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The Avenue for Women: A Reflection Paper

Equality is a concept that should be sought hand in hand. In this generation, women have already
attained the freedom that they have been seeking and fighting for so long. They almost have the same
rights as the men of the society. However, there are still various cases where prejudices and stereotypes
which still lingers. Rather than neglecting the differences, the society should transcend and accept them to
be able to make more of the balanced equal rights. Despite the progress of the women in modern society,
it seemed to be that it is isolated on a case of personal interests, but not entirely uprooted with the real
struggle of female when it comes to fields such as leadership. Additionally, for as long as there is still a
cognitive bias which still clung, equal opportunity will be underestimated still. This paper will further
discuss few biases discussed in Chapter 11.

Women who are known to be progressive and in power position tends to receive a crucial and
greater scrutiny as compared to men. Leaders are often men, which therefore, makes a assumption that
woman are not capable of leading. More often, due to the small number of women leaders, a lone
representative makes it possible for the majority to represent the entirety of the gender. With this
statement in hand, what comes in mind is the biases of the Filipino society towards Vice President Leni
Robredo when she ran in the 2022 election. Many people even quoted “Never again” as if what
Philippines had felt from Cory Aquino, the first ever woman president of the Philippines will be
experienced once the former wins. Due to the failed governance of the latter, the majority ignores the
credential and instead fall still under the stereotype. Another instance is when Elizabeth Holmes, the
founder of Theranos had scammed many people without having a proper degree and experienced with
laboratory. Indeed, there is a progression with women’s rights to choices, but the internalized misogyny
that the society had planted to many still lingers up to this day. It reinforces the stigma all the more.
Another point of the chapter which gives a validation with the existing problem of society is the ideology
that there should be only one woman. It as if women should compete with one another instead of having
an equal opportunity. This concept can also be solved if only women start to make changes by supporting
each other.

The hard work that the older generations toiled against equality is now within the reach. Each
success of women gives a better avenue for the others to take the next step. The wave of this generation
will tell the wave of the next. Hence, if one wants a change, they should start with themselves. The
conclusion of the chapter successfully showed that the march still pushes through in various field. The
aim of it in presenting stories to empower was made possible with the statement that women and men can
be equally liked for who they are.

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