Female Reproductive System

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Subject : gynecology and obstetrics (Chapter One )

Anatomy of the female genital tract

1. The vulva
2. The vagina
3. The uterus
4. The fallopian tubes s
5. The overies

Females External reproductive organs

This includes moons pubis, labia major, labia minor, vestibular glands, clitoris and

vestibule of vagina, which collectively called vulva.

The moons pubis

Mound of fatty tissue covers syphisis pubis. It is covered with hair at puberty.
1. The vulva

The vulva is made up of all external genital organs. The vulva has the following

 The mons pubis :is a fatty lying over the symphysis pubis
 The labia majora two folds of skin cover and fat covered with the hair

Labia major are two longitudinal folds of skin that forms the outer border of
vulva. It contains fat, smooth muscle, areola tissue, sebaceous glands & sensory
receptors. At puberty covered with hair.

1 | P a g e This course of midwifery is only Specializes for the girls those are interest to be Mid-wife in the future
 The labia minora two thinner folds which join towards the front and
covered the clitoris.

Labia minor are a smaller fold of skin that lies between the labia major. Labia
minor and labia major surround vaginal & urethral orifices. The labia merge at
the top to form the foreskin or prepuce called the clitoris.

The clitoris is the female equivalent of the penis its small sensitive erectile organ.

The vaginal opening is between the labia minora in the virgin girls its closed by

folds of membrane called Hymen.

The tri angular space from the clitoris to the vaginal orifice is called the vestibule

and the opening of the urethra lies in it.

Clitoris is a small erectile organ at the upper end of vulva below the moons pubis,

where the two folds of labia minor meet. Like the penis it contain many nerve

endings, hence it is very sensitive part.

The vestibule
Vestibule is a space between the labia minor. Its floor contains the greater

vestibular glands and the opening for the urethra & vagina.

During sexual arousal the greater and lesser vestibular gland secrete alkaline

mucous for lubrication to aid penetration.

2 | P a g e This course of midwifery is only Specializes for the girls those are interest to be Mid-wife in the future
2. The vagina

The vagina is a passage joining the uterus and the external genitaia its anterior
wall is next to the bladder in its upper part and the next to the urethra in it’s the
lower part

The posterior wall is next to the pouch Douglas its upper part next to the rectum

in the middle part perineal body in the lower part.

The vagina is the lower part of the female reproductive tract.

3 | P a g e This course of midwifery is only Specializes for the girls those are interest to be Mid-wife in the future
3. The uterus

The uterus is a muscular organ of the female reproductive tract that is specialized

to allow embryo to became implanted in its wall and to nourish the growing the

fetus from the maternal blood.

The uterus is a hallow pear shaped about 7.5 cm or 9 cm long 3cm thick and the

widest 6cm.

The wall of the uterus is lined by soft membrane called Endometrium.

Parts of the uterus

The uterus is divided in to the following parts

 The fundus above the opening of the fallopian tubes in to the uterine
 The body is the main middle portion
 The Cervix is the lower part of the uterus which project the vagina
The cervical canal opens in to the uterine cavity at the internal Os and the
vaginal cavity at the external Os.

4 | P a g e This course of midwifery is only Specializes for the girls those are interest to be Mid-wife in the future
4. The Fallopian tubes

The fallopian tubes are the passages by which the Ova reach the uterus.

They are 10 to 12 cm long.

Each tubes of the fallopian tubes is divided three main parts

 The interstitial portion is the middle part of the opening the uterine cavity
just below the fundus
 Isthmus Which narrow parts followed by the Ampulla
 Ampulla Which is the third and the widest part

The abdominal opening of the tubes called the ampulla is has processes on and
it’s called Fimbria

5 | P a g e This course of midwifery is only Specializes for the girls those are interest to be Mid-wife in the future
5. The Ovaries

The ovaries are Oval shaped and lie on the side wall of the pelvis.

The ovaries is attached to the uterus by ovarian ligaments which carries

The ovarian blood vessels

The ovary contains 200’00 follicle during menstrual cycle and the folic matures to
release an ovum each ovum can be fertilized by sperm.

6 | P a g e This course of midwifery is only Specializes for the girls those are interest to be Mid-wife in the future

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