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Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: 7____

Zadanie 1 ( _____ / 4)
Zakreśl poprawną formę: A lub B.

1 An earthquake is an example of a natural ____. A change B disaster

2 What’s the weather ____ for tomorrow? A forecast B predict
3 This valley is situated ____ sea level. A over B below
4 People are looking for different ____ of energy. A sources B waste

Zadanie 2 ( _____ / 4)
Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach wyrazami z ramki. Dwa wyrazy podano dodatkowo.

about away for in away on to up

1 We must care _____ the environment.

2 Pollution is present _____ the air we breathe.
3 People mustn’t throw _____ any toxic rubbish.
4 When walking your dog, keep it ____ a leash.

Zadanie 3 ( _____ / 4)
Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując w odpowiedniej formie podane wyrazy.

1 These mammals are under _______________. PROTECT

2 One day I will visit all the _______________ parks in Poland. NATION
3 There are _______________ substances in the air today. Let’s stay at home. HARM
4 What’s the weather like in _______________ Poland? CENTRE

Zadanie 4 ( _____ / 5)
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

1 Magda and Kasia (potrafią mówić po angielsku) ___________________________.

2 (Nie musisz kupować) ___________________________ water at the supermarket.
3 (Czy będziecie mogli pójść) ___________________________ to the park tomorrow?
4 (Nie wolno niszczyć) ___________________________ the environment.
5 (Idziemy) ___________________________ to the animal shelter today.


Zadanie 5 ( _____ / 10)

Uzupełnij luki zgodnie z treścią zdań wyjściowych. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery

1 You mustn’t walk on thin ice. ALLOWED

You ___________________________ walk on thin ice.

2 I’d like to ask you a question. MAY

___________________________ a question, please?

3 It’s necessary for us to protect endangered species. HAVE

___________________________ endangered species.

4 I have decided to see Niagara Falls next summer. AM

___________________________ see Niagara Falls next summer.

5 What are your plans for the winter holidays? GOING

What ___________________________ do during the winter holiday

Zadanie 6 ( _____ / 6)
Przekształć każde z poniższych zdań oznajmujących w zdanie przeczące (x) i pytające (?).

1 The visitors could see the latest exhibition.

(x): _______________________________________________________
(?): _______________________________________________________

2 We have to watch the weather forecast.

(x): _______________________________________________________
(?): _______________________________________________________

3 Derek will be able to meet us at 5.

(x): _______________________________________________________
(?): _______________________________________________________

Zadanie 8 ( _____ / 8)
Zakreśl prawidłową opcję.

1 It’s really hot. Can / Must I open the window?

2 You can’t / don’t have to speak so loudly. I can hear you.
3 We aren’t / won’t be able to go on holiday next summer.
4 I’m sorry I can’t / couldn’t help you with the project last weekend.
5 You mustn’t / don’t have to speak with your mouth full.


6 Will / Are we be able to stop global warming?

7 Joanna mustn’t / can’t come to the phone right now. She’s in the shower.
8 I am not / don’t able to download this app.

Zadanie 8 ( _____ / 5)
Zakreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.

1 fog storm tail wind

2 bat bee pigeon snail
3 seed tusk root leaf
4 east north south frosty
5 cloud valley hill island

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