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Introduction to
Architecture and Urbanism
Spring 2023
Monday & Wednesday 4pm~5:30pm,
5202@W1-2 Building

Instructor: Youngchul KIM, PhD, Architect, Associate Professor

Office: 2204 @W1-2 Building, KAIST
Office Hours (online):Monday and Thursday (1:30~3:30pm) and by appointment
Contact: (042) 350-3636,
Today’s topic
• Introduction
• Course Overview
Course Overview
• Why is this course important?
• What are we going to learn / discuss?
• Assignments, Mid-term Exam,
Final Presentation
• Course Policy
Course Syllabus
• Course Description
What are fundamentals of architecture
and urbanism?
How can we analyze and create urban and
built environments?
• Concepts and fundamentals
• Issues and topics
• Tool and presentation
Course Objectives
• Upon successful completion of this course,
students should be able to
1. Depict a chronological account of the
development of urban forms and structures;
2. Critically analyze the aesthetic and functional
value of the built environment;
3. Identify emerging issues in architecture and
urbanism in relation to global and local
development of cities;
4. Evaluate the essential needs within contexts of
urban and built environments;
5. Create and generate appropriate solutions.
Course Requirement
1) Group Term Project
• Development Plan for KAIST CEE 2030
2) Mid-term and Final Exams
3) Attendance and Participation
Course Evaluation
1) Group Term Project (30%)
• Presentation (10%)
• Final Report (20%)
2) Mid-term Exam (30%), Final Exam (30%)
• Lecture Notes, Presentation
3) Attendance and Participation (10%)
Group Project
1) “Development Plan for KAIST CEE 2030”
- Design a building-complex for KAIST CEE
• Insert a new building between the pilot-plant
building and existing buildings
• Develop plans for the new building-complex
2) Project Progress
1) One page proposal (March 22)
2) Group Meeting (Week 12: Project Progress Meeting
(Schedule to be confirmed, tentatively May 15-16)
3) Presentation (June 5)
4) Final Report (June 19)
Applied Eng. B/D
Geo-Centrifuge B/D


Vehicle traffic
New building
• F. Ching (2011) A
Visual Dictionary of
Architecture, 2nd Ed.,
John Wiley & Sons,
available at
• Homes &
Communities Agency
(2007) Urban Design
Compendium 1
(UDC1), UK: Llewelyn
Davies Yeang,
a PDF file available at
Recommended Reading
• E. Bacon (1975)
Design of Cities,
London: Thames &
available at
Recommended Reading
• J. Jacobs (1961) The
Life and Death of
Great American
Cities, New York:
Modern Library,
available at
KAIST Main Library,
HT167 J33 1993
Recommended Reading
• J. Lang (2005) Urban
Design: a Typology
of Procedures and
Products, Burlington,
MA: Architectural
available at
KAIST Main Library,
NA9031 .L267 2005
Course Policy
• Respect others
– Classmates, Instructor, Scholars
• Plagiarism
– Every idea and concept is valuable
– Make your own words and argument
• Attendance
• Discussion
• Special accommodation
Course Schedule
• 16 Weeks
– Monday and Wednesday
• Important Dates
– March 22: One-Page Proposal Due
– April 17: Mid-term Exam
– Week 12: One Mandatory Meeting (Schedule to
be confirmed)
– June 5: Presentation
– June 12: Final Exam
– June 19: Report Due

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