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E-Service (Web Portal)

Attestation Details
Selecting Mode of Attestation
1. Applicant will be asked first to select the Mode of Attestation of his application
2. There three types of modes of attestation which applicant can select from:
a. Attestation Through Courier
i. If you select ‘Attestation through Courier as the mode of attestation, you also
need to specify whether you are applying from Inside Pakistan or Outside
ii. If you are applying from Inside Pakistan, then select the district from where you
will be applying. On the basis of district selection, regional center will be
selected automatically by the system.

iii. If you are applying from outside the Pakistan then the regional center will only
be ‘Islamabad’.
E-Service (Web Portal)

b. Normal
i. If you select Normal mode of attestation, you will be asked to select your
desired Regional Center from the dropdown Where You Want To Get
ii. You will have to visit the selected Regional Center to submit your hardcopies
and get the degree attested
iii. There is not extra fees for Normal Attestation except the fee for the documents
you need to get attested
c. Urgent
i. If you select Urgent mode of attestation, you will be asked to select your
desired Regional Center from the dropdown Where You Want To Get
ii. You will have to visit the selected Regional Center to submit your hardcopies
and get the degree attested
iii. Rupees 5000 are charged extra for Urgent Attestation apart from the fee for
the documents you need to get attested

Document Counts Which Needs to Be Attested

1. You will see your selected educational details in Selected Documents Which You Want to Attest
2. Carefully select the document count against each document type that you want to get attested
3. Click on the arrow buttons in the document count fields to increase the document count.
4. For attestation of original document, fee is 1000 Rs.
5. For attestation of photocopy document, fee is 700 Rs.
6. You will need to pay the Total Amount mentioned below at the HEC regional center when you
visit for Degree Attestation.
a. In case of Normal Attestation, the total amount you have to pay would be 2700
E-Service (Web Portal)

b. In case of Urgent Attestation, the total amount you have to pay would be 7700 (5000
Rs. Urgent Attestation fee)
E-Service (Web Portal)

Attestation of Duplicate Degree

 If the original degree is already attested (after March 2009) then applicant can only select
original degree again in case of issuance of duplicate or revised degree. Applicant should put 1
in the original degree document count
 He must identify the case as duplicate attestation by selecting YES at the end of document
count section, otherwise he would not be able to re-attest the original degree.
 If applicant do not select YES in the duplication attestation, he will not be able to proceed
E-Service (Web Portal)

Legacy User (Degree Attested before 29 May 2017)

 If candidate got his original degree attested from HEC between April 2009 to 29th May 2017’
he can get his other documents attested through the online web portal by selecting YES in the
check Detail of Degree if Already Attested
 Applicant should provide his original degree stamp number below and click Validate Stamp
 If the stamp number is valid he can get any document attested except the original degree and if
it is invalid, then applicant would not be able to proceed. In this case applicant may register
complaint at by attaching copies of attested degree(s)
 For attesting the original degree in the legacy case, applicant can follow the same procedure
written in Duplicate Degree case above.
E-Service (Web Portal)

New Attestation
1. New Attestation (Degrees awarded by Pakistani Universities /DAIs)
 For the applicants who are submitting their DEGREE ATTESTATION SERVICE application for
the first time, following cases are applicable to them.
a. Complete Degree
i. Applicant cannot enter any photocopy count (greater than zero) if the relevant
original document count is zero.
ii. Applicant can enter the original equivalence count (greater than zero) only
when original degree count is greater than zero.
iii. Only original provisional certificate and original transcript can be attested with
zero original degree count. In both these case, the degree will be called as
partially attested
b. Incomplete or Currently Enrolled Degree
i. Applicant can only attest transcript in this case.
ii. Applicant cannot enter the photocopy count (greater than zero) if the relevant
original document count is zero.
2. New Attestation (For Foreign Education)
 Applicant cannot enter the photocopy count (greater than zero) if the equivalence original
document count is zero.

3. Already Attested Document

 If any original document is already attested then following cases will be followed.
a. If the original degree is already attested, applicant can get any other original or
photocopy document attested.
b. If degree is already partially attested then applicant can get the provisional certificate or
transcript photocopy/original attested.
c. If the applicant wishes to get his Equivalence Photocopy attested, he should have his
Original Degree Certificate attested
d. For foreign education case, applicant can get the photocopies of equivalence document
attested if the original is already attested.
e. If degree original document is already attested and applicant now wishes to get his
degree photocopy document attested, applicant will no longer have to undergo scrutiny
of his documents again and he can right away schedule an appointment for documents
attestation after submitting his application.

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