GROUP 11 FINAL-THESIS-Challenges-in-the-Conduct-of-Police-Investigation-in-Zambales-PPO As of JANUARY 21 2023

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Philippine Public Safety College
Camp General Mariano V Castaneda, Silang, Cavite



Submitted to the Faculty of the


In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the
Public Safety Officers Senior Executive Course (PSOSEC)
Class 2023-02

Name of Researchers



Challenges in the Conduct of Police Investigation in Zambales PPO

The Problem and Its Background

Police crime investigators in the Philippines face with seemingly

substantial difficulties and constraints in their practice of gathering and

preserving evidence, getting individuals to testify in court and provide scientific

information to assist in solving crimes. Hence, it is just fitting that untarnished

evidence should be presented in Court through a meticulous collection and

analysis of evidence at the crime scene, considering that those evidences are

crucial in building a strong case; and in order for the case to undergo proper

judicial process. How then can police investigators help in building a case,

when there are difficulties and constraints along the process? What factors

affect performance of the police; and what intervention should be done to effect

change? How can police investigators contribute to the goal of decreasing

crimes particularly on the major index crimes?

The major index crimes are crimes that are serious in matters and with

sufficient frequency and regularity such that they can serve index to crime

situations, specifically, crime of murder, homicide, physical injury, rape, theft,

robbery, car theft and motorcycle theft (Sandoval and Guiildermo (2020). A

study done by DIDM staff in 2018 regarding the correlation of trained

investigators against Crime Solution Efficiency established a weak positive

relationship or correlation between trained investigators in crime solutions. This

study concludes that there is no significant relationship between trained

investigators and CSE given the weak correlation. This further means that the

number of trained investigators does not directly affect the CSE. And, there are

other factors, aside from the number of trained investigators that may affect the

CSE in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude, equipage, and/or availability of

resources for investigation.

It is apparent from the above results that the capabilities and competence of

police investigators to show effectiveness in investigating crimes do not lie entirely

on being trained, because there are several challenges in crime scene

investigations in the Philippines such as resource scarcity, over-crowding in urban

areas and cultural factors such as political interference, nepotism and fear of

retaliation, lack of trained professionals in police stations which then jeopardizes

the capacity of police stations to provide expert support in the conduct of

investigation (Ronamae, 2023); budgetary constraints limit the capacity of the

PNP to provide modern gears and forensic instruments(COA,2020); while many

agencies do not have the right software applications or mobile technology;

having a staff constraint; and leaders’ mind-set is also a constraint factor

(Police Staff, 2022).However, the PNP has been trying to meet these

challenges through continuous training programs designed to help forensic

specialist as well as hiring qualified personnel (PNP, 2020).

Another report connected the eight index crimes was done in 2022. There

was a drop in crime volume as compared with the years 2019, and 2020 and

2021. Accordingly, PNP has attributed the reason for the decline to the

established partnership with communities through the local government units;

which further means that communities have become more proactive in helping

out in the crime prevention and crime management efforts of the PNP and the

local government units (Tupas, 2022).

This decline in crime volume was also revealed in the study of Leikuman-

Remicare, Caballes and Medina (2022). They studied the two major crime

categories namely, crime against person and crime against property in the

administrative regions in the Philippines. They used a correlation plot of chi-

square to investigate the patterns of crimes and locations. They likewise

concluded that there was a steady decline in index crimes in the Philippines,

which they attribute to surveillance and lockdown due to the pandemic.

The above studies show that the decline in crime volume wereattributed to

surveillance, lockdown, established partnership with the communities and not

because of trained investigators. Hilaris Publisher (2022)said that crime

prevention is very necessary; however it is on how police gather and preserve

physical evidences, such as objects, fingerprints, footprints, tiremarks, cut

marks, tool marks among others that are equally important in paving the way

for justice. Moreover, Attorneys of the Philippines (2023) emphasizes that crime

investigation require meticulous collection and analysis of evidence at the crime

scene are crucial in building a strong case. They further mentioned that the

Philippine National Police (PNP) Crime Laboratory is primarily responsible for

conducting scientific examinations and analyses of evidence. These

examinations include DNA profiling, drug analysis, toxicology, firearm

examination, document examination, and trace evidence analysis.

Thus it is important for police investigator at the crime scene to provide

the important evidence, preserved these evidence and secure those, so that

they will not be tarnished; as these analyses provide valuable information for

investigators, prosecutors, and the courts. They help in identifying suspects,

linking them to the crime, establishing timelines, and reconstructing events.

However, some police investigators in the country could be facing challenges in

their effort to solve crimes.

The high number of un-investigated deaths include persons with mistaken

identities, innocent civilians (e.g., children that were labelled as ‘collateral

damage’), unidentified remains, planted evidence, and conflicting reports that

amount to a humanitarian crisis demanding participation from the forensic

sciences. The opposition that continues to publicly condemn these killings have

to rely on forensic science practitioners committed to finding the truth amidst

the intimidation and personal danger they encounter (Human Rights Watch,


From the cited literature, there are implications that police investigators in

both in and outside of the Philippines’ experience, meet challenges in the pursuit

of justice in favour of the victims of crime. As mentioned in the WJP rule of law

index, the County is showing positive changes in the administration of justice,

but still performing poorly when compared with many countries. This is probably

because the PNP has been facing difficulties and constraints in performing its

crime investigative function being contributed by many factors.

At the present time another challenge that beset the PNP is the

commission of other complex crimes under the classification of cybercrimes.

PNP-ACG (2013) reports that Philippines continues to face the challenge of

effectively addressing the problem of illegal cyber activity and cybercrime

victimization, a challenge it shares among developing countries in South East

Asia and in other parts of the world. For national security concerns, the likely

cybercrime threats deal on espionage activity, disruption, sabotage, politically

motivated attacks and those which involve terrorism activities. Nowadays,

Terrorists are using the Internet in their recruitment, propaganda, planning,

teach-ins, financing, and even operational implementation. Swindling, estafa,

scam or other form of computer fraud, counterfeiting and forgery are some of

the financially motivated cybercrime threats. Cybercrime against a person

usually involves theft or unlawful use of personal information, threat, extortion,

harassment and disclosure of privacy related matters. Property related

cybercrime on the other hand, such as theft, the sale of stolen or lost item,

illegal use of and damage to property, maybe committed. Finally, cybercrime

which involve public morals are those which likely involve obscene and

indecent publication, child pornography, human trafficking and those who make

use of technology like the Internet to show acts of cruelty or violence.

In order to address the increasing incidence of cybercrime, the PNP Anti

Cybercrime Group was activated on March 20, 2013. The establishment of a

PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group is a strong signal to criminals that the PNP is very

serious in addressing cybercrime in the country.To date, the PNP currently has

six (6) fully functional Digital Forensic Laboratories nationwide located in Camp

Crame, Legazpi City, Cebu City, Davao City, General Santos City and

Zamboanga City. These PNP offices are capable of conducting computer,

mobile, and audio and video forensic examinations and can respond to

investigate incidence of cybercrime activities within their geographical areas of

responsibility. The PNP envisions to have cyber-forensic laboratories in all its

regional offices in the future.

If the above information is considered, it could be noted that among the

provinces, there are only six (6) PPOs that have relevant training on police

investigation related to the use of gadgets, forensic devices and other

investigative tools for investigation of incidences of cybercrimes; and none yet

for Zambales Police Provincial Office. So clearly, including cybercrime cases is

still outside of the capacities of police investigators in the province of Zambales.

However, during the consultation made with officers of the DIDM by the

researchers, it was pointed out that cybercrimes is one of the priority crime

incidence now in the country.

The goal of an enhance police performance was emphasized by the

Zambales PPO which launches its revitalized KASIMBAYANAN program

orKapulisan, Simbahan, and Pamayanan to reaffirm collaboration among

various sectors for sustaining peace and development in the community.

Police Provincial Director Police Colonel Fitz Macariola stressed

that peace can only be attained through unity and it is the most

fundamental asset to community building, to personal growth,

and to the very survival of our planet. He said: “As law

enforcers and advocates for peace, we are looking forward to a

unified society specifically here in our beautiful and peaceful

province. I believed that with you as our support system, we

will never fail.” (Pabelolina, 2022.) Hopefully this vision of a

peaceful community will come true by enhancing the

performance of Zambales PPO in crime investigation.

At present there are 20 crimes under investigation by

Zambales PPO. Out of this number, three (3) are under

preliminary investigation, one was already dismissed by the

prosecutor’s office. One was already cleared by the court, two

(2) cases in on pre-trial, eleven are on on-going trial, one case

was acquitted by the court and one case cannot proceed

because the victim failed to file charges.

The researchers as police officers of the PNP would like to participate in

the on-going discourses by determiningthe challenges of investigation in

Zambales PPO and the extent by which those challenges hinder effective crime

investigation in the six municipalities (with the highest number of police

investigators)namely: Subic, San Narciso, Cabangan, Botolan, Iba and

Candelaria. The purpose of this study is to come up with an Action Intervention

Plan to help Zambales PPO enhance its police investigators’ capabilities in

dealing with crimes in support of the PNP’s thrust.

Review of Related Literature

Crime Investigation and Eight Focus Crimes

Nubeo (2022) reports on the crime rates in Muntinlupa City for the past

three years. In this report, it was said that a moderate to high crime rates

particularly on stolen things (58.79%), robbery (58.17%), car stolen (44.70%),

attacked (47.99%), people using drugs (55,00%), property crimes (68.49%)

high; and problem with violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery.

There was also high to moderate fear of safety. In connection with fear and

safety and the war on drugs, Go and De Ungria (2019) cited the 2016 massive

fight against illegal drug problem in the country with a death toll of 20,000 and

27,000 deaths, most of whom belong to the urban poor (David, Mendoza.,

Atun, Cossid and Soriano, 2018). After ranking poorly on rule of law, the

Philippines saw some improvement in order and security, according to the

2022 World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index (Abad, M. (2022).

Challenges of Police Investigation

Crime investigation serves as central to policing, however in the recent

years, criminal investigation faces many demand from the people as well as

government pressures aspects as to the compliance of law, and to safeguard

the security of the public. They (police investigators) have to meet expectations

accorded by their position such as investigate to detect crime in relation to

prosecution. The book of O’ Neill-Key, M. (2018) delved into the idea that

criminal investigation is not a simple process because it undergoes process

affected by several challenges. These challenges involves choosing a method

like crime prevention, reactive policing or even retroactive policing. They are

challenge by knowledge of procedures, know-how of rules and regulations, use

of technologies to solve cases. Still there are budgetary constraints, recruitment

of new officers, money on training and availability of resources.

The two barriers to effective criminal investigation is inefficiency and

procrastination. This two elements are crucial especially when doing crime

scene investigation. Crime scene is the place where the incident or crime has

taken place. It contains the required evidence to catch the perpetrator. So,

crime scene investigation can be said as the most crucial part of a criminal

case. A lot of hard work of law enforcement agents does not show in result due

to poor evidence and contaminated crime scene. As a result, a lot of cases

remain unsolved. Many of these cases get closed without result (Shakil, M,


In August, 2023, PMGen Romeo MagpiliCaramat, Jr. Director, Criminal

Investigation and Detection Group Philippine National Police (CIDG-PNP)

authored a book entitled: “Case Build-Up and Its Pre-eminent Role in Crime

Investigation in the Philippine In criminal investigations. He said that case

build up means that police investigation carefully collect and analyse evidence

in order to come up with a strong legal case. He stressed the adherence to

the policies in Republic Act No. 10973 that "grants the Chief of the Philippine

National Police (PNP) and the Director as the Deputy Director for

Administration of the Criminal Investigations and Detection Group (CIDG) the

authority to administer oath and issue subpoena and subpoena ducestecum”,

and that following the steps of the case-build-up procedure with teams of

investigators should be adhered to. , He further mentioned that following

build-up cases is a critical stagefor law enforcement officers to systematically

search for evidence, identify suspects, collect witness statements and apply

modern investigative technique such as digital forensic in order to enhance

the efficacy of the investigation.

Advancement in technology leads to modernization and ease in

communication especially in dealing with affairs of man. However through

technology new crimes are emerging, and we call this now, cybercrimes. Since

this relative new for many police investigators, it is important for them to learn

to adapt to the methods of how crimes are committed in short how to

investigate crimes about it. Two crucial elements to be considered by the

investigators are the tools and methods used by the criminals. A study done by

Horan, c. and Awiedian, H. (2021) determined what tools and methods do

criminals used to victimization. They found that there is no single tool or method

that gather all evidence that investigators require. Thus, it is critical for security

and law enforcement professionals to understand these technologies and how

they are developing.

Police training has always been recognized as crucial to the

development of police officers. As such various training has been

operationalized since the recognition of its importance. However as mentioned

in the study conducted by Kleygrewe, Oudejas, Koejk and Hutter (2022), police

training involve some complex guidelines with many topics to cover. They did a

qualitative research by interviewing 16 police instructors about conducting a

training specifically for police officers. They culled two themes namely,

organization of training and delivery of training. From these themes, two needs

came up such as sufficiency of available resources; training frameworks or a

formal, institutional information about the structure and organization of training.

U.S. Embassy, Manila (2022) has been conducting training assistance

for the Philippine investigative force through International Criminal Investigative

Training Assistance Programs or (ICITAP). Its goal is to help in the

development of transparent law enforcement institutions and protect human

rights. ICITAP provides training support to partner organizations which include

on-the-ground, pre-program assessments; program planning,

management, and review; curriculum development; classroom training,

seminars, and workshops; internships; equipment donations; donor

coordination; and on-the-job training and mentoring provided by

embedded long-term advisors. Among the projects ICITAP has initiated in

the Philippines are the Mindanao Law Enforcement Development (MLED)

Project which aims at countering terrorism, Police Leadership Project, for

leadership and management skills development, PNP Law Enforcement

Center for Excellence, Law Enforcement Curriculum and Instructor

Development Project; and Model Police Station Program (completed).

Through these programs police competencies that include criminal

investigations, maritime law enforcement, community policing, law

enforcement leadership, trafficking in persons, counter-terrorism, crimes

against women & children, and many others shall be achieved.

There are barriers in the conduct of crime scene investigation in the

Philippines like lack of resources. This scarcity of resources as well as

budgetary constraints, are limiting factors that inhibit investigators ability to

thoroughly conduct a crime of the scene investigation/ Coupled with this are the

lack of trained police investigators in some police stations. Thus without

adequate financial support to provide the needed material resources, police

investigation will struggle to keep up with the most recent forensic technology

(Ronamae, 2023).

The kinds of crimes traditionally known by police investigators are

changing. This was the findings derived by study of Wexlear, C. (2018). He

cited the commission of “ransom-ware” attack through the use of technology.

This means that they robber steal someone’s identity of or create a new identity

that do not actually exist and then ripped off major US banks and credit card

companies. Another modus for example in car-napping, wherein the offenders

would jam the car through a remote control device.So, even when technologies

are invented to prevent, criminals could use it to commit crimes.

Police reports as source of information is critical in the investigation,

but, however critical those reports are only about the perpetrator or the

suspect , then the reliability of such reports lacks other essentials such as

victim’s characteristics, description of the crime scene, witnesses, bystanders

and details of the incident itself. These are the conclusion given by Guss, D.,

Tuason, M.T. and Devin, A. (2020).who provided their perspectives regarding

the subject of police reports. They based their perspectives on the role of police

reports to a police officer and how should such reports be narrated. Also those

reports could serve as legal documents. Most important still is the solving of


Statement of the Problem

Through a descriptive quantitative research design this study will

determine, describe and asses the challenges of police investigators inZambales

PPO as represented by six(6) police stations with the highest number in terms of

population namely: Subic, San Narciso, Cabangan, Botolan, iba andCandelaria;

in order to come up with an action intervention plan.

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. How do the respondents perceived the challenges in the conduct of crime

investigation in terms of:

1.1 Investigators competence (Skills and Knowledge);

1.2 Availability of material resources and collection of information and
witnesses; and
1.3 Number of personnel training?

2. Is there a significant a difference among the perception of respondents on the

challenges of crime investigation along the given variables?

3. What action intervention plan may be recommended based from the results of

the study?

Statement of Hypothesis

There is no significant difference among the responses of the police

investigators on the challenges of police crime investigation related to the 8

focused crimes when grouped along the given variables.

Statement of Assumptions

Police investigations could only be effective and bring case to justice

when difficulties and constraints in crime investigation are dealt with by the police

station personnel through the support of Zambales PPO,Police Regional Office

Significance of the Study

Police officers specifically police investigators are tasked with serving

and protecting communities across the nation; and in order to be dependable

in the field, they must rely on their acquired knowledge, skills and

experiences, as well as to overcome difficulties and constraints in the

investigative process. The results of this study would benefit the following:

Philippine National Police (PNP). The study benefits the PNP by aiding the

police stations become or enhance their performance in crime investigation

particularly on the eight focused crimes; Zambales Police Provincial Office.

The identification of the difficulties on the capabilities of police investigators in

investigating crimes will pave the way for effective performance of police

investigators in the province.The Local Government Units(LGUs) stand to

gain from this study as they will collaborate with their respective police

investigators who emphasize enhancing police and community partnerships.

Police Stations.When police investigators are able to gather evidence and

other processes in the investigative process, the ability of the police personnel

will be enhanced leading to building good image of the police; Crime

Investigators. When the difficulties and constraints that confront crime

investigators are identified. Assessed and analyzed, effective performances

will ensue; Community. The study aims to improve community and police

investigators cooperative relationship leading for fast resolution of criminal

cases; National Police College. The study enriches the academic discourse

on policing, curriculum development, and community engagement. It adds to

the body of knowledge in these areas, benefiting both the academic

community and practitioners in the field; and, Future Researchers. The

findings contribute to the limited body of research on community police crime

investigation in police education. It serves as a foundational resource for

future studies with broader scopes, larger samples, and different research


Scope and Limitation

Scope.This study will be delimited to getting the perception of selected

police officers who serve their respective police station as police investigators

of Zambales PPO.The target or objectives of this study is to build the

competencies and capabilities of police investigators in conducting effective

police investigation within the province of Zambales, in order to help the PNP

solve crime particularly the 8 focused crimes.

Limitations and Constraints. The conduct of data gathering is one of

constraints expected by the research proponent. This is because of the

distance of assignments, time constraints and allocation of personal

resources (money and material). it is hard to implement an action research

since there could be difficulties in getting support, cooperation and

participation. Hence it is important that boundaries and extent of the

investigation be set. For this study, it will only cover the given perspectives of

the participants in which to buildsignificant difference on responses on the

variables indicated herein; and established common themes, analysis and

derived conclusions and recommendation. In order to ensure focus, clarity

and manageability, this study will strictly observe set time frame for the action

research implementation plan.

Theoretical Framework

This study will be based on “Locard’s Exchange Theory” (Petherick,

2010) cited by Ghel (ND) in the book Introduction to Investigation: Processes

and Practice. In this theory it states that a person always leaves some trace of

themselves at a crime scene and always takes some trace of the crime scene

with them when they leave. To this day, Locard’s Exchange Theory forms the

foundational concepts of evidence transfer theory ( Petherick, W. A.,2010 as

cited by Ghel, R (ND). . More so in this book, it emphasizes that Professional

investigators and competent investigation is a tedious process of fact-finding

and sorting through evidence and information, it about eliminating

possibilities, validating events and recording evidence, all the while engaging

in an intentional process of thinking, analysing, and strategically working

towards predetermined goals; not to mention extensive note taking and

report writing.

The above theory “Locard’s Exchange Theory” talks about avoidance

of short cuts as mentioned in the “Tunnel Vision” theorythat can be described

as a tendency of participants in the system, such as police or prosecutors, to

focus on a particular theory of a case and to dismiss or undervalue evidence

which contradicts that theory. In this study, all variables which could contradict

the truth based from facts only and not a presuppositions or presumptions.

This tunnel is when investigators who have the tendency for short-cuts will

catch a preconceived suspect/s which in turn the objectivity of the

investigation will be lost (Rossmo, 2009 as cited in PPSC, ND)

Conceptual Framework
The proponents of the study conceptualized the research as shown in
the figure given:


Perception of Descriptive
49 police correlational Proposed
investigators research Action
from 6 police intervention
stations in Plan
Zambales Survey
PPO on the Questionnaire Proposed
challenges of Solution,
crime Program and
Data and Analysis
involving index analysis
crimes and

Effective Crime Investigation in Zambales PPO Region 3

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Figure 1 depicts the analysis framework or research paradigm of the

study. The focus of this study is to determine challenges of investigation in the

six (6) Municipal police stations under the Zambales PPO namely, Subic, San

Narciso, Cabangan, Botolan, Iba and Candelaria. This study will apply the

descriptive methods such as descriptive correlation research through a

researcher made questionnaire. The variables included were adapted from

relevant literatures, which will be described, analyzed through both descriptive

and inferential Statistics. From the analysis made, conclusions and the

implications of such, relevant recommendations were derived and an action

intervention plan was done. The overall outcome of this study could lead to an

enhanced police crime investigation that could promote effective crime

investigation in Zambales PPO.

Chapter 2


This chapter contains the research design applied, the location of the

study, the population and sampling procedure and the inclusion of participants,

the data gathering procedure, the description of the instruments, the validation

techniques and statistical treatment used.

Research Design

This study will utilize the Descriptive Quantitative Approach through

Survey, a design which establishes the extent by which variables are related to

each other(Johnson and Christensen, 2005). In this method the analysis of the

data relied primarily on the collection of numerical data as well as hypothesis

testing. This approach was selected as most appropriate for this study since the

objective is to determine whether significant difference exists between the

perceptions of all police investigators in six (6) police stations of Zambales PPO,

PRO 3.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in six municipalities in the province of

Zambales, namely, Subic, San Narciso,Cabangan, Botolan, Iba and Candelaria.

Out of 13 municipalities in the Province of Zambales, 6 municipalities were

chosen because they have the highest number of population in terms of police

investigators. (DTI 2023).

Research Instrument

A modified researcher-made questionnaire will be used to determine the

respondents’ perception regarding the difficulties and constraints encountered or

experience by police investigators. The development of concepts for this study

was based from official documents and study specifically Ramonnde, 2023,

COSm 2020, Police Staff, 29020, Human Rights Watch, 2017, Ungria, 218 and

David, 2018.

Population and Sampling Procedure

From the total strength of 85 police investigators in Zambales PPO,

Region 3, six municipalities were chosen as locale of the study which will be

represented by 49 respondents will comprised the sample size for this study.

The sampling procedure used was 100 percent of the police investigators in

each of the chosen police stations. In case of absentee respondents; sampling

with replacement method will be used (Johnson and Christensen, 2000 p. 160),

which means that in case of non-acceptance will be replaced with another police

investigators from the target population.

Inclusion Criteria

The criteria for selection of the respondents are as follow: (1) All

respondents have experienced and were able to handle crime investigation; (2)

With three or more years of service as police investigators; and; (3) Have

relevant investigation- related trainings as police investigators.

Distribution of Number of Investigators

ZAMBALES COPs Investigators
Castillejos PMAJ MICHAEL R. UDAL 5
Table 1

Table 1 shows the distribution of population in the 13 municipalities of

Zambales and their respective chiefs of police and the number of police

investigators in each of the municipalities. Out of the total 85 police

investigators, 49 comprised the sample for this study.

Sample Size

Police Station Total Sample


IBA 10

Table 2

Table 2 depicts the police stations, total populations, total police

investigators in each of the police station and total sample that will comprise

the sample for this study. With a total of six (6) police stations describes the

names of the police stations, total population of the municipality where the

police station is located, the number of police investigators in each of the

police stations and the total sample. For this study, police stations were

chosen by the total number of police investigators with the highest numbers

are: Subic, San Narciso, Cabangan, Botolan, Iba and Candelaria. There will

be 49 or 100 percent of police investigators will comprise the sample for this


Validation of Instrument

Several important steps in validation guided the conduct of this study,

foremost of which was seeking approvals to authorities namely, Provincial

Director of ZambalesPPO, PRO 3 and panel of research experts; as well as

from the Ethics Review Committee, who conducted the review to determine the

appropriateness of the usage of words in the conduct of data gathering.

Another procedure was the validation of the instrument used. A panel of

experts was asked to review and/or validate the questionnaire as to its

relatedness to the statement of the problems and research design. The

procedure for instrument validation were: Four high ranking police

commissioned officers in the DIDM were asked for their interpretation of the

SOP and the questionnaire; wherein they suggested to remove experts’ opinion

and community participation from the SOP and the questionnaire. After

collecting the survey questionnaire, the data, as statistician was consulted.

Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researcher ascertained that all the issues and concerns

encountered during the validation of instrument were included on the final output

of the survey questionnaire.

Second,after getting the approval from the dissertation adviser, and after

the issuance of the Certification from Ethics Review Committee, the researcher

approached the predetermined research respondents to get their informed

consent. This includes the representative sample of police investigators in six (6)

municipal police stations in Zambales Police Provincial Office. This study

observed ethical practice specifically along with the research respondents’ rights

to remain anonymous, the utmost confidentiality of the participants and the data

must be protected. This is why, the researcher first got the respondent’s

informed consent before any data gathering will be done. The informed consent

contained the purpose of the study, the description of the data gathering and the

length of time it will take the participants to complete the survey. Furthermore,

the participants can withdraw and refuse to participate at any time without any


Third, the validated and final sets of survey questionnaires together with

the letter requests addressed to the Provincial Director of Zambales PPO and

the respective chief of police of the six (6) police stations.

Fourth, the researcher collated and sorted the instruments answered by

the respondents.

Fifth, after the administration and gathering of the accomplished

questionnaires, the researcher consolidated the questionnaires and forwarded

the same to the statistician for the statistical treatment of the data.

Lastly, the treated data and other information were analyzed, interpreted,

and presented in tabular and textual form giving due consideration to the sub-

problems and hypotheses of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

For statement of the problem number 1, the researchers utilized used average

weighted mean and used a four-point likert scale for interpretation of the extent of

challenges encountered by the Zambales PPO.

The formula for the Average Weighted Mean is:

AWM= ∑ f(x)/N


AWM= Average Weighted Mean

Fx= Total Frequencies

N= Number of Classes

Weight Mean Range Adjective Rating

4 3.25 – 4.00 Highly Challenging
3 2.50 – 3.24 Challenging
2 1.75 – 2.49 Least Challenging
1 1.00 – 1.74 Not Challenging
Table 3

For problem number 2, the t-test was used to test the significant difference of

the among the perception of respondents on the challenges of crime investigation

along the given variables.

T-Test formula

t = M – µ/Sx

Sample mean (M) minus population mean you are comparing your sample to (µ),

divided by the standard error (Sx).

Ethical Consideration

All necessary permissions will be sought prior to the conduct of survey and

interview. The informed consent indicated by Locke, Spirduso and Silverman (2000)

will be followed. This protocol includes informing the research participants of the

general nature of the research, their role in terms of time and efforts, the observance

of their anonymity, the benefit that they will get from participating in the study and the

opportunity to receive feedbacks about the results of the study. Likewise, the

researcher will see to it that there is no subjective interpretation of the data, only

derived from the arrived findings of the study.

Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents interpretation and discussion of findings in the

“Challenges of Crime Investigation.”

Challenges of police investigators involving the Eight (8) focused crimes and

emerging crime.

Police investigators face numerous challenges when dealing with the eight (8)

focused crimes. These challenges require to be addressed in collaboration between

law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders in the criminal justice system.

Table 1.0
Challenges in conduct of investigation due to investigators’ competence
(Skill and Knowledge)
1. Investigators lack the ability to find new avenue or Challenging
source to retrieve information when there is not 3.14
enough information to pursue an investigation
2. Investigators fail to determine the series of events Challenging
related to the event and evaluate their data and 2.88
substantiate the lack of information
3. Investigators lack the ability to do background Challenging
research of the perpetrator to learn more about 2.78
criminal history and other important facts.
4. Investigators lack the knowledge and skills to Challenging
adhere to common legal process in collecting 2.67
5. Investigators lack knowledge and skills on 2.65 Challenging

determining what question to ask then to elicit
helpful information
6. Investigators lack skills in preparation of report. Challenging
Organize the documents and with supporting 2.73
Weight evidence
Mean Range Adjective Rating Interpretation
4 3.25 – 4.00 Highly Challenging Very Great Extent
3 2.50 – 3.24 Challenging Moderate Extent
2 1.75 – 2.49 Least Challenging Some Extent
1 1.00 – 1.74 Not Challenging No Extent at all

Skill and Knowledge.The competence of investigators, including their skills

and knowledge, plays a critical role in the success of criminal investigations. As

gleaned from the table presented in the previous page, Investigators perceived that

the lack of ability to find new avenue or source to retrieve information when there is

not enough information to pursue an investigation is “Challenging” with a weighted

mean of 3.14. However, the most challenging of the 7 variable as indicated by the

weighted mean results are: “Investigators lack the ability to find new avenue or

source to retrieve information when there is not enough information to pursue an

investigation or 3.14”and “Investigators fail to determine the series of events related

to the event and evaluate their data and substantiate the lack of information or 2.88

weighted mean result.

The lack of ability to retrieve information and determine the series of

events are barriers to effective criminal investigation is inefficiency and

procrastination. These two elements are crucial especially when doing crime

scene investigation. A lot of hard work of law enforcement agents does not

show in result due to poor evidence and contaminated crime scene. As a result,

a lot of cases remain unsolved. Many of these cases get closed without result;

police reports as source of information is critical in the investigation, but,

however critical those reports are only about the perpetrator or the suspect ,

then the reliability of such reports lacks other essentials such as victim’s

characteristics, description of the crime scene, witnesses, bystanders and

details of the incident itself (Shakil, 2022; Guss, Tuason, and Devin, 2020).

According to Shah (2018) on a case study conducted by Department of

Criminology, University of Peshawar. The investigation officers are constantly

engaged in the collection of forensic evidence be it digital or physical in nature,

which was analyzed to establish facts related to the case and admissible in the

court of law. Despite its importance, the collection, transportation, and analysis

of forensic evidence is not an easy task.

Investigating crimes often involves collecting and analyzing the

physical evidence. Insufficient knowledge of forensic techniques, such as

DNA analysis, fingerprinting, and ballistics, may result in mishandling

evidence or overlooking critical details.Investigators must have a solid

understanding of legal procedures, rules of evidence, and the rights of

suspects. Inadequate legal knowledge can lead to errors in the collection and

presentation of evidence, jeopardizing the integrity of the investigation.

Criminal investigations can be dynamic, and circumstances may change

rapidly. Investigators must be adaptable to evolving situations, emerging

technologies, and new criminal tactics. Inflexibility or resistance to change can

hinder investigative outcomes.

Table 2.0
Challenges in the process of Investigation in terms of availability of material
resources, collection of information and witnesses


1. Oftentimes there is lack of material Challenging
resources for use in the processing of 3.18
2. There is lack of modern equipment for Challenging
speedy resolution of evidences 3.04

3. Getting complaints/accusations of the Challenging

interested parties 2.78

4. Getting clues to start an investigation in Challenging

order to start an investigation 3

5. Getting victims and or witnesses because Challenging

of fear of revenge 2.92

6. Getting credible information that will be Challenging

admissible in court 2.86

7. Getting information that are not overstated 3.12 Challenging

or over-decorated
Weight Mean Range Adjective Rating Interpretation
4 3.25 – 4.00 Highly Challenging Very Great Extent
3 2.50 – 3.24 Challenging Moderate Extent
2 1.75 – 2.49 Least Challenging Some Extent
1 1.00 – 1.74 Not Challenging No Extent at all

Availability of material resources, collection of information and

witnesses.The investigative process faces several challenges related to the

availability of material resources, collection of information, and cooperation from

witnesses. Based on the survey conducted, lack of material resources for use in the

processing of evidence got the highest mean of 3.18 or interpreted as Challenging.

However when the weighted mean results are compared, it could be noted that
“Oftentimes there is lack of material resources for use in the processing of

evidences” 3.18; “Getting information that are not overstated or over-decorated” 3.12

and “There is lack of modern equipment for speedy resolution of evidences”3.04,

received higher weighted mean results, thus also have higher challenges. These

challenges can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of investigations.

According to Paterson (2018) on a document entitled The Role and Impact of

Forensic Evidence in the Criminal Justice Process, In spite of the increased attention

paid to forensic evidence over the past decade, there is little published empirical

data identifying the types of evidence routinely collected, and the extent to which this

evidence is submitted to and examined in forensic crime laboratories. There is even

less research that describes the role and impact of such evidence on criminal justice

outcomes. While the current study shows that forensic evidence can affect case

processing decisions, it is not uniform across all crimes and all evidence types; the

effects of evidence vary depending upon criminal offense, variety of forensic

evidence, the criminal decision level, and other characteristics of the case.

There are barriers in the conduct of crime scene investigation in the

Philippines like lack of resources. This scarcity of resources as well as budgetary

constraints, are limiting factors that inhibit investigators ability to thoroughly conduct

a crime of the scene investigation/ Coupled with this are the lack of trained police

investigators in some police stations. Thus without adequate financial support to

provide the needed material resources, police investigation will struggle to keep up

with the most recent forensic technology (Ronamae, 2023).

Advancement in technology leads to modernization and ease in in

communication especially and dealing with affairs of man.; there is no single tool or

method that gather all evidence that investigators require. Thus it critical for security

and law enforcement professionals to understand these technologies and how they

are developing (Horan and Awiedian, 2021).Understanding know how in the use of

modern technology such as the use of social media is important because there is

now a changing crimes incidence contributed through the use of technology

(Wexlear, 2018). Investigations often require collaboration among different law

enforcement agencies and departments. A lack of coordination and information-

sharing can result in duplication of efforts and missed opportunities to solve

cases.Witnesses may be reluctant to come forward due to fear of retaliation or

intimidation. Overcoming this challenge requires building trust within the community,

implementing witness protection programs, and addressing concerns about personal


Table 3.0
Challenges in the process of Investigation in terms of number of personnel,



1. The number of police investigation/personnel Challenging

posted in police station is inadequate 2.9

2. There is hardly any training facilities that exist Challenging

for investigation 2.88

3. There is frequent transfer results to Challenging

discontinuity in prosecution of cases 3
Weight Mean Range Adjective Rating Interpretation
4 3.25 – 4.00 Highly Challenging Very Great Extent
3 2.50 – 3.24 Challenging Moderate Extent
2 1.75 – 2.49 Least Challenging Some Extent
1 1.00 – 1.74 Not Challenging No Extent at all

There is frequent transfer results to discontinuity in prosecution of

cases. Ar per the result of the survey is concerned. Frequent transfers of cases can

lead to discontinuity in the prosecution process got the highest mean of 3.0 or

interpreted as Challenging, causing delays and inefficiencies. This can impact the

legal system's ability to deliver timely justice and may also affect the research on

judicial processes, particularly in understanding the effects of such transfers on case

outcomes, legal representation, and the overall functioning of the justice system.

Police training has always been recognized as crucial to the development of

police officers. As such various training has been operationalized since the

recognition of its importance. However as mentioned in the study conducted by

Kleygrewe, Oudejas, Koejk and Hutter(2022), police training involve some complex

guidelines with many topics to cover; however those trainings depend on sufficiency

of available resources; training frameworks or a formal, institutional information

about the structure and organization of training. Aside from these the Philippine

government particularly the PNP has been working with the United States of America

through International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Programs or

(ICITAP) and organization that provides training support to partner organizations

which include on-the-ground, pre-program assessments; program planning,

management, and review; curriculum development; classroom training,

seminars, and workshops; internships; equipment donations;

donorcoordination; and on-the-job training and mentoring provided by

embedded long-term advisors (U.S. Embassy, Manila, 2022).

Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that

includes strategic resource allocation, ongoing professional development, and a

commitment to providing investigators with the necessary tools and skills to adapt to

the evolving nature of crime. Investing in the recruitment, retention, and training of

skilled personnel is essential for maintaining effective investigative capabilities within

law enforcement agencies.

Table 4.0
Significant a difference among the perception of respondents on the
challenges of crime investigation along the given variables

The challenges of crime investigation Mean Sig Descriptiv

e Rating

Challenges in conduct investigation due to 2.84 0.07 Significant

investigators’ competence (Skill and
Challenges in the process of Investigation in 2.99 0.10 Significant
terms of availability of material resources,
collection of information and witnesses
Challenges in the process of Investigation in 1.25 0.07 Significant
terms of number of personnel, training

Note: If a p-value reported from a t test is less than 0.05, then that result is
said to be statistically insignificant. If a p-value is greater than 0.05, then the result is

Table 4.0 shows the results of paired t-test for all the challenges of crime

investigation. At 5% significance level, all null hypotheses are rejected, thus it can be

concluded that there is a statistically significant difference between mean mark of the

all the challenges of crime investigation faced by investigators. This further means

that all indicators are challenging and should be considered in the enhancement of

police investigation capabilities and competence.

Conclusions and Implications

Police investigators in Zambales PPO, PRO 3 are facing challenges in

investigating crimes connected with the eight focus crimes. There are barriers

towards the effectiveness of their investigation based from the results of this study.

These barriers which proved to be challenging to them are related to their lack of

capabilities in knowledge and skills; lack of material resources, collection of

information and witnesses; and Number of personnel trainings. However, based from

the reviewed literature, the landscape for crime investigation in the Philippines is fast

changing. This is due to the emergence of cybercrimes which contribute to

commission of complex crime using technology.

As to this, there is no question that police investigators in the Philippines

particularly the police personnel of Zambales PPO, still yet to gain knowledge and

skills in combating cybercrimes and its complexities. Hence, there is a need for PNP

with the help of cybercrimes experts outside or inside the country to step up and do

something to develop the capabilities and competencies of its police personnel along

cybercrimes. This is not to disregard concentration on the eight focus crimes which is

also a phenomenon in the Philippines. In short the PNP-DIDM and the 15 PPO’s in

the nation must work together toward strengthening the investigative force of all

police personnel especially, the police investigators for an effective crime solution in

the Philippines.

Further studies should be done to determine the effects crimes whether the 8

focus crimes or cybercrimes for that matter, on the people and investigators alike

using other variables like implications on economic, socio-moral, political, and values

of the people with the gaol of raising the integrity of the police in bringing fast

solution to crime incidences in the Philippines.

Based from the findings of this study which revealed that some areas need a

closer enhancement related to police investigation, the following are the conclusions


1. Investigators face challenges in exploring alternative avenues or acquiring

additional sources to gather information when the available data is

insufficient to advance the investigation.;

2. Investigators encounter difficulties in piecing together the chronological

order of events associated with the incident, evaluating their data, and

substantiating the inadequacy of information.

3. Insufficient tangible resources pose a challenge in effectively processing

and handling evidence during investigations.

4. Based on the frequent transfers of personnel leading to discontinuity in

prosecution and it has an impact on the efficiency of the justice system as to

its ability to deliver timely justice.

5. Certain training programs could be enhanced, and occasionally, they may

benefit from better alignment with the specific needs of conducting


Table 5 Action Plan for Police Investigators in Zambales PPO

Areas to be addressed Propose Objectives Person Time Expected
Program Responsible Frame Output
1. Investigators face Skills building
The DIDM-PNP Year Skills
challenges in exploring program on
Investigators PPO round developed
alternative avenues or efficiency must: COP in finding

acquiring additional and A. developed sources of

sources to gather effectiveness in finding information;

sources of
information when the in handling
information; able to
available data is information
B. able to handle
insufficient to advance
handle information
the investigation.; information properly


2. Investigators encounter Skills building To orient and
difficulties in piecing in train
PPO personnel
together the determining personnel to COP Trained

chronological order of chronological develop their and

events associated with order of skills at case program

the incident, evaluating events evaluation
their data, and and analysis;

substantiating the determine

inadequacy of methods to

information. substantiate

lack of


3. Insufficient tangible 2024

Upgrade of The officer Logistics Additional
resources pose a
resources involved in Finance material
challenge in effectively logistics must Resources

processing and purchase purchased

handling evidence additional

during investigations.

4. Based on the frequent Increase Promote

Directorate of Contin Allocated
transfers of manpower regular
Personnel uing Budget for
investigators leading to and Budget dialogue with and Records Travel and

discontinuity in Allocation for police management, Miscellane

prosecution it has an Travel and personnel to Finance ous

Service Expense
impact on the efficiency Miscellaneou identify their
COP related to
of the justice system as s Expense needs and

to its ability to deliver related to other
timely justice frequent concerns;.
transfers of
transfers of determine personnel

personnel sufficiency in

number of



5. Certain training Training To adapt

PNP-DIDM Year Adapt
programs could be Program trends and
PPO round trends and
enhanced, and up-to-date CIDG up-to-date

occasionally, they may technology ACG technology

benefit from better used in the used in the

field of
alignment with the field of
specific needs of investigation



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