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Module Code : CT109-3-1

Handout Date : Week 1

Due Date : GROUP Week 10, INDIVIDUAL Week 8

This assignment that consists of both group and individual components. Although different due
dates, you are to start working on both parts at the same time. The students should attempt to
conduct this research in as realistic a manner as possible, consistent with actual industry practices
and issues. Evaluation will take into consideration the effort and initiative shown by the student in
putting in their best attempt and the level of commitment shown.

This assignment involves investigating and researching the current issues in education. Each
group is to select a specific education domain (existing websites, apps, tools or any related
system) and each group member is required to identify an issue (one issues per student)
within the selected domain and propose a digital solution to solve the issue (one solution per
student). You are to combine the digital solutions from all your group members and come
out with ONE (1) information system.

The format and assignment requirements are as follows:

1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Acknowledgement
4. Abstract
5. Group Component (80 marks)
5.1. Introduction - Introduce the selected education domain.
5.2. List of Issues - Provide a list of issues found in the information system (one issue per
team member). The issues could be the functions of the computer systems. Include a
table of summary consisting of the issues with your team member names.
5.3. Existing Functionalities Review in an information system – You are required to
identify and discuss the functionality from the existing system. You are required to find
system (8 functions/advance feature- each function per team member) that have
advance features from different information system. (allowed to find more than one
information system, 8 solutions could have 8 information systems)

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5.4. Proposed Solution - Introduce the proposed solutions, its objectives, and the System
Design (user interface) (one solution per team member). The solution may be a new or
improved functions. Include a table of summary consisting of the solutions with your
team member names.
5.5. Conclusion - Justify all the solutions to be combined as ONE (1) information system.
 What issues the system has (brief)
 Solution provided (brief)
5.6. References - Include all sources used. Each source must be crossed-referenced with the
citations included in the group component, and vice versa. Students need to use APA
Referencing Format.
5.7. Appendices - Work Breakdown Structure - Refer to Assignment Requirements 5.

6. Individual Component (20 marks)

6.1. Each group member must choose one computer ethical issue below, ensuring separation
of topics - do not share the same topic, otherwise marks awarded will be divided
between the two team members. (should be existing ethical issue related to the education
system, if the issue is solved, then different solution should be come out with)
 Copyright Infringement Ethical
 Information Theft Ethical
 Bribery Ethical
 Theft and Fraud Ethical
 Digital Discrimination Ethical
 Deceptive and Misleading information Ethical
 Software Piracy Ethical
 Social Media Ethical
 Access Right Ethical
 Trade Secret Ethical
***Or any topic of your choice (but with permission from the lecturer)
6.2. Investigate and understand your topic well and answer the following questions. Relate
your answers to the group component above (chosen domain, issues, proposed
solutions, etc.). Include scenarios and examples, along with researched items to back
you up. You are to submit an infographic image prepared in MS Power Point (one
slide per student). The write-up and drawing must be in one slide and in MS Power
Point format (no animation and hyperlink are allowed).
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i. Briefly introduce your selected ethical issue.
ii. Explain with an example how this issue may be committed in the selected
education domain.
iii. A preventive measurement to overcome the issue.

Assignment Requirements
1. This is a group assignment with two separate report submissions:
a) Group Report: To be submitted ONLY by the group leader
b) Individual Infographic: To be submitted by each INDIVIDUAL group members
2. The expected length should be not more than 6000 words for the group component, and one
MS Power Point slide for each individual component. You need to include a word count at
the end of the group report.
3. The document must be well presented and typed. Submission of reports that are
unprofessional in appearance (disorganized, inconsistent look, varying size, etc.) will not fare
well when marks are allocated.
4. All reports must be prepared with a front cover. The front cover should be presented with the
following details:-
a) APU Logo
b) Names of team members
c) Intake code
d) Module code and title
e) Name of your proposed system
f) Name of your module lecturer
g) Hand out date (date the report was handed out)
h) Submission date (date the report is due to be submitted)

5. Include the work breakdown structure (WBS) (the division of work by your group), signed
by all members. This will be used to adjust the marks for individual members if necessary.
 A breakdown of tasks among the group members.
Name Task / Description / Responsibility Signature
Alex Brown e.g. Determine one current issue AlexB
relating to the insurance system

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6. All information, figures and diagrams obtained from external sources must be referenced
using the APA Referencing system accordingly.


7. Plagiarism is a serious offence and will automatically be awarded ZERO (0) mark.
Plagiarism cannot be more than 20%.

SUBMISSION: Moodle (Group and Individual component). Submission link will be provided

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You have to submit your softcopy assignment on time

Marking Criteria
The assignment will contribute 50% towards the in-course assessment, as mentioned on the
Student Assessment & Information Sheet (SAIS).

Distinction A+, A
Demonstrated comprehensive research with detailed evidence. High level of analysis performed,
exceptional and thorough knowledge and understanding displayed with regard to application.
This includes analysis and evaluation of facts. Documentation presented in a professional manner,
following proper sequencing and flow. Correctly listing in-text citations and references.

Credit B+, B
Adequate research conducted with fair detail of evidence presented. Moderate level of
understanding, analysis and knowledge displayed. Some level of relevance included in terms of
application. Moderate level of analysis and evaluation. Good level of documentation presented.
Moderate level of listing citation and references.

Pass C+, C, C-
Low level research conducted. Some evidence of research displayed. Basic level of understanding
and knowledge analysis displayed. Satisfactory level of documentation. Satisfactory evaluation
and analysis of facts. Low level of listing citation and references.

Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation

Level 1

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