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South Farnham Educational Trust Medium Term Planning

Week 12 15th July English Summer 2024

The Selfish Giant & The Happy Prince
Mon To compare and contrast two stories with similar narrative themes and ideas.
Tues To identify and use adverbial phrases in sentences. INSERT SPELLING OBJECTIVE
Wed To explore classical literature through discussions, debates, role play and collaborative conversation.
Thurs To draft and edit an emotional retelling of a classic tale
Fri To improve and complete an emotional retelling of a classic tale
UNICEF Children's Rights and Responsibilities: Article 17 All children have the right to reliable information from the mass media
Remember and understand and include
Taxonomy Understanding and applying including opportunities for analysing Evaluating and creating
opportunities to apply
Read the stories of The Selfish Giant and the Happy Prince. Discuss the key themes, ideas
Discuss how the gaps between the rich and the poor are
and messages of each story (e.g. selfishness vs generosity, what does it mean to be happy / Sentence starters for text responses.
depicted – is this just through money? What is the moral of
rich). Discuss how the characters change from the beginning to the end of each story. Work with additional adult support and scaffolding
Mon Discuss the similarities and differences between each story. Answer comprehension throughout answers.
the story? Why does the giant and the prince each behave in
the way that they do – what is their motivation? How has
questions based on the text in full sentences. Plenary: Explore what is more important, being Decode with a reading buddy.
these stories stood the test of time.
kind or being beautiful?
Revisit and review. Revisit the meaning of adverbs. Discuss the difference between adverbs
and adverbial phrases. Model how to identify adverbial phrases and how to incorporate
Tues them into sentences. Complete Nelson Grammar Unit 23 Adverbs in books. Plenary: Create
Focus section of Unit 23 adverbs. Extension section of Unit 23 adverbs.
adverbial phrases for The Selfish Giant.
Re-read the stories of The Happy Prince and The Selfish Giant. Children participate in a range
Mixed ability groups. Mixed ability groups – take leadership role.
of spoken language activities relating to the stories: 1. Roleplay the events of the stories; 2.
Adult support for discussion. Make links and connections between the two stories and
Wed Hotseat the Giant / The Prince; 3. Debate key question relating to the story (e.g. is it ever
Focus on The Happy Prince throughout. previous stories read.
okay to be selfish?) Link back to school values. Focus on emotions and feelings for an
Use debate question prompts. Create own debate questions to discuss.
emotional retelling in Thursday and Friday’s writing lessons.
Recap the themes and plot of each story. Children retell either The Happy Prince or The
Selfish Giant from the perspective of one of the characters. Explore modelled versions of the GDS Writing Opportunity: Retell the story of either The
Thurs texts and review the key features (e.g. description, figurative language, show not tell, higher
Retell The Happy Prince as a 3rd person narrative.
Selfish Giant or The Happy Prince with an alternative ending.
level vocabulary). Plenary: Share examples with each other in a sharing circle.

Improve and complete stories based on the feedback from previous lesson, ensuring that
GDS Writing Opportunity: Retell the story of either The
Fri the success criteria is met and feedback implemented. Share good examples throughout the Retell The Happy Prince as a 3rd person narrative.
Selfish Giant or The Happy Prince with an alternative ending.
Assessment: Test Observation Dialogue/Presentation * Written *
Cross Curricular Links: PSHE – thoughts and feelings. Resources:
L1: Happy Prince & Selfish Giant Texts, comprehension questions
FBV: Mutual Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty L2: Nelson grammar unit 23 – adverbs questions.
L3: Happy Prince & Selfish Giant Texts, Debate Question Prompts, Writing Planning Prompt
National Curriculum Links: discussing writing similar to that which they are L4: Writing planning prompt, Happy Prince & Selfish Giant Texts, Draft paper
planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary L5: Writing planning prompt, final version paper (lined / blank)
and grammar; listening to and discussing a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays,
non-fiction and reference books or textbooks; discussing words and phrases
that capture the reader’s interest and imagination

Our English curriculum intends to equip all children with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment
and knowledge.

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