Handout On AC, DC, Frequency of AC and Advantages of AC Over DC?

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10.16 FREQUENCY OF a.c. IN HOUseHolo

In our hou ses , we hav e electric suppl
frequency 50 Hz (n = 50 Hz) i.e., the polari~ of
the supply terminal changes 100 times a secon~
(50 times + ·and 50 times -). •

Difference between the d.c; and a.c.

I\ '

If a resistor is, connected across the terminals

of a battery, a cur ren t flows in the circuit, the
ma gni tud e of wh ich •rem ain s constant and it
* ec = 2n:nBAN Where B = Strength of magnetic. field, A == area of c:oss
section of coil, N =num ber ·of turns in coil, ~d n number of ro~tI:
of coil per second. i0 e0 /R if·R is the resistance of load connected 1Il
external circuit. . . .. . ,
. \

a1ways flows in a direction _from po~itive te~al
f the battery to its negative tenrunal. But 1f a
istor is connected at the output terminals of an
:.~. generator (or mains in our house), the
agnitude of current in resistor changes
~riodically (the current repeats its value after
~ach time interval equal to 1o-2s) and its direction
also changes (it is in one direction for 1~0 s and
then in reverse direction for the next -100
-. s).

A· current of constant magnitude and unique

direction, is called d.c~, while a current changing
its magnitude as well as direction periodically, is
called a.c. A battery is a d.c. sour~e, while the
a.c. generator and mams. are the a.c. sources.
I •

Alternating current (a.c.)
1. It is the current of 1. It is the current of
constant magnitude. ' nagnitude varying
perodically with time.
2 It flows .m one uuection
.i:l. I ,
2. lt reverses its direction
in the circuit 1 periodically while
flowing in a circuit.
3. It is obtained from a cell 3. It is obtained from an
(or battery). a.c. generator and mains.

Advantage of a.c. over d.c.

(1) It is cheaper and easy ·to generate a.c
than d:c. •; ,.
(2) -The efficiency bf ~n a.c·. genera~or i
• higher tliaµ that of a d.c. gene'tator.
I ' IJ • ! •
(~) It is easy· to change a.c. into. d.c ..

'(4) The magnitude of a.c. voltage ~an easil

be •increased or decreased· by the use c
step up. or step down transformtr.
(5) a.c. can be transinitteo •over' a lon
distance without much loss in energy :
the line wires .
., ' i •l .

• In India, we us~ i20 volt ·a.c. in our hous

and factories .. The use of a..c.. is advantageous ov
d.c. because the voltage of a.c. can be increas,
by the .use of. step up transform~r at the po\\i
generating station and then it can be decreased ·
o f st ep do w n tr an s fo n n er fo r tr an sm is sion
the use
. B y d o in g so , th e lo ss o f el ec tr ic al
in the city
in ~ e tr an sm is si on li ne w ir es is
energy as heat
. g en er at ed at th e p o w er
re d u ce d . If d .c 1s
ion, it s vo lt ag e ca nn ot be in cr ea se d
generating stat
sm ission , an d so du e to pa ss ag e o f hi gh
for tran
tr an sm is si on li n e w ires , there w il l
current in the
f el ec tr ic al en er gy as heat in th e
be a huge lo ss o
line wires .

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