬.Retsin
‫רצה‬ ָ‫ רָצִית‬.Propi tiusThou hast been favourable.
Eis propitius fuisti. Thou hast been favourable to
Propitius eis. [ vil. Being favourable to them.
Transfixit, perfora- He pierced through, bored.
Rezeph, N. P.
‫ רֶצֶף‬.Retsep
737 Stravit. He strewed, spread.
Rizpah, N. W.
‫ רִצְפָּה‬.Rilspa
Carbo ; pavimentum A live coal ; pavement.
Live coals.
‫ רְצָפִים‬.Prune
Contrivit, confregit, He bruised , crushed, shatter-
oppressit, collisit. ed, broke, oppressed , strug-
gled, rubbed together.
Contrivit, oppressit. He hath crushed, oppressed.
Thou brakest.
ָּ‫ רְצַצְת‬.Confregisti
‫רצה‬ ‫ רָצְתָה‬.Acqui evi t She acquiesced, delighted in.
ris ti Thou hast run.
‫רוץ‬ ‫ רַצְתָּה‬.Cucur
ri I have run.
‫ רַצְתִּי‬.Cucur


PAttamen, duntaxat, However, only, surely, even,
certe, modo, nisi, unless, except, beside, be-
præter, quia, sal- cause, at least.

‫ריק‬ MPP Vacuus, vanus . [ tem. Empty, vain.

‫רקק‬ PSputum , saliva. Spitting, spittle.
Computruit. He rotted.
‫ רָקָב רִכָּבוֹן‬.Putredo
‫רקד‬ Exiliit, saltavit. He leaped, skipped , danced.
‫רשה‬ 1203

‫רקד‬ ּ‫ רָקְדו‬.Exilierunt They skipped .

‫וֹד‬ ‫ק‬ ְ ‫ר‬ .Sa lla re [ guent a. To dance .[fumes or ointments
‫רָקַח‬ Condivit, confecit un- He spiced, seasoned, made per-

‫ רֹקַח רֹקַח‬.Unguentarius An apothecary, perfumer.

‫ רֹקְחֵי‬.Unguenlarii Apothecaries, perfumers .
tua ta Thy perfumes.
ְ‫ רִקְחָיִך‬.Unguen
‫רקק‬ ‫ רְקִי‬.Saliva
mea My spittle.
‫ריק‬ ‫ רֵקִים‬.Va , cui
vani Empty, vain.
‫רקע‬ " Expansum, firma- An expanse, firmament.
DP Rechem. [mentum. Rekem, N. M.
‫רָקַם‬ Acu pinxit, artifi- He embroidered, curiously
ciose confecit. wrought.
Op Phrygio, acupictor. An embroiderer.
MAP Varii colores, opus Various colours, embroidered
phrygionicum. work.
Artificiose confectus I was curiously wrought.
sum . [duplex
Opus phrygionicum Embroidered work on both
Opus phrygionicum Thy embroidered work.
tuum. [eorum.

DAP Opus phrygionicum Their embroidered work .

‫רָקַע‬ Extendit, expandit , He stretched out, spread
excudit,obtrivit,dis- abroad , beat out, crushed ,
yp Expandens . [persit. Spreading abroad . [ dispersed .
VPLamina excusæ. Beaten plates.
PR Spuit, despuit. He spat, spat out, rejected.
‫ רַכַּת‬.Racat Rakkath, N. P.
‫רקק‬ ejus ra His temples.
ֹ‫ רַקָתו‬.Tempo
ְ‫ רַכָּתֵך‬.Tempo
tua ra Thy temples .


‫ריר‬ Fluxit. He flowed, ran down.

ׁ‫ רָש‬.Pau pe
, egen us rPoor, needy.
ׁ‫רֵש‬ ׁ‫ רָש‬.Posside Possess thou.
1204 ‫רתם‬

‫רוש‬ ּ‫ רָשׁו‬.Eguerunt They needed, lacked.

‫רשם‬ Exaratus, signatus . Marked , signed.
‫רְשָׁם‬ Exaravit, signavit. He marked , signed.
Exarasti, signasti. Thou hast marked, signed.

‫רָשַׁע‬ Impius fuit, impie He was wicked , did wickedly,

egit, veravit, im- vexed, declared wicked, ac-
probum pronunci- counted guilty, condemned
avit, reum habuit,

‫רָשָׁע‬.Imp ius
, improbus Wicked.

‫ֶשָׁע רִשְׁעָה‬.Im
‫ר‬ pie
,improbitas tas
ֹ‫ רִשְׁעו‬.Impict ejus as His wickedness.
‫ רִשְׁעֵי רְשָׁעִים‬.Impii Wicked, ungodly .
Impietas tua. Thy wickedness.

egimus e We have done wickedly.

ּ‫ רָשָׁעֲנו‬.Impi
ּ‫רִשְׁעֵנו‬.Impie Our wickedness.
inyvi İmpietas ejus. His wickedness.
‫ רָשַׁעֲתִּי‬.Imp I have done wickedly.

‫ רֶשֶׁף‬.Resep Resheph, N. M.

Pruna; fulmen. A burning coal ; lightning.

Jacula ignita ; pru- Fiery arrows ; burning coals ;
næ; fulmina. lightnings.
ָ‫ רְשָׁפֶיה‬.Pru cjusne Her burning coals.
Depauperatus est. He was impoverished.
Depauperati sumus. We have been impoverished :
ភ យ។

‫רֶשֶׁת‬ .Rete A net.

Rete meum. My net.
‫ רִשְׁתִּי‬Rete
Rete eorum. Their net.



Efferbuit.ferverefe- He boiled, caused to boil.


Fervere fac. [cit. Cause thou to boil.

ּ‫ רִתְּחו‬.Eferbuerunt They boiled.
Coctiones ejus. Her, its boilings.
Junxit, ligavit. He joined, bound.
‫שאול‬ 1205

‫רתם‬ ‫ רתם‬.Junge, liga [ ta. Join, bind thou.

Juniperus, vel genis- A juniper tree, or broom.

‫רִתְמָה‬ .Ritma Ritmah, N. P.

‫רתם‬ ‫ רְתָמִים‬Juniperi
, Juniper trees. [ed .
‫רָתַק‬ Confixus, vinctus est Hewas fastened, bound, chain-

ּ‫ רִתְּקו‬.Vin ct
sun t i They were bound.

‫ רְתֵת‬.Tremor Trembling .

‫נשא‬ ‫א שָׂא‬.
ָׂ‫ש‬ S
, attolle , condo Takeu , takeup ,forgivethou
Hausit. [ na. He drew water.
‫ שֹׁאֵב‬.Hauriens He that draweth.

‫שַׁאֲבִי‬ .Hauri Draw thou.

Rugivit. He roared.
‫ שָׁאג‬.Rugiendo In roaring .
"ֹ‫שׁו‬ ‫ שֹׁאֵג‬.Rugiens Roaring .

‫שֶׁאֲנַת‬ ‫ שְׁאָנָה‬.Rugitus A roaring.

ּ‫ שֶׁאֲנו‬.Rugierunl They roared.
‫ שׂאֲנִים‬.Rugientes Roaring.
ejus s
ֹ‫ שַׁאֲנָתו‬.Rugitu His roaring .

‫שָׁאַנְתִּי‬ .Rugivi I have roared.

meus us
‫ שֶׁאֲנָתִי‬.Rugit My roaring .
‫שַׁאֲנֹתָי‬ .Ru mei us
git My roarings.
‫שָׁאָה‬ Devastavit, perstre- He laid waste, made a great
puit, vastatus est, noise, was desolate, was as-

" ֹ‫שׁו‬ ‫ אָה‬.Fastitas

. [ obstupuit . Desolation [tonished,
‫אהב‬ ue t m Whom she loved.
‫ שֶׁאָהֲבָה‬.Qdilexi
‫נשא‬ Carry thou him .
ּ‫ שָׂאֵהו‬.Porla
‫שאה‬ lati
ּ‫ שָׁאו‬.Vassunt They were laid waste.
‫נשא‬ Sumite, attollite,por- Take ye, take up, lift up, car-
tate, adducite. ry, bring .
‫ש‬ . [tus . In inquiring
Commodatus,mutua- Lent, borrowed.

‫ שָׁאוּל‬.Saul Saul, Shaul, N. M.

1206 ‫שאלתיהו‬


‫שאל‬ - Status mortuorum, The state of the dead, or invi-

sive invisibilis; se- sible state ; the grave ; hell.

pulchrum ; infer-
num. [infernum.
Ad, in sepulchrum, To, into the grave, hell.
‫ שָׁאוּלִי‬.Saulile Shaulites, N. F.
‫שאה‬ " Strepitus, tumultus . Noise, roaring, tumult.
‫נשא‬ Take ye me up.
‫אוּנִי‬ ׂ ָ ‫ש‬ .Toliteme
‫שאר‬ Leaven.
‫ שָׂאוֹר־־אר‬.Fermentum
Sprevil, contempsit. He despised, contemned.
Thy contempt.
tuus tus
ָ‫ שָׁאטְך‬.Contemp [thou.
‫נשא‬ Rape, tolle, porta. Take away, take up, carry
‫ שֶׁאֵין‬.C ui
non To whom not.
‫שָׁאַל‬ Concupivil, petivit, He desired, asked, requested,
postulavit, inter- required, demanded, in-
rogavit, consuluit, quired, consulted, borrow-
mutuatus est,com- ed , lent.

‫ שְׁאַל‬.Seal [modavit . Sheal, N. M.

‫שאל‬ Pele, interroga, con- Ask, inquire, consult thou .
‫שְׁאֵל‬ .Peliit [sule. He asked.
‫אלה‬ ‫ שֶׁאֵל‬.Cujus
deus Whose god.
‫שאל‬ Pelens,postulans, in- Asking, requiring, demand-
TT Petit. [ terrogans. She asked. [ing, inquiring.

‫אֵלְתָּא‬ ‫שְׁאָלָה‬ .Petitio A petition, request.

A demand.
‫ שְׁאֵלָה‬.Postulatio
Petierunt, interro- They asked, desired, inquired,
garunt, consulue- consulted.

Interrogate. [ runt. Ask, inquire ye.

Postularunt a nobis . They required of us.

‫ שְׁאָלוּנִי‬.Interro gate Inquire ye of me.

Pete, mutuare. Ask, borrow thou.
We inquired. [quired .
‫ שְׁאֵלְנָא‬.Interrogavimus
A Peliisti, postulasti. Thou hast asked, required, in-
‫ שָׁאַלְתִּי‬Postulavi,,
pelii I have asked, required.

‫ שְׁאֵלָתִי שֶׁאֵי‬.Petmea itio My petition, request.

Salathiel, Shealtiel, N. M.
‫ שְׁאַלְתִּיאֵל‬.Sealtiel
‫שאל‬ ּ‫ שְׁאִלְתִּיהו‬.Interreum I
ogaviasked, inquired of him.

‫שאל‬ ‫ שְׁאִלְתִּיו‬.Peti eum I have asked him.

ְ‫לָתֵך‬Tֵ..‫ שְׁא‬.Petil tua io Thy petition .
Pelitio eorum. [ tis. Their petition.
DAR Petiistis, interrogas- Ye have asked , inquired.

‫שָׁאַן‬ Requievit, tranquil- He rested , was at ease.

322 |||

‫אני‬ Quo ego, quod ego. Which I, because I.

‫ינח‬ Quia relinquam eum. Because I shall leave it.
‫שאן‬ Tranquillus, securus Being at ease, secure.
‫ שַׁאֲנָן‬.Tranquillus fuit He was at ease.
" Tranquillifuerunt. They were at ease.
Tranquillæ, securæ. Quiet, secure.
‫שסה‬ TONY Diripientes te. They that spoil thee.
‫שָׁאַף‬ Hausit, anhelavit, He drew, panted, longed for,
suspiravit, absor- swallowed.

‫שָׁאֲפָה‬ .Hausil [buit. She drew.

Hauserunt, absorbu- They drew, swallowed.
Absorbens me[ erunt Swallowing me up. [ me up.
Absorbuit me. He swallowed, would swallow
‫שָׁאָר‬ Relictus est; reman- He was left ; he remained
sit, reliquit, ma- left, caused to remain.
nerefecit. [neus. [birth.
‫ שַׁאַר‬Caro; consangui- Flesh ; a relation , kinsman by
Reliquus, residuum. The rest, residue, remnant.
‫ שארה‬.ConsanguinitasKindred by birth .
Caro, cibus ejus. Her task, food, provision.
‫ | שארה‬.Sera Sherah, N. W.
‫שאר‬ ֹ‫ שְׁאֵרו‬.Caro
ejus His flesh.

‫ שְׁאֵרִי‬.Caro My flesh.
‫ שְׁאָר יָשׁוּב‬Sear- jasub
, Shear-jashub, N. M.
. ‫שאר‬ ‫ שְׁאֵרִית‬.Residuum A remnant, residue.
ְ‫ שְׁאֵרִיתֵך‬.Residu tui um The remnant of thee.
‫נשא‬ Portare, efferre,con- To carry, bear, lift up, for-
donare ; dignitas. give ; dignity.
‫את‬ Quodtu . [ stantia ejus That thou.
‫נשא‬ in Portare eum ; præ- To carry him ; his excellency
Portare,sustinereme That I bear, suffer.
1208 ‫שביתכס‬


‫שוב‬ ‫ שָׂב‬.Cunus Grey headed .
Aversalus, reversus He turned away, returned
est; reduxit ; redi- brought back ; returning,
ens, reducens. bringing back.

‫ישב‬ ‫שְׁבָה‬ .M
‫שֵׁב‬ an
, habit a e Abide, remain, dwell thou.
Return thou.
‫שוב‬ ‫ שֶׁב שֶׁבָה‬.Revertere
‫ שְׁבָא‬.Seba [contingit. Seba, Sheba, N. M. P. N.
‫בוא‬ Quo venit ; quod Ashe came ; which happened.
Aversatus est;rediit, He turned away, was averse;
reversus est, con- came again, returned, was
versus est ; repu- turned or changed ; he
lit, avertit, redux- repulsed, turned away,
it, reddidit, resti- brought back, returned,
tuit, rependit, re- restored, repaid, reversed,
scidit, revocavil , recalled , answered.

‫ שְׁבָבִים‬.Fa,vil flamme le Hot embers, ashes, flames.

naw Captivum cepit, ab- He took, led , carried away
duxit, deportavit. captive.
‫שוב‬ Reversa est; rediens. She hath returned ; returning.
ּ‫| שָׁבו‬.Revsunt ersi They returned .
‫שבה‬ Captivos abduxerunt They carried away captives.
‫ישב‬ Sedete, manete, ha- Sit, remain, dwell ye .
‫שבה‬ ֹ‫שָׁבו‬ .Achates [bitate. An agate.
‫שוב‬ Convertimini, rever- Turn , return ye.
‫ שְׁבוּאֵל‬.Sebuel [ timini. Shebuel, N. M.
‫שבע‬ ַ‫ שָׁבוּעַ שְׁבְע‬.Hebdomada A week.
An oath.
‫ שְׁבוּעָה וּעַת‬.Juramentum
‫שבר‬ ‫ שָׁבוּר‬.Fractus Broken .
11 Frangere. [ ducere. To break.
‫שבה‬ nia In captivitatem ab- To carry into captivity.
‫בִי‬ ‫ שְׁבוּת־בוּת‬.Captivitas Captivity.

‫ שְׁבוּתְהֶן‬.Captivi Their captivity.

earum tas
‫ שְׁבוּתֵיכֶם‬Captivitas ,
vestra Your captivity.

‫ שְׁבוּתְכֶם‬.captiv Your captivity.
‫שבים‬ 1209

‫שבה‬ ְ‫ שְׁבוּתְךָ־ביתֵך‬.Captivi tua tas Thy captivity.

" ּ‫ שְׁבוּתָם שְׁבָו‬.Captiv Their captivity.
ּ‫ שְׁבְוּתֵנו‬Captivilas nostra
, Our captivity.
naw Laudavit, celebravit, He praised, celebrated, tri-
gloriatus est, se- umphed, stilled, sup-
davit, compescuit. pressed.

ּ‫ שַׁבְּחוּהו‬.Lauda eum te Praise ye him.

‫ שַׁבְּחִי‬.Lauda Praise thou .

ָּ‫ שַׁבַּחְת‬.Laudasti Thou hast praised.

‫ שַׁבְּחֵת‬.Laudavi I have praised.

Virga, sceptrum,tri- A rod, sceptre, tribe.
‫ שְׁבָט‬.Sebat [bus. Sebat, N. M.
‫שבט‬ His rod.
ֹ‫ שִׁבְטו‬.Virga ejus
Sceptra, tribus. Sceptres, tribes.
Her tribes.
ָ‫ שְׁבָטֶיה‬Tribus ,
ָ‫ שְׁבָטֶיך‬.Tri bus
tue Thy tribes .
Tribus vestræ.[ bus. Your tribes.
Virga, spicula, tri- Rods, tribes, darts.
ָ‫ שִׁבְטְך‬.Vitua rga Thy rod.
‫שוב‬ ‫ שָׂבֵי‬.Se nes Old , elders.
‫ישב‬ ‫ שְׁבִי‬Sed,e mane. Sit, remain thou.
‫ שֹׁבָי‬.Sobai Shobai, N. M.
‫ שֹׁבי‬.Sobi Shobi, N. M.
‫שוב‬ Redi, revertere. Return thou.
‫שבב‬ ‫ שְׁבִיב‬.Scintilla A spark, flame.
‫ שְׁבִיבָא‬.Flamma A flame.

‫ שְׁבִיבִין‬.Flamme Flames.

‫שבה‬ ‫ שְׁבִיָּה‬.Captiva Captive.


‫ שִׁבְיָה‬.Captivitas Captivity.
Captivitas ejus. [eos. Her 'captivity.
" ֹ‫שׁו‬ ‫בֵיהֶם‬.captivo
ֹׁ‫ש‬ abducentes Carrying them away captives
ֹ‫ שִׁבְיו‬.Captivi ejus tas His captivity.
ָ‫ שֶׁבְיְך‬Captivitas,tua Thy captivity.
‫שבל‬ ‫| ׁבילי‬ִ ‫ש‬ .Sem ile Paths.
‫שוב‬ ‫ | שָׁבִים‬.Redeunles Returning.
‫שבה‬ ‫ שִׁבְיָם‬.Captiv Their captivity.
1210 ‫שנעים‬

‫שבה‬ ‫בים‬.Captivos
‫ש‬ capientes . | Taking captives
‫ שָׁב‬.Capti
‫|ית‬ sti m Thou hast led captive.

ְ‫ שְׁבִיתַיִך‬Captivitates
, tuce Thy captivities.
‫ שְׁבִיהֶם‬.Captivo cepi s Ye have taken captive.

‫סבר‬ ‫ שִׂבְּכָא‬.Sambuca [lum . Sackbut.

‫שבר‬ ‫ָׂבָכָה‬.Re
‫ש‬ tic
, cancel- Net - work ,ulu
lattice m
‫ שָׂבָכִים‬.Reticula Net- works .
‫כרס‬ ‫ שֶׁבַּכְּרָמִים‬.Q tincis e Which in the vineyards.
‫ שֹׁבֵל‬.crus A leg.
‫ שבלול‬.Limar A snail.

‫ שִׁבְּלי‬.Rami | Branches .
Ears of corn .
‫ שִׁבָּלִים‬.Spice
‫ שבלת‬.Fluctus
| , fluentum A wave, flood, stream.

‫ שְׁבָם‬.Sebam Shebam , N. P.

‫ שִׂבְמָה‬.Sibma Shibmah, Sibmah, N. P.

‫בנה‬ That it was a son.
‫ שֶׁבְּן‬.Quod
‫ שֶׁבְנָה‬.Sebnas Shebna, N. M.
‫שוב‬ Return ye.
‫ | שֹׁבְנָה‬.Redite
Reversi sumus . We have returned.
‫ שְׁבַנְיָה‬.Sebanias Shebaniah, N. M.
‫שָׁבַע‬ Juravit, adjuravit . He sware, made to swear,
charged with an oath .
‫שָׂבַע‬ Satiavit, saluravit, He satisfied , sufficed,filled,was
" ֶׁ‫ שָׁבַע ש‬.Scba [saturfuit. Sheba , N. M. P, [filled .
Seven, seventh.
‫שבע‬ ‫ שֶׁבַע שִׁי שִׁבְעָה‬.Septem
, septimus
‫ שְׂבַע‬.Sat ur [ tia. Full, satisfied .

‫ׂבַע שָׂבְעָה‬Saturitas
‫ש‬ , abundan- Plenty
, , abundance
‫ שָׂבֵעָה‬Salural
, a Filled , satisfied .

‫ עַת‬-- ‫ שְׁבְעָה‬.Juramentum An oath .

sunt li They were filled .
ּ‫ שָׂבֵעוּ־־בְעו‬.Salura
* ְׁ‫ש‬‫ׁבָעוֹת‬.Septem
ָ‫ש‬ ,hebdomade ; Seven , weeks ; oaths
ִ‫ש‬ ran
[ juramenta They that sweartes
" ְׁ‫ש‬ ‫ עַת‬-- ‫ שָׁבְעִים‬.Hebdomade
‫ שִׂבְעִים‬.Saturi Full , satisfied.
made Two weeks.
‫ שְׁבָעַיִם‬.Hebdodue
‫שברי‬ 1211


‫ שִׁבְעִים‬.Septuaginta Seventy.
tas tua Thy fill.
ְ‫ שָׂבְעֶךָ־־עָתֵך‬Saturi ,
‫ שִׁבְעָנָה‬.Septem
Saturati sumus. We have been filled .
ura Do thou satisfy us.
ּ‫ שִׂבְּעֵנו‬.Satnos
Thou hast been filled.
ְּ‫בָעַת‬ ָּ‫ שָׂבַעְת‬.Saturat
Avd--nyaw es us
ִ ‫ש‬ .H eb do ma de Weeks.
Fulness, plenty.
‫ שִׂבְעַת‬.Saturitas
I have been filled .
‫ שָׂבַעְתִּי‬Saturatus, sun
tem Those seven.
‫ שְׁבַעְתָּים‬.Sepilli
Septies, septemplex . Seven times, seven fold.
Strinxit, inclusit, a- He fastened , set, inclosed, em-
‫שָׁבַץ‬ broidered.
Reliquit, sivil. He left, forsook , suffered.
Leave ye .
ּ‫ שִׁבְקו‬.Relinquile
Fregit, confregit, He brake, brake in pieces,
matricem aperuit, opened the matrix , brought
adduxit ad par- to the birth, bought, sold.
tum, emil, vendi-
Seber. [dit. Sheber , N. M.
Speravit, expecta- He hoped, expected, waited ,
vit, consideravit. considered. [struction.
g, crashing, de-
‫ שָׁבֶר‬.Confr ac
, clad es tiAobreakin
Frange. [annona. Break thou .
Confractio, clades ; A crashing , destruction ; corn

egi t t He brake, brake in pieces.

‫שָׁבָר‬ ‫ שִׁבַּר־־בֶּר‬.Fr , confregi
Frangens, consider- Breaking, considering.
[ ans. She brake .
‫ שָׁבְרָה‬.Fregil
‫ שִׁבְרָה‬.Confract ejus ioHer breaking.
They have broken.
ּ‫ שָׁבְרו‬.Fregerunk
ina Spes, expectat ejus His hope, expectation.
Annona ejus . [ runt . His corn.
" Fregerunt ,confrege- They brake , brake in pieces.
They hoped .
ּ‫ שִׂבְּרו‬Sperarunl
Buy ye.
ּ‫ שִׁבְרו‬.Emile
Destruction .
‫שִׁבָּרוֹן‬ .Clades
Clades mea. My destruction .
1212 ‫שבתם‬

‫שבר‬ Her breaches.

ָ‫ שְׁבָרֶיה‬.Ruptu ejus re
‫ שְׁבָרִים‬Sebari,m Shebarim, N. P.
‫שבר‬ ‫ שֹׁבְרִים‬.Eme ntes Buying .
He hath broken thee.
ְ‫ שִׁבָרֵך‬.Confregitte
ְ‫ שִׁבְרֵךְ־־רְך‬.Clade tua s Thy destruction.
Annona eorum . Their corn.
nge Break thou them.
‫ שָׁבְרִס‬.Fracos
Thou hast br oken.
" ַּ‫ שָׁבָרְתָּ שִׁב‬.Fregisli
I have broken.
‫ שָׁבָרְתִּי־־בַי‬.Fregi
I have hoped.
‫ שְׂבַּרְתִּי‬.Speravi
Obstupefactus est. He was astonished .
ּ‫ שֶׁבְּשִׁפְלֵנו‬Qui in humilitate Who in our low estate.
nostra .
‫שָׁבַת‬ Cessavit,quievit, ces- He ceased , rested , caused to
sare fecit, amovit,
cease, removed, took away ,

‫ש‬ . [bba tum
delevit . A sabbath [abolished.
Cessation, rest , a stop from
" ֶׁ‫ שָׁבָת ש‬.Cessatio
, quies
‫ישב‬ Sedere,manere,habi- To sit, abide, dwell . [ business.
‫שוב‬ i
ָּ‫ שַׁבְת‬Redurist
, [tare. Thou hast brought back.
‫שבת‬ Cessavit, quievit. She ceased , rested.
‫ישב‬ That she tarried .
ּ‫שִׁבְתָּה‬ .Maneream a
‫שבת‬ saru nt They have ceased .
ּ‫ָתו‬ ‫ב‬ ׁ ָ ‫ש‬ .Ces
ina Cessatio ejus. His ceasing to work.
‫ישב‬ eumare That he dwelt.
ֹ‫ שִׁבְתּו‬.Habit
‫שבת‬ jina Quies, sabbatum. Rest, a sabbath.
‫ שַׁבָּתוֹת‬.Sabbata
‫ שַׁבְּתוֹתַי־־מֹתַי‬.Sabbal mea a My sabbaths.
Her sabbaths .
' ֶ‫רֹת‬ ָ‫ שַׁבְּתוֹתֶיה‬.Sabbatacjus
‫ שֶׁבְּתַי‬.Sabetai Shabbethai, N. M.
Reversus sum. [ mea. I have returned.
‫ישב‬ Habitare me ; sessio That I dwell ; my down sitting
‫שוב‬ Canities tua. [ tio tua. Thy hoary head.
The [tation .
ָ‫תֶּך‬ ָ‫ְתְּך‬-Habitar
‫שִׁב‬ te , habita- That thou dwellest , thy habi
‫שבת‬ Sabbatum vestrum. Your sabbath .
Aversali, reversi es- Ye have turned away, return-
tis. [sio eorum . ed.
[sitting .
Habitare ipsos ; ses- 1 That they dwell ; their down
‫שגר‬ 1213

‫שבת‬ Sabbaths.
‫ שַׁבְּרֹת‬.Sabbala


‫ שָׁגֵא‬.Saghe [ lit. Shage, N. M.

‫שְׂנָא‬ Auxit, crevit, extu- He increased , grew, extolled .

Elevavit, exallavit , He set on high, exalted , deli-
liberavit ; elatus vered ; was exalted.
est. [fortior. [too strong.
Elata est, superior, She, it was exalted, too high,
Elati sunt . peccavit. They were exalted . [ norance .
‫שָׁגַג‬ Erravit, ignorantia He erred, sinned through ig-
‫ שגג‬.Errans Erring, going astray.

‫שְׁנָנָה‬ .Error Error, mistake.

cjusor His error, mistake.

ֹ‫ שִׁנְנָתו‬.Err
Error eorum. Their error, mistake.
Erravit, vagatus est, He erred , wandered, was
captus est, igno- transported or ravished,
rantiâ peccavit. sinned through ignorance.

‫ שֹׁנֶה‬.Errans Erring, mistaking.

ּ‫ שָׁנו‬.Errarunt They have erred .
‫ שָׂגוּב‬.Segub [spexit. Segub, N. M.
‫שֶׁבַח‬ Aspexit, intente pro- He beheld, looked attentively
‫שגא‬ ‫שַׂגִּיא‬ , mullus ; Great, much ; greatly , ex-
‫שגה‬ ‫ שְׁנִיאוֹת‬.Errores [ valde. Errors. [ ceedingly.
‫שגא‬ ‫יאָן‬ ּ ִ ‫נ‬ ׂ ַ ‫ש‬ .Mu lle Man y.
‫שגה‬ ‫שְׁנִיתִי‬ .Erravi I have erred.

‫שָׁגַל‬ Concubuit, iniit mu- He lay with, had carnal con-

‫ גָל‬- ‫ שְׁגָלִי‬.Conjur [lieren. A wife [ nection with a woman
‫גלש‬ Quæ splenduerunt, Which shone,glistened,grazed
‫שגל‬ Stuprata es. [ runt. Thou hast been violated, lien
Ana Uxores ejus. His wives. [with.
ְ‫ שְׁגְלָתָך‬.Urore tue s Thy wives.
Da Quod etiam. That, because also.
‫גמל‬ Quam retribuisti. As thou hast recompensed.

‫שָׁבַע‬ Insanivit,insanum se He was mad, feigned himself

‫שנר‬ [finxit. [mad.
1214 ‫שריה‬


‫שנר‬ ‫שְׁנֵר‬ ‫ שֶׁבֶר‬Felus

, The young ofany creature.

Uber, mamma. [ titas A , the breast.
‫שרד‬ ‫ד‬.Dir
& epti
, vas- Robbery , spoil , desolation ae

‫שָׁדַד‬ Vastavit, diripuit, He laid waste, robbed, spoiled ,

spoliavit, diruit[ bas destroyed.
Occavit, effregit gle- He harrowed, broke up clods.
'jui Tii Vastans, vastator. Spoiling, a spoiler.
Vastatus, spoliatus He was laid waste, spoiled.

" ְ‫שְׁךָ־שְׁך‬ est ta [ est . She has been laid waste.

‫ שָׁרְדָה‬.Fasta
sunt ti
" ְ‫ שְׁבָּרוּך‬.Pasta They have been laid waste.

‫ֹׁדְדִי שֹׁדְדִים‬.La
‫ש‬ tro
, vastatores nes
Robbers , spoilers
We have been spoiled .
ּ‫ שֶׁדָּדְנו‬.Spoli
ּ‫ שָׂדָה‬.Ager
ejus Her field , land. [try

‫ שָׂדֶה שְׂדֵה‬.4g er
, regio , rus A, the field , land, region, coun-
‫שרר‬ Varie interpret. po- Variously understood, a cup-
cillator, craler , bearer, cup , chariot,woman,
currus, mnulier , music, musical instrument.
mentum musicum.
‫שדה‬ ּ‫שָׂדֵהו‬ .dg His field.
‫שרד‬ ‫ שָׁדוֹד‬.rastando In laying waste.
‫ שָׁדוּד‬.rastatus Being laid waste.

‫ שֵׁרוּנִי‬.Pastar meunt They have spoiled me.

‫שרה‬ ‫ שָׂדוֹת שְׂדֵי‬.dgri Fields .
Their fields.
" ‫ שָׂדוֹתֵיהֶם־־ד‬.4gri eorum
Your fields.
‫| שָׂדוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Agri
‫דִי‬ ‫שָׂדָי‬ .4gri
‫שר‬ My breasts.
‫ שָׁדַי‬Uberamea
‫שרד‬ Omnipotens. Almighty .
‫שרה‬ My field .
‫ שָׂדִי‬.4ger
‫ שְׁדֵי שָׁדַיִם־־ד " | שד‬.Ube, mammera
‫ שדיאור‬.Sedeur Shedeur, N. M.
‫שר‬ Her breasts .
ָ‫ שָׁדֶיה‬.Ubera
‫שרא‬ 1215

‫שר‬ carumra Their breasts.

‫ שְׁדֵיהֶן‬.Ube
ְ‫ שָׁדַיִך‬.Ube Thy breasts.
‫שרה‬ tui i
ָ‫ שָׂדֶיך‬.dgr Thy fields.
‫דון‬ 1 Quod est judicium . That there is a judgment.
‫שרה‬ ּ‫ שָׂדֵינו‬.Ag ri
nostri Our fields .

er Thy field.
ָ‫שָׂדְך‬ tuus
ְ‫ שָׂדֶך‬.4g
‫ שַׁדְמוֹת‬.Agri
Adustus est. He was parched, blasted .
‫שְׁדָּפוֹן‬ .Uredo Blasting.

‫ שְׁדְפוֹת‬.Aduste Parched , blasted .

‫שְׁדֵר‬ Sategil, conatus est. He laboured, endeavoured .
ְ‫ שַׁדְרַך‬.Sadrac Shadrach, N. M.
‫שרה‬ gr i i Our fields.
ּ‫ שְׂדֹתֵינו‬.Anostr


‫שֶׁה‬ ‫ שָׂה‬.Ov is A sheep, a lamb, cattle.

, agna , pecus
‫בוא‬ " ‫ שֶׁהֲבֵיאתִיו־־א‬.Introd eum uriI brought him in.

ָׂ‫ש‬ , testimonium . A witness , testimony : Saha
‫הוא‬ ‫ שֶׁהוּא שֶׁהוּא‬.Quo ille Wherein he. [dutha.
‫היה‬ ‫יה‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ש‬ .Qui
fuit Who hath been.
‫ זז‬,
ֶׁ‫ש‬ fuerunt ,Q u
erunt . Who have been , will be i
‫יוס‬ dies d That the days.
‫ שֶׁהַיָּמִים‬.Quo
‫נכה‬ Who smote .
‫ שֶׁהִכָּה‬.Qu percussit i
‫|שֹׁהם‬ .Sohum Shoham , N. M.
‫הוא‬ ‫שְׁהֶם‬ illi Because they, that they.
illi, quodia
‫ שֶׁהֵם‬.Qu
‫שהם‬ ‫ שהם‬.Onyx An onyx.

‫מלך‬ That the king.

ְ‫ שֶׁהַמֶּלֶך‬.Quod
nde Whence the rivers.
‫ שֶׁהַנְחָלִים‬.U flumina
ui Who is mightier.
‫תקף‬ ‫ שֶׁהתַּקִיף‬.Q fortior est

‫שָׁו‬ an
,mendacium lie ; vain , false as
; Vanity , ait
Seva. [ vanus, falsus Sheva, N. M.
1216 ‫שוה‬


‫שאל‬ Pelens, postulans. Asking, requiring.

Anhelans, suspirans . Panting, longing for.
‫שׁוּב‬ Aversatus est; redüt, He turned away, was averse ;
reversus est, con- came again, returned , was
versus est ; repu- turned or changed ; he
lit, avertil, redux- repulsed, turned away,
it, reddidit, resti- brought back, returned,
tuit, rependit, re- restored, repaid, reversed,
scidit, revocavit , recalled, answered.
Incanuil. He grew hoary or greyheaded
Dj Aversari, reverti. To turn away, return.
‫שׁוֹב‬ .Mancndo In abiding.
Shubael, N. M.
S‫ שׁוּבָאֵל‬.Subael
Shobab, N. M.
‫ שׁוֹבָב‬.Sobab
Aversus, rebellis . Backsliding,rebellious [ slidden
Aversala est. She hath turned away, back-
Aversi, rebelles . Backsliding, rebellious .
Averlerunt eos. They have turned them away.
rtia He hath turned away, pervert-
ְ‫ שׁוֹבְבָתֵך‬.Ave te
re Return thou. [ed thee.
‫| שׁוּבָה‬.Reverte
‫| שובו‬.Reveum erti That he turneth.
Return ye.
‫| שובו‬.Revertimini
Aversi, aversati. Averse, turned away.
Revertere ; conver- Return thou ; that I am
ti me. [ nos. turned.
Captivos abducentes Carrying us away captive.
Sobac. [ si, perplexi. Shobach , N. M. [boughs .
Densitas; rami den- Thickness ; thick, entangled
ְ‫בְך‬ le li
ְ‫ שׁוּבְך‬.Rever That thou returnest.
bal Shobal , N. M.
' ּ‫שׁו‬ ‫ שׁוֹבָל‬.So , Subal
nos i
ed Return thou to us.
‫שוב‬ ּ‫ שׁוּבֵנו‬.Rad
‫ֵק‬ ‫ב‬ ֹ ‫ו‬ ׁ ‫ש‬ .S ob ec Shobek, N. M.
‫שנה‬ ‫ | שׁוֹנִים‬.Errantes [bas. Erring.
‫שׁוּד‬ Occavit, effregit gle- He harrowed , broke the clods
This Oblevit. He plaistered.
‫ שָׁוֶה‬.Save Shaveh, N. P.
‫שולל‬ 1217


Assimilavit, compa- He likened , compared, was

ravil,æquatus est, equalled, was profitable ;
profuit; æquavit; he made plain, level ; it
utilefuit ; statuit, was useful ; he set, ordered.

Equavit. [ disposuit. He hath made plain.

Useful, availing.
‫ שֹׁוֶה‬.Uti li
, valen s s
ַ‫ שׁוּח‬.Suach [ subsedit. Shuah, N. M. [ wards, sank .

Inclinavit,propendit, He inclined, tended down-

ַ‫שׂוּח‬ Meditatus est, ora- He meditated, mused, prayed,
vit, locutus est, spoke, declared.

Fovea. [ enarravit. A pit.

‫ שׁוּחָה‬.Suchas Shuah, N. M.

‫שחט‬ ‫ שָׁוחט‬.Vulnerans Wounding.

‫|ׁוֹחֵט‬ ‫ ש‬.Jugulans Killing.

‫י‬ ִ ‫ח‬ ּ ‫ו‬ ׁ ‫ש‬ |.Suchita Shuhite, N. F. or P.
Shuham, N. M.
‫ שׁוּחָם‬.Sucham
‫ שׁוּחָמִי‬.Suchami la [rit. Shuhamites, N. F. [down.
‫שׁוּט‬ Vagatus est, discur- He went about, ran up and
‫שׂוּט‬ Declinavit, deflexit. He declined, turned away.
Divi Flagellum. A scourge.
‫ | שׁוּט‬.Discurre Run thou up and down.

ּ‫ שׁוֹטְטו‬.Discurrile Run ye to and fro.

‫שטן‬ ‫ שׂוֹטְנִי ש‬.Ad

" ְ‫ֹׁט‬v
"pi | versarmei iiMy adversaries.
‫שטף‬ ‫ שׁוֹטֵף שֹׁטֵף‬Inundans ,
‫שרה‬ Assimilatus est. He was made like.

.Statui I have set.

ְ‫שׁוּך‬ Sepem fecit, sepivit. He made a hedge, hedged up.
‫שלה‬ ‫|שולה‬.Soco Socoh, Shocoh, N. P.
ֹ‫|שׂוֹכו‬.Soco Shoco, N. P.
ֹ‫ שׂוֹכו‬.Ramus
cjus His bough.
‫ שׂוֹכֶת‬.Ramus A bough.
‫שלח‬ He that sendeth.
" ֵ‫שׁוֹלֵחַ שְׂל‬ .Mittens
‫שול‬ The skirts, hem.
‫ שׁוּלִי‬.Fłmbrie
His hem.
‫| שוליו‬.Fimbr ejus ie
‫ שוליך‬.Fimbrie
tue Thy hem.
‫שלל‬ Spoiled .
‫ שׁוֹלָל‬.Spoliatua
VOL. II. 3 M
1218 ‫שופמי‬

‫ שׁוּלַמִּית‬.Sulamitis Shulamite, N. W.
‫שוס‬ Posuit, statuit, col- He put, set, placed , laid upon,
locavit, imposuit, gave, appointed , settled,
dedit , constituit, ordained, imputed , set in
sancivit, imputa- array, put on, attended.
vil, disposuit, in-
duit, attendit.
Diy Diy Diy Ponere, collocando. To put, in placing, laying.
‫שמס‬ ‫מָה‬ ‫וֹמֵם‬.De
ׁ‫| ש‬ sol
, vastata atu
. | Desolate , laid waste s
‫ מִין‬-- ‫שׁוֹמֵמִים‬.De sol
, desolate . Desolate
‫שמע‬ ַ‫ שְׁוּמֹע‬.dudire To hear.
‫שמר‬ " ֵ‫ שׁוֹמֵר שֹׁמ‬.Ser vans
; custos Keeping , observing ; a keeper.
‫שנא‬ ‫| שׂוֹנֵא‬.ohabe
di ns o Hating .
‫שנה‬ ‫ שׁוֹנֶה‬.Iterans Repeating .
‫ שׁוּנִי‬.Suni Shuni , N. M.
‫שנה‬ ‫ | שׁוֹנים‬.rarii Diverse, various.
‫ שׁוּנֵם‬.Sunem Shunem, N. P.
‫| שׁוּנַמִּית‬Sunamil,is Shunammite, N. P.
‫שסה‬ ּ‫ שׁוֹסֵינו‬.Sp
| oliantnos es They that spoil us.
ַ‫שׁוּע‬ Clamavit. He cried aloud .
yi Liberalis, munificus. Liberal, bountiful.
ַ‫שׁוּע‬ .Sua Shuah, N. M.
‫שוע‬ ‫שַׁוְעַת‬ ַ‫ שׁוּע‬.Clamor A shout, cry .
‫ שׁוּעָא‬.Sua Shua, N. W.
‫שוע‬ ‫ שַׁוְעִי שַׁוְעָתִי‬.clamo
meus r My cry.
ְ‫ שׁוּעַך‬.Liberal itas Thy liberality.
‫שעל‬ Sy Vulpes, vel vulpes A fox, or jackal .
‫ שׁוּעָל‬.Sual [ aureus. Shual, N. M. P.
‫שעל‬ " ָ‫שְׁע‬ ‫וּעָלִים‬.
ׁ‫ש‬ V , vel u vulpes l p
Foxes , or jackalses
‫שער‬ ‫שׁעֵי‬ ‫שׁוֹעֲרִים‬.Jan it
. [aurei ores
. Porters
‫שוע‬ ‫ שְׁיַּעְתִּי‬.Clamavi I have cried.
Their cry.
‫| שַׁוְעָתָם‬.Clamor eorum
‫שׁוּף‬ Contrivit, operuit. He bruised, crushed, covered .
‫שפט‬ " ֵ‫ שׁוֹפָט שֹׁפ‬.Judic , judexans Judging, a judge.
ְ‫|שׁוֹפַך‬.Sophac Shophach, N. M.
‫שפר‬ " ַ‫ שׁוֹפָךְ שְׂפ‬.Effundens Pouring out, shedding.
‫ שׁוּפָמִי‬.Suphamila Shuphamites, N. F.
‫שות‬ 1219


‫ שׁוֹפָן‬.Sophan Shophan , N. P.
‫שׁוֹפָר שפר‬ ‫שִׁי‬ ‫שׁוֹפָר‬ .Tuba A trumpet.
Trumpets .
‫ שׁוֹפָרוֹת־־פִי‬.Tube
‫ שׁוֹפְרֹתֵיהֶם‬.Tub eorum e [ vit . Their trumpets.
Redundavit, appeti- He overflowed , desired , longed
The shoulder.
‫ שׁוֹק‬.Armus
ura His legs.
‫ שׁוֹקָיו‬.Crejus
To and fro .
‫שקר‬ ‫ שׁוֹקֵק‬.Discurrens
‫ | שׁוֹקֵקָה‬.Appetens Desiring.
‫שׁוּר‬ Cecinil ; intuitus, He sang; looked, beheld, sur-
contemplatus est. veyed .

‫שׂוּר‬ Principatum gessit, He held dominion, constituted

.principes constituit princes.
‫| שׁוֹר‬.B A bullock, an ox ; a wall.

; murus
‫| שׁוּר‬.Sur Shur, N. P.

‫ש‬ .Murus A wall.
‫|שׂוֹרָה‬ .Precipua Principal .
ֹ‫ | שׁוֹרו‬.Bos
ejus His bullock.

‫ שְׁוָרִים‬.Boves Bullocks.
o ss Thy ox.
ְ‫ שׁוֹרֶךְ־יִרְך‬.B tuu
‫|שׁוֹרֶק‬.S or ec Sorek, N. P.

‫ שׁוֹרֵק‬.Fil selectaes The choice vine.

‫ׁוֹרְרָי־־רַי שֹׁרְ ' שור‬.I
‫ש‬ ni
, invidi My enemies ci
mei . mi
Their walls.
‫ שׁוּרֹתָם‬.Mu eorumri
‫שׂוּש‬ Gavisus, lætatus est. He rejoiced , was glad.
iji Gaudendo. In rejoicing .
.Sausa Shavsha, N. M.
‫ שׁוֹשָׁן שׁוּשַׁן‬.Lilium A lily.
Shushan, N. P.
‫ שׁוּשָׁן־־שָׁן‬.Susan
A lily.
‫ששן‬ ‫ שׁוּשַׁנָּה־־בַּת‬.Lilium
‫ שׁוֹשַׁנִּים‬.Lilia
ai Susanchites, N. N. or P.
‫ שׁוּשַׁנְכָיֵא‬.Susanch
ui I have robbed.
‫שסה‬ ‫ שׁוֹשַׁתִי‬.Dirip
‫שׁוּת‬ Posuit, statuit, con- He put, set, appointed , settled ,
stituit, stabilivit , established , set in array,
disposuit, repo- Jaid up, let alone.
suit , reinisil.
1220 ‫שחטן‬

‫שתה‬ " ָ‫אֹת‬ ‫| שׁוֹתִי‬.Bilen tes

, ebriosi Drinking , drunkards .

h Shuthelah , N. M.
‫ שׁוּתָלַח‬Sutalac

Eripuit, liberavit . He delivered, set free.
He delivered.
‫ | שְׁזִיב‬.Eripuit
Asperit , vidit. He looked upon, beheld.
She saw him.
ּ‫ שְׁזָפַתּו‬.rid eum it
‫שָׁזָר‬ Contortus est. He was twined, twisted.

‫חבר‬ ‫חָבְּרָה‬.Que
ֶׁ‫ש‬ jungitur . [ est . Which is joined , compact
‫שָׁחַד‬ Donavit, muneratus He gave, rewarded, bribed.
‫| שֹׁחַד‬.Don ,munusumA gift, reward.
17 Donate, muneramini Give, reward ye.

‫שָׁחָה‬ Declinavit, incurva- He declined , stooped, bowed

vit se, prostravil down, prostrated himself,
worshipped .
se, adoravit. [cit .
‫שָׂחָה‬ Natavit, natare fe- He swam, caused to swim.
‫שות‬ ‫חָה‬-I
ָׁ‫ש‬ propensa She li
,nc na
was inclined , tended down t
‫שתה‬ ָ‫ ש‬.Walatio
ּ‫|ׂחו‬ [ est. A swimmi ng. [ war ds.
Incurvarunt se. They bowed, stooped.
‫שוח‬ in Meditatio, cogitatio His meditation, thought.
‫שחה‬ in Incurvando se. [ ejus. In bowing, bending.
‫שחט‬ ‫| שָׁחוּט‬.Ercusus Beaten out.
‫חלה‬ ‫ שֶׁחוֹלַת‬Quia egr
, a Because sick.

‫שחק‬ Laughter , derision .

‫ שְׂחוֹק־־חק‬.Risus, derisio
‫|שָׁחוֹר־־חר‬ .Sichor Sihor, Shihor, N. R.
‫שחר‬ ‫ שְׁחוֹרָה שָׁחֹר‬Wigra
, Black. .
‫שחה‬ meavi I bowed down.
‫ שָׁחוֹתִי‬.Incurv
‫שָׁחַח‬ Incurvavit se, deje- He bowed down, cast down,
cil, depressus est. was brought low .
Incurvarunt se. They bowed down, stooped.
‫שָׁחַט‬ Occidit, jugulavit, He killed , butchered, sacri-
immolavit. ficed. [beat out.
‫שָׂחַט‬ Expressit ; excudit . He expressed, squeezed out ;
ּ‫ שָׁחֲטו‬.Jugularunt They slew.
‫שחת‬ 1221


‫שחט‬ ‫ שֹׁחֲטֵי‬.Jugulanles Slaying .

‫שחה‬ te va
‫ שְׁחִי‬.Incur Bow thyself down .
‫שוח‬ ‫ שָׂחִי‬.Ser meusmo My speech.

‫שחט‬ ‫| יטת‬‫ח‬ ‫ש‬ .Ju gul ati o The killing .

ocens t e Growing of its own accord.
‫שתם‬ ‫ שָׁחִים‬.Spnau
‫שְׁחִין‬ .Ulcus A boil, ulcer.
c tsusCovered, ceiled.
‫שחף‬ ‫ שְׁחִיף‬.Te
, tabu latu
Ablack lion.
" ַׁ‫ש‬ ‫ שָׁחַל‬.L eo
bia Pride.
‫ שָׁחַץ‬.Super
sima Shahazimah, N. P.
‫ שַׁחְצִימָה‬Sachal ,
Contudit, comminuit. He beat, broke, wore to pieces
Risil, lusit, sallavit , He laughed, sported, played ,
gavisus est, deri- danced, rejoiced, derided,
sit, dimicavit. mocked, skirmished.
They derided, mocked.
ּ‫ שָׂחֲקו‬.Deriaerunt
ּ‫ שָׁחֲקו‬.ComminueruntThey have worn away.
‫ שְׁחָקִים‬.Wub , celes
i The clouds, heavens.
Niger fuit; mane He was black, dusky ; rose
surrexit; diluculo, early inthe morning; sought
studiose quæsivit. early, diligently .
‫ שַׁחַר‬.Aur or
,man e a The morning .
‫ שחר‬.Studi querens Diligently seeking.
ּ‫ שַׁחְרָה‬.Orcju Its rising, dawn.

ֹ‫ שְׁחֲרו‬.M an
quesivi He sought early for him.
t ei e
Black .
‫ שְׁחֹרוֹת־־רִים‬.Nigr , nigri e
Black .
‫ שְׁחַרְחֹרֶת‬.Wigra
‫ שָׁחַרְיָה‬.Secharias Shehariah , N. M.
‫שחר‬ Sheharaim, N. M.
‫ שַׁחֲרִים‬.Secharaim
Corrupit, deprava- He corrupted,marred, spoiled ,
vit, vastavit, per- destroyed, acted corruptly.
didit, perperam e- was corrupted .
gil, corruptus est.
1222 ‫שטפונו‬


‫שחת‬ '‫שַׁי‬ ‫שָׁחַת‬ .Fovea A pit.

‫| שַׁחת‬.Disperdere To destroy. [ed.
Corrupisti, perdidisti Thou hast corrupted, destroy-
Corrupit, perdidit. He corrupted, destroyed.

ּ‫ שַׁחֲתָה‬.rastar eam e To spoil, destroy her.

Depravarunt, perdi- They have corrupted, marred,
derunt . destroyed.
Perdidistite; perdidit Thou hast destroyed thyself;
te; pernicies tua. he destroyed thee ; thy de
‫ שְׁחַתֶּם‬.Corrupistis Ye have corrupted. [ struction


‫שָׂטָה‬ Declinavil, deflexit. He declined, turned away.

Declina, deflecte. Decline, turn thou.
Sita, arbor, forsitan Shittah, a tree, supposed tobe
acacia. the Acacia.
‫שוט‬ ּ‫ שָׁטו‬.Discurrerunt They ran to and fro.
‫טוב‬ Quod bonum. Which is good.
‫שטח‬ ַ‫ שְׁטוֹח‬.Expandendo In spreading abroad. [ broad.
‫שְׁטַח‬ Extendil, expandit. He stretched out, spread a-
‫ | שׂטח‬.Expandens He that spreadeth abroad.
An Expandi, extendi. I have spread, stretched out.
‫שוט‬ ‫שטיס‬
| .Remiges Rowers, mariners.
‫שטה‬ Deflectentes. They that turn aside.
‫| טים‬.Silim Shittim , N. P.
‫שטה‬ Deflexisti . Thou hast turned aside.
DOW Odit, adversatus est, Hehated , opposed, persecuted
infesto animoper- with implacable malice.
seculus est.

‫שָׂטָן‬ Adversatus est. He opposed,was an adversary.

Satan, nom. diaboli . Satan, a name ofthe devil.
Adversarius. An adversary.
Silna, nom. fontis. Sitnah, the name of a well.
120129 Accusatio. An accusation [ edby plunging
‫שָׁטַף‬ Inundavit, immersit. He overflowed, plunged,wash-
Immerserunt nos. They overwhelmed us."
‫שיח‬ 1123

‫שטף‬ ‫ שֹׁטְפִים‬.Inundantes Overflowing .

sik He overwhelmed me.
‫ שְׁטָפָתְנִי‬.Immerme
‫ שֹׁטֶר‬.Prefectus A ruler , officer,superintendent.

‫ שְׁטְרַי‬.Siürai Shitrai, N. M.
‫שטר‬ ‫ שֹׁטְרֵי‬.Prefecti Rulers, officers.

ejus i
‫ שֹׁטְרָיו‬.Prefect His rulers, officers.


A present, reward.

‫שִׁי שָׁי‬ .Munus

‫ שִׁיאוֹן‬.Sion Shion , N. P.
‫נשא‬ ‫ שיאו‬Superbia, ejus His pride .
‫אחז‬ Who shall take hold of.
‫ שֶׁיֹּאחֵז‬.Qui
‫אכל‬ ‫ שיאכל‬.Quo comedat d That he should eat.
‫אמר‬ ‫יֹּאמַר‬.De
ֶׁ‫ש‬ quo aliquis dicet of which any one will say
ּ‫ שֶׁיֹּאמְרו‬.Qua dicent mWhich they will call.
‫ שִׂיאן‬.Sion Sihon , N. P.
‫בוא‬ ‫ שֶׁיָּבֹא־־בוֹא‬.Qui veniet Who will coine.
‫שוב‬ ‫־־בַת‬ ‫ה‬ ָ ‫ב‬ ‫י‬ ׂ ִ ‫ש‬ .Can ilies The hoary head.
‫שבה‬ ‫ שִׁיבַת‬Captivitas
, Captivity.
‫שוב‬ ֹ‫ שִׂיבָתו‬Canities cjus
,, His hoary head.
‫ שִׂיבָתִי‬.Canitie mea s My hoary head.
ְ‫ שִׂיבָתֵך‬.Canit Thy hoary head.
‫נשג‬ ‫ שִׂיג‬.Inseclalio A pursuit.
‫שור‬ ‫ | שיד‬.Calz Mortar, plaster .
ֶׁ‫ש‬ habebitur sermo Who shall be spoken for
‫שה‬ His sheep .
ּ‫ שְׁיֵהו‬.Ovis
‫ שִׁיְהוָה‬.Cuj dominusus Whose lord .
‫היה‬ ‫ שֶׁיִּהְיֶה‬Qui , quod,erit Who, which shall be.
Who shall be.
ּ‫ שֶׁיִּהְיו‬.Quierunt
‫שה‬ ֹ‫ שִׂיו‬.Ov is
ejus His sheep.

‫ שִׁיזָא‬.Sitza [labunt. Shiza, N. M. totter .

‫זוע‬ Www Quo nutabunt, vacil- In which they shall shake,
‫שיח‬ [ um .
‫שוח‬ Meditatio, colloqui- A meditation , talking.
‫שיח‬ Frutex, arbustum. A shrub , shrubbery.
1224 ‫שירת‬

‫שוח‬ ‫ | שִׁיחָה שִׁיחָה‬.Fovea A pit.

‫ שִׂיחָה‬.Meditatio
, oratio A meditation , prayer.
ֹ‫ שִׂיחו‬.Eloquejusium His communication.
ּ‫ שִׂיחו‬.Loquimini Speak ye.
‫ | שיחור‬Sichor
, Shihor, N. R.
‫שות‬ ‫ שִׁיחוֹת‬.Fovee Pits.
‫ שִׂיחי‬.Ser
meusmo My speech .
‫שיח‬ ‫ שִׂיחִים‬Arbusta
, Shrubs. [on us.
‫חנן‬ ּ‫חָנֵּנו‬-
‫שֶׁי‬ misereatur nostriUThat he may have t
mercy up
‫שות‬ ‫שִׂיחָתִי‬ mea io My meditation.
‫שוט‬ ‫שִׂפָּט‬ .Remus An oar.
‫ | שַׁיִט‬.Flagellum A scourge.
‫ירא‬ That they may fear.
ּ‫ שֶׁיִּירְאו‬.Ut timeant
ֹ‫ | שִׁילו‬.Silo | Shiloh , N. P.
‫לה‬. ‫שי‬ , nom .S i
Messiae . | Shiloh l
, a name of the Messiah
‫ילך‬ ‫| שִׁילך‬.Qauf u o
era t d Which he may carry away.
‫שלל‬ ‫|שילל‬
.Spoliatus Spoiled .
‫| שילני‬.Silonila Shilonite, N. P.
‫שום‬ ‫ים‬Ponendo
ִׂ‫| ש‬ ; pone , col- In placing , laying ; put ,lay
loca, da, constitue; place, give, appoint thou ;
constitutus , sanci- made, appointed, ordained."
ִׂ‫ש‬ , pone . [tus.| Appoint ,makethou
, put
Pone eam . Put thou it.
ּ‫מָה‬ ‫י‬ ׂ ִ ‫ש‬
‫|ִׂימָה‬‫ ש‬Consti, lula Appointed, determined .
|ּ‫ שִׂימו‬Ponite , imponite , al- Put , lay onattend
, ye.
‫|שִׁימוֹן‬.Simon [ tendite . Shimon, N , M.
‫שום‬ ‫ ש‬.Pone
‫|ִׂימֵנִי‬ me Put, set me.
ּ‫ שֶׁיָּמָתו‬.Quod
morientur That they shall die.
‫ עֵינַיִהֶם‬.Uri
eorum na Their urine. [he laboured .
‫שֶׁיעמל‬ Quod , quo laboravit . Which hath laboured ,in which
‫עשה‬ ‫ שֶׁיַּעֲשֶׂה‬.Qu Which shall be done.
‫פות‬ He breathed.
ַ‫ שִׁיָּפוּח‬.Aspiravit
‫נפל‬ ‫שֶׁיִפֹּל‬ ‫ שִׁיפּוֹל‬.U bi Where, when he shall fall .
, cum cadet
‫יצא‬ That which goeth forth.
‫ שֶׁיצָא‬.Egrediens
‫שור‬ ‫שִׁירַת‬ ‫ שִׁיר‬.Cant icum
A song , music.
‫שכבת‬ 1225

‫ירד‬ ‫ שִׁירֵד‬.Q ui
descendi t Who goeth down .
‫שור‬ ‫| שירה‬.Cantic ejus um Her song.
ֹ‫| שִׁירו‬.Cantic ejus um His ng.
ּ‫| שִׁירו‬.Cantate Sing ye.

‫ שִׁירוֹת‬.Cantica Songs .
ְ‫ שִׁירָיִך‬Cantiea ,
tua Thy songs.
Yo so
‫ שִׁירֵיכֶם‬.Canvestr a ca ur ngs.
‫שש‬ ׁ‫ שַׁיִש‬.Marmor Marble .
‫ישה‬ ‫ שיש‬.Quod est That there is.

‫ שִׁישָׁא‬.Sisa Shisha, N. M.
‫שוש‬ ּ‫ | שִׂישׂו‬Gaudele
, Rejoice ye.

‫|שִׂישִׂי‬.Gaude Rejoice thou .

‫שלם‬ ‫ שֶׁיְשַׁלָּם‬.Qui
rependet Who will repay, reward.
Shishak, N. M.
‫ שִׁישָׁק־־שַׁק‬.Sisac

‫ | שַׁיִת‬.Senlis A thorn.
‫שות‬ Ornatus ; pone. Attire ; put, apply thon.
Put thou.
‫ שִׁיתָה שִׁיתִי‬.Pone
‫שית‬ ֹ‫| שִׁיתו‬.Sen tis
ejus His thorn.
‫שות‬ ּ‫ | שִׁיתו‬.Ponite Put ye.

ֹ‫שִׁיתֵמו‬ Pone ,
cos Put thou them.

‫שיך‬ ְ‫ שָׂך‬.Sepiens Hedging up.

‫שָׁכַב‬ Jacuit, cubuit, recu- He lay, lay down, rested, lay

buit, concubuit. with.

, concum- In lying, lying with.

‫ שָׁכב‬Cubando
[bendo. Lie thou.
‫ שְׁכָב שְׁכַב‬.Cuba
Jacens, recumbens, Lying, resting, lying with.

‫שָׁכְבָה‬.C ub
. [ concumb ens . | ui
Shelay t
Concumbe . [ erunt . Lie thou with.

ָ‫ש‬ ac , concubu-ue ru
They lay , lay with nt
u b
umbe a Lie down, rest thou.
‫ שִׁכְבִי‬.C
, rec
ֹׁ‫ֹׁכְבִיש‬.J‫ש‬ ac They thatte
, cubantes . en lie s
‫כבר‬ ui Who already .
‫ שֶׁכְּבָר‬.Q jam
‫שכב‬ cub uisti Thou hast lain down, rested.
ָּ‫ׁכַבְת‬ ָ ‫ש‬ .Re
.Jacens Lying.
VOL. II. 3
1226 ‫שככה‬

‫שכב‬ ‫ְבַת‬-C
‫שִׁכ‬ ub
, concubitus al
. A lying , lying together , copu u
ֹ‫ שְׁכָבְתּו‬.Concubiejus tusHis copulation. [lation.
recubuiui I lay down, rested.
‫ שָׁכַבְתִּי‬.J,ac
tuus tusThy copulation.
ָ‫ שְׁכָבְתְּך‬.Concubi
‫שכר‬ ejus umHis tabernacle.
ֹ‫ שִׂכּו‬.Tentori
‫שכל‬ Privatus, orbatus. Deprived, bereaved.
‫ שְׁכוֹל‬.Orbitas Loss of children .

‫ שְׁכוּלָה‬.Orbala Bereaved.
‫שכר‬ ‫ שכור‬.Me rce
conductus . Hired de
‫שְׁכּוֹר־־כר‬ .Ebrius Drunken .

‫כֹּרִי‬ ‫ שְׁכּוֹרֵי רִים‬.Ebriosi, ebrii Drunkards, drunk .

‫שָׁכַח‬ Oblitus est, oblivioni He forgat, was forgotten,
traditus est, obli- caused to forget.
‫שְׁכַח‬ Invenit. [ viscifecit. He found.
ַ‫ שָׁכֹח‬.Obliviscendo In forgetting .
‫ שֶׁכָּח‬Oblivisci ,
fecil He hath caused to forget.
‫ שָׁכֵחָה שָׁכִי‬.Oblest She forgat.
ּ‫ שָׁכְחו‬.Oblili They forgat , have forgotten.
Obliti sunt tui. They have forgotten thee. '
‫ שְׁכַחוּנִי‬.Oblili
sunt mei They have forgotten me.
‫ שְׁכֵחֵי שֹׁכִי‬.Obliviscentes They that forget.
ּ‫חְנו‬ Obliti sumus. We have forgotten.
Obliti sumus tui. We have forgotten thee.
‫ שְׁכֵחָנִי‬.Oblit est mei us He hath forgotten me.
‫ שְׁכַהֲנִי‬.Obli sunt meiti They have forgotten me.
Oblita es. Thou hast forgotten.
‫ שָׁכָחְתִּי־־נַי‬.oblitus sum I have forgotten .
‫ שְׁכַחְתָּנִי‬.Oblites mei us Thou hast forgotten me.
‫ שָׁכְיָה‬.Sachia Shachia, N , M.
‫שכה‬ ‫|שכיות‬ .Figure Pictures, figured works.
‫שכן‬ ‫שַׂכִּין‬ Culler A knife.
‫שכר‬ ‫שָׂכִיר‬ .Mercenarius A hired servant , hireling .
ְ‫שָׁכַך‬ Resedit, sedatus est, He subsided, was appeased,
desinere fecil, po- caused to cease, placed.
Texit. [suit. He covered.
‫ שָׁכָכָה‬.Sedala
est She was appeased, pacified.
‫שכנה‬ 1227


sic To whom thus ; because thus.

‫כך‬ ‫ שֶׁכָּכָה‬Cui sic ; quia
‫שְׁכָל‬ Privatus,orbatus est; He was deprived, bereaved ;
orbavit; abortivit. he bereaved ; she miscarried,
‫שָׂכָל‬ Intellexit; prudenter He understood ; acted, guided,
egit, direxit; pros- wisely; prospered : he con-
peratus est : ani- sidered .

‫ שְׂכָּל‬.Prude nter
direxit He guided wisely , judiciously.
Sapientia, prudentia, Wisdom, prudence, under-
Orbavit. [ intellectus She bereaved. [ standing.
Sapientia, prudentia His wisdom, prudence.
Abortitæ sunt.[ ejus. They have cast their young,
nib Bereaved. [miscarried.
ַׁ‫ ש‬.Orbate
ְ‫ שְׁכְּלָיִך‬.Orbilates
tue Thy bereavements.
‫כלל‬ Who all.
‫ שֶׁכֻּלָּם‬.Qui
‫שכל‬ I have been bereaved.
‫ לי‬--‫ שָׁכָלְתִּי‬.Orbatus
I have bereaved.
‫ שְׁכֵּלתִּי‬.Orbavi
Ye have bereaved.
‫ שְׁכַּלְתֶּם‬.orbastis
Mane surrexit. He rose early in the morning.
Humerus ; pars. A shoulder ; part, portion.

‫שֶׁי‬ ‫ שְׁכֶם‬.Sechem Shechem, Sichem , N. M. P.

‫ שִׁכְמִי‬.Scchemile Shechemites, N. F.
‫שכם‬ ejus us Her shoulder.
ּ‫ שִׁכְמָה‬.Humer
ejus us His shoulder.
ֹ‫ שִׁכְמו‬.Humer
meus us My shoulde .
‫ שִׁכְמִי‬.Humer
luus us Thy shoulder.
ְ‫ שִׁכְמֶך‬.Humer
erus Their shoulder.
‫ שִׁכְמָם‬.Humeorum
‫שָׁכַן‬ Habitavit, mansit, He inhabited , dwelt,remained,
commoratus est ; continued ; rested , placed.
requievit, colloca-
vil. [ vicinus. [neighbour.
incola, He dwelt ; an inhabitant,
‫שָׁכֵן‬ Habilavil ;
‫ שַׁכֵּן שְׁכֵּן‬.Collocavit He placed.
Dwell thou .
‫שְׁכָן־־כן‬ .Habila
He caused to dwell.
‫ שְׁכָן‬.Habita fecit re
Habitans, manens. Dwelling, abiding.
She dwelt.
‫ שָׁכְנָה‬.Habilavit
1228 ‫שלאנן‬

They dwelt.
‫שכן‬ ּ‫ שָׁכְנו‬.Habitarunt
‫ שְׁכני‬.Vic ini
mei My neighbours.
They that dwell.

‫ שֹׁכְנֵי‬.Habitanles
♫ ❤ Vicini ejus. Her neighbours.
as Shechaniah, N. M.
‫ שְׁכַנְיָה‬Secani,
‫ שְׁכֵנָיו‬.Vicejus ini His neighbours.
ini Thy neighbours
‫ שְׁכֵנַיִךְ־־יְכִי‬.Vickui
Thou hast dwelt.
‫ שָׁכַנְתָּ־־תִּי‬.Habilasli
I dwelt.
‫ שָׁכַנְתִּי‬.Habitavi
‫ שְׁכַּנְתִּי‬.Collocavi I placed.
Sacar, N. M.
‫ שָׂכָר‬.Sacar
Inebriavit, satura- He made drunk, filled , satis-
vit, ebrius fuit. fied , was drunk.
Mercede conduxit, He hired, rewarded , paid.
mercedem dedit.

‫| שַׁכָּר‬.Inebriando In making drunk.

Mercedeconducendo In hiring.
‫ | שֵׁכָר‬.Sicera Strong drink.
Wages, hire, reward.
‫ שְׂכָר שֶׁכֶר שָׂכָר‬.Merces
ּ‫ שְׂכָרָה‬Merces , ejus The hire, or fare of it.

ּ‫ שָׁכְרו‬.Inebria sunl ti They were intoxicated , drunk

conduxit He hired him ; his hire, reward
ֹ‫שְׂכָרו‬ Mercede
eum ; merces ejus.
‫ שְׁכָּרוֹן‬.Ebrietas Drunkenness.
Shicron, N. P.
‫ שִׁכְּרוֹנָה‬.Sicron
‫שכר‬ Merces mea. My wages.
Mercenarii ejus. [ tes Her hired men.
D Mercede conducen- Hiring.
Thy wages, reward .
ְ‫רֶךְ־־רְך‬ ‫ ש‬.Merce
ְ‫ְׂכָרֵך‬. tua s
Mercede conduxi te. I have hired thee.

‫שור‬ Thou hast made a hedge.

‫ܕܕ‬ fecisti m

‫נשל‬ Extrahe, ejice. [do . Do thou draw off, cast off.
‫שלל‬ Detrahendo; solven- In stripping,loosing, letting go .
‫לא‬ ‫ שלא‬.Qu Who not ; so that not.
non ; ut non i
‫שאן‬ ‫ שַׁלְאֲנָן‬.Tranquillus Being at ease.
‫שלות‬ 1229


Connexuit,disposuit. He adapted, set in order.

Albuil tanquam nix. He was as white as snow.
" ֶׁ‫ש‬ ‫ שֶׁלֶג‬.Wis
Tranquillus, secur- He was at ease, at peace, safe,
us,felixfuit; qui- happy ; he rested , neglected,
Selas. [evit, fefellit. Shelah, N. M. [deceived.
Error, an error, mistake.
‫שלה‬ ּ‫ שָׁלָה־־לו‬.Error
‫ שלה‬.Quietus Being at rest.
A flame.
‫להב‬ -‫שַׁלְהָבָת־‬ .Flamma
the Lord , or most
‫תְיָה‬ ּ‫שַׁלְהֶבֶתיָה‬ Flamma Domini, vel a fameof
ardentissima. vehement flame.

‫שלה‬ ‫לֵו שְׁלֵיו‬.Tr
ָׁ‫ש‬ at ease , quiet lus
, quietus Beinguil
fuerunt esThey were happy.
ּ‫ שָׁלו‬.Felic
‫שלר‬ ‫ שלו‬.Coturnix [tas. A quail. [ prosperity .

‫שלה‬ ‫ְוָה‬Tranquilli
‫שַׁל‬ tas , felici- Quietness , peace , happiness
‫שלח‬ ַ‫שָׁלוּח‬ .Mis sus
‫ שְׁלוּחָה‬..Miasa
To send her away.
ָ‫ שְׁלוּחֶיה‬.Dimill eam ere
‫ שְׁלוּחִים‬.Munera
‫שלו‬ ‫ שָׂלָוִים‬.Coturnices
Peace, security, safety.
‫שלם‬ ‫ שָׁלוֹם שְׁלם‬.Pa , securitas r
Shallum , N. M.
‫שלם‬ ‫ | שָׁלוֹמִי־־למִי‬.Paz mea My peace .
‫ׁלוֹמִים‬.Pָ‫| ש‬ er fe
;omnino ct
Perfect ions ; iowholly ne
Recompen ses , rewar ds.
‫| שָׁלוּמִים‬.Retributiones
Pax nostra ; pacifi- Our peace ; our pacifications,
cationes, retribu- our retributions .
tiones nostræ.
Thy peace .
‫ לְמֶי‬-- ְ‫ שְׁלוֹמֶך‬.Pa tua s
ׁ ָ ‫ש‬ .Sa lun Shallun , N. M.
‫ן‬ ּ ‫ו‬ ‫ל‬ |
Drawn out.
‫שלף‬ ‫ שָׁלוּפָה‬Extrac, ta
third .
‫שלש‬ ‫ לֹ فשرׁوع‬-- ׁ‫ שָׁלוֹש‬.Tre ; tertius s Three ;
Thrice, three times.
‫ שְׁלוֹשׁ לֹשׁ לֹשֶׁת‬.Ter
Three ; third .
‫ לֹשָׁה‬-- ‫ שְׁלוֹשָׁה‬.Tre ; tertius s
Thirty .
" ְׁ‫ שְׁלוֹשִׁים לִש‬.Triginta
‫שלל‬ Thou hast spoiled.
ָ‫|ָׁלוֹת‬‫ ש‬.Spoliasli
1230 ‫שלחי‬

‫שלה‬ I was in safety.

‫ שָׁלַחְתִּי‬.Securu fui s
‫שָׁלַח‬ Misit, demisit, dimi- He sent, let down, sent away,
sit, emisil, ejecit, let go, sent forth, cast out,'
ַ‫שְׁלֹח‬ Selach. [porrexit. Siloah , N. R. [ stretched forth .
Salach.[ dimitte, ejice Salah, N. M. [ let go, cast out.
‫שלח‬ Emillere, dimittere ; To send forth, let go ; do thou
ַ‫ שָׁלֹח‬.Mittendo In sending.
ַ‫ שַׁלְּח‬.Dimittendo In letting go.

‫שֶׁלַח‬ .Missile A dart, javelin. [he sent.

Mitte, emille : misit . Send thou, send out, put forth :
‫שלח‬ .Millere To send.
‫ שְׁלַּח‬.Emi si
, dimisi t t He sent out , sent away,let go.
‫ שֹׁלח‬.Millens Sending, he that sendeth,
Missus , ejectus est. He was sent, cast out.

‫שְׁלִי‬ ‫ שָׁלְחָה‬,.Misit She sent.

‫ שַׁלְחָה‬.Dimit tere To put her away.
‫ שְׁלָחָה‬.Dimissa Being let go.
Misit, emisit, por- She sent, sent out, shot forth,
rexit; mitte. stretched forth ; send thou .
‫ה‬ ָ
anhw‫ח‬ ּ ְ ‫ל‬ ׁ ֶ ‫ש‬ .D im is
eam it He sent her away.
‫ שְׁלחה‬.Dimis est sa She was put away.
ּ‫ שִׁלְחָהו‬.Dimiseru They sent him away.
eum nt
ּ‫שָׁלְחו‬, .Miscrunt They have sent.
ּ‫ שַׁלְּחו‬.Dimillite Send ye away.
ֹ‫שְׁלָחו‬ .Mis
eum it He sent him.
ּ‫שְׁלָחו‬ .Miltile Send ye.
ּ‫שְׁלַחו‬ .Miserunt [runt. They sent. [out.
Dimiserunt, ejece- They let go, put away, cast
ֹ‫שְׁלָחו‬ .Miscjus
sile His dart, javelin.
ֹ‫ שִׁלְחו‬.Dimeum isit He sent him away.
Mittite, ejicite.[runt Send ye, cast out.
Miserunt, dimise- They sent, let go, sent away.
ּ‫ שלחו‬.Dimis sunt si They were sent away.
ְ‫ שְׁלְחוּך‬.Miscrunt
te They have sent thee.
‫ שָׁלְחוּנִי‬.Dimitui
me le Send ye me away.
‫ שְׁלְחִי‬.Silchi Shilhi, N. W.
‫שֹׁלְחִי‬ .Mittens
me He that sendeth me.
‫שלחתנו‬ 1231


‫שלח‬ ְ‫ שְׁלָחַיִך‬.Propag inesThy shoots, plants , branches .

‫ שְׁלְחִים‬.Munera
They that send.
‫ שֹׁלְחִים‬.Mittentes
Shilhim, N. P.
‫ שִׁלְחִים‬.Silchim
That thou sendest.
‫שלח‬ ָ‫ שָׁלְחֶך‬.Mitte me re
He hath sent, sent away thee.
ְ‫ חֵך‬--‫ שְׁלָתֵךְ שְׁלִי‬.Mis , dimisit teit
ָ‫ שֹׁלֵחֲך‬.Mille te ns Sending thee.
eos. To let them go.
‫ שַׁלְחָם‬Dimittere e
eos. He hath sent them.
‫שְׁלָחָם‬ Misit
eos. He sent them away
‫ שִׁלְחָם‬Dimisit
A table.
‫שְׁלְחָן־־חַן‬ .Mensa
We have sent.
ּ‫ שְׁלַחְנָא שָׁלָחְנו‬.Misimus
Her table ,
ּ‫ שְׁלְחָנָה‬Mensa , ejus
He sent us.
ּ‫ שְׁלָחָנו‬.Mis nosit
We have let go.
ּ‫ שְׁלַחְנו‬.Dimisimus
His table.
ֹ‫ שָׁלְחָנו‬Mensa ejus.
‫שְׁלְחָנוֹת‬ .Mense
Do thou let me go.
‫| שַׁלְחֵנִי‬.Dimitte me
Send ye me away.
‫ שַׁלְחָנִי‬.Dimituile me
sit He sent, hath sent me.
‫ שְׁלָחָנִי־־חַנִי‬.Mime
nsa My table .
‫ שַׁלְחָנִי‬.Me mea
Mitle me. Send thou me.
Thy table .
ָ‫חָנֶך‬ ָ‫שֶׁלְחָנְך‬. .Men tusa a
eorum. Their table . [go .
‫ שְׁלְחָנָם‬Mensa
Thou hast sent , sent away , let
‫ שָׁלַחְתָּ־לי־שְׁלַי‬Misisti, dimisisti.
Thou hast sent him away.
ֹ‫ שְׁלַחְתּו‬.Dimisis eum ti
Ye sent. [ed out.
‫ שְׁלַחְתּוּן‬.Misistis
i s i
‫ׁלַחְתִּי שָׁל‬. ָ‫ש‬ ,emnisi ,Mporreri. I have put , sent forth ,stretch
Missus sum. I have been sent.
Her shoots, plants, branches .
ָ‫ שְׁלַחֹתֶיה‬.Propagi ejus nes
ָ‫ שְׁלַחְתִּיה‬.Dimis eam i I have put her away.
I sent him.
‫שְׁלַחְתִּיו‬. .Misi cum
I have sent thee.
ָ‫ שְׁלַחְתִּיך‬.Mis le i
I sent, have sent them.
‫ שְׁלַחְתִּים‬.Mi eossi
Ye sent.
‫ | שלחתּס‬.Misistis
mni sis tis Ye have let go.
‫ שְׁלַּחְתֶּם‬.Di
Misisti nos. Thou sentest us.
1232 ‫שללה‬


Misisti me. Thou hast sent me.

‫שְׁלַחְתָּנִי‬ Thou sentest me away.
‫שְׁלַחְתָּנִי‬ Dimisisti
Dominatus est, vim He ruled, had power, gave
habuit, potestatem power , authority .
Vim habuit. [ dedit. He , it had power .
‫| שלטו‬.Domina sunt ti They bare rule, governed.
ּ‫ שְׁלְטו‬.Domin ati They ruled, had the mastery.
Power .
‫ שִׁלְטוֹן‬.Potestas
Shields .
‫ שְׁלטי‬.Scula
Their shields.
‫ שְׁלְטֵיהֶם‬.Sc ula
io Dominion.
‫ שָׁלְטָן־־טָן‬.Dominal
His dominion .
ּ‫ שָׁלְטָנָה‬Dominatio, ejus
‫ שָׁלְטְנְהוֹן‬.Domin coruat Their dominion.
m io
‫ שִׁלְשֹׁנֵי שָׁלְטָנַיָא‬.Dominatores
Imperiosa. Imperious, domineering.

‫ שָׁלִי‬.Qu mihi e Who, which to me.

‫ שליח‬.Missus [tor. Being sent.

‫שליט‬.Do min
, domina- ans
Ruling , a ruler
‫ַׁלִיטָא‬.D ‫ש‬ om ,dus . [tesinA ruler , at
captain or
on in Rulersat or
, mighty mcn es
‫ׁלִיטִים‬.D ַ‫| ש‬ , poten-

‫ שַׁלִיטִין‬Dominant , es Ruling.
s Finished.
‫ | שְׁלִים‬.Absolulu
Trienlal , mensura. A measure.
‫שלש‬ ׁ‫שָׁלִיש‬
Shalisha, N. P.
‫ שָׁלִיש ה‬.Salisa
ׁ ָ
‫שלש‬ ֹ‫ׁלִישׁו‬.T
ָ‫ש‬ ,ri
dus cjus . His bu nus
captain , leader
Third. [ old.
‫ שְׁלִישִׁי‬.Tertius
Tertia pars, triennis A third part, of three years

‫ׁלִישָׁיו‬. ָ‫ש‬ T r
, duces ejusi b
. His captain uni
s , leaders

Captains , leaders./
" ְׁ‫ שְׁלִישִׁים לִש‬.Tribu , duces mi

A third part .
" ‫לש‬- ‫ שְׁלִישִׁית‬.Tertia pars

The third time.

‫ שְׁלִישְׁתָה‬.Tertio

Jecit, abjecit,dejecit, He cast, cast off, cast down,


ejecit, projecit. cast out, cast forth.

Spoliavit , detraxit, He spoiled , stripped , robbed,
plundered, loosed, let go.

predatus est , sol-

Spolium, præda. [ vit A spoil, prey.
Her spoil .
ּ‫ שְׁלָלָה‬.Spolium ejus
‫שלמיה־־יהו‬ 1233


‫שלל‬ ֹ‫ שְׁלָלו‬.Spolium
ejus His spoil .

eamntesThey that spoil her.

ָ‫ שֹׁלְלִיה‬.Spolia
‫ שֹׁלְלֵיהֶם‬.Spoli eos es Those that spoil
ְ‫ שְׁלָלֵך‬.Spoli tuum um Thy spoil.
‫ שְׁלַלְכֶם‬.Sp vestrum um
oli Your spoil.

ium Thei r spoil.

‫ שְׁלָלָם‬.Spol corum
Consummavit, per- He completed, perfected,
fecit, absolvit, re- finished, ended , repaid , re-
pendit, reddidit, stored, made peace , enjoyed
pacemfecit, pacem peace .
‫ שָׁלֵם‬.Salem [ habuit. Salern , N. P.

‫שלם‬ ‫ שלם‬Repende,rependendo Pay thou, in paying .

‫שָׁל‬ nt
, consumma- Entire , fulleg, completed , per er
[ tus. Shallum , N. M. [fected.
‫ שַׁלְם‬.Salum
‫ שְׁלְם‬.Silem Shillem, N. M.
‫שלם‬ ‫ שְׁלָם לָמָא‬.Par
‫ שֶׁלָּם‬.Rependit He hath requited.

‫ שַׂלְמָא־מָה‬.Salma Salina , N. M.

‫של‬ On account of what , for why.

‫ שַׁלָּמָה‬.Propterquid
‫שלם‬ ‫ שַׂלְמָה‬.reslis A garment .

ְ‫ש‬ nt
, perfecta . | Wholeeg , full , perfect ra
‫ שָׁלמה‬.Selomo Solomon, N. M.

‫שלם‬ ּ‫שַׁלְּמו‬ .Rependile Recompense ye.

‫ שַׂלְמוֹן‬.Salmon Salmon , N. M.
‫שלם‬ ‫ שָׁלְמוֹת‬.Integre Entire , whole.

‫|שְׁלמוֹת‬.Selomot Shelomoth , N. M.

‫שלם‬ ‫ שלמוֹתָי־־מֹתָי‬restes mee My garments .

ּ‫| שלְמוֹתֵינו‬.reut nostrees Our garments.
Shillemites, N. F.
‫ שְׁלֵמִי‬.Silemile
‫ | שַׁלְמָי‬.Salmai Shalmai , N. M.
‫שלם‬ ‫למי‬.Sa‫| ש‬ cri
pacifica . | Peacefic
offerings ia
Complet e , perform, repay thou
‫| שַׁלְמִי‬.Perfice
, repende
Shelomi , N. M.
‫ שְׁלָמִי‬.Selomi
‫שלם‬ [ cum. | Peaceable . [me .
‫ שְׁלמי‬.Pacifici
Pacem habenti me- To him that is at peace with
Shelumiel, N. M.
‫ שְׁלָמִיאֵל‬.Selumiel
Shelemiah, N. M.
ּ‫ שֶׁלֶמְיָה־־יָהו‬.Selemias
VOL. II. 30
1234 ‫שלשיר‬

‫שלם‬ offerings.
‫| שַׁלְמֵיהֶם‬Pacifica victimæ eo- Their peace
rum. [ ejus.
‫שְׁלָמָיו‬ Pacifica victima His peace offerings.
Pacifica victimæ tuæ Thy peace offerings.
victima Your peace offerings.
‫ | שַׁלְמֵיכֶם‬Pacifice
‫ שְׁלָמִים‬.ric ti
paci Peace offerings .
fice me
Integri, perfecti. Entire, whole , perfect.
‫ | שָׁלמית‬.SelomiL Shelomith, N. M. W.

‫שלם‬ ‫ שְׁלָמְכוֹן‬.P as
vestra Your peace.
‫ שְׁלמָם‬.P a
coru m r Their peace.

‫ שַׁלְמן‬.Salman Shalman, N. M.
‫ שַׁלְמַנְאֶסֶר‬.Salmanezer Shalmanezer, N. M.
‫שלם‬ ‫ שלמנים‬.Retributiones Rewards.
Vestis, vestimentum A garment, raiment.
‫ שְׁלַמְתִּי‬.Re,d repd
i diI have paid, recompensed.
‫ שִׂלְמֹתֵיהֶם‬.rea tes Their clothes.
ְ‫ שַׂלְמֹתַיִך‬.reste
tue s Thy garments.
Dan ‫ שַׁלְמ‬.realevestre s Your clothes,
‫ שְׁלַמְתֶּם‬.Rependistis Ye have rewarded.
‫ שֵׁלָנִי‬.Selanile Shelanites, N. F.
‫|שָׁלנִי‬ .Siloni [ exuit. Shiloni, N. M. [put off
‫שָׁלַף‬ Strinxit, extraxit, He drew, drew out, drew off,
‫ שְׁלף‬.Extrahe Draw out thou.

‫ שֹׁלֵף‬.Extrahens Drawing.
‫ שָׁלֶף‬.Saleph Shaleph, N. M.
‫שלף‬ ‫ שְׁלָפָה‬.Striclus Drawn.
‫ שֹׁלְפִי‬.Stringentes Drawing.
wjhuj In tres partes divi- He divided into three parts,
Diwjby why Tres . [ sit, tertiofecit Three. [ he did it a third time .
‫ שלש‬.Seles
Shelesh, N. M.
‫ שָׁלִשָׁה‬.Silaas Shilshah, N. M.
‫שלש‬ Tribunus dux ejus . His captain , leader.
ּ‫ שַׁלָּשׁו‬.Tefacrt ileio Do ye it the third time.
‫שִׁלְשֹׁם‬ ‫ שִׁלְשׁוֹם‬.Wudiustertius Three days ago.
‫ שְׁלִשְׁיָּה‬.Triennis Of three years old.
Tribuni, duces ejus. His captains , leaders.
‫שמהת־־הת‬ 1235

‫שלש‬ ‫ שְׁלֹשִׁים‬.Triginla [ tionis. Thirty . [neration .

ְׁ‫ש‬ tertie genera- il ii
Descendents of the third ge
ְ‫ שְׁלֹשְׁתַיִך‬.Tert pars tuiia The third part of thee.
Tres vos. Ye three.
illi s Those three.
‫ שְׁלֹשְׁתָּם‬.Tre
‫שאל‬ itio
ְ‫ שֶׁלָּתֵך‬.Pettua Thy petition.


‫שום‬ Posuit, statuit, collo- He put, set, placed, laid,
cavit, constituit, made, appointed, disposed,
Di Sem. [disposuit,dedit Shem, N. M. [gave.
DW by new Dj Ibi, illuc; hic, huc. There, thither ; here, hither.
‫שם‬ A name.
‫ שֶׁם שֵׁם שָׁם‬.Women
‫ שַׁמָּא‬.Sama Shammah, N. M.
‫ שִׁמְאָה‬Sima, Shimea , N. M.
‫ שֵׁמְאֵבֶר‬.Semeber Shemeber, N. M.
‫שמל‬ ‫ אל‬-- ‫ שְׂמֹאול‬.Sinistra The left, left hand.

ejus ra Her left hand.

‫ שְׂמֹאולָה־אלה‬.Siniat
tua a
ְ‫ לֶך‬-- ְ‫ שְׂמֹאלֵך‬.Sinistr Thy left liand .
Their left hand.
‫ שְׂמֹאולָם‬.Sinis
ֹ‫ שְׂמאלו‬.Sinist
ejus ra His left hand.

‫ שְׁמְאָס‬.Simam Shimeam, N. M.

‫נגע‬ ַ‫מַּגִּיע‬.Q
ֶׁ‫ש‬ ui
contingens . | To whom bu happening s
Sham gar , N. M.
‫ שַׁמְגַּר‬.Samgar
‫ שָׁמֶד‬.Samed Shamed , N. M.

‫שָׁמַד‬ Disperdidit, delevit. He destroyed, abolished .

‫ שַׁמָּה‬.Samas Shammah, N. M.
‫שום‬ She put.
‫ שָׂמָה‬.Posuit
Api Posuil cam. He put her.
He appointed , made him ,
ּ‫ שָׂמֵה‬.Constit eum uit
‫שמם‬ ‫ שָׁמָּה‬.Desolatio Desolation .
Her name.
‫שם‬ ּ‫ שְׁמָה‬.Nom cjusen
His name.
‫ שְׁמֵהּ מֵיה‬.Nomenejus
‫שום‬ t He put, set him, it.
ּ‫ שָׂמָהו‬.Posui
‫ שָׁמְהוּת‬.Samhut Shamhuth, N. M.
‫שם‬ Names.
‫ שְׁמָהָת־־חַת‬.Nomina
1236 ‫שמחנו‬

‫שם‬ Their names.

‫ שְׁמָהַתְרֹם‬.Nomi eorum na
‫שום‬ 1 Constituit eum. He made him, ordained it.
Posuerunt, colloca- They put, placed, laid, ap-
runt, constitue- pointed, made.
‫שם‬ iDj Nomen ejus. [ runt. His name.
‫שמם‬ Obstupescite. Be ye astonished.
‫ שְׁמוּאֵל‬.Semuel Schemuel, Samuel, N. M.
‫שמט‬ ‫ שָׁמוֹט‬.Remittere To release.
‫שום‬ te nt
ְ‫ שָׂמוּך‬.Posueru They have put, set thee.
‫שמן‬ " ֵ‫מֹג‬ ‫שְׁמוֹנָה נֶה‬ .Octo Eight.
" Octoginta. [ rando. Eighty.
‫שמע‬ " yip Audiendo, obtempe- In hearing, obeying .
ַ‫ שַׁמּוּע‬.Samua Shammua, Shammuah, N. M.
‫שמע‬ yin Auscultare, obedire. To hearken, obey.

‫ שְׁמוּעָה‬.Fama, rumor A report, rumour, tidings.

‫שמר‬ Observa, serva. Observe, keep, save thou.
‫ שָׁמוּר‬.Custoditus Kept.

‫ שָׁמוֹת‬.Samot Shammot, N. M.
‫שמם‬ hip Vastare;desolationes To make desolate; desolations.
‫שם‬ Nomina ; celebres. Names ; famous .
‫ שְׁמוֹתָם‬.Nomi eorum na Their mes.
now Lætatus est, exhila- He rejoiced, was glad, cheer-
ravil, lætificavit. ed, made glad.
Lætans , lætus, læta. Rejoicing, glad, joyful.
ַ‫ שִׂמְח‬.Lelificando In making glad.
Lætare. Rejoice thou.
‫ שִׂמְחָה‬.Letilia Joy, gladness.
ּ‫ שִׂמְחָהו‬.Lelific eumavitHe made him glad.
" ְ‫שָׂמ‬ ּ‫ שָׂמֵחו‬.Latal
sunl i They rejoiced.
ּ‫ שִׂמְחו‬.Lalamini Rejoice ye.
terunt They have made thee glad.
ְ‫ שִׂמְחוּך‬.Letifica
‫ שְׂמָחוֹת‬.Letitia Joys.
" Letantes, læti. Rejoicing, joyful.
‫ שִׂמְחִי‬.Letarc Be thou glad.
‫ שָׂמֵחִים‬Letanles Rejoicing.
He made them rejoice.
‫ שִׂמְחָם‬.Letificavit
ּ‫ שִׂמַּחֵנו‬.Letific
nos a Do thou make us glad .
‫שמלכך‬ 1237

‫שמח‬ ָּ‫ שָׂמַחְת‬.Letificasti Thou hast made to rejoice.

Lætitia. Joy, gladness.
sum us
‫ שָׂמַחְתִּי‬.Letal I have rejoiced , was glad .
mea ia
‫ שִׂמְחָתִי‬.Letit My joy.
Danny Lælitia vestra. Yourjoy.

‫ שִׂמַּחְתַּנִי‬.Letifica me sti Thou hast made me glad.

‫שָׁמַט‬ Solvit, dimisit, remi- He loosed, let go, released ,
sit, lapsus est, de- slipped, cast down.
Top Remissio. [jecit . A release.
ּ‫ שָׁמְטו‬.Lap They slipped, stumbled.
e Cast ye her down.
ּ‫ שָׁמְטוּהָו‬.Dejicil
‫ שָׁמָּי שַׁמַּי‬.Samai Shammai, N. M.
‫שם‬ ‫ שְׁמֵי מַיָּא‬.Cel um
, caeli Heaven, the heavens.

‫ שְׁמִי‬.Wome meum n My name.

‫שום‬ ‫|שֹׁמי‬ .Statue Do thou set up.

‫ שְׁמִידָע‬.Semida Shemida, N. M.
‫ שְׁמִידָעִי‬.Semidailae Shemidaites, N. F.
‫שה‬ ‫ שָׁמָיו‬.Cel ejus i His heavens.

ָ‫ך‬ ‫י‬ ֶ ‫מ‬ ׁ ָ ‫ש‬ .C el

tui i Thy heavens.
‫ שְׁמֵיכֶם‬.Cae Your heavens.

‫מַיִם‬ ‫ שָׁמָיִם‬.Cel um
, celi Heaven, the heavens.
‫שום‬ ‫ שָׂמִים‬.Ponentes Putting.
‫ שָׁמִיר‬.Samir Shamir, N. M. P.
‫שמר‬ Sentis; adamas, smi- A thorn, briar ; an adamant,
ris, vel lapis ali- diamond, or some very hard
quis prædurus . slone.

‫ שְׁמִירָמוֹת‬.Semiramot Shemiramoth, N. M.
‫שים‬ ְ‫ שָׂמְך‬Constituitte He hath made, appointed thee
DW TOW TAY TOWNomen tuum. Thy name.
Nomen vestrum. Your name.
Sinistra usus est, si- He used the left hand, went

nistram petiit. to the left.


‫שַׁמְלָה‬ .Samlas Samlah, N. M.

‫שמל‬ - Vestis, vestimentum . A garment, clothing, raiment.
‫ שִׁמְלָי‬.Samlai Shalmai, Shamlai, N. M.

ְ‫ שֶׁמַּלְכֵּך‬.Cum rer tuus When thy king.

1238 ‫שמע‬


Vestes, vestimenta. Garments, raiment .

investimentum ejus. His raiment.

ejus s His clothes, raiment, apparel .

ּ‫ שִׂמְלֹתָיו־־תָו‬.reste
Thy garments.
ָ‫ שִׂמְלֹתָיִךְ־־לָתְך‬.restimen tua ta
Vestimenta vestra.
menta Your garments.
‫ שִׂמְלֹתֵיכֶם‬.reati vestra
Vestimenta eorum. Their garments.
‫שִׂמְלֹתָם‬ 1
Desolavit ; vastatus He made desolate, laid waste;
est, obstupuil. was laid waste, was astonish-
Their name. [ed .
‫שם‬ ‫ שְׁמָם‬.Nom eorum en
‫שמם‬ Di Desolatus, vastans. Desolate, laying waste.
‫| שָׁמֵמָה‬.Desol eatat She was desolate.
Des ola ti t
sun . They have been made desolate
" Desolata ; desolatio. Desolate ; desolation .
DD Obstupuerunt . They were astonished .
Desolationes . Desolations.
" --nippi Desolate . [ ranea . Desolate .
Stellio, vel potius a- A newt, or rather a spider.
Desolate nostræ. Our desolate places.

Impinguavit, sagi- He made fat, became fat.

Pinguis. [ natus est. Fat.
" Oleum, unctio, olea. Oil , anointing, an olive-tree.
um Her oil.
ּ‫|ׁמְנָה‬ ַ‫ ש‬.Ole ejus
‫שום‬ ּ‫ו‬ ‫נ‬ ְ ‫מ‬ ׂ ָ ‫ש‬ .S an ci vi mus We have made , settled.
ּ‫ שָׁמְנו‬.Sagin ati
sunt They have become fat.
Our name.
‫שם‬ ּ‫ שְׁמֵנו‬.Nom nostrumen
‫שום‬ ‫ שָׂמַנִי‬.Constitu me it He hath made me.
Constituerunt me. They have made me.
meum. My oil.
‫שמן‬ ‫ | שַׁמְנִי‬Oleum
Unguenta tua. [ gues Thy ointments.
Unguenta ; res pin- Ointments ; fat things.
Thou hast become fat.
ָּ‫ שָׁמַנְת‬.Saginat cx us
‫ שְׁמֹנַת‬.Octo Eight.
Audivit,auscultavit, He heard, hearkened, under-
intellexit, obtem- stood, complied with, obey-
peravit, obedivit, ed, made a sound, caused
sonum edidit,audi- to be heard, published .
‫שמעת‬ 1239

.Sama Shama, N. M. P.
‫שמע‬ "iyAudiens, obtempe- Hearing, obeying .
.Audi [rans. Hear thou.
Fama, rumor.
yo A report,rumour,tidings,fame
‫ע‬ ַ ‫מ‬ ׁ ְ ‫ש‬ .S em a [diit. Shema, N. M. P.
you whyw y Audi ; audire; au- Hear thou ; to hear; he heard
you Audire, obtemperare To hear, obey.
‫ שָׁמְעָא‬Simaa
, Shimea, N. M.
ivivil itShe heard, obeyed.
‫שמע‬ ‫ שָׁמְעָה‬.Aud, obed
‫ שְׁמָעָה‬.Auscu a
, audill Hearken, hear thou.
rumorna A report,rumour,tidings,fame
‫ שְׁמָעָה‬.F,ai
Shimea, N. M.
‫ שִׁמְעָה‬.Simas
‫שמע‬ ‫ שְׁמְעָה‬.Fa ma
ejus The fame of it.
Audiens eum. [ ejus. Hearing it.
Audire eum; fama That he heareth ; his fame.
Auscultarunt, audie- They hearkened,heard,obeyed
runt, obedierunt.

‫ שְׁמָעוּ שִׁמְי‬.Aud ite e Hear, obey ye.

, obedit
Audiens illum . Hearing it.

‫ שִׁמְעוֹן‬.Simeon Simeon, N. M.
‫שמע‬ ‫ שְׁמָעוּנִי‬.Aud ite
me Hear ye me.
‫ שָׁמְעִי‬.Simei Shimi, Shimei, N. M.
‫שמע‬ ‫ שֹׁמְעֵי‬.Audientes They that hear.
Shemaiah, N. M.
ּ‫ שְׁמַעְיָה־־יָהו‬.Semaias
‫שמע‬ 1 Audientes eum. Hearing it.
Typy Dypt Auscultantes, audi- They that hearken, hearing.
lui a [entes. The fame of thee.
ָ‫ שִׁמְעֲך‬.Fam
Dypy Rumor eorum. The report ofthem.
Hear ye.
‫ שְׁמַעַן עֲנָה‬.Audite
eam i
‫ שְׁמָעֶנָּה‬.Aud He ar thou it.
We have heard.
" ‫ שָׁמָעֲנוּ־־מ‬.Audivimus
nos i
ּ‫ שְׁמָעֵנו‬.Aud Hear thou us.

ָ‫ שְׁמַעֲנוּה‬.AudiveamimusWe heard it.

‫ שְׁמָעֵנִי‬.A me i Hear thou me.

‫ שִׁמְענִי‬.Simeonile Simeonites, N. F.

you ' --p-hyp Audivisti, obedivisti. Thou hast heard, obeyed.

Up Audivisti, obedivisti. Thou hast heard , obeyed .
1240 ‫שמרנו‬

‫שמע‬ ‫שְׁמַעַת‬ .Rumor Tidings.

‫ שִׁמְעָת־־עַת‬.Simeat Shimeath, N. W.
‫שמע‬ ‫ שִׁמְעֵת‬.Audivi I have heard.
" Audiens, obediens. Hearing, obeying.
Audivi, obtemperavi I have heard, obeyed.
le , de teviI have heard thee, ofthee.
ְ‫ שְׁמַעְתִּיך‬.Audi
‫ שְׁמַעְתָּם‬.Audiviseos ti Thou heardest them.
Day Audüstis, obediistis. Ye heard, have heard, obeyed

‫שמץ‬ [ lum.
" Parum, aliquantu- Little, a little .
‫מצא‬ Quum inveniebam. When I found.
‫קרה‬ Quod unus eventus. That one event.
‫שָׁמַר‬ Custodivit, servavit, He kept, watched, guarded,
observavit, cavit. preserved, observed, took
‫ שָׁמֹר‬.Observando In keeping, observing. [heed.
Samer, Somer, Semer Shamer, Shomer ,Shemer, N.M.
‫שמר‬ Custodi, serva, ob- Keep thou, preserve, observe :
serva; observando in observing, keeping.
" Servavit, custodivit. She preserved, kept.
Custodi, serva. [ runt Keep, preserve thou .
Servarunt, observa- They have kept, observed .
Observale, cavete. Keep ye, take heed.
‫ שְׁמְרוֹן־־רֹן‬.Simron Shimron , N. M. P.
‫ שֹׁמְרוֹן‬.Someron Samaria, N. P.
‫ שְׁמָרוֹת‬.Vigilie Night watches.
‫ שִׁמְרִי‬.Simri [des. Shimri, N. M. [keepers.
‫שמר‬ Custodientes ; custo- Keeping, watching, guarding ;
Shemariah, N. M.
ּ‫ שְׁמַרְיָה־־יָהו‬.Semarias
‫שמר‬ ָ‫ שְׁמָרֶיה‬.Feces Her dregs .
Their lees.
‫ שִׁמְרֵיהֶם‬.Faces
| | | |

His lees.
‫ שְׁמָרָיו‬.Feces
‫ שְׁמָרִים‬.Feces [gentes. Lees, dregs. [ lar attention.
De Observationes dili- Diligent observations,particu-
‫ שְׁמְרִית‬.Simris [tuus. Shimrith, N. W. [keeper.
Custodiens le, custos He that keepeth thee, thy
‫ שָׁמְרֵם‬.Custodi eos Keep thou them.
ּ‫ שָׁמַרְנו‬.Observavimus We have observed, kept.
‫שנא שנא‬ 1241


‫שמר‬ ‫ שָׁמְרֵנִי‬.S eodi

, cust r meva Preserve, keep thou me.

‫ שְׁמְרֹנִי‬.Si mro nit e Shimronites, N. F.

‫ שְׁמְרַת‬.Sim ra l [ visti. Shimrath, N. M.

‫שמר‬ Observasti, custodi- Thou hast observed , kept.
cavi vi I have kept, taken heed.
ַ‫ שָׁמַרְתִּי־־מ‬.Ser, va
Ye have observed , kept.
‫ שְׁמַרְתֶּם‬.Observaalis
Ministravit. He ministered, served.
The sun.
‫שֶׁשִׁמְשָׁא‬ ׁ‫ שָׁמֶש‬.Sol
ol Her sun.
ּ‫ שִׁמְשָׁה‬.S ejus
ׁ ִ ‫ש‬ .Si mso n Samson, N. M.

‫ שִׁמְשִׁי‬.Simsai Shimsai, N. M.

ְ‫ שָׁמְשֶׁך‬.So tuus l Thy sun.

‫ש‬ ְ ‫מ‬ ׁ ִ ‫ש‬ Sam aer,ai Shamsherai, N. M.
‫שמש‬ ְ‫ שִׁמְשֹׁתַיִך‬.Fenes tuetre Thy windows.
‫שום‬ Constitui. [ sancivisti. I have appointed, made.

, statuisti, Thou hast put, laid, set, or-


ְּ‫ שַׂמְתָּ־־ת‬Posuisti
‫שם‬ " ְׁ‫ שְׁמֹת ש‬.Nomina [lum .[ Names . [dained .
‫שום‬ ּ‫מָתְהו‬.S
ָׂ‫ש‬ ta
, constituit tu
it. She set it , made him . [ him it
ֹ‫ שַׂמְתּו‬.Constit uistiThou hast appointed ,ordained
‫ שְׁמָתִי‬.Sumatile [ cavi. Shumathites, N. F.

‫שום‬ "iy Posui, statui, collo- I have put, set, placed, laid.

ָ‫ שַׂמְתִּיה‬Posui eam
, I have put, made her.
I have made him.
‫ שַׂמְתִּיו‬.Constit eum ui
ְ ‫ך‬ ‫י‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ ְ ‫מ‬ ׂ ַ ‫ש‬ | .P osleui I have put , placed thee .
‫שם‬ a Their names.
‫ שְׁמֹתָם‬.Nomin eorum
‫שום‬ Posuistis, statuistis. Ye have put, laid, set up.
medit She made me.
‫ שָׂמַתְנִי‬.Reddi
ati Thou hast set me.
‫ שַׂמְתַּנִי‬.Porti me


‫| שָׁן‬.Sen Shen , N. P.

Dens, scopulus . [est . A tooth, rock, crag.
Mutavit, mutatus He changed, was changed.
Odit, odio habuit, a- He hated, disliked, was averse
‫שׂנֵא‬ 9
Somnus. [ versatus est Sleep. [ from .
‫שנא‬ ‫שָׂנֵא‬ di
‫ שָׂנֹא‬.ohaben do o In hating.
1242 ‫שנה שנת־נת‬

‫שנא‬ io To hate.
‫שנאת‬ ‫ שנא‬.od habere
‫ שֹׁנֵא‬.Ohabens He that hateth.

‫ שָׁנְאָב‬.Sinab Shinab, N. M.
‫שנא‬ ‫שָׂנְאָה‬ .Odit She hated.
He hated her .
T‫נ‬.. ‫ ש‬.Odit
.odium Hatred .
ּ‫ שְׂנֵאָהו‬.Odeeum They hated him.
ּ‫ שָׂנָאו‬.Oderunt They hated.
ְ‫שִׂנְאֵך‬ Erosi Hated.
habcte Hate ye .
ּ‫ שָׂנָאו‬.Od
me t
‫ שְׂנֵאוּנִי‬.Oderun They have hated me.
‫אחז‬ ‫ שְׁנֶּאחָזִים‬.Qui
capiuntur Which are caught, taken.
‫שנא‬ ‫ שִׂנְאָי־־אי‬.odio
habentes me They that hate me.
habentes o They that hate.
‫ שֹׁנְאֵי‬.Odi
habens o
‫ שׂנֵאי‬.Odi He that hateth .
habentes io
‫ שֹׁנְאֵיהֶם‬.Od eos Those that hate them.

ִ‫ש‬ habentes eum . They that hate him
ָ‫ שִׂנְאֶיך‬.odio
habentes te They that hate thee.
‫ שֹׁנְאֵיכֶם‬.odhabentes io
vos They that hate you.
habentes nos
ּ‫ שֹׁנְאֵינו‬.od They that hate us.
habens te o He that hateth
ָ‫ שְׂנַאֲך‬.Odi
‫שנה‬ ‫נְאָן‬.Iteratio
ִׁ‫ש‬ , duplicatio . A repetition, doubling
‫ שֶׁנְאַצָר‬.Senalsar Shenazar, N. M.
‫שנא‬ ‫ שָׂנֵאתָ־נָאת‬.Odisti Thou hast hated.

eamsti Thou hast hated her.

ּ‫ שְׂנֵאתָה‬.Odi
‫ שָׂנֵאתִי‬.odi I hated, have hated.
ָ‫ שְׂנֵאתִיה‬.O di
eam I hated her .
I hated him.
‫ שְׂנֵאתִיהוּ־־תִּיו‬.Odi
ְ‫ שׂנְאֹתַיִך‬.odiohabentes le They that hate thee.
‫ְׂנֵאתִים‬ ‫ש‬ Odi eos
, I hated them .
Their hatred.
‫ שִׂנְאָתָם‬.odiu corum m
Ye hated.
‫ שְׂנֵאתֶם‬.Odistis
me i
‫ שְׂנֵאתָנִי‬.Odiat Thou hatedst me.

‫שָׁנָה‬ Mutavil; vestes mu- He changed, altered ; changed

tavit ; iteravit. his garments ; repeated, did
‫| ישן‬ ‫שְׁנָת־נָת‬ ‫ שֵׁנָה‬.Somnus Sleep . [a second time.
‫שנין‬ 1243

‫שנה‬ ‫ שָׁנָה שְׁנַת‬.A;nn us

iteravit A year; he repeated .
‫ שָׁנָה שְׁנִין‬.Anni
ּ‫| שְׁנֵּה‬.Dentes
ejus His teeth.
‫ | שֶׁנְהַבִּים‬Dentes elephanto-| Elephants' teeth , ivory .
‫שנר‬ Iterate. [ rum, ebur. Do ye it the second time.
ּ‫ שְׁנו‬.Mutati sunt They were changed .
ֹ‫ | שְׁנּו‬.De ns
ejus His tooth.
‫שנא‬ .Erosa Hated.
‫שנה‬ ‫ שְׁנוֹהִי‬.Mu tat
sunt They were changed in him .
in eo i
‫שנן‬ ‫ | שָׁנוּן‬.Aculu s Sharp , sharpened .
‫ | שֵׁנוּנִים‬.Acuti Sharp.
‫ שְׁנוֹת‬.Somnus Sleep.
‫שנה‬ ‫שְׁנוֹת שָׁנִים‬ .Amni Years .
‫ שנות‬.Mula Changed, diverse.
, diversete
‫ שנן‬2 ‫|שַׁנּוֹתִי‬.Acui I have sharpened , whetted.
‫שנה‬ ‫ שְׁנוֹתָי־תַי‬.An ni
mei My years.
‫ שְׁנוֹתָיו‬.An ni
ejus His years .
ָ‫תֶיך‬ ְ‫ שְׁנוֹתָיִך‬.A tui i
nn Thy years .
ni Our years .
ּ‫| שְׁנוֹתֵינו‬.dn
‫שָׁנִי שְׁנִי‬ Bis tinctus , coccus , Twice dyed , scarlet , a scarlet
filum coccineum . thread.

‫ שְׁנֵי‬.D, ambo ;uo anni Two, both ; years.

‫ שֵׁנִי‬.Secun, allerdus A second, another.
‫שן‬ ‫ שָׁנָי‬.Den tes
mei My teeth.
‫שָׁנִי‬ .Dentes Teeth.
‫שנה‬ Diverse.
‫ שָׁנְיָה‬.Diversa
‫שן‬ ֹ‫ שְׁנַיה־נָיו בִּימו‬.Den tes
ejus His teeth.
‫שנה‬ ‫| שְׁנֵיהֶם‬.Amb ipsi o They both.
Dentes eorum . Their teeth.
‫שן‬ ‫שְׁנֵיהֶם‬
‫שנה‬ ni His years.
‫ שָׁנָיו‬.An ejus
‫ שַׁבִּיו‬.Mutarunt They have changed.

‫שן‬ tui s
ְ‫ שְׁנַיִך‬.Dente Thy teeth .
‫שנה‬ ‫שְׁנֵיכֶם‬.A m
vos. [ duplum both o
. Yeb
‫נַיִם‬ ‫ׁנָיִם נִים‬.
ְ‫ש‬ D u
, due , secundi , Two , second , double o
‫שן‬ ‫ שְׁנַיִם‬.Dentes
‫שנה‬ Second .
‫ שְׁנַיִם‬.Secundi
‫ שָׁנַיִן‬Mutati Changed .
1244 ‫שעברתי‬

‫שנה‬ ‫ שָׁנְיָן‬.Diversi
nn ri i Our years.
ּ‫ שָׁנִינו‬.Anost
We two, we both.
ּ‫ שְׁנֵינו‬.D , ambouo
‫ניר‬ ׁ ָ ‫ש‬ .Se nir Shenir, Senir, N. P.

‫שנה‬ Secunda, altera ; se- A second, another ; a second

cundo , iterum . time, again .

‫ שָׁנִיתִי‬.Mutatus sum I have been changed.

Acuit, pupugit, fre- He sharpened, pricked, fre-
quenter inculcavit quently inculcated.

ּ‫ שָׁנָנו‬.Acuerunt They have sharpened.

Accinxit. He girded up.
‫ שִׁנְעָר‬.Sinaar Shinar, N. P.
‫עשה‬ uo
factum est dThat which has been done.
‫ שֶׁנַּעֲשָׂה‬.Q
www Quodfacta sunt. Things which have been done.
‫שנה‬ cjusus Her year.
ּ‫ שְׁנָתָה‬.Amn
ֹ‫ שְׁנָתו‬.Annus
cjus His year.

‫ישן‬ ‫ שְׁנָתִי‬.Sommmeusus My sleep .

‫שנה‬ ‫ שְׁנָתָיִם־תַי‬.Bien nium Two years.

‫ישן‬ ָ‫ שְׁנָתֶך‬.Som mus

tuus Thy sleep.
‫ שְׁנָתָם‬.Som nus Their sleep .
dedit s
‫ שֶׁנָּתַן‬.Quo Whom ye gave.


‫שָׁסָה‬ | Spoliavit , diripuit . He spoiled , robbed.

‫שסס‬ ּ‫|מָּהו‬
ָׁ‫ ש‬.Spoliarunt
eum They spoiled him.
‫שסה‬ ּ‫|ׂפָהו‬ eumns Spoiling him.
ְ‫ ש‬.Spolia
ָ‫ ש‬.Spoliarunk [tes . They spoiled .
‫סִים‬ ‫ׁסֵי‬.Diripientes
ֹ‫| ש‬ , spolian- Plundering , robbers
ֹׁ‫ ש‬.Spokantes
eos Spoiling them .
‫שָׁסַס‬ Spoliavit , diripuit . He spoiled , robbed .
‫שָׁבַע‬ Fidit, diffidit. He cleft, rent.
‫ שָׁסַע‬.Fissura A cleft.
Cleaving .

‫ שְׂמַעַת‬.Fidens
‫שָׁסַף‬ Dissecuit. He cut in pieces.

‫עבר‬ Which I passed.
‫ שֶׁעָבַרְתִּי‬.Quod
‫שער‬ 1245


Respexit, delectavit He looked, had respect to,

se, clausit , destitit , delighted himself, shut,clo-
obstupuit . sed, desisted,was astonished
Desist, cease thou.
‫ שְׁעֵה‬.Desisle
‫ שער‬.Respererunt They looked .
Desist, cease ye.
ּ‫ | שׁעו‬.Desistile
‫שער‬ ‫ שָׂעוֹרָה עֹרָה‬.Hordeum Barley.
‫עָרִים‬ ‫שְׂעוֹרִים‬ .Hordea
‫שעטנז‬ [mixed together.
‫שַׁעַטְנָז‬ Duo diversigeneris . Two things of different kind
‫עטר‬ ‫ שֶׁעָפְרָה‬.Q u
coronavi t a With which she crowned.
‫שעט‬ by Strepitus, incessus . Noise, rushing, stamping.
‫ ְׂעִיר‬.Seir
‫ש‬ Seir , N. M. P.

‫שער‬ ‫ שעיר‬.Hir cus A goat, a kid.

, hardus
Goats .
‫ שְׂעִירֵי‬.Hirci
A kid .
‫ שְׂעִירת‬.Capra
Seirath, N. P.
‫ שְׂעִירָתָה‬.Seirala
Which was in, on, by.
‫עלה‬ ‫ שֶׁעַל‬.Que in , juxta
‫ שַׁעלבים‬.Saalbim Shaalbim , N. P.
Shaalabin, N. P.
‫ שַׁעֲלבִּין‬.Saalabin
Shaalbonite, N. F. or P.
‫ שַׁעַלְבֹנִי‬.Saalbonila
Who came up.
‫עלה‬ Qderun
ּ‫ שֶׁעָלו‬.ascen u ti
Shalim , N. P.
‫ שַׁעֲלִים‬.Saalim
‫עמר‬ ui a Ye who stand.
‫ שֶׁעֹמְדִים‬.Q stali
Who were with them.
‫ שֶׁעִמָּהֶם‬.Q cum ui eis
‫עמל‬ Whose labour.
ֹ‫ שֶׁעָמָלו‬.Cuju labor s
Which I have laboured.
‫ שֶׁעָמַלְתִּי‬.Q ue
laborav i m
Innixus, fretus est, He leaned , relied upon, rested
y Saaph. [requievit. Shaaph, N. M.

‫שעף‬ ‫ שְׂעֲפִּי‬.Cogitat iones

mee My thoughts .
‫שָׁעַר‬ Cogitavit, estimavit. He thought, esteemed .
Formidavit, horruit, He dreaded, was horribly
instar turbinis ve- afraid , came like a whirl-
wind, carried away as with
nit, turbine abstu-

rta [a whirlwind .
, janua. [ lit. A gate
1246 ‫שפוט־־פט‬

‫שער‬ ha Joi Janitor. [ turbo. A porter. [ tempest.

y Formido, horror, Dread, horror, a whirlwind,
‫ שָׂער‬Pilosus , pleas Hairy.
Horror, formido. Horror, dread.
nyyy Pilus, pilosus. Hair, hairy.
Adportam . To the gate.
Pilus ejus. His hair.
Formidarunt.They dreaded .
ֹ‫ שְׂעָרו‬.Pilus
cjus His hair.
They dreaded them.
‫ שְׂעָרוּם‬.Formidarunt
A Horror. [ sura . Horror.
Porte, januæ, men- Gates, measures.
Searias. Sheariah, N. M.
‫שער‬ , ָ‫שְׁעָרֶיה‬ ejus
.Porte Her gates.
De Porte eorum.
‫ שַׁעֲרֵיהֶם‬.Port eorum e Their gates.
ּ‫ָרָיו־־רָו‬ ‫ע‬ ׁ ְ ‫ש‬ Poriæ
ejus His gates.
ְ‫ שְׁעָרָיִךְ רֶיךָ רַיִך‬.Por tuele Thy gates.
‫ שַׁעֲרַיִם‬.Saaraim Shaaraim, N. P.
‫ | שערים‬.Seorim [da. Seorim, N. M.

‫שער‬ Horror, res horren- Horror, a horrible thing.

" ֲ‫ שַׂעֲרֵךְ־־ע‬.Pi lus
tuus Thy hair.
Res horrenda. A horrible thing.
‫ שָׂערת‬.Pilosae Hairy.
‫ שַׁעֲשׁנֵּן‬.Saasgaz Shaashgaz, N. M.
‫עשה‬ ּ‫ שֶׁעָשׂו‬.Qufecerunt e Which they had done.
‫שעה‬ cjus e
‫ שַׁעֲשׁוּעָיו‬.Delicia His delights.
‫שַׁעֲשׁוּעִים‬ .Deliciæ Delights.

‫ שַׁעֲשְׁעָי־־עִי‬.Delmee icie My delights.

www Delectavi me. I have delighted myself.
on) ‫ שְׁעֲשַׁעְתִּי‬.Delecta me vi
15. An hour.
: ‫ שַׁעֲתָא יִתָּא‬.Hora

‫שפ‬ [nuit. [out

Excelsus fuit, emi- He was high, stuck or jutted
Labium, sermo, ora, Alip, speech, edge, border, sel-
wab Sepho. [ limbus. Shepho,N.M. [vedge, binding.
‫ שפט‬ersininis‫ שפוט‬Judicando . isl \ u In judging.
‫שְׁפוֹט־־פָט‬ .Judicium
‫שפטתיס‬ 1247

ְ‫ שְׁפוֹך‬.Effunde Pour thou out.

‫שְׁפוּכָה‬ .Effusa [phan. Poured out.
Sephupham, Sephu- Shupham, Shephuphan, N. M.
Scabie affecit. He smote with a scab.
‫ שְׁפְחָה־־חַת‬.ancilla A handiaid, female servant.
Your maid servants.
‫ שִׁפְחוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Ancilvestra le
Her handma id.
ejus a
ּ‫ שִׁפְחָתָה‬.Ancill
ejus a His handmaid.
ֹ‫ שִׁפְחָתו‬.Ancill
mea a
‫ שִׁפְחָתִי‬.Ancill My handmaid.
ejus e
‫ שִׁפְחוֹתָיו‬.Ancill His handmaidens.

ָ‫ שִׁפְחָתֶךָ־־תְך‬.Ancilla
tua Thy handmaid.
tua a
ְ‫ שִׁפְחֹתֶךָ־־חָתֵך‬.Ancill Thy handmaid.
Saphat. Shaphat, N. M.
‫שָׁפַט‬ Judicavit, discepta- He judged , pleaded, argued,
vit, vindicavit. defended, avenged .
‫ | שפט‬.Judicare To judge.
‫ שָׁפְטָה‬.Judica Judge thou.
Judicans . She that judgeth.
ּ‫ שָׁפָטוּ שָׁפְטו‬.Judicarunt They judged.
avenged him.
ֹ‫ שְׁפָטו‬.Vindica eum vitHe hath
Judicate, vindicate. Judge, defend ye.
te unt They have judged thee.
ְ‫ שְׁפָטוּך‬.Judicar
ּ‫ שְׁפָטוּנו‬Judicarunt
, nos They judged us.
‫ שְׁפָטִי‬.Judicia
mea My judgments.
- Judicantes, judices. Judging, judges .

ּ‫ יָהו‬-- ‫ שְׁפַטְיָה‬.Sephatias Shephatiah, N. M.

‫שפט‬ Her judges .
cjus s
ָ‫ שֹׁפְטֶיה‬.Judice
‫ שֹׁפְטִיהֶם‬.Judices
eorum The ir judges .
ְ‫ שֹׁפְטַיִך‬.Judices
tui Thy judges.
‫ׁפְטֵיכֶם‬V ֹ‫ ש‬.Judic vestri es Your judges.
‫ם‬ ‫י‬ ִ ‫ט‬ ָ ‫פ‬ ׁ ְ ‫ש‬ .Jud icia Judgments.
ּ‫ שֹׁפְטִינו‬.Judicnostri es Our judges.
ָ‫ שְׁפָטְך‬.Vindicavite t He hath avenged thee.

‫ שִׁפְטָן‬.Sipht an Shiphtan, N. M.
‫שפט‬ Judex noster. Our judge.

‫ שָׁפְטֵנִי‬.Judica Judge thou me.
‫ שְׁפַטְתִּים‬Judicavi eos. I judged them.
1248 ‫שפע‬


‫שפה‬ ,Locus An eminence, rising ground.

‫ שְׁפִי‬Eminentia
‫ | שַׁפי‬.Sephi [eminens. Shephi, N. M.
‫שפה‬ ‫ שְׁפָיִיס־־יס‬.L o
emin c
enti a aHigh places, eminences.
‫ | שׁפּים‬.Supi m Shuppim, N. M.
Cerastes, vel alia The horned serpent, or some
species serpentis. other species of viper.
‫פּיר‬ ׁ ַ ‫ש‬ | .Pu lch er Beautiful.
Fudit, effudit. He poured, poured forth, shed
Effundere ; effunde. To pour out ; pour thou out.
ְ‫שְׁפַך‬ .Effusio A pouring out.
ְ‫ שְׁפַּך‬Effusus,est It was poured out, shed.
‫שָׁפְכָה‬ .Penis [sunt. A man's privy member. [forth.
Effuderunt ; effusi They poured out; were poured
‫ | שפכו‬.Effundile Pour ye out.
ֹ‫ שִׂפְכו‬.Effund He that sheddeth it.
eum ens
nisa Effundentes. They that shed.

ְּ‫ שָׁפָכְתָּפַכִי־כְת‬.Efundisti Thou hast poured out, shed.

Fundens, effundens . Pouring, shedding.
ּ‫ שְׁפָכַתְהו‬.Fudit
eum She poured it.

‫שָׁפַכְתִּי‬ .Efudi I have poured out.

Demisit, dejecit, hu- He brought down, cast down,
miliavit ; depres- humbled; was brought low.
nho Deprimere. [ sus est To bring down, abase.

‫| שָׁפַל שְׁפָלָה‬Humilis, abjectus . Low, lowly, abject, base .

‫ שְׁפָלִים‬.Humiles
D Barba, mystax. Mustaches, hair on the upper

‫ ש‬.Sapham Shapham , N. M. [lip.
‫|שפס‬ .Sapham Shepham, N. P.
‫שבס‬ ipp Barba, mystax ejus. His beard, mustaches.
Siphmoth , N. P.
‫ שִׁפְמוֹת‬.Sipmot
Shiphmite , N. F. or P.
‫|שִׁפמי‬ .Sipmila
Shaphan, N. M.
‫ ש‬Sapha
‫|ָׁפַן‬ , n
‫שפן‬ ‫ שָׁפַיִים‬.Cuniculi
‫ שֶׁפַע‬.Abundantia
‫שק שק‬ 1249


Shiphi, N. M.
‫ שִׁפְעִי‬.Siphi
‫ שִׁפְעַת‬.C,op ia A multitude, company.
[ plausit.
Sufficit, abundavit, He sufficed, abounded, clapped
Ornavit ; pulcher, He adorned ; was fair, beau-
elegans,gratusfuit tiful, elegant, acceptable.
‫ שֶׁפֶר‬.Sapher [ tia. Shapher, N. P.

‫שִׁפְרָה‬ ‫ׁפֶר‬.P
ָ‫ש‬ ul ch
, elegan- ri
Beauty tu
, eleganc e do
‫ | שׁפר‬.Tuba A trumpet. [gant .
ָׁ‫ש‬ ul
, elegans ch
fuit She was fair , beautiful , ele ra
[ejus. Shiphrah , N.W.
‫ שִׁפְרָה‬.Siphra
‫שפר‬ 1797 Tentorium elegans His elegant tent, pavilion.

‫שָׁפַת‬ Disposuit , collocavit He disposed , ordained , placed.

‫שפה‬ ‫פת‬.L
‫ש‬ ,sermo, ab iu
ora , A lip , speech, border , bank m

‫שפת‬ ‫ | שְׁפת‬.Colloca [ripa. Place thou, set on.

ra Its border, edge.
‫שפה‬ ּ‫ שְׂפָתָה‬.Oejus
Its border.
‫ שְׂפָתוֹ־־תיו‬.oracjus
ejusia His lips .
‫ שִׂפְתוֹתָיו‬.Lab
tuaia Thy lips.
ְ‫ שִׂפְתוֹתַיִך‬.Lab
vestraia Your lips.
‫ שִׂפְתוֹתֵיכֶם‬.Lab
‫ שְׂפָתָי־־תַי‬.Lab meaia My lips.
‫ | שִׂפתי‬.Labia Lips.

bia Her lips.

ָ‫ שְׂפָתֶיה‬.Lacjus
Their lips.
‫ שִׂפְתֵיהֶם‬.Labcorumia
His lips.
‫ שְׂפָתָיו‬Labia ejus
ָ‫ שְׂפָתֶיך‬.Lab tuaia | Thy lips .
‫ שְׂפָתָיִם־־תַי‬.Labia
Their lips.
ֹ‫ שְׂפָתֵימו‬.Labi eorum a
ּ‫שְׂפָתֵינו‬.L . [rum .b
nostraa ia
Our lips
eo- Their lip, speech, language .
‫ שְׂפָתָם‬Labium sermo



Pi piy Saccus.
1250 ‫שקמתי‬

‫שָׁקַד‬ Vigilavit, sedulus He watched , was diligent , has-

fuit, properavit. tened.
Colligatus est. He was bound .
He that watcheth.
‫ שֹׁקֵד‬.Vigilans
‫ שָׁקֵד‬.Amygdala An almond-tree.
Watch ye.
‫ שֹׁקְדִי‬.rigilantes They that watch.

‫ שְׁקֵדִים‬.Amygdale Almonds, almond-trees.

‫קדם‬ Which before.

‫ שְׁקַדְמַת‬.Que antequam
I have watched.
‫שקר‬ ‫ שָׁקַדְתִּי‬.Vigilavi
‫שָׁקָה‬ Rigavit , adaquavit, He moistened , watered , caused
biberefecil,potum to drink, gave drink.

‫שק‬ ip Saccus ejus. [ dedil . His sack, sackcloth.

‫שוק‬ ‫ שָׁקוֹהִי‬Crura ejus
, His legs .
‫קוה‬ ּ‫ שֶׁקִינְהו‬Quem expectavimus . Which welooked for, expected
‫שקל‬ ‫ שָׁקוֹל‬.Appendendo In weighing .
.Abominatio An abomination .
‫שקץ‬ ‫שְׁקוּץ‬.
‫קְצִי‬ ‫ שְׁקוּצֵי צִים‬.Abominationes Abominations .
‫ש‬ mina tiones
ejus . Her abominations
ְ‫ש‬ mina tiones
sue . Their abominations
ָ‫צִי צֶיך‬ ְ‫ׁקוּצָיִך‬.Abo
ְ‫ש‬ mina tiones
tuae . Thy abominations
‫שָׁקֵט‬ Quievit, requievit, He was quiet, rested, gave
quietem concessit, rest, appeased.
Opi Quiescens. [pacavit. Being quiet.
‫ שָׁקִי‬-- ‫ׁקְטָה‬.Quievit
ָ‫ש‬ , requievit . She was quiet , rested
‫ שָׁקַטְתִּי‬.Quievi I was quiet.
‫שק‬ ‫ שָׂקִי‬.Sameus
ccus My sackcloth .
‫ שָׂקֵיהֶם‬.Sacc
eorum i Their sacks.

‫ שָׂקִים‬.Sacci Sacks, sackcloth .

‫שוק‬ ‫שֹׁקַיִם‬ .Crura [ dit . Legs.
‫שָׁקַל‬ Ponderavit, appen- He weighed , weighed out, paid
‫שָׁקֶל‬ ‫**קֶל‬
ֶׁ‫ ש‬.Siclus A shekel.
‫ | שֹׁקֶל‬.Appendens Weighing .
‫שְׁקָלִים‬ ‫ שְׁקְלֵי‬.Sicli Shekels .
‫ שִׁקְמִים‬.Sycomori Sycamore-trees.

Op Dum surrexi. Till I arose.

‫שרד‬ 1251

Submersus,extinctus He was sunk,drowned,quench-

est; profundum ed ; he made deep .

‫שקער‬ [reddidit.
es Hollows, hollow streaks.
‫ שְׁקְעֲרוּרוֹת‬.Cavilat
‫שָׁקַף‬ Aspexit, prospexit. He looked , beheld .
a A window.
‫ שָׁקֶף‬.Fcnestr
tre Windows.
‫ שְׁקְפִים‬.Fenes
Abominalus , aversa- He abhorred , loathed , detested
tus, detestatus est.
PPR Abominatio. An abomination .

‫ שַׁקֵץ‬.Detestando In detesting. !
ypu Abominatus est. He abhorred.
PR Discurril, collisit. He ran to and fro, justled
PRi Discurrens. Running to and fro.
‫שוק‬ PP Appetens . She that desireth, longeth.

‫שָׁקֵר‬ Mentitus est, falla- He lied , acted deceitfully.

citer egit. [nuit.
‫שָׂקֵר‬ Nictavit, lascive in- He winked, looked wantonly.

pupu Falsitas ,mendacium ; Falsity , a lie ; deceitful, lying ;

fallax, mendax ; falsely, in vain.
falso, frustra.
‫שְׁקָרִים‬ .Mendacia Lies, falsehoods.

Fallaciter egimus. We have acted deceitfully.

‫שור‬ He sang .
‫ שָׁר‬.Cecinit
‫שָׂר‬ ‫ שָׂר‬.Prince , duas ps A chief, captain, leader.
‫שרא‬ Habitavit, solvit, ca- He dwelt, loosed, dissolved ,

‫ שַׁרְאֶצֶר‬.Sarelsar [pit. Sharezer, N. M. [began.

‫ראש‬ ‫ שֶׁרִאשִׁי‬.Quia
caput meum For, because my head..

‫שָׁרָב‬ .Estus Heat.


‫בִיט‬ ‫| שַׁרְבְט‬.Sceptrum A sceptre.

Sherebiah, N. M. [ther.
‫ שֶׁרֵבְיָה‬.Serebias
‫שָׂרֵג‬ Implicatus est. [fuit. He was intwined, folded toge-

‫שָׂרַד‬ Superfuit, superstes He remained, survived.

1252 ‫שריה־־יהו‬


‫שרד‬ .Ministerium Service .

ּ‫ שָׂרְדו‬.Superfuerunt They remained. [ forth .
‫שָׁרָה‬ Solvit, emisit. He loosed, discharged, sent
‫שָׂרָה‬ Princeps fuit, potes- He was a prince, had power,
tatem habuit, va- was strong .

‫ שָׂרָה‬.Sara [ lidus fuil. Sarah, N. W.

‫ | שׂרוּג‬.Serug Serug , N. M.
‫ שָׁרוּחֵן‬.Saruchen Sharuhen, N. P.
‫שרט‬ ‫| שָׂרוֹט‬.Succidendo In cutting .
‫שרד‬ ְ‫ שְׂרוֹך‬.Corrigia A thong, shoe-latchet.

‫ שָׁרוֹן‬.Saron Sharon , N. P.
‫ שָׁרוֹנִי‬.Saroneus Sharonite, N. P.
‫שרע‬ ַ‫ שָׂרוּע‬.SuperabundansSuperabounding, superfluous.
‫שׂרף‬ ‫ שָׂרוֹף‬.Comburendo In burning.
‫ שְׂרוּפָה‬.Combusta Burnt.

‫ שְׂרוּפוֹת‬.Combuste Burnt.

‫שרק‬ ָ‫ שְׂרוּקֶיה‬.Selecte
vites ejus His choice vines.

‫ שְׁרִוּקת‬.Sibili Hissings.
‫שור‬ ‫שָׂרוֹת‬.Principes
femine . Princesses

‫ש‬ femine Her princesses , ladies
ְ‫שָׂרוֹתַיִך‬.Pr tuiinc
. [ ejus . Thy princes
‫שאר‬ ְ‫ שֵׁרוּתָך‬.Residuum
tui The remnant of thee.

" ָׂ‫ש‬ ‫שָׂרַח‬ .Serach Serah , N. W.

‫שָׂרָט‬ Incidit, laceravit. He cut, tore .

‫ שָׂרָטֶת‬.Incisio An incision, cutting .

‫שור‬ ‫ שָׂרִי‬.Princimeipes My princes.
‫שָׁרָי‬ .Sarai Sharai, N. M.
‫ שָׂרָי שָׂרִי‬.Sarai [præfecti. Sarai, N. W. [governors.
‫שור‬ ,
‫ רִים‬-- ‫ שָׂרֵי‬Principes duces, Princes, captains, leaders,
‫שרג‬ Her branches.
ָ‫ שָׂרִינֶיה‬.Palmitesejus
‫ | שָׂרִינָם‬.Palmites Branches .
‫ שָׂרִיד‬.Saria‫י‬ Sarid, N. P.
‫שרד‬ ‫רִיד‬.Su
ָׂ‫ש‬ per
, residuus ste
. Alive , remaining , left s
‫ שְׂרִידִי‬.Residui Left.
‫ שָׂרִידָיו‬.Residu
ejus i Those that remain of him.
ָ‫ שָׂרֵיה‬.Princicjuspes Her princes .
ּ‫ שְׂרָיָה־־יָהו‬Seraias
, Seraiah, N. P.

Their princes.
‫שור‬ ‫ שָׂרֵיהֶם‬Principes corum
‫ שָׂרָיו‬Principes,
ejus His princes.
A coat of mail.
‫שרה‬ ‫ שִׁרְיוֹן‬.Lorica
‫שור‬ ipes Thy princes.
ְ‫ שָׂרַיִך‬.Princlui
tua ca
ְ‫ שְׁרִיך‬.Canti Thy songs.
Singers .
‫ שָׁרִים‬.Cantores
‫שרא‬ ‫ שְׁרַיִן‬Soluti
Sirion, N. M.
‫ שְׁרִין‬.Sirion
‫שיר‬ ּ‫ שָׂרִינו‬.Princ ipesOur princes .
‫ שְׂרִיקוֹת‬.Fla , subflaveveYellow, yellowish.
‫שרה‬ Thou hast been strong.
ָ‫ שָׂרִית‬ralidus fuisli
Therest, residue.
‫שאר‬ ‫ | שָׁרִית‬.Residuum
Implicavit. He folded or twisted together.
‫שרר‬ ְ‫ | שָׁרֵך‬.Umbilicus Thy navel.

‫שור‬ ‫ שִׂרְכֶם‬.Princ vesteepr sYour prince.

Sarsechim [ tendit se Sarsechim , N. M.[ himself out
Superabundavit , ex- He was superfluous, stretched
‫ שַׂרְעַפִּי־פי‬.Cogitat iones
mee My thoughts.
Succend it,combussit. He burned, burned up.
A fiery serpent.
‫ שָׂרָף‬.Serpe ignitus ns
To burn.
‫ שְׂרֹף‬.Comburere
He was burnt.
‫ שָׂרָף‬.Combuest stus
Succensa ; combustio Being burnt ; a burning.

‫ ש‬Combusta Being burnt.

That he burneth.
ֹ‫ שָׂרְפו‬.Succen
| dere
Combusserunt. They burnt.
ni Succense. [gelorum. Being burnt. [angels.
Seraphim, nom. an- Seraphim, one of the names of

‫| שרפים‬.Comburentes They that burn.

He burned them .
eos it
‫ שְׂרָפָם‬.Combuss
We burnt.
ּ‫ שָׂרַפְנו‬.Combussimus
ti Thou hast burnt.
ָּ‫ שָׂרַפְת‬Combussia
‫|רפת‬ ‫ ש‬.Combustio A burning.
I have burnt.
‫ שְ פְתִּי‬.Combussi
ַ ‫ר‬ ׂ
Succendil cos[genuit She burnt them . [dantly.
Repsit, abunde pro- He crept, propagated abun-
1254 ‫שש‬

‫שרץ‬ ‫שֶׁרֶץ‬ .Reptile [ runt. A reptile, creeping thing. [ly.'

Abunde progenue- They brought forth abundant-

ִׁ‫ש‬ progignite . | Bring ye forth abundantly
Sibilavit, sibilo voca- He hissed, called with hissing.
PriVitis selecta. [ vit. A choice, noble vine.
ּ‫ שָׁרְקו‬.Sibilarunt They hissed .

‫ שְׁרְקוֹת‬.Sibili Hissings.
‫ שְׂרְקִים‬.Fl avi Yellow, yellowish.
, subflavi
‫ שָׁרָר‬.Sarar Sharar, N. M.

‫שָׂרֵר‬ Dominatus est,prin- He bare rule, took the go-

cipatum sumpsit. vernment to himself.

‫ שְׂרֵר‬.Dominans Bearing rule.

. ‫שור‬ uili
ּ‫ שֹׁרְרו‬.Inlsunl They looked, beheld.
‫שרר‬ ‫ שְׁרְרוּת‬.Conlemplalio The imagination.

ְ‫ שָׁרְרֵך‬.Umbil icus Thy navel .

ׁ‫שָׁרֵש‬ Radicatus est, eradi- He took root, rooted out.
‫ | שרש‬.Seres [cavit. Sheresh, N. M.
‫שרש‬ est us
ׁ‫ שֹׁרֵש‬.Radicat He took root.
ׁ‫ | שֹׁרֵש‬.Radir A root.

ֹ‫ שָׁרְשׁו‬Radix ejus
, His root.

ּ‫ שָׂרָשׁו‬.Radical sunt i They have taken root.

ָׁ‫ שָׁרְשׁוֹהִי רָש‬.Radice ejus s His roots .
Roots .
‫ שָׁרְשִׁי‬.Radices
‫ שָׁרְשִׁי‬.Radix mea My root.
Her roots .
ָ‫ שָׁרָשֶׁיה‬Radices , ejus
ְ‫ שָׁרְשֵׁך‬.Rad tuaix Thy root.
Their root.
‫ שָׁרְשָׁם‬.Radiz corum
‫| שַׁרְשְׁרוֹת־אֹת‬.catena
‫שָׁרַת‬ Ministravit, servül. He ministered , served.
‫שָׁרֵת‬ .Ministerium Ministry , service.
‫שור‬ A princess.
‫ שָׂרָתִי‬.Princepsfamina

‫שוש‬ Lætatus est;gaudens He rejoiced ; rejoicing.
‫שש‬ yi-- wini | Sex; byssus ; marmor Six ; fine linen; marble.
vjuj Sex, sexta, Six, sixth.
‫שתו‬ 1255

‫ שִׁשְׁבַּצַר‬.Sesbatsar Sheshbazzar, N. M.
‫שש‬ Sextam partem de- He gave the sixth part, he left
dit, ad sextam par- but a sixth part.
tem redegil.
‫שוש‬ sunt i
ּ‫ שָׂשׂו‬.Letat They rejoiced.
‫ שָׂשׂוֹן שִׂי‬.Gaudium Joy.
‫שזף‬ ‫ שִׁשְׁזָפַתְנִי‬.Qui
asperit me aBecause he looked upon me.

" ֵׁ‫ שָׁשִׁי ש‬.Sasai

, Sesai Shashai, Sheshai, N. M.
‫שש‬ ‫ שָׁשִׁי־־שֶׁת‬.Sertus Sixth.
‫ שִׁשִׁים‬.Seraginta Sixty , threescore.
ְ‫ שֵׁשַׁך‬.Sesac Sheshach, N. P.

‫שם‬ Dj Quo, quia illuc. Whither, because thither.

‫שכם‬ ‫ שֶׁשָּׁמֵם‬.Qu desolatus est iWhich hath been made deso-

‫ שֵׁשָׁן‬.Sesan Sheshan , N. M. [late.

‫שׁשְׁנִים‬ Sosanim , sec . quos- Shoshannim , supposed to be a
dam instrumentum musical instrument.

" ַׁ‫ שָׁשָׁק־ש‬.Sasac [musicum. Shashak, N. M.

‫שש‬ ‫שֵׁשֶׁת־שֶׁת‬ .Ser Six.
‫שוש‬ I have rejoiced.
‫ שָׂשְׂתִּי‬.Gavisus

‫שרש‬ ‫ שָׁת‬.Posu , constituititHe put, set, appointed .
‫שַׁתָּה‬ ָּ‫| שַׁת‬.Posuisti
, statuisti Thou hast put, set.
‫ | שֶׁת‬.Set Seth, N. M.
‫שות‬ Nales. The buttocks.
‫| שֹׁת‬.Disponendo In setting in array.
‫שָׁתָה‬ Bibil. He drank.
, collocavitit
‫ שָׁתָה‬.Posu She put, placed , laid .
‫שתה‬ " ֶ‫ת‬ ‫ שָׁתָה שֹׁתָה‬.Bibens Drinking .
in-- Bibere, bibendo. To drink , in drinking.
‫ | שְׁתֶה‬.Bibe* Drink thou .
‫שות‬ ‫ שַׁתָּה‬.Posuisti Thou hast placed.
‫שתה‬ To drink, in drinking.
ּ‫ שָׁתו‬.Bibere
, bibendo
ּ‫ שָׁתוּ שַׁתּו‬.Posuerunt They set, placed , laid.
‫שתה‬ Drink ye.
ּ‫ שְׁתו‬.Bibite
1256 ‫שתתיה‬


‫שתל‬ ‫ שָׁתוּל‬.Plantatus Planted .

‫ שְׁתוּלָה‬Planlata
‫ שְׁתוּלִים‬.Plantali
‫שתה‬ ‫ שְׁתוֹת‬.Bibere To drink.
That he drank .
ֹ‫ שְׁתוֹתו‬.Bibere eum
‫שות‬ ֹ ‫ו‬ ‫ת‬ ׁ ְ ‫ש‬ .W eorum es
at Their buttocks.
‫ם‬ ֶ ‫ה‬ ‫י‬ ֵ ‫ת‬
t d
voleo That he shall please.
‫חפץ‬ ‫ שֶׁתֶּחְפָּץ‬.Qu
‫שות‬ ‫ׁתִּי‬ ַ ‫ש‬ .P os ui I have put, placed.
‫שנה‬ uo Two, both.
‫ שְׁתֵּי‬.D
, ambo
‫שות‬ ‫ שְׁתִי‬.Ponere
me I place, exhibit, shew.
‫שנה‬ ‫ שְׁתֵּיהֶם‬.Ambipsi o They two.
‫ שְׁתֵּיהֶן‬.A,mb ipse e They two .
‫ׁתָּיִם תַּי תֵּים‬.ְ‫ש‬ D second ; twice o
, secundus ; bis . Two , u
‫שתה‬ ‫ שָׁתַיִן‬.Bibentes Drinking .
‫שת‬ ‫ שְׁתִּין‬.Seraginta Sixty .
We have drunk .
‫שתה‬ ּ‫ שָׁתִינו‬.Bibimus
.Bibisli Thou hast drunk.
.Bibi I have drunk.
Bibial, Ye have drunk.
Plantavit . He planted .
Sutalchile . [ est. Shuthalhites, N. F. [ shut up
‫שָׁתַם‬ Exclusit, obturatus He shut out ; was stopped ,
‫סתם‬ He shut out.
‫ שָׂתָם‬.Exclusit
‫שות‬ ‫ שָׁתָם‬.Poscosuit He put them.
‫שתם‬ Dni Obturatus. Being shut.
Minxit. He pissed.
‫שות‬ ‫ שַׁתַּנִי‬Posuisti,
mei Thou hast put, laid me.

‫שָׁתַק‬ Siluit, sedatus est. He was silent, calmed.

Abscondit. He hid, concealed.
‫ שֶׁחָר‬.Setar Shethar, N. M.

‫בּוֹזְנִי‬ et
‫ שְׁתַר‬.S-boze naiar Shethar-boznai , N. M.
‫שָׁתַת‬ Posuit, disposuit. He put, laid, set in array.
‫שות‬ Var. interpret. Fun- Variously interpreted.— Its
damenta, consilia, foundations, counsels, pur-
nassæ ejus. poses,weels or twiggen toils.
‫תאיר‬ 1257

‫ תָּא‬.Conclave A chamber.

‫תָּאַב‬ Concupivit,desidera- He desired , longed after, ab-

vit, abominatus horred .

‫אבר‬ ‫תְּאַבֵּד‬ .Perdes [ est. Thou shalt destroy.

‫ תּאבד־־בד‬.Peribit She shall perish .

ּ‫ תְּאַבֵּדו‬.Perdelis Ye shall destroy .

‫בְדוּן‬ ּ‫תּאבְדו‬ .Peribilis Ye shall perish.

Ye shall destroy.
‫ תְּאַבְּדוּן‬.Perdetis
‫ תְּאַבְּדֵם‬Perdet,
eos She shall destroy them.
‫אבה‬ Volet ; acquiesces . She will be willing ; thou shalt
ּ‫ תֹּאבו‬.rolelis Ye shall be willing. [ consent.
‫אבל‬ ‫ תֶּאַבְל־־בל‬.Lugebit She shall mourn.
‫תאב‬ Concupivi,desideravi I have desired, longed for.
‫אגר‬ ‫ תאגר‬.Colliges Thou shalt gather.
‫תָּאָה‬ Definivil , delermina- He distinguished , or pointed
vit. out by marks and bounda-

‫אהב‬ ' ‫ ה‬-- " ‫א‬

‫ תֵּאָהָבי‬.Amabis , diliges Thou shalt love . [ries .
Ye shall love.
‫ תֶּאֱהָבוּ תְּאֵהֲיוּן‬.Diligetis
‫תא‬ IN Conclavia ejus. His chambers.

‫אוה‬ ‫ַּאֲוָה וַת‬.De

‫ת‬ ,sid deside- Desireeri
, desirable um
NA Concupiscet. [ rabilis . She will or shall desire.
‫תאם‬ ‫ תְּאוֹמִי־־מִים‬.Gemelli Twins.
‫אןה‬ ‫| תאות‬.Terminus Abound, boundary.
My desire .
meum ium
‫| תַּאֲוָתִי‬.Desider
‫אזר‬ ‫**זור‬‫*א‬ .Accin ges Thou shalt gird up.
‫אחז‬ Thou shalt take hold.
" ‫ תֶּאֱחז־־א‬.Apprehendes
‫אחר‬ ‫ תְּאַחַר‬.Tardabis Thou shalt delay. [ shall tarry.
‫ תְּאַחֵר‬Turdabis ;morabitur Thou shalt delay , defer ; she
Ye shall delay, retard.
ּ‫ תְּאַחֲרו‬.Retardabilis
‫אטר‬ She shall shut up.
‫ תֶּפְטַר‬.Occludet
ּ‫ תָּאִיצו‬Festinabil
, is Ye shall hasten.
‫אור‬ ‫תָּאִיר‬ Illuminabilis ;ducere Thou wilt enlighten ; she will
faciel. make to shine.

VOL. II. 3 R
1258 ‫תאמרן‬

‫אור‬ Illuminabitis, incen- Ye shall enlighten, kindle.

‫אכל‬ Comedetur. [ detis. She shall be eaten.


.Comed Thou shalt cause to eat.

‫תאכל‬ facies
- Comedes ; comedet , Thou shalt eat ; she shall eat ,
devorabit, consu- eat up, devour, consume.
Comedet eum. [met. She shall eat, devour him.
Comedetis eum. Ye shall eat him. [ed .
Ye shall be consumed, devour-
ּ‫תְּאַכְּלו‬ Consumemini
Ye shall eat.
‫לון‬.‫תּאכְלוּ כי־‬
195 .comedetis
Ye shall eat them.
‫תּאכְלוּם‬ .comedetiseos
‫תּאכְלִי‬ .Comede eum s Thou shalt eat him.
A Devorabit te. She shall devour thee.
Devorabit vos. [eos. She shall devour you.
Comedet, devorabil She shall eat, devour them.
‫ תֵּאָכַלְנָה‬comedentur
, They shall be eaten.
‫ תּאכַלְנָה‬.Comedent They shall eat.
‫ תּאכְלֶנָּה‬.comedes
eam Thou shalt eat her.

" ‫ תּאכְלֶנּוּ־־כ‬.comedes
eum Thou shalt eat him.
‫ תאכלנו‬.Consume nos t She will consume us.
‫אלס‬ Mulus eris. Thou shalt be dumb.

‫ תֵּאָלַמְנָה‬.Obmulescent They shall be put to silence.

‫אלף‬ ‫ תֶּאֱלַף‬.Disces Thou shalt learn.
‫אלה‬ ָ‫ תַּאֲלָתְך‬.Erecrat tua io Thy curse.
‫תאם‬ Gemellos peperit. She bare twins.
Twins. [secure.'
‫תּאֲמִם‬ ‫ תָּאָמֵי‬Gemelli
128 JOTATOR Credes, securus eris. Thou shalt believe, shalt be
1 Credetis. [ ciscemini. Ye will believe.
‫ימן‬ 1 Ad dexteram profi Ye will go to the right hand.
‫אמן‬ ‫תְּאָמַנָה‬ .Wutrientur They shall be nursed.
ּ‫ תֵּאָמֵנו‬.Confirmabimini Ye shall be established.
‫אמץ‬ Yes Obdurabis, roborabis. Thou shalt harden,strengthen.
ּ‫ תְּאַמְצָנו‬.Roborabeum it She shall strengthen him.
‫אמר‬ ‫ תּאמַר־מֶר‬.Dices ; dicet Thou shalt say ; she shall say.
‫תּאמְרוּ מִירוּן‬ .Dicetis Ye shall speak, say.

‫תֵּאמְרוּן‬ .Dicctis Ye shall speak.

‫תּאמְרִי‬ .Dices Thou wilt say .

.Dicelis Ye shall say.

‫תאתה‬ 1259

‫אמר‬ They shall say.

‫ תּאמַרְנָה‬.Dicent
‫ תְּאֵנָה‬.Ficus A fig-tree.
‫אנה‬ ‫ תְּאַנֵּה‬.Accidet lt shall happen , befal .
‫ תֹּאֲנָה‬Occasio
, An occasion .

‫אנח‬ ‫ תֵּאָנַח‬Suspirabis
, Thou shalt sigh.

‫אנה‬ ‫ תַּאֲנִיָה‬.Lu ciusMourning, heaviness, grief.

, maeror
‫תאן‬ ‫ִים‬ ‫נ‬ ֵ ‫א‬ ּ ְ ‫ת‬ .Ficu s [les.| Fig -trees.
‫און‬ ‫אנים‬.Iniquitates
‫ת‬ , vanita- Iniquities , vanities
Thou wilt be angry.
‫אנף‬ ‫ תֶּאֱנַף‬.Irasceris
‫שָׁלה‬ ‫ תַּאֲנַת‬.Taanat- silo Taanath-shiloh , N. P.
‫אנה‬ Occasio ejus. Her occasion.

‫תאן‬ in Ficus ejus. [pietur. His fig-trees. [be received back

‫אסף‬ ‫תֵּאָסֵף‬ Congregaberis reci- Thou wilt be gathered ; she will

‫ תֶּאֱסף‬.Colliges Thou shalt gather.
DON Addetis, pergetis. Ye shall add, proceed , go on.
‫ תַּאַסְפִי‬.Congregabis Thou shalt assemble.
‫אסר‬ ‫ תְּאָסֵר‬.Vincieris Thou shalt be bound.
‫אפה‬ ‫ תֵּאָפֶה‬.Coquetur She shall be baked.
‫ תאפו‬.Coquetis Ye will bake.
They shall be baked.
‫ תֵּאָפִינָה‬.Coquentur
‫תָּאַר‬ Delineavil, descrip- He delineated, marked out,
‫ארר‬ ‫ תָּבֹר‬.Maledices [ sit. Thou shall curse. [ described .
. ‫תאר‬ Forma, species. A form, shape, appearance.
‫ארב‬ ‫ מארב‬.Insidiabitur She will lie in wait.
‫ארג‬ Thou wilt weave.
‫ תַּאַרְבִּי‬Teres
‫תאר‬ cjus His form.
ֹ‫ תָּאָרו‬.Forma
‫ארך‬ ְ‫ּאֲרִיך‬.Pr
ַ‫ת‬ shalt prolong bis
. [ gabitis Thou nga
‫ּאֲרִיכוּ־כֵן‬.Pr ַ‫ת‬ odu
, prolon- Ye shall drawcet
out , prolong is
‫תאר‬ rma Their form .
‫ תָּאָדָם‬.Fo eorum
ַ‫ תַּאֲרֵע‬.Tarea Tareah, N. M.
‫ארש‬ Thou shalt betroth.
ׁ‫ תְּ דאָרֵש‬Desponsabis
‫אשם‬ She shall be made desolate.
‫ תָּאִשָׁם‬Desolabitur
ָּ‫ת‬ ,rei eritis Ye shall transgress , trespass
‫אשר‬ ‫ש‬ ַ ‫א‬ ּ ְ ‫ת‬ .In ced es Thou shalt go. [ be guilty .
‫ר‬ ׁ ֶ
‫אתה‬ Veniet; eveniet. She shall come ; it shall happen
1260 ‫תבונותיכם‬


818-8 Venies, ingredieris ; Thou shalt come, go, enter ;
veniet, intrabit; she shall come, enter ; it

continget. shall come to pass.

Thou shalt consent.
‫אבה‬ ‫ תְּבָא‬.Acquiesces
‫בוא‬ ּ‫ תִּבְאָהו‬.Afere eum s Thou shalt bring him.
Venietis, intrabitis . Ye shall come, enter.

‫ תָּבאנָה‬.Coningent They shall come to pass.

They shall enter.
‫ תְּבֹאֶינָה‬.Ingredientur
Introduces eos. Thou shalt bring them in.
They shall come. [ to him.
‫נָה‬ ֹ‫ תָּבֹאוּ־בו‬.renient
- Invadet , continget ei It shall come upon , happen
‫באש‬ ׁ‫ תִּבְאַש‬.Fælebil She shall stink.
‫בגד‬ 1 Perfide agelis. Ye will deal treacherously.
‫ | תּבנוד‬.Perfid
ages e Thou wilt deal treacherously.
‫בדל‬ Thou wilt separate.
‫ תַּבְדִּיל‬.Separabis
‫גהל‬ Thou shalt hasten, be hasty.
‫ תְּבָהֵל‬.Festinabis
‫ תִּבָּה‬.Turbaberis
‫ֵל‬nan Thou wilt be troubled.
Thou shalt make them afraid.
cos s
‫ תִּבְהֲלֵם‬.Terrebi
‫ תִּבָּהַלְנָה‬.Turbabuntur They shall be troubled.
‫בוא‬ ‫ תְּבוּאָה־את‬.Provenlus Produce, fruit.

‫ תְּבוּאוֹת־־את‬.Proventus Produce , fruits.

te t
ָ‫ תְּבוֹאֶך‬.Ten She shall come to thee.
Ni Veniet contra me. She shall come against me.
t She shall come. [revenue.
‫ תָּבוֹאתָה‬.Venie
ejus us Her produce, increase, fruit,
ּ‫ תְּבוּאָתָה‬.Provenl
His increase.
ֹ‫תו‬ ‫ תְּבוּאָתה‬.Pro ejus us
meus us
‫ תְּבוּאָתִי‬.Provenl My revenue.
Proventus tuus. [ bi. Thy increase. [ thee.
Continget, invadel ti- It shall happen to, come upon
ּ‫ תְּבוּאָתֵנו‬.Prove ntuOur
noster s increase.
‫ תָּבוּז‬.Spernes Thou shalt despise.
‫בזז‬ rian Spoliabitur. She shall be spoiled .
‫בון‬ Intelligentia vestræ Understanding. [ lects, reasons.
Di Intellectus, rationes Your understandings, intel-
‫תבלה‬ 1261

‫בוס‬ bit
‫ תָּבוּס‬Conculca, She shall trample upon.
‫ תְּבוּסָת‬.Conculcalio A trampling under foot.

‫בקק‬ pian Exhaurietur, evacu- She shall be exhausted , emp-

‫ תָּבוֹר‬.Tabor [abitur. Tabor, N. P. [ tied .
‫בוש‬ She shall be confounded.
ׁ‫ תְּבוֹש‬.Pudefiet
dore Thou shalt be ashamed.
‫ תֵּבוֹשִׁי בְשִׁי‬.Puaficieris
‫בזז‬ Thou shalt take away.
‫ תָּבז‬.Diripies
‫בזה‬ Thou wilt despise.
‫ תִּבְזֶה‬.Spernes
ּ‫ תָּבזו‬.Diripietis Ye shall spoil, take for a prey.
‫ תִּבְחָן‬.Probabit She will try .

ּ‫ תִּבָּתֵנו‬.Probabimini Ye shall be proved.

ּ‫ תִּבְחָנֶנּו‬.Proba eumbis Thou shalt try him.

‫בחר‬ ‫ תִּבְחַר‬.El ige s Thou shalt choose.
‫נבט‬ Thou shalt look.
‫ תַּבֵּט תַּבִּיט‬.Respicies
‫בטת‬ ּ‫ תִּבְטָחוּ טְחו‬.Confidelis Ye shall trust, confide.
‫בוא‬ ‫תָּבִיא‬ .Adduces Thou shalt bring.

ּ‫ תָּבִיאו‬.Adducetis Ye shall bring.

‫ תְּבִיאֶינָה‬.4ferent They shall bring.

Thou shalt bring
eam s
‫ תְּבִיאֶנָּה‬.4fere
eum es
ּ‫ תְּבִיאֶנּו‬.Adduc Thou shalt bring

ְ‫ת‬ medd shalt bringme es
. [ abis . Thou uc [der.
‫תָּב‬ tel
, consider- lig
Thou shalt understand , consi e

‫תָּב‬ s , animad- Ye shall understand , observe
Instruet eos[ vertetis She will instruct them. [ mark.
‫הבר‬ Brittle, weak.
‫ תְּבִירָה‬.Fragilis
‫כוש‬ doreYe shall make ashamed.
ּ‫ תָּבִישׁו‬.Puafficietis
‫ תְּבִישֵׁנִי‬.Pud ore
aficiesme Thou wilt put me to shame.

‫ תִּבְכֶּה‬.Fle bit She will weep ; thou shalt weep

; flebis
ּ ‫כ‬ ְ ‫ב‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Fl cbi lis Ye shall weep .
Thou shalt weep.
‫ תִּבְכִּי‬.Flebis
‫כֶּנָה‬ ‫ תִּבְכֶּינָה‬.Flcbunt They shall weep .
[bido. The world . [tural lust .
‫ תֵּבֵל‬.Orbis
‫בלל‬ o
Confusi ; turpis li- Confusi on ; shamefu l or unna-
‫נבל‬ an Decides, emarces ces . Thou wilt wither, fade away .

‫ תְּבָל תּוּבָל‬.Tubal Tabal , N. M. P.

‫בלה‬ Veterascet. She shall wax old.
'1262 ‫תבקע‬

‫בלה‬ Consumptio eorum. Their consumption, destruc-

tion. [sight.
‫בלל‬ A suffusion which confuses the
‫ תְּבַלָּל‬.Sufusio
‫בלע‬ Absorbebis. Thou wilt swallow up.

ֹ‫ תִּבְלָעֵמו‬.Degluti She will swallow them.

eos et
Deglutiet eum. She will swallow him up.
Absorbebit nos. She shall swallow us up.

me it She shall swallow me up.

‫ תִּבְלָעֵנִי‬.Absorbeb
‫ תֶּבֶן‬.Slr palea en Straw, stubble .
, am
‫בנה‬ Edificaberis ; ædifi- Thou shalt be built ; she shall
Edificabis. [ cabitur. Thou shalt build. [be built.
Edificabilis. Ye shall -build.

‫ תִּבְנִי‬.Tibni [ficabimini. Tibni, N. M. [be built.

‫בנה‬ Edificabuntur ; ædi- They shall be built ; ye shall
Forma, exemplar. A form, pattern.

ֹ‫ תַּבְנִיתו‬.Forma cjus His form, pattern.

‫בעה‬ Bullabil, fervefaciet She will boil, cause to boil.

Ye shall kick.
‫בעט‬ ּ‫ תִּבְעֲטו‬.Calcilrabilis
‫בעה‬ Quæretis. Ye will inquire.

‫ תַּבְעִיר‬.Combures Thou shalt burn.

byan Nubet. She shall be married.

‫נבע‬ ‫ תַּבַּעְנָה‬.Eloquentur They shall utter.

‫בער‬ Amovebis, auferes Thou shalt remove, take away
Ardebil. She shall burn.

‫ תַּבְעֲרָה‬.Tabera Taberah, N. P.

Ye shall kindle.
‫בער‬ ּ‫ תְּבַעֲרו‬.Suceendetis
‫בעת‬ ‫ תְּבַעֵת‬.Terrebil She shall terrify.

bit He shall make thee afraid.

ָ‫ תְּבַעֲתֶך‬.Terre
He shall make me afraid.
me t
‫ תְּבַעֲתַּנִי‬.Terrebi
‫ תֵּבֵץ‬.Tabels Thebez, N. P.
‫בצע‬ ‫ תְּבַצַעְנָה‬.Perficient They shall finish .
‫בצר‬ ‫תְּבַצֵר‬ .Muniet She shall fortify.

‫ תִּבְצר‬.rindemiabis Thou shalt gather the grapes.

Vindemiabilis. Ye shall gather the grapes.
‫בקע‬ ‫תְּבַקַע‬ .Findes Thou wilt cleave, rend. [rend.
Ypan Findes ; findet. Thou shalt cleave ; she shall
‫תגדעון‬ 1263

She shall break out.

‫בקע‬ ‫ תִּבָּקַע‬.Erumpet
eos t
‫ תְּבַקְעֵם‬.Difinde He shall tear asunder, rend
Thou wilt seek, inquire. [them
‫בקש‬ Wppan Quæres, inquires.
She will seek.
ׁ‫ תְּבַקֵּש‬.Queret
Ye shall seek.
‫ תְּבַקְשׁוּ קֵשׁוּן‬.Queretis
Open Quares eos. [ eam. Thou shalt seek them.
apan Quæres, requires Thou wilt seek her, require it.
Quæres, requires Thou wilt seek, require him.
Fregit. [eum. He broke.

ְ‫ תְּבָרֵך‬.Benedices Thou shalt, wilt bless.

She shall be blessed.
ְ‫ תְּבֹרָךְ־־רַך‬.Benedicetur
Ye shall bless.
ּ‫ תְּבָרְכו‬.Benedicetis
She shall bless thee.
ָ‫ תְּבָרֶכְך‬.Benedic tibi et
Thou shalt bless him.
ּ‫ תְּבָרְכֶנּו‬.Benedices ei
Benedices ei. Thou shalt bless him.
‫ תְּבָרֵכַנִי‬.Benedic mihi et She shall bless
Benedicet mihi. She shall bless me.
‫כוש‬ wan Pudore afficiemini. Ye shall be ashamed.

‫בשל‬ ‫ תְּבָשל‬.Acoque
qu s a Thou shalt boil, seethe.
Aqua coquetur. She shall be sodden.'
Coquetis. Ye will seethe.
‫בשר‬ Thou shalt bear tidings.
‫ תְּבַשֵׂר‬.Nunciabis
Ye shall publish.
ּ‫ תְבַשְׂרו‬Wunciabilis
‫הבה‬ ‫ תְּבַת‬.area An ark.


‫גאל‬ ‫ תִּנְאַל‬.Redimes Thou wilt redeem .

ּ‫ תִּנָּאֵלו‬.Redimemini Ye shall be redeemed.

‫גבה‬ Superbietis. Ye shall be proud.
Extolles. Thou shalt exalt.
‫גבל‬ Terminabil,fines po- She shall terminate, border,
net. fix her bounds.
‫גדל‬ ּ‫ תַּגְדִּילו‬.Ertolletis( [ris. Ye will lift up,magnify. [vaunt
Superbies, gloriabe- Thou wilt be proud , boast,
‫תְּנדל‬ , She will be magnified, valued.
‫ תְּנַדְלֶנ‬Magnifacies, eum Thou wilt magnify him.
‫גדע‬ det is Ye shall cut down.
‫ תְּנַדְּעוּן‬.Succi
1264 ‫תגרער‬


Thou shalt strike against,

‫נגף‬ ‫ תְּגּוֹף‬.Impinges
Thou shalt fear. [ stumble.
‫גיר‬ ‫ תָּגוּר‬.Timebis
Ye shall be afraid.
ּ‫ תָּגוּרו‬.Timebilis
‫ תָּנוּרִי‬.Commoraberis Thou shalt
Thou shalt shear. [ shalt rob.
‫גזז‬ ‫ תָּנז‬.Tondebis
pies Thou wilt take away by force,
‫גזל‬ ‫ תִּגְוֹל תִּנְזָל‬.Ra , diripies
‫ננד‬ Nunciabis,indicabis; Thou shalt tell, shew ; she
indicabit . [ abilis. shall shew.
Te Narrabilitis, nunci- Ye shall declare, tell.
F33 | ཐཊྛ ||

Lætaberis ; lætabi- Thou shalt rejoice ; she shall

ַ‫ תַּגִּיע‬.Tangct [ tur. She shall touch . [rejoice.
‫נגש‬ ׁ‫תַּגִּיש‬ .Accedet [ tis . She shall come near.
Admovebitis, offere- Ye will present, offer.
‫תגל‬ .Latabilur She shall rejoice .
‫ תְּנל‬.Deteges Thou shalt discover.

‫תְּגָּל‬ .Detegelur She shall be discovered.

Deteges; revelabitur Thou shalt uncover; she shall
be discovered .
‫תְּנלה‬ .Deteges Thou shalt uncover.
She shall be discovered.
‫ תִּגָּלה‬.Revelabilur
[bunt. Thou shalt discover.
‫ תְּנַלִי‬.Deteges
‫גול‬ Lætabuntur, exulta- They shall rejoice, exult.
Tiglath-pileser, N. M.
‫פְּלְאַסָר‬ ‫ תִּגְלַּת‬.Tigl - pileser al
‫גמל‬ Retributiones , bene- His rewards , benefits .
ficia ejus. [deal bountifully.
‫ תגמל‬.B on
confe ras a Thou shalt confer benefits ,
Ye shall requite.
ּ‫ תִּגְמְלו‬.Rependetis
Thou shalt steal.
‫גנב‬ ‫ תִּגְנֹב‬.Furaberis
Ye shall steal.


ּ‫ תִּגְנֹבו‬.Furabimini


ye van Appinget , tangel. She shall adjoin, touch.

Ye shall touch.
' ְ‫ תִּבָּעוּ תִּג‬.Tangelis
‫געל‬ ‫ תִּגְעַל‬Fastidiel
, She will lothe, abhor.
Ye will rebuke.
‫גער‬ ּ‫ תִּגְעֲרו‬.Increpabitis
‫ תֹּגַרְמָה‬.Togarmas Togarmah, N. M.
‫גרס‬ ‫ תִּגְרְמִי‬.Confringes Thou shalt break to pieces.
‫גרע‬ ‫ תִּגְרַע‬.Diminues Thou shalt diminish.
Ye shall diminish.
ּ‫ תִּגְרְעו‬.Dimininuelis

‫תרערה‬ 1265

‫גרש‬ Thou shalt cast out.

ׁ‫ תְּגָרֵש‬.Ejicies
Ye shall cast out.
‫ תְּגָרְשׁוּן‬.Ejiciclis
‫ננש‬ ׁ‫ תְּגַּש‬.Accedes Thou shalt come near.

ׁ‫ תַּגִּש‬.Exiges Thou shalt exact.

Ye shall come near.
" ‫ תִּגָּשׁוּ־"־‬.Accedetis

‫ תַּגְּשׁוּן‬.Admorebitis Ye shall present, offer.



‫דבי‬ ‫בַּק־קִין‬ ‫תִּדְבָּק‬ Adherebis ; adhere- Thou shalt cleave ; she shall
ִּ‫ת‬ . [ bit . Ye shall cleave to . [ cleave to
She shall overtake me.
‫ תִּדְבָּקְנִי‬.sequetur
‫בְּרִי דבר‬ ‫דַבֵּר־בֶּר‬Loqueris
ְּ‫ת‬ ; loquetur . Thou shaltspeak ; she will say
‫ תְּדַבְּרוּ בֵּרוּן בְּי‬.Loquemint Ye will speak . [talk .
‫ תְּדַבֵּרְנָה‬.Loquentur They shall speak .
‫דהר‬ ‫| תִּדְהָר‬.Tedavel sapinus A kind of pine or fir-tree.

‫רוץ‬ Gaudio exultabit. She shall leap for joy.

‫דור‬ ‫ תְּדוּר‬.Habitabil She shall dwell.
ׁ‫ תָּדוּש‬.Trilurabis Thou shalt thresh.
ָ‫ תְּדוּשֶׁה‬.Conter eam et She shall crush it.
‫ברח‬ She shall drive him away.
ּ‫| תַּדִּיחֶנּו‬.Dispell
eum et
‫דון‬ ‫ תָּדִין‬.Judicabis Thou shalt judge .
‫ תְּדִינָנִי‬.Judicab
me is Thou shalt judge me.
‫דכא‬ ‫ תְּדַכָּא‬.Oppr imes
, atteres Thou wilt oppress , crush.
ּ‫ תְּדַכַּאו‬.Confringetis Ye will break to pieces.
‫דלת‬ ‫ תִּדְלָחֶם‬.Turbabi
eos t She will trouble them . *
‫דמס‬ MATA DA Desinet, silebit. She shall cease, be silent.
‫רמה‬ ּ‫ תִּדְּמו‬.Excidemini Ye shall be cut off.
‫ תדמי‬.Cogitabis Thou shalt think.
‫דמס‬ ‫ תִּדְּמִּי‬.Silebis Thou shalt be silent.
‫רמה‬ ‫ תְּדַמְיוּן‬.Assinilabitis Ye will liken .
" Assimilabilis me. Ye will liken me.
‫דמס‬ ‫ תִּדְמֶינָה‬.Desinent They shall cease.
‫דמע‬ ‫ תִּדְמַע‬.LachrymabiturShe shall weep.
‫ תַּדְמֹר‬.Tadmor Tadinor , N. P.
‫ידע‬ ‫דָע‬ ‫ַע‬.Scies
‫תֵּד‬ , intelliges . [ etis . Thou shalt know , understand
‫עוּן‬ ּ‫דְעו‬ ּ‫דָעו‬.cognoscelis
ֵּ‫ת‬ , percipi- Ye shall know , perceive
Cognoscetis eam. Ye shall know her.
VOL. II 3 s
1266 ‫תהחונני‬

Thou shalt know.

‫ידע‬ ‫ תֵּדְעִי־־־־עִין‬Scies , cognosces
Tidal, N. M.
‫ תִּדְעָל‬.Tidal
eum et
ּ‫ תִּדְפֶנּו‬.Dispell
She shal l drive him away.
‫ תַּדִּק‬.Comminuet She shall beat to pieces.
‫נדר‬ Vovebis vovebit. Thou shalt vow; she shall vow.

177 Vovebitis. [ quires. Ye shall vow. [quire.

ׁ‫רֹש‬ ׁ‫ְרוֹש‬-Quere
‫תִּד‬ ,inquires , re- Thou shalt seek , inquire , re
‫דרך‬ Calcabis ; calcabit. Thou shalt tread;she shall tread
s Ye shall tread.
ּ‫ תִּדְרְכו‬calcabili
lea bis Thou shalt tread upon.
‫ תִּדְרְכִי‬.Ca
‫דרש‬ Ye shall seek him.
ּ‫ תִּדְרְשֶׁהו‬.Queret cum is
ּ‫ תִּדְרְשׁו‬.Queretis Ye shall seek .
ּ‫ תִּדְרְשֶׁנּו‬.Quere s Thou shalt seek him.

me is Ye shall seek me.

‫ תִּדְרְשְׁנִי‬.Queret
‫דשא‬ ‫ תַּדְשֵׁא‬.Germinabik She shall spring up.
‫דשן‬ She will make fat.
‫ תְּדַשֶׁן‬.Impinguavit
‫ תִּדְשָׁן‬.Pinguescet She shall become fat.

‫הבל‬ ּ‫ תְּהִבָּלו‬.ra ni [bit. Ye willbecome vain.
‫הגה‬ Ma Loquetur, mussita- She will speak, talk, mutter.
‫ ת‬.Gemelis
ּ‫|ְּהגּו‬ Ye shall mourn.

‫הדף‬ Trudetis, pelletis. Ye will thrust , drive away .

‫תְּה‬ , honorabis Thou shalt adorn , honour thy
‫תנה‬ [te. [ self.
Vanitas, inanitas. Vanity , emptiness.
‫הוה‬ ‫תהוא־ וֶה‬ .Erit She shall or will be.
‫אבר‬ ‫תְּהוֹבֵד‬ .Perdes Thou shalt destroy.
‫ידע‬ ‫ | תְּהוֹדְעוּן‬.Docebitis Ye shall teach. [ me.
mihitis Ye will shew, make known to
‫ תְּהוֹדְעוּנַנִי־־עִי‬.ostende
‫ההם‬ ‫ תְּהוֹם‬.Abyssus A, the deep, abyss.

" ‫ תְּהוֹמוֹת־ המ‬.Abyssi Abysses, depths.

ּ‫ | תְּהוֹתְתו‬Machinabimini, ma- Ye will plot, will imagine or
lum excogitabitis. contrive mischief.
‫חוה‬ Ye shall shew.
‫ תְּהַחֲוֹן‬.Indicabilis
‫ תְּהַחֲוַנַּנִי‬.Indicab ilisYe will shew to me.
‫תהתלו‬ 1267

‫היה‬ ‫ תְּהִי תִּהְיֶה‬Erit ; ,

eris She shall be ; thou shalt be.
Thou shalt be.
‫ תִּהְיֶה תִּהְיִי‬.Eris
Ye shall be .
‫ תִּהְיוּ־־יוּן‬.Erilis
‫ תִּהְיֶין־־נָה‬Erun, They shall be. [noise.
‫הום‬ ‫ תְּהִימֶנָּה‬.Perstrepent They shall make a great
‫הכר‬ Obfirmabilis vos. Ye will harden yourselves.
‫ תהל‬.Splendebil [ tia. She shall shine.
ָ‫ת‬ , onst
stulti- Inconstancyanti
, folly a
Praise .
‫ תְּהִלָּה־־לָּת‬.Laus [foolishly.
ּ‫ תָּהִלו‬.Insanietis Ye will be mad, will act
‫ תהלות־־לת‬.Laudes Praises.

‫הלך‬ ְ‫ תְּהַלֵך‬.Ambulabil She will walk .

‫הלל‬ ‫ תְּהַלָּל‬.Laudabit She shall praise .

ֹ‫ תְּהִלָּתו‬.Laus
ejus His praise .

‫ תְּהִלָּתִי‬.La us
mea My praise.
tue s
ָ‫ תְּהִלָּתֶיך‬.Laude | Thy praises .
tua s Thy praise.
ָ‫ תְּהִלָּתֶךָ־־תְך‬.Lau
‫המה‬ " ֶ‫תִּהְמִי־־ה‬ .Fremes Thou wilt rage, be disquieted .
‫תהם‬ ‫ תְּהֹמֹת‬.Abysi Abysses, depths.

‫נזק‬ Plan Damno afficies. Thou shalt damage.

‫הפך‬ ְ‫ תְּהָפֶך‬.Converteris Thou wilt be turned.

Perversitates ; per- Perversities ; very perverse,
‫הרג‬ Occides. [ versissima. Thou wilt slay. [ froward.
‫ג‬ ְ ‫ר‬ ַ ‫ה‬ ּ ַ ‫ת‬ .O cc id
eum et She shali slay him.
‫ תַּהַרְגוּ הֲרֹי‬.Occidetis [eos. Ye shall slay. [slay them.
‫תַּהַרְגֵם‬ Occides eos ; occidet Thou shalt slay them; she shall
‫ תֵּהָרַגְנָה‬.Occidentu They shall be slain.
cc id
eum es Thou shalt kill him.
ּ‫ תַּהַרְנֶנּו‬.O
‫הרה‬ ּ‫ תַּהֲרו‬.Con cipi etis Ye shall conceive.
‫הרס‬ ‫ תַּהֲרֹס‬.Everles Thou wilt overthrow.

‫ תְּהָרֵס‬.Everlelur She shall be overthrown.

Evertes eos. Thou shalt overthrow them.
uet She shall break it down.
ּ‫ תֶּהֶרְסֶנּו‬.Dir eum
‫שכח‬ ‫ה‬ ּ ְ ‫ת‬ .In ven iet She shall find .
‫התל‬ Ye will mock .
ּ‫ תְּהַחֵלּו‬.Iudetis
1268 ‫תוכחתי‬



‫תוח‬ ‫ תָּו‬.Signum A mark, sign.

‫תאם‬ ‫ תּוֹאֲמִים‬.Gemel li Twins.
‫חוב‬ Reversus est, resti- He returned, restored, an-
tuit, respondit. swered .
‫יבל‬ ‫ תּוּבָל‬.Adducetur She shall be brought.

‫ תּוּבַל קַיִן‬Tubal- cain Tubal-cain, N. M.
‫יבל‬ Ye shall be led along.
‫ תּוּבָלוּן‬.Deducemini
‫ תּוּבַלְנָה‬.Adducentur They shall be brought.
‫ינה‬ ‫תּוּנָה תּוּגַת‬ .Maror Grief, sorrow .

‫ תּוֹגְיוּן‬.Meerore
aficietis Ye will grieve.
‫ידה‬ ‫ֹדָה דָת‬.L‫תּו‬ , sacrificium ua
Praise , sacrifice of praise
‫ תודות דת‬.Laudes [laudis.[ Praises.
‫ידע‬ ַ‫ תּוֹדִיע‬.Ostendes Thou wilt shew, make known
‫ תּוֹדִיעֵנִי‬.Ostendes
mihi Thou wilt shew to me.
‫ידה‬ ְ‫ תּוֹדֶך‬Laudabit
, le She shall praise thee.
‫ידע‬ ַ‫ תִּנָּדֵע‬.Cognoscetur She shall be known.

‫ תִּדְעִי‬.Cognosceris Thou shalt be known. [ bounds]

‫תִּיָּה‬ Signavit, limitavit. He made marks, limited, set
Trepidavit,obstupuit He dreaded, was afraid , asto-
ni Toach. Toah, N. M. [nished.
‫יחל‬ ,
‫ תּוחל‬Expectabi s Thou shalt expect, wait.
in Expectatio, spes. Expectation, hope.
ֹ‫ תּוֹחַלְתּו‬Spes cjus
, His hope .
‫ תּוֹחַלְתִּי‬.Smea
pes My bope.
, My mark , sign.
‫ תָּוִי‬Signum meum
ְ‫ תּוֹך‬.Medium The middle, midst.
in Medium ejus. His midst.
‫יכן‬ ,
‫ תּוֹכָח־־כיח‬Increpabis Thou shalt reprove.
ּ‫ת‬ . [ pationes Reproof , rebuke
‫ת‬ , incre- Arguments , reproofs
Increpabunt te. [ tio. They shall reprove thee.
‫תּו‬ cre
, castiga- Reproof , rebuke
pat, correction
ּ‫ת‬ , incre- My reasoning, reproof
patio mea.
‫תועבותיהן‬ 1269

‫יכח‬ Thou shalt rebuke me.

‫ תּוֹכִיחֵנִי‬.Increpabis
vende r Medium tui. The midst of thee.
‫יכל‬ ‫תְּוכל‬ .Poleris Thou wilt be able. [ be able.

‫תּוּכָל־ כָל־כְלִי‬ Poteris ; poterit. Thou wilt be able ; she will

Ye will be able.
ּ‫ תּוּכְלו‬.Poteritis
The midst of them .
‫תוך‬ ‫תּוֹכָם‬ Medium eorum,
‫ תּוֹלד‬Tolad, Tolad, N. P.
‫ילד‬ Nasceris. Thou wilt be born.
‫ תּוֹלְדוֹת־די־תּלִי‬.Generationes
‫ת‬ eorum Their
, generations
‫ תִּוּלוֹן‬.Tilon Tilon , N. M,
‫ילד‬ Thou shalt beget.
‫ תּוֹלִיד‬.Gignes
‫ תּוֹלָע‬.Tola [nus. Tola, N. M.
‫תלע‬ yin Vermiculus, cocci Scarlet or crimson.
A worm .
‫ תּוֹלֵעָה לָעַת לַי‬.rermis
‫ תּוֹלָעִי‬.Tolaila Tolaites, N. F.
‫תלע‬ ‫ תּוֹלָעִים‬.rermes
Onys in Vermis eorum. Their worm.
‫תמך‬ ְ‫ תּוֹמִיך‬.Te neb it She shall hold, retain.
‫תאם‬ ‫ תּוֹמִים תַּמִּים‬Gemel, li Twins.

‫ תֵּוּמָן‬.Teman Teman, N. M.
‫מות‬ ‫תָּמת‬ ‫ תּוּמַת‬.Morietur She shall die.
‫ינה‬ ‫ תּוֹנֶה‬.Opprimes [ lis. Thou shalt oppress.
Opprimetis, afflige- Ye shall oppress , afflict.

ּ‫ תּוֹנֶנּו‬.Opprimn eum es Thou shalt oppress him.

‫יסר‬ ‫ תִּנָּסֵד‬.Fundaberis Thou shalt be founded.

‫סִף יסף‬ ‫תְּסִי‬ ‫ תּוֹסִיף‬.adde ; addet s Thou shalt add ; she shall add.
ּ‫ | תּוֹסִיפו‬.Addetis Ye shall add .

‫תּוֹסִיפִי־סָפִי‬ .addes Thou shalt add.

‫סֶף סְף‬ ‫תּוֹסֶף‬ .Addes [emini. Thou shalt add. [plined .
‫יסר‬ ּ‫ָּסְרו‬-Corripiemin
‫תִּנ‬ , erudi Ye shall be corrected , disci
‫תעב‬ ‫ תּוֹעֵבָה עֲבַת‬.Abominalio An abomination.

, Abominations.
‫ תּוֹעֲבוֹת עֵי־בֹת‬Abominationes
‫בי‬ ָ‫ּוֹעֲבוֹתֶיה‬.Abominationes
‫ת‬ ejus . Her abominations
eo- Their abominations.
‫ בי‬- ‫ תּוֹעֲבוֹתֵיהֶם‬Abominationes
rum. [rum .

ּ‫ת‬ mina tiones
ca- Their abominations
1270 ‫תורת‬


‫ּוֹעֲבוֹתָיִךְ־תַ־ב ' תעב‬.A

‫ת‬ bomi na
tuae . Thy ti
abomina tionsones
ּ‫ת‬ mina tiones
vee Your abominations
tre. [rum .
eo- Their abominations.
‫ּוֹעֲבֹתָם‬.‫ ת‬Abominationes
Error, mistake.
‫תעה‬ ‫ תּוֹעָה‬.Error
‫רֹעֶה‬ ‫ תּוֹעֶה‬.raga, erransnsWandering, going astray.
‫יעף‬ ‫ תּוֹעָפוֹת‬.Vires Strength.
‫ תּופע‬.Splendebit She shall shine.
nisein Tympanis pulsantes. Playing on tabrets or timbrels
‫יצא‬ NY Proferet... She shall produce, bring forth .
Issues, goings forth.
‫ תּוֹצָאוֹת־צְאֹת‬.Eritus
‫וֹצְאוֹתָם‬.E ּ‫ת‬ ri
, fines eorum tu
. Their goings forth , borders
‫ת‬ Fine s ejus His borders.
‫ו‬ ‫י‬ ָ ‫ת‬ ֹ ‫א‬ ְ ‫צ‬ ֹ ‫ו‬ ּ ,

‫ תּוֹצִיא‬Educes, proferes ; Thou shalt bring forth, carry

proferet. forth ; she shall bring forth
‫ תוציאו‬.Proferetis Ye shall bring, carry forth.

‫ תּוֹצִיאֵנִי‬.Edume ces Thou shalt bring me out.


.S uc ce nd etur She shall be burned.



at Tikvath, N. M.
‫ תָּוֹקְהַת‬.Tocah

Thou shalt be ensnared.

ׁ‫ תִּנָּקֵש‬.Ilaqueaberis
‫תּוּר‬ Exploravit, investi- He searched out, spied, ex-

‫ תִּיָּרֵא‬.Timebis [gavit. Thou shalt fear. [amined .

‫ תּוֹרֶד‬.Demilles Thou shalt let down.

‫ תּוּרָד‬Deprimer
, is Thou shalt be brought down.
Di Deprimes eos. Thou shalt bring them down.'
‫תור‬ ‫ תּוֹרָה‬.O series o
, rd An order, series.

‫רַת‬ ‫תּוֹרָה‬ .Lex A law.

Ordines gemmarum. Rows ofjewels.
‫ תּוֹרִין‬.Boves Bullocks.

ׁ‫ תּוֹרִיש‬.Expelles Thou shalt drive out.

ּ‫ תּוֹרִישׁו‬.Expelletis Ye will drive out.

ֹ‫ תּוֹרִישְׁמו‬.Erpelle
eos t She will drive them out.

ְ‫ תּוֹרֶך‬.Turtua Thy turtle-dove.
‫ תּוֹרָם‬.Docebis
eos Thou wilt teach them.

‫תּוּרַק‬ .Effusus Poured out, shed.

Depauperaberis. Thou shalt be impoverished.
‫ תּורת‬.Leges Laws.
‫תזכר‬ 1271
།g ཱ།

My law.

‫ תּוֹרָתִי‬.Lez

‫ תּוֹרֹתַי‬.Le ges
mee My laws.

ּ‫תָו‬ ‫ תּוֹרֹתָיו‬.Leges
ejus His laws.
Thy laws.
‫ תּוֹרָתְךָ־תֶי‬.Leges tue
- Advena, inquilinus. A stranger, sojourner.
Thou shalt be inhabited.
‫ תּוּשָׁב‬.Inhabitaberis
‫שדר‬ Vastaberis. Thou shalt be laid waste.

in Habitare facies me. Thou wilt make me dwell.

Substantia, essentia, Substance, reality, essence,
scientia, sapientia knowledge, wisdom.
‫ישע‬ yujin Servabis ; servabil. Thou wilt save, preserve ; she
‫ תּוֹשִׁיעוּן‬.Servabitis Ye will save. [will save.
ּ‫ תּוֹשִׁיעֵנו‬.Servab Thou wilt save us.
nos is
‫ תּוֹשִׁיעני‬.Servabi
me t She shall save me.
She shall be saved.
‫ תִּוָּשַׁע‬.Servabitur
‫ תִּנָּשִׁעוּן‬.Servabimini Ye shall be saved.
ww Servaberis. Thou shalt be saved. [ mallet.
‫תתח‬ Missile, vel malleus. A dart or javelin, hammer or
‫יתר‬ ּ‫ תּוֹתִירו‬.Relinquetis Ye will leave.
in Præcelles. Thou shalt excel.

‫זבח‬ na Immolabis, sacrifica- Thou shalt offer, sacrifice.
Immolabilis eum [bis Ye shall offer it.
Ye shall sacrifice.
" ְּ‫ תִּזְבָּחוּ־־ב‬.Sacrificabitix
cabis Thou shalt sacrifice it.
ּ‫ תִּזְבְּחֶנּו‬.Sacrifi eum
‫זוב‬ She will flow.
‫ תָּזוּב‬.Fluct
ָ‫ תְּזוּרֶה‬.Comprim eam etShe will compress, crush her.
Succidit. He cut down .
‫זכה‬ ‫ תִּזְכֶּה‬.Pur erisus Thou shalt be pure, clear.
‫זכר‬ Recordaberis; recor- Thou shalt remember ; she will
dabitur. remember.

ּ‫תַּזְכִּירו‬ .Memorabilis Ye shall make mention.

Memorabitur, vel Shall be remembered, or shall
masculum nasce- be born male. [ membered .

Memorabitur. [ tur. She shall be mentioned, re-

.Memineris Thou shalt remember.
1272 ‫תחג‬

ְ‫תִּז‬ , me- Ye shall remember , mention

‫תִּזְכָרִי‬ Memoraberis
, Thou shalt be remembered.

‫ תִּזְכַרְן; ־נָה‬.Memorabuntur They shall be remembered,


mentioned .

‫תִּז‬ ejus . Thou wilt bemindful of him
‫ תִּזֶּל‬.Sillabit She shall distil .

‫תִּזְלִי‬ .Abibis Thou wilt go away.

‫זמר‬ ‫|תִּזְמֹר‬.Putabis Thou shalt prune .

‫ תִּזְנֶה‬.Scortabitur She will commit whoredom.

ָ‫ תַּזְנוּתֶיה‬.Scortat
| ejus Her whoredoms.
" ַ‫ תַּזְנוּתָיִךְ־־ת‬.Scortatlue Thy whoredoms.
" ֵ‫ תִּזְנוּתֵךְ־־נָת‬.Scortatio tua Thy whoredom .
Their whoredom .
‫ תַּזְנוּתָם‬Scortatio eorum
Ê Ê │§ ‡ ‡ § ‡ § |

‫זנת‬ ‫ | תִּזְנַח‬.Abjicies Thou wilt cast off.

‫זנה‬ ִּ‫ ת‬.Scortaberis
‫|זְנִי‬ Thou wilt commit whoredom.
‫ תִּזְנִינָה‬.Scortabuntur They shall commit whoredom
‫זעק‬ PP Clamabil ; clamabis. She will cry out ; thou wilt cry
‫זרה‬ ‫|ּזְרֶה‬
ִ‫ ת‬.Disperges Thou shalt disperse, scatter.
‫זרח‬ ‫ תִּזְרַח‬.0rietur She will arise.
‫זרע‬ ַ‫ ת‬.Concipiet [ eos. She will conceive.
‫זרה‬ Sparges, ventilabis Thou shalt scatter, fan them.
‫זרע‬ ‫ תִּזְרַע‬.Seminabitur She shall be sown.

‫רַע‬ ‫ תִּזְרָע‬.Seminabis Thou shalt sow.


" ְ‫ תִּזְרָעוּ־־ר‬.Seminabilis Ye shall sow.

| Ë

ּ‫| תִּזְרָעֶנּו‬.Seretis
eum Ye shall set it.
‫זרק‬ ‫|ִּזְרק‬
‫ ת‬.Sparges Thou shalt sprinkle.

‫חבא‬ te s
‫| תֵּחָבֵא‬.Absconde Thou shalt hide thyself..
‫תבט‬ ‫ תַּחְבּט‬.Ercuties Thou shalt shake out.
‫חבל‬ ‫ תַּחֲבֹל־ חְכֹּל‬.Pignoraberis Thou shalt take to pledge .
‫תְּחַבֵּל‬ .Perdet She shall destroy.
‫ּחְבְּלוֹת‬.co ַ‫ת‬ nsi
prudentia lia
. Prudent counsels
‫חבק‬ ‫ַבְּקִנָּה‬ ‫ח‬ ּ ְ ‫ת‬ .Amplect eameris Thou wilt embrace her.
She shall embrace me.

‫ תְּחַבְּקֵנִי‬.Amplectetur me

Festum celebrabis. Thou shalt keep a feast.

‫תחיינו‬ 1273

‫הגן‬ Ye shall keep it.

. ּ‫ תְּחָנֵּהו‬.Celebrab eum itis
ּ‫ָּחנּו‬ ‫ת‬ .Ce leb rab iti s Ye shall celebrate.
‫תנר‬ ‫ תַּחְכֹּר‬.Accinges Thou shalt gird round.

se nt They shall gird themselves.

‫ תַּחְנֹרְנָה‬.Accinge
‫יחד‬ TA Conjungeris; unietur Thou shalt be joined ; she shall
be united.
‫חרה‬ Exhilarabis eum. Thou wilt make him glad.

‫חדל‬ She will cease .

‫ תֶּחְדָּל‬.Deuinet
Abstinebis. Thou shalt forbear.
Thou wilt renew.
‫חדש‬ ׁ‫ תְּחַדָּש‬.Renovabis
‫ תחו‬.Tochu Tohu, N. M.
‫חול‬ ‫ תְּחוֹלֵל‬.Gignet She will bring forth , produce.
She will bear you.
vos t
‫ תְּחוֹלֶלְכֶם‬.Parie
She shall spare.
‫חוס‬ ‫חס‬ ‫חוּס‬ ‫ תָּחוֹס‬.Parcet
Under .
‫תַּ " תחת‬ ‫תָּחַת‬ ‫ תְּחוֹת‬.Sub
Under it.
ֹ‫ תְּחוֹתוֹהִי־חֹתו‬.Su ea b
‫חזה‬ ebis Thou shalt see .
‫ה‬ ֶ ‫ז‬ ֱ ‫ח‬ ּ ֶ ‫ת‬ .V id
Ye shall see.
ּ‫ תֶּחֱזו‬.Videbitis
‫ תֶּחֱזֶינָה‬.ridebun They shall see.
Pinn Roborabis. Thou 4wilt strengthen.
‫ תֶּחֱזָק‬Prevalebi , t She will prevail .
ּ ‫ו‬ ‫ק‬ ְ ‫ז‬ ֲ ‫ח‬ ּ ַ ‫ת‬ . F o r t
eril ises Ye shall be strong.

Maping Fortes erunt, robo- They shall be strong, shall be

rabuntur. strengthened .
‫חטא‬ Son Peccabis ; peecabit. Thou wilt sin ; she will sin.
Ye will sin.
" ְ‫ תֶּחֱטָאוּ־־חֶט‬.Peccabilis
mebis Thou shalt purge me.
‫ תְּחַטְאֵנִי‬.Purga
‫ תַּחֲטִיא‬.Pecca facies re Thou shalt cause to sin.
‫חיה‬ ‫ תְּחִי‬.riv et She shall live.
Vivum servabit; vi- She will keep alive ; thou wilt
Vives. [ tam restitues Thou shalt live [ restore life.
Ye shall live.
‫ תִּהְיוּ־־יוּן‬.Vinctis
Ye shall keep alive.
‫ תְּחַיוּן‬.rivent
‫ תְּחַיֵינָה‬toum servab itis Ye will keep alive.
They shall live.
‫ תִּהְיֶינָה‬.rivent
Vila restitues nos. Thou wilt revive us.
il Thou wilt revive me.
s me e
ּ‫ תְּחַיֵינו‬.Frestitue
VOL. 41. 3 T
1274 ‫תחנה‬


She will be in travail.

‫חול‬ ‫ תַּחִיל‬.Parturiel
‫ תָּחִיל‬.Dolebil She will be in pain .
Ye will tremble .
ּ‫ תָּחִילו‬.Trepidabitis
Thou shalt be in travail.
‫ תְּחִילין‬.Parluries
‫חיה‬ Vivum servabit me ; She will preserve me alive ;
vila restitues me. thou wilt revive me.
‫ תַּחְכָּה‬.Erpeclabis Thou shalt wait, expect.
‫תכם‬ Deng Sapiens eris. Thou shalt be wise.

ְּ‫ת‬ pie
reddesme . Thou wiltmakementewise
‫חלל‬ ‫ תָּחֵל‬.Incipies Thou shalt begin.
‫ תְּחל‬.Profanab
se il She will profane herself.
‫חלה‬ ‫ תַּחֲלאים‬.Morbi Diseases.

‫חלל‬ ּ‫ תָּחֵלּו‬.Incipietis Ye shall begin .

‫חלה‬ ‫ תַּחֲלוּאי‬.Mo rbi

; agri Diseases ; they that are sick.
ָ‫ַּחֲלוּאֶיה‬. Her diseases.
‫ ת‬.Morbiejus
Morbi tui. Thy diseases.
‫ תַּחֲלִיף‬.Renovab se it She shall be renewed.
‫ָּחֲלִיפס‬.‫ ת‬Mulabis ,
eos Thou shalt change them .
‫חלל‬ ‫ תְּחַלֵּל‬.Profanabis Thou wilt profane.
ּ‫ תְּחַלְלו‬.Polluclis Ye will pollute .
ּ‫ תְּחַלְלֵנו‬.ProfaeamnabisThou shalt profane it.
ּ‫| תַּחְלְפָהו‬.Transib
eum it She shall pass through him.
‫ תַּחֲלץ‬.Erues Thou shalt put off.
137 Expediti eritis. Ye will be prepared.
She shall be divided .
‫חָלָק‬ ‫תְּחָלֵק‬ .Dividet
‫ תְּחַלֵּק‬.Dividelur She shall divide.
Ye shall divide.
ּ‫ תַּחְלָקו‬.Dividetis
‫חלל‬ ‫ תִּחְלַּת‬.Imilium A beginning.
‫תמס‬ ‫| תֵּחַם‬.Incalescet She will become warm.
‫חמד‬ ‫ תַּחְמֹד‬.Concupisces Thou shalt covet, desire.
‫חמל‬ ‫ תַּחְמֹל‬.Parces Thou shalt spare.
ּ‫ תַּחְמְלוּ־־מלו‬.Parcetis Ye shall spare.
‫תמם‬ DATA Calefaciet. She will warm.
‫תמס‬ ‫ תַּחְמֹסו‬.rim aferetis Ye will do violence.

‫ תָּחַן‬.Tachan Tahan , N. M.
‫חנן‬ .Misereberis Thou wilt be merciful.
‫תנה‬ She shall encamp.
‫ תַּחֲנֶה‬.Castrametabilur
‫תחרא־־חי‬ 1275

‫ תְּהִנָּה‬.Techinas Tehinnah , N. M. [ entreaty.

‫חנן‬ ‫חִנָּה־־נָת‬Gratia
ְּ‫ת‬ ; deprecatio . Favour , grace ; supplication
ּ‫ תַּחֲנו‬.Castrametabimin Yei shall encamp.
ַ‫ת‬ reca tiones
mea . My supplications
‫ּחֲנוּנָי נַי‬.Dep
ַ‫| ת‬ reca tiones
mee. My supplications
‫| תַּחֲנוּנֵי־נִים‬.Deprecationes Supplications.
ַ‫ת‬ reca tiones
ejus . His supplications
ַ‫| ת‬
ָ‫ּחֲנוּנֶיך‬.Dep reca tiones
tue. Thy supplications
‫| ת‬ reca tiones
nos . Our supplications
[lre. Tahanites, N. F.
‫ תַּחֲנִי‬.Tachanile
ּ‫ תַּחֲנִיפו‬.Polluctis Ye shall pollute .
‫חנן‬ Dan Misereberis eorum. Thou shaltbe merciful to them
She shall be polluted , defiled .
‫ונף‬ ‫ תֶּחֱנָף־־נַף‬.Polluetur
ֹ‫ תְּחִנָּתו‬Deprecatio, ejus His supplication.
‫ תְּחִנָּתִי‬.Depreca mea tioMy supplication.
‫חנה‬ ‫תַּחֲנֹתִי‬Castramea
| . [rum ,
. My camp
‫ תְּחִכֹּתֵיהֶם‬Deprecationes eo-| Their supplications.
ָ‫ תְּחִנָּתְך‬.Deprecat tua ioThy supplication.
ְ‫ת‬ pre
vestra catio
, Your supplication
ְ‫ת‬ pre
eorum cat
. Their supplicat io
| ְ‫ת‬
ּ‫ּחִנָּתֵנו‬.De pre cat
nostra. Our supplicat io
‫חסה‬ ‫תֶחְסֶה‬.Confides Thou shalt trust.

‫חסם‬ Don Capistrabis. Thou shalt muzzle.

‫חסר‬ She shall fail.

‫תֶּחְסָר‬ .Deficiet
‫ ת‬.Carebis
‫|ֶּחְסַר‬ Thou shalt want.
Thou wilt ; thou wilt desire.
‫חפץ‬ ‫ תַּחְפּוֹץ‬.roles
‫תפז‬ Ye shall tremble.
ּ‫ תַּחְפְּזו‬.Trepidabitis
‫תפר‬ ‫ תַּחְפִּירִי‬.Pudo afficierisreThou shalt be put to shame.

‫| תַּחְפַּנְחֵס‬.Tachpanches Tehaphnehes, N. P.

‫| תַּחְפְּנֵים־־נָס‬.Tachpanes Tahapanes, N. W. P.

‫ תַּחְפֹּץ‬.Delectaberis Thou shalt be delighted.

‫חפש‬ Thou wilt search for her:
‫ תַּחְפְּשֶׁנָּה‬.Quere eam s
‫חצב‬ Cades, fodies. Thou shalt cut, dig.
Ye will examine, search out.
‫חקר‬ ‫| תַּחְקְרוּן‬.Pervestigabilis
‫תָּחַר‬ Commiscuit,certavit . He mingled together, con-
tended .
. An habergeon, a breast-plate.
‫ תַּחֲרָא־־תִּי‬.Lorica
1276 ‫תחתו־־חי‬


She shall be desolate.

‫רַב־־חִי חרב‬ ‫ תֶּחֱרָב‬.Desolabitur
nt ur . They shall be laid waste.
‫ תֶּחֱרַבְנָה‬.Paulabu
‫חרס‬ ‫ֲרִים‬-I
‫תַּח‬ nt devove-er ne
Thou shalt doom toci destruc
bis. [matizabitis. tion. [nounce accursed.

ּ‫חֲרִימו‬-Dַּ‫ת‬ ev , anathe-ov eb
Ye shall devote , shallitpro
Dan Exterminabis eos. Thou shalt exterminate them.
Thou shalt be silent.
‫חרש‬ ‫ רִישִׁי‬-- ׁ‫ תַּחֲרִיש‬.Silebis
Ye shall hold your peace.
‫ תַּחֲרִישׁוּן רִשׁוּן‬.Silebitis
ַ‫ תַּחְרֵע‬.Tachrea Tahrea, N. M.

Hyemabil She shall pass the winter.

‫חרף‬ ‫תֶּחֱרָף‬ ,
‫ר‬ ֱ ‫ח‬ ּ ֶ ‫ת‬ .M ov te is
eb Thou shalt move,bestir thyself
‫חרץ‬ ‫ָץ‬
Thou shalt keep silence.
‫חרש‬ ׁ‫ תַּחֲרֵש‬.Silebis
ׁ‫ תַּחַרש‬.Arabitur She shall be ploughed. { tempt.

ׁ‫ תַּחֲרֹש‬.Ar abi
,molieri s sThou shalt plough, devise, at-
Thou shalt hold thy peace.
ׁ‫שׁ־רש‬་‫חַר‬ ‫ ײ‬: ‫ *ת‬.Silebis
cent They shall become deaf.
‫ תֶּחֱרַשְׁנָה‬Obsurdes,
Win Tachas. Thahash, N. M.

ׁ‫תַּחַש‬ ׁ‫ַש‬Taurus
‫תָּח‬ ; vel sec . al . Abadger ; or according to somc
attrilio, rasura. a rubbing , scraping .
She shall be counted,reckoned.
‫חשב‬ ‫ תֵּחָשֵׁב תֵּחָשֶׁב‬.Reputabitur
wing Excogitabit . [bitis. She will devise.
Cogitabis, excogita- Ye will imagine, devise.
Ye will imagine .
‫ תְּחַשְׁבוּן‬.Cogitabis
‫ תַּחְשְׁבָנִי‬.Reputab meuntThey will account me.
‫חשה‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ת‬ .Sil ebis Thou shalt be silent.
Thou wilt withhold, restrain.
‫ תַּחְשׂוֹךְ תַּחְשׂך חשך‬.Cohibebis
‫תחש‬ ‫ תְּחָשִׁים‬Taxi; rasuræ. Badgers ; shavings.
bilu r She will be darkened.
‫חשך‬ ְ‫ תַּחְשַׁך‬.Obscura
‫ תַּחְשֹׁכִי‬.Cohibebi s Thou shalt withhold, refrain.
They shall be darkened.
‫ תֶּחְשַׁכְנָה‬.Obscurabuntur
‫ תַּחַת‬.Tachat Tahath, N. M. P.

‫תחת‬ ‫ תַּחַת‬.Su; pro b Under ; for , instead of.

‫חתת‬ ‫ תֵּחָת תֵּחַת‬.con ster nabe ris Thou shalt be dismayed.
‫נחת‬ ‫ תַּחַת‬.Descend et She shall go down.
‫תתת‬ ' ַ‫ תֵּחָתּוּ־ח‬.Consternabimini Ye shall be dismayed.
‫תטר‬ 1277


‫ת‬ ‫תח‬ ng Sub co, sub quo. Under him, under which.
Inferior, infimus. Lower, lowest.
Under me ; in my stead.
ֵּ‫ת‬ Sub me; pro
‫ תַּחְתָּי‬.S ubme."
Inferior, infima. Lower, lowest.
Sub eis ; pro eis. Under them ; in their stead.
Under him: in his stead.
‫ תַּחְתָּיו־ת‬Sub co; pro eo.
Inferiores ,infimæ. Lower, lowest.
Under thee ; in thy room.
ָ‫ תַּחְתֶּיך‬.te S u
; pro te b
Sub vobis ; pro vobis Under you ; in your room.
DAN Inferiores, infimi. Lower, lowest.

an Pro nobis. In our place.

oco In their stead.

‫| תַּחְתָּם‬.Lcorum
Ma n Pro ca. In her stead,


‫נטה‬ Declinabis, inclina- Thou shalt decline, incline,

bis, avertes. turn away.

Thou shalt plunge me.

‫טבל‬ ‫ תִּטְבְּלֵנִי‬.Immerges me .
‫נטה‬ Inclinabis,pervertes; Thou shalt incline, apply,
declinabit. pervert, wrest ; she will

Munda erit. She shall be clean. [ turn aside.

Mundi erilis. Ye shall be clean.
Mundaberis. Thou shalt be cleansed.
22 |

.Molet She shall grind.

‫טחן‬ ‫תִּטְחַן‬
Thou shalt drop.
‫ תַּפִּיף‬.Stillabis
Distiliabilis. Ye shall drop, distil..
Shop Obumbrabit. She shall overshadow.
Thou shalt defile.
‫טמא‬ ‫ תְּטַמֵא‬.Pollues
Immunda erit. She shall be unclean.

‫ תְּטַמְאוּ תִּי טַמִי‬.Polluennini Ye shall be polluted .

22 | 2

ּ‫ תִּטָּעו‬.Plantabilis Ye shall plant.

‫ תְּטַע תִּטְעִי‬.Plantabis Thou shalt plant.
Stillabil. She will drop.
pi n Stillabunt. They shall drop.
oculo Thou shalt observe with an
. ‫נטר‬ Thn : Observabis
vindicta occasio- eye of resentment and re-
nem captante. venge.
1278 ‫תירושי‬


‫נטש‬ with Deseres. Thou shalt forsake.

me es
‫ תִּטְשֵׁנִי‬.Reinqu Thou shalt leave me.


‫יבש‬ ׁ‫בֶּש‬ ׁ‫ תְּיַבֵּש‬.Ersiccabil She shall dry up.

ׁ‫תִּיבָש‬ ׁ‫ תִּיבָש‬.Erarescet She shall wither , be dried up.
‫תבה‬ ‫תֵּיבָת‬ .Arca An ark.

‫ינע‬ ‫ תְּיַגַּע‬.Fatigabis Thou shalt weary.

‫ תִּיגַע‬.Laborabis Thou shalt labour.

eum it She shall weary him.

ּ‫ תְּיַבְּעֶנּו‬.Fatigab
‫יטב‬ ‫ תִּיטָב‬.Placebit She shall please .
‫ תֵּיטָבִי‬.Decorabis [ ciet . Thou wilt adorn . [ well.
‫ | תיטיב‬Benefacies ; benefa- Thou wilt do well ; she will do
ּ‫| תֵּיטִיבו‬.Benefacietis Ye will do well.

‫ תִּיכוֹן תְּכוֹן‬.Ticon Ticon, N. P.

‫ | תִּילוֹן‬.Tilon Tilon, N. M.
‫ילל‬ ּ‫ תְּיֵלִילו‬.Ejulabilis Ye shall howl .

‫תֵּימָא‬ .Tema Thamah, N. M.

‫תֵּימָן‬ .Temman Teman, N. M. P.

‫ימן‬ ‫ תֵּימָן‬.A
| ua le
, australi s r
South, southern.

‫ תֵּימָנָה‬Austrum versus Toward the south.

‫תֵּי‬ , Temanei Temanite , Temanites , N. P

‫ תֵּימָנִי‬.Temeni Temeni, N. M.
ּ‫ תִּינְקו‬.Sugetis Ye shall suck.

Thou shalt suck.


‫ תִּינָקִי‬.Suges

te t
ְ‫ תְּיַסְרֵך‬.Corripie She shall correct thee.

ּ‫ תְּיַסְרֶנּו‬.Castigabis
eum Thou shalt chasten him.

‫ תְּיַסְרֵנִי‬.Castiga Thou shalt chasten me.

‫עשה‬ ‫ תֵּיעָשֶׂה‬.Fict She shall become,be done,made

‫| תִּיצִי‬.Titsila Tizite, N. F. or P.
She shall be precious.

P Pretiosa eril.
Timebis ; timebil. Thou shalt fear; she shall fear.

‫| תִּירָאוּ־רִי־און‬.TVmebilis Ye shall fear .

‫ תִּירָאוּם־אם‬.Timebit eos is Ye shall fear them.

‫ תִּירָאִי רְאִי‬.Timeb is [ vum. Thou shalt fear.
" ‫תִּירוֹשׁ־ר‬.Muslum
, vinum no- Wine, new wine
ִ‫ ת‬.Musl
meum um My wine .
‫תכונני‬ 1279

‫ירש‬ ְ‫ תְּרוֹשֵׁךְ רִשְׁך‬.Mutuum lum Thy wine.

‫ תִּירְיָא‬.T ir ia Tiria, N. M.

‫ תִּירָס‬.Tiras Tiras, N. M.
Th ou wilt possess.
‫ירש‬ ׁ‫ תִּירָש‬.Possidebis
‫ת‬ . ssi debit
[ pietis . She shallinherit
ּ‫ּירָשׁו‬.ִ‫ת‬ hereditatem I n
acci- Ye shall inherit
s Ye shall possess.
‫ תִּירְשׁוּ־רָ"־שׁוּן‬.Possi debili
ּ‫ תִּירָשֶׁנּו‬Possidebis,eum Thou shalt possess him.
ׁ‫תָּיִש‬ .Hircus A he-goat.

‫ישב‬ ‫ תָּיֹשֹׁבְנָה‬.InhabitabunlurThey shall be inhabited.

‫ישם‬ ‫ תִּישְׁמְנָה‬.Desolabunlur They shall be made desolate.
‫ תִּישַׁן‬.Dormics Thou shalt sleep .
She shall direct.
‫ישר‬ ‫ תְּיַשֶׁר‬.Diriget

ְ‫תִּך‬ .Fraus Fraud, deceit.
‫כאב‬ ּ‫ תַּכְאָבו‬.Corrumpetis Ye shall corrupt, mar, spoil .
She shall be made heavy.
‫כבר‬ ‫ תִּכְבַּד‬.Aggravabitur
Ye will make heavy.
ּ‫ תְּכַבְּדו‬.Aggravabitis
le il She shall honour thee.
ְ‫ תְּכַבֶּדְך‬.Honorab
She shall honour me,
‫| תְּכַבְּדֵנִי‬.Honorab me it
Thou shalt quench.
‫כבה‬ ‫ תְּכַבֶּה‬.Extingues
‫ תִּכְבֶּה‬.Extinguetur She shall be quenched, put out
‫כבס‬ ‫ּס‬ ֶ ‫ב‬ ַ ‫כ‬ ּ ְ ‫ת‬ .La vab is Thou shalt wash.

‫ תְּכַבְּסִי‬.Ablue le s Thou shalt wash thyself.

Thou shalt wash me.
‫ תְּכַבְּסֵנִי‬.Ablue me s
Accubuit, discubuit. He sat down.
‫נכה‬ ‫ תַּכֶּה‬.Percuties Thou shalt smite.

‫כהה‬ ‫ תִּכְהֶה‬.Caligabil [bent. She shall be dim-sighted.

‫תוך‬ Accumbent, discum- They will sit down.
‫נכה‬ Ye shall be smitten.
ּ‫ תִּכּו‬.Percutiemini
Thou shalt be burnt.
‫ תִּכָּוֶה‬.Combureris
om . [tur .bu re ntu
burnt. [ blished
ָ‫תִּכ‬ They shall be
Stabilieris ; stabilie- Thou shalt, she shall be esta-
‫כון‬ ‫תִּכּוֹן‬
‫ תְּכוֹנֵן‬.Pa,rab statues is Thou shalt prepare , set.
s Thou shalt be established.
‫ תִּכּוֹנָנִי‬Stabilieri
1280 ‫תכנית‬


ejuses His seat.

‫כון‬ ֹ‫ תְּכוּנָתו‬.Sed
‫כזב‬ ‫ תְּכַב אֲבִי‬.Mentieris Thou wilt lie.
Thou wilt hide.
‫כחד‬ ‫ תְּכַחֵד חֲדִי‬.Abscondes
r She shall be cut off.
‫ תִּכָּחֵד‬.Escindetu
s Ye will conceal.
ּ‫ תְּכַחֵדו‬.Celabili
.Mentiemini Ye will lie, deal falsely.
‫כחש‬ ּ‫תְּכַחֲשׁו‬
Ye will deny, renounce. [pare.
‫ תְּכַחֲשׁוּן‬.Abnegabitis
Parabit ; parabis. She will prepare ; thou wilt pre-
Thou shalt prepare it. [ spect.
ָ‫ תְּכִינֶה‬.Parab eam is
‫נכר‬ s
Agnosce . Thou shalt acknowledge, re-
Ye shall acknowledge, respect
ּ‫ תַּבִּירו‬.Agnoscelis

‫ תְּכָכִים‬Fraudes ,,
doli Frauds, deceits.

‫כלא‬ Thou wilt withhold,keep back
‫ תִּכְלָא‬.Cohibebia
bi a Thou wilt forbid, hinder.
‫ תִּכְלָאִי‬.Prohibe
‫כלה‬ ‫ תְּכַלֶּה‬.Absolves [ tio. Thou shalt finish, make an end
Consumetur ; perfec She shall be consumed ; perfec-
Pudore afficietis eam Ye will put her to shame. [tion
Pudore afficietis me. Ye will put me to shame.
- Deficient, absolven- They will fail, be finished.
Finis ; perfectio[ tur An end ; perfection.
‫כלם‬ Rubore suffundetur. She shall be ashamed .
Ye shall be confounded.
ּ‫ תִּכָּלְמו‬.Confundemini
Thou shalt be confounded.
‫ תִּכָּלְמִי‬.Confunderis
‫כלה‬ Consummabis eam. Thou shalt finish it.

‫כלת‬ Blue or violet.

‫ תְּכֵלֶת‬.Hyacinthus
‫ תֹּכֶן‬.Tochen Tochem, N. P.
Expendit, direxit, He pondered , weighed, direct-
disposuit,æquusfuit ed, regulated, disposed , was

‫ תָּכָן‬.Stabilies Thou shalt establish . [equal.

P Expendit, direxit. He weighed , directed .

‫ | תּכֶן‬.Expendens He that pondereth, weigheth.

A measure.
‫תְּכֶן‬ .Mensura
‫נכה‬ Percuties eum. Thou shalt smite him.

‫כנע‬ ַ‫ תַּכְנִיע‬.Deprimes Thou shalt bring down.

A pattern , model .
‫תכן‬ ‫ תָּכְנִית‬.Eremplar
‫תל מלח‬ 1281

‫תכן‬ ‫ תִּכַּנְתִּי‬.Dir er
, dispos ui iI have directed , regulated.
Thou shalt cover . [shall cover
‫כסה‬ ‫ִי‬ ‫ תְּכַס־־ס‬.Teges
‫תְּכַפֶּה‬ Teges, celabis ; teget Thou shalt cover , conceal; she
She shall be covered.
‫ תִּכַּסֶה‬.Tegetur
‫כסס‬ ּ‫ תָּכְסו‬.Supputabitis Ye shall reckon, count.
She shall cover thee.
‫כסה‬ ְ‫סֶךָ סֶך‬ te
ָ‫ תְּכַסְך‬.Teget
Thou wilt earnestly long for.
‫כסף‬ ‫ תִּכְסף‬.Appeles
‫כעס‬ ּ‫ּכְעִיסו‬.A
ַ‫ת‬ di
provocabitis ra
Ye will provoke to anger m
ab it She will provoke her. [peased.
‫ תַּכְעַסְכָּה‬.Irriteam
‫כפר‬ Expiabis; placaberis Thou wilt atone, wilt be ap-
‫ּר‬ ָ ‫פ‬ ְ ‫כ‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Ex piabitur It shall be expiated.
Abolebis, expiabis Thou wilt abolish, expiate
‫כרה‬ ּ‫תִּכְרו‬ .Emetis [eos . Ye will buy . [them .
Thou shalt bring down.
ַ‫ תַּכְרִיע‬.Deprimes
Thou wilt cut off .
‫כרת‬ ‫ תַּכְרִית‬.Excides
Ye shall cut down.
ּ‫ תַּכְרִיתו‬.Succidetis
te et She shall cut thee off.
ְ‫ תַּכְרִיתֵך‬.Ercid
va bi t She shall bow down.
‫כרע‬ ‫ תִּכְרַע‬.Incur se
et is Ye shall bow down.
ּ‫ תִּכְרָעו‬.Procumb
bu ntThey shall bow themselves.
‫ תִּכְרַעְנָה‬.Incurvase
‫כרת‬ ‫ תִּכָּרֵת‬Erc ide lur
, She shall be cut off.

‫ תִּכְרֹת‬.Succides , panges Thou shalt cut down, make.

nge tis Ye shall make, agree upon.
ּ‫ תִּכְרְתו‬.Pa
uc ci de ti s Ye shall cut down.
‫ תִּכְרְתוּן‬.S
‫כשל‬ Thou shalt stumble.
‫ תִּכָּשֵׁל‬.Impinges
Thou shalt cause to fall.
‫ תַּכְשְׁלִי‬.Corru faciesere
‫שכל‬ ‫ תִּכְשְׁלִי‬Orbabis, Thou shalt bereave.
It shall be written.
‫כתב‬ ‫ תִּכָּתֵב‬.Scribelur
‫ תִּכְתֹּב‬.Scribes Thou shalt write.

ּ‫ תִּכְתְּבו‬.Describelis Ye shall describe.

‫כתש‬ ׁ‫ תִּכְתּוֹש‬.Conlundes Thou shalt bray, pound.


‫תלל‬ Tumulus, acervus. A heap.
‫אָבִיב‬ ‫ תֵּל‬.T el
- abib Tel- abib , N. P.

‫ תֵּל‬.T el Tel-harsa, N. P.
‫חַרְשָׁא‬ -charsa
‫מֶלֶח‬ ‫ תֵּל‬.Tel
-melach Tel-melah, N. P.
1282 ‫תלח‬

‫לאה‬ ‫ תִּלְאֶה‬.Egre feres Thou wilt be grieved.

ּ‫|לאו‬ ‫ ת‬.Fatigabitis Ye will weary.
‫לאב‬ ‫ תַּלְאוּבֹת‬.Siccitates Droughts , great drought.
‫תלה‬ ‫|תלאים‬ .Suspensi Being hanged.
‫ תְּלַאשָׂר‬.Telaaar Thelasar, N. P.
‫לבש‬ ׁ‫ תַּלְבִּיש‬.restiel She shall clothe.

‫ תַּלְבִּישֵׁנִי‬.resties Thou wilt clothe me.

ׁ‫ תִּלְבָּש‬.Indues Thou shalt put on.

‫בְּשִׁי‬ ׁ‫ תִּלְבַּש‬.restieris Thou shalt be clothed.

ּ‫ תִּלְבָּשׁו‬.Induelis Ye will put on.

‫ תִּלְבָּשִׁי‬.Indues Thou wilt put on.

‫ תִּלְבַּשְׁנָה‬.Induent They will put on.

‫ תִּלְבַּשֶׁת‬.restis A garment.
‫פַּלְנְאֶסֶר‬ ‫ תִּלְנַת‬.Ti lgat Tilgath-pilneser, N. M.
‫פַּלְנֶסֶר‬ ‫ תִּלְנַת‬.Tilg - pilneseral Tilgath-pilnaser, N. M.
‫ תִּלֶד‬.Pariel She shall bear.

ּ‫ תִּלְדו‬.Parietis Ye shall bring forth.

‫ תִּלְדִי‬.Paries Thou shalt bring forth .
‫תָּלָה‬ Pependit , appendit , He hanged , hanged upon,
$ |

suspendit. hanged up.


‫תלל‬ ejus us Her heap.

ּ‫ תִּלָּה‬.Acerv
‫תלה‬ ‫ תלה‬.Suspendens Hanging up .
ּ‫ תְּלָהו‬.Suspendeum ileHang ye him.
‫להט‬ She shall kindle, set on fire .
‫ תְּלַהֵט‬.Incendent
ּ‫ תָּלוּ תְּלו‬.Suspenderunt They hanged.
‫ תְּלוּאִים‬.Suspenst Hanging in doubt, in suspense

‫ תַּלְוֶה‬.Commodabis Thou shalt lend .

‫תִּלְוֶה‬ .Mutuaberis Thou shalt borrow.

‫ תָּלוּי‬.Suspensus Being hanged.
‫ תְּלוּיִם‬.Suspensi Being hanged.
‫ תְּלָוּם‬.Suspenderunt
eos They hanged them.
ּ‫ תַּלְנו‬.Commodabei is Thou shalt lend to him.
ּ‫תַּלְוּנו‬ .Murmurabilis Ye will murmur .
‫תלונת‬ .MurmurationesMurmurings.
‫תְּלוּנֹתָם‬.Murmura tiones
co- Theirmurmurings
‫ תֶּלַח‬.Telach [ rum. Telah, N. M.
‫תלעג תלעיג‬ 1283

‫לחם‬ She shall fight.

‫תִּלָּחֵם‬ .Pugnabit
‫ תלחם‬.Comedes Thou shalt eat.
Ye shall fight.
‫מוּן‬ ּ‫ תִּלְחֲמו‬.Pugnabitis
Thou shalt oppress.
‫לחץ‬ ‫ תִּלְחָץ‬.Opprimes
ּ‫ תִּלְחָצֶנּו‬.opprime eum s Thou shalt oppress him.
‫תלה‬ Pharetra tua. Thy quiver.

‫לון‬ Pernoctabit, commo- She shall lodge, abide, re-

rabitur ; pernoc- main; thou shalt suffer to
tare sines. abide all night.

ּ‫ תָּלִינו‬.Pernoctabitis Ye shall lodge.

‫תלה‬ ּ‫ תָּלִינו‬.Suspendimus We hanged .
Thou shalt lodge.
‫לון‬ ‫ תָּלִינִי‬.Pernoctabis
‫תלת‬ ‫תָיָא‬ ‫תְּלִיתָאָה‬.T. [ambulab . Third us [ go, walk .
er ti
Ibis, ambulabis; ibit, Thou shalt go, walk ; he shall
She shall be taken.
‫ֵד‬ ‫כ‬ ּ ָ ‫ל‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Capietur
She shall catch him.
ֹ‫ תִּלְכְּדו‬.Capie eum t
‫ תִּלָּכְדִי‬.Capieris Thou shalt be taken.

‫ּלְכוּ־לִיכוּן‬.I ֵ‫ת‬ bi
, ambulabitis. Ye shallti
go , walk s
bi abis s Thou shalt go, walk.
‫ תֵּלֵכִי־לְכִי‬.I , ambul
They shall go ; ye shall go.
‫ תֵּלַכְנָה‬Ibuml ; ibit
, is
‫תָּלֵל‬ Aggeravit, elevavit. He heaped up,elevated, raised.

‫תלל‬ Acervus Corum . Their heap.

Thou shalt learn.
‫למד‬ ‫ תִּלְמַד תַּלְמִיד‬.Disces
Ye shall learn.
ּ‫ תִּלְמְדו‬.Discetis
Thou shalt teach them.
‫ תְּלַמְּדֵם‬.Doceb cos is
is eum. Thou shalt teach him.
ּ‫ַמְדֶנּו‬ ‫ל‬ ּ ְ ‫ת‬ Doceb
Thou shalt teach me.
‫ תְּלַמְּדֵנִי‬.Docebis
‫ תַּלְמָי־מִי‬.Talmai Talmai, N. M.
‫תלם‬ ‫ תַּלְמִי‬.Sulci Furrows.
Sulci ejus. [noctabil. Her furrows. [lodge.
per- Thou shalt lodge ; she shall
‫ תָּלַן תָּלֶן‬Pernoctabis
‫ תְּלָנּוֹת‬Murmuratione, s Murmurings.
Murmurationes ves- Your murmurings.
‫| תְּלנֹתֵיכֶם‬
‫תלע‬ [tre .
‫לעג‬ Subsannabil ;subsan - She will laugh to scorn ; thou
‫תִּלְעַן תַּלְעִיג‬
nabis. wilt have in derision.
1284 ‫תמו‬

She shall glean ; thou shalt ga-

‫לקט‬ ‫ תְּלַקֵט‬.Leget; colliges
Ye shall gather it.
|| $

ּ‫תִּלְקְטְרו‬ .Collige eum tis [ther.

ּ‫ תְּלִקְטו‬Colligemini
, Ye shall be gathe red.
‫ תַּלְשֵׁן‬Accusabis
, Thou shalt accuse.

‫ תְּלַשָׂר‬Telasar
, Telassar, N. P.
‫תָה‬ ‫ תְּלָת־תָא‬.Tres
‫ תַּלְתָּא‬.Tertius Third.

illi s Those three.

‫ תְּלָתֵהוֹן‬.Tre
‫ תְּלָתִין‬.Triginta Thirty.
‫תלל‬ Acervi; densi, longi Heaps ; thick, long.

‫תמם‬ DA DA Integer, perfectus. Upright, perfect.
Consummari, absol- To be finished , ended, spent,
vi, consumi ; in- consumed ; uprightness .
‫ תְּמָא‬.Tema [tegritas. Tema, N. M. P.
‫מאן‬ ּ‫|תּמאנו‬ .Rewuelis Ye will refuse .
‫מאס‬ ‫ תִּמָּאֵס‬.Rejicieris Thou wilt be rejected. [ despise
DNA Spernes; spernet. Thou wilt despise ; she will
‫ תִּמְאָס‬Conlemnes
, Thou wilt contemn, despise ,
ּ‫ תָּמְאָסו‬.Spernetis Ye shall despise.
‫מגן‬ del
ָ‫ תְּמַגְנֶך‬.Tratibi She shall deliver to thee.
‫מדד‬ Ye shall measure.
ּ‫תָּמֹדו‬ .Metiemiini
Admiratus est ; at- He wondered, admired ; was
tonitus est, obstu- astonished, amazed.
‫תם‬ Ibi, illinc, ubi. [ puit. There, thence, where.
sunt ti They wondered, marvelled.
ּ‫ תָּמָהו‬.Admira
ּ‫ תְּמָהו‬.Admiramiwi Wonder ye.
‫מהר‬ ‫ תּמהר‬Festinabil
, She will make haste.
ּ‫ תְּמַהֲרו‬.Festinabitis Ye shall hasten.
‫תמם‬ " Absolverunt ; abso- They finished ; they were fi-
luti,consumpti sunt nished , ended , consumed .
1 Consummari cum ; That it is finished ; his up-
integritas ejus. rightness.
‫תמיתוה‬ 1285

‫מוג‬ Colliquescet. [ eam . She will melt.

Colliquescere facies Thou wilt cause it to melt.
‫מדד‬ Thou shalt measure .
‫ תָּמוֹד‬Metieris ,
‫ | תַּמּוּז‬.Tamuz Tammuz, N. I.
‫מוט‬ Labetur, nutabit. She will slide, bend, totter.
Dip Dimovebitur. She will be removed.

‫ תְּמוּטִינָה‬Dimovebu, ntur They will be removed.

‫תמל‬ ‫ תְּמוֹל‬.Heri Yesterday.

‫מון‬ Imago, similituda. Image, similitude, likeness.

Similitudo tua. [ ejus. Thy likeness.
‫מור‬ Mulatio, commutatio His change, exchange.
‫מוש‬ Discedet, amovebitur She shall depart, be removed.
‫מות‬ Morieris ; morietur Thou shalt die ; she shall die.
‫תְּמוּתה‬ .Mors Death.

.Moriemini Ye shall die.

‫תָּמוּתוּ תְּמוּתוּן‬.
‫מ‬ ּ ְ ‫ת‬ .Morientur They shall die.
‫ תְּמוֹתֵת‬.Interficiet She shall slay.

‫ תֶּמַח‬Tamach
, Thamah, N. M.
‫מחה‬ ‫ | תֶּמַח‬.Erterges [ tur. Thou shalt wipe out. [off.
Delebitur, absterge- She shall be blotted out, wiped
Thou shalt blot out.
‫תִּמְחֶי‬ ‫ תִּמְחֶה‬.Delebis
Thou shalt imbrue.
‫מחץ‬ ‫ תִּמְחַץ‬.Cruentabis
‫מטר‬ ‫תַּמְטִיר‬ .Pluet It will rain.
Pluviam accipiet. It will be rained upon .

‫תמם‬ Consumere me. That I consume.

‫תמד‬ ‫ תָּמִיד‬.Jugiter
, semper Continually, always.
‫תמם‬ Integer, perfectus, Upright, perfect, without ble-
immaculatus ; in- mish ; uprightly.
Integra, perfecta, Whole, entire, perfect.
PAPER Integri, perfecti, im- Upright, perfect, without ble-
Integra. [ maculati Entire, complete. [mish.
‫מוש‬ ׁ‫תַּמיּש‬ .Discedcl She shall depart.
Ye shall remove .
ּ‫ תָּמִישׁו‬.Amovebilis
‫מות‬ Interficies ; occidet. Thou shalt slay ; he shall kill.
ּ‫ תָּמִיתְהו‬.Interficauna cictis Ye shall slay him.
‫ תמיתוה‬Interficietis eum. Ye shall slay her.
1286 ‫תמני‬


She will kill him.

‫מות‬ ּ‫ תְּמִיתֵנו‬.Interfi eumciet
‫ תָּמִיתְנִי‬.0ccid me es Thou wilt kill me
Apprehendit, tenuit. He took hold of, held, retain-
sustentavil. ed, sustained, upheld.
Sustain thou.
ְ‫ תָּמֹך‬.Sustenta
‫ תָּמְכָה‬.Sustentav She upheld.

ּ‫ תָּמְכו‬.Sustentarunt They upheld.

. ‫מכר‬ ur
‫ תִּמָּכֵר‬rendet, She shall be sold.
Thou shalt sell.
‫ תִּמְכֹּר‬.Vendes
Vendetis. Ye shall sell.
des Thou shalt sell her.
‫ תְּמבְּרִנָּה‬.ren eam
ָּ‫ תָּמַכְת‬.Sus te nt asti Thou hast upheld.

ָ‫ תְּמַכְתִּיך‬.Sustenta te vi I have upheld thee.

‫תמל‬ [bitur. [accomplished.
‫מלא‬ Implebitur, comple- She shall be filled , it shall be
Implebis, consecrabis Thou wilt fill, consecrate.
Thou shalt be filled .
‫ תִּמָּלֵאִי‬.Impleberis
in Complebitur, imple- It shall be fulfilled , filled, sa-
bilur eis. tisfied upon them.
They will fulfil.
‫ תְּמַלָּאנָה‬.Complebunt
‫מלר‬ ְ‫ תִּמְלוֹךְ־־לך‬.Salies Thou shalt salt. [reign.
‫מלח‬ Regnabis ; regnabit . Thou shalt reign ; she shall
‫מלט‬ Evades ; evadet, e- Thou shalt escape ; she shall
ripietur. escape, shall be delivered .
‫מלל‬ Thou wilt speak.
‫ תְּמַלֶל‬.Loqueris
‫תָּמַם‬ Consummavit, perfe- He finished, perfected, com-
cit, absolvit, con- pleted, ended, consumed ,
sumpsit, integer) was perfect or upright.
Den Absolvi, consumi eos That they are finished, ended .
‫ימן‬ ‫ תֵּמָן‬.Auster The south.

‫ נָתָה‬- ‫ תִּמְנָה‬.Timna [tues. Timnah, N. P.

‫מנה‬ Numerabis, consti Thou shalt number, appoint.
‫תמם‬ mpti We have been consumed.
ּ‫ תָּמְנו‬.Consu
| sumus
ּ‫ תַּמְנו‬Consumpti sumus; We have been consumed; they
consummarunt. have finished, accomplished
: ‫ תִּמְנִי‬Timnaeus
, Timnite, N. P.
‫תמריא‬ 1287

‫מנע‬ ‫ תִּמָּנַע‬.Cohibeberis Thou shalt be withholden,

yan Cohibebis, negabis. Thou shalt withhold, deny.

‫ תִּמְנָע‬.Timna Timna, N. M. W.
. ‫חֶרֶס‬ ‫ תִּמְנַת‬.Tim na
- chere s t Timnath-heres, N. P.
‫סֶרַח‬ ‫ תִּמְנַת‬.Tim -seranach l Timnath-serah, N. P.
‫מסס‬ ‫ תֵּמֶס תִּי‬.Liquefactio A melting, dissolution.
‫מעד‬ ‫ּמְעַד‬.Fa
ִ‫ת‬ cil
, labetur . | She shall lab
totter , slide it
‫מעט‬ ּ‫ תָּמְעָטו‬.Minuemmini Ye shall be diminished.

‫ תַּמְעֲטֵנִי‬Diminuesme.[ dabis . Thou wilt diminish me. [least

by Minues, minimum Thou shalt diminish, give the
ּ‫ תַּמְעִיטו‬.Min dabilisus Ye shall give less.
Thou collect very little.
‫ תמעיטי‬Minimum colliges, shalt
She will transgress .
‫מעל‬ ‫ תִּמְעל‬.Prevaricabilur
i shall transgress .
ּ‫ תִּמְעָלו‬.PrevaricabiminYe
‫מצא‬ NYDA Invenietur[ occurres She shall be found . [meet.
Invenie t ; invenies, She will find ; thou shalt find ,
Ye shall find him.
ּ‫ תִּמְצָאֻהו‬.Invenie eum tis
iet is Ye will or shall find.
‫ תִּמְצָאוּ צְאוּ וּן‬.Inven
Invenieris. Thou shalt be found.
nt ur They shall be found.
‫ תִּמָּצֵאינָה‬.Invenie
Inveniet te. She shall find thee.
ie s Thou shalt find them.
‫ תִּמְצָאֵם‬.Inven eos
, ‫ תִּמְצָאן‬.Accident They shall befal.
Invenies eum. [ tis. Thou shalt find him.
13 Exprimetis, exsuge- Ye shall press out, suck out.
‫ תִּמָּק‬.Contabescet She shall pine, consume away
‫ תִּמַּקְנָה‬.Contabescenl They shall consume away.
‫ תָּמָר‬.Tamar Tamar, N. W. P.

‫תֹּמֶר‬ ‫ תָּמָר‬.Palma A palm-tree.

‫מרד‬ ‫ תַּמֶּר‬.Irritabis Thou shalt provoke.
Ye shall rebel.
ּ‫ תִּמְרְדוּ ר"תַּמְרו‬.Rebellabilis
‫אמר‬ Ye will say.
ּ‫ | תּמְרו‬.Dicetis
‫מרק‬ ָ‫ תַּמְרוּקֶיה‬.Purgati ones
ejus Her purifications.
‫מרר‬ ‫ּמְרוּרִים‬.A
ַ‫ת‬ ; ma ro
amarissi Bitternesses res
; most bitter
ַּ‫ת‬ ol
altee um
. [mus . Lofty columns or pillars ne
‫מרא‬ ‫ תַּמְרִיא‬.Elevasebit She will lift up herself.
1288 ‫נדף‬

‫תמר‬ Palm-trees.
‫ תְּמָרִים תִּמֹי‬.Palme
Purification, cleansing .
‫מרק‬ ‫ תַּמְריק‬.Purgadio
ַ‫ת‬ s earum . Their purifications
‫מוש‬ ׁ‫ תָּמְש‬.Discedes Thou shalt depart .
‫משל‬ ‫ תִּמְשׁוֹל‬.Dominabilur She shall bear rule.
‫משח‬ ‫ תִּמְשָׁח־שָׁח‬.Unges Thou shalt anoint.[ dominion ,
‫משל‬ ּ‫תַּמְשִׁילְהו‬ Dominarifacies eum Thou wilt make him to have
‫משך‬ ְ‫ תִּמָּשֵׁך‬.Prolongabitur She shall be
ְ‫ תִּמְשֹׁך‬.Prolrahes Thou wilt draw out.

hes Thou shalt draw me.

‫ תִּמְשְׁכֵנִי‬.Trame
Thou shalt bear rule, have
‫משל‬ ‫ תִּמְשָׁל תִּמְשֹׁל‬.Dominaberis
‫המם‬ ‫ תַּמָּת‬.Integritas Integrity. [dominion.
Ye shall die.
‫מות‬ ‫ תָּמְתוּ תְּמָתוּן‬.Moriemini
‫תמם‬ ‫תַּמָּתִי‬.Immacu lata
mea My undefiled.
‫ תִּמָּתִי‬.Integritas
mea My integrity .
lce sce t She will become sweet.
‫מתק‬ ‫ תַּמְתִּיק‬.Du
‫מות‬ ּ‫ תְּמָתֵנו‬.Occides
nos Thou wilt slay us.


‫נתן‬ ‫תֵּן תֵּן‬ .Da [commilles .| Give thou. [ tery .

‫נאף‬ ‫תִּנְאָף‬ Adulterium non Thou shalt not commit adul-

ְּ‫ת‬ commit- They will commit adultery
‫נאץ‬ ‫ תִּנְאַץ‬.Contemnes [tent; Thou shalt contemn, despise.
‫נבא‬ ‫ תִּנָּבֵא‬.Vaticinaberis Thou shalt prophesy.
Ye shall prophesy.
ּ‫ תִּנָּבְאו‬.Vaticinabimini
Contumelia afficies. Thou shalt disgrace.
‫ננה‬ Cornu petes, feries. Thou shalt push, butt, gore.
Cornu peletis, ferie- Ye will push, butt, gore.
Percutiemini. [ tis. Ye shall be smitten. CT
‫נגש‬ ּ‫ תּננֹשׂו‬.Exigelis Ye shall exact.
‫גוד‬ ‫ תָּנֹד‬.Condolebis Thou shalt bemoan.
‫ תּנד‬.Migrabit She shall depart .
Ye shall bemoan .
ּ‫ תָּנְדו‬.Condolebilis
. ְ‫ת‬ facietme . She shall causemeto
‫ידע‬ ‫ תִּנְדָּע דַּע‬.Scies Thou shalt know.
‫נדף‬ ‫תִּנְדָּף‬ .Depelles Thou shalt drive away.
‫תנחמיה‬ 1289

Mercede conduxit, He hired, rewarded, bribed ,

muneratus est, rehearsed, lamented.
narravit, planxit.
Da, trade, affer. Give, deliver, bring thou.
Grant thou it.
eum a
ּ‫ תְּנֵהו‬.D
Date,tradite afferte, Give, deliver, bring, appoint,

constituile, tribu- ascribe ye.

‫ תְּנָוּאוּן‬.Frangetis [ite. Ye shall break.

‫ תנואות‬.Rupture Breaches.

‫| תְּנוּאָתִי‬.Ruptu mea ra My breach.

Fructus, proventus. Fruit, increase, produce.
‫ תְּנוּבָתִי‬.Frumeus ctus My fruit.
TA Migrabis, vagaberis. Thou shalt depart, wander.
ַ‫ תָּנוּח‬.Quiescet She shall rest.
Mutabil, vacillabit. She shall move, stagger.
Lobus, ima pars au- The lobe or tip of the ear.
[ris. Slumber.
‫| תְּנוּמָה‬.Dormitatio
‫| תְּנוּמוֹת‬.Dormitationes
Thou shalt flee.
‫ תָּנוּס‬.Fugies
Ye shall flee.
‫ | תָּנוּסוּ תְּנוּסוּן‬.Fugietis
Vacillabit. [gitata. She shall reel , stagger. [ ing.
Agitatio ; oblatio a- A waving, shaking; wave offer-
Oblationes agitata. Wave offerings.
‫חנר‬ ‫ | תַּנּוּר‬.Fornax A furnace.

Relinques, dimittes. Thou shalt leave, let go.

‫נחה‬ She shall lead.
‫ תַּנְחֶה‬.Deducet
‫ תַּנְחוּמוֹת־מִים נחם‬.Consolationes
‫ַּנְחוּמוֹתֵיכֶם מ‬.Con
‫ת‬ sola tiones
vestre Your consolations
Thy consolations.
Consolationes tuæ. es [ tance.
ְ‫ תַּנְחוּמִיך‬.Consolation tuae
‫נחל‬ Inhæreditatem dabis Thou shalt give for an inheri-

‫תַּנְחִילֶנָּה‬ Possidere facies eam Thou shalt cause to inherit it

In hæreditatem ac- Thou shalt receive for an in-
cipies. heritance.

‫נחה‬ eoses Thou shalt guide them .

‫ תַּנְחֵם‬.Duc
‫נתם‬ Solatium accipietis . Ye shall be comforted .
Ye shall comfort me.
‫ תְּנַחֲמוּנִי‬.Consolabme
Consolationes ejus. Her consolations .
VOL. II. 3x
1290 ‫תנשני‬


‫נתם‬ ּ‫ תְּנַחֲמֵנו‬Consolabilur, eum She will comfort him. '

abe ria me; Thou wilt comfort me ; she
‫ תְּנַחֲמֵנִי‬Consol
consolabitur me. shall comfort me .

‫ תַּנְחֶמֶת‬.Tanchumet Tanhumeth, N. M.
‫ינה‬ ּ‫| תַּנְחֵנו‬.Relinqu nos es Thou wilt leave us.
‫נחה‬ Duces me ; ducet me Thou shalt lead me ; she
shall lead me.

‫נחש‬ Ye shall use auguries.

ּ‫ תְּנַחֲשׁו‬.Augurabimini
‫ תְּנִי תְּנִי‬.Da [eum. Give thou.

ְּ‫ת‬ cum
faciet She will cause himber
to rest
me es Thou shalt leave me.
‫ תַּנִיחֵנִי‬.Relinqu
‫בִּין‬ ‫ תַּנִים‬.Dracones Dragons.
Second .
‫ תִּנְיָנָה‬.Secunda
‫ תִּנְיָנוּת‬.Secun, ilerum do A second time, again.
‫ תַּבִּינִים נָם‬.Ceti [ stillab is . Whal es.
‫נוף‬ ‫ִיף‬.Elevabi
‫תָּנ‬ , agitabis , Thou shalt lift up, wave , drop
‫נכר‬ ּ‫ תְּנַכֵּרו‬.Agnoscetis Ye shall acknowledge ,respect.

‫ תְּנֶנָּה‬Da eum. Give thou him.
‫נןם‬ Ye shall flee.
ּ‫ תָּנְסו‬.Fugietis
‫נסה‬ ‫ תְּנַסּוּ־סוּן‬.Tenlabis [ eos. Ye shall tempt. [in pieces .
‫נפץ‬ DYD Collides, comminues Thou shalt dash, break them
‫נצר‬ ‫צְלִי‬ ‫ תִּנָּצֵל‬.Eripieris Thou shalt be delivered.
‫נצר‬ tebit
‫ תִּנְצְרֶכָּה‬.Serva She shall keep thee.

‫ תִּנְצְרֵנִי‬.Conserv abisThou shalt preserve me.

‫נקה‬ PA Innocens eris, impu- Thou shalt be clear; shalt go
nilus dimitteris. unpunished.
ּ‫תְּנַכֵּהו‬ Insontem habebis Thou wilt hold him guiltless.
Pan Impuniti eritis [ eum Ye shall be unpunished.
‫ ת‬.Absol
‫ְּנַקְנִי‬. meves Thou wilt acquit me.
‫נקר‬ ‫ תְּנַקֵר‬.Effodies Thou wilt dig out.
‫נקש‬ ׁ‫ תִּנָּקֵש‬.Irrelieris Thou wilt be ensnared.
‫נשא‬ Ye shall be carried, borne.
ּ‫ תִּנָּשָׂאו‬.Portabimini
ִ‫ת‬ . [me . They shall be borne
‫נשה‬ Oblivioni traderis a Thou shalt be forgotten by me
‫תסערני‬ 1291

‫נתת‬ Thou shalt cut up.


ַ‫ תְּנַתֵּח‬.Concides
‫נתן‬ ‫ תִּנָּתֵן תֶן‬Traderis ; dabitur , Thou shalt be delivered ; she
tradetur . shall be given, delivered.
Thou shalt give.
‫ תִּנְתֵּן‬.Dabis
Ye shall break off.
‫נתק‬ ּ‫ תְּנַתֵּקו‬.Disrumpetis
‫ תְּנַתֵּקִי‬.Avelles Thou shalt pluck off.
‫נחש‬ When Evelletur. She shall be plucked up.

‫תם‬ [ tur. [shall be turned .

‫סבב‬ ‫תסוב‬ ‫ תסב‬Converteris ; verle- Thou shalt be turned ; she
Ye shall encompass .
ּ‫ תָּסבּו‬.Circumibitis
‫ תְּסַבֶּינָה‬.Circumdabunt They shall surround.
Thou shalt remove .
‫נסג‬ ‫ תַּסֵּג‬.Removebis
‫סנר‬ ‫ תִּסְגְּדוּן‬.Procumbelis Ye will bow down , worship.
‫סנר‬ Thou shalt deliver up.
‫בֵּר‬ ‫ תַּסְבִּיר‬.Trades
r She shall be shut out.
‫ תִּפָּנֵר‬Excludetu
Thou wilt deliver me.
me s
‫ תַּסְבְּרֵנִי‬.Trade
‫ תְּסוֹבֵב‬.Circumdabit She shall encompass .

ְ‫ תְּסוֹבְבָך‬.Circumda le bil She shall compass thee about.

‫ תְּסוֹבְבֵנִי‬.Circumd abisThou shalt compass me about
Thou shalt anoint thyself.
| a

‫סוך‬ ‫ תָּסוּךְ תָּסוּכִי‬.Ung


‫סור‬ ‫סור‬Declinabis , divertes ; Thou shalt decline , turn aside

discedet . she shall depart.

ּ‫סוּרוּ סְרו‬.Di
ָּ‫ת‬ ver
, discedetis Ye shall turn tet
aside, depart is
‫סחר‬ Ye shall trade, traffic.
ּ‫ תִּסְחָרו‬.Negotiabimini
‫נסג‬ is
‫ תַּסִיג‬Removeb, Thou shalt remove.

‫נסע‬ ַ‫ תָּסִיע‬.Advehes Thou wilt bring.

‫ תַּסִיעִי‬.Amovebis Thou shalt remove.
‫סור‬ ‫ תָּסִיר‬.Amovebis Thou shalt remove.

‫נסר‬ ּ‫ תִּסְכו‬.Libabilis Ye shall pour out.

‫ תַּסְכְּנִי‬.Teg Thou wilt cover me.
She shall be valued.
Subvertet, pervertet She will overthrow, pervert.
‫ תִּסְמְכֵנִי‬Sustenlabi,a me Thou shalt uphold me.
‫סמר‬ faciet re She will make to tremble and
‫ תְּסַמֵר‬.Horre
stand erect.

‫סער‬ ‫ תִּסְעָדֵנִי‬.Sustent
meabil She will uphold me.
1292 ‫תעבוני‬


ּ‫ תִּסְעו‬.Discedetis Ye shall depart.

Thou wilt take away.
‫אסף‬ ‫ תֹּסֵף‬.Auferes
‫יסף‬ ‫ תֹּסֵף‬Addet ; addes. She will add ; thou shalt add.
.Addes Thou shalt add.
‫תֹּסֵף‬ .Addetur She shall be added.

‫ספר‬ ‫תִּסְפֹּד‬ .Planges Thou shalt mourn.

ּ‫ תִּסְפְּדו‬.Plangelis Ye shall mourn . '

‫ספה‬ ‫תִּפָּפֶה‬ Peribis , absumeris . | Thou shalt perish ,be consumed
‫תִּסְפֶּה‬ Perdes ; absumet. Thou wilt destroy ; she shall
[ni. consume.
Peribitis, absumemi- Ye shall perish, be consumed .
‫יסף‬ ‫ תספו־־פון‬.Adde tis
, pergetis Ye shall add, go on, proceed.
Thou shalt number.
‫ספר‬ ‫ תִּסְפּוֹר פּר־פָּר‬.Numerabis
‫ תִּסְפָּר‬.Warra bis Thou shalt tell.
ּ‫ תְּסַפְּרו‬Narrabil
, is Ye shall tell .
ilis Ye shall number.
ּ‫ תִּסְפְּרו‬.Numerab
‫םרח‬ Excurret . She shall run over.
‫סתר‬ ‫ תַּסְתִּיר־־תֵּר‬.Abscondles Thou shalt hide.

‫ תַּסְתִּירֵם‬.Abscoeos ndes Thou shalt hide them.

ַ‫ ת‬.1oscond
‫ּסְתִּירֵנִי‬. mees Thou shalt bide me.
‫סתם‬ ּ‫ תִּסְתְּמו‬Obturabitis
, Ye shall stop .
le es
‫ תִּפָּתֵר‬.Abscond Thou wilt hide thyself.

ּ‫ תִּסְתְרו‬.Abscondemini Ye shall be hidden.

shall hide himself.
se et He
‫ תִּסְתַּתָּר‬.Abscond

‫תָּעַב‬ Aversalus,abomina- He loathed, abhorred ; acted
tus est ; turpiler abominably, made abomi-
egit,abominabilem able.
‫עבר‬ ‫ תֵּעָבֵד‬.Coletur [fecit. It shall be cultivated, tilled.
‫תַּע‬ , laborabis , Thou shalt serve, labour , cul
coles; servirefa- tivate ; make or compel to
" ְ‫ תַּעֲבֹדוּ דוּן ב‬.Servietis [ cies. Ye shall serve. [serve.
17 Servietis, servirefa- Ye shall serve, make to serve.
Coletis eos . [ cietis. Ye shall serve them.

eoses Thou shalt serve them .

‫ תָּעָבְדֵם‬.Col
‫ת‬ suntme . They abhorredme
‫תעזבני‬ 1293


‫עבר‬ ‫תַּעֲבוֹר־בר־בָר‬ Transibit ; transire She shall pass through; thou

facies . wilt cause to pass over.
Thou shalt pass over.
‫ תַּעֲבוּרִי‬.Transibis
Thou shalt borrow.
‫עבט‬ ‫ תַּעֲבֹט‬.Muluaberis
Thou shalt lend to him.
ּ‫ תַּעֲבִיטֵנו‬.Commodab ei is
‫עבר‬ ּ‫ תַּעֲבִירו‬.Trans ire shall cause to go over.

ֹ‫ תַּעַבְרוּ עֲב‬.Transibilis Ye shall pass over or through.

un t They shall pass over or thro'
‫ תַּעֲבֹרְנָה‬.Transib
ּ‫ תַּעֲבְרֵנו‬.Tradu nosces Thou shalt bring us over.

‫עןג‬ Depses, coques eam. Thou shalt knead or bake it.

Morabimini , expec- Ye will stay, wait.
‫ערה‬ ‫ תִּעְבֵּא‬Transibit. [ tabitis. She will pass away.
se it She will adorn herself.
‫ תַּעְדֶּה‬.Ornab
Ornabis te, ornaberis Thou shalt adorn thyself,
shalt be adorned.
Vagatus est,erravit, He wandered , erred , went
seduxit. [runt. ] astray, seduced , led astray .
Pagati sunt, erra- They wandered, went astray.
ּ‫תִּעו‬ .Tohu Tou, N. M.

A testimony. [ tage.
‫עןד‬ ‫ תְּעוּדָה‬.Testimonium
‫עלל‬ ‫ תְּעוֹלֵל‬.Racemaberis Thou shalt glean after the vin-
Augurabimini, con- Ye will use auguries, will di-
jicielis ex nubibus vine by the clouds.
She will fly.
‫עוף‬ ‫ תָּעוּף‬.rolabit
They will fly.
‫ תְּעוּפֶינָה‬.rolabunt

She shall be made bare.

‫עור‬ ‫ תְּעוֹר‬.Nudabilur
Ye shall stir up.
‫עֹרְי‬ ּ‫ תְּעוֹרְרו‬.Excitabitis
‫עזן‬ Valida erit, robora- She will be strong, shall be
bitur. [relinquet . strengthened . [ will leave
Relinques, descres ; Thou shalt leave, forsake; she
She shall be forsaken .
‫ תֵּעָזַביב‬.Deseretur
Thou wilt forsake her.
ָ‫ תַּעַזְבֶה‬.Descam eres
Deseretis eum. [ tis . Ye will forsake him.
"y- Relinquetis , desere- Ye will leave, forsake .
Thou wilt forsake us.
ּ‫ תַּעַזְבֵנו‬.Deser nos es
er es Thou wilt forsake him .
ּ‫עַזְבָנו‬ ּ ַ ‫ת‬ .D es eum
Thou wilt forsake me.
me es
‫ תַּעַזְבֵנִי‬.Deser
1294 ‫תענה‬

‫עטה‬ Thou shalt cover.

‫ תַּעֲטֶה‬.Teges
Ye shall cover.
ּ‫ תַּעֲטו‬.Tegetis
‫עטר‬ ּ‫ תְּעַטְרֵהו‬.Corona eam bis Thou wilt crown him.
ּ‫| תַּעֲטֶרֶנּו‬.Circumeum Thou wilt compass him.
‫תעה‬ Vagantes, errantes. Wandering, going astray.
‫ תּעִי‬.Tohi Toi, N. M.
‫עוד‬ ‫ תָּעִיד‬.Contestaberis Thou wilt protest.
‫תעה‬ ּ‫ תָּעִינו‬.Erravimus We have gone astray.

‫עוק‬ ‫ תָּעִיק‬.Premet She will press .

‫עור‬ ּ‫ תָּעִירו‬.Excitabilis Ye shall stir up.
‫תעה‬ ‫ תַּעִיתִי‬.Erravi I have gone astray.
‫עכם‬ Tinnitum edent,com- They will make a tinkling,
pedes gerent. will wear ornamental fet-
ters on the feet.
‫עלה‬ ‫ תַּעֲלֶה‬Ascendes, ascendere Thou wilt ascend , cause to go
facies, offeres; as- up, offer ; she will go up,
cendet, orietur. come up, arise . [ ing.
Aquæductus; curatio A trench, watercourse ; heal-
Ascendetis, offeretis. Ye shall go up , offer.
ּ‫ תַּעֲלוֹזִי־־עַלְזו‬.Lelaberis Thou shalt rejoice.

‫ תַּעַלְזְנָה‬.Erullabunt They shall triumph.

‫עלם‬ ‫ לָם‬-- ‫ תַּעְלִים‬.Latilabis Thou wilt or shalt hide thyself
‫עלה‬ ‫ ת‬.Ascendent
‫ַּעֲלִינָה‬. They shall go up, come up.
‫עלם‬ ‫| תַּעֲלָמוֹת‬.Abscondile Hidden, secret.
‫עלה‬ ‫ תַּעלנה‬0fferes ,
eam Thou shalt offer it.

ּ‫ תַּעַלְנו‬.Educes
me Thou shalt bring me up from

ּ‫ תַּעֲלֵנו‬.Edu ces
nos Thou shalt carry us up.

Thou shalt carry me up.

‫ תַּעֲלְנִי‬.Educes
‫עלץ‬ ‫ תַּעֲלץ‬.Eru llab it [tus . She shall triumph .
‫עלה‬ Ascensus ; aquæduc- An ascent ; a water-course.

ָ‫ תְּעָלֹתֶיה‬.Aqueductus cjus Her water -courses .

‫עמד‬ Stabis, consistes, re- Thou shalt stand, stand still ,
sistes, manebis ; withstand, remain ; she

Consistelis. [ stabit. Ye shall stand still. [ shall stand

‫ענה‬ Respondebis ; loque- Thou shalt answer ; she will
ejus . [tur . Her delights [speak .
‫ענה‬ She shall be afflicted.
‫ תִּעְנֵּה‬.4figetur
‫תערכו‬ 1295

‫ענה‬ Exaudies, responde- Thou wilt hear, answer, bear

bis, testaberis; ex- witness ; she shall hear.
Affliges. [audiet. Thou shalt afflict.
Ye shall answer him.
ּ‫ תַּעֲנְהו‬.Respondebeiitis
‫תענוּ־נוּן‬ .fligetis Ye shall afflict.

‫ענג‬ ‫ תַּעֲנוּג‬Oblectat
, io Delight.
ְ‫ תַּעֲנוּנָיִך‬.Delicie
lue Thy delights.
‫ תַּעֲנִיק‬.Muneraberis Thou shalt reward.
Tanac cTaanach, Tanach , N. P.
‫ תַּעַנְךְ־עִי‬.Ta, ana
‫ענה‬ ְ‫ תַּעַנְך‬.Respond ebitShe will answer thee.
DV Testaberis in eos, af- Thou wilt testify against
fliges eos. them ; wilt afflict them.
She will answer her.
‫| תַּעַנְנָּה‬.Respondeb ei it
Respondebis nobis. Thou wilt answer us.
ּ‫ תַּעֲנֶנּו‬.Respondci ebis Thou shalt answer him.
Exaudies me. [ bis me Thou wilt hear me.e. [force me.
Opprimes, humilia- Thou wilt oppress, humble,
Thou shalt shine forth.
‫עוף‬ ‫ תָּעָפָה‬.Effulgebis
‫עצב‬ * ‫ תֵּעָצֵבוּ־־‬.Dol ore
Dolore afficiemini. Ye shall be grieved .
‫עצל‬ Pigri, ignavi eritis. Ye will be slothful , idle.
‫עצר‬ ‫ תַּעֲצָר‬.Cahibebis Thou shalt withhold, keep
‫ תַּעֲצר‬.Detinebi t She shall detain, retain. [back.
me is
‫ תַּעַצְרֵנִי‬.Delineb Thou wilt detain me.

‫עקר‬ P Extirpabitur. She shall be rooted up.

‫ תְּעַקֵר‬.Subnervabis Thou shalt hough.

‫תער‬ [lum
Novacula, scalpel- A razor, knife.
‫ערה‬ Effundes, evacuabis. Thou shalt pour out, empty.
‫ערב‬ Suavis erit. [ labit. She will be sweet, pleasant.
‫ערג‬ Vociferabitur, anhe- She will cry out, pant after.
‫תער‬ Vagina ejus. [bis. Her sheath. [rify.
Expavesces, terre- Thou wilt be afraid, wilt ter-
‫תַּעֲרוֹצִי‬ Formidabilem te Thou shalt shew thyself for-
Terrebitis [ præbebis. Ye shall terrify. [midable.
‫תער‬ tua a
ְ‫ תַּעֲרֵך‬.Vagin Thy scabbard.
‫ערך‬ ְ‫ תַּעֲרֹך‬.Parabis Thou wilt prepare.

ּ‫ תַּעַרְכו‬.Comparabitis Ye will compare.

1296 ‫תפוג‬


‫ערץ‬ ּ‫ תַּעַרְצו‬.Formidabitis Ye will fear .

lis Ye shall dread.
‫ תַּעַרְצוּן‬.Expavesce
‫ערר‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ Erc ila bil
, She will stir up.
Thou shalt do.
‫עשה‬ ‫ עֶשִׂישָׂה‬- ׂ‫ תַּעֲש‬.Facies
cam s Thou shalt make it.
ָ‫ תַּעֲשֶׂה‬.Facie
‫ תַּעֲשֶׂה‬.Fac ie
; facies l She shall make, do ; thou shalt
‫תִּעֲשֶׂה‬ .Fiel It shall he done. [ make, do.

‫ תַּעֲשׂוּ־־שׂוּן‬.Facie; facient Ye shall make; they shall do.

F cies
‫ תַּעֲשִׂי־־ין‬.Fa Thou wilt or shalt do , make.

‫שָׂנָה‬ ‫ תַּעֲשֶׂינָה‬.Facietis ; facient Ye shall do ; they shall make.

They shall be done.
‫ תֵּעָשִׂינָה‬.Fient
She will make rich.
‫עשר‬ ‫ תַּעֲשִׁיר‬.Ditabil
‫עשה‬ Facies euin [ bis. Thou shalt do it.
. ּ‫תַּעֲשֶׂנּו‬
‫עשק‬ Puy Opprimes, defrauda- Thou wiltoppress, defraud .
s Ye will oppress .
ּ‫ תַּעֲשְׂקו‬.Opprineli
‫עשר‬ ‫ תִּעֲשֵׂר‬.Decim dabis am Thou shalt give the tenth.
Ditabis eam. Thou wilt enrich her.
s Thou shalt pray .
‫עתר‬ ‫ תַּעְתִּיר‬.Orabi
‫תעה‬ ‫תעים‬ ‫ע‬ ‫ת‬ .E rr or es Errors.


‫תפף‬ ‫ תּף‬.Tympanum A tabret, timbrel . [the boughs

‫פאר‬ Ramos scrutaberis . Thou shalt go over, examine
ֶ‫א‬ ‫ּפְאָרָה רֶת‬.D
ִ‫| ת‬ ec
, gloria , orna- or
Beauty , glory , ornament
ֹ‫תִּפְאַרְתּו‬.Gloria ejus . [tus . His glory
‫| תִּפְאַרְתִּי‬Gloria mea
, My glory.
" ֶּ‫ת‬ ְ‫ תִּפְאַרְתִּך‬.Glori tua a Thy glory .
ְ‫פְאַרְתָּך‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ Glori a tua
, Thy glory.

‫| תִּפְאַרְתְּכֶם‬.Glo ri
vestr a a Your glory .
‫ְאַרְתָּם‬ ‫פ‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Gl ori
corum a Their glory.
‫פנע‬ Van Occurres,intercedes. Thou shalt meet, intercede.
‫ תִּפְגְעון‬.Irruetis Ye will fall upon.
Thou shalt intercede.
‫ תִּפְנְעִי‬.Intercedes
‫ברה‬ ‫ תִּפָּדֶה‬.Redimetur She shall be redeemed.
Thou shalt redeem.
‫ תִּפְדֶה‬.Redimes
shall redeem me. [ cease.
‫ תִּפְדּוּנִי‬.Redimet me is Ye
‫פוג‬ Remittetur, cessabit . She will be slackened , will
‫תך‬ ‫תפלתך‬ 1297


ַ‫ | תַּפּוּח‬.Tapuach Tappuah, N. M. P.
‫תפת‬ ‫ | תּפּוּחִי‬.Mala Apples.
‫נפל‬ ‫ תְּפּוֹל־־כֹּל‬.cades
; cadet Thou shalt fall ; she shall fall .
They will be scattered abroad.
‫פוץ‬ ‫ תְּפוּצְנָּה‬.Dispergentur
Laid over .
‫חפש‬ ׂ‫ תָּפוּש‬.Obductus
‫פוש‬ ®ׂ‫ תָּפוּש‬.Obesi
fietis Ye will grow fat.
Thou shalt fear.
‫פתר‬ ‫ תִּפְחָד‬.Timebis
¥mebitis Ye shall be afraid.
ּ‫ תִּפְחֲדו‬.
‫תפף‬ ָ‫פֶּיך‬ ְ‫ תְּפַּיִך‬.Tympa tua na Thy tabrets . [out.
. ‫נפל‬ ‫ תַּפִּיל‬Projicies ; ejicies | She will cast ; thou shalt cast
ּ‫תַּפִּילוּ תִּכֵּלו‬ cedetis , irruere fa- Ye shall fell , cause to fall
cietis, sorle divide- upon , divide by lot.
[ tis. Tabrets , timbrels .
‫תפף‬ ‫ תְּפִים‬.Tympana
‫אפה‬ Baked pieces.
‫ תִּפִּינֵי‬.Cocte
She shall scatter.
. ‫פוץ‬ ‫ תָּפִיץ‬.Disperget

ָ‫ת‬ sul
, infirmus ius
. Foolish , weak
‫נפל‬ Thou shalt let fall.
‫ תַּפֶל‬.caderesines
‫ תִּכָּל‬.cadet She will fall.
.Tophcl Tophel , N. P.
‫פלל‬ ‫ תְּפִלָּה־־לַת‬.oratio A prayer.
‫תפל‬ ‫| תִּפְלָה‬.Insulsitas Folly, stupidity.
‫נפל‬ ּ‫ תַּפְּלו‬.Sorte
dividelis Ye shall divide by lot.
Ye shall fall down.
‫ תִּפְּלוּן‬.Concidetis
‫פלל‬ Prayers . [bring forth .
‫ תְּפִלּוֹת‬.orati ones
, preces
‫פלח‬ ‫פַלַּחְנָה‬Difin
ְּ‫ת‬ dent , parient . They will cleave asunder
‫פלט‬ She will deliver, bring forth,
‫ תְּפִלָּט‬.Liber , pariet
Thou wilt deliver me.
‫ תְּפַלְטְנִי‬.Liberabisme
‫ תַּפְרִיט‬.Liberabis Thou wilt deliver.
‫נפל‬ cadent is Ye shall fall ; they shall fall .
‫ תְּפַּלְנָה‬.ca;det
‫פלס‬ Appendet ; librabis . She shall ponder, consider ;

tis Ye will weigh[ thou wilt weigh

‫ תְּפַלֵּסון‬4ppende,
ror Thy terribleness .
ָ‫ תִּפְלַצְתְּך‬.T er tuus
tio His prayer.
ֹ‫ תְּפִלָּתו‬.Ora
‫ תִּפְלָּתִי‬Oratio mea
, My prayer.

ָ‫פְלָּתֶךָ־־תְך‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Or ati

tua o Thy prayer.
VOL. 11. 3Y
1298 ‫תפשהו‬


‫פלל‬ ‫ תְּפִלָּתָם‬.Ora
onber tio Their prayer.
‫פנה‬ En Aspicies, respicies. Thou shalt look, regard.
Vertes te; vertet se. Thou shalt turn thyself; she
shall turn herself.
Convertetis, respicie- Ye shall turn, regard.

‫ תִּפְסַח‬.Tipsach [ tis. Tiphsah, N. P.

Thou shalt do.
‫פעל‬ ‫ תִּפְעָל‬.Facies
Ye will work. [bret.
‫ תִּפְעָלוּן‬.Operabimini
Tympano pulsavit. He beat or played on the ta-
PD Depr omes . Thou shalt draw forth.

TP Visilaberis ; punie- Thou shalt be visited ; she shall

tur. be punished. [number.
Inspicies, recensebis Thou shalt inspect, reckon,
ּ‫ תִּפְקְדו‬Numerabili s Ye shall number.
Die Numerabis eos. Thou shalt number them.

eum is Thou wilt visit him.

ּ‫ תִּפְקְדֵנו‬.Visitab
‫פקח‬ ‫| תִּפָּקַחְנָה‬.Aperientur They shall be opened.
Suit, consuit. [fiet. He sewed , sewed together.
‫פור‬ Frangelur, irritus It will be broken, disannulled.
Franges, rescindes. Thou wilt break , disannul.
‫פרה‬ Cresces. [facietis. Thou shalt increase.
‫פור‬ 1 Frangelis, irritum Ye will break, disannul.
‫פרח‬ Germinabil , florebit. She will, it shall bud, blossom

‫ תִּפְרַחְנָה‬.Florebunl They shall flourish .

ore re Thou shalt make to flourish.
‫ תַּפְרִיתִי‬.Fl facies
‫פרע‬ ּ‫ תַּפְרִיעו‬.Avocabitis Ye shall call off.
Ye shall rend.
‫פרס‬ ּ‫ תִּפְרמו‬.Discindelis
‫פרע‬ Delegelis, rejicietis. Ye shall uncover,reject,refuse
Thou shalt break forth.
‫פרץ‬ ‫ תִּפְרֹצִי‬.Prorumpes
‫פרש‬ ׂ‫ תְּפָרֵש‬.Expandet She will spread abroad.
‫תפר‬ ‫ תָּפַרְתִּי‬.S sui i
, conu I have sewed, sewed together.
wan Cepil, apprehendit, He took, seized , laid hold of,
attrectavit. [dere. handled.
Capiendo ; apprehen- In taking ; to seize, lay hold of
Wa Allrecians. Handling.
‫פשה‬ Serpet, diffudet se. She will spread, diffuse herself
‫תפש‬ Apprehendile illum. Lay ye hold on him.
‫תצונן‬ 1299

‫תפש‬ ּ‫ תָּפְשׂו‬.Ceperunt They took.

Take ye.
ּ‫ תִּפְשׂו‬.Capile
‫ תִּפְשׂוּם‬.Capiteos e Take, seize ye them.
‫פשט‬ ‫ תַּפְשְׁטוּן‬.Detrahetis [ tes. Ye shall strip off, pull off.
‫תפש‬ wp Capientes, attrectan- They that take, that handle.
Apprehendens. Seizing.
‫פשט‬ ‫ תַּפְשִׁיט‬.Detrahes Thou wilt strip off.
‫פשע‬ yan Deficiet, rebellabit. She will revolt, rebel,
‫שפת‬ ‫ תְּפַשְׂתֶּם‬.Cepistis Ye have taken.

‫ תֹּפֶת‬.Tophet Tophet, N. P.
‫ תָּפְתֶּה‬Tophte , Tophet, N. P. [inveigle.
‫פתה‬ Persuadebis,pellicies Thou wilt persuade, entice ,
‫פתח‬ nh an‫פ‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .S olves Thou shalt loose. [forth .
Solvetu r, erumpet. She shall be loosed, break!
Tho u shal t engr ave.
‫|תפתח‬ .Sculpes
Aperies. [ perietur Thou shalt open. [ be opened .
Aperies ; aperiet, a Thou shalt ; she shall open,
Aperientur. [ tus. They shall be opened.
‫תפת‬ Prafecti, magistra- Officers, magistrates.

‫יצא‬ NYA Egredieris ; exibit. Thou shalt go out ; she shall

* ‫ תֵּצְאוּ־־צְא‬.Eribilis Ye shall go forth. [go forth.

Ye shall come out. [forth.
ּ‫ תֵּצְאו‬.Egrediemini
Thou shalt go out, come
‫ תֵּצְאִי‬.Eribis
‫ תֵּצֵאנָה‬.Eribilis Ye shall go out, come forth.
- Exitus ejus. [ caberis. His goings forth . [ be justified.

‫צדק‬ Para Paya Justus eris ; justifi- Thou shalt be righteous, shalt

‫ תִּצְדִּקְנָה‬.Justi oresThey will be more righteous.

‫צוד‬ ‫ תָּצוּד‬.Venabilur She will hunt.
Ye will hunt.
‫ תְּצוֹדֵדְנָה‬.renadimini
‫ תְּצוּדֵנִי‬.Venab meeris Thou wilt hunt me.
‫צוה‬ 1 Thou wilt command.`
‫ תְּצַיֶה‬.Precipies
pies Thou shalt command them.
‫ תְּצַוּם‬.Precicis
‫צום‬ ּ‫ תָּצוּמו‬.Jejunabitis Ye shall fast.
‫צוה‬ s ei Thou wilt command him.
ּ‫ תְּצַוָּנו‬Precipie,
1300 ‫תערנו‬

Ye shall command me.

‫צוה‬ ‫ תְּצַוּנִי‬Precipietis,
‫צור‬ ‫ תָּצוּר‬Obsidebis
, Thou shalt besiege .

‫יצג‬ ‫ | תַּצְיג‬.Statues Thou shalt set. [deliver.

‫נצל‬ Eripies ; liberabit. Thou shalt deliver ; she shall

‫ תַּצִילָם‬.Eripiet
eos She shall deliver them.

eum t She shall deliver him.

ּ‫ תַּצִילֵנו‬.Eripie
She shall deliver me.
‫ תַּצִילֵנִי‬.Eripiet
‫נתץ‬ ‫ תִּצֶינָה‬.Diruenlur They shall be broken down.
‫יצת‬ ּ‫ תַּצִיתו‬.1ncendetis Ye shall set on fire.
‫נצל‬ Auferes. Thou shalt take away.

‫צלח‬ Prosperabitur ; pros- She shall prosper ; thou shalt

pere efficies. prosperously effect.
Thou shalt make prosperous .

ַ‫ תַּצְלִיח‬.Secundabis
shall prosper.
‫צלח‬ ּ‫ תַּצְלִיחו‬.ProsperabiminiYe
‫ תַּצְלִיתִי‬.Prosperaberis Thou shalt prosper.
‫צלל‬ " ָ‫ תְּצַלֶינָה תְּצַלְנ‬.Tinnient They shall tingle.
‫צמא‬ ּ ‫ו‬ ‫א‬ ָ ‫מ‬ ְ ‫צ‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Sili etis [faciet. Ye shall thirst. [to grow .
‫צמח‬ ַ‫תַּצְמִחַי מִיח‬ Germinabilicrescere she shall bud ; she shall cause
Orietur, efflorebit. She shall spring up, flourish.
‫ תִּצְמַחְנָה‬.Orientur They shall spring up.
‫צמד‬ ‫ תַּצְמִיד‬.Conjunget She shall join together.
‫צמת‬ ‫ תַּצְמִית‬.Ezscindes [ ris. Thou shalt cut off.
‫צעד‬ ‫צְעַד‬.Incedes
ִּ‫ת‬ , progredie- Thou wilt walk , march
‫ תִּצְעַק‬.Cl ama bia Thou wilt cry.'
ּ‫ תִּצְעֲקו‬.Clamabilis Ye shall cry.
‫צפה‬ ‫ תְּצַפֶּה‬.Obduces Thou shalt overlay .

‫ תִּצְפֶּינָה‬.Aspicient They shall behold.

‫צפן‬ Abscondes, recondes . Thou wilt hide, shalt lay up.
‫צפה‬ Obduces eum. Thou shalt overlay it.
‫צפן‬ Abscondes eos. Thou shalt hide them.

me es Thou shalt hide me. [ mutter.

‫ תַּצְפְּנֵנִי‬.Abscond
‫צפצף‬ ‫צַפְצֵף‬Garriet
ְּ‫ת‬ , susurrabit . She shall chatter , whisper
‫צור‬ Anges, vexabis. Thou shalt straiten, harass.
‫נצר‬ Custodies ; servabit. Thou shalt keep; she shall keep
‫צור‬ ‫תִּצְרִי‬ .Angeris Thou shalt be straitened . [ them
Anges, vexabis eos. Thou shalt straiten, harass
‫נצר‬ Thou shalt preserve him.
ּ‫ תִּצְרֶנו‬.Consereum vabis

‫נצר‬ ‫ תִּצְרֵנִי‬.Conserv
meabisThou shalt preserve me.
They shall be burnt.
‫יצת‬ ‫ תִּצַתְנָה‬.Comburentur

PA Perforabis. [ mini. Thou shalt bore.
Recipietis , conseque- Ye shall receive, obtain.
Execraberis eum , Thou shalt curse him.
shalt be gathered.
‫ תִּקְבֵץ‬.Congregaberis Thou
Thou shalt gather.
‫ תִּקְבֹּץ‬.Colliges
ּ‫ תִּקְבְצו‬.Congregabimini shall be gathered.
She shall gather them up.
‫ תְּקַבְּצֵם‬Colliget,
Thou shalt be buried.
‫ תִּקְבֵר‬.Sepelieris
cosiet She shall bury them.
‫ תְּקַבְּרֵם‬.Sepel
eumies Thou shalt bury him.
ּ‫ תִּקְבְּרֶנּו‬.Sepel
Thou shalt bury me.
‫ תִּקְבְּרֵנִי‬Sepelies,
Thou shalt sanctify.
‫קדש‬ ׁ‫ תַּקְדִּיש‬.Sanctificabis
lis Ye shall sanctify.
ּ‫ תַּקְדִּישׁו‬Sanctificabi
‫קרס‬ ְ‫ תְּקַדְּמֶך‬.Pre ve ni
te et She shall prevent thee. [ him.

ּ‫ תְּקַדְּמֶנּו‬.Preve niesThou wilt prevent, precede

‫קדש‬ WP Consecrabitur. [cent She shall be consecrated. [ fied.
‫קהה‬ Hebescent, obstupes- They shall be blunted , stupi-

‫קוה‬ , io Hope, expectation.

‫ תִּקְוָה־־ות‬Spes , expectat
[bit. Tikvah, N. M. [ stand , remain.
‫ תִּקְוָה‬.Ticvas
‫קום‬ DP Surges; surget, sta- Thou shalt rise ; she shall rise,
l She shall arise, stand.
‫ תְּקוּם‬Surgel, stabi
ta ti o Standing, power to stand.
‫ תְּקוּמָה‬.S
Ye shall rise.
ּ‫ תָּקוּמו‬.Surgetis
‫ תְּקוֹמֵם‬.Er igesThou shalt raise up, establish
, stabilies
They shall lament.
‫קין‬ ‫ תְּקוֹנֶנָּה‬.Lamentabunlur
Tekoah, Tekoa, N. P.
ַ‫ תְּקוֹע‬.Tecoa
Tekoite , N. P.
‫ תְּקוֹעִי‬.Tecoila
Tekoites , N. P.
‫ תְּקוֹעִים‬.Tecoila
A woman of Tekoah , N. P.
‫ תִּקְעִים‬.Tecoilis
Circuitus, revolutio. A circuit, revolution.
ejus s Her hope.
‫קוה‬ ּ‫ תִּקְוָתָה‬.Spe

Spes mea. My hope.

tua s
ָ‫| תִּקְוָתְך‬.Spe Thy hope.
1302 ‫תקנן‬

Spes nos
p ra.
es [met. Our hope. [shall take.
‫קוה‬ ּ‫ תִּקְוָתֵנו‬.S tra
MPP Sumes, accipies ; su- Thou shalt take , receive ; she
Sumetis, recipietis, Ye shall take , receive, take
Recipies . [ auferetis . Thou wilt receive . [away.
TARA Capiet te. She shall take thee.

iet She shall take them .

‫ תִּקְחֵם‬.Capeos
um es Thou shalt take it. [him.
‫ִּקְחֶנָּה‬ ‫ת‬ .S eam
Capies, auferes eum. Thou shalt take, take away
Recipies, auferes me Thou shalt receive, take away
|5 68

Thou shalt burn.

‫ תַּקְטִיר‬.Adolebis


Adolebitis. Ye shall burn, burn incense.


‫קטל‬ Thou wilt slay.

‫ תִּקְמֹל‬.occides
It shall be burnt.
‫קטר‬ ‫ תָּקְטָר‬.Adolebilur
‫ תָּקִיא‬.Evomet He shall spue out.

mes Thou shalt vomit it out.

‫ תְּקִיאֶנָה‬.Evo eam
Thou hast been weighed.
‫ תְּקִילְתָּא‬.4p pen essus
‫ תָּקִים‬.Eri ues s Thou shalt raise up, set up.
, statge
‫ תְּקִים‬.Stabi li es Thou shalt establish.
Ye shall rear up, set up.
ּ‫ תָּקִימו‬.Erigetis
Ye will accomplish.
‫ תָּקִימְנָה‬.Prestabilis
SA P Firmus, validus. Firm, strong.

, Firm, strong .
‫ תַּקִיפָה‬Firmna , valida
‫ תַּקִיפִין‬.P ot en te s Mighty.
Appensus est, He was weighed.
‫תְּקַלֵּל‬ Maledices
, Thou wilt revile, curse.
She will be cursed.
‫תְּקַלֵּל‬ .Maledicetur
Appensus es. Thou hast been weighed .
‫ תִּקס‬.Ulcisceris Thou shalt avenge.
Ye shall rise up.
ּ‫ תָּקְמו‬.Surgelis
Ordinavit, direxit, He set in order, made straight,
correxit ; confir- corrected ; he was esta-
matus est. blished.

‫ תְּקֵן‬.Ordinavit [bis. He set in order.

‫קנא‬ SP Emulaberis, invide- Thou wilt emulate, envy.

‫תִּקְנַא‬ .Emes Thou wilt buy.
‫קנה‬ ‫ תִּקְנֶה‬.Emes Thou shalt buy.
PA Emelis. Ye shall buy.
‫תקרבו‬ 1303

She will make her nest.

‫קנן‬ ‫תְּקַנֵּן‬ .Widulabilur
‫ק‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Div inabilis Ye will divine.
‫קסם‬ ‫ְסַמְנָה‬
‫תָּקַע‬ Fixit, infixil, ferüt, He fixed , forced, thrust,
plausit, conjecit, struck, clapped, cast, blew
clanxit. [tur. a trumpet. [ated, estranged .
‫יקע‬ VPA Divelletur, alienabi- She will be separated, alien-
‫תקע‬ UP Infigens, clangens. Thrusting, blowing.
WP Fixerunt, plause- They fastened, clapped, blew.
runt, clanxerunt.
They that blow.
‫ תִּקְעֵר‬.Clangentes
Plaudite, clangile. Clap, blow ye. [sureties.
‫ תִּקְעִים‬.Plaudentes They that clap, strike, as
AUPA Plausisti. Thou hast clapped, stricken.

‫תָּקַף‬ Prævaluit, invaluit, He prevailed , became strong,

[firmavit . Strength. [made firm.
‫ תֹּקֶף‬Robur.
His stre ngth, pow er.
ֹ‫ תָּקְפו‬.Roejus bur
DP is
Circumtondebit . Ye shall cut round.
Thou wilt curdle me.
‫קפא‬ ‫ תַּקְפִיאֵנִי‬.Coagula me bis
Thou shalt shut. [ ed .
‫קפץ‬ ‫ תִּקְפֹּץ‬.Occludes
‫תקף‬ ‫ תִּקְפַת‬.Firma est ta She was strengthened , harden-
Thou shalt loathe, be weary
‫קיץ‬ ‫ תָּקֵץ‬.Fastidies
Thou shalt reap. [of.
‫קצר‬ ‫ תִּקְצוֹר צר‬.Metes
Thou wilt be wroth.
‫קצף‬ ‫ תִּקְצף‬.Efervesces
Abbreviabitur , co- She shall be shortened ,
17 Metetis . [ arctabitur. Ye shall reap. [ straitened.

‫ תִּקְצַרְנָה‬.Curtabuntur They shall be shortened.

‫ תִּקְרָא רְאִי‬Vocabis, clamabis, Thou shalt call, cry, read ;
leges ; clamabit. she shall call.
Ye shall call.

ּ‫ תִּקְרְאו‬.Vocabitis
Ye shall be called.
ּ‫ תִּקָּרֵאו‬.Vocabimini
ONTRA Leges eos. Thou shalt read them . [ call.
Accident ; vocabitis. They shall happen ; ye shall
‫קרב‬ ‫רִיב‬ ‫| תַּקְרִב‬.Adduc , offeres esThou shalt bring, offer.
Appropinquabis. Thou shalt approach.
‫ תִּקְרַב‬.A ; accedeted esThou shalt draw nigh; she
shall come near.

ּ‫ תַּקְרְבו‬.Accedelis Ye shall approach , come near

1304 ‫תרגלתי‬


Ye shall bring.
‫קרב‬ ‫ תַּקְרְבוּן‬.Adducetis
13 Adducetis, offeretis. Ye shall bring, offer.
t They shall happen .
‫קרה‬ ‫ תִּקְרֶינָה‬.Acciden
‫ תִּקְרְעִי‬.Fin , lacerade
bis s
Thou wilt rend , tear.
‫קשב‬ ‫ּקְשַׁבְנָה‬.M
ִ‫ת‬ us .[cu lt
ritis . They abunt
shall hearken
‫קשה‬ ּ‫ְשׁו‬.In
‫| תַּק‬ ; dur abi
duri e- Ye will harden , will be stiff t
‫קשב‬ ‫קְשִׁיב‬.Au
ַּ‫ת‬ scu
facies lta
. Thou wilt cause to hearken r
ַ‫ תַּקְשִׁיח‬Obdurabi
, s Thou wilt harden .
Thou shalt bind .
‫קשר‬ ‫ תִּקְשׂר תִּקְשְׁרִי‬.Ligabis

‫תר‬ [rank , order .

‫תור‬ Turtur; series ,ordo. A turtle, turtle-dove ; a series,

‫ תֵּרֶא תִּרְאֶי־אֵה‬.ri;deb videbit isThou shalt see ; she shall see.
; videbit.

Videbitur, appare- She shall be seen, shall appear.

ּ‫ תִּרְאו‬.ridebitis [bit. Ye shall see.
Thou shalt see .
‫ תִּרְאִי תִּרְאִי‬.Fidebis
‫ תִּרְאֶינָד‬.ridebunt They shall see.
‫ תַּרְאֲלָה‬.Tarala Taralah, N. P.
eum is Thou shalt see him.
‫אה‬ ּ‫ תִּרְאֶנּו‬.rideb
Ostendes mihi. [ me. Thou shalt shew to me see me
Videbis me ; videbit Thou shalt see me ; she shall

‫| תִּרְאָנִי‬.Aspicietime s Ye shall look upon me.

Thou shalt increase.
‫| תֵּרֶב תַּרְבֶּה‬.Augebis
Augebitur. [ gebitis. She shall be increased.
Multiplicabits, au- Ye shall multiply, increase.
Ye shall be multiplied ,increas-
‫ תר‬.Multiplicabimini
‫| ת‬ . [ crescetis . An offspring [ ed .
‫רבע‬ Coirefacies, scil.bes- Thou shalt cause to come to-
tias. gether in bestial coition.
Thou wilt cause to lie down.
‫רבץ‬ faciesare
‫| תַּרְבִּיץ‬.Recub
‫רבה‬ ‫ּרְבֵּנִי‬Magnum
ַ‫ת‬ me faciet . She will make me great
‫רבץ‬ ‫תִּרְבַּצְנָה‬ Rec uba bun
, t They shall lie down .
me t She shall tremble.
‫רגז‬ ‫ תִּרְגַּז‬.Tre
i Ye shall be angry.
ּ‫ תִּרְגְּזו‬.Irascemin
ini Ye shall be troubled.
‫ תִּרְבַּזְנָה‬Turbabim,
ce s Thou shalt rest.
‫רגע‬ ַ‫ תַרְבִּיע‬.Guies
‫ תִרְגַּלְתִּי‬.I I taught to go.
‫רז‬ 1305

Interpretatus est, He interpreted, expounded.

exposuit. [ run down .
Descendet, diffluet. She shall go down ; it shall
‫ תִּרד‬.Descendes Thou shalt go down.

‫רדה‬ ‫ תִּרְ ה‬Dominaber

ּ ֶ ‫ד‬ is Thou shalt rule.
‫רדס‬ ‫תַּרְדֵּמָה־מַת‬ .Sopor A deep sleep.
Descendent, defluent. They shall go down,run down
777 Persequetur . She will pursue.
Sequeris, perseque- Thou shalt follow, pursue,per-
ris ; persequetur. secute ; she shall pursue.
Persequeris eos. Thou shalt persecute them.
i will persecute me.
‫ תִּרְדְּפָנִי‬.Persequme
‫רהב‬ ‫ תַּרְהִבְנִי‬.corrobor Thou wilt strengthen me.
‫רהה‬ ּ‫ תִּרְהו‬.Timebiti s Ye shall be afraid.

‫ תִּרְהָקָה‬.Tirhachas Tirbakeh, Tirhakah, N. M.

‫חור‬ ּ‫ תַּרו‬.Explorarunt They searched.
‫רוב‬ ‫ תָּרְוּב‬.Contendes Thou shalt contend , strive.

‫רס‬ ‫ תָּרוּט‬.Efferetur She shall be lifted up.

‫ תְּרוּמָה־מַת‬.Oblat elevata io A heave offering.

--is Oblationes elevate ; Heave offerings ; gifts.
‫ תְּרוּמִיָּה‬.Oblatio [dona. An oblation . [exalt.
Exaltabis ; exaltabit Thou shalt exalt ; she will

, They shall be exalted .

‫ תְּרוֹמַמְנָה‬Exaltabumlur
me li
‫ | תְּרוֹמְמֵנִי‬.Ertulis Thou hast lifted me up.
Oblatio elevata mea. My heave offering.
Oblationes elevate My heave offerings .
meæ. [vestræ.
elevate Your heave offerings.
‫ תְּרוּמֹתֵיכֶם‬Oblationes
Don Oblatio elevata ves- Your heave offering.
tra. [rum.
Oblatio elevata eo- Their heave offering.
Clangor, vociferatio A shout, loud noise. [ pieces.
‫רעע‬ Dy Confringes eos. Thou shalt break them to
Thou shalt run.
‫רוץ‬ ‫תָּרוּץ‬ .Curres·
Thou shalt be broken.
‫רצץ‬ ‫ תֵּרוֹץ‬.Confringeria
VOL. 11. 3 z
1306 ‫תרנה‬

‫תרז‬ ‫ תִּרְזָה‬.Iler
' ֶּ‫ תָּרַח ת‬.Ta Terach hTarah, Terah, N. M. P..
, rac
‫רחב‬ ‫ תַּרְחִיב‬.Ampliabis Thou shalt enlarge.

ּ‫ | תַּרְחִיבו‬.Dilatabilis Ye shall make wide.

‫רחק‬ abiges l Thou shalt put far away.

‫ תַּרְחִיק‬.Procu
Ye shall go far away.
ּ‫ תַּרְחִיקו‬.Proc
‫רחם‬ ‫תְּרַחֵם‬ ris
Miserebe, Thou shalt have mercy.

‫ תִּרְחֲנָה‬.Tirchanas Tirhanah, N. M.
‫רחק‬ ‫תִּרְחָק־חַק‬ Longe aberit ; pro- She shall be far of ; thou
‫רטש‬ Allidet. [ cul aberis. Thou wilt dash. [ shalt be far.
‫תְּרַפַּשְׁנָה‬ Allident, confringent They shall dash, breakto pieces
‫תרה‬ ‫תְּרֵי‬ .Duo Two.
‫רוב‬ Thou wilt strive with him.
ּ‫ תְּרִיבֵהו‬.Conte eum ndes
ָ‫| ת‬
‫ּרִיבוּ תְּרִיבוּן‬.Co , nte contend , plead ti
causam Ye will nde
‫ תְּרִיבֶנָּה‬.Conte ea Thou wilt contend with her.
cum ndes
‫ תְּרִיבֵנִי‬.Conte ndes wilt contend with me.
‫רוד‬ ‫ תָּרִיד‬Dominaberis
, Thou wilt have the dominion
‫חור‬ ‫ תְּרִים‬.Turtures Turtles, turtle-doves.
‫רוס‬ ּ‫ּרִימו‬.Effereti
ָ‫ת‬ , efferetis . Ye will lift up , heave , offer
Ye shall shout.
ּ‫ תָּרִיעו‬.Clangetis
‫ תָּרִיעִי‬.Vociferaberis Thou wilt cry out.
, She shall cause to run.
‫| תָּרִיץ‬Currere faciet
‫רכב‬ ‫ תִּרְכַּב‬.Equitabis Thou wilt ride.

ַּ‫| ת‬ me facies . Thou wilt cause meto ride
‫רמה‬ ‫ תַּרְמִית‬.Dolus Deceit.
‫ תַּרְמִיתָם‬.Dolu corum s
‫רמס‬ ,
‫ תִּרְמֹס‬Calcabis Thou shalt tread.

ּ‫ תִּרְמְסו‬.Conculcabitis Ye shall tread down.

‫ תֵּרָמַסְנָה‬.Calcabunlur They shall be trodden.
She shall tread her down.
‫ תִּרְמְסֶנָּה‬.Conculc
‫רמש‬ She shall creep .
ׂ‫ תִּרְמֹש‬.Repet
‫רמה‬ Deceit.
‫ תַּרְמָת‬.Dolus
.Malus A mast.
‫רנן‬ ‫ תָּרֹנָה‬.Acclamabit She shall cry , shout.
stridebit it will sound , rattle.
‫ תִּרְנֶה‬.So,nab She
"‫תרצנה־־רץ‬ 1307

‫רנן‬ ‫ תַּרְנִין‬.Erull faciesareThou wilt make to rejoice,

‫תָּרְנָם‬ Malus eorum . Their mast .

‫רנן‬ ‫ַנֵּן‬Cantabit
‫תֵּר‬ ,
, exultabit . | She shall sing , exult
ֵּ‫ת‬ , acclama- They shall sing , shout
‫תרע‬ [bunt.
‫רעע‬ ‫ תָּרַע‬.Confringe s Thou wilt break, crush.
‫תְּרַע‬ erilus
.Mal He shall be evil.
‫רעב‬ ‫ תִּרְעָב‬.Esuriet She will hunger .

ּ‫ תִּרְעָבו‬.Esurielis Ye shall be hungry.

[ up .
‫רעה‬ Pasces; depascet. Thou shalt feed ; she shall eat

‫רוע‬ ‫תרעו‬ .Malefacictis Ye will do wickedly, do harm

‫רעה‬ ּ‫ תַּרְעו‬.Pascetis Ye will feed .
Porters .
‫תרע‬ ‫ תָּרָעַיָּא‬.Janitores
‫רעה‬ ‫ תְּרעינה‬.Pascent They shall feed.
‫רעל‬ ‫ַּרְעֵלָה‬.Horror
‫ת‬ , trepidatio . Horror , trembling
‫רעם‬ ‫ תַּרְעֵם‬.Tonabis Thou wilt thunder.
She will dash in pieces.
‫רעץ‬ ‫ תִּרְעַץ‬.Confringet
‫רעש‬ wy Tremet, comovebitur She shall tremble, be shaken.
‫ תִּרְעַשְׁנָה‬.Comovebuntur They shall be shaken.
‫רפה‬ Remittes, desistes. Thou shalt let go, desist.
‫רפא‬ Thou shalt be healed.
‫ תְּרָפֵא‬.Sanaberis
ּ‫ תֵּרָפְאו‬.Sanabimini Ye shall be healed.
‫רפה‬ ‫ תְּרַפֶינָה‬.Remillent They will let go, let down.
Remisse se gerent ; They shall faint, be enfeebled,
debilitabuntur. 'weak .
‫רפא‬ t They shall heal.
‫ תִּרְפִינָה‬Sanabun
‫רפה‬ Remilles me. [ bitis. Thou shalt let me alone.
‫רפס‬ ‫תִּרְשׂוּן‬ Conculcabitis , turba- Ye shall tread, trouble ormake
‫רצד‬ ‫ תְּרַצְדוּן‬.Erilietis Ye will leap. [foul .
ִּ‫ת‬ , accipiet ; She will consent , acquiesce in
accipies, delecta- accept ; thou wilt accept ,
beris. be delighted with.
‫תִּרְצָה‬ .Tirlsa Tirzah, N. W. P.
‫רצח‬ ‫ תִּרְצָח־־צַח‬.Occides Thou shalt not kill, murder.
ּ‫ תְּרָצְחו‬.Occidemini Ye shall be slain.
They shall observe.
‫נצר‬ ‫רֹצִי‬ ‫ תִּרְצָנָה‬.Observabunt
1308 ‫תשאר‬


etis Ye will leap, skip.

‫רקר‬ ּ‫ תִּרְקְדו‬.Erili
‫רקע‬ es
ַ‫ תַּרְקִיע‬Erpand, Thou wilt spread abroad.
Teresh, N. M.
ׁ‫ תֶּרֶש‬.Teres
‫רשע‬ ‫ תַּרְשִׁיעַר עִי‬.Condemnabis Thou wilt condemn.
Thou wilt condemn me.
‫ תַּרְשִׁיעֲנִי‬.Condemmme
ׁ‫ תַּרְשִׁיש‬Tarsis
, Tarshish, Tharsish, N. M. P.
A beryl.
ׁ‫ תַּרְשִׁיש‬.Beryllus
‫רשע‬ ius Thou shalt be wicked.
‫ תִּרְשַׁע‬.Imperis
‫ תִּרְשָׁתָא‬.Tiraata [gavi. Tirshatha , N. M. [mined.
‫חור‬ Exploravi, investi- I have searched, spied, exa-
‫תרה‬ Second .
‫ תַּרְתִּין‬.Secundus
‫תור‬ ‫ תַּרְתֶּם‬.Explorastis Ye searched .

‫ תַּרְתָּן‬.Tarlan Tartan , N. M.

‫ תַּרְתָּק‬.Tartac Tartak, N. I.

‫נשא‬ Si Sumes, tolles, leva- Thou shalt take, take up, lift,
bis, auferes,recen- takeaway, number, forgive,
sebis, condonabis ; pardon ; she shall bear,
portabit . carry.
‫שאה‬ ‫ תִּשָּׁאֵה‬.Devastabilur She shall be made desolate.
‫נשא‬ ּ‫ תַּשְׁאו‬Decipietis
, Ye will deceive.
" Sumetis, portabitis, Ye shall take, bear, carry, ac-
accipietis, honora- cept, honour.

‫ת‬ . [ bitis . Ye will honour
‫שׁוּאוֹת שאה‬ ‫שְׁאוֹת‬.S
ִּ‫ת‬ ,tr ep
tumultus . Noises , shoutingsit
, tumults u
‫נשא‬ Thou shalt bear, carry.
‫ תִּשְׂאִי‬Portabis
‫ תִּשֵׂאינָה‬.Portabilis Ye shall bear , carry .
‫שאר‬ ‫ תַּשְׁאִיר‬.Relinquet She shall leave.
‫שאל‬ ‫שְׁאַל‬.Petes
ִּ‫ת‬ ,interrogabis . Thou wilt ask , inquire
‫תִּש‬ ,interrogabit te She will ask , inquire of thee
‫ תִּשְׁאָלֵנִי‬.Interrogabis me Thou wilt inquire of me.
‫נשא‬ DNW Auferet eos. She will carry them away.
‫ׂאֵנִי‬ ָ ‫ש‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Efe res
mue Thou wilt lift me up.
‫שאף‬ ‫ תִּשְׁאַף‬Anhelabitis
, Ye willpant.
‫שאר‬ ‫ תִּשְׁאר‬.Relinquelur She shall be left:
‫תשברו־־ברון‬ 1309


unt They shall remain.

‫שאר‬ ‫ תִּשָּׁאַרְנָה‬.Remancb
‫ישב‬ , habitabis, Thou shalt sit, dwell, abide ;
‫ תִּשְׁב‬Selebis
manebis; sedebil ,ha- she shall sit, dwell , abide.

‫שוב‬ Revertetur. [bitabit. She shall return . [ back .

Avertes, reduces. Thou wilt turn away , bring

‫ תָּשֵׁב‬.Averles [temini. Thou shalt turn away.

' ּ‫ָּשְׁבוּ־־שׁו‬.ve
‫ת‬ rsa
,rever- Yeshallturnbimaway , return ini
‫ישב‬ " ְׁ‫שְׁבוּ־־ש‬.Ha
ִּ‫ת‬ bit
,manebi- Ye shall dwell , abide ,remain ti
‫ תִּשְׁבוּן שׁוּ־בן‬.ver sabi
. [ tis mini
. Ye will turn away
‫שבת‬ Dravin Sedabis, compesces Thou wilt still, restrain them.
‫תִּשְׁבִּי‬ .Tobiles [eos. Tishbite, N. F. or P.
Thou wilt turn away.
‫שוב‬ ּ‫ תָּשְׁבִי־־שׁוּבו‬.avertes
" ְׁ‫ תִּשְׁבִי־־ש‬Sedebis , habita bis Thou wilt sit, dwell.
‫ישב‬ ,
ini Ye shall return.
‫שוב‬ ‫ תִּשְׁבֶינָה‬Revertem ,
Thou wilt satisfy.
‫שבע‬ ַ‫ תַּשִׂבִּיע‬Saturabis
ilis Ye shall swear.
ּ‫ תַּשְׁבִּיעו‬.Jurab
‫שבת‬ ‫ תִּשְׁבִּית‬.Ces sa
faci es re Thou shalt cause to cease.
ּ‫ תִּשְׁבִּיתו‬.Cessa facietis reYe shall cause to cease. [tive.
‫שבה‬ Captivum abducet te. She shall carry thee away cap-
‫שוב‬ , ‫ תָּשֹׁבְן‬Reverten, tur They shall return.
tuen d They shall restore.
‫ תָּשֵׁבְנָה‬.Resti
ִּ‫ת‬ ces , redire fa- Thou shalt bring me back
cies me. cause me to return.
She shall swear.
‫שבע‬ ‫ תִּשָּׁבַע‬.Jurabit
Thou shalt swear.
ַ‫ תִּשָּׁבֵע‬.Jurabis
beris Thou shalt be satisfied .
‫ תִּשְׂבָּע‬.Satia
r She shall be filled, satisfied.
‫ תִּשְׂבַּע‬.Saurabitu
itis Ye shall swear.
ּ‫ תִּשָּׁבְעו‬.Jurab
Saturabimini. Ye shall be satisfied, filled.
ntur They shall be satisfied , filled .
‫ תִּשְׁבַּעְנָה‬Saturabu ,
ּ‫שְׁבָּעֶנּו‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .S at ia illo ri
be Thou shalt be satisfied with it'
An embroidery.
‫שבץ‬ ‫ תַּשְׁבֵּץ‬.Acupictio
Thou wilt break down.
‫שבר‬ ‫ תִּשַׁבֵּר‬.Confringes
Thou shalt be broken.
‫ תִּשְׁבַר־־בֵר‬.Frangeris
Frangeris ; frange- Thou shalt be broken , she
lur . shall be broken.
Ye shall break down.
‫בְּרוּן‬ ּ‫ תְּשַׁבֵּרו‬.Confringetis
1310 ‫תשורני‬

‫שבר‬ Frangelis ; emetis., Ye shall break ; shall buy.

Ye will wait.
‫ תְּשַׁבֵּרְנָה‬.Expectabitis
, They shall be broken.
‫ תִּשָּׁבַרְנָה‬Confringentur
Thou shalt sell to me.
‫ תַּשְׁבְּרֵנִי‬rendes mihi
‫שוב‬ ‫ תִּשְׁבת‬.Responsa Answers.
‫שבת‬ navn Quiescet, cessabil. She shall rest, cease .
Quiesces ; quiescet. Thou shalt rest ; she shall rest.
Inawin Quiescetis. [ abis me. Ye shall rest . [deliver me.
‫שגב‬ Exultabit me ; liber- She shall exalt me ; thou shalt
‫שנה‬ Thou wilt be transported or
‫ תִּשְׂנֶה‬.Capieris
Errabitis. Ye will err. [ravished.
‫שנא‬ Augebis, efferes. Thou wilt increase, lift up.
‫שגל‬ They shall be ravished ,defiled
‫ תִּשָּׁגַלְנָה‬.ritiabuntur
‫שנה‬ Thoushalt let me wander.
‫ תַּשְׁנֵּנִי‬.Erra me sines
Crescerefacies. Thou shalt make to grow.
‫שרד‬ Vastabis, spoliabis. Thou shalt lay waste, spoil.
‫נשה‬ Commodabis. [ tur. Thou wilt lend. [return.
‫שוב‬ Reverteris; reverte- Thou shalt return ; she shall
Thou shalt return.
‫ תְּשׁוֹבֵב‬.Reverteris
na Reditus, reversio. A return.
‫שוה‬ Thou wilt set, order.
‫ תְּשַׁיֶה‬.Stat ues
, dispones
‫ישה‬ Substantia, essentia, Substance, reality, essence,
scientia, sapientia knowledge, wisdom.
‫שוה‬ Assimilaberis, æqua- Thou wilt be like, likened,
beris. equalled. [thyself.
‫שמם‬ Thou shalt desolate, destroy
‫ תִּשׁוֹמֵם‬.Desolabis te
‫| שוע‬ ּ ְ ‫ת‬ .Cl ama bia Thou shalt cry.
Sh e will cry.
ַ‫ תְּשַׁבֵּע‬.Clamabil
‫ישע‬ Salvation.
‫ תְּשׁוּעָה עַת‬.Salus
‫ תְּשׁוּעָתִי‬.Salus mea My salvation.
Thy salvation .
ָ‫ תְּשׁוּעָתֶךָ תְך‬.Salus tua
‫שוף‬ Conteres eum. Thou shalt bruise, crush hit .
His desire.
ֹ‫ תְּשׁוּקָתו‬.Appetitus cjus
ְ‫ תְּשׁוּקָתֵך‬.Appeti tuustus Thy desire .
‫שור‬ Intueberis. [ tureum. Thou shalt look.
Intucberis, intuebi- Thou shalt , she shall see him.
me tur She shall see me.
‫ תְּשׁוּרְנִי‬.Intuebi
‫תשית‬ 1311


‫שתה‬ Prosternetur. She shall be laid low.

She shall be killed.
‫שחט‬ ‫ תִּשָּׁחֵט‬.Jugulabitur
Thou shalt offer, sacrifice.
‫ תִּשְׁחַט‬Immolabis
Jugulabilis . Ye shall kill. [ stroy.
‫שחת‬ Corrumpes, perdes. Thou shalt corrupt, mar, de-
eum s
ּ‫ תַּשְׁחִיתֵהו‬.Perde Thou shalt destroy him.
Thou shalt laugh.
‫שחק‬ ‫ תִּשְׂחָק־חַק‬.Ridebis
‫שחר‬ res Thou wilt seek early.
‫ תְּשַׁחֵר‬.Que diluculo
‫שחת‬ rde s Thou wilt destroy .
‫ תַּשְׁחֵת‬.Pe
She will be corrupted.
‫ תִּשָּׁחֵת‬.Corrumpelur
Corrumpetis, perpe- Ye will corrupt, act cor-
‫שטה‬ Deflectetram agetis She shall turn away. [ruptly.
‫שטם‬ ‫ תִּשְׂטמני‬.Adversame beris Thou wilt oppose me.
is Thou wilt overflow.
‫שטף‬ ‫ תִּשְׁטף‬.Inundab
‫ תִּשְׁטְפָנִי‬.Inundme abil She shall overflow me.
‫נשה‬ Oblivisceris. [ duces. Thou wilt forget. [ bring again.
‫שוב‬ Averies, reddes, re- Thou wilt turn away, render,
Ye will bring again.
ּ‫ תָּשִׁיבו‬.Reducetis
eos es Thou shalt bring them again.
‫ תְּשִׁיבֵם‬.Reduc
eum es Thou shalt bring him back.
ּ‫ תְּשִׁיבֶנּו‬.Reduc
Thou wilt make us return.
ּ‫ תְּשִׁיבֵנו‬.Re dir
facies nos e
me es Thou wilt bring me back.
‫ תְּשִׁיבֵנִי‬.Reduc
‫נשג‬ Assequeris ; asse- Thou shalt overtake ; she shall
quetur, allinget. overtake, reach.

ּ‫ תַּשִׂינְהו‬.Appreheum She shall lay hold on him.

Di Assequemini eos. Ye shall overtake them.

Dr Assequetur eos. She will overtake them.

nos turShe will overtake us.
‫| תַּשִׂיגנו‬.Asseque
‫שות‬ ָ‫ּשִׂיחֶך‬.ְ‫ ת‬Alloquetur
,te She shall speak to thee.
ְ‫ תַּשִׁיך‬.Faenerabis Thou shalt lend upon usury .
‫שום‬ Pones, statues, con- Thou shalt put, set, appoint.

‫תְּשִׂימוּן‬ ּ‫ תָּשִׂימו‬.Ponctis [stitues. Ye shall put, lay.

ּ‫ תִּשִׂימֵנו‬.Rednos des Thou wilt make us.

me Thou wilt make me.
‫ תִּשִׂימֵנִי‬.Red
Constituetis me. Ye will appoint me.
‫שוש‬ She shall rejoice.
ׂ‫ תָּשִׂיש‬.Gaudebit
‫שות‬ Panes, const itues. Thou shalt place, set, appoint.
1312 ‫תשלחנה‬


‫שות‬ ּ‫| תִּשִׁיתֵהו‬.Reddes

eum Thou wilt make him.
‫שִׁיתִי‬ ּ‫תָּשִׁיתו‬ .Pones Thou wilt put.
ֹ‫ תִּשִׁיתֵמו‬.Constitues
eum Thou wilt make him. [down.
‫שכב‬ ‫ תִּשְׁכָּב כָּב‬.Ja;ceb
cubabis it
She shall lie ; thou shalt lie
" ִּ‫ תִּשְׁכָּבוּן־־כ‬.Jacebilis Ye shall lie down .

‫ כן‬-‫תִּשְׁכּוֹן־כן‬ .Habitabit She shall dwell.

‫שכח‬ Oblivisceris ; oblivi- Thou shalt forget ; she shall
oni tradetur. be forgotten .
Obliviscetur. [ cetur. She shall forget. [ get.
Oblivisceris ; oblivis- Thou wilt forget ; she will for-
" ְּ‫ תִּשְׁבָּחוּ כ‬.Obliviscemini Ye will forget.
‫ תִּשְׁכָּחִי כִּי‬.Oblivisceris Thou wilt or shalt forget.

‫ תִּשְׁכַּחְנָה‬.Obliviscentur They shall or will forget.

Oblivisceris nostri. Thou wilt forget us .
Oblivisceris met. Thou wilt forget me.
‫שכל‬ ‫ תַּשְׂכִּיל‬.Prosperaberis Thou shalt prosper .
‫תִּש‬ tel
, prosper understand , prosper
. Ye shall lig et
abimini .
‫שכם‬ ‫ ת‬.M
‫ַּשְׁכִּים‬. anse
surge Thou shalt rise early.
‫סכר‬ ‫ תְּשֹׁכְכֵנִי‬.Teges
, praleges Thou wilt cover, protect me.
‫שכל‬ ‫ תִּשְׁכַּל‬.Orbabilur She shall be childless.
‫ תִּשְׁכָּל‬.orb ab
, aborti et il
She will bereave , destroy, cast
‫תַּשְׁכֵּן‬ .Habitabis Thou wilt dwell. [her young.
‫תִּשְׁכְּנָה‬ .Habitabunl They shall dwell. [ drunk .
‫שכר‬ ‫ תִּשְׁכְּרִי‬.Inebriabcris Thou shalt be intoxicated,
‫שלג‬ ‫תַּשְׁלג‬ Albescet tanquam She will become white as snow.
‫שלה‬ ‫ תַּשְׁלה‬.Falles [ nix. Thou shalt deceive.
‫שלל‬ ּ‫ תָּשְׂלו‬.Solretis Ye shall loose, let go.
‫שלה‬ ּ‫ תִּשָׁלו‬.Falletis Ye shall deceive.

như nhwn nhwn Mittes, emilles, por Thou wilt send, send out,
riges; emittet. stretch forth ; she will send
Ye will send . [out .
" ְ‫ תְּשַׁלֵהוּ ל‬.Millelis
‫תִּשְׁלְחוּ־ל‬ , dimittetis. Yeshall send out , let go
Ye shall send them forth.
‫ תְּשַׁלְחוּם‬.Emilleliseos
Thou shalt send them.
‫ תִּשְׁלָחֵם‬.Millescos
‫ תִּשַׁלַּחְנָה‬.Ejicient They will cast out.

‫תִּשְׁלַחְנָה‬ .Millenl They will send ,

‫תשמעוה‬ 1313

‫שלח‬ ּ‫ תִּשְׁלָּחֵנו‬.Dimilles
eum Thou wilt send him away.

tes Thou shalt send us.

‫ ת‬.Mit
ּ‫ִּשְׁלָחֵנו‬. nos
me. Thou shalt let me go.
‫ תְּשַׁלְחֵנִי‬Dimittes
Thou shalt send me.
‫תִּשְׁלְחֵנִי‬ me
She shall bear rule.
‫שלט‬ ‫תִּשְׁלַט‬ ‫ תַּשְׁלֶט‬.Dominabitur
Thou shalt bear rule.
‫ תִּשְׁלָט‬.Dominaberis
ּ‫| תַּשְׁלִיכָהו‬.Projicietis
eum Ye shall cast him forth.
Thou shalt cast me off, away.
me s
‫ תַּשְׁלִיכֵנִי‬.abjicie
She will make peace.
‫שלם‬ ‫ תַּשְׁלִים‬.Pacefaciet m
‫ תַּשְׁלִימָנִי‬.Confici Thou wilt make an end of me.
ae es
‫שלך‬ Ye shall cast off.
‫ תַּשְׁלִכוּן‬.4bjicietis
‫שלם‬ Reddes, rependes. Thou shalt render, repay.

‫שום‬ E2 . | Panes . - Thou shalt put, place, lay.

‫ישם‬ ‫ תִּשָׁם תִּשַׁם‬.Desolabitur She shall be made desolate.

‫שמל‬ ּ‫ תַּשְׁמֵאִילו‬.Sinis Ye shall go to the left.

‫שמד‬ 11 Disperdemini. Ye shall be destroyed .
‫שים‬ Ye shall put, place, lay.
‫ תִּשְׂמוּן‬.Ponetis
- Servabis, observabis . Thou shalt keep, observe.
‫ תִּשְׁמוּרֶם‬Conservabit
, eos She shall preserve them.
‫שמת‬ - Lætaberis; lætabitur Thou shalt be glad ; she shall
Lætaberis. Thou shalt rejoice. [ rejoice.

‫ תִּשְׂמְחי‬.Letabimini Ye shall rejoice.

‫ תִּשְׂמַחְנָה‬.Lelabuntur They shall rejoice.

‫שמט‬ Remi lles. [ eam. Thou shalt release .

Remilles, dimittes Thou shalt release, let her go.

‫שמד‬ ‫תַּשְׁמִיד‬ .Disperdes Thou wilt destroy.

ּ‫ תַּשְׁמִידו‬.Disperdetis Ye will destroy.

‫שמע‬ W ♫ Audiri facietis, so- Ye will cause to be heard,
num edelis. will make a noise.
‫ תַּשְׁמִיעֵנִי‬.Audi Thou shalt make me to hear.
facies meri
‫ תַּשְׁמַע‬.Audielur She shall be heard.
yown Auscultabis, audies, Thou shalt hearken, hear, un-
intelliges, obedies. derstand , obey.
yo-yon Auscultabis, audies. Thou shalt hearken , hear.
- Auscultabitis, obedi- Ye shall hearken, hear, obey.
‫עוּן‬ ּ‫ תִּשְׁמָעו‬.Audietis [ etis. Ye shall hear.
Audietis cam. Ye will hear it.
1314 ‫תשקצו‬

‫שמע‬ ‫ תִּשְׁמַעְנָה‬.Audient They shall hear.

‫שמר‬ ‫ תִּשָּׁמֵר‬.Cavebit She shall take heed, beware.

ּ‫ תִּשָּׁמֵרו‬.Cavebilis Ye shall take heed , be circum-

‫תִּשְׁמֹרוּ מִירוּן‬ Servabitis , observa- Ye shall keep , observe. [spect

Servabis eos. [bitis. Thou wilt keep them.
me s
‫ תִּשְׁמְרֵנִי‬.Servabi Thou wilt keep me,
‫שנא‬ Thou shalt hate.
‫ תִּשְׂנָא‬.Odihabebis o
‫ תִּשְׁנָא‬.Mulabitur She shall be changed.
‫שנה‬ ּ‫ תִּשְׁנו‬.Iterabitis She shall do it again.
‫תִּי תִּשְׁעָה‬ , Nine, ninth.
‫ תֵּשַׁע‬Novem , nonus
‫שעה‬ ‫ תִּשְׁעֶה‬.Desiales Thou wilt desist , cease.
‫תשע‬ ‫תִּשְׁעִים‬ .Nonaginta Ninety .
‫שעה‬ ‫ תִּשְׁעֶינָה‬.Obstupescent They shall be dull, dim.
‫שען‬ ‫ תִּשָּׁעֵן‬.Inniteris Thou shalt lean.
‫ישע‬ ‫ תִּשְׁעָנִי‬.Servabis
me Thou wilt save me.
‫שעה‬ ּ‫ תְּשָׁעֲשָׁעו‬.Delectabilis
vos Ye will delight yourselves.
‫שפט‬ ‫פט‬ ‫ תִּשְׁפּוֹט פָּט‬.Judicabis Thou shalt, wilt judge .

ּ‫ תִּשְׁפְּטו‬.Judicabitis Ye will judge.

‫שפל‬ ‫ תַּשְׁפִּיל‬.Deprimes Thou wilt bring down.
ּ‫ תַּשְׁפִּילֶנּו‬.Deprimeum net She shall bring him low.
‫שפר‬ ְ‫ תִּשְׁפֹּך‬.Efundes Thou shalt pour out.
Ye will shed.
ּ‫ תִּשְׁפְּכוּ פְּכו‬.Effundetis
eum es Thou shalt pour it out.
ּ‫ תִּשְׁפְּכֵנו‬.Effund
‫שפל‬ ‫ תִּשְׁפָּל‬.Deprimetur She shall be brought low.

, They shall be humbled.

‫ תִּשְׁפַּלְנָה‬Humiliabuntur
‫שפת‬ Thou wilt ordain.
‫ תִּשְׁפֹּת‬.Dispones
‫ תִּשְׁפְּתֵנִי‬.Collocamebis Thou wilt place me.
‫שקה‬ ‫ תַּשְׁקֶה‬.Potum
dabis Thou wilt give drink.
‫שקל‬ ‫ תִּשְׁקוֹל‬.Appendes Thou wilt weigh out, pay.
‫שקט‬ Opwin Quiesces. Thou shalt be still.
Thou shalt rest.
‫ תִּשְׁקְטִי‬.Requiesces
‫שקע‬ ַ‫ תַּשְׁקִיע‬.Submerges Thou wilt sink.
‫שקל‬ Ye will weigh out , pay.
ּ‫ תִּשְׁקְלו‬.Appendetis
‫שקה‬ DP Bibere facies eos. Thou shalt make them drink.
‫שקע‬ ‫ תִּשְׁקַע‬.Submergelur She shall be sunk.
‫שקץ‬ TYP Abominabimini. Ye shall abominate.
‫תחבר־ברר‬ 1315

Detestaberis eum. Thou shalt detest him.

‫שקץ‬ ּ‫תְּשַׁקְצֶנּו‬
‫שקר‬ ‫ תִּשְׁקֹר‬.Falac iler Thou wilt act deceitfully.
Ye will lie.
ּ‫ תְּשַׁקְרו‬.Mentiemini
re tu r She shall be burnt.
‫שרף‬ ‫ תִּשָּׂרֵף‬.Combu
Thou shalt burn.
‫ תִּשְׂרֹף‬.Combures
Ye shall burn.
‫ תִּשְׂרְפוּ רְפוּן‬.comburetis
They shall be burnt.
‫ תִּשְׂרַפְנָה‬.Comburentur
Thou shalt burn it.
ּ‫ תִּשְׂרְפֶנּו‬.Combu eumres
She will root out.
‫שרש‬ ׁ‫ תִּשָּׁרֵש‬.Eradicabit
‫שות‬ ‫שֶׁת‬ ‫ תָּשַׁת‬.Pon , reddeses Thou shalt put, lay, make.
Thou shalt drink ; she shall
‫שתה‬ ‫ תֵּשְׁתִּתִּשְׁתֶּה תִּי‬.Bi bes
; bibet
She shall be left .
‫שבק‬ ‫ תִּשְׁתְּבִק‬.Relinquetur [drink .
‫שתה‬ ‫ש‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Bi bel is Ye shall drink .
‫שתת‬ ‫ תִּשְׁתּוֹחָה‬.Deprisemet She will bring herself down.
Thou wilt be cast down.
‫ תִּשְׁתּוֹחֲחִי‬.Dejicies le
‫ִּשְׁתַּחֲוֶה‬ ‫ת‬ Inc urv abi
, s te . Thou wilt bowdown.
is Ye will worship .
ּ‫ תִּשְׁתַּחֲוו‬.Adorabil
‫שתה‬ ‫ תִּשְׁתֶּינָה‬.Bibent They shall drink .
‫שכר‬ te bia
‫ תִּשְׁתַּכָּרִין‬.Inebria Thou wilt make thyself drunk
‫שעה‬ Thou shalt be astonished.
‫ תִּשְׁתָּע‬.Obstupesces
‫שפר‬ ְ‫ תִּשְׁתַּפֶּך‬.Effundetur She shall be poured out.

r They shall be poured out.

‫ תִּשְׁתַּפַּכְנָה‬Effundentu
‫שרר‬ Principatum sumes. Thou wilt take the govern-
[ment to thyself.

‫נתן‬ na Dare,tradere, pone- To give, deliver, put, yield,

re, edere, pati. suffer.
‫אבל‬ Ye shall mourn.
ּ‫ תִּתְאַבְּלו‬.Lugebitis
‫תאה‬ ּ‫ָאו‬.Si
‫תְּת‬ gna
, limitabitis Ye will mark , bit
set bounds to i
‫אוה‬ s "Thou shalt desire.
‫ תִּתְאָו אַיֶה‬.Concupisce
‫אפק‬ PENN Continebis le. Thou wilt restrain thyself.
ּ‫ תִּתְבוֹנְנו‬.lntelligetis Ye will understand.
yann Absorbebitur. She will be swallowed up.
‫בנה‬ She shall be built.
‫ תִּתְבְּנֵא‬.Edificabilur
Thou shalt consider.
ּ ָ‫ תִּתְבּוֹנ‬.Considerabis
‫ו‬ ‫נ‬
‫בר‬ ‫ תִּתָּבָר בָּרָר‬Purus eris, purum Thou wilt be pure , wilt shew
te prebebis. thyself pure.
1316 ‫תתכן‬


‫גדד‬ Incidelis vos . Ye will cut yourselves.

Turmatim convenies Thou shalt gather thyself in
te es Thou shalt cut thyself.[ troops
‫ תִּתְגּוֹדָדִי‬.Incid
‫נרה‬ Miscebis te, conten- Thou shalt meddle, contend .
Miscebitis vos. [ des. Ye shall meddle.

.Dedisti Thou hast given. [self.

‫הדר‬ ‫ תִּתְהַדָּר‬.Honorab te is Thou shalt honour, exalt thy-
‫הלל‬ ‫ תִּתְהַלָּל‬Laudabitur , gloria- sheshall be praised ,thoushalt
beris . [ beris. glory . [shalt glory .

‫תִּתְהַלֵּל‬ Gloriabitur ; gloria- she shall snake her boast ; thou

Thou shalt glory.
‫ תִּתְהַלְלִי‬.Gloriaberis
‫הפך‬ ְ‫ְהַפֶּך‬.V
‫תִּת‬ er
,mutabilur te
. She shall tu
be turned , changed
‫נתן‬ in Dare, tradere eum. To give, deliver him.
‫חור‬ Ye will search .
ּ‫ תָּתוּרו‬.Explorabilis
‫חבל‬ ‫ תִּתְחַבֵּל‬.Perdetur She shall be destroyed.
‫הרש‬ ׁ‫ תִּתְחַבֵּש‬.Renovabitur She will be renewed.

‫חטא‬ " ְ‫ תִּתְחַטָאוּ־־ט‬.Purgabi vos tis Ye shall purify yourselves.

‫חכם‬ ‫ְחַכַּם‬.S‫תִּת‬ ap ie
te facies . Thou nl
shaltmake thyself wise
‫המק‬ ‫ַמָּקִין‬ ‫ח‬ ְ ‫ת‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ .Ci rcu ibi s Thou wilt go about.
‫חנן‬ ‫ תִּתְחַנָּן‬Deprecaberis . [ bis . Thou shaltmakesupplication
‫חסד‬ Ton Benignum te præbe- Thou wilt shew thyselfmerci-
‫חקה‬ ‫ תִּתְחַפֶּה‬.Erprimes Thou wilt imprint. [ful.
‫חרה‬ ve bi s Thou wilt fret thyself.
‫ תִּתְחַר‬.Commo te
‫החר‬ Miscebis te, conten- Thou wilt close thyself, wilt
des. [hes. contend.

‫חתן‬ anna Afinitatem contra- Thou shalt contract affinity.

me e
‫ תִּתִּי‬.Dar That I give.
‫יהב‬ She shall be given.
‫ תִּתְיְהֵב‬.Dabilur
‫נתך‬ me s
‫ תַּתִּיכְנִי‬.Effunde Thou wilt pour me out.
‫אמר‬ ּ‫ְיַמָּרו‬-Gl
‫תִּת‬ , effere- Ye will abi
ori mi
boast , exalt your
‫יפח‬ Anhelabit. [ lis vos She will pant. [selves .
‫ְיַפִּי‬.P ‫תִּת‬ teul ch
reddes . Thou shaltmake thyselfru
‫יצב‬ ַ ‫י‬ ְ ‫ת‬ ּ ִ ‫ת‬ Sist es te Thou wilt set thyself.
‫צֵב‬ ,
‫נתך‬ ְ‫ תִּתַּך‬Efundetu
, r She shall be poured forth.
‫נתן‬ Dare, ponere le. That thou givest, settest.
‫נתך‬ ּ‫ תִּתְּכו‬.Conflabimini Ye shall be melted.
‫תתעלם־־לי‬ 1317

Ye shall mock yourselves.

‫לוץ‬ ּ‫ תִּתְלוֹצָצו‬.Illudet eos is
‫תמם‬ ‫ | תַּתֶּם‬.Perficics Thou wilt perfect.
Dan Tradere eos. To deliver them.
‫המס‬ ‫ תִּתֶּם‬.Consumetur She will be consumed.

‫תמה‬ ּ‫ תִּתְמַה‬.Admiraberis Thou shalt wonder, marvel.

She shall melt away.
‫מוג‬ ‫ תִּתְמוֹנָג‬.Colliquescel
They shall melt away.
‫ תִּתְמוֹנַנְנָה‬.colliquescent
‫תמך‬ ְ‫ תִּתְמֹך‬.Tenebit [bis. She will hold, retain.
‫תמם‬ Der Integrum te præbe Thou wilt shew thyself upright
‫נתן‬ ‫תִּתֶּן‬ .Dare To give.

ִּ‫ת‬ , trades , pones , Thou shalt give , deliver , put
patieris ; dabit, e- suffer ; she shall give, send
millel, edel. forth, yield, utter.
des Thou shalt deliver him.
ּ‫ תִּתְּנֵהו‬.Tra
Ye shall deliver him.
ּ‫ תִּתְּנֵהו‬.Trade eumtis
Dabis euma Thou wilt give him.
Dabilis, tribuetis, Ye shall give, grant, set, ap-
ponetis, constituetis point.
emittetis is
ּ‫ תִּתֵּנו‬.Da, bit Ye shall deliver, shoot forth.
‫בדד‬ ‫ תִּתְנוֹד‬.St ati
migrabi s mThou wilt quickly depart.
Sinelis eos. [pietis . Ye shall suffer them. [ ritance.
‫נחל‬ ּ‫ תִּתְנַחֲלוּ־־נֶחָלו‬In hereditatem acci Ye shall receive for an inhe
‫ תַּתְּנַי‬.Tatenai Tatnai , N. M.
Thou shalt give.
‫נתן‬ ‫ תִּתְּנִי‬.Dabis
eam is Thou shalt give her.
‫ תִּתְּנֶנָּה‬.Dab
Dabis nos. Thou wilt give us.
ּ‫ תִּתְּנֶנּו‬.Dab eumis Thou wilt give him.
Trades me. Thou shalt deliver me.
Open Vindicabit se. She shall avenge herself.
‫נקס‬ ‫תִּתְנַקֵם‬
‫נשא‬ se t She shall exalt herself.
‫ תִּתְנַשָּׂא‬.Efere
vostis Ye shall lift up yourselves.
ּ‫ תִּתְנַשְׂאו‬.Efere
‫תעה‬ ‫ תְּתַע‬Errabis. [minabitur. Thou shalt go astray . [ abhor
‫העב‬ Abominaberis ; abo- Thou shalt abhor ; she will
‫עבר‬ Ye shall be made.
‫ תִּתְעַבְּדוּן‬.Fietis
‫תעב‬ Abominaberis eum. Thou shalt abhor it.
She will faint.
‫עטף‬ ‫ תִּתְעַטְף‬.Deficiet
‫עלם‬ Abscondes te. Thou shalt hide thyself.
? ‫תִּתְעַלָם־־‬
1318 ‫תתרע‬

‫עלף‬ ‫ תִּתְעַלַּפְנָה‬.Deficieamimo ntThey shall faint.

She will seduce them.
‫תעה‬ ‫ תַּתְעֵם‬Seducet,
‫עמר‬ en Arcle colligabis, op- Thou shalt bind hard, op-
primes . press, govern with severity
te is Thou shalt delight thyself.
‫ענג‬ ‫ תִּתְעַנָּני־ן‬.Oblectab
ּ‫ תִּתְעַנָּנו‬.Oblectab vosilisYe shall delight yourselves.
‫תעה‬ ּ‫ תַּתְעֲנו‬.Err faciesar Thou wilt make us to err.
nos e
‫ערב‬ ‫ תִּתְעָרָב‬Misccbis
, te Thou shalt meddle with.
‫ערה‬ , [bebis. She shall be destroyed.
‫ תִּתְעַרְעָר‬Diruetur
San Sanan Perversum te exhi- Thou wilt shewthyselffroward
ִ‫ת‬ te pre- Thou wilt shew thyself won
‫פלל‬ ‫ תִּתְפַּלֵּל‬.orabis [bebis. Thou shalt pray. [ derful.
‫תפש‬ ׂ‫ תִּתָּפֶש‬.Capieris Thou shalt be caught , taken.
We Apprehendet. She will take hold of.

ׂ‫ תְּתַפֶּש‬Capiemini
, Ye shall be taken.

‫נתץ‬ ‫תִּתְּצוּ־־צוּן‬ .Diruetis Ye shall destroy .

‫תקע‬ ּ‫ תִּתְקְעו‬.Clangelis Ye shall blow.

‫תקף‬ ּ‫תְקְפֵהו‬.Pr
ִּ‫ת‬ ei . eva
[ tis . She shall prevail against him
leb i
‫ראה‬ Vos invicem aspicie- Ye shall look upon each other
‫רמה‬ ‫ תִּתְרְמוּן‬Projiciemini
, Ye shall be cast.
‫רעה‬ ‫ תִּתְרַע‬.Associabis
le Thou wilt associate thyself.

‫ברוך יהוה‬

‫כח‬ ‫נתן ליעף‬

‫ולאין אונים עצמה ירבה‬

Benedictus Deus :
qui dat lasso fortitudinem,
el qui non sunt vires robur multiplicavil.

Blessed be the Lord:

who giveth power to the faint,

and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.


Latin and Hebrew


A....ABO ABO .... ABS

Abominabilem fecit ‫תעב‬

A Abominabilis ‫פגול‬

‫ || מןמאת עס מעס‬Abominandus ‫נתעב‬

A vel ab
‫ אצל אל על‬Abominatio
‫תועבה שקוץ‬
Abductus est in cap- Abominatus est
‫שקץ קוץ געל‬
tivitatem ‫ גלה‬Abortivit

Abduxit ‫סור‬ ‫שבה‬ ‫נהג‬ Abrasit ‫קצע קצה סחה‬

‫ קרב‬Abripuit ‫גזז סחף חמס‬
‫ || סער‬Abrupit ‫פרק בצע‬
‫חטא‬ ‫בצע גוז גזז מחקן‬
‫ || מאס‬Abscidit ‫קצע גזר קצה‬
Abjecit ‫מאס שלך זנח‬ ‫מלל גדע פלא‬
‫פתח‬ ‫חבא חבה סתר‬
Abjecit se
‫צנע‬ ‫כנע‬ Abscondit ‫טמן עלס‬ ‫צפן‬
Abjecit ut vile
‫זול‬ ‫שתר עמס ראט‬
‫ | שפל שפלה‬Absconditus ‫טמון טמונה‬
Abiit ‫אזל‬ ‫ילך‬ ‫הלך‬ absconditus est ‫כחד‬

Ablactatus ‫בוא‬ ‫חמק‬ Absinthium ‫לענה‬

‫גמול‬ ‫תמם שלם נקה‬
Ablactavit Absolvit
‫גמל‬ ‫צדק עזב כלה‬
Abolevit ‫כבס‬ ‫עלען‬ ‫לוע‬ ‫בלע‬
‫מחה כפר‬ ‫גמא‬
4 ABS .... ACC ACC .... ADI

Absque ‫ | בבלי לוא לא‬Accusatio ‫שטנה‬

‫ | מרק מחה‬Accusavik ‫לשן‬
‫דמס‬ ‫ | חדל נזר‬Acerbus ‫נמרץ‬
‫ | חשה‬Acerbus factus est ‫מרר‬
‫ | נתק‬Acerbus fuit ‫מרץ‬
‫אסף‬ ‫גלנד חמור מעיד‬
) ‫ילך לקח‬ Acervus
Abstulit ‫בזז בזא‬ ‫סור‬ ‫ערמת תל‬
‫בער‬ ‫הנה‬ ‫ | עדה‬Acetabulum ‫כף‬
Abstulit cor ‫לבב‬ Acelum ‫חמץ‬
Abstulil turbine
‫שער‬ Acies ‫ברק‬ ‫מערכה‬
|Abstulit eluvione ‫דוח‬ ‫פיות פיס‬
Absumpsit ‫ספה‬ ‫אבה רצה יאל‬
Absumptus est ‫כלה‬ } ‫יאל‬ ‫יאת‬
Abundantia ‫שבע‬ Acquisitio ‫קנין‬
Abundavit ‫קנה רכש‬
‫כבר שפק‬ ‫ יתר‬Acquisivit
| Abunde progenuit ‫ || שרץ‬Acuit ‫שנן לטש קלל‬
Abyssus ‫תהום‬ Acupictio
Accedere fecil ‫ | קרב‬Acupin ,rit ‫שבץ‬
Acceleravit ‫חוש מהר נחץ‬ Acutus ‫שפן‬
‫יצת‬ ‫ | חרה חרר‬Acutus fuit ‫חרר‬
Accendit ‫עלה נשק קדח‬ ‫אצל אל את עד‬
‫יקר‬ ‫על עם‬
Accensa ‫ | אזה‬Adamas ‫שמיר‬
Accensus est
‫דלק‬ Adamavit ‫ענב חפץ‬
‫לקח נשא רצה‬. Adaquavit ‫שקה‬
Accepit in hæredi- Addidicit
‫נחל‬ ‫אלף‬
talem Addidit ‫| יסף ספה‬
Accersivit F ‫ננש‬ ‫נחה נהג‬
‫לקח‬ Adduxit
Accessit ‫קרב ננש ננע‬ ‫ילך נשא יבל‬
Accidit ‫מצא קרה קרא‬ Adduxit ad partum ‫| שבר‬
‫נפל אנה‬ adeps ‫חלב‬
Accinctus ‫ | אזור‬Adfuit ‫מצא‬
Accinxit ‫אסר הנר‬ ‫אזר‬ ‫לוה‬ ‫אחז דבק‬
‫ || אפד מזח‬Adhasit ‫השק צךק צפר‬
Accipiter ‫ספח‬
‫רנן‬ Adhuc ‫עד הנה‬ ‫עתה‬
Accrevit ‫גבר‬ ‫עןד‬
‫ | תכה‬Adit ‫הלך נגש‬
ADJ....ES ES .... ALI 5

Adjunxit ‫ספח‬ ‫ | לוה‬Estivus ‫קיץ‬

Adjuravit ‫שבע אלה‬ Estuavit ‫כמר זעף‬
Adjuvit ‫סעד‬ ‫| עזר‬ Estus ‫שרב‬
Admiratus est ‫ | תמה‬Etas ‫קיץ‬
Admodum ‫| מאד‬ Eternitas ‫עד‬
Admovit ‫ | נגש‬Eternus ‫עד נצח נצחת‬
Adolescens ‫ילד נער‬ Evum ‫עולם חלד‬
Adolevit ‫קטר זכר‬ flicta ‫נענה‬
Adoravit ‫ || שחה סגד‬afflictus est ‫ירע‬
Advena ‫גר תושב‬ ‫ענה צור צור‬
Advenit ‫נגע בוא מטא‬ ‫דכה ינה ינה‬
Adversarius ‫ || שטן‬Ager ‫שרה‬
Adversatus est ‫שטן שטם‬ Aggeravit ‫לל‬
Advertit ‫אזן‬ Aggravavit ‫כבר‬
Advexit ‫ | נסע‬Agilatio ‫תנופה‬
| Adult er ‫נאף‬ Agitatus est ‫זוע‬
Adulterium commi- Agitavit ‫סער נור נוף‬
sit ‫נאף‬ Agmen ‫חיל‬
Adussit ‫ | חרך‬Agmina ‫אגפיה‬
Adustus est ‫ | הרד כמר שדך‬Agna ‫שה‬
Eger ‫ | נחלה‬Agnovit ‫נכר‬
Egre tulit ‫לאה‬ Agnus ‫כבש כר‬
Egrotavit Agnus anniculus ‫כשב‬

Egrotus ‫חולה‬ Agricola ‫אכר‬

Egrumfecit ‫חלה‬ Ah ‫אה‬

Emulatus est ‫קנא‬ ) ‫אבר כנף צלע‬
Eneus , ænea ‫נחוש נחושה‬ ‫ציץ‬
Equatus est ‫שוה‬ Ale ‫נפי‬
Equavit ‫ | שוה‬Alatus ‫כנף‬
Equusfuit ‫לבן לבנה‬
‫חכן‬ Alba
Erumna ‫ | עמל‬Albuit ‫לבן‬
‫נחושה‬ ‫נחש‬ Albuit tanquam nic ‫שלג‬
‫ | נחשת‬Albus ‫לבן לבנה חור‬
Estas ‫ || קיט‬Albus fuit ‫חור‬
Estimatio ‫ || ערך‬Alienatus est ‫זרה נקע יקע‬
Estimatus est ‫סלא‬ ‫סלה‬ ‫זור נכר‬
‫יקר‬ Alienavit se
Estimavit ‫ | ערך שער‬Alienigena ‫נכר נכרי‬
Estivit Alienum se finxit ‫נכר‬

‫נכרי‬ ‫ | נכר‬Amicus ‫רע רעה‬

‫ | אחר‬Amanitas ‫נעם‬
Alienus factus est ‫ || זור‬Amaænus ‫ערב נעם‬
Aliquantulum ‫מעט‬ Amor ‫אהבה‬

Aliquid ‫איש‬ ‫דבר‬ Amore incaluit ‫כמר‬

‫מאומה‬ ‫מי‬ ‫נסע עבר מוש‬
Aliquis ) ‫מוש‬
‫ || מאום‬Anovit ‫סור עדה בער‬
Alius ‫אחר זר‬ ‫שבת‬
Allexit, allicuit ‫לקח פתה משך‬ Amovit procul ‫זנה‬
Alligavit ‫ענד‬ ‫ | קטר‬Amplexus est ‫לפת חבק‬
Allisit ‫ || רטש‬Ampliavil ‫רחב‬
Allocutus est ‫דבר‬ Amplius ‫ער ערר‬
Allare ‫מזבח‬ Ampulla ‫צפחת‬
‫אחר אחד איש‬ Amputavit ‫קצץ סעף‬
} ‫איש‬ ‫חד דנה‬ Anathematicavit ‫חרם‬
‫ | שנית דנה אשה‬Ancilla ‫שפחה אמה‬
‫ דא‬Ancipites ‫פיות פיס‬
Altissimus ‫ | מרום עליון‬Angelus ‫מלאך‬
Altitudo ‫גב‬ ‫ מרם גבה‬Angulus ‫פאה‬
Altus ‫רם גבה‬
Angustia ‫צר צרה צוקה‬
Aluit ‫זון רבה אכל‬
Amara ‫ || מרה מרת‬Angustus ‫צר אץ‬
| Amare ‫מרה מרת‬ ‫ || מר‬Anhelavit ‫ערג יפה‬
Amarissimus ‫ || תמרורים‬Anima ‫נפש נשמה‬
Amaritudo ‫מר מרה מרת‬
Animadverlil ‫בין ראה‬ ‫שכל‬
Amarores ‫תמרורים‬ ‫נכר‬
Amarum reddidit ‫מרר‬ Animal ‫נפש‬
Amarus , ‫ | מר‬Animus ‫נפש לב לבב בל‬
Amarusfuit ‫ | מרר‬dnnerit ‫נתן‬
Amavit lascive ‫ | ענב‬Annona ‫| שבר‬
Ambitus ‫חוג‬ ‫ | כרכב‬Annulus ‫טבעת‬
Ambo ‫ | שני‬Annunciavit ‫בשר‬
Ambulatio ‫ | מהלך‬Annus ‫שנה‬
Ambulavit ‫קדם מול על‬
‫ארח‬ ‫הלך ילך‬ Ante
Amen ‫ || אמן‬Antequam ‫טרם‬
Amicitiam connexil ‫רעה‬ Antercrtit ‫קדס‬
Amicivit ‫עטה אפד‬ ‫יעט‬ Antiquus ‫קרס‬
Amicivil se ‫קרס‬
‫ | צנף‬Antrorsum
ANX ....ARC ARD ....ASS 7
Anxietas ‫ || דאגה‬Arduus ‫קשה‬
Anxit ‫ || צור‬Arena ‫תול‬
Anxiusfuit ‫ || דאג‬Argenleus ‫כסף‬
Aperlio ‫פטרת‬ ‫ || פטר‬Argentum ‫כסף‬
Apertus ‫ | פתוח נפרץ‬Arguit ‫יכת‬
‫ | גלה פתח פצה‬Aridus ‫צח‬
‫פער‬ ‫ | פטר‬Aries ‫איל‬
Apes ‫ | דברים‬Armavit ‫ריק‬
| Apparuit ‫ | ראה‬Armilla ‫חח אצעדה‬
| Appegit ‫ | נגע‬Armille ‫גלילי‬
Appendit ‫פלס‬ ‫שקל‬ ‫ תלה‬Armus ‫שוק‬
Appetentia ‫ | נפש‬Aroma ‫בשם‬
Appetiit ‫ | כסף שוק‬Aromalarius ‫רוכל‬
‫תמך‬ ‫אחז תפש‬ Aromatibus condivit ‫תנט‬
‫חזק לכד‬
Arsit ‫יצת‬ ‫דלק בער‬
Approbavit ‫ישר‬ ‫יקר‬
|Appropinquavit ‫קרב‬ ‫ | נגש‬Artifex ‫חרש‬
Apud ‫את אל‬ ‫ | עס אצל‬Aruit ‫צמק יבש‬
Aqua ‫ || מיס‬Arvina ‫פימה‬
Aquila ‫ | נשר‬Arundo ‫קנה‬
Aquilo ‫צפון‬ Arg ‫צריח טירת‬
Ara ‫מעלה‬
‫מזבח‬ Ascendere faciens
Aranea ‫ | עכביש‬Ascendere fecit ‫עלה‬
Arator ‫חורש‬ ‫גאה סלק‬ ‫עלה‬
Aravit ‫חרש ניר‬ } ‫סלק‬ ‫נסק‬
Arbitratus est ‫פלל‬ Asinus ‫חמור‬

Arbor ‫אילנא‬ ‫אילן‬ ‫עץ‬ Aspectus ‫מראה‬

‫אילנה‬ Asper ‫עתק איתן‬
‫ || שיח‬Aspernatus est ‫נאר‬
‫ | תבה ארן גרן‬Aspersit ‫זרף‬
Arcanum ‫רז רזא סוד‬ ‫חזה ראה צפה‬
Arcanorumfalsa re Aspexit ‫שנח נבט פנה‬
velatrix ‫מכשפה‬
‫שזף שקף‬
Arctatus ‫פוח‬
‫ || נגש‬Aspiravit
‫ | קשה‬Aspis ‫פתן עכשוב‬
‫צרר‬ ‫ | צוק‬Assavik ‫צלה‬
Arctus est
‫ קצר‬Assecutus est ‫מצא דבק נשג‬
‫ | קשת‬Asseruit ‫גאל‬

Asseveravil ‫עוד‬ ‫כנף‬ ‫ברח‬ ‫נוס‬

Assimilavit ‫דמה שרה‬ ‫נדר נצה‬
Associavit . ‫חבר‬ Auguratus est ‫ענן נחש‬
Associavit se ‫ | רעה‬Avis ‫צפור ערף עף‬
Assuevit ‫סכן‬ ‫למד‬ Avocavit ‫פרע‬
Astrinxit ‫חבל‬ Avolavit ‫ערף נצה‬

Astrológi ‫אשפיא אשפין‬ Avulsit ‫עקר‬ ‫נסח נתק‬

Astutusfuit ‫ערס‬ ‫גוז קטף‬
Ater ‫ קדר‬Aures prebuit ‫אזן‬
Atque ‫ || נס‬dureus ‫דהב רהבא‬
Atramentarium ‫ || קסת‬Aurifaber ‫צרף‬
Atratum reddidit ‫ קדר‬Auris ‫אזן‬
Atrium ‫חציר‬ ‫חצר‬ Aurum ‫זהב דהב דהבא‬
‫ |רק‬Aurum purum
‫שום‬ ‫אזן‬ ‫קשב‬ ‫שמע אזן קשב‬
Attendit Auscultavil
‫סכת‬ ‫סכת‬
Attente observavit ‫ || נחש‬Auster ‫נגב נגבה תימן‬
Attentio ‫ | קשב‬Australis ‫תימן‬
Attenuatus est ‫ מוך דלל‬Austrum rerius ‫נגב נגבה‬
Attenuavit Auxiliatus est ‫עזר‬
Alligit ‫ || נשג‬Auxilium ‫עזר עזרת‬
Attollit ‫רמס נסס‬ ‫המן‬ ‫רבה‬ ‫יסף‬
Attonitus est ‫דהם תמה‬ } ‫המן‬ ‫| שנא‬
Alreclavit ‫ | חפש‬Arilla ‫אצילות‬
Autritio ‫ תחש‬. 1zymus ‫מצה‬
Altrivil ‫דכא‬
Altulit ‫לקח נשא נתן‬
Avarilia ‫בצע‬

Auceps ‫יקוש‬
Auctus est ‫|רבה עצם‬Bacca ‫גרגריס‬
Audirefecil ‫ || שמע‬Baculus ‫מקל משען‬
Audivit ‫ || שמע‬Bajulavit ‫סמל‬
Avellane ‫ | בטניס‬Balbutivit ‫עלג‬
‫שקץ‬ ‫העב‬ ‫ | שנא‬Balsamum ‫צרי‬
Aversatus est
‫שב שבב‬ ‫ | שוב‬Bateus ‫אננט‬
‫שוב‬ ‫ הפך פנה‬Barba ‫זקן‬
‫ | שבב כפה‬Beati ‫אשרי‬
Averlit se ‫ || סוג‬Beatitudines
BEA .... BYS CAC ....CAN - 9

Beatum dixit vel

reddidit ‫אשר‬ C
Bellum ‫מלחמה‬ Cacabus ‫קרחת‬
Bellum movit ‫גרה‬ Cacumen
Bellum gessit ‫לחם‬ Cadavera ‫נבלה פגר‬
Bene ‫טובה‬ ‫טוב‬ Cecus ‫עןר‬
Benedixit ‫ברך‬ Cedes ‫הרג דם‬
Benefecit ‫טוב יטב‬ Celavit ‫פתח‬
Benevolentia ‫רצון‬ Calum
‫| שמים‬
Benignus ‫חסד‬ Celi
Beryllus ‫ | תרשיש‬Cepit ‫חלל‬
Bestia ululantes ‫ | אייס‬Caelus ‫חבל‬
Bestia ‫בהמה‬ ‫הוה‬ ‫רעה‬ ‫רע‬
Biberefecit ‫שקה‬ ‫איד‬
Bibit ‫שתה‬ Calamus ‫קנה‬
Bilances ‫ | מאזני מאזנים‬Calcaneum ‫עקב‬
Bipartitus est ‫חוץ‬ Calcavit $ ‫דרך דוש רמס‬
Bis } ‫רמס‬
‫פעמים‬ ‫כוס‬
Bis tinctus ‫ || שני‬Calceavit ‫נעל‬
Bituminavit ‫חמר‬ Calceus ‫נעל‬
Blanditus est ‫ || פתה‬Calcilravit ‫בעט דהר‬
Blasphemavit ‫ גדף‬Calefecit ‫תמם‬
Bonum ‫ || טוב טובה‬Caligavit ‫חשך‬
‫טב‬ ‫טובה‬ ‫ | טוב‬Caliginosus ‫נשף‬
‫טאב‬ ‫חשך אפל אפלה‬
Bonus fuit vel visus' ‫ערפל‬
‫ יטב‬Calix
est ‫גביע‬
Bos ‫| ערם‬
‫ שור בקר אלוף‬callide egit
Botrus ‫ | אשכול‬Callidus ‫תם‬
Brachium ‫ || זרע זרוע‬Caluit ‫יתם‬
Breviavit ‫ | זעך‬Calumnia ‫דפי‬
Brevis fuit ‫ | קצר‬Calumniatus est ‫רגל לשן‬
Bruchus ‫ || ילק‬Calvum se fecit ‫קרח‬
Buccella ‫ || פת‬Calvus ‫קרח‬
Buccinavit ‫ | חצצר‬Calc ‫נר גיר שיר‬
Bullavit ‫ || בעה‬Camelus ‫גמל‬
| Butyrum ‫חמאה‬ Cameratus ‫צב‬
Byssus ‫צח‬
‫שש‬ ‫בוץ‬ Candidus
VOL . 11 .
10 CAN .... CEL CEL....CIN

Canis ‫|כלב‬Celebravit ‫שבח ידה זכר‬

Canistrum ‫| כלוב‬
‫סל‬ Celebravit festum ‫הגג‬
Canna ‫| קנה‬Celer ‫קלל‬
Cantavit Celeriter ‫מהרה‬
‫מזמור‬ ‫ | שיר‬Censuit familiam
Canticum ‫ילד‬
‫זמרה‬ suam
Cantio ‫ | זמרה‬Census ‫מפקד‬
Cantus ‫ | רנה‬Centies ‫מאה‬
Capistravit ‫חסם‬ Centum ‫מאה‬
Capra ‫עז‬ ‫לקח‬ ‫קחה‬ ‫קח‬
‫שביה‬ ‫גלות‬ ‫אחז נשא יעץ‬
‫שבות‬ ‫קמץ עוץ חתה‬
Captivum cepit ‫שבה‬ ‫תפש לכר‬
Captus est ‫ | שגה‬Cera ‫רונג‬
Carbo ‫פחם‬ ‫רצפה‬ Certavit ‫נצה תחר‬
Carbones ‫נחלים‬ Certe ‫אם‬ ‫אף‬ ‫אמנם‬
Carcer ‫כלא בור מסגר‬ ‫אך רק‬
‫קוח‬ Certus ‫נון‬
Carduus ‫חדול‬ Certus finis
Caro ‫נפש‬ ‫בשר שאר‬ Cerva ‫| אילה‬
Caruit ‫חסר‬ Cervicem fregit ‫ערף‬
Castigatio ‫מוסר‬ Cervix
Castigavit ‫יכח‬ ‫יסר‬ Cervus ‫איל‬
Castra ‫ || מחוה‬Cessare fecit ‫שבת‬
Castrametatus est ‫שבת‬
‫ | חנה‬Cessatio
Cataracte ‫ארבות‬
Cessavit ‫שבת חדל בטל‬
Caterva ‫ארחת‬ ‫פוג‬
Cauda ‫ || זנב‬Cherub ‫ברוב‬
‫ || שמר‬Cibavit ‫אכל זון טעם‬
‫משפט‬ ‫ דבר‬Cibus ‫אכל אוכיל‬
Causa ‫ריב‬ ‫רב‬ ‫ || סבה‬Cicula ‫רוש‬
‫עלה‬ Cidaris ‫צניף מצנפת‬
Causam egit
‫ דון רוב‬Cinclura ‫מהגרת‬
Cavus ‫ | נבוב‬Cineres amovit ‫רשן‬
‫נפל נבל לבטחץ‬ ‫מחגרת‬ ‫אזור‬
Cecinit Cingulum
‫שור זמר‬ ‫מזח‬
‫ || ארז ארזה‬Cinis ‫אפר‬
‫עלם כסה כחד‬
CIN ... .CLA CLA....COL 11

‫חגר‬ ‫חבש‬ ‫ | אזר‬Claudicavit ‫פסח צלע‬

Cinxit ‫מזח‬ ‫זרה‬ ‫ | כתר‬Claudus ‫פסח‬

‫חוץ‬ Clavis ‫מפתח‬

Cippus ‫מצבה‬ ‫עצר‬ ‫נעל‬ ‫סגר‬
Circa ‫סביב סביבות‬ ‫שעה עצה‬
‫סביבות‬ ‫ | מסב‬Clausus ‫סגור‬
‫תקופת‬ ‫חוג‬ Clavus ‫יתר‬

‫חוג‬ ‫יקף‬ ‫סבב‬ Clementia usus est ‫תמל‬

‫ק‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ח‬ Clypeus ‫מגן‬
Circuli ‫גלילי‬ Coacervatus est ‫ערס‬
Circum ‫מסב על‬ Coagulavit ‫קפא‬
Circumcidit ‫מול‬ ‫נמל‬ Coccus ‫שני‬

‫יקף‬ ‫ | עטר כתר‬Cochleare ‫כף‬

‫ חוג אפף‬Coclus ‫בשלה‬

Circumquaque ‫ סביב‬Coegit ‫פרץ אנס‬

Circumsepsit ‫גדר עזק‬ Cenum ‫בצה רפש‬

Circumtotondit ‫יקף‬ ‫כלא‬ ‫יסר עצר‬

‫עבר‬ } ‫גלא‬ ‫מנע‬
Cisterna ‫בור בר בארות‬ ‫עדה מועד קהל‬
‫מועד קהל‬
Cithara ‫כנור קיתרוס‬ ‫קהלה בת‬
Cilo ‫מהרה‬ ‫מחשבה מזמה‬
‫הגה יצר‬
‫עיר קריא קריה‬
‫קריתא‬ ‫יזם‬ ‫זמה‬ ‫| חשב‬
Clades ‫שבר‬ ‫בח‬.
‫ ט‬Cogitavit ‫אמר שער סבל‬
Clam ‫בלאט‬ ‫עשת‬
‫קרא‬ ‫צעק‬ ‫זעק‬ Cognominavit ‫כנה‬

Clamavit ‫ענה‬ ‫צוח‬ ‫שוע‬ Cognovit ‫ידע‬

‫צרח יבב‬ ‫ | נאק‬Cohabitatio
‫צעקה זעקה שוע‬ Cohabitavil
Clamor ‫צוחה‬ ‫שועת‬ Cohesit ‫דבק‬
‫ | רנה‬Cohibitio ‫עצר‬
Clamorem suscitavit ‫עער‬ ‫כלא‬ ‫עצר בצר‬
Clangor ‫תרועה‬ ‫מנע חטס חשך‬
Clanxit ‫תקע חצצר רשך‬ Coire fecit animalia ‫רבע‬
Clarus ‫ | יקר‬Collectio ‫קבצת‬
Clarus fuit ‫יקר‬
‫אני אניה‬
COL .... COM COM .... CON

‫לקט‬ ‫קמץ‬ ‫אסף‬ Commoratus cat ‫נור לון שכן‬

‫כנס קשש‬ ‫ | קבץ‬Commotus est ‫חפז געש‬
‫בלם‬ ‫גור‬ ‫ אגר‬Commovit ) ‫רגז נגע הוס‬
‫ארה‬ ‫המה‬
‫מלח‬ ‫ מוג מסס‬-Commo vit
ad zelo
Collicuit ‫קנא‬
‫ | מקק‬lypiam
Commovil se ‫רעש הרה‬
Colligatus est ‫שקר‬
Communis ‫חל‬
Colligavit ‫קשר‬
Collis Commulavit ‫מור ימר‬
‫שקק‬ ‫ נפץ רצץ‬Comparavit .‫ערך משל שור‬
} ‫שקק‬ ‫רכש‬
‫שוס‬ ‫ינח‬ ‫ | ישב‬Compegit arctius ‫נשק‬
Collocavit ‫עמד‬ ‫יצב‬ ‫שם‬ Comperit ‫מצא‬

‫ שכן שפת‬Compescuit ‫נער שבח קפץ‬

Colloquium ‫ | שיח‬Complacuit ‫חפץ‬
Collum ‫ | צואר‬Complevit ‫כלה מלא‬
Colluvies ‫ערב‬ Complicatus ‫סבר‬
Color ‫צבע‬ Complicavit ‫עבת‬
Coloravit ‫ | צבע‬Complicuit ‫חבק‬
Coluit ‫פלה‬ ‫עצב‬ ‫עבד‬ Complosit ‫מחא‬
Columba ‫ | יונה‬Complositmanus ‫מחה ספק‬
Columna ‫דמוד‬ ‫נציב‬ Compressit ‫לחץ זור עשה‬
Colus The Compulit ‫נדח‬
Combussit ‫שרף בער נשק‬ Computavit ‫חשב‬
Combustio ‫שרפת‬ Compulruit ‫מזר רקב מקק‬
) ‫חרה‬ ‫חרר‬ ‫ יצת‬Conatus est ‫שדר‬
Combustus est
‫ | צרב‬Concepit ‫הרה יחס זרע‬
Comedit ‫אכל לחם‬ Concessit ‫יהב‬
Comessator ‫זולל‬ ‫כרת נתח כרה‬
Commentarius ‫מדרש‬ ‫קצה פשח‬
Commentus est 872 Concionator ‫קהלת‬
Comminuit ‫נפץ‬ ‫דקק‬ ‫ טחן‬Conclave
‫כתש‬ ‫ | גרס‬Conclusit ‫כלא‬
Commiscuit ‫ | סכך מסך‬Concrevit ‫לכר קפא‬
Commisit ‫ | מסר פקד‬Concubina ‫פילגש‬
Commodatus ‫ | שאול‬Concubilus ‫משכב‬
Commodavit ‫לוה שאל נשה‬ ‫בוא‬ ‫שכב בעל‬
Commolitus est ‫שגל רבע‬

‫רפס‬ ‫דוש‬ ‫בוס‬ Congessit ‫כנס‬

Conculcavit ‫רמס בשס עסיס‬ Conglutinatus est ‫דבק‬
‫סלה‬ ‫קהלה‬ ‫קהל‬
‫תאב חמד יאב‬ ‫קבצת‬
Concupivit ‫בצע‬ ‫שאל‬ Congregalus est ‫עןש‬
Concussio ‫רעש‬ ‫אסף קבץ קהל‬
Concussus est ‫געש‬ Congregavit ‫כנס קוה קשש‬
Condemnavit ‫גור ספח‬
‫רשע חוב‬
Condivit ‫ רקח‬Conjecit ‫נתן תקע‬
Condoluit T Conjecil ex nubibus ‫ענן‬
Condoluitcum aliquo ‫ נחם‬Conjunxit ‫יחד חוט חשק‬
Condonavit ‫סלח נשא‬ Conjur ‫שגל‬
Confessus est ‫ידה‬ Conjunrit ‫קשר צמד‬
‫חשק שלב‬
Confidenter ‫בטח‬ Conneauit
‫חסה‬ Consanguineus ‫שאר‬
‫תקן‬ ‫יעז‬ Conscendit ‫רבב‬
Confirmatus est
‫כתב צבא‬
‫חזק עזז קום גבר‬ Conscripsit
Confirmavit Consecravil ‫קדש מלא‬
Confixus est Consedit ‫נן תנה‬
Conflans Consensit ‫יאת‬
‫צרף מצרף‬
Conflatus ‫ישן‬
‫צרוף מסכה‬ Consennuil
Conflavit ‫נתך‬ ‫נס‬
‫סךך‬ ‫צרף‬ Conserravit
} ‫נתך‬ Consideravit ‫בון שבר‬
Conflictus ‫ | סאון‬Consiliarius ‫יועץ‬
Conflixit ‫ | נגה‬Consilium ‫עצה דבר‬
Confluxit ‫ערץ מלך‬
‫ | נהר‬Consilium inivit
Confortavit ‫מנחם‬
‫בלג‬ Consolator
Confossus ‫נחם‬
‫חלל‬ Consolatus est
Confossus est | Cons olidavit ‫יצק‬
Confractio ‫ | שבר‬Conspersit ‫רסס‬
‫ | דכא שבר רצץ‬Conspersit se
‫ כתת רעץ רעע‬Conspiratio
‫הלם‬ ‫גדע‬ ‫ | רטש‬Conspiravit
‫פצח‬ Consternatio
Consternatus est ‫חתת‬
Confugit ‫נצל חסה‬
||Consternavil ‫פעם‬
Confusio ‫ || תבל‬Constilit
Confusus est ‫כלם ברך‬

‫שם‬ ‫שום‬ ‫קום‬ Contigit ‫בוא נגע‬

‫יצב‬ ‫עמד‬ ‫שות‬ Contignavit ‫קרב‬
‫נסך‬ ‫חקק‬ ‫יסד‬ Continuavit ‫טרד‬
‫נתן‬ ‫אמר‬ ‫חתך‬ Continuit ‫נשא‬
‫נקב‬ ‫קרה‬ ‫מנה‬ Contorsit ‫מלק‬
‫זמן‬ Contortus est ‫שזר‬
Constituit eum cen- Contra ‫את‬ ‫על עם אל‬
trum omnis laudis ‫נוה‬ Contrarit ‫קצר קפץ‬
et gloriæ | Contremuit ‫הרן פלץ רוף‬
Constituti ‫ממנים‬ Contristalus ‫חמץ‬
Constitutio firma , ‫אמנה‬ Contrilus ‫חתת‬
Constitutus ‫מועד‬ Contritus cst ‫לתע‬
Constrinxit ‫עקר זור‬ ‫רצץ רעע רעץ‬
‫ארח דרך‬ ‫כתת כאה בלא‬
‫ | משפט‬Conlrivil ‫בלה השל הרך‬
Consuit ‫טפל חוט‬ ‫מלח‬ ‫דוש הום‬

‫שאל‬ ‫עוץ‬ ‫יעץ‬ ‫שוף‬

‫דרש‬ ‫טחן דכא‬ ‫נתץ‬
Consummalus ‫גמיר‬ Conludit ‫דכה בתת הלם‬
Consummatio ‫כלה‬ ‫כתש שחק‬
Consummavil ‫תמס שלס‬ ‫כלה‬ Contulit bonum vel
‫אכל בלה בלא‬
Consumpsit ‫סרר סרב‬
‫סוף‬ ‫כלה‬‫ תמם‬Contumas
‫ אסף חסל מוג‬Contumas fuit ‫מרה‬
on tu me li
trac os e
Consumptus est ‫ גמר מזה‬-C

lavit .
Contabuit , ‫ס‬ ‫ס‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ק‬ ‫ו‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ק‬ ‫ק‬ ‫מ‬
Conturbavit ‫סער‬
Contabulavit ] ‫יאת יאה קשש‬
‫ ספן‬Convenit
Contemplatus est ‫ה‬
‫שור בר‬ ‫רגש צבא נאה‬
‫ מאס בזה חרף‬Conv entu s ‫ערה יקהת‬
s ‫שוב שבב‬
‫ בוז נאץ שאט‬Conversu est
‫ נמאס בזיון בוז‬Conv erti t ‫הפר‬
‫ בוזה‬Conv icia tus est ‫חרף גדף נאץ‬
Contendit . ‫גרה‬ ‫רוב‬ Convitium ‫רפי‬
Contentis viribus ‫משתיא משתה‬
‫אמץ‬ Convivium
egit ‫לחם כרה‬
Contestatus est ‫עוד‬ Convocatio ‫מקרא‬
Conticuit 1 ‫דמס‬
CON....CRE CRE....CUT 15

‫צעק‬ ‫קרא‬ ‫ | קהל‬Crescere fecit
‫זעק‬ ‫נדל פרץ פרה‬
Convolvit ‫||גלל גרף‬Crevil ‫אה‬
‫רה‬ ‫פ‬‫רבה עלה ג‬
‫מזיז שפעת‬ ‫פוש נרב שנא‬
‫כבד‬ Cribrum ‫מכבר‬
Copulavit se ‫ | צמד‬Crudelis ‫אכזר‬
Cor ‫לב לבב נפש בל‬ Crudus ‫נא‬
‫מול על עם‬ ‫נכח‬ Cruentavit ‫מחץ‬
Coram ‫אל‬ ‫את‬ Crus ‫שבל‬

Cordatus fuil ‫לבב‬ Cubicularius ‫| סריס‬

Cornu ‫ קרן קרנא‬Cubiculum ‫נשכה‬ ‫לשכה‬
Cornu petivit ‫ננת‬ ‫תדר‬
Corona ‫ |כתר עטרת נזר‬Cubile ‫משכב‬
Coronavit ‫ |כתר עטר נזר‬Cubiti ‫ארבות‬

Corpus ‫ גו גוף גויה נפש‬Cubitus ‫אמה גמד‬

Correxit ‫ תקן‬Cubuit ‫שכב רבץ‬
Corrigia ‫ | שרוך‬Cucurbita ‫קיקיון‬
Corripuit ‫ יסר יכח‬Cucurrit ‫ריץ‬
Corroboravit ‫ | גבר רהב‬Culcila ‫ערש‬
Corrugavit ‫ | קמט‬Culler ‫שכין‬
Corruit ‫נפל כשל‬ ‫י‬ ‫כ‬ ‫ם‬ ‫ע‬ ‫ת‬ ‫א‬ ‫אם‬
Corrupit ‫שחת חבל‬ Cum ‫אשר על עד מה‬
Corruptio ‫חבל‬ ‫אל‬

Corruptus est ‫ שחת מקק מזר‬Cunctatus est ‫מהה‬

Cortex ‫ | זג‬Cupit ‫צבא‬

Cortina ‫ | יריעות‬Cur ‫| למה מדוע‬
Corvus ‫ || ערב‬Curavil ‫רפא‬
Coturnix ‫ שלך‬Currus ‫רכב מרכבה‬
Coxit ‫אפה‬ ‫ בשל נזך‬Cursilavik ‫רהר‬
Coxit aqua ‫ בשל‬Cursor ‫רץ‬
Cras ‫ | מחר‬Curtavit ‫קצר‬
Crassus factus est ‫עבה‬ Curvavit ‫קפף‬
Crater ‫להב‬
‫ | אגן מזרק‬Cuspis
Craticula instar cri- Custodia ‫פקדת‬
‫ מכבר‬Custodivit ‫שמר נצר נטר‬
Creator ‫ | בורא‬Cutis ‫עיר‬
Creavit ‫ברא‬
Crcpusculum ‫נשף‬
DE ....DEC DEC ....DEF

Decretum ‫ות דתא פתגם‬

D ‫טעם חק‬
De ‫אל את על‬ Decrevit ‫חסר כלה חרץ‬
Dealbavil ‫לבן‬ ‫גזר יעץ חקק‬
Debilitavit ‫השל‬ Decubuit ‫נפל‬
Debilitatus est ‫חלה‬ Decuit ‫נאה יאה‬
Decus ‫הוד‬
Debitor ‫חוב‬
Decachordum ‫עשור‬ Decussit ‫סעף הבט‬
Decem ‫עשור עשר‬ ‫תנך‬
Decens ‫נאה‬ ‫מגן‬
‫נשא רמה פתה‬ ‫שום‬ ‫שם‬ ‫נתן‬
| Decepit ‫נכל‬ Dedit
‫יעץ עשר‬ ‫יהב‬
Decerpsit ‫קטף‬
Decessit 117 Deditus est alicui rei
‫נבל‬ ‫גזר‬ ‫התך‬ ‫נשא‬ ‫נהג נחה‬
‫ נפל פלל‬Deduxit ‫ילד‬ ‫ירד‬ ‫דרך‬
Decima ‫מעשר‬ ‫יבל‬
Decimam accepit ‫עשר‬ Deesse sivit ‫עדר‬
Decimavit ‫עשר‬ ‫אפס כלה חסר‬
‫באר ברר פרש‬ ‫דעך‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫נפל‬
‫מטט‬ ‫מוג‬ ‫פשע‬ ‫אזל‬
‫מוט‬ ‫סור‬ ‫סר‬ Defecit > ‫נמר עלף כחש‬
Declinavit ‫נטה עטה שחה‬ ‫נתש נשת פסס‬
‫ירט‬ ‫שוט‬ ‫לוז‬ ‫עטף‬ ‫פוג פגר‬
‫שטה‬ ‫ערר היה‬
Decollavit ‫ערף‬ Defecit animo ‫נמר עלף‬
‫הדר‬ ‫תפארה‬ Defectio ‫פשע‬
‫נעם‬ ‫חסר מחסור‬
Decora ‫נאוה‬ ‫אפס‬
Decoravit ‫פאר‬ ‫הדר‬ Defessus ‫יעף עיף‬
Decorticavil ‫פצל‬ ‫יעף עיף יגע‬
Defessus est
Decorus ‫נאוה‬ ‫לאה‬
Decorus fuit ‫ | נאה‬Definivit ‫תאה‬

Decorus fuit vel vi- Defixit ‫צנה‬

‫ יטב‬Deflexit
sus est ‫שטה שוט מעל‬
Decorus fuit Dy Defluxil ‫נבל נזל‬
Decrepitus ‫ | ישיש‬Defraudarit ‫עשק עקב‬
Defuit ‫חסר עדר פקר‬
DEG....DEP DEP .... DES 17

Deglutivit ‫בלע לוע‬ Deprecatio ‫תחנה‬

‫שפל‬ ‫ירד‬ ‫ | נפל‬Deprecatus est ‫חנן חלה עת‬
Dejecit ‫שחח‬ ‫שלד כשל‬ Deprehendit ‫מצא‬
| ‫רמה מנר שמש‬ Depressit
‫דכה כרע מעך‬
Dejectus est ‫נחת‬ ! ‫שחח כנע שפל‬
Depressus est
Delapsus est ‫נפל‬ ‫ירר מור‬
Delectatio ‫רצון‬ Deprompsit ‫זרע פוק‬
Delectatus est ONE ‫חפץ‬ ‫ || רצה‬Depsuit ‫לוש ערב‬
Delectavit se ‫ | שעה‬Depulit ‫נדף דחה‬
Delegit ‫ | קדש‬Derelictus ‫נעזב‬
Delevit ‫ | מחא מחה שמד‬Derisio ‫רחוק רחק‬
‫ | כלה שבת‬Derisit ‫לוש שחק קלס‬
Delicate nutrivit ‫ | פנק‬Derisor ‫לץ‬
Delicate vixit Desævit ‫זעם‬
Delicatus fuit ‫ || ענג‬Descendit ‫ירד נחת צנח‬
Deliciis affluxit ‫ || עדן‬Descivil ‫סגסוג‬
Delictum ‫אשם‬ Descripsit ‫כתב חקק תאר‬
Delineatus ‫מחקה‬ Deserta aut insulas
incolentes ‫איים‬
Delineavit ‫תאר‬
Delinxit ‫ || רחך‬Desertum ) | ‫מדברה‬ ‫מדבר‬
Deliquit } ‫ברה‬ ‫ערבה‬
‫אשם מעל חטה‬
Demigravit ‫ || גלה‬Deseruit ‫עזב נטש‬

Demisit ‫שלח ירד נחת‬ Desiderabilis ‫תאוה מחמד‬

? ‫כנע שפל נטה‬ ‫נחמד חמד‬
Demolitus est
‫נתץ‬ Desideravit ‫חמד חשק תאב‬
‫הרס‬ ‫יאב כמה פקר‬
Demonstravit ‫יכת‬ ‫תאוה חמד אות‬
Dens ‫מחמד חפץ‬
Depavit ‫גלש‬ ‫רעה‬ ‫בער‬ Designavit ‫סמן‬
Depauperatus est ‫רשש מוך‬ ‫גמר סוף אפס‬
| Depauperauit ‫ | ריש‬Desiit ‫חדל דמה דמם‬
Deperiit ‫עגב‬ ‫רפה שכך‬
Depilavit ‫ || מרט‬Desiliit ‫נפל צנח‬
Depinxit ‫חקק‬ Desipuit ‫בער‬
Deploravit ‫שממה נחרבת‬
‫ || קון נוד‬Desolata
Deportavit ‫||נלה שבה‬Desolatio ‫שמה שממה‬
Deposuit ‫חרב שמם‬
‫עזב‬ ‫ נתן פקד‬Desotavit
Depravavit ‫ || שחת‬Desolatus est ‫ישם צרה‬
18 DES .... DIF DIF .... DIS

‫אשם בלק‬ Difudit ‫יצק‬
Desperatus ‫ || אנוש‬Difudit se ‫פשה פוש‬
Desperavit ‫ | יאש‬Digitus ‫אצבע‬
Despuit ‫ || רקק‬Dijudicavit ‫פלל‬
Destinavit aliquod Dilatatio ‫רוח‬
in animo vel bo- ‫ || זמם‬Dilatavit ‫רחב פתה‬
num vel malum Dilectio ‫אהבה‬

Destitit ‫חדל ראש רפה‬ ‫אהב ידד חבב‬

‫שעה‬ ‫חשף רחם‬
Destituit ‫ || חסר‬Diligens ‫מהיר‬
Destrinxit ‫שחר‬
P Diluculo quæsivit
Destruxit ‫הרס‬ ‫ | נתץ נתס‬Diluvium
} ‫הרס‬ ‫ || אכל קיר‬Dimensio ‫מדה‬
Desumptus est ‫ || קרץ‬Dimicavit ‫שחק‬
Determinavit ‫ || תאה‬Dimidium ‫מחצית‬
Detestatus est
‫ || זעם שקץ‬Dimidium sicli ‫בקע‬
‫ | גלה פרע ערה‬Diminuit ‫מעט‬
‫ | עצר‬Diminulus est ‫פסס‬
‫פשט חלץ שלל‬ ‫ינח‬ ‫שלח‬ ‫עזב‬
Detraxit Dimisit
‫נצל‬ ‫שמט פטר‬
Delulit Dimotus est ‫מוט‬
Detrusit ‫ || מגר דחה‬Direptio ‫שר‬
Devastavit ‫שאה‬ Direxit ‫ישר תכן שכל‬
Devinxil se
‫חשק‬ ‫תקן אשר‬
Devolvit ‫גרף גלל‬
‫נזל בזא בזז חטף‬
Devoravit ‫ל לחם‬ ‫ | א‬Diripuit
‫אכל‬ ‫חתף נצל שםם‬
‫חרס‬ . ‫שסה שדד קבע‬
Devovit internecioni
‫חרב נתץ נחש‬
| Deus ‫אל אלהים‬ Diruit ‫פרץ הרס שדר‬
‫ערף ערה סתר‬
‫נזר צניף מצנפת‬
‫למד אלף‬ ‫קיר פרץ גדע‬
Didicit experimento W Diruptus est ‫צען‬
‫יום‬ Discalceatus ‫יחף‬
Difficilis fuit ‫פלא‬ ‫כבד קשה‬ Disceptavit ‫שפט דון יכח‬
‫פצם‬ ‫פלח‬ ‫ || שסע‬Discerpsit ‫טרף פשח‬
Difflavit ‫נשב‬ ‫סר סור נסע נסג‬
‫נזל דלף זרב נגר‬ ‫מוש נגע‬
‫ ! פצם‬Discidit ‫פרש פרס‬
DIS....DIV DIV....DOM 19

Dives ‫עשיר‬
‫ידע נכר‬ ‫בון‬
‫בדל‬ Divinatio ‫נחש קסם‬
Discurrit Divinavit ‫נחש קסם‬
‫שקק שוט‬
Discubuit ‫ || תכה‬Divinus ‫קסם‬

Dissipavit ‫ נדף‬Divisio ‫מחלקת‬

Disjecit ‫פרץ זרה‬ ‫פרד פלג חלק‬
‫ | פרד‬Divisit ‫בדל פרש בתר‬
‫שמד חרס מגר‬ ‫חוץ פרס בצע‬
Disperdidit ‫בקע‬
‫פרש‬ ‫פזר‬ ‫נפץ‬ Dividem se jactavit ‫עשר‬
Divilia ‫עשר‬
Dispersit ‫זרה‬ ‫בזר‬ ‫פוץ‬
Divulsus est ‫נקע יקע‬
Dispersus est ‫ פרש‬Dixit ‫אמר דבר מלל‬
Dispertivit ‫חצץ‬
‫ | רע רעה‬Doctor ‫מלמד מורה‬
Doctrina ‫מוסר לקח‬
‫שות שם שום‬
Disposuit ‫ תכן ערך עדר‬Docuit ‫למד ידע בון יסר‬
‫ שלב שתת שפת‬Docuit ire ‫רגל‬

Dispulit ‫ נדף‬Dolavit ‫פסל חץ‬

‫מכאוב חולה‬
Disrupit ‫נתק פור‬ Dolor
. ‫רגע‬ ‫עצב חבל חיל‬
Disrupit se
Dissecuit ‫גרר‬ ‫בתר‬ ‫ | כרת‬Dolore affecit ‫כאב עצב‬
- ‫ | נתח‬Dolose egit ‫נכל‬
Dissecuit in frusta
Dolosus ‫מרמה‬
Dissipavit ‫פוץ בזר פרד‬
‫ מסה‬Doluit ‫כאב חלה עצב‬
Dissolutus est ‫פחז מסס‬ ‫חול כלה ענם‬

Dissuit ‫פרס‬ ‫מרמה רמיה‬

Distendit ‫פער‬
Distillavit ‫נטף‬ Domina ‫נברת‬
‫מושל משל‬
‫פסג‬ ‫פלה‬ ‫נכר‬ Dominator
Distinxit ‫רזון‬ ‫שליט‬
Dominalus ‫רדה‬
Distribuit ‫חוץ‬ ‫פסג‬
‫משל שלט שרר‬
Distulit ‫עקב‬ ‫משך ארך‬ Dominatus est
Ditatus est ‫עשר גדל‬ ‫רוד עצר בעל‬

Ditavit ‫ עשר‬Dominium
‫מצמרשל ממשלת‬
Dilio ‫יד‬
PWD Dominium exercuit ‫רדה‬
Divertit ‫ || סור נטה‬Dominus ‫א‬
‫יהוה רון בעל‬
20 DOM.... DUX EBR .... EGU

‫ | בית‬ENTi sr
Donavit ES
‫ || נתן זבד שחד‬cre
Donec ‫סבא סובה‬
i lo ‫ || עד‬Ebriosus

‫ | מתןמתנהמתת‬Ebrius ‫שכר שכור‬

Donum ‫ משאת שחד‬Ebrius fuit 3 ‫שכר‬
‫ | אשכר‬Ebulliwil ‫רחש‬
Dormitatio ‫תנומה‬ Ecce ‫הן הנה הא‬
Dormivit ‫חלם‬ ‫ | רדס‬Ecclesiastes ‫קהלת‬
Dormivit profunde ‫אסר מאמר‬
‫ ישן‬Edictum
Dorsum ‫גב‬ ‫פתגם‬
Dos ‫ | זבד‬Edidit ‫נמל נתן‬
Dotavit ‫ |מהר זבד‬Edit ‫ברה‬
Dubitavit 07 3 ‫אמר‬
‫ | פון‬Edixit
Due myriades ‫ || רבותים‬Edocuil ‫חנך‬
Dulcem reddidit
‫ || מתק‬Educarit ‫גדל גמל רבה‬
Dulcis fuit ) 3 ) ‫נפקו‬ ‫עלה‬ ‫יצא‬
‫מתק מלץ‬ Edurit
| Dulcuit ‫נסק גוח‬
Dum ‫אם‬ Efecit reum ‫חוב‬
Duntaxat ‫קצף רתח זןד‬
‫רק‬ Eferbuit
Duor ‫משכית‬
‫ ||שני תרי‬Etfigies
Duplex ‫ | משנה‬Efloruik ‫צמח נוץ‬
Duplicatus ‫כפול‬ Efluxit ‫זרב זוב‬
Duplicavit ‫כפל‬ Efodit 3 ‫נקר‬
‫כפלים‬ Efrenis fuit
Duplum ‫משנה‬ Efregit glebas ‫שדד‬ ‫| שוד‬
‫עתק איתן‬ ‫יצר שפך רחש‬
Duriter habuil
‫ | קשח‬Efudit ‫ערה‬ ‫נגר‬ ‫נתך‬
‫קשה איתן עתק‬ ‫ריק‬
Durus fuil
‫כבד‬ ‫קשה‬ Efugit
‫שר שליטא קצין‬ Efalsitivit ‫ערף יפע‬
‫נגד נגיד אב‬ es
Rfusus! ‫נתך‬
‫אלוף פחה פחת‬ Effutivit | ‫בטא‬ ‫| דבב‬
‫טפסר‬ ‫רש אביון‬
‫נשא‬ ‫נחה‬ ‫נהג‬ ‫מחסור‬
Duxit ‫ישב‬ ‫לקח‬ ‫ ילך‬Egit ‫עשה‬
‫ |בוא דבר‬Ego ‫אני אנכי‬
Duxit leniter ‫נהל‬ Egressus csl ‫יצא נפק‬
Duxit uxorem ‫בעל‬ Eguit ‫רוש‬
EJE....EPU EPI.... EVE 21

‫שלך גרש‬ ‫ שלח‬Epistola
Ejecit ‫נפל טרד‬ ‫ נשל‬Eques ‫רכב פרש‬
‫ ||ידה‬Equilavit ‫רכב‬
Ejulavit ‫ילל‬ ‫אלה‬ ,
Equus ‫סוס‬
Elapidavit ‫ | סקל‬Eradicavit ‫שרש‬
Elatio ‫ | משאת‬Erectus est ‫רמה‬
Elatus ‫ | רום‬Ererit ‫קום זקף עדר‬
Elatus est ‫ | שגב‬Erga ‫עם על את אל‬
Electa ‫ | ברה‬Ericius ‫קפד‬
Electus ‫בחור‬ ‫חלץ‬ ‫נצל‬ ‫גזל‬
Elegans fuit ‫ | שפר‬Eripuit ‫נאל בצר פרה‬
Elegantia ‫שפר שפרה‬ ‫מלט שזב‬
Elegit ‫בחר ברה ברר‬ ‫שנג שנה תעה‬
Elevavit ‫סלל נוף‬ ‫שגב‬ ‫טעה‬
} ‫סלל נוף‬
‫זקף‬ ‫שננה‬ ‫משנה‬
Elevavit se Error ‫תועה שלה‬
Elocutus est ‫יפח‬ ‫נוב‬ ‫ || דבר‬Erubuit ‫כוש כלם חפר‬
‫ || נבע‬Eruditio ‫מוסר יסור‬
Emaciatus est ‫ || מזה‬Erudivit ‫יסר לטש‬
Emaciavit ‫ || רזה‬Eruit ‫חלץ נצל‬
Emanavit ‫נגד נבע‬ Erumpere fecit ‫רגע‬
Emarcuit ‫נבל‬ Erupit ‫נות בקע‬
Eminuit ‫ || שפה‬Eruptio ‫פרץ‬
Emisit ‫נכה‬ ‫שלח נתן‬ Erulus est
cal ‫נקר‬
} ‫נכה‬ ‫ציד צידה אכל‬
‫ || שרה נבע‬Esca
Emit ‫קנא‬ ‫שבר‬ ‫ | כרה‬Essentia ‫תשוה תושיה‬
‫ || קנה זבן‬Eiurivil ‫רעב‬
Emollescebat mace- Bi ‫אשר‬
ratione ‫בצק‬ Eliam ‫אם גם אך‬
Emollitus est ‫רכר‬ Etsi ‫אף‬
Emptio ‫ | קנין מקנה‬Evacuavik ‫ריק בקק ערה‬
Emunctoria ‫ מזמרות‬Evanil ‫מלח הכל אזל‬
En Ar ‫מלט פלט‬
‫הא‬ ‫ | הן הנה‬Evasit
Enarratio ‫ | מספר‬Evenit ‫בואן‬
Enarravit ‫ || ספר שוח‬Erenius ‫עקב מקרה‬
Enutrivit ‫נדל‬ Everril ‫סחה סחף יעה‬
Epulatus est ‫ כרה‬Evertit ‫הרס הפך אכל‬
Epulum ferale ‫מרזח‬ . ‫עוה עות‬
22 EVI .... EXE EXE .... EXP

Evigilavit ‫ | קוץ יקץ עור‬Ezegit ‫ננש בקש נשה‬

Evomuit ‫ קוא‬Exemplar 5 ‫תכנית‬ ‫תבנית‬
‫האח‬ } ‫כנית‬
Euge ‫פתשגן‬
Eunuchus ‫ | סריס‬Exercitus ‫צבא‬ ‫מחנה‬
‫נתש נתק נשל‬ ‫גדוד חיל‬
‫ | נסח נסע‬Exercuit ‫צבא‬
Ex ‫ | מן את מאת‬Ezeruit ‫ריק‬
Exacerbatus est ‫חמץ‬ Exhausit ‫בקק חשף דלה‬
Exacerbavit ‫מרה מרר‬ Exhaustus est ‫מזה‬
Exactor ‫נגש‬ Exhilaravit ‫שמח חדה‬
Exacuit ‫ חדר‬Exiguus ‫מעט‬
Exaltatus ‫נשגב‬ Extit ‫יצא הלך נוח‬
Exaltavit ‫רום גבה שגב‬ Eriliüt ‫פזז רקד רצר‬
Exaravit ‫ || חרת‬Erilire fecit ‫נתר‬
Exarsit ‫הרה חרר קדה‬ Ezinanirit ‫בלק‬
Exarvit ‫ | נשא חרר יבש‬Eritium ‫איד‬
Exaudivit : ‫ || ענה‬Exortus est ‫סלק‬
Excæcavit ‫ | עור‬Erossavil ‫עצם גרם‬
Excanduit ‫ || יחס חרה‬Expalpavit ‫נשש‬
Excellentia ‫ ||גאון יתר‬Expandit | ‫פרש שטח רקע‬
Excelluit ‫ גבר‬Expansum ‫רקיע‬
Excelsus ‫ מרום עליון על‬Expavit ‫ערץ‬
‫תקוה תוחלת‬
Excelsusfuil ‫ || שפה‬Expectatio
‫מול‬ ‫גזר‬ ‫כרת‬ ‫יהל קוה חכה‬
‫ חצץ‬, ‫חרץ‬ ‫נמל‬ Expectavit ‫שבר דמם דום‬
‫זער‬ ‫נפל‬ ‫דמה‬ ‫עמד חול כתר‬
‫ || כסה‬Expedivit ‫חלץ חמש נתר‬
Excitavit ‫ | ער קום פעם‬Erpendit ‫תכן‬
Exclusit ‫ | שתם‬Eapergefactus ‫יקץ נער‬
Excogitatio ‫מחשבה‬
|Expertusest ‫ידע‬
Excogitavit ‫חשב זמם יצר‬ Expiratio ‫מפח‬
Excoriavit ‫ || פשט‬Espiravit ‫נוע‬
| Excrementa ‫ צועי‬Expiatio ‫כפר חטאת‬
Excudit ‫ || רקע‬Expiavit ‫חטא כפר‬
Excurrit ‫||סר‬Explanavit ‫באר‬
Excussit ‫חבט נתר נער‬ ‫תור‬ ‫חפר‬ ‫רגל‬
Execratus est ‫אלה נקב זעם‬ ‫נסה ברך‬
} ‫זעם‬
‫ | קבב עשה‬Erpolivia ‫קלל מרק מרט‬
SEXP ....EXU FAB ....FEC 23

E.rportavit ‫נפק‬
‫ספר פרש תרגם‬ F.
Expressit ‫ || מצק שחט‬Faber ‫| חרש‬
Exprobravit ‫ || חרף‬Facies ‫מראה‬
Expugnavit ‫ || נכה‬Factum . ‫מעשה דבר‬
‫דחה‬ ‫ || גרש‬Factus est ‫היה‬
‫ירש‬ ‫ || נדד‬Facullas ‫רכש רכוש כח‬

Excidit ‫קוס‬ ‫ צמת כחד‬Fallaciter egit ‫שקר‬

} ‫קוס‬
‫ | קסת‬Fallar ‫שקר‬
Exsculpsit ‫חרת‬ Falsitas ‫| שקר‬
Expurgavit ‫צרף‬ Falso ‫שקר‬
Exsiccavit ‫חרב בש‬ Falsus ‫| שוא‬
Expuit ‫ירק‬ Fals . ‫מגל‬
Ersuxit ‫מצק‬ Fama ‫שמע שמעה‬
‫פרש משך ישט‬ ‫שמועה‬
Extendit ‫שטת רקע‬ ‫ רדד‬Fame laborare sivit ‫רעב‬
‫ || נטה‬Famelicus ‫רעב‬
Extendit se ‫שרע‬ ‫סר‬ ‫נטש‬ Fames ‫רעב‬
Extirpavit ‫ || עקר נתש נסח‬Familia ‫משפחה‬
Extersit ‫ | מחה‬Fanum ‫במה‬
Extinctus est ‫דעך שקע כבה‬ Farina ‫קמח‬
Extinxil ‫כבה‬ Fasciavit ‫חתל‬
Extorsit ‫ | מלק‬Fasciculi ‫אגדות‬
Extra ‫מבית‬ ‫חוץ‬ Fasciculus ‫צרור‬

Extraxit ‫משך משה שלף‬ Fascis involvit ‫חתל‬

‫דלה גרז נשל‬
Fastidivit ‫געל‬ ‫נאץ קוץ‬
Extremitas ‫פה‬ ‫געלן‬ ‫קוט בחל‬
Extremum ‫ || אפס‬Fastigia ‫נפי‬
‫רמם גבה‬ ‫רום‬ Fastus ‫גאון‬
Extulit ‫סלל‬ ‫ימר‬ ‫נשא‬ Fatigatus ‫יעף‬
‫רהב שגא‬ ‫יגע לאה טרח‬
Extulit se ‫נאה גדל עלה‬ ‫בשם‬
Exuit ‫פותה‬
‫ חלץ שלף פשט‬Falua
Exultatio ‫ || רנה רננה‬Fatui ‫פתאים‬
Exultavit ‫עלץ‬ ‫ רנן צהל‬Favor ‫רצון חן‬
} ‫עלץ‬ ‫|| עלס עלז‬Favus ‫צוף‬
Exundare fecit ‫צוף‬ Fecit ‫עשה פעל עבד‬
Exundavit ‫זרם‬ ‫עלל‬
24 FEF....FIL | FIL....FLE

Fefellit ‫|בנד רמה שלה‬Filius ‫בן בר בין‬

Fel ‫ רוש‬Filum
‫קו‬ ‫פתיל‬ ‫חוט‬
Felix fuil ‫שלה‬ ‫קוה‬
Femina ‫נקבה‬ Filum coccineum ‫שני‬
Femoralia ‫מכנסי‬ Fimbria ‫ציצה‬
Femur ‫|ירך‬Fimus ‫דמן פרש‬
‫חלון צהר‬ Finem habuit ‫אפס‬
‫||ארבות שקף‬Fines posuit ‫גבל‬
Ferbuit ‫תמר‬ Fingens ‫יוצר‬
Ferculum ‫משאת‬ ‫סוף קץ קצה‬
Ferül ‫תקע‬ ‫ || נכה‬Finis ‫תכלית אפס‬
Feriil fœdus ‫כרת‬
‫| עקב‬
Fermentatus ‫חמץ‬ Finivit ‫כלה‬
Fermentum ‫שאר שאור‬ Finrit ‫יצר‬
Feriil ‫ || ננף נגח‬Firma ‫תקיפה‬
Ferox ‫ | אכזר‬Firmamentum ‫רקיע‬
‫פרזל‬ ‫ ברזל‬Firmavit ‫תקף יסר‬
‫ | פרזלא‬Firmus ‫תקיפא‬
Fertum ‫מנחה מנחת‬ Fissura ‫שסע בדק‬
Fervefecit ‫ | בעה‬Fissus est ‫קרע‬
Fervere fecit ‫ || רתח‬Fistula ‫משרוקיתא‬
Ferus ‫ | פרא‬Fistulavit ‫חלל‬
Fessus ‫ | יגע‬Firit ‫תקע‬
‫חפז‬ ‫חוש‬ ‫מהר‬ Flagellumn ‫שיט שוט‬
Festinavit ‫נבלה‬
‫אץ‬ ‫אוץ‬ ‫בהל‬ Flagitium
‫חלט‬ Flagravit ‫סלד‬
Festinus ‫כמה‬
‫|היר אץ‬
‫| מ‬Flagravit desiderio
Festum ‫מועד‬ ‫הגג‬‫ חג‬Flamma ‫להב‬ ‫להט‬
‫עצרה עצרת‬ ‫שלהבת‬
Fibula ‫חח‬ Flamme ‫זקים‬
Ficus ‫ || תאנה‬Flalu dispersit ‫נשף‬
Fides ‫רוח רוחא מפח‬
‫ | אמונה‬Flalus
Fidit ‫חסה‬ ‫ | פרס שסע‬Flave ‫שריקות‬
‫בקע קרע רגע‬ Flavit ‫נפח יפח נשב‬
Fiducia ‫ | בטחון מחסה‬Flavit vehementer ‫נשף‬
‫ | מבטח מבטחה‬Flavus ‫צהב‬
Figulus ‫ | פחר‬Fletus ‫בכי‬
‫ | בת‬Flevit ‫ככה‬
FLE ....FOR FOR....FRU 25

Flexit ‫ || כפן קרס‬Forte ‫| אולי‬

Florere fecit ‫ || פרח‬Fortior ‫אמץ‬
Floruit ‫צץ צוץ פרח‬ ‫נבר‬ ‫גבור‬ ‫אל‬

‫ציץ‬ ‫ | פרח נצה‬Fortis ‫איתן אתן עריץ‬
‫ציצת‬ ‫כביר‬
Fluctus ‫שבלת‬ ‫ גלים‬Fortis fuit ‫חזק נען‬
Fluentum ‫ | שבלת‬Fortitudo ‫חיל איל‬

Fluere fecit ‫נזל‬ Fossa ‫גבא‬

Flumen ‫יאור‬ ‫שיחה שוחה בל‬
Fluvius ‫נהר יאר‬ ‫שחת בור‬
Fluxit ‫ זוב נזל צוף ריד‬Fraclus ‫נשבר חתת‬
‫חי‬ ‫כרה‬ ‫ | חפר‬Fractus est ‫נשבר כאה ירע‬
{PM ‫ |חתר‬Fragilis ‫תבירה‬
Fœcundavit ‫ | פרה‬Fragmentum ‫פלח‬
Fœcundus ‫ || פרי‬Frater ‫אח‬
‫ | פרה‬Fraudavit ‫בגד‬
Foda ‫ || מוראה‬Fraus ‫תר רמיה‬
Fœdus ‫אמנה‬ ‫שבר דכא דכה‬
Fœneravit ‫נשך נשה‬ ‫פרק גרס כאה‬
Fænus ‫ || נשך‬Fregit ‫חלש חתת פור‬
Fœtidus ‫פגול‬ ‫נוא חלש חבר‬

Fœtuit ‫באש‬ ‫פתת‬

Folium ‫ | עלה טרף‬Fremere fecit ‫רעם‬

Follis ‫ || מפח‬Fremuit ‫המה נהם‬

Fons ‫מעין מקור‬ ‫ | עין‬Frenduit ‫חרק‬

Foramen ‫ | חר‬Frenum ‫מחסום‬

Foris ‫בחוץ‬ Fretus cat ‫שען סמך‬

Forma ‫ | תאר תבנית‬Frictus ‫נקלה‬
Formatus est ‫ | קרץ‬Fricuit ‫מרק‬
Formavit ‫חול‬ ‫ || יצר‬Frigus ‫קרה‬
Formica ‫ || נמלה‬Frizit ‫רבך קלה‬
Formidabilisfuit ‫ || ירא ערץ‬Fronduit ‫ירק‬
‫דאג‬ ‫ערץ‬ ‫ || יגר‬Frons
Formidavit ‫פרה‬
} ‫דאג‬ ‫ שער‬Fructum edidit
Formido ‫ || שער‬Fructus ‫פרי תנובה קיץ‬
‫ || יפה‬Fruinentum ‫דגן בר‬
Fornax ‫ | תנור‬Frustra ‫ריק שקר‬
‫נתח ככר‬
Fortasse ‫לו לוא אלי‬ Fruulum
26 FRU....GAU GAV....GRA

Frustum panis ‫ | פת‬Gavisus est ‫שחק שוש עלס‬

Frutex ‫ | שיח‬Gelu ‫קרח‬
Fucavit ‫ | כחל‬Gemelli ‫תואמים‬

Fudit ‫שפך‬ ‫יצק נסך‬ Gemuit ‫הנה נהם נאק‬

‫נפל נתך‬ Gener ‫חתן‬
Fugavit ‫נדד‬ ‫נוס‬ ‫רוץ‬ Generatio ‫דור דר‬
Fugit ‫ערק‬ ‫ברח‬ ‫נוס‬ Generavit ‫ילד‬
Fuit ‫ || היה הוה‬Gens ‫גיי‬
‫ |משען‬Genu ‫ברד‬
‫מסעד‬ Genua flexit ‫כרע ברך‬
Fulgur ‫ברק‬ Genuit ‫ילד חול‬
Fulguravit ‫ ברק‬Germen ‫| צמח דשא‬
‫ ובס‬Germinare fecit ‫ילד‬
‫רשף‬ ‫צמח דשא פרח'ז‬
‫צהב זהר סעד‬ ‫נרץ נוב‬
TAD Gessit sinu ‫חבב‬
Fumavit Glabravit ‫מרט‬
‫עשן קיטר‬ Glacies ‫קרח‬
‫קלע‬ Gladius
Funda misil
‫|קלע‬ Gladio occidit ‫חרב‬
‫ || יסוד‬Gleba ‫רנבי‬
Fundavit ‫יסר‬ ‫כבד הוד גאון‬
Fundum petit ‫צלל‬ Gloria ‫תפארה‬
Funis ‫הבל‬
Gloriatus est ‫שבח הלל פאר‬
Fur ‫גנב‬
‫גדל ימק‬
Faratus est ‫ | גנב‬Glorificavit ‫פאר‬
Furebat ‫ להה‬Gloriosus fuit ‫כבד‬

Furor ‫חמה‬ ‫ רנז זעס‬Gluma ‫חשש‬

‫ עברה‬Gradus
Furtim abduxit ‫גנב‬ Gramen ‫חציר‬
Grana ‫נרנריס‬
Grandem fecit ‫גדל‬
Grandinavit ‫ברד‬
G Grandis
‫גדול גדל אדיר‬
‫ קובע‬Grando ‫ברד אלגביש‬
‫ | צפף‬Grassator ‫פרץ פריץ‬
Gaudio exultavit
‫ | גול‬Gralia ‫חן תחנה‬
‫ששון‬ ‫גילה‬ ‫ | גיל‬Gratiam fecit ‫רחם חנן‬
GRA .... HAS HAU....HOS 27

Gratias egit ‫ | ידה‬Hausit ‫דלה‬

Gratis ‫ || חנם‬Hebdomada ‫שבע שבוע‬
Gralus ‫ | ניחוח ניחח‬Hebuit ‫כהה‬
Gratusfuit ‫שפר‬ Herba ‫דשא עשב‬
Gratusfuit vel visus ‫עשבא‬
est Herba tonsa vel de-
Gravavit ‫קשה‬ pasta
‫ כבד עצב נמרץ‬Heri ‫אתמול תמול‬
‫סר נחלה‬ ‫אמש‬
Gravis fuil ‫ כבד‬Herus
‫מרץ‬ ‫בעל‬
Gressus est ‫ פשע‬Heu ‫האח אח הוי‬
Grex ‫צנה צאן עדר‬ ‫אויה‬
Gustare vel deglutire Hi ‫זה אלה דנה‬
fecit ‫הלז דך‬ ‫זו‬ ‫זה‬
Gustavit ‫ | טעס‬Hic ‫דכן דנה איפה‬
Gustus ‫טעם‬ ‫איפוא שם שמה‬
Guttur ‫ | גרון‬Hicms ‫חרף‬
Gyravit || Hilarisfuit vel visus
Hinc ‫מזה‬
Hinnivit ‫צהל‬
H Hircus ‫שעיר תיש צפיר‬
‫מעון מושב נוה‬ Hoc ‫זה‬
‫ | משכן מענה‬Holocaustum ‫עולה עלה‬
}‫ן‬ ‫ש‬ ‫דור‬ ‫ישב‬ Homicida ‫רוצה‬
‫נוה זבל‬ ‫איש אדם אנוש‬
Habitus est ‫חשב‬ ‫| אנש‬
Habuit ‫בעל‬ Honor ‫כבוד‬
Hactenus ‫הנה‬ ‫ || עד‬Honorabilis fuit ‫כבר‬
‫הלז‬ ‫זו‬ ‫זאת‬ ‫ | זה‬Honoravit ‫כבד נשא הדר‬
‫ | דא דך דכן‬Hordeum ‫שעורה שערה‬
Hœdus ‫ | שעיר גדי‬Hora ‫שעתא‬
Hæreditas ‫מורשה‬ ‫ | נחלה‬Horrea ‫מסכנות‬
Haresfuit ‫ || ירש‬Horridus ‫איתן‬
Hæsitavit Horror ‫שער תרעלה‬
Halitus ‫רוחא נפש‬ ‫ רוח‬Horruit ‫שער סמר‬
‫ | אנמן חכה‬Hortus ‫| גן‬
Hasta ‫וצר‬
‫ | רמח כידון‬Hostis

‫שמה‬ ‫שם‬ ‫נורן‬ ‫אשא‬ ‫אש‬

Huc Ignis
{ ‫עד־הנה‬ ‫נורא‬

Hucusque ‫כה עד־הנה‬ Ignominia ‫כלמה‬

Humerus ‫ כתף שכם‬Ignominia notavit ‫נקב‬
Humiliavit ‫ דכא שפל ענה‬Ignovit ‫סלח‬

Humilis ‫ | שפל שפלה ענו‬li ‫הם‬

Humilitas ‫ | ענוה‬Ina ‫הלז דנה דך דכן‬

Humililer se gessit ‫ | צנע‬Illaquealus est ‫פתח‬
Humor ‫ | לשד‬Illaquearit ‫יקש נקש פוח‬
Humus ‫ אדמה‬Ille ‫הוא הלזדנה דך‬
Hyacinthus ‫תכלת‬ ‫דכן‬
Hydria ‫כד‬ ‫הם דנה‬
Hyemavit ‫ חרף‬Iuico
Hyssopus ‫ | אזוב‬Illigavit ‫חבל‬
Illinc ‫מזה‬
Illuc ‫שם שמה‬
Illuminatus est ‫נהר‬
Illuminavit ‫נגה‬
Jacuit ‫ || שכב‬Tlusit ‫עלל לוץ קרס‬
Jaculans ‫ || מורה‬Illustris ‫נאור‬
Jaculat ores ‫ || רבים‬Imaginatio ‫יצר‬
Jaculatus est ‫חצץ‬ ‫רבה‬ ‫ רבב‬Imaginatus est ‫יצר‬
Jam ‫זה‬ ‫צלם צלמא‬
Janitor ‫שער‬ ‫תמונה‬
Janua ‫שער דלת‬ Imbres ‫רביבים רבברם‬
Ibi ‫שם שמה‬ Imo ‫גם אף‬
Ictus ‫פעם‬ Immaculatus ‫תמיס‬

Ideo ‫כן אשר‬ ‫ כי על‬Immersit ‫טבל שטף‬

IN Immiscuit se ‫נלע‬
Idola ‫ גלולי‬Immikis ‫אכזר‬
Idolum fusile ‫ מסכה‬Immolavit
} ‫שחט טבח זבח‬
Jecit ‫שלח רמה טחה‬ ‫עלה‬

‫ קלע‬Immunda ‫טמאה‬
Jehova ‫ יהוה‬Immundities ‫נרה‬
Jejunavit ‫צום‬ Immundus fuit ‫טמא‬
Igitur ‫ | נא‬Immunis ‫נקי בקיא‬
Ignavus fuit ‫עצל‬ Impalluit desiderio ‫כסף‬
IMP .... INC INC .... INF 29

‫ נגף כשל לבט‬Incitavit ‫נרח סות‬

‫ פוק‬Inclinavit ‫ירט לפת‬ ‫נטה‬
‫בעל‬ ‫שות‬
Imperterritus fuit ‫אמץ‬ Inclinavik se ‫קרס‬

Impetigo ‫ || ילפת‬Inclusit ‫שבץ סור‬

Impie egit ‫ || רשע‬Inconstans ‫פחז‬

Impinguavit ‫ | דשן שמן‬Increpatio ‫תוכחה נערה‬

Impietas ‫בליעל‬ ‫ רשע‬Increpavit ‫נער יכח‬

‫בליעל‬ Incubuit ‫סמך הכר‬
Impius fuit ‫ רשע‬-In
| cul cavit
Impletus est ter
‫מלא סוף‬
Implevit ‫ || מלא‬Incurabilüs ‫אנוש‬
Implicatus est ‫ שרג‬Incurvavit ‫כפף עות‬

Implicavit ‫ | שרך‬Incurvavit se ) ‫כרע שחח שחה‬

Implicitus ‫בוד‬ ‫קדד גהר אכף‬
‫ | שום סמך רכב‬Incusavi ‫נתן‬
Imposuit ‫פעם‬
‫ || רמה‬Incus
Impressit ‫ || כתם‬Indicavit ‫בנר חוה‬

Improbum pronun- Indignatio ‫זעף‬

ciavit Indignatus est ‫זעף כעס‬

Improbus ‫ || רשע‬Indiguit ‫חסר‬

Impudens ‫ || נועז‬Induit ‫לבש עטה שום‬

Impulit ‫ דחף דחה‬Induravit ‫חזק קשה‬
Impunitum dimisit ‫ | נקה‬Inebriavit ‫רוה שכר‬

Imputavit ‫חשב‬ ‫ || שוס‬Inebriavit se ‫סבא‬

In ‫כבר‬
‫ בין את אלעס על‬Iners fuit
Inanis ‫ הבל ריק נבוב‬Infamavit ‫דבב‬
Inanitas ‫ | תהו‬Infamia ‫רבה‬
Inauris ‫עגיל‬ ‫ | נזם‬Infatuavik ‫סכל‬
Incaluit ‫מטה‬
‫ | חמס יחם‬Inferius
Incantavit ‫חבר‬ ‫ לחש‬Infernum ‫שאול שאל‬
Incendit ‫ | יצה‬Infirmitas ‫נחלה‬

Incepit ‫ | יאל‬Infirmus ‫תפל‬

‫צעד‬ ‫ | פשע דרך‬Infirmus fuit ‫חלש‬

‫ | אשר‬Infestavit ‫איב‬
Incessit leniter ‫ נהל‬Infirit ‫מחץ תקע‬
Incidit ‫גרר‬ ‫ || שרט‬Inflavit ‫נפח‬
Incidit seipsum ‫בדד‬ Infisit ‫מער‬
30 INF....INS INS ....INT

| Infra ‫ || מטה‬Insidiatus est ‫ארב צדה התת‬

Ingens ‫ | מאד כבד‬Insigne ‫דגל‬
Ingens fuit ‫כבד‬ Insipiens ‫בער‬
Ingressus est ‫ בוא בא עלל‬Insolem habuit ‫נקה‬
Ingurgitavil ‫ | סבא‬Inspexit ‫פקד‬
Injecit ‫ | נוף‬Instauravit ‫רפא חזק‬
Iniit mulierem ‫ | שגל‬Insligavit ‫סכר‬
Inimicatus est ‫ | איב‬Instle ‫נדלים‬
Inimicitia ‫ | איבה‬Instilit ‫פצר נחץ‬
Inimicitias exercuit ‫ | איב‬Instiluit ‫תנך‬
Inimicus ‫איב‬ ‫ | אויב‬Institutum ‫חק‬
Inique ‫ | עוה‬Instravil ‫חבש‬

Iniquilas ‫עוון‬ ‫עולה‬ ‫עול‬ Imalructus ‫ערוך‬

‫חמס און‬ Instrumentum ‫כלי‬
Iniquus ‫עול עריל‬ ‫ידע בון ערך‬
Initium ‫ | תחלת‬Instruril ‫רבד עדר חמש‬
Inivil consilium ‫יעץ יעט‬ ‫אסר‬
Injuria ‫ | חמס‬Insula ‫אייס‬
Injurius ‫חמס‬ Insulsilas ‫תפלה‬
Innixus ‫ | סמך‬Insulsus ‫תפל‬
Innixus est ‫ | שען רפק‬Insuper ‫אז‬
Innocens Insurrexit
‫צדיק נקי נקיא‬
Innocens fuit ‫ | נקה‬Integer ‫תם תמים‬
Innuit ‫רוס‬ Integer fuit ‫תמם‬
Innuit lascive ‫ | שקר‬Integra ‫תמימה שלמה‬
Inopia ‫מחסור‬ ‫ | חסר‬Integre ‫תמים‬
Inquilinus ‫ | תושב‬Integritas ‫תמת‬
Inquinavit ‫נאל טנף‬ Intellexit ‫בון ידע שכל‬
Inquisivit ‫בקש בקר דרש‬ ‫שמע‬
Insanivit ‫שנע הלל להה‬ ‫חנינה בינה‬
Insanum sefinxit ‫שנע‬ ‫טעם‬
Insculpsil ‫קלע‬ ‫ | כתב‬Inter ‫בין עם על את אל‬
Insectatio ‫ | שיג‬Intercedens ‫מפגיע‬
Insectatus ‫ דלק‬Intercessit ‫פגע פלל‬
Insectatus est ‫ | רדף‬Interfecit ‫קטלן‬ ‫הרג רצח‬
Insedit ‫רכב‬ ‫מות‬
Insidia ‫ | ארבות‬Interfectus ‫קטיל‬
Insidias struxit ‫ | נכל‬Interiit ‫אבר‬
INT .... IRR IRR....JUN 31
Interitus ‫ || איד‬Irritavit
‫כעס נאץ מרר‬
Interpres ‫מליץ‬ ‫| מרה‬
Interpretatio ‫פשר‬ Irritum fecit
‫נוא בקק פור‬
Interpretatus est ‫פתר פשר תרגס‬ ‫נאר‬
Interrogavit ‫דרש‬ ‫שאל בקש‬ Irritus fuit ‫נפל‬
Intervallum ‫פרץ נפל פגע‬
‫ רחוק‬Irruit
Intinxit ‫טבל‬ ‫פשט התת עיט‬
Intra ‫ | מפנימה‬Irruit turbine ‫סער‬
Intractabilis ‫ | איתן‬Irrupit ‫הרס בקע‬
Intravil ‫ || חדר בזא‬Irruptio ‫פרץ‬
Intrinsecus ‫ || מבית‬Isdem ‫אחד‬
Introitus ‫ | מזיז‬Iste ‫דא‬
Intuitus est ‫שור‬ ‫ || נבט‬Ita ‫על־כן‬
Intumuit ‫צבה‬ ‫בצק‬ Ita ul ‫אשר‬
‫ | חזק תקף‬Ilaque ‫להן‬
Invasit ‫בוא‬ ‫ אחז גדד‬Iter ‫ארח דרך מהלך‬
Invenit ‫שכח‬ ‫ | מצא‬Iter fecit ‫ארח‬
Investigavit ‫תור‬ ‫ | חפש זרה‬Iteravit ‫יסף שנה‬
Invidia ‫ || קנאה‬Iterum ‫שנית‬
Invidit ‫ קנא‬Jubileus ‫יובל‬
Inundavit ‫שטף זרם‬ Jucundus ‫נעם נחמד‬
Inunxit ‫ נסך‬Jucundus fuit ‫טור‬
Invocavit ‫|| קרא‬Judes ‫שופט שפט‬
Involavit ‫||עיט‬Judicavit ‫שפט דן דון‬
Involvit ‫פלילים‬
‫ כפש עלף עבת‬Judices
Ipse, ipsa ‫היא הוא זה זודי‬ ‫משפוט משפט‬
Ipsi ‫|| הס‬Judicium ‫פלילה דינה‬

Ira ‫כעס קצף זעם‬ ‫טעם‬

‫ אף זעף‬Judicium exercuit ‫דון‬
Iracundia ‫תמיד‬
‫חרון חרי‬ Jugiter
‫רגז קצף‬ ‫כעס‬ Jugulavit ‫שחט טבח זבח‬
Iratus est
‫זעם אנף‬ ‫ חרה‬Jugum ‫עול על מוטה‬
‫עבר‬ ‫ | עשן בער‬Ivit ‫הלך ילך הרך‬
Irretitus est ‫פחח‬ ‫יקש נקש‬ Juncus ‫גמא‬
Irretivit Juniperus vel genis- ‫רתם‬
Irrigavit ‫רוה נשם‬ lu
Irrisit ‫ לע‬Junxit ‫לוה רתם חבר‬
Irritamentum ‫כעס‬
LET .... LAU
32 JUR .... LES

Juramento astrinxit ‫שמת שש שוש‬

sese vel allerum Lætatus est ‫נול עלץ עלז‬

‫אלה‬ ‫חדה‬
addita impreca-
Lætificavit ‫שמת‬
‫ | שבועה שבעה‬Letilia ‫שמחה‬
‫אלה‬ ‫שבע‬ Letus fuit ‫| טאב‬
‫מצה‬ Lagana fecit ‫לבב‬
‫ || משפט‬Lagene ‫אשישי‬
Jussit ‫אמר‬ ‫ | צוה‬Lambit ‫לקק עלע לחך‬
Lamentatio ‫קינה‬
Justificavit ‫צדק‬
Justitia PTY Lamentatus est ‫קון אבן נהה‬
Justum declaravil ‫צדק‬ Lamentum ‫נהר נה‬

Justum habuit ‫צדק‬ Lamina ‫ציץ‬

Lana ‫| צמר‬
Justus ‫צדיק‬
Justus fuil ‫צדק‬ Languit ‫חלה היה‬
Juvencus ‫פר‬ Languit pre fame ‫דאב‬
‫בחור‬ vel siti
Juvit ‫ | עזר‬Languor ‫מדוה דוי‬

Juxta ‫אצל אל מן‬ Lapidavit ‫סקל רגם‬

Lapidibus obruit ‫גרס‬
Lapillus ‫חצץ‬
Lapis ‫אבן‬
L ‫מטט מוט מעד‬
Lapsus est
Labefecit ‫כשל‬
Labium Now | Laqueum tetendit ‫יקש נקש‬
‫ | עמל יגיע‬Laqueus ‫מוקש פה‬
‫מתלאה‬ Largitus est ‫חנן‬
‫עמל יגע‬ ‫ | עבד‬Lassatus ‫לאה‬
Laboravit ‫פנר‬
‫ | טרח‬Lassus fuit
Later ‫לבנה‬
Lac ‫חלב‬
‫שרט טרף קרע‬ Lateres formavit ‫לבן‬
Laceravit 3 ‫קרע‬ ‫סחר ארב‬
‫גדד פרק‬ Latibulum
‫ | דמעה‬Latilavit ‫עלם זחל צפן‬
‫ || דמע‬Latitudo ‫רחב‬
Lachrymatus est
‫חבא חבה‬
Lactavit ‫ || ינק‬Latuit
‫ גבא‬Latus ‫צד צלע כתף יד‬
‫רחב עבר‬
Lasit ‫נכה נזק‬
Laudavit ‫ידה שבח הלל‬
LAU....LIB LIB ....LOC 33

Laus ‫דודה‬ ‫תהלה‬ Libravit ‫פלס‬

Laxavit ‫פטר נטש‬ Ligatus ‫צרור‬
Leana ‫לביא‬ Ligatus est ‫כפת‬
Lectum paravit ‫יצע‬ ‫חבש צור צרר‬
Lectus ‫מטה ערש‬ Ligavit ‫קשר אסר קטר‬
Lecythus ‫צפחת אסור‬ ‫עקר רכס רתם‬
Legatum se finxit ‫צור‬ Lignu ‫עץ אע אעא‬
Legatus ‫ || ציר‬Lilium ‫שושן‬
Limar ‫שבלול‬
Legislator ‫מהקק‬
Legit ‫קרא‬ ‫לקט‬ Limbus ‫כרכב שפה‬
Lenitas ‫ | מרפא‬Limen ‫סף‬
Leniter ‫לאט‬ Limen adfuit ‫ספף‬
Lentes ‫ | עדשים‬Linen tenuit ‫ספף‬
Lenticula ‫ | פך‬Limilavit ‫תוה‬
‫ליש‬ ‫ארי אריה‬ Limilem constituit ‫גבל‬
‫ | לביא‬Linnpidus ‫יכך‬
Leo juvenis ‫ | כפיר‬Lina ‫פשתים‬

Leo niger ‫ || שחל‬Linavit ‫טוח‬

Leprosus ‫ | צרוע‬Linea ‫קו קוה‬

‫ | צרע‬Lineus ‫בד‬
Leprosus fuit
‫קלל נשא‬ ‫ כבס‬Lingua ‫לשון‬
‫ נטל‬-Lin aliend gu
locu a
Levis tus est
‫קלה קלל פחד‬
Linum ‫בד‬
Lex ‫תורה משפט‬
‫דתא‬ ‫דת‬ Linait ‫לחך לקק‬
‫מסכה נסך‬ Liquefactio ‫תמס‬
Libamen Liquefactus est ‫זוב‬
‫ || נסך‬Liquefecit ‫מסה‬
Liber ‫חפש‬ ‫ספר‬ Lis ‫רב ריב עשק‬
item excitavit ‫גרה‬
Liberalis ‫שוע נדיב‬
Liberaliter largitus Litigavit ‫רוב עשק קוח‬
Litlus ‫חוף‬
Liberatus est ‫ | חפש‬Locus ‫מקום‬
‫פדה נצל‬ ‫גאל‬ Locus allus
Liberavit ‫חלץ מלט‬ ‫ישע‬ Locus eminens
‫פרק פצה‬ ‫פלט‬ Locus earcelsus
‫שזב‬ ‫שגב‬ ‫ | פדע‬Locusta
Libertas ‫דרור חפש‬
34 JOC.... MAC MAC .... MAN

Locutus est ) ‫הגה‬ ‫מלל‬ ‫אמר‬.Maclavit ‫טבח זבח‬

‫פוח‬ ‫שוח‬ ‫| ענה‬ Macruit ‫כתש רזה‬
Locutus est lingua' Macula ‫מוס מאוס‬
aliena Madefactus est ‫| רטב‬
Longinqua ‫ || רחקה‬Madefecit ‫צבע‬
Longinquus ‫רחוק‬ Magistratus ‫תפתיא‬
Longitudo ‫ארך‬ Magni ‫רבים‬
Longus ‫ארד‬ Magnifecit ‫גדל‬
Lorica Magnificentia ‫מזיז אדר‬
‫תחרא שריון‬
Lucerna Magnificentiam ex- ‫נאה‬
Lueratus est ‫בצע‬ ercuit
Lucrum ‫בצע‬ Magnificus ‫| אדיר‬
Luctus ‫מרזח‬ ‫אבוי‬ Magnum fecit ‫רבה‬
Lucus ‫אשרה אשירה‬ ‫רב רבא גדול‬
Lumbus ‫כסל‬ ‫נדל שניא‬
Luna ‫ירח‬ Magnus fuit ‫נדל‬
Lupus ‫זאב‬ Majestas ‫הור‬
Luridus fuit ‫כסף‬ Major ‫רב רבא‬
Lusit Major evasil ‫גדל‬
‫צחק‬ ‫שחק‬ .
Lustravit ‫קד‬ ‫פ‬ Mal a ‫תפוחי‬
Lutulentusfuil ‫ || חמר‬Maledictio ‫קללה‬

Lutum ‫חמר חסף‬ Maledixit ‫קלל אלה נקב‬

‫חספא טיט‬ ‫קבב‬
Luxatus est ‫ | יקע מעד נשה‬Malefici ‫מרעים‬
‫ || אור אורה נהה‬Malilia ‫רע רעה‬
‫ | אבל‬Malleus ‫פטיש מפץ‬
Luxuriavit ‫| סרח‬ Malum ‫רע רעה‬
Malum punicum ‫רמון‬
Malus ‫רע רעה‬
Malus navis ‫תרן‬ ‫חבל‬
M AMamma ‫שר‬
Maceravit Mane surrexit ‫שחר‬
Maceria ‫נדר‬ ‫מצוה צו דת‬
Maceriam struxit ‫ | גדר‬Mandatum ‫דתא דבר פי‬
Machinatus est ‫נפל‬ ‫טעס‬
‫רזון‬ ‫צוה פקד יסר‬
Mactatio Mandavit
‫טבח מטבח‬ ‫זכה‬
‫ | טבוח‬Mandragore ‫דודאי‬
MAN....MEN MEN....MIS 35

Manducavit ‫ | אכל‬Mensa ‫שלחן‬

Mane ‫בקר‬ Mensis ‫ירח חרש‬
Mane discessit ‫צפר‬.Menstruala ‫נדה‬
Mane surrexit ‫ שכם‬Mensura ‫מדה משורה‬
Manere fecit ‫שאר‬ ‫חק תכן‬
Manipulus ‫עמיר‬ ‫כף עמר‬ Mensus est ‫מדר‬

‫חנה‬ ‫ישב שכן‬ Mentitus est ‫שקר כחש‬

‫מד חול‬ Mercator |‫סוחר סחר רוכל‬
Mansit longe ‫ | ישן‬Mercatria ‫רכלת‬
Mansuetudo ‫ | ענוה‬Mercenarius ‫שכיר‬
Mansuetus ‫ענ‬
‫ו‬. Mercede conduxit ‫שכר תנה‬
Manumissus est ‫|חפש‬ AMerces ‫שכר גמול עקב‬
Manus ‫כף‬ ‫ | יד‬Meretric ‫זונה זנה קדשה‬
Marcuit Merus ‫תמר‬
Mare ‫ ים ימא‬Messor ‫קוצר‬
Maritata ‫ בעולה‬.Messuit ‫קצר‬
Marilus ‫איש‬ ‫בעל‬ Mela ‫רכב‬
Marmor ‫שיש‬ ‫שש‬ Meta frumenti ‫גדיש‬
Mas ‫איש‬ Metuit ‫יגר‬
Massafarine ‫בצק‬ Migratio ‫גלות‬
Mater ‫אשה‬ ‫ || אם‬Migravit ‫גלה נרד נדר‬
Matricem aperuit ‫שבר‬ Militavit ‫צבא‬
Maturavit ‫בכר‬ ‫ | בשל‬Mililea collegit ‫צבא‬
Matutinus ‫ || בקר‬Mililia ‫צבא‬
Maxilla ‫ |לחי‬Mille ‫אלף‬
.Medela ‫מרפה‬ ‫מרפא‬ Minimus nalu ‫קטן צעיר‬
Medetus est ‫רפא גהה‬. Ministerium ‫עברה‬
Medicus ‫אה‬ ‫פ‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ה‬ ‫פ‬ ‫ר‬ ‫א‬ ‫פ‬ ‫ר‬
. Ministrauit ‫שרש שמש צבא‬
Meditatio | Minor
‫'שיח‬ ‫קטן צעיר‬
Meditatus est ‫שוח‬ ‫הנה‬.Minor natu ‫קטן‬
Medulla scatuit ‫מוח‬ Minuit ‫מעט‬
Mel ‫דבש‬ Mimulus est ‫דלל צער מעט‬
Melius ‫טובה‬ ‫| טוב‬ Mirabilis ‫| פלא‬
Meminit ‫ || זכר‬Mirabilis fuit ‫פלא‬
Memoria ‫|| זכר‬ Mirifice egit ‫פלא‬
Memoriale ‫ ||דכרונה‬Mirum fecit ‫פלא‬
Mendacium ‫שקר כחש‬ ‫| שוא‬ Miscuit ‫ערב מזגן‬ ‫בלל‬
Mendax ‫מהל גלע‬

Miscuit se ‫מסך גרה‬ Morbus ‫הלי מחלה‬

Misertus est ‫חמל‬ ‫נחלה‬
Misericordem se ex- Moriens ‫מת‬
hibuit Mors ‫מות‬
Misericordia ‫חסד‬ Morticinus ‫נבלה‬
Misericordiam con- Mortifer ‫אנוש‬
secutus est Mortuus ‫מת מות‬
Misericors ‫ ; רחום‬Mos ‫דרך‬
Misertus est ‫חנן‬ ‫רחם‬ Molus ‫רעש‬
Misit ‫שלח‬ Motus est ‫רגז‬
Missile ‫שלח‬ Movit ‫נוד מטט הרץ‬
Mistura, mixtura ‫חרץ‬
‫מסך ממסך‬ . ‫קרץ‬
Mistus, mixtus ‫ | מהול‬Movil se ‫נוע זוע חרץ‬
Modo ‫רק‬
| Mucidus faclusest ‫עבש‬
Modus ‫דב מתכנת‬ Mugilus ‫קול קל‬
Machatus est ‫ | נאף‬Mugiril ‫נעה‬
Mærens ‫קדר‬ Mula ‫פרדת‬
Mæror ‫דאבה‬ ‫"תוגת‬Mulcta ‫נש‬
Mæror ‫יגון‬ Mulctavit
Marore affecit ‫נה‬ Multi ‫רבים‬
Moestus est ‫קדר אנה דאב‬ Multiplicata ‫רבבה‬
Mole ‫ | רחים‬Multiplicalus est ‫רבב רבה‬
Molestia ‫עצב עמל‬. Multiplicavit ‫רבה המן כבר‬
‫מתלאה‬ ‫עתר‬
Molitus est ‫חרש‬ ‫גדל‬ ‫רבא‬ ‫רב‬
Mollis ‫רכה‬ ‫גדול‬
Mollis fuit ‫רך רכך‬ Mullusfuit ‫רבב‬
‫רכך חלק‬ Munda ‫נקא‬
‫| טחן‬ Mundavit ‫נקה טהר‬
‫רגע‬ Mundum declaravit ‫טהר נקה‬
‫נשך‬ Mundus ‫זך זכר נקה‬
Monile ‫טהור חלד חחדדל‬
· ‫אצעדה‬ ? ‫ל‬
Monuit ‫זהר‬ Mundus fuit ‫טהר‬
‫ציון‬ Muneratus est ‫תנה שחד ענק‬
‫בש‬ Munificus ‫נדיב שוע‬
‫בשש יחל מהה‬ ‫מצור מצורה‬
Moratus est Munitio
‫יתר‬ ‫מבצר‬
Munitus ‫מבצר‬
MUN ....NAV NAZ .... NOM 37

| Munivit ‫בצר‬ ‫ | צור‬Nazareatus ‫נזר‬

‫ מנחה שחר‬Ne ‫פן לוא אם בל‬
‫אשכר‬ ‫אל‬
Murata ‫חומה‬ Ne forte . ‫פן‬
Murus ‫חומה‬ ‫שור‬ Ne per ‫על‬
Murmuravit ‫ | לון רגז דבב‬Nec ‫אל אם‬
Musca ‫ זבוב‬Nefas ‫זמה‬
Musica ‫שירת‬ ‫ | שיר‬Negavit ‫מנע‬
Mussitavit ‫רגן הגה‬ ‫לחש‬ Negotiatus est ‫ערב סחר‬
Muslum ‫עסיס‬ ‫תירוש‬ Negotium ‫ענין‬
‫לא לוא‬
‫שנא‬ ‫מור‬ ‫הפך‬ Nemo
Mutavit ‫ימר‬ ‫חלף‬ ‫שנה‬ Nempe ‫עם‬
‫חפש‬ Nemus ‫אשל‬
Mutivit ‫דבב‬ Nepos ‫נכד‬
Mutuatus est ‫ | שאול‬Neoquaquam ‫אל‬
Mutualus ‫שאל‬ ‫לוה‬ ‫ | שנא‬Neque ‫לא לרא אם‬
Mutuatus est vel Nervus ‫גיד‬
commodavit pro- ‫ | עבט‬Nevil ‫טיה‬
Nexuit ‫חבר‬
Myriades duæ ‫ ||רבותי‬Wiclavil ‫קרץ שקר רזם‬
‫ || רבו רבוא‬Nidulalus est ‫קנן‬
‫ | רבבה‬Nidus ‫קן‬
Myrrha ‫ מר מור‬Niger fuit ‫| שחר‬
‫ | הדס‬Nigra ‫שחר שחורה‬
Nihil ‫לוא אין אפס‬
Nihilum ‫אל‬
Nimium collegit ‫מעט‬
‫אולי לבד לבדד‬
‫נבל‬ Nisi ‫לברהן כי רק‬
Nactus est ‫אפס אם לולא‬
‫מצא קנה‬
Nam ‫אז אשר אף‬ ‫לולר להן‬

Narravil ‫תנה‬ ‫אמר נגד‬ Nitore fecit ‫צהל‬

Nasus ‫אף‬ ‫נצץ גלש עשת‬
Natarefecit ‫ שחה‬Nix ‫שלג‬

Natavit ‫צוף‬ ‫שחה‬ Noete preterita ‫אמש‬

Natio ‫אמה‬ Wocuit ‫נזק‬
Natus est ‫ ילד‬Nomen ‫שם‬

Navis ‫ | אני אניה‬Nominavit ‫נקב‬

38 NON....NUR NUT .... OBS

Non ‫לוא לא אין בל‬ Nutavit ‫מעד מטט מוט‬

‫אל אם אפס‬ ‫מוטן‬
Nonaginta ‫תשעים‬ Nutrivil delicate ‫פנק‬
Nondum ‫טרם לא לוא‬ Nutrix
Nonnihil ‫ | מעט‬Nua ‫אגוז‬
Nonus ‫תשע תשעה‬
Nos ‫אנו אנחנו נחנו‬
Novacula ‫מורה‬
| Novaculum ‫תער‬
Novem ‫תשעה‬ ‫ || תשע‬Obdormirvit ‫ישן‬
Novilunium ‫ || חדש‬Obduravit ‫קשת‬
Novit ‫בכר‬ ‫כסה צפה כפר‬
Novus ‫חדש‬ ‫טוה קרם‬
Nox ‫לילא‬ ‫ | לילה ליל‬Obedienlia
Nubem expandit ‫ | ענן‬Obedivit ‫שמע‬
Nubes ‫עב‬ ‫עננה‬ ‫ ענן‬Obesus factus est ‫פוש‬
TX Obfirmavit se ‫הבר‬
Nudavit ‫עור‬ ‫חשף‬ ‫פרע‬ Obiit ‫נוע‬
‫ | ערה‬Objurgavit ‫גער‬
Nuditas ‫ | ערוה‬Oblatio ‫קרבן מנחה‬
Nudiustertius ‫שלשום שלשם‬ ‫תרומיה‬
Nudus ‫עירם‬ ‫ | ערום‬Oblatio agilata ‫תנופה‬
Nullus ‫אפס‬ ‫תרומה‬
‫ אין‬Oblatio elevala
Num DX Oblatio spontanea ‫נדבה‬
Numeravit ‫פקד‬ ‫מנה‬ ‫ | ספר‬Oblectatio ‫תענוג‬
‫ | כסס‬Oblectavit se ‫ענג עדן‬
Numerosus ‫רבא‬ ‫ | רב‬Oblevit ‫כפר שוד טוח‬
Numerus ‫מפקד‬ ‫ מספר‬Obligatio ‫אסר‬
‫ | מתכנת‬Obligavil ‫אסר‬
‫ || כסף‬Obliteravit ‫כפר‬
‫אפו‬ ‫עתה‬ ‫ | עת‬Oblilus est ‫שכח נשה‬
Nunc ‫ | אפוא איפה‬Oblivioni traditus est ‫שכת‬
‫פעם‬ ‫נא‬ ‫ | איפוא‬Obliviaci fecit ‫שכח‬
Nunciavit ‫חוה‬ ‫נגד‬ ‫ | בשר‬Obnubilavit ‫ענן ערב‬
Nuncius ‫ציר‬ ‫ | מלאך‬Obrutus.est
Nuncius bonus
‫בשורה‬ Obscuratus est ‫חשך קדר עתם‬
Nuper ‫אמש‬ ‫עמם‬
‫כלה‬ Obacuritas est ‫חשך מועקה‬
OBS ....OCC OCC .... OPE 39

Obscurus fuit ‫ | חשך‬Occlusit ‫סכר חתם קפץ‬

Obsedit ‫צור‬ ‫אטר אטם‬
Obseravil ‫סגור‬
‫ | נעל‬Occlusus
Observavit ‫עבד‬ ‫נצר‬ ‫ || שמר‬Occubuit ‫בוא‬
‫ | נטר‬occultavit ‫כסה סכך חבא‬
Observavil diligenter ‫חלט‬ · ‫חבה‬
Obsidio ‫מצורה‬ ‫ | מצור‬Occultus est ‫סתר‬
Obsignavit ‫ | חתם‬Occupatio ‫ענין‬
Obstipavit oculos ‫עצם‬ Occupavil ‫לכר‬
Obstrinxit ‫ || אסר‬0ccurrere fecit ‫אנה‬
Obstruxit ‫ סתם‬Occurrit ‫פגע פגש קרא‬
Obstupefactus est ‫שבש‬ ‫קרה מצה‬

Obslupuit ‫שמם‬ ‫תמה‬ Oclo ‫שמונה שמנה‬

‫תוה‬ ‫ || שעה קהה‬Octoginta ‫שמונים‬
Obsurduit ‫ | חרש‬Oculus ‫עין‬
Obtecta ‫ || נחפה‬Odio habuit ‫שנא איב‬
Obtemperavit ‫שמע‬ Odit ‫שטם שנא‬
Obtenebratus est
‫ | ערב‬Odium ‫| שנאה‬
Oblexit ‫חפף‬ ‫חפה‬ ‫ חפא‬Odor ‫ריח‬
Obtinuit Odoratus est ‫ריח‬
‫רכיל‬ Jendit.0 ‫ננף‬
‫ || רקע‬Olea ‫שמן‬
Obtulit ‫נגש‬ ‫נוף‬ ‫ רום‬Olera ‫ארת‬
‫קרב‬ ‫ | עלה מצא‬Oleum ‫משח שמן‬
Obtulit liquida Oleum expressit ‫| צהר‬
Obturatus est
‫ || שתם‬Oliva ‫זית‬

Obluravit ‫חסם אטם‬ ‫ | סתם‬olla ‫סיר‬

‫ | אטר‬Ous ‫ירק‬
Obvenit ‫ | פגש‬Omisit ‫נטש‬
Obumbravit ‫שדי‬
‫צלל‬ ‫ חפף‬Omnipotens
Occasio ‫עלה‬ ‫תאנה‬ omnis ‫כל כלא‬
Occasionem quæsivit ‫ | אנה‬Onager ‫פרא פרה‬
Occavit ‫שדד‬ ‫ | שוד‬Oneratus est ‫סבל‬
Occidens ‫ | ים ימא‬Oneravit ‫כבד בשס עמס‬
Occidit ‫הרג רצח קטל‬ Onus ‫משא משה‬
‫שחט נכה חרס‬ ‫מעמסה סבל‬
Occisio ‫ | הרג‬Onyx ‫שהם‬
Occisus est ‫חלל‬ ‫ | מות‬operatus est ‫פעל עלל עבד‬
40 OPE....ORN ORN....PAL

Operimentum ‫מכסה‬ ‫ | כסות‬Ornatus ‫תפארה‬

‫ פתיל‬Ornavit ‫שוה‬ ‫פאר יפה‬
Operta ‫נחפה‬ ‫שפר רבד‬
Opertus est ‫ | עטף‬Ornavit se ‫ערה‬
‫חפה‬ ‫חבה‬ ‫הבא‬ Ortus ‫מזרח‬
Operuit ‫שוף יעט‬ ‫לאט‬ ortus est ‫זרח צמח עלה‬
‫עלף כפש‬ Os oris ‫פי‬
Operuit amiculo ‫עצם‬
‫עטף‬ Os ossis
| Opes ‫חסן חיל נכסים‬ Osculalus est ‫נשי‬
Opificium ‫מלאכה‬ Ossa fregit ‫גרם‬
| Opinum ‫חלב‬ Ostendit ‫ראה ידע‬
Oppigneravit ‫חבק‬ Ostium ‫פתח דל‬
Oppressio ‫ביצי‬
‫עשק לחץ‬ Ova
Oppressit ‫צנה‬
‫לחץ רצץ‬ Ores
Oppressor ‫ | עשק ננש‬Ovis ‫שה צאן‬
Oppressus est ‫ננש‬
Oppugnavit ‫צרר‬
Optimates ‫אצילי‬
‫מעשה מלכה‬ P
‫ | עבדה פעל‬Pabulum ‫מספוא‬
Opus habuit ‫חשה‬ Pabulum dedit ‫בלל‬
‫עבר‬ ‫יד‬ ‫שפה‬ Pacavit ‫ישקט‬
‫כנף חבל פי‬ Pacem habuit ‫שלם‬
‫פים פיות‬ Pacem fecit ‫שלם‬
Oratio ‫תפלה‬ Parenam peccati luit ‫הטה‬
Oravil ‫פלל פגע חנן‬ Penitentia ‫נחם‬
‫חלה בקש‬ ‫עתר‬ Pagus ‫כפר‬
Orbavil ‫שכל‬ Palalium
‫טירה ארמון‬
Orbis ‫תבל‬ Palea ‫תבן מתבן‬
‫מעגל‬ Pallidus fuit ‫כסף‬
Ordinavit ‫ ערך תקן אמר‬Pallium ‫אדר אדרת‬
Ordines ‫טורי טורים‬ ‫מעיל‬
‫ | טריס‬Palluil ‫חור‬
Ordo ‫תורה‬ ‫תר‬ ‫טור‬ Palma ‫תמר כף‬
‫מערכה‬ Palmes ‫זמורה‬
Organium ‫ \ | עוגב‬Palmus ‫ זרת‬, ‫טפח‬
‫ |מזרח קדם‬Palpavit ‫נשש‬
‫פאר‬ ‫צלל סחר‬
PAL....PAV PAV....PER 41

Palus ‫ | גבא‬Pavor ‫פתר‬

Panem coxit ‫ | עוג‬Pauper
‫דל אביון רש‬
Panxit ‫נשק‬ ‫ראש‬
Papyrus Pauperem se finxit ‫רוש‬
| Par ‫ || צמד‬Paupertas ‫ריש ראש‬
Parabola ‫ משל‬Paz ‫שלום שלם‬
Parabolice locutus ‫שלמא‬
est Paxillus ‫יתר‬
Paratus ‫ערוך נכון‬ Peccator ‫חוטא חטא‬
Paratus est ‫הין‬ Peccatum ‫חטא חטאת‬
‫ | ערך זמן קדש‬Peccavit ‫חטה‬
Paravil ‫ פעל עשה פנה‬Peccavit ignorantia ‫שנג שנה‬
‫מנה‬ ‫ | עתר‬Pecus ‫מקנה שה‬
Pardus ‫ || גמר‬Pelicanus ‫קאת‬
Paries ‫קר‬ ‫ || קיר‬Pelleaz ‫פתה‬
Pariter ‫ || יחד‬Pellexit ‫סות‬
Pars ‫שכם‬ ‫חלק מנה‬ Pellis ‫עןר‬
Pars dimidia ‫מחצית‬ Pelvis ‫מזרק‬
Pars statuta P Penetravit ‫חדר‬
Partitus est ‫אבר מצה‬
‫ פלג חלק אצל‬Penna
‫ ילד חבל מלט‬Pependit ‫תלה‬
‫חול נוח‬ Pepercit ‫סלה חמל חום‬
Parum ‫שמץ‬ Peperit ‫ילר זרע פלט‬
‫צעיר טף עולל‬ ‫מלט‬
| Parvulus
‫עול‬ Pepigit ‫נטע‬
Parvus ‫ ||קטן‬Pepigt fedus ‫כרת‬
Parvus fuit ‫ ||מעט‬Pepulit ‫נרת הדף‬
Pascha ‫ || פסח‬Per ‫את אל‬
Pascuum ‫מרעה רעי כר‬ Percepit ‫ידע מצא‬
Passus est ‫נתן‬ Percurril ‫ברח‬
Pastor ‫רעה נקר‬ ‫נכה בכף נגע‬
Patens ‫פחות‬ Percussit ! ‫מחא מחה הלם‬
Pater ‫אב‬ ‫ספק‬
Patria ‫ | ארץ‬Perdidit ‫גער שחת חבל‬
Patruus ‫דוד דר‬ ‫בלע דבר ספה‬
Pavimentum ‫ || רצפה מרצפת‬Perditio ‫אבדון‬
) | ‫רעה‬ ‫חרד‬ ‫פחד‬ Peregrinatus est ‫נור צעה‬
‫זחל‬ Peregrinus ‫גר‬
? ‫רערן‬

Perennis ‫עתק‬ Pertigit ‫נגע מטא‬

‫תמס‬ ‫שלס‬ ‫נמר‬ Pertranstuit ‫עבר‬
‫ | כלל בצע‬Perlurbavit ‫פעס עכר‬
Perfectio ‫ | תכלית‬Pertusit ‫מחק‬
Perfecta ‫של מה‬ ‫ תמימה‬Pervenit ‫פנע הוך‬
Perfectus ‫תמים‬ ‫תם‬ ‫ | גמיר‬Perverse egit ‫עוה‬
Perfectus est Perversum ostendit ‫עקש‬
Perfide egit 7 Perversus ‫עקש‬
Perfidia ‫בגד‬ Perversus fuit ‫עקש עקל‬
Perfidus ‫בוגר בגר‬ ‫הפך עקש עוה‬
Perflavit ‫ || פוח‬Pervertit ‫נטה ירט עבט‬
Perfodit ‫דקר חתר‬ ‫סלף פרע‬
Perforatus ‫חלל‬ Pervestigavit ‫חקר‬
Perforavit ‫רצע‬ ‫עקב‬ ‫ | נקר‬Pes ‫רגל‬
Perfusus est ‫ | כלל‬Pestis ‫דבר‬
Periclitatus est ‫ || סכן‬Petit ‫משך בעה שאל‬
Periit ! ‫ספה אבד נשת‬ Petitio ‫שאלה שאלתא‬
Peritus ‫תכם‬ ּ‫בעו‬
Perlustravit Petivit cornu ‫ננת‬
Permisit ‫ || נטש ינה‬Petra ‫צור‬
Pernicies ‫ || אין‬Pharetra ‫אשפה‬
Pernoctavit ‫ לון לן‬Phiala ‫צלחית‬
Perpendit ‫ בון‬Piger ‫עצל‬
Perperam egit ‫||ש ת‬
‫ח‬ Pigneratusest ‫ערב‬
‫עולם‬ ‫עלם‬ ‫עד‬ Pignus ‫ערבון‬
‫ | עלמא‬Pigritia ‫רמיה‬
Perplexus fuit Pilos evulsit ‫מרט‬
Perpolavit ‫ | סבא‬Pilosus ‫שער‬
Perquisivit ‫ | בקר בעה‬Pilus ‫שער‬
Perrexit ‫ || יסף‬Pinguescil ‫דשן‬
Perrupit ‫הרס‬ ‫בקע‬ Pinguis ‫| שמן שמנה‬
Persecutus est ‫בריא‬
‫רדף דלק דבק‬
Persecutus infesto Pinguisfuit ‫בראה עבה‬
animo Pinna piscis ‫סנפיר‬
Personavit ‫המה‬ ‫פצח‬ Pinus vel orus ‫ארן‬
Perstrepuit ‫שאה‬ ‫רעם‬ ‫הום‬ Pincit ‫צבע‬
‫סות‬ ‫ | פתה‬Piscalus est ‫דוג‬
Pertesus est
‫קוט‬ Piscina ‫ברכת‬
PIS .... POL PON .... POT
‫דג דנה‬ Ponderavit
Placavit ‫שקל‬
‫כפר‬ ‫ || כפה‬Pondus
Placenta ‫משקל מתכנת‬
‫מעון ענה חלה‬ Ponderosus fuit ‫כבר‬
Placentam formavit ‫ עון‬Populus ‫עס עממא‬
‫מכה נגע נגף‬ ‫עממה‬
Plagis affecit ‫נגע‬ ‫שלח נטה נוף‬
Planctus ‫מספר נהי‬
‫| ישט‬
‫ | נהינה‬Porta
‫שער פתח‬
‫ | ככר בעקה‬Portavil ‫נשא סבל נטל‬
‫כף‬ ‫מטע‬ ‫ |נטע‬Portentum ‫מופת‬
‫ מטע‬Portio ‫חלק חבל‬
Plantavit ‫ | נטע שתל‬Portus ‫מחוז‬
‫ חלק‬Possedit ‫אחז חסן קנה‬
‫ספד רוד חנה‬ ‫בעל‬
‫ רחוב חוץ‬-Possedit jure heredi ‫ירש נחל‬
‫ספק תקע שפק‬ tario
‫ ענלה‬Possessi ‫נחלה מורשה‬
Plenus o
‫מלא‬ ‫אחזה מקנה‬
Plenus fuil ‫מלא‬ ‫מוח‬ Possidendum dedit ‫נחל‬
‫ | בכה‬Post ‫אחר אחרי‬
Pluerefecit ‫מטר‬ ‫ | גשם‬Postea ‫אחר אחרי‬
‫ || מטר‬Posterior ‫אחרון‬
‫ || נוצה‬Posles ‫מזוזות‬
‫ || עפרת‬Postquam ‫אחר אשר‬
‫חוץ‬ Postremus ‫אחרון‬
‫ || מטר מורה‬Postulavit ‫| שאל‬
Pluvia serolina ‫שום שם שות‬
Pluvia autumnalis
‫ | מורה‬Posuit ‫נתן יצג שחת‬
‫ענש עוון‬ ‫שכך‬
Polivit ‫ || לטש‬Posuil fundamentum ‫יסד‬
Pollex ‫גמא‬
‫בהן‬ Polavit
‫תנט‬ Potens ) ‫עצום עזוז עזה‬
Polluit ‫טמא גאל חנף‬ ‫נבור בבר אביר‬
‫ גלל‬Potentes
‫ מוראה טמאה‬Potentia ‫כח כוח מעוז‬
Pollutum declaravit ‫טמא‬ ‫גבורה חסנא‬
‫ | פגול‬Potestas ‫יד שלטון‬
Pollutus est
‫ || טמא‬Potestatem dedit ‫שלט‬
44 POT....PRÆ PRÆ ....PRO.

Potestatem habuit ‫משל‬ ‫צבר עצם חזק‬

Potuit ‫יכל‬ Prevaluit
‫עז יכל אמץ‬
Potum dedit ‫שקה‬ ‫תקף רהב‬
Pra ‫את‬ ‫מן עם על‬ Prevaricatio ‫מעל בוגד פשע‬
Præcelluit ‫ | יתר‬Prevaricatus est ‫בגד‬ ‫פשע‬ ‫מעל‬
Præcepit ‫ || צוה‬Prevenit
Præceptor ‫ | מלמד‬Pralum ‫אחו‬
Præceptum ‫ || צו‬Pravitas ‫בליעל‬
Præcidit ‫קפד‬ ‫חלט‬ ‫ | זמר‬Pravus ‫בליעל‬
Præcipitavit ‫ || מהר‬Prehendit ‫אחז נשג‬

Præda ‫אכל טרף שר‬ ‫רחק‬

) ‫מעך לחץ‬
‫ | שלל בז‬Pressit ‫ינה צוק רכא‬
‫בזא בזז עוד‬ ‫עוק‬
Prædatus est
‫||שלל‬ Pretiosum fecit ‫יקר‬
Prædicavit Pretiosus
‫קרא שמע‬ ‫ר‬ ‫י‬ ‫ק‬ ‫י‬ ‫ר‬ ‫יק‬
Præditus est ‫בעל‬ Pretiosus fuit ‫כבר יקר‬
Pretium ‫מחיר‬
Præfecit ‫פקד נצח‬
Præfecti Primitia ‫ראשית‬
Præfectura ‫ פקדת‬-Primogecon nitum
Præfuit stituit
Præivit ‫ || קדם‬Primogenitus ‫בכור בכר פטר‬
Pralium ‫ | מלחמה‬Prim
us ‫ראשון ראשונה‬
Præputiatum habuit ‫ערל‬ ‫אחת‬
Præputiatus ‫ערל‬ ‫נשיא נדיב‬ ‫שר‬
Præpuliatus appa- Princeps -‫פחה אביר‬
ruit ‫טפסר‬
Præputium ‫ || ערלה‬Principatum geasil ‫שור‬
Præsepe ‫אבוס‬
|| Principatum sumpsit ‫שרר‬
Præsepia ‫אריות‬ ‫ | ארות‬Principes constituil ‫שור‬
Præsidium Principium ‫ראשית‬
‫נציב‬ ‫מצב‬
Præstans ‫ראשון ראשונה‬
‫ | טב‬Prior
‫ || יתרון‬Priscus ‫קדם‬
Præstolatus est ‫שכל‬
‫ | חכה‬Privatus est
Præter ‫לבד מלבד זולת‬ Pro ‫תחת עם על אל‬
‫על‬ ‫ | אפס רק עם‬Probans ‫מצרף‬
Præterea ‫ | גס‬Probatio . ‫בחן‬
‫חלף‬ ‫ | עבר‬Probalus ‫צרוף‬
Probavit ‫צרף יכח נסה‬
PRO . PRO....PUG 45

Probro affecit
‫ חסד גדף‬Propitius fuit ‫רחם‬ ‫רצה חנן‬
Probrum ‫ | חסד חרפה‬Proposuit ‫נטל‬
Procella ‫ || סערה‬Propter ‫עקב על מן את‬
‫סגד‬ ‫ | כרע‬Propugnaculum ‫חל חיל משגב‬
Procul ‫דפק טרד טחה‬
‫ || מרחוק‬Propulit
Prodegit ‫ | זול‬Prorupik ‫פרץ‬
Prodiit ‫ || יצא‬Proscidit ‫ניר‬
Profanavit ‫חלל‬ ‫חנף‬ Prosperatus est ‫צלח שכל‬
Profanus ‫חל‬ Prospere effecit ‫צלח‬
Profecto ‫ | אף אך‬Prosperit
‫אכן‬ ‫שקף‬
Profectus est ‫ארח‬ ‫הלך נסע‬ Prosperit intente ‫שנת‬
Profligavit ‫ || נכה‬Prostituit se ‫זנה‬
Profugit ‫ | פלט‬Prostravit ‫כרע נפל סלה‬
Profugus ‫ || פליט‬Prostravit se ‫רפש שחה כגד‬
Profuit ‫שוה סכן‬ ‫רפס‬
Profundior ‫ || עמק‬Prolexit ‫חפף סכך‬
Profundumfecit ‫|| עמק‬Prolra.rit ‫משך ארך‬
Profundum reddidit ‫ | שקע‬Protrusil ‫תנט‬
Profundus ‫ | עמק‬Prolulit ‫יצא נוב‬
Profundusfuit ‫ || עמק‬Provenlus ‫תנובה תבואת‬
Progenuil abunde ‫גרש יבול‬
Progressus est ‫צעד‬ ‫ | נסע‬Proverbium ‫משל‬
Prohibuit ‫משל‬
‫ | מנע כלא‬Proverbium dixit
‫נטל‬ ‫שלך‬ ‫גרש‬ Provincia ‫מדינה‬
‫ | רמה ידה‬Provocavit ‫רגז קנא‬
Prolongavit ‫חטסן‬ ‫משך‬ ‫ארך‬ Provocavit ad iram ‫קצף כעס‬
Promicuit ‫ץ‬ ‫ו‬ ‫צ‬ | Prout ‫אשר‬
Promptum reddidit 17 Prudenter egit ‫שכל‬
Promptusfuit ‫ || עתד‬Prudentia ‫שכל‬
Pronunciavit Pruna
Propagatus est Psalmus ‫מזמור‬
Prope ‫על‬ ‫אצל‬ ‫ | קרוב‬Paalterium ‫נבל‬
‫את אל‬ Pudefactus est ‫כוש‬
Propendit ‫ | שות‬Pudor ‫כלמה בושה‬
Properavit ‫ | שקד‬Pudore affecit ‫כלם חפר בוש‬
Propheta ‫ || נביא נביאה‬Puella ‫נערה‬
Prophetissa ‫ | נביא‬Puer ‫נער ילד‬
Propinquus ‫אח‬ ‫ | קרוב‬Pugillus ‫פסת‬
46 PUG .... PUT PUT .... QUI

Pugnavit ‫|לחם צבא‬Pulcus ‫באר‬

Pulcher ‫ || יפה‬Putruit ‫עבש‬
Pulcherfactus est ‫יפה‬
Pulcherfuit ‫יפה שפר‬
Pulchra ‫יפה‬
Pulchrior ‫טוב טובה‬ Q

Pulchritudo ‫טובה יפין‬ ‫טוב‬ Quadragesimus ‫ארבעים‬

‫שפרה‬ ‫ || שפר‬Quadraginta ‫ארבעים‬
Pulchrum reddidit ‫ ||יפה‬Quadratus est ‫רבע‬
Pulli ‫ אפרחים‬Quadruplum ‫ארבעתיס‬
Pullus ‫ | עיר‬Qua ‫מה אשר זו די‬
Pulmentum ‫ || נזיד‬Quenam ‫אי זה‬
Pulsavit ‫ דפק‬Questvil ‫בקש הקר חפש‬
Pulsavil musicum a-
‫דרש בקר בעה‬
liquod instrumen- Quæsivit occasionem ‫אבה‬
tum Qualis ‫אשר‬
Pulveravit ‫ || עפר‬Qualiter ‫איך‬
Pulverem sparsit ‫ || עפר‬Quam ‫מה‬
Pulvis ‫אבק‬ ‫אפר‬ ‫ ע‬Quamdiu
‫|פר‬ ‫כמה עם‬
Puncta ‫נקדים‬ ‫ | נקדות‬Quamobrem ‫להן‬
Punctis respersit ‫ נקר‬Quamvis ‫כי אשר אם‬
Punivit ‫פקד‬ ‫ | ענש‬Quando ‫מתי עם‬
Pupilla ‫ בת‬Quandoquidem ‫אשר‬

Pupugit ‫טען‬ ‫פרש‬ ‫ שנן‬Quanquam ‫נם‬

‫||מאר‬Quanto magis ‫אף‬
Pura ‫ נקא ברא‬Quare ‫למא למה מדוע‬
Purgatio ‫חטאת‬ ‫מה כמה עד‬
Purgatus est ‫ || טהר‬Quartus ‫רביעי רביעיא‬
‫פנה‬ ‫חטה‬ ‫ברר‬ Quassavil ‫הלם‬
‫|מרק‬Quatuor ‫ארבע ארבעה‬
Purificavit ‫טהר זכה זכך‬|Quercus ‫אל‬
Purpura ‫ארגמן ארגונא‬ Qui ‫מי אשר די‬
Purum habuit ‫זכך‬ Quia . ‫עקב כי רק על כן‬
‫נקה נקי‬ ‫טהור‬ ‫אם די‬
Purus ‫אשר‬
‫סגור‬ ‫ נקיא זך‬Quia quod
‫||מופז‬Quicquam ‫ מאומה‬. ‫מאום‬
Purusfuit ‫ זכך‬Quicquid ‫כל כלא די‬
Putavit ‫סבר‬ ‫זמר‬ ‫חשב‬ Quid eat hoc, illud ‫כזה‬
QUI ....RAD RAD....REC 47

Quidam ‫חד‬ ‫אחד‬ ‫ | איש‬Radir ‫שרש עקר‬

Quidem Ramos scrutatus est ‫פאר‬
Quies ‫מנוחה‬ ‫ || מנוח‬Ramus ‫ענף כפה בן‬
‫שבת‬ ‫ | ניחוח‬Rane ‫צפרדעים‬
Quiescere fecit ‫ || רגע‬Rapina ‫גזל נזלת פרק‬
Quieta ‫ || מנחה‬Raptavit
Quietem concessit, Raptum ‫גזלה‬
‫שקט נוח‬
Rapuit ‫טרף‬ ‫נזל חמס‬
‫נוח דום‬ ‫שבת‬ ‫חטף חתף נשא‬
Quievit ‫חשה רגע‬ ‫ | דמם‬Rapuit cor ‫לבב‬
‫שלה‬ ‫שקט‬ Rarum fecit
Quinque ‫חמשה‬ ‫חמש‬ Rasura
Quintum tulit ‫ || חמש‬Ratio
1 Quis ‫ || מי‬Reatus
Quisque ‫ | כל כלא‬Reatus sanguinis
Quisquis ‫איש די‬ ‫ || כל כלא‬Rebellavit ‫מרה פשע‬
Quo ‫ || אשר‬Rebellis ‫| מרה‬
Quo ‫ || אן אנה איזה אל‬Rebellis fuil ‫מרה סרב‬
Quoad ‫ || על‬Recens ‫חדש לשר‬
Quocunque ‫אנה אשר די‬ Recensuit ‫פקד מנה ספר‬
Quod ‫כי מה אשר אם‬
Quodnon Recensuit per gene- \
‫איך איכה‬ alogiam vel per
‫| יחש‬
Quomodo ‫איככה היך מה‬ familiam
‫ || מי אשר‬Recepit
Quonium ‫אם‬ ‫סג סוג נסג זחל‬
Quorsum ‫אל‬ ‫מוש‬
Quot . ‫כמה‬ Recondidit ‫צפן‬ ‫אצר‬ ‫נתן‬
Quoties ‫כמה אם‬
‫כמס טמן‬
‫אן עד‬ ‫ || מה‬Recordatus est ‫זכר‬
Recreatus est
Recreavit ‫בלג‬
Recrudescere fecit
R Recta ‫נכונה‬
Racematus est
‫עלל‬ Recte ivit ‫ישר‬
Racemus ‫ || אשכול‬Rectum ‫נכונה‬
Radicatus est ‫ || שרש‬Rectum censuit ‫ישר‬
Radius ‫ || ארג‬Rectus ‫ישר אמת כון‬

Rectus fuit ‫ || ישר‬Remansit ‫שאר יתר‬

Rectusfuit vel visus Remigavit ‫חתר‬
est Remiges ‫שטים‬
Recubarefecit ‫רבץ‬ Remisit ‫שות שמט רפה‬
Recubuit ‫רבץ נוח‬ ‫ | שכב‬Remisse se gessit ‫רפה‬

Recumbere fecit ‫ || נוח‬Remissio ‫שמטה מרפא‬

‫שלם‬ ‫שוב שבב‬ Remissus est ‫פון נשה‬
‫נתן יהב‬ Remolus ‫רחוק‬
Reddidit debitorem ‫ | חוב‬Removit ‫אסף עתק‬ ‫נסג‬
Redegit in einerem ‫נדה‬
‫דשן‬ Removit longe
Redemit ‫קנה‬ ‫פדה‬ ‫גאל‬ Remus ‫משוט‬
Redemptio ‫גאלה פדיון כפר‬ Renovavit ‫חרש חלף‬
Redemptionis pre- Renuit ‫מאן‬
‫פדיון כפר‬
tium Renunciavit ‫יאש‬
Redemptor ‫גואל‬ ‫שוב שבב גמל‬
Rediit ‫שוב שבב הלך‬ ‫שלם‬
Reditus ‫תשובה‬ Repente ‫פתע‬
Redundavit ‫סלח‬ ‫ | שוב‬Repentinus ‫פתאום‬
Reduxit ‫שבב‬ ‫שוב‬ ‫ | שב‬Repositus est ‫חסן‬
Refecit ‫ | סעד‬Reposuit ‫נחת‬ ‫ינה‬ ‫שות‬
Refecil se pastu Reposuit in thesau
Refractariusfuit ‫סרר‬ rum
‫שרץ רמש זחל‬
Refugium ‫מחסה‬ ‫מקלט‬ Repsit
Regem constituit ‫מלך‬ Reptile ‫רמש שרץ‬
Regina ‫ || מלכה‬Repudiavit ‫גרש‬

‫ארץ שדה חבלן‬ Repulit ‫שוב שבב‬

‫פלך נוף נפת‬ Reputavit ‫חשב‬

Regnavit ‫מלך‬ Requievit } ‫שכן שקט שער‬

‫מלכות מלכותא‬ ‫נפש‬

Regnum ‫ | מלכותה מלוכה‬Requisivit ‫דרש בקש‬

‫ | ממלכה‬Res ‫דבר‬

Rejecit ‫פרע‬ ‫זנח‬ ‫ | מאס‬Res amissa ‫אברה‬

Rejectus ‫ | נמאס‬Resarsit ‫ברק‬

Relaxatus est ‫ | רוח‬Rescidit ‫שוב שבב נוא‬
Relictus est ‫ | שאר‬Resedit ‫שכר‬
‫נטר אצל‬
Reliquit ‫ | עזב יתר שאר‬Reservavit
‫ | שבק נטש חני‬Residuum ‫שאר שרית‬
Reliquus ‫ | שאר‬Resipuit ‫נחם‬
RES....RIV RIX.....
....RUS 49
Respexit ‫פנה‬ ‫שעה‬ ‫ | נבט‬Risa ‫עשק מצה‬
Respiravit ‫ | רוח נפש‬Ritatus est ‫עשק נצה‬
Respondit ‫ענה‬ ‫שבב‬ ‫שוב‬ Roboratus cat ‫פזז‬
} ‫ענה‬ ‫בלב‬ ‫עצם‬ ‫חזק‬
‫ תוב‬Roboravit
Responsa Roboravit se ‫עזז סלר‬
Respuit ‫עז עוז מעוז כוח‬
‫נאץ‬ ‫מאס געל‬
Restauravit ‫ברק חרש‬
Robur ‫גבורה חזק‬
‫עמד‬ ‫עצם חיל איתן‬
‫תובן‬ ‫שוב שבב‬ ‫און חסן תקף‬
Rete ‫רשת מצוד‬ Robusta ‫עזה‬
‫מכמר‬ Robustus ‫עזוז אמץ איתן‬
Relinuit ‫אחז מנע חשך‬ } ‫איתן‬
‫כלא‬ Robustus fuit
Retraxit ‫חסן‬
‫ אסף‬Reravit ‫רעף‬
‫ נמל‬Ros ‫טל‬
Retributio ‫ | גמול‬Rota ‫אופן גלגל‬
‫ | אחור‬Rubens ‫תמר‬
Retrorsum ‫ אחרנית‬Rubigo
Revaluit ‫ירקון‬
Rubore suffusus est ‫כלס‬
Revelatrixfalsa ar- Rubuit ‫אדם חמר‬
canorum ‫מכשפה‬
Rubus ‫סגה‬
Revelavit ‫גלה‬ Rudit ‫נהק‬
Reveritus est
‫הדר ירא‬ Rugatus est ‫כמר‬
Reversio ‫תשובה‬ Rugitus ‫שאגה‬
Reversus est ‫שבב‬ ‫שוב‬ ‫שב‬ Rugivit ‫שאג נהם הגה‬
‫חוב‬ Rumen ‫גרה‬
‫אסף‬ ‫שבב‬ ‫שוב‬ Ruminatio ‫גרה‬
‫תקופה‬ Runninavil ‫גרה‬
Reus fuit ‫ || אשם‬Rumor ‫שמע שמועה‬
Rex ‫ מלך מלכא‬Rupes ‫צור סלע‬
‫ | אטר‬Rupit
‫שקה‬ Ruptura ‫פרץ בדק‬
Rimatus est
‫ברק‬ Ruplus ‫נפרץ‬
Ripa ‫ || שפת‬Rus ‫שרה‬
‫שחק צחק‬
‫שחוק שחק צחק‬
‫פלג יאור מיכל‬
50 SAC .... SAP

Sapienter egit ‫תכם‬

S ‫שכל חכמה‬
Saccus ‫שק אמתחת‬ ‫תושיה‬
‫ || צרור‬Sartago ‫מחבת‬
‫ || זבח‬Salegit ‫שדר השח‬
Sacrificium ‫ | זבח‬Saliavit ‫שבע רוה‬

Sacrificium laudis ‫ה‬ ‫ תור‬Satis ‫רב רבא‬

Saga ‫ || מכשפה‬Satur
Saturfuit ‫שבע‬
Saginalus est ‫שמן‬
Saluravit ‫שבע שכר‬
Sagitta ‫חץ‬
Saturitas ‫שבע שבעה‬
Sagittarius ‫קשת‬
Sal ‫|| מלח‬Sauciavit ‫בצע פצע‬
Salitus est ‫|מלח‬Scabellum
Salivavit ‫ | ריד‬Scabie affecit ‫ספת שפת‬

Salivit ‫ || מלח‬Scabies ‫|כרב ספחת‬

Salix ‫ || צפצפה‬Scabit
Sallavit ‫חלל‬ ‫ רקד‬Scala
‫חלל שחק‬ ‫ || כרר‬Scalpellum ‫תער‬
Sallavit præ gaudio ‫גרד‬
‫ || סלד‬Scalpsit se
‫מקור גל‬
Sallem ‫ך‬ ‫א‬ ‫ || רק‬Scaturigo
Salvavit ‫ || ישע‬Scaturivit ‫נבע‬
Salus ‫תשועה‬ ‫ || ישועה‬Sceleratus ‫בליעל‬
‫בליעל זמה‬
Salutavit ‫|| ברך‬Scclus
Sanatio ‫ || מרפא מרפה‬Sceptrum ‫שבט‬
Sanavit ‫חלם‬ ‫ | רפא גהה‬Scidit ‫כרת גזר קרע‬
Sancivit ‫שום‬ ‫פלח‬

Sanctificavit ‫ || קדש‬Scientia ‫רעה השרה‬

Sanctuarium ‫תשיה‬
Sanctum habuit, præ- Scintilla ‫שביב זקים‬
‫קדש‬ Scintillavit
dicavit ‫נצץ‬
Sanctus ‫ידע‬
‫|| קדוש‬Scivit
Sanctusfuit ‫מטאטא‬
‫ קדש‬Scopa
Sane ‫|| אמנם‬Scopulus ‫שן‬
‫ | דם‬Scortatio ‫זנות‬
Sanitas ‫מרפה‬ Scortatus est
‫||מרפא‬ ‫זנה‬

Sapiens ‫ | חכס‬Scriba ‫סופר‬

Sapiensfuit ‫ || חכם‬Scripsit ‫כתב‬

Sapientemfecit ‫|| חכס‬Scriptum ‫מכתב‬
SER....SEN SEN....SER 51

Scrupus ‫ חצץ‬Seneg ‫זקן‬

Scrutatus est ‫ | חקר‬Sensim ‫בלאט‬
‫פסל‬ ‫חרש‬ ‫ | חקק‬Sensit ‫בון ידע מצא‬
‫ חץ ' פתח‬Sentis ‫שמיר שית‬
Sculptile ‫ | פסל‬Senuit ‫עתק‬
Sculptus ‫ | מחקה‬Seorsum ‫לבר לברר‬
Scutella ‫קערת צלחית‬
Scutum ‫ | צנה‬Separatio ‫נזר נרה‬
Secavit ‫פתת‬ ‫בדל פלא פלה‬
Secreto ‫בשלי‬ ‫פרד קדש רהב‬
Secuit ‫ | זמר מלל‬Separavit se ‫נזר‬
Seculum ‫ | עלמא‬Sepelivit ‫קבר‬
Secunda ‫ | שנית‬Sepem fecit ‫שור‬
Secundavit ‫ | צלח‬Sepes ‫גדר‬
Secundo ‫ | שנית‬Sepicit, sepsit ‫שוך גדר‬
Secundum ‫אל‬ ‫את‬ ‫ | על‬Seposuit ‫נזר אצל‬

Secundus ‫ | משנה‬Septem ‫שבע שבעה‬

Securis ‫ || גרזן מעצד‬Septentrio ‫צפון‬
Securitas ‫ || שלום‬Septrum ‫שרביט שרבט‬
Securusfuit ‫ | שלה‬Septuaginla ‫שבעים‬
Secutus est ‫ || רדף‬Sepulchrum ‫קבר קבורה‬
‫בור שאול‬
Sed ‫או אך אכן אף‬
‫||נס כי די‬Sepullura ‫קבורה‬
Sedatus est ‫שכך‬ Sepullus est ‫קבר‬
Sedavit ‫ח‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ש‬ | Screnus ‫צח‬
Sedes ‫מושב‬ Series ‫תר תורה‬

‫יתב‬ ‫ספף‬ ‫ |ישב‬Sermo ‫שפה הגה‬

‫ יתיב‬Serpens ‫נתט‬
Sedulus fuit ‫שקד‬ Serpens ignilus ‫שרף‬
Seduxit ‫סות‬ ‫תעה‬ ‫ | נשא‬Serpsit ‫פשה‬

Selegit ‫ בחר בדל‬Serra dissecuit ‫נשר‬

Semel Serravit ‫נשר‬
Semen Servator ‫מושיע‬
Seminavit ‫ | זרע‬Servatus est ‫ישע‬
‫מעגל‬ ‫ | ארח‬Servavit ‫ישע נצר‬
‫נתיב נחרבה‬ ‫נטר גרר‬

Semper ‫קלה‬ ‫תמיד‬ Servire fecit ‫עבד‬

Senectus ‫ | זקנה‬Servilus ‫עברה‬
52 SER....SIN SIN .... SOR

Servivit ‫שרת‬ ‫פלח‬ ‫ | עבד‬Sinaiatra ‫שמאול‬

Servus ‫ || עבר‬Sinus ‫חיק חק‬
Sevit ‫ || זרע‬Silus ‫מושב נוף‬
Sex ‫ששי‬ ‫ | שש‬Sive ‫אם בין הן‬
Sexaginta ‫ | ששים‬Sivit ‫ינח שבק‬

‫אם או הן לו לוא‬ Sniris vel lapis ali ‫שמיר‬

‫אשר אולי‬ quis prædurus
Sibilavit ‫ | שרק‬Soboles ‫תרבות‬
Sibilo vocavit ‫ | שרק‬Sobolevit ‫נון‬
Sic ‫כן‬ Socius ‫חבר חבור רע‬
Siccavit ‫ יבש‬Sol ‫שמש שמשא‬
Siccilas ‫חרבה‬ ‫חמה‬
Sicera ‫ | שכר‬Sola ‫לברה‬
Siclus ‫ | שקל‬Solatium ‫נתם‬
Sicut ‫ || הא עם‬Solatium cepit ‫נחם‬

Signavit ‫תוה‬ ‫סמן‬ ‫ | כתס‬Solennitas ‫חן מועד עצרה‬

Signifer ‫ || נסס‬Solicitudo ‫דאנה רעיון‬
Signum ‫תו‬ ‫ || אות נס‬Solicitus ‫דאג‬
Silentium ‫ || דומיה‬Solitarius ‫ברר בודד‬
Silentium imposuit ‫חשה‬ Solitarius fuit ‫ברד גלמוד‬
Silex ‫ | חלמיש‬Solitudo ‫ערבה‬
Silva ‫ יער‬Solium ‫כס כסא כסה‬
‫דמס דום חשה‬ ‫כרסא‬
‫ חרש‬Solvil ‫בטש נתר שמט‬
Simila ‫סלת‬ ‫פתח שרה‬
Similis ‫ | דומה דמה‬Solum ‫קרקע‬
Similis factus est ‫משל‬ ‫לברך לבר‬
Similisfuit ‫ || רמה‬Solus ‫לברר לברהן‬
Similitudo ‫תמונה סמל‬ ‫יחיד בדר‬
Simplex ‫פותה‬ ‫ | פתי‬Solus degit ‫ברר‬
Simplices ‫ | פתאים‬Somniavit ‫הלם‬
Simplicitas ‫ || פתי‬Somnium ‫חלום‬
Simul ‫ || יחד‬Somnus ‫שנא‬
Simulachrum ‫ | סמל‬Sonilus ‫קול קל‬
Simulatio ‫ | חנפה‬Sonuit ‫רנה‬
Simulator ‫ | חנף‬Sonum cdidil ‫שמע הגה‬
Simulavit Sopore obrutus est ‫רדס‬
Singultavit ‫ || פוג‬Sordes ‫צאה‬
SOR ....SPO SPO....STE 53

Soror ‫ | אחות‬Sponte obtulit ‫נדב‬

Sors ‫פור‬ ‫גורל‬ Spospondit ‫ערב‬
Sorte divisit ‫נפל‬ Spretua
Sortem projecit ‫ | נפל‬Sprelus eat ‫קלה‬
‫נפץ פזר זרה‬ ‫מאס‬ ‫בזה בוז‬
‫ | זרף‬Sprevit ‫קלל קלס שאט‬
Spatiosus fuit ‫רוח‬ ‫נאץ זול‬
Spatium ‫ || רוח‬Spuit
‫ירק רקק‬
Species ‫||מראה תאר‬Spumavit ‫קצף זעם‬
Species locusta ‫ | ילק‬Spurius ‫ממזר‬
Specula ‫ || מצפה‬Stabilitas ‫אמונה‬
Speculatus est ‫ || צפה‬Stabilitus
Spelunca ‫ || מערה‬Stabilivit ‫שות קום עמד‬
Speravit ‫קוה יחל‬ ‫ | שבר‬Stabula ‫ארות אריות‬
‫ || חסה‬Stagnum ‫אנס‬
‫ | תקוה בטחון‬Stannum ‫בדיל‬
Spes ! ‫ || מבטחה מבטח‬Statera ‫פלס‬
‫ || מחסה תוחלת‬Statim ‫אז‬
Spice ‫ || שבלים‬Statio ‫מצב‬

Spina ‫סלון‬ ‫ | קוץ הרול‬Statua ‫נצי‬

‫חרק חוח‬ ‫שם שום שות‬
Spine ‫ || סירים‬Slaluit ‫יצב יצג‬ ‫קום‬
Spiravit ‫נפח יפח נשם‬ ‫ינח‬ ‫חרץ שוה‬
Spiritus ‫רוחא‬ ‫ | רוח‬Status mortuorum
‫נשמה‬ sive invisibilis
Splendere fecit ‫ || יפע‬Satulum ‫חק חקה‬
Splendor ‫ || מזיז‬Statutus
Splenduit ‫ || יפע נגה זהר‬Stella ‫אגלי‬
‫ הלל גלש‬Stellio vel potius
‫שלל גזל בזז‬ aranea

‫בקק‬ ‫קבע‬ ‫בזא‬ Stercus ‫רמן‬

‫שסה‬ ‫שסס‬ ‫ | עוד‬Stercora ‫צפועי‬
‫ || שדד‬Sterilis ‫עקר‬
Spolium ‫ | שלל‬Sternutavit ‫זור‬
Sponda ‫ || ערש‬Sterquilinium ‫נולו‬
Sponsa ‫ כלה‬Stetit ‫עמד יצב קם‬
Sponsus ‫חתן‬ ‫קום‬
Spontaneus ‫נדיב‬
54 STI.... SUB SSUB .... SUL

Stillatim vel paula- it ‫כבש רדד דבר‬

tim periil Subito ‫רגע פתע‬

Stillavit ‫נזל נטף ערף‬ ‫פתאום‬

‫ דלף רעף‬Subjugarid, ‫כבש‬
Stimulavit ‫||טען‬Snublevavit ‫עדר‬
Stipavit ‫ | רפד‬Sublimis ‫גבה‬
Stipula ‫ | קש‬Sublimilas ‫יתר‬
Stirps ‫| עקר‬Submersus est ‫שקע‬
Stilit ‫ || עמד‬Subnervavit ‫עקר‬
Stitit se ‫| יצב‬.Subsannavit ‫לעג לעב‬
Stragulum ‫||ע ש‬Subsedit
‫ר‬ ‫שות‬
Stramen ‫מתבן‬ ‫תבן‬ ‫ | קש‬Subsiliil ‫נתר‬
Strangulatio ‫מחנק‬ ‫רכוש‬ ‫רכש‬
Strangulavit ‫חנק יקע‬ Substantia ‫תשוה תושיה‬
Stravit ‫רצף רפד יצע‬ ‫עצם און‬
‫שאון‬ ‫קל‬ ‫ קול‬Subatilik ‫דום‬
‫ | תשאות‬Substravit ‫רפר יצע‬
Stridit ‫ || רנה‬Subtraxit ‫חלץ אצל‬

Strinxit ‫שבץ פתח‬ ‫ || עצב‬Subverlit ‫סלף יעה‬

‫רכס‬ ‫ שלף‬Suburbium ‫מגרש‬
Struit ‫ | דור‬Succendit ‫שרף בער‬
Studiose quæsivit ‫ || שחר‬Succensuit ‫אנף‬
Studuit Succensus est
‫נבל כסל סכל‬ ‫נמל חצץ קצב‬
Stulle egit
‫ יאל‬Succidit ‫נדע ברה נקף‬
Stultitia ‫כסל נבלה‬ ‫רגע‬ ‫תזז‬ ‫כסח‬
Stultus ‫כסיל אויל סכל‬ ‫קטף צמת‬
Stultus factus est ‫ || יאל‬Succisus est ‫קמל‬
Stultus fuit ‫כסל‬ ‫סכל‬ ‫ | נבל‬succubuit ‫נפל‬
Stupidus ‫ | בער‬Sufecit ‫מצא שפק‬
Stylus ‫ || עט‬sufficiens ‫די‬
Suavis ‫ || נעם‬suficientia
Suavis fuit ‫ערב‬ ‫| מלץ‬sufhilaus ‫קטורה‬
Suavitas ‫ || נעם‬Suffivit ‫קטר נוף‬
Sub ‫ | תחת‬Snuflatorium ‫מפח‬
Subduxit se ‫פטר‬ ‫ חמק חשך‬Sufocatio ‫מחנק‬
Subegit ‫ | כבש רדה‬Sufocavit ‫חנק‬
Subflave ‫ || שריקות‬Sulcus ‫מענה‬
SUL .... SUX TAB .... TER 55

Sulphur ‫גפרית‬
Summus ‫אל‬ T
Sumpsit ‫רדה‬ ‫ לקח‬Tabes ‫רזון‬
Sumpsit in viaticum, ‫ | צוד‬Tabuit ‫דאב מוק‬
| Super , supra ‫אל‬ ‫את‬ ‫על‬ Tabula ‫לוח לחות קרש‬
Superabundavit ‫עדף‬ ‫שרע‬ Tacile paravit ‫חרש‬
Superavit ‫נצח‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫ גבר‬Tacuit ‫רמה‬
Superbe se gessil ‫ | עפל‬Talenlum ‫ככר‬
Superbe egit ‫זרה‬ ‫ זוד‬Talis ‫אשר‬
‫גאה גאוה גאון‬ Tam , quam ‫נס‬
} ‫גאון‬ Tamen
‫רהב שחץ‬ ‫אם גם אף אך‬
Superbivit ‫זוד‬ ‫ | גדל גבה‬Tantum ‫אפס אך‬
‫רהב‬ ‫גא גאה‬ Tardavit ‫עקב יחר‬
‫ | פחז זד‬Tardilas ‫בש‬
Superfluus fuit ‫ | עדף‬Tardus ‫ארך‬
Superfuit ‫שרד‬ ‫ יתר‬Turdus fuit ‫כבר‬
Superstes fuit ‫ | שרר‬Tarus ‫תחש‬
Supellex ‫כלי‬ Tectum ‫נו‬
Supplantavit Tectus currus ‫צב‬
Supplicavit ‫בקש‬ Temerarius ‫פחז‬
Supputavit ‫מנה‬ ‫ | כסס‬Tempestive dirit aut
‫עתת עות‬
Supra ‫ממעל‬ egit aliquid
Surculus ‫ || נצר חטר‬Templum ‫בית‬
Surdus ‫חרש‬ ‫זמן זמנא עת‬
Surrexit ‫עדן עדנא‬
‫קום קס‬
Surripuit ‫ | גנב‬Tempus statutum ‫מועד‬
Sursum ‫מעלה‬ ‫ | מעל‬Tentatio ‫אהל‬
Suscitavit Tentavit ‫נסה‬
Suspendit ‫יקע‬ ‫ תלה‬Tentorium ‫משכן סכה‬
Sustentavit ‫סמך סעד‬ ‫תמך‬ Tenuit ‫תמך חזק‬ ‫אחז‬
Sustinuit ‫כתר‬ Ter ‫שלוש‬
Sustulit ‫נשא‬ ‫ | רום‬Terminavit ‫גבל‬
Susurravit Terminus
‫צפף‬ ‫מחוז‬
Susurro ‫ארץ אדמה‬
‫ || נרגן‬Terra
Suxit ‫ארעא‬
‫עריץ נורא איום‬
‫דחיל דחילה‬
Territus ‫רהם חתת‬
56 TER .... TIT TIT .... TRE

Terror ‫בהלה‬ ‫אימה‬ Titulo insignivit vel

‫מחתה‬ lhonoris vel adula- ‫כנה‬
‫ירא פחד חרץ‬ tionis
‫ | ערץ חתת‬Tonitru ‫רעס‬
Tersit ‫ מה מרק‬Tonuit ‫רעם‬
Tertius ‫תלתא‬ ‫שליש‬ Torcular ‫נת יקב פורה‬
Testa ‫ | חרש‬Torques ‫ענק‬
Testatus est ‫ | ענה‬Torrens
Testes adhibuil ‫ עוד‬Torris ‫אוד‬
Testiculus ‫אשך‬ Torruit ‫בשל בהל רבך‬
‫עד עדות עודה‬ . ‫קלה חרך‬
‫שהדותא‬ Torsit ‫עצב הכל‬
Testis ‫שהדותא‬ ‫ | עד‬Tortuosus ‫עקר‬
Tetendit ‫יקש‬ ‫ | דרך נטה‬Totondit ‫קצב גזז כסס‬
‫ | נקש‬Tolus ‫כל כלא‬
Teligit ‫ | נגע‬Traclus ‫פלך נפת‬
‫בלע צפה עטה‬ ‫מכר‬ ‫יהב‬ ‫נתן‬
Texit ‫קדס ספן סכר‬ Tradidit ‫מסר מגן סכר‬
‫כפר כסה שכך‬ ‫סגר נכר מצא‬
Textor ‫ארג‬ Tranquillus fuit ‫שלה שלוה‬
Textores ‫אורנים‬ Trans ‫עבר מעבר‬
Thesaurizavit ‫ | אצר‬Transfodit ‫מחץ‬
Thesaurus ‫מטמון‬ ‫ אוצר‬Translatus est ‫צען‬
Thuribulum ‫ | מקטר‬Transfixit ‫נקב כרה‬ ‫דקר‬
Thus ‫לבונה‬ ‫רצע מחק טען‬
Tiara 18 Transgressus est ‫עבר‬
Tignum ‫קורה‬ Transiliil ‫פסח קפץ‬
Timendus ‫ | נורא‬Transilus ‫עבר מעבר‬
Timendus fuit ‫ ירא‬Transivil ‫עבר פסח צלח‬

Timor ‫מורא‬ ‫מורה‬ ‫ברח ערה‬

‫פחד‬ ‫ | יראה גור‬Transire fecit ‫עבר‬

Timuit ‫גור‬ ‫פחד‬ ‫ ירא‬-Trans in misit

here ‫ירש‬
‫רגז דאג גור‬ ditatem
Tinea ‫סס‬ ‫ | עש‬Translulit ‫גלה עבר‬
Tinnivit ‫צלל‬ Trarit ‫משך סחב‬
‫ || פעמון‬Tremor ‫רער רערה‬
‫צבע‬ ‫רעש רגז רעד‬
Tilubavit Tremuit
‫געש‬ ‫חרר צלל‬
TRE ...TUR TUR....VAN 57

Trepidatio ‫תרעלה‬ ‫גדךד מחנה‬

Trapidavit ‫הפז‬ ‫חרד‬ ‫ || פחד‬Turma ‫ארחת מחלקת‬

‫חול תוה‬ ‫שפעת‬
Tres ‫תלת‬ ‫ || שלוש‬Turmatim contenit ‫גדר‬
‫? תלתא‬urpis libido ‫תבל‬
Tribuit ‫?נתן יהב‬urpiter egit ‫תעב‬
Tribulatio * urris ‫מגדל צריח‬
Tribus ‫מטה‬ ‫בט‬.
‫ש‬ urris speculatoria ‫בחון‬
Tributum ‫מכס‬ ‫ מס‬Turlur ‫תר‬
Triginta ‫תלתין‬ ‫ | שלושים‬Tale ‫בטח‬
Tripudiavit Tutudit per vices ‫פעם‬
Tristis fuit Dy Tympano pulsaviť ‫תפף‬
Tristitia yTympanum
Triticum ‫חטה הטין‬
Trituravit ‫דוש דרך חבט‬
Trusit V
Thu ‫אתה את‬ acca ‫פרה‬
Tuba ‫חצצרה‬ ‫ | שופר‬racillavit ‫מוט מטט פוק‬
Tulit ‫נטל‬ ‫זוע מעד‬
Tumefecit ‫עבה‬ ‫ריק רק רקה‬
Tumidus ‫|| פחז עפל‬radum ‫מעבר‬
Tumuit ‫בעה זוד‬ ‫הוי הה אהה‬
Tumultuatus est ‫רגש‬ ‫אוי אויה‬
Tumultus ‫שאון‬ ‫נרד ברד נוע‬
‫תל גדיש‬ agatusest ‫סתר שנה צעה‬
‫השאות‬ ‫שוט תעה‬
‫אז אזי אפו‬ Fagina ‫נדנה‬
‫אדין‬ ‫אפוא‬ ralde ‫מעט שגיא‬

Tunica ‫ | כתנת‬Valida ‫תקיפה‬

Turbatus ‫זעף בור‬ ‫תקיפא כביר‬

Turbatus est ‫ | רגז רעס‬Validus ‫עצום עז איתן‬

‫עבר רפש רפס‬ ‫אתן‬
‫ || המה בהר‬Validus fuit ‫עצם‬
Turbavit aquam
‫דלח‬ ‫ || הום‬rallis ‫גי גיא עמק נחל‬
Turbo ‫סער‬ ‫ | שער‬Vanitas ‫ריק שוא תהו‬
‫סופה‬ ‫ || סערה‬ranus ‫רק רקה שוא‬
VOL. II. h
58 VAN ....VER SVER .... VID

Vanus factus est Vermiculatus est ‫רמס‬

Vapor ‫|| איד‬Permis ‫רמה תולעה‬
Variegatus ‫|| עקד‬Persavit ‫פנה‬
Vas ‫ || כלי‬Versit ‫נטה‬
Vastator ‫פרץ‬ ‫|| שדד‬Persus ‫את אל‬
Vastatus est ‫ה‬ ‫א‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ם‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ ישם‬rerter ‫סעיף‬
Vastavit ‫ | שחת חרב שדד‬Verticem inclinavit ‫קדר‬
‫נצה נשה‬ ‫ || נדד‬Verties ‫נפי‬
Vastilas ‫חרבה‬ ‫חרב‬ ‫|| שד‬Fertit ‫הפך יעה‬
Vaticinatus est ‫ || בבא‬Fertit se ‫פנה‬
Vaticinium ‫|| משא משאה‬Perus ‫אמת אמן‬
Uber ‫ || שר‬Vespera ‫ערב‬
‫אן‬ ‫פוא‬ ‫ | אפוא‬restesmutavit ‫שנה‬

Ubi ‫אי איה‬ ‫ | אנה‬Festimentum ‫לבוש מלכוש‬

‫ איך זה מאן‬reatis ‫בגד שמלה‬
‫מאין אשר‬ < ‫שלמה תלבשת‬
Ubinam ‫איפוא‬ ‫ || איפה‬Pestivit ‫לבש‬
Vehemensfuit ‫ ||מרץ‬Peteravit ‫בלה‬
Vel ‫אשר‬ ‫או‬ retus
Velamen ‫ || מסוה‬rezatio ‫עמל רעיון‬
Velavit ‫כסה‬ Vexavit ‫צור רשע קוץ‬
Vellus ‫| גז‬ ‫צוק דחק עלל‬
Velox ‫דגל נס‬
‫אבה‬ ‫קלה‬ ‫קל‬ Perillum
Velum Vexillum erezit ‫נםם‬
Venatus est ‫ || צוד‬Terit ‫רכב‬
Fendidit ‫ | מכר שבר‬ri u ‫דרך ארח נתיב‬
Venit ‫בא בוא הלך‬ ‫נתיבה‬
‫ילך‬ via trita vel publics ‫מסלול‬ ‫מסלה‬
Penter ‫בטן גחון‬ fiaticum ‫ציד צידה צדה‬
Ventilavil ‫ || זרה‬Tiatores ‫ארחים‬
Ventus ‫| רון רוחא‬ iuratit ‫עיץ‬
Verbum ‫פי‬ ‫מלה‬ ‫דבר‬ ricinus ‫קרוב‬
Verbum rapuit ‫חלט‬ Victima ‫זבח‬
Vere ‫אכן‬ ‫אמנה‬ ‫אם‬ Victima pro diledo ‫אשם‬
‫ | סלה‬Victima pro peccato ‫חטאת‬
‫אמן‬ ‫אמת‬ Victus ‫מחיה‬
‫קשוט‬ ‫אמונה‬ Figiluvit ‫שקר‬
‫ קשט‬Vidit ‫ראה חזה שזף‬
VIG .... VIT VIT .... VOL 59

Viginti ‫ | עשרים‬Puis selecta ‫שרק‬

Viguit ‫ || זכר‬Pitium ‫מום מאוס‬
Vilem reputavit ‫ נבל‬Puula ‫עגלה‬
Vilipendit ‫ קרה קרר‬Fitulus ‫עגל‬
Vilis ‫ זוללה‬Vis ‫גל‬
Vilis factus est ‫קלה‬ Uleus ‫מזור שחין‬
Vilisfuit ‫ קלל‬Utio ‫נקמה נדבה‬
Vim attulit ‫ || עשק חמס‬Ultra ‫עבר מעבר מן‬
Vim habuit ‫שלט‬ } ‫מן‬
Vinctus est ‫ | רתק‬Uuus est ‫בקס פרע‬
Finculum ‫ מוסר‬Ulva ‫אחז‬
‫בצר‬ ‫לקש‬ Ululavik ‫ילל‬
Findex ‫נואל‬ Umbra ‫צל‬
Vindicavit ‫| אשה‬
‫גאל‬ ‫נקס‬ ‫ | שפט‬Unaqueque
Vindicta Unctio
‫נקס‬ ‫שמן‬
Vinea ‫ כרס‬Unde ‫מזה מאן מאין‬
Vinum ‫עשתי־עשר‬
‫חמרא‬ ‫יין חמר‬ Undecin , undecimus
Vinum novum ‫תירוש‬ Ungue secuit
Vinxit ‫כפת‬ ‫ענד‬ ‫אסר‬ Unguenta confecit
Violavit ‫חלל‬ Unguentarius
‫רקח רוקח‬
Violentia ‫ חמס‬Ungula
‫פרק‬ ‫פרסה‬
Vipera ‫ אפעה‬-Unic velornis
ceros ‫ראס ריס‬
Fir ‫איש גבר גבור‬
Virens ‫ | רענן‬Unicus ‫יחיד‬
Virga ‫חטר‬ ‫ | מטה שבט‬Univit ‫יחד‬
Virginitas ‫בתולים‬ Unus ‫אחד חד‬
Virgo ‫בתולה‬ Unusquisque ‫איש אחר‬
Vires ‫תועפות‬ Unsit ‫סוד יסך‬ ‫משח‬
Virides ‫לח‬ Unxit se ‫סוד‬
‫ ירק ירוק‬rocavit ‫קרא‬
Virlus. ‫ חיל איל‬Vociferati sunt ‫צהל‬
Vis ‫חמס‬ ‫איתן‬ ‫כוח‬ Vociferatio ‫תרועה‬
‫ | עשק יד‬Vociferatus eat ‫ערג זעק‬
Visio ‫מחזון‬ ‫ מראה‬Volavit ‫עוף טוש דאה‬
‫חזון‬ } ‫יאה‬ ‫פרח‬
‫ פקד‬Volilavit ‫עוף‬
Vita ‫ | מחיה נפש‬Volucer
‫עוף עף‬
Vilis rolvit ‫גלל‬
60 VOL .... UTE UTE ... ZEL

Voluit ‫חפץ יאל‬ ‫אבה‬ Uterus ‫רחם בטן‬

‫הין‬ ‫צבה‬ ‫רצה‬ Utile fuit ‫שוה‬
Volumen ‫מגלה גליון‬ Utilis ‫מועיל‬
Voluntaria ‫נדבה‬ Utilitas ‫תרון‬
Voluntas ‫ רצון חפץ נפש‬Utinam ‫לוא לך‬
Voluptas ‫ | ענג‬Uva ‫ענב‬
Volutavit ‫צנף‬ ‫ גלל‬rulneratus ‫חלל‬
Volutavit se ‫ספק‬ ‫פלש‬ Vulnerarit ‫פצע נכה‬
Vomuit ‫ קוא‬rulnus ‫פצע מזור‬
Tes DO Vulnus inflixit pro-
Volum ‫נדר‬ fundum ‫מהץ‬

Vovit ‫הרס‬ ‫נדר‬ ulpes vel vulpes

Vox aureus
‫קול קל‬
Ursit ‫אץ‬ ‫ נצח אוץ‬Vulsit ‫גזז מרט נסח‬
‫פצר‬ ‫צוק דחף‬ ullus ‫מראה אף‬
Ursus ‫ דב‬Uzror ‫אשה‬
Urtica ‫קמוש קימוש‬
Usque ‫עם עתה‬
Usque ad ‫עד אל‬

Usura ‫נשך‬
Ut ‫די‬ ‫אשר‬ Zelotypia ‫נקאה‬
Ut non ‫מאן‬ ‫בל‬ ‫ אם‬zetotypus ‫קנא קנוא‬
‫ | מאין‬Zelolypus fuit ‫קנא‬
Uler ‫ | נבל נארד‬Zelus ‫קנאה‬



English and Hebrew



Abstained ‫נזר‬
Abstracted ‫פשט‬
Abundance ‫שבע שפע‬
Abandoned ‫נבל‬ ‫עזב‬ Abundant ‫שבע‬
Abased ‫צנע‬ ‫ | שפל‬Abundantly ‫שבע‬
Abated ‫||גרע‬Abused ‫עלל‬
‫|| מאס תעב געל‬Abyss ‫תהום‬
‫ שקץ נאץ קוץ‬Accepted ‫לקח רצה‬
Abhorred ‫ || תועבה‬Acceptable
Abhorrence ‫||דראון‬Accessary ‫חבר‬
Ability ‫||יכלת‬Accident ‫מקרה‬
Abjured ‫ אלה‬5803 ‫כלה כלל‬ ‫מלא‬
Able ‫ | יכל‬Accomplished
Abode ‫ | ישב‬Account ‫חשבון‬
Abode ‫ | מושב‬Accounted ‫חשב‬
Abolished ‫||שמד מחה שבת‬Accursed ‫חרס‬
Abominable ‫פנול‬ Accusation ‫שטנה‬
Abomination ‫|תועבה שקוץ‬Accused ‫שטן‬
Above ‫ מעל על‬Accuser 2
b : ‫שטן‬
Abounded ‫סרח‬ ‫ || יתר עדף‬Accustomed ‫סכן‬
‫על‬ ‫סביב‬ Aeknowledged . ‫נכר‬
Abroad ‫ידע‬
‫חוצה‬ ‫חוץ‬ Acquainted

The nominative he is to be understood with the verb, which is always inserted in the
preter tense. (See Preface, p. x.)
4 ACQ .... AGA AGA ....AMA

Acquaintance ‫מודע‬ Against ‫מול נגד‬

Acquired ‫רכש‬ ‫זקנה עולס חלד‬
Acquiesced ‫יאת‬ ‫|דור‬
Acquitted ‫ נקה צדק‬Aged ‫זקן‬
Action ‫עלילה‬ ‫רגז חמה סער‬
Activity ‫ יכלת‬Agi ‫געש זוע פעס‬
Adamant ‫||שמיר‬Agitation ‫מהומה זעוה‬
Added ‫יסף ספה‬ Agreed ‫רצה ראת‬
Adder ‫נחת ניחח נאה‬
‫שפיפון צפע‬ Agreeable
Addition ‫לויה‬ Ah ‫הוי האח אהה‬
Adhered ‫ דבק‬Aha ‫האח‬
Adjoined ‫ נגע לרה‬Aid ‫עזר עזרה‬
Adjured ‫חרס‬ ‫ || שבע‬Aided ‫עזר‬
Admired ‫ תמה‬Ailed ‫חלה‬
Admonished ‫זהר‬ Alarm ‫חיל‬
‫ פאר הדר רבד‬Alas! ‫אויה‬ ‫הוי‬ ‫אוי‬
‫שפר עדה‬ ‫אהה אח‬
Advanced ‫ קדם‬Alie ‫נבר בכרי‬
‫מותר‬ ‫ יתרון‬Alienated ‫נבר‬
Adventure ‫ | מקרה‬Alighted ‫צנח‬
Adversary ‫ שטן‬Alike ‫יתר‬
Adversity ‫איבה‬ ‫שנאה‬ Alive
‫ || שמע ידע‬All ‫כל‬
Advice ‫ | עצה‬Allowance
Advised ‫ |יעץ‬Allured ‫פתה‬
Adulterer Almighty ‫שדי‬
‫נאף מנאף‬
Adulteress ‫נאפת‬ Almond
Adulterous Almond- tree
‫מנאף‬ ‫שקד‬
Adultery . ‫באוף‬ Aloes ‫אהליס‬
Affair L ‫חפץ‬ Alone ‫לבד בד בדד‬
‫חשק‬ Already ‫כבר‬
‫חזק עוד‬ Also ‫נס אףם‬
Afflicted ‫צרר‬ ‫ענה ירע‬ Altar ‫מזבה‬
‫דרך יגה‬ Altered ‫שנה ימר‬
‫ | צרה עני ענות‬Although ‫גם אף כי‬
‫ | ירא פחד‬Altogether ‫יחד‬
‫אחרי‬ ‫אחר‬ Always ‫תמיד סלה‬
‫עוד‬ Amazed ‫תמה שאה‬
AMA....APP APP .... AST 5
‫ || תמהון‬Appeased ‫שקט שכך‬
Ambassador ‫ ציר מלאך‬Appetite ‫נפש‬
Ambush ‫ ארב מארב‬Applauded
‫| אמן‬Apple ‫תפוח‬
‫חזק‬ ‫יסד‬ ‫פקד יעד‬
Amerced Appointed
‫ענש‬ ‫שום יצב כול‬
Amiable ‫אהוב‬
| Appointment ‫מועד‬
Among ‫ בין קרב‬Approached ‫נגש‬
Anathema ‫ | חרס‬Argued ‫שפט יכח‬
Anathematized . ‫חם‬ Archer ‫קשת‬
‫קדם‬ Ark ‫תבה ארון‬
Angel ‫מלאך‬ Arm ‫|זרוע‬
Anger ‫ || אף קצף‬Arms ‫נשק‬
Angry ‫אנף‬ ‫כעס‬ ‫ קצף‬Armed ‫ריק יזן‬
‫ | בנס‬Army ‫נדוד צבא חיל‬
‫ צוקה‬Armour ‫נשק‬
Animal ‫ חיה‬Arose ‫קס קום עלה‬
‫יסך‬ ‫נסך‬ ‫משח‬ Arranged ‫תקן‬
‫ סוד‬Arrayed ‫לבש עדר‬
‫ || אחר‬Arrow
Annulled ‫חץ‬
‫ || כפר‬Artificer ‫חשב‬
Answer ‫עלה‬
‫מענה‬ ‫ | תשבה‬Ascended
‫ || ענה‬Ascent ‫מעלה‬
Ant ‫ נמלה‬Ash
Anvil ‫ארן‬
‫ || פעם‬Ashamed ‫בוש כלם חפר‬
Antiquity Ashes
‫קדם‬ ‫אפר‬
Anxiety ‫ | דאגה‬Asked ‫שאל בעה‬
‫ | דאג‬Asp ‫פתן עכשוב‬
Any ‫ || איש‬Ass ‫חמור אתנה‬
Any thing ‫מאומה דבר‬
Assembled ‫קהל קבץ אסף‬
Against ‫נגד‬ ‫יער‬
Apart ‫ לבד‬Assembly
‫קהל עדה‬
Apothecary ‫ רוקח‬Ass's colt ‫עיר‬
Apparel ‫מלבוש‬ ‫ לבוש‬Assisted ‫עזר‬
Apparelled .
‫ | לבש‬Assistance ‫עזר עזרה‬
Appearance ‫תאר‬ ‫מראה‬ Associated ‫רעה חבר‬
‫חזות‬ Assured ‫בטת‬
Appeared .
‫ראה‬ Astonished ‫תמה שאה‬
6 AST .... BAL BAL....BEA

Astonishment ‫ | תמהון‬Baldness ‫קרחה‬

At ‫ אל‬Balm ‫| צרי‬
Ate ‫אכל בער‬ Band ‫חבל קשר‬
Atoned ‫ || כפר‬Banished ‫גלה‬
Atonement ‫ | כפרה‬Banishment ‫בלות‬
Attached ‫ השק‬Bank ‫סוללה‬
Attained ‫ || נשב‬Banner ‫נם‬
Attended ‫קשב‬ ‫אזן סכת‬ Banquet ‫משתה‬
Attention Bar ‫מוט בריח‬
Attentive ‫ | קשבת‬Bare , or did bear a
child ‫ילד ילדה‬
Attire ‫לכיש‬
Attracted ‫נשא סבל‬
‫ לקח‬Bare up
Avenged ‫|נקס שפט‬Barefoot ‫יחף‬
Avenger ‫ נקס‬Bark ‫ז‬
Augmented ‫ || יסף‬Barked ‫נבת‬
Aunt ‫ || רדה‬Barley ‫שערה‬
1 Avouched ‫ | צדק‬Barn ‫נרן‬
Avoided ‫ || מנע‬Barren . ‫עקר‬
Authority ‫שלטון‬ Base ‫שפל‬
Awoke ‫צפע צפעוני‬
‫קוץ יקץ עור‬ Basilisk
. ‫קרדם‬ ‫ || גרזן‬Basket ‫סל דוד כלוב‬
‫|| מעצר‬Bason ‫אגן‬
Bastard ‫| ממזר‬
‫מלחמה קרב‬

Battered ‫נכה‬
Babe ‫עלל‬Battery
Babbled 17 Battlement ‫סללה‬
‫גב‬ Bay ‫לשון‬
Back slider
‫ מלשין‬Beam ‫קורה‬
‫ אחור‬Bear ‫דב‬
‫ |רע רעה‬Beard ‫זקן‬
Badger ‫תחש‬ Beast ‫בהמה חיה‬
Bag ‫נאד‬ ‫צרור‬ ‫כיס‬ Beat ‫שחק פעם‬
Baked ‫אפה‬ ‫הוד הדר‬
Baker Beauty
‫אפה‬ ‫תפארת שפר‬
‫ מ‬Beautified
‫|אזנים‬ ‫פאר‬
‫קרח גבה‬ Beautiful ‫יפה‬
BEC ....BER BES ....BLO 7

‫יאה‬ ‫נאה‬ ‫ | היה‬Beseech ‫נא‬

Became ‫יאת‬ Besides ‫בלתי זולת‬
‫כי יען עקב אודת‬ Besieged ‫צור‬
‫ למען‬Besmeared ‫כפר‬

Becoming ‫ || נאוה‬Besom ‫מטאטא‬

‫ || מטה ערש ערגה‬Besought ‫בקש‬
‫ מרבץ‬Bestowed ‫נתן‬
Bed-chamber ‫ | חדר‬Betrothed ‫ארש יער‬
Bedstead ‫ | ערש‬Between
Bee ‫דברה‬ Bewailed ‫אלה‬
Befel ‫קרא‬ ‫אנה‬ ‫קרה‬ Beyond ‫הלאה עבר‬
‫נכח‬ ‫קדם‬ ‫ | טרם‬Bill ‫ספר‬
‫ || נגד לפני‬Bird ‫צפור עוף‬
Began ‫חלל יאל‬ Birthright ‫בכרה‬
Begat ‫ || ילד‬Bit ‫נשר‬
Beginning ‫תחלה‬ ‫ || ראשית‬Bitter ‫מר‬

Beguiled ‫נשא‬ ‫ || רמה נכל‬Bitterly ‫מר‬

Behaved ‫ || עשה‬Bitterness ‫מר‬
Behaviour ‫ || מעשה‬Black ‫שחרה קדר‬
Beheaded ‫ ערף‬Blackness ‫שחרחרת‬
‫ראה נבט שקף‬ ‫קדרות‬
‫ || שנה חזה שזף‬Blains ‫אבעבעות‬
Behind ‫ || אחור‬Blamed ‫גער‬
Behold ‫הן הא‬ ‫הנה‬ Blameless ‫תמים נקי‬
Belied ‫ || כזב‬Blasphemed ‫נדף נאץ‬
Believed ‫ || אמן‬Blasphemy ‫גרופה‬
Bell t
‫ || פעמן‬Blas ‫שדפון רוח מפח‬
Bellows ‫ || מפח‬Blemish ‫מוס‬
Belly Blessed ‫ברך אשר‬
‫בטן גחון‬
Beloved ‫ | ידיד‬Blessedness ‫| אשרי‬
Below ‫ || תחת‬Blessing ‫ברכה‬
Bemoaned ‫ספר‬ ‫נשף נפח‬ ‫נשב‬
Beneath ‫תחת‬ ‫יפת‬
Benefit ‫ | תעלת‬Blind ‫עור‬
‫דרך‬ ‫ | נטה מוט‬Blinded ‫עןר‬
‫ | כרע קרס‬Blindness ‫עןרת סנור‬
Berry ‫ || גרגר‬Blood ‫דס‬

Beryl ‫ | תרשיש‬Bloomed ‫פרח‬

8 BLO .... BOU BOU.... BRI

Blossom ‫פרח‬ ‫צור‬ ‫קשר צור‬

Blossomed ‫ פרח‬Bound ‫ענר‬ ‫אסר‬
Blot ‫||מוס‬Bound up ‫תבש זור‬
Blotted ‫||מחה‬Boundary ‫גבול‬
IBlow ‫ | מכה‬Bounty ‫טוב‬
Blunted ‫קהה‬ Bountiful ‫שוע‬
Blushed ‫ברש‬ ‫כלם‬ Bow ‫קשת‬
Boar ‫חזיר‬ ‫שחה שחח‬
Board ‫קרש‬ ‫כפף קרר‬
Boast ‫תפארת‬ Bowels ‫מעים‬
Boasted ‫הלל‬ Bowl ‫מזרק‬
Body ‫נער ילד‬
‫ | גו גויה גוף נפש‬Boy
Boil ‫ || שחין‬Bracelet ‫חח אצעדה‬
‫נזד‬ ‫זור‬ ‫בשל‬ Brake ‫שבר‬
‫ | רתח‬Bramble ‫אטר‬
Bolsters ‫כסתות‬ ‫נצר‬ ‫ענף צמח‬
Bolt ‫בריח‬ ‫זמורה‬
Bolted ‫ | ברח‬Brass ‫נחשת‬
Bond ‫||מוסר‬Brayed ‫נהק‬
Bondage ‫||עברה‬Brazen ‫נחושה‬
| Bond -man ‫ | עבר‬Breach ‫בדק פרץ‬
Bond- woman ‫ || שפחה‬Bread ‫לחם‬
Bone ‫ | עצם גרס‬Breadth ‫רחב‬
Bonnet ‫||פאר מגבעה‬Breaking ‫שב‬
Book ‫ || ספר‬Breast ‫דר שר חזה‬
Booty ‫בזה‬ ‫שלל‬ Breast - plate ‫חשן‬
‫שפה‬ ‫גבול‬ Breath ‫רוח נשמה‬
‫כרכב‬ ‫נשם‬ ‫נפח יפה‬
Bore or did bear a ‫רות‬
burden ? ‫ נשא סבל נטל‬Bred ‫נדל‬
Bored ‫רצע נקב‬ Breeches ‫מכנסים‬
Borrowed ‫לרה‬ ‫ | שאל‬Bribe ‫שחר‬
Bosom ‫חיק‬ Bribed ‫שתר‬
Both ‫ || גם‬Brick
Bottle ‫ | נאר‬Bride ‫כלה‬
Bottom ‫ || אשר‬Bridegroom ‫חתן‬
Bough ‫שוכה פארה‬ ‫רסן‬ ‫מחסום‬
Bought ‫קנה שבר‬ ‫מתג‬

Brier ‫אטד‬ ‫ | שמיר‬Burden ‫משא סבל‬

Bright ‫ בהיר‬Burdened ‫כבר עמם‬
Brightness ‫זהר‬ ||Burial ‫קבורה‬
Brim ‫ | שפה‬Buried ‫קבר‬
Brimstone ‫גפרית‬ ‫בער‬ ‫שרף יקד‬
Brink ‫מורד‬ ‫קדח דלק‬
Broad ‫רחבה‬ Burning ‫צרבת‬

Broke ‫שבר פתת רצץ‬ Burnished ‫קלל‬

‫פצם כתש‬ Bustle ‫רעמה‬
Broke in ‫פרץ‬ ‫ || חתר‬Bush ‫סנה‬
Broke off ‫ || פרק פור‬Bushy ‫עבתה‬
Brook ‫ | נחל יאור‬Business ‫חפץ מעשה‬
Brooded ‫רחף‬ ‫כי אולם אכן אך‬
Broom ‫רתם‬ ‫אבל‬
Brother ‫ || אח‬Butchered ‫זבח שחט טבה‬

Brought ‫בוא נשא‬ Butler ‫שר המשקים‬

Brought back ‫שב‬ By ‫אצל על‬
Brought out . ‫יצא‬ By - word ‫שנינה‬
Brought forth ‫ילד‬
Brows ‫נכות‬
Brown ‫חם‬
Bruise C
Cake ‫חלה ענה‬
Bruised ‫שרף רצץ כתת‬
‫נתת‬ ‫ | כתש‬Cake of figs ‫דבלה‬
Brush ‫ | מטאטא‬Calamity ‫איך הוה רע‬
Brushed ‫ || טאט‬Calamus ‫קנה‬
Bubbled ‫נבע‬ ‫רחש‬ Cauldron
Bucket ‫דלי‬ Calf ‫| עגל‬
Buckler ‫ מגן‬Call ‫קריאה‬
Bud ‫צמח‬ |Called
‫נצה‬ ‫קרא‬
Budded ‫פרח נוץ‬ ‫צמח‬ Calm ‫השקט‬
Building ‫בנין‬ Calmed ‫שקט שתק‬
Built ‫ || בנה‬Came ‫בוא הלך‬
Bull ‫ פ‬Camel ‫גמל‬
Bullock ‫פר בקר‬ ‫ | שור‬Camp ‫מתנה‬
Bulrush ‫ || גמא‬Candlestick ‫מנורה‬
Bunch ‫ | אגדה דבשת‬Candle ‫נר‬
Bundle ‫ | אגרה צרור‬Cane ‫קנה‬


Canker-worm ‫|ילק‬Chained ‫רתק‬

Canopy ‫ || אפריון‬Chalk -stone ‫ניר‬

| Cap ‫||מגבעה‬Chamber ‫חדר‬

Captain ‫ || שר‬Chamberlain ‫סרים‬
Captive ‫ || שבי‬Chance ‫מקרה‬
Captivity ‫ || שביה גלות גלה‬Change ‫חליפה‬ ‫תמורה‬
Carbuncle ‫||כדכד‬Changed ‫חלף ימר שנה‬
‫פגר‬ ‫ נבלה‬Channel ‫אפיק‬
Carcase ‫ מפלת‬Charge ‫פקדה משמר‬
Care ‫||דאגה‬Charged ‫צוה פקר‬
Cared ‫|| דאג‬Charger ‫קערה‬
Carpenter ‫ עץ‬- ‫ חרש‬Chariot ‫רכב מרכבה‬
Carpet ‫ || רפידה‬Charmed ‫לחש‬
Carried ‫|| נשא‬Chased ‫צוד דחף בדד‬
Cart ‫||עגלה‬Chastened ‫יסר‬
Carved .
‫|| חקק‬Chastised ‫יסר יכח‬
) ‫רמה‬ ‫ | שלך ירה‬Chastisement ‫מוסר‬
Cast .
‫||דחה דוח נדח‬Cheated ‫בגר‬
Castle ‫ || טירה‬Checked ‫ער‬
Caterpillar ‫ | חסיל‬Cheek
Cattle ‫ ||מקנה‬Cheered ‫שמה‬
Cave ‫ | מערה‬Cheerful ‫שמח‬
Caught ‫אחז לכד‬ ‫תפש‬ Cheese ‫גבינה חריץ‬
‫ סבה עלה דבר‬Cherished ‫אמן‬
‫||ריב משפט‬Cherub ‫כרוב‬
) ‫אפס שבת‬ ‫חדל‬ Chest ‫ארון תבה‬
‫ || רפה דמה‬Chewed the cud ‫גרה‬
Cedar ‫ || ארז‬Chicken ‫אפרח‬
Ceiled ‫||ספן‬Chided ‫נער יכח‬
Ceiling ‫ספון‬ ‫ראש שר נשיא‬
Celebrated ‫ידה שבח‬ ‫נגיד קצין‬
Cemented ‫ | דבק‬Child ‫ילד טף‬
Censer ‫ || מחתה‬Childhood ‫ילדות‬
Ceremony ‫ || משפט‬Childless ‫ערירי‬
Certain ‫אחד‬ ‫מבחר‬ ‫בחור‬
Certainly ‫אכן‬ ‫בחיר‬
‫מוץ‬ Choler ‫קצף‬ ‫אף חרון‬
‫שרשרת‬ ‫זעם עברה‬
CHO ....COA COC .... COM 11

Chose ‫ברה ברר‬ ‫בחר‬ Cockle ‫באשה‬

Chronicle ‫ הימים‬-‫דברי‬ Coffin ‫מטה ארון‬
Cinnamon ‫צר מחשבה‬
Circle ‫ | חוג‬Cogitation ‫מס סעיף שרעף‬
‫סביב מסבה‬ ‫משכית‬
‫תקופה‬ ‫שכב שגל בעל‬
Circumcised ‫מול‬ ‫זבל‬
Circumcision ‫מולה‬ cold ‫קר‬
Cistern ‫בר‬ Collar ‫ענק רבר‬
City ‫עיר קריה‬ ‫אסף קהל קבץ‬
‫צוחה‬ ‫צעק זעקה‬ Collected ‫לקט כנס צבר‬
‫רנה שוע‬ ‫אגר דגר עזז‬
Clapped ‫ ספק‬Collection ‫קבצה אסיף‬
Clasp ‫חח קרם‬ ‫אספה לקט‬
Clay ‫ | חמר טיט‬Colour ‫צבע‬
Clean ‫ || טהור‬Coloured ‫צבע‬
Cleanliness ‫ || נקיון טהרה‬Colt ‫עיר‬
Cleansed ‫ טהר חטא זכה‬Comely ‫נאוה‬
Clear Comfort ‫נחמה‬
‫נקי צח זך בר‬
Cleared ‫ || פנה‬Comforted ‫נתם‬
Clear sky ‫ברי‬ Comforter ‫מנחם‬
Cleaved ‫דבק לוה‬ Command ‫מצוה צו מפקד‬
Cleft ‫שסע‬ Commanded ‫צוה פקר‬
Cliff ‫ | נקיק‬Commander ‫מצוה פקיד‬
Clod ‫| רגב‬.Commandment ‫מצוה‬
) ‫אטם‬ ‫נעל סגר‬ ‫מסר‬ ‫נתן פקר‬
Closed Committed
‫אטר‬ ‫סגר‬
‫ לבוש מלבוש‬Common ‫חל‬
Cloth ‫בגד שלמה‬ ‫רעש מהומה‬
‫שמלה‬ ‫זערה‬
Clothed ‫לבש‬ ‫ספר דבר אמר‬
Cloud ‫ענן עב איד‬ ‫נגד‬
Clouded over
‫ | ענן‬Communication ‫דבר‬
Cluster ‫ אשכל‬Companion ‫רע חבר‬
Coal ‫פחם‬ ‫גחלת‬ Company ‫חבל‬
Coast ‫גבול ככר קצה‬ ‫משל שוה ערך‬
‫חבל‬ ‫|דמה‬
Coat ‫מעיל‬ Comparison

Compass ‫ חוג כרכב‬Confirmed ‫חזק קום כון‬

Compassed ‫סחר‬ ‫|סבב‬Conflict ‫סאון‬
Compassion ‫ | רחמים‬Confounded ‫בהל כלס עכר‬
Compelled ‫||פרץ נדה‬Confused ‫כלם‬
‫תהו כלמה‬
‫שוע‬ ‫ צעק קרא‬Confusion
‫שוע‬ ‫זעק‬ Congealed ‫קפא‬
Complaint ‫צעקה שועה‬ Congregation ‫קהל עדה המון‬
‫מלא כלה תמם‬ Connected ‫השק‬
‫כלל נמר‬ ‫שלס‬ Conquered ‫גבר נצח‬
‫מתם‬ ‫מלאת‬ Conqueror ‫מנצח‬
‫סוף‬ ‫קץ‬ ‫כלילה‬ Consecrated ‫קדש חרם‬
‫שמע‬ ‫ידע‬ ‫ בון‬Consecration ‫חרס‬
} ‫שמע‬ ‫כול‬ ‫אבה יאל‬ ‫יאת‬
Compressed ‫זור‬ ‫רצה‬
Computed ‫ חשב‬Consequence ‫עקב‬
Computation ‫חשבון‬ Considered ‫חשב בן ראה‬
‫עלם‬ ‫סתר כסה‬ Consolation ‫נחמה‬ L
Concealed ‫צפן‬ ‫חבא‬ ‫טמן‬ Consolidated ‫יצק‬
‫עמם‬ Conspiracy ‫תלונה קשר‬
‫מסתר טמון‬ Conspired ‫קשר‬
‫תעלומה מחבא‬ Constant ‫תמיד‬
Conceived ‫הרה‬ ‫אימה בהלה‬
Conception ‫הריון‬ Consternation ‫חתה חתית‬
Concerning ‫אל על‬ ‫מעריץ‬
Conclusion ‫סוף קץ‬ ‫ עקב‬Constrained ‫אפק‬
Concourse ‫|| המון‬Consulted ‫יעץ שאל‬
Concubine ‫פילגש‬ ‫כלה אכל בלה‬
Condemned ‫רשע חוב‬ ‫בער יסף‬
Condoled ‫נחם‬ Consummation
Conducted ‫ילך בוא‬ Consumption
Confederacy ‫ קשר‬Contained
Confederated ‫קשר‬ ‫בוז בזה נאץ‬
Confessed ‫ ירה‬Contemned { ‫חרף‬
Confessionn ‫תודה‬ Contempt ‫בוז בזיון‬
‫בטח בטהון‬
| Contemptible ‫נמבזה‬
Confidence ‫מבטח בטחה‬
Contented . ‫עשק‬ ‫נצה‬ ‫רוב‬
‫מחסה בסל‬
Confined ‫דון גרה קוט‬
‫סגר כלא‬
ICON .... COU COU ....CRO 13

Contention ‫מריבה‬ ‫ | ריב‬Counsel ‫עצה‬

‫ | עשק‬Counselled
Continually ‫ | תמיד‬Counsellor
Contrary ‫הפך קרי‬ ‫מנה ספר חשב‬
Contributed ‫יעל‬ ‫פקר‬
Contrite ‫רכא‬ ‫מראה‬ ‫פנים‬
Contrived ‫נכל זמם‬ Countenance ‫תאר‬
Controversy ‫מריבה‬ ‫ריב‬ Country ‫ארץ שדה‬
Convenient ‫יאה נאוה‬ ‫צמר חוברת‬
Conversation ‫דבר‬ ‫מחברת‬
Converted ‫||שוב הפך‬Coupled ‫חבר צמר‬
Convocation ‫ || מקרא‬Courageous ‫אמץ‬
Copy ‫ || פתשגן‬Course ‫מרוץ‬
Coral ‫|אלמוג‬Court ‫חצר‬
Cord ‫חבל‬ cow ‫פרה‬
Coriander ‫ || גד‬Craft ‫ערמה מרמה‬
Corn ‫בר‬ ‫ || דגן שבר‬Crafty ‫| ערוס‬
Corner ‫ | פנה פאה‬Craftsman ‫חרש חושב‬
Corpse ‫ || פנר‬Crag ‫| שן‬
Corrected ‫תקן יסר יכח‬ Crane ‫ענור‬
Correction ‫מוסר תוכחה‬ Crashing ‫שבר‬
Corrupted ‫ || שחת חבל‬Craw ‫מראה‬
‫חבל‬ ‫שחת‬ Created ‫ברא‬
Corruption ‫חבולה‬ Creator ‫בורא‬
Costly ‫ || יקר‬Creature ‫בריה בריאה‬
Couch ‫ | משכב ערש‬Creditor ‫נשה‬
Couched ‫ רבץ‬Creeping thing . ‫רמש שרץ‬
Covenant ‫ברית‬ Crept ‫רמש שרץ‬
Covenanted ‫ברית‬ ‫כרת‬ Crib ‫אבוס‬
Cover ‫מכסה צמיד‬ ‫שוע‬ ‫זעק‬ ‫צעק‬
. ‫כסה צפה סכך‬ ‫שוע‬ ‫צוח נאק‬
‫עטה‬ ‫ || שכך‬Crime ‫עון‬
Covering ‫|מכסה‬Crimson ‫תולע‬
Covert ‫ | סתר‬Crook - backed
. ‫גבן‬
Coveted ‫|| המר בצע‬Crooked ‫עקלתון‬
Covetous ‫ בצע‬off - Cropped ‫קטף‬
Covetousness ‫ | מחמד‬Crop ‫מראה‬
Could ‫כל‬,
‫ י‬Crown ‫כתר עטרת מר‬
‫‪CRO .... CYP‬‬ ‫‪DAI .. .DEC‬‬

‫‪Crowned‬‬ ‫עטר כתר‬

‫‪Cruel‬‬ ‫אכזר‬ ‫‪D‬‬

‫‪Cruelty‬‬ ‫‪ || Daily‬אכזריות‬ ‫יוס יוס‬

‫‪Cruse‬‬ ‫צלחית‬ ‫‪ | Dainties‬צפחת‬ ‫מטעמים‬
‫רצץ כתש כתת‬ ‫עמק איל אילון‬
‫שפלה‬ ‫מישור‬
‫‪ | Dale‬ורעץ שוף גרס‬
‫צעקה זעקה‬ ‫ככר‬
‫‪Cry‬‬ ‫‪ | Damsel‬צוחה שועה‬ ‫נערה רחם‬
‫‪ Danced‬שוע נאקת‬ ‫פזזז‬ ‫כרך‬ ‫רקד‬
‫‪Crystal‬‬ ‫חלל‬
‫‪Cubit‬‬ ‫‪ Darkened‬אמה גמד‬ ‫השך קדר עמס‬
‫‪Cucumbers‬‬ ‫קשאים‬ ‫ערב עתם‬
‫‪Cud‬‬ ‫גרה‬ ‫חשך חשכה‬
‫‪Cultivated‬‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫מחשך ערפל‬
‫‪Cummin‬‬ ‫כמון‬ ‫אפלה אפל‬
‫‪Cunning‬‬ ‫ערום חכם‬ ‫מאפל‬
‫‪Cup .‬‬ ‫‪ | Dart‬כוס גביע‬ ‫שלח מסע‬
‫‪Curbed‬‬ ‫‪ Darted‬בלם כהה חסם‬
‫‪Curdled‬‬ ‫‪ || Dashed‬קפא‬ ‫בפר רטש‬
‫‪Cure‬‬ ‫‪ || Daubed‬רפואה‬ ‫טוח‬
‫‪Cured‬‬ ‫‪ || Daughter‬רפא‬
‫קללה מארה‬ ‫‪Daughter -in -law‬‬ ‫כלה‬
‫‪ | Day‬אלה חרס‬

‫‪Cursed‬‬ ‫קבב‬ ‫ארר‬ ‫‪ | Dead‬קלל‬

‫‪ | Deaf‬נקב אלה‬ ‫הרש‬
‫‪Curtaiu‬‬ ‫‪ | Dealer‬יריעה‬ ‫סוחר‬
‫‪Custody‬‬ ‫פקדה‬ ‫‪Dear‬‬ ‫יקר יקיר‬
‫‪Custom‬‬ ‫‪ | Death‬חק דרך ארח‬ ‫מות אסון‬
‫‪Cut‬‬ ‫‪ | Debate‬שרט גדד‬ ‫מריבה מצה‬
‫‪Cut asunder‬‬ ‫‪ | Debt‬נתה גזר‬ ‫הוב‬
‫‪Cut down‬‬ ‫‪ | Decayed‬כרת גדע‬ ‫נבל‬
‫‪ Dece‬צלצל‬ ‫מרמה רמיה‬
‫‪Cymbal‬‬ ‫‪it‬‬
‫‪Cypress‬‬ ‫ברות‬ ‫תך עקבה‬
‫‪Deceitful‬‬ ‫שקר מרמה עקב‬
‫‪Deceived‬‬ ‫רמה בגד עקב‬
‫מעל נכל נשא‬
‫‪Deceiver‬‬ ‫כגד‬
‫‪Decided‬‬ ‫חרץ‬
‫‪DEC....DEL‬‬ ‫‪DEL....DES‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬
‫‪Deck‬‬ ‫‪ || Deliverer‬רבד‬ ‫גאל מציל‬
‫‪Declaration‬‬ ‫‪ || Delivery‬מספר‬ ‫פדות גאלה‬

‫‪Declared‬‬ ‫ספר‬ ‫‪ Deluded‬באר פרש‬ ‫התל‬

‫‪ || Demand‬נגד‬ ‫שאלה‬

‫‪Declined‬‬ ‫סורן‬ ‫מוט‬ ‫‪ || Demanded‬נטה‬ ‫שאל‬

‫‪ || Demolished‬שטה אוט‬
‫‪Declivity‬‬ ‫הרס נתץ‬
‫‪ || Demonstrated‬אשר‬ ‫יכח‬
‫‪ || Den‬חסר גרע‬ ‫מערה ארב‬

‫‪Decree‬‬ ‫חק גזרה‬ ‫‪ || Denied‬מצוה‬ ‫כחש מאן מנע‬

‫דת פתנם‬ ‫הלך מוש סור‬
‫‪ || Departed‬גזר חקק יעד‬ ‫יצא נטה מוט‬
‫ישיש‬ ‫שטה‬
‫‪ || Deplored‬חנך‬ ‫קון אנן נהה‬
‫‪ || Depopulated‬חנכה‬ ‫נדר‬
‫‪ || Deposited‬מעש מעשה‬ ‫פקד נתן‬
‫פעל פעלה‬ ‫משנה למלך‬
‫מפעל‬ ‫נציב‬
‫תהום‬ ‫‪ | Derided‬עמק‬ ‫צחק‬ ‫לען‬ ‫לוץ‬
‫‪Deep‬‬ ‫מצולה‬ ‫שחק קלס‬
‫‪Defended‬‬ ‫‪ Derision‬שפט גנן‬ ‫צחוק שחוק לעג‬
‫‪Deferred‬‬ ‫ארך עקב‬ ‫קלס‬
‫‪Deficiency‬‬ ‫‪ || Descended‬מחסור‬ ‫ירד‬
‫‪Defied‬‬ ‫‪ || Descent‬חרף‬ ‫מורד‬
‫‪Defiled‬‬ ‫‪||Described‬חלל טמא‬ ‫כתב תאר‬
‫‪Defrauded‬‬ ‫‪ || Desert‬עשק עקב‬ ‫מדבר‬
‫‪Degree‬‬ ‫מעלה‬ ‫רצון חפץ חשק‬
‫‪Delay‬‬ ‫בש‬ ‫תאבה‬ ‫תמר‬
‫‪Delayed‬‬ ‫יחר בשש‬ ‫תאוה אוה‬
‫‪Deliberated‬‬ ‫יעץ‬ ‫‪|| Desirable‬יסד‬ ‫חמוד‬ ‫המרה‬
‫‪Delicacy‬‬ ‫עדינה‬ ‫מחמד תאוה‬
‫‪Delight‬‬ ‫‪ Desired‬רצון חפץ תענוג‬ ‫חמד חפץ רצה‬
‫ענג עדן עדנה‬ ‫חשק אבה אוה‬
‫‪Delighted‬‬ ‫חפץ ענג עדן‬ ‫תאב שאל‬
‫‪Delinquency‬‬ ‫‪ || Desisted‬אשמה‬ ‫חדל רפה שעה‬
‫‪Deliverance‬‬ ‫‪|Desolate‬נאלה פרות‬ ‫נשמה‬
‫פדה גאל‬ ‫‪ Desolated‬בצל‬ ‫שמס חרב ישם‬
‫‪Delivered‬‬ ‫ישע‬ ‫מלט‬ ‫פלט‬ ‫שאה‬
‫מגן סגך נצח‬

‫שממה‬ ‫חרבן‬ ‫אשר‬ ‫ירה‬ ‫כון‬

Desolation Directed
. ‫שאה חרב בתה‬ ‫תכן‬
‫|| שר‬.Disannulled ‫פור‬
Despaired ‫נכר‬
‫ ||יאש‬Discerned
‫בזה‬ ‫בוז‬ ‫ || מאס‬Discipline ‫מוסר‬
Disciplined ‫יסר חנך‬
‫חרף נאץ קלל‬
Despised ‫בזהנמ‬ Discomfited ‫המם‬
Destitute ‫ || בדד‬Discovered ‫מצא‬
‫חרב‬ ‫אבד שחת‬ Discouraged ‫נןא‬
Destroyed ‫אכל‬ ‫שמד‬ ‫כלה‬ Discretion ‫תבונה‬
‫שרד‬ ‫קלון חרפה‬
‫משחית‬ ‫שמצה כלמה‬
Destroyer ‫ || שדר‬Disguised ‫חפש‬
‫קטב‬ ‫איד‬ ‫ || שבר‬Dish ‫קערה צלחית‬
‫ חבולה‬Dishonour ‫כלמה קלין‬
‫ || עצר‬Disjoined ‫פרד‬
‫ | גזרה‬Disliked ‫שנא‬
Determination .
Determined ‫חרץ‬ ‫ || גזר‬Dismayed ‫חרה‬

‫געל‬ ‫תעב‬ ‫ || שקץ‬Dismissed ‫שלה‬

‫ || זעם‬Disobeyed ‫סקר מרר‬
‫יצר‬ ‫מחשבה‬
Device Dispersed ‫פוץ‬ ‫פזר נפץ‬
‫מזמה‬ ‫נדח נרף‬
Devised ‫חשב זמם יצר‬ Dispersion ‫תפוצה‬
Devoted ‫ || חרס‬Displeased ‫חרה כעס רוע‬
Devoured ‫ בלע אכל‬Disposed ‫תכן‬ ‫כין‬ ‫ערך‬
Dew ‫טל‬ ‫עדר‬
‫צניף‬ ‫ענק‬ Disposition ‫ערך תכונה‬
‫ || מצנפת‬Dispossessed ‫ירש‬

Did ‫ || עשה‬Disputed ‫רוב‬

Died ‫ || מות‬Disquieted ‫נןא‬

Diet ‫ || ארחה‬Dissembled ‫בכר חפש‬

Difficult ‫ || פלא נפלאת‬Dissolved ‫מסס מוג דלף‬

Diffused ‫ || פשה‬Distan ‫פלד‬
‫||כרה חפר‬Distant ‫מרחק‬
‫ || שאת‬Distilled ‫נטף רעף דלף‬
‫צער‬ ‫מעט‬ ‫ | גרע‬Distinguished ‫נכר בון ידעבדל‬
‫דלל‬ ‫פלה תאה‬
Dipped ‫טבל‬
DIS....DRE' DRE....DYE 17

‫צר‬ ‫צרה‬ ‫צוקה‬ Dreaded ‫פחד שער גור‬

‫איך מוצק‬ Dream ‫דאג‬
‫מצוקה‬ ‫חלום‬
Distressed ‫צוק‬ ‫צרר‬ ‫ || צור‬Dreamed ‫חלם‬
} ‫נוק‬ ‫קבעת שמרים‬
‫ || ננש‬Dregs
‫ חלק אצל‬.Dressed ‫עבד‬
Disturbed ‫ | המם המה הום‬Drew ‫שלף ריק שאב‬
‫עכר‬ ‫דלה‬
Ditch ‫ || בור‬Drew off ‫נשל‬
‫ | חלק בדל פרס‬Drew out ‫משה משח‬
‫ | נתח בתר בצע‬Dried ‫יבש חרב‬
‫עון‬ ‫ | קסם נחש‬Drink -offering ‫נסר‬
Divined ‫נטף אגל‬
‫ || קסם נחש‬Drop
Diviner ‫ || קסם מענן‬Dropped ‫נטף נזל דלף‬
‫ || הרטס‬Dropping ‫נפח דלף‬
Divorced ‫ || גרש‬Dross ‫סיג‬
Doctrine ‫נדח דחה נדד‬
‫ לקח‬Drove
Dog ‫ | כלב‬Drought ‫בצרת‬
Dog-fly ‫ | ערב‬Drowned
Dominion ‫ממשלה שלטון‬ Drunkard ‫סבא‬
Door ‫פתח דלת שער‬ Drunkenness
Door -keeper ‫ | שער‬Dry ‫יבשה‬
| Door - post ‫ | מזוזה משקוף‬Dryness ‫חרבה‬
Double ‫ | שנים משנה‬Dug ‫חפר כרה‬
‫כפל‬ Dug out ‫נקר‬
Doubled ‫אלם דומם‬
‫ || שנה כפל‬Dumb
‫ | פון‬Dung ‫גלל פרש דמן‬
Dove ‫ || יונה‬Dungeon ‫בור כלא‬
Dough ‫בצק‬ Danghill ‫מדמנה‬
Down ‫ || מטה‬Dust ‫אבק עפר‬
Dowry ‫ | מהר זבד‬Dwelled ‫ישב שכן זבל‬
Dragged ‫ || סחב‬Dwelling ‫מעון זבול משב‬
Dragon ‫ |תנין‬Dyed ‫צבע‬
Dank ‫שתה‬
Draught ‫חרבה‬
Drawer ‫שאב‬
Dread ‫פחד שער מגור‬

Emerald ‫נפך‬
E Emerod ‫טהרים עפלים‬
Each ‫כל איש אשה‬ Kininent ‫שפי‬

Eagle ‫ | נשר‬Empty ‫רק בוקה‬

Ear ‫אביב‬ ‫אזן‬ Einptied ‫ריק ערה‬
Ear-ring ‫עניל‬ ‫נזס‬ Emptiness ‫תהו כהן‬
Earned ‫רכש‬ Encamped ‫חנה‬
Earth ‫אדמה‬ ‫ ארץ‬Enchanted ‫לחש חבר‬
Earthen ‫ | חרס‬Enchantment ‫לחש חבר‬
Earthquake ‫ | רעש‬Encircled ‫חוג‬
Ease ‫ | קל‬Encompassed ‫סבב יקף‬
Based gnd ‫קץ סוף אפס‬
East ‫מזרח קדם‬ ‫תכלית‬
Eastern ‫קרים‬ ‫שלם כלה תמם‬
Edge ‫פה‬ ‫אפס‬
Edict ‫ חק פתגם‬Endowed ‫מהר זבר‬
Edified ‫ | בנה‬Endured ‫ישב עמר‬
Eggs ‫ביצים‬ Enemy ‫שונא אויב‬
Egyptian ‫ | מצרי‬Engraved ‫חרת פסל חצב‬
Eight ‫ | שמנה‬Engraver ‫חוצב‬
Eighth ‫שמיני‬ Engraving ‫פתוח פסל‬
Eighteen ‫שמנה־עשרה‬ Enjoyed ‫שמה‬
Eighteenth ‫ עשר‬- ‫ || שמנה‬Enlarged ‫רחב רוח‬

Eighty ‫ || שמנים‬Enlargement ‫מרחב רוחה‬

Either ‫אם או‬ ‫אור נגה זהר‬
Elder ‫זקן‬ ‫זרח‬
Electrum ‫חשמל‬ Enlisted ‫צבא‬

‫גבה‬ ‫נשא‬ ‫רום‬ Bamity ‫איבה‬

Elevated ‫עלה‬ ‫דלה‬ ‫נאה‬ ‫די‬
‫תלל‬ ‫פסג‬ Euriched ‫עשר‬
Elevation ‫מעל‬ Ensign ‫דגל‬
‫ עשר‬- ‫אחד‬ Enslaved ‫עבר כבש‬
Eleven, eleventh
‫||עשתי־עשר‬Ensnared ‫יקש‬
Embalmed ‫ תנט‬Entangled ‫לכד יקש סבך‬
Embraced ‫בוד‬
Embroidered ‫פתה סות‬
‫שבץ‬ ‫ || רקם‬Enticed
Embroidery ‫תמים‬
‫ תשבץ‬Entire
Embroiled ‫מבוא‬
‫סכך‬ Entrance
MENT .... EXA EXA....EXT 19

Entered ‫בוא‬ ‫דרש חקר חפש‬

Entwined Examined
‫עבת‬ ‫נסה‬
Envied Examination ‫חפש‬
Envy ‫ || קנאה‬Bxasperated ‫מרה‬
Equalled ‫שוה‬ ‫לולא בלתי‬
Equity ‫ || נכחה‬Except
‫בלעדי רק אך‬
Erected ‫קום‬ ‫כי־אס‬
Errand ‫ | מלאכות‬Exclaimed ‫זעק צעק קרא‬
Erred ‫תעה‬ ‫ || שנג שנה‬Exceeded ‫יתר‬
} ‫נעה‬ ‫ || טעה‬Exceedingly ‫מאד‬
Error ‫ || שנגה משגה‬Excelled ‫יתר גאה‬
‫תועה‬ Excellence ‫יתרון‬
Escape ‫פלטה מפלט‬ Excellency ‫יתר‬

Escaped ‫נצל‬ ‫מלט‬ ‫פלט‬ Excellent ‫אדיר‬

‫ברח‬ ‫ || נוס‬Exchange ‫תמורה חליפה‬

Espied ‫תור רגל‬ Exchanged ‫ימר חלף‬

Essence ‫ | תושיה‬Execrated ‫קבב‬
Established ‫תקן כון קום‬ ‫ | יסד‬Executed ‫עשה‬
‫חזק‬ ‫ | ערן‬Exhausted ‫יגע יעף דלה‬
Establishment ‫ || מכונה‬Expanded ‫רקע‬
Estimated ‫ | ערך שער‬Expanse ‫רקיע‬
Astimate, estination ‫תקוה תוחלת‬
‫ערך‬ Expectation
Estranged ‫נכר זור‬ ‫| שבר‬
/ Rternal , everlasting ‫נצח עד‬ ‫קוה‬ ‫חול‬ ‫יחל‬
Eternity ‫עד עולם‬
‫שבר דוס דמם‬
Evangelized ‫ | בשר‬Expelled ‫גרש ירש‬
Even ‫ידע‬
‫אף‬ ‫גם‬ Experienced
Evening ‫ || ערב‬Expiated ‫כפר‬
Event ‫גוע‬
‫מקרה עקב‬ Expired
| Every ‫כל איש אשה‬ Explained ‫באר פרש‬
Evil ‫רע רעה‬ Expounded ‫פרש‬
Eunuch ‫סריס‬ Expressed ‫שחט פרש‬
Ewe ‫ כבשה כשבה‬Expulsion ‫טלטלה‬
Exacted ‫ | עשק נגש לחץ‬Extended ‫נטה מתח משך‬
Exactor ‫רחב‬
‫עשק נגש לחץ‬
‫ || נשא גבה גאה‬Extinguished ‫ככה‬
Exalted ‫עלה‬ ‫שגב‬ ‫ | רום‬Extirpated ‫נסת‬
) ‫תלל‬ ‫פסג‬ ‫דלה‬ Extolled

Extravagance ‫ הוללות‬Fasted ‫צום‬

Extremity ‫ || אפס‬Fastened ‫שבץ‬
‫חלב שמן דשן‬
Exulted ‫רנן‬ ‫ | עלץ עלס‬Fat } ‫דשן‬
‫רוץ גול‬ ‫ברא‬
Exultation ‫גילה‬ ‫ || גיל‬Father ‫אב‬
Bye ‫ עין‬Father -in -law ‫תתן‬
Eyed ‫ | עין‬Fatherless ‫יתוס‬

Eyelids ‫ || עפעפים‬Fatling ‫מריא‬

Fatness ‫דשן‬
Fattened ‫שמן דשן אבס‬
Fault ‫אשם אשמה‬
Favour ‫תחנה חן רצון‬
Face ‫אף‬ ‫פנים‬ Favoured ‫חנן‬
Faded ‫נבל‬ ‫יראה מורא‬
Failed ‫רפה חסר אפס‬ ‫אימה פחד מגור‬
‫עדר כהה דמה‬ Feared ‫ירא גור פחד‬
Failure ‫ | אפס‬Feast ‫חג משתה מועד‬
Faint ‫ | דוה‬Feasted ‫הגג‬

Fainted ‫ יעף עטף רפה‬Feather ‫נוצה‬

‫ || כהה‬Fed ‫רעה זון כול‬
Faintness ‫מרך‬ ‫ || דוי מדוה‬Feebleness ‫רפה רפיון‬ .
Fair ‫ ||יפה טוב‬Fell ‫נפל‬
Fair weather ‫ || ברי‬Felled ‫חטב‬
Faith ‫ || אמונה‬Feller ‫חטב‬
Faithful ‫ || נאמן‬Fellow ‫חבר רע רעה‬
Faithfulness ‫אמונה‬ ‫רעיה‬
Fall ‫מפלה‬ ‫התחברות‬
False ‫שוא‬ Fellowship ‫רעות‬
Falsehood ‫כזב‬ ‫ שקר‬Felt ‫משש‬
Falsely ‫ || שקר‬Female ‫נקבה‬
Family ‫ || משפחה‬Fence ‫נדר‬

Famine ‫|רעב רעבון‬Fenced ‫נדר עזר‬

‫ || בצורת‬Festival ‫מועד חג‬
Famished ‫ || רזה‬Fetched ‫נשא בוא‬
Far ‫מרחק‬ ‫רחוק‬ ‫מוסר מסרת‬
Fashion ‫תבנית צורה‬ ‫הרצב‬
‫יצר‬ Fever ‫קרחת‬
‫ || צום‬Few ‫מעט‬
FID .... FLA FLA....FOO 21

Fidelity ‫ | אמן‬Flame ‫להט להב‬

Field ‫שרה‬ ‫להבה שלהבת‬
Fierce ‫ | אכזר‬Flat nose ‫חרס‬
Fierceness ‫ | אכזריות‬Flattered ‫חלק‬
Fifteen, fifteenth ‫ עשר‬- ‫ | חמשה‬Flattering ‫חלקלקות‬
Fifth ‫ | חמישי‬Flattery , ‫חלקות‬
Fifty ‫ || חמישים‬Flax ‫פשתה‬
Fig ‫ || תאנה‬Flayed ‫פשט‬
Fig-tree ‫ || תאנה‬Flea ‫פרעש‬
Fight ‫ מלחמה קרב‬Fled ‫נדד‬ ‫ברח‬ ‫ניס‬
Figure ‫שכיה משכית‬ ‫נוד‬
Filled ‫|| מלא שבע‬Fleece ‫גז‬
‫צפיעים‬ ‫ | צאה‬Flesh ‫בשר‬
‫ | חריס‬Flew ‫ועוף דאה נצה‬
Filthy ‫ || פנול‬Flight ‫מנוס מנסה‬
Fin ‫ | סנפיר‬Flint ‫חלמיש‬
Fine ‫ || ענש‬Flock ‫עדר בקר‬
Fined ‫ענש‬ ‫מבול שבלת‬
Finger ‫אצבע‬ ‫שטף נחל נהר‬
‫תמס‬ ‫שלס‬ ‫כלה‬ Floor ‫קרקע ספון‬
‫מלא‬ ‫ || גמר‬Floored ‫ספן‬
Fir ‫ | ברוש‬Flourished ‫פרח נוץ‬
Fire ‫ | אש‬Flow ‫זוב‬
Fire- brand ‫אוד‬ ‫ || לפיד‬Flowed ‫נבע צוף בזל זוב‬
Fire-offering ‫ || אשה‬Flower ‫פרח ציץ נצה‬
Fire-pan ‫ || מחתה‬Fluttered ‫עוף‬
Firmness ‫עתק‬ ‫ || אמונה‬Fly ‫זבוב‬
Firmament ‫ || רקיע‬Foal ‫עיר‬
First ‫ ראשונה‬- Foam ‫קצף זעם‬
Firstling ‫ | בכור‬Foamed ‫קצף זעם‬
Fish ‫דג דגה‬ Foe ‫שונא אויב‬
Fisher ‫ || דוג‬Fold ‫פעם‬
Fist ‫ || אגרף‬Folded ‫חבק סרח‬
Fitted ‫ || כון‬Followed ‫רדף‬
Five ‫חמשה‬ ‫כסילות‬ ‫נבלה‬

‫שקע יעד‬ ‫ | טבע‬Folly ‫כסל אולת‬

‫צנח‬ ‫תפלה‬
Flags ‫סוף‬ Food ‫אכל צידה צידן‬
22 FOO .... FOR FOR .... FUG

‫פתי‬ ‫אויל כסיל‬ Forwarded ‫קרס‬

‫סכל‬ ‫ | נבל‬Fought ‫לחם צבא‬
‫סכל‬ ‫אולי‬ ‫בער‬ Found ‫מצא‬
‫הפל‬ Foundation ‫יסוד‬
Foolishness ‫סכלות‬ ‫אולת‬ Founded ‫יסר‬
Foot ‫רגל‬ Founder
‫ מדרך צער‬Fountain ‫עין‬ ‫מקור מעין‬
‫אשור‬ ‫גלות‬
For ‫ | כי‬Four ‫| ארבעה‬
Forbade ‫מנע‬ ‫כלא‬ Fourscore ‫שמנים‬
Forbare ‫חשה‬ ‫חדל‬ ‫נשא‬ Fourteen ‫ עשר‬- ‫ארבעה‬
Force ‫ || חזקה‬Fourteenth ‫ עשר‬-‫ארבעה‬
Forced ‫ חזק לחץ‬Fourth ‫רביעי‬
Ford ‫ || מעבר‬Fowl ‫עוף צפור‬
Forefather ‫ || אב‬Fowler ‫|יוקש‬
Forgave ‫מחל נשא‬ ‫סלח‬ Fox ‫שועל‬
Forehead ‫מצח‬
||Frankincense ‫לבנה‬
‫נכר‬ ‫גר‬ ‫ || נכרי‬Fraud ‫תך עשק‬
‫תושב‬ Fraudulent ‫עקב‬
Forepart ‫ || פנים‬Free ‫חפשי‬
Foreskin ‫ | ערלה‬Freed ‫הפש‬
Forest ‫ || יער‬Freedom ‫חפש‬
Forgat ‫ שכח נשה‬Freely ‫הנס‬
Forgetfulness ‫ || נשיה‬Free- offering ‫נדבה‬
Forgiveness ‫ | סליחה‬Free- will ‫נדבה‬
Fork ‫ | מזלגה‬Fresh ‫רענן אב לה‬
‫מראה‬ ‫ | תאר‬Fretted ‫חרה קצף‬
Form ‫תבנית‬ ‫ || צורה‬Fried ‫רבך‬
‫ || חזות‬Friend ‫רע רעה‬
Formed ‫ ||יצר‬Friendship ‫רעות‬
Former ‫ציצה‬
‫ראשנה‬ ‫ | קדם‬Fringe
Formerly ‫ || לפנים‬Fringes ‫גדילים‬
Fornication ‫תזנות‬ ‫ זנות‬Frog ‫צפרדע‬
Forsook ‫ || עזב נטש‬rom
Fort ‫ דיק מבצר‬Frost ‫קרח‬
Forty , fortieth ‫ | ארבעים‬Fruit ‫פרי‬
Fortified ‫ | צור בצר‬pan - Frying ‫מרחשת‬
Fortress ‫ חל צריח‬Fugitive ‫פליט נע‬
IFUL.... GHO GIA .... GRA 23
Full ' ‫ |מלא שבע‬Giant ‫ענק‬
Fulfilled ‫ | מלא כלא‬Gift ‫מתן מתנה‬
Fuller ‫ כןבס‬Girded ‫חנר אזר אפד‬
Fulness ‫שבעה מלוא‬
‫יקף‬ ‫אסר חשק‬
Furbished ‫ | מרט‬Girdle ‫אזור אבנט‬
Furlong ‫ | כברה‬Girl ‫בה‬
Furnace ‫כברה‬ ‫תנור‬ Glad ‫שמח‬
Furniture ‫שמחה גיל גילה‬
‫כלי‬ Gladness
Furrow ‫מענה‬ Gleaned
Fury ‫חמה‬ Gleaning
Fused ‫יצק נסך‬ Glistened ‫גלש‬
‫כבוד הוד הדר‬
‫תפארת גאות‬
G Glorified ‫כבר פאר‬
‫מקנה‬ ‫ | רכוש‬Glorious ‫נאדר‬
‫ | מחיר קנין‬Glued ‫דבק‬
Gained ‫עשה‬ ‫קנה‬ ‫ רכש‬Glutton ‫| זולל‬
Gall ‫ | ראש‬Gnashed
Gallopped ‫ | דהר‬Gnawed ‫נרס‬
Gaped ‫ || פער‬Goad ‫| דרבן‬
Garden Goat ‫עז עתוד‬
‫ בגד לבוש‬Goblet ‫גביע‬
‫שמלה‬ ‫ מלבוש‬God ‫אל אלה אלהים‬
‫ | שלמה‬Godly ‫ירא־אלהים‬
Garnished ‫ | פאר‬Gold ‫זהב‬
Garrison ‫ | מצב‬Goldsmith ‫צורף‬
Gasped ‫ פוג‬Good ‫טוב‬
Gate ‫פתח‬ ‫ | שער‬Goodly ‫טוב‬

‫קבץ‬ ‫לקט‬ ‫אסף‬ Goodness ‫טוב‬

Gathered ‫מקנה רכוש‬
‫דגר‬ ‫ קהל אגר‬Goods
‫כנס צבר‬ ‫קנין‬
Gathered troops ‫ | גדר‬Gored - ‫ננת‬
Gave Government ‫ממשלה‬
Generated ‫ | ילד‬Governor ‫משל פקיד‬
Generation ‫ | דור‬Gourd ‫קיקיון‬
Gently ‫ לאט‬Grace ‫חן תחנה‬
Ghost ‫רוח‬ Graciously ‫תנון‬
24 GRA....GUA GUE....HAR

Grain ‫ | גרגר‬Guest ‫ארח‬

Granted ‫ נתן‬Guide ‫נהג‬
Grape ‫ענב‬ Guided ‫דרך‬ ‫נחה‬ ‫נהג‬
Grass ‫דשא חציר‬ ‫ילד‬
Grasshopper ‫חגב ארבה‬ ‫ערמה רמיה‬
‫קבר שאול‬ ‫מרמה‬
‫ || דומה‬Guiltiness ‫אשם‬
Gravel ‫חצץ‬ Guiltless ‫נקי‬
Graver ‫ | עט‬Gushed out ‫נבע נזה‬
Graving ‫ מקלעת‬Guzzled ‫סבא‬
Grey head ‫שיבה‬
Great ‫גדול‬
Greatly ‫מאד‬
‫גדל‬ H .
Greedy ‫בצע‬ Ha ‫האח‬
Green ‫רענן ירק לח‬ Habitation ‫נוה‬ ‫זבול‬ ‫מעון‬
Greenish ‫ || ירקרק‬Hail ‫ברד‬
Grew ‫עלה‬ ‫ | גדל צמח‬Hailed ‫ברד‬
Grew old ‫ |ישן זקן‬Hair ‫שער‬
‫עצבון‬ ‫ | עצב‬Hairy ‫שערת‬
Grief ‫יגון תוגה כאב‬ ‫חצי מחצה‬
‫מכאב דאבה‬ ‫מחצית חצות‬
‫חרה‬ ‫כאב‬ ‫ | עצב‬Hallowed ‫קדש‬
‫ | יגה‬Halted ‫עמד‬
Grievous ‫כבד‬ ‫ | עצב‬Hammer ‫פטיש מפץ‬
Grinders ‫מתלעות‬ Hand ‫יד‬
Grisled ‫ברדיס‬ Handed ‫נתן מסר‬

Groan ‫אנקה‬ ‫ |נאקה‬Handful ‫כף קמץ‬

‫ || אנחה‬Handled ‫משש חפש‬

Groaned ‫אנק‬ ‫נאק‬ ‫ || אנח‬Handmaid ‫שפחה‬

‫ | נהם‬Hanged ‫תלה רקע‬
Groped for ‫ | משש גשש‬Happened ‫קרה‬
Grove ‫ | אשרה אשל‬Happiness ‫שלום שלוה‬
Ground ‫ טחן‬Harassed ‫המם פעם צור‬
Ground ‫אדמה‬ ‫רחק לחץ‬
Grumbled ‫רבב‬ ‫עז‬ ‫קשה כבד‬
Guard ‫שמר משמר‬ ‫עזות איתן חזק‬
Guarded ‫שמר נצר נטר‬
HAR....HEA SHEA .....HER 25

Hardened ‫עז‬ ‫קשה‬ ‫ | כבד‬Heart ‫לב‬

‫עזז‬ Hearth
‫חזק‬ ‫כירים‬
Hard-hearted ‫ || קשה לב‬Heat ‫חם שרב‬
Hardly ‫ || כמעט קשי‬Heated ‫תמם‬
Hardness ‫ כבדות קשי‬Heathen ‫גוי‬
Hardy ‫ | מקשה חזק כבד‬Heave- offering ‫תרומה‬
Hare ‫ארנבת‬ Heaven ‫שמים‬
Harlot ‫ || זונה‬Heavy ‫כבר‬
Harm ‫ || רעה‬Heaviness ‫כבר‬
Harp ‫ || כנור‬Hebrew ‫עברי‬
Harrowed ‫ || שוד‬Hedge ‫גדר‬
Hart ‫איל‬ ‫ | צבי‬Hedged ‫נדר שור‬
Harvest ‫ || קציר‬Hedge- hog ‫קפד‬
Haste ‫עקב‬
‫ | חפזון מהרה‬Heel
‫תיש עתוד‬
Hastened ‫בהל‬ ‫ | מהר אוץ‬He- goat
‫ ||דחף שקד‬Heifer ‫עגלה‬
Hastily ‫מהרה‬ ‫גב קומה‬ ‫גבה‬
Hatched ‫רגר‬ ‫מרום‬
Hated ‫איב‬ ‫ || שנא‬Heir ‫יורש‬
Hatred ‫איבה שנאה‬ Held ! ‫אחז תפש חזק‬
Hat } ‫חזק‬ ‫תמך כול‬
Haven ‫ | חף‬Hell ‫שאול‬

Haughtily ‫ || נאות גאון גאוה‬Helmet ‫קובע‬

‫ || נאוה גאון גאות‬Help ‫עזר עזרה סעד‬
‫רומה‬ ‫עזר סעד תמך‬
Hawk ‫עזב‬
Hay ‫ || מספוא‬Helper ‫עזר‬
He ‫ || הוא‬Herlock ‫ראש‬
Head ‫ | ראש‬Hem ‫כנף‬
Healed ‫ || רפא גהה עשה‬Hence ‫כה עתה‬
Healer ‫ || רופא‬Henceforward ‫מעתה‬
Health ‫חיות‬ ‫פאות‬ Her ‫אתה‬
Heaped up ‫תלל‬ ‫סלל‬ ‫ || צבר‬Herb ‫עשב ירק‬
Heap ‫צבר‬ ‫נד‬ ‫ | תל גל‬Herd ‫עדר‬
Heard ‫ענה‬ ‫ || שמע‬Herdsman ‫רעה בקר‬
Hearing ‫ || שמע‬Here ‫פה הנה כה‬

Hearkened ‫אזן‬ ‫שמע‬ ‫ קשב‬Hereafter ‫אחרי־כן‬

‫ || סכת‬Heritage ‫ירשה נחלה‬
26 HER....HOO SHOP .... HYS

Herself ‫אתה‬ ‫תקוה תוחלת‬

Hesitated Hope ‫שבר‬
Hewed ‫חטב‬ ‫ || פסל‬Hoped ‫שבר‬ ‫יחל‬ ‫קוה‬
Hewn stone ‫ || גזית‬Horn ‫קרן‬
Hewer ‫ || חטב‬Hornet ‫מקרין‬
Hid ‫סתר טמן כסה‬ ‫חיל שער‬
‫עלם חבה צפך‬ Horror ‫פלצות תרעלה‬
Hide ‫עור‬ ‫רטט‬
Hiding place ‫ | מסתר‬Horse ‫סוס‬
‫מרום‬ ‫גבה‬ ‫ | רס‬Horseman ‫רכב פרש‬
‫ | עליון‬Host ‫צבא חיל‬
Highway ‫ ||מסלה‬Hot ‫תם‬
Hill ‫פסגה‬ ‫גבעה‬ Hour ‫עת‬
Him. ‫ || אתו‬House ‫בית‬
Himself ‫ | אתו‬Household ‫בית בני־בית‬
Hind ‫אילה‬ How ‫איכה איך‬
Hindered ‫עד־אנה‬
‫מנע‬ ‫כלא‬ ‫ חשך‬How long
Hinge ‫ || ציר‬How many ‫כמה‬
Hire ‫ שכר‬Howled
Hired ‫ | שכר‬Howling ‫ילל‬
Hireling ‫ || שכיר‬Humble ‫ענן שפל דך‬
His ‫ לו‬Humbled ‫כנע שפל‬ ‫ענה‬
Hissed ‫דכא‬
Hither ‫ פה כה הלם‬Humility ‫ענוה‬
Hitherto ‫ | עד־הנה עד־כה‬Hundred ‫מאה‬
Hold ‫ || צריח‬Hunger ‫רעה‬
Hole ‫||חור מקבת‬Hungerel ‫רעב‬
Holiness ‫ קדש‬Hunted ‫צוד‬
Hollow ‫ציר‬
‫ || ערוץ‬Hunter
Holy ‫ קדוש‬Hurried ‫תפז דחף‬
Honest ‫ | ישר‬Hurt ‫רעה חבורה‬
. Honour ‫הדר‬ ‫הוד‬ ‫כבוד‬ Husband , ‫איש בעל‬
Honourable ‫נכבד‬ Husbandman ‫אכר‬
Honoured ‫כבד‬ Hypocrisy ‫תנופה‬
Honey ‫דבש‬ Hypocrite ‫חנף‬
Honey -comb ‫צוף נפת‬ Hypocritical ‫חנף‬
Hoof ‫אזוב‬
‫ | פרסה‬Hyssop
‫חכה חח אגמון‬
I....INC INC....INT VI 27

Incurable ‫אנוש‬
I Indebted ‫חוב אשם‬
I ‫אנכי‬ ‫ | אני‬Indeed ‫אמנם אמנה‬
Jah ||
‫יה‬ Indignation ‫ןזעם‬
Javelin ‫ || שלח חנית רמת‬Infamy ‫נבלה‬
Jaw ‫ | מלקוח‬Infant ‫עלל‬
Jaw- bone ‫ לחי‬1nferior
Ice ‫ | קרח‬Infirinity ‫| חלי‬
Idle ‫ עצל‬Inflamed ‫דלק חרה‬
Idleness ‫עצלה‬ ‫עצלות‬ Inflammation ‫צרבת‬
Idol ‫עצב‬ ‫אליל‬ Informed ‫שמע‬
Idolatry ‫אליל‬ ‫ עבדת‬Inhabitant ‫תושב‬
Jealousy ‫ || קנאה‬Inhabited ‫ישב שכן‬
Jew ‫ |יהודי‬Inheritance ‫נחלה ירשה‬
If ‫אולי‬ ‫| אם‬Inherited ‫ירש נחל‬

Ignominy ‫ קלון‬Iniquidy ‫עון און‬

Ignorance ‫ | גשגה‬Injustice ‫ערל ערלה‬
Island ‫ || אי‬Ink ‫דיו‬
Image ‫ | תמונה סמל‬Ink -horn ‫קסת‬
Imagination ‫ || יצר‬Inn ‫מלון‬
Imagined ‫ || יצר‬Innocence ‫נקיון‬
Impaired ‫ דלה‬Innocent ‫נקי צדיק‬
Impelled ‫ | נדח‬Innumerable ‫עד אין־מספר‬
Impious ‫בליעל‬ ‫שאל דרש חקר‬
Imposed ‫התל‬ ‫בקר בעה‬
Impoverished ‫ || רוש‬Inscribed ‫כתב‬
Impressed ‫ || כתם‬Inside ‫פנימה‬

Imprisoned ‫ || אסר‬Inspected ‫פקר‬

Imputed ‫שום‬ ‫ | חשב‬Instant ‫רנע‬
Incense ‫ | קטרת‬Instead ‫תחת‬
Incensed ‫קצף המם‬ ‫ כעס‬Instructed ‫למר יסר‬
Incantation ‫ | חבר‬Instruction ‫מוסר‬
Incision ‫ || שרטת‬Instrument ‫כלי‬
Incited ‫ | נדח‬Insurrection ‫תלונה‬
Inclined ‫שוח‬ ‫ | נטה‬Integrity : . ‫ישר‬
Inclosed ‫|סגר שבץ‬Intended ‫חשב יזם‬
Increase ‫ תנובה יבול‬Interceded ‫פלל חנן עתר‬
Increased ‫תחנה‬
‫ | יסף רבה‬Intercession
28 INT .... JUG JUI ....KNO

Intermeddled ‫ גלע‬Juice ‫משרה‬

Intermission ‫|| פונה‬Juniper ‫רתם‬
Intermitted ‫ | פוג‬Just ‫צדיק צדק‬
Interpretation ‫||פתרון‬Just ‫צדקה צרק‬
Interpreted ‫ || פתר‬Justified ‫צדק‬
Interpreter ‫פתר מליץ‬
Into ‫אל‬
Intoxicated ‫שכר סבא‬
Intreated ‫עתר פגע חלה‬
Intreaty ‫עתר‬ Keeper ‫שמר נטר נצר‬
Inundation ‫ || זרם‬Kept ‫שמר נטר נצר‬
Invaded ‫נדר‬ ‫ | פשט‬Key ‫מפתח‬
Inveigled ‫ פתה‬Kid ‫נדי שעיר‬
Invented ‫מצא‬ Kidneys ‫כליות‬
Invited ‫קרא‬ Killed ‫הרג רצח זבח‬
Invoked ‫קרא‬ Kind ‫מין חסיד‬
Inward ‫קרב תוך‬ Kindled ‫בער יצת קדח‬
Joined ‫חבר לרה‬ } ‫קדח‬ ‫עלה‬
Joint ‫מחברת‬ ‫חברת‬ Kindness ‫חסר‬
Journey ‫ דרך ארח מהלך‬Kindred ‫מולדת‬
Journeyed ‫ || נסע‬King ‫מלך‬
‫ששון‬ ‫ | שמחה‬Kingdom ‫מלוכה ממלכה‬
‫גיל גילה‬ ‫ משוש‬Kingly ‫מלכות‬
Joyful ‫ || שמח‬Kinsman ‫שאר מודע‬
Iron ‫ | ברזל‬Kinswoman ‫שארה‬
Irritated ‫ | כעס‬Kiss ‫נשיקה‬
Island, isle ‫ | אי‬Kissed ‫נשק‬
Issue ‫ | זוב‬Kneaded ‫לוש עוג‬
Issued ‫ | זוב‬Knee ‫ברך‬
‫אתו‬ ‫היא‬ ‫ | הוא‬Knelt ‫כרע‬
‫ | אתה‬Knew ‫ידע‬
Itch ‫ | שחין‬Knife ‫מחלף‬
Jubilee ‫יובל‬ Knocked ‫רפק הלם‬
Judge ‫ | שופט‬Knob ‫כפתור‬
Judged ‫דן‬ ‫ | שפט‬Knowledge ‫דעת דעה מדע‬
Judgment ‫משפט דין‬
Judicial ‫פלילי‬
Jug ‫צפחת בקבק‬
LAB....LEA LEA .... LIE 29
L Leaned
‫רק בשר‬
‫עמל‬ ‫ | טרח יגיע‬Leanness ‫רזון‬
‫קפץ‬ ‫רצץ נתר‬
‫יגע‬ ‫עמל‬ ‫עבד‬ Leaped ‫נזה רצד‬ ‫סלד‬
‫טרח‬ ‫גול‬
Lack ‫מחסר‬ Learned
‫למד אלף‬
Lacked ‫ || חסר‬Learning ‫לקח‬
Lad ‫ || נער‬Leaven ‫שאור חמץ‬
Ladder ‫סלס‬ Leavened ‫חמץ‬
Lady ‫ || גברת‬Led ‫נחה נהג דרך‬
Lamb ‫|שה טלה כבש‬
| Ledge ‫כרבב‬
‫פסח נכה רגלים‬ Lees ‫שמרים‬
‫ || ספד קון בכה‬Left ‫עזב ינח יתר‬
Lamentation ‫שמאל‬
‫ קינה מספד בכי‬Left - hand
Lamp ‫ || מנורה‬Left- handed
‫ | כידון‬Leg ‫ירך‬
‫ || ארץ‬Legs ‫כרעים‬
Language ‫שפה לשון‬ Length ‫ארך‬
Languished ‫חלה דאב‬ Lengthened ‫ארך‬
Lap ‫ || חיק‬Lenity ‫מרפא‬
Lapped ‫ לקק‬Lent ‫שאל לוה‬
Large ‫ | רחבה‬Lentiles ‫עדשים‬
Last ‫נמר‬
‫ || אחרון‬Leopard
Lasting ‫ || איתן‬Leper ‫מצורע‬
Lately ‫ || אמש‬Leprosy ‫צרעת‬
Lattice ‫ || שבכה‬Leprous ‫צרוע‬
Laver ‫כיור‬ Lessened
} ‫מעט גרע דלל‬
Laughed ‫שחק צחק‬ ‫חסר‬
‫ן בלתי‬
Laughter ‫שחוק‬ ‫ | צחוק‬Lest ‫פ‬
Lavished ‫ זול‬Letter ‫ספר אגרת‬
Law ‫תורה דת‬ Liar ‫כזב‬
Lawgiver ‫ | מחוקק‬Liberal ‫שוע‬
Lied ‫ || שכב‬Liberality ‫נדבה‬
Laid hold ‫חפשי דרור‬
‫ | חזק‬Liberty
‫ | עפרת‬Lice ‫כנים‬
Leader ‫ | ראש נגיד אלוף‬Licked ‫לקק עלע לחך‬
} ‫אליף‬
‫ || קצין אב שר‬Lie ‫שקר כזב‬
30 LIE....LOC LOC .... LYI

Lied ‫ארבה חגב‬

‫|שקר כזב‬Locust
Life ‫חייס‬ Lodge ‫לינה‬
Lifted ) ‫גבה‬ ‫נשא‬ ‫רוס‬ Lodged ‫לין‬
‫ נוף‬Lodging ‫מלון‬
| Light ‫מאור‬ ‫ | אור‬Loins ‫מתניס כסל‬
Light (not heavy ) ‫קל נקלה‬ Long ‫ארך‬
Lighted ‫בער‬ ‫עלה‬ Longed ‫יאב האב כמה‬
Lightened ‫ברק‬ ‫קלל‬ Lonely ‫ברד‬
Ligure ‫לשם‬ ‫ראה צפה נבט‬
Likened ‫דמה שרה‬ ‫חזה שור‬
Likeness ‫דמות‬ ‫תמונה‬ Loops ‫| ללאות‬
‫סמל‬ Loosed ‫שמט נתר נפש‬
Likewise ‫נטש‬
‫ כן ככה‬Loosened
Lilly ‫ || שושנה‬Lopped off ‫נקף‬
Lime ‫ || גיר‬Lord ‫ארון גביר‬
Limit ‫ | גבול‬Loss ‫אברה‬
Limited ‫תוה‬ ‫ | נבל‬Lost ‫אבד‬
Line ‫קו‬ Lot ‫גורל פור חבל‬
Lingered ‫ || מהה‬Love ‫אהבה‬
Linen ‫סדין‬ ‫בד פשתה‬ Loved ‫אהב‬
‫ | אטון‬Lover ‫אהב‬
Lion ‫ ארי אריה‬Low ‫שפל‬
Lip ‫ || שפה‬Lowed ‫נעה‬
Liquor ‫ | משקה‬Lowing ‫קול‬
Little ‫קטן מעט זער‬ Lowly ‫צנוע‬
‫ שמץ‬Lucifer ‫הילל‬
Lived ‫ || חיה‬Lump ‫דבלה‬
Lively ‫ || חיה‬Lurked ‫| ארב צדה‬
Liver ‫כבר‬ Lurking ‫צריה‬
‫ || פתן‬Lust ‫ארה תאוה‬
Lo ‫ | הא‬Lusted ‫אוה תאב‬
Loaded ‫ || עמס טען‬Lute ‫נבל‬
Loaf ‫ | ככר‬Lying ‫אכזב‬
Loan ‫משאת‬

Loathed ‫תעב שקץ קוץ‬

} ‫קוץ‬ ‫קוט בחל‬
Lock ‫פרע‬
Locked ‫נעל‬
MAD....MAR MAR....MER 31

M Mart ‫סחר‬
Made ‫ || עשה‬Marvelled ‫תמה שאה‬
Made void ‫ | פור‬Marvellous ‫נפלאה‬
Madman ‫ || משגע‬Mast ‫תרן חבל‬
Married ‫בעל‬ Master ‫בעל‬
Madness ‫ | שגעון‬Matter ‫דבר‬
Magician ‫חרטס‬ Mattrass ‫ורפידה‬
Magnified ‫נאה‬ Me ‫אותי‬
Maid ‫אמה‬ ‫בתולה‬ Meal ‫קמח‬
‫ | שפחה‬Meant ‫חשב‬
Maiden ‫ | נערה‬Measured ‫מדר‬

Majesty ‫הוד‬ ‫גאון‬‫ גאות‬Measure ‫מרה‬

‫ | תפארת‬Meat ‫אכל‬
Maimed ‫ || פצע‬Meat - offering ‫מנחה‬
Maintained ‫כול‬ Medicine ‫נהה‬
Maintenance ‫ || שאר‬Meditated ‫שוח הגה‬
Male ‫ | זכר‬Meditation ‫שיח הגיון‬
‫ מפץ‬Meck ‫ענו‬
Man ‫גבר‬ ‫אדם‬ ‫ | איש‬Meekness ‫ענוה‬
‫ || אנוש‬Meet ‫נאוה‬
Mandrakes ‫דודאים‬ Meeting ‫פגע‬
Manifested ‫גלה‬ Melody ‫זמרה‬
Manna ‫ מן‬Melted ‫מוג יצק מסם‬
Manner ‫דרך דבר‬ ‫צרף דלף‬
|Man-servant ‫ | עבד‬Member ‫נתח‬
| Man -slayer ‫ רוצח‬Memorial ‫אות מדרש‬
Mantle ‫זכר זכרון‬
Marred ‫ || שחת‬Memory ‫וזכר‬
Marble ‫ | שיש‬Mended ‫ברק‬
Marched ‫ | צעד‬Mention ‫זכר זכרון‬
Marching ‫ | צעדה‬Mentioned ‫זכר‬
Mariner ‫ | מלח‬Merchandise ‫ממכר סחרה‬
Mark ‫תו‬ ‫ | אות‬Merchant ‫סוחר רוכל‬
Marked ‫ | תאה‬Mercy ‫חסר‬
Market ‫ | שוק‬Merciful ‫ורחום חסיד‬
Marriage ‫ | חתנה‬Merciless ‫אכזר‬
Married ‫כפרת‬
‫חתן לקח‬ ‫ | נשא‬Mercy -seat
32 MES....MOC MOC....MOU
Message | Mocked ‫צחק שחק לעג‬
Messenger ‫מלאך ציר‬ ‫התל לוץ‬
Messiah ‫ | משיח‬Mocker ‫לץ‬
Met ‫מצא פגע פגש‬ Mocking ‫שחוק צחוק‬
‫קרה קרא יעד‬ ‫קלס‬
Mid-day ‫ | צהרים‬Model ‫תבנית‬
Middle ‫תוך‬ ‫חצת‬ Moist ‫רטוב‬
Midnight ‫חצות‬ Moistened ‫שקה רטב רסס‬
Midst ‫לה‬
‫תוך חצי‬ Moisture
Midwife ‫ | מילדה‬Molten ‫מסכה‬
‫חיל‬ ‫כח‬ ‫מאד‬ Moment ‫רגע‬
‫ ||גבורה‬Month ‫חדש ירה‬
‫אל גבור אביר‬ Monthly ‫חדש בחדשו‬
‫ | כביר‬Monument ‫אות מצבה ציון‬
Mildew ‫ירקון‬ Money ‫כסף‬
Milk ‫הלב‬ Moon ‫ירה לבנה‬
Mill ‫רחים‬ More ‫יתר‬
Millstone ‫רחים‬ ‫ | רכב‬Moreover ‫עוד אף גם‬
Mind ‫לב נפש‬ Mortgaged ‫ערב‬
‫בלל מזג מהל‬ Morning ‫בקר שחר‬
‫ | ערב‬Morrow ‫מחר‬
Minister ‫כהן‬ ‫משרת‬ Morscl ‫פת‬
Ministered ‫כהן‬ ‫| שרת‬ Mortal ‫אנוש‬
‫כהנה‬ ‫שרת‬ Mortar ‫שיר‬ ‫ביר‬
‫עברה‬ Moth ‫עש םם‬
Minstrel ‫ | מנגן‬Mother ‫אס‬
Miracle ‫ | אות‬Mother -in -law ‫תמות‬
Mire ‫ רפש בצה‬Moved ‫נוע נוט הום‬
Miscarriage ‫נפל‬ ‫המם‬
Mischief ‫רע אסון זמה‬ Mound ‫נדר‬
Missed ‫חסר פקד‬ Mountain ‫הר‬
Mistake ‫שנגה תועה‬ Mourned
Mitre ‫מצנפת‬ } ‫ספר קון אבל‬
Mistress ‫ | גברת‬Mourner ‫אבל‬
‫ערב מהל‬ ‫בלל‬ Mournfully ‫קדרנית‬
‫| מזג‬ Mourning ‫מספר אבל‬
Mixture ‫ | ערב מהול‬Mouse ‫עכבר‬
Mock ‫פה‬
‫לצון לעג קלס‬ Mouth
MOW....NEA NEC....NOS 33
‫ || קוצר‬Necessity ‫צרד‬
Much . ‫ הרבה רב מאד‬Neck
‫צואר ערף‬
Mulberry -tree ‫בכא‬ ‫| גרגרת‬
Mule ‫ || פרד‬Necklace ‫ענק‬
Multiplied ‫ || רבה‬Need ‫צרך מחסר‬
‫ || קהל המון‬Needed ‫חסר‬
Munificent ,
‫ || ניב‬Needful ‫חסר‬
Murdered ‫ | רצח‬Needy
‫רש אביון‬
Murderer ‫ | רוצח‬Neglected
Murmur ‫ | תלונה‬Neighbour
‫רעה שכן קרוב‬
Murmured ‫צהל‬
‫ || לון רגן דבב‬Neighed
Mused ‫ || שוח‬Neighing ‫מצהלה‬
Music ‫ || שיר‬Neither ‫לא‬
Muslin ‫ || משי‬Nest
Muster ‫רשת מכמרת‬
‫מפקד‬ Net
Mustered ‫צבא‬ ‫חרם מצוד‬
‫קימוש חרלים‬
Muttered ‫לחש‬ ‫רגן‬ ‫ | הגה‬Nettle
} ‫לחש‬ 117 Nevertheless
‫אך רק‬
Muzzled ‫ | חסם‬New ‫חדש‬
| Myrrh ‫ | מר‬Nigh ‫קרוב‬
Myrtle ‫עץ עבות‬ ‫ || ענף‬Night ‫ליל לילה‬
‫ עשר‬- ‫תשעה‬
Nineteenth ‫תשעה־עשר‬
Ninety ‫תשעים‬
Nail ‫ | יתר‬Ninth ‫תשיעי‬
Naked ‫ || עירס‬Nitre ‫נתר‬
Nakedness ‫ | ערוה‬No ‫לא אין אל‬
Name ‫שם‬ Noise ‫קול שאון המיה‬
Named ‫נקב‬ ‫רעמה‬
Narrow ‫צר‬ None ‫אין‬
Nation ‫אום גוי‬ Noon ‫צהריס‬

Nativity ‫מולדת‬ Nor ‫לא‬

Naval ‫ || טבור‬North ‫צפון‬
Navy ‫ || אני אניה‬Northward ‫צפונה‬
Nazarite ‫ || נזיר‬Nose ‫אף‬
Near ‫ | אצל‬Nose -jewel ‫נזס‬
Neat ‫ || צח‬Nostrils
VOL. 11.
34 NOT....OFF OFF ....ORI

Not ‫לא אין אל‬ offered ‫קרבן זבה עלה‬

Notable ‫חזות נורע‬ ‫רוס‬
Nothing ‫|אין‬Offering ‫קרבן זבח‬

Nourished ‫ זון כול אמן‬Ofice ‫פקדה‬

‫ | גדל‬officer ‫שטר נציב‬

Nourisher ‫ | אמן‬Offspring ‫תרבות‬

Nourishment ‫ אכל‬Oftentimes ‫פעמים‬
Now ‫ || עתה כבר‬Oil ‫שמן‬
Number ‫מתכנת‬ ‫ מ‬Ointment
‫|ספר‬ ‫משחה‬
Numbered ‫ || ספר מנה‬old ‫זקן ישן קדם‬
Nurse ‫|| מינקת‬Olive
Nursed ‫ || ינק‬Olive-tree ‫זית‬
Nut ‫ || אגוז‬Omitted ‫נטש‬
Once ‫פעם‬
One ‫אחד‬
Only ‫רקאך אפס יחיד‬
0 Onion ‫בצל‬
Oak ‫שהם‬
‫ אלה אלון‬Onyx
Oar ‫|| שט‬Open ‫פתוח‬
Oath ‫ שבועה‬opened ‫פתח גלה פקח‬
Obedience ‫שמע‬ ‫פצה פטר‬
Obeyed ‫|| שמע‬Opening ‫פטר‬
Oblation ‫ | מנחה‬Openly ‫קוממיות‬
Obligation ‫ || אסר‬Opinion ‫מחשבה‬
Obliged ‫ | אסר‬Opposed ‫שטן שטם צרר‬
Obliterated ‫ | כפר‬Oppressed ‫דך‬
Obscurity ‫חשך‬ Oppressed ‫עשק נגש לחץ‬
Observed ‫ראה שמר בון‬ ‫צוק דכא ענה‬
‫||נטר צפה‬ ‫עשק לחץ צוקה‬
Observer ‫||שומר נטר‬Oppressor ‫ננש עשק‬
Obtained ‫או אם‬
‫ לקח קבל‬or
‫עלה‬ ‫ תאנה‬Oracle ‫רביר‬
‫ | סבה‬Ordained ‫צוה שום יסר‬
Occurrence ‫ | פגע מקרה‬Order ‫טור תר‬
Odour ‫ || רוח‬Ordered ‫פקד צוה‬
‫ | מכשל ננף‬Ordinance ‫חק‬
Offended ‫עוגב‬
‫כשל נגף‬ Organ
Orion ‫| כסל‬
‫עדי פאר‬
Ornament Palace ‫היכל ארמון‬
‫| טירה‬
Orphan ‫ || יתוס‬Palate ‫חיד‬
‫ | יענה‬Palm ‫כף חופן‬
‫ | אחר‬Palm -tree ‫תמר‬
Oven ‫פעם צלל‬
‫ || תנור‬Palpitated
‫ | על‬Pan
Overcome ‫נצח גבר‬ ‫|יכל‬Pangs
‫ || שטף‬Panted ‫שאף ערג סחר‬
| Overflowed
‫ || שטף זרם‬Pap : ‫רד‬
‫ | טוח צפה חפה‬Parable ‫משל‬
‫ עדף‬Parched ‫כמר צמק קלה‬
‫ | שטף‬Pardon
‫ | פקיד מנצח‬Pardoned ‫סלח נשא‬
Overshadowed ‫חפף צלל‬
Part ‫חלק שכם‬
Overspread ‫כפר כסה‬
‫חבל בתר‬
‫הרס הפך סלף‬ Parted ‫חלק בתר חצה‬
Overthrow ‫מפלה‬
‫בצע פרס‬
‫ | נשק דבק‬Partition ‫מחלקת‬
‫|| הפך עוה‬Partridge ‫קרא‬
Overwhelmed ‫ || זרם‬Passage
‫עבר מעבר‬
‫|| חוץ‬Passed ‫עבר פסח‬
Outcast ‫|| נדח‬Passover ‫בסת‬
‫ חוץ‬Pastor ‫רעה‬
‫|| חוץ‬Pasture ‫מרעה‬
‫ בעל‬Patched ‫טפל‬
Ox ‫שור‬
Path ‫נתיב ארח שביל‬
‫יקר רוח‬
P Pavement
Pacified ‫ערב‬
‫שלם‬ Pawned
Paid ‫ || שלם‬Peace ‫שלום‬
Pain ‫פנינים‬
‫חיל‬ ‫ | עני חבל‬Pearls
Pained ‫ || ענה‬Peculiar ‫סגלה‬
Painted ‫ | כחל‬Peel ‫זג‬
‫ || צמד‬Peeled ‫פצל מרט‬
Peeped ‫יבב‬

Pelican ‫ | קאה‬Pine ‫ארן‬

Pen ‫|| עט עבר‬Pined ‫מוק זוב‬
People ‫ | עם‬Pipe ‫חליל צ ור‬
Peradventure ‫ | פן‬Piped ‫חלל‬
Perceived ‫ | ידע בון‬Pissed ‫שתן‬
Perfect ‫שלם תם תמים‬ ‫בור שחת‬
Perfected ‫תמם שלם כלה‬ ‫שוחה גומץ‬
Perfection ‫ |מתם מכלל‬Pitched ‫כפר‬
Performed ‫ || קום עשה‬Pitcher ‫כד‬
Perfume ‫ || קטרות מרקחת‬Pitied ‫רהם המל חוס‬
Perfumed ‫ || קטר רקח‬Place ‫מקום‬
Perfumer ‫ רוקח‬Placed ‫שום שות ישב‬
Perhaps ‫אולי‬ ‫יצב יצב עמר‬
Perished ‫ספה‬ ‫אבד‬ Places ‫חררים‬
Permitted ‫ינת נתן‬ ‫מגפה דבר נגע‬
‫נצח‬ ‫עד‬ ‫ | עולם‬Plague ‫מכה‬
‫סלה‬ ‫ || נצחת‬Plagued ‫נגע‬
Perplexed ‫ בוך‬Plain ‫ככר בקעה אילון‬
Persecuted ‫ רדף דלק‬Plant ‫מטע נטע‬
Persecution ‫ || רדופה‬Planted ‫נטע שתל‬
Person ‫ || איש‬Planter ‫נוטע‬
Persuaded ‫עות‬ ‫פתה סות‬ Plaster ‫שיד‬
Perverse ‫עקש‬ Plastered ‫טוח שור‬
Perverseness ‫ || עקשות‬Played ‫צחק שחק נגן‬
Perverted ‫עוה‬ ‫ || סלף עקש‬Player ‫מנגן‬
‫הפך ירט‬ Playing ‫נגינה‬
Pestilence ‫דבר‬ Plea ‫דין‬ ‫דבר ריב‬
Petition ‫שאלה משאלה‬ ‫משפט‬
Phial ‫ || צלחית‬Pleaded ‫שפט דון רוב‬
Physician ‫ | רופא‬Pleasant ‫נעם‬
Piece ‫ || נתח‬Pleasantly ‫נעם‬
Pierced ‫דקר‬ Pleased ‫חפץ רצה טוב‬
Pigeon ‫יונה‬ ‫יטב‬
Pilgrimage ‫ מגרה‬Pleasure ‫ענג‬ ‫חפץ‬ ‫רצון‬
Pillar ‫עמוד מצבה‬ ‫ערן מעדן‬
Pillow ‫ | כר‬Pledge ‫ערבון עבט הבל‬
Pilot ‫ | חבל‬Pledged ‫חבל ערב עבט‬
Pin ‫ ||יתד‬Pleiades ‫כימה‬
PLE .... POT POT .... PRE 37

Plentiful ‫ || שבע‬Potsherd ‫חרש‬

Plentifully ‫ || יתר‬Poltage ‫טיד‬
Plenty ‫ || שבע‬Poverty ‫דלה ראש‬
Plotted ‫||זמס נכל‬Pounded ‫דוד‬
Plough ‫ || מחרישה‬Poured ‫יצק נסך שפך‬
Ploughed ‫ניר‬ ‫ | חרש‬Powder ‫אבק‬
Ploughman ‫חורש‬ Power ‫ כח חיל‬. ‫גבורה‬
Plucked ‫טרף קטף נתק‬ ‫עז‬
} ‫ || מרט ארה נתק‬Powerful ‫עזוז‬
Plucked out ‫ || עקר‬Praise ‫שבח תהלה‬
Plundered ‫בזן גזל‬ ‫|| שלל‬Praised ‫שבח הלל ידה‬
Plunged ‫שטף‬ ‫ || טבל‬Pranced ‫דהר‬
Point ‫ || אבחה‬Prated ‫רבב‬
Pole ‫ || יתד‬Prayed ‫פלל‬
Polished ‫ לטש‬Prayer ‫תפלה‬
Polled ‫ || כסס‬Preached ‫קרא‬
Polluted ‫ || פגול‬Preacher ‫קהלת‬
Polluted ‫ || טמא גאל גלל‬Preceded ‫קדם‬
Pollution ‫ || טמא‬Precept ‫צו‬
Pomegranate ‫ | רמון‬Precious ‫יקר יקיר‬
Pomp ‫ || גאון‬Precipitated ‫מהר‬
Pond ‫ || אגם ברכה‬Preferred ‫בחר‬
Pondered ‫ || פלל תכן‬Preparation ‫קדשה‬
Pool ‫ || ברכה‬Prepared ‫קדש כון‬
Poor ‫רש‬ ‫מסכן‬ ‫ || עני‬Presence ‫פנים‬
} ‫רש‬ ‫ דל‬Present ‫מנחה מנה מתן‬
Poplar ‫לבנה‬ ‫מתת מתנה שי‬
Porch ‫אולם‬ ‫נגש‬ ‫קרב‬ ‫נתן‬
Porter ‫שער‬ ‫עמד‬
Portion ‫שכם‬ ‫מנה‬ ‫ | חלק‬Presently ‫פתאם‬
Portrayed ‫ || חקק‬Preserved ‫נטר נצר‬ ‫שמר‬
Possessed ‫ישע‬
‫אחז קנה‬
Possession ‫נחלה‬ ‫אחזה‬ Preserver ‫שומר נטר‬

‫|| רשה'מקנה‬Presided
‫י‬ ‫נצח‬
Possessor ‫ || יורש‬Pressed
‫צוק דחק‬ ‫לחץ‬
Post ‫איל‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ז‬ ‫מזו‬
‫פצר מעך מצה‬
Post ‫יכל גבר חזק‬
‫ אסור‬. ‫סיר‬ ‫אמץ תקף‬
38 PRE.... PRO PRO....PUN

Prevaricated ‫ בנד‬Pro ‫סער מסער‬

Prevented ‫קרס‬ ‫משען‬
Prey ‫בז‬ ‫ | טרף‬Property ‫רכוש מקנה קנין‬
Price ‫ | מחיר‬Prophecy ‫נבואה‬
Pricked ‫שנן‬ Prophesied ‫נבא‬
‫ | גאון נאוה נאות‬Prophet ‫נביא‬
Pride ‫זדון רהב‬ ‫נאה‬ Propitiatory ‫כפרת‬
‫ |נגה עינים‬Proportion ‫מתכנת‬
Priest ‫ | כהן‬Prospered ‫שכל צלח‬
Priesthood , ‫ | כהנה‬Prosperity ‫שלוה‬
‫ | נשיא אלוף שר‬Prostitute ‫קדשה‬
Prince ‫ | בניד ראש קצין‬Prostituted ‫זנב‬
‫ רזון‬Protected ‫כנן סכך‬
Princely ‫ | נדיב‬Protection ‫סתרה‬
Principal ‫ || ראש‬Protested ‫עוד‬
‫כלא‬ ‫ר‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ || מש‬Proud
Prison ‫זד זדון גא נאה‬
‫בית אסורים‬ ‫רהב‬
Prisoner ‫ || אסור‬Proudly ‫זדה‬
Privily ‫ | בסתר‬Proved ‫נסה בחן צרף‬
Proceeded ‫ || יסף‬Provender ‫מספוא בליל‬
Proclaimed ‫ | קרא‬Proverb ‫משל‬
Procured ‫ || עשה‬Provided ‫כול‬
Prodigy ‫ | מופת‬Province ‫מדינה‬

Produce ‫||יבול תבואה‬Provision ‫צרה‬

‫ || תנובה גרש‬Provocation ‫נאצה כעס רגז‬
Profaned ‫ חלל‬Provoked ‫כעס רגז‬ ‫נאץ‬
Profit ‫יתרון‬ ‫מותר‬ ‫מרה‬
‫תועלת‬ Prudence ‫תבונה‬ ‫שכל‬
Profitable ‫תועלת‬ ‫בינה‬
Profited ‫||יעל יתר‬Prudent ‫נבון‬
Profligate ‫ || בליעל‬Pruned ‫זמר‬
Prohibited ‫ | כלא‬Psalm ‫מזמור תהלה‬
Prolonged ‫ || ארך‬Psaltery ‫נבל‬
Promise ‫||דבר בטחון‬Puberty ‫פרחה‬
Promised ‫||דבר בטח‬Published ‫שמע ידע‬
Promoted ‫ || נשא רום גבה‬Pulled ‫נתק‬
Pronounced ‫ || פרש‬Punished ‫ענש‬
Punishment ‫ענש‬
PUP .... QUI QUI....REA 39

Pupil ‫ || בת‬Quiver ‫אשפה‬

Purchase ‫קנין‬ ‫ | מקנה‬Quivered ‫צלל‬
Purchased ‫קנה שבר‬
Pure ‫זך טהור נקי‬
Purged ‫טהר צרף כפר‬ R
Purification ‫טהר‬
Purified ‫טהר צרף זכה‬ ‫זעם עברה רגז‬
‫זכך ברר‬ ‫קצף‬
Purifier ‫זעס המה רגש‬
Purim Raged
‫פורים‬ ‫קצף‬
Purity ‫ נקיון טהר‬Railed ‫עזק גדר‬
Purple ‫ || ארגמן‬Railing ‫מעקה‬
‫בגד לבוש‬
Purpose ‫מזמה חפץ‬
‫מלבוש שמלה‬
‫ || מחשבה‬Raiment
Purposed ‫שלמה כסות‬
‫חשב זמם חפץ‬
Pursued Rain ‫מטר גשם‬
‫רדף דלק‬
Pursuer Rained ‫מטר‬
Pursuit ‫ || שיג‬Raised ‫קום רום נשא‬
Pushed ‫נגח‬ ‫גבה בנה סלל‬
‫ | שום שות נתן‬Ram ‫איל‬
‫יצב יצג עמר‬ ‫רוץ‬
Putrefied ‫ || מזר‬Rank ‫טור תור‬
Ransom ‫כפר פדיון‬
Ransomed ‫פרה‬
Q Rased ‫ערה‬
Quail ‫ || שלו‬Rasor ‫תער‬
Quarrel ‫ || מריבה‬Rattled ‫רנה‬
Quarrelled ‫ | נצה רוב‬Raven ‫ערב‬
Quarter . ‫ רבע‬Ravished ‫ענה‬
Queen ‫ | מלכה‬Raw ‫נא‬
Quenched ‫ | כבה שקע‬Reached ‫נשב דבק נגע‬
Questioned ‫| צבט‬
‫שאל בקש‬
Quickened ‫ | חיה‬Read ‫קרא‬
Quickly ‫ || מה ה‬Reading
‫ר‬ ‫קריאה‬
Quiet ‫תושיה‬
‫ || שלו שקט נחת‬Reality
. ‫ | שקט כוח‬Reaped ‫קצר‬
Quietness ‫ | שלוה נחת‬Reaper ‫קוצר‬
40 REA.... REG REG....REP

Reared ‫ | נדל נשא‬Region ‫ככר חבל פלך‬

Reason ‫ || תבונה‬Register ‫מדרש‬
Reasoned ‫ | יכח‬Registered ‫כתב‬
Rebel ‫ || סורר‬Rejected ‫מאס נאץ זנה‬
Rebelled ‫ || מרה מרד‬Reign ‫מלך‬
Rebellion ‫ || מרי‬Reigned ‫מלך‬
Rebellious ‫מרה‬ ‫שמח שוש גול‬
Rebuke ‫נערה תוכחה‬ ‫רנן עלז‬
Rebuked ‫ || גער‬Rejoicing ‫רנה רננה‬
Recalled ‫ || שוב שבה‬Related ‫ספר נגר‬
Received ‫ לקח קבל‬Relax ‫מרפא‬
Receiver ‫מקבל‬ Relaxed ‫נטש‬
‫חשב‬ ‫ || ספר מנה‬Release ‫שמטה‬
‫ || פקד‬Released ‫שמט‬
Reckoning ‫ | חשבון‬Relied ‫סמך הסה בטח‬
Recompence ‫גמול‬ ‫שארית נותר‬
Recompensed ‫שריר‬
Reconciliation ‫כפרה‬ ‫שאר יתר ישב‬
Reconciled ‫כפר‬ ‫שרד חול‬
Recorded ‫ | כתב זכר‬Renedied ‫רפא‬
Recorder ‫ | מזכיר‬Remedy ‫רפואה‬
Recovered ‫מצא‬ ‫חיה‬ Remembrance ‫זכר זכרון‬
Red ‫ || אדם‬Remembrancer ‫מזכיר‬
Reddish ‫ || אדמדם‬Remembered ‫זכר‬
Redeemed ‫ | פדה גאל‬Remnant ‫שארית‬
Redeemer ‫ || נואל‬Remote
Redemption ‫ | פדות פדיון כפר‬Removed ‫סור נסג נסע‬
Redness ‫חכלילות‬ Renewed ‫חדש‬
Reed ‫ || קנה‬Renounced ‫יאש‬
Refined ‫ | צףר‬Rent ‫קרוע שסע‬
Refiner ‫ || מצרף‬Repaid ‫שלם שוב‬
Refrained ‫ חדל‬Repaired
‫חזק בנה רפא‬
‫סעד רוח‬ ‫ | נפש‬Repeated ‫שנה יסף‬
‫ || ברה‬Repentance ‫נחמה נחס‬
Refuge ‫מחסה‬ ‫ | מקלט‬Repented ‫| נחם‬
‫ || מאן‬Report ‫שמועה‬
Regard ‫פנים‬ ‫ | מושא‬Reported ‫שמע‬
Regarded ‫ || נשא נכר נבט‬Repressed ‫כהה‬
REP....REV REV ....ROB 41

‫י‬ ‫פ‬ | Revenger ‫נרקם‬

‫ || שמצה‬Reverenced ‫ירא הדר‬
Reproached ‫||חרף גדף‬Reversed ‫שוב שבב‬
Reproof ‫ || תוכחה‬Reviewed
Reproved ‫ | יכח גער‬Reviled ‫גדף אלה‬
Reptile ‫ || שרץ‬Revived ‫חיה‬
Reputation ‫ || שם שמע‬Revoked ‫אסף‬
Reputed ‫ || חשב‬Revolt ‫מרי‬
Request ‫ || שאלה‬Revolted ‫מרד מרה‬
Requested ‫שאל‬ Revolter ‫מורר‬
Required ‫ || שאל דרש בקש‬Revolution ‫תקופה‬
Rescue ‫ פרות‬Reward ‫שכר גמול עקב‬
Rescued ‫פדה מלט נצל‬ ‫שר‬
‫שכר גמל‬
‫ חלץ פלט‬Rewarded
Resemblance ‫ דמות סמל‬Ri ‫צלעת‬
Resembled ‫ || דמה‬Rich ‫עשיר‬
Reserved ‫ | שמר נטר אצל‬Riches ‫עשר הון‬
Residue ‫ || שארית שאר‬Riddle ‫הירה‬
‫ | יתר נותר‬Rider ‫רוכב‬
Rescinded ‫ | פצח‬Ridiculous ‫נלעג‬
Rest ‫ || מנוח מנוחה‬Right ‫אמת כן‬
Rested ‫ | נוח שבת שכן‬Right - hand ‫ימין‬
‫|| שלה רגע נפש‬Righteous ‫צדיק‬
Restricted ‫ כלא‬Righteously ‫צדק‬
Restored ‫חזק‬ ‫שבב‬ ‫ || שוב‬Righteousness ‫צדקה‬
‫ || בדק שלם חדש‬Rind ‫זג‬
Restrain ‫ || עצר‬Ring ‫טבעת‬
Restrained ‫ | עצר מנע כלא‬Ring -streaked ‫עקר‬
‫ בלס‬Ring- worm ‫ולפת‬
‫המתים‬ ‫ | תקומת‬Ripened ‫בשל‬
Retained ‫ || תמך‬River ‫נהר נחל פלג‬
Retired ‫נסג שוב הלך‬ ‫יאור‬
{ ‫סור‬ Road ‫דרך‬
‫ || תשובה‬Roared ‫שאג נהם נער‬
‫ || שוב‬Roasted ‫צלה‬
‫ || גלה‬Robbed ‫גזל שלל בזז‬
‫ | נקמה‬Robber ‫פריץ שרר‬
Revenged ‫גזלה שר‬
‫ | נקס‬Robbery
42 .

Robe ‫מעיל‬
Rock ‫צור סלע‬
Rod ‫ | שבט מטה‬Sabbath ‫שבת‬
Rode ‫רכב‬ Sack ‫שק אמתחת‬

Roe ‫ || צביה‬Sackcloth ‫שק‬

Roll ‫גליון‬ Sacrifice ‫זבה קרבן‬
Rolled ‫ גלל‬Sacrificed ‫זבח קרב‬
Roof ‫ | גג‬Saddled ‫הבש‬
Room ‫ | חדר מקוס‬Saduess ‫רע‬
Root ‫ | שרש‬Safely ‫בטח‬
Rooted ‫ | שרש‬Safety ‫שלום ישע‬
Rooted out ‫ | עקר שרש‬Said ‫אמר‬
Rope ‫חבל‬ Saint ‫קדש‬
Rose ‫חבצלת‬ sake ‫מען‬
Rose ‫ || קוס זרח‬Salt ‫מלח‬
Rotted ‫ רקב‬Salted ‫מלח‬
Rottenness ‫רקב רקבון מק‬ Salvation ‫תשועה ישועה‬

Rough ‫ישע‬
‫עתק איתן סמר‬
Round ‫עגל‬ Saluted ‫ברך‬
Round about ‫סביב‬ ‫שאל־לשלום‬
Roused ‫נער‬ Salutation ‫ברכה‬
Routed ‫נכה‬ ‫שאלת־שלוס‬
Row ‫ | טור‬Sanctified ‫קדש‬
Rower ‫שט‬
|Sanctuary ‫מקדש‬
Ruin ‫מפלה חבולה‬ Sand ‫הול‬

Ruined ‫חבל‬ ‫אבד‬ ‫הרס‬ Sang ‫שור זמר רנן‬

‫טבע צלל‬
‫שחת כלה‬ Sank
‫משל שלט רדה‬ Sat ‫ושב‬
‫רוד‬ Satan ‫שטן‬
Ruler ‫ משל שליט נגיד‬Satiated . ‫רוה‬
Rumour ‫ | שמועה‬Satisfaction ‫כפר‬
Rush ‫גמא‬ Satisfied ‫שבע‬
Rushed ‫ | פשט‬Savage ‫פרא‬
Saved ‫ישע‬
Saviour ‫מושיע‬
Savour ‫רית‬
Saw ‫ראה חזה נבט‬
Saw LE , ‫מגרה‬
SAW, ... SEC SEC....SHA 43

Sawed ‫גרר‬ Secure ‫שאנן‬

Scab ‫ספחת מספחת‬ Security ‫| שלום‬
‫ | גרב‬Sedition ‫תלונה‬
Scabbard ‫נדן נדנה‬ Seduced ‫סות פתה תעה‬
Scales ‫פלס‬ ‫ |קשקשת‬Seed ‫זרע‬
Scall ‫ נתק‬Seemed ‫ראה‬
Scarlet ‫שני ארגמן‬ Seized ‫אחז‬ ‫תפש לכך‬
Scattered ‫ פזר נפץ פוץ‬Selected ‫בחר ברך קרש‬
Scent ‫ | ריח‬Selvedge ‫שפה‬
| Sceptre ‫שרביט‬ ‫ | שבט‬Sent ‫שלח‬
Scholar ‫תלמיד‬ ‫בדל פרד קדש‬
Scorched } ‫קדש‬ ‫אצל‬
Scorn ‫לעג‬ Separation ‫נזר נרה‬
Scorned ‫לעג לוץ‬ Sepulchre ‫קבר קבורה‬
Scorner ‫ ץ‬Series
Scorning ‫ לצון‬Serpent ‫נחש‬
Scourged ‫ | שט שוט‬Servant ‫משרה עבר‬
Scourging ‫ | בקרת‬Served ‫שרת עבר‬
Scraped ‫סחה‬ ‫ | קצע גרד‬Service , servitude ‫עברה‬
| Screech- owl ‫לילית‬ ‫שות יצג‬ ‫שום‬
Scribe ‫סופר‬ ‫קום‬ ‫עמר‬ ‫יצב‬
Scripture ‫כתוב‬ ‫שבץ‬
Scull ‫גלגלת‬ Selted ‫שום כון נוח‬
Scurvy ‫ | גרב‬Seven ‫שבעה‬
Sea ‫ יס‬Seventeen
‫ עשר‬- ‫שבעה‬
| Sea- weed ‫ | סוף‬Seventeenth
Seal ‫ | חותם‬Seventh ‫שביעי‬
Sealed ‫ | חתם‬Seventy ‫שבעים‬
Search ‫ חפש‬Sewed ‫תפר‬
Searched ‫רגל‬ ‫דרש‬ ‫ חפש‬shadow ‫צל‬
Season ‫ | עת‬Shadowed ‫צלל‬
Seasoned ‫ | רקה‬Shady trees ‫צאלים‬
Seat ‫ || מושב‬Shaken ‫נוע רעש נוף‬
Seated ‫ || ישב‬Shaking ‫תנופה מגרד‬
Second ‫ שני‬Shame ‫בשת בושה‬
Secret ‫סוד פלי רז‬ ‫כלמה‬ ‫בשנה‬
Secret place ‫||מסתר‬Shameful ‫תבל‬

Secretly ‫ | חרש‬Shape ‫תאר‬

44 SHA....SHR SHR .... SIX

Shaped ‫ | יצר‬Shrub ‫שיח‬

Sharp ‫ | חד‬Shut ‫סגר עצם אטר‬
Sharpened ‫חדד‬ ‫שנן לטש‬ shuttle ‫ארג‬
Shattered ‫רצץ‬ sick ‫חלה‬
Shaved ‫גלח‬ Sickness ‫חלי מדוה דוי‬
she ‫הוא‬ ‫היא‬ sickle ‫חרמש מגל‬
Sheaf ‫עמיר‬ Side ‫צד צלע עבר‬
Sheared ‫כסם‬ ‫ | גזז קצב‬Sieve ‫מכבר כברה‬
Sheath ‫זרה‬
‫ נדן נדנה‬sifted
Sheep ‫ שה צאן‬Sigh ‫אנחה אנקה‬
| She -goat ‫עז‬ ‫נאקה‬
Shelter ‫ צל‬sight ‫מראה‬
Shepherd ‫| רעה‬Sign ‫אות נס תן‬
Shew ‫ || מראה‬Signed ‫התם‬
Shewed ‫ || ראה חזה נגד‬Signet ‫חותם‬
Shield ‫|| מגן צנה‬Silence ‫הס דומיה דמי‬
Shielded ‫גנן‬ ‫רומה‬
Ship ‫אניה‬ ‫ | אני‬Silenced ‫דום שתק‬
Shoe ‫ נעל‬silently ‫חרש‬
Shock ‫| גדיש‬Silk ‫משי‬

Shone ‫פוחה‬
} ‫קרן‬ ‫זהר‬ ‫ זרח‬silly
‫|| נגה אור‬Silver ‫תמונה‬
Shook ‫הום רגז‬ ‫ נוע זוע‬Similitude ‫דמות דמיון‬
‫רצץ רעש‬ ‫ נער‬Simple ‫פתי פותח‬
Shoot ‫ | חטר‬Simplicity ‫פתי‬
Shore ‫ חוף שפה‬sin ‫חטאה‬ ‫חטא‬
Short ‫חטאת‬
Shortened ‫קצר‬ Sinew ‫גיד‬
Shot ‫רבה ירה‬ Sinful ‫חטא‬
Shoulder ‫ כתף שכם שוק‬Singed ‫יקר כרה‬
Shout ‫רנה‬ ‫ || תרועה‬Singer ‫משורר‬
‫שוע‬ ‫ | ענות‬Singing ‫רנה‬
Shouted ‫רנה‬ ‫ ענה זעק‬Sinned ‫חטא‬
‫ רוע צהל‬Sinner ‫חוטא‬
Shouting ‫ היר הד‬Sin
- offering ‫חטאת‬
‫גשם‬ ‫ | רביב‬Sister ‫אחות‬
Shrieked ‫ |ילל‬Situation ‫מושב מקום נוף‬
‫כמר‬ Six ‫ששה‬
SIX ....SMO SNA .... SOU 45

Sixth ‫ || ששי‬Snail ‫שבלול‬

Sixteen, sixteenth ‫ || ששי־עשר‬Snare ‫פח מוקש‬
Sixty ‫ || ששים‬Snatched
Size ‫ | מרה‬Sneered ‫לעג‬
Skill ‫ || חכמה‬Sneezing ‫| עטישה‬
Skilful ‫|| חכם‬Snorting ‫נתרה‬
Skin ‫ | עור‬Snow ‫שלג‬
Skipper ‫קפץ‬ ‫|רקר‬Snufers ‫| מזמרות‬
‫ שחק‬so ‫כה ככה כן‬
Skulked ‫ זחל‬Socket ‫אדן‬
Sky ed
‫ || רקיע‬Soften' ‫רכך חלק‬
Slandered ‫דפי רכיל‬ ‫דבה‬ Softness ‫מרך‬
‫רגל‬ ‫דבב‬ Sojourned ‫נסע‬
‫הלך רכיל‬ Sojourner ‫גר תושב‬

Slang ‫ קלע‬sola ‫מכר שבר‬

Slaughter ‫טבח‬ ‫ | הרג‬Sloe ‫כף‬

Sleep ‫תרדמה‬ ‫ || שנה‬Solemnity ‫מוער עצרת‬
‫ || ישן רדם‬solicitude ‫ראנה‬
Slept .
‫זבח טבח‬ ‫ | הרב‬Solitary ‫ברר גלמוד‬
‫ || שחט נכה‬Solitude ‫ערבה‬

Sling ‫קלע‬ Something ‫מאומה דבר‬

Slipped ‫מוט‬ ‫מער‬ Son ‫בן בר‬

Slothful ‫ || עצל‬Son-in -law ‫חתן‬
‫עצל‬ ‫עצלות‬ Song ‫שיר שירה‬
‫ | רמיה‬Son's son ‫נכר‬
Slow ‫ | ארך‬Soon ‫מהרה‬
Slumber ‫ | תנומה‬Soot ‫פית‬
Slumbered ‫נוס‬ Soothsayer ‫מעונן‬

Small ‫קצר‬ ‫ | קטן מעט‬Sorcerer ‫ענן‬

Sorceress ‫עננה‬
Smell ‫ || ריח‬sore ‫מזור‬

Smith ‫חושב‬ ‫עצב עצבון כאב‬

Smitten ‫נכה‬ Sorrow ‫מכאוב יגון‬
Smoke ‫עשן קיטר‬ ‫תוגה רע אברי‬
Smoked ‫עשן‬ ‫ראבה‬
Smooth ‫חלק‬ Sought } ‫בקש חקר דרש‬
Smoothed ‫חלק‬ ‫בקר‬
Smote ‫ || נכה נגף נגע‬Soul ‫נשמה נפש‬
46 SOU....SPR SPR .... STI

Sound ‫ קול‬Spreading ‫אשר‬

Sounded ‫ רנן‬Spring ‫מקור‬
South ‫תימן‬ ‫נגב דרום‬ Sprinkled ‫זרק נזה‬
Sowed ‫ | זרע‬Spued ‫קוא‬
Sower ‫ | זרע‬Spuing ‫קיא גלת‬
Space ‫ | רחוק רוח‬Spun ‫טוה‬
Spake ‫ דבר‬Square ‫רבוע מרבע‬
Span ‫ זרת טפח‬squared
Spared ‫חוס חמל סלח‬ Squeezed ‫מצה שחט לחץ‬
Sparkled ‫ נצץ‬Stabbed ‫רקר‬
Spear ‫רמח חנית כידון‬ stability ‫אמן‬
Speckled ‫נקר טלא‬ Stables ‫ארות‬
Speech ‫ | שפת אמר‬Staff ‫מטה מקל‬
Speedy ‫ | מהרה‬Slag
Speedily ‫מהרה‬
| Staggered
‫נוע נוט‬
Spent ‫כלה‬ Stairs ‫מעלות‬
Spice ‫ | בשם‬Stake ‫יתר‬
Spiced ‫רקה‬ Stall ‫מרבק‬
Spider ‫שממית‬ ‫ | עכביש‬Stalls ‫ארות‬
Spied ‫ רגל תור‬Stammered ‫עלג‬
Spilled ‫שפך‬ Stand
Spirit ‫רוח נפש‬ Standard ‫רגל נם‬
Spitting ‫רק‬ Standard -bearer ‫כרסס דגול‬
Spitted ‫ריר‬ ‫רק‬ Standing ‫תקומה‬
Spoil ‫שלל בזה בז שד‬ Stank ‫באש‬
‫שסה‬ ‫שלל‬ ‫בזז‬ Star ‫ככב‬
‫קבע‬ ‫שדד‬ Station ‫מצב‬
Spoiler ‫שר‬ Statue ‫מצבה‬
Spoke ‫מלל‬ ‫דבר‬ stature ‫קומה‬
Spokesman ‫המדבר‬ ‫ראש‬ Statule
Spoon ‫ | כף‬Stayed ‫סמר‬
Sported ‫| שחק צחק‬step
‫צעד אשור עקב‬
Spot ‫מום‬ ‫פעם עקב מעלה‬
Spotted ‫טלא‬ Steward ‫ בית‬- ‫בן־משק‬
Spouse ‫כלה‬ Stück ‫מקל‬
Sprang up ‫ | צמח‬Stiff -necked ‫ ערף‬- ‫קשה‬
Spread ‫רפד‬ ‫יצע‬ ‫פרש‬ Stigmatized ‫נקף‬
‫ | נטה‬Still ‫עד‬
STI ....STR STR ....SUF 47
Still ‫דם‬ Stroke ‫מכה פעם נגף‬
Stilled ‫דוס‬ ‫הלם‬
Stirred up
‫ | סות קום המם‬Strong ‫חזק איתן‬
Stole ‫ || גנב‬Strove ‫רוב נצה עשר‬
Stomacher ‫ | פתיגיל‬Struck ‫נכה ננף דפק‬
Stone Struggled
‫אבן‬ ‫רצץ‬
‫ || סקל רגם‬Stubble ‫קש‬
Stood ‫יצג‬ ‫עמד יצב‬ Stubborn ‫סורר מרר‬
‫ קום דום‬Stubbornness ‫קשר מרר‬
Stool ‫ || כסא‬Stuck ‫רבק‬
Stooped ‫ קרד נהר‬Studied ‫למד אלף‬
Stopped ‫|| סתם אטס‬Stumbled ‫כשל ננף‬
Stored up ‫אצר כמס‬
- block ‫מכשל כשלון‬
| Store -house ‫||מסכנה‬Stupidity ‫תפלה‬
Stork ‫|| חסידה‬Subdued ‫כבש‬
Storm ‫ | סער סערה סעה‬Sublimity ‫יתר‬
Straightway ‫ || פתאס‬Submitted ‫ענה כנע‬
Strait ‫ | צר‬Subscribed ‫כתב‬
Straitened ‫צוק‬ ‫צרר‬ Subsided ‫שכר‬
‫מצוק מצוקה‬ ‫רכוש הון אין‬
Strange ‫נכר‬ ‫תושיה‬
Stranger ‫ || זר נכרי נכר גר‬Subtile ‫ערוס‬
Strangled ‫ | חנק יקע‬Subtilly ‫ערמה‬
Straw ‫ | תבן קש‬Suburb ‫| מגרש‬
Stream ‫שבלת‬ ‫ נהר‬Succeeded ‫צלח‬
‫ חוץ רחוב‬Succour ‫עזר עזרה‬
‫עז‬ ‫ גבורה כח‬Succoured ‫עזר‬
Strength ‫ חזק‬such ‫כמו כזה כזאת‬
‫תקף‬ ‫אמיץ‬
‫| און‬Sucked ‫ינק‬
Strengthened ‫ חזק אמץ גבר‬Suckled ‫ינק‬
‫|| עצם‬Sudden ‫פת אם‬
‫נטה‬ ‫ | שטח פרש‬Suddenly ‫פתע רגע‬
‫|| יצע רצף‬Suet ‫חלב‬
Strife ‫ ריב מריבה‬Suffered ‫ינת נתן‬
‫ | מצה מדון עשק‬Suficed ‫מצא שבע‬
‫ | יתר‬Sufficiency ‫די‬
Stripe ‫ | חבורה‬Sufficient ‫די‬
Stripped ‫ | פשט נצל שלל‬suffocated ‫חנק‬
SUI ....SWE SWI .... TEN

Suitable ‫ | יאה‬Swift ‫קל אבה‬

Suit of apparel ‫ || חליפת־בנד‬Swine ‫חזיר‬
Sum ‫ || פרשה‬Sword ‫הרב‬
Summer ‫קיץ‬ Symbol ‫אות‬
Sun ‫חמה‬ ‫ || שמש‬Synagogue ‫כנסת קהלה‬
Superabounded ‫עדף‬
Superfluous ‫עדף‬
Superintendent ‫שטר מנצח‬
Supplanted ‫עקב‬
Supplicated ‫חנן‬ Tabernacle
‫||בקש‬ ‫סכה משכן אהל‬
Supplication ‫ || תחנה‬Table ‫שלחן‬
‫ || סעד מסעד‬Tablet ‫לוּח‬
‫ || משען משענה‬Tabret
Supported ‫ || סעד תמך‬Tache ‫קרס‬
Supreme ‫ | אל‬Tail ‫זנב‬
Sure ‫ || נאמן‬Tale ‫הגה‬
Surely ‫ || אמנס אכן אך‬Talent ‫ככר‬
Surety ‫ || ערבון‬Tapestry ‫מרבדים‬
Surnamed Tare ‫באשה‬
Surpassed ‫ || עבר‬Tarried ‫יתר מחה‬
Surprised ‫ | תמה שאה‬Task -master ‫שרימסים‬
Surrounded ‫ || סבב יקף‬Taste ‫טעם‬
Surveyed ‫ || שור‬Tasted ‫טעם‬
Survived ‫ || שרד‬Taught ‫ירה למד‬
Sustained ‫ | סמך תמך כול‬Teacher ‫מלמד מורה‬
Sustenance ‫ || מחיה‬Tear ‫דמעה‬
Swaddled ‫התל‬ Teat ‫דד‬
Swallowed ‫בלע גמא‬ Tempered ‫רסס‬
Swam ‫שחה צוף‬ ‫שער סער סערה‬
Sware ‫שבע‬ dr ‫סעה‬
Swarm ‫ || ערב‬Temple ‫היכל בית‬
Sweet ‫ || מתוק‬Tempted ‫נסה‬
Sweetened ‫ || מתק‬Temptation ‫מסה‬
Sweetness ‫ מתוק‬Ten ‫עשרה‬
Swelled ‫ צבה בצק‬Tender ‫רך‬
Swelling My Tender mercies ‫חסדים‬
Swept ‫ | טאט‬Tent ‫אהל סכה‬
Swept away ‫|| עה סחה‬Tenth .‫עשירי‬
TER....THI THI .... TIT 49

Terrible ‫ || אימה איום‬Thither ‫שם שמה כה‬

Testicle ‫אשך‬ ‫הנה הלס פה‬
‫ || פחד חרד בהל‬Thong ‫שרוך‬
‫ || ירא‬Thorn ‫קוץ אטר שית‬
‫פחד חרדה‬ ‫תוח‬
‫ | בהלה‬Those ‫אלה הם המה‬
Testified ‫ || עוד ענה‬Thou ‫את אתה‬
Testimony ‫ || עדות‬Though ‫אף גם‬
Tetter ‫ || ילפת‬Thought ‫חשב דמה‬
Thanked ‫ || ידה‬Thought ‫מחשבה הגה‬
Thanksgiving ‫ תודה‬Thousand ‫אלף‬
That ‫ || כי אשר הוא‬Thread ‫חוט קו‬
Thee ‫ | אתך‬Three ‫שלשה‬
Theft ‫ || גניבה גזל גזלה‬Threshed ‫רוש חבט דרך‬
Them ‫ || אתם‬Threshold ‫סף מפתן‬
Then ‫ אז‬Threw ‫רמה שלך ירה‬
Thence ‫ | כה‬Thrice ‫שלש‬
There ‫|| שם שמה הלס‬Throat ‫גרון גרגרת‬
Therefore ‫|| על־כן לכן‬Throne ‫כס כסא‬
Thereof ‫|| על־זה‬Thrust ‫נרח רקר‬
Thereon ‫ | על זה‬Thrust forth ‫ירה‬
Thereto ‫ | פה‬Thumb ‫כהן‬
These ‫אלה‬ Thunder ‫רעם‬
They ‫המה‬ ‫ || הם‬Thundered ‫רעס‬
Thief ‫|| גנב‬Thus ‫כה‬

Thigh ‫|| ירד‬Thyself ‫אתך‬

Thin ‫ | דק‬Tidings ‫בשרה שמועה‬
Thing ‫ דבר‬Tied ‫אסר אפד ענד‬
Third ‫שלישי‬ ‫רכם‬
Thi ret ‫ צמא‬Tile ‫לבנה‬
Thirsted ‫ || צמא‬Till ‫ער‬
Thirsty ‫ || צמא‬Timbrel ‫תף‬
Thirteen ‫עשר‬ ‫|| שלשה‬Time ‫עת‬
Thirteenth ‫עשר‬ ‫|| שלשה‬Times ‫פעמים‬

Thirty . ‫ || שלשים‬Tingled ‫צלל‬

This ‫|| זה זאת‬Tip ‫תנוד‬
Thistle ‫יעף יגע לאה‬
‫חוח‬ ‫ | דרדר‬Tired
Tithe ‫מעשר‬
VOL. II. g
50 TIT .... TRE TRE ...TWI

Tithed ‫ | עשר‬Treasure ‫אוצר מטמון‬

To ‫עד‬ ‫אל‬ Tree ‫עץ‬
Toe ‫בהן‬ Tremble ‫הרדה רעדה‬
Together ‫ || יחד‬Trembled ‫רעד הרד‬
Toil ‫עמל‬ ‫רעדה פלצות‬
Token ‫אות‬ ‫תרעלה‬
Told ‫ספר נגד‬ Trench ‫תעלה‬
Tomb ‫ || קבר‬Trespass ‫אשם מעל‬
Tongue ‫לשון‬ Trespassed ‫מעל‬
Tongues ‫ || מלקחים‬Tribe ‫שבט מטה‬

Took ‫ לקח קבל אחז‬Tribute ‫| מס מכס‬

‫ || נשא‬Tribulation ‫צרה‬
Tooth ‫שן‬ Tried ‫נסה צרף בחן‬
Top ‫סעיף‬ ‫ | ראש‬Triumphed ‫עלז‬
Topaz ‫ פטרה‬Trod ‫רמס רפס דרך‬
Torch ‫לפיד‬ ‫סלה‬
Torn ‫שרט‬ ‫טרף‬ ‫ | קרע‬Troop ‫נדוד‬
Tossed ‫ | סער‬Trouble ‫עמל עצב עצבון‬
Tottered ‫בעתה‬
‫מער פוק‬
Touched ‫ | נגע‬Troubled ‫בהל עכר עמל‬
Toward ‫אל‬ ‫סער‬
Tower ‫צריח‬ ‫ || מגדל‬True ‫אמת אמן‬
Town ‫ || עיר‬Truly ‫אמנה אכן אך‬ 1
Track ‫מעגל‬ ‫סלה‬
. ‫ פלך‬Trumpet ‫שופר חצצרה‬
Traded ‫ || סחר‬Trusted ‫בטה‬
Trained ‫הנך‬ Truth
Trampled ‫דוש‬ ‫ || רמס‬Tumult ‫מהומה שאון‬
Transcribed ‫עתק‬ Turban ‫מצנפת צניף‬
Transgressed ‫פשע עבר אשם‬ ‫מגבעה‬
Transgression ‫פשע‬ Turned ‫פנה שוב הפך‬
Translated ‫סור‬
Transported ‫ || גלה‬Tarret ‫דיק‬
Transportation ‫ | גולה‬Turtle ‫תר‬
Travailed ‫ | חול‬Twain ‫שנים‬
‫צעה‬ ‫| הלך‬Twelve , Twelfth ‫שנים־עשר‬
‫הלך‬ Twenty ‫עשרים‬
Treachery ‫מעל‬ Twice ‫פעמים משנה‬
TWI.... VIA INVIC .... UNI 51

Twilight ‫ | נשף‬Victory ‫נצחה‬

Twined ‫עבת‬ ‫ שזר‬victual ‫אכל אכילה‬
Twins ‫תאומים‬ Vileness ‫זלות‬
Twisted ‫הבל‬ ‫שזר עבה‬ Village ‫כפר‬
‫מלק‬ villany ‫נבלה‬
Two ‫שנים‬ Vine ‫גפן זמרה‬
Twofold ‫ | משנה שנים‬Vinegar ‫חמץ‬
‫כפל‬ Vineyard ‫כרם‬
Vintage ‫בציר‬
Vintager ‫בצר‬
Violated ‫חמס עשק חלל‬
v . v
‫חמס עשק‬
Vagabond ‫ | נד‬Viper ‫אפעה‬
Vain ‫שוא ריק‬ Virgin ‫בתולה‬
Valiant ‫בתולים‬
‫גבור‬ Virginity
Valley ‫עמק‬ ‫בקעה‬ Virtue ‫חיל‬
‫גיא גי נחל‬ Visage ‫פנים מראה‬
Valour ‫גבורה‬ ‫ חיל‬Vision ‫חזון חזיון‬
Value ‫יקר ערך מחיר‬ ‫מראה חזות‬
Valued ‫ | ערך‬Visitation ‫פקדה‬
Vanity ‫שוא‬ ‫ריק‬ ‫הבל‬ Visited ‫פקר‬
Vapour ‫ | איד‬Ulcer ‫שחין מזור‬
Vaunted ‫ פאר‬Unawares ‫ דעת‬- ‫בלי‬
Vehement ‫ מאד‬Uncircumcised ‫ערל‬
Veil ‫פרכת‬ ‫מסוה‬ Uncle ‫דוד דד‬
‫כסה‬ ‫ | עטף‬Unclean ‫טמא‬
Vengeance ‫נקמה נקם‬ Uncleanness ‫נדה טמאה‬
Venison . Uncovered
‫צידי‬ ‫גלה פרע‬
Verified ‫ | אמן‬Under ‫תחת‬
Verily ‫אכן‬ Underneath ‫מטה תחת‬
Very ‫מאד‬ ‫שכל בינה‬
Vessel ‫כלי‬ ‫תבונה‬
Vestment ‫בגד לבן‬ Understood ‫בון שכל ידע‬
‫ | מלבוש‬Undertook ‫קבל לקח‬
Vexation ‫ | עמל‬Ungirded ‫נתר‬
Vexed ‫רשע עול‬
‫צרר‬ ‫חרה‬ ‫צוק‬ Ungodly
‫עלל‬ Unicorn ‫ראס‬
‫צפחת אסוך‬ United ‫יחד דבק‬
52 UNJ....VUL SWAG .... WE

Unjust ‫עול‬
Unleavened ‫מצה‬
Unless W
‫לולא אולי‬
Unrighteous ‫רשע‬ ‫עול‬ Wages ‫שכר פעלה‬
Unripe ‫ || בסר‬Waggon ‫עגלה‬
Unshod ‫ || יחף‬Wailing ‫נהי‬
Unstable ‫פחז‬ ‫יחל שבר קוה‬
Until ‫ | עד‬Waited ‫צפה דוס דמם‬
Unto ‫אל‬ ‫תול‬
Untractable ‫ | איתן‬Walk ‫מהלך‬
Voice ‫ילר‬
‫ | קול‬Walked
Void ‫ || תהו‬Wall ‫חומה קיר שור‬
Volume ‫ || גליון‬Wandered ‫בוע נדד תעה‬
Voluntary ‫ || נדבה‬Want ‫מחסור‬
Vomit ‫ || קיא‬Wanted ‫חסר‬
Vomited ‫ || קוא‬War ‫מלחמה קרב‬
Vow ‫ || נדר‬Ward ‫פקדה‬
Vowed ‫ || נדר‬Warfare ‫צבא‬
Upon ‫ | על‬Warm ‫הם‬
Upbraided ‫ || חרף‬Warmed ‫המם‬
Upheld ‫סעד‬ ‫ || סמך תמך‬Warned ‫זהר ערר‬
Upper ‫ || עלית‬Wart ‫יבלת‬
Upright ‫ם‬ ‫י‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ || ישר‬Was ‫היה‬
Uprightness ‫ || ישר‬Washed ‫כבס רחץ‬
Uproar ‫ מהומה תלונה‬Waste ‫חרב ישם בלה‬
Upward ‫מעלה‬ ‫נבל‬

Urged ‫פצר‬ ‫דחף‬ ‫ | אוץ‬Wasting ‫רזין‬

‫ ||נחץ‬Watched ‫שמר צפה‬
Urn ‫ || צנצנת‬Watchman ‫שמר צפה שקד‬
Us ‫ | אתנו‬Watch -tower ‫מצפה‬
Useful ‫ || שוה‬Water ‫מים‬
Usurer ‫ || נושה‬Watered ‫שקה רוה‬
Usury ‫תרבית‬ ‫ נשך‬Wavered ‫זוע נוע‬
‫ || משאת‬Waves ‫גלים‬
Uttermost ‫תנופה‬
‫אפס‬ ‫קצה‬ Waving
Uttered ‫נבע‬ Wax
‫בטא‬ ‫דונג‬
‫מבוע‬ ‫ || מבטא‬Way ‫דרך ארך‬
‫ | איה‬We ‫אנחנו נחנו אנון‬
WEA ... WHI WHI....WIT 53

‫תפל‬ ‫כאב‬ ‫רפה‬ Whither ‫אן אנה‬

‫דל‬ ‫חלוש‬ Who ‫מי אשר‬
Weakened ‫דלה‬ ‫רפה‬ ‫חלש‬ Whole ‫כל תמים‬
Weakness ‫ | מרך‬Wholesome ‫רפאות‬
Wealth ‫רכוש‬ ‫הון חיל‬ Wholly ‫כליל כלה‬
Weaned ‫נמל‬ Whore
‫זונה קדשה‬
Weapon ‫כלי נשק‬ Whoredom ‫זנות חזנות‬

Wearied ‫יעף ינע לאה‬ Whosoever ‫כל איש־איש‬

‫טרח‬ Why ‫למה‬
Weary ‫| עיף טרח‬ Wicked ‫רשע עול רע‬
Weaved ‫ארג‬ ‫בליעל‬
Weaver ‫ ארג‬Wickedness ‫רשע רשעה‬
Week ‫שבוע‬ ‫רעה זמה‬
Weighed ‫שקל‬ wide ‫רחב‬
Weight ‫משקל‬ Widow ‫אלמנה‬
Well ‫באר בר‬ Widower
Wen ‫ | יבלת‬Wife ‫אשה‬
Went ‫בא‬ ‫ | ילך‬wild ‫פרא‬
Went out ‫יצא‬ Wilderness ‫מדבר‬
Wept ‫ |בכה דמע‬Will ‫רצון חפץ‬
Weeping ‫ | בכי בכה‬Willow ‫צפצפה‬
West ‫ | מערב ים‬Wind ‫רוח‬
Whale ‫תנין‬ Window ‫חלון צהר‬
What ‫ה‬ ‫מ‬ | Wine
Whatsoever ‫ אשר‬- ‫כל‬ Wing ‫כנף אבר ציץ‬
Wheat ‫חטה בר דגן‬ Winked
‫קרץ רזם‬
Wheel ‫ גלגל אופן‬Winnowed ‫זרה‬
When ‫ | מתי אם כי‬Wintered ‫חרף‬
‫איה אי איפה אן‬ Wiped of ‫מחה‬
} ‫אן‬ ‫אנה‬ Wise ‫תכם‬
Whence ‫אי־מזה‬ Wisdomn ‫חכמה שכל‬
Wherefore ‫למה‬ Wished , was ‫יאל חפץ רצה‬
Whether ‫אם‬ ling ‫אבה‬
Which ‫ || אשר מה‬Witch ‫מכשפה‬
While ‫כי‬ Witchcraft ‫כשף‬
Whirlwind ‫ || סערה שער‬With ‫עם את‬
White ‫לבן‬ Withdrew ‫סור‬
Whitened ‫לבן‬ Withered ‫יבש נבל קמל‬
‫‪WIT .... WRA‬‬ ‫‪WRA .... ZEA‬‬

‫‪Withheld‬‬ ‫חרון אף זעם‬

‫מפע כחד חשך }‬ ‫‪Wrath‬‬
‫כלא‬ ‫עברה חמה‬
‫‪Without‬‬ ‫חוץ בלי בלתי‬ ‫כעס רגז‬
‫‪Withstood‬‬ ‫| עמד‬ ‫‪Wrinkle‬‬ ‫קמט‬
‫‪Witness‬‬ ‫ער‬ ‫‪Writing‬‬ ‫כתב מכתב‬
‫‪Wizard‬‬ ‫‪ || Wrote‬ידעוני‬ ‫כתב‬
‫‪Wo‬‬ ‫אוי אויה הוי הה‬ ‫‪Wrought‬‬ ‫פעל עשה עבד‬
‫‪Wolf‬‬ ‫זאב‬ ‫‪Wrung off‬‬ ‫מלק‬
‫‪Woman‬‬ ‫אשה‬
‫‪Womb‬‬ ‫רחם בטן‬
‫‪Wonder‬‬ ‫מופת פלא‬
‫‪Wondered‬‬ ‫‪Y‬‬
‫תמה שאה‬
‫‪Wonderful‬‬ ‫פלא נפלאת‬ ‫‪Ye‬‬ ‫אתם‬
‫‪ | Yea‬עץ יער‬ ‫אף גם כן‬
‫‪Wool‬‬ ‫‪ || Year‬צמר‬ ‫שנה‬
‫‪Word‬‬ ‫‪ | Yelled‬דבר‬ ‫יבב‬
‫‪ | Yellow‬מעשה פעל‬ ‫צהב‬
‫‪ | Yesterday‬פעלה מפעל‬ ‫אמש תמול‬
‫‪ Yet‬מל‪..‬כה עבדה‬ ‫עד אבל אך‬
‫‪Workmanship‬‬ ‫‪ | Yielded‬מלאכת‬ ‫מגן נתן‬
‫‪World‬‬ ‫ערל מוט‬
‫‪ | Yoke‬עולם ארץ תבל‬
‫‪ Yonder‬תולעת רמה‬ ‫הלאה‬
‫‪ | You‬שרץ‬ ‫אתם אתכם‬

‫‪Worship‬‬ ‫‪ | Young‬עבודה יראה‬ ‫רד‬

‫‪Worshipped‬‬ ‫‪ | Young man‬שחה עבד‬ ‫בחור‬

‫‪Worth‬‬ ‫‪ || Youth‬מחיר‬ ‫נער‬

‫‪Would‬‬ ‫לו‬
‫פצע נגע מזור‬
‫חבורה חבלה‬
‫‪Wounded‬‬ ‫פצע בצע חבל‬
‫‪Wrapped up‬‬ ‫‪|| Zeal‬גלס עטף עלף‬

‫תם ונשלם שבח לאל בורא עולם‬


AUG 041994

201-6503 Printed
in USA


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