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Argumentative Essay

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Intro: paraphrase + give your opinion (say which side you agree to)
Body para 1: 1st side- On the one hand, …
Body para 2: 2nd side- On the other hand…
Body para 3: Finally, in my opinion, (here you provide justification as to why you
agree to a particular side)
Conclusion: restate opinion
OR (An alternative way to write the essay)

Intro: paraphrase + In this essay, I would delve into both these perspectives and
conclude on which the best method of establishing a career would be.
Body para 1: 1st side- On the one hand…
Body para 2: 2nd side- On the other hand…
Conclusion: After delving into both sides I have come to the conclusion that
attaining a university degree is of prime value because of the importance that it
can have on one’s future prospects.

Use a mix of simple sentences and complex sentences

Social media has a few advantages. It has proved to be useful for many
generations across different countries.
I carried an umbrella because it was raining.
(even though, although, in spite, despite, as, since, if, while)
If I win a million dollars, I can build a mansion.
If statements can be used when your explaining (Idea, explain… To explain, if a
person follows a healthy diet, he or she can remain fit for the rest of his life.
Despite the many advances in technology, teachers still prefer the conventional,
old school method of teaching.
While some people believe that History is important, I believe that Science and
Technology should be given much more significance because of its applications in
the future.
Using relative pronouns (who, which, that, when)
Eg. Air pollution, which is mostly caused by motor vehicles, can cause health
problems. (Air pollution is mostly caused by motor vehicles. It can cause health
Children who are punished severely, tend to exhibit anti-social behavior as adults.
There is evidence that people who have parents and friends that smoke are more
likely to smoke.

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