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REO DISCUSSION 2. Inquire whether the capital budgets are compared to AUDITOR’S TEST OF CONTROLS PROCEDURES 4.

TEST OF CONTROLS PROCEDURES 4. Examine or analyze lease or rent expense and repairs
 Auditor must take into consideration that generally, actual expenditures on a monthly basis and significant 1. Review reports by internal auditors on their periodic and maintenance expense account for possible asset
the balance of PPE does not necessarily change from differences are analyzed. inspection of PPE. acquisition charged as expense.
year to year and this affects the nature, timing and 3. Review the policies for disposing or / retiring capital 2. Test of access controls. - Major repairs should be capitalized as PPE.
extent of the auditor’s procedures. assets. 3. Review system of identifying and reporting damaged, - Minor repairs are expensed.
 Auditors also obtain evidence about the related 4. Review the authorization policies for capital asset obsolete and idle fixed assets. - Finance lease payments are capitalized as
accounts of depreciation expenses, accumulated disposal / retirements. 4. Observation of physical count of PPE. ROU asset, not expensed.
depreciation, rent or lease expense and repair and 5. Perform a general review of the Fixed Asset Register (1) Examine significant items through audit sampling;
maintenance expenses. to determine whether each fixed asset register include (2) Obtain lease contract and written company policy
CONTROL OBJECTIVE: RECORDING insurance information, warranty information, to determine the appropriateness of the accounts.
CLIENT’S CONTROL PROCEDURES maintenance schedules and/or leasing information. 5. Search for unrecorded retirements or disposals.
TEST OF CONTROLS  Establish whether the company has formal 6. Review polices for requesting, receiving, tracking and (1) Examine cash receipts, tax declaration, scrap sales,
capitalization and depreciation policies. Depreciation recording a transferred asset. and inquiry to knowledgeable company personnel;
3 CONTROL OBJECTIVES (2) Plant tour to observe indications of equipment
rates should be properly authorized.
1. Execution of transactions – acquisitions and disposals retirement.
 A register of PPE should be maintained for each major
of PPE are properly authorized. SUBSTANTIVE PROCEDURES
group. The register should contain details of cost and
2. Recording of transactions – PPE are properly recorded
and classified, appropriately depreciated and written 3 MAJOR CATEGORIES OF PPE
 The company has standards for depreciable lives and ASSERTION: VALUATION / ALLOCATION
down, if necessary. 1. Land (not subject to depreciation)
salvage values. To determine that PPE are properly measured at balance
3. Custody of assets – PPE are adequately secured and 2. Building, machinery, equipment and land
 Depreciation expense should be reviewed and checked sheet date; this includes determination of proper write-
properly maintained. improvements (subject to depreciation)
for accuracy of computation (independent checking). down of PPE if necessary.
3. Natural resources (wasting assets subject to depletion)
 Recorded balances are compared with existing assets
1. Examinations of additions and disposals.
at reasonable intervals.
CONTROL OBJECTIVE: GENERAL 2. Examine or analyze lease or rent expense and repairs
 PPE should be reviewed for the need for any write-
CLIENT’S CONTROL PROCEDURES ASSERTION: EXISTENCE and maintenance expense account for possible asset
down or impairment.
 Assess adequacy of relevant Fixed Asset Policies and To determine that PPE presented in the balance sheet acquisition charged as expense.
Procedures. AUDITOR’S TEST OF CONTROLS PROCEDURES actually and physically exists. 3. Test the provision of depreciation or depletion.
 Segregation of duties. 1. Trace transactions for purchases and sales of PPE - Recalculation.
1. Obtain or prepare a summary of PPE transactions and 4. Examine impairments of PPE.
through the system.
AUDITOR’S TEST OF CONTROL PROCEDURES analysis of accumulated deprecation during the year 5. Perform analytical procedures.
2. Confirm existence of PPE register or records which
1. Obtain and review all the relevant polices and and reconcile to the ledger. 6. Investigate status of PPE not in current use.
adequately identifies assets and comments on their
procedures for the Fixed Asset Management process. 2. Conduct physical inspection of major acquisition of - Assess if temporary or permanently idle for
2. Make an assessment of the adequacy of these policies PPE. retirement / disposal.
3. Check authorization of depreciation rates and
and procedures in addressing the major aspects of - SHEET TO FLOOR: From the records to physical
particular changes in depreciation policies.
control in this area. item of PPE.
4. Examine evidence of checking of correct calculation of
3. Determine whether the purchasing function is 3. Vouch supporting documents evidencing ownership ASSERTION: RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS
performed independently of the receiving and and authorization of acquisition. To determine that the entity has a legal title or equivalent
5. Review significant changes in the composition of PPE.
recording of acquisition functions as well as 4. For PPE under construction, the auditor shall check ownership to PPE included in the balance sheet and the
6. Inspect documents regarding proper recording of
independent from the custody of PPE function. the validity of the capitalization of cost as well as test related lease obligation of right-of-use asset is recognized.
assets in the fixed asset register.
- Best auditor procedure for segregation of calculation of capitalized borrowing cost.
7. Make inquiries of management/relevant staff about 1. Vouch supporting documents evidencing ownership.
duties: OBSERVATION. 5. For assets leased under finance lease, the auditor shall
the policies governing the distinction between 2. Examine lease agreement on PPE leased to and from
ensure that the capitalization of right-of-use asset is in
expenditures to be capitalized and those to be charged others.
accordance with PFRS 16.
to repairs and maintenance.
8. Review the policies for reporting items that are retired
CLIENT’S CONTROL PROCEDURES auditor shall vouch the disposal to supporting To determine that PPE are properly described and classified
or abandoned. Make note of how applicable
 Capital budgets shall be prepared by someone directly documents and determine whether the disposal is in the balance sheet and related disclosures are adequate.
gains/losses are recognized.
responsible to the BOD and should be in accordance properly authorized and accounted for.
1. Evaluate FS presentation and disclosure for PPE and
with the MoM or at least place through memo. 7. Perform analytical procedures.
related revenue and expense account.
- Should be approved by the BOD. CONTROL OBJECTIVE: CUSTODY
 Capital budgets shall be properly maintained. CLIENT’S CONTROL PROCEDURES
 Purchases of PPE are made in accordance with BOD’s  A physical inspection of PPE should be carried out
authorization. To determine that all PPE owned or leased under finance
periodically and checked to PPE register or records.
 The acquisition of PPE shall be documented which is lease at the reporting date is included on the statement of
Any discrepancies should be noted and investigated.
signed as authorized by BOD or other authorized financial position and are not expensed.
- Also to check if PPE is in good condition,
official. needs to be disposed or retired. 1. Obtain or prepare a summary of PPE transactions and
 Disposal of PPE should be authorized. The company  Assets should be properly maintained and adequately analysis of accumulated depreciation during the year
should have an effective disposal policies and insured. and reconcile to the ledger.
procedures.  limit the number of employees who has access over 2. Conduct physical inspection of major acquisition of
1. Check the authorization of PPE transactions to the  The title deeds or registration documents are kept in - FLOOR TO SHEET: All items of PPE in the area
BOD’s MoM, capital expenditure budgets and capital safe custody and verified periodically. should be in the record.
expenditure forms. 3. Perform analytical procedures. SCHOOL DISCUSSION
If there are no differences in the documents and there are - There should be tagging for the assets. - Take a sample - Only labor of the workers is capitalized (food
no findings, what will you do?  PHYSICAL INVENTORY - Inquire and others not included)
- Always find a fault of an error in their process. - Warehouseman is in charge of physical - IF CONFIDENT IN IC: less substantive tests  NEW BUILDING
inventory. - IF NOT CONFIDENT: more substantive tests; - Excavation costs
answer the assertions of PPE  LOANED BUILDING
- ASC 835
RECORDING - Interest expense not capitalizable under
- Purchasing department can receive the form
1. General Ledger EXISTENCE construction in progress
and forward them to CANVASSER.
2. Lapsing Schedule  Ensure that PPE truly exists - QUALIFYING ASSET
- Report of inspection is attached to the
Both should be segregated among 2 different persons (can  Physical inspection  Intended for future use of the
purchase request form.
be given to the same person as long as there is review).  EXTERNAL AUDITOR company
 LAPSING SCHEDULE - Only there to observe everything  Not qualifying if property is already
(2) DATE – there are company rules (e.g., request
- Accounting staff in-charge should work hand - Inventory count won’t start without external existing
should be made 3-5 days prior to date of use)
in hand with warehouseman. auditor - Not all expenses related to construction is
(3) REFERENCE #: there might be purchases
 Should go to warehouse; inquiry is - PRE – COUNT (IMPORTANT) included
referenced by wrong ref. # or not properly
- DATA: acquisition date, particulars, quantity, INVENTORY COUNT
(4) PARTICULARS: whatever it is that is approved,
it is what it is.
unit price, amount, reference (can be the RR  Release order THINGS TO CONSIDER:
(5) REVIEWER: May come from the department.
#)  Releasing form, request for item  WHEN TO RECOGNIZE BUILDING / ASSET
 From warehouse information - Know where to find the property - When certificate of completion is received
(6) APPROVER: Superior of the reviewer.
 Accounting staff still does not know - There must be TAGGING which matches the - IF NO CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION:
(7) RECEIVER: May come from the purchasing
useful life LIST  Substantation like Board Resolution (if
- ASSIGN: intended useful life, depreciation  INTERNAL AUDITOR BOD approves)
method (written), depreciation expense - Facilitate the count  Building permit
- 3 suppliers (minimum)
- SUBSEQUENT: Accumulated depreciation prior - Must finish the count beginning to end  Permit to operate
- To find the lowest cost/price with the best
yr., current yr. depreciation, accumulated  REVIEW ADDITIONS  Date of blessing
depreciation current yr., carrying amount - Vouch additions to supporting documents
- IF NOT LOWEST PRICE, question the decision, NOTES:
 ONCE DONE, signed by:  Lapsing schedule to lapsing
inquire directly/immediately.  IF NO DEED OF SALE
(1) PREPARER documents
- Date, reference #. Canvasser, approver, - Look for real property tax
(2) REVIEWED – the one preparing  Supporting documents should be
the GL (must review lapsing named after the company (RIGHTS
- Approver and reviewer are crucial when it
schedule and verify mathematical AND OBLIGATIONS)
comes to expenses.
accuracy)  Must include cost, date of purchase,
(3) APPROVER – department head depreciation (VALUATION)
- Prepared by the purchasing department
- PO #, canvass #, particulars, costs, signatures
- Reviewed lapsing schedule and supporting
(approver, preparer, reviewer)
- Will be directly traced from the canvass
- No need to go to warehouse, additional docs  Tracing
are attached to the lapsing schedule (OG
- Whatever it is in the canvass report should be
in the purchase order.
- REVIEWER: Supervisor
- Errors are not welcome. PRESENTATION
- APPROVER: Department head
 Notes to FS
- Methods of accounting / depreciation
WAREHOUSE - Disposal & encumbered properties (MoM, RR)
- Must match what is stated in the purchase
- Selling price less carrying value = gain / (loss)
on sale
- Only quantity may not match.  Not allowed to depreciate the asset if construction is
 Recorded in OCI
- Excess will be recorded on another receiving not yet completed.
 Not part of company revenue
- Both reports (full and excess) should be
- No longer usable
shown in the GL. WHAT TO INCLUDE:
- Fully depreciate the equipment
- Some receiving report will be delivered after.  BUILDING
- Ref. # of PO will be the basis for knowing - Percentage of completion
 MoM
which RR is received. - Progress billings
 Board resolution (if agreed, DEED OF
- Sales invoice might already be included.  IF IN HOUSE:
- Some companies won’t pay without sales - Know what to capitalize
invoice. - Include all materials needed
- A/P department will not process the payment - Whatever is used for the construction of the
if there is no sales invoice. TEST OF CONTROLS

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