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GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH PANCHAYAT RAJ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT From To Sti G.Surya Chandra Reddy, The Execute Engineer, Executive Engineer, P.R.I Division, QA & QC(PR), Division, Kadapa. KADAPA. Re AE/OA & nqui 2024, Dt. 23 02 Sir, Sub:- QA & QC (PR) Division, Kadapa - MGNREG Priority Buildings - Sri G. Prathap Rao, MEO, MPP, B.Mattam (M) - Certain allegations on (a) Misappropriation of Cement (6) Excess items recorded which are not executed at site - Conduct of detailed enquiry - Request to submit all relevant records immediately ~ Regarding Refi- 1. Progs.Rc.No. SA3/MGNREGS/Enquiry B.Mattam/2023, dt. 09-02-2024 of the District Collector, YSR Kadapa District 2 Memo No. SA3/MGNREGS/Enquiry/B.Mattam (M)/AE/2021, dt. 14-02-2024 of the Superintending Engineer, PR, Kadapa 3 This Office Endorsement No. AE/QA&QC/MEO-B.Mattam/2024, dt. 15-02-2024 4 Review meeting of the Superintending Engineer, PR, Kadapa on 14.02.2024 @ Superintending Engineer Office, Kadapa 5 Lr.Re.No. AE/QA&QC/Enquiry-B.Mattam/2024, dt. 15.02.2024 of the Deputy Executive Engineer, QA&QC(PR) Sub-Division-1, Kadapa 6, JQCo/MGNREGS/QC/Enquiry/B.Mattam/AE/2024, dt, 21.02.2024 of the Executive Engineer, QC, MGNREGS, AP, DWAMA, Kadapa >>><<< I wish to inform you that, vide reference 1® cited, the District Collector, YSR Kadapa District has accorded permission to conduct detailed enquiry through Executive Engineer, QA&QC(PR), Kadapa and Executive Engineer, QC, DWAMA, Kadapa on the misappropriation of MGNREGS funds by Sri G. Prathap Rao, MEO, MPP, B.Mattam (M) on excess payment made without actual work done in execution of Priority buildings such as GS, RBK, YSRHC, BMCU Digital Library Priority buildings sanctioned under MGNREGS grant. In this connection, vide reference 2™ cited, the Superintending Engineer, PR, Kadapa has instructed the QC authority to conduct detailed enquiry on the above allegation. Subsequently necessary instructions were issued to the Deputy Executive Engineer, QA & QC (PR) Sub-Division-I, Kadapa to proceed accordingly vide reference 3° cited. Further, with reference to the above and as per oral instructions of the Superintending Engineer, PR, Kadapa during review meeting held vide reference 4" cited, the Deputy Executive Engineer, QA&QC(PR) Sub-Division-I, Kadapa has addressed a letter to the Deputy Executive Engineer, PRI Sub-Division, Mydukur vide reference 4" cited, with a request to submit the relevant records of the buildings for the works G.S.B Rekalakunta-2, GSB @ Dirasavancha and RBK @ Rekalakunta-2 immediately and other buildings after Meanwhile, the Executive Engineer, QC, DWAMA, Kadapa has requested you to submit the all connected records copies such as Administrative Sanction, Approved Technical Sanction Estimates, MBooks, Bills, FTOs etc., Further It Is to inform you that the Deputy Executive Engineer, PRI Sub-Division, Mydukur has not submitted the relevant records sofar. In view of the above circumstances, much pressure is being lodged by the higher authority due to the delay occurred, since the one week time which has given by the Collector is lapsed. . Hence, you are requested to take personal attention to submit all relevant records of the priority buildings to this office for conducting smooth enquiry and submission of report at an early date. ‘ours faithfully, 22-02 Executive ee) QA & QC (PR) Division, < Kadapa. ; Mig Copy submitted to Superintending Engineer, PR, Kadapa for information. Copy to the Executive Engineer, QC, MGNREGS, AP, Kadapa for information. Copy to the Deputy Executive Engineer, QA & QC(PR), Sub-Division-I, Kadapa for information. Encl: references above,

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