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Canada’ firt climate progre report ho

government climate action i orking

Clean nerg Canada | Decemer 7, 2023

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OTTAWA — Mark Zacharia, executive director at Clean nerg Canada, made the folloing

tatement in repone to the federal government’ inaugural emiion progre report:

“The firt­ever progre report folloing the federal government’ 2030 miion

Reduction Plan potlight oth the e몭ectivene of Canada’ climate policie and the

neceit of rapid implementation.

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“ince the current government aumed o몭ice, it ha introduced everal cornertone

emiion­reduction meaure, including of cookies.
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the mot cot­e몭ective a to cut climate pollution. A a reult of government action,
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Canada i no et to cut emiion  36% elo 2005 level  the end of the decade—a

ignificant hi몭 from the 9% increae  2030 projected ack in 2015 efore the Trudeau

government’ firt climate plan a introduced.

“To meet the gloal challenge of the climate crii, Canada increaed it target in 2021 in

line ith man of our cloet allie and trading partner, including the U.. While there

remain a gap to cloe for Canada to meet it 2030 emiion reduction target of at leat

40%, the government i on track to exceed it interim 2026 target and ha identified further

federal meaure that could help cloe it: for example, moving forard ith the oil and ga

emiion cap alo announced toda, the finalization of a numer of vital clean energ

invetment tax credit, and Canada’ Green uilding trateg.

“There i alo a preing need for more provincial and municipal action toard Canada’

collective climate goal and for the federal government to doule don on policie it ha

promied ut not et implemented in the miion Reduction Plan, like truck and u

regulation and a national u Clean trateg. If there i one leon from toda’

announcement, it’ that e mut immediatel make thee propoed policie into real one.

“Indeed, a e near the end of hat i et to e the ho몭et ear ever recorded, e need to

e deating ho to do more, not le. While the ne progre report ho that federal

leaderhip ill ucceed in reducing Canada’ emiion, meeting the cale of the climate

challenge mean roing together a a countr—ever province, political part, communit,

and indutr. No i not the time for provincial infighting or campaign to axe our mot

e몭ective climate policie. No i the time for action and, a toda’ report ho,



Report | A Pivotal Moment

Report | A Clean ill

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Ne V availailit tandard ill reduce ait time and help Canadian unlock cot

Canada’ oil and ga emiion cap i necear and fair

Fall conomic tatement repone: Canada i realizing the enefit of uilding a clean

econom, ut peed i critical to ta ahead

Clean nerg Canada i a program of the Centre for Dialogue at imon Fraer Univerit in

Vancouver, ritih Columia, located on the unceded traditional territorie of the

Muqueam, quamih, and Tleil­Waututh people.

  







Clean nerg Canada

1628 Wet 1t Avenue, uite 213

Vancouver, C, V6J 1G1

Telephone: 604­816­5636
Telephone: 604­816­5636

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