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Chapter 2


This section obtain an overview of the current knowledge of the research.

Literature, works, theories linked to the usage and significance of the study are

discussed in this section of the research. Additionally, it talks about the earlier

investigation that provides substantial proof to support influenced and help the

researcher to build knowledge in the current study.

The most important skill students should learn is vocabulary (Alqahtani, 2015).

Without good vocabulary control, the intended meaning or message will not be received

correctly (Khan et al., 2018; Olinghouse & Wilson, 2013). Vocabulary is necessary in

the life and future possibilities of students (Faliyanti & Sari, 2018). They explained that it

is best if students master vocabulary before mastering English language skills. Asyiah

(2017) states that the more vocabularies they master, the better they will master the

English language. Similarly, Sukrina (2012) argues that mastery of vocabulary is

significantly needed for perceiving language skills, speaking fluently, and writing well.

Hill (2012) asserts that vocabulary is crucial to the growth of early literacy and oral

language. Learning vocabulary is essential to learning a language, whether it is a first,

second, or foreign language, as noted in Parmawati (2018). Numerous studies have

demonstrated that a child's vocabulary size strongly predicts success in later classes.

Children's vocabulary size in elementary school is correlated with how well they perform

academically in higher grades (Antonacci & O'Callaghan, 2012).

2.1 Vocabulary Enrichment

Vocabulary plays a crucial part in the teaching and learning of languages

because without a wide vocabulary, students cannot communicate with one another or

convey their views. According to Wilkins (2015) "Without very a little grammar can be

delivered, without a vocabulary, nothing can be said." If students only learn the structure

of language without knowing a lot of vocabular, their English ability will not improve

properly because the improvement in students' English skills can be seen from the

ability to use language skills, meanwhile to be able to use vocabulary mastery skills is a

must. Therefore, by having a lot of vocabulary, second or foreign language learners will

learn languages more easily. If not, students with limited vocabulary will find it difficult to

speak fluently, understand texts, understand conversations, and communicate their

ideas in a foreign language.

Based on the expert opinion above, the researcher says vocabulary greatly

influences students' academic performance. So, it is essential to build a large stock of

vocabulary so that communication is successful. Teaching vocabulary, especially in

elementary school, is not easy. Teachers must pay more attention because taking the

wrong steps leads to reluctance in the learning process, which affects students'

willingness to learn English (Elvilla, Laili, Fardhani, & Santihastuti, 2014). In

consideration of that, there are lots of researchers who introduce strategies to enrich the

vocabulary mastery of the pupils.

As cited by Latifi, Ketabi, & Mohammadi (2013), believes that to use language in

communicative settings fully, pupils must first acquire a vocabulary before learning is

introduced. As such, we must make the learning process fun in the first step of language
learning. Teaching vocabulary through games will be more effective rather than teaching

it through repetition and memorization. According to Amy, who said that implementing

the game is the right choice and is also a fun activity where students can interact, think,

learn, and strategize how to solve problems, and as Rohani stated that games are a

great way to arouse student's interest in the class and often also helps them absorb and

store more information than if they only learned to pass an exam or complete an


2.2 Game-Based Learning

Game-based learning means using games that could be entertaining games or

educational games in educational contexts to reach educational objectives (Connolly,

Boyle, MacArthur, Hainey, & Boyle, 2012). These games could. Game-based learning

(GBL) is a pedagogic approach that involve using games, both traditional and digital, to

support and enhance learning, teaching or assessment. It is an effective way in which to

support curriculum, motivate students and engage them in active and experiential

learning (Charlier, Ott, Remmele, & Whitton, 2012; Laski & Siegler, 2014; Naik, 2015;

Park & Yun, 2018; Ya-Ting, 2012). Game-based learning develops the student’s

academic aptitude and cognitive competencies, thus it increases their academic

success (Byun & Loh, 2015; Ke, Xie, & Xie, 2016; Kim, Roh, & Cho, 2016; Laski &

Siegler, 2014; Shin, Sutherland, Norris, & Soloway, 2012). According to Papastergiou

(2009) students can learn more actively and with greater interest through game-based

learning. Game-based learning sustains interest and attention; improves confidence,

learning motivation and performance; increases engagement and achievement;

provides opportunities to prepare the future learning, teaches new knowledge and skills,
practices and reinforces existing knowledge and skills and develops 21st-century skills

(Eseryel, Law, Ifenthaler, Gel, & Miller, 2014; Felicia, 2014; Filsecker & Hickey, 2014;

Hung, Huang, & Hwang, 2014; Kebritchi, Hirumi, & Bai, 2010; Maclellan, 2013; Plass,

Perlin, & Nordlinger, 2010; Smeda, Dakich, & Sharda, 2014; Villalon, 2016; Zhang,


Besides of the vocabulary enrichment using scattergories game, there are other

studies about vocabulary enrichment that effectively helps the respondents improve

their vocabulary, there is a study called “Twelve- and Fourteen-Year-Old School

Children Differentially Benefit from Sensorimotor- and Multisensory-Enriched

Vocabulary Training” it discusses the effect of gestures and pictures to improve there

respondents vocabulary. Modern classrooms often make use of multisensory learning

materials (Choo et al., 2012; Kiefer & Trumpp, 2012). One reason for doing so is that

presence of complementary information across multiple sensory and motor modalities

may speed up learning and make it more resistant to decay Mahmoudi et al., (2012).

Moreover, as stated by Azar (2012), who considered the importance of vocabulary

in learning a foreign language, this element should be mastered and developed.

Otherwise, the children's vocabulary will be limited and, consequently, they will find it

difficult to learn the language skills. Additionally, according to Taheri (2014) learning

vocabulary through language games, classmates have the ability to follow a shared

objective of discovering the exact vocabulary. That is accessible only to one student

who supports his/her classmates while they are in the proximal growth zone (students in

a group have knowledge about the expected context, but they don’t know the actual
word) (Bhatti et al., 2021). Authors agreed that the use of games is an appropriate way

to increase students’ vocabulary.

Furthermore, Donmus (cited in Ali Derakhshan: 2015), learning vocabulary through

games had gained many attention. It is presumed that educational games’ value has

been improved the language education (Helingo: 2021) since they help make language

education fun and entertaining. Therefore, the learning model is needed for the students

as the active learning. That can foster students’ curiosity, particular in English.

As a result, the game is helpful to English teachers in the classroom

because it enables them to develop meaningful and practical contexts for their

students' language use (Derakhsan & Kathir, 2015). Students' interest in the English

language learning process is piqued or increased by teachers using the game. Games

could count as acquisition activities because they can be used to give clear feedback,

according to Gaudart (cited in Depari, Azwandi, & Syahria, 2018). Games can

be utilized as a method of language learning. As a result, Derakhsan & Khatir (2015) in

their study recommended game-based learning techniques and activities in the


Moreover, Riko Ade Maulana (2019) concluded that the usage of board game in

teaching and learning speaking was effective to improve the students‟ ability in

speaking itself. It also could decrease students‟ problems in English speaking, such as

lack of vocabulary and idea, and difficulties in pronouncing some words. In the other

hand, teaching English speaking skill by using this game could also make students

more active to speak, improved the students‟ fluency, accuracy, pronunciation,

vocabulary, and made the students able to use the expressions correctly in their

learning process.

According to Iaremenko (2017) games change the environment of the classroom.

Hence, they motivate the students and create a challenging context. In addition, games

generate fluency, fun, and relaxation which is why most learners like to have this

atmosphere in the English classes (Ashraf et al., 2014). On the negative side, some

teachers think that games give rise to some problems. For example, some of them

believe that games can be a waste of time sometimes. They also say that games make

the class messy, and students usually do not achieve the required goals (Stojković &

Jerotijević, 2011). Although some teachers may believe so, the majority of teachers

acknowledge the importance of using educational games to teach different vocabulary

(Stojković & Jerotijević, 2011).

Quinn (2011) also looked at the hands-on, mind-on opportunity that serious

games provide, enabling players to actively focus on, create, and change a

scenario while also learning about the effects of their choices. Students are more open

to learning about the situation's setting when they are more engaged

and dedicated to winning the game. Furthermore, Shuna (2010) demonstrated that

playing educational games can improve students' concentration, self-esteem, and

memory. Since they are practicing patience as they wait to move on to the next level,

educational games can aid in a child's ability to concentrate. Because they occasionally

receive a quicker response from the game system and can actually see their

accomplishments, playing these games boosts their self-esteem.

2.3 Related Studies

Numerous studies have shown that playing games can help students

learn vocabulary because they improve word memorization, foster interaction, sharpen

communication skills, and boost motivation. The development of meaningful and

practical language contexts can also be assisted by games for the teachers. The

purpose of this study was to use educational games to help teachers and

students gain a better understanding of vocabularies. This studies recommended

using game-based learning strategies and activities in the classroom. In order to learn

and teach new vocabulary more effectively, it is hoped that educational games will gain

more attention and be used in classrooms. As a result, many researchers have

conducted studies on the application of various games or tactics that

can enlarge and enhance vocabulary mastery in students and teachers. The studies

listed below are those that are concerned with the researchers' research( Ali

Derakhshan & Elham Davoodi Khatir ,2015) .

First research study, according to Wiraldi (2020) in his research

entitled "Improving Vocabulary Mastery Of The Seventh Year Students Using

Scattergories Game In SMP Negeri 8 Palopo," based on the findings and discussions of

the study, he concluded that the use of the Scattergories game was effective in

improving students' vocabulary at SMP Negeri 8 Palopo. A score of t0 (tcount) = 21.604

and df (degree of freedom) based on the result, namely 21.604 2.045, the researchers

concluded that t0 (tcount) was higher than (ttable), t0 tt. This was demonstrated by the

students' performance on the Pre-Test with a score of 58.8333 and Post-Test mean

score of 85.7000. It implies that there was a sizable difference between

vocabulary proficiency prior to and following use of the Scattergories game.

The second study, "The Use of Scattergories Game to Improve the

Vocabulary Mastery" (A Quasi-Experimental Research in the Eight Grade Students of

SMP N 2 Demak in the Academic Year 2016/2017), is a study that uses games to help

students learn vocabulary. MA Husain, Universitas Negeri Semarang (lib. unnes . ac .

id) Dibuat: 2017, 48 pages. The study's findings demonstrated that during the academic

year 2016–2017, this method of teaching vocabulary to SMP Negeri Demak eighth

grade students was successful. According to the pre-test and post-test

results, the experimental group's mean scores increased from 52,40 to 76,40 while

those of the control group increased from 47,87 to 67,68. They are expected to conduct

other researchers in the same field using this study as their reference, as suggested by

the results, for future research.

Third research study, “The Effectiveness of Using Scattergories Game Towards

Students Vocabulary Knowledge” (A Quasi Experimental Study at The Eight Grade of

MTs Jamiyyatul Khair). By: Nurlaili Fauziah. This taken from thesis at English 19

Education Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

of Jakarta, 2019. The method used is qualitative method which adopted a quasi-

experimental design. The instrument used is vocabulary test which consist of pre- test

and post -test. Moreover, the findings of this study revealed that the average of the

score of post -test in a controlled class (69,4 > 60,8). Based on the findings, there is a

significant effect of using Scattergories games towards students vocabulary knowledge

at the Eight grade of MTs Jamiyyatul Khair in academic year 2019/2020.

Fourth study intitled “The use of the Scattergories Board Game to Enhance

Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension for the Eight Year Students
of SMP Islam Sudirman Ambarawa in the Academic Year of 2016/2017” is the fourth

research study by Nur Khikmah from University of Islam's Negeri Salatiga Institute of

Islamic Ethics (erepository . perpus. at iainsalatiga . ac . id). There were two cycles for

this study. While the second cycle was divided into three meetings, the first cycle was

divided into two meetings by the researcher. It took 80 minutes for each meeting. The

material that had been taught to the researcher was descriptive text. The results

indicate that the pre-test and post-test mean values are respectively 69,72 and

75,40. Seven groups are formed from the students. Each group receives a worksheet

called Scattergories. They must fill the board with the appropriate words, whether they

belong in the verb, noun, adverb, or adjective categories, based on the

key letter. The instructor allots time for filling out the board. Their vocabulary is

examined. They receive numerous words that are connected to descriptive text. The

students can form groups and have discussions to share their ideas with their friends. It

demonstrates how making use of the Scattergories game during the teaching

process makes it simpler for students to learn new vocabulary associated

with descriptive texts.

Fifth research study,“Using Scattergories Game in Teaching Vocabulary to

Elementary School Students” by Norma Yuliansyah & An Fauzia Rosyani Syafei.

Previous research shown Scattergories game effective for teaching vocabulary in

elementary students. Findings indicated that the mean score of vocabulary mastery

before using Scattergories game in elementary school categorized bad with average

56,3. After given Scattergories game, the mean score was categorized good with

average 72,43. From the research, it can be known that there is significant effect of
Scattergories game on students vocabulary mastery to elementary school students.

Moreover, Sabeg, Fayrouz & Azerwal, Djihed(2018) conduct a research entitled “The

Effectiveness of using didactic games: scattergories the card game on enhancing ESP

students’ semi technical vocabulary”, and they found out that the analysis of the

experiment data confirms that through scattergories the card game help ESP students

master more semi-technical vocabulary and memorize them.

The use of Scattergories games in enriching vocabulary of students has been

widely studied and discussed. One study conducted by the University of North Carolina

at Chapel Hill found that students who played Scattergories at least twice a week for six

weeks significantly increased their vocabulary knowledge and were able to better

answer vocabulary questions on a post-test. The study also showed that the students

had greater engagement and enthusiasm for learning during the game play.

Another study published in the Journal of Research in Education found that the

game of Scattergories can be an effective tool for teaching academic language. The

study focused on the use of Scattergories to teach academic language to third grade

students. The study found that students who played Scattergories improved their

academic language skills and had higher levels of engagement during the game play.

The use of Scattergories to teach vocabulary to sixth grade students was the

subject of a study that was published in the International Journal of Education and

Research. According to the study, students who played Scattergories

significantly increased their vocabulary knowledge and demonstrated higher levels

of game engagement. The research as a whole indicates that Scattergories can be

a helpful tool for teaching and enriching vocabulary for students of all ages.
According to the research of Chai Kar Ne, (2020) entitled “Enhancing

Malaysian Primary Pupils’ Vocabulary Skills using Pocable Game and Pear Deck”, the

found out that the use of Pocable Game and Pear Deck can help to enhance the

pupils’ vocabulary skills. In this research, it was proven to be effective as the

data collected from the pre-test, post-test and survey questionnaire showed that

majority of the respondents had positive experiences in learning vocabulary

through the Pocable Game and Pear Deck, aside from having better memory

retention of the vocabularies learned; in which promoted the learners’ interest in

expanding their vocabulary bank. The pupils’ level of motivation was observed to be

improving and they provided positive feedbacks to the use of Pocable Game and

Pear Deck in learning new vocabularies. For pupils, the use of Pocable Game

incorporated with Pear Deck is a fun and interactive way in learning new

vocabularies without fully depending on memorizing and drilling. In fact, the 4C’s and 1V

could also be enhanced among pupils, in line with the current 21st century learning


In a study titled "Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Games to Teach

Vocabulary," researchers identified the advantages and disadvantages of using

games to teach vocabulary. The first advantage of using some games in the learning

process is that students can learn the material with more interest, and the second

advantage of using some games in the learning process is that the teacher does not

have to explain too much material. The teacher only explained the necessary material

to the students because they could understand the day's material by playing the

games. And the first disadvantage of using games in the learning process is that it
is difficult for teachers to control the students due to the noisy environment. The second

disadvantage is that the game teacher has little time to explain the material

and provide new vocabulary. The teacher no longer has time to explain more and

help me remember all the new vocabulary.

Brown (2013) believes that teaching is the most important part of the learning

process. When teaching, teachers help students understand the lessons they are given.

According to Brown, the word "teach" is "to show or help someone learn to do

something, to instruct, to guide the study of something, to give knowledge to know

or understand." Brown explained that learning is the acquisition or acquisition of

knowledge or skill in a discipline from study, experience, and training. Learning

is the acquisition or acquisition of information, learning is the retention of

information skills, and learning involves some practice,

perhaps intense practice. Furthermore, “learning is a relatively permanent change in

an individual's knowledge or behavior that results from prior experience”(Hamilton &

Ghatala, 2014). Teaching and learning play a central role in the education system.

In the learning process, the teacher plays an important role in guiding students to

learn the material. In the learning process, students receive and learn something from

the teacher and give feedback to the teacher as their response.

Another study entitled, “The effect of Board Game to increase English

Vocabulary Mastery”.According to the author games are gainful and effective in learning

vocabulary. They are motivating because they usually involve friendly competition and

make a cooperative learning atmosphere so students have a chance to collaborate.

Azar (2012) says that games improve students’ communication skills and has an
opportunity to use the target language. There are many kinds of games which can be

used in learning vocabulary; one of them is board game. Board games are games that

involve counters or other objects that move around the board (Saputri, Aquariza &

Muflihah, 2017).

Based on the sources that they gathered, the researchers presented their

findings to determine whether or not board games are effective at improving English

vocabulary mastery. The first researcher was Ermasari (2018), who focused her

research on junior high school students in the seventh grade. She made the choice to

use the 65 students from classes 7G and 7E as a sample. She conducted a quasi-

experimental study with two groups: an experimental group that received instruction

using board games as a teaching tool, and a control group that received traditional

classroom instruction. Both groups took pre- and post-tests as part of the researcher's

method for gathering data. According to the study's findings, the experimental class that

used board games as part of its treatment scored 14 points higher than the control class

that only used traditional teaching methods to teach its lessons, which scored 7 points.

As a result, it can be said that board games help students increase their vocabulary

proficiency. The goal of this study was to determine whether board games could aid

learners aged six in learning fundamental vocabulary words associated with age- and

language-appropriate topics. Additionally, the students demonstrated motivation for

selecting the proper board game and expressed a sense of involvement in their


It can be inferred from the literature cited above that using games to teach

vocabulary is a good method. Accordingly, this method can motivate students to

participate more actively in class activities. Without a strong vocabulary, students won't

be able to express their ideas because words are needed in every aspect of our lives—

speaking, listening, writing, and reading—so learning a large vocabulary is an important

part of teaching languages. Furthermore, we are aware that young students are highly

curious about learning new things. But if the teaching approach is the same every time,

they might get bored quickly. It takes a variety of activities to draw them in and boost

interest in vocabulary learning through games. Games can be played in a variety of

contexts, including online and offline, sports, education, and others. When students are

challenged to carry out the instructions of the teacher or instructor, games can help to

improve their disposition toward learning about a variety of topics. Games can also help

to boost students' confidence in creating and presenting their own ideas to the class,

which can easily cause them to alter their perspective on learning.

The timeless game Scattergories is ideal for players of all ages. By giving them

the chance to come up with original ideas for words and sentences, it helps students

improve their vocabulary proficiency. It assists players in broadening their vocabulary,

improving their ability to think quickly and come up with creative solutions, and

increasing their knowledge of various word categories. Students are also inspired to

consider words that they might not typically use in casual conversation. They may be

able to communicate more effectively as a result, as well as think more critically and

creatively. A fantastic game to play at home or in the classroom is Scattergories, as well

as other board games. It is a creative way to teach students new words and keep them

interested in what they are learning.

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