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This method statement outlines the general procedures and precautions to be followed
for executing construction work at Al Awir Second, Construction of Mosque – Plot No:
7210361 with Building Permit No: 392232-3-4 and Project No: R-001222000 .

The purpose this Method Statement is to describe the methodology for the application of
plaster on interior walls, rendering on exterior walls and skim coat plaster application of plaster
on the interior walls, rendering on exterior walls for the Project No: R-001222000, Construction
of Mosque. The work shall me constructed by M/s Sea Shore Constructions L.L.C .

This is also developed to make concerned person familiarized with the sequence of activities,
utilizations of resource and relevant risk assessment to meet project specifications and
contractual obligations. The work shall include all labor, material, services, equipment, and
scaffolding required to complete the plastering of the project in accordance with the drawings
and specifications.

 Code of Construction Safety Practice (Municipality of Dubai, 2007-2011)
 Dubai Building Code 2021


Project Manager
 Overall responsible for implementation of the company management systems, quality policies,
safety policies and procedure in line with project specification, drawings, method statements etc.
 Prepare and monitor progress as per approved scheduled for the whole project duration in
coordination with the site team.

Construction Engineer
 Organize the site so that work is carried out to the required specifications with a minimum risk to
men, equipment and materials.
 Adhere to the project specific quality management program, HSE requirements, Method
Statements, project specification and drawings.
QA/QC Engineer
 Identify the project specific quality requirements, develop the project specific quality plan (Project
Quality Plan), inspection and test plan (ITP), project specific procedures, checklist and quality
control forms and ensure effective implementation of same.
 Resolving day to day quality issues with client or client representative.
 Organize project quality management review meetings and follow up implementation of the
management decisions/ recommendations concerning quality of work and consumer focus.
 Ensure compliance with applicable National and International standards as well as relevant
statutory requirements.
 Monitoring/Evaluate the performance in terms of Quality Control and Inspection Programs.
 Responsible for work entire quality assurance, quality control and inspection programs.
 Produce all quality related documents and necessary quality reports as requested.
 Provide written procedures and to co-ordinate in formalizing the method statement with the
project manager/site engineers to describe the job specific procedure for each stage/activity.
 Direct QC Inspector on site.
 Monitor performance of site team to ensure compliance with quality procedure.

HSE Engineer
 Responsible for entire HSE matters and reviewing Hazard Identification (HI), Risk Assessment (RA)
in line with Method Statements for particular activity.
 Liaison with client representative for HSE issues.
 Monitoring the HSE requirements as per project specifications and client or client representative’s
 Ensure that all workers have a safe place of work, advice safe system of work and adequate
instructions, training supervision to enable employees to work in safety.
 Carry out site survey on daily basis to ensure that the HSE methods of working are in operation
and that all regulations are being observed.
 Report, determine and analyze the cause of any accident or dangerous occurrence and
recommend measures for preventing recurrence.

Site Engineer
 Adheres to the project specific method statements, procedures, inspection programs and HSE
instructions to get the activities performed to client satisfaction with full coordination with the
HSE and quality personnel.
 Ensuring that all personnel/under their control have attended safety induction training and we
are adequately inform about foreseeable hazards, preventive on precautionary measure and
instructed on the safe system of work to be employed.

Chief Surveyor/Surveyor
 Chief surveyor will be in-charge of the Topographic survey. He will lead the survey
team and will coordinate with all the concerned parties and ensure survey work is in time and
with proper quality.
 Surveyors will be responsible for all survey work and will report to chief surveyor.
Fore/Work Supervisor
 Responsible for daily activities and resources (labor, machinery, material etc…) are effectively
utilized and monitored in order to achieve HSE & Quality requirements.

Workforce (Labor)
 Carry out their work under direct supervision by their foreman and charge hand and under
instruction from Site Engineer to ensure all works are undertaken in a safe manner.
 The workforce to attend a daily a Tool Box Talks and monitoring task briefs prior to starting any
new works.
 The workforce shall receive a full project briefing and site rules induction prior to commencing
any work at site.

 General Manager
 Project engineer
 HSE Engineer
 Quantity Surveyor
 Site Engineer
 Site Foreman or Supervisor
 Mason, carpenter (Skilled)
 Helper

Approved Materials
 Aggregates
 Cement (OPC)
 Water
 Lath and Beads
 Fixtures and Fastener
 Bonding Compound
 Approved Mortar Mix
 Approved Curing Compound


Site Planning
 Seven days before plastering or painting, the contractor shall test exterior masonry walls for water
 When block has been extruded mortar is to be struck off flush, extra care being taken to avoid
smearing the mortar on the face of the block.
 Mock-Up sample shall be prepared for approval by client’s representative. Sample shall consist all
approved accessories, their required position and method. Installation, mock-up shall be made in
layers i.e. under (cement screed) coat and final (finishing) coat.
 Approved shop drawings must be posted on site for ready reference.
 All materials must be pre-inspected and approved prior to installation. Material inspection
request (MIR) must be raised for every material delivery.
 All tools and equipment to carry-out this activity must be available.
 The site team shall make sure that access roads are always clear from any obstruction and site is
always accessible.
 The electrical pipes, water pipes any other opening is closed initially. Fish wire mesh is used,
wherever there is a possibility of development of cracks, It is to be done before plastering.
 Concrete surfaces shall be prepared by hacking the surface at close interval with chisel and
hammer to ensure good bond between surface and plaster.

 The plaster should fire set out location of the surface of the wall as per block work, the
reference grid lines shall also be identified. Bull marks shall be fixed to ensure required
thickness. Average thickness of cement plastering in 12-15mm for internal plastering and 24-
25mm for external plastering.
 Upon setting out the center lines of the walls, offset two parallel and vertical lines of the
plastering wall thickness using the plumb and string.
 Accessories installation: Approved accessories i.e. corner bead for internal corners, angel bead
for external corners and expanded metal lath for joints and embedded i.e. water supply and
sanitary pipes, electrical conduits in wall etc., plaster stop for termination of plastering are
installed properly in their required positions and nailed or screwed tightly. Inspection shall be
done by raising the IR client’s representative.

 Application

External Cement Plaster and Render

Preparation of Mixes:
a) Dense, strong and smooth materials – which include high density concrete and concrete
blocks providing low porosity, little suction and having smooth surfaces.
b) Moderately strong and porous materials – which include medium density concrete and
concrete blocks providing some suction and mechanical key.
c) Metal lathing
Proprietary premix cement based plasters shall be used upon material approval as per
manufacturer’s recommendations.

Application of the Various Render Coats:

a) The work shall not be started until the background has been properly prepared and
b) The render shall generally be applied in two coats except where the background is
metal lathing where three coats shall be applied.
c) Before applying any coat, the background or preceding coat is to be brushed down to
remove any loose particles and is to be dampened sufficiently to ensure uniform
d) The undercoat is to be left rough and open from the edge of the trowel, and after it has
been left long enough to set firm, it should be combed with evenly spaced wavy
horizontally lines. The lines are to be approximately 20mm apart and 5mm deep (less in
the case of a first coat on metal lathing).
e) The first undercoat applied to metal lathing is to be well worked into the lath to ensure
that the material is completely embedded.
f) The finishing coat should not be less than 5mm or more than 10mm thick is to be laid
on with a trowel and finished with a wood float, care being taken not to over-work the
g) All coats are to be applied with firm pressure to exclude air and to ensure a good bond.
h) All coats are to be prevented from drying out too quickly. Between the hot months of
April and November the work should only be carried out in the shade. All external
rendering is to be protected by properly constructed hessian or similar screens during
this period.
i) Each coat is to be kept damp by means of a fog spray of water for a minimum of three
days to allow the render to cure and then be allowed to dry out for at least a further
three days before a subsequent coat is applied or, in the case of the finish coat, before
the protective screens are removed.
j) The surface of the finish coat is to be smooth, true and free from waviness,
irregularities or blemishes with straight, level or plumb angles. External angles are to be
pencil rounded.
k) Care is to be taken when rendering up to plaster beads or stops to avoid excessive
polishing at the arras and damage to the galvanizing, or stainless steel.

Application of Cement Plaster:

a) Mixing ratio: 50kg cement bag with 10-12 liters of clean cool water.
b) Cement plaster shall be applied by hand or machine to the nominal thickness specified
in approved drawings.
c) Plaster nominal thickness shall be measured from the back plane of metal plaster base,
exclusive of ribs or dimples, or from the face of the solid backing with or without metal
plaster base, to the outer surface exclusive of texture variations.
d) Portland cement-based plaster shall be applied on furred metal plaster base when the
surface of solid backing consists of gypsum board, gypsum plaster, wood, or rigid foam
board-type products. On horizontal ceiling supports or roofs soffits protected by a drip
edge, gypsum board products shall be permitted to be used as backing for metal base to
receive cement plaster.
e) Separation shall be provided where plaster abuts dissimilar construction materials or
f) Each plaster coat shall be applied to an entire wall or ceiling panel without interruption
to avoid cold joints and abrupt changes in the uniform appearance of succeeding coats.
Wet plaster shall abut set plaster at naturally occurring interruptions in the plane of the
plaster, such as corner angles, rustications, openings, and control joints where this is
possible. Joining where necessary shall be cut square and straight and not less than
152mm away from a joining in the preceding coat.
g) High-suction bases shall be evenly dampened with clean water prior to the application
of plaster. Do not dampen low-suction solid bases, such as dense concrete or smooth
h) Where masonry or concrete surfaces vary in plane, plaster thickness required to
produce level surfaces shall not be required to be uniform.
i) The first (scratch) coat shall be applied with sufficient material and pressure to ensure
tight contact and complete coverage of the solid base, to nominal thickness 6-9mm. As
soon as the first (scratch) coat becomes firm, the entire surface shall be scored in one
direction only. The vertical surfaces shall be scored horizontally.
j) The second (finish) coat shall be applied with sufficient material and pressure to ensure
tight contact with, and complete coverage of the base coat and to the nominal
thickness of 3 to 5mm.
k) Provide sufficient moisture in plaster mix or by moist or fog curing to permit continuous
hydration of cementation materials. The most effective procedure for curing and time
between coats shall be allowed to permit each coat to cure or develop enough rigidity
to resist cracking or other physical damage when the next coat is applied.

Skim Coat Plaster Base and Plaster:

a) The location and type of skim coats and plaster bases shall be defined in a finishing
schedule included in the approved drawing.
b) Skim coat plaster for one-component plaster shall be mixed and applied in accordance
with manufacturer’s recommendations.
c) Joint reinforcement shall be as recommended by the skim coat plaster manufacturer for
plaster systems applied over steel framing.
d) A smooth-trowel finish shall be applied to skim coat plaster over gypsum board base.
e) On fire rated, smoke barrier, sound barrier and other partitions, which are shown to
extend the underside of structure overhead or full height (floor to floor), the skim coat
plaster finish may terminate 100mm above the suspended ceiling as indicated in
approved drawings.
 Each activity shall be inspected and approved as per Inspection Test Plan (ITP).
 Ensure that latest approved shop drawings and documents are being utilized.
 Ensure that only approved materials are being utilized.
 Periodic check of works to ensure the work is accomplished according to Quality procedures.
 Ensure all measuring devices are regularly calibrated.


Safety Equipment’s

 HSE Site specific induction courses shall be provided to all personnel and visitors prior on
commenting work or working the site.
 All personnel will wear the required PPE in accordance with site regulations. The PPER
should at a minimum include the following:

 Safety Helmet
 Safety Glasses (Black & Clear)
 Safety Vest
 Safety Shoes
 Ear Plugs (when required)
 N95 Mask
 Hand Gloves

 Occupational Health and Safety shall be fully implemented in accordance with Code of
Construction Safety Practice (Municipality of Dubai, 2007-2011).
 The supervisor or foreman responsible for the job will be present at site during working
hours and a safety officer will also be present to monitor the activity.
 First Aid box will be available at designated areas throughout the site.
 Regular tool box talks shall be conducted to explain the nature of works and associated risks

Vehicles and Equipment’s

 All plant and equipment shall be inspected by the HSE and the Plant department to
 M/s Sea Shore will also practice a daily visual inspection of plant and equipment.
 All vehicles and equipment used at site will be equipped with revolving lights.
Safety Measures during Execution

i. Working and Heights

Use of Ladders:

Ladders shall be used to reach objects or areas not readily accessible to the employee’s
reach but the use of ladder in a vertical or horizontal position as scaffolding is forbidden.
a) All ladders shall be inspected before use. Any damage or unsafe ladders shall be
tagged and taken out of service. Stationary ladders with missing, broken or loose
steps shall be taken out of service until repaired. No ladders with treads nailed to
the stringers or which are in any other way faulty or unsound shall be used.
b) All ladders shall be factory made and shall be sound construction and shall be
inspected prior to use. If the work is being done in and around electrical
equipment or cables, only wooden (non-conductive) ladders shall be used.
c) Both hands shall be kept free for climbing, descending and performing work on a
ladder. Hand tools or any other equipment shall not be carried while climbing
the ladder. Articles, which are too large to be carried in a pocket or on a belt,
shall be lifted and lowered by hand line.
d) The employee shall not rush and shall only take one step at a time.
e) Only one person at a time shall be on the ladder.
f) Portable ladders shall have an anti-slip safety foot and shall be secured at the top
before work begins in order to prevent the ladder from shifting. A second
employee shall hold the ladder until the climber can secure it at the top. In
addition, portable shall be set at the correct angle before use. Where possible,
angle of 70 degrees or 0.3 meters (1 foot) out at bottom for every 1.2 meters (4
feet) of ladder height to ensure stability.
g) Every ladder shall be practicably extended at least 1 meter (3 feet 6 inches)
above the landing place or above the highest rung reached by the feet of the
person using it.
h) Only ladders that are not electrically conductive (wooden ladders or ladders with
fiberglass rails) shall be used to perform electrical service work.
i) Unless client authorizes with written consent no ladder shall exceed 3.7m (12 ft.)
in height. Stationary ladders with height greater than 1.8m (6 ft.) shall be caged
or fall protection such as an inertia reel, static line with cable-grabbing or double
lanyard climbing method shall be used.
j) Ensure shoes or work boots are free from oil and grease.

Use of Scaffolding:

a) All scaffolds and staging shall comply with Client’s requirements. Prior to using
any scaffolding, it shall be approved by client.
b) All scaffolding work is covered under the permit to work (PTW) system and a
separate work permit shall be issued for erecting or dismantling of each scaffold.
c) Scaffolding shall only be erected, dismantled or modified by qualified Scaffolding
d) A work permit for the erecting of scaffold will not be signed off as complete until
the scaffold has been inspected and approved for use by Scaffolding Supervisor.
e) Work permit for dismantling of scaffold will not be signed off as complete until
the scaffold material have been removed from site to a dedicated storage area.
f) After a scaffold has been erected and approved for use, any planned work on the
scaffold structure that requires a work permit shall be conducted on a separate
work permit. In addition, the scaffolding shall meet the following minimum
 A scaffolding tag “SCAFF-TAG” indicating acceptance shall be attached to
the scaffold.
 Timber uprights and ledger shall not be used. Metal parts used for
scaffolds shall be in good condition and free from corrosion.
 All poles, planks and general materials, used for scaffoldings, shall be
kept in good condition and be inspected by HSE competent person on
each occasion before being used. No materials, other than those
specifically designed for the purpose shall be used for scaffolding.
 Scaffold shall be erected only by men knowledgeable in the job, working
under the immediate supervision of an experienced foreman, who knows
the purpose of the scaffold and how it shall be constructed to carry the
loads which will be placed upon it.
 Scaffolds shall be securely supported or suspended and where necessary
braced to ensure stability. Unless constructed as an independent
scaffold, it shall be rigidly connected to the building or structure. 6 mm
(1/4 inch) wire shall be used for lashing.
 In the case of partially erected or dismantled scaffolds still capable of
being used, access there to shall be effectively blocked and prominent
warning notices in English/Arabic languages shall be posted. The “SCAFF-
TAG” is to be removed.
 All platforms, scaffolds, and other workplaces from which persons may
fall more than 2 m (6 ft. 6 inches) shall have edge protection which
consist of an upper rail not less than 1 meter (3 ft. 3 inches) in height
above the walkway and hence at least one intermediate rail.
 Vertical toe boards shall be fitted to all scaffolds.
 When permanent hand rails have to be removed from elevated
platforms, rope or wire hand rail shall be fitted in their place.
 Mobile scaffold should move on solid and leveled horizontal ground have
lockable wheels.
Requirements for boards and planks:

a) Boards of 38mm (1.5 inch) minimum thickness shall be used. These shall be at least
203 mm (8 inches) wide.
b) Spacing of board supports shall depend on the thickness of the boards used and the
loads to be carried. There shall be three supports. Support for 38mm (1.5 inch)
boards shall not be more than 1.5 m (49 feet) apart. Support for 51 mm (2 inch)
boards shall not be more than 2.5 m (8 feet 6 inches) apart. All boards shall be
supported at ends.
c) Boards shall be end-butted and close boarded throughout. Overhanging of boards of
any thickness shall not exceed four (4) times their thickness and not less than 50mm.

Working Platforms:

a) All working platforms shall be close boarded and all boards shall be lashed or
secured. Handrails and toe boards shall be fitted to all towers over 2 meters.
b) Widths of platforms shall vary according to scaffold’s purpose.
c) As a general rule, if the platforms are to be used only as a footing, they shall be at
least 610 mm (24 inches) wide. If small quantities of materials have to put on them,
the platform width shall be increased to 813 mm (32 inches) wide.

Personnel Fall Protection:

a) Fall protection equipment shall be worn when working or climbing more than 1.8
meters above an established working surface regardless of height and when no guard
rails are present. All components of the fall protection system must comply with the
Client’s standards. In addition, Safety belts, harness and lines shall also comply with
BS 1397, self-locking safety anchorages with BS 5062 and safety nets with BS 3913.
b) Any employee working or climbing more than 1.8 meters (6 feet) above an
established working surface shall use one of the following means for primary fall
c) The preferred system for primary fall protection consists of:

 A full body harness, shock absorber, clevis with cotter pin locking device
or snap hooks with an inward moving, self-locking keeper (latch or gate)
so that keeper remains closed and locked until unlocked and pressed
open for connection or disconnection and nylon lanyard (steel or rope
lanyards are not allowed) attached to a stationary support. The lanyard
will be attached to a stationary support in a manner that will prevent a
free fall of more than 1.8 meters or even less than 1.8 meters if an
immediate danger exists below the working surface regardless of height.
 Fall protection equipment shall be certified.
Care of Fall Protection Equipment:

a) Fall protection devices such as the full body harness, lanyards, static lines with cable-
grabbing device and inertia reels shall be inspected before each use and replaced if
necessary. Fall protection equipment, which has been involved in fall, shall be
replaced immediately.
b) Full body harness and lanyards shall be kept clean and never laid down in mud,
water, dirt etc. All fall protection equipment shall be placed in a proper storage area
when not in use. Only approved cleaning products for full body harness and lanyards
shall be used in order not to diminish the rated capacity of the device.
c) Safety cone will mark the execution zone.
d) No workers to use earphones under any circumstances.
e) No curtains to be installed within the cabins of rolling equipment.
f) Illumination assessment to be carried out before night working commences.
g) All the workers PPE should be clean and reflective strips to be clearly visible.


i. Waste Management

Good waste management practices are essential in order to achieve regulatory compliance. It
can also lead to improved business efficiency and cost savings. The following waste
management practices will ensure the prevention of environmental resources.
 All personnel will obey to the HSE requirements and will maintain a good housekeeping
on site.
 All equipment and materials used on site will be used and stored in a manner avoiding
oil, fuel and sewage spillage. If required adequate dip trays will be provided until any
such leakage is repaired.
 Dust control at the work sites is under the responsibility of the main contractor.
 Waste should be reduced and recycled where possible.
 Disposal area should be well prepared to receive to waste and all waste area and all
waste areas and containers should be landed with their content.
 Do not dispose of burn, bury or treat waste on site.
 Do not mix regulated and non-regulated wastes.
 The emergency procedure described earlier shall be applied in any case of chemical
 All chemicals and environmentally hazardous material shall be isolated by storing them
with bund walls on top of paving pads to prevent any leakage into the water table.


Sr Hazard R
Activity P S Control Measures P S RR Risk Priority Accept
Details R
Yes or No
1. Pre- Only qualified and
Commence experienced workers to be
ment utilized on the task. If new
Activities employee is assigned
Lack of ensure that he has site
Compete safety induction and is
nce closely supervised. PPE
shall be worn (hard hat,
Unfit / goggles, safety shoes with
Unsuitabl puncture resistant soles,
e coveralls, earplugs, hand
Equipme gloves, dust mask) and any
nt other task specific
requirements i.e. welders
Unauthori apron etc.
zed Entry
Emergen Only plants and
cies equipment’s with inspection
sticker displayed on
windscreen will be used
3 2 6 (for all operation areas). All 1 1 2 Low Yes
plan and equipment shall
be inspected and
documented on a daily
basis and checklist filed in
the safety office. Ensure
suitable equipment is used
and ensure PPE is suitable
for the task. When
equipment is in operation,
provide trained Banks-men.

Ensure the area is properly

barricaded and warning
signs are in place,

All personnel shall undergo

M/s Sea Shore safety and
Aspire induction course.
Ensure First Aid boxes are
available at all times.
Sr Hazard R
Activity P S Control Measures P S RR Risk Priority Accept
Details R
Yes or No
2.. A high level of personal
Collision awareness is required from
with plant all employees while
and transiting around site.
Site/Area vehicles. Where possible, personnel
Access Slip, will adhere to designated
Trips and pedestrian walkways.
Pedestrian/ Falls
Vehicle All personnel are to
Falling maintain high degree of
Traffic Materials vigilance while moving
Movement around the site. All M/s Sea
Moveme Shore work areas are
Personnel nt of required to be kept free, as
Transportat pedestria far as is reasonably
ion n’s / practicable from trailing
Vehicles. cables, timber packing,
trailing cables with all tools,
Lack of equipment and waste
Knowled cleared away as soon as
ge on site possible.
pedestria 3 2 6 All personnel are to 2 2 4 Low Yes
n. maintain a safe working
distance from others
Vehicle, working overhead.
Collision Personnel are not to work
under suspended loads. If
Speeding working at height all tools
and equipment are to be
Involving secured from displacement.
workers / a) Only Sea Shore
vehicles / approved
injury. personnel are
authorized to
b) All personnel to
receive Sea Shore
safety induction.
c) Qualified drivers
only allowed on
Drivers to undergo
defensive driving
Sr Hazard R
Activity P S Control Measures P S RR Risk Priority Accept
Details R
Yes or No
3. Site All plant and equipment
Preparation shall be inspected and
recorded on a daily basis;
generators shall have drip
trays located below. Ensure
Spillage refueling is carried out in an
authorized area only and
Slips, switch off plant before
Trips & 3 2 6 refueling begins. 2 2 4 Low Yes
Housekeeping will be
conducted in all work areas
including spillage of any
concrete on daily basis to
prevent slip, trip & fall
4. Transport, Obtain permit to work,
loading and conduct weekly toolbox
unloading talk, conduct daily task
of cement, instructions prior to start of
sand & Access the work and explain the
scaffolding risk assessment to all
materials. Manual workers. Provide clear
handling access routes to work
areas and engage
Falling minimum personnel in each
Materials work area.

Collision Observe manual handling

with other techniques. All operatives
plant and will receive basic training in
or vehicle Manual handling and
3 3 9 2 2 4 Low Yes
correct lifting procedures.

Provide hard barriers and

signs at all block works.

Vehicles shall adhere to the

20-30 kph maximum speed
limits on site. No overtaking
of other vehicles.
Banks men will be used
when vehicles are in
motion and must wear high
visibility clothing. Vehicle
shall have parked in
allocated parking areas
where provided.
Sr Hazard R
Activity P S Control Measures P S RR Risk Priority Accept
Details R
Yes or No
5. Surface Environmental awareness
Preparation included in induction
: The entire program and as toolbox
surface of topics.
walls to be
plastered All waste materials to be
will Works at placed in the designated
heights receptacles.

Dropped Sea Shore waste

objects management procedures to
be complied.
points a) Scaffold erectors to
3 2 6 2 2 4 Low Yes
be competent and
Sharp qualified.
edges b) Use height safety
equipment and
Loss of PPE to restrain /
load restrict fall.
c) No un-necessary
Damage tools at height.
to d) Use of kick boards,
equipme netting, buckets, tie
nt ropes and
e) Barricading of drop
6. Plastering Slip/trip/f Platform should not be
all. overloaded with materials.

Work at While lifting mortar, person

height should not bend back or
avoid stooping.
activity Kinetic method to be
Fall of
material If the work is carried near
from 2 3 6 the external edges (road 1 3 3 Low Yes
height side) pedestrian walkway
with overhead protection
Health shall be provided.
Personal hygiene to be
External/i maintained, clean hands
nternal with soap.
While mixing cement, use
Repetitiv PPE like dust mask and
e working rubber hand gloves.
Sr Hazard R
Activity P S Control Measures P S RR Risk Priority Accept
Details R
Yes or No
Clean up the area
immediately at the end of
the shift.

Task light shall be provided

wherever required.

Access and egress shall be

kept clear for the
movement of men and

7. Use of Vehicles manufactured to

vehicle / standard and maintained in
trucks at accordance with
site. manufacturer’s specs.
in motion Seat belts fitted and worn

Noise Drivers licensed to level of

Contact /
collision Drivers to attend Sea
with other Shore induction program.
Defensive driving program
Pedestria 3 3 9 training. 2 2 4 Low Yes
n traffic
excessiv Incident reporting and
e speed. follow.

Collision Compliance with speed

with limits on and off site are
pedestria enforced.
workers. Pre use / daily inspection to
be completed.

Good site traffic

management system in
Sr Hazard R
Activity P S Control Measures P S RR Risk Priority Accept
Details R
Yes or No

Compliance with national

(UAE) traffic codes and

Trucks / trailers are fitted

with alarm to ensure that
doors are closed before the
truck moves from
loading/unloading area.

Spill response procedure in

place and followed.

Manual handling training

Line of fire awareness


Site Mandatory PPE to be


8. Hot/Cold Application of PTW system

Working and safety checklist.
nt Use of appropriate thermal

Use of ventilation or
appropriate atmospheric
Humidity, conditioning equipment.
ure, Monitoring of temperatures
lighting, / humidity before and
workspac during work.
4 2 8 Heat Stress managing 2 2 4 Low Yes
Heat programmed to be
Stress, implemented.
n, injury. Work / job rotation of
personnel to spread
exposure within acceptable

Flag system to be
implemented, identifying
levels of humidity.

M/s Sea Shore are

prepared for all tasks and
Sr Hazard R
Activity P S Control Measures P S RR Risk Priority Accept
Details R
Yes or No
heat stress hazards
discussed with work team
before job commences.

Access control at all –

barrier in place and
warning signpost.

9. In- Should provide a proper

adequate lighting during working time
lighting. Inquiry specially while working at
night and low visible areas.
te lighting Provide suitable and
sufficient lighting to carry
Lack of out the tasks.
ation Control working hours

Slips, Adequate breaks / rest

3 3 9 2 2 4 Low Yes
trips and period
Implement heat stress
Sleeping program.
on the

Fall from

Injury to
Sr Hazard R
Activity P S Control Measures P S RR Risk Priority Accept
Details R
Yes or No
10. Heat Operatives are given
Stress information on heat stress
and exhaustion during M/s
Sea Shore and Aspire

Operatives are instructed to

take regular breaks and
drink water as per project
heat stress index.

Provide adequate cold

Dehydrati water on site at all times.
3 3 9 Provide adequate shelter 2 2 4 Low Yes
Heat on site at all times.
Insulated water bottles to
Sun be provided to all
Stroke operatives.

Awareness of regular
breaks and drinking water.

Monitor project “Flag”

system for working
conditions on site and
abide by it.


Manual Handling of waste


2 3 6 2 1 2 Low Yes
Slip, Trips, and falls.

Biological Disease

This method statement serves as a guideline for safely and efficiently executing
construction work at the project site of Al Awir Second, Construction of Mosque - Plot No:
7210361. Regular monitoring and communication among all stakeholders are essential to ensure
successful project delivery while prioritizing health, safety, and environmental considerations.

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