DRGI November 9 Seminar

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Accessing Capital and Creating Successful Technology-Based Companies:

What Entrepreneurs and Investors Need to Know in Times of Market Turmoil
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 1:30pm-5:00pm The Science Museum of Virginia

Keynote Speaker: JOHN MAY

Managing Partner, New Vantage Group Co-Chair, World Business Angel Association Chair-Emeritus, Angel Capital Association

Panel Moderator: FRANK BALL

Managing Partner, New Dominion Angels This Free seminar is open to entrepreneurs and investors. Seating is limited. Please RSVP before November 2, 2011 to ssimmons@vabiotech.com. Direct questions to 804-828-5390.

Sponsored by the Dominion Resources GreenTech Incubator and Partners

Accessing Capital and Creating Successful Technology-Based Companies

What Entrepreneurs and Investors Need to Know in Times of Market Turmoil Wednesday, November 9, 2011 1:30 PM Welcome, Introductions and Program Overview - Robert Skunda 1:45 2:30 PM Keynote Address John May, What You Always Wanted to Know but Were
Afraid to ask About Non-Institutional Entrepreneurial Financing!

1:45 2:10 PM Presentation 2:10 2:30 PM Questions & Answers 2:35 3:25 PM Panel Discussion 1: What Investors are Looking for in Investable Ideas, Companies and Entrepreneurs Moderator, Frank Ball Managing Partner, New Dominion Angels 2:35 3:10 PM Presentation 3:10 3:25 PM Questions & Answers Speakers Marco Rubin Gap Fund Advisor, Center for Innovative Technology, John May Managing Partner, New Vantage Group Bob Mooney Managing Director, New Richmond Ventures Dick Crawford Managing Director, Virginia Active Angel Network

3:25 3:45 PM Break 3:45 3:55 PM Educating Future Entrepreneurs Nancy Bagranoff, PhD Dean, University of Richmond, Robins School of Business 3:55 4:45 PM Panel Discussion 2: Preparing Yourself to Raise Money from Friends & Family, Angels, and VCs Moderator, Frank Ball Managing Partner, New Dominion Angels 3:55 4:30 PM Presentation 4:30 4:45 PM Questions & Answers Speakers Jeff Pollack, PhD Assistant Professor of Management, University of Richmond, Robins School of Business Andrew White Attorney, LeClaire Ryan William Daughtrey Entrepreneur-in-Residence, DRGI Crystal Icenhour, PhD President & Chief Science Officer, Phthisis Diagnostics 5:00 PM Concluding Remarks Robert Skunda

Crystal Icenhour Marco Rubin Jeff Pollack Andrew White Dick Crawford

crystal.icenhour@phthisisdiagnostics.com marco.rubin@cit.org jpollack@richmond.edu andrew.white@leclairryan.com rcrawford@virginiaactiveangelnetwork.com

John May john@newvantagegroup.com

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