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© 2021 IJRAR September 2021, Volume 8, Issue 3 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)


*Vijayalakshmi Danaraddi, Assistant Professor of English, Govt. First Grade College, Sirsi(UK)


This paper is seeks to critically examine the Sitayana by Amit Majmudar. "Sitayana" by Amit
Majmudar offers a modern reinterpretation of the timeless Indian epic, the Ramayana, from the perspective
of Sita. The retelling explores themes such as feminism, identity, love, power dynamics, and spirituality.
Majmudar's writing style blends the grandeur of the original epic with contemporary sensibilities, creating a
narrative that resonates with both tradition and innovation. The retelling delves into Sita's thoughts,
emotions, and agency, giving her a more prominent and nuanced role in the narrative. By shifting the focus
to Sita, the author invites readers to reexamine the portrayal of women in traditional narratives and prompts
discussions on feminism and empowerment.

Majmudar's character analysis enriches the story, presenting Sita, Rama, Hanuman, and others as
multifaceted individuals with complex motivations. The retelling's exploration of relationships, particularly
that between Sita and Rama, offers a deeper understanding of their emotional dynamics and challenges
traditional notions of heroism and loyalty.Through its modern dialogue with the ancient text, "Sitayana"
bridges the gap between the past and present, prompting readers to reconsider the themes and characters
that have shaped cultural narratives for centuries. The retelling's ability to reinvigorate a beloved tale while
engaging with contemporary discussions on gender, identity, and empowerment showcases its relevance in
the context of modern literature.

The study concludes that, "Sitayana" is a remarkable literary work that reinvigorates the Ramayana
by placing Sita at the heart of the narrative. Through its sensitive and insightful portrayal of her perspective,
it offers a fresh and empowering interpretation of a timeless epic, bridging the gap between tradition and
modernity while celebrating the enduring power of myth to shape and reflect the human experience.

Keywords: Sitayana, Sita, Rama, Lakshman, Hanuman etc.


The "Sitayana" represents a unique and contemporary reimagining of the ancient Indian epic, the
Ramayana, from the perspective of Sita, one of its most iconic characters. Rooted in the rich tapestry of
Hindu mythology, the Ramayana is a timeless narrative that explores themes of duty, honor, love, and the
triumph of good over evil. However, traditional retellings have often marginalized the voice of Sita,
relegating her to a secondary role. "Sitayana" boldly seeks to rectify this by placing Sita at the forefront of
the narrative, giving her the agency and complexity she deserves. In this innovative adaptation, Sita's
perspective is central, illuminating her thoughts, emotions, and challenges as she navigates a tumultuous
journey. The epic's familiar events unfold through her eyes, shedding new light on her relationships with
IJRAR21C2329 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 729
© 2021 IJRAR September 2021, Volume 8, Issue 3 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Lord Rama, Lakshmana, Hanuman, and the various other characters who shape her story. By delving into
Sita's internal struggles and aspirations, "Sitayana" delves into themes of gender roles, autonomy, and the
power dynamics within ancient societies.

The title "Sitayana" itself is a portmanteau, merging "Sita" and "Ramayana" to signify the novel focus
on Sita's perspective. This retelling has gained considerable acclaim for its ability to bridge the gap between
tradition and modernity, offering a fresh lens on a cherished narrative while preserving the essence of the
original tale. Through its exploration of Sita's strength, resilience, and unwavering devotion, "Sitayana"
challenges preconceived notions and invites readers to reconsider the Ramayana's themes in a contemporary
context. Furthermore, "Sitayana" serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring relevance of ancient myths.
Its exploration of love, sacrifice, and the complexities of human relationships speaks to universal experiences
and emotions. By reclaiming Sita's narrative, the retelling empowers both women and men to view her as a
multifaceted character with her own desires, choices, and aspirations. "Sitayana" is a remarkable literary
work that reinvigorates the Ramayana by placing Sita at the heart of the narrative. Through its sensitive and
insightful portrayal of her perspective, it offers a fresh and empowering interpretation of a timeless epic,
bridging the gap between tradition and modernity while celebrating the enduring power of myth to shape and
reflect the human experience.


This paper is seeks to critically examine the Sitayana by Amit Majmudar.


This study is based on secondary sources of data such as articles, books, journals, research papers,
websites and other sources.


“Sitayana” authored by Amit Majmudar offers a contemporary reinterpretation of the ancient

Indian epic, the Ramayana, placing Sita—the revered heroine—at the center of the narrative. In this
reimagination, Majmudar ingeniously retells the classic tale from Sita’s viewpoint, affording readers an
unprecedented insight into her emotions, experiences, and perspectives. It presents a departure from the
traditional retelling of the Ramayana by turning the spotlight onto Sita, who often remains enigmatic and
overshadowed in the original narrative. Majmudar’s literary endeavor is noteworthy for its boldness in
bringing forth a narrative perspective that has long awaited exploration. By doing so, he embarks on a
journey to give voice to Sita’s inner thoughts, agency, and struggles—elements that resonate strongly with
contemporary literary sensibilities.

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© 2021 IJRAR September 2021, Volume 8, Issue 3 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Literary Style and Techniques:

``Amit Majmudar's "Sitayana" showcases a distinctive literary style and an array of techniques that
breathe new life into the classic narrative. Majmudar adeptly marries the grandeur of the original Ramayana
with a modern sensibility, resulting in a narrative that feels both timeless and contemporary. Majmudar's
prose is elegant and evocative, employing vivid descriptions and intricate imagery to immerse readers in the
world of the epic. His writing captures the essence of emotions, landscapes, and characters, lending the
retelling a tangible and immersive quality. This attention to sensory detail allows readers to vividly
experience Sita's journey and her inner turmoil. One notable technique employed in "Sitayana" is the shift of
narrative perspective. By reimagining the tale from Sita's point of view, Majmudar challenges traditional
interpretations and introduces readers to a deeper understanding of her psyche. This technique not only
reshapes familiar events but also offers readers an intimate insight into Sita's thoughts and emotions,
enriching her character and making her more relatable to modern audiences. Majmudar's narrative structure
also contributes to the book's allure. He weaves together various threads of the story, seamlessly transitioning
between different timelines and perspectives. This dynamic structure keeps the narrative engaging and
ensures that the retelling remains relevant and resonant, even for readers familiar with the original epic.
Additionally, "Sitayana" incorporates a modern dialogue with the ancient text. Majmudar's language is both
eloquent and accessible, making the epic's themes and emotions accessible to contemporary readers. This
fusion of traditional and modern linguistic elements bridges the gap between the epic's historical context and
the present day.


Sitayana" by Amit Majmudar delves into a rich tapestry of themes that resonate with both the original
Ramayana and contemporary perspectives. Through Sita's viewpoint, the retelling explores the complexities
of feminism, identity, love, power dynamics, and societal hierarchies, offering readers a thought-provoking
narrative that intertwines tradition and innovation.

1. Feminism and Gender Roles: Majmudar's retelling reimagines Sita as a strong and complex character,
challenging traditional gender roles. Sita's agency, her ability to question societal expectations, and her
resilience in the face of adversity highlight the theme of women's empowerment. The narrative invites
readers to reconsider the portrayal of women in ancient narratives and encourages conversations about
feminism in a historical context.

2. Identity and Self-Discovery: As Sita navigates through her trials and tribulations, the theme of identity
and self-discovery becomes prominent. Sita's journey involves a deeper understanding of herself beyond her
roles as a wife and daughter. Her interactions with other characters and her moments of introspection
underscore the importance of self-identity and individual growth.

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© 2021 IJRAR September 2021, Volume 8, Issue 3 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

3. Love and Relationships: The retelling casts a nuanced light on the relationships within the Ramayana.
Sita's connection with Rama is explored in greater detail, showcasing the complexities of love, loyalty, and
sacrifice. The retelling raises questions about the nature of love and the expectations placed upon it in
different circumstances.

4. Power Dynamics and Social Hierarchies: Majmudar brings attention to power dynamics and societal
hierarchies within the narrative. The interactions between characters reveal the complexities of power
struggles, class divisions, and the dynamics of authority. This theme prompts readers to reflect on the social
structures and power imbalances depicted in both the original epic and the retelling.

5. Spirituality and Devotion: "Sitayana" also delves into the spiritual aspect of the original Ramayana.
Sita's devotion to her husband, her resilience in the face of challenges, and her connection to her faith are
explored in depth. The theme of spirituality adds layers to Sita's character and her interactions with the

Character Analysis:

This study presents a compelling character analysis of key figures from the Ramayana, offering a
fresh perspective on their personalities, motivations, and interactions within the retelling.

1. Sita: Sita, the central character, receives an in-depth exploration in the retelling. Majmudar portrays her as
a multifaceted individual, emphasizing her agency, intelligence, and emotional depth. Sita's journey of self-
discovery, her resilience in the face of adversity, and her introspective moments showcase her as a symbol of
strength and empowerment. The retelling highlights her struggles with societal expectations, her loyalty to
Rama, and her eventual realization of her own identity.

2. Rama: Rama's character is reimagined with nuanced shades in "Sitayana." Majmudar delves into Rama's
complexities, portraying his internal conflicts, doubts, and decisions. While still revered as a noble and
heroic figure, Rama's interactions with Sita are explored from her perspective, revealing the emotional
intricacies of their relationship and the challenges they face.

3. Lakshmana: Lakshmana's character is presented as a devoted and protective brother, but the retelling also
delves into his inner thoughts and dilemmas. His loyalty to Rama, his relationship with Sita, and his struggles
with the moral implications of certain actions are explored in greater detail.

4. Hanuman: Hanuman's unwavering devotion to Rama remains a central aspect of his character. His loyalty
to Rama is portrayed as a driving force that guides his actions. His willingness to go to great lengths to serve
and protect Rama's interests underscores his deep connection with the divine and his dedication to his
mission. Majmudar's retelling highlights Hanuman's empathetic nature and his capacity for forming strong
connections with others. His interactions with Sita reveal a compassionate and understanding side, as he
listens to her concerns and provides support. This portrayal humanizes Hanuman, showcasing his ability to
connect with the emotional struggles of those around him.

IJRAR21C2329 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 732
© 2021 IJRAR September 2021, Volume 8, Issue 3 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)


"Sitayana" by Amit Majmudar is a thought-provoking and masterfully crafted retelling of the

Ramayana, offering a fresh lens through which to view this timeless epic. By centering the narrative on Sita,
Majmudar challenges traditional perspectives and introduces readers to a world of complexity and emotion
previously unexplored. The retelling's literary style, which seamlessly blends the old with the new, creates a
bridge between historical heritage and contemporary sensibilities. Through its exploration of themes such as
feminism, identity, and power dynamics, "Sitayana" presents a narrative that resonates deeply with modern
readers. The character analyses breathe new life into familiar figures, revealing their vulnerabilities,
strengths, and motivations. "Sitayana" not only enriches our understanding of the Ramayana's characters and
themes but also invites readers to engage in broader discussions about the role of ancient narratives in
shaping contemporary dialogues. Majmudar's retelling proves that the resonance of age-old tales can be
revitalized through innovative perspectives and eloquent storytelling, making "Sitayana" a compelling
addition to both literary and cultural conversations.


1. Bhatia, S. (2021). Sitayana: A feminist retelling of the Ramayana. The Hindu.

2. Deshpande, S. (2021). Sitayana: A powerful reimagining of the Ramayana.
3. Gupta, S. (2021). Sitayana: A fresh take on an ancient epic. The Indian Express.
4. Majmudar, A. (2021). Sitayana. HarperCollins Publishers.
5. Saxena, R. (2021). Sitayana: A must-read for anyone interested in the Ramayana. Firstpost.

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