Dazzling VAS Service PLC

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Dazzling VAS service (CRBT)


Contacts: +251-912954434

Table of Contents

Contents 2
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Visions, Missions and core values.................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Visions....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Missions.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 CORE VALUES.................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Objectives and Benefits of the service......................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Objectives of the service....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Benefits of the service............................................................................................................................................ 7
4. Company profile and experiences................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Company setup and organizational structure.................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Business administration and operational managements......................................................................................... 9
4.2 General Manager Qualification......................................................................................................................... 11
5. Marketing strategy............................................................................................................................................ 12
5.1 Marketing promotion strategy........................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Revenue forecasting for three years................................................................................................................. 14
6. Coordination and transparency.................................................................................................................... 16
7. Technical capacity and service source....................................................................................................... 16
8. Service description............................................................................................................................................ 17
8.1 CRBT contents and description............................................................................................................................ 17
8.1.1 Objectives of the services..........................................................................................18

9. Summary of the company......................................................................................................................................... 19

10 .languages tariffs and sample of RBT................................................................................................................. 20
10.1 Languages used in the service........................................................................................................................... 20
10.2 Service tariffs........................................................................................................................................................ 20
1. comand opration............................................................................................................................................... 32
11. Staffing and documenting.............................................................................................................................. 33
11.1 Staffing.................................................................................................................................................................... 33
11.2 Documenting......................................................................................................................................................... 34
12. List of equipment............................................................................................................................................... 35
13. Conclusions.......................................................................................................................................................... 35

1. Introduction

Customized Caller Ring Back Tones (CRBT) are used to entertain callers by playing a media clip
while the caller’s phone is ringing. CRBT involves the mobile operator replacing the standard audio
clip with a clip selected by the user, in this case the called. The service may be offered by 3rd party
application providers,

When a subscriber A calls a subscriber B, the Mobile Switching Center is responsible for routing the
call to the receiver. If subscriber B is available and the call can be routed to their handset, then
subscriber A gets to hear the standard operator ring-back tone as the call session is established
between them and the receiver. Once the receiver (subscriber B) picks the call, the ring-back tone is
terminated and a call session established for the duration of communication. The design of customized
caller Ring-Back Tone (RBT) enables a mobile subscriber to select a preferred tone from a list availed
by the service provider. Thus CRBT is a customizable ring tone or music that a subscriber may
subscribe to via a hot key or USSD code to replace the default ring back tone when the subscriber is
called The CRBT service replaces that standard ring-back tone with a selectable music such that, when
the subscriber A calls subscriber B, subscriber A gets to hear the music that has been selected by B as
opposed to the default tone by the network provider. This service is usually provided as a premium
rate service. The Caller Ring-Back Tones are currently offered mostly through the GSM,3G or 4G
core network

Dazzling VAS service is determined to delivery selected singers for local customers, a service to
dream of as you try to escape the daily stresses of life and just an affordable and to entertained within
the tone. , all in one. With the growing demand for high-quality VAS service and great service,
Dazzling VAS service will capitalize on its proximity to the country of customers. Dazzling VAS
service service will offer its customers the best constructed RBT tone in the country that will be
complimented with full singers

Dazzling VAS service will be created as a private limited company based in Addis Ababa, owned by
Mr. Yosef Alemayehu . The initial office was established in quality office located in Oromia, Furi
main roads of Jamo 2.On Welifan Building.

Dazzling VAS service is the firm, which can give technology based RBT service without any
tiredness. We have professional staffs to give this service .Therefore, we are ready to provide the
service and see the customer’s satisfaction. Providing this information makes the customers to easily
access to the tone.

The company is expected to grow sales revenue from 15 million in FY2022 to 25m in years three.. As
Dazzling VAS service PLC will strive to maintain a 50% gross profit margin and reasonable
operating expenses, it will see net profits grow from 15 m to 25 m during the same period. Our
customers will be those individuals and families in need of vital information’s. The service is accessed
via our website too by our professional staffs. We want to develop our customers or communities by
providing necessary and important RBT to entrained via our website without any territorial

We also want to be competitive in next three years by giving quality-based RBT to our customers
since our aim is serving our customers. We give our all efforts to our customers in order to achieve the
goals of the company.

Dazzling VAS service PLC is a RBT service offer company to our community. Market
research indicates that there is significant need for selected RBT with delivered in
these communities and we believe that by employing competent and well educated
staff and providing them with organized and responsive management.

Generally, customers while they are following and getting RBT about and we say that
providing best songs/religious songs service and which is very cheap to get the service and
give confident service at any time anywhere. .

2. Visions, Missions and core values

1. Visions

To become competitive and leading value added service(MCRBT) in Ethiopia by providing

customer focused and quality service to our customers 2025

2. Missions

Our missions are simple Dazzling VAS service PLC strives to offer excellent and affordable
RBT services to individuals, friends and families of need service about different color ring
tone / as well as becoming leading value added service offered by ethio telecom. To become
the choice of the customers and to contribute positively to socio-economic developments of
the country.

1. Safe from negative attitude as first priority .
2. High performance and leading organizations with continues improvements and
knowledge sharing’s
3. We recognize and reward employees for their performances and demonstrate integrity,
respect to others, candor and team work
4. Act in an open fashions and be result oriented
5. Adopt zero tolerance to difference, inefficiency and bureaucracy
6. Encourage 3600 free flow and sharing of information’s
7. Treat our customers the same way we would like to be treated
8. Integration : integration of the team makes our service unique
9. Team work: we ourselves work as a team to provide vital information about the
10. Accountability: we are accountable about services we will give and about what we
say and do.
11. Professionalism: we engage ourselves in professional manners not manual manners

12. Objectives and Benefits of the service

1. Objective
The objective of our proposal is to:

1. Support Bands and Artists by creating an additional revenue stream and creating a way for
them to gain more followers.

2. To deliver CRBT tones based on Ethio Telecom rule and regulations /specification/.(i.e
including religious)

3. Replacing the traditional beep tone with an Entertaining different tones.

And plus of the service is-by the end In order to achieve our objectives we have to hear our
customer’s suggestions and needs as per our service. Our biggest objectives are achieving
customer’s need and selected tone from our service by our qualified staffs.

1. Benefits of the service

1. It gives a unique identity for the person that wants to upload his own CRBT

2. It will turn the wait for an answer into different songs or music containing an entertaining,
social and informative hearable content

3. It Makes a callers to enjoy and relax while making a call to somebody they want to call which
uses different caller ring back tones to various contacts.

4. Company profile and experiences


Dazzling VAS service PLC wants to participate on delivering ring back tone contents as a partner in
collaboration with Ethio Telecom and different Bands ,religious singers and also with Artists there.
Currently we have contacted a number of religious singers and Artists at the same time we have made
an agreement to work with them for producing Music , different types of instrumental and classical
songs etc. We have so many Bands consisting of different Artists on behalf of the Band that are going
to work with us after we are making a legal written agreement with the singers since they are formed
legally and is very nice to do with them than making individual agreement with money of the religious
singers and Artists at a time. The Bands consisting of different Artists with them that are going to do
the CRBT content providing work will include HoraArsedii Band and LegetafoLegedadi Band In
addition, ring tones of those partner Band artists have been rearranged/adjusted to be uploaded on our
store. In the meantime, apart from adjusting their existing ring tones we have also working with them
to create a brand new ring tone which will be popular and attractive for different types of customers
having different culture, religious, attitude and belief. Besides, several religious singers and Artists
are showing us their interest to work with us. In addition, most of religious singers and artists are now
contacting us to support them in loading their tones to Ethio CRBT system as to allow them to
generate a better revenue for themselves and to gain large followers of EthioTelecom customers.

1. Company setup and organizational structure

The performance of the service will be strong when it employs an efficient and smooth
organizational structure that allows flexibility and ease of communication among workers.
The organizational structure and labor requirement takes into account the condition of the
service. The establisher and general manager of the envisaged has work experience of more
than 6 years. Beside his work experience worked at different organization, he has ability of
gathering and managing information to deliver to people.
The organization structure mainly depends on capacity of the service involved. A lean and
efficient organizational structure (as depicted in figure below) headed by General Manager,
with the supporting staff has been envisaged. The following organizational structure depicts
functional grouping of the services.

General Manager

Service teams Technical staffs Financial staffs

Marketing team

Marketer Service
Professional IT



4.2 Business administration and operational managements

The general interest of all employees and the efficient operation of the business require the
observance of certain basic standards of conduct. The rules set out below are binding on all
employees. You are asked to read them carefully and to discuss with your supervisor any
points you do not fully understand. Failure to observe the rules will result in disciplinary
action taken in accordance with the company's disciplinary procedure.

The following list is provided by way of illustration only and is not intended to be exhaustive.

1. Refusal or failure to carry out a reasonable instruction.

2. A serious breach of the company's safety rules .
3. Any act at work, which seriously endangers the health or safety of any other person
including interference with any equipment, provided for the health and safety of
4. Violence, assault or dangerous horseplay.
5. Theft or fraud, including 'clocking' for another employee .
6. Will full damage to the property of the company or a fellow employee .
7. Gross immorality within the workplace .
8. Sleeping during working hours.
9. Gross insubordination or objectionable and insulting behavior.
10. other than in the normal course of the company's business, shall not be arranged or
held during working hours. or on the company's premises, without the prior
permission of a senior manager or director.
11. All company property shall be treated with due care.
12. No company property shall be removed from the company's premises without prior
authorization from a member of management.
13. The company's time, materials and equipment shall not be used for unauthorized
14. On termination of employment, all company property, including tools, documents and
protective clothing, is to be returned immediately to the company.
15. Employees have a particular duty to safeguard the health and safety of themselves and
all others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Attention is drawn to the
company's health and safety policy and employees are required to co-operate in its
16. All safety notices and instructions are to be strictly observed.
17. No machinery is to be cleaned or adjusted whilst in motion.
18. If for any reason you are unable to report for work, you should telephone or send a
message to your supervisor - if possible before 10 a.m. on the first day of absence.
You should indicate the reason for, and probable duration of, your absence.
19. If it is necessary to leave work before the normal finishing time, prior authorization
must be obtained from your supervisor.
20. The company reserves the right to make deductions from wages or salaries in respect
of lateness or absence [note: the employee should agree this expressly in writing, e.g.
in the employment contract].
21. Except in the normal course of their duties, employees are not to leave their place of
work or to visit other departments without prior authorization from their supervisor
and the supervisors of any departments visited.

1. General Manager Qualification

1. Management Skills General Managers routinely must switch their focus from doing
themselves some tasks to delegating responsibilities. Management skills include the
instruction and development of employees and the enforcing of company-wide
policies. They also ensure the adequacy of supplies, inventory, equipment and other
necessary items to conduct business tasks.The responsibility for ensuring that
departments and the organization as a whole stay within budgets falls ultimately on the
general manager’s shoulders.
2. Decision-Making Skills. Personnel decisions are a prominent part of the general
manager job description. Based on performance and budget factors, GMs determine
whether to hire, terminate, reassign staff members or eliminate or create new
3. Time-Management Skills. GMs often face multiple issues and deadlines at or near
the same time. To have sufficient time to meet them, GMs delegate tasks and review
calendars and schedules kept by them or their assistants.

4. Knowledge of the Business: One of the most critical qualifications for a manager is
that of knowledge of the industry. Understanding the best practices in a business and
having a good grasp of overall operations is key to effectively managing people and
processes. That knowledge may be gained from formal or vocational education, or
from work experience.
5. Good communication skills: Managers must be able to communicate effectively with
employees, customers and supervisors. This means having good written and verbal
communication skills and an ability to read people, troubleshoot problems and help
teams collaborate as necessary. A manager should also be able to effectively articulate
needs, convey information and provide status update to higher-ups in a company.
6. Ability to direct the staffs: Solid time management skills are a critical management
requirement. This means not only being able to effectively budget their own time, but
also that of employees. This relates to prioritization, delegation, juggling multiple
competing priorities and ensuring that the most critical tasks are always addressed.
Managers must also have the ability to pick up slack for their teams, when necessary.

7. Marketing strategy

1. Marketing promotion strategy

Devising the right promotion strategy is a complex process. There is so much to consider!
Let's take a look at some examples of the types of activities that you'll need to work through
in order to promote your product.
1. Message

To begin, you will need to describe your company's unique selling proposition. What is it
about your purple widgets that set them apart from the competition? What message are you
going to send to consumers to persuade them to buy your widgets? You have to have a clear
picture of exactly what you are selling as the basis for your promotion strategy.

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2. Strategy

After you have established why consumers should buy your widgets, you will need to
determine which basic marketing strategy will work best for your product. Will you use a
push strategy, where you push the product onto the customers with high profile advertising or
direct selling? Or, perhaps you'll use a pull strategy, like the luxury car maker Rolls-Royce,
where you build a prestigious brand so that customers seek you out. There is no single 'right'
strategy for every situation. You need to tailor your plan to your product.

3. Budget

Another important consideration in crafting your promotion strategy is your budget. In some
cases, you may have the latitude to determine how much money you will invest in promotion.
In other cases, you may have to work within a budget dictated by other people in the
organization. Regardless of which situation you have, it's important to know at the outset how
much money you'll be able to invest in promotion so that you can plan accordingly and get the
most bang for your buck

4. Advertising

Advertising is the act of communicating directly to an audience using media sources, such as
television, print, radio, and on line. A successful campaign will keep the customer insight in
mind, while communicating the business's mission and brand. Ads can be directed toward
certain demographics, improving the chance of a successful campaign.

A successful ad makes the viewer want to learn more about the product, and gives the viewer
means to purchase the product. The best ad techniques will ensure a valuable campaign,
which will return value to the company.

5. Claims

Another successful method is the promotion of features of the product, and making claims
about what the service can do for the consumer. An ad can state that its product is "the best,"
even if the product is the same as other products. Claims can often be misleading, so it's

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important to use this method carefully. Many ads use the words "helps" or "virtually" to
describe their products.

6. Association

This method associates a product with a person, song, or emotion. Sporting goods companies
use athletes, car companies show their cars driving on beautiful winding mountain roads, and
others use jingles. Think of the jingle for Folgers Coffee. Can you remember it? Of course,
you can -- it is ingrained in our memory. It results in an emotional response, and therefore is a
successful ad.

7. Promotions

This method uses coupons or sweepstakes to win over customers. By participating in the
promotion, he customer enters a relationship with the company. This generates excitement,
especially if the consumer thinks they could possibly win something. Everyone likes free

8. Social media engagements

You can't ignore social media. That's where all the so-called magic is happening. Some
businesses have been built solely on the backs of social media. It can be intimidating at first.
Sure. But as you build momentum, you'll find posting on social media to get easier and easier
over time.

Use direct messages on platforms like Instagram and even snap chat or Twitter to reach out to
other successful businesses or even to communicate with potential customers who might be
looking for your products and services. This is very powerful marketing.

1. Revenue forecasting for three years

Projected revenue refers to the estimated money a company will generate during a specific
period. The projections often refer to monthly, quarterly or annual accounting periods.
Companies project revenue using a combination of research and internal knowledge. Dazzling
VAS service PLC is forecasts its three years projected revenues as the followings. Since

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forecasting may help the company in order to achieve developments of the company. In order
to fulfill the company has fore casted revenues getting of customers is the most important
things. Therefore our goals in starting in three year’s this business is having 10 million
customers. Therefore, by working hard we will to get the fore casted revenues which is 15
million ETB. Therefore this the forecasting mechanisms as follows



CUSTOMERS 10000 25000 30000 40000 45280 65480 70000 75000 77258 85000 95780 100,000

DELIVERY 5000 12000 15000 25000 30,000 30500 45,000 45600 50000 60,000 70,000 72,000

MONTHLY 2,160,000
DELIVERY 150000 360000 450000 750000 900000 915000 1350000 1368000 1500000 1800000 2100000

R SHARE 60000 144000 180000 300000 360000 366000 540000 547200 600000 720000 840000 864000

50%MONTH 1,296,000
LY INCOME 90000 216000 270000 450000 540000 549000 810000 820800 900000 1080000 1260000

EXPENSE 23,800 23,800 24,000 24,000 24,000 28,000 28,000 30,500 30,500 30,500 30,500 31,000

15% TAX 13500 32400 40500 67500 81000 82350 121500 123120 135000 162000 189000 194,400

TAX 52,700 183600 229500 382500 459000 466650 688500 697680 765000 918000 1071000 1101600

REVENUES 25,3009,900

Revenue forecasting of the year 2023/2

Here the service will be sold in 5ETB/tone Forecasted customers just in three year’s= 15
million Net forecasted revenues = 25 millionETB

9. Coordination and transparency

We as the company abide to the all VAS guidelines for CRBT services. The guidelines means
the backbone of the ethiotelecom and Dazzling VAS service PLC. Therefore, we as the
company fully not partially abide the rules for VAS service partnership, which is RBT
service. In addition, we have high willingness to provide any report on our company
whenever you requested. We can prepare any monthly and yearly summery report for you.

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When you request to visit us, we are high willingness to accept your visitation. we from the
bottom of our hearts honored you to come and visit us. We will accept any request from you
at the same time, at the right times. I Yosef Alemayehu Jaleta as a manager welcome you
whenever you wants.

10. Technical capacity and service source

We have high capacity to maintain any problems occurs from terminations of the systems. In
order to achieve the targeted customer’s reach which is 15 million is the working of the
systems is the main operational technical capacity. So as staffs, we are fully prepared to give
this RBT service with the strengths of our staffs.

As the technical capacity of the company is fully recovery, we also as the company the source
of the service we will to provide is duly acknowledged which is like different authors’ book,
authorized applications and professional’s thoughts about mobile phone fixing methods.

11. Service description

8.1 What is CRBT service

CRBT is a service by which a CRBT subscriber (that is the person who is receiving the call),
can customize the ring back tone, based on the phone number of the person who is placing the
call. When person A calls person B, if person B is available, then person A hears a ring back
tone! Now CRBT replaces that ring back tone with a selectable music. So, now, when person
A calls to person B, person A gets to hear a music or other entertaining media sound that
person B has selected as his CRBT Tone. This service can be implemented with any telecom
network but it is mainly offered in wireless networks, where personalization services have
been an important part of reducing churn and maintaining customer loyalty. This is one
example of the many mobile VAS services that can be delivered using this same architecture.

Key Features

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1. Caller/ Group based RBT: Different callers are played different ring back tones

2. Roaming Tone RBT Set a roaming tone to be played when out of the network

3. Occasions-based Greetings RBT: Set a special RBT on a special occasion

The CRBT service refers to music or greetings customized by the called party for the calling party.
When the calling party calls the subscriber, who customizes CRBTs, the calling parties hears music or
sound rather than the traditional beep tone and may be impressed by the CRBT.

CRBT is a special feature through which the calling party can hear a song or music instead of the
default "Ring" tone. CRBT serves as a mechanism for the subscribers to make a statement of their
personality, mood, character or nature by playing a suitable music or sound. Custom Ring Back Tone
is one of the many value-added services that has seen incredible adoption in recent years. As the name
states, the service allows customization of the ring back tone. When a call is placed, the caller hears an
audible alert through the phone. The alert that indicates that a call is successfully going through is
called the Ring Back Tone. Other tones that may also be heard at this stage of a call are an engaged or
busy signal or an operator intercept tone.

In a traditional call, the ring back tone is some sort of ringing cadence. The ringing cadence is
generated by the network and often varies from country to country. the rest of this paper deals with the
implementation of a CRBT service.

4. Definition
What does Caller Ring back Tone (RBT) mean?

A caller ring back tone (RBT) is the sound a caller hears while waiting for a phone to be answered. A
caller RBT is also known as an answer tone, ring back tone, audible ring, caller tune, call tone or
connecting tone. A Ring back Tone is that ringing sound you hear when you try to call someone. Your
carrier network provides this sound to your callers when they are trying to connect to you. With
LISTEN, you have the option to replace that ringing sound with music or voice status messages. This
way your callers can hear the latest music hits or a personalized message from you. It’s whatever you
want to play to them!

Dazzling VAS service PLC service will offer its customers the best constructed RBT services
in Ethiopia that will be complimented with full tone and introducing the well noun singer’s
songs and regions singer’s tone.

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Benefit of Dazzling VAS service PLC is to create awareness on to get ring tone color to the
customer. It enables customers to get new ring tone, generation knowledge to listen . This
company is planning to provide various kinds of songs using this mobile MCRBT. The
envisaged project is planned to deliver different kinds of songs that is going on the world.

1. Objectives of the services

 Support Bands and Artists by creating an additional revenue stream and
creating a way for them to gain more followers.
 To deliver CRBT tones based on Ethio Telecom rule and regulations
 Replacing the traditional beep tone with an Entertaining different tones..

It is true that people can get whatever their want from World Wide Web (WWW) but due to
lack of universal internet connection throughout the country access information becomes less.
As this, this project will contribute great role on solving this lack of information by delivering
best ring tone to the people.

The following are basic objectives of the envisaged projects.

1. Addressing information easily - the envisaged selected and web based project will
provide daily continuously information about sport news, breaking news, business
news, health tips and some foreign language teaching. Sometimes people may far from
information due to some technical problems or they might be in the area of internet
connection not exist or in lack of other access of information, at this time it is possible
to aware people through this RBT services.
2. It is economic way of information delivering system: people spent some amount of
money in order to get access of information through using internet connection.
However compare to this RBT services the cost of tone is very less and the accessibly
is flexible which is benefits people’s economically.
3. Save time:- the envisaged services is not only save people’s money it also saves
people’s time through address various information at once & at anytime. For example
if one person needs to know about how to give musician and want to know song he\
she must spent time on internet to get this information where as through this service
he\she can get all within a seconds. As this, whenever people are at work or anywhere,
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this service will help them to get access of information on easily selected on hand

Connecting people with world at anytime and anywhere:- the RBT is very important to
connect people to global at anytime and anywhere. Some time people are far from information
because of lack of information and communication access at this time they can easily get
through this service without any worryingal

4. Summary of the company

Dazzling VAS service PLC will be created as private limited company based in Addis Ababa,
owned by Mr. Yosef Alemayehu. The initial office will be established in quality office space
on Oromia region furii main roads of Jamo 2.

Consumers of our service will be those individuals and families in need of RBT ring tone
service. The service is delivered via USSD,website/ , by our professional staffs. We want to
develop our customers or communities by providing necessary and important RBT selected
musicians tone.

Since Dazzling VAS service PLC service is the new company it will have a future summary.
But at this moments the staffs are highly qualified for the service.

5. Languages, tariffs and sample CRBT

1. Languages used in the service

Dazzling VAS service PLC service uses with local and international languages, for the service
we will to provide. Since the above languages are very suitability with us to simply, provide
our service to the uncovered information’s area by Ethiopia governments. Therefore
providing our service to the customer has in order to achieve the country’s GDP and growth
of the financial plans of the company’s.

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2. Service tariffs

The service tariff is as per of ethiotlecom guide lines of the CRBT service and the service
provided with the duration of the service. The service subscription, change and un-
subscription tools are discovered here.

1. Subscription fee: free

2. Monthly local rental fee: 5 birr/months,incl.VAT /existing
3. CRBT (Tone) fee:- 5 birr,incl.VAT ...> for local CRBTs,,,7 birr ,incl.VAT ...> for

Services Rule
1. Registration/Subscribtion
1. Through SMS,Web,
2. The service will be activated for customers with one free default tone.
3. Users can buy and set new dedicated CRBT after onwards.

4. Purchase
1. Through SMS,web,Wap & USSD interface
2. User will have their own personal library they can story their purchased CRBTs(5 CRBTs)
3. Once users buys a CRBT they can use it until the end of the CRBT absolute/expire date by
paying the service rental fee
4. Users can delete any tones they purchased

1. User can cancel the service at any time they wants
2. When returning to subscribe they will be treated as new subscribers
3. All tones will be removed and SMS notification to be sent

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1. 822 SMS Commands for basic Operations

Service Operation SMS Command Example

Registering to normal CRBT A

Deregistering to normal CRBT U

Purchasing CRBT CRBT code 13456

Activating the normal CRBT service AC

Send SMS to Deactivating the normal CRBT service DAC

822( CRBT
Querying CRBT from subscriber personal P
service) library

For allDeleting personal CRBT from personal det CRBT code det 124535
subscriber Modifying user language(3 is language L 1 -English , L2-Amharic

To Gift CRBT for a subscriber G CRBT code phone number G 124535 0923719843

To Set a CRBT for Normal CRBT service SN CRBT code SN134563

Express copy (one key purchase) *

For help H

Note:  Space is not allowed between characters, except for gift operation

 Not character sensitive

Table 10.1 service operations

Technical and operational:

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According to ethiotelecom guideline technical and operational CRBT self-services management.

Services management 

CRBT Sample contents

Better to use excel but for samples
S/N Singers Name Songs/CRBT tone Remark
1 Bashanaa Damboobsaa Abdii
Gaarii koo
Naaf ta’eera
Jireenyi koo

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4. Staffing and documenting

1. Staffing
Dazzling VAS service PLC service as a company has the well-mannered and educated staffs as
General Manager: Yosef Alemayehu Jaleta
Professional service translator: Ruth Cherinet
Professional Information technology: Birhane Jiregna
Professional office administration and customer care: Dadi Feyisa
Focal person and customer support: Yosef Alemayehu
Therefore, by the above staffs and our customers we will to achieve what we plans in such
accountable and integrated staffs
Lastly, Dazzling VAS service PLC verified you that our proposal is fulfilled the partner
engagements criteria and rules for VAS service partnership [RBT service] at all. These are
1. All business license
2. Capital required
3. Number of professional staffs
4. Company profile and experiences
5. Service proposal
6. Marketing strategy
7. Technical capacity
8. Coordination and transparency as the content and criteria
1. Documenting
In these sections, we attach all documents as per partner engagements criteria of business
license and all required documents attached as follows.
1. Application letter
2. Renewed trade license and commercials registration
3. Renewed VAS license
4. TIN certificate
5. VAT certificate
6. House rent file
7. Professional educational background and temporary degree

8. List of equipment /Requirements

1. The machinery and equipment requirement of the envisaged project is summarized in the
following table which is sourced from the pro forma invoices submitted.
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2. Technically to start the service we need an account for CRBT platform (User name &
password) that is given from the Telecom based on the agreement signed between us.
Sr. No. Description Qty Unit Cost Total Cost

1 VPN 6MB 1 500 500

2 ADSL(Modem) 1 1500 1500

3 Web/Domain name 1 2000 2000

4 Personal Computer 1 10000 10000

4. Conclusions

Dazzling VAS service PLC service will do it’s all proposed entre plan successfully,In the race to
capture share of mobile user’s hearts and wallets, operators have deployed mobile music solutions and
enjoyed significant success with mobile subscribers in many markets worldwide. With ring back tone
services, subscribers replace the ring tone that callers normally hear with a personal choice of music or
audio contents bringing a more enjoyable calling experience to their callers. CRBT service is more
than an application it is an end to end solution. By providing service management with every
deployment of CRBT, service providers like us will achieve a rapid return on investment as well as
benefit from its extensive experience of running CRBT services across rapidly growing markets

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