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Maharaja Surajmal

About MSI Acheivements
Established in 1999, Maharaja Surajmal Institute is
(Affiliated to GGSIPU) n of MSI
committed to quality professional education with 1. Awarded 'A' Grade by Academic Audit

Model United
Committee (AAC).
innovative methodologies. Founded by
2. Awarded 'A' Grade by Joint Assessment
educationists and social workers, it aims to elevate
Committee (JAC) of GNCT of Delhi consecutively

education standards under the guidance of Hon’ble for six years. This assessment is valid for this
President Shri Kaptan Singh. Renowned for its 8- academic tear also as informed by the university.
acre lush green campus, well-equipped library, 3. Awarded 'A+' Grade by State Fee Regulatory
qualified staff, and modern infrastructure, the Committee (SFRC) of GNCT of Delhi
institute offers popular courses like BBA, B.Com, 4. Accredited by National Assessment and
BCA, and B.Ed. Prioritizing creative empowerment, Accreditation Council as 'A' Grade (NAAC).
it achieves placement success with a significant 5. MSI in BCA Programme is ranked 2nd among
all colleges in Delhi State and ranked 15th among
number of campus recruiters and a history of
top BCA colleges in India by India Today 2020
placements in reputable organizations, including
573 placements in 2018 and 385 in 2017. Pre- 6. MSI, in BBA Programme, is No. 1 Ranked
placement activities, like group discussions and College of GGSIPU, 2nd among all colleges in the
mock interviews, prepare students for future Delhi State, and 11th among the Top BBA College in
opportunities. India as per the All-India Survey' 20192020
Maharaja Surajmal Institute (MSI) features a well- conducted by India Today Group.
equipped Central Library with 27,892 volumes, 85 7. Placement Cell and Services of MSI is ranked
journals, 3,863 online journals, and 1,257 E-Books. 6th in India and No. 1 in Delhi by the Times of India
survey, 2020.
The institute has a strong faculty of 74 members,
8. MSI is certified as a recognized Social
with 40 Ph.D. and 21 M.Phil. qualifications,
Entrepreneurship, Swachhta and Rural
focusing on cultivating conceptual understanding Engagement Cell (SESREC) Institution by the
and skills in students. Committed to 21st-century Mahatma Gandhi National Council of
skills, MSI encourages a designer's mindset and “An opportunity to create Rural Education, Department of Higher Education,
practical problem-solving. The "Entrepreneurship Government of India on 30th August 2020.
Cell" (E-Cell) invites successful entrepreneurs to wide networks and 9. The Institute is awarded Certificate of
Excellence (2nd Position) on Internship Day for the
share experiences and inspire students.
connections with people all Best Internship Record at All India level.

around the world.”

about mun
Model United Nations (MUN) mimics UN procedures, emerging as a valuable concept for students. It enhances communication, public
speaking, and content writing skills while fostering traits like persuasion, analysis, research, and critical thinking. MUN educates on current
events, international relations, diplomacy, and the UN agenda, providing global knowledge. Originating in 1921 as student-led Model League
of Nations simulations, it was revolutionary for simulating a global body, setting the stage for future simulations after the League of Nations.
Model United Nations (MUN) mirrors United Nations procedures, helping students enhance communication, public speaking, and content
writing skills. It fosters traits like persuasion, analysis, research, and critical thinking. MUN educates about current events, international
relations, diplomacy, and the UN agenda, offering knowledge of the world. Originating as Model League of Nations in 1921, it pioneered
simulating a global body, influencing future simulations

objectives of mun
Awareness: MUN fosters global awareness, prompting participants to analyze and form opinions on current world issues.
Presentation of Views: Participants learn to diplomatically present their opinions, enhancing their ability to make a significant
Analysis Capabilities: MUN develops analytical skills by simulating real-world problem-solving in a global context, encouraging
thoughtful consideration of diverse perspectives and potential solutions.
Networking: Attending MUNs provides opportunities to build valuable connections with delegates, senior officials, event
organizers, and potential mentors, fostering a network for future collaborations.
Leadership Qualities: Taking on the role of a representative for a nation in MUNs hones leadership skills through decision-
making, problem-solving, and teamwork.
Public Speaking: MUNs necessitate frequent public speaking, helping participants gain confidence and clarity in expressing
their opinions to a diverse audience

5th 6th
April April

From 9:30am to 3:00pm


Rs. 200/-
Letter from secretary general

I am honored to serve as the Secretary General of SOMUN, dedicated to deliver a
high-quality MUN experience at SOMUN. We are aiming to provide each delegate
with a top-tier MUN encounter. We strive to foster an environment that promotes
learning, collaboration, diplomacy, and meaningful discussion on global issues.
Beyond simulating the United Nations, our goal is to inspire and empower delegates
to become proactive global citizens, equipped with the skills to navigate our complex
Carefully curated committees and agendas await, designed to challenge intellect, refine diplomacy, and
encourage innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. Anticipate engaging debates, thought-provoking
discussions, and an atmosphere fueled by your active participation.
Join us on this journey of knowledge, diplomacy, and growth at SOMUN, MSI. Together, let's embark on an
experience that not only broadens your horizons but also leaves an indelible mark on your MUN journey.

Warm regards,
Ronak Taneja
Secretary General, SOMUN.

UNA-USA Procedure
Each committee is led by a Chairperson who facilitates the discussion for the committee. The committee will start with the
Chairperson taking roll call.

Roll call:
In the MUN, the beginning stage is the Roll Call. In Model UN, the Roll Call is utilized essentially to check participation and
compute the necessary share for procedural and substantial votes. A delegate can answer with "Present" or "Present and Voting".
A representative who introduces himself/herself as "Present and Voting" cannot skip the substantive voting. When this stage is
finished, the meeting can proceed onward to the subsequent stage.

Setting the Agenda:

If only one subject is given before entering the debate, this part is unnecessary but delegates needs to choose the topic in case of
multiple topics to raise the motion. Once a motion has been raised, the Chairs will call for a procedural voting process, meaning
that delegates are unable to abstain and MUST vote. Only a simple majority is needed. Now, A topic has been raised, the Countries
have been counted. The actual Debate can now proceed.

The Debate Opening Speech

Once a topic has been chosen, each state’s delegate, according to the alphabetical order of each State present, will give an opening
speech in which they briefly outline their opinion on the matter at hand. Once this process is over, the discussion will move on to
the General Speaker’s List .

The General Speakers List:

The GSL is essentially a default section within a discussion. Chairs will establish a time limit that each speaker should adhere to
and Countries can then ask to be added to the list, taking turn to speak in the order the Chairs have provided.
Moderated and Unmoderated Caucuses:
While the GSL is ultimately a tool to allow general discussions, sometimes one needs to spend more time on
certain specifics, in which case one can call for an unmoderated or moderated caucus. A moderated caucus has a
particular topic which is proposed by delegates based on main agenda, and every speaker should speak just
according to that subject. The caucus requires a set amount of time per speaker, the two of which are controlled
by the delegate who made the motion for the caucus. Now, an unmoderated Caucus is a whole other tactical
game. Within it, general rules seize to exist for a while, and one is able to be within a freeform debate, no turns,
no points, no speaking time, they can get to meet the other countries in a more personal manner, and they get to
negotiate and write their draft resolutions. Like the moderated caucus, a motion for this has to be raised. It’s a
procedural vote, so no abstaining is possible. The unmoderated caucus takes time for as long as the allotted time

Draft Resolutions:
A draft resolution is a document which states the proposed solution of the issue at hand and is supposed to be
representing the viewpoints and the agenda of those who have written and signed it. It must have a minimum
number of sponsors who support it and will vote in favor of it, once debates have ended. The number of
necessary sponsors differs based on the Council and the Chair, according to the size of a Committee. When a
draft goal has been affirmed by the Chair, a motion might be made to acquaint it with the board. A sponsor will
present the draft resolution and read the clauses individually. Correcting Draft Resolutions -When a draft
resolution has been presented, changes to operative clauses might be recommended and voted for. The
amendments might be presented, and afterward the Chair will inquire as to whether they acknowledge it as an
inviting change. Sponsors having a problem with the alteration will be noted, and a vote will follow. If the
amendment passes, it will be included in the draft resolution and the other sponsors can eliminate their
sponsorship. An amended operative clause can't be re-amended.
Closing the debate:
For a draft resolution to be voted for, the GSL must first be closed, hence one must either wait until the GSL
list runs its course, or one must raise the motion to close the debate. If two-thirds agree and are in favor, the
debate will end.
If there is more than one draft resolution on the table, the committee will vote on the one which had been
handed in first, based on their serial number. The Committee then votes on the Draft Resolution. Else, the
conversation on the subject is suspended, and the committee moves to the next thing on the agenda.

Voting procedure:
The voting procedure is a substantive vote for everyone except those countries which said that they are
“Present and voting.” Meaning, that everyone who said that they are present at the Roll Call gets to either vote
“Yes”, “No”, or gets to abstain. Furthermore sponsors are not allowed to abstain for the draft resolution at
Once voting is completed and a proposal has been passed, it becomes the resolution of the committee, at
which point the council will move on to the next topic that was on the agenda. If it should however fail, the
draft resolution next to the first one will be voted on. Once one has been approved, or all have been voted on,
one move on to the next topic.

1) United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

AGENDA: Addressing the aftermath of Russian military aggression in Ukraine

prioritizing humanitarian aid, facilitating safe return for displaced civilians, and
restoring sustainable housing for affected communities.

The UN Human Rights Council is the principal intergovernmental body within the United
Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human
rights around the globe, and for addressing and taking action on human rights violations
around the globe.It responds to human rights emergencies and makes
recommendations on how to better implement human rights on the ground. The Council
can also convene urgent meetings on short notice to respond to emerging human rights
2) United Nations General Assemble ( UNGA )

AGENDA: Prioritizing Children's Rights in the Israel-Hamas Conflict: Addressing impacts,

overcoming obstacles, and seeking avenues for a safer future.

The United Nations General Assembly occupies a central position as the chief deliberative,
policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations. Comprised of all 193
Members of the United Nations, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the
full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter. It also plays a central role in
the process of standard-setting and the codification of international law.The Assembly
meets from September to December each year (main part), and thereafter, from January to
September (resumed part), as required, including to take up outstanding reports from the
Fourth and Fifth Committees.
3) All India Political Party Meets ( AIPPM )

AGENDA: Mitigating Communal Violence in India - Examining triggers, safeguarding

democracy, human rights, and social harmony.

The All India Political Party Meets are conventions that allow the diverse political groups of
India to reach a consensus on decisions of national importance, before sessions began. With
the absence of legislative power of the parliament the initial purpose of the forum was for
unrestricted political debate, discussion and deliberation which may not be allowed in
parliament due to time constraints but this body now aids in providing a better insight into
national issues.
The AIPPM committee in MUN aims to mimic this reality by reproducing the stages of policies
and jurisdiction, with delegates representing personalities from the divergent group of Indian
political parties.
4) International Court of Justice ( ICJ )

AGENDA: Protecting Migrant Children's Rights - Emphasizing non-detention alternatives,

compliance with international and EU law, and providing essential services for optimal child

The ICJ is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations. Its seat is at the Peace Palace in
The Hague (Netherlands). Notably, it is the only UN principal organ not situated in New York.The
chief judicial organ of the UN, it is also sometimes known as the World Court.Established by the
UN Charter in 1945, it began work in 1946 when it replaced the Permanent Court of International
Justice which had functioned in the Peace Palace since 1922. All the 193 member states of the UN
are automatically parties to the Court. Those nations that are not members of the UN may
become parties to the Court’s statute with the help of the Article 93 procedureThe chief function
of the ICJ is to settle disputes submitted by parties according to international law.The Court also
gives advisory opinions on legal matters submitted by any of the UN bodies or specialised


teacher coordinators

Dr. Nidhi Dahiya Dr. Anviti Rawat Dr. preeti malik ms. mahima sharma

student coordinators

ronaK TANEJA akash masih

chief patrons- smes,msi

sh. kaptan singh, sh. ajit singh sh. raj pal singh dr. harish singh
sectretary smes secretary,smes treasurer,smes director,msi
Registration Details :

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Click the registration form link and fill in the relevant details.
Upload the fee receipt. Submit the form.

Account Holder: Sehajdeep Kaur
Account Number: 0419100100002332
IFSC: PUNB0041910
Branch: NEW DELHI-VISHAL ENCLAVE( West Delhi ) Delhi-110027
Account Type: SAVINGS

For any queries

Ronak Taneja (Secretary General)- 9667643888
Akash Masih (Deputy Secretary General)- 7428940662

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