Materi Ujian Praktek Bahasa Inggris

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Dialog 2

Yuna : Hi Henry, good morning!

Henry : Hi, good morning!

Yuna : How are you today, Henry?

Henry : I’m fine. What about you?

Yuna : I am fine too, thank you. What is that Henry?

Henry : Oh, this is the task given by Mr. Frids. I just read it, but I can’t
understand it well. It is quite

difficult I think. Have you read it?

Yuna : Yes, I have read it.

Henry : What do you think?

Yuna : I think it is difficult. I also can’t understand it well.

Henry : Hmm.. how if we do it together? Study together?

Yuna : That’s a good idea.

Henry : So, where will we go? At my house or yours?

Yuna : I think, it is better if we study at my house. We can ask to my sister

if we get difficulties in

doing the task. Probably my sister can help us.

Henry : OK, that sounds great!

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