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Unit 1: SAP Strategy: Overview

Service and Deployment Models

Cloud Terminology: Deployment Models

Figure 5: Deployment Models

Cloud services differ in different types of deployment. Depending on who offers the services,
and to which target group, it is referred to as:
● Public Clouds
● Private Clouds
● Hybrid Clouds

Public Cloud
The public cloud is an offer of a freely accessible provider, which makes its services
openly accessible to everyone via the Internet. Webmailer services, or Google Docs, are
examples of public cloud offerings, as well as the paid services of Microsoft Office 365 or
SAP Business ByDesign.
Private Cloud
For privacy and IT security reasons, organizations often prefer to continue to run their IT
services themselves, and make them accessible only to their own employees. If these are
offered in such a way that the end user in the enterprise can take advantage of cloud-
typical added value, such as a scalable IT infrastructure or installation, and maintenance-
free IT applications that can be used via the web browser, then it is called a private cloud.
Often, however, these additional values are not achieved, or only partially achieved, in so-
called IT infrastructures.
Hybrid Clouds
Hybrid clouds are called hybrid forms of these two approaches. For example, certain
services at public providers run over the Internet, while data-critical applications and
data are operated and processed in the enterprise. The challenge here lies in the
separation of business processes into data protection critical and non-critical workflows.
The prerequisite is a clean and consistent classification of the data available and
processed in the company.

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